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Germ谩n, Stefano Zacchiroli. <em>The Debsources Dataset: Two Decades of Free and Open Source Software</em>. In <a href="">Empirical Software Engineering</a>, Volume 22, <a href="">pp. 1405-1437</a>, Springer. DOI <a href="">10.1007/s10664-016-9461-5</a>. <br> If you use the Debsources <em>dataset</em> for research purposes, we would appreciate you cite this paper.<br>Note: this is the most up-to-date and complete paper about Debsources. </li> <li> <a href="">[.pdf]</a> <a href="">[.bib]</a> Stefano Zacchiroli. <em>The Debsources Dataset: Two Decades of Debian Source Code Metadata</em>. In proceedings of <a href="">MSR 2015</a>: The 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, <a href="">pp. 466-469</a>, IEEE 2015. DOI <a href="">10.1109/MSR.2015.65</a>. </li> <li> <a href="">[.pdf]</a> <a href="">[.bib]</a> Matthieu Caneill, Stefano Zacchiroli. <em>Debsources: Live and Historical Views on Macro-Level Software Evolution</em>. In proceedings of <a href="">ESEM 2014</a>: 8th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. ACM 2014. DOI <a href="">10.1145/2652524.2652528</a>. <br> If you use the Debsources <em>software</em> for research purposes, we would appreciate you cite this paper. </li> </ol> </div> <footer id="footer"> <p style="margin: 0 0 0 0; line-height: 1em;"> Browse by prefix: &ensp; <a href="/prefix/0/">0</a> <a href="/prefix/1/">1</a> <a href="/prefix/2/">2</a> <a href="/prefix/3/">3</a> <a href="/prefix/4/">4</a> <a href="/prefix/6/">6</a> <a href="/prefix/7/">7</a> <a href="/prefix/8/">8</a> <a href="/prefix/9/">9</a> <a href="/prefix/a/">a</a> <a href="/prefix/b/">b</a> <a href="/prefix/c/">c</a> <a href="/prefix/d/">d</a> <a href="/prefix/e/">e</a> <a href="/prefix/f/">f</a> <a href="/prefix/g/">g</a> <a href="/prefix/h/">h</a> <a href="/prefix/i/">i</a> <a href="/prefix/j/">j</a> <a href="/prefix/k/">k</a> <a href="/prefix/l/">l</a> <a href="/prefix/lib-/">lib-</a> <a href="/prefix/lib2/">lib2</a> <a href="/prefix/lib3/">lib3</a> <a href="/prefix/lib6/">lib6</a> <a href="/prefix/liba/">liba</a> <a href="/prefix/libb/">libb</a> <a href="/prefix/libc/">libc</a> <a href="/prefix/libd/">libd</a> <a href="/prefix/libe/">libe</a> <a href="/prefix/libf/">libf</a> <a href="/prefix/libg/">libg</a> <a href="/prefix/libh/">libh</a> <a href="/prefix/libi/">libi</a> <a href="/prefix/libj/">libj</a> <a href="/prefix/libk/">libk</a> <a href="/prefix/libl/">libl</a> <a href="/prefix/libm/">libm</a> <a href="/prefix/libn/">libn</a> <a href="/prefix/libo/">libo</a> <a href="/prefix/libp/">libp</a> <a href="/prefix/libq/">libq</a> <a href="/prefix/libr/">libr</a> <a href="/prefix/libs/">libs</a> <a href="/prefix/libt/">libt</a> <a href="/prefix/libu/">libu</a> <a href="/prefix/libv/">libv</a> <a href="/prefix/libw/">libw</a> <a href="/prefix/libx/">libx</a> <a href="/prefix/liby/">liby</a> <a href="/prefix/libz/">libz</a> <a href="/prefix/m/">m</a> <a href="/prefix/n/">n</a> <a href="/prefix/o/">o</a> <a href="/prefix/p/">p</a> <a href="/prefix/q/">q</a> <a href="/prefix/r/">r</a> <a href="/prefix/s/">s</a> <a href="/prefix/t/">t</a> <a href="/prefix/u/">u</a> <a href="/prefix/v/">v</a> <a href="/prefix/w/">w</a> <a href="/prefix/x/">x</a> <a href="/prefix/y/">y</a> <a href="/prefix/z/">z</a> &ensp; | &ensp; Browse <a href="/list/1/">by page</a> </p> <hr /> <div style="position: relative"> <p> Debsources &mdash; Copyright (C) 2011&ndash;2021, <a href="">The Debsources developers</a>. License: <a href="">GNU AGPLv3+</a>. <br /> Hosted source files are available under their own <a href="">copyright and licenses</a>. <br /> Source code: <a href="">Git</a>. Contact: <a href=""></a>. Last update: Mon, 31 Mar 2025 20:34:32 -0000. </p> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.js-append-window-location-hash'); for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) { elems[i].setAttribute('href', elems[i].getAttribute('href') + window.location.hash); } </script> </footer> </body> </html>

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