Open Textbook Library - Humanities Textbooks

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xml:lang="en-US" xmlns=""> <id>,2005:/opentextbooks/subjects/humanities</id> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/> <title>Open Textbook Library - Humanities Textbooks</title> <updated>2018-09-07T17:21:40Z</updated> <icon></icon> <logo></logo> <entry> <id>45</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:40Z</published> <updated>2024-06-27T16:43:35Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing Vol. I</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing Vol. I" title="Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing Vol. I cover image" class="cover " width="225" height="337" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MzYsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--520485af6c615642f09c6ae193de6cb4c10b68b5/9781602351844.png" /&gt;Volumes in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing offer multiple perspectives on a wide-range of topics about writing, much like the modelmade famous by Wendy Bishop&amp;#39;s “The Subject Is . . .” series. In eachchapter, authors present their unique views, insights, and strategies forwriting by addressing the undergraduate reader directly. Drawing ontheir own experiences, these teachers-as-writers invite students to joinin the larger conversation about developing nearly every aspect of thecraft of writing. Consequently, each essay functions as a standalonetext that can easily complement other selected readings in writing orwriting-intensive courses across the disciplines at any level. Topics in Volume 1 of the series include academic writing, how to interpret writing assignments, motives for writing, rhetorical analysis, revision, invention, writing centers, argumentation, narrative, reflective writing, Wikipedia, patchwriting, collaboration, and genres.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>53</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:40Z</published> <updated>2025-01-27T14:03:29Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Writing for Success</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Writing for Success" title="Writing for Success cover image" class="cover " width="683" height="1024" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MTk3MCwicHVyIjoiYmxvYl9pZCJ9fQ==--48c5fa401d9baa053c435ee3b03bdec7f3680675/Writing-for-Success-683x1024.jpg" /&gt;Writing for Success is a text that provides instruction in steps, builds writing, reading, and critical thinking, and combines comprehensive grammar review with an introduction to paragraph writing and composition. Beginning with the sentence and its essential elements, this book addresses each concept with clear, concise and effective examples that are immediately reinforced with exercises and opportunities to demonstrate, and reinforce, learning. Each chapter allows your students to demonstrate mastery of the principles of quality writing. With its incremental approach, it can address a range of writing levels and abilities, helping each student in your course prepare for their next writing or university course. Constant reinforcement is provided through examples and exercises, and the text involves students in the learning process through reading, problem-solving, practicing, listening, and experiencing the writing process. Each chapter also has integrated examples that unify the discussion and form a common, easy-to-understand basis for discussion and exploration. This will put your students at ease, and allow for greater absorption of the material. Tips for effective writing are included in every chapter, as well. Thought-provoking scenarios provide challenges and opportunities for collaboration and interaction. These exercises are especially helpful if you incorporate group work in your course. Clear exercises teach sentence and paragraph writing skills that lead to common English composition and research essays. Features: Exercises are integrated in each segment. Each concept is immediately reinforced as soon as it is introduced to keep students on track. Exercises are designed to facilitate interaction and collaboration. This allows for peer-peer engagement, development of interpersonal skills, and promotion of critical thinking skills. Exercises that involve self-editing and collaborative writing are featured. This feature develops and promotes student interest in the areas and content. There are clear internal summaries and effective displays of information. This contributes to ease of access to information and increases the ability of your students to locate desired content. Rule explanations are simplified with clear, relevant, and theme-based examples. This feature provides context that will facilitate learning and increase knowledge retention. There is an obvious structure to the chapter and segment level. This allows for easy adaptation to your existing and changing course needs or assessment outcomes.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>54</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:40Z</published> <updated>2024-01-22T14:52:15Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>An Introduction to Formal Logic</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about An Introduction to Formal Logic" title="An Introduction to Formal Logic cover image" class="cover " width="327" height="474" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6NDQsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--93e42897412745980820318172bdfa5150ec9024/0000AnIntrodu.png" /&gt;forall x is an introduction to sentential logic and first-order predicate logic with identity, logical systems that significantly influenced twentieth-century analytic philosophy. After working through the material in this book, a student should be able to understand most quantified expressions that arise in their philosophical reading. This books treats symbolization, formal semantics, and proof theory for each language. The discussion of formal semantics is more direct than in many introductory texts. Although forall x does not contain proofs of soundness and completeness, it lays the groundwork for understanding why these are things that need to be proven. Throughout the book, I have tried to highlight the choices involved in developing sentential and predicate logic. Students should realize that these two are not the only possible formal languages. In translating to a formal language, we simplify and profit in clarity. The simplification comes at a cost, and different formal languages are suited to translating different parts of natural language. The book is designed to provide a semester&amp;#39;s worth of material for an introductory college course. It would be possible to use the book only for sentential logic, by skipping chapters 4-5 and parts of chapter 6.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>65</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:41Z</published> <updated>2024-01-22T18:49:50Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Business English for Success</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Business English for Success" title="Business English for Success cover image" class="cover " width="300" height="391" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6NTEsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--56d2604ca26f87f3bec765e074a017863576b575/9781453320181.png" /&gt;Business English for Success is a creative solution to a common challenge across Business Communication courses: Business English or Business Presentations? Some classes place an equal emphasis on oral and written communication. If that&amp;#39;s the case for you check out our text Business Communication for Success. If, however, your class places the emphasis squarely on written communication and writing proficiency, then Business English for Success is for you. Business English for Success provides instruction in steps, builds writing, reading, and critical thinking, and combines comprehensive grammar review with an introduction to paragraph writing and composition. This step-by-step approach provides a clear path to student-centered learning. A wide range of writing levels and abilities are addressed, helping each student prepare for the next writing or university course. The text opens with a discussion on the sentence and then breaks it down into its elemental components, before reconstructing them into effective sentences, paragraphs, and larger assignments. Then, starting in Chapter 9: Effective Business Writing, the discussion applies lessons learned from the previous foundational chapters into common business issues and applications. From paraphrasing and plagiarism to style to the research process, the expectations increase as several common business documents are presented, including text messages and e-mail, memorandums and letters, the business proposal, business report, resume, and the sales message. This textbook has been used in classes at:Arizona Western College, Hostos Community College, Virginia State University, Truckee Meadows Community College, San Jose State University, Concordia University - Irvine, University New Brunswick - Fredericton, Cerritos College, University of Houston - Downtown, Flat World Knowledge University, A-C Central High School, University of The People, Truckee Meadows Community College, Danville Community High School</content> </entry> <entry> <id>68</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:41Z</published> <updated>2024-12-20T20:50:29Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Exploring Perspectives: A Concise Guide to Analysis</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Exploring Perspectives: A Concise Guide to Analysis" title="Exploring Perspectives: A Concise Guide to Analysis cover image" class="cover " width="300" height="391" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6NTQsInB1ciI6ImJsb2JfaWQifX0=--8bc9f3a376eb6c5e63d4e201413dfe583813f513/9781453311455.png" /&gt;The reason why Randall Fallows wrote Exploring Perspectives: A Concise Guide to Analysis is simple: to help give students a better understanding of how to discover, develop, and revise an analytical essay. Here is how his 5 chapter book goes about doing just that: The first two chapters focus on the nature of an analysis and what&amp;#39;s involved in writing an analytical essay. Randall shows that analysis consists of a balance of assertions (statements which present their viewpoints or launch an exploration of their concerns), examples (specific passages/scenes/events which inspire these views), explanations (statements that reveal how the examples support the assertions), and significance (statements which reveal the importance of their study to personal and/or cultural issues). After showing why each feature should be present throughout an essay, he reveals how to &amp;quot;set the stage&amp;quot; for producing one of their own. He first helps students to evaluate their own views on a subject and to examine how these views emerge from their own experiences, values and judgments. He, then, shows them how to research what others have said about the subject and provides suggestions for evaluating and incorporating this research into their own perspectives. Finally, Randall discusses the nature of writing, not as a linear procedure, but as a recursive process where the discovery and clarification of a concept occur simultaneously. The remaining three chapters reveal more specific advice on how to develop an analytical essay. Exploring Perspectives: A Concise Guide to Analysis by Randall Fallows is a great text to prepare any student to write analytical essays for the argument and persuasion courses.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>77</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:42Z</published> <updated>2024-10-21T13:06:16Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Stand up, Speak out - The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Stand up, Speak out - The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking" title="Stand up, Speak out - The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking cover image" class="cover " width="683" height="1024" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MTk3MiwicHVyIjoiYmxvYl9pZCJ9fQ==--3abd8417cd3164d161ece0a88b376a5dad872aad/Stand-Up-Speak-Out-683x1024.jpg" /&gt;Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking features two key themes. First it focuses on helping students become more seasoned and polished public speakers, and second is its emphasis on ethics in communication. It is this practical approach and integrated ethical coverage that setsStand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speakingapart from the other texts in this market.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>165</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:47Z</published> <updated>2024-01-22T14:51:47Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing Vol. II</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing Vol. II" title="Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing Vol. II cover image" class="cover " width="450" height="682" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MTM3LCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--0ff3c9997f7c65f0642feb9d9a2bf1d9a3ca8784/9781602351967.png" /&gt;Volumes in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing offer multiple perspectives on a wide-range of topics about writing. In each chapter, authors present their unique views, insights, and strategies for writing by addressing the undergraduate reader directly. Drawing on their own experiences, these teachers-as-writers invite students to join in the larger conversation about the craft of writing. Consequently, each essay functions as a standalone text that can easily complement other selected readings in writing or writing-intensive courses across the disciplines at any level. Volume 2 continues the tradition of the previous volume with topics, such as the rhetorical situation, collaboration, documentation styles, weblogs, invention, writing assignment interpretation, reading critically, information literacy, ethnography, interviewing, argument, document design, and source integration.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>194</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:48Z</published> <updated>2024-01-22T14:51:53Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Liberté</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Liberté" title="Liberté cover image" class="cover " width="931" height="1198" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MTU4LCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--6b3ee6842939faeff28bc2cb7fb43860711f940d/0000LiberteGA.png" /&gt;This French book is aimed at a first-year college student. Its features include: Each chapter is built around communicative strategies. Clearly defined objectives in communi- cation, culture, and grammar are given at the start of each chapter, and summary exercises at the end allow students to measure their mastery of these objectives. The exercises in the in-class (A) sections are composed mainly of guided practice and extension activities, along with occasional comprehension checks and comprehensible input. Some further activities are indicated in the instructor&amp;#39;s marginal notes. The teacher can provide teacher- directed “setting-the-stage” activities, comprehension checks, and further comprehensible input before beginning each section. Many models are provided to the students to give them a secure context in which to practice their vocabulary before they are asked to produce independent language. The grammar included is explained in a more narrative form and in more detail than is typical for first-year textbooks. The grammar (B) sections should be read by the students outside of class before the communicative activities requiring those grammar points are done in class. By providing more explicit grammatical detail than is usual in a first-year book, the author hopes to stimulate students to reflect on the grammar of their own language as well as of French, helping students to become aware that their study of French is not just about mastery of a new language and culture, but about a more critical view of their own. The amount of grammar is less than is typically contained in a first-year text. The grammar included has been chosen to meet the needs of the communicative goals of each chapter, and these have been selected based on what a student ranking intermediate-low to -mid on the ACTFL oral proficiency scale should be able to accomplish. The grammatical concepts included in this book focus on those that will be needed for the sentences and questions that a typical low-intermediate speaker can form, and those are emphasized repeatedly. The book implicitly and explicitly recycles material from previous chapters on a regular basis, so that students can see their learning as a continual progression rather than as a rush from one grammar point to the next. The book is ideally used in a classroom with internet and projection capabilities; the PDF version of the book contains hyperlinks to video and audio-based activities as well as navigational links to referenced exercises within the text itself.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>204</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:48Z</published> <updated>2025-03-10T13:01:49Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>Literature, the Humanities, and Humanity</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about Literature, the Humanities, and Humanity" title="Literature, the Humanities, and Humanity cover image" class="cover " width="717" height="717" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MTY3LCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--bc1209519e1e7b7bb406bcaf75ea7de82d799e5e/0000861341268.png" /&gt;Literature, the Humanities, and Humanity attempts to make the study of literature more than simply another school subject that students have to take. At a time when all subjects seem to be valued only for their testability, this book tries to show the value of reading and studying literature, even earlier literature. It shows students, some of whom will themselves become teachers, that literature actually has something to say to them. Furthermore, it shows that literature is meant to be enjoyed, that, as the Roman poet Horace (and his Renaissance disciple Sir Philip Sidney) said, the functions of literature are to teach and to delight. The book will also be useful to teachers who want to convey their passion for literature to their students. After an introductory chapter that offers advice on how to read (and teach) literature, the book consists of a series of chapters that examine individual literary works ranging from The Iliad to Charles Dickens&amp;#39; Bleak House. These chapters can not substitute for reading the actual works. Rather they are intended to help students read those works. They are attempts to demystify the act of reading and to show that these works, whether they are nearly three thousand or less than two hundred years old, still have important things to say to contemporary readers.</content> </entry> <entry> <id>206</id> <published>2018-09-07T17:21:48Z</published> <updated>2024-08-19T13:01:25Z</updated> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/> <title>U.S. History</title> <content type="html">&lt;img alt="Read more about U.S. History" title="U.S. History cover image" class="cover " width="200" height="259" data-controller="common--cover" data-placeholder="/assets/common/placeholder-f8e123f91b7e13ad321132c609842fdd40121f691ee7db391b88763bc42be6a0.webp" src="/rails/active_storage/blobs/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsiZGF0YSI6MTY5LCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--f0a7792958276b8b4f41f2901674f04c9d02c04f/9781938168369.png" /&gt;U.S. Historycovers the breadth of the chronological history of the United States and also provides the necessary depth to ensure the course is manageable for instructors and students alike. U.S. History is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of most courses. The authors introduce key forces and major developments that together form the American experience, with particular attention paid to considering issues of race, class, and gender. The text provides a balanced approach to U.S. history, considering the people, events, and ideas that have shaped the United States from both the top down (politics, economics, diplomacy) and bottom up (eyewitness accounts, lived experience). OpenStax College has compiled many resources for faculty and students, from faculty-only content to interactive homework and study guides.</content> </entry> <link rel="next"></link> </feed>