Network Packet Sensor - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer
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There are two widely used standards to analyze network traffic in detail: flow analysis and packet capture. The predominantly used flow analysis, such as NetFlow, sFlow, or any other flow-based methods, gives a very effective and broad view of what's happening across the network, including any abnormalities in network traffic. With this method, you won't require much storage space as the data is sampled. You can easily analyze network traffic abnormalities by drilling down into individual conversations and troubleshoot issues without allocating more resources, time, or memory.</p> <p>Packet capture works on the concept of mirroring of the data packets and is useful for deep packet inspection, measuring response times of applications, and monitoring server and network and user behavior. This technique is also useful for extensive analysis of certain areas where specific information is wanted. Despite its effectiveness, it is not necessary in all cases. To analyze and manage traffic, you can choose a technique that combines the benefits of both these approaches.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col col-45"> <div class="sec-img-con fadeInDown animated"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href=""> <img src="" alt="Network Packet Sensor - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer" title="Network Packet Sensor" class="scale-img" /><span class="zoom-icon"> </span><span class="zoom-icon"> </span></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row bg1"> <div class="container"> <div class="sec-title title-eff"> <h2>Get in-depth visibility into your network traffic with the Network Packet Sensor</h2> </div> <div class="row2-col"> <div class="col col-45"> <div class="sec-img-con fadeInDown animated"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href=""> <img src="" alt="Network Packet Sensor - ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer" title="Network Packet Sensor" class="scale-img" /><span class="zoom-icon"> </span><span class="zoom-icon"> </span></a></div> </div> <div class="col col-55"> <div class="content"> <p>The Network Packet Sensor, a new addition to our comprehensive bandwidth monitoring tool NetFlow Analyzer, uses both flow analysis and packet capture methods. This agent will provide you with in-depth insights about which element is at fault, whether its the network, server, or application.</p> <p>The Network Packet Sensor combines the functions of NetFlow Generator and deep packet inspection (DPI). The Network Packet Sensor can either be configured as a NetFlow Generator, a deep packet inspection engine, or both depending on your requirements.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row process-sec"> <div class="container"> <div class="sec-title title-eff"> <h2>How will the Network Packet Sensor make your traffic monitoring process easier?</h2> </div> <div class="row1"> <div class="col"> <div class="img-con"><img src="/products/netflow/images/server-traffic.png" alt="" /></div> <div class="desc"> <h3>Server traffic and bandwidth usage monitoring</h3> <p>With the Network Packet Sensor, you can carry out server traffic monitoring and see the bandwidth consumption of applications, source IPs, destination IPs, conversations, etc.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="img-con"><img src="/products/netflow/images/flow-based.png" alt="" /></div> <div class="desc"> <h3>Visibility into conversations</h3> <p>Since the tool is also flow-based, you will know the <a href="" target="_blank">who, when, and what</a> of your bandwidth utilization</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="img-con"><img src="/products/netflow/images/troubleshooting.png" alt="" /></div> <div class="desc"> <h3>Insights into top talkers</h3> <p>Troubleshooting is easier with deep packet inspection. It provides an overview dashboard that displays the top N applications, top N URLs, and top N conversations.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="img-con"><img src="/products/netflow/images/flow-monitor.png" alt="" /></div> <div class="desc"> <h3>Comprehensive tool</h3> <p>You won't need separate tools to monitor the traffic of your non-flow network devices with <a href="#netflow-generator">NetFlow Generator</a> configured. You can save on costs by seamlessly monitoring any device without changing your old non-flow-based devices.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row pb0"> <div class="container"> <div class="sec-title title-eff"> <h2>NetFlow Generator</h2> </div> <div class="fluid"> <p><a href="" target="_blank">NetFlow Generator</a> is a tool for NetFlow Analyzer that allows you to capture raw network packets hitting the network interface card (NIC) of the agent and translates them into NetFlow packets. The Network Packet Sensor is a unified agent of both NetFlow Generator and DPI that helps you carry out server traffic monitoring and <a href="" target="_blank">network traffic monitoring</a>.</p> </div> <div class="fluid"> <h3>Use case</h3> <div class="usecase-wrapper"> <div> <p><span>1</span>Your users complain that one of your homegrown applications is taking too long to respond to a request, while other apps seem to work fine. When you check if the routers or switch has caused a disruption, you find that they are also handling the traffic well. The reason could be because the server is overloaded with too many requests, causing a delay in transmitting and receiving the data packets.</p> </div> <div> <p><span>2</span><strong>Server traffic monitoring</strong> helps you check traffic patterns by collecting information on how many data packets have been processed by the device. You will know the bandwidth consumed by the server with respect to utilization, volume, speed, and packets.</p> </div> <div> <p><span>3</span>With NetFlow Analyzer's NetFlow Generator, you can see server traffic with respect to the source, destination, applications, and conversations. Therefore, you will be able to figure out if the server has reached its bandwidth capacity or if the problem is not with the server. This will, in turn, help you reduce error and failure rates and maintain high levels of productivity.</p> </div> <div> <p><span>4</span>With network traffic monitoring, you can check how stable the network is. NetFlow Generator helps you monitor network traffic by giving you real-time data on its availability along with when the data was transmitted or received by the device. You can monitor the WAN traffic with respect to latency, jitter, availability, and round trip time.</p> </div> <div> <p><span>5</span>Knowing the server traffic and network traffic will help you confirm if the problem is not on the server side, but the network side, and that the bandwidth allocated by your ISP is not enough.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row pt0"> <div class="container"> <div class="row2-col"> <div class="col col-45"> <div class="sec-img-con fadeInDown animated"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href=""><img src="/products/netflow/images/server-traffic-patterns.jpg" alt="Server traffic patterns" title="Server traffic patterns" /></a></div> </div> <div class="col col-55"> <h3>Key benefits of NetFlow Generator:</h3> <ul> <li>With threshold-based alerts, you can easily discover any unusual behavior from your servers.</li> <li>Easily prevent outages or downtime when with in-depth visibility into application traffic, conversations, attacks, etc.</li> <li>Generate and configure bandwidth usage reports to learn about traffic trends.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row bg1"> <div class="container"> <div class="sec-title title-eff"> <h2>DPI</h2> </div> <div class="fluid"> <p>The Network Packet Sensor's DPI feature is a mechanism where the mirrored packets will get captured and analyzed by the Network Packet Sensor (when configured as a DPI Engine) and the resultant data will get transferred to NetFlow Analyzer.</p> <p>While, the previous version of DPI was offered with the Vectorwise version of the HighPerf add-on, this new version of DPI has been reintroduced with our homegrown CStore version of the HighPerf database add-on.</p> <div class="main-section"> <div> <div class="row2-col"> <div> <div class="content"> <p>Some notable differences that the new version of DPI has are:</p> <ul> <li>You can install up to ten Network Packet Sensors (when configured as DPI Engines) for one NetFlow Analyzer license.</li> <li>Unlike the older version of DPI that was built into NetFlow Analyzer, this DPI is available as an agent that you can configure whenever required.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row"> <div class="container"> <div class="row2-col"> <div class="col col-45"> <div class="swiper-wrapper m1"> <div class="swiper-container"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="sec-img-con fadeInDown animated"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href=""><img src="/products/netflow/images/dpi-inventory-for-tcp.jpg" alt="DPI inventory for TCP" title="DPI inventory for TCP" class="scale-img" /><span class="zoom-icon"> </span><span class="zoom-icon"> </span></a></div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="sec-img-con fadeInDown animated"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href=""><img src="/products/netflow/images/dpi-inventory-for-udp.jpg" alt="DPI inventory for UDP" title="DPI inventory for UDP" class="scale-img" /><span class="zoom-icon"> </span><span class="zoom-icon"> </span></a></div> </div> </div> <!-- Add Pagination --> <div class="swiper-pagination"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col col-55"> <h2>Working of DPI</h2> <ul> <li>Data will be sniffed by the Ethernet card and the agent will show the average application response time and network response time for URLs, applications, and conversations for every minute</li> <li>For TCP, the agent will display all three data types, e.g., application response time, network response time, and volume, for URLs, applications, conversations, etc.</li> <li>For UDP, the agent will display only the average volume of traffic only for applications, source IPs, and destination IPs.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="fluid"> <div> <h2>With DPI, you can:</h2> </div> <ul> <li>Monitor the application response time, which can help you determine whether the problem is with the bandwidth or with the application itself. You can then discover the root cause of the problem, reduce the mean time to know (MTTK), and see how it has affected the overall user experience.</li> <li>Network response time will help you measure the time it takes for the packets to reach the destination. The higher the response time, the higher the bandwidth bottlenecks. Therefore, monitoring this parameter will help you curb network latency issues.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row main-section bg1"> <div class="container"> <div class="sec-title title-eff"> <h2>Steps to configure the Network Packet Sensor</h2> </div> <div class="row2-col"> <div class="col col-45"> <div sec-img-con="" fadeindown=""><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href=""><img src="/products/netflow/images/network-packet-sensor-configuration.jpg" alt="Network Packet Sensor configuration" title="Network Packet Sensor configuration" class="scale-img" /><span class="zoom-icon"> </span><span class="zoom-icon"> </span></a></div> </div> <div class="col col-55"> <div class="content"> <ul> <li>As a prerequisite, you will enable SSL and HTTPS in NetFlow Analyzer before installing the Network Packet Sensor</li> <li>When installing Network Packet Sensor, you will configure an agent type: either NetFlow Generator or DPI.</li> <li>The Network Packet Sensor will now start running as the configured agent(s).</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sec-row b-btm"> <div class="container"> <div class="sec-title title-eff"> <h2>Get an end-to-end view of your network traffic with NetFlow Analyzer</h2> </div> <div class="fluid"> <p>NetFlow Analyzer is a holistic network traffic analyzer tool that collects, stores, and analyzes flow data to present you the traffic patterns for every device, and interfaces of your network. You can drill down to Layer 4 and Layer 7 application traffic, and prioritize the application traffic by <a href="" target="_blank">applying QoS policies.</a></p> <p>To further simplify your network bandwidth monitoring, you can utilize <a href="" target="_blank">reports</a> to get insights based on your specific requirements. You can also expand NetFlow Analyzer's capabilities with add-ons like Network Configuration Manager and IP Address Manager.</p> <p>To learn more about how NetFlow Analyzer works well for your organization's network infrastructure, <a href="" target="_blank">contact our experts today!</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="sec-row"> <div class="container"> <div class="sec-title"> <h2>title</h2> <p>des</p> </div> <div class="fluid"> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> --></div> <section> <div class="container"> <div id="customer-logo" data-custlogo="nfa"></div> </div> </section> <div class="clearfix"></div> <section> <div class="clearfix sec-pTB opmRelPrd mbH"> <div class="fea-nav container"> <div class="fea-nav-link clearfix"><span data-nav="allFeaDiv3">Benefits</span><span data-nav="allFeaDiv2">Related Products</span></div> <div class="fea-nav-list"> <div id="allFeaDiv3" class="fea-list-cont clearfix"> <ul> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/bandwidth-monitoring.html">Bandwidth Monitor</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/bandwidth-reports.html">Bandwidth Reporting</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/cisco-netflow.html">Cisco NetFlow</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/netflow-monitoring.html">NetFlow Monitoring</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/network-traffic-analysis.html">Network Traffic Analysis</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/site-to-site_traffic_monitoring.html">Site to Site Traffic Monitoring</a></li> </ul> <ul> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/optimize-performance.html">Application Performance Optimization</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/secure-your-network.html">Network Security</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/netflow-reports.html">NetFlow Reporting</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/scheduling-reports-using-netflow-analyzer.html">Automating Network Reports</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/customizable_dashboard.html">Customizable Dashboard</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/network-traffic-monitor.html">Network Traffic Monitoring </a></li> </ul> <ul> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/troubleshoot-reports-a-need-for-network-monitor.html">Faster Network Troubleshooting</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/protocol-and-application-monitoring.html">Protocol and Application Monitoring</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/netflow-analyzer-reports.html">NetFlow Analyzer Reports</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/Department-wise-bandwidth-monitoring-using-netflow-analyzer.html">Department-wise Bandwidth Monitoring</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/usage-based-billing.html">Billing ⁄ Measure Bandwidth Usage</a></li> <li>» <a href="/products/netflow/cbqos.html">Cisco CBQoS Monitoring</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="allFeaDiv2" class="fea-list-cont clearfix"> <ul> <li class="relOpm">» <a title="Network Monitoring - ManageEngine" href="">Network Monitoring</a></li> <li class="relNfa">» <a title="Bandwidth Monitoring & Traffic Analysis - ManageEngine" href="">Bandwidth Monitoring & Traffic Analysis</a></li> <li class="relNcm">» <a title="Network Configuration Management - ManageEngine" href="">Network Configuration Management</a></li> <li class="relIpam">» <a title="Switch Port & IP Address Management - ManageEngine" href="">Switch Port & IP Address Management</a></li> <li class="relFwa">» <a title="Firewall Management - ManageEngine" href="">Firewall Management</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <div class="btmBar min-mbH"> <div class="menuheader" id="btmBar"> <div class="container clearfix"> <ul class="prd-nav"> <li class="mbH btm-dwn"><a href="/products/netflow/download.html?btmMenu">Download <span class="dwn-btm-icon"> </span></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><span class="demo-icon"> </span><br> Live Demo</a></li> <li><a href="/products/netflow/netflow-analyzer-editions.html"><span class="comp-icon"> </span><br> Compare</a></li> <li><a href="/products/netflow/getquote.html?btmMenu"><span class="quote-icon"> </span><br> Get Quote</a></li> <li><a href=""><span class="buy-icon"> </span><br> Buy Now</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <footer id="meCommonFooterNew"></footer> <div id="survey" data-surveyPrd="nfa"> </div> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="/itom/js/me-itom.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){ $("#storelnk").attr("href", ""); 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