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Selecting the right battery for the design is key.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Rechargeable Batteries Extend Their Reach" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Oct 21 2009 01:41 PM EDT</span></p> </div><!-- end espotlightstory --> <div class="lateststories"> <h4>Latest Technology Stories</h4> <h2><a class="centernav" title="Flexible Control Panel Switching Displays" href="/web/20091107211903/">Flexible Control Panel Switching Displays</a></h2> <p>This Live Integrated Production System includes a broadcast quality production switcher, multi-view, HD clip store, Inscriber HD CG, and format and aspect ratio converters.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Flexible Control Panel Switching Displays" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Oct 13 2009 02:00 AM EDT</span></p> <h2><a class="centernav" title="Wireless Communications — Whatever the Weather" href="/web/20091107211903/">Wireless Communications — Whatever the Weather</a></h2> <p>While the wireless InduraNET p system from Pilz Automation Safety L.P. has demonstrated its suitability for everyday use, it's now proving to be a reliable signal and data transmitter under difficult conditions in a wastewater treatment plant.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Wireless Communications — Whatever the Weather" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Oct 13 2009 02:00 AM EDT</span></p> <h2><a class="centernav" title="Wireless Communications at Home on the (Firing) Range" href="/web/20091107211903/">Wireless Communications at Home on the (Firing) Range</a></h2> <p>U.S. military range puts wireless technology through its paces with a digitally controlled, heavy armor range comprised of 14 moving targets located across a 60 sq km area, with wireless motion control connections for each of the 14 bunker-mover locations.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Wireless Communications at Home on the (Firing) Range" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Oct 13 2009 02:00 AM EDT</span></p> <div class="more"><a title="View This Community" href="/web/20091107211903/">View This Community &gt;&gt;</a></div> </div><!-- end lateststories --> </div><!-- end communitystories --> <div class="clearboth"></div></div><!-- end tabmenu --><div id="tabmenu3"> <div class="communityquicklinks"> <ul> <li class="first">Quick Links:</li> <li class="rss"><a title="RSS Feeds" href="/web/20091107211903/">Rss Feeds</a></li> <li><a title="Subscribe to E-Newsletters" href="">E-Newsletters</a></li> <li><a title="Blogs" href="/web/20091107211903/">Blogs</a></li> <li><a title="Podcasts" href="/web/20091107211903/">Podcasts</a></li> <li><a title="Webcasts" href="/web/20091107211903/">Webcasts</a></li> <li class="last"><a title="View all articles" href="/web/20091107211903/">View all articles</a></li> </ul> <div class="tabcontrols"> <a href="#" title="Play Tabs" onmousedown="javascript:restart_autochange(); return false;"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Play" border="0" width="24" height="24"/></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#" title="Pause Tabs" onmousedown="javascript:stop_autochange(); return false;"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Pause" border="0" width="24" height="24"/></a> </div><!-- end tabcontrols --> <div class="clearboth"></div></div><!-- end communityquicklinks --> <div class="tabgradient"></div> <div class="communitystories"> <div class="spotlightstory"> <h1>Design Tools Spotlight</h1> <a href="/web/20091107211903/"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="EcoCAR Challenge Throttles into Year Two_spotlight" width="360" height="180" border="0"/></a><br/> <h2><a title="EcoCAR Challenge Throttles into Year Two" href="/web/20091107211903/">EcoCAR Challenge Throttles into Year Two</a></h2><br/> <p>Seventeen university teams pulled into the second stretch of the EcoCAR Challenge, applying Model-Based Design tools to verify and test their work-in-progress environmental vehicle designs.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="EcoCAR Challenge Throttles into Year Two" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Sep 30 2009 02:04 PM EDT</span></p> </div><!-- end espotlightstory --> <div class="lateststories"> <h4>Latest Technology Stories</h4> <h2><a class="centernav" title="Model-based Design on the Move at Cleveland FES Center" href="/web/20091107211903/">Model-based Design on the Move at Cleveland FES Center</a></h2> <p>Aiming to help restore some movement to neuromuscular patients, research engineers at the Cleveland FES Center are using model-based software to customize and test FES devices more quickly.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Model-based Design on the Move at Cleveland FES Center" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Oct 2 2009 10:23 AM EDT</span></p> <h2><a class="centernav" title="NVIDIA Quadro Plex Pumps up Collaboration" href="/web/20091107211903/">NVIDIA Quadro Plex Pumps up Collaboration</a></h2> <p>Leveraging the Quadro Plex multi-GPU technology, NVIDIA is promoting ultra-high-resolution visualization environments that foster more effective 3-D collaboration, especially for design reviews.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="NVIDIA Quadro Plex Pumps up Collaboration" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Aug 19 2009 03:35 PM EDT</span></p> <h2><a class="centernav" title="CFdesign 2010 Takes a CAD-driven Approach to CFD Analysis" href="/web/20091107211903/">CFdesign 2010 Takes a CAD-driven Approach to CFD Analysis</a></h2> <p>To position CFD as a key element of upfront design, Blue Ridge Numerics has released CFdesign 2010, an upgrade that takes a CAD-driven approach to creating multi-scenario design studies.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="CFdesign 2010 Takes a CAD-driven Approach to CFD Analysis" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Sep 11 2009 09:30 AM EDT</span></p> <div class="more"><a title="View This Community" href="/web/20091107211903/">View This Community &gt;&gt;</a></div> </div><!-- end lateststories --> </div><!-- end communitystories --> <div class="clearboth"></div></div><!-- end tabmenu --><div id="tabmenu4"> <div class="communityquicklinks"> <ul> <li class="first">Quick Links:</li> <li class="rss"><a title="RSS Feeds" href="/web/20091107211903/">Rss Feeds</a></li> <li><a title="Subscribe to E-Newsletters" href="">E-Newsletters</a></li> <li><a title="Blogs" href="/web/20091107211903/">Blogs</a></li> <li><a title="Podcasts" href="/web/20091107211903/">Podcasts</a></li> <li><a title="Webcasts" href="/web/20091107211903/">Webcasts</a></li> <li class="last"><a title="View all articles" href="/web/20091107211903/">View all articles</a></li> </ul> <div class="tabcontrols"> <a href="#" title="Play Tabs" onmousedown="javascript:restart_autochange(); return false;"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Play" border="0" width="24" height="24"/></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#" title="Pause Tabs" onmousedown="javascript:stop_autochange(); return false;"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Pause" border="0" width="24" height="24"/></a> </div><!-- end tabcontrols --> <div class="clearboth"></div></div><!-- end communityquicklinks --> <div class="tabgradient"></div> <div class="communitystories"> <div class="spotlightstory"> <h1>Materials/Fastening Spotlight</h1> <a href="/web/20091107211903/"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Lamborghini Gives Auto Composites a Huge Boost_spotlight" width="360" height="180" border="0"/></a><br/> <h2><a title="Lamborghini Gives Auto Composites a Huge Boost" href="/web/20091107211903/">Lamborghini Gives Auto Composites a Huge Boost</a></h2><br/> <p>The Seattle area is rapidly becoming an American and global center for carbon composites research and development.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Lamborghini Gives Auto Composites a Huge Boost" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Oct 15 2009 10:55 AM EDT</span></p> </div><!-- end espotlightstory --> <div class="lateststories"> <h4>Latest Technology Stories</h4> <h2><a class="centernav" title="3D Systems Makes Big Move into the Service Bureau Business" href="/web/20091107211903/">3D Systems Makes Big Move into the Service Bureau Business</a></h2> <p>3D Systems, the company that virtually created the rapid prototyping industry in the 1980s, announced a dramatic shift in business strategy today.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="3D Systems Makes Big Move into the Service Bureau Business" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Oct 1 2009 03:46 PM EDT</span></p> <h2><a class="centernav" title="What's Next after the Dreamliner? Think Fuel Cells" href="/web/20091107211903/">What's Next after the Dreamliner? Think Fuel Cells</a></h2> <p>The next revolution in aircraft design could be the use of lightweight, heat-resistant membrane fuel cells that show potential to provide power for commercial aircraft.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="What's Next after the Dreamliner? Think Fuel Cells" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Sep 18 2009 01:45 PM EDT</span></p> <h2><a class="centernav" title="Natural Materials Are the New Job One at Ford" href="/web/20091107211903/">Natural Materials Are the New Job One at Ford</a></h2> <p>Today a six-member engineering team at Ford is looking for new applications for soybeans and other sustainable materials in an industry-leading effort to replace hydrocarbon-based materials.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Natural Materials Are the New Job One at Ford" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Sep 9 2009 08:44 AM EDT</span></p> <div class="more"><a title="View This Community" href="/web/20091107211903/">View This Community &gt;&gt;</a></div> </div><!-- end lateststories --> </div><!-- end communitystories --> <div class="clearboth"></div></div><!-- end tabmenu --><div id="tabmenu5"> <div class="communityquicklinks"> <ul> <li class="first">Quick Links:</li> <li class="rss"><a title="RSS Feeds" href="/web/20091107211903/">Rss Feeds</a></li> <li><a title="Subscribe to E-Newsletters" href="">E-Newsletters</a></li> <li><a title="Blogs" href="/web/20091107211903/">Blogs</a></li> <li><a title="Podcasts" href="/web/20091107211903/">Podcasts</a></li> <li><a title="Webcasts" href="/web/20091107211903/">Webcasts</a></li> <li class="last"><a title="View all articles" href="/web/20091107211903/">View all articles</a></li> </ul> <div class="tabcontrols"> <a href="#" title="Play Tabs" onmousedown="javascript:restart_autochange(); return false;"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Play" border="0" width="24" height="24"/></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#" title="Pause Tabs" onmousedown="javascript:stop_autochange(); return false;"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Pause" border="0" width="24" height="24"/></a> </div><!-- end tabcontrols --> <div class="clearboth"></div></div><!-- end communityquicklinks --> <div class="tabgradient"></div> <div class="communitystories"> <div class="spotlightstory"> <h1>Automotive Spotlight</h1> <a href="/web/20091107211903/"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="LEDs Brighten New Mustang_spotlight" width="360" height="180" border="0"/></a><br/> <h2><a title="LEDs Brighten New Mustang" href="/web/20091107211903/">LEDs Brighten New Mustang</a></h2><br/> <p>Ford's new 2010 Mustang has broadened its use of LEDs, placing the technology in the rear seat, as well as in map pockets, cup holders and even in the door sill plate.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="LEDs Brighten New Mustang" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Oct 19 2009 09:34 AM EDT</span></p> </div><!-- end espotlightstory --> <div class="lateststories"> <h4>Latest Technology Stories</h4> <h2><a class="centernav" title="Rechargeable Batteries Extend Their Reach" href="/web/20091107211903/">Rechargeable Batteries Extend Their Reach</a></h2> <p>New battery chemistries, recipes and packaging are powering a wide range of new applications, from miniature electronics to industrial vehicles. Selecting the right battery for the design is key.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Rechargeable Batteries Extend Their Reach" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Oct 21 2009 01:41 PM EDT</span></p> <h2><a class="centernav" title="Lamborghini Gives Auto Composites a Huge Boost" href="/web/20091107211903/">Lamborghini Gives Auto Composites a Huge Boost</a></h2> <p>The Seattle area is rapidly becoming an American and global center for carbon composites research and development.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Lamborghini Gives Auto Composites a Huge Boost" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Oct 15 2009 10:55 AM EDT</span></p> <h2><a class="centernav" title="Driveline Bearings Cut Friction by 30 Percent" href="/web/20091107211903/">Driveline Bearings Cut Friction by 30 Percent</a></h2> <p>SKF Group has rolled out a line of energy-efficient bearings for driveline applications that could reduce friction by up to 30 percent and carbon dioxide emissions by up to 13 gm per mile.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Driveline Bearings Cut Friction by 30 Percent" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Sep 28 2009 09:00 AM EDT</span></p> <div class="more"><a title="View This Community" href="/web/20091107211903/">View This Community &gt;&gt;</a></div> </div><!-- end lateststories --> </div><!-- end communitystories --> <div class="clearboth"></div></div><!-- end tabmenu --><div id="tabmenu6"> <div class="communityquicklinks"> <ul> <li class="first">Quick Links:</li> <li><a title="Subscribe to E-Newsletters" href="">E-Newsletters</a></li> <li><a title="Blogs" href="/web/20091107211903/">Blogs</a></li> <li><a title="Podcasts" href="/web/20091107211903/">Podcasts</a></li> <li class="last"><a title="View all articles" href="/web/20091107211903/">View all articles</a></li> </ul> <div class="tabcontrols"> <a href="#" title="Play Tabs" onmousedown="javascript:restart_autochange(); return false;"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Play" border="0" width="24" height="24"/></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#" title="Pause Tabs" onmousedown="javascript:stop_autochange(); return false;"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Pause" border="0" width="24" height="24"/></a> </div><!-- end tabcontrols --> <div class="clearboth"></div></div><!-- end communityquicklinks --> <div class="tabgradient"></div> <div class="communitystories"> <div class="spotlightstory"> <h1>Careers Spotlight</h1> <a href="/web/20091107211903/"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Golden Mousetrap 2009 spotlight" width="360" height="180" border="0"/></a><br/> <h2><a title="Come Join the Golden Mousetrap Party" href="/web/20091107211903/">Come Join the Golden Mousetrap Party</a></h2><br/> <p>Hats off to Design News' 2009 Engineer of the Year, the runners up, and the winners and finalists of our Golden Mousetrap Awards.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Come Join the Golden Mousetrap Party" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Sep 14 2009 02:00 AM EDT</span></p> </div><!-- end espotlightstory --> <div class="lateststories"> <h4>Latest Technology Stories</h4> <h2><a class="centernav" title="City on a Hill" href="/web/20091107211903/">City on a Hill</a></h2> <p>At what point did engineers leave &quot;design&quot; out of the design process when building roads and other important infrastructure?&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="City on a Hill" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Oct 1 2009 02:00 AM EDT</span></p> <h2><a class="centernav" title="Is 'Engineer Programmer' An Oxymoron?" href="/web/20091107211903/">Is 'Engineer Programmer' An Oxymoron?</a></h2> <p>All engineers use computers, but do all engineers write computer programs? Could they? Do they really need to be able to?&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Is 'Engineer Programmer' An Oxymoron?" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Jul 13 2009 08:54 AM EDT</span></p> <h2><a class="centernav" title="Highly Qualified Engineers Having Trouble Finding Work" href="/web/20091107211903/">Highly Qualified Engineers Having Trouble Finding Work</a></h2> <p>Out-of-work engineers say their age, the slumping economy and the fact there are too many candidates and not enough jobs are the major factors keeping them on the unemployment line.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="more" title="Highly Qualified Engineers Having Trouble Finding Work" href="/web/20091107211903/">Full Story &gt;&gt;</a><br/> <span class="date">Jun 26 2009 09:52 AM EDT</span></p> <div class="more"><a title="View This Community" href="/web/20091107211903/">View This Community &gt;&gt;</a></div> </div><!-- end lateststories --> </div><!-- end communitystories --> <div class="clearboth"></div></div><!-- end tabmenu --> <div id="communitytabfooter"><ul><li>&nbsp;</li></ul></div> </div> <!-- End DN Community Tab --><div id="homepagecontainer"> <div id="portal" class="dnhomepage"> <div class="portal-column left leftcolumn" id="leftcolumn"> <div id="gadgetfreakheader"> <h3>Gadget Freak</h3> </div><!-- end gadgetfreakheader --> <div id="gadgetfreak"> <a title="Gadget Freak Case #151: Warm up to Remote Energy Monitoring" href="/web/20091107211903/"><img src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Gadget Freak Case 151 Warm up to Remote Energy Monitoring spotlight" width="360" height="180" border="0"/></a><br/> <h3><a class="centernav" title="Gadget Freak Case #151: Warm up to Remote Energy Monitoring" href="/web/20091107211903/">Gadget Freak Case #151: Warm up to Remote Energy Monitoring</a></h3> <p>Benson Houghland monitors his home's energy use from his Apple iPhone and now saves $200 a month on his power bill.</p> <a class="more" title="Get Build Instructions" href="/web/20091107211903/">Get Build Instructions &gt;&gt;</a> <div class="more"><a title="View All Gadget Freaks" href="/web/20091107211903/">View All Gadget Freaks &gt;&gt;</a></div> </div><!-- end gadgetfreak --> <div class="middlebox"> <div class="middleboxtop"><h3 id="Wildcard1">Design News 2009 Golden Mousetrap Wildcard</h3></div> <div class="middleboxbtm"> <table border="0"><tbody><tr><td style="border: 0px solid black"><a href=""><img id="photo-154953" src="/web/20091107211903im_/" alt="Golden Mousetrap 2009 Winner header" title="Golden Mousetrap 2009 Winner header" width="420"/></a> <br/></td></tr><tr><td style="border: 0px solid black">Take a look at our 2009 <a href="">Golden Mousetrap winners</a> and view the <a href="">finalists</a> <br/>who gave them a run for their money in this year's voting.<br/></td></tr></tbody></table> </div><!-- end middleboxbtm --> </div><!-- end middlebox --> <!-- Generated: leftcolumn|channel_dn_homelatestnews|2 - 2009-11-07 14:04:59 --><div id="latestnews"> <h3>Latest <span class="headerorange">News</span></h3> <h4><a class="centernav" title="Dassault to Acquire IBM's PLM Sales And Consulting Arm" href="/web/20091107211903/">Dassault to Acquire IBM's PLM Sales And Consulting Arm</a></h4> <p>IBM is selling its PLM sales and consulting arm to long-time partner Dassault in a...</p> <span class="source">Design Tools</span> | <span class="date">Oct 29 2009 04:35 PM EDT</span> <h4><a class="centernav" title="New Technology Yields Bioplastic Molding Blends" href="/web/20091107211903/">New Technology Yields Bioplastic Molding Blends</a></h4> <p>There are a growing number of realistic options for use of bioplastics for design...</p> <span class="source">Materials/Fastening</span> | <span class="date">Oct 26 2009 09:19 AM EDT</span> <h4><a class="centernav" title="Study Says EVs Won't Sell if Oil Prices Don't Rise" href="/web/20091107211903/">Study Says EVs Won't Sell if Oil Prices Don't Rise</a></h4> <p>A new study from Lux Research contends that battery-powered electric cars and...</p> <span class="source">Electronics/Test</span> | <span class="date">Oct 23 2009 03:56 PM EDT</span> <h4><a class="centernav" title="Plastic Radio Case Slashes Assembly Costs" href="/web/20091107211903/">Plastic Radio Case Slashes Assembly Costs</a></h4> <p>Weight and assembly time are reduced with a patent-pending system of embedding a...</p> <span class="source">Materials/Fastening</span> | <span class="date">Oct 21 2009 04:04 PM EDT</span> <h4><a class="centernav" title="COMSOL Makes Multiphysics More CAD-Like" href="/web/20091107211903/">COMSOL Makes Multiphysics More CAD-Like</a></h4> <p>COMSOL Multiphysics Version 4.0 borrows from the familiar CAD tool users interface...</p> <span class="source">Design Tools</span> | <span class="date">Oct 20 2009 12:05 PM EDT</span> <div class="more"><a title="View All News" href="index-1.php">View All News &gt;&gt;</a></div> </div><!-- end latestnews --></div><!-- end leftcolumn --> <div class="portal-column right rightcolumn" id="rightcolumn"> <div class="noindex"><!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) --> <div class="boombox"> <div class="adtext">Advertisement</div> <!-- Generated: rightcolumn|channel_burstadtag_336x280|0 - 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One of the key attributes is the ability to use the material with carbon fiber systems and textiles due its low viscosity. In addition to flexibility and excellent impact strength, the unique system also provides high transparency, brightness and UV resistance. &amp;# ...<br/> <span class="source">Posted in <a title="Engineering Materials" href="blog/Engineering_Materials/index.php">Engineering Materials</a></span> | <span class="date">2009-11-05 16:58:15 EST</span></p> <h4><a title="The Incidence of the Light Bulb Going Off (or In?)" href="blog/Sherlock_Ohms/25440-The_Incidence_of_the_Light_Bulb_Going_Off_or_In_.php" class="centernav">The Incidence of the Light Bulb Going Off (or In?)</a></h4> <p>After being fed specifications in a piecemeal fashion, an engineer figures out how to meet a test spec by thinking inside the box By Radcliffe Cutshaw, Contributing Writer The project was to design a device to segment the upstream band used by cable modems. Cable modems are collision moderated: When two or more modems try to send at the same time, a collision is detected and both wait a random tim ...<br/> <span class="source">Posted in <a title="Sherlock Ohms" href="blog/Sherlock_Ohms/index.php">Sherlock Ohms</a></span> | <span class="date">2009-11-05 16:12:46 EST</span></p> <h4><a title="The instance of the Ruined Radar Relays" href="blog/Sherlock_Ohms/25434-The_instance_of_the_Ruined_Radar_Relays.php" class="centernav">The instance of the Ruined Radar Relays</a></h4> <p>You know you&#x2019;re in trouble when you start thinking that shooting the designer of a troublesome system is a serious solution By Ken Herrick, Contributing Writer I dredge up this investigative instance from 50 and more years ago. But even in today&#x2019;s solid-state age I think it pertinent still. I was a field engineer assigned to the U. S. 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