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S., & <strong>Özcan, O. </strong> (2023). UAV and smartphone-based 3D modeling integration with augmented reality (AR) animation. Advanced UAV, 3(2), 91–99.</p> <p>Akbaba, M., Hürkan, K., & <strong>Özcan, O.</strong> (2023). Characterization of causal agents of bacterial canker on apricot plantations and risk mapping using GIS in Aras Basin (Türkiye). Journal of Phytopathology, 171, 517–536. <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Amani, K., Delavari, M., Amini, S., Azizi, H., Asahara, Y., Furman, T., Shabani, A. A. T., Asiabanha, A., & <strong>Mohammadi, A.</strong> (2023). Geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotopes and zircon U-Pb dating of magmatic rocks from the Talesh range, western Alborz: New insights into Late Cretaceous evolution of the southern Eurasian margin. <em>Geochemistry</em>, <em>May</em>, 126042.</p> <p><strong>Arıkan, B.</strong> (2023). Simulating land use dynamics and the role of marine resources in diets during the Early Bronze Age-II (ca. 4900–4700 cal. BP) at Gökçeada (ancient Imbros) in the northern Aegean. <em>Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports</em>, <em>49</em>, 104002.</p> <p>Aykut, T., <strong>Yıldırım, C.,</strong> Uysal T., 2023. Active Deformation Pattern in the Western Flank of the Central Taurides, Southern Margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau: Inferences from Geomorphic Markers and Kinematic Indicators. Tectonics. Vol.42. Issue 6.10.1029/2022TC007550</p> <p>Babaoğlu, C., <strong>Topuz, G.</strong>, Okay, A. I., Köksal, S., Wang, J. M., & Toksoy-Köksal, F. (2023). Middle Permian basic and acidic volcanism in the Istanbul zone (NW Turkey): evidence for post-variscan extensional magmatism. International Geology Review, 1-18.</p> <p><strong>Biltekin, D.,</strong> Eriş, K.K., Çağatay, M.N., Henry, P., Yakupoğlu, N., (2023). New records of vegetation and climate changes in the Sea of Marmara during the Marine Isotope Stages 3, 4 and 5 (a-c). Quaternary International 667, pp. 1-18.</p> <p>Birinci, E., <strong>Denizoğlu, M.</strong>, <strong>Özdemir, H.</strong>, Özdemir, E.T., <strong>Deniz, A.</strong>, 2023. Ambient air quality assessment at the airports based on a meteorological perspective. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195:1021. DOI:</p> <p>Bodur, Ö., <strong>Göğüş, O. H</strong>., Brune, S., Uluocak, E. Ş., Glerum, A., Fichtner, A., & Sözbilir, H. (2023). Crustal flow driving twin domes exhumation and low-angle normal faulting in the Menderes Massif of western Anatolia. <em>Earth and Planetary Science Letters</em>, <em>619</em>, 118309.</p> <p>Bukhari, M. H., da Silva, P. F., Pilz, J., Istanbulluoglu, E.,<strong> Görüm, T., </strong>Lee, J., ... & Haque, U. (2023). Community perceptions of landslide risk and susceptibility: a multi-country study. Landslides, 20(6), 1321-1334.</p> <p>Çağatay, M.N., Eriş, K.K., <strong>Biltekin, D.,</strong> Makaroğlu, Ö., Yakupoğlu, N., (2023). Comment on “Palynology, palaeoclimate and chronology from the Saalian Glacial to Saint-Germain II interstadial from two long cores at the limit between the Mediterranean and Euxinian regions” by Leroy et al., Quaternary Science Reviews 311 (2023) 108,145. Quaternary Science Reviews, 108377.</p> <p>Çağlar, F.,<strong> Yetemen, O</strong>., Chun, K. P., & <strong>Sen, O. L.</strong> (2023). The merit of the North Sea‐Caspian pattern in explaining climate variability in the Euro‐Mediterranean region. International Journal of Climatology.</p> <p>Chai, Y, H. Liu, Y. Yu, Q. Yang, X. Zhang, W. Zhao, L. Guo, and <strong>O. Yetemen</strong> (<strong>2023</strong>). Strategies of parameter optimization and soil moisture sensors deployment for accurate estimation of evapotranspiration through a data-driven method. <em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Agricultural and Forest Meteorology</span></em>, 331, 109354.<strong></strong></p> <p>Dardeniz, G., Tok, Z., Yaman, T. T., & <strong>Arıkan, B</strong>. (2023). Chemical and mineralogical characterization of late chalcolithic pottery (ca. 3700–3300 BCE) from southwest Anatolia (Türkiye). <em>Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports</em>, <em>53</em>, 104304.</p> <p>Diercks, M.-L., Mildon, Z. K., Boulton, S. J., Hussain, E., Alçiçek, M. <strong>C., Yıldırım,</strong> C., & Aykut, T. (2023). Constraining historical earthquake sequences with Coulomb stress models: An example from western Türkiye. <em>Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth</em>, 128, e2023JB026627. <a href=""></a></p> <p>Dogan, A., <strong>Guven, D.</strong>, Kayalica, M. O., & Bayar, A. A. (2023). Scheduling Model for a Trigeneration System With Energy Storage Unit: A Hospital Application. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.</p> <p>Dong, SW, Li, JH, Gao, R, Cawood, PA, <strong>Thybo, H</strong>, Johnston, ST, Jiao, LQ, Zhang, YQ, Wang, JM, 2023. Intraplate lithospheric extension revealed by seismic reflection profiling of South China. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118100.</p> <p>Esen, A. N., Yushin, N., Grozdov, D., Yıldız, C., Zinicovscaia, I., Haciyakupoglu, S., ... & <strong>Gorum, T.</strong> (2023). Effect of wildfire on soil element concentrations in Mediterranean Türkiye. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 1-10.</p> <p><strong>Ezber, Y.,</strong> Bozkurt, D., <strong>Sen, O. L.</strong> (2023). Impact of Atmospheric Rivers on the Winter Snowpack in the Headwaters of Euphrates-Tigris Basin, 24 August 2023, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square []</p> <p>Fan, P.Y, K.P. Chun, A. Mijic, M.L. Tan, W. Zhai, and <strong>O. Yetemen</strong> (<strong>in press</strong>). Identifying the impacts of land-use spatial patterns on street-network accessibility using geospatial methods<em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">. Geographical Analysis</span></em>. DOI: 10.1111/gean.12374.</p> <p>Fan, P.Y, K.P. Chun, M.L. Tan, D.N.Y. Mah, A. Mijic, G. Strickert, and <strong>O. Yetemen</strong> (<strong>2023</strong>). The spatial configuration of local climate zones reveals effects on wayfinding in human walking. <em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">PLoS One</span></em>, 18(9), e0289780.</p> <p>Fang, Z., Tanyas, H., <strong>Görüm, T.</strong>, Dahal, A., Wang, Y., & Lombardo, L. (2023). Speech-recognition in landslide predictive modelling: A case for a next generation early warning system. Environmental Modelling & Software, 170, 105833.</p> <p><strong>Görüm, T.,</strong> Tanyas, H., Karabacak, F., Yılmaz, A., Girgin, S., Allstadt, K. E., ... & Burgi, P. (2023). Preliminary documentation of coseismic ground failure triggered by the February 6, 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequence. Engineering Geology, 327, 107315.</p> <p><strong>Guven, D.</strong> (2023). Development of multi-model ensembles using tree-based machine learning methods to assess the future renewable energy potential: case of the East Thrace, Turkey. <em>Environmental Science and Pollution Research</em>, <em>30</em>(37), 87314-87329.</p> <p><strong>Guven, D.</strong>, & Kayalica, M. O. (2023). Analysing the determinants of the Turkish household electricity consumption using gradient boosting regression tree. <em>Energy for Sustainable Development</em>, <em>77</em>, 101312.</p> <p><strong>Guven, D.</strong>, & Kayalica, M. O. (2023). Life-cycle assessment and life-cycle cost assessment of lithium-ion batteries for passenger ferry. <em>Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment</em>, <em>115</em>, 103586.</p> <p>Hashemi, K., <strong>Sarıkaya, M. A.</strong>, Wilcken, K. M., & Öztürk, M. Z. (2023). Controls on long-term denudation rate of carbonate terrains in the Eastern Mediterranean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 321(February).</p> <p>Hou, Z., Wang, R., Zhang, H., Zheng, Y., Jin, S., <strong>Thybo, H</strong>., Weinberg, R.F., Xu, B., Yang, Z., Hao, A.-W., Gao, L., and Zhang, L., 2023. Formation of giant copper deposits in Tibet driven by tearing of the subducted Indian plate. Earth-Science Reviews, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104482.</p> <p><strong>Kamacı, Ö.,</strong> & Altunkaynak, Ş. (2023). Petrological insights into connections between the S-and I-type magmatic associations in metamorphic core complexes: a case study of the Çataldağ metamorphic core complex (NW Turkey). Lithos, 107433.</p> <p>Kaveh-Firouz, A., Burg, J. P., Haghipour, N., Mandal, S. K., Christl, M., <strong>& Mohammadi, A.</strong> (2023). Tectonics, Base-Level Fluctuations, and Climate Impact on the Eocene to Present-Day Erosional Pattern of the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Zone (NNW Iranian Plateau and West Alborz Mountains). <em>Tectonics</em>, <em>42</em>(8), 1–29.</p> <p>Kaveh-Firouz, A., <strong>Mohammadi, A.</strong>, <strong>Görüm, T</strong>., <strong>Sarıkaya, M. A</strong>., Alizadeh, H., Akbaş, A., ... Mirarabi, A. (2023). Main drivers of drainage pattern development in onshore Makran Accretionary Wedge, SE Iran. Internatıonal Journal of Earth Scıences , vol.112, no.2, 539-559.</p> <p>Kaya, I., <strong>Ozdemir, H.</strong>, Capraz, O., Atmaca, E., Turkel, V., <strong>Deniz, A.</strong>, Demir, G., and <strong>Unal, A.</strong>, An Urban Air Quality Assessment Based on a Meteorological Perspective, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, <a href=""></a></p> <p>Khandsuren, P., Seong, Y. B., Rhee, H. H., Lee, C. H., <strong>Sarikaya, M. A.</strong>, Oh, J. S., Sandag, K., & Yu, B. Y. (2023). Asynchronous glacial dynamics of Last Glacial Maximum mountain glaciers in the Ikh Bogd Massif, Gobi Altai mountain range, southwestern Mongolia: aspect control on glacier mass balance. Cryosphere, 17(6), 2409–2435.</p> <p>Korkmaz, M.S.; <strong>Toker, E</strong>.; Şahin, A.D. Comprehensive Analysis of Extreme Meteorological Conditions for the Safety and Reliability of Floating Photovoltaic Systems: A Case on the Mediterranean Coast. <em>Sustainability</em> <strong>2023</strong>, <em>15</em>, 14077. <a href=""></a></p> <p>Koycegiz, C., <strong>Sen, O. L.,</strong> & Buyukyildiz, M. (2023). An analysis of terrestrial water storage changes of a karstic, endorheic basin in central Anatolia, Turkey. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 23(4), 688-702.</p> <p>Lanari, R., Faccenna, C., Natali, C., Şengül Uluocak, E., Fellin, M. G., Becker, T. W., <strong>Göğüş, O.H</strong>, ... & Conticelli, S. (2023). The Atlas of Morocco: A Plume‐Assisted Orogeny. <em>Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems</em>, <em>24</em>(6), e2022GC010843.</p> <p>Li, J., Dong, S., Cawood, P.A., <strong>Thybo, H</strong>., Clift, P.D., Johnston, S.T., Zhao, G., Zhang, Y., 2023. Cretaceous long-distance lithospheric extension and surface response in South China, Earth-Science Reviews, <a href=""></a> </p> <p>Liu, H., C. Wu, Y. Yu, W. Zhao, J. Liu, H. Yu, Y. Zhuang, and <strong>O. Yetemen</strong> (<strong>in press</strong>). Effect of solar farms on soil erosion in hilly environments: A modelling study from the perspective of hydrological connectivity. <em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Water Resources Research</span></em>.</p> <p>M. Aalijahan, A. Karataş, A. Lupo, <strong>B. Efe</strong>, And A. Khosravıchenar, “Analyzing and Modeling the Spatial-Temporal Changes and the Impact of GLOTI Index on Precipitation in the Marmara Region of Türkiye,” Atmosphere, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 0–0, Mar. 2023.</p> <p>Martens, J., Mueller, C. W., Joshi, P., Rosinger, C., Maisch, M., Kappler, A., <strong>Schwamborn</strong>, G., Schirrmeister, L., & Rethemeyer, J. (2023). Stabilization of mineral-associated organic carbon in Pleistocene permafrost. Nature Communications, 14 (1), 2120.</p> <p><strong>Mohammadi A.</strong>, Burg J.P., Ruh J.B., Spezzaferri S. (2023) Clastic carbon- ates in the South Sistan Basin (SE Iran): implications for subduc- tion vergence and timing of collision. Int Geol Rev., 65, 3453-3465.</p> <p><strong>Mohammadi, A.</strong> (2023). Aeolian and fluvial processes influence on dust storms of Hormuz Strait and Makran coastal plains (SE Iran); insight from geomorphic landforms, and sediment texture and mineralogy. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 112(7), 1973–1987.</p> <p><strong>Mohammadi, A.</strong>, Kaveh-Firouz, A., Cai, F., Dolati, A., Lom, N., & Şengör, A. M. C. (2023). Migration of the Palaeozoic magmatic front from Zagros to Alborz mountains with progressive closure of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean; Insights from Zagros detrital zircon U–Pb age and Hf isotopic composition. <em>Tectonophysics</em>, <em>849</em>(August 2022).</p> <p><strong>Mohammadi, A., Schwamborn, G.</strong>, Kaveh-Firouz, A., <strong>Çiner, A.</strong>, Lak, R., Milani, A.S., <strong>Biltekin, D.</strong> 2023. Influence of dyke-type causeway on Urmia Lake (NW Iran); insights from waters physico-chemical parameters seasonal (2019) changes. J. of Hydro Environment Research. 47, 1-14. <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Olgun N.,</strong> Tarı U., Balcı N., Altunkaynak Ş., Gürarslan I., Yakan S.D., Thalaaso Fr., Astargo-Espana, M.S., Cabrol L., Lavergne C., Hoffmann L., <strong>2023.</strong> Lithological controls on lake water biogeochemistry in Maritime Antarctica. Science of the Total Environment, <strong>(Q1)</strong> <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Racano, S., Schildgen, T., Ballato, P., <strong>Yildirim, C.,</strong> Wittmann, H. 2023. Rock-uplift history of the Central Pontides from river-profile inversions and implications for the development of the North Anatolian Fault. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol.616. 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118231.</p> <p>Ruh, J. B., Valero, L., Najafi, M., Etemad-Saeed, N., Vouga, J., <strong>Mohammadi, A.,</strong> Landtwing, F., Guillong, M., Cobianchi, M., & Mancin, N. (2023). Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of Shale-Related Minibasins in the Karvandar Basin (South Sistan, SE Iran): Insights From Magnetostratigraphy, Isotopic Dating, and Sandstone Petrology. Tectonics, 42(11).</p> <p><strong>Sağlam, E., Duzman, T.</strong>, Ay, C., Okay, A. I., <strong>Topuz, G.</strong>, Sunal, G., ... & Kylander-Clark, A. R. (2023). Late Cretaceous arc magmatism in the Western Pontides (Turkey)–temporal and chemical changes. International Geology Review, 1-24.</p> <p>Sarı, S., <strong>Mohammadi, A., Schwamborn, G</strong>., Haghipour, N., Yu, Y., Eriş, K. K., & Lak, R. (2023). Sedimentary evolution and lake level fluctuations of Urmia Lake (north‐west Iran) over the past 50 000 years; insights from Artemia fecal pellet records . <em>Sedimentology</em>.</p> <p><strong>Schwamborn, G.</strong>, Schirrmeister, L<strong>., Mohammadi, A.</strong>, Meyer, H., Kartoziia, A., Maggioni, F., & Strauss, J. (2023). Fluvial and permafrost history of the lower Lena River, north-eastern Siberia, over late Quaternary time. <em>Sedimentology</em>, <em>70</em>(1), 235–258.</p> <p><strong>Sezen, I.</strong>, Ercelik, E., Govarchin Ghale, Y., <strong>Deniz, A.</strong>, and <strong>Unal, A.</strong>, Application of Kolmogorov-Zurbenko filter to quantify the long-term meteorological and emission impacts on air quality, Atmospheric Research, Volume 288, 2023, 106714, ISSN 0169-8095, <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Teknik, V., Artemieva, I. M., & <strong>Thybo, H.</strong> (2023). Geodynamics of the central Tethyan belt revisited: Inferences from crustal magnetization in the Anatolia-Caucasus-Black Sea region. Tectonics, 42,. <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><strong>Topuz, G.</strong>, Altherr, R., Candan, O., Wang, J. M., Okay, A. I., Wu, F. Y., ... & Satır, M. (2023). Carboniferous mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Eastern Pontides (Pulur complex): Implications for the source of coeval voluminous granites. Lithos, 436, 106946.</p> <p><strong>Topuz, G.</strong>, Candan, O., Laurent, O., <strong>Mohammadi, A.</strong>, Okuyucu, C., Çelik, Ö.M., Wang J.M. (2023). Middle Devonian, late Carboniferous, and Triassic magmatic flare-ups in eastern Armorica (Sakarya Zone, Turkey) as revealed by detrital zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic data. GSA Bulletin.</p> <p><strong>Topuz, G.</strong>, Yavuz, O., Candan, O., Zack, T., Özkan, M., & Siebel, W. (2023) Origin of late Carboniferous highly fractionated high-K calc-alkaline I-type granites from the eastern Pontides (Şiran, northern Turkey), International Geology Review.</p> <p><strong>Unal, A.</strong>, Asan, B., <strong>Sezen, I.,</strong> Yesilkaynak, B., Govarchin Ghale, Y., <strong>Ilicak, M.</strong>, and Unal, G., Climate model-driven seasonal forecasting approach with deep learning, Environmental Data Science, July, 2023, <span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span><a href="" target="_blank">10.1017/eds.2023.24</a></p> <p>Wright, P.G., Croose, E., Hunter, S.B., MacPherson, J., <strong>Çoraman, E</strong>., Yarotskiy, V., Moisieieva, V., Karapandža, B., Hoxha, B., Madalina, P. and Tilova, E. (2023). Can social media be used to inform the distribution of the marbled polecat, <em>Vormela peregusna</em>?. <em>Mammal Research, 68</em>(3), pp.295-304.</p> <p>Wu, C., H. Liu, Y. Yu, W. Zhao, L. Guo, J. Liu, and <strong>O. Yetemen</strong> (<strong>2023</strong>). Ecohydrological insight: Solar farm facilitates carbon sink enhancement in drylands. <em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Journal of Environmental Management</span></em>, 342, 118304.</p> <p>Xia, B., Artemieva, I.M., <strong>Thybo, H.,</strong> Klemperer, S.L., 2023, Strong Variability in the Thermal Structure of Tibetan Lithosphere. J. Geophys. Res., doi: 10.1029/2022JB026213.</p> <p>Yang, HB, Artemieva, I.M., <strong>Thybo, H</strong>., 2023. The Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuity Caused by Channel Flow in Proto-Cratonic Mantle. J. Geophys. Res., doi: 10.1029/2022JB026202.</p> <p>Yildiz, C., Comert, R., Tanyaş, H., Yılmaz, A., Akbaş, A., Akay, S. S., ... & <strong>Gorum, T.</strong> (2023) The Effect of Post-wildfire Management Practices on Vegetation Recovery: Insights from the Sapadere Fire, Antalya, Turkey. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 480</p> <p>Yildiz, C., R. Comert, H. Tanyaş, A. Yılmaz, A. Akbaş, S.S. Akay, <strong>Ö. Yetemen</strong>, and <strong>T. Görüm</strong> (2023). The effect of post-wildfire management practices on vegetation recovery: Insights from the Sapadere Fire, Antalya, Turkey. <em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Frontiers in Earth Science</span></em>, 11, 1174155.</p> <p>Yilmaz, A., <strong>Topuz, G.</strong>, Eken, T., Candan, O., & Yilmaz, H. (2023). Geology of the Eastern Anatolian Plateau (Turkey): a synthesis. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 32(4), 431-446.</p> <p>Yu, Y., M.M. De Las Heras, H. Liu, P. Shi, <strong>O. Yetemen</strong>, and P. Saco (<strong>2023</strong>). Editorial: Hydrological connectivity and sustainable watershed management in a changing environment. <em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Frontiers in Environmental Science</span></em>, 11, 1228835.</p> <p>Yücel, A.O., Catanzariti, R., Özcan, E., Okay, A.I., <strong>Çiner, A.</strong>, Akın, A. 2023. Calcareous nannofossils and a revised stratigraphy of the Eocene Çayraz Formation (Haymana Basin, Central Turkey). 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Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences (TR Dizin) </p> </div><div class='sfContentBlock'><h3><strong>2</strong>022</h3> <p>Akay, S. S., <strong>Özcan</strong>, <strong>O</strong>., & Şanlı, F. B. (2022). Quantification and visualization of flood-induced morphological changes in meander structures by UAV-based monitoring. <em>Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal</em>, 27, doi:10.1016/j.jestch.2021.05.020<br /> <br /> Andersen, J., <strong>Göğüş</strong>, <strong>O. H</strong>., Pysklywec, R. N., Santimano, T., & Şengül Uluocak, E. (2022). Symptomatic lithospheric drips triggering fast topographic rise and crustal deformation in the Central Andes. <em>Communications Earth & Environment, 3</em>(1), 1-12. doi: 10.1038/s43247-022-00470-1</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>Biltekin, D., Schwamborn, G</strong>., Eriş, K. K., Acar, D., Ekberzade, B., Hashemi, Z., Yakupoğlu, N., <strong>Mohammadi, A. </strong>&<strong> Yetemen, Ö</strong>. (2022). 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