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name = Adelaide | native_name = ''Tardanya'' ([[Kaurna language|Kaurna]]) | state = sa | image = {{multiple image | total_width = 280 | border = infobox | perrow = 1/2/3/2/1 | caption_align = center | image1 = Adelaide skyline, December 2022 b.jpg | alt1 = Adelaide city centre | caption1 = [[Adelaide city centre]] | image2 = SAHMRI.jpg | alt2 = Elizabeth Quay bridge | caption2 = [[South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute|SAHMRI]] | image3 = Brookman Building on North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia (cropped).jpg | alt3 = Brookman Building | caption3 = [[University of South Australia]] | image4 = Adelaide, Australia (February 2017) (33505366456) (cropped).jpg | alt4 = Adelaide Town Hall | caption4 = [[Adelaide Town Hall]] | image5 = St Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide, Southeast view 20230214 1.jpg | alt5 = St Peter's Cathedral | caption5 = [[St Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide|St Peter's Cathedral]] | image6 = Adelaide General Post Office (cropped).jpg | alt6 = General Post Office | caption6 = [[General Post Office, Adelaide|General Post Office]] | image7 = Elder Park rotunda at blue hour (cropped).jpg | alt7 = Elder Park and Adelaide Oval | caption7 = [[Elder Park]] and [[Adelaide Oval]] | image8 = The Orb, Adelaide Entertainment Centre.jpg | alt8 = Adelaide Entertainment Centre | caption8 = [[Adelaide Entertainment Centre]] | image9 = Victoria Square, central Adelaide.jpg | alt9 = Victoria Square | caption9 = [[Victoria Square, Adelaide|Victoria Square]] }} | pop = 1,418,455 | pop_year = 2022 | pop_footnotes=&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Greater Adelaide |url= |publisher=Australian Bureau of Statistics |access-date=20 April 2023 |archive-date=20 April 2023 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> | poprank = 5th | density = 426 | density_footnotes = | area = 3259.8 | area_footnotes =&lt;ref name="ABS-GA">{{cite web|title=Greater Adelaide (GCCSA) (4GADE)|url=;region=4GADE&amp;dataset=ABS_REGIONAL_ASGS2016&amp;geoconcept=ASGS_2016&amp;measure=MEASURE&amp;datasetASGS=ABS_REGIONAL_ASGS2016&amp;datasetLGA=ABS_REGIONAL_LGA2018&amp;regionLGA=LGA_2018&amp;regionASGS=ASGS_2016|website=Australian Bureau of Statistics|access-date=12 November 2019|archive-date=6 April 2020|archive-url=;region=4GADE&amp;dataset=ABS_REGIONAL_ASGS2016&amp;geoconcept=ASGS_2016&amp;measure=MEASURE&amp;datasetASGS=ABS_REGIONAL_ASGS2016&amp;datasetLGA=ABS_REGIONAL_LGA2018&amp;regionLGA=LGA_2018&amp;regionASGS=ASGS_2016|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> | mayor = | mayortitle = | established = {{start date|1836|12|28|df=yes}} | force_national_map = yes | image2 = Free vector map of Adelaide Australia Level 12 G View.svg | image2_alt = Map of Adelaide, Australia, printable and editable | caption2 = Map of Adelaide, Australia, printable and editable | coordinates = {{coord|34|55|39|S|138|36|00|E|type:city(1,400,000_region:AU-SA|display=inline,title}} | relief = yes | timezone = [[Australian Central Standard Time|ACST]] | utc = +9:30 | timezone-dst = [[Australian Central Daylight Time|ACDT]] | utc-dst = +10:30 | dist1 = 654 | dir1 = NW | location1 = [[Melbourne]]&lt;ref>{{cite web |url=;placename=melbourne&amp;placetype=0&amp;state=VIC&amp;place1=ADELAIDE&amp;place1long=138.601013&amp;place1lat=-34.928692 |title=Great Circle Distance between ADELAIDE and MELBOURNE |publisher=Geoscience Australia |date=March 2004 |access-date=17 January 2016 |archive-url=;placename=melbourne&amp;placetype=0&amp;state=VIC&amp;place1=ADELAIDE&amp;place1long=138.601013&amp;place1lat=-34.928692 |archive-date=28 January 2016 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> | dist2 = 958 | dir2 = West | location2 = [[Canberra]]&lt;ref>{{cite web |url=;placename=canberra&amp;placetype=0&amp;state=ACT&amp;place1=ADELAIDE&amp;place1long=138.601013&amp;place1lat=-34.928692 |title=Great Circle Distance between ADELAIDE and CANBERRA |publisher=Geoscience Australia |date=March 2004 |access-date=17 January 2016 |archive-url=;placename=canberra&amp;placetype=0&amp;state=ACT&amp;place1=ADELAIDE&amp;place1long=138.601013&amp;place1lat=-34.928692 |archive-date=28 January 2016 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> | dist3 = 1161 | dir3 = West | location3 = [[Sydney]]&lt;ref>{{cite web |url=;placename=sydney&amp;placetype=0&amp;state=NSW&amp;place1=ADELAIDE&amp;place1long=138.601013&amp;place1lat=-34.928692 |title=Great Circle Distance between ADELAIDE and SYDNEY |publisher=Geoscience Australia |date=March 2004 |access-date=17 January 2016 |archive-url=;placename=sydney&amp;placetype=0&amp;state=NSW&amp;place1=ADELAIDE&amp;place1long=138.601013&amp;place1lat=-34.928692 |archive-date=28 January 2016 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> | dist4 = 1600 | dir4 = SW | location4 = [[Brisbane]]&lt;ref>{{cite web |url=;placename=brisbane&amp;placetype=0&amp;state=QLD&amp;place1=ADELAIDE&amp;place1long=138.601013&amp;place1lat=-34.928692 |title=Great Circle Distance between ADELAIDE and Brisbane |publisher=Geoscience Australia |date=March 2004 |access-date=17 January 2016 |archive-url=;placename=brisbane&amp;placetype=0&amp;state=QLD&amp;place1=ADELAIDE&amp;place1long=138.601013&amp;place1lat=-34.928692 |archive-date=28 January 2016 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> | dist5 = 2130 | dir5 = East | location5 = [[Perth]]&lt;ref>{{cite web |url=;placename=perth&amp;placetype=0&amp;state=WA+&amp;place1=ADELAIDE&amp;place1long=138.601013&amp;place1lat=-34.928692 |title=Great Circle Distance between ADELAIDE and Perth |publisher=Geoscience Australia |date=March 2004 |access-date=17 January 2016 |archive-url=;placename=perth&amp;placetype=0&amp;state=WA+&amp;place1=ADELAIDE&amp;place1long=138.601013&amp;place1lat=-34.928692 |archive-date=28 January 2016 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> | lga = [[Local_government_areas_of_South_Australia#Metropolitan_Adelaide|19 municipalities across Metropolitan Adelaide]] | stategov = [[Electoral districts of South Australia|Various]] (34) | fedgov = [[Division of Spence|Spence]], [[Division of Makin|Makin]], [[Division of Hindmarsh|Hindmarsh]], [[Division of Adelaide|Adelaide]], [[Division of Sturt|Sturt]], [[Division of Boothby|Boothby]], [[Division of Kingston|Kingston]] | maxtemp = 22.6 | mintemp = 12.4 | rainfall = 536.5 }} '''Adelaide''' ({{IPAc-en|ˈ|æ|d|ᵻ|l|eɪ|d|audio=En-au-Adelaide.oga}} {{respell|AD|il|ayd}},&lt;ref>{{cite book |title=Macquarie ABC Dictionary |publisher=The Macquarie Library Pty Ltd |year=2003 |page=10 |isbn=1-876429-37-2}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite LPD|3}}&lt;/ref> {{IPA-endia|ˈædəlæɪd|locally}}; {{langx|zku|Tardanya}}, {{IPA|zku|ˈd̪̥aɳɖaɲa|pron}}) is the [[list of Australian capital cities|capital]] and most populous city of [[South Australia]],&lt;ref name="Vignesh Rajadesingu Arunachalam 2021 pp. 69–90">{{cite book | last1=Vignesh | first1=K.S. | last2=Rajadesingu | first2=Suriyaprakash | last3=Arunachalam | first3=Kantha Deivi | title=Concepts of Advanced Zero Waste Tools | chapter=Challenges, issues, and problems with zero-waste tools | publisher=Elsevier | year=2021 | doi=10.1016/b978-0-12-822183-9.00004-0 | pages=69–90 | isbn=9780128221839 | s2cid=230570450 | quote=Adelaide is the capital city of South Australia and includes 19 municipal areas.}}&lt;/ref> and the [[list of cities in Australia by population|fifth-most populous city in Australia]]. The name "Adelaide" may refer to either '''Greater Adelaide''' (including the [[Adelaide Hills]]) or the [[Adelaide city centre]]. The [[demonym]] ''Adelaidean'' is used to denote the city and the residents of Adelaide. The [[Native title in Australia#Traditional owner|traditional owners]] of the Adelaide region are the [[Kaurna]].&lt;ref>[ SCD2018/001 – Kaurna Peoples Native Title Claim] [[National Native Title Tribunal]]. Retrieved 1 October 2022.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Kaurna Heritage] [[City of Adelaide]]. Retrieved 1 October 2022.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Aboriginal Culture|website=Experience Adelaide|access-date=13 October 2022}}&lt;/ref> The area of the city centre and surrounding [[Adelaide Park Lands|Park Lands]] is called ''{{lang|zku|Tarndanya|italic=yes}}'' in the [[Kaurna language]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Kaurna Place Names |url= |access-date=2022-06-09 |}}&lt;/ref> Adelaide is situated on the [[Adelaide Plains]] north of the [[Fleurieu Peninsula]], between the [[Gulf St Vincent]] in the west and the [[Mount Lofty Ranges]] in the east. Its metropolitan area extends {{convert|20|km|mi|abbr=on}} from the coast to the [[Adelaide Hills|foothills]] of the Mount Lofty Ranges, and stretches {{convert|96|km|mi|abbr=on}} from [[Gawler]] in the north to [[Sellicks Beach]] in the south. Named in honour of [[Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen|Queen Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen]], wife of [[William IV|King William IV]], the city was founded in 1836 as the [[new town|planned capital]] for the only freely-settled British province in Australia.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=How well do you know our Queen?|date=3 May 2013|website=The Advertiser|location=Adelaide|access-date=7 August 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=7 August 2019|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> [[William Light|Colonel William Light]], one of Adelaide's founding fathers, designed the city centre and chose its location close to the [[River Torrens]]. Light's design, now [[Australian National Heritage List|listed as national heritage]], set out the city centre in a [[grid plan|grid layout]] known as "[[Light's Vision]]", interspaced by wide boulevards and large public squares, and entirely surrounded by park lands. Early colonial Adelaide was shaped by the diversity and wealth of its free settlers, in contrast to the convict history of other Australian cities. It was Australia's third most populated city until the [[post-war]] era. It has been noted for its leading examples of religious freedom and progressive political reforms, and became known as the "[[City of Churches]]" due to its diversity of faiths. The city has also been renowned for its [[Automotive_industry_in_Australia#Holden|automotive industry]], as well as being the original host of the [[Australian Grand Prix]] in the [[Formula One|FIA Formula One World Championship]] from 1985 to 1995. Today, Adelaide is known by [[:Category:Festivals in Adelaide|its many festivals]] and sporting events, its [[South Australian wine|food and wine]],&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Best Adelaide Wine Tasting Tours &amp; Sightseeing |url= |access-date=2024-07-12 |website=BOS Adelaide Wine Tours and Sightseeing |language=en-US}}&lt;/ref> its coastline and hills, its large defence and manufacturing sectors, and its emerging space sector, including the [[Australian Space Agency]] being headquartered here. Adelaide's [[quality of life]] has ranked consistently highly in various measures through the 21st century, at one stage being named Australia's most liveable city, third in the world.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Adelaide named Australia's most liveable city, third in world |last=Kelsall |first=Thomas |date=9 June 2021 |website=InDaily |publisher=Solstice Media |access-date=2 October 2021}}&lt;/ref> Its aesthetic appeal has also been recognised by ''[[Architectural Digest]]'', which ranked Adelaide as the most beautiful city in the world in 2024.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The Most Beautiful Cities in the World|date=22 July 2024|accessdate=31 July 2024|work=[[Architectural Digest]]}}&lt;/ref> As South Australia's government and commercial centre, Adelaide is the site of many governmental and financial institutions. Most of these are concentrated in the [[Adelaide city centre|city centre]] along the cultural boulevards of [[North Terrace, Adelaide|North Terrace]] and [[King William Street, Adelaide|King William Street]]. == History == {{Main|History of Adelaide}} === Before European settlement === [[File:Kaurnaland.png|thumb|upright|alt= Area to the east of Gulf St Vincent highlighted|The approximate extent of Kaurna territory, based on the description by Amery (2000).]] The area around modern-day Adelaide was originally inhabited by the Indigenous [[Kaurna]] people, one of many [[Aboriginal Australian|Aboriginal]] tribes in South Australia. The city and [[Adelaide park lands|parklands]] area was known as Tarntanya,&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Kaurna people|website=Adelaidia|date=20 March 2017 |access-date=28 April 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=8 September 2017|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> Tandanya, now the short name of [[Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute]], Tarndanya,&lt;ref>{{cite web | title=Reconciliation | website=Adelaide City Council | url= | access-date=5 July 2021 | archive-date=12 July 2019 | archive-url= | url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> or [[Tarndanyangga]], now the dual name for Victoria Square, in the [[Kaurna language]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Kaurna Name: Tarndanyangga |access-date=28 April 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=12 March 2016 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> The name means 'male red kangaroo rock', referring to a rock formation on the site that has now been destroyed.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Do you know what Aboriginal land you're on today? |url= |access-date=2023-05-01 |website=NITV |language=en}}&lt;/ref> The surrounding area was an open grassy plain with patches of trees and shrubs which had been managed by hundreds of generations. Kaurna country encompassed the plains which stretched north and south of Tarntanya as well as the wooded foothills of the [[Mount Lofty Ranges|Mt Lofty Ranges]]. The River Torrens was known as the Karrawirra Pari (Red Gum forest river). About 300 Kaurna populated the Adelaide area, and were referred to by the settlers as the Cowandilla.&lt;ref name="KaurnaSA">{{cite web|url=;|website=SA History Hub|title=Kaurna People|access-date=29 April 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=28 April 2019|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> There were more than 20 local clans across the plain who lived semi-nomadic lives, with extensive [[Mound|mound settlements]] where huts were built repeatedly over centuries and a complex social structure including a class of sorcerers separated from regular society.&lt;ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Owen |first1=Timothy |last2=Pate |first2=Donald |date=2014-12-01 |title=A Kaurna burial, Salisbury, South Australia: Further evidence for complex late Holocene Aboriginal social systems in the Adelaide region |url= |journal=Australian Archaeology |language=en |volume=79 |issue=1 |pages=45–53 |doi=10.1080/03122417.2014.11682018 |s2cid=148063575 |issn=0312-2417}}&lt;/ref> Within a few decades of [[European settlement of South Australia]], Kaurna culture was almost completely destroyed. The last speaker of [[Kaurna language]] died in 1929.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|title=Adelaide: A Brief History (SA Govt)|archive-date=15 May 2013}}&lt;/ref> Extensive documentation by early missionaries and other researchers has enabled a modern revival of both,&lt;ref name=Amery>{{cite book |title=Warrabarna Kaurna! – Reclaiming an Australian Language |last=Amery |first=Rob |year=2000 |publisher=Swets &amp; Zeitlinger |location=The Netherlands |isbn=90-265-1633-9}}&lt;/ref> which has included a commitment by local and state governments to rename or include Kaurna names for many local places.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga|website=City of Adelaide|access-date=27 April 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=27 April 2019|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|website=Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi|title=Adelaide City Council Placenaming Initiatives|access-date=27 April 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=27 April 2019|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> === 19th century === [[File:Beechey, William - Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen - NPG 1533.jpg|upright|thumb|alt= Painting of person|Queen Adelaide, after whom the city was named.]] [[File:Adelaide supplement to the Illustrated Sydney News.png|thumb|right|alt= Refer to caption|In July 1876, the ''Illustrated Sydney News'' published a special supplement that included an early aerial view of the City of Adelaide: (South) Adelaide (the CBD), River Torrens, and portion of North Adelaide from a point above Strangways Terrace, [[North Adelaide]]]] Based on the ideas of [[Edward Gibbon Wakefield]] about colonial reform, [[Robert Gouger]] petitioned the British government to create a new colony in Australia, resulting in the passage of the [[South Australia Act 1834]]. Physical establishment of the colony began with the arrival of the first British colonisers in February 1836. The first [[Governor of South Australia|governor]] proclaimed the commencement of colonial government in South Australia on 28 December 1836, near [[The Old Gum Tree]] in what is now the suburb of [[Glenelg North]]. The event is commemorated in South Australia as [[Proclamation Day (South Australia)|Proclamation Day]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=City of Holdfast Bay – Proclamation Day |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=13 July 2012 }}&lt;/ref> The site of the colony's capital was surveyed and laid out by Colonel [[William Light]], the first surveyor-general of South Australia, with his own original, unique, topographically sensitive design. The city was named after [[Queen Adelaide]].&lt;ref>{{cite book|first=Rodney|last=Cockburn|title=South Australia: What's in a Name?|publisher=Axiom|edition=3rd|date=1990|page=3|url=|access-date=29 April 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=16 April 2019|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> Adelaide was established as a planned colony of free immigrants, promising civil liberties and freedom from religious persecution, based upon the ideas of [[Edward Gibbon Wakefield]]. Wakefield had read accounts of Australian settlement while in prison in London for attempting to abduct an heiress,&lt;ref>Wakefield cites: * Edward Curr, ''An Account of the Colony of Van Diemen's Land, principally designed for the use of emigrants'', George Cowie &amp; Co., London, 1824; * Henry Widdowson, ''Present State of Van Diemen's Land; comprising an account of its agricultural capabilities, with observations on the present state of farming, &amp;c. &amp;c. pursued in that colony: and other important matters connected with Emigration'', S. Robinson, W. Joy and J. Cross, London, and J. Birdsall, Northampton, 1829; and * James Atkinson, ''An Account of the State of Agriculture &amp; Grazing in New South Wales; Including Observations on the Soils and General Appearance of the Country, and some of its most useful natural productions; with an account of the Various Methods of Clearing and Improving Lands, Breeding and Grazing Live Stock, Erecting Buildings, the System of employing Convicts, and the expense of Labour generally; the Mode of Applying for Grants of Land; with Other Information Important to those who are about to emigrate to that Country: The result of several years' residence and practical experience in those matters in the Colony''., J. Cross, London, 1826&lt;/ref> and realised that the eastern colonies suffered from a lack of available labour, due to the practice of giving land grants to all arrivals.&lt;ref>Wakefield, ''Letter from Sydney'', December 1829, pp. 99–185, written from Newgate prison. Editor Robert Gouger.&lt;/ref> Wakefield's idea was for the Government to survey and sell the land at a rate that would maintain land values high enough to be unaffordable for labourers and journeymen.&lt;ref>Wakefield wrote about this under a pseudonym, purporting to be an Australian settler. His subterfuge was so successful that he confused later writers, including [[Karl Marx]], who wrote "It is the great merit of E.G. Wakefield to have discovered not anything new about the Colonies, but to have discovered in the Colonies the truth of as to the condition of capitalist production in the mother-country.' ''Das Kapital'', Moscow, 1958, p 766"&lt;/ref> Funds raised from the sale of land were to be used to bring out working-class emigrants, who would have to work hard for the monied settlers to ever afford their own land.&lt;ref>''Plan of a Company to be Established for the Purpose of Founding a Colony in Southern Australia, Purchasing Land Therein, and Preparing the Land so Purchased for the Reception of Immigrants'', 1832; in Wakefield, Edward Gibbon, Prichard, M. F., (ed.) ''The Collected Works of Edward Gibbon Wakefield'', Collins, London, 1968, p 290.&lt;/ref> As a result of this policy, Adelaide does not share [[Convictism in Australia|the convict settlement history]] of other Australian cities like [[Sydney]], [[Brisbane]] and [[Hobart]]. [[File:North Terrace, 1841.jpg|thumb|alt= Painting of a town near a river with woodlands and hills in the background|[[North Terrace, Adelaide|North Terrace]] in 1841]] As it was believed that in a colony of free settlers there would be little crime, no provision was made for a [[Prison|gaol]] in Colonel Light's 1837 plan. But by mid-1837 the ''[[South Australian Register]]'' was warning of escaped convicts from New South Wales and tenders for a temporary gaol were sought. Following a burglary, a murder, and two attempted murders in Adelaide during March 1838, Governor Hindmarsh created the South Australian Police Force (now the [[South Australia Police]]) in April 1838 under 21-year-old [[Henry Inman (police commander)|Henry Inman]].&lt;ref>[[John Wrathall Bull|J. W. Bull]]; [[Early Experiences of Colonial Life in South Australia]] (Adelaide, 1878) p.67&lt;/ref> The first sheriff, Samuel Smart, was wounded during a robbery, and on 2 May 1838 one of the offenders, Michael Magee, became the first person to be hanged in South Australia.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Free Settlement |url= |work=History of Adelaide Gaol | |access-date=7 September 2010 |archive-date=24 October 2009 |archive-url=}}&lt;/ref> William Baker Ashton was appointed governor of the temporary gaol in 1839, and in 1840 George Strickland Kingston was commissioned to design Adelaide's new gaol.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Gaol Founders |url= |work=History of Adelaide Gaol | |access-date=14 August 2012 |archive-date=25 October 2009 |archive-url=}}&lt;/ref> Construction of [[Adelaide Gaol]] commenced in 1841.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Light's Vision |work=History of Adelaide Gaol | |access-date=7 September 2010 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=25 October 2009}}&lt;/ref> Adelaide's early history was marked by economic uncertainty and questionable leadership.{{Dubious|date=October 2015}} The first governor of South Australia, [[John Hindmarsh]], clashed frequently with others, in particular the Resident Commissioner, [[James Hurtle Fisher]]. The rural area surrounding Adelaide was surveyed by Light in preparation to sell a total of over {{convert|405|km2|sqmi|abbr=on}} of land. Adelaide's early economy started to get on its feet in 1838 with the arrival of livestock from [[Victoria, Australia|Victoria]], [[New South Wales]] and [[Tasmania]]. Wool production provided an early basis for the South Australian economy. By 1860, wheat farms had been established from [[Encounter Bay]] in the south to [[Clare, South Australia|Clare]] in the north. [[File:Karte Adelaide MKL1888.png|thumb|left|upright|alt= Refer to caption|1888 map of Adelaide, showing the gradual development of its urban layout.]] [[George Gawler]] took over from Hindmarsh in late 1838 and, despite being under orders from the ''Select Committee on South Australia'' in Britain not to undertake any public works, promptly oversaw construction of a governor's house, the [[Adelaide Gaol]], police barracks, a hospital, a customs house and a wharf at [[Port Adelaide]]. Gawler was recalled and replaced by [[George Edward Grey]] in 1841. Grey slashed public expenditure against heavy opposition, although its impact was negligible at this point: silver was discovered in [[Glen Osmond]] that year, agriculture was well underway, and other mines sprung up all over the state, aiding Adelaide's commercial development. The city exported meat, wool, wine, fruit and wheat by the time Grey left in 1845, contrasting with a low point in 1842 when one-third of Adelaide houses were abandoned. Trade links with the rest of the Australian states were established after the [[Murray River]] was successfully navigated in 1853 by [[Francis Cadell (explorer)|Francis Cadell]], an Adelaide resident. South Australia became a [[self-governing colony]] in 1856 with the ratification of a new constitution by the British parliament. [[Secret ballot]]s were introduced, and a [[Bicameralism|bicameral]] parliament was elected on 9 March 1857, by which time 109,917 people lived in the province.&lt;ref>{{cite web |author=Blair, Robert D. |year=2001 |title=Events in South Australian History 1834–1857 |work=Pioneer Association of South Australia |url= |access-date=10 May 2006 |archive-url= |archive-date=7 June 2011 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> In 1860, the [[Thorndon Park Reserve|Thorndon Park reservoir]] was opened, providing an alternative water source to the now turbid River Torrens. Gas street lighting was implemented in 1867, the [[University of Adelaide]] was founded in 1874, the [[South Australian Art Gallery]] opened in 1881 and the [[Happy Valley Reservoir]] opened in 1896. In the 1890s Australia was affected by a severe economic depression, ending a hectic era of land booms and tumultuous expansionism. Financial institutions in Melbourne and banks in Sydney closed. The national fertility rate fell and immigration was reduced to a trickle.&lt;ref name="Guide">{{Cite web|url=|title=History of Adelaide, Australia. A short overview of the city history|last=Guide|first=Airport|date=6 January 2019|website=clickAcity|access-date=14 June 2019|archive-date=10 August 2020|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> The value of South Australia's exports nearly halved. Drought and poor harvests from 1884 compounded the problems, with some families leaving for Western Australia.&lt;ref name="Guide"/> Adelaide was not as badly hit as the larger gold-rush cities of Sydney and Melbourne, and silver and lead discoveries at [[Broken Hill]] provided some relief. Only one year of deficit was recorded, but the price paid was retrenchments and lean public spending. Wine and copper were the only industries not to suffer a downturn.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Adelaide &amp; Suburbs||access-date=14 June 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=28 September 2013|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> === 20th century === [[File:North Terrace in 1938.jpg|thumb|alt= Electric trams and motor cars at a crossroads in a densely built up area|The intersection of North Terrace and [[King William Street, Adelaide|King William Street]] viewed from [[Parliament House, Adelaide|Parliament House]], 1938.]] [[File:Aerial view of Adelaide, 1935 (adjusted).jpg|thumb|alt= Refer to caption|An aerial view of Adelaide in 1935, when it was Australia's third largest city. Of note is that only the eastern half of the new Parliament House (to left of station) had been completed.]] Adelaide was Australia's third largest city for most of the 20th century.&lt;ref name="Marsden">{{cite web|title=A history of Australian capital city centres since 1945|first=Susan|last=Marsden|url=|date=October 1997|access-date=23 April 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=4 April 2018|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite book|title=A History of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Adelaide 1876–2012|work=[[University of Adelaide]] Press|date=2012|pages=245|isbn=978-1-922064-36-3|last1=Harvey|first1=Nick|last2=Fornasiero|first2=Jean|last3=McCarthy|first3=Greg|last4=MacIntyre|first4=Clem|last5=Crossin|first5=Carl|publisher=University of Adelaide Press }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite book |first=Patrick |last=Troy |title=A History of European Housing in Australia |publisher=Cambridge University Press |year=2000 |isbn=978-0-521-77733-9 |page=188}}&lt;/ref> [[Electric street lighting]] was introduced in 1900 and electric trams were transporting passengers in 1909. 28,000 men were sent to fight in [[World War I]]. Historian [[F. W. Crowley]] examined the reports of visitors in the early 20th century, noting that "many visitors to Adelaide admired the [[Light's Vision|foresighted planning]] of its founders", as well as pondering the riches of the young city.&lt;ref>F.K. Crowley, ''Modern Australia in Documents: 1901–1939''&lt;/ref> Adelaide enjoyed a postwar boom, entering a time of relative prosperity. Its population grew, and it became the third most populous metropolitan area in the country, after [[Sydney]] and [[Melbourne]]. Its prosperity was short-lived, with the return of droughts and the [[Great Depression]] of the 1930s. It later returned to fortune under strong government leadership. [[Secondary sector of industry|Secondary industries]] helped reduce the state's dependence on [[primary sector of industry|primary industries]]. [[World War II]] brought industrial stimulus and [[diversification]] to Adelaide under the [[Thomas Playford IV|Playford]] Government, which advocated Adelaide as a safe place for manufacturing due to its less vulnerable location.&lt;ref>Cockburn, S (1991): ''Playford – Benevolent Despot.'' Axiom Publishing. P. 85. {{ISBN|0 9594164 4 7}}&lt;/ref> Shipbuilding was expanded at the nearby port of [[Whyalla, South Australia|Whyalla]]. The South Australian Government in this period built on former wartime manufacturing industries but neglected cultural facilities which meant South Australia's economy lagged behind.&lt;ref name="Marsden" /> International manufacturers like [[Holden]] and [[Fiat Chrysler Australia|Chrysler]]&lt;ref>When Chrysler stopped manufacturing in Adelaide, [[Mitsubishi Motors Australia]] took over the [[Tonsley Park]] factory. After many years of mixed fortunes, Mitsubishi ceased manufacturing at Tonsley Park on 27 March 2008.&lt;/ref> made use of these factories around the Adelaide area in [[suburbs]] like [[Elizabeth, South Australia|Elizabeth]], completing its transformation from an [[agricultural economy|agricultural service centre]] to a 20th-century motor city. The [[Mannum–Adelaide pipeline]] brought [[River Murray]] water to Adelaide in 1955 and [[Adelaide Airport|an airport]] opened at [[West Beach, South Australia|West Beach]] in 1955. [[Flinders University]] and the [[Flinders Medical Centre]] were established in the 1960s at Bedford Park, south of the city. Today, Flinders Medical Centre is one of the largest teaching hospitals in South Australia. In the post-war years around the early 1960s, Adelaide was surpassed by [[Brisbane]] as Australia's third largest city.&lt;ref name="Marsden" /> The [[Don Dunstan|Dunstan Governments]] of the 1970s saw something of an Adelaide "cultural revival",&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Adelaide Removalists South Australia||access-date=14 June 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=4 March 2019|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> establishing a wide array of social reforms. The city became noted for its [[progressivism]] as South Australia became the first Australian state or territory to [[LGBT rights in South Australia|decriminalise homosexuality]] between [[sexual consent|consenting]] adults in 1975.&lt;ref name=carbery>{{cite book |last=Carbery |first=Graham |title=Towards Homosexual Equality in Australian Criminal Law: A Brief History |year=2010 |edition=2nd |url= |publisher=Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives Inc. |access-date=23 April 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=5 March 2019 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> Adelaide became a centre for the arts, building upon the biennial "[[Adelaide Festival of Arts]]" that commenced in 1960. The [[State Bank of South Australia|State Bank]] collapsed in 1991 during an economic recession. The effects lasted until 2004, when [[Standard &amp; Poor's]] reinstated South Australia's AAA credit rating.&lt;ref>{{Cite news |title=All-round country |work=The Australian |page=14 |date=29 September 2004}}&lt;/ref> Adelaide's tallest building, completed in 2020, is called the Adelaidean and is located at 11 Frome Street.&lt;ref>{{cite web|title=Frome Central Tower|url=|archive-url=|url-status=usurped|archive-date=7 June 2020|work=[[Emporis]]|access-date=20 January 2021}}&lt;/ref> === 21st century === [[File:Adelaide 2022 Skyline.jpg|alt=Adelaide City Skyline during 2022 Australia Day Celebrations Forefront: Torrens River, Elder Bank and Riverbank Precinct. From Right to Left: Stanford Hotel, Convention Centre, Myer Centre, The Switch, Realm Adelaide, Frome Central Tower One, GSA North Terrace, Schulz Building (Adelaide University). |thumb|250px|left|Adelaide's eastern skyline during 2022 [[Australia Day]] celebrations]] In the early years of the 21st century, a significant increase in the state government's spending on Adelaide's infrastructure occurred. The [[Mike Rann|Rann government]] invested A$535&amp;nbsp;million in a major upgrade of the Adelaide Oval to enable [[Australian Football League]] to be played in the city centre&lt;ref>Michael Owen, The Australian, 3 December 2009&lt;/ref> and more than A$2 [[billion]] to build a new [[Royal Adelaide Hospital]] on land adjacent to the Adelaide Railway Station.&lt;ref>ABC News, Wednesday 7 June 2006&lt;/ref> The Glenelg tramline was extended through the city to Hindmarsh&lt;ref>ABC News, 6 April 2005&lt;/ref> down to East Terrace&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=City Tram Extension |url= | |publisher=Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure |access-date=20 November 2019 |archive-date=6 November 2020 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> and the suburban railway line extended south to Seaford.&lt;ref>ABC News, 13 May 2009&lt;/ref> Following a period of stagnation in the 1990s and 2000s, Adelaide began several major developments and redevelopments. The Adelaide Convention Centre was redeveloped and expanded at a cost of A$350&amp;nbsp;million beginning in 2012.&lt;ref>ABC News, 29 June 2011&lt;/ref> Three historic buildings were adapted for modern use: the [[Torrens Building]] in Victoria Square as the Adelaide campus for Carnegie Mellon University, University College London, and Torrens University;&lt;ref>News Release Government of SA, 15 May 2005&lt;/ref> the Stock Exchange building as the Science Exchange of the Royal Institution Australia; and the Glenside Psychiatric Hospital as the Adelaide Studios of the [[South Australian Film Corporation|SA Film Corporation]]. The government invested more than A$2&amp;nbsp;billion to build [[Adelaide Desalination Plant|a desalination plant]], powered by renewable energy, as an "insurance policy" against droughts affecting Adelaide's [[water supply]].&lt;ref>Nick Harmsen, ABC News, 11 September 2007&lt;/ref> The [[Adelaide Festival]], [[Adelaide Fringe Festival|Fringe]], and [[Womadelaide]] became annual events.&lt;ref>Adelaide Advertiser 26 February 2010&lt;/ref> [[File:Victoria Square, central Adelaide.jpg|thumb|center|500px|Victoria Square illuminated at night, c. 2014.]] == Geography == [[File:Free vector map of Adelaide Australia Level 12 G View.svg|thumb|A map of the Adelaide metropolitan area, with some suburbs named.]] Adelaide is north of the Fleurieu Peninsula, on the Adelaide Plains between the Gulf St Vincent and the low-lying Mount Lofty Ranges. The city stretches {{convert|20|km|mi|abbr=on}} from the coast to the foothills, and {{convert|90|km|mi|abbr=on}} from [[Gawler, South Australia|Gawler]] at its northern extent to [[Sellicks Beach, South Australia|Sellicks Beach]] in the south. According to the Regional Development Australia, an Australian government planning initiative, the "Adelaide Metropolitan Region" has a total land area of {{convert|870|km2|sqmi|abbr=on}}, while a more expansive definition by the Australian Bureau of Statistics defines a "Greater Adelaide" statistical area totalling {{convert|3259.8|km2|sqmi|abbr=on}}.&lt;ref name="ABS-GA" /> The city sits at an average elevation of {{convert|50|m|ft}} above sea level. [[Mount Lofty]], east of the Adelaide metropolitan region in the Adelaide Hills at an elevation of {{convert|727|m|ft}}, is the tallest point of the city and in the state south of [[Burra, South Australia|Burra]]. The city borders the [[Temperate Grassland of South Australia]] in the east, an endangered vegetation community.&lt;ref>[ Iron-grass Natural Temperate Grasslands of South Australia] {{Webarchive|url= |date=7 September 2022 }} Grasslands Biodiversity of South-Eastern Australia. Retrieved 7 September 2022.&lt;/ref> [[File:Adelaide, Australia ESA384290.jpg|thumb|Adelaide's metropolitan area as seen by the [[European Space Agency|ESA]]'s [[Sentinel-2]].]] Much of Adelaide was bushland before British settlement, with some variation – sandhills, swamps and marshlands were prevalent around the coast. The loss of the sandhills to urban development had a particularly destructive effect on the coastline due to erosion.&lt;ref>[ The Adelaide Metropolitan Coastline] {{Webarchive|url= |date=8 December 2015 }} ''Coastline'', South Australian Coastal Protection Board, No. 27, April 1993. Retrieved 6 December 2015.&lt;/ref> Where practical, the government has implemented programs to rebuild and vegetate sandhills at several of Adelaide's beachside suburbs. [[Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve|Tennyson Dunes]] is the largest contiguous, tertiary dune system contained entirely within Metropolitan Adelaide, providing refuge for a variety of remnant species formerly found along the entire coastline.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Wara Wayingga-Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve |url=}}&lt;/ref> Much of the original vegetation has been cleared with what is left to be found in reserves such as the [[Cleland National Park]] and [[Belair National Park]]. A number of creeks and rivers flow through the Adelaide region. The largest are the Torrens and [[Onkaparinga River National Park|Onkaparinga]] catchments. Adelaide relies on its many reservoirs for water supply with the [[Happy Valley Reservoir]] supplying around 40% and the much larger [[Mount Bold Reservoir]] 10% of Adelaide's domestic requirements respectively. ===Geology=== Adelaide and its surrounding area is one of the most seismically active regions in Australia. On 1 March 1954 at 3:40&amp;nbsp;am Adelaide experienced its largest recorded earthquake to date, with the epicentre 12&amp;nbsp;km from the city centre at [[Darlington, South Australia|Darlington]], and a reported magnitude of 5.6.&lt;ref>C. Kerr-Grant (1955): ''The Adelaide Earthquake of 1 March 1954'' (PDF). South Australian Museum, 10 November 1955. Retrieved 5 April 2009.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>''Adelaide, SA: Earthquake''. EMA Disasters Database. Emergency Management Australia, 13 September 2006. Retrieved 5 April 2009.&lt;/ref> There have been smaller earthquakes in 2010,&lt;ref>[ Adelaide hit by earth tremor] {{Webarchive|url= |date=11 August 2018 }} ''ABC News'', 17 April 2010. Retrieved 12 April 2018.&lt;/ref> 2011,&lt;ref>[ Shallow earthquake jolts Adelaide awake] {{Webarchive|url= |date=26 April 2017 }} ''ABC News'', 20 October 2011. Retrieved 12 April 2018.&lt;/ref> 2014,&lt;ref>[ Adelaide shaken by earth tremor which sounded like 'jet taking off'] {{Webarchive|url= |date=23 April 2019 }} ''ABC News'', 6 January 2014. Retrieved 12 April 2018.&lt;/ref> 2017,&lt;ref>[ Tremor shakes Adelaide nine days after larger earthquake in city] {{Webarchive|url= |date=17 April 2018 }} ''ABC News'', 10 February 2017. Retrieved 12 April 2018.&lt;/ref> 2018&lt;ref>[ Earthquake near Mannum felt across Adelaide suburbs and hills rumbled 'like a train'] {{Webarchive|url= |date=9 August 2018 }} ''ABC News'', 9 August 2018. Retrieved 12 September 2019.&lt;/ref> and 2022.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Earthquake rattles Adelaide but no reports of damage|work=[[Australian Broadcasting Corporation|ABC News]]|date=6 March 2022|access-date=27 May 2023}}&lt;/ref> The uplands of the [[Adelaide Hills]], part of the southern [[Mount Lofty Ranges]] to the east of Adelaide, are defined on their western side by a number of arcuate faults (the Para, Eden, Clarendon and Willunga Faults), and consist of rocks such as [[siltstone]], [[Dolomite (rock)|dolomite]] and [[quartzite]], dating from the [[Neoproterozoic]] to the middle [[Cambrian]], laid down in the Adelaide Rift Complex, the oldest part of the [[Adelaide Superbasin]].&lt;ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Veevers|first1=J. J.|last2=Walter|first2=M. R.|last3=Scheibner|first3=E.|date=1997|title=Neoproterozoic Tectonics of Australia-Antarctica and Laurentia and the 560 Ma Birth of the Pacific Ocean Reflect the 400 M.Y. Pangean Supercycle|journal=The Journal of Geology|language=en|volume=105|issue=2|pages=225–242|doi=10.1086/515914|bibcode=1997JG....105..225V|s2cid=140652348|issn=0022-1376}}&lt;/ref> Most of the Adelaide metropolitan area lies in the downthrown St Vincent Basin and its embayments, including the [[Adelaide Plains]] Sub-basin, and the Golden Grove, Noarlunga and Willunga Embayments. These basins contain deposits of [[Tertiary]] marine and non-marine sands and limestones, which form important aquifers.&lt;ref>Lindsay J.M. &amp; Alley, N.F. (1995): St Vincent Basin. In: Drexel, J.F. &amp; Preiss, W.V. (Eds.) ''The geology of South Australia. Vol.2, The Phanerozoic.'' pp. 163–171. South Australia Geological Survey, Bulletin 54. {{ISBN|0 7308 0621 9}}&lt;/ref> These deposits are overlain by [[Quaternary]] [[alluvial fan]]s and [[Foothills|piedmont]] slope deposits, derived from erosion of the uplands, consisting of sands, clays and gravels,&lt;ref>Callan, R.A., Sheard, M.J., Benbow, M.C. &amp; Belperio, A.P. (1995): Alluvial fans and piedmont slope deposits. In: Drexel, J.F. &amp; Preiss, W.V. (Eds.) ''The geology of South Australia. Vol.2, The Phanerozoic.'' pp. 241–242. South Australia Geological Survey, Bulletin 54. {{ISBN|0 7308 0621 9}}&lt;/ref> interfingering to the west with [[Marine transgression|transgressive]] [[Pleistocene]] to [[Holocene]] marine sands and coastal sediments of the shoreline of Gulf St Vincent.&lt;ref>Belperio, A.P. (1995): Coastal and marine sequences. In: Drexel, J.F. &amp; Preiss, W.V. (Eds.) ''The geology of South Australia. Vol.2, The Phanerozoic.'' pp. 220–240. South Australia Geological Survey, Bulletin 54. {{ISBN|0 7308 0621 9}}&lt;/ref> === Urban layout === {{Further|William Light}} Adelaide is a planned city, designed by the first Surveyor-General of South Australia, Colonel [[William Light]]. His plan, sometimes referred to as "Light's Vision" (also the name of a statue of him on [[Montefiore Hill]]), arranged Adelaide in a [[Grid plan|grid]], with [[:Category:Squares in Adelaide|five squares]] in the [[Adelaide city centre]] and a ring of parks, known as the [[Adelaide Parklands]], surrounding it. Light's selection of the location for the city was initially unpopular with the early settlers, as well as South Australia's first governor, John Hindmarsh, due to its distance from the harbour at Port Adelaide, and the lack of fresh water there.&lt;ref>Page, M. (1981): ''Port Adelaide and its Institute, 1851–1979.'' Rigby Publishers Ltd. Pp.17–20. {{ISBN|0-7270-1510-9}}&lt;/ref> [[File:Adelaide South Australia - panoramio.jpg|thumb|The [[Adelaide city centre|city centre]] was built on a [[grid plan]], known as ''Light's Vision''.]] Light successfully persisted with his choice of location against this initial opposition. Recent evidence suggests that Light worked closely with George Kingston as well as a team of men to set out Adelaide, using various templates for city plans going back to [[Ancient Greece]], including [[Italian Renaissance]] designs and the similar layouts of the American cities [[Philadelphia]] and [[Savannah, Georgia|Savannah]]–which, like Adelaide, follow the same layout of a central city square, four complementing city squares surrounding it and a parklands area that surrounds the city centre.&lt;ref>{{cite book|title=Adelaide|first=Kerryn|last=Goldsworthy|year=2011|publisher=NewSouth|isbn=9-7817-4224092-3|pages=83}}&lt;/ref> [[File:Transformers - Victoria Square Adelaide SA - panoramio.jpg|thumb|Aerial view of [[Victoria Square, Adelaide|Victoria Square]], one of the five main squares in the city centre and considered the heart of Adelaide's [[Grid plan|grid layout]].]] The benefits of Light's design are numerous: Adelaide has had wide multi-lane roads from its beginning, an easily navigable [[cardinal direction]] grid layout and an expansive green ring around the city centre. There are two sets of [[ring road]]s in Adelaide that have resulted from the original design. The [[City Ring Route, Adelaide|inner ring route]] ([[A21 road (Australia)|A21]]) borders the parklands, and the outer route ([[A3 road (South Australia)|A3]]/[[South Road, Adelaide|A13]]/[[A16 highway (Australia)|A16]]/[[A17 highway (Australia)|A17]]) completely bypasses the inner city via (in clockwise order) [[Grand Junction Road]], Hampstead Road, Ascot Avenue, [[Portrush Road]], [[Cross Road, Adelaide|Cross Road]] and [[South Road, Adelaide|South Road]].&lt;ref>[ ''Adelaide's Inner and Outer Ring Routes''] {{webarchive|url= |date=6 March 2014 }}, 24 August 2004, South Australian Department of Transport.&lt;/ref> Suburban expansion has to some extent outgrown Light's original plan. Numerous former outlying villages and "country towns", as well as the satellite city of [[Elizabeth, South Australia|Elizabeth]], have been enveloped by its [[urban sprawl|suburban sprawl]]. Expanding developments in the Adelaide Hills region led to the construction of the [[South Eastern Freeway]] to cope with growth, which has subsequently led to new developments and further improvements to that transport corridor. Similarly, the booming development in Adelaide's [[City of Onkaparinga|South]] led to the construction of the [[Southern Expressway (Australia)|Southern Expressway]]. New roads are not the only transport infrastructure developed to cope with the urban growth. The [[O-Bahn Busway]] is an example of a unique solution to [[Tea Tree Gully, South Australia|Tea Tree Gully's]] transport woes in the 1980s.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Adelaide's Freeways – A History from MATS to the Port River Expressway |work=Ozroads |url= |access-date=21 January 2006 |archive-url= |archive-date=27 September 2011 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> The development of the nearby suburb of [[Golden Grove, South Australia|Golden Grove]] in the late 1980s followed a planned approach to urban growth. In the 1960s, a [[Metropolitan Adelaide Transport Study]] Plan was proposed to cater for the future growth of the city. The plan involved the construction of freeways, [[Controlled-access highway|expressways]] and the upgrade of certain aspects of the public transport system. The then premier [[Steele Hall (Australian politician)|Steele Hall]] approved many parts of the plan and the government went as far as purchasing land for the project. The later [[Australian Labor Party|Labor]] government elected under [[Don Dunstan]] shelved the plan, but allowed the purchased land to remain vacant, should the future need for freeways arise. In 1980, the [[Liberal party of Australia|Liberal party]] won government and premier [[David Tonkin]] committed his government to selling off the land acquired for the MATS plan, ensuring that even when needs changed, the construction of most MATS-proposed freeways would be impractical. Some parts of this land have been used for transport, (e.g. the O-Bahn Busway and Southern Expressway), while most has been progressively subdivided for residential use. In 2008, the [[Government of South Australia|SA Government]] announced plans for a network of [[transport-oriented development]]s across the Adelaide metropolitan area and purchased a [[Clipsal site development|10 hectare industrial site]] at [[Bowden, South Australia|Bowden]] for $52.5&amp;nbsp;million as the first of these developments.&lt;ref>[ "Clipsal site at Bowden to become a green village"], Ministerial Press Release, 24 October 2008, SA Govt. Retrieved 20 November 2008.&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>&lt;!-- [ "Government reveals Clipsal site purchase price"] -->[ "Government reveals Clipsal site purchase price"], Ministerial Press Release, 15 November 2008, SA Govt, archived. Retrieved 27 November 2018.&lt;/ref> ==== Housing ==== {{Main|Australian residential architectural styles}} [[File:Heritage terraces on Adelaide's North Terrace.jpg|thumb|right|Terraced housing on [[North Terrace, Adelaide|North Terrace]]]] Historically, Adelaide's suburban residential areas have been characterised by single-storey detached houses built on {{convert|1/4|acre|m2|adj=on|order=flip}} blocks. A relative lack of suitable, locally-available timber for construction purposes led to the early development of a brick-making industry, as well as the use of stone, for houses and other buildings. By 1891, 68% of houses were built of stone, 15% of timber, and 10% of brick, with brick also being widely used in stone houses for quoins, door and window surrounds, and chimneys and fireplaces.&lt;ref>Gibbs, R.M. (2013): ''Under the burning sun: a history of colonial South Australia, 1836–1900''. Peacock Publications. Pp. 58, 333–4. {{ISBN|978-1-921601-85-9}}&lt;/ref> There is a wide variety in the styles of these houses. Until the 1960s, most of the more substantial houses were built of red brick, though many front walls were of ornamental stone. Then cream bricks became fashionable, and in the 1970s, deep red and brown bricks became popular.{{citation needed|date=December 2015}} Until the 1970s, roofs tended to be clad with (painted) [[corrugated iron]] or cement or clay tiles, usually red "terracotta"&lt;!--local terminology, do not link-->. Since then, [[Colorbond]] corrugated steel has dominated. Most roofs are pitched. Flat roofs are not common.&lt;ref name=Cadden/> Up to the 1970s, most houses were of "double brick" construction on concrete footings, with timber floors laid on joists supported by "dwarf walls". Later houses have mainly been of "[[brick veneer]]" construction – structural [[Framing (construction)|timber]] or, more recently, [[steel frame#Cold-formed steel frames|lightweight steel]] frame on a [[concrete slab]] [[Foundation (engineering)|foundation]], lined with [[Gyprock]], and with an outer skin of brickwork,&lt;ref name=Cadden>Rosemary Cadden: ''Building South Australia: celebrating 125 years''. Solstice Media. pp. 77, 87. {{ISBN|978-0-646-51343-0}}&lt;/ref> to cope with Adelaide's [[Shrink–swell capacity|reactive soils]], particularly Keswick Clay, black earth and some red-brown earth soils.&lt;ref>Sheard, M. J., &amp; A. P. Belperio (1995): "Problem soils". In: Drexel, J. F. &amp; Preiss, W. V. (eds.) ''The geology of South Australia''. Vol.2, The Phanerozoic. p. 274. South Australia Geological Survey, Bulletin 54. {{ISBN|978-0-7308-0621-9}}&lt;/ref> The use of precast concrete panels for floor and wall construction has also increased.&lt;ref name=Cadden /> In addition to this, a significant factor in Adelaide's suburban history is the role of the [[South Australian Housing Trust]].{{Why|date=January 2023}} &lt;gallery mode="packed"> File:OIC n adelaide carclew (cropped).jpg|[[Carclew, North Adelaide|Carclew House]] File:Bluestone Balcony (16746204054).jpg|Two-storey house in [[North Adelaide]]. Much of Adelaide's early housing was built with bluestone. File:House in Adelaide.jpg|Heritage-listed [[bluestone]] 19th-century house in the city centre File:Tudor Revival house, Adelaide (01).jpg|[[Tudor Revival]] house in [[Unley Park, South Australia|Unley Park]] File:House in Lockleys, South Australia.jpg|House in [[Lockleys, South Australia|Lockleys]] with two distinguishing features that characterise Adelaide houses: a brush fence and red brick veneer. &lt;/gallery> === Climate === {{Main|Climate of Adelaide}} [[File:Lightning in Adelaide, South Australia, 2014.jpg|thumb|A spring storm over Adelaide]] Adelaide has a hot-summer [[Mediterranean climate]] (''Csa'') under the [[Köppen climate classification]].&lt;ref>{{cite book |last1=Tapper |first1=Andrew |last2=Tapper |first2=Nigel |title=The weather and climate of Australia and New Zealand |year=1996 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Melbourne, Australia |isbn=0-19-553393-3 |edition=First |editor=Gray, Kathleen |page=300}}&lt;/ref> The city has hot, dry summers and cool winters with moderate rainfall. Most [[precipitation]] falls in the winter months, leading to the suggestion that the climate be classified as a "cold monsoon".&lt;ref>[ What's a 'cold monsoon'? And is it the best way to describe Adelaide's climate?] {{Webarchive|url= |date=29 May 2018 }} ''ABC News'', 3 May 2018. Retrieved 30 May 2018.&lt;/ref> Rainfall is unreliable, light and infrequent throughout summer, although heavy falls can occur. The winter has fairly reliable rainfall with June being the wettest month of the year, averaging around 80&amp;nbsp;mm. [[Frost]]s are occasional, with the most notable occurrences in 1908 and 1982. Hail is common in winter. Adelaide is a windy city with significant [[wind chill]] in winter, which makes the temperature [[apparent temperature|seem colder than it actually is]]. Snowfall in the metropolitan area is extremely rare, although light and sporadic falls in the nearby hills and at [[Mount Lofty]] occur during winter. Dewpoints in the summer typically range from {{convert|8|to|10|°C|°F}}. There are usually several days in summer where the temperature reaches {{convert|40.0|°C|°F}} or above; the frequency of these temperatures has been [[Climate of Adelaide#Climate data and extremes|increasing in recent years]].&lt;ref>Richards, Stephanie (6 February 2019). [ Planners warn of climate change risks for Adelaide], ''[[InDaily]]''. Retrieved 24 February 2023.&lt;/ref> Temperature extremes range from −0.4&amp;nbsp;°C (31.4&amp;nbsp;°F), 8 June 1982 to 47.7&amp;nbsp;°C (117.9&amp;nbsp;°F), 24 January 2019. The city features 90.6 clear days annually. The average sea temperature ranges from {{convert|13.7|°C|°F}} in August to {{convert|21.2|°C|°F}} in February.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=Glenelg Sea Temperature &amp;#124; Australia Water Temperatures |url= | |access-date=20 September 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=20 September 2017 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> {{Weather box | collapsed = yes | location = Adelaide (Kent Town) 1991–2020 averages, 1977–2020 extremes | metric first = yes | single line = yes |rain colour = green | Jan record high C = 47.7 | Feb record high C = 44.7 | Mar record high C = 42.2 | Apr record high C = 36.9 | May record high C = 31.1 | Jun record high C = 25.4 | Jul record high C = 23.1 | Aug record high C = 30.4 | Sep record high C = 34.3 | Oct record high C = 39.0 | Nov record high C = 43.0 | Dec record high C = 45.2 | Jan high C = 30.0 | Feb high C = 29.7 | Mar high C = 26.6 | Apr high C = 23.0 | May high C = 19.0 | Jun high C = 16.2 | Jul high C = 15.6 | Aug high C = 16.7 | Sep high C = 19.3 | Oct high C = 22.5 | Nov high C = 25.4 | Dec high C = 27.6 | year high C = 22.6 | Jan mean C = 23.8 | Feb mean C = 23.6 | Mar mean C = 21.0 | Apr mean C = 17.9 | May mean C = 14.6 | Jun mean C = 12.3 | Jul mean C = 11.7 | Aug mean C = 12.4 | Sep mean C = 14.6 | Oct mean C = 17.1 | Nov mean C = 19.8 | Dec mean C = 21.7 | year mean C = 17.5 | Jan low C = 17.6 | Feb low C = 17.5 | Mar low C = 15.3 | Apr low C = 12.7 | May low C = 10.2 | Jun low C = 8.3 | Jul low C = 7.7 | Aug low C = 8.1 | Sep low C = 9.9 | Oct low C = 11.7 | Nov low C = 14.1 | Dec low C = 15.8 | year low C = 12.4 | Jan record low C = 9.2 | Feb record low C = 9.5 | Mar record low C = 7.2 | Apr record low C = 4.3 | May record low C = 1.5 | Jun record low C = -0.4 | Jul record low C = 0.4 | Aug record low C = 0.9 | Sep record low C = 2.6 | Oct record low C = 4.7 | Nov record low C = 5.3 | Dec record low C = 7.9 | Jan rain mm = 21.2 | Feb rain mm = 20.0 | Mar rain mm = 24.9 | Apr rain mm = 37.6 | May rain mm = 59.3 | Jun rain mm = 77.7 | Jul rain mm = 71.1 | Aug rain mm = 66.9 | Sep rain mm = 59.6 | Oct rain mm = 40.0 | Nov rain mm = 31.0 | Dec rain mm = 28.3 | year rain mm = 536.5 | unit rain days = 0.2 mm | Jan rain days = 4.7 | Feb rain days = 3.7 | Mar rain days = 5.9 | Apr rain days = 8.2 | May rain days = 12.7 | Jun rain days = 14.6 | Jul rain days = 16.3 | Aug rain days = 16.2 | Sep rain days = 13.5 | Oct rain days = 9.9 | Nov rain days = 8.3 | Dec rain days = 7.2 | year rain days = 121.2 | humidity colour = green | Jan afthumidity = 36 | Feb afthumidity = 36 | Mar afthumidity = 40 | Apr afthumidity = 45 | May afthumidity = 55 | Jun afthumidity = 61 | Jul afthumidity = 59 | Aug afthumidity = 54 | Sep afthumidity = 50 | Oct afthumidity = 44 | Nov afthumidity = 40 | Dec afthumidity = 38 | Jan percentsun = 74 | Feb percentsun = 75 | Mar percentsun = 71 | Apr percentsun = 65 | May percentsun = 53 | Jun percentsun = 45 | Jul percentsun = 48 | Aug percentsun = 54 | Sep percentsun = 55 | Oct percentsun = 64 | Nov percentsun = 65 | Dec percentsun = 67 | Jan sun = 325.5 | Feb sun = 285.3 | Mar sun = 266.6 | Apr sun = 219.0 | May sun = 167.4 | Jun sun = 138.0 | Jul sun = 148.8 | Aug sun = 186.0 | Sep sun = 204.0 | Oct sun = 257.3 | Nov sun = 273.0 | Dec sun = 294.5 | year sun = | source = [[Bureau of Meteorology]].&lt;ref name="ABOM">{{cite web |url=;p_prim_element_index=0&amp;p_comp_element_index=0&amp;redraw=null&amp;p_display_type=full_statistics_table&amp;normals_years=1991-2020&amp;tablesizebutt=normal |title=Climate statistics for ADELAIDE (KENT TOWN) 1991–2020 averages |work=Climate statistics for Australian locations |publisher=Bureau of Meteorology |access-date= December 18, 2021 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Climate statistics for ADELAIDE (KENT TOWN) all years |work=Climate statistics for Australian locations |publisher=Bureau of Meteorology |access-date= December 18, 2021 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Climate statistics for Australian locations – Summary statistics ADELAIDE (KENT TOWN) |publisher=Bureau of Meteorology |access-date=1 July 2023 &lt;!-- this is source of rainy days figures --> }}&lt;/ref> }} {{Weather box | collapsed = yes | metric first = yes | single line = yes &lt;!-- Any entry in this line will display metric and imperial units in the same cell. Leave blank or remove this line for separate table rows. --> | location = Parafield Airport (15km N of Adelaide, 10m ASL, 1991-2020 averages, 1939-2024 extremes) &lt;!-- Record high temperatures --> &lt;!-- Note that record temperatures should only be used when the data period is of the greatest length possible. --> | Jan record high C =47.7 | Feb record high C =44.7 | Mar record high C =42.7 | Apr record high C =38.2 | May record high C =31.1 | Jun record high C =26.3 | Jul record high C =26.5 | Aug record high C =30.4 | Sep record high C =35.0 | Oct record high C =39.2 | Nov record high C =44.3 | Dec record high C =46.7 | year record high C = &lt;!-- Average high temperatures --> | Jan high C =30.9 | Feb high C =30.6 | Mar high C =27.4 | Apr high C =23.7 | May high C =19.3 | Jun high C =16.2 | Jul high C =15.6 | Aug high C =16.7 | Sep high C =19.6 | Oct high C =23.2 | Nov high C =26.6 | Dec high C =28.6 | year high C = &lt;!-- Mean daily temperature --> | Jan mean C =23.8 | Feb mean C =23.7 | Mar mean C =20.9 | Apr mean C =17.6 | May mean C =14.2 | Jun mean C =11.5 | Jul mean C =10.9 | Aug mean C =11.6 | Sep mean C =13.9 | Oct mean C =16.8 | Nov mean C =19.9 | Dec mean C =21.8 | year mean C = &lt;!-- Average low temperatures --> | Jan low C =16.7 | Feb low C =16.7 | Mar low C =14.3 | Apr low C =11.5 | May low C =9.0 | Jun low C =6.8 | Jul low C =6.2 | Aug low C =6.4 | Sep low C =8.2 | Oct low C =10.3 | Nov low C =13.1 | Dec low C =14.9 | year low C = &lt;!-- Record low temperatures --> &lt;!-- Note that record temperatures should only be used when the data period is of the greatest length possible. --> | Jan record low C =7.6 | Feb record low C =5.0 | Mar record low C =5.9 | Apr record low C =0.6 | May record low C =-1.4 | Jun record low C =-2.4 | Jul record low C =-2.8 | Aug record low C =-2.0 | Sep record low C =-0.2 | Oct record low C =1.4 | Nov record low C =2.5 | Dec record low C =5.6 | year record low C = | rain colour = green &lt;!-- Enter "green" for green rainfall colours, "none" for no colours, remove this line for blue colouring. --> | Jan rain mm =19.7 | Feb rain mm =18.4 | Mar rain mm =22.4 | Apr rain mm =33.2 | May rain mm =46.9 | Jun rain mm =54.2 | Jul rain mm =55.6 | Aug rain mm =50.7 | Sep rain mm =46.6 | Oct rain mm =31.8 | Nov rain mm =23.0 | Dec rain mm =22.6 | year rain mm = &lt;!-- Average number of rainy days --> | Jan rain days =4.3 | Feb rain days =3.5 | Mar rain days =5.3 | Apr rain days =7.9 | May rain days =11.5 | Jun rain days =12.9 | Jul rain days =15.4 | Aug rain days =14.6 | Sep rain days =12.8 | Oct rain days =8.5 | Nov rain days =6.9 | Dec rain days =5.8 | year rain days = |source =&lt;ref name="">{{cite web |url = |title = Climate statistics for Australian locations |publisher = BoM |access-date = 18 May 2024}}&lt;/ref> }} === Liveability === [[File:Rymill Park in autumn.jpg|thumb|[[Rymill Park, Adelaide|Rymill Park]] in autumn]] Adelaide was consistently ranked in the world's 10 [[Global Liveability Ranking|most liveable cities]] through the 2010s by [[The Economist Intelligence Unit]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Global Liveability Ranking||access-date=29 April 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=1 May 2019|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The world's most liveable cities in 2018|publisher=MSN|access-date=29 April 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=15 August 2018|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Global Liveability Ranking 2016|first=EIU digital|last=solutions||access-date=29 April 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=4 May 2019|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=These are the most livable cities in the world|first=Saheli Roy|last=Choudhury|website=[[CNBC]]|date=17 August 2016|access-date=29 April 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=15 August 2018|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> In June 2021, ''The Economist'' ranked Adelaide the third most liveable city in the world, behind [[Auckland]] and [[Osaka]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Adelaide outperforms interstate rivals to be declared world's third most liveable city |date=9 June 2021 |website=ABC News |publisher=Australian Broadcasting Corporation |access-date=22 June 2021}}&lt;/ref> In June 2023, Adelaide was ranked the twelfth most liveable city in the world by the Economist Intelligence Unit.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The world's most liveable cities have been revealed. Here's how Australia ranked|work=[[SBS Australia|SBS]]|date=22 June 2023|access-date=24 June 2023}}&lt;/ref> In December 2021, Adelaide was named the world's second National Park City, after the state government had lobbied for this title.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url=;nk=18fdf904b5b20207861d6efb7319548e-1639211239|website =Adelaide Now |title =Adelaide becomes world's second National Park City|date =10 December 2021|url-access =subscription }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Adelaide National Park City] Green Adelaide. Retrieved 9 January 2022.&lt;/ref> It was ranked the [[most liveable city]] in Australia by the [[Property Council of Australia]], based on surveys of residents' views of their own city, between 2010 and 2013,&lt;ref>{{Cite news |url= |work=[[ABC News (Australia)|ABC News Online]] |publisher=Australian Broadcasting Corporation |date=22 January 2011 |title=Adelaide crowned nation's most livable city |access-date=23 January 2011}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite news |url= |work=[[The Advertiser (Adelaide)|The Advertiser]]|location=Adelaide |date=25 March 2012 |title=Adelaide voted nation's most liveable |access-date=2 July 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=1 July 2012 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{Cite news |url= |work=[[The Sydney Morning Herald]] |date=4 March 2013 |title=Adelaide the country's most liveable city |access-date=4 March 2013 |archive-url= |archive-date=5 March 2013 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> dropping to second place in 2014.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|website=Australian Property Council|title=Novocastrians Crave Change|first=Andrew|last=Fletcher|date=4 March 2014|access-date=29 April 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=7 April 2016|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> == Governance == {{Main|Government of South Australia}} [[File:Parliament House, South Australia.jpg|thumb|[[Parliament House, Adelaide]]]] Adelaide, as the capital of South Australia, is the seat of the [[Government of South Australia]]. The [[bicameral]] [[Parliament of South Australia]] consists of the [[lower house]] known as the [[South Australian House of Assembly|House of Assembly]] and the [[upper house]] known as the [[South Australian Legislative Council|Legislative Council]]. [[South Australian state elections|General elections]] are held every four years, the last being the [[2022 South Australian state election]]. As Adelaide is South Australia's capital and most populous city, the [[Government of South Australia|State Government]] co-operates extensively with the [[City of Adelaide]]. In 2006, the Ministry for the City of Adelaide was created to facilitate the State Government's collaboration with the [[Adelaide City Council]] and the Lord Mayor to improve Adelaide's image. The State Parliament's Capital City Committee is also involved in the governance of the City of Adelaide, being primarily concerned with the planning of Adelaide's urban development and growth.&lt;ref>[ Capital City Committee] Government of South Australia, Department of the Premier and Cabinet. Retrieved 23 July 2021.&lt;/ref> Reflecting South Australia's status as Australia's most centralised state, Adelaide elects a substantial majority of the South Australian House of Assembly. Of the 47 seats in the chamber, 34 seats (three-quarters of the legislature) are based in Adelaide, and two rural seats include Adelaide suburbs. === Local governments === {{Further|Local government areas of South Australia}} The Adelaide metropolitan area is divided between nineteen [[Local Government Areas of South Australia|local government areas]]. At its centre, the [[City of Adelaide]] administers the [[Adelaide city centre]], [[North Adelaide]], and the surrounding [[Adelaide Parklands]]. It is the oldest municipal authority in Australia and was established in 1840, when Adelaide and Australia's first mayor, [[James Hurtle Fisher]], was elected. From 1919 onwards, the city has had a [[List of Mayors and Lord Mayors of Adelaide|Lord Mayor]], the current being Lord Mayor ''The Right Honourable'' [[Jane Lomax-Smith]]. == Demography == [[File:Adelaide density.jpg|thumb|Adelaide's population density by mesh blocks (MB), 2016 census]] Adelaide's inhabitants are known as Adelaideans.&lt;ref name="Salt">{{cite web |url= |first=Bernard |last=Salt |date=27 March 2011 |access-date=16 April 2011 |title=Adelaide's European twin |work=[[Sunday Mail (Adelaide)|Sunday Mail]] |location=Adelaide |publisher=[[News Corp Australia|News Limited]] |quote=[...] the Adelaideans could withdraw to vantage points within the city centre [...] |archive-url= |archive-date=10 August 2011 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Adelaidean">{{cite web |url= |title=On your bike, Adelaide |year=2015 |work=Adelaidean |publisher=[[University of Adelaide]] |location=Adelaide |access-date=7 March 2016 |quote=It could be argued that Adelaideans are easily influenced by all things wheels [...] |archive-url= |archive-date=7 March 2016 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> Compared with Australia's other state capitals, Adelaide is growing at a rate similar to Sydney and Hobart (see [[List of cities in Australia by population]]). In 2020, it had a metropolitan population (including suburbs) of more than 1,376,601,&lt;ref name=ABSCapitalPop>{{cite web|title=Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2019–2020: Main Features|url=|website=Australian Bureau of Statistics|publisher=[[Australian Bureau of Statistics]]|date=22 March 2021|access-date=24 April 2021}} Estimated resident population, 30 June 2018.&lt;/ref> making it Australia's fifth-largest city. 77%&lt;ref>[;tabname=Summary&amp;prodno=3218.0&amp;issue=2013-14&amp;num=&amp;view= 3218.0 – Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2013–14] {{webarchive|url=;tabname=Summary&amp;prodno=3218.0&amp;issue=2013-14&amp;num=&amp;view= |date=20 February 2016 }} SOUTH AUSTRALIA STATE SUMMARY Australian Bureau of Statistice, 31 March 2015. Retrieved 11 February 2016.&lt;/ref> of the population of South Australia are residents of the Adelaide metropolitan area, making South Australia one of the most centralised states. Major areas of population growth in recent years have been in outer suburbs such as [[Mawson Lakes, South Australia|Mawson Lakes]] and Golden Grove. Adelaide's inhabitants occupy 366,912 houses, 57,695 semi-detached, row terrace or town houses and 49,413 flats, units or apartments.&lt;ref name="ABS2011">{{cite web |url= |title=Population Of Adelaide in 2016 | |date=13 January 2016 |access-date=20 September 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=24 October 2016 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> About one sixth (17.1%) of the population had university qualifications. The number of Adelaideans with vocational qualifications (such as tradespersons) fell from 62.1% of the labour force in the 1991 census to 52.4% in the 2001 census. Adelaide is ageing more rapidly than other Australian capital cities. More than a quarter (27.5%) of Adelaide's population is aged 55&amp;nbsp;years or older, in comparison to the national average of 25.6%. Adelaide has the lowest number of children (under-15-year-olds), who comprised 17.7% of the population, compared to the national average of 19.3%.&lt;ref name="ABS2011" /> === Ancestry and immigration === {| class="wikitable" style="float:right;" |+ Country of Birth (2021)&lt;ref name="auto">{{Cite web|url=|title=2021 Greater Adelaide, Census Community Profiles |website=Australian Bureau of Statistics|access-date=2 July 2022}}&lt;/ref> ! Birthplace{{NoteTag|In accordance with the Australian Bureau of Statistics source, England, Scotland, [[Mainland China]] and the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and [[Macau]] are listed separately}} !! Population |- | Australia ||953,200 |- | England ||78,486 &lt;!-- England and Scotland are listed separately as per the source. Do not combine --> |- | India || 42,933 |- | [[Mainland China]] || 24,921 &lt;!-- Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau SARs are listed separately as per the source. Do not combine --> |- | Vietnam || 16,564 |- | Italy || 15,667 |- | Philippines ||12,826 |- | New Zealand ||10,238 |- | Scotland ||9,381 |- | Malaysia ||8,509 |- | Afghanistan ||7,909 |- | Germany ||7,680 |- | Greece ||7,590 |- | Nepal ||7,055 |- | South Africa ||6,983 |- | Pakistan ||5,432 |- | Iran ||5,147 |} [[File:Adelaide Chinatown.jpg|thumb|A [[paifang]] at the entrance of [[Chinatown, Adelaide|Chinatown]] on Moonta Street in the [[Adelaide Central Market|Central Market precinct]]]] At the 2021 census, the most commonly nominated ancestries were:&lt;ref name="auto"/> &lt;!-- Only ancestries with >1% are listed. --> {{columns-list|colwidth=13em| * [[English Australians|English]] (35.7%) * Australian (29.2%){{NoteTag|The Australian Bureau of Statistics has stated that most who nominate "Australian" as their ancestry are part of the [[Anglo-Celtic Australian|Anglo-Celtic]] group.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url =!OpenDocument|title = Feature Article – Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Australia (Feature Article) |author = [[Australian Bureau of Statistics]] | |date = January 1995 |access-date=16 June 2019 |archive-url =|archive-date=20 April 2016 |url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>}} * [[Scottish Australians|Scottish]] (7.9%) * [[Irish Australians|Irish]] (7.5%) * [[Italian Australians|Italian]] (7.1%) * [[German Australians|German]] (6.3%) * [[Chinese Australians|Chinese]] (4.5%) * [[Indian Australians|Indian]] (3.3%) * [[Greek Australian|Greek]] (2.9%) * [[Vietnamese Australians|Vietnamese]] (1.7%) * [[Aboriginal Australians|Australian Aboriginal]] (1.6%){{refn|group="N"|Those who nominated their ancestry as "Australian Aboriginal". Does not include [[Torres Strait Islanders]]. This relates to nomination of ancestry and is distinct from persons who identify as Indigenous (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander) which is a separate question.}} * [[Dutch Australians|Dutch]] (1.6%) * [[Filipino Australians|Filipino]] (1.4%) * [[Polish Australians|Polish]] (1.3%) }} Overseas-born Adelaideans composed 31.3% of the total population at the 2021 census. The five largest groups of overseas-born were from England (5.7%), India (3.1%), [[Mainland China]] (1.8%), Vietnam (1.2%) and Italy (1.1%).&lt;ref name="auto1">{{Cite web|url=|title=2021 Greater Adelaide, Census All persons QuickStats |website=Australian Bureau of Statistics|access-date=2 July 2022}}&lt;/ref> Suburbs including [[Newton, South Australia|Newton]], [[Payneham, South Australia|Payneham]] and [[Campbelltown, South Australia|Campbelltown]] in the east and [[Torrensville, South Australia|Torrensville]], [[West Lakes, South Australia|West Lakes]] and [[Fulham, South Australia|Fulham]] to the west, have large [[Greek Australian|Greek]] and [[Italian Australian|Italian]] communities. The Italian consulate is located in the western suburb of [[Hindmarsh, South Australia|Hindmarsh]].&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Foreign embassies and consulates in Australia - Consulate of Italy (SA) |website=Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade|access-date=19 April 2024}}&lt;/ref> Large [[Vietnamese Australian|Vietnamese]] populations are settled in the north-western suburbs of [[Woodville, South Australia|Woodville]], [[Kilkenny, South Australia|Kilkenny]], [[Pennington, South Australia|Pennington]], [[Mansfield Park, South Australia|Mansfield Park]] and [[Athol Park, South Australia|Athol Park]] and also [[Parafield Gardens, South Australia|Parafield Gardens]] and [[Pooraka, South Australia|Pooraka]] in Adelaide's north. Migrants from [[Indian Australian|India]] and [[Sri Lankan Australian|Sri Lanka]] have settled into inner suburban areas of Adelaide including the inner northern suburbs of [[Blair Athol, South Australia|Blair Athol]], [[Kilburn, South Australia|Kilburn]] and [[Enfield, South Australia|Enfield]] and the inner southern suburbs of [[Plympton, South Australia|Plympton]], [[Park Holme, South Australia|Park Holme]] and [[Kurralta Park, South Australia|Kurralta Park]].{{citation needed|date=September 2019}} Suburbs such as [[Para Hills, South Australia|Para Hills]], [[Salisbury, South Australia|Salisbury]], [[Ingle Farm, South Australia|Ingle Farm]] and [[Blair Athol, South Australia|Blair Athol]] in the north and [[Findon, South Australia|Findon]], [[West Croydon, South Australia|West Croydon]] and [[Seaton, South Australia|Seaton]] and other Western suburbs have sizeable [[Afghan Australian|Afghan]] communities. [[Chinese Australian|Chinese migrants]] favour settling in the eastern and north eastern suburbs including [[Kensington Gardens, South Australia|Kensington Gardens]], [[Greenacres, South Australia|Greenacres]], [[Modbury, South Australia|Modbury]] and [[Golden Grove, South Australia|Golden Grove]]. [[Mawson Lakes, South Australia|Mawson Lakes]] has a large international student population, due to its proximity to the [[University of South Australia]] campus.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |last=Zysk |first=Ania |year=2005 |title=Network Mawson Lakes: International and Local Links |url=,approximately%201%20400%20of%20those%20are%20international%20students. |access-date=10 May 2024 |website=Isana Conference Proceedings |page=2 |quote=There are around 5 147 students and approximately 1 400 of those are international students.}}&lt;/ref> At the 2021 census, 1.7% of Adelaide's population identified as being [[Indigenous Australians|Indigenous]] — [[Aboriginal Australians]] and [[Torres Strait Islanders]].{{refn|group="N"|Indigenous identification is separate to the ancestry question on the Australian Census and persons identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander may identify any ancestry.}}&lt;ref name="auto1"/> === Language === At the 2016 census, 75.4% of the population spoke [[Australian English|English]] at home. The other languages most commonly spoken at home were Italian (2.1%), [[Standard Mandarin]] (2.1%), Greek (1.7%) Vietnamese (1.4%), and [[Cantonese]] (0.7%).&lt;ref name="">{{cite web |url = |title=2016 Greater Adelaide, Census Community Profiles &amp;#124; Australian Bureau of Statistics |access-date=16 June 2019 |archive-url = |archive-date=22 June 2019 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> The [[Kaurna language]], spoken by the area's original inhabitants, had no living speakers in the middle of the 20th century, but since the 1990s there has been a sustained revival effort from academics and Kaurna elders.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Kaurna language (Kaurna warra)|last=Amery|first=Rob|date=9 December 2013|access-date=22 October 2022|website=SA History Hub}}&lt;/ref> === Religion === [[File:Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church.jpg|thumb|left|St Nicholas Church, a Russian Orthodox church in [[Wayville, South Australia|Wayville]]. Adelaide's 19th century moniker was ''The City of Churches''.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Adelaide – the City of Churches||access-date=7 August 2022}}&lt;/ref>]] Adelaide was founded on a vision of religious tolerance that attracted a wide variety of religious practitioners. This led to it being known as ''The City of Churches''.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title=Religion: Diversity |access-date=15 November 2013 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=10 August 2013 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title=Religious freedom |access-date=15 November 2013 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=9 March 2014 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ Religion: Diversity] {{webarchive|url= |date=10 August 2013 }}, SA Memory. Retrieved 23 December 2010.&lt;/ref> But approximately 28% of the population expressed no religious affiliation in the 2011 Census, compared with the national average of 22.3%, making Adelaide one of Australia's least religious cities.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url=;navpos=220 |title=2011 Census – Greater Adelaide |access-date=30 October 2020 |archive-date=2 May 2013 |archive-url=;navpos=220 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> According to 2021 census, 39.8% population of Adelaide identifies as Christian, with the largest denominations being [[Roman Catholic Church in Australia|Catholic]] (16.4%), [[Anglican Church of Australia|Anglican]] (7.0%), [[Uniting Church in Australia|Uniting Church]] (3.9%) and [[Greek Orthodox Church|Greek Orthodox]] (2.4%). Non-Christian faith communities representing 9.5% from Adelaide's population, includes [[Islam]] (2.8%), [[Hinduism]] (2.7%) and [[Buddhism]] (2.3%).&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=Religion {{!}} City of Adelaide {{!}} Community profile |url= |access-date=2024-06-24 | }}{{Dead link|date=September 2024 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}&lt;/ref> The Jewish community of the city dates back to 1840. Eight years later, 58 Jews lived in the city.&lt;ref name=JVL>[ Adelaide] {{Webarchive|url= |date=15 October 2015 }}, Jewish Virtual Library, Encyclopaedia Judica, 2008.&lt;/ref> A synagogue was built in 1871, when 435 Jews lived in the city. Many took part in the city councils, such as [[Judah Moss Solomon]] (1852–66). Three Jews have been elected to the position of [[List of mayors and lord mayors of Adelaide|city mayor]].&lt;ref>[ Adelaide] {{Webarchive|url= |date=8 November 2014 }},, 1906.&lt;/ref> In 1968, the Jewish population of Adelaide numbered about 1,200;&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=The Jewish Community of Adelaide |url = |website=Beit Hatfutsot Open Databases Project |publisher=The Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot |access-date=22 July 2018 |archive-url= |archive-date=22 July 2018 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> in 2001, according to the Australian census, 979 persons declared themselves to be Jewish by religion.&lt;ref name="JVL" /> In 2011, over 1,000 Jews were living in the city, operating an [[Orthodox Judaism|Orthodox]] and a [[Reform Judaism|Reform]] synagogue, in addition to a virtual Jewish museum. Massada College, a Jewish primary school opened in the city in 1975 and closed in 2011.&lt;ref>[ South Australia’s only Jewish school to close] ''Jewish Telegraphic Agency''. 4 July 2011&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |archive-url =|url-status=live |title=Adelaide Jewish Museum |archive-date=16 December 2013 | }}&lt;/ref> The "[[Afghan (Australia)|Afghan]]" community in Australia first became established in the 1860s when camels and their Pathan, Punjabi, Baluchi and Sindhi handlers began to be used to open up settlement in the continent's arid interior.&lt;ref>{{cite book |last1=Westrip |first1=J. |last2=Holroyde |first2=P. |year=2010 |title=Colonial Cousins: a surprising history of connections between India and Australia |publisher=[[Wakefield Press (Australia)|Wakefield Press]] |location=[[Kent Town, South Australia]] |isbn=978-1-86254-841-1 |ol=24582860M }}&lt;/ref> Until eventually superseded by the advent of the railways and motor vehicles, camels played an invaluable economic and social role in transporting heavy loads of goods to and from isolated settlements and mines. This is acknowledged by the name of [[The Ghan]], the passenger train operating between Adelaide, Alice Springs, and Darwin. The [[Central Adelaide Mosque]] is regarded as Australia's oldest permanent mosque; an earlier [[Marree Mosque|mosque at Marree]] in northern South Australia, dating from 1861 to 1862 and subsequently abandoned or demolished, has now been rebuilt. == Economy == [[File:NRAHfront.jpg|thumb|The new [[Royal Adelaide Hospital]] opened in 2017. Health care and social assistance is the largest [[Australian Bureau of Statistics|ABS]]-defined employment sector in South Australia.&lt;ref name=autogenerated2>{{cite web |url = |title = 1345.4 – SA Stats, June 2011 |access-date=24 May 2011 |archive-url = |archive-date=16 November 2011 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref>]] South Australia's largest employment sectors are health care and social assistance,&lt;ref name=autogenerated2 />&lt;ref name=autogenerated1>{{cite web |url= |title = Health now our biggest employer – Adelaide Now |access-date=24 May 2011 |archive-url= |archive-date=30 April 2011 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> surpassing manufacturing in SA as the largest employer since 2006–07.&lt;ref name=autogenerated2 />&lt;ref name=autogenerated1 /> In 2009–10, manufacturing in SA had average annual employment of 83,700 persons compared with 103,300 for health care and social assistance.&lt;ref name=autogenerated2 /> Health care and social assistance represented nearly 13% of the state average annual employment.&lt;ref name=autogenerated3>[;tabname=Summary&amp;prodno=1345.4&amp;issue=Apr%202011&amp;num=&amp;view= 1345.4 – SA Stats, Apr 2011] {{Webarchive|url=;tabname=Summary&amp;prodno=1345.4&amp;issue=Apr%202011&amp;num=&amp;view= |date=2 May 2012 }}. Retrieved 26 July 2013.&lt;/ref> The [[Adelaide Hills wine region]] is an iconic and viable economic region for both the state and country in terms of wine production and sale. The 2014 vintage is reported as consisting of {{convert|5836|t|abbr=on}} red grapes crushed valued at A$8,196,142 and {{convert| 12,037|t|abbr=on}} white grapes crushed valued at $14,777,631.&lt;ref name=PGIBSA25>PGIBSA, 2014, page 25&lt;/ref> The retail trade is the second largest employer in SA (2009–10), with 91,900 jobs, and 12 per cent of the state workforce.&lt;ref name=autogenerated3 /> Manufacturing, defence technology, high-tech electronic systems and research, commodity export and corresponding service industries all play a role in the SA economy. Almost half of all cars produced in Australia were made in Adelaide at the [[Holden Elizabeth Plant]] in [[Elizabeth, South Australia|Elizabeth]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=South Australia Fact Sheet: Automotive Industry |publisher=Government of South Australia |access-date=26 July 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=9 August 2007}}&lt;/ref> The site ceased operating in November 2017. The [[State Bank of South Australia|collapse of the State Bank in 1992]] resulted in large levels of state public debt (as much as A$4&amp;nbsp;billion). The collapse meant that successive governments enacted lean budgets, cutting spending, which was a setback to the further economic development of the city and state. The debt has more recently been reduced with the State Government once again receiving a AAA+ Credit Rating.&lt;ref>[] {{dead link|date=June 2016|bot=medic}}{{cbignore|bot=medic}}&lt;/ref> The global media conglomerate [[News Corporation]] was founded in, and until 2004 incorporated in, Adelaide and it is still considered its "spiritual" home by its founder, [[Rupert Murdoch]].&lt;ref>{{Cite episode |title=News Corp bids Adelaide farewell |access-date=24 October 2021 |series=AM |first=Nance |last=Haxton |station=ABC Radio |date=26 October 2004 |time=08:24:42 |url=}} &lt;/ref> Australia's largest oil company, [[Santos Limited|Santos]], prominent South Australian brewery, [[Coopers Brewery|Coopers]], and national retailer [[Harris Scarfe]] also call Adelaide their home. In 2018, at which time more than 80 organisations employed 800 people in the space sector in South Australia, Adelaide was chosen for the headquarters of a new [[Australian Space Agency]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=South Australia beats strong competition to be home to Australia's new space agency |work=ABC News (Australia) |last1=Maclennan |first1=Leah |last2=Winter |first2=Caroline |date=11 December 2018 |access-date=28 September 2021 |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=11 December 2018 }}&lt;/ref> The agency opened its in 2020. It is working to triple the size of the Australian space industry and create 20,000 new jobs by 2030.&lt;ref>{{cite web|title=Australian Space Agency opens in Adelaide|publisher=Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources of Australia|date=19 February 2020|url=|access-date=22 July 2021|archive-date=19 February 2020|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> === Defence industry === [[File:US Navy 040823-N-3019M-003 The Australian Collins-class submarine, HMAS Rankin (SSK 78), enters Pearl Harbor for a port visit after completing exercises in the Pacific region.jpg|thumb|The Adelaide-built {{sclass|Collins|submarine}} {{HMAS|Rankin|SSG 78|6}} entering [[Pearl Harbor]], August 2004.]] Adelaide is home to a large proportion of Australia's defence industries, which contribute over A$1&amp;nbsp;billion to South Australia's Gross State Product.&lt;ref>[ Visualised: How Defence dominates govt tenders in SA] {{Webarchive|url= |date=28 January 2016 }} ''InDaily'', 28 August 2013. Retrieved 11 January 2016.&lt;/ref> The principal government military research institution, the [[Defence Science and Technology Organisation]], and other defence technology organisations such as [[BAE Systems Australia]] and Lockheed Martin Australia, are north of Salisbury and west of Elizabeth in an area now called "Edinburgh Parks", adjacent to [[RAAF Base Edinburgh]]. Others, such as Saab Systems and Raytheon, are in or near [[Technology Park, Adelaide|Technology Park]]. [[ASC Pty Ltd]], is based in the industrial suburb of [[Osborne, South Australia|Osborne]] and is also a part of [[Technology Park, Adelaide|Technology Park]]. South Australia was charged with constructing Australia's {{sclass|Collins|submarine|1}}s and more recently the A$6&amp;nbsp;billion contract to construct the [[Royal Australian Navy]]'s new [[Hobart-class destroyer|air-warfare destroyers]].&lt;ref>[ ''South Australia: The Defence Industry Choice''] {{Webarchive|url= |date=31 July 2012 }}, Defence SA.&lt;/ref> === Employment statistics === {{as of|2015|November}}, Greater Adelaide had an unemployment rate of 7.4% with a youth unemployment rate of 15%.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title=Workforce Wizard &amp;#124; WorkReady – Skills and Employment |website = |date=14 September 2017 |access-date=20 September 2017 |archive-url = |archive-date=23 February 2016 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> The median weekly individual income for people aged 15&amp;nbsp;years and over was $447 per week in 2006, compared with $466 nationally. The median family income was $1,137 per week, compared with $1,171 nationally.&lt;ref name=ABS>{{Census 2006 AUS|id=405|name=Adelaide (Statistical Division)|quick=on|access-date=28 February 2008}}&lt;/ref> Adelaide's housing and living costs are substantially lower than that of other Australian cities, with housing being notably cheaper. The median Adelaide house price is half that of Sydney and two-thirds that of Melbourne. The three-month trend unemployment rate to March 2007 was 6.2%.&lt;ref>[ ''Adelaide''] {{webarchive|url= |date=4 September 2007 }}, Labour Market Information Portal.&lt;/ref> The Northern suburbs' unemployment rate is disproportionately higher than the other regions of Adelaide at 8.3%, while the East and South are lower than the Adelaide average at 4.9% and 5.0% respectively.&lt;ref>[ ''SA Regional Labour Force Data''] {{webarchive|url= |date=19 June 2007 }}, April 2007, Australian Bureau of Statistics Labour Force Survey.&lt;/ref> === House prices === Over the decade March 2001 – March 2010, Metropolitan Adelaide median house prices approximately tripled. (approx. 285% – approx. 11%p.a. compounding) In the five years March 2007 – March 2012, prices increased by approx. 27% – approx. 5%p.a. compounding. March 2012 – March 2017 saw a further increase of 19% – approx. 3.5%p.a. compounding.&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=State and Metro Adelaide Historical Median House Prices |url= | |access-date=9 March 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=17 March 2019 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=statistics |url= | |access-date=9 March 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=17 March 2019 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=SA house prices surge ahead |url= | |archive-url= |archive-date=4 July 2010}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name=":0">{{cite web|url=|title=Median house sales by quarter|last=Australia|first=Government of South||access-date=21 June 2017|archive-url=|archive-date=4 July 2017|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> In summary: {| class=wikitable |- align=right ! March|| 2001 || 2002 || 2003 || 2004 || 2005 || 2006 || 2007 || 2008 || 2009 || 2010 |- align=right | Median || $140,000 || $170,000 || $200,000 || $250,000 || $270,000 || $280,000 || $300,000 || $360,000 || $350,000 || $400,000 |- align=right |% change || || 21% || 18% || 25% || 8% || 4% || 7% || 20% || −3% || 14% |- align=right ! March || 2011 || 2012 || 2013 || 2014 || 2015 || 2016 || 2017 || 2018 || 2019 || 2020 |- align=right | Median || $400,000 || $380,000 || $393,000 || $413,000 || $425,000 || $436,000 || $452,000 || $470,000 || $478,500 || |- align=right |% change || 0% || −5% || 3% || 5% || 3% || 3% || 4% || || || |- | colspan=11 |''All numbers approximate and rounded.&lt;br />Since March 2012, the REISA&lt;ref name=RESIA>Real Estate Institute of South Australia (REISA)&lt;/ref> no longer release a median house price for the Adelaide Metropolitan area, so figures retrieved are from Dept of the Premier and Cabinet.''&lt;ref name=":0" /> |} Each quarter, The Alternative and Direct Investment Securities Association (ADISA) publishes a list of median house sale prices by suburb and [[Local government in Australia|Local Government Area]].{{citation needed|date=October 2014}} (Previously, this was done by REISA&lt;ref name=RESIA />) Due to the small sizes of many of Adelaide's suburbs, the low volumes of sales in these suburbs, and (over time) the huge variations in the numbers of sales in a suburb in a quarter, statistical analysis of "the most expensive suburb" is unreliable; the suburbs appearing in the "top 10 most expensive suburbs this quarter" list is constantly varying. Quarterly Reports for the last two years can be found on the REISA website.&lt;ref>{{cite web |last= |first= |date=23 August 2023 |title=Median House Prices – REISA |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=3 December 2012 |access-date=23 August 2023 |website=The Real Estate Institute of South Australia (REISA)}}&lt;/ref> &lt;!--These files have been moved!! Need to find where they've been moved to – work in progress.*2006: [ Q4] * 2007: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4*2008: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4*2009: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4*2010: Q1, Q2, Q3, [ Q4]--> == Education and research == {{Main|South Australia#Education|l1=Education in South Australia}} [[File:Adelaide (AU), Barr Smith Library -- 2019 -- 0677.jpg|thumb|[[Barr Smith Library]], part of the [[University of Adelaide]]]] Education forms an increasingly important part of the city's economy, with the [[Government of South Australia|South Australian Government]] and educational institutions attempting to position Adelaide as "Australia's education hub" and marketing it as a "Learning City".&lt;ref name="eduhub">{{cite news |first=Verity |last=Edwards |title=Education attracts record numbers |work=The Weekend Australian |date=3 May 2008}}&lt;/ref> The number of international students studying in Adelaide has increased rapidly in recent years to 30,726 in 2015, of which 1,824 were secondary school students.&lt;ref name="thecity">{{cite news |first=Amelia |last=Broadstock |title=International Uni student numbers a billion dollar boom for Adelaide |work=The City Messenger |date=6 May 2015}}&lt;/ref> In addition to the city's existing institutions, foreign institutions have been attracted to set up campuses to increase its attractiveness as an education hub.&lt;ref name="UCL">{{cite news |first=Lucy |last=Hodges |url= |title=Brave new territory: University College London to open a branch in Australia |work=The Independent (UK) |date=29 May 2008 |access-date=23 August 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=17 March 2011 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title=About Heinz Australia: Carnegie Mellon Heinz College |publisher=Carnegie Mellon University |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=10 April 2011 }}&lt;/ref> Adelaide is the birthplace of three Nobel laureates, [[List of Australian Nobel laureates#Australian laureates by birthplace|more than any other Australian city]]: physicist [[William Lawrence Bragg]] and pathologists [[Howard Florey]] and [[Robin Warren]], all of whom completed secondary and tertiary education at [[St Peter's College, Adelaide|St Peter's College]] and the [[University of Adelaide]]. Adelaide is also the hometown of mathematician [[Terence Tao]]. === Primary and secondary education === There are two systems of primary and secondary schools, a public system operated by the South Australian Government's [[Department for Education (South Australia)|Department for Education]], and a private system of independent and Catholic schools.&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Australia 101 – Education in Australia||access-date=14 June 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=9 March 2019|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> [[List of schools in South Australia|South Australian schools]] provide education under the [[Australian Curriculum]] for reception to Year 10 students. In Years 10 to 12, students study for the [[South Australian Certificate of Education]] (SACE). They have the option of incorporating [[Vocational education|vocational education and training]] (VET) courses or a flexible learning option (FLO).&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Curriculum in South Australian schools|access-date=12 October 2022|}}&lt;/ref> South Australia also has 24 schools that use [[International Baccalaureate]] programs as an alternative to the Australian Curriculum or SACE. These programs include the [[IB Primary Years Programme]], the [[IB Middle Years Programme]], and the [[IB Diploma Programme]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Find an IB school South Australia|access-date=12 October 2022|website=ib schools australasia|archive-date=12 October 2022|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> For South Australian students who cannot attend a traditional school, including students who live in rural or remote areas, the state government runs the Open Access College (OAC), which provides virtual teaching. The OAC has a campus in [[Marden, South Australia|Marden]] which caters to students from reception to Year 12 and adults who haven't been able to complete their SACE.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=External education|access-date=12 October 2022|}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Marden Campus|date=20 March 2019|access-date=12 October 2022|website=Open Access College}}&lt;/ref> Guardians are also able to apply for their child to be educated from home as long as they provide an education program which meets the same requirements as the Australian Curriculum as well as opportunities for social interaction.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Home education|access-date=12 October 2022|}}&lt;/ref> === Tertiary education === [[File:Torrens Building, Wakefield St, Adelaide.JPG|thumb|Historic Torrens Building in [[Victoria Square, Adelaide|Victoria Square]] houses campuses of several international universities operating in South Australia.]] There are three public universities local to Adelaide, as well as one private university and three constituent colleges of foreign universities. [[Flinders University of South Australia]], the [[University of Adelaide]], the [[University of South Australia]] and [[Torrens University Australia]]—part of the [[Laureate International Universities]] are based in Adelaide. The University of Adelaide was ranked in the top 150 universities worldwide. Flinders ranked in the top 250 and Uni SA in the top 300. Torrens University Australia is part of an international network of over 70 higher education institutions in more than 30 countries worldwide. The historic Torrens Building in [[Victoria Square, Adelaide|Victoria Square]]&lt;ref>The historic Torrens Building in Victoria Square was beautifully restored at (considerable) taxpayer expense not long before SA Premier [[Mike Rann]] announced that it would be used as the core of Adelaide's international university precinct.{{Citation needed|date=January 2011}}&lt;/ref> houses [[Carnegie Mellon University]]'s [[Heinz College Australia]], and [[University College London]]'s School of Energy and Resources (Australia), and constitute the city's international university precinct.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= | |publisher=Government of South Australia |title=Carnegie Mellon University |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=23 November 2011}}&lt;/ref> The [[University of Adelaide]], with 25,000 students,&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Facts &amp; Figures |publisher=University of Adelaide |access-date=1 June 2012 |archive-date=21 July 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url=}}&lt;/ref> is Australia's third-oldest university and a member of the leading "[[Group of Eight (Australian universities)|Group of Eight]]". It has five campuses throughout the state, including two in the city-centre, and a campus in Singapore. The [[University of South Australia]], with 37,000 students,&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Facts about UniSA |publisher=University of South Australia |access-date=1 June 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=16 May 2012 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> has two North Terrace campuses, three other campuses in the metropolitan area and campuses in the regional cities of [[Whyalla]] and [[Mount Gambier]]. The University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia have had multiple proposals to merge into a single university. A proposal in 2018 failed due to uncertainty as to the new name and leadership of the merged university.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=University of Adelaide, UniSA merger proposal failed after uncertainty over name and leadership|last=Siebert|first=Bension|date=21 January 2021|access-date=23 December 2022|website=ABC News}}&lt;/ref> In 2022, the universities announced a new merger proposal, with the name and leadership issues settled and support from the South Australian government.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=University of Adelaide and UniSA revive merger talks, with new combined uni pitched for 2026|date=7 December 2022|access-date=23 December 2022|website=ABC News}}&lt;/ref> [[Flinders University]], with 25,184 students,&lt;ref>[ Student and staff numbers, 2016] {{Webarchive|url= |date=26 February 2018 }} Flinders University, 21 July 2017. Retrieved 26 February 2018.&lt;/ref> is based in the southern suburb of [[Bedford Park, South Australia|Bedford Park]], alongside the [[Flinders Medical Centre]], with additional campuses in neighbouring [[Tonsley]] and in Victoria Square in the city centre. The [[Adelaide College of Divinity]] is at [[Brooklyn Park, South Australia|Brooklyn Park]]. There are several South Australian [[TAFE South Australia|TAFE]] (Technical and Further Education) campuses in the metropolitan area that provide a range of vocational education and training. The [[Adelaide College of the Arts]], as a school of TAFE SA, provides nationally recognised training in visual and performing arts. === Research === [[File:Bonython Hall, Adelaide by Paul Weston (cropped).jpg|thumb|right|[[University of Adelaide|Bonython Hall, University of Adelaide]]]] In addition to the universities, Adelaide is home to research institutes, including the [[Royal Institution of Australia]], established in 2009 as a counterpart to the two-hundred-year-old [[Royal Institution]] of Great Britain.&lt;ref>{{cite news |first=Verity |last=Edwards |title=RI Australia plugs into world science |work=The Weekend Australian |date=3 May 2008}}&lt;/ref> Many of the organisations involved in research tend to be geographically clustered throughout the Adelaide metropolitan area: * The east end of [[North Terrace, Adelaide|North Terrace]]: [[SA Pathology]];&lt;ref>[ History] {{Webarchive|url= |date=16 January 2011 }}, [ Our research] {{Webarchive|url= |date=16 January 2011 }}, Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science&lt;/ref> [[Hanson Institute]];&lt;ref>[ About us] {{Webarchive|url= |date=25 July 2008 }}, [ History] {{Webarchive|url= |date=25 July 2008 }} , Hanson Institute&lt;/ref> [[National Wine Centre of Australia|National Wine Centre]]. * The west end of North Terrace: [[South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute]] (SAHMRI), located next to the [[Royal Adelaide Hospital]]. * The [[Waite Research Precinct]]: [[South Australian Research and Development Institute|SARDI]] Head Office and Plant Research Centre; [[Australian Wine Research Institute|AWRI]];&lt;ref>[ The Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI)] {{Webarchive|url= |date=25 December 2010 }},;/ref> [[Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics|ACPFG]];&lt;ref>[ Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics (ACPFG)] {{Webarchive|url= |date=18 December 2010 }},;/ref> [[CSIRO]] research laboratories.&lt;ref name="CSIROWaite">{{cite web | title=Waite Campus, Urrbrae | website=CSIRO | date=6 September 2019 | url= | access-date=6 September 2019 | archive-url= | archive-date=6 September 2019 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> SARDI also has establishments at [[Glenside, South Australia|Glenside]]&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Livestock – Glenside Laboratories |access-date=6 January 2011 |archive-url= |archive-date=19 February 2011 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> and [[West Beach, South Australia|West Beach]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=SARDI |access-date=6 January 2011 |archive-url= |archive-date=19 February 2011 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> * [[Edinburgh, South Australia]]: [[Defence Science and Technology Organisation|DSTO]]; [[BAE Systems]] (Australia); [[Lockheed Martin]] Australia Electronic Systems. * [[Technology Park Adelaide|Technology Park]] ([[Mawson Lakes, South Australia|Mawson Lakes]]): BAE Systems; [[Optus]]; [[Raytheon]]; [[Topcon]]; Lockheed Martin Australia Electronic Systems. * Research Park at [[Thebarton, South Australia|Thebarton]]: businesses involved in materials engineering, biotechnology, environmental services, information technology, industrial design, laser/optics technology, health products, engineering services, radar systems, telecommunications and petroleum services. * Science Park (adjacent to Flinders University): Playford Capital. * The [[Basil Hetzel]] Institute for Translational Health Research&lt;ref>{{cite web |title=A great of the SA science world |url= |website=The Advertiser|location=Adelaide |date=24 May 2012 |access-date=9 March 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=15 December 2018 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> in [[Woodville, South Australia|Woodville]] the research arm of the [[Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide]] * The [[The Joanna Briggs Institute|Joanna Briggs Institute]], a global research collaboration for evidence-based healthcare with its headquarters in North Adelaide. &lt;gallery mode="packed"> File:OIC adelaide north terrace bldg nr east end.jpg|Mitchell Building, University of Adelaide File:Hawke Building, UniSA.jpg| The Hawke Building, part of [[University of South Australia|UniSA]]'s City West Campus File:Flinders from hill 3.jpg| [[Flinders University]] buildings from the campus hills File:Torrens Building, Victoria Square.jpg| Torrens University File:SAHMRI.jpg| South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) &lt;/gallery> == {{anchor|culture}}Cultural life == [[File:Art Gallery of South Australia, North Terrace, Adelaide.jpg|thumb|The [[Art Gallery of South Australia]] on North Terrace]] {{see also|Tourism in Adelaide|South Australia#Cultural life|Department of the Premier and Cabinet (South Australia)#Arts and culture|List of festivals in Australia#South Australia}} [[File:ACC - NYE low res-69.jpg|thumb|New Year's Eve celebrations in [[Elder Park]] on the River Torrens (mid right), Adelaide Oval (further, left) and Adelaide Festival Centre (near right) are also in view.]] While established as a [[British colonisation of South Australia|British province]], and very much English in terms of its culture, Adelaide attracted immigrants from other parts of Europe early on, including German and other European non-conformists escaping religious persecution. The first [[German Australians#Old Lutherans|German Lutherans arrived in 1838]],&lt;ref>Monteath, P., Paul, M., &amp; Martin, R. (2014): ''Interned: Torrens Island 1914–1915'', Wakefield Press, {{ISBN|9781743053386}} p. 8&lt;/ref> bringing with them the [[vine cuttings]] that they used to found the acclaimed wineries of the [[Barossa Valley]]. The [[Royal Adelaide Show]] is an annual [[agricultural show]] and [[state fair]], established in 1839 and now a huge event held in the [[Adelaide Showground]] annually. Adelaide's arts scene flourished in the 1960s and 1970s with the support of successive premiers from both major political parties. The renowned [[Adelaide Festival of Arts]] was established in 1960 under Thomas Playford, which in the same year spawned an unofficial uncurated series of performances and exhibits which grew into the [[Adelaide Fringe]]. Construction of the [[Adelaide Festival Centre]] began under Steele Hall in 1970 and was completed under the subsequent government of [[Don Dunstan]], who also established the [[South Australian Film Corporation]] in 1972 and the [[State Opera of South Australia]] in 1976. Over time, the Adelaide Festival expanded to include [[Adelaide Writers' Week]] and [[WOMADelaide]], and other separate festivals were established, such as the [[Adelaide Cabaret Festival]] (2002), the [[Adelaide Festival of Ideas]] (1999), the [[Adelaide Film Festival]] (2013), [[Feast Festival|FEAST]] (1999, a [[LGBT culture|queer culture]]), [[Tasting Australia]] (1997, a food and wine affair), and [[Illuminate Adelaide]] (2021). With the Festival, the Fringe, WOMADelaide, Writers' Week and the [[Adelaide 500]] street motor racing event (along with evening music concerts) all happening in early March, the period became known colloquially as "Mad March". In 2014, [[Ghil'ad Zuckermann]] founded the [[Adelaide Language Festival]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Adelaide Language Festival 2014|archive-url=|archive-date=10 March 2015|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Adelaide Language Festival, 2017|archive-url=|archive-date=9 September 2017|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> There are many international cultural fairs, most notably the German [[Schützenfest (Adelaide)|Schützenfest]] and Greek [[Glendi]]. Adelaide holds an annual [[Adelaide Christmas Pageant|Christmas pageant]], the world's largest [[Santa Claus parade|Christmas parade]]. [[File:Palm House, Adelaide Botanic Gardens.jpg|thumb|Palm House at the [[Adelaide Botanic Garden]]]] === North Terrace institutions === As the state capital, Adelaide has a great number of cultural institutions, many of them along the boulevard of [[North Terrace, Adelaide|North Terrace]]. The [[Art Gallery of South Australia]], with about 35,000 works, holds Australia's second largest state-based collection. Adjacent are the [[South Australian Museum]] and [[State Library of South Australia]]. The [[Adelaide Botanic Garden]], [[National Wine Centre]] and [[Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute]] are nearby in the [[East End, Adelaide|East End]] of the city. In the back of the State Library lies the [[Migration Museum, Adelaide|Migration Museum]], Australia's oldest museum of its kind. Further west, the [[Lion Arts Centre]] is home to [[ACE Open]], which showcases contemporary art; [[Dance Hub SA]]; and other studios and arts industry spaces. The [[Mercury Cinema]] and the [[JamFactory]] ceramics and design gallery are just around the corner. === Performing arts venues === [[File:Adelaide, Australia (February 2017) (33505366456).jpg|thumb|The [[Adelaide Town Hall]]]] [[File:The Orb, Adelaide Entertainment Centre.jpg|thumb|The [[Adelaide Entertainment Centre]], the largest indoor sports and entertainment venue in Adelaide]] The Adelaide Festival Centre (which includes the Dunstan Playhouse, Festival Theatre and Space Theatre), on the banks of the Torrens, is the focal point for much of the cultural activity in the city and home to the [[State Theatre Company of South Australia]]. Other live music and theatre venues include the [[Adelaide Entertainment Centre]]; [[Adelaide Oval]]; [[Memorial Drive Park]]; [[Thebarton Theatre]]; [[Adelaide Town Hall]]; [[Her Majesty's Theatre, Adelaide|Her Majesty's Theatre]]; [[Queen's Theatre, Adelaide|Queen's Theatre]]; [[Holden Theatres]]; and the Hopgood Theatre. The [[Lion Arts Factory]], within the Lion Arts Centre, hosts contemporary music in a wide range of genres, as does "[[The Gov]]" in [[Hindmarsh, South Australia|Hindmarsh]]. The city also has numerous smaller theatres, pubs and cabaret bars which host performances. ===Music=== [[File:Thebarton Theatre 2021.jpg|thumb|The [[Thebarton Theatre]], colloquially known as the "Thebby", is one of South Australia's most popular live music venues.]] {{further|Music of Adelaide}} In 2015, it was said that there were now more live music venues per capita in Adelaide than any other capital city in the southern hemisphere,&lt;ref>{{cite news|website=ABC News|publisher=Australian Broadcasting Corporation|url=|title=Cold Chisel a reminder of SA's music scene before pokies and inner-city apartments 'decentralised' it|date=4 March 2015|first=Malcolm|last=Sutton|access-date=24 August 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=31 October 2018|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|website=The Conversation|url=|title=Is Melbourne the music capital of Australia? Sydney or Adelaide might pip it to the post|first=Andrea Jean|last=Baker|date=16 May 2017|access-date=24 August 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=8 December 2018|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> ''[[Lonely Planet]]'' labelled Adelaide "Australia's live music city",&lt;ref>{{cite web|website=Music SA|url=|title=South Australian Live Music Venues Open for Business|access-date=24 August 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=5 March 2019|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> and the city was recognised as a "[[City of Music (UNESCO)|City of Music]]" by the [[UNESCO Creative Cities Network]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Adelaide: Creative Cities Network|publisher=UNESCO|access-date=4 September 2016|archive-url=|archive-date=15 September 2016|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> Although there were many pubs hosting live music in the CBD in past, the number has slowly diminished. The [[Grace Emily]] on [[Waymouth Street]], which was refurbished as a live music venue around 2000, is popular with musicians and patrons alike.&lt;ref>{{cite web | last=Marsh | first=Walter | title='We've had one fight in 15 years': is the Grace Emily hotel Australia's best music venue? | website=the Guardian | date=23 March 2024 | url= | access-date=13 September 2024}}&lt;/ref> The [[Crown &amp; Anchor, Adelaide|Crown &amp; Anchor]] ("the Cranker") was saved from demolition in 2024 after a vigorous campaign by the public as well as many musicians and politicians. New legislation passed on 11 September 2024 designates the entire Adelaide CBD as a "live music venue area", and gives protection to selected live music venues.&lt;ref>{{cite web | title=Pop-up venue hunt continues as Save the Cranker laws pass|first=David |last=Simmons | website=[[InDaily]] | date=11 September 2024 | url= | access-date=13 September 2024}}&lt;/ref> In addition to its own [[WOMAD]] ([[WOMADelaide]]), Adelaide has attracted several touring music festivals, including [[Creamfields Australia|Creamfields]], [[St Jerome's Laneway Festival|Laneway]], and [[Groovin' the Moo|Groovin']] (some since defunct). Adelaide has produced musical groups and individuals who have achieved national and international fame. These include the [[Adelaide Symphony Orchestra]], the [[Adelaide Youth Orchestra]], rock bands [[The Angels (Australian band)|The Angels]], [[Atlas Genius]], [[Cold Chisel]], [[The Superjesus]], [[Wolf &amp; Cub]], roots/blues group [[The Audreys]], internationally acclaimed metal acts [[I Killed The Prom Queen]] and [[Double Dragon (band)|Double Dragon]], popular Australian hip-hop outfit [[Hilltop Hoods]], as well as Aussie Rules legend/rapper Chris Rodger, moniker (Chrissy Boiyo), to pop acts like [[Sia]], [[Orianthi]], [[Guy Sebastian]], and [[Wes Carr]], as well as internationally successful tribute act, The [[Australian Pink Floyd Show]]. Noted rocker [[Jimmy Barnes]] (formerly lead vocalist with Cold Chisel) spent most of his youth in the northern suburb of [[Elizabeth, South Australia|Elizabeth]]. Paul Kelly grew up in Adelaide and was head prefect at [[Rostrevor College]]. The first ''[[Australian Idol]]'' winner, Guy Sebastian, hails from the north-eastern suburb of [[Golden Grove, South Australia|Golden Grove]].&lt;ref>{{cite news |title=Guy cancels shows |url= |access-date=23 March 2022 |work=The Sydney Morning Herald |date=10 December 2003 |language=en}}&lt;/ref> === Television === Adelaide is served by numerous digital [[free-to-air]] television channels:{{citation needed|reason=Originally stated 28, 30 in following list, not common knowledge|date=January 2018}} {{Div col|colwidth=18em}} # [[ABS (TV station)|ABC]] # [[ABC HD (Australia)|ABC HD]] (ABC broadcast in [[High-definition television|HD]]) # [[ABC TV Plus]] # [[ABC Me]] # [[ABC News (TV channel)|ABC News]] # [[SBS (Australian TV channel)|SBS]] # [[SBS HD]] (SBS broadcast in [[High-definition television|HD]]) # [[SBS World Movies]] HD # [[SBS Viceland HD]] # [[SBS Food]] # [[National Indigenous Television|NITV]] # [[SBS WorldWatch]] # [[SAS (TV station)|Seven]] # [[7HD]] (Seven broadcast in HD) # [[7Two]] # [[7mate]] # [[7Bravo]] # [[7flix]] # [[]] # [[NWS (TV station)|Nine]] # [[9HD]] (Nine broadcast in HD) # [[9Gem]] # [[9Go!]] # [[9Life]] # [[9Gem HD]] # [[9Rush]] # [[Extra (Australian TV channel)|Extra]] # [[ADS (TV station)|10]] # [[10 HD]] (10 broadcast in HD) # [[10 Bold]] # [[10 Peach]] # [[10 Shake]] # [[TVSN]] # Gecko TV # [[Channel 44 (Adelaide)|C44 Adelaide]] (Adelaide's community TV station) {{div col end}} All of the five Australian national television networks broadcast both [[High-definition television|high-definition digital]] and [[standard-definition television|standard-definition digital television]] services in Adelaide. They share three transmission towers on the ridge near the summit of [[Mount Lofty]]. There are two other transmission sites at 25 [[Grenfell Street]], Adelaide and [[Elizabeth Downs, South Australia|Elizabeth Downs]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|title=Digital television reception in Craigmore/Hillbank |url= |publisher=Australian Government |access-date=29 April 2013 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=5 May 2013 }}&lt;/ref> The two government-funded stations are run by the [[Australian Broadcasting Corporation]] ([[ABS (TV station)|ABC South Australia]]) and the [[Special Broadcasting Service]] (SBS). The [[Seven Network]] and [[Network Ten]] both own their Adelaide stations ([[SAS-7]] and [[ADS-10]] respectively). Adelaide's [[NWS-9]] is part of the [[Nine Network]]. Adelaide also has a [[Community television in Australia|community television]] station, [[Channel 44 (Adelaide)|Channel 44]]. As part of a nationwide phase-out of [[analogue television]] in Australia, Adelaide's analogue television service was shut down on 2 April 2013.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=5 July 2014 |title=mySwitch }}&lt;/ref> The [[Foxtel]] [[pay TV]] service is also available via cable or satellite to the entire metropolitan area. All the major broadcasting networks also operate online on-demand television services, alongside internet-only services such as [[Stan (company)|Stan]], [[Fetch TV]], [[Netflix]], YouTube, [[Disney+]], and [[Kayo Sports]]. === Radio === {{Main list|List of radio stations in Australia#Adelaide}} There are 20 radio stations that serve the metropolitan area, as well as four stations that serve only parts of the metropolitan area; six commercial stations, six community stations, six national stations and two narrowcast stations.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=World Radio Map – Adelaide|access-date=27 August 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=24 December 2018|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> [[DAB+]] digital radio has been broadcasting in metropolitan Adelaide since 20 May 2009, and currently offers a choice of 41 stations all operated by the existing licensed radio broadcasters, which includes high-quality [[simulcast]] of all AM and FM stations. == Sport == {{Main|Sport in South Australia}} [[File:Adelaide Oval - panoramio.jpg|thumb|[[Adelaide Oval]] is the home of [[Australian Rules football]] and [[cricket]] in South Australia.]] [[File:Adelaide United FC vs. Sydney FC at Hindmarsh Stadium - April 2023.JPG|thumb|[[Hindmarsh Stadium|Coopers Stadium]] hosts [[Adelaide United]].]] The main sports played professionally in Adelaide are [[Australian Rules football]], soccer, [[cricket]], [[netball]], and basketball. Adelaide is the home of two [[Australian Football League]] teams: the [[Adelaide Football Club]] and [[Port Adelaide Football Club]], and one [[A-League]] soccer team, [[Adelaide United]]. A local [[Australian rules football]] league, the [[South Australian National Football League]] (SANFL), is made up of 10 teams from around Adelaide. The SANFL has been in operation since 1877 when it began as the South Australian Football Association (SAFA) before changing its name to the SANFL in 1927. The [[South Australian National Football League|SANFL]] is the oldest surviving football league of any code played in Australia.{{citation needed|date=May 2014}} Adelaide has developed a strong culture of attracting crowds to major sporting events.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Australian sport owes much to little old Adelaide |access-date=20 January 2010 |archive-url= |archive-date=3 February 2010 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> Until the completion of the 2012–14 renovation and upgrade of the [[Adelaide Oval]], most large sporting events took place at either [[Football Park]] (the then home base of the [[Adelaide Crows]], and the then [[Port Adelaide Football Club|Port Adelaide]] home game venue), or the historic [[Adelaide Oval]], home of the [[South Australia cricket team|South Australia Redbacks]] and the [[Adelaide Strikers]] cricket teams. Since completion of the upgrade, home games for Adelaide Crows and Port Adelaide now take place at Adelaide Oval. Since 1884, [[Adelaide Oval]] has also hosted an international cricket test every summer, along with a number of [[One Day International]] cricket matches. [[Memorial Drive Park]], adjacent to the Adelaide Oval, used to host Davis Cup and other major tennis events, including the Australian Open and the Adelaide International. Adelaide's professional association football team, [[Adelaide United FC|Adelaide United]], play in the [[A-League Men|A-League]]. Founded in 2003, their home ground is [[Hindmarsh Stadium|Coopers Stadium]], which has a capacity of 16,500 and is one of the few [[Soccer-specific stadium|purpose-built soccer stadia]] in Australia. Prior to United's foundation, [[Adelaide City FC|Adelaide City]] and [[West Adelaide SC|West Adelaide]] represented the city in the [[National Soccer League]]. The two sides, which contest the [[Adelaide derby]] against one another, now play in the [[National Premier Leagues South Australia]]. For two years, 1997 and 1998, Adelaide was represented in Australia's top level [[rugby league]], after the [[New South Wales Rugby League]] had played a single game per season at the Adelaide Oval for five years starting in 1991.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Rugby League Project – Adelaide Oval |access-date=1 December 2016 |archive-url= |archive-date=1 December 2016 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> The [[Adelaide Rams]] were formed and played in the breakaway [[Super League (Australia)|Super League]] (SL) competition in [[1997 Super League (Australia) season|1997]] before moving to the new [[National Rugby League]] in [[1998 NRL season|1998]]. Initially playing at the Adelaide Oval, the club moved to the more suitable Hindmarsh Stadium late in the 1998 season. As part of a peace deal with the [[Australian Rugby League]] to end the [[Super League war]], the club's owners [[News Limited]] (who were also owners of the SL) suddenly closed the club only weeks before the start of the [[1999 NRL season|1999 season]]. Adelaide has two professional basketball teams, the men's team being the [[Adelaide 36ers]] which plays in the [[National Basketball League (Australasia)|National Basketball League]] (NBL) and the women's team, the [[Adelaide Lightning]] which plays in the [[Women's National Basketball League]] (WNBL). The Adelaide 36ers play at the [[Adelaide Entertainment Centre]] while the Adelaide Lightning play at the [[Adelaide Arena]] (Previously Titanium Security Arena). Adelaide has a professional [[netball]] team, the [[Adelaide Thunderbirds]], which plays in the national netball competition, the [[Suncorp Super Netball]] championship, with home games played at [[Netball SA Stadium]]. The Thunderbirds occasionally play games or finals at the Titanium Security Arena, while international netball matches are usually played at the 10,500 seat Adelaide Entertainment Centre. The Titanium Security Arena has a capacity of 8,000 and is the largest purpose-built basketball stadium in Australia. [[File:Tourdownunder2.jpg|thumb|The [[Tour Down Under]] is the first event of the [[UCI World Tour]] calendar.]] Since 1999 Adelaide and its surrounding areas have hosted the [[Tour Down Under]] [[Bicycle racing|bicycle race]], organised and directed by Adelaide-based [[Michael Turtur]]. Turtur won an [[Summer Olympics|Olympic]] gold medal for Australia in the [[Cycling at the 1984 Summer Olympics – Men's team pursuit|4000&amp;nbsp;m team pursuit]] at the [[1984 Summer Olympics|1984 Los Angeles Olympics]]. The Tour Down Under is the largest cycling event outside Europe and was the first event outside Europe to be granted [[UCI ProTour]] status. The [[2024 Women's Tour Down Under]] cycle stage race was held in and around Adelaide, South Australia from 12 to 14 January 2024 Adelaide maintains a franchise in the [[Australian Baseball League]], the [[Adelaide Giants]]. They have been playing since 2009, and their home stadium (until 2016) was [[Norwood Oval]]. From 2016 the team moved to the [[Diamond Sports Stadium]] located near the [[Adelaide International Airport]] due to renovations at Norwood.&lt;ref>{{cite web | title=Baseball Australia | website=Adelaide Giants Baseball | date=8 November 2022 | url= | archive-url= | archive-date=8 November 2022 | url-status=live | access-date=8 November 2022}}&lt;/ref> Adelaide also has an ice hockey team, [[Adelaide Adrenaline]] in the [[Australian Ice Hockey League]] (AIHL). It was national champions in 2009 and plays its games at the [[Ice Arena (Adelaide)|IceArenA]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= | |work=Adelaide Adrenaline 2014 |access-date=25 June 2013 |archive-url= |archive-date=3 July 2013 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> [[File:Adelaide Street Circuit.jpg|thumb|right|The Adelaide Street Circuit as seen from a helicopter in November 2024. The Adelaide Oval can also be seen on the right.]] The [[Australian Grand Prix]] for World Championship [[Formula One]] racing was hosted by Adelaide from [[1985 Australian Grand Prix|1985]] to [[1995 Australian Grand Prix|1995]] on the [[Adelaide Street Circuit]] which was laid out in the city's East End as well as the eastern parklands including the [[Victoria Park, Adelaide|Victoria Park Racecourse]].&lt;ref name="f1-move">{{cite web|title=Adelaide Street Circuit |publisher=Formula 1 Database |url= |access-date=13 June 2007 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=11 October 2007 }}&lt;/ref> The Grand Prix became a source of pride, and losing the event to Melbourne in a surprise announcement in mid-1993 left a void that has since been filled with the [[Adelaide 500]] for [[Supercars Championship|V8 Supercar]] racing, held on a modified version of the same street circuit. The Classic Adelaide, a [[rallying|rally]] of classic sporting vehicles, is also held in the city and its surrounds. Adelaide formerly had three horse racing venues. [[Victoria Park, Adelaide|Victoria Park]], [[Cheltenham Park Racecourse]], both of which have now closed, and [[Morphettville Racecourse]] that remains the home of the [[South Australian Jockey Club]]. It also has [[Globe Derby Park (harness racing)|Globe Derby Park]] for [[Harness racing]] that opened in 1969, and by 1973 had become Adelaide's premier harness racing venue taking over from the [[Adelaide Showgrounds|Wayville Showgrounds]], as well as [[Greyhound Park]] for [[greyhound racing]] that opened in 1972. The [[World Solar Challenge]] race attracts teams from around the world, most of which are fielded by universities or corporations, although some are fielded by high schools. The race has a 20-years' history spanning nine races, with the inaugural event taking place in 1987. Adelaide hosted the 2012 World Bowls Championships&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=2012 World Bowls Championships | |access-date=11 November 2011 |archive-url= |archive-date=5 November 2011 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> at Lockleys Bowling Club, becoming the third city in the world to have held the championships twice, having previously hosted the event in 1996. [[Dirt track racing|Dirt track speedway]] is also popular in Adelaide with three operating speedways. [[Adelaide Motorsport Park]], located adjacent to the [[Adelaide International Raceway]] road racing circuit at [[Virginia, South Australia|Virginia]] ({{convert|24|km|0|abbr=on}} north of the city centre) has been in continuous operation since 1979 after the closure of the popular [[Rowley Park Speedway]]. [[Gillman Speedway]] located in the semi-industrial suburb of [[Gillman, South Australia|Gillman]], has been in operation since 1998 and caters to [[Motorcycle speedway]] and [[Sidecar speedway|Sidecars]], while the [[Sidewinders Speedway]] located in [[Wingfield, South Australia|Wingfield]] is also a motorcycle speedway dedicated to Under-16 riders and has been in operation since 1978. In 2016, backed by South Australia's [[Peregrine Corporation]] opened up a multi-purpose facility; a state-of-the-art motorsporting park and a hotel alongside its newer OTR service station outside a small township of [[Tailem Bend]] currently named [[The Bend Motorsport Park]]. Design for thrill seekers and rev-heads the facility currently host South Australia's second Supercars motoring event during a round in August.&lt;ref>[ Stong crowd head to The Bend] ''[[Auto Action]]'' 22 August 2023&lt;/ref> Adelaide is home to the [[Great Southern Slam]], the world's largest [[roller derby]] tournament. The tournament has been held biennially over Australia's Queen's Birthday holiday weekend since 2010. In 2014, and 2016 the tournament featured 45 teams playing in two divisions. In 2018, the tournament has expanded to 48 teams competing in three divisions. Adelaide is additionally home to Angus Lippiatt, an Australian glider (sailplane) pilot. == Infrastructure == === Transport === {{Main|Transport in Adelaide}} [[File:TransAdelaideRailwayMap.svg|thumb|A map of Adelaide's railway and tram network, served by the [[Adelaide Metro]].]] Being centrally located on the Australian mainland, Adelaide forms a strategic transport hub for east–west and north–south routes. The city itself has a metropolitan public transport system managed by and known as the [[Adelaide Metro]]. The Adelaide Metro consists of a contracted bus system including the [[O-Bahn Busway]], [[Railways in Adelaide|7 commuter rail lines]] (diesel and electric), and a small tram network operating between inner suburb [[Hindmarsh, South Australia|Hindmarsh]], the city centre, and seaside [[Glenelg tram line|Glenelg]]. Tramways were largely dismantled in the 1950s, but saw a revival in the 2010s with upgrades and extensions. Road transport in Adelaide has historically been easier than many of the other Australian cities, with a well-defined city layout and wide multiple-lane roads from the beginning of its development. Adelaide was known as a "twenty-minute city", with commuters having been able to travel from metropolitan outskirts to the city proper in roughly twenty minutes. However, such arterial roads often experience traffic congestion as the city grows.&lt;ref>{{cite web|title=Metro Malcontent – The Twenty Minute City No More |work=Royal Automobile Association, South Australia |year=2005 |url=\document_677.pdf |access-date=28 December 2008 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=15 January 2009 }} (1.18MB)&lt;/ref> [[File:Adelaide O-Bahn tunnel passes under Rymill Park in autumn.jpg|thumb|left|The [[O-Bahn Busway]] tunnel passes under [[Rymill Park]] and serves the northeastern suburbs.]] The Adelaide metropolitan area has one freeway and four expressways. In order of construction, they are: * The [[South Eastern Freeway]] (M1), connects the south-east corner of the Adelaide Plain to the Adelaide Hills and beyond to [[Murray Bridge, South Australia|Murray Bridge]] and [[Tailem Bend]], where it then continues as National Highway 1 south-east to Melbourne. * The [[Southern Expressway (Australia)|Southern Expressway]] (M2), connecting the outer southern suburbs with the inner southern suburbs and the city centre. It duplicates the route of [[South Road]]. * The [[North-South Motorway]] (M2), is an ongoing major project that will become the major north–south corridor, replacing most of what is now [[South Road]], connecting the [[Southern Expressway (Adelaide)|Southern Expressway]] and the [[Northern Expressway]] via a motorway with no traffic lights. As of 2024 the motorway's northern half is complete, connecting the Northern Expressway to Adelaide's inner north-west; the section running through Adelaide's inner west and inner south-west will begin major construction in 2025 with completion estimated for 2031.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |title=About construction - River Torrens to Darlington - Department for Infrastructure and Transport |url= |access-date=2024-06-28 | |language=en}}&lt;/ref> * The [[Port River Expressway]] (A9), connects Port Adelaide and [[Outer Harbor, South Australia|Outer Harbor]] to Port Wakefield Road at the northern "entrance" to the metropolitan area. * The [[Northern Expressway]] (Max Fatchen Expressway) (M2), is the northern suburbs bypass route connecting the Sturt Highway (National Highway 20) via the [[Gawler Bypass]] to Port Wakefield Road at a point a few kilometres north of the Port River Expressway connection. * The [[Northern Connector]], completed in 2020, links the North South Motorway to the Northern Expressway. &lt;gallery mode="packed"> File:Light-City Buses Scania K280UB (BUS 1568).jpg|A [[Custom Coaches]] bodied Scania bus on King William Street. File:AECExtensionCitadisFlexity.jpg|An Adelaide Metro [[Alstom Citadis]] and [[Flexity Classic]] File:Mountosmondinterechange sefreeway.JPG|The [[Mount Osmond, South Australia|Mount Osmond Interchange]] on the [[South Eastern Freeway]]; like many cities with urban sprawl, Adelaide has been criticised for car dependency. &lt;/gallery> ==== Airports ==== [[File:Qatar Airways at Adelaide Airport in 2023 by Mitch Coad.jpg|thumb|left|A [[Qatar Airways]] plane at [[Adelaide Airport]] with the city skyline in the background]] The Adelaide metropolitan area has two commercial airports, [[Adelaide Airport]] and [[Parafield Airport]]. Adelaide Airport, in Adelaide's south-western suburbs, serves in excess of 8 million passengers annually.&lt;ref name="Adelaide Airport">{{cite web|url=|title=Adelaide Airport reaches 8 million passengers in 2016|date=16 January 2017|publisher=Adelaide Airport Ltd. media release|access-date=23 April 2017|archive-url=|archive-date=20 March 2017|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> Parafield Airport, Adelaide's second airport {{convert|18|km|mi|abbr=off}} north of the city centre, is used for small aircraft, pilot training and recreational aviation purposes. Parafield Airport served as Adelaide's main aerodrome until the opening of the Adelaide Airport in February 1955. Adelaide Airport serves many international and domestic destinations including all Australian state capitals. Adelaide is also home to a military airport, known as [[RAAF Base Edinburgh|Edinburgh Airport]], located in the northern suburbs. It was built in 1955 in a joint initiative with the United Kingdom for weapon development. === Health === [[File:North Terrace's BioMed precinct at night.jpg|thumb|right|The [[University of Adelaide]] Health and Medical Sciences Building, located in the BioMed City precinct on North Terrace.]] Adelaide's two largest hospitals are the [[Royal Adelaide Hospital]] (RAH) in Adelaide Parklands, a [[teaching hospital]] affiliated with the University of Adelaide (800 beds), and the [[Flinders Medical Centre]] (580 beds) at Bedford Park, affiliated with Flinders University. The RAH also operates additional campuses for specialist care throughout the suburbs including the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre (150 beds) at [[Northfield, South Australia|Northfield]] and the [[Glenside Hospital (Adelaide)|Glenside Campus]] (129 beds) for acute mental health services. Other major public hospitals are the [[Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide|Women's and Children's Hospital]] (305 beds), at North Adelaide; the [[Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide|Queen Elizabeth Hospital]] (340 beds) at Woodville; [[Modbury Hospital]] (178 beds) at Modbury; and the [[Lyell McEwin Hospital]] (198 beds) at Elizabeth Vale. Numerous private hospitals are also located throughout the city, with the largest operators being not-for-profits [[Adelaide Community Healthcare Alliance]] (3 hospitals) and [[Sisters of the Little Company of Mary|Calvary Care]] (4 hospitals). In 2017, the RAH was relocated from the city's [[East End, Adelaide|East End]] to a new AU$2.3&amp;nbsp;billion facility built over former railyards in the West End.&lt;ref>{{cite news |last=Sexton |first=Mike |title = New Royal Adelaide Hospital: All you need to know about the delayed high-tech project |newspaper=[[ABC News (Australia)|ABC News]] |date=1 February 2017 |url = |access-date=26 August 2019 |archive-url = |archive-date=21 August 2019 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> The state-of-the-art hospital forms part of a new biomedical precinct called [[BioMed City]] that collocates the [[South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute]] (SAHMRI), the University of Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences building, the University of South Australia's Health Innovation Building, and the state's Dental Hospital.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |url-status= dead |archive-date= 7 July 2014 |title=South Australian Health and Biomedical Precinct }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=New Adelaide Dental Hospital :: SA Health |access-date=4 September 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=4 September 2017 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> SAHMRI is building a $300&amp;nbsp;million second facility due to be completed by 2022 to house the [[Australian Bragg Centre for Proton Therapy and Research|Australian Bragg Centre]] with Australia's first [[proton therapy]] unit.&lt;ref name="SAHMRI 2">{{cite web |title=SAHMRI 2 |url= |website=Commercial &amp; General |access-date=26 August 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=18 March 2019 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> Construction is underway for the [[Women's and Children's Hospital]] to be relocated to the precinct adjacent the RAH by 2030.&lt;ref name="NWMAC">{{Cite web |last=Network |first=Women's and Children's Health |title=About the Project |url= |access-date=2024-06-28 |website=New Women’s and Children’s Hospital Project |language=en-AU}}&lt;/ref> [[File:Adelaide (25092999627).jpg|thumb|The [[South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute]] (SAHMRI), located on [[North Terrace, Adelaide|North Terrace]].]] The largest provider of community health care within Adelaide is the not-for-profit [[Royal District Nursing Service (South Australia)|Royal District Nursing Service]] (RDNS), which provides out of hospital care and hospital avoidance care. === Energy === Adelaide's energy requirements were originally met by the [[Adelaide Electric Supply Company]], which was nationalised by the [[Thomas Playford IV|Playford]] government in 1946,&lt;ref>{{Cite Australian Dictionary of Biography |id2=norrie-sir-charles-willoughby-moke-11254 |title= Sir Charles Willoughby Moke Norrie (1893–1977) |year=2000 |volume=15 |first=P.A. |last= Howell |access-date=16 June 2012 |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=20 June 2017 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> becoming the [[Electricity Trust of South Australia]] (ETSA). Despite significant public opposition and the Labor party's anti-privatisation stance which left the Liberal party one vote short of the numbers needed to pass the legislation, ETSA was privatised by the [[John Olsen|Olsen]] Government in 1999 by way of a 200-year lease for the distribution network (ETSA&amp;nbsp;Utilities, later renamed [[SA Power Networks]]) and the outright purchase of ETSA Power{{Clarify|date=July 2019}} by the [[Cheung Kong Holdings]] for $3.5&amp;nbsp;billion (11 times ETSA's annual earnings) after Labor MP [[Trevor Crothers]] resigned from the party and voted with the government.&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=''7:30 Report'' – 03/06/1999: Shock Labor "betrayal" allows SA Govt to effectively privatise power utility |website=[[Australian Broadcasting Corporation]] |access-date=20 September 2017 |archive-date=4 March 2016 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[] {{dead link|date=July 2022}}&lt;/ref> The electricity retail market was opened to competition in 2003 and although competition was expected to result in lower retail costs, prices increased by 23.7% in the market's first year.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=1 May 2013 |title=Power crisis 'as bad as California'. }}&lt;/ref> In 2004, the privatisation was deemed to be a failure with consumers paying 60% more for their power and with the state government estimated to lose $3&amp;nbsp;billion in power generation net income in the first ten years of privatisation.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |archive-url= |url-status=dead |archive-date=2 May 2013 |title=Privatisation 'will cost state billions'. }}&lt;/ref> In 2012, the industry came under scrutiny for allegedly reducing supply by shutting down generators during periods of peak demand to force prices up. Increased media attention also revealed that in 2009 the state government had approved a 46% increase in retail prices to cover expected increases in the costs of generation while generation costs had in fact fallen 35% by 2012.{{citation needed|date=June 2011}} South Australia has the highest retail price for electricity in the country.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=FactCheck: does South Australia have the 'highest energy prices' in the nation and 'the least reliable grid'? |work=The Conversation |author1=Dylan McConnell |author2=David Blowers |date=13 March 2018 |access-date=9 July 2018 |archive-url= |archive-date=9 July 2018 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> Privatisation led to competition from a variety of companies who now separately provide for the generation, transmission, distribution and retail sales of gas and electricity. Electricity generation comes from a range of technologies and operators. [[ElectraNet]] operates the high-voltage electricity transmission network. [[SA Power Networks]] distributes electricity to end users. The largest electricity and gas retailing companies are also the largest generating companies. The largest fossil fuel power stations are the [[Torrens Island Power Station]] gas-fired plant operated by [[AGL Energy]] and the [[Pelican Point Power Station]] operated by [[Engie]]. South Australia also has wind and solar power and connections to the national grid. [[Natural gas|Gas]] is supplied from the [[Moomba, South Australia|Moomba]] Gas Processing Plant in the [[Cooper Basin]] via the [[Moomba Adelaide Pipeline System]]&lt;ref name="EnergySA2">{{cite web|title=Supply Security |work=Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure |url=;tempID=1 |access-date=5 May 2006 |archive-url= |archive-date=24 June 2005 |url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> and the [[SEAGas pipeline]] from [[Victoria, Australia|Victoria]]. In 2011, South Australia generated 18% of its electricity from [[wind power]], and had 51% of the installed capacity of wind generators in Australia.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=,+energy+and+environment/Energy/Renewable+energy/Wind+energy/Wind+energy+in+South+Australia |title=Wind Energy in South Australia |publisher=Government of South Australia |access-date=16 June 2011 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=18 October 2012 }}&lt;/ref> Due to almost universal blackouts within the city during September 2016,&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |archive-url=|archive-date=29 September 2016 |title=SA power outage: How did it happen?. |website=[[Australian Broadcasting Corporation]]|date=28 September 2016}}&lt;/ref> the state worked with [[Tesla, Inc.|Tesla]] to produce the world's largest electricity battery at [[Hornsdale Wind Farm|Hornsdale Power Reserve]] which has increased that state's electrical security to the extent in which large blackouts are no longer an event.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |archive-url=|archive-date=30 September 2018 |title=Tesla battery cost revealed two years after SA blackout. |website=[[Australian Broadcasting Corporation]]|date=27 September 2018}}&lt;/ref> === Water === [[File:Happy Valley Reservoir 20070223.jpg|thumb|An aerial view of [[Happy Valley Reservoir]], 2007]] The provision of water services is by the government-owned [[SA Water]]. Adelaide's water is supplied from its seven reservoirs: [[Mount Bold Reservoir|Mount Bold]], [[Happy Valley Reservoir|Happy Valley]], [[Myponga Reservoir|Myponga]], [[Millbrook Reservoir|Millbrook]], [[Hope Valley Reservoir|Hope Valley]], [[Little Para Reservoir|Little Para]] and [[South Para Reservoir|South Para]]. The yield from these reservoir catchments can be as little as 10% of the city's requirements (90GL per annum&lt;ref name=desal />) in drought years and about 60% in average years. The remaining demand is met by the pumping of water from the [[River Murray]].&lt;ref name=desal /> A [[Adelaide Desalination Plant|sea-water desalination plant]] capable of supplying 100GL per annum was built during the [[2000s Australian drought|2001–2009 drought]]; however, it operated at about 8% of its capacity until 2019. In December 2018, the State and Federal Governments agreed to fund a $2m study to determine how the plant could be used to reduce reliance on river water, in an effort to help save the Murray River basin and mouth (including the [[Coorong]]) from further ecological damage.&lt;ref name =desal>{{cite news|website=ABC News|publisher=Australian Broadcasting Corporation|url=|first1=Marty|last1=McCarthy|first2=Matt|last2=Coleman|date=14 December 2018|title=Plan to revive Adelaide's desalination plant to help Murray River|access-date=12 July 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=30 July 2019|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> ===Communications=== AdelaideFree WiFi is a citywide free [[Wi-Fi]] network covering most of the inner city areas of Adelaide, primarily the [[Adelaide city centre|Adelaide CBD]] and Northern Adelaide precincts.&lt;ref name="inone">{{Cite web|url=|title=Internode :: Products :: WiFi Hotspots :: Partners :: AdelaideFree||access-date=23 December 2016|archive-date=25 November 2016|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> It was officially launched at the Adelaide Central Markets on Tuesday 25 June 2014.&lt;ref name="inone"/>&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Adelaide connects up to large-scale fast, free WiFi |publisher=City of Adelaide |author=Rebecca Draysey |date=25 June 2014 |access-date=16 March 2020 }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=200 new Wi-Fi locations across city |publisher=Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, Government of South Australia |date=25 June 2014 |access-date=16 March 2020 }}&lt;/ref> It is provided by [[Internode (ISP)|Internode]],&lt;ref>{{Cite web | url= | title=Internode :: About :: News and Media :: Internode Wi-Fi sets Adelaide free||access-date=2 July 2022}}&lt;/ref> with infrastructure provided by outdoor [[Cisco]] WiFi N access points attached to the top of lighting poles, as well as inside cafes and businesses across the city. ==Sister cities== The City of Adelaide has been involved in the Sister Cities program since 1972. {{as of |2023}} it has long-term international partnership arrangements with five cities, known as [[sister cities]], based on formal agreements between Adelaide and each city. This allows collaboration in the cultural, educational, business, and technical spheres. The five sister cities are:&lt;ref name=sister>{{cite web | title=Sister cities | website=City of Adelaide | date=1 April 2019 | url= | access-date=14 November 2023}}&lt;/ref> *{{flagicon|USA}} [[Austin, Texas]], United States, since 1983 *{{flagicon|New Zealand}} [[Christchurch]], New Zealand, since 1972 *{{flagicon|Malaysia}} [[George Town, Penang]], Malaysia, since 1973 *{{flagicon|Japan}} [[Himeji, Hyogo]], Japan, since 1982 *{{flagicon|China}} [[Qingdao, Shandong]], China, since 2013 Two cities are known as Friendship Cities, based on informal partnerships between two cities that promote collaboration and a friendly relationship between two cities:&lt;ref name=sister/> *{{flagicon|China}} [[Dalian, Liaoning]], China *{{flagicon|China}} [[Chengdu, Sichuan]], China == See also == {{Portal|South Australia}} &lt;!-- Alphabetic order --> * [[Adelaide Hills]] * [[City of Adelaide]] * [[Music of Adelaide]] * [[Tourism in Adelaide]] * [[Port Adelaide]] ; Lists * [[:Category:Images of Adelaide|Images of Adelaide]] * [[List of Adelaide obsolete suburb names]] * [[List of Adelaide parks and gardens]] * [[List of Adelaide railway stations]] * [[List of Adelaide suburbs]] * [[List of films shot in Adelaide]] * [[List of people from Adelaide]] * [[List of protected areas in Adelaide]] * [[List of public art in South Australia]] * [[List of public transport routes in Adelaide]] * [[List of South Australian commercial icons]] * [[List of sporting clubs in Adelaide]] * [[List of tallest buildings in Adelaide]] * [[:Category:Tourist attractions in South Australia|Tourist attractions in South Australia]] == Notes == {{NoteFoot}} {{reflist|group=N}} == References == {{Reflist}} == Further reading == {{refbegin}} * {{cite book| last = Pascoe| first = J.J.| title = History of Adelaide and vicinity : with a general sketch of the province of South Australia and biographies of representative men | publisher = Hussey &amp; Gillingham | place = Adelaide| year = 1901| isbn = 9780858720329| url =}} *{{cite book|title=Adelaide: A literary city|editor-first=Philip|editor-last=Buttress|year=2013|publisher=University of Adelaide Press|jstor=10.20851/j.ctt1sq5x41|chapter=Adelaide|isbn=978-1-922064-63-9}} (full text) * {{cite book|last1=Gargett|first1=Kathryn|last2=Marsden|first2=Susan|title=Adelaide, a Brief History|url=|year=1996|publisher=State History Centre, History Trust of South Australia in association with [[City of Adelaide|Adelaide City Council]]|isbn=978-0-7308-0116-0|oclc=35990524 }} * {{cite book | last1=Marsden | first1=Susan | last2=Stark | first2=Paul | last3=Sumerling | first3=Patricia | title=Heritage of the city of Adelaide: an illustrated guide | publisher=Corp. of the City of Adelaide | year=1990 | isbn=0-909866-30-9 | oclc=27614046 |url=}} * {{cite book | last1=Whitelock | first1=Derek | last2=Baker | first2=Tony | title=Adelaide : a sense of difference | publisher=Australian Scholarly Publishing | year=2000 | isbn=1-875606-57-2 | oclc=1058005288 |url=}} {{refend}} == External links == {{Sister project links|voy=Adelaide|Adelaide}} * [ Adelaide City Council > Official City Guide] * [ Adelaide City Council] * [ Kids in Adelaide] Retrieved 12 May 2020. {{Clear}} {{Adelaide landmarks}} {{Adelaide Sports Teams}} {{South Australia}} {{Capital cities of Australia}} {{Cities of Australia}} {{Authority control}} [[Category:Adelaide| ]] [[Category:1836 establishments in Australia]] [[Category:Australian capital cities]] [[Category:Cities in South Australia]] [[Category:Coastal cities in Australia]] [[Category:Planned capitals]] [[Category:Populated places established in 1836]] [[Category:Metropolitan areas of Australia]] [[Category:Cities built on a grid]] </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a href="/wiki/Help:Transclusion" 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