Anuga Select China
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class="lang-select__btn"><i class="i i-language"></i><span>EN</span><div class="arrow"></div></div> <div class="lang-select__list"> <div class="lang-select__item"><i class="i i-language"></i><div class="item-right"><span>EN</span><div class="arrow"></div></div></div> <a href="" class="lang-select__item langselect_altlang"><i class="i i-right-arrow"></i> <div class="item-right"> <span>CN</span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="header-inner"> <a href="" class="logo"> <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="249.55px" height="403.49px" style="enable-background:new 0 0 249.55 403.49"><path d="m50.51 279 .04-11.44c-.93.12-1.98-.47-2.8-1.63-.86-1.22-2.79-10.91-3.29-13.12-2.49-10.78-9.84-18.21-22.56-18.21-12.2 0-21.88 10.14-21.91 22.33-.03 12.39 9.08 22.13 22.16 22.76 7.53.37 11.16-3.38 14.43-6.58l-7.53-8.2c-7.91 5.82-16.64-.73-16.65-7.92-.01-5.65 4.58-10.4 10.09-10.4 6.66 0 8.7 4.56 10.78 10.36 1.4 3.92 2.88 11.55 4.56 15.75 1.66 4.15 8.29 7.06 12.68 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20.27-23.59v61.19zm0 66.42c-8.72-5.51-15.66-13.57-20.65-23.99-5.07-10.58-7.89-23.37-8.22-37.15h28.87v61.14zM39.8 111.46h32.41c.34 14.56 3.34 28.13 8.74 39.4 5.44 11.37 13.05 20.17 22.66 26.22-34.88-2.81-62.47-30.91-63.81-65.62m63.72-70.89c-9.13 5.75-16.73 14.55-22.18 25.73-5.67 11.64-8.81 25.38-9.14 39.88H39.8c1.34-34.68 28.88-62.75 63.72-65.61M39.75 109v-.36.36zm198.45 66.71c-4.22-3.74-4.65-9.56-7.18-19.11l-11.4-56.49C208.64 39.04 170.21 0 107.7 0 47.72 0 .57 49 .01 108c-.57 59.91 44.77 109.66 108.96 110.08 37.05.24 68.84-19.11 84.61-42.51l-25.34-19.41c7.18-9.16 12.54-20.04 15.38-31.07l12.77 56.85c2.43 10.82 6.48 19.81 13.09 25.34 8.45 7.06 18.15 9.69 28.29 10.11h10.56v-38.36c-4.16-.14-7.03-.58-10.13-3.32M0 342.05h249.55v61.45H0v-61.45zm249.55-36.87v-4.08h-21.39v4.08h8.22v21.77h4.59v-21.77h8.58zm-55.1-4.52c-3.46 0-6.3 1.28-8.51 3.85-2.22 2.57-3.33 5.77-3.33 9.59 0 4.1 1 7.34 3 9.72 2 2.37 4.81 3.56 8.42 3.56s6.35-.99 8.22-2.98l-2.14-3.71c-1.38 1.74-3.28 2.61-5.72 2.61-2.13 0-3.83-.81-5.1-2.43-1.28-1.62-1.91-3.82-1.91-6.58 0-2.76.69-5.05 2.06-6.85 1.38-1.81 3.14-2.71 5.29-2.71 2.27 0 3.92.51 4.94 1.54l1.89-3.79c-1.78-1.21-4.15-1.82-7.11-1.82m-39.17 4.52v-4.08h-16.49v25.84h16.3v-4.08h-11.71v-7.75h8.54v-3.9h-8.54v-6.05h11.9v.02zm-44.7 21.76v-4.08H98.91V301.1h-4.59v25.84h16.26zm-44.82-21.76v-4.08H49.27v25.84h16.3v-4.08H53.85v-7.75h8.54v-3.9h-8.54v-6.05h11.91v.02zm-54.17 22.21c2.77 0 4.99-.68 6.64-2.03s2.48-3.07 2.48-5.17c0-1.16-.2-2.22-.6-3.17s-.98-1.77-1.74-2.49c-.77-.71-2.01-1.49-3.74-2.34-3.28-1.6-4.92-3.14-4.92-4.62 0-.9.29-1.62.87-2.18s1.4-.84 2.46-.84c1.79 0 3.49.57 5.1 1.73l1.39-3.95c-1.4-1.12-3.59-1.67-6.58-1.67-2.29 0-4.17.66-5.64 1.97-1.46 1.32-2.2 2.98-2.2 4.97 0 1.07.18 2.05.56 1.64 1.59 2.02 1.46 4.01 2.45 1.98.99 3.29 1.89 3.92 1.64.95 2.52 0 1.88-1.35 2.82-4.04 2.82-1.75 0-3.54-.64-5.35-1.9l-1.69 4.11c1.94 1.26 4.12 1.89 6.53 1.89" style="fill:#e30613"/><path d="M82.42 358.42 81 362.04c-1.35-.99-3.49-1.48-6.39-1.48-2.72 0-4.91 1.17-6.55 3.51s-2.47 5.36-2.47 9.06c0 3.53.84 6.39 2.53 8.58 1.69 2.19 3.86 3.29 6.53 3.29 2.91 0 5.14-1.03 6.71-3.09l2.33 3.24c-2.46 2.44-5.62 3.66-9.48 3.66-4.05 0-7.24-1.46-9.57-4.38s-3.49-6.77-3.49-11.56c0-4.63 1.24-8.47 3.73-11.54 2.48-3.06 5.69-4.59 9.63-4.59 3.36.01 6 .57 7.91 1.68zm22.17 29.87v-14.25c0-1.69-.42-3.03-1.25-4s-2-1.46-3.51-1.46c-.97 0-1.95.29-2.93.86-.98.57-1.73 1.24-2.25 2v16.85h-4.02v-31.96h4.02v11.79c.54-.83 1.4-1.53 2.59-2.09 1.19-.56 2.42-.84 3.69-.84 2.4 0 4.28.79 5.64 2.37s2.04 3.74 2.04 6.48v14.25h-4.02zm14.05 0v-19.28h-3.11v-3.39h7.13v22.67h-4.02zm2.2-31.24c.69 0 1.28.24 1.77.73s.73 1.07.73 1.75c0 .69-.24 1.28-.73 1.77s-1.08.73-1.77.73c-.68 0-1.26-.24-1.74-.73-.49-.49-.73-1.08-.73-1.77s.24-1.28.72-1.76c.47-.48 1.06-.72 1.75-.72zm24.55 31.24V375.1c0-2.41-.36-4.1-1.09-5.07s-1.95-1.45-3.66-1.45c-.92 0-1.88.28-2.88.83s-1.77 1.23-2.31 2.03v16.85h-4.02v-22.67h2.75l1.27 2.92c1.33-2.23 3.49-3.34 6.5-3.34 4.97 0 7.45 3.02 7.45 9.06v14.03h-4.01zm24.93-2.6c-1.61 2.02-4.07 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Convention and Exhibition Center (Futian). The event was jointly organised by Koelnmesse (Beijing) Co., Ltd., China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-Products, and Shenzhen Retail Business Association.</p> <p>Mark your calendars for the Anuga Select China 2025 on 24-26 April 2025 to expect richer exhibition displays, better industry resources and high-quality of services in the future.</p> </div> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>Book the booth Now !</span> </a> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>2025 Brochure</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- block:Enumeration --> <section id="block67b2f6908c31e286857349" class="cms-block section-module section-padding-top-default section-padding-bottom-0 white this-media-ratio-2x1 cms-section-b48f0ag" > <div class="enumeration grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <div class="enumeration-swiper swiper"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <a href="javascript:;" class="enumeration-item no-link"> <div class="image-wrap"> <div class="inner"> <img src="" alt="数据icon-01" title="数据icon-01"> </div> </div> <h3 class="enumeration-title">40,000+</h3> <p class="enumeration-desc">Sqm</p> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <a href="javascript:;" class="enumeration-item no-link"> <div class="image-wrap"> <div class="inner"> <img src="" alt="数据icon-02" title="数据icon-02"> </div> </div> <h3 class="enumeration-title">800+</h3> <p class="enumeration-desc">Exhibitors</p> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <a href="javascript:;" class="enumeration-item no-link"> <div class="image-wrap"> <div class="inner"> <img src="" alt="数据icon-03" title="数据icon-03"> </div> </div> <h3 class="enumeration-title">35,000+</h3> <p class="enumeration-desc">Trade Visitors</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(function () { var slideLength = $('#block67b2f6908c31e286857349 .enumeration-swiper .swiper-slide').length; 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With a focus on Packaging, Food Safety and Beverage Technologies, the showcase demonstrates the integrity of the production and processing chain, as well as cutting-edge solutions that appeal to consumers while meeting the industry’s sustainability goals. </p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>Learn More</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(function () { //视频 $('#block67b2f690974a0745606805 .teaser-single-media, .teaser-graphic').find('video').on('click', function () { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('play')) { $(this)[0].play(); $(this).parent().addClass('play'); } else { $(this)[0].pause(); $(this).parent().removeClass('play'); } }); $('#block67b2f690974a0745606805 .is_ios.is_moblie .teaser-single-media, .teaser-graphic').find('video').on('touchend', function () { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('play')) { $(this)[0].play(); $(this).parent().addClass('play'); } else { $(this)[0].pause(); $(this).parent().removeClass('play'); } }); }) </script> </section> <!-- block:teaser_box --> <section id="block67b2f6909b276406308192" class="cms-block section-module section-padding-top-default section-padding-bottom-default invertedback cms-section-7f1m6a" > <div class="teaserbox grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <div class="teaserbox-block"> <div class="teaserbox-row"> <div class="teaser col1"> <div class="teaser-innner"> <div class="teaser-graphic"> <div class="teaser-graphic-image"> <img alt="" src="" alt="640" title="640"> </div> <div class="teaser-graphic-info"> <div class="top"> <h3 class="teaser-graphic-title">Pre-registration for Anuga Select China 2025 is now available!</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>In order to provide professional visitors with a more convenient and efficient visiting experience, pre-registration for Anuga Select China 2025 is now open.</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>LEARN MORE</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser col1"> <div class="teaser-innner"> <div class="teaser-graphic"> <div class="teaser-graphic-image"> <img alt="" src="" alt="Online Showroom" title="Online Showroom"> </div> <div class="teaser-graphic-info"> <div class="top"> <h3 class="teaser-graphic-title">Online Showroom</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>To provide exhibitors and professional visitors who are unable to attend the exhibition with an online communication platform, synchronize offline exhibition resources, browse online pre-exhibition information, and have "zero" cost communication, capturing opportunities to understand the market and enhancing the efficiency of trade negotiations.</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>SEE THE SHOWROOM</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser col1"> <div class="teaser-innner"> <div class="teaser-graphic"> <div class="teaser-graphic-image"> <img alt="" src="" alt="BFF_key_visual_weareAnuga_vertical_A4_digital_00" title="BFF_key_visual_weareAnuga_vertical_A4_digital_00"> </div> <div class="teaser-graphic-info"> <div class="top"> <h3 class="teaser-graphic-title">#weareAnuga</h3> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>In a time when the world of nutrition is becoming increasingly global, and the importance of sustainability and healthy food is growing, it is crucial that we connect with one another to collectively find solutions. The hashtag "#weareAnuga" embodies this idea bringing together the diverse and global world of nutrition.</p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="link-list-with-a"> <a href="" class="fast-link" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>LEARN MORE</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(function () { //视频 $('#block67b2f6909b276406308192 .teaser-single-media, .teaser-graphic').find('video').on('click', function () { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('play')) { $(this)[0].play(); $(this).parent().addClass('play'); } else { $(this)[0].pause(); $(this).parent().removeClass('play'); } }); $('#block67b2f6909b276406308192 .is_ios.is_moblie .teaser-single-media, .teaser-graphic').find('video').on('touchend', function () { if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('play')) { $(this)[0].play(); $(this).parent().addClass('play'); } else { $(this)[0].pause(); $(this).parent().removeClass('play'); } }); }) </script> </section> <!-- block:text_full --> <section id="block67b2f6909e43c383047453" class="cms-block section-module section-padding-top-default section-padding-bottom-default white section-center cms-section-90fg2eg" > <div class="intro grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <h2 class="section-title">Having question about China latest Visa-free travel policy?</h2> <div class="link-list-with-btn"> <a href="" class="btn" target="_self"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>Things you need to know</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- block:text_full --> <section id="block67b2f690a0174519887266" class="cms-block section-module section-padding-top-default section-padding-bottom-default white section-center cms-section-78ag1gi" > <div class="intro grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <h2 class="section-title">Welcome to our Social Wall!</h2> <div class="ckediter-block"><p>This is where Anuga Select China's social media platforms come together! Experience the food world in real time!</p> </div> <div class="link-list-with-btn"> <a href="" class="btn" target="_blank"> <i class="i i-right-arrow"></i><span>Click here to our social wall!</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- block:Photos wall --> <section id="block67b2f690a12af670963076" class="cms-block section-module section-padding-top-default section-padding-bottom-default white this-media-ratio-2x1 cms-section-d39g2gg" > <div class="photos-wall grid-wrapper"> <div class="gw-inner"> <h2 class="section-title">Recommended Exhibitors</h2> <div class="photos-wall-swiper swiper"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="photos-wall-item no-link" > <div class="image-wrap"> <div class="inner"> <img src="" alt="资源 26" title="资源 26"> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="photos-wall-item no-link" > <div class="image-wrap"> <div class="inner"> <img src="" alt="资源 28" title="资源 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