KONE Digital Experience elevators - KONE Major Projects

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Use digital design and soundscape audio to turn your elevators into a key moment in the building experience. </span> </p> </header> </div> </section> </div> <div class="hero-banner-wrapper"> <section id="item-130802" class="banner hero-banner scroll-past video-banner level1"> <div class="container"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="" > <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="" > <img class="responsive-background" alt="Green-lobby_EDITED:1920x705%28hero%29" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" data-lazy="" width="1024" height="450"> </picture> <button class="round animate close stop-video" aria-label="Stop video" title="Close video"></button> <header> <p class="subtitle">CREATE&#160;UNEXPECTED&#160;MAGIC</p> <p class="slidetitle">Inspiring happiness<br /> </p> <p class="intro"> <span>Bring the feeling of the lobby inside your elevators to create a unique digital atmosphere designed to engage and inspire people who visit your building. </span> </p> </header> </div> </section> </div> <div class="hero-banner-wrapper"> <section id="item-130803" class="banner hero-banner scroll-past video-banner level1"> <div class="container"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="" > <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="" > <img class="responsive-background" alt="Lounge2:1920x705%28hero%29" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" data-lazy="" width="1024" height="450"> </picture> <button class="round animate close stop-video" aria-label="Stop video" title="Close video"></button> <header> <p class="subtitle">CREATE&#160;UNEXPECTED&#160;MAGIC</p> <p class="slidetitle">Stunning consistency<br /> </p> <p class="intro"> <span>Elevate the vibe with impressive elevators that are custom designed to match the aesthetics of a business for a seamless branded experience. </span> </p> </header> </div> </section> </div> </section> <section id="item-130871" class="hero-slider carousel" data-previous-button="Previous slide" data-next-button="Next slide"> <div class="hero-banner-wrapper"> <section id="item-130804" class="banner hero-banner scroll-past video-banner level1"> <div class="container"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="" > <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="" > <img fetchpriority="high" class="responsive-background" alt="MC_8958_KONE_High_Rise_Digital_Experience_Car_P0A1561:1920x705%28hero%29" src="" width="1024" height="450"> </picture> <button class="round animate close stop-video" aria-label="Stop video" title="Close video"></button> <header> <p class="subtitle">PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL CONTENT</p> <h1 >Capture the moment<br /> </h1> <p class="intro"> <span>The possibilities are endless with fully customized digital content for your elevators. Create unique elevator experiences at different times of day, and enjoy knowing that your elevators can be digitally redesigned to meet the changing needs of your building.</span> </p> </header> </div> </section> </div> <div class="hero-banner-wrapper"> <section id="item-130805" class="banner hero-banner scroll-past video-banner level1"> <div class="container"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="" > <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="" > <img class="responsive-background" alt="Nightclub:1920x705%28hero%29" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" data-lazy="" width="1024" height="450"> </picture> <button class="round animate close stop-video" aria-label="Stop video" title="Close video"></button> <header> <p class="subtitle">CAPTURE THE&#160;MOMENT</p> <p class="slidetitle">Timely suggestions<br /> </p> <p class="intro"> <span>Adapt to changing needs quickly with future-proof elevators that can capture the feeling of a special day or drive new business with well-timed offers. </span> </p> </header> </div> </section> </div> <div class="hero-banner-wrapper"> <section id="item-130806" class="banner hero-banner scroll-past video-banner level1"> <div class="container"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="" > <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="" > <img class="responsive-background" alt="Landing-1:1920x705%28hero%29" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" data-lazy="" width="1024" height="450"> </picture> <button class="round animate close stop-video" aria-label="Stop video" title="Close video"></button> <header> <p class="subtitle">CAPTURE THE&#160;MOMENT</p> <p class="slidetitle">Instant orientation<br /> </p> <p class="intro"> <span>Provide helpful navigation features and intuitive visualizations that make your building easy-to-use by improving accessibility for everyone. </span> </p> </header> </div> </section> </div> </section> <section class="module module-content-blocks layout-cards " id="item-130807"> <div class="container"> <header> <p class="subtitle">OUR FLAGSHIP ELEVATORS</p> <h2>Find the perfect platform for your building</h2> <p class="intro">Each of the KONE Digital Experience elevator options shown below can be customized to meet your needs. Choose the one you like best and we’ll work with you to create an experience that enhances your building. Digital Experience elevator platforms can also be installed in existing buildings. </p> </header> <div class="content content-blocks"> <article class="content-block"> <div class="media"> <div> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="PFCDXC3:760x428%2816-9%29"/> </div> </div> <div class="rtf"> <p class="subtitle"> </p> <h3>Digital&#160;experience car</h3> <div class="details"><p> Our top model offers a KONE Mirror Display video screen on the back wall for custom digital content and a KONE Aurora wall on either side of the car for advanced lighting and ambiance effects that can be synced with a soundscape.</p></div> </div> </article> <article class="content-block"> <div class="media"> <div> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="AuroraCar:760x428%2816-9%29"/> </div> </div> <div class="rtf"> <p class="subtitle"> </p> <h3>KONE Aurora car</h3> <div class="details"><p> Designed to create immersive soundscapes that sync with ambient lighting, this model features a stunning KONE Aurora wall at the back of the elevator and customizable side walls based on a wide range of materials and textures.</p></div> </div> </article> <article class="content-block"> <div class="media"> <div> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Mirror_Display_Car_3:760x428%2816-9%29"/> </div> </div> <div class="rtf"> <p class="subtitle"> </p> <h3>Mirror display car</h3> <div class="details"><p> The rear wall is equipped with a 4K floor-to-ceiling KONE Mirror Display that’s perfect for any digital content. There are also animated LED lights on both of sides of the display and the other walls can be customized with a wide range of materials.</p></div> </div> </article> <article class="content-block"> <div class="media"> <div> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Landing-1:760x428%2816-9%29"/> </div> </div> <div class="rtf"> <p class="subtitle"> </p> <h3>Landing area screen</h3> <div class="details"><p> A multi-purpose KONE Mirror display between your landing doors provides elevator positioning and customizable content for intuitive guidance while also allowing you to sync up the screen with your digital elevator themes.</p></div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </section> <section class="module module-campaign-highlights" id="item-130808"> <h2 style="display:none">KONE Digital Experience elevators</h2> <div class="container"> <article class="campaign-highlights bg-koneblue"> <div class="campaign-highlights__media"> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="KONE_Hyvinkee_Dec23_PARTNERSHIP_SCENE_11_2117-4:760x428%2816-9%29"/> </div> <div class="rtf"> <h3>Book a demo</h3> <div class="details"> <p>We’d love to show you our KONE Digital Experience elevators. Click the link below to leave your contact details and we’ll be in touch. </p> </div> <div class="actions"> <a class="btn btn-secondary btn-big" data-analytics="" href="/contact/" target="_self">Contact us</a> </div> </div> </article> </div> </section> <section class="module module-teasers bg-white" id="item-130937"> <div class="container"> <header> <h2>Feel good about your building</h2> <p class="intro">Every KONE Digital Experience elevator comes with DX connected elevator technology that enables real-time performance data and time-saving digital services that make ownership and maintenance easier.</p> </header> <div class="content teasers"> <div class="teaser entireEleClickable"> <figure> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="shutterstock_1481291132-1:667x424"/> </figure> <div class="rtf"> <h3> KONE digital services </h3> <div class="details"> <p>Save time with the latest connected elevator technology and KONE digital services like predictive maintenance and 24/7 Planner.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser entireEleClickable"> <figure> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="older_man_in_the_office_shutterstock_1895457241-1:667x424"/> </figure> <div class="rtf"> <h3> Real-time data </h3> <div class="details"> <p>Monitor elevator performance from anywhere and see both past and upcoming maintenance activities online or in your own dashboards.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser entireEleClickable"> <figure> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="MC_8958_KONE_High_Rise_Digital_Experience_Car_P0A1761:667x424"/> </figure> <div class="rtf"> <h3> Energy savings </h3> <div class="details"> <p>KONE Digital Experience elevators come with efficient hoisting for a lower carbon footprint and a more sustainable building.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="module module-teasers bg-lightblue" id="item-130876"> <div class="container"> <header> <p class="subtitle">Nordic design &amp; technology</p> <h2>High-quality components</h2> </header> <div class="content teasers"> <div class="teaser entireEleClickable"> <figure> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="Aurora_Car_4:535x365"/> </figure> <div class="rtf"> <h3> KONE Aurora animated light wall </h3> <div class="details"> <p>A floor-to-ceiling glass panel that emits light in a wide range of colors and patterns to sync with music and the atmosphere in the car. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser entireEleClickable"> <figure> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="MC_8958_KONE_High_Rise_Digital_Experience_Car_P0A2238:535x365"/> </figure> <div class="rtf"> <h3> Built-in high fidelity sound system </h3> <div class="details"> <p>Designed and built in Finland, the best custom audio components are strategically placed inside the car for incredible sound.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser entireEleClickable"> <figure> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="KONE-Digital-Experience-Car_Red-Dot-Design-Awards-2021_02:535x365"/> </figure> <div class="rtf"> <h3> Custom-built non-
heating screens </h3> <div class="details"> <p>Screens inside the car are designed and built to meet demanding elevator-specific standards for protection and safety.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="teaser entireEleClickable"> <figure> <img data-src="" src="/Content/ajax-loader-big.gif?t=20241123" class=" lazyload" alt="ReDot:535x365"/> </figure> <div class="rtf"> <h3> Superior elevator experience </h3> <div class="details"> <p>The KONE Digital experience car concept was recognized by the red dot design awards for an innovative multi-sensory experience.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <input type="hidden" id="cookiepopupversion" name="cookiepopupversion" value="v2" /> <section id="cookiepopup" class="cookiepopup"> <div class="cookiepopup__content bg-sand"> <div> <p class="cookietext"><p>We use cookies to optimize site functionality and to give you the best possible experience while browsing our site. 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