Statistics - Broadway in NYC | The Broadway League
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<div id="headers-orange" > <h1><span>Research & Statistics</span><br/> Statistics - Broadway in NYC </h1> </div> </div> <div id="chart-header" class="col-xs-12 white-bg no-padding-bottom"> <div class="row txt-page cms"> <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12"> <p>We offer the following PDFs for download (updated at the end of each season):</p> <p><a href="/static/user/admin/media/statistics_broadway_2023-2024_5-season-detail_v2025-03.pdf" target="_blank">Detailed Broadway statistics for the last five seasons</a> including musical/play/special breakdowns and notes</p> <p><a href="/static/user/admin/media/statistics_broadway_2009-10_2023-24.pdf" target="_blank">Broadway Season Statistics from 2009-10 through 2023-24</a></p> <p><a href="/static/user/admin/media/longest_runng_shows_2024-05.pdf" target="_blank">List of the longest-running Broadway shows</a></p> <h2>Broadway Season Statistics</h2> <p>The following graph and table are a summary of League statistical information for Broadway shows from the 1980-81 season to the present.</p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12 no-padding tabs-biggie"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs tab-grosses" id="myTab" role="tablist"> <li role="presentation" class="col-xs-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6 active"><a id="chart-grosses" href="#for-grosses" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Grosses</a></li> <li role="presentation" class="col-xs-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6"><a id="chart-attendance" href="#for-attendence" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Attendance</a></li> </ul> <div class="tab-content" id="tab-statistics"> <div id="for-grosses" class="tab-pane active"> <div class="chart-yaxis-top-label"> Grosses<br>(by millions) </div> <div class="chart-container"> <div class="canvas-holder"> <canvas id="chart" class="chart-season" width="878" height="720"></canvas> <div id="chart-tooltip" class="chart-tooltip"></div> </div> </div> <div class="chart-information"> <div class="chart-title"> <span class="chart-title-season grosses"> Seasons </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Tab Statistics --> <div id="for-attendence" class="tab-pane"> <div class="chart-yaxis-top-label"> Attendance<br>(by millions) </div> <div class="chart-container"> <div class="canvas-holder"> <canvas id="chart2" class="chart-season" width="878" height="720"></canvas> <div id="chart2-tooltip" class="chart-tooltip"></div> </div> </div> <div class="chart-information"> <div class="chart-title"> <span class="chart-title-season attendance"> Seasons </span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Tab Attendance --> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var allLabels = []; var allData = []; allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '0' + '", "label":"' + '1980-81' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('197487123.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '1' + '", "label":"' + '1981-82' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('223395852.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '2' + '", "label":"' + '1982-83' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('209389493.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '3' + '", "label":"' + '1983-84' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('229684810.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '4' + '", "label":"' + '1984-85' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('209027354.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '5' + '", "label":"' + '1985-86' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('190531876.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '6' + '", "label":"' + '1986-87' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('208041460.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '7' + '", "label":"' + '1987-88' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('253371291.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '8' + '", "label":"' + '1988-89' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('261633776.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '9' + '", "label":"' + '1989-90***' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('282157125.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '10' + '", "label":"' + '1990-91' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('267205570.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '11' + '", "label":"' + '1991-92' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('293014578.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '12' + '", "label":"' + '1992-93' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('327740483.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '13' + '", "label":"' + '1993-94' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('356491484.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '14' + '", "label":"' + '1994-95' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('406121744.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '15' + '", "label":"' + '1995-96' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('436120906.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '16' + '", "label":"' + '1996-97***' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('499332174.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '17' + '", "label":"' + '1997-98' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('557663689.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '18' + '", "label":"' + '1998-99' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('588178881.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '19' + '", "label":"' + '1999-00' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('603238028.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '20' + '", "label":"' + '2000-01' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('666197054.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '21' + '", "label":"' + '2001-02' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('643393840.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '22' + '", "label":"' + '2002-03' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('720917872.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '23' + '", "label":"' + '2003-04***' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('770990969.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '24' + '", "label":"' + '2004-05' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('768553418.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '25' + '", "label":"' + '2005-06' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('861646499.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '26' + '", "label":"' + '2006-07' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('938542237.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '27' + '", "label":"' + '2007-08' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('937831746.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '28' + '", "label":"' + '2008-09' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('943242078.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '29' + '", "label":"' + '2009-10' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('1020217201.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '30' + '", "label":"' + '2010-11***' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('1080562880.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '31' + '", "label":"' + '2011-12' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('1139311457.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '32' + '", "label":"' + '2012-13' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('1138734331.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '33' + '", "label":"' + '2013-14' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('1268881236.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '34' + '", "label":"' + '2014-15' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('1365231853.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '35' + '", "label":"' + '2015-16' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('1373253725.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '36' + '", "label":"' + '2016-17' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); allData.push(Number('1449399149.00')); allLabels.push('{"index":"' + '37' + '", "label":"' + '2017-18***' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + 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attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '1' + '", "label":"' + '1981-82' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('10146553.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '2' + '", "label":"' + '1982-83' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('8404928.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '3' + '", "label":"' + '1983-84' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('8067542.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '4' + '", "label":"' + '1984-85' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('7249293.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '5' + '", "label":"' + '1985-86' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('6537215.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '6' + '", "label":"' + '1986-87' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('7045364.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '7' + '", "label":"' + '1987-88' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('8142341.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '8' + '", "label":"' + '1988-89' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('7947925.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '9' + '", "label":"' + '1989-90***' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('8037580.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '10' + '", "label":"' + '1990-91' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('7313939.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '11' + '", "label":"' + '1991-92' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('7379506.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '12' + '", "label":"' + '1992-93' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('7856793.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '13' + '", "label":"' + '1993-94' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('8118662.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '14' + '", "label":"' + '1994-95' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('9037772.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '15' + '", "label":"' + '1995-96' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('9469154.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '16' + '", "label":"' + '1996-97***' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('10569907.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '17' + '", "label":"' + '1997-98' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('11479549.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '18' + '", "label":"' + '1998-99' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('11665684.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '19' + '", "label":"' + '1999-00' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('11390084.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '20' + '", "label":"' + '2000-01' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('11895528.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '21' + '", "label":"' + '2001-02' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('10954868.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '22' + '", "label":"' + '2002-03' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('11422679.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '23' + '", "label":"' + '2003-04***' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('11605480.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '24' + '", "label":"' + '2004-05' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('11527349.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '25' + '", "label":"' + '2005-06' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('12003148.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '26' + '", "label":"' + '2006-07' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('12311745.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '27' + '", "label":"' + '2007-08' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('12266585.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '28' + '", "label":"' + '2008-09' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('12146525.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '29' + '", "label":"' + '2009-10' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('11887267.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '30' + '", "label":"' + '2010-11***' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('12534595.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '31' + '", "label":"' + '2011-12' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('12334312.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '32' + '", "label":"' + '2012-13' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('11569711.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '33' + '", "label":"' + '2013-14' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('12214823.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '34' + '", "label":"' + '2014-15' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('13104066.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '35' + '", "label":"' + '2015-16' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('13317980.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '36' + '", "label":"' + '2016-17' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('13271252.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '37' + '", "label":"' + '2017-18***' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '53' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('13792614.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '38' + '", "label":"' + '2018-19^' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('14768254.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '39' + '", "label":"' + '2019-20^^' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '41' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('11137787.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '40' + '", "label":"' + '2021-22^^' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '42' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('6729143.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '41' + '", "label":"' + '2022-23^^' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('12283399.00')); attendanceLabels.push('{"index":"' + '42' + '", "label":"' + '2023-24' + '", "season_weeks":"' + '52' + '"}'); attendanceData.push(Number('12287708.00')); </script> <div class="row txt-page"> <div class="col-md-12"> <p class="droid-16"><p> *Beginning with the 2009-10 season, "Gross" represents gross gross and "Attendance" represents total attendance. For seasons prior, these numbers represent net gross and paid attendance, respectively. </p> <p> ** Playing Weeks represent the overall number of weeks of performance logged by all productions during the season. </p> <p> ***To account for variances in the calendar year, a 53rd week is added to the season every seven years. </p> <p> **** New productions reflect productions that officially opened within that season.</p> <p> 藛The 2018-19 season was the highest grossing and best attended season in recorded history. </p> <p> 藛藛The 2019-20 season was cut short by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic which led to a complete shutdown of Broadway in March 2020. The season tallies for the 2019-20 season reflect performances through the week ending March 8, 2020, the last full week of performances of that season. The 2021-22 season marked the return of Broadway. However, the start of the season was delayed by 10 weeks; re-openings were staggered; and there were numerous COVID-related cancellations of performances, including during the December/New Year鈥檚 holidays. The 2022-23 season was the first full season since Broadway came back.</p></p> </div> <div class="col-md-12 no-padding season-grosses"> <div class="scroller-shows"> <table class=" shows display table-season" width="100%" height="auto" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th>Season</th> <th>Gross<span class="col-heading-sm">*(by millions)</span></th> <th>Attendance<span class="col-heading-sm">*(by millions)</span></th> <th>Playing Weeks**</th> <th>New Productions****</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>2023-24</td> <td>$1,539</td> <td>12.29</td> <td>1,471</td> <td>39</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2022-23^^</td> <td>$1,578</td> <td>12.28</td> <td>1,474</td> <td>40</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021-22^^</td> <td>$845</td> <td>6.73</td> <td>946</td> <td>39</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2019-20^^</td> <td>$1,358</td> <td>11.14</td> <td>1,282</td> <td>33</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2018-19^</td> <td>$1,829</td> <td>14.77</td> <td>1,737</td> <td>38</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2017-18***</td> <td>$1,697</td> <td>13.79</td> <td>1,624</td> <td>33</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2016-17</td> <td>$1,449</td> <td>13.27</td> <td>1,580</td> <td>45</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2015-16</td> <td>$1,373</td> <td>13.32</td> <td>1,648</td> <td>39</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2014-15</td> <td>$1,365</td> <td>13.10</td> <td>1,626</td> <td>37</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2013-14</td> <td>$1,269</td> <td>12.21</td> <td>1,496</td> <td>44</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2012-13</td> <td>$1,139</td> <td>11.57</td> <td>1,430</td> <td>46</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2011-12</td> <td>$1,139</td> <td>12.33</td> <td>1,522</td> <td>41</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2010-11***</td> <td>$1,081</td> <td>12.53</td> <td>1,588</td> <td>42</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2009-10</td> <td>$1,020</td> <td>11.89</td> <td>1,464</td> <td>39</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2008-09</td> <td>$943</td> <td>12.15</td> <td>1,548</td> <td>43</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2007-08</td> <td>$938</td> <td>12.27</td> <td>1,560</td> <td>36</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2006-07</td> <td>$939</td> <td>12.31</td> <td>1,509</td> <td>35</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2005-06</td> <td>$862</td> <td>12.00</td> <td>1,501</td> <td>39</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2004-05</td> <td>$769</td> <td>11.53</td> <td>1,494</td> <td>39</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2003-04***</td> <td>$771</td> <td>11.61</td> <td>1,451</td> <td>38</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2002-03</td> <td>$721</td> <td>11.42</td> <td>1,544</td> <td>36</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2001-02</td> <td>$643</td> <td>10.95</td> <td>1,433</td> <td>36</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2000-01</td> <td>$666</td> <td>11.90</td> <td>1,484</td> <td>28</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1999-00</td> <td>$603</td> <td>11.39</td> <td>1,463</td> <td>36</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1998-99</td> <td>$588</td> <td>11.67</td> <td>1,441</td> <td>39</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1997-98</td> <td>$558</td> <td>11.48</td> <td>1,442</td> <td>33</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1996-97***</td> <td>$499</td> <td>10.57</td> <td>1,349</td> <td>38</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1995-96</td> <td>$436</td> <td>9.47</td> <td>1,147</td> <td>38</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1994-95</td> <td>$406</td> <td>9.04</td> <td>1,123</td> <td>34</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1993-94</td> <td>$356</td> <td>8.12</td> <td>1,069</td> <td>41</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1992-93</td> <td>$328</td> <td>7.86</td> <td>1,019</td> <td>34</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1991-92</td> <td>$293</td> <td>7.38</td> <td>905</td> <td>37</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1990-91</td> <td>$267</td> <td>7.31</td> <td>984</td> <td>29</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1989-90***</td> <td>$282</td> <td>8.04</td> <td>1,071</td> <td>40</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1988-89</td> <td>$262</td> <td>7.95</td> <td>1,112</td> <td>36</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1987-88</td> <td>$253</td> <td>8.14</td> <td>1,126</td> <td>35</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1986-87</td> <td>$208</td> <td>7.05</td> <td>1,074</td> <td>48</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1985-86</td> <td>$191</td> <td>6.54</td> <td>1,060</td> <td>38</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1984-85</td> <td>$209</td> <td>7.25</td> <td>1,087</td> <td>39</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1983-84</td> <td>$230</td> <td>8.07</td> <td>1,128</td> <td>37</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1982-83</td> <td>$209</td> <td>8.40</td> <td>1,268</td> <td>53</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1981-82</td> <td>$223</td> <td>10.15</td> <td>1,464</td> <td>48</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1980-81</td> <td>$197</td> <td>11.01</td> <td>1,558</td> <td>64</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <p class="droid-16"><!-- THIS GOES BELOW THE CHART **Playing Weeks are calculated by counting the number of weeks during which each show performed in a given year, and then adding together each show's subtotal to determine the overall number of weeks of performance logged by all shows. The result is the best measure of Broadway's productivity (overall activity).<br /><br />***To account for variances in the calendar year, a 53rd week is added to the season every seven years.--></p> </div> <a class="bold droid-16 scrollTop" href="#" >[BACK TO TOP]</a> </div> </div> <!-- White BG --> </div><!-- Main Content Block End --> </div> </div> <!-- Full Page Content Block End --> <!-- MAIN CONTENT --> <div class="row txt-center visible-xs"> <a href="#top" class="link-color link-top"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-top"></span></a> </div> <div class="txt-page visible-xs"> <div class="separator-white"></div> </div> <!-- FOOTER --> <div id="footer"> <div class="band white row"> <div class="container advertising-bottom"> <div class="col-md-12 top-divider"> <div> <h2 class="txt-center">Official Partners</h2> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 txt-center"> <a href="" target="_blank" ><img src="/static/user/admin/media/footer_sponsors/footer-chase.png" alt="image" class="img-responsive center" /></a> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 txt-center"> <a href="" target="_blank" ><img src="/static/user/admin/media/footer_sponsors/footer-nyt.png" alt="image" class="img-responsive center" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="band grey"> <div class="footer-container"> <!-- <p>Copyright © 2015-25 The Broadway League. 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