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All changes will be made to the respective lot descriptions on our website, Additions to this list will be made as required <b><i>– please periodically check our website for further changes.</i></b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> <BR><BR> <b>Lot 40:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 42:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 44:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 68:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 73:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 74:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 84:</b> Prospero 165 (in references and pedigree). <br> <b>Lot 109:</b> Scrape on reverse. <br> <b>Lot 121:</b> Also ex Burgan 37 (30 September 1994), lot 323; Auctiones AG 23 (17 June 1993), lot 279. <br> <b>Lot 131:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 139:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 151:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 153:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 154:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 163:</b> No necklace on reverse. <br> <b>Lot 164:</b> SNG ANS 430 (same dies). A few minor die breaks on obverse. <br> <b>Lot 165:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 166:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 196:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 210:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 242:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 243:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 258:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 260:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 262:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 263:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 268:</b> Also ex Charles Gillet (†1972) Collection, 1105. <br> <b>Lot 273:</b> Withdrawn. <br> <b>Lot 290:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 291:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 324:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 325:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 326:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 333:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 334:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 338:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 362:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 363:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 364:</b> DCA2 845 (`Abd`aštart II). <br> <b>Lot 402:</b> Ptolemy V, dated CY 92 (181/0 BC). DCA2 1156. <br> <b>Lot 418:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 420:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 425:</b> Note and die study revised, see online description for changes. <br> <b>Lot 426:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 428:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 437:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 438:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 439:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 444:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 445:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 452:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 469:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 487:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 502:</b> RPC II 2457.11 (this coin). <br> <b>Lot 523:</b> Legend begins Π, not Λ. <br> <b>Lot 534:</b> RPC II 6364.7 (this coin). <br> <b>Lot 582:</b> Header should read:</b> Pedigreed to 1930. <br> <b>Lot 593:</b> Burnett (unlisted dies) <br> <b>Lot 594:</b> Coin is an As, not a Dupondius. <br> <b>Lot 662:</b> Withdrawn. <br> <b>Lot 699:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 704:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 709:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 714:</b> Not ex Münzhandlung Basel 8 (the pedigree listed in the Adda catalog is incorrect).<br> <b>Lot 719:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 740:</b> Not the Banti plate coin.<br> <b>Lot 741:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 742:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 743:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 744:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 752:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 754:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 755:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 756:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 757:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 758:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 768:</b> Also ex Mike Vosper FPL 113 (May 2000), no. 36. <br> <b>Lot 785:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 794:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 829:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 840:</b> Withdrawn<br> <b>Lot 903:</b> Dated 1497, not 1494. References should read:</b> Levinson I-362b; Gaedechens 86; Friedberg –.<br> <b>Lot 1002:</b> The medal is not the sole example known in gold, but the second example known. See the online description for corrections. <br> <b>Lot 1021:</b> Flan crack and associated chip. <br> <b>Lot 1096:</b> NGC encapsulation number should read 6909359-009.<br> <br> </CENTER></SPAN> </td> </tr> </table> <br clear="all" /> </div> <div class="footer"> <ul id="ulLis2" class="navigation nav2"> <li id="liHome2"><a href="Default.aspx">Home</a></li> <li id="liShop2"><a href="#">Shop</a> <ul> <li><a href="Coins.aspx?CONTAINER_TYPE_ID=1&amp;VIEW_TYPE=0">The Coin Shop</a> </li> <li><a href="CNG+is+Buying.aspx">CNG is Buying</a> </li> <li id="liServices2"> <a href="GuServices.aspx">Coin Shop Services</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="liAuctions2"><a href="#">Auctions</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Feature Auctions</a> <ul id="menuFeatured2"><li><a href=''>Current Auction</a></ li ><li><a href = 'Consignments+and+Schedule+of+Printed+Auctions.aspx' > Consignments and Schedule</a></li></ul> </li> <li><a href="#">eAuctions</a> <ul id="menuEAuctions2"><li><a href=''>Current Auction</a></ li ><li><a href = 'Consignments+and+Schedule+of+eAuctions.aspx' > Consignments and Schedule</a></li></ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li id="liInformation2"><a href="Terms+of+Use.aspx">TERMS OF USE</a></li> <li id="liResearch2"><a href="Coins_sold.aspx">Research</a></li> <li id="liBibliography2"><a href="Bibliography.aspx">Bibliography</a></li> <li id="liAbout2"><a href="About+CNG.aspx">About us</a></li> <li id="liContact2"><a href="ContactUs.aspx">Contact us</a></li> </ul> <a href="Contact+CNG.aspx">Lancaster</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="Contact+CNG.aspx">London</a> &nbsp; &nbsp; Copyright © CNG 2025 &nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=""></a> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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