Skin Game (Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher | LibraryThing
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""><html> <head><title>Skin Game (Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher | LibraryThing</title> <link rel="canonical" href="" /><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="LibraryThing" /> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Reviews: Skin Game (Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="★★★★ Skin Game is the fifteenth entry in The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. Working for Mab has its drawbacks. For example, Harry being loaned out to the Evil League of Evil for a heist to settle one of Mab's debts. Harry finds himself working with his most despised enemy to break into a high-security vault so they can steal something from the Nevernever. Harry's going to have to watch his back to survive this mess. I love a good heist! Harry is forced to team up with his enemies as they embark on an Ocean's 11-style trip to the underworld. This makes for a hell of a good time and something I had never really considered: that even the paranormal sometimes want to store something in a vault. There is a lot to unpack character wise in this installment. While not everyone has page time, I enjoyed the ones who did. I did not see that change for Butters coming at all! I love how Butters is embracing his inner nerd as part of his new role. It feels true to character. I feel a small pang of loss that Bob and Harry aren't working partners any more though it seems that Bob and Butters work well together. It is in turns frustrating that Murphy has to sit this one out and yet makes total sense so that it gives Michael an opportunity to join in. He is uniquely suited to this undertaking and helping watch Harry's back. We're also introduced to Goodman Grey this book which opens up some interesting ideas given how much of a contrast he is to the only other skinwalker we've met in the series so far. There are so many other reveals in this one that it's hard to keep track. I'm very curious to how some of this will play out over the rest of the series. I'm also sure that's not the last we've seen of the Denarians. Thank you Mr Butcher for finally having Harry make a move on his relationship problem!" /> <meta name="twitter:image:src" content="" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Narilka's review of Skin Game (Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher" /> <meta property="og:type" content="review" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <meta property="og:image:width" content="250" /> <meta property="og:image:height" content="250" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="" /> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="79305890602" /> <meta property="og:description" content="★★★★ "Skin Game is the fifteenth entry in The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. Working for Mab has its drawbacks. For example, Harry being loaned out to the Evil League of Evil for a heist to settle one of Mab's debts. Harry finds himself working with his most despised enemy to break into a high-security vault so they can steal something from the Nevernever. Harry's going to have to watch his back to survive this mess. I love a good heist! Harry is forced to team up with his enemies as they embark on an Ocean's 11-style trip to the underworld. This makes for a hell of a good time and something I had never really considered: that even the paranormal sometimes want to store something in a vault. There is a lot to unpack character wise in this installment. While not everyone has page time, I enjoyed the ones who did. I did not see that change for Butters coming at all! I love how Butters is embracing his inner nerd as part of his new role. It feels true to character. I feel a small pang of loss that Bob and Harry aren't working partners any more though it seems that Bob and Butters work well together. It is in turns frustrating that Murphy has to sit this one out and yet makes total sense so that it gives Michael an opportunity to join in. He is uniquely suited to this undertaking and helping watch Harry's back. We're also introduced to Goodman Grey this book which opens up some interesting ideas given how much of a contrast he is to the only other skinwalker we've met in the series so far. There are so many other reveals in this one that it's hard to keep track. I'm very curious to how some of this will play out over the rest of the series. I'm also sure that's not the last we've seen of the Denarians. Thank you Mr Butcher for finally having Harry make a move on his relationship problem!"" /> <meta property="review:target" content="" /> <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX,FOLLOW"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="All about Reviews: Skin Game (Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher. 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Your use of the site and services is subject to these policies and terms.</div></div></div> </div><div id="gbss"> <h1>Results from Google Books</h1> <p>Click on a thumbnail to go to Google Books.</p> <div id="gbss_content"></div> </div><div class="content reviews"><input type="hidden" name="cgtag_lb_title" value="CoverGuess Tags" id="cgtag_lb_title" class="" ><input type="hidden" name="work" value="14102131" id="work" class="" ><input type="hidden" name="book" value="171957946" id="book" class="" > <table class="wrapper" width="100%" border=0> <col width="160"> <col> <col width="210"> <tr> <td class="left"><div id="maincover" class="mainleftimage"><a href="#" onclick="si_info('isbn_0451470044'); return false;"><img src="" class="icon"></a><a href=""><img width="180" id="mainCover" class="workCoverImage" srcset=" 2x, 3x" src="" alt="Skin Game (Dresden Files) by Jim Butcher" data-adaptive-background="1" ></a></div><div class="leftnav workleftnav alwaysblue noline"><ul><li class="first"><a href="/work/14102131/summary/171957946">Main page</a></li> <li class="gap"><a href="/work/14102131/workdetails/171957946">Work details</a></li> <li ><a href="/work/14102131/details/171957946">Book details</a></li> <li class="gap selected"><a href="/work/14102131/reviews/171957946">Reviews</a> <span class="count">(141)</span></li> <li ><a href="/work/14102131/recommendations/171957946">Recommendations</a></li> <li ><a href="/work/14102131/members/171957946">Members</a></li> <li ><a href="/work/14102131/descriptions/171957946">Descriptions</a></li> <li ><a href="/work/14102131/conversations/171957946">Conversations</a> <span class="count">(109)</span></li> <li ><a href="/work/14102131/commonknowledge/171957946">Common Knowledge</a></li> <li ><a href="/work/14102131/popularity/171957946">Popularity</a></li> <li ><a href="/work/14102131/covers/171957946">Cover images</a></li> <li ><a href="/work/14102131/editions/171957946">Editions</a></li></ul></div> </td> <td class="middle" id="middleColumn"> <div id="loading">Loading...</div><div class="headsummary"><h1>Skin Game (Dresden Files) <span class="date">(edition 2015)</span></h1><h2>by <a href="/author/butcherjim-1">Jim Butcher</a> (Author)<hr></h2><div class="authorsandseries"><h3><b>Series:</b> <a href="/nseries/111/The-Dresden-Files" class="" >The Dresden Files</a> (15)</h3></div></div><div class="wslcontainer"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="wsltable"><tr class="wslheader"><td width="18%" class="firstchild">Members</td><td width="18%">Reviews</td><td width="18%">Popularity</td><td width="22%">Average rating</td><td width="25%" class="lastchild">Mentions</td></tr><tr class="wslcontent"><td valign="middle" class="firstchild"><a href="/work/14102131/members">3,166</a></td><td valign="middle"><a href="/work/14102131/reviews">142</a></td><td valign="middle"><a href="/work/14102131/popularity">4,525</a></td><td valign="middle"><nobr><a href="/work/14102131/members"><img src="" style="margin-bottom: -2px;"></a> <span class="dark_hint">(4.34)</span></nobr></td><td valign="middle" class="lastchild"><a href="/work/14102131/conversations">109</a></td></tr></table></div><div id="u_0cc1c9bc" class="quickedit light"><div class="nav"><span class="navInfoTitle" style="margin-left: .75em;">Narilka's review</span></div></div><div class="simpleSection" id="shareid" style="max-width: 100% !important;"><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_171957946" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/0" data-workid="0" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div><i>Skin Game</i> is the fifteenth entry in <i>The Dresden Files</i> by Jim Butcher. Working for Mab has its drawbacks. For example, Harry being loaned out to the Evil League of Evil for a heist to settle one of Mab's debts. Harry finds himself working with his most despised enemy to break into a high-security vault so they can steal something from the Nevernever. Harry's going to have to watch his back to survive this mess.<br><br>I love a good heist! Harry is forced to team up with his enemies as they embark on an <i>Ocean's 11</i>-style trip to the underworld. This makes for a hell of a good time and something I had never really considered: that even the paranormal sometimes want to store something in a vault. <br><br>There is a lot to unpack character wise in this installment. While not everyone has page time, I enjoyed the ones who did. I did not see that change for Butters coming at all! I love how Butters is embracing his inner nerd as part of his new role. It feels true to character. I feel a small pang of loss that <spoiler>Bob and Harry aren't working partners any more though it seems that Bob and Butters work well together</spoiler>. It is in turns frustrating that <spoiler>Murphy has to sit this one out</spoiler> and yet makes total sense so that it gives <spoiler>Michael</spoiler> an opportunity to join in. He is uniquely suited to this undertaking and helping watch Harry's back. We're also introduced to Goodman Grey this book which opens up some interesting ideas given how much of a contrast he is to the only other <spoiler>skinwalker</spoiler> we've met in the series so far.<br><br>There are so many other reveals in this one that it's hard to keep track. I'm very curious to how some of this will play out over the rest of the series. I'm also sure that's not the last we've seen of the Denarians. Thank you Mr Butcher for finally having Harry make a move on his relationship problem! <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_171957946" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_171957946"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_171957946" src=""> <img id="rfi2_171957946" src=""><span id="rfrf_171957946"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/Narilka" target="_top">Narilka</a> | Oct 1, 2023 | <a href="/review/171957946"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div></div> <!-- simpleSection end --><div id="u_9ee937c4" class="quickedit light"><div class="nav"><span class="navInfoTitle" style="margin-left: .75em;">All member reviews</span></div></div><div id="wp_reviews" class="simpleSection"><div class="workSection"><div class="review_showing_pages"></div><div id='mainreviews_reviewnav' class='reviewnav'><div class="languagepick"><b><a href="javascript:loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,3,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','14102131','',false,'eng', 'profile');">English</a> (140)</b> <a href="javascript:loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,3,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','14102131','',false,'ger', 'profile');">German</a> (1) <a href="javascript:loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,3,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','14102131','',false,'all', 'profile');">All languages</a> (141)</div><div class="right"><strong><a href="#" onclick="loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,3,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','14102131','',false, null, 'profile');return false;">date<span class="sortArrow"> ▼</span></a></strong> | <a href="#" onclick="loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,2,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','14102131','',false, null, 'profile'); return false;">votes</a></div>Showing 1-25 of 140 (<a href="#" onclick="loadReviewsIntoContainer('',25,0,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','14102131','', false, null, 'profile'); return false;">next</a> | <a href="#" onclick="loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,0,3,'wp_reviews',10000,'','14102131','', false, null, 'profile'); return false;">show all</a>)</div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_263896957" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>One of the best Dresden books -- definitely blowing the lackluster Cold Days out of the water; this is Harry Dresden as he should be-- without thinking weird rapey thoughts every few pages. Butcher seems to have really taken the criticism about the male gaze / rape thoughts -- to the point that Harry literally thinks consent is sexy.<br><br>I was really scared that this book, with the set up of Cold Days, was going to go some gross places. Instead it went 'No, gross is a thing of the past!' instead it gave us a rollicking heist book, and one of the best Dresden Files books to date. There's action! Adventure! Intrigue! Double cross! Sex that isn't gross! Faith and hope! Women who are awesome! Women who are terrifying! Women who are terrifyingly awesome! Harry manning up and handling his bullshit! <br><br>In short, it was everything I didn't think I was going to get, and the super amazing surprise made it all the more awesome. This is a must read Dresden Files book. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_263896957" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_263896957"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_263896957" src=""> <img id="rfi2_263896957" src=""><span id="rfrf_263896957"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/crowsandprose" target="_top">crowsandprose</a> | May 15, 2024 | <a href="/review/263896957"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_251143082" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div><i>Skin Game</i> is the fifteenth book in Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files series. It picks up a year after the events of <i>Cold Days</i>. Harry has been living on the island of Demonreach that entire time, because the forces on the island are the only thing that’s keeping the parasite in his brain from killing him. Mab shows up, telling him that he only has three days left to live whether or not he stays there, and she has a job for the White Knight, to which he can’t say no. She wants to lend out his services in order to repay a debt to Nicodemus Archleone, one of the Knights of the Blackened Denarius and Harry’s sworn enemy. Nicodemus is putting together a crew to break into a secret vault belonging to Hades, God of the Underworld. One of the obstacles they’ll have to get past is a gate of ice, which, as the Winter Knight, Harry should have no trouble cracking. However, after Harry’s past dealings with Nicodemus, he’d rather kill the guy than work for him. He doesn’t have a choice in the matter, though, so he instead decides to bring along a friend to watch his back. He also starts plotting a way to fulfill the letter of what Mab promised so as to not sully her reputation or get himself into trouble with her, while also trying to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and maybe even take Nicodemus out of the equation by the time the job ends. Unfortunately he doesn’t know if there’s anyone else on the crew that he can trust to side with him when things hit the fan. Their mission turns out to be a dangerous one with many life-threatening hurdles along the way, but even if Harry can survive the heist, he still has the entity in his brain that’s about to kill him and he could piss off Nicodemus enough to make the Denarian target the people Harry loves the most.<br><br>Harry was told at the end of the previous book that he had a supernatural parasite in his brain that would kill him in short order, so as I mentioned, he’s spent the past year on Demonreach. The island’s power is the only thing keeping it at bay. Unfortunately few of his friends have come to visit and all of his messages to Molly, the only person who can deal with the entity in his head, have gone unanswered. However, while frustrating, the solitude has helped him learn more about both the island and his powers. In the previous book, Harry was learning how to use his new powers as the Winter Knight. While the mantle of Winter still sends errant thoughts into Harry’s mind, he’s starting to master them much better. I was quite happy that he seemed more his old, boy scout self in this book. He may have to do what Mab commands and work with his old enemy, Nicodemus, but he refuses to harm innocent civilians in the process. We also get to see some of the old, chivalrous Harry as he tries to reason with and protect the female members of their crew, even those who seem irredeemable. I thought it was also interesting that we get to see a more vulnerable side to Harry in this book. We begin to see him in a father role to Maggie. I don’t know what he’s going to choose with regards to fatherhood and Maggie in the future, whether he’ll take her full-time or leave her in the Carpenter’s care, but it’s obvious that he loves her and is going to be a good dad, no matter what. He’s also weakened by the entity in his brain, which allows others to step into the breach for him. All in all, I loved the Harry in this book and hope that he’ll be able to keep the evil side of Winter at bay and continue to be the Harry we know and love.<br><br><i>Skin Game</i> was unique in that Harry isn’t really working with his usual Scooby Gang. Instead, he has a whole new set of characters to work alongside during the heist. Their leader, Nicodemus, is, of course, pure evil, completely controlled by the fallen angel, Anduriel. He’ll do literally anything to get what he’s after in the vault. His daughter, Deidre, a demon, is his right hand person, and an integral part of his plot. He’s also hired a Genoskwa, a big foot of a different sort than we've seen in the past; Hannah Ascher, a warlock with strong fire powers, who I don’t believe we’ve seen before; and Goodman Grey, a shape-shifter mercenary. Ascher’s partner, is a sorcerer named Binder, with whom Harry has had past dealings. To round out their little crew, there’s also Anna Valmont, a human master thief who Harry has helped in the past and whom he hopes might be an ally to him. Now that’s not to say that none of the usual suspects are present, because several are. It’s just that some are seen in lesser capacities. Molly really only comes into play at the very end and isn’t a part of the main plot. Even still, I’m a little worried about her as she seems to be keeping secrets and there was no resolution here to the events in her novella “Cold Case.” Butters is starting to lose faith in Harry because of his new title as the Winter Knight, but the ME eventually comes around, and boy, does he ever put in a great showing in this story. I can’t say much more without giving away spoilers, but I loved the way he works with Bob and how he finds his courage to do something pretty spectacular. Mouse is now Maggie’s constant companion and protector, and we get to see him a few times, including once in his warrior dog capacity. If memory serves, this is the first time we’ve gotten to see Maggie in a speaking role. She’s content with the Carpenters, but I think a part of her wants her dad. The biggest supporting players, though, are Karrin and Michael who each act as backup for Harry at different times in the story, and they both did an amazing job.<br><br>Every few books or so in this series, I seem to keep finding a new favorite, and that designation now goes to <i>Skin Game</i>. At it’s heart, it’s a classic heist story in the vein of <i>Ocean’s Eleven</i>, except with a supernatural twist. Harry and the rest of Nicodemus’s crew face a number of obstacles to breaking into Hades’s vault, each of which are handled by a different member of the crew who is a specialist in that area. But we also have the added tension of Harry’s intentions to try to take Nicodemus out before the job is over so that he can’t turn the tables on them, as well as the entity in his brain that’s weakening him. In fact, this latter subplot had a pretty intriguing twist to it. Along the way, there are action, adventure, and battles aplenty as our intrepid hero and his allies fight to save the day like always. However, one unique aspect is that it shows the hero doesn’t always have to be the strongest person in the room. Sometimes it just takes a brave heart, stepping up to do the right thing in order to win. Because of this, the climax of the story was just amazing. Chef’s kiss perfection! The story was plotted masterfully and paced beautifully. And after complaining about it bitterly for many books now, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that things look like they might finally be on the right track for Harry and Karrin romantically. Yes! Now I just have to hope that Jim Butcher doesn’t ruin it for me in the next one, but for now I’m very pleased. Overall, everything came together to make this a perfect read and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_251143082" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_251143082"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_251143082" src=""> <img id="rfi2_251143082" src=""><span id="rfrf_251143082"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/mom2lnb" target="_top">mom2lnb</a> | Mar 3, 2024 | <a href="/review/251143082"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_256883484" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>next next next <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_256883484" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_256883484"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_256883484" src=""> <img id="rfi2_256883484" src=""><span id="rfrf_256883484"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/Zehava42" target="_top">Zehava42</a> | Jan 23, 2024 | <a href="/review/256883484"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_171957946" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div><i>Skin Game</i> is the fifteenth entry in <i>The Dresden Files</i> by Jim Butcher. Working for Mab has its drawbacks. For example, Harry being loaned out to the Evil League of Evil for a heist to settle one of Mab's debts. Harry finds himself working with his most despised enemy to break into a high-security vault so they can steal something from the Nevernever. Harry's going to have to watch his back to survive this mess.<br><br>I love a good heist! Harry is forced to team up with his enemies as they embark on an <i>Ocean's 11</i>-style trip to the underworld. This makes for a hell of a good time and something I had never really considered: that even the paranormal sometimes want to store something in a vault. <br><br>There is a lot to unpack character wise in this installment. While not everyone has page time, I enjoyed the ones who did. I did not see that change for Butters coming at all! I love how Butters is embracing his inner nerd as part of his new role. It feels true to character. I feel a small pang of loss that <spoiler>Bob and Harry aren't working partners any more though it seems that Bob and Butters work well together</spoiler>. It is in turns frustrating that <spoiler>Murphy has to sit this one out</spoiler> and yet makes total sense so that it gives <spoiler>Michael</spoiler> an opportunity to join in. He is uniquely suited to this undertaking and helping watch Harry's back. We're also introduced to Goodman Grey this book which opens up some interesting ideas given how much of a contrast he is to the only other <spoiler>skinwalker</spoiler> we've met in the series so far.<br><br>There are so many other reveals in this one that it's hard to keep track. I'm very curious to how some of this will play out over the rest of the series. I'm also sure that's not the last we've seen of the Denarians. Thank you Mr Butcher for finally having Harry make a move on his relationship problem! <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_171957946" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_171957946"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_171957946" src=""> <img id="rfi2_171957946" src=""><span id="rfrf_171957946"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/Narilka" target="_top">Narilka</a> | Oct 1, 2023 | <a href="/review/171957946"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_243135535" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Back to classic Dresden - all the good bits, all the frustrating bits. It's also getting a bit goddish but it's tolerable. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_243135535" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_243135535"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_243135535" src=""> <img id="rfi2_243135535" src=""><span id="rfrf_243135535"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/Kiramke" target="_top">Kiramke</a> | Jun 27, 2023 | <a href="/review/243135535"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_241698178" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>One of the best Dresden books in a while. I love that in most of his books there is an element of new world building. It keeps me interested. So in this book there is progress in character development and in the realms inhabited by Gods, Fey and Mobsters. Great read! <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_241698178" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_241698178"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_241698178" src=""> <img id="rfi2_241698178" src=""><span id="rfrf_241698178"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/caro_dimo" target="_top">caro_dimo</a> | Jun 5, 2023 | <a href="/review/241698178"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_238330373" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>I think I'm done with this series. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_238330373" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_238330373"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_238330373" src=""> <img id="rfi2_238330373" src=""><span id="rfrf_238330373"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/OhDhalia13" target="_top">OhDhalia13</a> | Apr 9, 2023 | <a href="/review/238330373"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_237772357" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>442 <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_237772357" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_237772357"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_237772357" src=""> <img id="rfi2_237772357" src=""><span id="rfrf_237772357"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/freixas" target="_top">freixas</a> | Mar 31, 2023 | <a href="/review/237772357"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_231212987" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Parkour!<br>It's great to have an author you can count on. The Dresden Files series is still going strong after 15 books, and this one was great ride from start to finish. Unpredictable and satisfying, loaded with action and humor, this installment was everything I want in a Harry Dresden adventure. <spoiler> I sure missed Thomas, but I was thrilled with how much time we got with Michael. And Butters-hurray for Butters and the new Sword of Faith! Hope to see Goodman Grey again too. </spoiler> <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_231212987" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_231212987"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_231212987" src=""> <img id="rfi2_231212987" src=""><span id="rfrf_231212987"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/Harks" target="_top">Harks</a> | Dec 17, 2022 | <a href="/review/231212987"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_225931019" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>[b:Skin Game|19486421|Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)|Jim Butcher||23811929] by [a:Jim Butcher|10746|Jim Butcher|]<br>Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Mystery, Suspense<br>4.75 Stars<br><br>There is nothing like Jim Butcher's 'Dresden Files'. <br>Harry Dresden is always in a state of growth.<br>Spiritually, emotionally & mentally he is always at war with himself in some way. <br><br>There is always a 'Good vs Evil' battle going on. <br>You have Knights of the Cross, Wizards, Sidhe & every supernatural being you can think of. <br><br>Action, Adventure, Suspense & Mystery! The Game is Afoot! And Harry Dresden is always NECK DEEP in it! <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_225931019" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_225931019"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_225931019" src=""> <img id="rfi2_225931019" src=""><span id="rfrf_225931019"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/bodebeabay" target="_top">bodebeabay</a> | Sep 25, 2022 | <a href="/review/225931019"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_220765122" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>SO worth the wait. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_220765122" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_220765122"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_220765122" src=""> <img id="rfi2_220765122" src=""><span id="rfrf_220765122"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/perseusjackson17" target="_top">perseusjackson17</a> | Jul 18, 2022 | <a href="/review/220765122"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_215997759" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Ég hef fylgst með sögum Jim Butchers um leynilögguna / galdramanninn Harry Dresden um nokkrun tíma. Þetta eru spennandi nútíma fantasíusögur með blöndu af húmor og morðplottum. Sérstaklega hef ég hrifist af upplestri James Marsters sem hefur lesið allar 15 sögurnar ásamt smásagnasafni utan eina söguna. Flestar eru þær vel heppnaðar þótt stundum verði þær formúlukenndar og keimlíkar en yfirleitt standa þær fyllilega undir væntingum.<br>Í nýjustu sögu Butchers, Skin game, er Dresden neyddur til að starfa með sínum hættulegasta óvini, Nicodemus Archleone, við erfitt verkefni vitandi að Nicodemus bíður færis að drepa hann við fyrsta tækifæri. Spennan helst nokkuð vel og sagan er ágætis skemmtun með ýmsum óvæntum uppákomum en endirinn fannst mér þó slappur.<br>Mér hefur fundist sá hugmyndaheimur og blanda af yfirnáttúrulegum öflum og nútímatækni nokkuð vel heppnuð hjá Butcher og þess vegna haldið tryggð við seríuna. Þessi bók fellur örugglega sístækkandi aðdáendahóp höfundarins ágætlega. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_215997759" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_215997759"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_215997759" src=""> <img id="rfi2_215997759" src=""><span id="rfrf_215997759"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/SkuliSael" target="_top">SkuliSael</a> | Apr 28, 2022 | <a href="/review/215997759"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_215442463" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>This series continues to be astonishingly good: in the breathtaking pace of the action, the constant struggle and development of Harry as a person and all his friends around him, and the ever-loving ass-kicking clever twists and turns. Well played, Dresden, well played. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_215442463" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_215442463"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_215442463" src=""> <img id="rfi2_215442463" src=""><span id="rfrf_215442463"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/jennybeast" target="_top">jennybeast</a> | Apr 14, 2022 | <a href="/review/215442463"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_213922359" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>This was fabulous! This is the 15th book in the Dresden Files series and I would assume that anyone that has hung in there for 15 books really enjoys these books. I am no exception. This is actually the first time that I have read this novel and I found it to be thoughtful, exciting, funny, and sometimes touching. I had a fantastic time with this book.<br><br>As the Winter Knight, Harry must do what Mab tells him to do. Of course, he still approaches tasks in his own unique style. When Harry is forced to help Nicodemus complete a task, he is less than happy about it but he does what he needs to do and takes steps to keep things as safe as he can. As part of a crew to try to retrieve the Holy Grail from a vault that belongs to Hades, he has his work cut out for him. Harry and his friends will face danger at every turn in this installment.<br><br>This book was really exciting. There was a lot of action to the story moving along. I loved how the core group of characters has evolved over the course of the series and I am amazed at how strong they really are. Harry has a wonderful sense of humor which I love but he also has a softer side and there were some really touching moments in this book. I love that this series is still able to surprise me so completely.<br><br>James Marsters is the voice of Harry. I do believe that this series is best experienced in audio. Mr. Marsters does such a good job of bringing Harry to life and I love the voices that he uses for the other characters in the series. He is able to add a lot of excitement and emotion to the reading. I know that his narration added to my overall enjoyment of this story.<br><br>I highly recommend this series to others. This is a series that does need to be read in order and just seems to keep getting better and better with each book. I cannot wait to read more of this wonderful series! <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_213922359" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_213922359"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_213922359" src=""> <img id="rfi2_213922359" src=""><span id="rfrf_213922359"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/Carolesrandomlife" target="_top">Carolesrandomlife</a> | Mar 14, 2022 | <a href="/review/213922359"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_213124414" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>I'd give this at least ten stars if I could. I finished it and immediately started it over so that I can catch all of the stuff that missed before I knew the plot twists. And it is twisty. And snarky. And touching. And all kinds of other great stuff. It's going to be a long wait for the next one. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_213124414" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_213124414"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_213124414" src=""> <img id="rfi2_213124414" src=""><span id="rfrf_213124414"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/tsmom1219" target="_top">tsmom1219</a> | Feb 24, 2022 | <a href="/review/213124414"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_211237505" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Read straight through. Dresdin's life is taking another turn. ooooooh. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_211237505" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_211237505"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_211237505" src=""> <img id="rfi2_211237505" src=""><span id="rfrf_211237505"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/nab6215" target="_top">nab6215</a> | Jan 18, 2022 | <a href="/review/211237505"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_211210463" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>this made me cry, 5/5 <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_211210463" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_211210463"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_211210463" src=""> <img id="rfi2_211210463" src=""><span id="rfrf_211210463"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/GridCube" target="_top">GridCube</a> | Jan 17, 2022 | <a href="/review/211210463"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_207558053" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Oooh... a heist! (you sonofabitch!) Lots of fun and lots of twists in this book. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_207558053" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_207558053"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_207558053" src=""> <img id="rfi2_207558053" src=""><span id="rfrf_207558053"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/KrakenTamer" target="_top">KrakenTamer</a> | Oct 23, 2021 | <a href="/review/207558053"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_205093146" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Possibly my favorite Dresden, so far.<br><br>Dresden is loaned out by Mab to help one of his many nemeses break into the Underworld and steal an artifact. The conversation with Hades (yes, /that/ Hades) was easily my favorite part of this story. Well, that or the emergence of Dresden’s spirit-child (rich possibilities for the future). Cap these two bits off with a reveal about one of Dresden’s fellow burglars; and I can’t wait to read the next books. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_205093146" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_205093146"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_205093146" src=""> <img id="rfi2_205093146" src=""><span id="rfrf_205093146"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/AMKitty" target="_top">AMKitty</a> | Sep 11, 2021 | <a href="/review/205093146"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_205720754" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>This is the best Dresden book in a while. Great stuff. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_205720754" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_205720754"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_205720754" src=""> <img id="rfi2_205720754" src=""><span id="rfrf_205720754"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/jamestomasino" target="_top">jamestomasino</a> | Sep 11, 2021 | <a href="/review/205720754"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_203275755" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>And then there was a heist. <br><br>Book 15, so the Denarians are due. In they came, and not in a way that anyone would have expected. Turns out, Mab owes Nicodemus a favor. She wants Dresden to carry it out. <br><br>What's the job? Oh, not that complicated. Steal the Holy Grail from Hades. Yes, that Hades.<br><br>Dresden is voluntold that he'll be working with Binder--who Dresden threatened to kill the next time he saw him; Hanna Ascher--a warlock with a serious gift for fire magic; Anna Valmont--who's team was previously killed by the people she's now working for; and Goodman Gray--a seriously creepy shapeshifter with a fascinating background and work ethic. <br><br>It's kind of awesome to get the handful of new characters along with fleshing out some old favorites. Combined with the twist in genre and we have a story that manages to at once grow the Dresdenverse yet more while at the same time pulling back the scope as a bit of a breather. Based on the ending, it's going to get interesting again. <br><br>On another cool side, we learn a bit more about Uriel and his archangelic powers and get a small chance to see Michael back in the action. Michael remains among my favorite characters in the books, so it's good that he yet has a part to play. Oh, and he has the power to destroy a galaxy. Just so you know that. <br><br>Random note: There's a kind of crazy explicit sex scene roughly half way through the book. It's a bit of a surprise, especially when you're listening to the book on a car ride with someone who's never listened to any of the other Dresden books before. So it goes. <br><br>Awesome scene: <spoiler>Butters goes full Jedi Knight. And then there was a Jewish Knight of the Cross. It's actually getting kind of ridiculous how only 1 of the 4 we've seen (2 of 5 if you count Murphy) has been particularly devout).</spoiler> <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_203275755" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_203275755"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_203275755" src=""> <img id="rfi2_203275755" src=""><span id="rfrf_203275755"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/jpv0" target="_top">jpv0</a> | Jul 21, 2021 | <a href="/review/203275755"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_203087730" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>It was ok... <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_203087730" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_203087730"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_203087730" src=""> <img id="rfi2_203087730" src=""><span id="rfrf_203087730"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/levan.matthew" target="_top">levan.matthew</a> | Jul 17, 2021 | <a href="/review/203087730"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_202767021" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Maybe I was just in the mood for a Dresden book, but I read the 450 pages of this book in 2 days. I really enjoyed it. Now the long wait for the next book. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_202767021" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_202767021"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_202767021" src=""> <img id="rfi2_202767021" src=""><span id="rfrf_202767021"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/richvalle" target="_top">richvalle</a> | Jul 11, 2021 | <a href="/review/202767021"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_198565172" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>10 months of Dresden immersion:<br>15 novels (audiobooks) and all of the short stories (some of which were hard to track down) and even the comics. I guess that's it until Peace Talks is published. My commutes will not be the same without James Marsters.<br> <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_198565172" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_198565172"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_198565172" src=""> <img id="rfi2_198565172" src=""><span id="rfrf_198565172"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/Tracyalanb" target="_top">Tracyalanb</a> | Apr 4, 2021 | <a href="/review/198565172"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class="bookReview"><div class="bookReview_content"><div id="brtext_197157085" class="commentText brslop"><div class="brev_cover"><a href="/work/14102131" data-workid="14102131" class="" ><img src="" srcset=" 2x, 3x" class="bookReview_cover cover" /></a></div><div class="commentHeader"></div>Ah, that paid off quite nicely. <span class="rating">( <img src=""> )</span></div><div id="rfd_197157085" class="reviewFlagDialogBox"></div><div class="commentFooter"><span class="reviewMods"><span class="reviewVoteInfo"><span class="reviewVoteCount" id="rvc_197157085"> </span> </span><!-- reviewVoteInfo --><span class="reviewFlags"> <img id="rfi1_197157085" src=""> <img id="rfi2_197157085" src=""><span id="rfrf_197157085"> </span></span></span> <!-- reviewMods --><span class="controlItems ci3"><a href="/profile/wetdryvac" target="_top">wetdryvac</a> | Mar 2, 2021 | <a href="/review/197157085"><img src="" width="16" height="7"></a></span> <!-- controlItems --></div></div></div><div class='reviewnav'><!-- languagenav --><div class="right"><strong><a href="#" onclick="loadReviewsIntoContainer('',0,3,3,'wp_reviews',25,'','14102131','',false, null, 'profile');return false;">date<span class="sortArrow"> ▼</span></a></strong> | <a href="#" 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