Food Package Design to Preserve Food Temperature

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <article key="pdf/10012438" mdate="2022-04-27 00:00:00"> <author>Sugiono and W. Ardiatna and H. Firdaus and N. Kusnandar and B. Utomo and J. A. Kadar</author> <title>Food Package Design to Preserve Food Temperature</title> <pages>27 - 30</pages> <year>2022</year> <volume>16</volume> <number>3</number> <journal>International Journal of Nutrition and Food Engineering</journal> <ee></ee> <url></url> <publisher>World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology</publisher> <abstract>It is desirable that most human food is warm when eaten, including when food is obtained by taking it away from the point of sale in disposable food packaging. However, such packaging does not retain heat for a long time, which is necessary to ensure the food remains warm when eaten. The study looked for singleuse food packaging that could retain the heat of the food for a long time. The methodology for obtaining such packaging is either by modifying available packages on the market or by making new ones with materials that are easily obtained locally, then testing by loading the local food and measuring its temperature and the length of time until it reaches the lowest acceptable temperature for hot food (56&amp;deg;C). Packages made of plastic boxes lined with thin aluminum foil on the inside are the best way to keep food warm for up to 44 minutes from the time it is put in the package to the time the required temperature is reached. Moreover, packaging made of local common food paper, where the food was put in a transparent plastic bag inside the package, was found to be the simplest package that could retain heat for 82.31 as long as the best packaging could, in this study. Plastic boxes with thin aluminum foil inside were the best singleuse food packaging in this study that served to keep hot food warm and fit for consumption.</abstract> <index>Open Science Index 183, 2022</index> </article>