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If you haven't already, download Pig now: <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Begin with the <a href="start.html">Getting Started</a> guide which shows you how to set up Pig and how to form simple Pig Latin statements. When you are ready to start writing your own scripts, review the <a href="basic.html">Pig Latin Basics</a> manual to become familiar with the Pig Latin operators and the supported data types.</p> <p>Functions can be a part of almost every operator in Pig. The <a href="func.html">Built In Functions</a> guide describes Pig's built in functions. The <a href="udf.html">User Defined Functions</a> manual shows you how to how to write your own functions and how to access/contribute functions using the Piggy Bank repository.</p> <p>The mechanisms featured in the <a href="cont.html">Control Structures</a> guide give you greater control over how your Pig scripts are structured and executed. The <a href="cont.html">Performance and Efficiency</a> guide provides valuable examples and suggestions for optimizing your code.</p> <p>Use Pig's Administration features <a href="admin.html">Administration</a> which provides properties that could be set to be used by all your users.</p> <p>Finally, use Pig's <a href="cmds.html">Shell and Utility Commands</a> to run your programs and Pig's expanded <a href="test.html">Testing and Diagnostics</a> tools to examine and/or debug your programs.</p> <p>If you have more questions, you can ask on the <a href="">Pig Mailing Lists</a>.</p> </div> <!--+ |end content +--> <div class="clearboth">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div id="footer"> <!--+ |start bottomstrip +--> <div class="lastmodified"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- document.write("Last Published: " + document.lastModified); // --></script> </div> <div class="copyright"> Copyright &copy; 2007-2015 <a href="">The Apache Software Foundation.</a> </div> <div id="logos"></div> <!--+ |end bottomstrip +--> </div> </body> </html>

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