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5.10404 73.0869 5.10404H72.3434C72.2969 5.10404 72.2588 5.1421 72.2588 5.18863V12.8065C72.2588 12.853 72.2969 12.8911 72.3434 12.8911H73.1216C73.1681 12.8911 73.2062 12.853 73.2062 12.8065V8.03665C73.2062 7.59088 73.3001 7.20432 73.4879 6.87697C73.6757 6.54962 73.9328 6.29925 74.2576 6.125C74.5824 5.95075 74.9495 5.86363 75.3581 5.86363C75.957 5.86363 76.4349 6.04802 76.7927 6.41767C77.1505 6.78646 77.329 7.28975 77.329 7.92584V12.8073C77.329 12.8539 77.367 12.8919 77.4135 12.8919H78.185C78.2315 12.8919 78.2696 12.8539 78.2696 12.8073V7.85648C78.2696 7.239 78.1571 6.71879 77.9321 6.29586C77.7071 5.87378 77.3958 5.5515 76.9991 5.33158V5.33073Z" /> <path d="M85.6675 5.94398C85.352 5.62594 84.9967 5.3891 84.6017 5.23346C84.2067 5.07782 83.7956 5 83.3684 5C82.69 5 82.0946 5.17425 81.582 5.52274C81.0685 5.87124 80.6693 6.34915 80.3842 6.95733C80.0983 7.56551 79.9562 8.2625 79.9562 9.04661C79.9562 9.83073 80.1017 10.526 80.3918 11.1291C80.682 11.7331 81.0931 12.2051 81.6251 12.5468C82.1571 12.8877 82.7873 13.0586 83.5165 13.0586C84.0409 13.0586 84.5053 12.974 84.9096 12.8039C85.3139 12.6348 85.6489 12.4106 85.9162 12.1315C86.1598 11.8769 86.3425 11.6037 86.4643 11.311C86.4829 11.2653 86.4575 11.2137 86.411 11.1985L85.6717 10.9633C85.6303 10.9507 85.5871 10.971 85.5694 11.0099C85.4772 11.2112 85.3469 11.3981 85.1777 11.5707C84.9899 11.7635 84.7573 11.9183 84.4816 12.0342C84.205 12.1501 83.8861 12.2085 83.5241 12.2085C82.9903 12.2085 82.5268 12.0824 82.1343 11.8287C81.7418 11.5758 81.439 11.2205 81.225 10.7629C81.0254 10.3357 80.9205 9.84173 80.907 9.28261H86.6013C86.6478 9.28261 86.6859 9.24455 86.6859 9.19802V8.87152C86.6859 8.21259 86.5954 7.6391 86.4144 7.15103C86.2334 6.66381 85.9847 6.26034 85.6692 5.94229L85.6675 5.94398ZM81.2132 7.2703C81.4196 6.84314 81.708 6.49972 82.0768 6.23919C82.4456 5.97951 82.877 5.84925 83.3693 5.84925C83.8616 5.84925 84.2913 5.97697 84.644 6.23242C84.9967 6.48787 85.2682 6.83637 85.4586 7.27707C85.6134 7.63571 85.7047 8.03327 85.7335 8.46804H80.9095C80.934 8.0375 81.0347 7.63825 81.2132 7.2703Z" /> <path d="M11.25 17.7971C11.3904 17.7971 11.5038 17.6838 11.5038 17.5434V13.9476C11.5038 13.8131 11.4505 13.6837 11.3549 13.5889L10.2984 12.5324C10.2028 12.4369 10.0742 12.3836 9.93976 12.3836H7.65338C7.51889 12.3836 7.38947 12.4369 7.29474 12.5324L6.23825 13.5889C6.14267 13.6845 6.08938 13.8131 6.08938 13.9476V17.5434C6.08938 17.6838 6.20273 17.7971 6.34314 17.7971H11.25Z" /> <path d="M13.385 6.44222L12.3285 7.49871C12.2329 7.59429 12.1796 7.72286 12.1796 7.85735V10.1437C12.1796 10.2782 12.2329 10.4076 12.3285 10.5024L13.385 11.5589C13.4805 11.6544 13.6091 11.7077 13.7436 11.7077H17.3394C17.4798 11.7077 17.5931 11.5944 17.5931 11.454V6.54796C17.5931 6.40754 17.4798 6.2942 17.3394 6.2942H13.7436C13.6091 6.2942 13.4797 6.34749 13.385 6.44307V6.44222Z" /> <path d="M6.34398 0.203125C6.20357 0.203125 6.09023 0.316471 6.09023 0.456884V4.05265C6.09023 4.18715 6.14352 4.31656 6.2391 4.4113L7.29558 5.46779C7.39117 5.56337 7.51974 5.61666 7.65423 5.61666H9.9406C10.0751 5.61666 10.2045 5.56337 10.2992 5.46779L11.3557 4.4113C11.4513 4.31572 11.5046 4.18715 11.5046 4.05265V0.456884C11.5046 0.316471 11.3913 0.203125 11.2508 0.203125H6.34398Z" /> <path d="M17.3402 12.3836H13.7445C13.61 12.3836 13.4805 12.4369 13.3858 12.5324L12.3293 13.5889C12.2337 13.6845 12.1805 13.8131 12.1805 13.9476V17.5434C12.1805 17.6838 12.2938 17.7971 12.4342 17.7971H17.3402C17.4806 17.7971 17.594 17.6838 17.594 17.5434V12.6373C17.594 12.4969 17.4806 12.3836 17.3402 12.3836Z" /> <path d="M5.15977 0.203125H1.564C1.42867 0.203125 1.30009 0.256414 1.20451 0.351997L0.148872 1.40764C0.0532895 1.50322 0 1.63179 0 1.76713V5.3629C0 5.50331 0.113346 5.61666 0.253759 5.61666H3.84953C3.98402 5.61666 4.11344 5.56337 4.20818 5.46779L5.26466 4.4113C5.36024 4.31572 5.41353 4.18715 5.41353 4.05265V0.456884C5.41353 0.316471 5.30019 0.203125 5.15977 0.203125Z" /> <path d="M12.1805 0.456884V4.05265C12.1805 4.18715 12.2337 4.31656 12.3293 4.4113L13.3858 5.46779C13.4814 5.56337 13.61 5.61666 13.7445 5.61666H17.3402C17.4806 5.61666 17.594 5.50331 17.594 5.3629V0.456884C17.594 0.316471 17.4806 0.203125 17.3402 0.203125H12.4342C12.2938 0.203125 12.1805 0.316471 12.1805 0.456884Z" /> <path d="M8.79699 10.3535C8.04925 10.3535 7.44361 9.74786 7.44361 9.00012C7.44361 8.25237 8.05009 7.64673 8.79699 7.64673C9.54389 7.64673 10.1504 8.25237 10.1504 9.00012C10.1504 9.74786 9.54389 10.3535 8.79699 10.3535Z" /> <path d="M0 12.6373V17.5434C0 17.6838 0.113346 17.7971 0.253759 17.7971H5.15977C5.30019 17.7971 5.41353 17.6838 5.41353 17.5434V13.9476C5.41353 13.8131 5.36024 13.6837 5.26466 13.5889L4.20818 12.5324C4.11259 12.4369 3.98402 12.3836 3.84953 12.3836H0.253759C0.113346 12.3836 0 12.4969 0 12.6373Z" /> <path d="M5.26466 7.49786L4.20818 6.44138C4.11259 6.34579 3.98402 6.2925 3.84953 6.2925H0.253759C0.113346 6.29335 0 6.4067 0 6.54711V11.4531C0 11.5935 0.113346 11.7069 0.253759 11.7069H3.90789C4.04239 11.7069 4.1718 11.6536 4.26654 11.558L5.26466 10.5607C5.36024 10.4652 5.41353 10.3366 5.41353 10.2021V7.85735C5.41353 7.72286 5.36024 7.59344 5.26466 7.49871V7.49786Z" /> </svg> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Flywheel" class="wpe-navs__metanav__navlink"> <svg width="60" height="16" viewBox="0 0 60 16" xmlns=""> <path d="M15.3018 1.47215C14.5277 0.722392 13.5295 0.177115 12.6331 0.00184723C12.5822 -0.00788985 12.5211 0.0213211 12.5007 0.0700065C12.4804 0.118692 12.5109 0.177115 12.5618 0.196589C13.4072 0.566598 14.2323 1.12161 14.9351 1.80321C15.6481 2.49454 16.2287 3.28325 16.6055 4.10116C16.6259 4.14011 16.6666 4.16932 16.7074 4.16932C16.7176 4.16932 16.7278 4.16932 16.7379 4.15958C16.7889 4.14011 16.8296 4.09142 16.8092 4.033C16.6259 3.14693 16.0861 2.2219 15.3018 1.47215ZM0.137651 7.99605C0.137651 3.6241 3.84522 0.0798016 8.41857 0.0798016C12.9919 0.0798016 16.6995 3.6241 16.6995 7.99605C16.6995 12.368 12.9919 15.9123 8.41857 15.9123C3.84522 15.9123 0.137651 12.368 0.137651 7.99605ZM1.17659 7.98632C1.17659 11.8033 4.4258 14.9094 8.41857 14.9094C12.4113 14.9094 15.6605 11.813 15.6605 7.99605C15.6605 4.17912 12.4113 1.07298 8.41857 1.07298C4.43599 1.07298 1.17659 4.16938 1.17659 7.98632ZM1.91895 7.9962C1.91895 4.56874 4.83203 1.78394 8.41738 1.78394C12.0129 1.78394 14.9158 4.56874 14.9158 7.9962C14.9158 11.4237 12.0027 14.2085 8.41738 14.2085C4.83203 14.2085 1.91895 11.4237 1.91895 7.9962ZM8.41738 2.40711C7.80624 2.40711 7.22566 2.49474 6.67563 2.66027L6.66545 2.67001C6.49229 2.97186 6.34969 3.41003 6.60433 3.87741C6.82842 4.2961 7.29696 4.50058 7.83679 4.73427L7.89791 4.76348C8.71276 5.12376 9.14056 5.73719 9.08963 6.43826C9.27297 6.51616 9.42575 6.61353 9.56835 6.73038C9.90448 6.42853 9.84336 6.00009 9.71095 5.6593L9.69058 5.60087C9.45631 5.03612 9.20167 4.38374 9.44612 3.67293C9.58872 3.26397 9.85355 2.92317 10.2304 2.67975C9.66002 2.50448 9.04888 2.40711 8.41738 2.40711ZM8.42756 8.85306C8.93684 8.85306 9.34427 8.46358 9.34427 7.97672C9.34427 7.4996 8.93684 7.10038 8.42756 7.10038C7.91828 7.10038 7.51086 7.48987 7.51086 7.97672C7.51086 8.46358 7.91828 8.85306 8.42756 8.85306ZM5.88115 4.24742C5.67744 3.87741 5.60614 3.46845 5.67744 3.05949C4.60795 3.60477 3.75236 4.4519 3.20233 5.45482C3.31438 5.74693 3.55883 6.11694 4.04774 6.26299C4.53665 6.41879 5.01538 6.25326 5.5654 6.05852L5.6367 6.03904C6.48211 5.75667 7.24603 5.91246 7.73494 6.448C7.90809 6.37984 8.09143 6.33115 8.28496 6.32142C8.27478 5.89298 7.90809 5.63008 7.56178 5.48403L7.50067 5.45482C6.9099 5.20165 6.24784 4.90954 5.88115 4.24742ZM2.58101 7.9962C2.58101 8.57068 2.67268 9.1257 2.83565 9.64176L2.86621 9.6515C3.16159 9.77808 3.61995 9.88519 4.0783 9.67097C4.52414 9.45787 4.73814 9.02314 4.98101 8.52973L4.98482 8.522L5.01538 8.46358C5.39224 7.68461 6.06449 7.29513 6.82842 7.36329C6.88953 7.20749 6.9812 7.06144 7.09324 6.93485C6.75712 6.60379 6.28858 6.66221 5.9219 6.7888L5.8506 6.80827C5.23946 7.02249 4.55702 7.25618 3.80329 7.02249C3.41623 6.90564 3.08011 6.69143 2.82547 6.38958C2.67268 6.89591 2.58101 7.44118 2.58101 7.9962ZM3.22271 10.5473C3.76254 11.5405 4.59776 12.3584 5.61633 12.8939H5.67744C6.02375 12.7966 6.46173 12.5824 6.63489 12.0858C6.78475 11.6464 6.61122 11.2071 6.41228 10.7034L6.40062 10.6739L6.38025 10.6057C6.05431 9.79756 6.22747 9.06727 6.81823 8.60963C6.75712 8.46358 6.71638 8.29805 6.696 8.13251C6.19691 8.1033 5.90153 8.46358 5.73855 8.79464L5.708 8.85306L5.7054 8.85841C5.44117 9.40247 5.13527 10.0323 4.42461 10.3623C4.12923 10.4986 3.82366 10.5668 3.49772 10.5668C3.40605 10.5668 3.31438 10.557 3.22271 10.5473ZM8.41738 13.5853C9.02851 13.5853 9.61928 13.4879 10.1795 13.3224C10.1999 13.3224 10.1999 13.3029 10.1897 13.3126C10.3628 13.0108 10.5054 12.5726 10.2508 12.1052C10.0267 11.6866 9.55816 11.4821 9.01833 11.2484L8.95721 11.2192C8.12199 10.8589 7.6942 10.226 7.7655 9.51518C7.60253 9.44702 7.44974 9.35939 7.30714 9.24254C6.94046 9.55413 7.01176 9.9923 7.14417 10.3331L7.16454 10.3915C7.39881 10.9563 7.65345 11.6087 7.409 12.3195C7.2664 12.7284 7.00157 13.0692 6.6247 13.3126C7.18491 13.4879 7.79605 13.5853 8.41738 13.5853ZM10.9842 11.7352C11.1777 12.1052 11.249 12.5045 11.1879 12.9134C12.2472 12.3681 13.1028 11.521 13.6426 10.5084C13.5306 10.2163 13.2861 9.86572 12.8074 9.71966C12.3185 9.56387 11.8397 9.7294 11.2897 9.92414L11.2184 9.94361C10.3628 10.2357 9.58872 10.0605 9.09981 9.50544C8.93684 9.56387 8.76369 9.60282 8.58035 9.62229C8.57016 10.0702 8.94703 10.3428 9.30352 10.4986L9.36464 10.5278C9.95541 10.781 10.6175 11.0731 10.9842 11.7352ZM14.0195 9.59308C14.1824 9.08675 14.2639 8.55121 14.2639 7.9962C14.2639 7.42171 14.1723 6.86669 13.9991 6.34089C13.6935 6.20457 13.2352 6.1072 12.7768 6.32142C12.331 6.53452 12.117 6.96926 11.8741 7.46267L11.8703 7.47039L11.8397 7.52882C11.4832 8.23962 10.8925 8.63884 10.1999 8.63884C10.1387 8.63884 10.0776 8.63884 10.0063 8.62911C9.93503 8.77516 9.85355 8.91148 9.74151 9.03806C10.0776 9.3886 10.5564 9.33018 10.9332 9.20359L11.0045 9.18412C11.6157 8.9699 12.2981 8.73622 13.0518 8.9699C13.4389 9.08675 13.7648 9.30097 14.0195 9.59308ZM11.1497 7.13398C11.414 6.58992 11.7198 5.96006 12.4305 5.63008C12.7972 5.45482 13.2046 5.38666 13.6019 5.43534C13.062 4.44216 12.2268 3.62424 11.2082 3.0887L11.1675 3.09844C10.8212 3.19581 10.3832 3.41003 10.21 3.90662C10.0602 4.34596 10.2337 4.78531 10.4327 5.28898L10.4443 5.3185L10.4749 5.38666C10.8008 6.19484 10.6277 6.92512 10.0369 7.38276C10.098 7.52882 10.1387 7.69435 10.1489 7.85988C10.6582 7.89882 10.9536 7.53855 11.1166 7.19775L11.1471 7.13933L11.1497 7.13398ZM1.87947 14.1792C2.58228 14.8608 3.40731 15.4158 4.25272 15.7858C4.30365 15.8053 4.3342 15.8637 4.31383 15.9221C4.30365 15.9708 4.2629 16 4.21198 16H4.19161C3.29527 15.8248 2.29708 15.2795 1.52297 14.5297C0.738678 13.7702 0.19884 12.855 0.00531298 11.9494C-0.0150583 11.891 0.0256839 11.8423 0.076612 11.8228C0.12754 11.8034 0.188654 11.8326 0.209026 11.8813C0.585894 12.6992 1.16647 13.4879 1.87947 14.1792ZM23.3689 4.85075H20.3132C20.2113 4.85075 20.1298 4.92865 20.1298 5.02602V11.0241C20.1298 11.1214 20.2113 11.1993 20.3132 11.1993H20.9243C21.0262 11.1993 21.1077 11.1214 21.1077 11.0241V8.47295H23.0837C23.1855 8.47295 23.267 8.39505 23.267 8.29768V7.71345C23.267 7.61608 23.1855 7.53819 23.0837 7.53819H21.1077V5.76604H23.3689C23.4707 5.76604 23.5522 5.68814 23.5522 5.59077V5.00654C23.5522 4.91891 23.4707 4.85075 23.3689 4.85075ZM25.8245 10.2651H28.0857C28.1774 10.2651 28.2589 10.343 28.2691 10.4306V11.0149C28.2691 11.1122 28.1876 11.1901 28.0857 11.1901H25.03C24.9282 11.1901 24.8467 11.1122 24.8467 11.0149V5.01682C24.8467 4.91945 24.9282 4.84155 25.03 4.84155H25.6412C25.743 4.84155 25.8245 4.91945 25.8245 5.01682V10.2651ZM32.3558 4.82153H31.6733C31.6122 4.82153 31.5511 4.86048 31.5205 4.90917L30.1353 7.35318L28.7297 4.90917C28.6991 4.85074 28.638 4.82153 28.5769 4.82153H27.8945C27.8333 4.82153 27.7722 4.85074 27.7417 4.90917C27.7111 4.95785 27.7111 5.02601 27.7417 5.0747L29.6464 8.42426V11.0143C29.6464 11.1117 29.7279 11.1896 29.8297 11.1896H30.4409C30.5427 11.1896 30.6242 11.1117 30.6242 11.0143V8.48268L32.5289 5.06496C32.5595 5.01627 32.5595 4.94812 32.5289 4.89943C32.478 4.86048 32.4169 4.82153 32.3558 4.82153ZM57.554 10.2651H59.8152C59.9171 10.2651 59.9985 10.343 59.9985 10.4306V11.0149C59.9985 11.1122 59.9171 11.1901 59.8152 11.1901H56.7595C56.6577 11.1901 56.5762 11.1122 56.5762 11.0149V5.01682C56.5762 4.91945 56.6577 4.84155 56.7595 4.84155H57.3707C57.4725 4.84155 57.554 4.91945 57.554 5.01682V10.2651ZM45.1976 4.85083H44.5864C44.4846 4.85083 44.4031 4.92873 44.4031 5.0261V7.548H42.2132V5.0261C42.2132 4.92873 42.1317 4.85083 42.0298 4.85083H41.4187C41.3168 4.85083 41.2354 4.92873 41.2354 5.0261V11.0241C41.2354 11.1215 41.3168 11.1994 41.4187 11.1994H42.0298C42.1317 11.1994 42.2132 11.1215 42.2132 11.0241V8.47303H44.4031V11.0241C44.4031 11.1215 44.4846 11.1994 44.5864 11.1994H45.1976C45.2994 11.1994 45.3809 11.1215 45.3809 11.0241V5.0261C45.3707 4.91899 45.2892 4.85083 45.1976 4.85083ZM47.0203 4.85083H50.1167C50.2185 4.85083 50.3 4.91899 50.3 5.00662V5.59085C50.3 5.68822 50.2185 5.76612 50.1167 5.76612H47.8147V7.53827H49.8213C49.9232 7.53827 50.0046 7.61616 50.0046 7.71353V8.29776C50.0046 8.39513 49.9232 8.47303 49.8213 8.47303H47.8147V10.2646H50.1167C50.2185 10.2646 50.3 10.3425 50.3 10.4399V11.0241C50.3 11.1215 50.2185 11.1994 50.1167 11.1994H47.0203C46.9184 11.1994 46.8369 11.1215 46.8369 11.0241V5.0261C46.8369 4.92873 46.9184 4.85083 47.0203 4.85083ZM54.9991 4.85083H51.9128C51.811 4.85083 51.7295 4.92873 51.7295 5.0261V11.0241C51.7295 11.1215 51.811 11.1994 51.9128 11.1994H55.0093C55.1111 11.1994 55.1926 11.1215 55.1926 11.0241V10.4399C55.1926 10.3425 55.1111 10.2646 55.0093 10.2646H52.7073V8.47303H54.7241C54.8259 8.47303 54.9074 8.39513 54.9074 8.29776V7.71353C54.9074 7.61616 54.8259 7.53827 54.7241 7.53827H52.7073V5.76612H55.0093C55.1111 5.76612 55.1926 5.68822 55.1926 5.59085V5.00662C55.1824 4.91899 55.1009 4.85083 54.9991 4.85083ZM39.3316 4.84079H40.0039C40.0344 4.84079 40.0752 4.86027 40.1159 4.87974C40.1363 4.90895 40.1465 4.9479 40.1363 4.98685L38.6492 11.1017C38.639 11.1602 38.5881 11.1991 38.5269 11.1991H37.8547C37.7936 11.1991 37.7427 11.1602 37.7325 11.1017L36.6833 6.83689L35.624 11.1017C35.6139 11.1602 35.5629 11.1991 35.5018 11.1991H34.8296C34.7888 11.1991 34.7481 11.1796 34.7277 11.1504C34.7073 11.1309 34.6972 11.1115 34.6972 11.092L33.21 4.98685C33.1999 4.9479 33.2101 4.90895 33.2304 4.87974C33.261 4.85053 33.2915 4.83105 33.3323 4.83105H34.0045C34.0656 4.83105 34.1166 4.87 34.1268 4.92843L35.1555 9.1738L36.2046 4.92843C36.2148 4.87 36.2657 4.83105 36.3269 4.83105H37.0093C37.0704 4.83105 37.1213 4.87 37.1315 4.92843L38.1806 9.18353L39.2094 4.93816C39.2196 4.87974 39.2705 4.84079 39.3316 4.84079Z" /> </svg> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Local" class="wpe-navs__metanav__navlink"> <svg width="43" height="16" viewBox="0 0 43 16" xmlns=""> <path d="M42.8625 4.34998C42.8973 4.34998 42.9254 4.37796 42.9254 4.41248V11.5629C42.9254 11.5974 42.8973 11.6254 42.8625 11.6254H41.7506C41.7159 11.6254 41.6877 11.5974 41.6877 11.5629V4.41248C41.6877 4.37796 41.7159 4.34998 41.7506 4.34998H42.8625Z" /> <path d="M37.8273 11.7084C37.4835 11.7084 37.1757 11.6514 36.904 11.5375C36.6355 11.4235 36.4227 11.251 36.2655 11.0199C36.1116 10.7888 36.0347 10.5023 36.0347 10.1605C36.0347 9.86755 36.0903 9.62667 36.2017 9.43787C36.313 9.24581 36.4636 9.09281 36.6535 8.97888C36.8434 8.86495 37.0611 8.77869 37.3067 8.72009C37.5523 8.65824 37.8077 8.6143 38.0729 8.58826C38.3938 8.55245 38.6475 8.52153 38.8341 8.49548C39.0241 8.46619 39.1599 8.4255 39.2418 8.37341C39.3236 8.31807 39.3646 8.23181 39.3646 8.11462V8.07556C39.3646 7.92582 39.3269 7.79561 39.2516 7.68494C39.1763 7.571 39.0666 7.48311 38.9226 7.42126C38.7818 7.35616 38.6131 7.32361 38.4167 7.32361C38.217 7.32361 38.0401 7.35616 37.8863 7.42126C37.7356 7.48311 37.6161 7.571 37.5277 7.68494C37.4509 7.78109 37.4025 7.89075 37.3826 8.01393C37.3774 8.04589 37.3505 8.07068 37.3179 8.07068H36.2492C36.2128 8.07068 36.184 8.04007 36.1875 8.00409C36.2188 7.69006 36.3201 7.4144 36.4914 7.17712C36.6781 6.91996 36.9367 6.72139 37.2674 6.58142C37.5981 6.43819 37.9894 6.36658 38.4412 6.36658C38.7785 6.36658 39.0797 6.40727 39.3449 6.48865C39.6134 6.56677 39.8393 6.68233 40.0227 6.83533C40.2093 6.98832 40.3501 7.17224 40.4451 7.38709C40.5433 7.60193 40.5924 7.84281 40.5924 8.10974V11.5629C40.5924 11.5974 40.5643 11.6254 40.5296 11.6254H39.4373C39.4025 11.6254 39.3744 11.5974 39.3744 11.5629V10.91C39.3744 10.9033 39.3689 10.8978 39.3621 10.8978V10.8978C39.3576 10.8978 39.3534 10.9003 39.3513 10.9043C39.2699 11.0547 39.1646 11.1909 39.0355 11.3129C38.9045 11.4333 38.7408 11.5293 38.5444 11.601C38.3479 11.6726 38.1089 11.7084 37.8273 11.7084ZM38.1318 10.7953C38.4036 10.7953 38.6311 10.7465 38.8145 10.6488C38.9979 10.5511 39.1354 10.4209 39.2271 10.2582C39.322 10.0954 39.3695 9.91475 39.3695 9.71619V9.26836C39.3695 9.22012 39.3154 9.18753 39.2698 9.20408C39.2479 9.21202 39.2238 9.21996 39.1976 9.22791C39.1223 9.25069 39.0322 9.27348 38.9275 9.29626C38.826 9.3158 38.7146 9.33533 38.5935 9.35486C38.4756 9.37439 38.3528 9.39392 38.2251 9.41345C38.0483 9.43624 37.8846 9.47693 37.734 9.53552C37.5867 9.59086 37.4672 9.66899 37.3755 9.7699C37.2871 9.86755 37.2429 9.99451 37.2429 10.1508C37.2429 10.2842 37.2789 10.3998 37.3509 10.4974C37.4262 10.5951 37.5294 10.67 37.6603 10.722C37.7946 10.7709 37.9517 10.7953 38.1318 10.7953Z" /> <path d="M32.9898 11.7426C32.4856 11.7426 32.0419 11.6286 31.6589 11.4008C31.279 11.1729 30.9827 10.8571 30.7699 10.4535C30.5603 10.0498 30.4556 9.58272 30.4556 9.05212C30.4556 8.52153 30.5603 8.0544 30.7699 7.65076C30.9827 7.24386 31.279 6.92647 31.6589 6.69861C32.0419 6.46749 32.4856 6.35193 32.9898 6.35193C33.3173 6.35193 33.6185 6.40076 33.8935 6.49841C34.1686 6.59281 34.4092 6.72791 34.6155 6.90369C34.8218 7.07947 34.9871 7.2878 35.1115 7.52869C35.2291 7.74737 35.3036 7.98672 35.3351 8.24675C35.3396 8.28324 35.3105 8.31482 35.2735 8.31482H34.1827C34.1519 8.31482 34.1258 8.29257 34.1197 8.26252C34.0957 8.14306 34.058 8.03354 34.0065 7.93396C33.9475 7.82003 33.869 7.72237 33.7707 7.64099C33.6758 7.55636 33.5645 7.49125 33.4368 7.44568C33.3091 7.40011 33.165 7.37732 33.0046 7.37732C32.7361 7.37732 32.5036 7.44568 32.3072 7.5824C32.114 7.71912 31.965 7.9128 31.8602 8.16345C31.7587 8.4141 31.708 8.71033 31.708 9.05212C31.708 9.39067 31.7587 9.68526 31.8602 9.93591C31.965 10.1833 32.114 10.3754 32.3072 10.5121C32.5003 10.6488 32.7328 10.7172 33.0046 10.7172C33.165 10.7172 33.3074 10.696 33.4319 10.6537C33.5595 10.6081 33.6692 10.5446 33.7609 10.4633C33.8526 10.3786 33.9279 10.2777 33.9868 10.1605C34.0388 10.0573 34.0792 9.94523 34.1083 9.82433C34.1152 9.79555 34.1408 9.77478 34.1705 9.77478H35.2742C35.311 9.77478 35.3399 9.80594 35.3359 9.84222C35.3074 10.0997 35.2359 10.3393 35.1214 10.5609C35.0002 10.7985 34.8349 11.0069 34.6253 11.1859C34.4158 11.3617 34.1718 11.4984 33.8935 11.5961C33.6185 11.6937 33.3173 11.7426 32.9898 11.7426Z" /> <path d="M27.2776 11.7426C26.7701 11.7426 26.3231 11.6302 25.9368 11.4056C25.5537 11.1778 25.2541 10.862 25.038 10.4584C24.8252 10.0547 24.7188 9.58598 24.7188 9.05212C24.7188 8.51827 24.8252 8.04952 25.038 7.64587C25.2541 7.23897 25.5537 6.92159 25.9368 6.69373C26.3231 6.46586 26.7701 6.35193 27.2776 6.35193C27.7884 6.35193 28.2353 6.46586 28.6184 6.69373C29.0015 6.92159 29.2994 7.23897 29.5122 7.64587C29.7283 8.04952 29.8364 8.51827 29.8364 9.05212C29.8364 9.58598 29.7283 10.0547 29.5122 10.4584C29.2994 10.862 29.0015 11.1778 28.6184 11.4056C28.2353 11.6302 27.7884 11.7426 27.2776 11.7426ZM27.2776 10.7123C27.5428 10.7123 27.772 10.6455 27.9652 10.5121C28.1616 10.3786 28.3122 10.1882 28.417 9.9408C28.5251 9.69015 28.5791 9.39392 28.5791 9.05212C28.5791 8.70707 28.5251 8.41085 28.417 8.16345C28.3122 7.9128 28.1616 7.72074 27.9652 7.58728C27.772 7.45056 27.5428 7.3822 27.2776 7.3822C27.0124 7.3822 26.7815 7.45056 26.5851 7.58728C26.3886 7.72074 26.2364 7.9128 26.1283 8.16345C26.0235 8.41085 25.9711 8.70707 25.9711 9.05212C25.9711 9.39718 26.0235 9.6934 26.1283 9.9408C26.2364 10.1882 26.3886 10.3786 26.5851 10.5121C26.7815 10.6455 27.0124 10.7123 27.2776 10.7123Z" /> <path d="M19.6769 11.6254C19.6422 11.6254 19.614 11.5974 19.614 11.5629V4.41248C19.614 4.37796 19.6422 4.34998 19.6769 4.34998H20.8477C20.8825 4.34998 20.9106 4.37796 20.9106 4.41248V10.4447C20.9106 10.4792 20.9388 10.5072 20.9735 10.5072H24.2415C24.2762 10.5072 24.3044 10.5352 24.3044 10.5697V11.5629C24.3044 11.5974 24.2762 11.6254 24.2415 11.6254H19.6769Z" /> <path d="M11.7697 7.3C11.8174 7.1225 11.7709 6.97625 11.6226 6.82875C11.6112 6.8175 11.6012 6.805 11.5911 6.79125L8.88037 4.09625V4.95875L11.5848 7.6475C11.6791 7.52625 11.742 7.41 11.7709 7.30125L11.7697 7.3Z" /> <path d="M7.21332 4.09625L4.00969 7.28125C3.53443 7.75875 3.46654 8.13875 3.79344 8.575C3.87139 8.34 4.02604 8.10875 4.25361 7.8825L7.21206 4.94125V4.0975L7.21332 4.09625Z" /> <path d="M4.47096 9.26879C4.48227 9.28004 4.49233 9.29254 4.50239 9.30629L7.21315 12.0013V11.14L4.50867 8.45129C4.25218 8.77129 4.24087 9.04004 4.47096 9.26879Z" /> <path d="M15.3392 0H4.64953C4.24971 0 3.86497 0.1575 3.58333 0.44H3.58082L0.442573 3.56C0.158421 3.8425 0 4.2225 0 4.62V15.2487C0 15.6637 0.336959 15.9987 0.754386 15.9987H15.3392C15.7566 15.9987 16.0936 15.6637 16.0936 15.2487V0.75C16.0936 0.335 15.7566 0 15.3392 0ZM7.78652 12.6888C7.78652 12.805 7.71611 12.9075 7.60924 12.9525C7.57403 12.9675 7.53757 12.9738 7.49985 12.9738C7.42316 12.9738 7.35149 12.945 7.29743 12.89L3.58836 9.2025C2.82266 8.44125 2.82769 7.66 3.60471 6.88L7.29743 3.20875C7.35149 3.155 7.42316 3.125 7.49985 3.125C7.53757 3.125 7.57403 3.1325 7.60924 3.14625C7.71737 3.19125 7.78652 3.29375 7.78652 3.40875V5.05625C7.78652 5.1325 7.7576 5.20375 7.70228 5.2575L4.90477 8.03875L7.70228 10.82C7.75634 10.8737 7.78652 10.9462 7.78652 11.0212V12.6862V12.6888ZM6.47515 8.33375C6.31673 8.33375 6.18848 8.20625 6.18848 8.04875C6.18848 7.89125 6.31673 7.76375 6.47515 7.76375H9.61842C9.77684 7.76375 9.90509 7.89125 9.90509 8.04875C9.90509 8.20625 9.77684 8.33375 9.61842 8.33375H6.47515ZM8.64275 9.30375C8.64275 9.46125 8.5145 9.58875 8.35608 9.58875H7.73749C7.57906 9.58875 7.45082 9.46125 7.45082 9.30375C7.45082 9.14625 7.57906 9.01875 7.73749 9.01875H8.35608C8.5145 9.01875 8.64275 9.14625 8.64275 9.30375ZM8.35608 7.07875H7.73749C7.57906 7.07875 7.45082 6.95125 7.45082 6.79375C7.45082 6.63625 7.57906 6.50875 7.73749 6.50875H8.35608C8.5145 6.50875 8.64275 6.63625 8.64275 6.79375C8.64275 6.95125 8.5145 7.07875 8.35608 7.07875ZM12.4889 9.2175L8.79614 12.8888C8.74208 12.9425 8.67041 12.9725 8.59371 12.9725C8.55599 12.9725 8.51953 12.965 8.48433 12.9513C8.3762 12.9063 8.30705 12.8038 8.30705 12.6875V11.0387C8.30705 10.9637 8.33722 10.89 8.39129 10.8375L11.1888 8.05625L8.39129 5.275C8.33722 5.22125 8.30705 5.14875 8.30705 5.07375V3.40875C8.30705 3.2925 8.37746 3.19 8.48433 3.14625C8.51953 3.13125 8.55599 3.125 8.59371 3.125C8.67041 3.125 8.74208 3.15375 8.79614 3.20875L12.5052 6.89625C13.2709 7.6575 13.2659 8.43875 12.4889 9.21875V9.2175Z" /> <path d="M11.8388 8.21624L8.88037 11.1575V12.0012L12.084 8.81624C12.5593 8.33999 12.6259 7.95874 12.3003 7.52374C12.2009 7.81374 11.9985 8.05749 11.8388 8.21624Z" /> </svg> </a> <span title="ACF" class="wpe-navs__metanav__navlink wpe-navs__metanav__navlink--active"> <svg width="32" height="14" viewBox="0 0 32 14" xmlns=""> <path d="M25.9093 13.9309H22.4075V0.0147705H31.7421V3.25536H25.9093V5.7386H31.4068V8.89857H25.9093V13.9315V13.9309Z" /> <path d="M20.7738 8.0906C20.1784 10.0833 18.0589 11.2682 15.9727 10.772C13.8853 10.2741 12.5775 8.27568 13.0107 6.24435C13.4435 4.21245 15.462 2.87375 17.5826 3.21269C18.4514 3.32924 19.2525 3.74054 19.8494 4.37653C20.262 4.79723 20.5716 5.30611 20.7544 5.86397H24.1204C23.6796 2.37075 20.5715 0.0186506 16.9608 0.0186506C15.0389 -0.00556755 13.1853 0.72402 11.8043 2.04828C11.1312 2.69354 10.5977 3.46769 10.2362 4.32364C9.87471 5.17959 9.69277 6.09945 9.70147 7.02725C9.70147 11.015 12.9397 13.9751 16.9619 13.9751C20.6122 13.9751 23.6189 11.6327 24.1416 8.0906H20.7733H20.7738Z" /> <path d="M9.3904 11.9064H4.52507L3.72898 13.9286H-0.000976562L5.70687 0H8.19427L14.1285 13.9332H10.1928L9.3904 11.9064ZM5.91033 8.45857L5.78883 8.77309H8.15473L8.07219 8.53692L6.9712 5.5501L5.9109 8.45857H5.91033Z" /> </svg> </span> <a href="" target="_blank" title="StudioPress" class="wpe-navs__metanav__navlink"> <svg width="77" height="18" viewBox="0 0 77 18" xmlns=""> <path d="M-0.000976562 4H4.91535V14.725H-0.000976562V4ZM5.73438 4H10.9238V8.95H5.73438V4ZM10.9238 9.7749H5.73438V14.7249H10.9238V9.7749ZM21.0531 11.8606C20.2035 11.8606 19.5664 11.2554 19.5664 11.2554L19 12.0508C19 12.0508 19.7257 12.8462 21.0531 12.8462C22.2743 12.8462 23 12.0681 23 11.1517C23 10.0899 22.0791 9.71721 21.2942 9.39955C20.7113 9.16367 20.2035 8.95815 20.2035 8.52342C20.2035 8.12573 20.6106 7.83178 21.1062 7.83178C21.8496 7.83178 22.4159 8.33322 22.4159 8.33322L22.8761 7.46867C22.8761 7.46867 22.2743 6.84619 21.1062 6.84619C19.9734 6.84619 19.1239 7.55513 19.1239 8.52342C19.1239 9.52157 20.0196 9.89944 20.7971 10.2275C21.3935 10.4791 21.9204 10.7013 21.9204 11.1517C21.9204 11.6358 21.4956 11.8606 21.0531 11.8606ZM25.8824 7.77753H24V6.84619H29V7.77753H27.0784V12.8462H25.8824V7.77753ZM31.1255 6.84619H30.0185V10.6292C30.0185 11.9488 31.0148 12.8462 32.5092 12.8462C34.0037 12.8462 35 11.9488 35 10.6292V6.84619H33.8745V10.6116C33.8745 11.421 33.321 11.8609 32.4908 11.8609C31.6605 11.8609 31.1255 11.421 31.1255 10.6292V6.84619ZM36 6.84619H37.9582C39.9164 6.84619 41 7.93873 41 9.83724C41 11.7357 39.9164 12.8462 37.9582 12.8462H36V6.84619ZM37.9011 11.9148C39.1939 11.9148 39.8023 11.1984 39.8023 9.83724C39.8023 8.49395 39.1749 7.77753 37.9011 7.77753H37.1597V11.8969H37.9011V11.9148ZM43 6.84619H42V12.8462H43V6.84619ZM47.0187 6.84619C48.875 6.84619 50 8.14302 50 9.80296C50 11.5148 48.8562 12.8462 47.0187 12.8462C45.1625 12.8462 44 11.5148 44 9.80296C44 8.14302 45.1625 6.84619 47.0187 6.84619ZM47.0187 11.8779C48.1625 11.8779 48.8187 10.996 48.8187 9.80296C48.8187 8.66175 48.1625 7.81449 47.0187 7.81449C45.875 7.81449 45.1812 8.66175 45.1812 9.80296C45.1812 10.996 45.875 11.8779 47.0187 11.8779ZM53.733 6.84619H51V12.8462H52.2924V10.7686H53.733C55.0678 10.7686 56 9.96261 56 8.79843C56 7.63425 55.0678 6.84619 53.733 6.84619ZM54.6864 8.79843C54.6864 9.4253 54.2415 9.83724 53.5 9.83724V9.81933H52.2924V7.77753H53.5212C54.2415 7.77753 54.6864 8.18948 54.6864 8.79843ZM57.0196 6.84619H59.1373C59.8431 6.84619 60.1765 6.89976 60.4706 7.00691C61.1373 7.27476 61.549 7.84619 61.549 8.64976C61.549 9.36405 61.1373 10.0248 60.4314 10.2926V10.3105C60.4314 10.3105 60.5294 10.3998 60.6471 10.614L62 12.8462H60.6667L59.3529 10.614H58.1961V12.8462H57V6.84619H57.0196ZM59.2941 9.64976C59.9412 9.64976 60.3333 9.31048 60.3333 8.70333C60.3333 8.13191 60.0588 7.77476 59.1373 7.77476H58.2353V9.64976H59.2941ZM66.8654 6.84619H63V12.8462H67V11.9121H64.1731V10.2953H66.3462V9.36116H64.1731V7.78032H66.8654V6.84619ZM68.5664 11.2554C68.5664 11.2554 69.2035 11.8606 70.0531 11.8606C70.4956 11.8606 70.9204 11.6358 70.9204 11.1517C70.9204 10.7013 70.3935 10.4791 69.7971 10.2275C69.0196 9.89944 68.1239 9.52157 68.1239 8.52342C68.1239 7.55513 68.9735 6.84619 70.1062 6.84619C71.2743 6.84619 71.8761 7.46867 71.8761 7.46867L71.4159 8.33322C71.4159 8.33322 70.8496 7.83178 70.1062 7.83178C69.6106 7.83178 69.2035 8.12573 69.2035 8.52342C69.2035 8.95815 69.7113 9.16367 70.2942 9.39955C71.0791 9.71721 72 10.0899 72 11.1517C72 12.0681 71.2743 12.8462 70.0531 12.8462C68.7257 12.8462 68 12.0508 68 12.0508L68.5664 11.2554ZM75.0531 11.8606C74.2035 11.8606 73.5664 11.2554 73.5664 11.2554L73 12.0508C73 12.0508 73.7257 12.8462 75.0531 12.8462C76.2743 12.8462 77 12.0681 77 11.1517C77 10.0899 76.0791 9.71721 75.2942 9.39955C74.7113 9.16367 74.2035 8.95815 74.2035 8.52342C74.2035 8.12573 74.6106 7.83178 75.1062 7.83178C75.8496 7.83178 76.4159 8.33322 76.4159 8.33322L76.8761 7.46867C76.8761 7.46867 76.2743 6.84619 75.1062 6.84619C73.9734 6.84619 73.1239 7.55513 73.1239 8.52342C73.1239 9.52157 74.0196 9.89944 74.7971 10.2275C75.3935 10.4791 75.9204 10.7013 75.9204 11.1517C75.9204 11.6358 75.4956 11.8606 75.0531 11.8606Z" /> </svg> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Delicious brains" class="wpe-navs__metanav__navlink"> <svg width="45" height="18" viewBox="0 0 45 18" xmlns=""> <path d="M14.2934 6.25109C14.2796 6.07252 14.2543 5.89536 14.2256 5.71915C14.1927 5.51749 14.1464 5.3196 14.092 5.12313C12.8476 5.45058 11.6447 5.22301 10.9512 4.40602C10.2896 3.62671 10.2442 2.49309 10.7149 1.39293C10.7053 1.38963 10.6968 1.38633 10.6877 1.38351C10.365 1.27749 10.0337 1.20352 9.7001 1.14368C9.20081 1.05369 8.6958 1.01459 8.18889 1.00234C7.96693 0.996681 7.74545 1.00186 7.52397 1.01176C7.18937 1.02636 6.85524 1.05181 6.52589 1.1074C6.02708 1.19127 5.54928 1.34346 5.09343 1.56443C4.69248 1.75808 4.31348 1.98377 3.96551 2.25987C3.65955 2.50252 3.3932 2.7805 3.17506 3.10325C3.05955 3.27334 2.96313 3.45332 2.88246 3.64132C2.77029 3.90234 2.67053 4.16761 2.58604 4.439C2.47196 4.80462 2.35693 5.16977 2.24571 5.53586C2.17984 5.75166 2.13736 5.97263 2.12256 6.19879C2.10824 6.41317 2.18748 6.61012 2.24046 6.8113C2.29201 7.00636 2.30394 7.192 2.1827 7.36586C2.11588 7.46151 2.04285 7.55291 1.97316 7.6462C1.77984 7.90534 1.58509 8.16401 1.42041 8.44247C1.3154 8.61915 1.19178 8.78359 1.06433 8.94426C0.920655 9.12518 0.824236 9.31553 0.867672 9.553C0.870059 9.56619 0.867195 9.57844 0.875309 9.5921C0.960273 9.73769 1.07865 9.85077 1.22423 9.937C1.35693 10.0157 1.50633 10.0515 1.65383 10.0911C1.78318 10.1255 1.82375 10.1796 1.81946 10.312C1.81612 10.4105 1.79416 10.5052 1.74328 10.5914C1.60819 10.8204 1.74757 11.1257 1.95426 11.203C1.99626 11.2186 2.04829 11.2261 2.08266 11.2647C1.88838 11.4207 1.86834 11.6464 2.03158 11.8273C2.0922 11.8947 2.13803 11.9719 2.1891 12.0464C2.22967 12.1058 2.24113 12.1741 2.22251 12.2466C2.17669 12.4243 2.13325 12.6019 2.12132 12.7861C2.10986 12.9571 2.11511 13.1258 2.17144 13.2888C2.29316 13.6413 2.57812 13.8246 2.90891 13.9447C3.03444 13.9899 3.17525 14.0031 3.31272 14.0177C3.6268 14.0517 3.94375 14.0455 4.25687 14.0851C4.53229 14.1195 4.81439 14.1275 5.06451 14.2783C5.18241 14.349 5.27739 14.4352 5.3509 14.5487C5.43634 14.6807 5.44923 14.8281 5.44016 14.9775C5.42536 15.214 5.46498 15.4458 5.50699 15.6758C5.57333 16.039 5.50699 15.6758 5.68026 16.7693C9.31318 17.2791 9.91986 16.9352 12.8373 15.8242C12.5366 15.1485 12.6917 15.549 12.6115 15.3158C12.5012 14.994 12.4234 14.6642 12.3681 14.3287C12.3175 14.0239 12.2716 13.7185 12.2578 13.4099C12.2377 12.9713 12.2731 12.5378 12.3652 12.1072C12.4497 11.7109 12.559 11.3227 12.7093 10.9462C12.8277 10.6489 12.9585 10.3577 13.1313 10.0854C13.1824 10.0044 13.2191 9.9125 13.2683 9.8291C13.4998 9.43709 13.737 9.04838 13.9117 8.62716C14.0134 8.38216 14.0974 8.1315 14.1595 7.8733C14.2592 7.45491 14.3084 7.03181 14.295 6.60163C14.2912 6.48055 14.2898 6.35993 14.2812 6.23931" /> <path d="M17.937 8.83996V5.31246H19.3145C19.8062 5.31246 20.1945 5.47913 20.4795 5.81246C20.7645 6.14413 20.907 6.56829 20.907 7.08496C20.907 7.59663 20.7645 8.01746 20.4795 8.34746C20.1945 8.67579 19.8062 8.83996 19.3145 8.83996H17.937ZM18.592 8.23996H19.3145C19.6145 8.23996 19.8453 8.13079 20.007 7.91246C20.1703 7.69413 20.252 7.41829 20.252 7.08496C20.252 6.74663 20.1703 6.46663 20.007 6.24496C19.8453 6.02329 19.6145 5.91246 19.3145 5.91246H18.592V8.23996Z" /> <path d="M21.592 8.83996V5.31246H23.7745V5.89496H22.242V6.81246H23.5845V7.38996H22.242V8.25746H23.8245V8.83996H21.592Z" /> <path d="M24.522 8.83996V5.31246H25.177V8.25746H26.5395V8.83996H24.522Z" /> <path d="M27.112 8.83996V5.31246H27.762V8.83996H27.112Z" /> <path d="M28.427 7.08496C28.427 6.57996 28.5987 6.15163 28.942 5.79996C29.2853 5.44829 29.7062 5.27246 30.2045 5.27246C30.4978 5.27246 30.7678 5.33496 31.0145 5.45996C31.2628 5.58329 31.4653 5.75246 31.622 5.96746L31.0995 6.34246C30.8678 6.04246 30.5695 5.89163 30.2045 5.88996C29.8878 5.88996 29.6212 6.00663 29.4045 6.23996C29.1895 6.47163 29.082 6.75329 29.082 7.08496C29.082 7.41496 29.1895 7.69579 29.4045 7.92746C29.6195 8.15746 29.8862 8.27246 30.2045 8.27246C30.3895 8.27246 30.562 8.22996 30.722 8.14496C30.882 8.05829 31.0145 7.94163 31.1195 7.79496L31.637 8.17496C31.4803 8.39663 31.277 8.57163 31.027 8.69996C30.7787 8.82663 30.5045 8.88996 30.2045 8.88996C29.7062 8.88996 29.2853 8.71413 28.942 8.36246C28.5987 8.00913 28.427 7.58329 28.427 7.08496Z" /> <path d="M32.192 8.83996V5.31246H32.842V8.83996H32.192Z" /> <path d="M33.507 7.08496C33.507 6.58329 33.6795 6.15579 34.0245 5.80246C34.3695 5.44913 34.7928 5.27246 35.2945 5.27246C35.7962 5.27246 36.2203 5.44913 36.567 5.80246C36.9137 6.15413 37.087 6.58163 37.087 7.08496C37.087 7.58329 36.9128 8.00913 36.5645 8.36246C36.2162 8.71413 35.7928 8.88996 35.2945 8.88996C34.7962 8.88996 34.3737 8.71413 34.027 8.36246C33.6803 8.00913 33.507 7.58329 33.507 7.08496ZM34.487 6.25746C34.267 6.48413 34.157 6.75996 34.157 7.08496C34.157 7.40829 34.267 7.68246 34.487 7.90746C34.707 8.13246 34.9753 8.24496 35.292 8.24496C35.6103 8.24496 35.8795 8.13246 36.0995 7.90746C36.3212 7.68246 36.432 7.40829 36.432 7.08496C36.432 6.75996 36.3212 6.48413 36.0995 6.25746C35.8795 6.03079 35.6103 5.91746 35.292 5.91746C34.9753 5.91746 34.707 6.03079 34.487 6.25746Z" /> <path d="M37.717 7.59496V5.31246H38.382V7.59496C38.382 7.79329 38.4487 7.95579 38.582 8.08246C38.7153 8.20913 38.8737 8.27246 39.057 8.27246C39.242 8.27246 39.402 8.20913 39.537 8.08246C39.672 7.95579 39.7395 7.79329 39.7395 7.59496V5.31246H40.3945V7.59496C40.3945 7.97663 40.2637 8.28829 40.002 8.52996C39.742 8.76996 39.427 8.88996 39.057 8.88996C38.6853 8.88996 38.3687 8.76996 38.107 8.52996C37.847 8.28996 37.717 7.97829 37.717 7.59496Z" /> <path d="M41.032 7.80996H41.687C41.6937 7.94663 41.752 8.06413 41.862 8.16246C41.972 8.25913 42.117 8.30746 42.297 8.30746C42.467 8.30746 42.6045 8.26746 42.7095 8.18746C42.8162 8.10746 42.8737 8.00579 42.882 7.88246C42.882 7.87413 42.882 7.86496 42.882 7.85496C42.882 7.74996 42.8453 7.66163 42.772 7.58996C42.692 7.51163 42.5662 7.44913 42.3945 7.40246L41.9595 7.28746C41.3662 7.11413 41.0695 6.78663 41.0695 6.30496C41.0695 6.00163 41.1845 5.75413 41.4145 5.56246C41.6445 5.36913 41.9253 5.27246 42.257 5.27246C42.5987 5.27246 42.8795 5.36913 43.0995 5.56246C43.3195 5.75413 43.4295 6.01246 43.4295 6.33746H42.7745C42.7745 6.19746 42.727 6.08579 42.632 6.00246C42.5387 5.91746 42.4103 5.87496 42.247 5.87496C42.097 5.87496 41.9712 5.91329 41.8695 5.98996C41.7695 6.06663 41.7195 6.16663 41.7195 6.28996C41.7195 6.48496 41.8595 6.61996 42.1395 6.69496L42.5745 6.82246C42.9395 6.92079 43.1953 7.06579 43.342 7.25746C43.4737 7.42913 43.5395 7.61829 43.5395 7.82496C43.5395 7.84829 43.5387 7.87246 43.537 7.89746C43.5237 8.20413 43.3978 8.44746 43.1595 8.62746C42.9228 8.80746 42.6353 8.89746 42.297 8.89746C41.9253 8.89746 41.6212 8.79329 41.3845 8.58496C41.1495 8.37496 41.032 8.11663 41.032 7.80996Z" /> <path d="M17.937 13.1603V9.63277H19.3195C19.6295 9.63277 19.8762 9.71944 20.0595 9.89277C20.2428 10.0644 20.3345 10.2969 20.3345 10.5903C20.3345 10.7369 20.2978 10.8728 20.2245 10.9978C20.1512 11.1211 20.032 11.2136 19.867 11.2753C20.072 11.3269 20.232 11.4353 20.347 11.6003C20.4637 11.7636 20.522 11.9303 20.522 12.1003C20.522 12.3969 20.422 12.6478 20.222 12.8528C20.0237 13.0578 19.7587 13.1603 19.427 13.1603H17.937ZM18.592 12.5778H19.392C19.5287 12.5778 19.637 12.5294 19.717 12.4328C19.797 12.3344 19.837 12.2203 19.837 12.0903C19.837 11.9636 19.7962 11.8503 19.7145 11.7503C19.6328 11.6486 19.5203 11.5978 19.377 11.5978H18.592V12.5778ZM18.592 11.0503H19.2745C19.3912 11.0503 19.4828 11.0103 19.5495 10.9303C19.6178 10.8503 19.652 10.7486 19.652 10.6253C19.652 10.4986 19.617 10.3986 19.547 10.3253C19.477 10.2519 19.3787 10.2153 19.252 10.2153H18.592V11.0503Z" /> <path d="M21.182 13.1603V9.63277H22.5945C22.9595 9.63277 23.2387 9.74444 23.432 9.96777C23.6253 10.1911 23.722 10.4603 23.722 10.7753C23.722 11.0486 23.6462 11.2894 23.4945 11.4978C23.3428 11.7044 23.1203 11.8319 22.827 11.8803L23.727 13.1603H22.9395L22.1095 11.9053H21.837V13.1603H21.182ZM21.837 11.3228H22.5445C22.7045 11.3228 22.827 11.2686 22.912 11.1603C22.9987 11.0503 23.042 10.9219 23.042 10.7753C23.042 10.6319 23.0003 10.5028 22.917 10.3878C22.8353 10.2728 22.7178 10.2153 22.5645 10.2153H21.837V11.3228Z" /> <path d="M23.972 13.1603L25.292 9.63277H25.9995L27.3195 13.1603H26.6295L26.307 12.3053H24.992L24.6695 13.1603H23.972ZM25.212 11.7328H26.092L25.647 10.3853L25.212 11.7328Z" /> <path d="M27.762 13.1603V9.63277H28.412V13.1603H27.762Z" /> <path d="M29.292 13.1603V9.63277H29.902L31.247 11.9253V9.63277H31.9045V13.1603H31.3045L29.942 10.8403V13.1603H29.292Z" /> <path d="M32.577 12.1303H33.232C33.2387 12.2669 33.297 12.3844 33.407 12.4828C33.517 12.5794 33.662 12.6278 33.842 12.6278C34.012 12.6278 34.1495 12.5878 34.2545 12.5078C34.3612 12.4278 34.4187 12.3261 34.427 12.2028C34.427 12.1944 34.427 12.1853 34.427 12.1753C34.427 12.0703 34.3903 11.9819 34.317 11.9103C34.237 11.8319 34.1112 11.7694 33.9395 11.7228L33.5045 11.6078C32.9112 11.4344 32.6145 11.1069 32.6145 10.6253C32.6145 10.3219 32.7295 10.0744 32.9595 9.88277C33.1895 9.68944 33.4703 9.59277 33.802 9.59277C34.1437 9.59277 34.4245 9.68944 34.6445 9.88277C34.8645 10.0744 34.9745 10.3328 34.9745 10.6578H34.3195C34.3195 10.5178 34.272 10.4061 34.177 10.3228C34.0837 10.2378 33.9553 10.1953 33.792 10.1953C33.642 10.1953 33.5162 10.2336 33.4145 10.3103C33.3145 10.3869 33.2645 10.4869 33.2645 10.6103C33.2645 10.8053 33.4045 10.9403 33.6845 11.0153L34.1195 11.1428C34.4845 11.2411 34.7403 11.3861 34.887 11.5778C35.0187 11.7494 35.0845 11.9386 35.0845 12.1453C35.0845 12.1686 35.0837 12.1928 35.082 12.2178C35.0687 12.5244 34.9428 12.7678 34.7045 12.9478C34.4678 13.1278 34.1803 13.2178 33.842 13.2178C33.4703 13.2178 33.1662 13.1136 32.9295 12.9053C32.6945 12.6953 32.577 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<h3>Add them anywhere!</h3> <p>Fields can be added <b>all over</b> WP including posts, users, taxonomy terms, media, comments and even custom options pages!</p> </div> <div class="col"> <i class="sprite-wp-icon-appearance"></i> <h3>Show them everywhere!</h3> <p>Load and display your custom field values in any theme template file with our hassle free <b>developer friendly</b> functions!</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="feature" id="feature-simple"> <div class="feature-image"> <img alt="acf-home-simple-intuitive" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div><div class="feature-text"> <h3>Simple & Intuitive</h3> <p>Create a field group, add your fields and define the location rules.</p> <p><b>Presto!</b> Your fields have appeared and are ready for content.</p> <p> <a href="" class="button">Learn More</a> <a href="" class="button -outline second">View Pricing</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="feature" id="feature-code"> <div class="feature-text"> <h3>Made for developers</h3> <p>At the core of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin is the simple and intuitive API.</p> <p>Use functions like <code class="inline">get_field()</code> and <code class="inline">the_field()</code> to quickly build powerful templates.</p> <p><a href="" class="button">View Functions</a></p> </div><div class="feature-image"> <div class="code-browser"> <div class="code-browser-title"><span>single.php</span></div> <pre><code class="language-php"> <h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1> <?php if( get_field('sub_heading') ): ?> <h2><?php the_field('sub_heading'); ?></h2> <?php endif; ?> <div class="hero"> <?php $image = get_field('hero_image'); ?> <img src="<?php echo $image['url']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image['alt']; ?>" /> </div> <?php if( have_rows('event') ): ?> <ul> <?php while( have_rows('event') ): the_row(); ?> <li> <a href="<?php the_sub_field('url'); ?>"><?php the_sub_field('title'); ?></a> </code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="feature" id="feature-fields"> <div class="feature-title"> <h3>All about fields</h3> <p>With over 30 field types included (and <a href="">hundreds user created</a>), <br />custom field management couldn鈥檛 be easier or look any better!</p> <p> <a href="" class="button">View Field Types</a> <a href="" class="button -outline second">Make Your Own</a> </p> </div> <img alt="acf-home-fields" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div> <div class="feature" id="feature-cpts-taxonomies"> <div class="feature-image"> <img alt="acf-home-cpts-taxonomies" loading="lazy" src="" /> </div><div class="feature-text"> <h3>Post Types & Taxonomies Support</h3> <p>Register custom post types and taxonomies right from the ACF UI, speeding up the content modeling workflow without the need to touch code or use another plugin.</p> <p> <a href="" class="button">Learn More</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="feature" id="feature-overview"> <div class="row-3 sm-row-1"> <div class="col"> <i class="sprite-wp-icon-page"></i> <h3>Extensive Documentation</h3> <p>We provide a content rich resource library with code examples, tutorials and guides! Learn about fields, functions, actions, filters & more.</p> <p><a class="button -outline" href="">Start Reading</a></p> </div> <div class="col"> <i class="sprite-wp-icon-user"></i> <h3>Helpful Support</h3> <p>We offer free support to all ACF users! Browse and post in our ever growing community forum or contact our friendly support team.</p> <p><a class="button -outline" href="">Visit Support</a></p> </div> <div class="col"> <i class="sprite-wp-icon-tool"></i> <h3>Professional Features</h3> <p>Need repeatable data, page building tools, galleries or custom admin pages? 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