Partners - The Jed Mahonis Group - Full-Stack Digital Product Agency

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We get it; we're entrepreneurs ourselves.</p> <p>We know the work you've put in to refine your idea, get that first check signed, or make your first hires, and we're here to make sure your company's technology is built in a way that can support its growth.</p> <p>By partnering with The Jed Mahonis Group, you can feel confident you have a true technical expert in your wheelhouse.</p> <p>As a frequent content contributor to the Tech.MN blog, a supporter of the Tech.MN podcast, and an event host at Twin Cities Startup Week, we've become a trusted resource in the startup space.</p> <p>Feel free to <a href="">reach out to us</a> regardless of the stage your business is in. (And even if you aren't located in Minnesota. We partner with funded startups from coast to coast.)</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class='content black-bottom' id='small-content'> <div class='box'> <a onclick='toggleSection(&#39;small-midsize&#39;, &#39;small-mid&#39;,&#39;small-arrow&#39;, &#39;small-content&#39;)'> <div class='title-holder'> <h4 class='black' id='small-mid'>SMALL-TO-MIDSIZE COMPANIES</h4> <img class="partners-arrow" id="small-arrow" src="/assets/partners/arrow-down-80b22aa0a386824a1173f481458874fc19340b0794e1c1dda2177b786157261f.png" /> </div> </a> <div class='hidden' id='small-midsize'> <p>It often doesn't make sense for small businesses or midsize companies to hire staff developers, for three reasons:</p> <ul> <li>Most software doesn't require full-time attention once it's built.</li> <li>The developer job market is very competitive, making recruiting for technical roles expensive and time-consuming.</li> <li>The overhead to support a staff of developers, designers, testers, and project managers is costly, far more so than partnering with a digital agency.</li> </ul> <p>Working with our team to develop, test, or support your digital tools brings you the expertise of an inhouse development team, without the risk, long ramp-up time, or high personnel costs.</p> <p>You get access to expert talent right when you need it (and save money when you don't), all at a fraction of the cost if you were to hire these roles internally.</p> <p>Read our <a href="">case studies</a> or <a href="" >send us an email</a> and we'll happily connect you with companies we've partnered with whose bottom lines have profited by working with The Jed Mahonis Group.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class='content black-bottom' id='creative-content'> <div class='box'> <a onclick='toggleSection(&#39;creative-agencies&#39;, &#39;creative-text&#39;, &#39;creative-arrow&#39;,&#39;creative-content&#39;)'> <div class='title-holder'> <h4 class='black' id='creative-text'>CREATIVE AGENCIES</h4> <img class="partners-arrow" id="creative-arrow" src="/assets/partners/arrow-down-80b22aa0a386824a1173f481458874fc19340b0794e1c1dda2177b786157261f.png" /> </div> </a> <div class='hidden' id='creative-agencies'> <p>A tech consultancy to complement your creative side.</p> <p>Some of the most innovative projects we've worked on culminated from partnering with marketing agencies, leveraging our technical expertise alongside their creative services.</p> <p>Creative digital agencies are expected to do it all in today's competitive landscape: strategy, design, content creation, marketing and advertising services, analytics, mobile app development, website development… to name a few.</p> <p>Few agencies have the budget and resources available to do all these services in-house (and do them well).</p> <p>Pooling resources between creative and development agencies creates a strategic partnership that gives you a competitive advantage while remaining lean.</p> <p>We know you have a lot of options when it comes to choosing a technical partner. So why us?</p> <div class='why-us'> <div class='reason'> <img class="partner-img" src="/assets/partners/award-winning-product-798a6d4c79b626ab42e5e4bc95d772dbdc8a5fcb32f0ba76067cbb8803f54264.png" /> <h4>We build beautiful, award-winning digital products.</h4> <p>Not all software is created equally, and while a case can sometimes be made for off-the-shelf solutions, our expertise is in developing custom, mobile-first solutions to create the best user experience and opportunity to scale.</p> <p><a href="/projects">See the success</a> our clients have experienced by working with us.</p> </div> <div class='reason'> <img class="partner-img" src="/assets/partners/work-well-with-others-21d475997d29f7c65379593c33c44efc80ef0b68060d2ffb2fcac4abb9645203.png" /> <h4>We work well with others.</h4> <p>We find the simplest things make the biggest difference in a successful partnership. We meet deadlines, we welcome feedback, and we are great communicators. You'll have no problem connecting with us, and you'll always know where your project stands with our transparent workflow processes.</p> <p>Learn more about <a href="/about"> how we work</a>.</p> </div> <div class='reason'> <img class="partner-img" src="/assets/partners/reputation-17f988b6b406910462d6de8419bf1710ac9ad1703c9f3d3ea9bf858721d1039f.png" /> <h4>We have a reputation.</h4> <p>We understand the worry that comes with entrusting your project to another company. We treat your clients like we do our own, and they have <a href="">some pretty good things to say about us</a>.</p> <p>Test our responsiveness and no-pressure approach by <a href="/contact">getting to know us</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='content black-bottom' id='medtech-content'> <div class='box'> <a onclick='toggleSection(&#39;medtech-companies&#39;, &#39;midtech&#39;, &#39;medtech-arrow&#39;,&#39;medtech-content&#39; )'> <div class='title-holder'> <h4 class='black' id='midtech'>MEDTECH COMPANIES</h4> <img class="partners-arrow" id="medtech-arrow" src="/assets/partners/arrow-down-80b22aa0a386824a1173f481458874fc19340b0794e1c1dda2177b786157261f.png" /> </div> </a> <div class='hidden' id='medtech-companies'> <p>Our partnership with The Medical Alley Association and the repeated successes our clients in the health and medical space have achieved have made us a top choice for building digital tools for the health industry.</p> <p>Learn more about the projects we've worked on in the health space at <a href=""></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class='content black-bottom' id='venture-cap-content'> <div class='box'> <a onclick='toggleSection(&#39;venture-capitalists&#39;, &#39;venture-cap&#39;, &#39;venture-arrow&#39;, &#39;venture-cap-content&#39;)'> <div class='title-holder'> <h4 class='black' id='venture-cap'>VENTURE CAPITALISTS</h4> <img class="partners-arrow" id="venture-arrow" src="/assets/partners/arrow-down-80b22aa0a386824a1173f481458874fc19340b0794e1c1dda2177b786157261f.png" /> </div> </a> <div class='hidden' id='venture-capitalists'> <p>Referring your high-growth startups to The Jed Mahonis Group for the development of their technical infrastructure sets your client (and your investment) up for success.</p> <p>Our ability to build digital products that help emerging companies expand their offerings and secure and increase market share can be found by taking a look at our <a href="">case studies</a>, reading our <a href="">clients' reviews</a>, and <a href="">reaching out to us</a> for references.</p> <p>If a company in your portfolio needs a tech strategy, code review, or new build out, or you simply want to know if a potential idea is feasible, <a href="">reach out to us</a> for a consultation.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='newsletter-signup' style=''> <div class='content'> <h2> What else can you do for me? </h2> <p class='newsletter-paragraph'> Well, how about providing a resource with best practices for building digital products? Sign up for our newsletter and see how we can best help your organization (even if it's kicking and screaming while we drag it into the 21st century). </p> <p class='form'> <form class="newsletter-signup-form" action="/newsletter_signup" accept-charset="UTF-8" data-remote="true" method="post"><input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="&#x2713;" /> <input type="hidden" name="referring_page" id="referring_page" value="pages-partners" /> <div style='display:flex;justify-content:center;'> <div> <label for="first_name">First Name*</label> <input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name" placeholder="First Name" required="required" /> </div> <div> <label for="last_name">Last Name*</label> <input type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name" placeholder="Last Name" required="required" /> </div> <div> <label for="email">Your Email*</label> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" placeholder="Email" required="required" /> </div> </div> <input type="submit" name="commit" value="Join" class="button blue-button" data-disable-with="Join" /> </form> </p> <div class='loading'> <div class='loader'> <!-- Just a second... --> </div> </div> <p class='errors'> Oh no, there was an error with your email! </p> <ul class='the-errors'> <li></li> </ul> <p class='success'> Hey, thank you so much for signing up! 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