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OF JAPAN (MSSJ)<br> <b>LICENSE:</b> <a href="" target="_blank">CC BY-NC-SA</a><br> <hr> <b>CH$NAME:</b> 4-METHYLBENZYL ALCOHOL<br> <b>CH$COMPOUND_CLASS:</b> N/A<br> <b>CH$FORMULA:</b> <a href="" target="_blank">C<sub>8</sub>H<sub>10</sub>O</a><br> <b>CH$EXACT_MASS:</b> 122.07316<br> <b>CH$SMILES:</b> OCc(c1)ccc(C)c1<br> <b>CH$IUPAC:</b> InChI=1S/C8H10O/c1-7-2-4-8(6-9)5-3-7/h2-5,9H,6H2,1H3<br> <b>CH$LINK:</b> CAS <a href=""589-18-4"" target="_blank">589-18-4</a><br> <b>CH$LINK:</b> INCHIKEY <a href=""KMTDMTZBNYGUNX-UHFFFAOYSA-N"" target="_blank">KMTDMTZBNYGUNX-UHFFFAOYSA-N</a><br> <b>CH$LINK:</b> COMPTOX <a href="" target="_blank">DTXSID5025574</a><br> <hr> <b>AC$INSTRUMENT:</b> HITACHI M-80<br> <b>AC$INSTRUMENT_TYPE:</b> EI-B<br> <b>AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY:</b> MS_TYPE MS<br> <b>AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY:</b> ION_MODE POSITIVE<br> <b>AC$MASS_SPECTROMETRY:</b> IONIZATION_ENERGY 70 eV<br> <hr> <b>MS$FOCUSED_ION:</b> ION_TYPE [M]+*<br> <hr> <b>PK$SPLASH:</b> <a href="" target="_blank">splash10-0adl-9700000000-b8f40122b485bec634a9</a><br> <b>PK$NUM_PEAK:</b> 47<br> <b>PK$PEAK:</b> m/z int.<br> 15 0.77 8<br> 28 1.58 16<br> 29 3.47 35<br> 31 3.22 32<br> 38 1.69 17<br> 39 14.88 149<br> 40 1.62 16<br> 41 4.45 45<br> 50 4.14 41<br> 51 11.17 112<br> 52 3.2 32<br> 53 4.37 44<br> 60 2.72 27<br> 61 0.88 9<br> 62 2.76 28<br> 63 8.9 89<br> 64 2.2 22<br> 65 18.83 188<br> 66 2 20<br> 67 0.56 6<br> 74 1.29 13<br> 75 1.31 13<br> 76 1.17 12<br> 77 45.16 452<br> 78 11.69 117<br> 79 57.07 571<br> 80 3.97 40<br> 89 5.55 56<br> 90 2.26 23<br> 91 50.83 508<br> 92 5.93 59<br> 93 43.94 439<br> 94 3.93 39<br> 102 1.4 14<br> 103 7.19 72<br> 104 13.69 137<br> 105 22.81 228<br> 106 5.89 59<br> 107 99.99 999<br> 108 7.69 77<br> 109 0.46 5<br> 119 4.61 46<br> 120 1.88 19<br> 121 17.04 170<br> 122 93.71 937<br> 123 8.24 82<br> 124 0.49 5<br> // </div> <br> <!-- Copyright (C) 2021-2023 MassBank consortium --> <!-- This file is part of MassBank. --> <!-- MassBank is free software; you can redistribute it and/or --> <!-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License --> <!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 --> <!-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version. --> <!-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --> <!-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --> <!-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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