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DEFINITIONS AND RELATED MATTERS</strong></p> <p>1.1&nbsp;&nbsp; “Buyer” means the customer entity on the Sales Quote or, if no Sales Quote was issued, the name of the purchaser on the Purchase Order submitted to Standard BioTools™ to purchase the Products.</p> <p>1.2&nbsp;&nbsp; “Consumables” means all items to be supplied by Standard BioTools except Instruments and Software.</p> <p>1.3&nbsp;&nbsp; “Documentation” means the user documentation accompanying, or provided by Standard BioTools regarding, or for use in connection with, a Product or related Service, including any documentation listed on Standard BioTools' website at</p> <p>1.4&nbsp;&nbsp; “Standard BioTools” means the Standard BioTools entity on the Sales Quote or, if none, Standard BioTools Inc. or one of its directly or indirectly wholly owned subsidiaries.</p> <p>1.5&nbsp;&nbsp; “Instrument” means all electronic equipment, hardware and other electronic or mechanical items agreed to be supplied by Standard BioTools, excluding any consumables and spare parts sold separately.</p> <p>1.6&nbsp;&nbsp; “Product” means each item, including any Instrument, Software and/or Consumable, listed in the applicable Sales Quote or, in the event a Sales Quote was not issued, listed in Standard BioTools' then-current price list applicable to Buyer’s jurisdiction and identified in a Purchase Order.</p> <p>1.7&nbsp;&nbsp; “Services” means all advice given and services performed by Standard BioTools.</p> <p>1.8&nbsp;&nbsp; “Software” means any firmware, software or data compilations (i) identified in the Agreement or (ii) provided by Standard BioTools in connection with the installation or operation of any Instrument. For the avoidance of doubt, Software shall not include any "open source" firmware, software or data compilations, as any such "open source" firmware, software or data compilations will be subject to the terms and conditions set out in the relevant "open source" license.</p> <p>2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TERMS, CONDITIONS AND ORDERS</p> <p>2.1&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Terms and Conditions</u>. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, the sale or license of any Products or Services (except Software, which is only licensed) by Standard BioTools to Buyer shall be governed by these Sales and License Terms and Conditions, including any addenda attached here to (collectively, “these Terms”), together with any written sales quotation issued by Standard BioTools (a “Sales Quote”), any other terms and conditions expressly agreed to in writing by an authorized Standard BioTools representative expressly referencing these Terms, and Buyer’s statement of the following information, and only such information: (i) the name and identity of the Products and/or Services purchased, (ii) quantity, (iii) bill to address, (iv) ship to address, and (v) if accurate, price (items (i)-(v), collectively, the “Purchase Order Specifics”), set forth on Buyer’s purchase order or other instrument submitted by Buyer or any of its authorized representatives in any manner, including by facsimile, e-mail PDF or other electronic delivery, for or regarding the purchase of Products or Services from Standard BioTools or its authorized representatives, and only if accepted by Standard BioTools (a “Purchase Order”). These Terms, the Sales Quote (if any) and the Purchase Order Specifics shall be referred to herein collectively as this “Agreement.” If any applicable Sales Quote is deemed to constitute an offer by Standard BioTools, Buyer’s acceptance, whether by Purchase Order or otherwise, is expressly limited to the terms of this Agreement and to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions, including any terms and conditions referenced in any Purchase Order. Such other terms and conditions are hereby deemed to be material alterations, and notice of objection to which is hereby given. If Buyer’s submission of a Purchase Order, whether or not in response to a Sales Quote, is deemed to constitute an offer, Standard BioTools' acceptance is expressly conditioned on Buyer’s assent to and acceptance of the terms and conditions of these Terms and to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions that are in any way inconsistent with these Terms (except the Purchase Order Specifics); such other terms and conditions, including any in Buyer’s Purchase Order, are hereby deemed to be material, and notice of objection to which is hereby given.&nbsp;</p> <p>2.2&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Acceptance of Orders</u>. No Purchase Order shall be binding upon Standard BioTools unless and until accepted by Standard BioTools, in writing or otherwise, and Standard BioTools shall have no liability or obligation to Buyer with respect to orders that are not accepted. Purchase orders placed under a Sales Quote cannot be rescheduled or cancelled without the prior written approval of Standard BioTools. No partial shipment of an order shall constitute the acceptance of the entire order, absent the acceptance by Standard BioTools of such entire order. For Instrument orders, Standard BioTools may require Buyer to identify in its Purchase Order the individual responsible for ensuring that Buyer provides a prepared and available installation site in accordance with Standard BioTools' site preparation specifications. Any provision in Buyer’s Terms (as defined below) permitting Buyer at its convenience to unilaterally change or cancel a Purchase Order (in whole or in part) once accepted by Standard BioTools shall be void and of no effect.</p> <p>2.3&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Contract Documents &amp; Order of Precedence</u>. Notwithstanding Section 2.1 above, if a Purchase Order that is accepted by Standard BioTools contains or incorporates by reference any different or additional terms and conditions, and to the extent such different or additional terms and conditions are ultimately deemed part of the contract between Buyer and Standard BioTools (e.g., by express written agreement of the parties, or by application of legal doctrine), then such contract shall consist of the following documents (notwithstanding any provision in such documents to the contrary): (1) the Sales Quote(s) (if any) issued by Standard BioTools; (2) the Purchase Order Specifics; (3) these Terms; and (4) any other terms and conditions contained in, or incorporated by reference into, Buyer’s order. Any conflict among these documents shall be resolved by giving them priority in the order listed above. Items (2) and (4) are collectively referred to herein as “Buyer’s Terms.”</p> <p><strong>3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; LICENSE AND USE RESTRICTIONS</strong></p> <p>3.1&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Limited License</u>. Subject to these Terms, and to all applicable end user license agreement(s), notices, terms, conditions and/or use restrictions (i) printed on any Product packaging, label or insert, (ii) appearing in or included with the Software or any Documentation, or (iii) listed on Standard BioTools' website at, Standard BioTools grants to Buyer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use the Products sold and/or licensed to Buyer by Standard BioTools or its authorized representative only in accordance with the applicable, then-current Documentation.</p> <p>3.2&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Certain Use Restrictions</u>. &nbsp;Buyer acknowledges that the Products do not have United States Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) or equivalent non-U.S. regulatory agency clearance or approval (“Approval”). Buyer acknowledges that the Products are labeled and intended&nbsp;<b>FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY</b>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<b>NOT FOR USE IN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES</b>. Unless otherwise expressly stated by Standard BioTools in writing, no claim or representation is made or intended by Standard BioTools that any Product has any Approval for use in any diagnostic or other clinical procedure in connection with any law, regulation or governmental policy (collectively, “Regulatory Laws”). Buyer agrees that if it elects to use a Product for a purpose that would subject Buyer, its customers or any Product to the application of Regulatory Laws, Buyer shall be solely responsible for obtaining any required Approvals.&nbsp;Except where authorized by Standard BioTools in writing or prohibited by law, Buyer agrees not to: (i) transfer a Product to any third party (including, but not limited to, re-sale, donation, or loan); (ii) use any non-Standard BioTools consumables or reagents with any Product, except as expressly provided in the Documentation or where approved in writing by Standard BioTools; (iii) use any Product(s) to manufacture commercial products;&nbsp; (iv) use any Standard BioTools consumables or reagents with any non-Standard BioTools instrument, device or system; or (v) reverse engineer, attempt to reverse engineer, deconstruct, disassemble, derive the source code of, decrypt, or otherwise analyze a Product to obtain or understand its design, functionality, trade secrets, proprietary information or know-how. Except as otherwise expressly set forth in writing by Standard BioTools, Buyer hereby agrees Consumables are sold and licensed for&nbsp;<b>SINGLE USE ONLY</b>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<b>MAY NOT BE REUSED</b>.</p> <p><strong>4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; PRICES, TAXES AND PAYMENT</strong></p> <p>4.1&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Prices</u>. The price for any Product or related service shall be the applicable price stated in the Sales Quote, or, if no Sales Quote is issued, in Standard BioTools'&nbsp;then-current price list applicable to Buyer’s jurisdiction, which is subject to change without notice. Standard BioTools'&nbsp;Sales Quotes are only valid for thirty (30) days from the quotation date unless otherwise expressly stated in the Sales Quote.</p> <p>4.2&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Taxes; Shipping Charges</u>. Unless otherwise expressly stated in the Sales Quote, Buyer's purchase price does not include any U.S. or non-U.S. federal, state, local, sales, VAT, GST or other taxes, duties, or governmental assessments (“Taxes”) that may be applicable to the Products or Services, nor does the price include freight and insurance; Buyer will be responsible for any such charges specified on Standard BioTools' invoice(s). All Taxes shall be paid or reimbursed by Buyer (other than taxes on Standard BioTools' net income), or in lieu thereof, Buyer shall provide Standard BioTools with a tax exemption certificate acceptable to the applicable taxing authorities. Taxes and other charges payable by Buyer may be billed as separate items on Standard BioTools' invoice(s). Buyer shall be solely responsible for any non-United States withholding taxes (e.g., if Buyer is located or incorporated outside the United States) and, if withholding taxes apply, Buyer shall gross up the amount payable to ensure post-withholding remittance to Standard BioTools at the amounts quoted and invoiced by Standard BioTools.</p> <p>4.3&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Payment</u>. Unless otherwise expressly stated in the Sales Quote, Standard BioTools shall invoice Buyer for a Product, and any and all Services ordered in connection with a Product, upon shipment of the Product; or, if a Service Plan (as defined in Section 7.2) is purchased separately from the purchase of a Product, on the applicable start date of such Service Plan; or, if no such start date is provided, upon Standard BioTools' acceptance of Buyer’s purchase order, and such invoice shall cover Buyer’s purchase price for the Product and/or related Services and any freight, insurance, Taxes or other applicable costs initially paid or payable by Standard BioTools to be ultimately borne by Buyer, and Buyer shall pay all such amounts. Unless otherwise expressly stated in the Sales Quote or, in the event a Sales Quote is not issued, in Standard BioTools' then-current price list applicable to Buyer’s jurisdiction, all invoices shall be issued and payable in U.S. Dollars, and are due and payable thirty (30) days from date of invoice, subject to credit approval. Each delivery shall be considered a separate and independent transaction and payment therefor made accordingly. Amounts outstanding thirty (30) or more days from the date of invoice shall be subject to a service charge of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month, or the maximum allowed by applicable law, if less. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Buyer is an agency of the U.S. Government, payment will be made in accordance with the Prompt Payment Act, 31 U.S.C. 39&nbsp;<i>et seq</i>. Buyer shall pay all of Standard BioTools' costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) to enforce and preserve Standard BioTools' rights under this section. If Buyer fails to make any payment when due or if Standard BioTools deems Buyer to be or to have become un-creditworthy, then, without prejudice to Standard BioTools' rights, Standard BioTools may, at its option, cancel and/or suspend future deliveries, and/or require prepayment, letter of credit, or other payment method(s).</p> <p><strong>5.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE OF PRODUCTS</strong></p> <p>5.1&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Delivery and Acceptance</u>. Unless otherwise expressly stated in the Sales Quote, (i) all deliveries to destinations within the United States are F.O.B. shipping point, (ii) all deliveries to destinations outside the U.S. are FCA Standard BioTools' facility (ICC Incoterms 2010), and (iii) Buyer must take possession of delivery no later than six (6) months after the date of the Purchase Order referencing the applicable Product(s). Standard BioTools' title (except for Software, which is only licensed) and all risk of loss passes to Buyer, and Standard BioTools' liability as to delivery ceases upon delivery of the Product(s) at the F.O.B./FCA shipping point. For avoidance of doubt, if the above-identified shipping terms are deemed not to apply, title and risk of loss shall pass to Buyer upon transfer of the Product(s) from Standard BioTools to the carrier unless both parties agree otherwise in advance and in writing. Unless specific shipping instructions have been agreed to in writing between Standard BioTools and Buyer, Standard BioTools will ship in accordance with its standard practices. Standard BioTools may also, in its sole discretion, postpone delivery of an Instrument due to Buyer’s failure to provide a prepared and available installation site in accordance with Standard BioTools' site preparation specifications or other factors within Buyer’s reasonable control. For multiple unit and/or multiple Product orders, Standard BioTools may deliver such orders in installments, and each installment shall be deemed to be a separate sale. Standard BioTools may issue a separate invoice for each installment, which shall be paid without regard to prior or subsequent installments. All Products shall be conclusively and irrevocably deemed accepted without qualification by Buyer upon delivery. Buyer, however, will notify Standard BioTools or its representative in writing of any nonconformity to Standard BioTools' extant specifications promptly after delivery. Standard BioTools shall be entitled to repair or replace damaged, missing or nonconforming Products, and such repair or replacement shall constitute Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy, and Standard BioTools' sole liability and obligation, for any damaged, missing or nonconforming Products.</p> <p>5.2&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Inspection and Installation</u>. Without limiting the preceding section, Buyer shall promptly visually inspect any Product upon receipt and notify Standard BioTools in writing of damage or missing parts that Buyer notes. If Buyer fails to comply with this section, Buyer shall be deemed to have waived its rights to claim incorrect or incomplete delivery or packaging and any related warranty rights. If Standard BioTools has agreed to install the Instrument, it is Buyer's responsibility, at Buyer’s cost, to prepare the installation site in accordance with Standard BioTools' site preparation specifications (including no hazardous or unsafe conditions) and, unless otherwise agreed to by Standard BioTools in writing, to move the Instrument from Buyer’s delivery dock or receiving location to the place of installation. Buyer shall have appropriate Buyer personnel present at any such installation.</p> <p><strong>6.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; LIMITED WARRANTIES ON PRODUCTS</strong></p> <p>6.1&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Limited Warranty and Remedy for Instruments and Software</u>. Standard BioTools warrants to and only to Buyer that, for thirteen (13) months from the date of shipping (the “Instrument Warranty Period”), the Software and Instruments shall be free from defects in material and workmanship, and conform to Standard BioTools' published specifications at the time of purchase in all material respects; provided, however, that for purchases of CyTOF® XT, Helios™ or Hyperion™ Instruments, the Instrument Warranty Period shall be the earlier of (a) 12 months from the date of installation or&nbsp;<a name="_Hlk522083255">(b) 18 months from date of shipment.&nbsp;</a>Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy, and Standard BioTools'&nbsp;sole and exclusive liability, under the foregoing warranty shall be for Standard BioTools to repair or replace Software and Instruments, as determined by Standard BioTools in its reasonable discretion. Nonconforming Instruments will be serviced at Buyer's facility or, at Standard BioTools' option, Standard BioTools' facility. If service is performed at Standard BioTools' facility, Standard BioTools will bear the shipping costs. This limited warranty is subject to certain exceptions listed below.</p> <p>6.2&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Limited Warranty and Remedy for Service Parts</u>. Standard BioTools warrants, only to Buyer, that spare, replacement or upgrade parts, including Instrument hardware upgrades, (collectively, “Service Parts”) that are purchased by Buyer from Standard BioTools hereunder or pursuant to the terms of Section 7.5 and installed by a Standard BioTools service engineer subsequent to Instrument installation will be free of defects in materials and workmanship on the date of delivery, provided that Standard BioTools receives Buyer’s written warranty claim during a period of the earlier of&nbsp;ninety (90) days from the date of installation or one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of delivery. Buyer’s exclusive remedy, and Standard BioTools' sole liability and obligation, under this warranty are replacing or, at Standard BioTools' option and in its sole discretion, giving credit for, any Service Parts not meeting the above warranty for which written notice is provided to Standard BioTools within the applicable period.&nbsp;Service Parts that are not installed by a Standard BioTools service engineer are sold “AS IS,” without any warranty, statutory, express or implied. The installation of an Instrument hardware upgrade does not extend or restart any Instrument warranty, but the parts comprising the Instrument upgrade are covered by the foregoing Service Parts limited warranty to the extent applicable. This limited warranty is subject to certain exceptions listed below.</p> <p>6.3&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Exceptions</u>. These warranties shall not apply to, and shall be void for, any Product that (i) has been damaged due to improper or abnormal use, storage, or operating environment, or any abuse, neglect, negligence or accident, including, without limitation, failure to properly perform routine maintenance and maintain the Product site in accordance with Standard BioTools' requirements or the use of the Product with any non-Standard BioTools product (except as may be specifically recommended, with respect to standard laboratory reagents, tools and equipment ancillary to use of the Product, in the then-current Documentation for that Product), (ii) has been &nbsp;used outside of the country of sale, (iii) has been repaired, altered, disassembled or reassembled, or moved within, or removed from, Buyer’s facility by persons other than Standard BioTools or its designee, other than repair or replacement of a third-party good by an authorized service provider, (iv) has failed due to externally caused short circuits, incorrect voltages, failure or fluctuation of electrical power, lightning, static or other improper external inputs, or due to Force Majeure, (v) has been used with any item other than Standard BioTools Products (except as may be set forth in the extant applicable Standard BioTools protocol for use of a Product, with associated standard laboratory tools and equipment ancillary to use of such Product), or (vi) is a consumable. For example, use of an Instrument with non-Standard BioTools integrated fluidic circuits (with or without carriers, collectively “IFCs”) voids the warranty for that reader, unless specifically authorized in writing by Standard BioTools. Buyer acknowledges that failure to comply with any restriction of use set forth herein will invalidate any warranty provided herein and any applicable Service Plan. For clarity, and without limitation, use of an Instrument with consumables other than the Consumables specified for use with that Instrument will void the warranty for that Instrument. &nbsp;Without limiting the foregoing, with regard to Software, these warranties shall not apply to any failure to conform that is caused by the use or operation of the Software in an environment other than that intended or recommended by Standard BioTools, or modifications to the Software not made or authorized by Standard BioTools. These warranties are not transferable or assignable, including, without limitation, any re-sale of a Product, and any such attempt to transfer or assign these warranties shall be void. Notwithstanding the foregoing, these warranties may be assigned for any Product that is acquired as a business asset in conjunction with a merger or acquisition of Buyer, or of all or substantially all of Buyer’s business assets of which the Product is a part. Standard BioTools neither assumes, nor authorizes any other person to assume for it, any other obligations or liabilities in connection with the sale of Products. Repair or replacement of a Product shall not extend the original warranty period for that Product. Standard BioTools' warranties do not cover de-installation, re-installation, or transportation of products.</p> <p><strong>7.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; LIMITED WARRANTIES ON SERVICE PLANS</strong></p> <p>7.1&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Service and Maintenance</u>. After the Instrument Warranty Period, Standard BioTools may offer to provide extended service and maintenance for such Instrument pursuant to a separate written Service Plan that may be purchased by Buyer from Standard BioTools.&nbsp;</p> <p>7.2&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Service Plans</u>. If Buyer has purchased a separate written contract for repair services for an Instrument (a “Service Plan”), the Sales Quote and the applicable then-current Documentation, if any, for such Service Plan will describe its level and features. During the Service Plan term, Standard BioTools or its designee will provide the services described in the Service Plan (the “Covered Services”). Maintenance, repairs and replacements may be effected under the Service Plan with reconditioned or refurbished Products, parts or subassemblies. Any updates or upgrades to the Software, when delivered, shall become part of the Software and shall be subject to the same end user license agreement(s), notices, terms, conditions and use restrictions unless otherwise expressly stated in writing by Standard BioTools. Covered Services exclude upgrades to hardware and Software for feature enhancements. Service Plans may not be transferred or assigned without Standard BioTools' prior written consent.&nbsp;All replaced parts removed from an Instrument in connection with any services provided by Standard BioTools or its designee shall become the property of Standard BioTools upon their replacement.&nbsp;Standard BioTools may, at no charge to Buyer, provide for the temporary use of its products by Buyer for any period during which Standard BioTools is performing repairs of the Products pursuant to a Service Plan.&nbsp;Such temporary use may be subject to additional terms, including, without limitation, the payment of fees for of such temporary products if such products are not returned promptly to Standard BioTools after a repaired or replacement Product has been provided to Buyer.</p> <p>7.3&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Service Limitations</u>.<b>&nbsp;</b>Buyer agrees to follow the operation procedures published by Standard BioTools, including procedures for routine maintenance. Standard BioTools shall have no obligation to provide any service or parts required as a result of (i) failure of Buyer to maintain the Software within one major release of the most current O/S Software release made available by Standard BioTools to Buyer or (ii) Buyer’s failure to comply with items (i) through (vi) in Section 6.3. Buyer shall reimburse Standard BioTools at Standard BioTools' then-current service call fees, including all labor, parts and travel charges, for all work that Standard BioTools or its designee incur in investigating or remedying any damage or malfunction that Standard BioTools reasonably determines to not be part of the Covered Services.</p> <p>7.4&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Non-Covered Equipment</u>. Any and all instruments, software and other products, and any parts or subassemblies of the foregoing, that are not provided by Standard BioTools or its designee, as well as any external uninterruptible power supply (UPS), shall be deemed “Non-Covered Equipment.” Standard BioTools shall have no obligation to provide Covered Services for Non-Covered Equipment; moreover, and notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Standard BioTools shall have no obligation to provide Covered Services in connection with any Instrument, part or subassembly: (i) that has been substantially altered (other than by Standard BioTools or its designee); (ii) that does not incorporate all of Standard BioTools' engineering improvements and other fixes that Standard BioTools requested that the Buyer implement; (iii) that incorporates Non-Covered Equipment or has Non-Covered Equipment attached; (iv) that has been operated in conditions outside of Standard BioTools' environmental or electrical site specifications, as defined in the applicable, then-current Documentation; (v) that has been operated in hazardous environments or used to analyze hazardous materials that may cause residual contamination; or (vi) that has been repaired or maintained by anyone other than Standard BioTools or its designee, except such routine maintenance as set forth in the applicable, then-current Documentation. Instruments that are no longer offered for sale by Standard BioTools (“Obsoleted Items”) will be maintained and repaired on a reasonable-efforts basis by Standard BioTools while covered by a Service Plan. If Standard BioTools determines in its discretion that support, service or maintenance of such Obsoleted Items is no longer reasonable, Standard BioTools shall notify Buyer of such determination and such Obsoleted Item shall be deemed Non-Covered Equipment.&nbsp;</p> <p>7.5&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Billable Services</u>. All services performed by Standard BioTools or its designee on Buyer’s Non-Covered Equipment or which are not Covered Services shall be billable to Buyer at Standard BioTools' then-current service call fees, including all labor, parts and travel charges.</p> <p>7.6&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Instrument Access, Safety and Decontamination</u>. Buyer shall provide Standard BioTools and its designees reasonable and safe access to all Instruments (including those returned by Buyer to Standard BioTools in accordance with these terms) for the provision of any services and for any audit of compliance with Standard BioTools' installation and operational guidelines. Buyer is responsible for proper disposal of all contaminated material and of contaminated parts and subassemblies that, in Standard BioTools' discretion, cannot be safely returned to Standard BioTools. Buyer shall ensure any Instrument (including any parts and subassemblies) is decommissioned and decontaminated prior to return, exchange or repair of such Instrument to or by Standard BioTools. Buyer shall fill out and provide a signed Declaration of Contamination/Decontamination form provided by Standard BioTools to Buyer prior to the return, exchange or repair of any Instrument. In the event Buyer does not properly decontaminate or decommission the Instrument, Buyer will be held liable for any injury, illness or death to Standard BioTools employees or contractors that resulted from such failure by Buyer. Any services that Standard BioTools or its designee may provide in connection with the activities contemplated by this paragraph shall be deemed to not be Covered Services, and Buyer shall reimburse Standard BioTools at Standard BioTools' then-current service call fees, including all labor, parts and travel charges, for all such work of Standard BioTools or its designee.</p> <p>7.7&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Limited Service Warranty</u>. Standard BioTools warrants that it will render the Covered Services in a professional and workmanlike manner. As Standard BioTools' sole responsibility and Buyer’s exclusive remedy in the event of any material failure to meet such standard, Standard BioTools shall make a commercially reasonable effort to remedy any resulting discrepancies. Any claim based on the foregoing warranty must be submitted in writing in accordance with Standard BioTools' standard procedures within thirty (30) days after delivery or the date of performance of the pertinent services at issue.</p> <p>7.8&nbsp;&nbsp; <u>Term and Termination</u>. The term of a Service Plan, if purchased, shall commence, as applicable, on the later of: (i) the date of expiration of the Instrument Warranty Period; (ii) the Service Plan start date specified in the purchase order; or (iii) the date Standard BioTools receives an authorized purchase order from Buyer.&nbsp; Such Service Plan will continue for the period specified in the applicable Sales Quote describing the Service Plan or, if no such term is specified, the term shall be one year. Service Plans shall not be automatically renewed. If Buyer wishes to obtain Covered Services for an Instrument beyond the term of the Service Plan or for additional Instruments, Buyer must submit a new order. Standard BioTools may terminate a Service Plan immediately by giving written notice of termination to Buyer upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (a)<b>&nbsp;</b>Buyer defaults in the performance of any material requirement or obligation created by the Service Plan or any other agreement between Standard BioTools and Buyer; (b) Buyer fails to make any payment to Standard BioTools within thirty (30) days of its due date; (c) Buyer ceases doing business; (d) Buyer becomes the subject of any bankruptcy, insolvency, or similar proceeding, becomes insolvent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, is unable to pay its debts when due, has a receiver appointed for a substantial part of Buyer's assets, or an action is taken toward the liquidation or winding up of Buyer’s business; or (e) Buyer suffers a materially adverse change in its financial condition or operations. In addition, either party may terminate a Service Plan by providing written notice thirty (30) days in advance to the other party and Standard BioTools will reimburse Buyer on a&nbsp;<i>pro rata</i>&nbsp;basis up to the termination date for any payments made in advance by Buyer, less the implied value of Standard BioTools' time and materials costs and expenses in connection with the provision of services under any such Service Plan.&nbsp;No termination of a Service Plan shall release Buyer from any obligation to pay Standard BioTools any amount that has accrued or become payable at or prior to the date of termination.</p> <p><strong>8.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS.</strong>&nbsp;THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND THE REMEDIES SET FORTH IN SECTIONS 6 AND 7.7 ARE IN LIEU OF, AND STANDARD BIOTOOLS AND ITS LICENSORS, SUPPLIERS AND REPRESENTATIVES HEREBY DISCLAIM, ALL OTHER REMEDIES AND WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, STATUTORY, IMPLIED, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, NONINFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR REGARDING RESULTS OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY CLAIM OF INACCURATE, INVALID OR INCOMPLETE RESULTS), IN EACH CASE HOWEVER ARISING, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION FROM A COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, OR OTHERWISE. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, STANDARD BIOTOOLS AND ITS LICENSORS, SUPPLIERS AND REPRESENTATIVES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF USE, PROFITS, REVENUE, GOODWILL, BUSINESS OR OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS OR BUSINESS INTERUPTION, OR COSTS OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, OR FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY OR INDIRECT DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY. ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE PROVIDED WITHOUT A WRITTEN WARRANTY FROM STANDARD BIOTOOLS IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT (AND STANDARD BIOTOOLS HEREBY DISCLAIMS) ANY WARRANTY, STATUTORY, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE. Without limiting the generality of Standard BioTools' general rejection of conflicting terms presented by Buyer, and for clarification purposes only, Buyer agrees that any different or additional warranty terms stated in Buyer’s Terms (if applicable) shall be void and of no effect.</p> <p><strong>9.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.</strong>&nbsp;STANDARD BIOTOOLS', AND ITS LICENSORS’, SUPPLIERS’ AND REPRESENTATIVES’, LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT AND/OR THE SALE OF PRODUCTS OR PROVISION OF SERVICES SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT PAID BY THE BUYER FOR THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SERVICES TO STANDARD BIOTOOLS IN THE PRIOR TWELVE (12) MONTHS. IN NO EVENT SHALL STANDARD BIOTOOLS BE LIABLE FOR COSTS OF LOSS OF USE, PROFITS, REVENUE, GOODWILL, ANY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH RETESTING, BUSINESS OR OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS OR BUSINESS INTERUPTION, OR COSTS OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, OR FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, PURSUANT TO ANY STATUTE, OR ON ANY OTHER BASIS) ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT AND/OR THE SALE OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, WHETHER OR NOT FORESEEABLE AND WHETHER OR NOT STANDARD BIOTOOLS IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THESE LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY.&nbsp; Nothing in this Agreement shall operate so as to exclude or limit the liability of Standard BioTools, its licensors, suppliers or representatives for any liability which cannot be excluded or limited by law.</p> <p><strong>10.&nbsp;&nbsp; INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE</strong></p> <p>10.1 <u>Indemnification of Buyer</u>. Subject to Sections 10.2 and 10.3 below, Standard BioTools agrees to defend Buyer against any third party claim, proceeding or action (“Claim”) to the extent the Claim alleges that any Product sold to Buyer hereunder, as delivered to Buyer by Standard BioTools, directly infringes or misappropriates, as applicable, any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. Standard BioTools will pay all damages awarded in a final non-appealable judgment, and settlements approved in writing by an authorized representative of Standard BioTools, in connection therewith, provided that (i) Buyer provides to Standard BioTools written notice of the Claim within thirty (30) days of receipt by Buyer of such Claim, or such earlier time as required to avoid prejudice to Standard BioTools or its ability to defend such Claim, (ii) Buyer allows Standard BioTools to control the defense and settlement of the Claim, and (iii) Buyer provides to Standard BioTools reasonable assistance in connection therewith, at no charge to Standard BioTools. Buyer may employ counsel at its own expense to assist it with respect to any such Claim, provided that this shall not obligate Standard BioTools or its counsel to consult with or advise such Buyer counsel, nor affect Standard BioTools' control of the defense and settlement of the Claim.</p> <p>10.2 <u>Exceptions</u>. Standard BioTools shall have no liability or obligation pursuant to this Section 10 with respect to Claims resulting from (i) modification of the Product other than by Standard BioTools or its authorized service provider, (ii) combination of the Product with any item or method not supplied or specifically recommended in writing by Standard BioTools, (iii) use of the Product other than in accordance with the Documentation and this Agreement (including, without limitation, use for diagnostic or other non-research uses), or (iv) compliance with Buyer's instructions, specifications or design to the extent such instructions, specifications or design materially differ from comparable Products that Standard BioTools makes generally available to its customers (collectively, (i)-(iv), “Excluded Causes”).</p> <p>10.3 <u>Remedy</u>. In the event there is a Claim, or Standard BioTools believes a Claim is likely, alleging intellectual property infringement or misappropriation, as applicable, with respect to any Product sold to Buyer hereunder, Standard BioTools shall be entitled, without obligation to do so, at its option and expense, to (i) modify the Product so that it is no longer infringing, (ii) obtain a license with respect to the applicable intellectual property rights, or (iii) accept the return of each such Product purchased by Buyer hereunder (except for contaminated Products that, in Standard BioTools' discretion, cannot be safely returned to Standard BioTools) and in Buyer’s possession and control, and provide to Buyer a refund of the price paid by Buyer to Standard BioTools therefore, subject to reasonable deductions for damage and amortized on a straight line basis over three (3) years from the date of original delivery to Buyer. Standard BioTools will have no liability or obligation with respect to any alleged infringement occurring after the date Standard BioTools makes any such remedy available to Buyer.</p> <p>10.4 <u>Exclusive Obligation</u>. Notwithstanding any other provision, the foregoing Sections 10.1-10.3 state Standard BioTools' sole liability and obligation, and Buyer's exclusive remedy, arising out of any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement or misappropriation of any kind, as applicable, or any actual or alleged breach of any representation or warranty (statutory, express or implied) that the Products or Services do not infringe or misappropriate, as applicable, any third party intellectual property anywhere in the world.</p> <p>10.5 <u>Indemnification of Standard BioTools</u>. Buyer agrees to defend Standard BioTools against any Claim (i) to the extent the Claim alleges infringement or misappropriation, as applicable, of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right as a result of any Excluded Cause, or (ii) that arises in connection with Buyer’s use of Products (a) for any clinical purpose or application, (b) in violation of any applicable law or regulation, or (c) in the provision of services under any ‘fee for service’ agreement or other arrangement. Buyer will pay all damages awarded, and all settlements approved by Buyer, in connection therewith, provided that (x) Standard BioTools provides to Buyer written notice of the Claim within thirty (30) days of receipt by Standard BioTools of such Claim, or such earlier time as required to avoid prejudice to Buyer or its ability to defend such Claim, (y) Standard BioTools allows Buyer to control the defense and settlement of the Claim, and (z) Standard BioTools provides to Buyer reasonable assistance in connection therewith, at no charge to Buyer. Standard BioTools may employ counsel at its own expense to assist it with respect to any such Claim, provided that this shall not obligate Buyer or its counsel to consult with or advise such Standard BioTools counsel, nor affect Buyer’s control of the defense and settlement of the Claim. If Buyer is a U.S. state, city, town or other municipality, or a public university, college or other not-for-profit institution chartered under the laws of a U.S. state, this section shall only apply to the extent permitted by applicable law. This section shall not apply if Buyer is an agency of the U.S. Government; in such case, Buyer’s liability shall be limited by the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 USC 2671,&nbsp;<i>et seq</i>.</p> <p><strong>11.&nbsp;&nbsp; INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.</strong>&nbsp; Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, Standard BioTools shall retain all ownership of its intellectual property rights with respect to the Products.&nbsp;All rights, title and interest, including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights in and to all Software and all documentation for such software, including on-line read-me or help files (collectively “Software Documentation”). The content of all training provided by Standard BioTools representatives on Products is and shall remain the property of Standard BioTools, its licensors and suppliers. All Software and related Software Documentation and training provided by Standard BioTools are protected by copyright under 17 U.S.C. § 101 et seq. and other intellectual property rights, and their international equivalents and by international treaties. Buyer agrees not to reproduce training sessions in whole or in part.</p> <p><strong>12.&nbsp;&nbsp; MISCELLANEOUS</strong></p> <p>12.1 <u>Notices</u>. All notices and other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be mailed by first class mail (registered or certified if available; air mail if overseas), postage prepaid, or otherwise delivered by hand, commercial courier service, messenger or transmitted electronically by telecopy (fax) or e-mail PDF (with a copy to<a href="">&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;for any notice or communication in connection with a Claim or a Dispute), addressed to the addresses listed in the Sales Quote (or to Buyer’s address listed in its purchase order) or at such other address furnished with a notice in the manner set forth herein. Such notices shall be deemed to have been effective when delivered or, if delivery is not accomplished by reason of some fault or refusal of the addressee, when tendered (which tender, in the case of mail, shall be deemed to have occurred upon posting, and in the case of telecopy (fax), shall be deemed to have occurred upon transmission). All notices shall be in English.</p> <p>12.2 <u>Governing Law and Venue</u>. This Agreement and any disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement (including its formation or termination) or Standard BioTools' goods, software or related services (collectively, “Disputes”) shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, U.S.A., (provided, however, that if Buyer is a U.S. state, city, town or other municipality, or a public university, college or other not-for-profit institution chartered under the laws of a U.S. state, the law of such state shall govern), excluding in all cases choice of law provisions and excluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Unless Buyer is a U.S. state, city, town or other municipality, or a public university, college or other not-for-profit institution chartered under the laws of a U.S. state, in which case the law of such state regarding Disputes shall govern, Standard BioTools and Buyer agree that any dispute or controversy arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be finally settled by binding arbitration under the extant rules of the International Centre for Dispute Resolution, by one (1) arbitrator appointed in accordance with such rules. For sales originating in Asia, the venue of any such arbitration shall be Singapore; for sales originating in Europe, the venue of any such arbitration shall be London, England; and for sales originating in all other regions, the venue of arbitration shall be San Francisco, California. The arbitration shall be conducted in English, and any written evidence originally in a language other than English shall be submitted in English translation accompanied by the original or a true copy thereof. The decision and/or award rendered by the arbitrator shall be written, final and non-appealable, and the parties agree that the decision and/or award of the arbitrator shall be the sole, exclusive and binding remedy between them regarding any and all disputes, controversies, claims and counterclaims properly before the arbitrator. The parties agree that, any provision of applicable law notwithstanding, they will not request, and the arbitrator shall have no authority to award, punitive or exemplary damages against any party. The costs of any arbitration, including administrative fees and fees of the arbitrator, shall be shared equally by the parties, and each party shall bear the cost of its own attorneys' and expert fees, provided that the arbitrator may at his or her discretion award to the prevailing party the costs and expenses incurred by the prevailing party in connection with the arbitration proceeding. The decision and/or award of the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction for a judicial recognition of the decision and applicable orders of enforcement (which may include, without limitation, permanent injunctive relief or orders for specific performance or for equitable relief), and either party may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for appropriate restraining orders or temporary injunctive relief pending resolution of any arbitration proceeding. For avoidance of doubt, any such equitable remedies shall be cumulative and not exclusive and are in addition to any other remedies which either party may have under this Agreement or applicable law.</p> <p>12.3 <u>Purchases for the U.S. Government</u>. If Buyer is placing an Order for the United States Government or in support of a contract with the U.S. Government, Buyer agrees that the Products purchased are “commercial items” as defined in the U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulations (“FAR”). If Buyer is placing this Order in the name of the U.S. Government and the Order is less than or equal to $3,000, then Buyer agrees that only these Terms shall apply to the Order. If the Order is greater than $3,000, then Buyer agrees that the Order is subject to FAR Part 12, and pursuant to FAR 12.301 and 12.302, only those mandatory provisions of FAR 52.212-1, 52.212-3, 52.212-4 and 52.212-5, and these Terms, shall apply. If Buyer is placing this Order in support of a contract with the U.S. Government, Buyer agrees that only those mandatory clauses listed in FAR 52.244-6 as well as these Terms shall apply to the Order. All other terms and conditions are expressly rejected. In the event of a conflict between the FAR provisions referenced herein and these Terms, these Terms shall take precedence to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.</p> <p>12.4 <u>U.S. Government End Users</u>.&nbsp; The Software and Documentation provided by Standard BioTools pursuant to this Agreement are “commercial items,” as the term is defined at 48 C.F.R. §2.101, consisting of “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation,” as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48 C.F.R. §227.7202, as applicable.&nbsp; Consistent with 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48 C.F.R. §§227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the commercial computer software and commercial computer software documentation are licensed to United States Government end users (i) only as commercial items and (ii) with only those rights granted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.</p> <p>12.5 <u>Export Controls</u>. Buyer agrees that it will not export or transfer any Product(s) for re-export in violation of any United States laws or the laws of any other jurisdiction, or to any denied or prohibited person, entity, or embargoed country in violation of such laws.</p> <p>12.6 <u>Disposal of waste</u>. The generation, collection, storage, handling, transportation, movement and release of hazardous material and waste generated in connection with the Products and in compliance with applicable laws will be the responsibility of the Buyer at Buyer’s costs and expenses.</p> <p>12.7 <u>Modifications</u>. This Agreement and any Addendum may only be amended or supplemented upon the mutual written agreement of both parties.</p> <p>12.8 <u>Waivers</u>. The waiver by either party of a term or provision of this Agreement or of any Addendum, or of the other party’s breach of this Agreement or of any Addendum, shall not be effective unless such waiver is in writing and signed by such party.&nbsp; No waiver by a party of a breach by the other party of this Agreement or of any Addendum shall constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent breach by the other party.</p> <p>12.9 <u>Severability</u>. If any section, paragraph, provision or clause or any portion thereof in this Agreement shall be found or be held to be invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction in which this Agreement is being performed, the remainder of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable and the parties shall negotiate, in good faith, a substitute, valid and enforceable provision which most nearly effects the parties’ intent in entering into this Agreement.</p> <p>12.10&nbsp; <u>Force Majeure</u>. Except for the payment of money, neither party shall be liable to the other party for any failure or delay in the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement for the period and to the extent such failure or delay is caused by civil unrest, threat of or actual acts of terrorism or war, embargoes, governmental actions, acts of God, earthquakes, floods, storms, fires, supplier delay, accidents, explosions, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, or other such contingencies beyond the reasonable control of the applicable party (“Force Majeure”). The party affected shall notify the other party as soon as practicable of any anticipated delay due to Force Majeure.</p> <p>12.11&nbsp; <u>No Third Party Beneficiaries</u>. This Agreement has been made and is made solely for the benefit of Standard BioTools and Buyer and their respective permitted Subsidiaries, successors and assigns. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to (i) confer any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement on any persons or entity other than the parties to this Agreement and their respective permitted successors and assigns; or (ii) relieve or discharge the obligation or liability of any third persons or entities to any party to this Agreement.</p> <p>12.12&nbsp; <u>General</u>. The section headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. The English language shall govern the meaning and interpretation of this Agreement. This Agreement (including without limitation all exhibits hereto and all attachments thereto, which are incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth in the body of this Agreement) embodies the final and complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior oral or written communications. Neither party has entered into this Agreement in reliance on any statement or representation not expressly set out herein. No oral explanation or oral information by either party shall alter the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.</p> <p>12.13&nbsp; <u>Publicity</u>. Neither party will issue any press releases concerning this Agreement or any Addendum or the relationship between the parties without the prior written consent of the other party.</p> <p>12.14&nbsp; <u>Authority</u>. The individual accepting this Agreement or the applicable Sales Quote on behalf of Buyer represents and warrants that he/she is authorized and empowered to bind Buyer to all of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and all applicable Addenda.</p> <p>12.15&nbsp; <u>No Conflicting Funding</u>. Buyer represents and warrants that its use of any and all Products is not governed by any funding, grant or other terms or conditions, whether from the United States federal government or any other institution, which would prevent Buyer from complying with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and of each Addendum.</p> <p>12.16&nbsp; <u>Independent Contractors</u>. Buyer’s relationship with Standard BioTools is that of an independent contractor, and nothing in this Agreement or in any Addendum is intended to, or shall be construed to, create a partnership, agency, joint venture, employment or similar relationship.</p> <p>12.17&nbsp; <u>Assignment</u>. Buyer shall not assign, by operation of law or otherwise, this Agreement or any Addendum, or any of its rights, or delegate any of its obligations under this Agreement or any Addendum, to any third party without the prior express written consent of Standard BioTools. An “assignment” shall include any assignment or change of control in connection with any sale of all or substantially all of Buyer’s assets, any merger or acquisition of Buyer, or any event whereby the holders of the majority of Buyer’s voting equity immediately before such event will hold less than a majority of Buyer’s voting equity immediately after such event, whether any of the foregoing occurs in a single transaction or a series of transactions.&nbsp; Any attempted assignment in violation of this section shall be void.</p> <p>12.18&nbsp;&nbsp;<u>Equitable Relief</u>. A breach by Buyer of this Agreement or of any Addendum related to any Product or of confidentiality will cause irreparable damage to Standard BioTools for which money damages is not an adequate remedy, and Standard BioTools shall be entitled to obtain equitable relief, in any court or forum notwithstanding Section 12.2, including, but not limited to, seeking injunctive relief, as well as monetary damages and any other appropriate relief, without obligation to post bond.</p> </header> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer> <div class="container py-5"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-lg-5"> <h1 class="py-0"> Connect with us to discover even more.</h1> <div> <p>Sign up for publication, webinar, customer story&nbsp;and event alerts.</p> <p><a class="primary-btn-purple" href="/subscription-preferences">Sign up now</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <!--DO NOT REMOVE--><script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#full-width-ceros-hero-anchor .container').css({ 'padding': '3rem 0rem 0rem 0rem', 'margin': '0px', 'max-width': '100%' }); 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