Waterseller of Seville, Velazquez: Analysis

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In due course he would dazzle his contemporaries with some of the <a href="../history-of-art/best-baroque-paintings.htm">best Baroque paintings</a> in Spain, including: <i><a href="christ-crucified.htm">Christ Crucified</a></i> (1632), <i><a href="surrender-of-breda.htm">The Surrender of Breda</a></i> (1635), <i><a href="portrait-of-pope-innocent-x.htm">Portrait of Pope Innocent X</a></i> (1650), <i><a href="rokeby-venus.htm">The Rokeby Venus</a></i> (1647-51), and <i><a href="las-meninas.htm">Las Meninas</a></i> (1656). But as a young man in Seville he specialized in a type of sombre genre painting in the style of the <i>Bamboccianti</i>, known as <i>bodegones</i>. Focusing on subjects like beggars, street sellers, and soldiers at leisure, his works included: <i>The Lunch</i> (1617, Hermitage, St. Petersburg) and <i>Old Woman Frying Eggs</i> (1618, National Gallery of Scotland), as well as his series entitled <i>The Waterseller of Seville</i>. </font></p> <h1><font face="Verdana" size="2"><a name="analysis"></a>Analysis of The Waterseller of Seville by Velazquez</font></h1> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2"><i>The Waterseller of Seville</i> is the title given to three paintings by Velazquez, dating to the period before he left Seville for Madrid (1618&#150;1622). One version is at Apsley House (Wellington Museum), London, the former home of the Duke of Wellington; another is in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence; and a third version remains in private hands. The most profound and monumental of the three - originally part of the Royal Spanish Collection - is in Apsley House; the earlier Uffizi <i>Waterseller</i> with his red hat is more of a parody; while the third version is overpowered by a lighting and colour scheme in which the innocent white face of the child has all but disappeared. In this article we focus on the Apsley House painting.</font></p> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="750" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" align="center"> <tr> <td width="200" valign="top"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td width="524" valign="top"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-8912804978085527"; /* 336x280, created 26/01/11 */ google_ad_slot = "3874842144"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="750" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" align="center"> <tr> <td width="200" valign="top"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td width="524" valign="top"> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2">The subject of this masterpiece of <a href="../history-of-art/baroque.htm">Baroque art</a> is a street water-seller known as 'the Corsican of Seville' who, according to written accounts of the time, wore a smock with holes in it, the better to show off his skin sores to passers-by. But in this incredibly calm and quiet picture, Velazquez gives him the appearance of a saint or monk, who is almost unaware of the people around him, and who has a faraway look in his eyes that suggests a profound acceptance of life.</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2">He has two customers: a young boy standing next to him, and a young man partly obscured by background shadow. (His figure has faded with time; he is more visible in the Uffizi version). The waterseller passes a freshly poured glass of water to the boy, without looking at him. It is a bright, clean glass with a black fig inside it to freshen the taste of the water. The boy himself - whose young white face offers a sharp contrast to the seller's ageing brown features - also averts his gaze out of respect for the age and poverty of the street-seller. In the foreground we can see the seller's large ceramic pots of water - rendered like a <a href="../genres/still-life-painting.htm">still life painting</a> - whose lines echo those on his face. It is the worn-out face of someone who has spent a lot of time standing on hot and dusty street corners - a sentiment reinforced by the earthy browns and ochres of the artist's <a href="../colour-in-painting.htm">colour</a> scheme. </font></p> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2">Nowhere is Velazquez's respect for the poor better illustrated that in this portrait of a simple street-seller, whose situation is ennobled by the light falling on him and by his white, shroud-like undershirt. Velazquez was strongly influenced by the radical Italian painter <a href="../old-masters/caravaggio.htm">Caravaggio</a> (1571-1610), and so makes the most of <a href="../painting/chiaroscuro.htm"><i>chiaroscuro</i></a> to model his subjects and <a href="../painting/tenebrism.htm">tenebrism</a> to focus the viewer's attention. But he gives the work a down-to-earth feel which is more akin to <a href="../genres/genre-painting-dutch-realist-school.htm">Dutch Realist genre painting</a> (the Bamboccianti hailed from Holland and Flanders) rather than the more dramatic <a href="../history-of-art/caravaggism.htm">Caravaggism</a>. Velazquez has no desire to idealize his subject - on the contrary, he tries to capture it in all its imperfections. Nonetheless, he manages to imbue the waterseller with a timeless dignity and the scene with a monumental sense of calm. Other <a href="../history-of-art/spanish-baroque-artists.htm">Spanish Baroque artists</a> painted <i>bodegones</i>, notably the Seville-born <a href="../old-masters/murillo-bartolome-esteban.htm">Murillo</a> (1618-82), but his works tended to be little more than sentimental street scenes.</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2"><b><a name="baroquepaintings"></a>Interpretation of Other Baroque Paintings</b></font></p> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2">&#149; <a href="conversion-on-the-way-to-damascus.htm">Conversion on the way to Damascus</a> (1601) by Caravaggio.<br> Cerasi Chapel, Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome.</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2">&#149; <a href="descent-from-the-cross-rubens.htm">Descent from the Cross (Rubens)</a> (1612-14)<br> Cathedral of our Lady, Antwerp.</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2">&#149; <a href="judith-beheading-holofernes.htm">Judith Beheading Holofernes</a> (1620) by Artemisia Gentileschi.<br> Uffizi Gallery, Florence.</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2">&#149; <a href="abduction-of-the-sabine-women.htm">Abduction of the Sabine Women</a> (1634-5) by Nicolas Poussin.<br> Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2">&#149; <a href="et-in-arcadia-ego.htm">Et in Arcadia Ego</a> (1637) by Nicolas Poussin.<br> Louvre, Paris.</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2">&#149; <a href="bathsheba-holding-king-davids-letter.htm">Bathsheba Holding King David's Letter</a> (1654) by Rembrandt.<br> Louvre, Paris.</font></p> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="750" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" align="center"> <tr> <td width="200" valign="top"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td width="524" valign="top"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-8912804978085527"; /* 336x280, created 26/01/11 */ google_ad_slot = "3874842144"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="750" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5" align="center"> <tr> <td> <p><font face="Verdana" size="2">&#149; For more Spanish Baroque genre paintings, see: <a href="../index.htm">Homepage</a>.</font></p> <hr size="1"> <p align="center"><a rel="author" href=""> <img src="" width="16" height="16"></a></p> <p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="1"><b>ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ART EDUCATION<br> &copy; All rights reserved.</b></font></p> </td> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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