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height: 114px;"><path fill="#0085ff" d="M13.873 3.805C21.21 9.332 29.103 20.537 32 26.55v15.882c0-.338-.13.044-.41.867-1.512 4.456-7.418 21.847-20.923 7.944-7.111-7.32-3.819-14.64 9.125-16.85-7.405 1.264-15.73-.825-18.014-9.015C1.12 23.022 0 8.51 0 6.55 0-3.268 8.579-.182 13.873 3.805ZM50.127 3.805C42.79 9.332 34.897 20.537 32 26.55v15.882c0-.338. 1.512 4.456 7.418 21.847 20.923 7.944 7.111-7.32 3.819-14.64-9.125-16.85 7.405 1.264 15.73-.825 18.014-9.015C62.88 23.022 64 8.51 64 6.55c0-9.818-8.578-6.732-13.873-2.745Z"></path></svg></a> </pic> <desc> <br /> <h1>Hello Bluesky!</h1> <p> We are an independent #academic publisher of distinguished books and journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences. We look forward to making connections and sharing all kinds of exciting news and opportunities on this platform. </p> <p> <a href=""></a> </p> <a href="" class="more">Read more</a> </desc> </item> </article> <article class="slide" id="slide-00"> <item> <pic style="text-align:center;"> <a href=""><img src="" /></a> </pic> <desc> <h1 class="spotlight">Title Spotlight</h1> <h1 style="font-size:36px;">Value and Worthlessness</h1> <h2>The Rise of the Populist Right and Other Disruptions in the Anthropology of Capitalism</h2> <h3>Don Kalb</h3> <p> Advocating for an interdisciplinary Marxist anthropology of the present, this book uses historical and global anthropology to engage with history, theory, unevenness, and comparison, while using “global ethnography” and “hidden histories” as the keys to social discovery. Kalb’s anthropology of value and worthlessness lays bare the logics that currently produce right wing, populist, and nationalist outcomes. The book also battles with the “anthropology of global systems”, financialization, and the seductive myths of global middle-class formation, while assessing the theoretical legacies of Eric Wolf, David Graeber, David Harvey, Jonathan Friedman, Marcel Mauss and “moral anthropology”, among others. </p> <a href="" class="more">Read more</a> </desc> </item> </article> <article class="slide" id="slide-0"> <item> <pic style="text-align:center;"> <a href=""><img src="" /></a> </pic> <desc> <h2>Open Access</h2> <h1>Berghahn Migration and Development Studies Collection</h1> <p> Berghahn Books is proud to be partnering with <a href="">Knowledge Unlatched</a> to present the Berghahn Migration and Development Studies collection. Every year we will be adding 20 front-list titles to the collection, covering the topics of international migration and movement as well as the social implications of economic and environmental change for communities. As institutions sign up for the collection and pledge their financial support, we are able to fund the cost of making the books available as Open Access. </p> <a href="" class="more">Read more</a> </desc> </item> </article> <article class="slide" id="slide-1"> <item> <pic style="text-align:center;"> <a href=""><img src="" /></a> </pic> <desc> <h2>Blog</h2> <h1>The Berghahn Open Anthro Journey</h1> <h3>Embarking on a discipline-driven equitable open access initiative, Part III</h3> <h2>Vivian Berghahn, Managing Director and Journals Editorial Director</h2> <p> The impact on authorship and readership that Berghahn Open Anthro – Subscribe-to-Open has had since the launch of the pilot has been substantial. </p> <a href="" class="more">Read more</a> </desc> </item> </article> <article class="slide" id="slide-1"> <item> <pic> <a href="/multimedia/podcast/"><img src="" alt="Podcast: Servants of Culture" /></a> </pic> <desc> <h2>Podcast</h2> <h3>Servants of Culture</h3> <h4>Sulaiman Ahmed talks with Ambika Natarajan</h4> <p> In this episode Sulaiman Ahmed talks with Ambika Natarajan about her book: <a href=""><i>Servants of Culture: Paternalism, Policing, and Identity Politics in Vienna, 1700-1914</i></a>. </p> <a href="/multimedia/podcast/" class="more">Read more</a> </desc> </item> </article> <article class="slide" id="slide-2"> <item> <pic> <a href=""><img src="" alt="The Social Life of Inflation" /></a> </pic> <desc> <h2>FocaalBlog</h2> <h3>The Social Life of Inflation</h3> <h4>Ståle Wig, Sian Lazar and Eva van Roekel</h4> <p>After a period of relatively low inflation in many economies in the Global North, inflation has once again become a major world concern. The COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted supply chains and labor markets, combined with increased government spending and rising energy prices due to the war in Ukraine, has contributed to a global surge in prices. Unsurprisingly, public debates have centered on how to stall this development. Bankers, policymakers, and economists negotiate which economic levers to pull, and when, to stabilize the prices. Amid discussions about rising interest rates, new monetary policy and government price caps, where does anthropology fit in? What can anthropology add to the academic study of inflation?</p> <a href="" class="more">Read more</a> </desc> </item> </article> <article class="slide" id="slide-3"> <item> <pic> <a href="//"><img src="" alt="Berghahn Journals" style="height:200px; background-color:#8C293C; padding:10px;" /></a> </pic> <desc> <h2>Berghahn Journals</h2> <h1>Some of Last Month's Top Journal Articles</h1> <ol style="padding:10px; font-size:15px; line-height:24px;"> <li><a href="">Solidarity: The egalitarian tensions of a bridge‐concept</a></li> <li><a href="">Data management in anthropology: The next phase in ethics governance?</a></li> <li><a href="">Multispecies Interferences: Taxidermy and the Return of Wolves</a></li> <li><a href="">‘Contagious’ solidarity: Reconfiguring care and citizenship in Greece's social clinics</a></li> <li><a href="">Settler Colonialism, Ecology, and Environmental Injustice</a></li> <li><a href="">Social Sensations of Symptoms: Embodied Socialities of HIV and Trauma in Uganda</a></li> <li><a href="">Sexuality and subjectivity: Erotic practices and the question of bodily sensations</a></li> <li><a href="">A Manifesto for Bread and Roses </a></li> <li><a href="">Active Waiting and Changing Hopes: Toward a Time Perspective on Protracted Displacement</a></li> <li><a href="">Why “Dissident” Irish Republicans Haven't Gone Away: A Visual Study of the Persistence of “Terrorism”</a></li> </ol> <a href="//" class="more">Read more</a> </desc> </item> </article> </container> </section> <nav id="quick_links_home"> <ul> <li class="anth"> <a href="/anthropology" title="Anthropology">Anthropology</a> </li> <li class="arch"> <a href="/archaeology" title="Archaeology">Archaeology</a> </li> <li class="cult"> <a href="/cultural-studies" title="Cultural Studies">Cultural Studies</a> </li> <li class="film"> <a href="/film-studies" title="Film Studies">Film &amp; Television Studies</a> </li> <li class="refu"> <a href="/browse/bysubject/refugee-and-migration-studies" title="Refugee &amp; Migration Studies">Refugee &amp; Migration Studies</a> </li> <li class="hist"> <a href="/history" title="History">History</a> </li> <li class="mobi"> <a href="/mobility-studies" title="Mobility Studies">Mobility Studies</a> </li> </ul> </nav> <section id="nip" class="scroller"> <arrow_left></arrow_left> <h1><a href="/new-in-paperback/">New Paperbacks</a></h1> <container class="scroller"> <style> /* @keyframes scroll_left {0% {left:0;} 100% {left:calc(100% + 12936px);}} @keyframes scroll_right {0% {padding-left:0;} 100% {padding-left:-12936px;}} */ </style> <item> <!-- <span class="ebooks_icon">eBook available</span> //--> <a href="/title/ObengInvisible" title="Invisible Faces and Hidden Stories Narratives of Vulnerable Populations and Their Caregivers"><img src="" class="cover" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="Invisible Faces and Hidden Stories" onerror="'20px';'none';" /> <h6>January 2025</h6> <h3>Invisible Faces and Hidden Stories</h3> <h4>Narratives of Vulnerable Populations and Their Caregivers</h4> <h5>Obeng, C. S. & Obeng, S. G. (eds)</h5></a> </item> <item> <!-- <span class="ebooks_icon">eBook available</span> //--> <a href="/title/BardachCarnage" title="Carnage and Care on the Eastern Front The War Diaries of Bernhard Bardach, 1914-1918"><img src="" class="cover" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="Carnage and Care on the Eastern Front" onerror="'20px';'none';" /> <h6>January 2025</h6> <h3>Carnage and Care on the Eastern Front</h3> <h4>The War Diaries of Bernhard Bardach, 1914-1918</h4> <h5>Bardach, B.</h5></a> </item> <item> <!-- <span class="ebooks_icon">eBook available</span> //--> <a href="/title/GundleFame" title="Fame Amid the Ruins Italian Film Stardom in the Age of Neorealism"><img src="" class="cover" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="Fame Amid the Ruins" onerror="'20px';'none';" /> <h6>January 2025</h6> <h3>Fame Amid the Ruins</h3> <h4>Italian Film Stardom in the Age of Neorealism</h4> <h5>Gundle, S.</h5></a> </item> <item> <!-- <span class="ebooks_icon">eBook available</span> //--> <a href="/title/PanagiotopoulosArticulate" title="Articulate Necrographies Comparative Perspectives on the Voices and Silences of the Dead"><img src="" class="cover" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="Articulate Necrographies" onerror="'20px';'none';" /> <h6>January 2025</h6> <h3>Articulate Necrographies</h3> <h4>Comparative Perspectives on the Voices and Silences of the Dead</h4> <h5>Panagiotopoulos, A. & Espírito Santo, D. (eds)</h5></a> </item> <item> <!-- <span class="ebooks_icon">eBook available</span> //--> <a href="/title/GunaratnaTerrorism" title="Terrorism and the Pandemic Weaponizing of COVID-19"><img src="" class="cover" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="Terrorism and the Pandemic" onerror="'20px';'none';" /> <h6>January 2025</h6> <h3>Terrorism and the Pandemic</h3> <h4>Weaponizing of COVID-19</h4> <h5>Gunaratna, R. & Pethö-Kiss, K.</h5></a> </item> <item> <!-- <span class="ebooks_icon">eBook available</span> //--> <a href="/title/TeichlerCarnivalizing" title="Carnivalizing Reconciliation Contemporary Australian and Canadian Literature and Film beyond the Victim Paradigm"><img src="" class="cover" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="Carnivalizing Reconciliation" onerror="'20px';'none';" /> <h6>January 2025</h6> <h3>Carnivalizing Reconciliation</h3> <h4>Contemporary Australian and Canadian Literature and Film beyond the Victim Paradigm</h4> <h5>Teichler, H.</h5></a> </item> <item> <!-- //--> <a href="/title/WuMaking" title="Making Multiple Babies Anticipatory Regimes of Assisted Reproduction"><img src="" class="cover" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="Making Multiple Babies" onerror="'20px';'none';" /> <h6>January 2025</h6> <h3>Making Multiple Babies</h3> <h4>Anticipatory Regimes of Assisted Reproduction</h4> <h5>Wu, C.-L.</h5></a> </item> <item> <!-- <span class="ebooks_icon">eBook available</span> //--> <a href="/title/YoungSoho" title="Soho on Screen Cinematic Spaces of Bohemia and Cosmopolitanism, 1948-1963"><img src="" class="cover" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="Soho on Screen" onerror="'20px';'none';" /> <h6>February 2025</h6> <h3>Soho on Screen</h3> <h4>Cinematic Spaces of Bohemia and Cosmopolitanism, 1948-1963</h4> <h5>Young, J.</h5></a> </item> <item> <!-- <span class="ebooks_icon">eBook available</span> //--> <a href="/title/BouzasMigration" title="Migration in the Making of the Gulf Space Social, Political, and Cultural Dimensions"><img src="" class="cover" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="Migration in the Making of the Gulf Space" onerror="'20px';'none';" /> <h6>February 2025</h6> <h3>Migration in the Making of the Gulf Space</h3> <h4>Social, Political, and Cultural Dimensions</h4> <h5>Bouzas, A. 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