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7.57374C11.8275 7.44161 11.8275 7.17736 11.7394 6.95715C11.6513 6.64886 11.5192 6.38461 11.299 6.20845C11.8275 5.67995 12.1358 5.06337 12.1358 4.57891C12.1358 3.60999 10.9467 3.3017 9.44926 3.91829L9.14097 4.05041L8.56843 3.47787C6.85081 1.98046 1.60986 7.79394 3.28344 9.20327L3.67981 9.51156C3.59173 9.77581 3.54769 10.0401 3.59173 10.3484C3.63577 10.7447 3.81194 11.0971 4.16427 11.4054C4.47256 11.6696 4.86893 11.8458 5.26531 11.8458C5.92593 13.3432 7.42335 14.2681 9.14097 14.3121C11.0348 14.3561 12.5762 13.4753 13.2368 11.8898C13.2809 11.7577 13.457 11.2732 13.457 10.8328C13.457 10.4364 13.2368 10.2603 13.0607 10.2603ZM5.39743 11.4494C5.35339 11.4494 5.26531 11.4494 5.22127 11.4494C4.64873 11.4494 4.03214 10.9209 3.9881 10.3043C3.90002 9.64369 4.25235 9.11519 4.86893 8.98307C4.95702 8.98307 5.0451 8.93902 5.13318 8.98307C5.48552 8.98307 5.96997 9.24732 6.1021 9.99602C6.14614 10.6566 6.01402 11.3173 5.39743 11.4494ZM4.73681 8.63073C4.34044 8.71882 4.03214 8.93902 3.81194 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10.3484 8.39226 9.8639C8.4363 9.81986 8.4363 9.77581 8.4363 9.73177C8.4363 9.68773 8.39226 9.64369 8.39226 9.59965C8.21609 9.3354 7.59951 8.93902 7.73164 8.10223C7.81972 7.48565 8.34822 7.08928 8.83268 7.08928C8.87672 7.08928 8.92076 7.08928 8.9648 7.08928C9.18501 7.08928 9.36117 7.13332 9.53734 7.13332C9.84563 7.13332 10.1099 7.08928 10.4182 6.82503C10.5063 6.73695 10.5943 6.64886 10.7265 6.64886C10.7265 6.64886 10.7705 6.64886 10.8586 6.64886C10.9467 6.64886 10.9907 6.6929 11.0788 6.73695C11.343 6.91311 11.343 7.30949 11.3871 7.57374C11.3871 7.7499 11.4311 8.14628 11.4311 8.2784C11.4311 8.54265 11.5192 8.58669 11.6513 8.63073C11.7394 8.67478 11.7835 8.67478 11.9156 8.71882C12.2239 8.8069 12.4441 8.89498 12.5762 9.02711C12.6643 9.11519 12.6643 9.20327 12.7083 9.24732C12.7524 9.51156 12.4881 9.8639 11.8275 10.2162C11.0788 10.5686 10.198 10.6566 9.53734 10.5686C9.4933 10.5686 9.31713 10.5245 9.31713 10.5245C8.83268 10.4364 8.52438 11.0971 8.83268 11.5375C9.00884 11.8017 9.53734 12.0219 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66.5705 9.15776 67.4954 9.15776C68.5084 9.15776 68.6405 10.0826 68.6405 10.479V14.5749H70.5343V10.8754C70.5343 10.0386 71.0187 9.2018 71.9436 9.2018C72.7364 9.2018 73.0006 9.95051 73.0006 10.8313Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M27.9021 10.7435V14.487H29.7959V10.259C29.7959 8.98179 29.1793 7.48438 27.2855 7.48438C26.3606 7.48438 25.6559 7.96883 25.1715 8.71754C24.8632 8.145 24.1585 7.48438 23.0575 7.48438C22.1326 7.48438 21.3399 8.18904 20.9875 8.71754H20.9435V7.66054H19.0938V14.487H20.9875V10.7435C20.9875 9.90666 21.428 9.06987 22.3528 9.06987C23.3658 9.06987 23.4979 9.99475 23.4979 10.3911V14.487H25.3917V10.7875C25.3917 9.9507 25.8762 9.11391 26.801 9.11391C27.6819 9.11391 27.9021 9.86262 27.9021 10.7435Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M34.1116 7.48438C33.0106 7.48438 31.9095 7.92479 31.2049 8.58541L32.1738 9.68645C32.6142 9.24604 33.3629 8.98179 33.9795 8.98179C34.6401 8.98179 35.3448 9.33412 35.3448 10.1269V10.259C33.3629 10.259 30.8525 10.5232 30.8525 12.5492C30.8525 14.0466 32.1297 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We provide a platform (the “Platform”) that encompasses (1) a variety of services, including TurboTax, QuickBooks, and Mint (each, a “Service”); and (2) installable software (including our desktop and mobile applications), any accompanying documentation, and any updates to such software or documentation (collectively, “Software”). Intuit Inc., along with any parent, subsidiary, affiliate, or related companies (including those listed here and at are referred to in these provisions as “Intuit Group Companies” or simply “Intuit” or “us.”</p> <p>When you use the Platform, you enter into a binding contract with us. Each section of the agreement begins with an italicized annotation that is intended to help you navigate the agreement. The annotations do not completely summarize the agreement, though, and you should read each section carefully and in full. We’ve also <strong>bolded</strong> a few areas that talk about important legal rights, and you should be sure to read those sections carefully. These provisions in Section A apply to the Platform generally and are separate from the provisions in Section B which include additional provisions for your use of specific Intuit Software or Services.&nbsp;</p> <p>If you are an individual acting on your company’s or client’s behalf, you accept these provisions on their behalf and the term “you” will refer to you, your company, or your client.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Agreement to These Terms</strong></p> <p><em>You need to agree to these terms to use our Platform. By using the Platform, you are instructing us to share your data across our Platform for marketing, eligibility, and other purposes described in our </em><a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="Global Privacy Statement" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""><em>Global Privacy Statement</em></a><em>, consistent with applicable law. This data may include credit information and other information we obtain from third parties.</em></p> <p>To access and/or use the Platform, you acknowledge and agree:</p> <p>To the terms and conditions of this agreement (“Agreement”), which includes:</p> <ul> <li>Intuit’s <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="Global Privacy Statement" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail="">Global Privacy Statement</a>;</li> <li>Intuit <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="Telecom Specific Terms" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail="">Telecom Specific Terms</a>;</li> <li>The current version of the terms set out in Section A and Section B;</li> <li>Any additional provisions and conditions provided separately to you for your use of the Platform, which may include terms and conditions from third parties (which we refer to as “Additional Terms”)</li> <li>You are at least 18 years of age;</li> <li>You are capable of forming a binding contract with Intuit;</li> <li>You are not based in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, the Crimea, Donetsk (“DNR”), Luhansk (“LNR”), Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions of the Ukraine or any other territory that is subject to a government embargo or comprehensive sanctions (Russia), or are not otherwise prohibited from using the Platform under the laws and regulations of the United States, or any other applicable jurisdiction; and</li> <li>You are not included in lists maintained by the United States or other applicable jurisdictions prohibiting transactions with and the export of US products to certain entities, people, and jurisdictions.</li> </ul> <p>You understand that by using certain Services, you are providing written instructions in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and other applicable law to permit Intuit Inc. and its affiliated companies to obtain and periodically refresh your credit information and other information about you from third parties for marketing, eligibility, and other purposes described in Intuit's <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="Global Privacy Statement" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail="">Global Privacy Statement</a>. You understand that your instructions authorize Intuit and its affiliated companies to obtain such information now and periodically in the future for as long as you have a registered Intuit account. We will stop refreshing your credit information when you cancel your account through your account settings.</p> <p><strong>Your Personal Information</strong></p> <p><em>We want to be transparent about how we use personal information and about your rights in our Privacy Statement. You should only provide us with personal information of others if you have received permission to do so.</em></p> <p>You agree that Intuit may use and maintain your personal information according to Intuit’s <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="Global Privacy Statement" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail="">Global Privacy Statement</a> and any changes published by Intuit.&nbsp;</p> <p>To the extent we allow you to input personal information (as the term is defined under applicable law) about other individuals other than yourself, you represent and warrant that you have complied with all applicable laws and received the proper authority or consent to allow us to collect and process such information to operate our business, in accordance with our <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="Global Privacy Statement" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail="">Global Privacy Statement</a>. You further agree that, other than with respect to information furnished to TurboTax in connection with the preparation of an individual tax return, any sharing of personal information among Intuit Group Companies is contemplated as part of the Platform. You agree such sharing does not constitute a “sale” of information as defined under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Changes</strong></p> <p><em>Change happens. When it does happen, we will update this Agreement. If the changes are material, you may need to accept the changes to use the Platform.</em> <em>Similarly, there may be circumstances where we need to update or discontinue the Platform.</em></p> <p>We may modify the provisions of this Agreement at any time. We may notify you of such modifications by posting through the Platform or on our website or by other means. It is important that you review this Agreement whenever we modify it because your continued use of the Platform indicates your agreement to the modifications.</p> <p>In some cases, you may need to accept changes to this Agreement to continue using the Platform. If you do not agree to the changes, you may stop using the Platform or terminate your account.</p> <p>Similarly, we may update the Platform, including with tools, utilities, improvements or third party applications. You agree to receive these updates. We may further modify, suspend or discontinue the Platform at any time. You agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspensions, or discontinuance of the Platform.</p> <p><strong>Your Rights to Use the Platform</strong></p> <p><em>You can use our Platform for your own personal and lawful use or as otherwise permitted under this Agreement.&nbsp;</em></p> <p>Except as set forth in the Section B terms, you may access and use the Platform for your own internal, lawful and non-commercial purposes only.</p> <p><strong>Beta Features</strong></p> <p><em>We may provide you with access to beta features in the Platform. You are free to use them, but they are provided as-is.</em></p> <p>We may include new and/or updated pre-release and trial features in the Platform and such features are provided as-is. Your use of such features is at no additional cost but you must follow additional rules or restrictions that we may place on their use.</p> <p><strong>Account</strong></p> <p><em>You will provide accurate, up-to-date account information and securely manage such information.</em></p> <p>You may need to sign up for an account to use the Platform. We may need to verify your identity and you authorize us to collect information (e.g., date of birth, address) from you to do so (collectively, with all information requested to enable your account, “Account Information”). You will provide accurate, up-to-date Account Information, and we disclaim any liability arising from your failure to do so. Such failure may further limit your ability to use the Platform and affect the Platform's accuracy and effectiveness.</p> <p>You are responsible for securely managing your Account Information, including any password(s) for the Platform. You will notify us immediately if you believe that your Account Information or device you use to access the Platform has been lost or stolen or that someone is using your account without your permission.</p> <p><strong>Payment &amp; Cancellations</strong></p> <p><em>Some Services may be free, others may have costs associated. For those with costs, we may charge your payment method for fees or on a subscription basis. You may cancel your subscription at any time (but you may not receive a refund).</em></p> <p>We may require payment of fees or a subscription charge for use of the Platform (or certain portions of the Platform) and you agree to pay such fees. If you registered for a trial, you may need to purchase the Platform before the trial ends in order to retain access to any content provided to, or created through, the Platform.</p> <p>Payments will be billed in U.S. dollars, and your account will be charged upon purchase and when you provide your payment information, unless stated otherwise in applicable payment provisions. If your payment information is not accurate, current, and complete, we may suspend or terminate your account. If you do not notify us of updates to your payment information, we may participate in programs supported by your card provider to try to update your payment information, and you authorize us to continue billing your account with the updated information that we obtain.</p> <p>You may be charged a subscription fee in advance on an annual basis or other recurring interval disclosed to you prior to your purchase. For annual subscriptions, we will send you a reminder with the then-current subscription fee no less than thirty (30) days and no more than sixty (60) days before your subscription term ends, or otherwise as required by applicable law. Intuit may change the price for recurring subscription fees from time to time with notice to you. Price changes will take effect at the start of the next subscription period following the date of the price change. If you do not agree with the price change, you may unsubscribe prior to the price change going into effect.</p> <p>Your payment to Intuit will automatically renew at the end of the applicable subscription period but you can cancel a subscription at any time. Subscription cancellations will take effect the day after the last day of the current subscription period. If you cancel in the middle of a subscription period, you will be able to continue to access and use the applicable Service until the end of your subscription period. We do not provide refunds or credits for any cancellations or partial subscription period.</p> <p><strong>Desktop and Mobile App Use</strong></p> <p><em>Desktop and Mobile versions of our Platform may be available for download but you must follow applicable third-party terms when using them.</em></p> <p>The Platform may be available through one or more apps for a compatible desktop computer or mobile device. You agree that you are solely responsible for any applicable changes, updates and fees as well as complying with the provisions of your agreement with your telecommunications provider and any third-party mobile app marketplace.</p> <p>With respect to the applicable Software, you are only granted limited rights to install and use the Software you have downloaded, signed up for or for which you have purchased a license or acquired a free trial. Intuit reserves all other rights in the applicable Software not granted to you in writing in this Agreement. Conditioned upon your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including all payment obligations), Intuit grants you a personal, limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable license to use the applicable Software only for the period of use provided in the ordering and activation terms (as applicable), as set forth in this Agreement or in Intuit’s then-current product discontinuation policies (as updated from time to time) and only for the purposes described by Intuit for the applicable Software.</p> <p>You acknowledge and agree that such Software is licensed, not sold.</p> <p>You may make a single copy of the Software for backup purposes, provided that you reproduce on it all copyright and other proprietary notices that are on the original copy of the Software. You will not delete or in any manner alter the copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights notices or markings appearing on the Software as delivered to you.</p> <p><strong>Advice and Third Party Services and Products</strong></p> <p><em>You may have access to professional advice and third-party products. Any such advice and products are not covered under this Agreement.</em></p> <p>We may offer specific functionality in the Platform that provides you with the opportunity to seek professional advice, for example, the ability to speak with a tax expert. Unless specifically disclosed, Intuit is not in the business of providing legal, financial, accounting, tax, health care, insurance, real estate or other professional service or advice, and you should consult with professionals for advice prior to making important decisions in these areas.</p> <p>The Platform may also include information about or offers for third-party services or products or allow you to connect your account to or otherwise access third-party services or products. Intuit does not warrant, and is not responsible for, such third party services and products or claims made about them, or the actions or inactions of any third party. You must review and comply with any Additional Terms. Intuit may be compensated by those third parties, which could impact whether, how and where the services and products are displayed.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Content and Data&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><em>What’s yours remains yours, what’s ours remains ours, but we may use information you provide to improve our Platform. </em></p> <p>You are solely responsible for anything you write, submit, receive, share and store or any data you input into the Platform (collectively, your “Content”). Content includes, but is not limited to, data, information, materials, text, graphics, images, audio, video that are uploaded, transmitted, posted, generated, stored, or otherwise made available through the Platform. You have no obligation to provide any content to the Platform, and you’re free to choose the content that you want to provide. You acknowledge certain functionality in the Platform may be dependent on the provision of Content and may not be available without such Content.</p> <p>Your Content remains yours, which means that you retain any intellectual property rights that you have in your Content. By sharing your Content on the Platform, you hereby grant Intuit a license to use your Content, as described in more detail below.</p> <p>1. What's covered</p> <p>This license covers your Content to the extent your Content is protected by intellectual property rights.</p> <p>2. Scope</p> <p>This license is:</p> <p>Worldwide, which means it’s valid anywhere in the world;</p> <p>Non-exclusive, which means you can license your Content to others; and</p> <p>Royalty-free, which means there are no fees for this license</p> <p>3. Rights</p> <p>This license allows Intuit to:</p> <p>Host, reproduce, distribute, communicate, sublicense and use your Content — for example, to save your Content on our systems and make it accessible from anywhere you go;</p> <p>Publish or publicly display your Content, if you’ve made it visible to others; and</p> <p>Modify and create derivative works based on your Content, such as reformatting or translating it</p> <p>4. Purpose</p> <p>This license is for the limited purpose of:</p> <p>Operating, providing and improving the Platform, which means allowing the Platform to work as designed and creating new features and functionalities.</p> <p>5. Duration</p> <p>This license lasts for as long as your Content is protected by intellectual property rights.</p> <p>Intuit may collect, derive or generate deidentified and/or aggregated data regarding your usage of or the performance of the Platform, including data derived from your Content. Intuit will own all such data and may use this data without restriction, including, but not limited to, operating, analyzing, improving, or marketing Intuit’s products and services, including the Platform.</p> <p>As between you and Intuit, Intuit and its licensors retain all right, title or interest in and to the Platform, except for the rights granted to you.</p> <p><strong>Prohibited Uses</strong></p> <p><em>We expect you to obey the law and follow certain rules in using the Platform.</em></p> <p>Intuit does not condone or support any activity that is illegal, violates the rights of others, harms or damages Intuit’s reputation, or could cause Intuit to be liable to a third party. At minimum, you may not use the Platform to:</p> <ul> <li>Violate any law, regulation, executive order or ordinance, including through actions that give rise to criminal, civil, administrative or regulatory liability and/or fines;</li> <li>Post, generate, or share Content that is or may be illegal or inappropriate, including material that may be defamatory, obscene, harassing, offensive, fraudulent, objectionable, false or misleading, or infringing;</li> <li>Transmit any virus, trojan horse, or other disruptive or harmful software or data;</li> <li>Send any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, such as spam;</li> <li>Impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with Intuit;</li> <li>Reproduce, modify, resell, license, or provide free or unauthorized access to the Platform or make the Platform available on any file-sharing, virtual desktop or application hosting service;</li> <li>Attempt to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble in any way any of the Platform;</li> <li>Engage in unauthorized access, monitoring, interference with, or use of the Platform or third party accounts, information (including personal information), computers, systems or networks, including scraping or downloading content that doesn’t belong to you;</li> <li>Use the Platform for general archiving or back-up purposes; or</li> <li>Encourage or enable any other individual to do any of the above or otherwise violate this Agreement.&nbsp;</li> </ul> <p>We take copyright seriously at Intuit. We respect the copyrights of others and expect you to do the same. If you repeatedly infringe the copyrights of others, we may terminate your account.&nbsp;</p> <p>Intuit may terminate your use of the Platform based on our reasonable suspicion that your activities, business or products are objectionable or promote, support or engage in any of the prohibited uses described above.</p> <p>Intuit may (but has no obligation to) monitor the use of the Platform or Content and may edit or remove any Content. We may disclose any information necessary to satisfy our legal obligations, protect Intuit or its customers, or operate the Platform properly.</p> <p><strong>Community Forums; Feedback</strong></p> <p><em>You may be able to communicate with others through our Platform but please be respectful. Suggestions you provide for improving our Platform may be used freely by us.</em></p> <p>The Platform may include a community forum or other social features that enable you to exchange Content and information with other users of the Platform and the public. Intuit does not support and is not responsible for the Content in these community forums. Please be respectful when you interact with other users. Do not reveal information that you do not want to make public. Users may post hypertext links to content of third parties for which Intuit is not responsible.</p> <p>You may provide Intuit your feedback, suggestions, or ideas for the Platform. You grant Intuit a perpetual, worldwide, fully transferable, sub-licensable, irrevocable, fully paid-up, royalty free license to use your feedback, suggestions, and ideas in any way, including in future modifications of the Platform, other products or services, advertising or marketing materials.</p> <p><strong>Chatbots</strong></p> <p><em>We may use Chatbots to optimize your experience. These technologies are evolving and may have limitations.</em></p> <p>When you use the Platform, you may use or interact with automated features like chatbots, digital assistants, conversational experiences powered by artificial intelligence, or similar technologies (“Chatbots”). Information generated by Chatbots may not be unique.</p> <p>While Chatbots are designed to improve your experience, these technologies are evolving and may have limitations such as generating outputs that are inaccurate or inappropriate to your situation.</p> <p><strong>Termination</strong></p> <p><em>You may cancel your account and Intuit may suspend or terminate your use of the Platform.</em> <em>For mobile apps, removing the app may not cancel your subscription or delete your data.</em></p> <p>This Agreement is effective until your subscription expires or you cancel your account or Intuit terminates this Agreement (or your account). Intuit may terminate this Agreement (and your account) or suspend the Platform at any time in our discretion.</p> <p>Please note that removing an Intuit mobile app from your device may not cancel your subscription or delete your data. If you want to cancel your subscription for a Service, please follow the applicable Service instructions. If you wish to delete your data from a Service, please log into One Intuit Account Manager and follow the instructions under the respective data and privacy settings or follow the instructions in our <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="Global Privacy Statement" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail="">Global Privacy Statement</a>.</p> <p><strong>Effect of Termination</strong></p> <p><em>You must stop using the Platform once your subscription expires or you cancel your account (or if this Agreement or your account is terminated).</em></p> <p>Upon expiration of your subscription or cancellation of your account, or Intuit’s termination of your account or this Agreement, you must immediately stop using the Platform and pay all fees for Platform used. No expiration or termination will affect your obligation to pay all fees due or that may have accrued through the effective date of expiration or termination or entitle you to any refund.</p> <p><strong>Survival</strong></p> <p><em>There are a few parts of this Agreement that will continue to apply after termination.</em></p> <p>The following Sections will survive any termination, discontinuation or cancellation of the Platform or your account: “Your Personal Information,” “Payment and Cancellations” (with respect to fees due and unpaid), “Content and Data,” “Community Forums; Feedback,” “Effect of Termination,” “Disclaimers,” “Limitation of Liability,” “Indemnity Obligations,” “Disputes,” and “General Terms (Miscellaneous)”.</p> <p><strong>Intuit Communications</strong></p> <p><em>We may contact you from time to time to support your use of the Platform.</em></p> <p>In order to properly support and serve you, we occasionally need to reach out and contact you, and may do so in a variety of ways such as via text message, email or messaging functionality in the Platform. We want to provide you options for receiving communications from us, and as such you may opt-in or opt-out of receiving certain types of communications from us or sign up to receive certain kinds of messages from us, depending on the Platform. You will need to notify us of any changes to your contact details to ensure your preferences are updated.</p> <p>You may provide us with your telephone number as part of your customer record or registration or via other methods. You understand and agree that Intuit may use your telephone number for multi-factor authentication (“MFA”), to confirm your identity and help protect the security of your account. Part of the MFA identity verification process may involve Intuit sending text messages containing security codes to your telephone number. You agree to receive these texts from Intuit containing security codes as part of the MFA process. In addition, you agree that Intuit may send automated text messages and pre-recorded voice messages to the telephone number you provide for other limited purposes, including: providing you with important critical notices regarding your use of the Services, or fulfilling a request made by you through the Services.</p> <p><strong>Third Party Account Information</strong></p> <p><em>Intuit is not responsible for any account information obtained from third parties.</em></p> <p>When you direct Intuit to retrieve your account information from third parties, you authorize and permit us to use and store that information and other information you submit through the Platform (such as usernames and passwords) for purposes of providing the Platform and Services to you. You grant Intuit a limited power of attorney to access those accounts and retrieve your account information, without additional notice to you. . Intuit will be acting as your agent and will not be acting on behalf of the third party.</p> <p>Intuit does not review third party account information for accuracy and is not responsible for any issues or expenses resulting from such account information, including any inaccuracy, error, delay, or non-delivery. For clarity, Intuit is not responsible for any payment processing errors or fees arising from inaccurate account information provided by third parties.</p> <p><strong>Disclaimers</strong></p> <p><em>We don’t make any warranties about the Platform except as expressly stated in this Agreement.</em></p> <p><strong>The only warranties we make about the Platform are (1) stated in this Agreement, or (2) as provided under applicable laws. The Platform is otherwise provided “as-is,” and we do not make any other warranties about the Platform. Unless required by law, we do not provide implied warranties, such as the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. We do not warrant that the Platform is error-free, secure, or free from any viruses or other harmful components. We also do not provide any warranties with respect to data loss or to the accuracy, reliability, or availability of the Platform, nor of any content (including any Content) or information made available in the Platform. If the exclusions for implied warranties do not apply to you, any implied warranties are limited to sixty (60) days from the date of purchase or delivery of the Platform, whichever is sooner.</strong></p> <p><strong>Limitation of Liability</strong></p> <p><em>Our liability is limited when it comes to issues you may encounter with our Platform.&nbsp;</em></p> <p>Other than the rights and responsibilities described in this Agreement and as allowed by applicable law, Intuit won’t be responsible for any losses.</p> <p>The total aggregate liability of Intuit and our third party providers, licensors, distributors or suppliers (“Intuit Parties”) arising out of or relating to this Agreement is limited to the greater of: (1) the fees that you paid to use the relevant Service(s) in the 12 months before the breach or (2) $100.</p> <p>The Intuit Parties won’t be responsible for the following:</p> <ul> <li>Loss of data, profits, revenues, business opportunities, goodwill or anticipated savings;</li> <li>Indirect, incidental, or consequential loss;</li> <li>Punitive damages; or</li> <li>Damages relating to failures of telecommunications, the internet, electronic communications, corruption, security, viruses, or spyware.</li> </ul> <p>The above limitations apply even if the Intuit Parties have been advised of the possibility of such damages. This Agreement sets forth your exclusive remedy with respect to the Platform and its use.</p> <p>If you’re legally exempt from certain responsibilities, including indemnification, then those responsibilities don’t apply to you under this Agreement. For example, the United Nations enjoys certain immunities from legal obligations and this Agreement doesn’t override those immunities.</p> <p><strong>Indemnity Obligations</strong></p> <p><em>If someone sues us because you used the Platform unlawfully or didn’t follow our rules, you will be responsible for any harm to us.</em></p> <p>You will indemnify and hold harmless the Intuit Parties for any losses, damages, judgments, fines, costs and expenses (including legal fees) in connection with any claims arising out of or relating to your unlawful or unauthorized use of the Platform or violation of this Agreement. Intuit reserves the right, in its sole discretion and at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any claims. You agree to reasonably cooperate as requested by Intuit in the defense of any claims.</p> <p><strong>Disputes</strong></p> <p><em>In the event we are unable to resolve any dispute through an informal dialogue, a third-party arbitrator or small claims court will help us resolve any disputes we might have, and any disputes will be resolved on an individual basis rather than as a class action.</em></p> <p>If you are a U.S. customer:</p> <p><strong>You and Intuit agree that, except as provided below, any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating in any way to the Platform or this Agreement (a “Claim”) will be determined by binding arbitration or small claims court, instead of in courts of general jurisdiction.</strong></p> <p>Either you or Intuit can seek to have a Claim resolved in small claims court if all the requirements of the small claims court are satisfied. Either you or Intuit may seek to have a Claim resolved in small claims court in your county of residence or the small claims court in closest proximity to your residence, and you may also bring a claim in small claims court in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara.</p> <p>Arbitration is more informal than a lawsuit in court. Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge or jury, may allow for more limited discovery than in court, and is subject to very limited review by courts. Arbitrators can award the same damages and relief that a court can award. You agree that the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this arbitration provision, and that you and Intuit are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action. This arbitration provision shall survive termination of this Agreement and/or the termination of your account.</p> <p>If you elect to seek arbitration, you must first send to Intuit a written notice of your Claim (<strong>"</strong>Notice of Claim<strong>"</strong>). The Notice of Claim to Intuit should be sent in care of our registered agent Corporation Service Company, 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808. The Notice of Claim should include both the mailing address and email address you would like Intuit to use to contact you. If Intuit elects to seek arbitration, it will send, by certified mail, a written Notice of Claim to your address on file. A Notice of Claim, whether sent by you or by Intuit, must (a) describe the nature and basis of the Claim or dispute; and (b) set forth the specific amount of damages or other relief sought.</p> <p>You and Intuit agree that good-faith informal efforts to resolve disputes often can result in a prompt, low-cost and mutually beneficial outcome. You and Intuit therefore agree that, after a Notice of Claim is sent but before either you or Intuit commence arbitration or file a Claim in small claims court against the other, we will personally meet, via telephone or videoconference, in a good-faith effort to confer with each other and try to resolve informally any Claim covered by this Agreement. If you are represented by counsel, your counsel may participate in the conference as well, but you agree to fully participate in the conference. Likewise, if Intuit is represented by counsel, its counsel may participate in the conference as well, but Intuit agrees to have a company representative fully participate in the conference. The statute of limitations and any filing fee deadlines shall be tolled while the parties engage in the informal dispute resolution process required by this paragraph.</p> <p>If we do not reach an agreement to resolve the Claim within sixty (60) days after the Notice of Claim is received, you or Intuit may commence an arbitration proceeding by filing a Demand for Arbitration or, alternatively, by filing a Claim in small claims court. You agree that you may not commence any arbitration or file a Claim in small claims court unless you and Intuit are unable to resolve the Claim within sixty (60) days after we receive your completed Notice of Claim and you have made a good faith effort to resolve your claim directly with Intuit during that time. If a Claim qualifies for small claims court, but a party commences an arbitration proceeding, you and Intuit agree that either party may elect instead to have the Claim resolved in small claims court, and upon written notice of a party’s election, the American Arbitration Association (<strong>“</strong>AAA<strong>”</strong>) will administratively close the arbitration proceeding. Any dispute about whether a Claim qualifies for small claims court shall be resolved by that court, not by an arbitrator. In the event of any such dispute, the arbitration proceeding shall remain closed unless and until a decision by the small claims court that the Claim should proceed in arbitration. You may download or copy a form of notice and a form to initiate arbitration at <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""></a> or by calling 1-800-778-7879. The arbitration will be conducted by the AAA before a single AAA arbitrator under the AAA’s rules, which are available at <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""></a> or by calling 1-800-778-7879, except as modified by this Agreement. Unless Intuit and you agree otherwise, any arbitration hearings will take place in the county (or parish) of either your residence or of the mailing address you provided in your Notice of Claim.</p> <p>The arbitrator will be either (1) a retired judge or (2) an attorney specifically licensed to practice law in the state of California or the state of your residence and will be selected by the parties from the AAA’s National Roster of Arbitrators. The arbitrator will be selected using the following procedure: (a) the AAA will send the parties a list of five candidates meeting this criteria; (b) if the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator from the list, each party shall return its list to the AAA within 10 days, striking up to two candidates, and ranking the remaining candidates in order of preference; (c) the AAA shall appoint as arbitrator the candidate with the highest aggregate ranking; and (d) if for any reason the appointment cannot be made according to this procedure, the AAA may exercise its discretion in appointing the arbitrator. The arbitrator is bound by this Agreement. Except as otherwise provided below, all issues are for the arbitrator to decide, including issues relating to the scope and enforceability of this arbitration provision.</p> <p>The parties agree that an administrative conference with the AAA shall be conducted in each arbitration proceeding, and you and an Intuit company representative shall appear at the administrative conference via telephone. If you fail to appear at the administrative conference, regardless of whether your counsel attends, the AAA will administratively close the arbitration proceeding without prejudice, unless you show good cause as to why you were not able to attend the conference.</p> <p>The arbitrator shall issue a reasoned written decision sufficient to explain the essential findings and conclusions on which the award is based. The award shall be binding only among the parties and shall have no preclusive effect in any other arbitration or other proceeding involving a different party. Intuit will not seek to recover its attorneys’ fees and costs in arbitration from you unless the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your Claim or the relief sought in your Demand for Arbitration was frivolous or was brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)). Judgment on any award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. This agreement to arbitrate shall not preclude any party to the arbitration from at any time seeking injunctions or other forms of equitable relief in aid of arbitration from a court of appropriate jurisdiction including whether a Demand for Arbitration is filed in violation of this Agreement.</p> <p>Unless you or Intuit seek to have a Claim resolved in small claims court, the arbitrator shall determine all issues of liability on the merits of any Claim asserted by you or Intuit and may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party's individual claim. To the extent that you or Intuit prevail on a Claim and seek public injunctive relief (that is, injunctive relief that has the primary purpose and effect of prohibiting unlawful acts that threaten future injury to the public), the entitlement to and extent of such relief must be litigated in a civil court of competent jurisdiction and not in arbitration. The parties agree that litigation of any issues of public injunctive relief shall be stayed pending the outcome of the merits of any individual Claims in arbitration. Before a court of competent jurisdiction issues any public injunctive relief, it shall review the factual findings of the arbitration award on which any injunction would issue with no deference to the arbitrator.</p> <p>Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees will be governed by the AAA Rules. You are required to pay AAA’s initial filing fee, but Intuit will reimburse you for this filing fee at the conclusion of the arbitration to the extent it exceeds the fee for filing a complaint in a federal or state court in your county of residence or in Santa Clara County, California. If the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your Claim or the relief sought in your Demand for Arbitration was frivolous or was brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)), then the payment of all fees will be governed by the AAA Rules and Intuit will not reimburse your initial filing fee. The parties agree that the AAA has discretion to modify the amount or timing of any administrative or arbitration fees due under the AAA Rules where it deems appropriate, provided that such modification does not increase the AAA fees to you or Intuit, and you and Intuit waive any objection to such fee modification.</p> <p><strong>You and Intuit agree that each may bring Claims against the other only in your or its individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding</strong>. Further, if you have elected arbitration, unless both you and Intuit agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate any other person's Claims with your Claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. If Intuit believes that any Claim you have filed in arbitration or in court is inconsistent with the limitations in this paragraph, then you agree that Intuit may seek an order from a court determining whether your Claim is within the scope of the Class Action Waiver. If this Class Action Waiver is found to be unenforceable, then the entirety of this Disputes Section shall be null and void.</p> <p><strong>General Terms (Miscellaneous)</strong></p> <p><strong>This Agreement, including any Section B terms, is the entire agreement between you and Intuit and replaces all prior understandings, communications and agreements, oral or written, regarding its subject matter.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Governing Law </strong></p> <p><em>The laws of California govern this Agreement and any disputes that may arise.</em></p> <p>California law and the Federal Arbitration Act will govern all disputes arising out of or relating to the Platform, this Agreement and any Additional Terms, regardless of conflict of laws rules.</p> <p>The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this Agreement.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Compliance with Global Trade Laws and Restrictions <em> </em></strong></p> <p><em>You are allowed to use the Platform under the laws of the U.S. and other applicable territories. The Platform shall not be exported to jurisdictions that are subject to embargoes or comprehensive sanctions.</em></p> <p>You agree that you and anyone who uses the Platform, including the related website, online services and mobile apps, are not prohibited from using the Platform under the laws and regulations of the United States or other applicable jurisdiction. For example, you will not use, export, re-export, import, sell, release, or transfer the Platform, the Software or the Service directly or indirectly, except as authorized by United States law, the laws of the jurisdiction where the Platform and Software are made available, and any other applicable laws and regulations. In particular, but without limitation, the Platform, Software, Services, source code, and technology may not be exported, or re-exported, transferred, or released (a) into any U.S. embargoed and comprehensively sanctioned jurisdiction (Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria and the Crimea, Donetsk (“DNR”), Luhansk (“LNR”), Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions of the Ukraine) and Russia; or (b) to anyone included in the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or on any other applicable restricted party lists. You also agree that you will not use the Platform, Software and Services for any purposes prohibited by United States law. In addition, you certify that neither you nor any principals, officers, directors, or any person or entity (including any beneficiaries, owners, affiliated and/or associated parties) you know to be directly involved with the use of the Platform, Software and the Services are not: (a) on any sanctions lists in the countries where the Platform, Software and Services are available, (b) doing business in any of the U.S. embargoed countries, and (c) a military end user as defined in 15 C.F.R § 744.</p> <p><strong>Government End Users of Software</strong></p> <p><em>Even if you are a government end user, your rights to Software are limited to what is described in this Agreement.</em></p> <p>The Software is a "commercial item" as that term is defined in FAR 2.101, consisting of "commercial computer software," as such term is used in FAR 12.212 and DFARS 227.7202. If the Software is being acquired by or on behalf of the U.S. Government, then, as provided in FAR 12.212 and DFARS 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the U.S. Government’s rights in the Software will be only those specified in this Agreement.</p> <p><strong>Waiver</strong></p> <p><em>If we waive some of our rights under this Agreement, it doesn’t mean we waive our rights in other circumstances.</em></p> <p>Intuit’s failure to act or enforce any of its rights does not constitute a waiver of any of our rights. Any waiver by Intuit of any of the provisions in the Agreement must be made in writing and signed by a duly authorized officer of Intuit.</p> <p><strong>Assignment </strong></p> <p><em>You can’t transfer this Agreement or your right to use the Platform to someone else without our permission.&nbsp;</em></p> <p>Intuit may assign or transfer this Agreement to any party at any time without notice to you. You may not assign your rights under this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without our consent. Any attempts to do so without our consent will be void.</p> <p><strong>Severability</strong></p> <p><em>If a court voids a term of this Agreement, the other terms will not be affected.</em></p> <p>If any provision of this Agreement is unlawful, void, or unenforceable for any reason, then that provision will be severed and the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.</p> <p><strong>Contact Information</strong></p> <p>If you have any questions about the Platform or this Agreement, please contact <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="Intuit support" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail="">Intuit support</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="core-block-container" data-testid="ReusableBlocks" data-tracking="reusable_blocks"> <div data-testid="spacer" class="Spacer_module_xxlarge__8c1373de Spacer_module_mobile_Xlarge__8c1373de Spacer_module_tablet_Xlarge__8c1373de Spacer_module_desktop_Xxlarge__8c1373de"></div> </div> </div> <div> <div id="" data-testid="Container" data-tracking="container" class="Container_module_bg__95b0f60b Container_module_white__95b0f60b radius-none elevation-none"> <div class="Container_module_container__95b0f60b Container_module_medium__95b0f60b"> <div id="" data-testid="ContainerItem" data-tracking="container_item_1" class="ContainerItem_module_containerItem__05f0dad5 ContainerItem_module_wfill__05f0dad5"> <div class="ContainerItem_module_transparent__05f0dad5 radius-none elevation-none"> <div> <div id="" data-testid="Responsivetext" class="Responsivetext_responsivetext__68da22c6 grey"> <div class="text"> <div class="resp-text-wrapper"> <h2><span class="ql-size-medium">Additional Terms And Conditions For TurboTax Services</span></h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div id="" data-testid="Container" data-tracking="container" class="Container_module_bg__95b0f60b Container_module_white__95b0f60b radius-none elevation-none"> <div class="Container_module_container__95b0f60b Container_module_medium__95b0f60b"> <div id="" data-testid="ContainerItem" data-tracking="container_item_1" class="ContainerItem_module_containerItem__05f0dad5 ContainerItem_module_wfill__05f0dad5"> <div class="ContainerItem_module_transparent__05f0dad5 radius-none elevation-none"> <div> <div data-testid="accordion" class="Accordion_accordion__e05037de"> <div class="AccordionItem_itemContainer__d7242139"> <div class="item" data-testid="accordionItem" data-ax-id=""> <button class="AccordionItem_toggle__d7242139 AccordionItem_expanded__d7242139" data-testid="accItemButton" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="panel-41ce7b67-80f4-414e-b8c9-b9f5e1c280ca-0" id="accordion-41ce7b67-80f4-414e-b8c9-b9f5e1c280ca-0" tabindex="0" data-tracking="accordion_item_1" fci-interaction="" data-ui-object-detail="SECTION B TERMS" landing-page-type="" data-refer-screen="" data-ui-object="accordion_item_1" data-sku="" data-object-detail="" data-ui-action="displayed" data-ui-access-point="" data-screen="" data-object="content" data-scope-area="" data-action="interacted" data-refer-ui-access-point="" ssrcontext="[object Object]" pricingcontext="[object Object]" index="0"> <div style="color:;font-size:;font-weight:400"> SECTION B TERMS </div> <div class="AccordionItem_plus__d7242139 AccordionItem_visible__d7242139"></div></button> <div id="panel-41ce7b67-80f4-414e-b8c9-b9f5e1c280ca-0" aria-labelledby="accordion-41ce7b67-80f4-414e-b8c9-b9f5e1c280ca-0" role="region" class="AccordionItem_itemPanel__d7242139"> <div data-testid="animHeight" style="height:auto;overflow:visible" aria-hidden="false" class="rah-static rah-static--height-auto"> <div style="transition:opacity 417ms ease 0ms;-webkit-transition:opacity 417ms ease 0ms"> <div class="AccordionItem_content__d7242139"> <div data-testid="spacer" class="Spacer_module_small__8c1373de Spacer_module_mobile_Small__8c1373de Spacer_module_tablet_Small__8c1373de Spacer_module_desktop_Small__8c1373de"></div> <div id="" data-testid="Responsivetext" class="Responsivetext_responsivetext__68da22c6 grey"> <div class="text"> <div class="resp-text-wrapper"> <p>Version 11182024</p> <p>The definition of the “<strong>Services</strong>” includes (i) TurboTax Online (including TurboTax Free Edition and any other TurboTax do-it-yourself offering), (ii) TurboTax Live (including TurboTax Live Assisted and TurboTax Live Full Service for individual and/or business taxes), (iii) QuickBooks Live Expert Tax, powered by TurboTax (including QuickBooks Live Expert Assisted Tax and QuickBooks Live Expert Full Service Tax), (iv) the “Powered by TurboTax” tax preparation services available through Credit Karma, and (v) the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services (as defined below), as made available by Intuit online through its websites and mobile apps (collectively referred to herein as “<strong>TurboTax</strong>”). The definition of “Services” does not include the TurboTax desktop software, or tax preparation, filing, or other services provided by an independent tax professional through Intuit TurboTax Verified Pro, which products and services are provided under a separate agreement.&nbsp;</p> <p>Certain Services under these Additional Terms and Conditions are offered by Intuit Consumer Group LLC, a subsidiary of Intuit Inc. For purposes of these Additional Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise specified, “Intuit,” “we,” or “us” shall be deemed to include Intuit Consumer Group LLC, in addition to Intuit Inc. or any other applicable Intuit Group Company.</p> <p>Your use of the Services provided by Intuit depends on which version of the Services you purchase the right to use (or in the case of free versions of the Services, which version you sign up to use) and is subject to the General Terms of Service above and these Additional Terms and Conditions, both of which govern your use of the Services. These Additional Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any conflict or inconsistency with the General Terms of Service above.</p> <p><strong>1. LICENSE GRANT AND RESTRICTIONS</strong></p> <p>1.1 <u>Personal License</u>. Intuit hereby grants you a limited personal license to use the version of the Services for which you have paid Intuit the applicable fee(s) (or, in the case of free versions of the Services, for which you have signed up), after proper registration and acceptance of this Agreement, solely to prepare or have prepared your valid Tax Year 2024 federal and state tax return(s), to file the same electronically after any payment of applicable additional fees, and/or to print such federal and state tax return(s); and, in the case of the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services, to use such services in accordance with Section 2.6 below. “<strong>Tax Year 2024</strong>” means the 2024 calendar year for personal taxes, or the fiscal year ending during the 2024 calendar year for business taxes, the period for which taxable income is computed for your 2024 federal and state tax return(s).&nbsp;</p> <p>1.2 <u>Number of Accounts and Returns; Joint Filers</u>. You may use certain versions of the Services to self-prepare and electronically file your own federal tax return and/or state tax return(s). After proper registration and, where required, payment is made, you may file your return electronically or by printing and mailing it to the Internal Revenue Service ("<strong>IRS</strong>") and/or appropriate state agency. If you need to file multiple federal returns, you may create additional accounts using the same email. Only one federal return may be filed per account, and no more than five (5) accounts and five (5) corresponding federal returns (e.g., for a family of five or for five individual and/or business returns) may be created, purchased and filed using any one email address. You agree that for returns with “married filing jointly” filing status, both spouses are deemed to be customers of Intuit and subject to the terms of this Agreement. Both individuals acknowledge that there is no expectation of privacy between the spouses concerning the Services, in connection with this Agreement. We shall be at liberty to share with either of you, without prior consent of the other, partial or completed tax returns, tax documents and other information concerning the preparation of your tax return(s).</p> <p>1.3 <u>No Professional Use</u>. You may not use the Services to prepare tax returns, schedules or worksheets on a professional or commercial basis (i.e., for a preparer's fee or other fee or consideration).</p> <p><strong>2. ADDITIONAL SERVICES</strong></p> <p>2.1 <u>State Services</u>. The term “Services” includes any state version of TurboTax, which state version(s) may be subject to additional fees as described on the TurboTax website.</p> <p>2.2 <u>Electronic Filing Services</u>.</p> <p>(a) If you choose to file your return electronically, the tax return will be forwarded to Intuit's Electronic Filing Center, where it will be converted to and stored in a standardized format and then transmitted to the applicable federal and/or state tax authority. You are responsible for verifying the status of your return to confirm that it has been received and accepted by the applicable taxing authority and, if necessary, for filing it manually (by mail) in the event that the taxing authority rejects your electronically filed return. You agree to review your tax return for indications of obvious errors before electronically filing or mailing it. To the extent required by applicable law and regulation, Intuit stores and maintains information that you provide to Intuit. Intuit is not required or obligated to provide you with a copy of or access to your tax return any time after December 31 of the applicable tax filing season (unless otherwise included with the version of TurboTax you selected or if required to be provided by law in response to a valid data rights request). In the event your tax return is not accessible from Intuit and you have not downloaded or otherwise retained a copy, you must contact the IRS.</p> <p>(b) The IRS typically begins accepting electronically filed returns in or around mid-January of the applicable tax filing season. If you complete a federal tax return prior to when TurboTax begins accepting and processing electronically filed returns and you want to file it electronically, you will need to log in to your TurboTax Service on or after the date Intuit first begins processing electronic filings to complete the electronic filing process. You can file a Tax Year 2024 federal tax return through the Services through October 15, 2025 or as otherwise permitted by the IRS and supported by Intuit. The IRS requires Intuit to notify it, in connection with the electronic filing of your tax return, of certain information about the computer and account from which the return originated (for example, Internet Protocol (“IP”) address) and whether the email address of the person electronically filing the return has been collected. By using this Service to prepare and submit your tax return, you consent to the disclosure to the IRS and any other taxing or revenue authority of all information relating to your access and use of Intuit’s electronic filing services.</p> <p>(c) <em>Amended Returns – Individual Returns Only</em>. You can file an amended individual tax return for Tax Year 2024 through the Services through October 31, 2027 if you are using a paid version of the Services, or through October 31, 2025 if you’re using a free version of the Services, unless otherwise permitted by the IRS and supported by Intuit. Users who have used the the Services for preparing the two immediate prior tax years’ individual tax returns and who need to file an amended individual tax return for either of the two immediate prior tax years may need to complete such amended returns in the downloadable version of TurboTax desktop software and not in the online version of TurboTax. Such users, at Intuit’s discretion, may be provided a link to a downloadable version of TurboTax desktop software, and their tax information may be able to be transferred to TurboTax desktop software via their tax data file at no additional cost. If applicable to you, you agree to this process for amended individual prior year tax returns and, if you choose to utilize it, you agree you will accept the then-current terms of the downloadable TurboTax desktop End User License Agreement. Filing of amended returns via the Services and/or TurboTax desktop software is not included with business versions of the Service.</p> <p>(d) If you are filing one or more state tax returns, then by using the Services to prepare and transmit return(s) electronically, you consent to the disclosure of all information pertaining to your access and use of the Services to the state tax authority in which you are filing the returns, as applicable by law, and to the transmission of your tax return(s) to the applicable state tax authority.</p> <p>(e) In the event that you choose to file a federal and/or state tax return on behalf of a business entity, you agree that you are an authorized representative of the business entity-taxpayer and are legally authorized to file on behalf of the entity. You will only provide Intuit with information and data regarding your business, and not the information and data of a third party. If you share another business’s information or data, in an attempt to file a return for a business you aren’t a part of, Intuit has the right to cancel your Services and delete any third-party information and data shared. Intuit is not responsible for any conflicts arising from elections or reporting positions across business and individual returns.</p> <p>2.3 <u>Import Services</u>.</p> <p>(a) The Services may include a feature that allows you to import, where applicable, certain information from third parties or other Intuit products and services, including but not limited to: participating financial institutions, payroll processors, self-employment and independent worker-matching platforms, personal financial software, business financial software such as QuickBooks, and charitable deduction information from sources such as Intuit’s ItsDeductible service. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of all information that is imported.</p> <p>(b) The Services also may include functionality designed to read, extract or otherwise process certain data from images or documents photographed or scanned with a mobile device or computer (for example, W-2s, other tax forms or credit cards used for payment). This functionality is limited to those forms or items that the Services can read, extract or process, and accuracy is not guaranteed. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy and comprehensiveness of all information that is read, extracted or processed from photographed or scanned documents. If the form or other item you submit through the Services is not supported or is otherwise unreadable, you agree to manually enter your data.</p> <p>(c) You may be offered the ability to import data from other sources in addition to those above. You may provide us with your authorization and information to allow us to obtain your data from third parties on your behalf to use the Services or any third-party service that you select. You represent that you have the necessary rights to grant us permission to access your accounts with third parties. Third parties are not affiliated with or endorsed or sponsored by us.</p> <p>(d) In some cases, we may give you an option to use automatic import (or “auto-import”) Services. If you choose to use these Services, we will automatically import the specified documents and/or information when they are available for import (which may be at a future date), for your use in connection with TurboTax unless you opt out of the auto-import Services through your account preference settings.</p> <p>2.4 <u>TurboTax Live Assisted and QuickBooks Live Expert Assisted Tax</u>. With theTurboTax Live Assisted version of the Services, including QuickBooks Live Expert Assisted Tax, powered by TurboTax (together, the “Live Assisted Services”), an Intuit tax expert and/or outsourced tax preparer (together, “Expert(s)”) will assist with your preparation of your federal and/or state tax return(s) by answering certain questions, providing live guidance, and/or reviewing your tax return before you file. The Intuit TurboTax Verified Pro tax preparation and filing services are not part of these Services and are governed by a separate agreement.&nbsp;</p> <p>If you choose to use Live Assisted Services, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:</p> <p>(a) <u>Service Description</u>.</p> <ol> <li class="ql-indent-2">The tax assistance provided to you by the Expert will be based on information you provide. You understand and agree that if you provide incorrect or incomplete information, the assistance provided to you may not be accurate. Some tax topics or situations may not be included as part of the Service, which shall be determined in Intuit’s sole discretion.&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">If the assistance with your tax return requires significant oversight and actual preparation, an Expert may be obligated under IRS rules to sign your return as the preparer and will then have primary responsibility for the preparation of your return. In such cases, you may be required to use the TurboTax Live Full Service or QuickBooks Live Expert Full Service Tax, powered by TurboTax, version of the Services, and Section 2.5 will apply to your use of those Services. You understand and agree that once you delegate preparation of your tax return to the Expert, you will no longer be able to prepare your tax return yourself using the Services.&nbsp;</li> </ol> <p>(b) <u>Service Exclusions</u>.</p> <ol> <li class="ql-indent-2"><u>No Tax Planning</u>. Unless otherwise specified explicitly, the Services do not include tax planning services. Your Expert may provide suggestions or guidance or recommend tax savings strategies, however it is up to you to decide whether to follow such suggestions, and it is your sole decision and responsibility whether to act on any recommended actions. Where applicable, we may recommend estimated quarterly tax payment amounts based on your current year tax return and information you provide about future income. You are responsible for deciding whether and how to make such payments and for adjusting such payments if your financial situation changes.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2"><u>No Legal Advice</u>. The Services do not provide or include any legal or investment advice, tax, estate or investment planning, or other areas of advice other than the federal and state income tax preparation and filing advice included with the Services.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2"><u>Not All Tax Situations Included</u>. Intuit, in its sole discretion and at any time, may determine that certain tax topics, forms, business types and/or situations are not included as part of the Services, including but not limited to those listed below, and may decline to provide such Services.&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-3"><u>Unsupported Tax Situations</u>. The following tax topics or situations are not supported for assistance with or review of individual and/or business returns with Live Assisted Services:&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Federal nonresident questions and forms, or US residency determination</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Returns involving illegal income, including income that is legal at the state level, but not legal federally</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Community property allocation&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Returns that require more than 5 state filings</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Issues unrelated to the preparation of an individual or business tax return, as applicable, or unrelated to income taxes (e.g. sales/use tax, inheritance and gift tax, real/personal property tax, payroll tax)</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Any IRS forms or other situations that TurboTax does not support</li> <li class="ql-indent-3"><u>Unsupported Business Entities</u>. The following entity types and business tax situations are not supported for preparation and filing of business returns with Live Assisted Services: C-corps (Form 1120) and entities electing to be treated as a C-corp, trusts and estates (Form 1041), and tax exempt entities/non-profits.</li> </ol> <p>(c) <u>Your Expert</u>. Your engagement with your assigned Expert will conclude with either: (a) your Expert notifying you that your tax returns are ready to file within TurboTax; (b) your Expert notifying you that additional information is needed but you fail to respond in a timely way to such requests; (c) your e-filed tax returns being sent and accepted by the taxing authority; or (d) delivery of electronic copies of completed tax returns to you for paper filing (if you are paper filing by mail). Intuit may from time to time, in its sole discretion, need to assign another Expert to assist with your return(s) due to expertise, volume, availability or other circumstances. More than one Expert or other Intuit employee, assistant or contractor may work with your Expert to assist with collecting and reviewing your documents and other information, entering data, scheduling any contact with you and/or reviewing your tax return for accuracy. Intuit and/or its Expert(s) may terminate your engagement, access to, and use of the Services if you do not respond to Experts’ or other Intuit representatives’ requests within a reasonable amount of time.</p> <p>(d) <u>Information You Provide</u>. We will assist in the preparation of your tax returns solely based on the information you have provided. You will provide this information by uploading relevant documents in an acceptable electronic format and in written responses to your Expert’s questions and/or requests through our secure portal and/or verbally via live preparation sessions with the Expert. It is your responsibility to promptly provide all information that we require for the preparation of complete and accurate tax returns. You represent that all information you provide is true and accurate and that you have the right to share the information with Intuit. You understand that you are solely responsible for the completeness and overall accuracy of the data in your final tax return. We have the right, in our sole discretion, to cancel your Live Assisted Services if you fail to provide requested information or do not respond to the Expert’s requests in a timely manner. If you provide any of your information within less than 10 days of the tax filing deadline, we may ask you to file an extension. If you decline to file an extension we have the right to decline to provide Live Assisted Services to you. Live Assisted Services cannot be relied upon to discover errors, fraud or other irregularities in prior year tax returns or other documents, should any exist. We will not independently audit or otherwise verify the information you submit, although we may ask you for clarification of some of the information.</p> <p>(e) <u>Consent to Record</u>. You consent to your sessions with the Expert being monitored and/or recorded (including screen visual) for quality control, internal training and agent assessment purposes. If you choose to use two-way video Services while chatting with an Expert, you understand that you and your background will be visible to us and may be recorded. Use of such Services requires an Intuit account. You are responsible for ensuring that any other individuals who appear with you on video have provided prior consent. You may not record such video calls without written consent of the Expert. Your Expert may choose to end the call at any time if they believe your conduct violates these terms.</p> <p>(f) <u>Record Keeping</u>. You are responsible for maintaining adequate documentation to substantiate the accuracy and completeness of your tax returns. While Intuit will store certain tax records in accordance with IRS and/or state rules, you acknowledge and agree that you must comply with federal and state recordkeeping requirements, including those of the IRS. Intuit has no obligation to store your tax documents other than to the extent required by applicable law and regulation. You agree to hold Intuit harmless from any liability resulting from or due to audit and/or inadequate documentation, including but not limited to additional tax, penalties, interest and professional fees, requirement to file an amended return, or the disallowance of tax deductions or credits.</p> <p>(g) <u>Approval of Final Tax Returns</u>. You are responsible for the overall accuracy of the data in your final tax return(s). We will not file any tax returns on your behalf until we receive your payment for the Services and your consent to e-file/submit your tax return(s). We will notify you when your tax return(s) is/are ready to file, and Intuit may charge you for the Services at that time, regardless of whether you decide to proceed with filing. After payment, you will need to download and carefully review an electronic copy of your completed tax return(s) for accuracy and completeness. If you identify any errors in your tax return during your review (and before you approve), you agree to promptly correct them. To approve your tax return, you may be required to electronically sign applicable IRS, state and local authorization forms required to allow Intuit to electronically file your tax return(s) or to be the preparer of your printed and mailed returns. These forms may use a third party e-signature provider which you agree to use.&nbsp;</p> <p>(h) <u>Electronic Filing</u>. Electronic filing may not be available for certain tax returns or in some states. Intuit’s responsibility with respect to e-filing your tax return(s) is limited to using commercially reasonable efforts to facilitate the transmission of your tax return(s) to the applicable taxing authority who accepts them. If we cannot electronically transmit your tax return, you agree to manually print and sign the tax return and mail the tax return directly to the respective taxing authority in a timely manner. You will be responsible for postage and mailing of such tax return(s). When paper tax returns are used, the Live Assisted Services shall be considered completed when you are notified that your return(s) are ready to file and access to the final electronic copies of your return(s) (along with any filing-by-mail instructions) are provided to you.</p> <p>(i) <u>Specific Tax Situations</u>. We will use reasonable judgment to resolve questions where a tax law may be unclear, to the extent permitted by professional conduct and applicable law and provided there is substantial authority for doing so.</p> <p>(j) <u>Foreign Account Reporting</u>. The U.S. imposes reporting requirements with respect to persons having certain direct and indirect interests in a foreign bank account or other foreign financial assets. Failure to comply with these reporting requirements may result in substantial civil and criminal penalties. You are responsible for informing us of all foreign assets, and we may determine that you are not eligible for Live Assisted based on your situation with such foreign assets.You are also responsible for filing any required foreign tax returns or required foreign account reporting, including FBAR Form 114. You, and not Intuit, assume all liability for any penalties associated with the failure to file, or untimely filing, of any of these forms. Intuit may provide you with the option to file your FBAR (FinCEN Form 114) as set forth in Section 2.6, Non-Tax Preparation Services, below.</p> <p>(k) <u>Change or Termination of Services</u>. Intuit reserves the right to refuse to assist with a tax return for any reason in its sole discretion. Additionally, the provision of Live Assisted Services or the ability of Experts to meet your tax filing deadlines is subject to Expert availability during applicable business hours, reasonable turnaround times, your prompt submission of documents, and your prompt response to inquiries or requests for materials required for your tax return(s). Live Assisted Services for tax preparation and filing of Tax Year 2024 returns are available through October 15, 2025 or as otherwise permitted by the IRS and supported by Intuit. Live Assisted Services also permit you to speak with an Expert regarding supported tax-related Tax Year 2024 questions through December 31, 2025.</p> <p>2.5 <u>TurboTax Live Full Service and QuickBooks Live Expert Full-Service Tax</u>. With the TurboTax Live Full Service version of the Services, including QuickBooks Live Expert Full-Service Tax services powered by TurboTax (together, “Full Service”), an Expert will prepare and electronically file your federal and/or state tax return(s) for you. The Intuit TurboTax Verified Pro tax preparation and filing services are not part of these Services and are governed by a separate agreement.</p> <p>If you choose to use Full Service, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:</p> <p>(a) <u>Service Description</u>.</p> <ol> <li class="ql-indent-2">Full Service is available for preparation and filing of federal and/or state individual and business income tax return(s) for Tax Year 2024 through October 15, 2025 or as otherwise permitted by the IRS and supported by Intuit. For individual returns only (not business), paper filing by mail for any required amended returns is available through November 15, 2025. Full Service does not include preparation of other types of tax returns that may be due to any taxing authority such as property, estate, business (except as provided in Section 2.5(a)(iii)), local or sales tax returns. You are solely responsible for determining any other tax filing obligations you may have with the respective taxing authorities and preparing, filing and paying those returns and taxes.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">Full Service also permits you to speak with an Expert regarding supported federal and state income tax-related Tax Year 2024 questions you may have through December 31, 2025.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">Full Service offers federal and state tax preparation and filing services for certain types of business tax returns for businesses that operate with a calendar year-end of December 31.&nbsp;</li> </ol> <p>(b) <u>Service Exclusions</u>:</p> <ol> <li class="ql-indent-2"><u>No Tax Planning</u>. Full Service does not include tax planning services. Your Expert may provide suggestions or guidance or recommend tax savings strategies, however it is up to you to decide whether to follow such suggestions, and it is your sole decision and responsibility whether to act on any recommended actions. Where applicable, we may recommend estimated quarterly tax payment amounts based on your current year tax return and information you provide about future income. You are responsible for deciding whether and how to make such payments and for adjusting such payments if your financial situation changes.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2"><u>No Legal Advice</u>. Full Service does not include any legal or investment advice, tax, estate or investment planning advice, or other areas of advice other than the federal and state income tax preparation and filing advice included with the Services.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2"><u>Not All Tax Situations Included</u>. Intuit, in its sole discretion and at any time, may determine that certain tax topics, forms, business types and/or situations are not included as part of Full Service, including but not limited to those listed below, and may decline to provide such Services.</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">Unsupported Tax Situations. The following tax situations are not supported for preparation and filing of individual and/or business returns with Full Service:&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Individuals or business owners under 18 years old&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Individuals who filed a non-resident return last year</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Individuals who are dual-status or part-year U.S. residents, unless they elect to be treated as a U.S. resident</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Individuals filing as “married filing separately”, in a community property state where the exception to allocation hasn’t been met</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Individual taxpayers or businesses with Puerto Rico-sourced income or other obligation to file a return from Puerto Rico</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Filing taxes on someone else’s behalf, including with a Power of Attorney</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Final year business tax returns (if you are a new customer)</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Returns involving complex foreign transactions</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Returns involving illegal income, including income that is legal at the state level, but not legal federally</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Returns that require more than 5 state filings</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Issues unrelated to the preparation of an individual or business tax return, as applicable, or unrelated to income taxes (e.g. sales/use tax, inheritance and gift tax, real/personal property tax, payroll tax)</li> <li class="ql-indent-4">Any IRS forms or other situations that TurboTax does not support</li> <li class="ql-indent-3"><u>Unsupported Business Entities</u>. The following entity types are not supported for preparation and filing of business returns with Full Service: C-corps (Form 1120) and entities electing to be treated as a C-corp, trusts and estates (Form 1041), and tax exempt entities/non-profits. In addition, QuickBooks Live Expert Full Service Tax does not support single-member LLCs or Schedule C sole proprietorships.&nbsp;</li> </ol> <p>(c) <u>Your Expert</u>. Intuit may provide features that enable you to match with an Expert of your own choosing based on your selected preferences or needs. While Intuit makes efforts to facilitate a successful match, Intuit cannot guarantee that we can match you with an Expert that meets all your preferences or needs, that you will be able to connect with the Expert of your choice, or that an appointment with an Expert will be available at your preferred time, and Intuit reserves the right to assign a specific Expert to your tax return. Final matching is subject to Expert availability during applicable business hours. Your engagement with your assigned Expert will conclude with either: (a) your Expert notifying you that your tax returns are ready to file within the Services; (b) your Expert notifying you that additional information is needed but you then fail to respond in a timely way to such requests; (c) your e-filed tax returns being sent and accepted by the taxing authority; or (d) delivery of electronic copies of completed tax returns to you for paper filing (if you are paper filing by mail). Intuit may from time to time, in its sole discretion, need to assign another Expert to complete your tax return due to expertise, volume, availability or other circumstances. More than one Expert or other Intuit employee, assistant or contractor may work with your Expert to assist with collecting and reviewing your documents and other information, entering data, scheduling any contact with you and/or reviewing your tax return for accuracy. Intuit and/or its Expert may terminate your engagement, access to, and use of the Services if you do not respond to Experts’ or other Intuit representatives’ requests within a reasonable amount of time.</p> <p>(d) <u>Business Tax - Clean Books</u>. For Full Service business tax customers only, you agree you are responsible for providing all relevant business bookkeeping records that are fully reconciled and in a state that allows your Expert to prepare your business return. The Expert has the right to determine if these records are appropriately reconciled at their discretion and has the right to refuse to start preparation of the return until any necessary bookkeeping is complete. For QuickBooks Live Expert Full-Service Tax customers, Intuit may, at its sole discretion, provide you a referral to a fee-based bookkeeping or books clean-up option via Intuit QuickBooks Live services, but it is not required that you choose an Intuit product to get your bookkeeping records ready for tax preparation usage. QuickBooks Live services are sold separately and subject to the <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="QuickBooks Online Terms of Service" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail="">QuickBooks Online Terms of Service</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p>(e) <u>Information You Provide</u>. We will prepare your tax returns solely based on the information you have provided. You will provide this information by uploading relevant documents in an acceptable electronic format and in written responses to your Expert’s questions and/or requests through our secure portal and/or verbally via live preparation sessions with the Expert. It is your responsibility to promptly provide all information that we require for the preparation of complete and accurate tax returns. You represent that all information you provide is true and accurate and that you have the right to share the information with Intuit. You understand that you are solely responsible for the completeness and overall accuracy of the data in your final tax return. We have the right, in our sole discretion, to cancel your Full Service version of the Services if you fail to provide requested information or do not respond to the Expert’s requests in a timely manner. If you provide any of your information within less than 10 days of the tax filing deadline, we may ask you to file an extension. If you decline to file an extension, we have the right to decline to provide Full Service to you. Through Full Service, the preparation of tax returns cannot be relied upon to discover errors, fraud or other irregularities in prior year tax returns or other documents, should any exist. We will not independently audit or otherwise verify the information you submit, although we may ask you for clarification of some of the information.</p> <p>(f) <u>Consent to Record</u>. You consent to your sessions with the Expert being monitored and/or recorded (including screen visual) for quality control, internal training and agent assessment purposes. If you choose to use two-way video Services while chatting with an Expert, you understand that you and your background will be visible to us and may be recorded. Use of such Services requires an Intuit account. You are responsible for ensuring that any other individuals who appear with you on video have provided prior consent. You may not record such video calls without written consent of the Expert. Your Expert may choose to end the call at any time if they believe your conduct violates these terms.</p> <p>(g) <u>Record Keeping</u>. You are responsible for maintaining adequate documentation to substantiate the accuracy and completeness of your tax returns. While Intuit will store certain tax records in accordance with IRS and/or state rules, you acknowledge and agree that you must comply with federal and state recordkeeping requirements, including those of the IRS. Intuit has no obligation to store your tax documents other than to the extent required by applicable law and regulation. You agree to hold Intuit harmless from any liability resulting from or due to audit and/or inadequate documentation, including but not limited to additional tax, penalties, interest and professional fees, requirement to file an amended return, or the disallowance of tax deductions or credits.</p> <p>(h) <u>Approval of Final Tax Returns</u>. You are responsible for the overall accuracy of the data in your final tax return(s). We will not file any tax returns on your behalf until we receive your payment for the Services and your consent to e-file/submit your tax return(s). Your Expert will notify you when your tax return is ready to file, and Intuit may charge you for the Services at that time, regardless of whether you decide to proceed with filing. After payment, you will need to download and carefully review an electronic copy of your completed tax return(s) for accuracy and completeness. If you identify any errors in your tax return during your review (and before you approve), you agree to promptly notify your Expert and work with the Expert to correct the errors. To approve your return, you will electronically sign a completed Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization and any additional applicable state and local authorization forms required to allow Intuit to electronically file your tax return(s). These forms may use a third party e-signature provider which you agree to use. You agree that with your electronic signature on these forms you represent that you and any joint filer have received a copy of, reviewed and approved the final tax return(s) as complete and accurate. You and any joint filer or spouse also agree that, in the case of a jointly-filed return, you and such joint filer or spouse must both sign Form 8879 to complete the approval process. To approve your business tax return, you will electronically sign a completed Form 8453-S or 8453-PE, IRS e-file Signature Authorization, and any additional applicable state and local authorization forms required to allow Intuit to file your tax return(s). These forms may use a third party e-signature provider which you agree to use. You agree that with your electronic signature on these forms, you represent that you are the designated partnership representative or corporate officer with authority to file such return(s), and that you have received a copy of, reviewed, and approved the final tax return(s) as complete and accurate. You, as the designated partnership representative or corporate officer, must sign Form 8453-PE or 8453-S to complete the approval process and you agree to do so.</p> <p>(i) <u>Electronic Filing</u>. Electronic filing may not be available for certain tax returns or in some states. Intuit’s responsibility with respect to e-filing your tax return(s) is limited to using commercially reasonable efforts to facilitate the transmission of your tax return(s) to the applicable taxing authority who accepts them. If we cannot electronically transmit your tax return, you agree to manually print and sign the tax return and mail the tax return directly to the respective taxing authority in a timely manner. You will be responsible for postage and mailing of such tax return(s). When paper tax returns are used, the Services shall be considered completed when your Expert notifies you that your return is ready to file and access to the final electronic copies of your return (along with any filing-by-mail instructions) are provided to you.</p> <p>(j) <u>Specific Tax Situations</u>. We will use reasonable judgment to resolve questions where a tax law may be unclear, to the extent permitted by professional conduct and applicable law and provided there is substantial authority for doing so. You may request a specific position, provided it is consistent with our understanding of the IRC, tax regulations, revenue rulings, revenue procedures, private letter rulings and any related court cases or laws. For Full Service, where the Expert is the preparer, if we disagree with the position you request, we may decline to prepare and sign your return and you may cease use of the Services and complete your return(s) yourself using a method or service other than Full Service.</p> <p>(k) <u>Foreign Account Reporting</u>. The U.S. imposes reporting requirements with respect to persons having certain direct and indirect interests in a foreign bank account or other foreign financial assets. Failure to comply with these reporting requirements may result in substantial civil and criminal penalties. You are responsible for informing us of all foreign assets and we may determine that you are not eligible for Full Service based on your situation with such foreign assets. If we prepare your individual income tax return, you will be responsible for filing any required foreign tax returns or required foreign account reporting, including FBAR (FinCEN Form 114). You, and not Intuit, assume all liability for any penalties associated with the failure to file, inaccurate filing, or untimely filing, of any of these forms. Intuit may provide you with the option to file your FBAR (FinCEN Form 114) as set forth in Section 2.6, Non-Tax Preparation Services, below. You understand and agree that your use of such Services will be governed by Section 2.6 below and will not be considered a tax preparation service.</p> <p>(l) <u>Change or Termination of Services</u>. Intuit reserves the right to refuse to prepare a tax return for any reason in its sole discretion. Additionally, the provision of Full Service or the ability of Experts to meet your tax filing deadlines is subject to availability during applicable business hours, reasonable turnaround times, your prompt submission of documents, and your prompt response to inquiries or requests for materials required for your tax return(s). Intuit reserves the right to revoke a delegated tax return for any reason in its sole discretion. Unless otherwise specified, Full Service for tax preparation and filing of Tax Year 2024 returns is available through October 15, 2025, and paper filing of any required amended returns by mail, where the Expert is the preparer, are available through November 15, 2025, or as otherwise permitted by the IRS and supported by Intuit. Full Service also permits you to speak with an Expert regarding supported tax-related Tax Year 2024 questions through December 31, 2025.</p> <p>2.6 <u>TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services</u>.&nbsp;</p> <p>(a) With the “<strong>TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services</strong>” (which may include but are not limited to TurboTax Expense Monitor, TurboTax Investor Center and other trackers, FBAR Services (as defined below), Tax Home, year-round tax tips and insights, refund estimators, and Specialized Expert consultations), Intuit provides certain Services that may be helpful for, but do not involve, preparation of a tax return, including education, insights, trackers, and organizers to help with year-round tax help and organization. These Services may be made available on or through the TurboTax website, mobile application or other Intuit or third-party sites, and their availability to you may depend on whether you use certain other Intuit or TurboTax products. These features and their availability and pricing are subject to change without notice. You understand and agree that the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services are intended for general information, organizational and/or non-tax-related purposes. These Services are not, and should not be construed as, legal, investment, credit repair, debt management, tax/retirement planning, or financial advice and they are not intended to serve as tax preparation services. When you are ready to prepare a state or federal tax return, you can use other services, including other TurboTax Services, to prepare and file your return. If you choose to use TurboTax tax preparation Services, certain of the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services may offer you the ability to import and/or upload certain information to the tax preparation Services for use in preparing your return, including information from your Intuit account and/or from third parties. If you choose to do so, you are responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of any such information. As a user of the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services, you are granted a limited license to use the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services solely for your own personal use and only for the period they are offered to you by Intuit. You understand and agree that Intuit may discontinue these TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services at any time without notice, that the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services are provided on a strictly “as-is” basis, with no warranties or guarantees. You further understand and agree that if Intuit discontinues any TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services, any data or information you entered, created or imported into the same may not be available to you after such discontinuation.</p> <p>(b) <u>FBAR (Form FinCEN 114) Filing Service</u>: You understand that Intuit may provide you with a self-service FBAR filing solution (“<strong>FBAR Service</strong>”) that enables you to prepare and file the FBAR (Form FinCEN 114) with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). You agree that you are solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data you enter into the FBAR Service, that Intuit is not responsible for verifying the accuracy of the data you enter, and that Intuit will not attempt to verify such accuracy. You, and not Intuit, assume all liability for any penalties associated with the failure to file, inaccurate filing, or untimely filing, of any of these forms. Intuit does not guarantee that FinCEN will accept your FBAR. If your FBAR is rejected or conditionally approved by FinCEN, you may need to submit an amended FBAR. You also agree that you are solely responsible for complying with all laws, regulations, and instructions regarding the FBAR filing, including record keeping requirements of each account reported. The FBAR Service does not include or provide any legal, financial, or tax advice, or other areas of advice. Intuit may provide you the ability to print a copy of the information you enter to file the FBAR Form, but you understand and agree that Intuit will only provide unformatted data to you upon request, and may not provide an exact copy of the FBAR that gets filed with FinCEN. You further understand that failure to comply with the FBAR filing requirements, including submission of late, incomplete, inaccurate or fraudulent FBARs, may result in penalties and/or criminal liability. You agree and acknowledge that Intuit is and shall not be liable for any such penalties or legal consequences resulting from your use of the FBAR Service, and that you are solely responsible for confirming successful filing with the relevant authority.</p> <p><strong>3. PRICING AND PAYMENT.</strong></p> <p>(a) Pricing for the various versions of the Services is determined based on which version of the Services you choose, the complexity of your tax return, and/or the time when you pay for such version of the Services. Depending on the version you choose, you may be charged for the Services either when starting your use of the Services, when the preparation of your return is complete, or when your return is otherwise ready to be printed or filed. For certain Services, Intuit may charge you for these Services before the Services are performed or once our Expert prepares your return, whether or not you choose to file it. <strong>You understand and agree that Intuit may increase the price of any paid version of the Services as the respective tax filing deadline approaches or if you have not yet already paid for the Services, including after you have started your return(s) but have not yet completed and paid to print and/or e-file your return</strong>.</p> <p>(b) All prices are subject to change without notice. If you chose a version of the Services that doesn’t require you to pay until your return is prepared and ready to file, you should confirm whether there have been any changes in pricing for your use of that version of the Services since you first started using the Services, particularly if some time has passed between the date you started your tax return and the date you or Intuit finished preparing it and/or you are ready to pay for and file (or print) it. The price for your use of various part(s) or version(s) of the Services is the published price at the time you pay for such part(s) or version(s) of the Services.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>4. HELP AND SUPPORT</strong></p> <p>Intuit may use a variety of methods (e.g., in-product, widgets, Internet, remote access, online community, chat, e-mail, video and phone) to provide technical support and customer service in connection with the Services. The terms and conditions governing the offering of this support, which may require the payment of an additional fee, are subject to change as announced by Intuit from time to time. Technical support and customer service regarding the purchase and use of the Services does not include tax assistance, tax advice or tax preparation help. If you choose to allow an Intuit agent to have remote access to your computer via the Internet to provide help, you should close other browsers or applications or follow other instructions to enable such access. Consult the TurboTax Online Help and Support website for the most up-to-date information relating to this support and any associated charges. Except as otherwise provided herein, Services for each tax year may not be accessible after October 15 of each calendar year after the applicable tax year of your return(s) and may not be supported beyond that date.</p> <p><strong>5. GUARANTEES</strong></p> <p>For purposes of the guarantees in this Section 5 (each, a “<strong>Guarantee</strong>”), a “<strong>registered user</strong>” is a user from whom Intuit has received the information necessary to permit such person, or an assigned TurboTax Expert, to print or electronically file an individual or business tax return prepared using the applicable version of the Services and who complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.</p> <p>(a) <u>TurboTax Accurate Calculation Guarantee – Individual Returns</u>. Intuit works to ensure the accuracy of the calculations on every form prepared using the Services. The TurboTax Accurate Calculation Guarantee is for the lifetime of your individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven (7) years from the date it was filed using TurboTax. This Guarantee applies only to individual returns filed with the IRS or or relevant state tax authority using TurboTax (excluding business returns), all subject to the terms below:</p> <ol> <li class="ql-indent-2">If you are a registered user and you pay an IRS or state penalty and/or interest, as levied in a first notice from a tax authority (and not as a result of a payment plan), and such IRS or state penalty and/or interest is due solely to a calculation error on a form prepared and filed using TurboTax, and not as a result of, among other things:</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">your failure to enter all required information accurately;</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">willful or fraudulent omission or inclusion of information on your tax return;</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">misclassification of information on the tax return;</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">tax law changes made by federal or state governments after your return was filed; or</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">failure to file an amended return to avoid or reduce an applicable penalty/interest after Intuit announced updates or corrections to the applicable TurboTax Service in time for you to file an amended return;</li> <li class="ql-indent-2"><u>then</u> Intuit will reimburse the amount actually paid by you to the IRS or state in penalties and/or interest as levied against you in such first notice – but not any amounts, penalties or interest due, payable or paid by you as a result of a payment plan you may enter into (or have entered into) with such tax authority.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">This Guarantee does not apply to tax forms completed manually by you in which the data is entered directly by you into the form itself in TurboTax, rather than through the use of the in-product TurboTax interview experience and guidance.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe.&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">If you believe such a calculation error occurred, you must notify Intuit as soon as you learn of the mistake and in any case no later than: (a) thirty (30) days after the penalty or interest is assessed by a tax authority, and (b) seven (7) years after the return was filed, which Intuit defines as the lifetime of the tax return.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">To initiate a claim under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit using the instructions set forth on our website, as currently published at: <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""></a>. You will be required to provide all tax-related documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking (to ensure tracked delivery), to enable Intuit to validate and process your claim. To validate a claim, Intuit may require, among other information, your TurboTax tax data file (particularly if you did not electronically file), a copy of the IRS/state notice and any other documents to support proof of income, credits or deductions. You are responsible for maintaining all information and documents that may be relevant to the accuracy of your tax return. You are also responsible for keeping Intuit apprised promptly of any change in your email address, mailing address and/or phone number so that you can be notified of any updates relating to your claim.</li> </ol> <p>(b) <u>TurboTax Maximum Refund Guarantee – Individual Returns</u>. The TurboTax Maximum Refund (Tax Savings) Guarantee is for the lifetime of your individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven (7) years from the date it was filed using TurboTax. This Guarantee applies only to individual returns filed with the IRS or relevant state tax authority using TurboTax (excluding business returns), all subject to the terms below:</p> <ol> <li class="ql-indent-2">If you are a registered user, use TurboTax for the preparation and filing of your individual return, and later file an amended return using identical information and data but using a tax preparation method other than TurboTax, and you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount using such alternative method, then Intuit will refund to you the purchase price actually paid by you for the preparation and filing of the applicable federal and/or state individual return using TurboTax Services. TurboTax Free Edition customers are entitled to payment of $30 in such case.&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">To qualify, the larger refund or smaller tax due cannot be attributed to:</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">variations in the information or data you used for such alternate tax preparation method;&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">positions taken by you or your alternate preparer or method that are contrary to the law; or&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">changes in tax law made by federal or state governments that occurred after you filed your return using TurboTax.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">Claims must be submitted no later than: (a) sixty (60) days from the date you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount and (b) seven (7) years after the date the return was filed, which Intuit defines as the lifetime of the tax return.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">To submit a claim under this Guarantee, you must provide Intuit with the following documents via First-Class U.S. mail and add USPS Tracking to your shipment to ensure tracked delivery:</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">copy of your TurboTax proof of payment (i.e., sales receipt) and/or shipment packing slip;</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">copy of your proof of payment for another tax preparation method (unless done manually by you);</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">copy of your TurboTax data file and return;</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">copy of the printed and filed tax return from the other tax preparation method; and</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">a letter summarizing your refund or tax due amount using TurboTax and your refund or tax due amount using another tax preparation method.</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">You must send all of the foregoing by mail to TurboTax Maximum Refund Guarantee, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85726-8867. You must maintain separate copies of all submitted items for your records. Claims of non-payment of a refund of your TurboTax purchase price will require photocopy substantiation of all required items. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing and delivery. If after 8 weeks you have not received your check, contact us via the TurboTax support website. Any materials submitted to Intuit are understood to be non-returnable. You are responsible for maintaining all documents necessary to qualify for this Guarantee.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">All other fees you may have paid to Intuit for additional services or as add-ons to your tax return are excluded from this Guarantee, including but not limited to Audit Defense, Refund Processing Service and technical support fees, if any.&nbsp;</li> </ol> <p>(c) <u>TurboTax Audit Support Guarantee – Individual Returns</u>. The Audit Support Guarantee is for the lifetime of your individual tax return filed with TurboTax, which Intuit defines as seven (7) years from the date it was filed using TurboTax. This Guarantee applies only to individual returns filed filed with the IRS or relevant state tax authority using TurboTax (excluding business returns) all subject to the terms below:</p> <ol> <li class="ql-indent-2">If you are a registered user of TurboTax, use TurboTax for preparation and filing of your individual return(s), and receive an audit letter from the IRS or State Department of Revenue relating to your TurboTax-filed individual return, then Intuit will provide free audit guidance (limited to what to expect from and how to prepare for the audit) from a tax professional available to help answer your audit questions regarding your audited returns filed with TurboTax for the audited tax year and, if applicable, the prior two tax years of TurboTax individual returns. The Audit Support Guarantee is applicable to federal and state audit letters and/or notices. We will not be your representative before the tax authority or provide legal advice.&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">Claims for audit support must be submitted no later than: (a) sixty (60) days from the date you received your audit letter and (b) seven (7) years from the date of filing of the individual tax return being audited which, for the purposes of this Guarantee, Intuit defines as the lifetime of your tax return.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">To initiate a claim for audit support under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit at 1-800-624-9066 or other replacement telephone number Intuit may publish on the TurboTax website from time to time. Once you have contacted Intuit by phone to submit your claim for support, you will also be required to submit to us the following documents: (1) copy of your TurboTax proof of payment for Services for the audited tax year; and (2) a copy of the IRS or State audit letter. We may request that you provide these documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking added to your shipment to ensure tracked delivery, to: TurboTax Audit Support Guarantee, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85726-8867. For the most current information available regarding this guarantee and submission requirements, go to <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""></a>. You must maintain copies of all submitted items for your records.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">In the unlikely event we are not able to connect you to one of our tax professionals for audit support, then you are entitled to a refund of the purchase price paid by you for the preparation and filing of the applicable individual federal and/or state tax return using TurboTax. TurboTax Federal Free Edition customers are entitled to payment of $30.&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">Any other fees you may have paid to Intuit for additional services or as add-ons to your tax return are excluded from this Guarantee, including but not limited to Audit Defense (a separate service), Refund Processing Service and technical support fees, if any. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing and delivery of your refund. If after 8 weeks you have not received your check, contact us at 1-800-4-INTUIT. To validate your claim that we were unable to connect you with a tax professional for audit support, and as a precondition of refund payment, Intuit may require your TurboTax data file for the applicable tax year and/or other supporting information such as copies of your printed tax returns. Any materials submitted to Intuit are understood to be non-returnable. You are responsible for maintaining all documents necessary to qualify for the guarantee.</li> </ol> <p>(d) <u>TurboTax Satisfaction Guaranteed (or Guaranteed Easy) - Individual and Business Tax Returns</u>. Some versions of the Services allow you to use the TurboTax Services without charge up to the point you decide to print or electronically file your tax return. You understand and agree that printing or electronically filing your return reflects (a) your satisfaction with Services and (b) your acknowledgement and understanding that you are, at the time of printing or filing, voluntarily paying for the Services, and you therefore waive the right to receive a refund, except in the event that you qualify for a refund under one of the other Guarantees.</p> <p>(e) <u>TurboTax Business Tax Guarantee</u>. If you are a registered user of the TurboTax Live Assisted Sole Proprietor, TurboTax Live Full Service Sole Proprietor, TurboTax Live Assisted Business, TurboTax Live Full Service Business, and QuickBooks Live Expert Tax, powered by TurboTax, versions of the Services (the “Live Business Services”) and use those Services for preparation and filing of your business return, the following Guarantees apply to your use of those Services: TurboTax Accurate Calculations Guarantee - Business Tax Returns, TurboTax Maximum Savings Guarantee - Business Tax Returns, and TurboTax Audit Support Guarantee - Business Tax Returns.</p> <p>(i) <u>TurboTax Accurate Calculation Guarantee – Business Tax Returns</u>. Intuit works to ensure the accuracy of the calculations on every form prepared using the Live Business Services.</p> <ol> <li>If you are a registered user of our Live Business Services and you pay an IRS or state penalty and/or interest, as levied in a first notice from a tax authority (and not as a result of a payment plan), solely because of a calculation error on a form prepared using such versions of the Services, and not as a result of, among other things:</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">your failure to enter all required information accurately;</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">willful or fraudulent omission or inclusion of information on your tax return;</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">misclassification of information on the tax return;</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">tax law changes made by federal or state governments after your return was filed; or</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">failure to file an amended return to avoid or reduce an applicable penalty/interest after Intuit announced updates or corrections to the applicable Live Business Service in time for you to file an amended return;</li> <li><u>then</u> Intuit will reimburse the amount actually paid by you to the IRS or state in penalties and/or interest as levied against you in such first notice – but not any amounts, penalties or interest due, payable or paid by you as a result of a payment plan you may enter into (or have entered into) with such tax authority.&nbsp;</li> <li>This Guarantee does not apply to tax forms completed manually by you in which the data is entered directly by you into the form itself in TurboTax, rather than through the use of the in-product TurboTax interview experience, Expert guidance and/or entry of information by the Expert.</li> <li>You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe.</li> <li>If you believe such a calculation error occurred, you must notify Intuit as soon as you learn of the alleged error, and in no event later than: (a) thirty (30) days after the penalty or interest is assessed; and (b) seven (7) years from the date the business return was first filed.&nbsp;</li> <li>To initiate a claim under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit using the instructions set forth on our website, as currently published at: <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""></a>. You will be required to provide all tax-related documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking (to ensure tracked delivery), to enable Intuit to validate and process your claim. To validate a claim, Intuit may require, among other information, your TurboTax tax data file (particularly if you did not electronically file), a copy of the IRS/state notice and any other documents to support proof of income, credits or deductions. You are responsible for maintaining all information and documents that may be relevant to the accuracy of your tax return. You are also responsible for keeping Intuit apprised promptly of any change in your email address, mailing address and/or phone number so that you can be notified of any updates relating to your claim.</li> </ol> <p>(ii) <u>TurboTax Maximum Savings Guarantee – Business Tax Returns</u>. The following Guarantee shall apply only to business returns filed with the IRS or states using the Live Business Services, all subject to the terms below:</p> <ol> <li>If you are a registered user of our Live Business Services, use such versions of the Services for the preparation and filing of your business return, and later file an amended return using identical information and data but using a tax preparation method other than TurboTax, and you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount using such alternative method, then Intuit will refund to you the purchase price actually paid by you for the preparation and filing of the applicable federal and/or state business return using the Live Business Services.&nbsp;</li> <li>To qualify, the larger refund or smaller tax due cannot be attributed to:</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">variations in the information or data you used for such alternate tax preparation method;&nbsp;</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">positions taken by you or your alternate preparer or method that are contrary to the law; or</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">changes in tax law made by federal or state governments that occurred after you filed your return using TurboTax.</li> <li>Claims must be submitted within sixty (60) days of the date you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount, but no later than December 15, 2025.&nbsp;</li> <li>To submit a claim under this Guarantee, you must provide Intuit with the following documents via First-Class U.S. mail and add USPS Tracking to your shipment to ensure tracked delivery:</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">copy of your TurboTax proof of payment (i.e., sales receipt) and/or shipment packing slip;</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">copy of your proof of payment for another tax preparation method (unless done manually by you);</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">copy of your TurboTax data file and return;</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">copy of the printed and filed tax return from the other tax preparation method; and</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">a letter summarizing your refund or tax due amount using TurboTax and your refund or tax due amount using another tax preparation method.</li> <li class="ql-indent-1">You must send all of the foregoing by mail to TurboTax Live Business Maximum Savings Guarantee, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85726-8867. You must maintain separate copies of all submitted items for your records. Claims of non-payment of a refund of your TurboTax purchase price will require photocopy substantiation of all required items. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing and delivery. If after 8 weeks you have not received your check, contact us via the TurboTax support website. Any materials submitted to Intuit are understood to be non-returnable. You are responsible for maintaining all documents necessary to qualify for this Guarantee.</li> <li>All other fees you may have paid to Intuit for additional services or as add-ons to your tax return are excluded from this Guarantee, including but not limited to Audit Defense, Refund Processing Service and technical support fees, if any.&nbsp;</li> </ol> <p>(iii) <u>TurboTax Audit Support Guarantee – Business Tax Returns</u>. The following Audit Support Guarantees shall apply only to business returns filed with the IRS or states using the Live Business Services, all subject to the terms below:</p> <ol> <li>If you are a registered user of the Live Business Services, use such versions of the Services for preparation and filing of your business return(s), and receive an audit letter from the IRS or State Department of Revenue relating to your current tax year business return, then Intuit will provide at no additional cost audit guidance (limited to what to expect from and how to prepare for the audit) from a tax professional available to help answer your audit questions regarding your audited business return filed with Live Business Services for the current tax year. This Audit Support Guarantee is applicable to federal and state audit letters and/or notices. We will not be your representative before the tax authority or provide legal advice.&nbsp;</li> <li>All claims for audit support must be submitted no later than: (a) sixty (60) days from the date you received your audit letter and (b) three (3) years following the date of filing of the business tax return being audited.</li> <li>To initiate a claim for audit support under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit at 1-800-624-9066 or other replacement telephone number Intuit may publish on the TurboTax website from time to time. Once you have contacted Intuit by phone to submit your claim for support, you will also be required to submit to us the following documents: (1) copy of your TurboTax proof of payment for Services for the audited tax year; and (2) a copy of the IRS or State audit letter. We may request that you provide these documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking added to your shipment to ensure tracked delivery, to: TurboTax Live Assisted Business and TurboTax Live Full Service Business Audit Support Guarantee, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85726-8867. For the most current information available regarding this guarantee and submission requirements, go to <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail=" " data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""> </a>. You must maintain copies of all submitted items for your records.</li> <li>In the unlikely event we are not able to connect you to one of our tax professionals for audit guidance, then you are entitled to a refund of the purchase price actually paid by you for the preparation and filing of the applicable federal and/or state business return using the Live Business Services.&nbsp;</li> <li>Any other fees you may have paid to Intuit for additional services or as add-ons to your business tax return are excluded, including but not limited to Audit Defense (a separate service), Refund Processing Service and technical support fees, if any. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing and delivery of your refund. If after 8 weeks you have not received your check, contact us at 1-800-4-INTUIT. To validate your claim that we were unable to connect you with a tax professional for audit support, and as a precondition of refund payment, Intuit may require your TurboTax data file for the applicable tax year and/or other supporting information such as copies of your printed tax returns. Any materials submitted to Intuit are understood to be non-returnable. You are responsible for maintaining all documents necessary to qualify for the guarantee.</li> </ol> <p>(f) <u>TurboTax 100% Accurate, Expert Approved Guarantee – TurboTax Live Assisted and TurboTax Live Full Service Only, Individual and Business Tax Returns</u>.The following guarantee shall apply only to individual or business returns filed with the IRS or states using TurboTax Live Assisted and TurboTax Live Full Service offerings, all subject to the terms below:</p> <ol> <li class="ql-indent-2">If you are a registered user of TurboTax Live Assisted or TurboTax Live Full Service and you pay an IRS or state penalty and/or interest as levied in a first notice from a tax authority (and not as a result of a payment plan), and such IRS or state penalty and/or interest is due solely to an error the Expert made while preparing your return, providing topic-specific tax advice, reviewing a section or otherwise appearing on a form signed by the Expert, and not as a result of, among other things:</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">your failure to provide all required information and do so accurately,</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">willful or fraudulent omission or inclusion of information for your tax return, or misrepresentation of your tax information,</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">tax law changes made by federal or state governments after your return was filed,</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">failure to file your tax return on time or to take other action requested by the Expert, or</li> <li class="ql-indent-3">failure to file an amended return to avoid or reduce an applicable penalty/interest after Intuit informed you of updates or corrections in time for you to file an amended return,</li> <li class="ql-indent-2"><u>then</u> Intuit will reimburse the amount actually paid by you to the IRS or state in penalties and/or interest as levied against you in such first notice – but not any amounts, penalties, or interest due, payable or paid by you as a result of a payment plan you may enter into (or have entered into) with such tax authority.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe and for providing any other information Intuit reasonably requests to validate your claim.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">If you believe such an error occurred, you must notify Intuit as soon as you learn of the mistake and in no event later than: (a) thirty (30) days after the penalty or interest is assessed; and (b) no later than seven (7) years after the return was filed, which Intuit defines as the lifetime of the tax return.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">To initiate a claim under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit using the instructions set forth on our website, as currently published at: <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail=" " data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""> </a>. You will be required to provide all tax-related documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking (to ensure tracked delivery), to enable Intuit to validate and process your claim. To validate a claim Intuit may require, among other documents, a copy of your tax return (particularly if you did not electronically file), a copy of the IRS/state notice and any other documents to support proof of income, credits or deductions. You are responsible for maintaining all information and documents that may be relevant to the accuracy of your tax return. You are also responsible for keeping Intuit apprised promptly of any change in your email address, mailing address and/or phone number so that you can be notified of any updates relating to your claim.</li> <li class="ql-indent-2">This Guarantee cannot be combined with any TurboTax Accurate Calculation Guarantee.</li> </ol> <p>(g) <u>TurboTax Live Full Service Guarantee - Individual and Business Returns</u>. If you use TurboTax Live Full Service (Individual or Business; TurboTax Live Full Service only, not TurboTax Live Assisted), your Expert will only sign and file your return if they believe it is 100% correct based on the information you provide and that you are getting your best outcome possible.&nbsp;</p> <p>If you are a registered user, use TurboTax Live Full Service for the preparation and filing of your return, later file an amended return using identical information and data but using a tax preparation method other than TurboTax, and you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount using such alternative method, then Intuit will refund to you the purchase price actually paid by you for the preparation and filing of the applicable federal and/or state return using TurboTax Services. To qualify, the larger refund or smaller tax due cannot be attributed to:</p> <ul> <li>variations in the information or data you used for such alternate tax preparation method;&nbsp;</li> <li>positions taken by you or your alternate preparer or method that are contrary to the law; or</li> <li>changes in tax law made by federal or state governments that occurred after you filed your return using TurboTax.</li> </ul> <p>Refund claims must be submitted no later than: (a) sixty (60) days of the date you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount, and (b) seven (7) years after the date the return was filed for individual returns, or December 15, 2025 for business returns.&nbsp;</p> <p>To submit a claim under this Guarantee, you must provide Intuit with the following documents via First-Class U.S. mail and add USPS Tracking to your shipment to ensure tracked delivery:</p> <ul> <li>copy of your TurboTax proof of payment (i.e., sales receipt) and/or shipment packing slip;</li> <li>copy of your proof of payment for another tax preparation method (unless done manually by you);</li> <li>copy of your TurboTax data file and return;</li> <li>copy of the printed and filed tax return from the other tax preparation method; and</li> <li>a letter summarizing your refund or tax due amount using TurboTax and your refund or tax due amount using another tax preparation method.</li> </ul> <p>You must send all of the foregoing by mail to TurboTax Maximum Refund Guarantee, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85726-8867. You must maintain separate copies of all submitted items for your records. Claims of non-payment of a refund of your TurboTax purchase price will require photocopy substantiation of all required items. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing and delivery. If after 8 weeks you have not received your check, contact us via the TurboTax support website. Any materials submitted to Intuit are understood to be non-returnable. You are responsible for maintaining all documents necessary to qualify for this Guarantee.</p> <p>If you are a registered user of TurboTax Live Full Service and you pay an IRS or state penalty and/or interest as levied in a first notice from a tax authority (and not as a result of a payment plan), and such IRS or state penalty and/or interest is due solely to an error the Expert made while preparing your return, providing topic-specific tax advice, reviewing a section review or otherwise appearing on a form signed by the Expert and not as a result of, among other things:</p> <ul> <li>your failure to provide all required information and do so accurately,</li> <li>willful or fraudulent omission or inclusion of information for your tax return, or misrepresentation of your tax information,</li> <li>tax law changes made by federal or state governments after your return was filed,</li> <li>failure to file your tax return on time or to take other action requested by the Expert, or</li> <li>failure to file an amended return to avoid or reduce an applicable penalty/interest after Intuit informed you of updates or corrections in time for you to file an amended return,</li> </ul> <p>then Intuit will reimburse the amount actually paid by you to the IRS or state in penalties and/or interest as levied against you in such first notice – but not any amounts, penalties, or interest due, payable or paid by you as a result of a payment plan you may enter into (or have entered into) with such tax authority.</p> <p>You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe and for providing any other information Intuit reasonably requests to validate your claim.&nbsp;</p> <p>If you believe such an error occurred, you must notify Intuit as soon as you learn of the mistake and in no event later than (a) thirty (30) days after the penalty or interest is assessed; and (b) no later than seven (7) years after the return was filed using the Services, which Intuit defines as the lifetime of the tax return.</p> <p>To initiate a claim under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit using the instructions set forth on our website, as currently published at: <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail=" " data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""> </a>. You will be required to provide all tax-related documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking (to ensure tracked delivery), to enable Intuit to validate and process your claim. To validate a claim Intuit may require, among other documents, a copy of your tax return (particularly if you did not electronically file), a copy of the IRS/state notice and any other documents to support proof of income, credits or deductions. You are responsible for maintaining all information and documents that may be relevant to the accuracy of your tax return. You are also responsible for keeping Intuit apprised promptly of any change in your email address, mailing address and/or phone number so that you can be notified of any updates relating to your claim.</p> <p>This Guarantee cannot be combined with the TurboTax Accurate Calculation Guarantee, the TurboTax Maximum Refund/Savings Guarantee, or the TurboTax 100% Accurate, Expert Approved Guarantee.</p> <p>(h) <u>TurboTax Five Day Early Refund Delivery Guarantee - Individual Returns</u>. If you file your individual tax return (including jointly-filed returns) through TurboTax and choose to receive your federal tax refund early through the TurboTax Five Day Early Refund Delivery Service (“<strong>Five Days Early Service</strong>”), subject to a fee, your federal tax refund will be deposited to your selected bank account five (5) days before the refund settlement date provided by the IRS (i.e. the date your refund would have arrived if sent from the IRS directly). If your federal refund is deposited into your selected bank account less than five (5) days before the IRS refund settlement date, or if you are found to be ineligible for the Five Days Early Service, then the Five Days Early Service fee will not be deducted from your refund prior to being deposited to your selected bank account or otherwise charged to you.</p> <p>To qualify for the Five Day Early Refund Delivery Guarantee, you must file your individual tax return through TurboTax, choose to receive your federal refund with the Five Days Early Service when filing your return, and be eligible for the Five Days Early Service. You will not be eligible to receive your refund with the Five Days Early Service if (1) you take a Refund Advance loan, (2) IRS delays payment of your refund, (3) your bank’s policies do not allow for same-day payment processing, or (4) we determine that you are ineligible for other reasons in our sole discretion.&nbsp;</p> <p>The TurboTax Five Day Early Refund Delivery Guarantee does not apply to Credit Karma’s up to 5 days early program which allows for your federal refund to be deposited into a Credit Karma MoneyTM checking or savings account up to 5 days earlier than standard tax refund electronic deposit. More information about the Credit Karma’s up to 5 days early refund program can be found at <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""></a>.</p> <p>Money movement services are provided by Intuit Payments Inc., licensed as a Money Transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services. For more information about Intuit Payments' money transmission licenses, please visit;</p> <p><strong>6. THIRD PARTY SERVICES</strong></p> <p>The Services may include information about or offers for third-party services or products or allow you to connect your account to or otherwise access third-party services or products (collectively, “Third Party Services”). To facilitate Third Party Services, Intuit may be required to obtain your explicit consent for disclosure and/or use of your information. By accepting these Third Party Services agreements and consents, you authorize Intuit to use and disclose your information, including name and address, to the third party for the purpose of making the Third Party Services you choose available to you. For some Third Party Services, we may submit an application on your behalf using your information to assist you in obtaining a benefit provided by a third party. You acknowledge that Intuit does not determine if you receive the benefit and that you are solely responsible for meeting the third party’s requirements and complying with applicable laws and regulations. You may need to provide us with your account number, password, security questions and answers and other necessary login information (“Login Details”). You hereby represent that you have the authority to provide the Login Details to Intuit, and you expressly appoint Intuit as your agent, or that of the third party who owns the Login Details, with limited power of attorney to access any Third Party Services on your or such third party’s behalf. You must provide true and accurate information. A third party’s terms and conditions are generally found on the third party’s website. Applicable terms and conditions for the audit defense memberships are accessible on the TurboTax website. Your participation in Third Party Services indicates your acceptance of such terms and conditions for such Third Party Services. If you sign up for a Third Party Service that requires access to your information on an ongoing basis and you subsequently want us to stop making your information available to, or stop accessing your information from, such third party, you should discontinue use of the Third Party Services.</p> <p>If you sign up for the Refund Processing Service or the Five Days Early Service, which enables you to deduct certain tax filing fees, refund processing fees or the Five Days Early Service fee, as applicable, and any applicable tax, from the proceeds of your federal and/or state tax refund(s), you authorize Intuit (and/or a third party processor using banking services of a financial institution) to debit these amounts from your federal and/or state tax refunds, or from the bank account you identify as your direct deposit bank account in the event that you do not receive a tax refund that is sufficient to pay for them or in the event that your tax refund is delayed. However, you may not qualify for the Five Days Early Service if your refund is not large enough to cover your TurboTax fees, in which case the Five Days Early Service fee will not be deducted from your refund or otherwise charged to you. You should evaluate all Third Party Services based on your own assessment and review of their terms and conditions.</p> <p><strong>7. USER ID AND PASSWORD SECURITY</strong></p> <p>You are the only person authorized to use your user ID and password and are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user ID and password. You shall not permit or allow other persons to have access to or use your user ID and password. You are responsible for the use of the Services under your user ID. If you have not electronically filed or printed your tax return, you must create a user ID and password in order for you to access your tax return data at a later date. You must remember your user ID and password to electronically transfer your tax return information into next year's tax return.</p> <p><strong>8. PRIVACY OF PERSONAL AND TAX RETURN INFORMATION; MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION; CALLS AND TEXTS</strong></p> <p>At Intuit, we place the highest importance on respecting and protecting the privacy of our customers. Our most important asset is our relationship with you. We want you to feel comfortable and confident when using our products and services and when entrusting your personal and tax return information to us. Our full <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="Global Privacy Statement " data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail="">Global Privacy Statement </a>can be found on the Intuit website. To contact us with a question, visit our website or write to us at: Privacy Team, TurboTax, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85706.</p> <p>You are responsible for protecting the information on your computer such as by installing anti-virus software, updating your software, password protecting your files and not permitting third party physical or electronic access to your computer or tax files.</p> <p>You may provide us with your telephone number as part of your customer record or registration or via other methods. You understand and agree that the Services may require multiple sources of information about you to confirm your identity and help ensure the security of your personal use of TurboTax, often referred to as “multi-factor authentication” (“MFA”). Part of the MFA identity authentication and verification process may involve Intuit sending text message(s) containing security code(s) to your telephone number. You agree to receive these text message(s) from Intuit containing security code(s) as part of the MFA process.</p> <p>With MFA, you also agree and consent to us obtaining and using information from your mobile phone service provider, solely for the purposes of verifying your identity and to compare information you have provided to Intuit (such information may include from your mobile phone service provider account record: your name, address, email, customer type, customer role, billing type, mobile device identifiers (IMSI and IMEI) and other mobile phone subscriber details). You also agree that your acceptance of a Third Party Refund Processing Service Agreement will authorize the sharing of the bank account information you provide to the provider and your authorization to debit your bank account for fees, charges and any applicable taxes owed to Intuit if your tax refund is not sufficient in amount to pay for those fees, charges and taxes (if any).</p> <p>By providing a telephone number in connection with the Services, you verify that you are the current subscriber or owner of that number. In addition, you expressly agree that Intuit and/or its affiliates may contact you by telephone or text message (including through the use of artificial voices, prerecorded voice messages and/or autodialed calls and text messages) to the telephone number you provide or to any number provided to us on your behalf, for various purposes including verifying your identity, providing you with important notices regarding your account or use of the Services, fulfilling your requests or letting you know about promotions or Other Intuit Services we think we may be of interest to you. Your consent to receive automated calls and texts is completely voluntary, and you may opt out any time. You acknowledge that if you do not opt out, we may contact you even if your number is listed on a do-not-call list or if you cancel your account or terminate your relationship with us. You do not have to agree to receive promotional calls or texts as a condition of purchasing any goods or services.</p> <p>You understand and agree, for any text messages sent to you in connection with the Services, that: (a) message frequency may vary, (b) message and data rates may apply, and Intuit is not responsible for these charges, (c) you may reply HELP for information, (d) you can reply STOP to opt out at any time (though if you do, you agree to receive a single message confirming your opt-out) and (e) neither Intuit nor mobile carriers involved in the text messaging are liable for delayed or undelivered messages. To opt out of automated voice calls, you must provide us with written notice revoking your consent by contacting us as described in the “How to Contact Us” section of our <a href=";_x_tr_tl=en&amp;_x_tr_hl=auto" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="Privacy Statement " data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail="">Privacy Statement </a>, and including your full name, mailing address, account number and the specific phone number(s) you wish to opt out of such calls.</p> <p>You also acknowledge and agree that your telephone calls to or from Intuit or its affiliates may be monitored and recorded. You must notify us immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your telephone. Although we will not be liable for losses caused by any unauthorized use of your telephone, you may be liable for our losses due to such unauthorized use.</p> <p><strong>9. USE WITH YOUR MOBILE DEVICE.</strong></p> <p>9.1 Mobile access to certain versions or features of the Services requires a compatible mobile browser and/or the download and installation of an authorized mobile app and may not be available for all mobile devices or telecommunication providers. You will need to check the Services website to ensure your mobile device and telecommunications provider are compatible with the Services you wish to use. Intuit is not obligated to provide all versions of the Services via mobile applications or devices, and we are not obligated to provide a compatible version of the Services (including but not limited to a compatible mobile app) for all mobile devices, operating systems or telecommunication providers, all of which are subject to change by Intuit at any time without notice to you.</p> <p>(a) If you choose to access and use the Services through a mobile app provided by Intuit (“Mobile App”), solely as part of the Services, Intuit hereby grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable license to download, install and use a single copy of the Mobile App on your own personal mobile device(s) solely for the purpose of preparing and filing your own Tax Year 2024 personal federal and state income tax return(s) via the Services, where and if made available by Intuit. You agree that your access to and use of the Services via, through, by or within the Mobile App is governed by this Agreement. You further agree that your download, installation and use of the Mobile App is also governed by this Agreement, including but not limited to the disclaimer(s) of warranties, limitation(s) of liability and damages, dispute resolution and other terms of this Agreement.</p> <p>(b) You acknowledge and agree that the Mobile App is licensed, not sold. You agree not to use, nor permit any third party to use, the Mobile App in a manner that violates any applicable law, regulation or this Agreement. You agree you will not:</p> <ul> <li>Provide access to or give the Mobile App or any part of the Mobile App to any third party;</li> <li>Reproduce, duplicate, modify, copy, sell, trade, lease, rent or resell the Mobile App;</li> <li>Transfer your license to the Mobile App to any other party;</li> <li>Attempt unauthorized access to any Intuit systems that are not part of the Services;</li> <li>Permit any third party to benefit from the use or functionality of the Mobile App via a rental, lease, timesharing, service bureau, hosting service or other arrangement;</li> <li>Decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Mobile App;&nbsp;</li> <li>Make the Mobile App available on any file-sharing or application hosting service; or</li> <li>Attempt to use the Mobile App to prepare and file tax returns for others.</li> </ul> <p>9.2 <u>Apple Requirements</u>. If you downloaded the Services from the Apple App Store, the following terms also apply to you:</p> <ol> <li>Acknowledgement: You acknowledge that this Agreement is between you and Intuit only, and not with Apple, and Intuit, not Apple, is solely responsible for the Services and the content thereof.</li> <li>Scope of License: The license granted to you for the Services is a limited, non-transferable license to use the Services on an iPhone OS Product that you own or control and as permitted by the Usage Rules set forth in the Apple App Store Terms of Service.</li> <li>Maintenance and Support: Intuit and not Apple is solely responsible for providing any maintenance and support services with respect to the Services. You acknowledge that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the Services.</li> <li>Warranty: Intuit is solely responsible for any product warranties, whether express or implied by law, to the extent not effectively disclaimed. In the event of any failure of the Services to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the Services to you. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the Services, and any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty will be Intuit’s sole responsibility.</li> <li>Product Claims: Intuit, not Apple, is responsible for addressing any user or third party claims relating to the Services or the user’s possession and/or use of the Services, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the Services fail to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation.</li> <li>Intellectual Property Rights: You acknowledge that, in the event of any third party claim that the Services or your possession and use of the Services infringes that third party’s intellectual property rights, Intuit, not Apple, will be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim.</li> <li>Legal Compliance: You represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.</li> <li>Developer Contact Info: You may direct any questions, complaints or claims to: Intuit Inc., 2700 Coast Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043.</li> <li>Third Party Terms of Agreement: You must comply with any applicable third party terms of agreement when using the Services, e.g., if you are using a VoIP application, then you must not be in violation of their wireless data service agreement when using the Services.</li> <li>Third Party Beneficiary: You acknowledge and agree that Apple and Apple’s subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of this Agreement, and that, upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce the Agreement against you as a third party beneficiary thereof.</li> </ol> <p><strong>10. ADDITIONAL LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.</strong></p> <p>YOU UNDERSTAND THAT INTUIT WILL NOT AUDIT OR OTHERWISE VERIFY ANY INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE AND IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DISALLOWED DEDUCTIONS OR THE INCLUSION OF ADDITIONAL UNREPORTED INCOME OR RESULTING TAXES, PENALTIES OR INTEREST.</p> <p>EXCEPT FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT FOR CALCULATION ERRORS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 5 OF THESE SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS, THE ENTIRE CUMULATIVE LIABILITY OF INTUIT AND ITS VENDORS FOR ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED AS SET FORTH IN THE “LIMITATION OF LIABILITY” PORTION OF THE SECTION A GENERAL TERMS ABOVE.</p> <p>INTUIT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF PROFITS OR INVESTMENT, TAX POSITIONS TAKEN BY YOU, INABILITY TO FILE YOUR RETURN, DELAY IN PREPARING YOUR TAX RETURN, INCORRECT OR INCOMPLETE INFORMATION PROVIDED TO INTUIT OR ANY ACCESS TO, OR USE OF, YOUR PASSWORD AND USER ID BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON.</p> <p>INTUIT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DEFAULT OR DELAY IN THE PERFORMANCE OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT TO THE EXTENT ITS PERFORMANCE IS DELAYED OR PREVENTED DUE TO CAUSES BEYOND ITS REASONABLE CONTROL, SUCH AS ACTS OF GOD, NATURAL DISASTERS, TERRORIST ACTS, WAR OR OTHER HOSTILITIES, LABOR DISPUTES, CIVIL DISTURBANCES, THE ACTIONS OR OMISSIONS OF THIRD PARTIES, ELECTRICAL OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FAILURES OR GOVERNMENTAL ACTION.</p> <p><strong>11. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS.</strong></p> <p>Unless expressly stated herein, you agree that Intuit is not acting as your agent or fiduciary in connection with your use of any Services.</p> <p>You can contact Intuit by mail at TurboTax, Intuit Inc., 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85706 or by calling 888-777-3066 if you have a question or concern about any product or service we sell over the Internet. The address and telephone number of the Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs is: 400 R Street, Suite 1080, Sacramento, CA 95814-6200,</p> <p>800-952-5210.</p> <p>11.1 <u>Consumer Bill of Rights Regarding Tax Preparation Services</u>. Taxpayers have certain rights when seeking tax preparation services and refund-related loan products. TurboTax’s Bill of Rights is available to all customers here: <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""></a>. A list of specific city and state taxpayer bills of rights are also available below:</p> <ul> <li>City of Chicago, Illinois: <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""></a></li> <li>City of Alberquerque, New Mexico: <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""></a></li> <li>New York City, New York: <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""></a></li> <li>New York State: <a href=";tl=en&amp;hl=auto&amp;u=" data-action="interacted" data-object="content" data-ui-action="clicked" data-ui-object="link" data-ui-object-detail="" data-ui-access-point="" data-sku="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-wa-link="" data-object-detail=""></a></li> </ul> <p>11.2 <u>Additional Third Party Software Licensing Terms</u>. The Services and corresponding mobile app may contain third party software components which are governed by and subject to commercial terms and licenses as provided below. You must comply with any such commercial terms and licenses with regard to these separate third party software components. Intuit makes no warranty concerning these third party software components.</p> <p>(a) Some versions of TurboTax may contain Xerces-C, Copyright © 1999-2009 The Apache Software Foundation. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="core-block-container" data-testid="ReusableBlocks" data-tracking="reusable_blocks"> <div data-testid="spacer" class="Spacer_module_xxlarge__8c1373de Spacer_module_mobile_Xlarge__8c1373de Spacer_module_tablet_Xlarge__8c1373de Spacer_module_desktop_Xxlarge__8c1373de"></div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="core-block-container" data-testid="ReusableBlocks" data-tracking="reusable_blocks"> <div role="contentinfo" data-testid="footer" data-tracking="footer" class="Footer_container__bc68543d"> <div class="Footer_content__bc68543d"> <div class="Footer_disclaimerContainer__bc68543d Footer_footerFw_Normal__bc68543d"> <div data-testid="footerMenus" data-tracking="footer_menus" class="FooterMenus_bigMenu__3ef2f512 FooterMenus_hasSearch__3ef2f512"> <div 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needed.\n});\n\u003c/script\u003e","children":"lorem","tracking":{}}}]},{"blockName":"mds/reusable-blocks","props":{"CMS-ENTITY-TYPE":"content","contentPath":"Content/Intuit/All/All/Fragment/Component/c4gfPHFMp/US/en_US","externalContentIdentifier":"c4gfPHFMp","id":"95905168-0fb6-4ad1-9ec1-c3dc96ab4c97","version":"LATEST","tracking":{}},"innerBlocks":[{"blockName":"qbmds/spacer","props":{"text":"","tablet":"xlarge","desktop":"xxlarge","size":"xxlarge","mobile":"xlarge","stickyNavEnabled":false,"tracking":{}}}]},{"blockName":"qbmds/container","props":{"backgroundImage":{"tracking":{"data-survey-screen":"","fci-interaction":"","landing-page-type":"","data-refer-screen":"","data-survey-status":"","data-ui-object":"image","data-sku":"","data-object-detail":"","data-ui-action":"clicked","data-ui-access-point":"","data-survey-name":"","data-screen":"","data-wa-link":"","data-object":"content","data-scope-area":"","data-survey-screen-status":"","data-action":"interacted","data-refer-ui-access-point":""},"tabletOverrideWidth":"t-12-col","deskHideImg":false,"showOverrideHeightOptions":false,"tabletHideImg":false,"tabletOverrideHeight":"t-height-default","mobileOverrideWidth":"m-12-col","desktopOverrideHeight":"d-height-default","circular":false,"desktopOverrideWidth":"d-12-col","lazyLoad":true,"mobileOverrideHeight":"m-height-default","mobileHideImg":false,"alignment":"align-left","showOverrideOptions":false,"originalLqipUrl":"","dynamicMediaEnabled":false,"mobileMediaFileType":"","imagesPreloadConfig":"","mediaDesktopThumbnail":"","desktopMediaFileQuality":70,"mobileOriginalMediaUrl":"","mobileMediaFileQuality":70,"mediaTabletThumbnail":"","tabletMediaFileQuality":70,"mediaMobileThumbnail":"","children":"","tabletMediaFileType":"","linkUrl":"","mobileMediaDynamicUrl":"","shouldProgressiveLoad":true,"mediaMobileUrl":"","tabletMediaDynamicUrl":"","desktopMediaDynamicUrl":"","tabletOriginalMediaUrl":"","mediaDesktopUrl":"","desktopOriginalMediaUrl":"","mediaPlaceholderUrl":"","enableDMLqip":false,"mediaTabletUrl":"","desktopMediaFileType":""},"hideinTablet":false,"elevation":"none","isColumnLayout":false,"noPadding":false,"blockName":"qbmds/container","bg":"white","rowBreakpointWidth":"medium","noMargin":false,"hideinMobile":false,"childFluid":false,"hideinDesktop":false,"borderRadius":"none","isGradient":false,"fluid":true,"containerId":"","enableTwoColumViewInMobile":false,"tracking":{}},"innerBlocks":[{"blockName":"qbmds/container-item","props":{"elevation":"none","padding":false,"noPadding":false,"fillWidth":false,"borderRadius":"none","bg":"transparent","overflowHidden":false,"paddingRight":false,"width":"wfill","fillHeight":false,"noMargin":false,"tracking":{}},"innerBlocks":[{"blockName":"qbmds/responsivetext","props":{"children":"lorem","textAlignment":"","text":"\u003cdiv 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We provide a platform (the “Platform”) that encompasses (1) a variety of services, including TurboTax, QuickBooks, and Mint (each, a “Service”); and (2) installable software (including our desktop and mobile applications), any accompanying documentation, and any updates to such software or documentation (collectively, “Software”). Intuit Inc., along with any parent, subsidiary, affiliate, or related companies (including those listed here and at are referred to in these provisions as “Intuit Group Companies” or simply “Intuit” or “us.”\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWhen you use the Platform, you enter into a binding contract with us. Each section of the agreement begins with an italicized annotation that is intended to help you navigate the agreement. The annotations do not completely summarize the agreement, though, and you should read each section carefully and in full. We’ve also \u003cstrong\u003ebolded\u003c/strong\u003e a few areas that talk about important legal rights, and you should be sure to read those sections carefully. These provisions in Section A apply to the Platform generally and are separate from the provisions in Section B which include additional provisions for your use of specific Intuit Software or Services. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you are an individual acting on your company’s or client’s behalf, you accept these provisions on their behalf and the term “you” will refer to you, your company, or your client. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eAgreement to These Terms\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eYou need to agree to these terms to use our Platform. By using the Platform, you are instructing us to share your data across our Platform for marketing, eligibility, and other purposes described in our \u003c/em\u003e\u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"Global Privacy Statement\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e\u003cem\u003eGlobal Privacy Statement\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003cem\u003e, consistent with applicable law. This data may include credit information and other information we obtain from third parties.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eTo access and/or use the Platform, you acknowledge and agree:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eTo the terms and conditions of this agreement (“Agreement”), which includes:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003eIntuit’s \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"Global Privacy Statement\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003eGlobal Privacy Statement\u003c/a\u003e;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eIntuit \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"Telecom Specific Terms\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003eTelecom Specific Terms\u003c/a\u003e;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eThe current version of the terms set out in Section A and Section B;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eAny additional provisions and conditions provided separately to you for your use of the Platform, which may include terms and conditions from third parties (which we refer to as “Additional Terms”)\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eYou are at least 18 years of age;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eYou are capable of forming a binding contract with Intuit;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eYou are not based in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, the Crimea, Donetsk (“DNR”), Luhansk (“LNR”), Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions of the Ukraine or any other territory that is subject to a government embargo or comprehensive sanctions (Russia), or are not otherwise prohibited from using the Platform under the laws and regulations of the United States, or any other applicable jurisdiction; and\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eYou are not included in lists maintained by the United States or other applicable jurisdictions prohibiting transactions with and the export of US products to certain entities, people, and jurisdictions.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou understand that by using certain Services, you are providing written instructions in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and other applicable law to permit Intuit Inc. and its affiliated companies to obtain and periodically refresh your credit information and other information about you from third parties for marketing, eligibility, and other purposes described in Intuit's \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"Global Privacy Statement\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003eGlobal Privacy Statement\u003c/a\u003e. You understand that your instructions authorize Intuit and its affiliated companies to obtain such information now and periodically in the future for as long as you have a registered Intuit account. We will stop refreshing your credit information when you cancel your account through your account settings.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eYour Personal Information\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eWe want to be transparent about how we use personal information and about your rights in our Privacy Statement. You should only provide us with personal information of others if you have received permission to do so.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou agree that Intuit may use and maintain your personal information according to Intuit’s \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"Global Privacy Statement\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003eGlobal Privacy Statement\u003c/a\u003e and any changes published by Intuit. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eTo the extent we allow you to input personal information (as the term is defined under applicable law) about other individuals other than yourself, you represent and warrant that you have complied with all applicable laws and received the proper authority or consent to allow us to collect and process such information to operate our business, in accordance with our \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"Global Privacy Statement\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003eGlobal Privacy Statement\u003c/a\u003e. You further agree that, other than with respect to information furnished to TurboTax in connection with the preparation of an individual tax return, any sharing of personal information among Intuit Group Companies is contemplated as part of the Platform. You agree such sharing does not constitute a “sale” of information as defined under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eChanges\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eChange happens. When it does happen, we will update this Agreement. If the changes are material, you may need to accept the changes to use the Platform.\u003c/em\u003e \u003cem\u003eSimilarly, there may be circumstances where we need to update or discontinue the Platform.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWe may modify the provisions of this Agreement at any time. We may notify you of such modifications by posting through the Platform or on our website or by other means. It is important that you review this Agreement whenever we modify it because your continued use of the Platform indicates your agreement to the modifications.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIn some cases, you may need to accept changes to this Agreement to continue using the Platform. If you do not agree to the changes, you may stop using the Platform or terminate your account.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eSimilarly, we may update the Platform, including with tools, utilities, improvements or third party applications. You agree to receive these updates. We may further modify, suspend or discontinue the Platform at any time. You agree that we will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspensions, or discontinuance of the Platform.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eYour Rights to Use the Platform\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eYou can use our Platform for your own personal and lawful use or as otherwise permitted under this Agreement. \u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eExcept as set forth in the Section B terms, you may access and use the Platform for your own internal, lawful and non-commercial purposes only.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eBeta Features\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eWe may provide you with access to beta features in the Platform. You are free to use them, but they are provided as-is.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWe may include new and/or updated pre-release and trial features in the Platform and such features are provided as-is. Your use of such features is at no additional cost but you must follow additional rules or restrictions that we may place on their use.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eAccount\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eYou will provide accurate, up-to-date account information and securely manage such information.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou may need to sign up for an account to use the Platform. We may need to verify your identity and you authorize us to collect information (e.g., date of birth, address) from you to do so (collectively, with all information requested to enable your account, “Account Information”). You will provide accurate, up-to-date Account Information, and we disclaim any liability arising from your failure to do so. Such failure may further limit your ability to use the Platform and affect the Platform's accuracy and effectiveness.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou are responsible for securely managing your Account Information, including any password(s) for the Platform. You will notify us immediately if you believe that your Account Information or device you use to access the Platform has been lost or stolen or that someone is using your account without your permission.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003ePayment \u0026 Cancellations\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eSome Services may be free, others may have costs associated. For those with costs, we may charge your payment method for fees or on a subscription basis. You may cancel your subscription at any time (but you may not receive a refund).\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWe may require payment of fees or a subscription charge for use of the Platform (or certain portions of the Platform) and you agree to pay such fees. If you registered for a trial, you may need to purchase the Platform before the trial ends in order to retain access to any content provided to, or created through, the Platform.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003ePayments will be billed in U.S. dollars, and your account will be charged upon purchase and when you provide your payment information, unless stated otherwise in applicable payment provisions. If your payment information is not accurate, current, and complete, we may suspend or terminate your account. If you do not notify us of updates to your payment information, we may participate in programs supported by your card provider to try to update your payment information, and you authorize us to continue billing your account with the updated information that we obtain.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou may be charged a subscription fee in advance on an annual basis or other recurring interval disclosed to you prior to your purchase. For annual subscriptions, we will send you a reminder with the then-current subscription fee no less than thirty (30) days and no more than sixty (60) days before your subscription term ends, or otherwise as required by applicable law. Intuit may change the price for recurring subscription fees from time to time with notice to you. Price changes will take effect at the start of the next subscription period following the date of the price change. If you do not agree with the price change, you may unsubscribe prior to the price change going into effect.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYour payment to Intuit will automatically renew at the end of the applicable subscription period but you can cancel a subscription at any time. Subscription cancellations will take effect the day after the last day of the current subscription period. If you cancel in the middle of a subscription period, you will be able to continue to access and use the applicable Service until the end of your subscription period. We do not provide refunds or credits for any cancellations or partial subscription period.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eDesktop and Mobile App Use\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eDesktop and Mobile versions of our Platform may be available for download but you must follow applicable third-party terms when using them.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe Platform may be available through one or more apps for a compatible desktop computer or mobile device. You agree that you are solely responsible for any applicable changes, updates and fees as well as complying with the provisions of your agreement with your telecommunications provider and any third-party mobile app marketplace.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWith respect to the applicable Software, you are only granted limited rights to install and use the Software you have downloaded, signed up for or for which you have purchased a license or acquired a free trial. Intuit reserves all other rights in the applicable Software not granted to you in writing in this Agreement. Conditioned upon your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including all payment obligations), Intuit grants you a personal, limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable license to use the applicable Software only for the period of use provided in the ordering and activation terms (as applicable), as set forth in this Agreement or in Intuit’s then-current product discontinuation policies (as updated from time to time) and only for the purposes described by Intuit for the applicable Software.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou acknowledge and agree that such Software is licensed, not sold.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou may make a single copy of the Software for backup purposes, provided that you reproduce on it all copyright and other proprietary notices that are on the original copy of the Software. You will not delete or in any manner alter the copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights notices or markings appearing on the Software as delivered to you.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eAdvice and Third Party Services and Products\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eYou may have access to professional advice and third-party products. Any such advice and products are not covered under this Agreement.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWe may offer specific functionality in the Platform that provides you with the opportunity to seek professional advice, for example, the ability to speak with a tax expert. Unless specifically disclosed, Intuit is not in the business of providing legal, financial, accounting, tax, health care, insurance, real estate or other professional service or advice, and you should consult with professionals for advice prior to making important decisions in these areas.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe Platform may also include information about or offers for third-party services or products or allow you to connect your account to or otherwise access third-party services or products. Intuit does not warrant, and is not responsible for, such third party services and products or claims made about them, or the actions or inactions of any third party. You must review and comply with any Additional Terms. Intuit may be compensated by those third parties, which could impact whether, how and where the services and products are displayed. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eContent and Data \u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eWhat’s yours remains yours, what’s ours remains ours, but we may use information you provide to improve our Platform. \u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou are solely responsible for anything you write, submit, receive, share and store or any data you input into the Platform (collectively, your “Content”). Content includes, but is not limited to, data, information, materials, text, graphics, images, audio, video that are uploaded, transmitted, posted, generated, stored, or otherwise made available through the Platform. You have no obligation to provide any content to the Platform, and you’re free to choose the content that you want to provide. You acknowledge certain functionality in the Platform may be dependent on the provision of Content and may not be available without such Content.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYour Content remains yours, which means that you retain any intellectual property rights that you have in your Content. By sharing your Content on the Platform, you hereby grant Intuit a license to use your Content, as described in more detail below.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e1. What's covered\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis license covers your Content to the extent your Content is protected by intellectual property rights.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e2. Scope\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis license is:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWorldwide, which means it’s valid anywhere in the world;\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eNon-exclusive, which means you can license your Content to others; and\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eRoyalty-free, which means there are no fees for this license\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e3. Rights\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis license allows Intuit to:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eHost, reproduce, distribute, communicate, sublicense and use your Content — for example, to save your Content on our systems and make it accessible from anywhere you go;\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003ePublish or publicly display your Content, if you’ve made it visible to others; and\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eModify and create derivative works based on your Content, such as reformatting or translating it\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e4. Purpose\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis license is for the limited purpose of:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eOperating, providing and improving the Platform, which means allowing the Platform to work as designed and creating new features and functionalities.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e5. Duration\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis license lasts for as long as your Content is protected by intellectual property rights.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIntuit may collect, derive or generate deidentified and/or aggregated data regarding your usage of or the performance of the Platform, including data derived from your Content. Intuit will own all such data and may use this data without restriction, including, but not limited to, operating, analyzing, improving, or marketing Intuit’s products and services, including the Platform.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eAs between you and Intuit, Intuit and its licensors retain all right, title or interest in and to the Platform, except for the rights granted to you.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eProhibited Uses\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eWe expect you to obey the law and follow certain rules in using the Platform.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIntuit does not condone or support any activity that is illegal, violates the rights of others, harms or damages Intuit’s reputation, or could cause Intuit to be liable to a third party. At minimum, you may not use the Platform to:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003eViolate any law, regulation, executive order or ordinance, including through actions that give rise to criminal, civil, administrative or regulatory liability and/or fines;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003ePost, generate, or share Content that is or may be illegal or inappropriate, including material that may be defamatory, obscene, harassing, offensive, fraudulent, objectionable, false or misleading, or infringing;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eTransmit any virus, trojan horse, or other disruptive or harmful software or data;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eSend any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, such as spam;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eImpersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with Intuit;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eReproduce, modify, resell, license, or provide free or unauthorized access to the Platform or make the Platform available on any file-sharing, virtual desktop or application hosting service;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eAttempt to reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble in any way any of the Platform;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eEngage in unauthorized access, monitoring, interference with, or use of the Platform or third party accounts, information (including personal information), computers, systems or networks, including scraping or downloading content that doesn’t belong to you;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eUse the Platform for general archiving or back-up purposes; or\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eEncourage or enable any other individual to do any of the above or otherwise violate this Agreement. \u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e\u003cp\u003eWe take copyright seriously at Intuit. We respect the copyrights of others and expect you to do the same. If you repeatedly infringe the copyrights of others, we may terminate your account. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIntuit may terminate your use of the Platform based on our reasonable suspicion that your activities, business or products are objectionable or promote, support or engage in any of the prohibited uses described above.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIntuit may (but has no obligation to) monitor the use of the Platform or Content and may edit or remove any Content. We may disclose any information necessary to satisfy our legal obligations, protect Intuit or its customers, or operate the Platform properly.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eCommunity Forums; Feedback\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eYou may be able to communicate with others through our Platform but please be respectful. Suggestions you provide for improving our Platform may be used freely by us.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe Platform may include a community forum or other social features that enable you to exchange Content and information with other users of the Platform and the public. Intuit does not support and is not responsible for the Content in these community forums. Please be respectful when you interact with other users. Do not reveal information that you do not want to make public. Users may post hypertext links to content of third parties for which Intuit is not responsible.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou may provide Intuit your feedback, suggestions, or ideas for the Platform. You grant Intuit a perpetual, worldwide, fully transferable, sub-licensable, irrevocable, fully paid-up, royalty free license to use your feedback, suggestions, and ideas in any way, including in future modifications of the Platform, other products or services, advertising or marketing materials.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eChatbots\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eWe may use Chatbots to optimize your experience. These technologies are evolving and may have limitations.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWhen you use the Platform, you may use or interact with automated features like chatbots, digital assistants, conversational experiences powered by artificial intelligence, or similar technologies (“Chatbots”). Information generated by Chatbots may not be unique.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWhile Chatbots are designed to improve your experience, these technologies are evolving and may have limitations such as generating outputs that are inaccurate or inappropriate to your situation.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eTermination\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eYou may cancel your account and Intuit may suspend or terminate your use of the Platform.\u003c/em\u003e \u003cem\u003eFor mobile apps, removing the app may not cancel your subscription or delete your data.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis Agreement is effective until your subscription expires or you cancel your account or Intuit terminates this Agreement (or your account). Intuit may terminate this Agreement (and your account) or suspend the Platform at any time in our discretion.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003ePlease note that removing an Intuit mobile app from your device may not cancel your subscription or delete your data. If you want to cancel your subscription for a Service, please follow the applicable Service instructions. If you wish to delete your data from a Service, please log into One Intuit Account Manager and follow the instructions under the respective data and privacy settings or follow the instructions in our \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"Global Privacy Statement\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003eGlobal Privacy Statement\u003c/a\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eEffect of Termination\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eYou must stop using the Platform once your subscription expires or you cancel your account (or if this Agreement or your account is terminated).\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eUpon expiration of your subscription or cancellation of your account, or Intuit’s termination of your account or this Agreement, you must immediately stop using the Platform and pay all fees for Platform used. No expiration or termination will affect your obligation to pay all fees due or that may have accrued through the effective date of expiration or termination or entitle you to any refund.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eSurvival\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eThere are a few parts of this Agreement that will continue to apply after termination.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe following Sections will survive any termination, discontinuation or cancellation of the Platform or your account: “Your Personal Information,” “Payment and Cancellations” (with respect to fees due and unpaid), “Content and Data,” “Community Forums; Feedback,” “Effect of Termination,” “Disclaimers,” “Limitation of Liability,” “Indemnity Obligations,” “Disputes,” and “General Terms (Miscellaneous)”.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eIntuit Communications\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eWe may contact you from time to time to support your use of the Platform.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIn order to properly support and serve you, we occasionally need to reach out and contact you, and may do so in a variety of ways such as via text message, email or messaging functionality in the Platform. We want to provide you options for receiving communications from us, and as such you may opt-in or opt-out of receiving certain types of communications from us or sign up to receive certain kinds of messages from us, depending on the Platform. You will need to notify us of any changes to your contact details to ensure your preferences are updated.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou may provide us with your telephone number as part of your customer record or registration or via other methods. You understand and agree that Intuit may use your telephone number for multi-factor authentication (“MFA”), to confirm your identity and help protect the security of your account. Part of the MFA identity verification process may involve Intuit sending text messages containing security codes to your telephone number. You agree to receive these texts from Intuit containing security codes as part of the MFA process. In addition, you agree that Intuit may send automated text messages and pre-recorded voice messages to the telephone number you provide for other limited purposes, including: providing you with important critical notices regarding your use of the Services, or fulfilling a request made by you through the Services.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eThird Party Account Information\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eIntuit is not responsible for any account information obtained from third parties.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWhen you direct Intuit to retrieve your account information from third parties, you authorize and permit us to use and store that information and other information you submit through the Platform (such as usernames and passwords) for purposes of providing the Platform and Services to you. You grant Intuit a limited power of attorney to access those accounts and retrieve your account information, without additional notice to you. . Intuit will be acting as your agent and will not be acting on behalf of the third party.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIntuit does not review third party account information for accuracy and is not responsible for any issues or expenses resulting from such account information, including any inaccuracy, error, delay, or non-delivery. For clarity, Intuit is not responsible for any payment processing errors or fees arising from inaccurate account information provided by third parties.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eDisclaimers\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eWe don’t make any warranties about the Platform except as expressly stated in this Agreement.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eThe only warranties we make about the Platform are (1) stated in this Agreement, or (2) as provided under applicable laws. The Platform is otherwise provided “as-is,” and we do not make any other warranties about the Platform. Unless required by law, we do not provide implied warranties, such as the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. We do not warrant that the Platform is error-free, secure, or free from any viruses or other harmful components. We also do not provide any warranties with respect to data loss or to the accuracy, reliability, or availability of the Platform, nor of any content (including any Content) or information made available in the Platform. If the exclusions for implied warranties do not apply to you, any implied warranties are limited to sixty (60) days from the date of purchase or delivery of the Platform, whichever is sooner.\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eLimitation of Liability\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eOur liability is limited when it comes to issues you may encounter with our Platform. \u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eOther than the rights and responsibilities described in this Agreement and as allowed by applicable law, Intuit won’t be responsible for any losses.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe total aggregate liability of Intuit and our third party providers, licensors, distributors or suppliers (“Intuit Parties”) arising out of or relating to this Agreement is limited to the greater of: (1) the fees that you paid to use the relevant Service(s) in the 12 months before the breach or (2) $100.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe Intuit Parties won’t be responsible for the following:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003eLoss of data, profits, revenues, business opportunities, goodwill or anticipated savings;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eIndirect, incidental, or consequential loss;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003ePunitive damages; or\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eDamages relating to failures of telecommunications, the internet, electronic communications, corruption, security, viruses, or spyware.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe above limitations apply even if the Intuit Parties have been advised of the possibility of such damages. This Agreement sets forth your exclusive remedy with respect to the Platform and its use.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you’re legally exempt from certain responsibilities, including indemnification, then those responsibilities don’t apply to you under this Agreement. For example, the United Nations enjoys certain immunities from legal obligations and this Agreement doesn’t override those immunities.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eIndemnity Obligations\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eIf someone sues us because you used the Platform unlawfully or didn’t follow our rules, you will be responsible for any harm to us.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou will indemnify and hold harmless the Intuit Parties for any losses, damages, judgments, fines, costs and expenses (including legal fees) in connection with any claims arising out of or relating to your unlawful or unauthorized use of the Platform or violation of this Agreement. Intuit reserves the right, in its sole discretion and at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any claims. You agree to reasonably cooperate as requested by Intuit in the defense of any claims.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eDisputes\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eIn the event we are unable to resolve any dispute through an informal dialogue, a third-party arbitrator or small claims court will help us resolve any disputes we might have, and any disputes will be resolved on an individual basis rather than as a class action.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you are a U.S. customer:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eYou and Intuit agree that, except as provided below, any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating in any way to the Platform or this Agreement (a “Claim”) will be determined by binding arbitration or small claims court, instead of in courts of general jurisdiction.\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eEither you or Intuit can seek to have a Claim resolved in small claims court if all the requirements of the small claims court are satisfied. Either you or Intuit may seek to have a Claim resolved in small claims court in your county of residence or the small claims court in closest proximity to your residence, and you may also bring a claim in small claims court in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eArbitration is more informal than a lawsuit in court. Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge or jury, may allow for more limited discovery than in court, and is subject to very limited review by courts. Arbitrators can award the same damages and relief that a court can award. You agree that the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this arbitration provision, and that you and Intuit are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action. This arbitration provision shall survive termination of this Agreement and/or the termination of your account.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you elect to seek arbitration, you must first send to Intuit a written notice of your Claim (\u003cstrong\u003e\"\u003c/strong\u003eNotice of Claim\u003cstrong\u003e\"\u003c/strong\u003e). The Notice of Claim to Intuit should be sent in care of our registered agent Corporation Service Company, 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808. The Notice of Claim should include both the mailing address and email address you would like Intuit to use to contact you. If Intuit elects to seek arbitration, it will send, by certified mail, a written Notice of Claim to your address on file. A Notice of Claim, whether sent by you or by Intuit, must (a) describe the nature and basis of the Claim or dispute; and (b) set forth the specific amount of damages or other relief sought.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou and Intuit agree that good-faith informal efforts to resolve disputes often can result in a prompt, low-cost and mutually beneficial outcome. You and Intuit therefore agree that, after a Notice of Claim is sent but before either you or Intuit commence arbitration or file a Claim in small claims court against the other, we will personally meet, via telephone or videoconference, in a good-faith effort to confer with each other and try to resolve informally any Claim covered by this Agreement. If you are represented by counsel, your counsel may participate in the conference as well, but you agree to fully participate in the conference. Likewise, if Intuit is represented by counsel, its counsel may participate in the conference as well, but Intuit agrees to have a company representative fully participate in the conference. The statute of limitations and any filing fee deadlines shall be tolled while the parties engage in the informal dispute resolution process required by this paragraph.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf we do not reach an agreement to resolve the Claim within sixty (60) days after the Notice of Claim is received, you or Intuit may commence an arbitration proceeding by filing a Demand for Arbitration or, alternatively, by filing a Claim in small claims court. You agree that you may not commence any arbitration or file a Claim in small claims court unless you and Intuit are unable to resolve the Claim within sixty (60) days after we receive your completed Notice of Claim and you have made a good faith effort to resolve your claim directly with Intuit during that time. If a Claim qualifies for small claims court, but a party commences an arbitration proceeding, you and Intuit agree that either party may elect instead to have the Claim resolved in small claims court, and upon written notice of a party’s election, the American Arbitration Association (\u003cstrong\u003e“\u003c/strong\u003eAAA\u003cstrong\u003e”\u003c/strong\u003e) will administratively close the arbitration proceeding. Any dispute about whether a Claim qualifies for small claims court shall be resolved by that court, not by an arbitrator. In the event of any such dispute, the arbitration proceeding shall remain closed unless and until a decision by the small claims court that the Claim should proceed in arbitration. You may download or copy a form of notice and a form to initiate arbitration at \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\\u003c/a\u003e or by calling 1-800-778-7879. The arbitration will be conducted by the AAA before a single AAA arbitrator under the AAA’s rules, which are available at \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\\u003c/a\u003e or by calling 1-800-778-7879, except as modified by this Agreement. Unless Intuit and you agree otherwise, any arbitration hearings will take place in the county (or parish) of either your residence or of the mailing address you provided in your Notice of Claim.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe arbitrator will be either (1) a retired judge or (2) an attorney specifically licensed to practice law in the state of California or the state of your residence and will be selected by the parties from the AAA’s National Roster of Arbitrators. The arbitrator will be selected using the following procedure: (a) the AAA will send the parties a list of five candidates meeting this criteria; (b) if the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator from the list, each party shall return its list to the AAA within 10 days, striking up to two candidates, and ranking the remaining candidates in order of preference; (c) the AAA shall appoint as arbitrator the candidate with the highest aggregate ranking; and (d) if for any reason the appointment cannot be made according to this procedure, the AAA may exercise its discretion in appointing the arbitrator. The arbitrator is bound by this Agreement. Except as otherwise provided below, all issues are for the arbitrator to decide, including issues relating to the scope and enforceability of this arbitration provision.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe parties agree that an administrative conference with the AAA shall be conducted in each arbitration proceeding, and you and an Intuit company representative shall appear at the administrative conference via telephone. If you fail to appear at the administrative conference, regardless of whether your counsel attends, the AAA will administratively close the arbitration proceeding without prejudice, unless you show good cause as to why you were not able to attend the conference.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe arbitrator shall issue a reasoned written decision sufficient to explain the essential findings and conclusions on which the award is based. The award shall be binding only among the parties and shall have no preclusive effect in any other arbitration or other proceeding involving a different party. Intuit will not seek to recover its attorneys’ fees and costs in arbitration from you unless the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your Claim or the relief sought in your Demand for Arbitration was frivolous or was brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)). Judgment on any award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. This agreement to arbitrate shall not preclude any party to the arbitration from at any time seeking injunctions or other forms of equitable relief in aid of arbitration from a court of appropriate jurisdiction including whether a Demand for Arbitration is filed in violation of this Agreement.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eUnless you or Intuit seek to have a Claim resolved in small claims court, the arbitrator shall determine all issues of liability on the merits of any Claim asserted by you or Intuit and may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party's individual claim. To the extent that you or Intuit prevail on a Claim and seek public injunctive relief (that is, injunctive relief that has the primary purpose and effect of prohibiting unlawful acts that threaten future injury to the public), the entitlement to and extent of such relief must be litigated in a civil court of competent jurisdiction and not in arbitration. The parties agree that litigation of any issues of public injunctive relief shall be stayed pending the outcome of the merits of any individual Claims in arbitration. Before a court of competent jurisdiction issues any public injunctive relief, it shall review the factual findings of the arbitration award on which any injunction would issue with no deference to the arbitrator.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003ePayment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees will be governed by the AAA Rules. You are required to pay AAA’s initial filing fee, but Intuit will reimburse you for this filing fee at the conclusion of the arbitration to the extent it exceeds the fee for filing a complaint in a federal or state court in your county of residence or in Santa Clara County, California. If the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your Claim or the relief sought in your Demand for Arbitration was frivolous or was brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)), then the payment of all fees will be governed by the AAA Rules and Intuit will not reimburse your initial filing fee. The parties agree that the AAA has discretion to modify the amount or timing of any administrative or arbitration fees due under the AAA Rules where it deems appropriate, provided that such modification does not increase the AAA fees to you or Intuit, and you and Intuit waive any objection to such fee modification.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eYou and Intuit agree that each may bring Claims against the other only in your or its individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding\u003c/strong\u003e. Further, if you have elected arbitration, unless both you and Intuit agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate any other person's Claims with your Claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. If Intuit believes that any Claim you have filed in arbitration or in court is inconsistent with the limitations in this paragraph, then you agree that Intuit may seek an order from a court determining whether your Claim is within the scope of the Class Action Waiver. If this Class Action Waiver is found to be unenforceable, then the entirety of this Disputes Section shall be null and void.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eGeneral Terms (Miscellaneous)\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eThis Agreement, including any Section B terms, is the entire agreement between you and Intuit and replaces all prior understandings, communications and agreements, oral or written, regarding its subject matter. \u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eGoverning Law \u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eThe laws of California govern this Agreement and any disputes that may arise.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eCalifornia law and the Federal Arbitration Act will govern all disputes arising out of or relating to the Platform, this Agreement and any Additional Terms, regardless of conflict of laws rules.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this Agreement. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eCompliance with Global Trade Laws and Restrictions \u003cem\u003e \u003c/em\u003e\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eYou are allowed to use the Platform under the laws of the U.S. and other applicable territories. The Platform shall not be exported to jurisdictions that are subject to embargoes or comprehensive sanctions.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou agree that you and anyone who uses the Platform, including the related website, online services and mobile apps, are not prohibited from using the Platform under the laws and regulations of the United States or other applicable jurisdiction. For example, you will not use, export, re-export, import, sell, release, or transfer the Platform, the Software or the Service directly or indirectly, except as authorized by United States law, the laws of the jurisdiction where the Platform and Software are made available, and any other applicable laws and regulations. In particular, but without limitation, the Platform, Software, Services, source code, and technology may not be exported, or re-exported, transferred, or released (a) into any U.S. embargoed and comprehensively sanctioned jurisdiction (Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria and the Crimea, Donetsk (“DNR”), Luhansk (“LNR”), Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions of the Ukraine) and Russia; or (b) to anyone included in the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or on any other applicable restricted party lists. You also agree that you will not use the Platform, Software and Services for any purposes prohibited by United States law. In addition, you certify that neither you nor any principals, officers, directors, or any person or entity (including any beneficiaries, owners, affiliated and/or associated parties) you know to be directly involved with the use of the Platform, Software and the Services are not: (a) on any sanctions lists in the countries where the Platform, Software and Services are available, (b) doing business in any of the U.S. embargoed countries, and (c) a military end user as defined in 15 C.F.R § 744.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eGovernment End Users of Software\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eEven if you are a government end user, your rights to Software are limited to what is described in this Agreement.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe Software is a \"commercial item\" as that term is defined in FAR 2.101, consisting of \"commercial computer software,\" as such term is used in FAR 12.212 and DFARS 227.7202. If the Software is being acquired by or on behalf of the U.S. Government, then, as provided in FAR 12.212 and DFARS 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the U.S. Government’s rights in the Software will be only those specified in this Agreement.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eWaiver\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eIf we waive some of our rights under this Agreement, it doesn’t mean we waive our rights in other circumstances.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIntuit’s failure to act or enforce any of its rights does not constitute a waiver of any of our rights. Any waiver by Intuit of any of the provisions in the Agreement must be made in writing and signed by a duly authorized officer of Intuit.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eAssignment \u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eYou can’t transfer this Agreement or your right to use the Platform to someone else without our permission. \u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIntuit may assign or transfer this Agreement to any party at any time without notice to you. You may not assign your rights under this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without our consent. Any attempts to do so without our consent will be void.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eSeverability\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eIf a court voids a term of this Agreement, the other terms will not be affected.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf any provision of this Agreement is unlawful, void, or unenforceable for any reason, then that provision will be severed and the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eContact Information\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you have any questions about the Platform or this Agreement, please contact \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"Intuit support\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003eIntuit 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powered by TurboTax (including QuickBooks Live Expert Assisted Tax and QuickBooks Live Expert Full Service Tax), (iv) the “Powered by TurboTax” tax preparation services available through Credit Karma, and (v) the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services (as defined below), as made available by Intuit online through its websites and mobile apps (collectively referred to herein as “\u003cstrong\u003eTurboTax\u003c/strong\u003e”). The definition of “Services” does not include the TurboTax desktop software, or tax preparation, filing, or other services provided by an independent tax professional through Intuit TurboTax Verified Pro, which products and services are provided under a separate agreement. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eCertain Services under these Additional Terms and Conditions are offered by Intuit Consumer Group LLC, a subsidiary of Intuit Inc. For purposes of these Additional Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise specified, “Intuit,” “we,” or “us” shall be deemed to include Intuit Consumer Group LLC, in addition to Intuit Inc. or any other applicable Intuit Group Company.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYour use of the Services provided by Intuit depends on which version of the Services you purchase the right to use (or in the case of free versions of the Services, which version you sign up to use) and is subject to the General Terms of Service above and these Additional Terms and Conditions, both of which govern your use of the Services. These Additional Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any conflict or inconsistency with the General Terms of Service above.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e1. LICENSE GRANT AND RESTRICTIONS\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e1.1 \u003cu\u003ePersonal License\u003c/u\u003e. Intuit hereby grants you a limited personal license to use the version of the Services for which you have paid Intuit the applicable fee(s) (or, in the case of free versions of the Services, for which you have signed up), after proper registration and acceptance of this Agreement, solely to prepare or have prepared your valid Tax Year 2024 federal and state tax return(s), to file the same electronically after any payment of applicable additional fees, and/or to print such federal and state tax return(s); and, in the case of the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services, to use such services in accordance with Section 2.6 below. “\u003cstrong\u003eTax Year 2024\u003c/strong\u003e” means the 2024 calendar year for personal taxes, or the fiscal year ending during the 2024 calendar year for business taxes, the period for which taxable income is computed for your 2024 federal and state tax return(s). \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e1.2 \u003cu\u003eNumber of Accounts and Returns; Joint Filers\u003c/u\u003e. You may use certain versions of the Services to self-prepare and electronically file your own federal tax return and/or state tax return(s). After proper registration and, where required, payment is made, you may file your return electronically or by printing and mailing it to the Internal Revenue Service (\"\u003cstrong\u003eIRS\u003c/strong\u003e\") and/or appropriate state agency. If you need to file multiple federal returns, you may create additional accounts using the same email. Only one federal return may be filed per account, and no more than five (5) accounts and five (5) corresponding federal returns (e.g., for a family of five or for five individual and/or business returns) may be created, purchased and filed using any one email address. You agree that for returns with “married filing jointly” filing status, both spouses are deemed to be customers of Intuit and subject to the terms of this Agreement. Both individuals acknowledge that there is no expectation of privacy between the spouses concerning the Services, in connection with this Agreement. We shall be at liberty to share with either of you, without prior consent of the other, partial or completed tax returns, tax documents and other information concerning the preparation of your tax return(s).\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e1.3 \u003cu\u003eNo Professional Use\u003c/u\u003e. You may not use the Services to prepare tax returns, schedules or worksheets on a professional or commercial basis (i.e., for a preparer's fee or other fee or consideration).\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e2. ADDITIONAL SERVICES\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e2.1 \u003cu\u003eState Services\u003c/u\u003e. The term “Services” includes any state version of TurboTax, which state version(s) may be subject to additional fees as described on the TurboTax website.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e2.2 \u003cu\u003eElectronic Filing Services\u003c/u\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(a) If you choose to file your return electronically, the tax return will be forwarded to Intuit's Electronic Filing Center, where it will be converted to and stored in a standardized format and then transmitted to the applicable federal and/or state tax authority. You are responsible for verifying the status of your return to confirm that it has been received and accepted by the applicable taxing authority and, if necessary, for filing it manually (by mail) in the event that the taxing authority rejects your electronically filed return. You agree to review your tax return for indications of obvious errors before electronically filing or mailing it. To the extent required by applicable law and regulation, Intuit stores and maintains information that you provide to Intuit. Intuit is not required or obligated to provide you with a copy of or access to your tax return any time after December 31 of the applicable tax filing season (unless otherwise included with the version of TurboTax you selected or if required to be provided by law in response to a valid data rights request). In the event your tax return is not accessible from Intuit and you have not downloaded or otherwise retained a copy, you must contact the IRS.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(b) The IRS typically begins accepting electronically filed returns in or around mid-January of the applicable tax filing season. If you complete a federal tax return prior to when TurboTax begins accepting and processing electronically filed returns and you want to file it electronically, you will need to log in to your TurboTax Service on or after the date Intuit first begins processing electronic filings to complete the electronic filing process. You can file a Tax Year 2024 federal tax return through the Services through October 15, 2025 or as otherwise permitted by the IRS and supported by Intuit. The IRS requires Intuit to notify it, in connection with the electronic filing of your tax return, of certain information about the computer and account from which the return originated (for example, Internet Protocol (“IP”) address) and whether the email address of the person electronically filing the return has been collected. By using this Service to prepare and submit your tax return, you consent to the disclosure to the IRS and any other taxing or revenue authority of all information relating to your access and use of Intuit’s electronic filing services.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(c) \u003cem\u003eAmended Returns – Individual Returns Only\u003c/em\u003e. You can file an amended individual tax return for Tax Year 2024 through the Services through October 31, 2027 if you are using a paid version of the Services, or through October 31, 2025 if you’re using a free version of the Services, unless otherwise permitted by the IRS and supported by Intuit. Users who have used the the Services for preparing the two immediate prior tax years’ individual tax returns and who need to file an amended individual tax return for either of the two immediate prior tax years may need to complete such amended returns in the downloadable version of TurboTax desktop software and not in the online version of TurboTax. Such users, at Intuit’s discretion, may be provided a link to a downloadable version of TurboTax desktop software, and their tax information may be able to be transferred to TurboTax desktop software via their tax data file at no additional cost. If applicable to you, you agree to this process for amended individual prior year tax returns and, if you choose to utilize it, you agree you will accept the then-current terms of the downloadable TurboTax desktop End User License Agreement. Filing of amended returns via the Services and/or TurboTax desktop software is not included with business versions of the Service.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(d) If you are filing one or more state tax returns, then by using the Services to prepare and transmit return(s) electronically, you consent to the disclosure of all information pertaining to your access and use of the Services to the state tax authority in which you are filing the returns, as applicable by law, and to the transmission of your tax return(s) to the applicable state tax authority.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(e) In the event that you choose to file a federal and/or state tax return on behalf of a business entity, you agree that you are an authorized representative of the business entity-taxpayer and are legally authorized to file on behalf of the entity. You will only provide Intuit with information and data regarding your business, and not the information and data of a third party. If you share another business’s information or data, in an attempt to file a return for a business you aren’t a part of, Intuit has the right to cancel your Services and delete any third-party information and data shared. Intuit is not responsible for any conflicts arising from elections or reporting positions across business and individual returns.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e2.3 \u003cu\u003eImport Services\u003c/u\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(a) The Services may include a feature that allows you to import, where applicable, certain information from third parties or other Intuit products and services, including but not limited to: participating financial institutions, payroll processors, self-employment and independent worker-matching platforms, personal financial software, business financial software such as QuickBooks, and charitable deduction information from sources such as Intuit’s ItsDeductible service. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of all information that is imported.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(b) The Services also may include functionality designed to read, extract or otherwise process certain data from images or documents photographed or scanned with a mobile device or computer (for example, W-2s, other tax forms or credit cards used for payment). This functionality is limited to those forms or items that the Services can read, extract or process, and accuracy is not guaranteed. You are responsible for verifying the accuracy and comprehensiveness of all information that is read, extracted or processed from photographed or scanned documents. If the form or other item you submit through the Services is not supported or is otherwise unreadable, you agree to manually enter your data.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(c) You may be offered the ability to import data from other sources in addition to those above. You may provide us with your authorization and information to allow us to obtain your data from third parties on your behalf to use the Services or any third-party service that you select. You represent that you have the necessary rights to grant us permission to access your accounts with third parties. Third parties are not affiliated with or endorsed or sponsored by us.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(d) In some cases, we may give you an option to use automatic import (or “auto-import”) Services. If you choose to use these Services, we will automatically import the specified documents and/or information when they are available for import (which may be at a future date), for your use in connection with TurboTax unless you opt out of the auto-import Services through your account preference settings.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e2.4 \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Live Assisted and QuickBooks Live Expert Assisted Tax\u003c/u\u003e. With theTurboTax Live Assisted version of the Services, including QuickBooks Live Expert Assisted Tax, powered by TurboTax (together, the “Live Assisted Services”), an Intuit tax expert and/or outsourced tax preparer (together, “Expert(s)”) will assist with your preparation of your federal and/or state tax return(s) by answering certain questions, providing live guidance, and/or reviewing your tax return before you file. The Intuit TurboTax Verified Pro tax preparation and filing services are not part of these Services and are governed by a separate agreement. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you choose to use Live Assisted Services, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(a) \u003cu\u003eService Description\u003c/u\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eThe tax assistance provided to you by the Expert will be based on information you provide. You understand and agree that if you provide incorrect or incomplete information, the assistance provided to you may not be accurate. Some tax topics or situations may not be included as part of the Service, which shall be determined in Intuit’s sole discretion. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eIf the assistance with your tax return requires significant oversight and actual preparation, an Expert may be obligated under IRS rules to sign your return as the preparer and will then have primary responsibility for the preparation of your return. In such cases, you may be required to use the TurboTax Live Full Service or QuickBooks Live Expert Full Service Tax, powered by TurboTax, version of the Services, and Section 2.5 will apply to your use of those Services. You understand and agree that once you delegate preparation of your tax return to the Expert, you will no longer be able to prepare your tax return yourself using the Services. \u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e(b) \u003cu\u003eService Exclusions\u003c/u\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003e\u003cu\u003eNo Tax Planning\u003c/u\u003e. Unless otherwise specified explicitly, the Services do not include tax planning services. Your Expert may provide suggestions or guidance or recommend tax savings strategies, however it is up to you to decide whether to follow such suggestions, and it is your sole decision and responsibility whether to act on any recommended actions. Where applicable, we may recommend estimated quarterly tax payment amounts based on your current year tax return and information you provide about future income. You are responsible for deciding whether and how to make such payments and for adjusting such payments if your financial situation changes.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003e\u003cu\u003eNo Legal Advice\u003c/u\u003e. The Services do not provide or include any legal or investment advice, tax, estate or investment planning, or other areas of advice other than the federal and state income tax preparation and filing advice included with the Services.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003e\u003cu\u003eNot All Tax Situations Included\u003c/u\u003e. Intuit, in its sole discretion and at any time, may determine that certain tax topics, forms, business types and/or situations are not included as part of the Services, including but not limited to those listed below, and may decline to provide such Services. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003e\u003cu\u003eUnsupported Tax Situations\u003c/u\u003e. The following tax topics or situations are not supported for assistance with or review of individual and/or business returns with Live Assisted Services: \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eFederal nonresident questions and forms, or US residency determination\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eReturns involving illegal income, including income that is legal at the state level, but not legal federally\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eCommunity property allocation \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eReturns that require more than 5 state filings\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eIssues unrelated to the preparation of an individual or business tax return, as applicable, or unrelated to income taxes (e.g. sales/use tax, inheritance and gift tax, real/personal property tax, payroll tax)\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eAny IRS forms or other situations that TurboTax does not support\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003e\u003cu\u003eUnsupported Business Entities\u003c/u\u003e. The following entity types and business tax situations are not supported for preparation and filing of business returns with Live Assisted Services: C-corps (Form 1120) and entities electing to be treated as a C-corp, trusts and estates (Form 1041), and tax exempt entities/non-profits.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e(c) \u003cu\u003eYour Expert\u003c/u\u003e. Your engagement with your assigned Expert will conclude with either: (a) your Expert notifying you that your tax returns are ready to file within TurboTax; (b) your Expert notifying you that additional information is needed but you fail to respond in a timely way to such requests; (c) your e-filed tax returns being sent and accepted by the taxing authority; or (d) delivery of electronic copies of completed tax returns to you for paper filing (if you are paper filing by mail). Intuit may from time to time, in its sole discretion, need to assign another Expert to assist with your return(s) due to expertise, volume, availability or other circumstances. More than one Expert or other Intuit employee, assistant or contractor may work with your Expert to assist with collecting and reviewing your documents and other information, entering data, scheduling any contact with you and/or reviewing your tax return for accuracy. Intuit and/or its Expert(s) may terminate your engagement, access to, and use of the Services if you do not respond to Experts’ or other Intuit representatives’ requests within a reasonable amount of time.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(d) \u003cu\u003eInformation You Provide\u003c/u\u003e. We will assist in the preparation of your tax returns solely based on the information you have provided. You will provide this information by uploading relevant documents in an acceptable electronic format and in written responses to your Expert’s questions and/or requests through our secure portal and/or verbally via live preparation sessions with the Expert. It is your responsibility to promptly provide all information that we require for the preparation of complete and accurate tax returns. You represent that all information you provide is true and accurate and that you have the right to share the information with Intuit. You understand that you are solely responsible for the completeness and overall accuracy of the data in your final tax return. We have the right, in our sole discretion, to cancel your Live Assisted Services if you fail to provide requested information or do not respond to the Expert’s requests in a timely manner. If you provide any of your information within less than 10 days of the tax filing deadline, we may ask you to file an extension. If you decline to file an extension we have the right to decline to provide Live Assisted Services to you. Live Assisted Services cannot be relied upon to discover errors, fraud or other irregularities in prior year tax returns or other documents, should any exist. We will not independently audit or otherwise verify the information you submit, although we may ask you for clarification of some of the information.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(e) \u003cu\u003eConsent to Record\u003c/u\u003e. You consent to your sessions with the Expert being monitored and/or recorded (including screen visual) for quality control, internal training and agent assessment purposes. If you choose to use two-way video Services while chatting with an Expert, you understand that you and your background will be visible to us and may be recorded. Use of such Services requires an Intuit account. You are responsible for ensuring that any other individuals who appear with you on video have provided prior consent. You may not record such video calls without written consent of the Expert. Your Expert may choose to end the call at any time if they believe your conduct violates these terms.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(f) \u003cu\u003eRecord Keeping\u003c/u\u003e. You are responsible for maintaining adequate documentation to substantiate the accuracy and completeness of your tax returns. While Intuit will store certain tax records in accordance with IRS and/or state rules, you acknowledge and agree that you must comply with federal and state recordkeeping requirements, including those of the IRS. Intuit has no obligation to store your tax documents other than to the extent required by applicable law and regulation. You agree to hold Intuit harmless from any liability resulting from or due to audit and/or inadequate documentation, including but not limited to additional tax, penalties, interest and professional fees, requirement to file an amended return, or the disallowance of tax deductions or credits.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(g) \u003cu\u003eApproval of Final Tax Returns\u003c/u\u003e. You are responsible for the overall accuracy of the data in your final tax return(s). We will not file any tax returns on your behalf until we receive your payment for the Services and your consent to e-file/submit your tax return(s). We will notify you when your tax return(s) is/are ready to file, and Intuit may charge you for the Services at that time, regardless of whether you decide to proceed with filing. After payment, you will need to download and carefully review an electronic copy of your completed tax return(s) for accuracy and completeness. If you identify any errors in your tax return during your review (and before you approve), you agree to promptly correct them. To approve your tax return, you may be required to electronically sign applicable IRS, state and local authorization forms required to allow Intuit to electronically file your tax return(s) or to be the preparer of your printed and mailed returns. These forms may use a third party e-signature provider which you agree to use. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(h) \u003cu\u003eElectronic Filing\u003c/u\u003e. Electronic filing may not be available for certain tax returns or in some states. Intuit’s responsibility with respect to e-filing your tax return(s) is limited to using commercially reasonable efforts to facilitate the transmission of your tax return(s) to the applicable taxing authority who accepts them. If we cannot electronically transmit your tax return, you agree to manually print and sign the tax return and mail the tax return directly to the respective taxing authority in a timely manner. You will be responsible for postage and mailing of such tax return(s). When paper tax returns are used, the Live Assisted Services shall be considered completed when you are notified that your return(s) are ready to file and access to the final electronic copies of your return(s) (along with any filing-by-mail instructions) are provided to you.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(i) \u003cu\u003eSpecific Tax Situations\u003c/u\u003e. We will use reasonable judgment to resolve questions where a tax law may be unclear, to the extent permitted by professional conduct and applicable law and provided there is substantial authority for doing so.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(j) \u003cu\u003eForeign Account Reporting\u003c/u\u003e. The U.S. imposes reporting requirements with respect to persons having certain direct and indirect interests in a foreign bank account or other foreign financial assets. Failure to comply with these reporting requirements may result in substantial civil and criminal penalties. You are responsible for informing us of all foreign assets, and we may determine that you are not eligible for Live Assisted based on your situation with such foreign assets.You are also responsible for filing any required foreign tax returns or required foreign account reporting, including FBAR Form 114. You, and not Intuit, assume all liability for any penalties associated with the failure to file, or untimely filing, of any of these forms. Intuit may provide you with the option to file your FBAR (FinCEN Form 114) as set forth in Section 2.6, Non-Tax Preparation Services, below.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(k) \u003cu\u003eChange or Termination of Services\u003c/u\u003e. Intuit reserves the right to refuse to assist with a tax return for any reason in its sole discretion. Additionally, the provision of Live Assisted Services or the ability of Experts to meet your tax filing deadlines is subject to Expert availability during applicable business hours, reasonable turnaround times, your prompt submission of documents, and your prompt response to inquiries or requests for materials required for your tax return(s). Live Assisted Services for tax preparation and filing of Tax Year 2024 returns are available through October 15, 2025 or as otherwise permitted by the IRS and supported by Intuit. Live Assisted Services also permit you to speak with an Expert regarding supported tax-related Tax Year 2024 questions through December 31, 2025.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e2.5 \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Live Full Service and QuickBooks Live Expert Full-Service Tax\u003c/u\u003e. With the TurboTax Live Full Service version of the Services, including QuickBooks Live Expert Full-Service Tax services powered by TurboTax (together, “Full Service”), an Expert will prepare and electronically file your federal and/or state tax return(s) for you. The Intuit TurboTax Verified Pro tax preparation and filing services are not part of these Services and are governed by a separate agreement.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you choose to use Full Service, the following additional terms and conditions will apply:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(a) \u003cu\u003eService Description\u003c/u\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eFull Service is available for preparation and filing of federal and/or state individual and business income tax return(s) for Tax Year 2024 through October 15, 2025 or as otherwise permitted by the IRS and supported by Intuit. For individual returns only (not business), paper filing by mail for any required amended returns is available through November 15, 2025. Full Service does not include preparation of other types of tax returns that may be due to any taxing authority such as property, estate, business (except as provided in Section 2.5(a)(iii)), local or sales tax returns. You are solely responsible for determining any other tax filing obligations you may have with the respective taxing authorities and preparing, filing and paying those returns and taxes.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eFull Service also permits you to speak with an Expert regarding supported federal and state income tax-related Tax Year 2024 questions you may have through December 31, 2025.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eFull Service offers federal and state tax preparation and filing services for certain types of business tax returns for businesses that operate with a calendar year-end of December 31. \u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e(b) \u003cu\u003eService Exclusions\u003c/u\u003e:\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003e\u003cu\u003eNo Tax Planning\u003c/u\u003e. Full Service does not include tax planning services. Your Expert may provide suggestions or guidance or recommend tax savings strategies, however it is up to you to decide whether to follow such suggestions, and it is your sole decision and responsibility whether to act on any recommended actions. Where applicable, we may recommend estimated quarterly tax payment amounts based on your current year tax return and information you provide about future income. You are responsible for deciding whether and how to make such payments and for adjusting such payments if your financial situation changes.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003e\u003cu\u003eNo Legal Advice\u003c/u\u003e. Full Service does not include any legal or investment advice, tax, estate or investment planning advice, or other areas of advice other than the federal and state income tax preparation and filing advice included with the Services.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003e\u003cu\u003eNot All Tax Situations Included\u003c/u\u003e. Intuit, in its sole discretion and at any time, may determine that certain tax topics, forms, business types and/or situations are not included as part of Full Service, including but not limited to those listed below, and may decline to provide such Services.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003eUnsupported Tax Situations. The following tax situations are not supported for preparation and filing of individual and/or business returns with Full Service: \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eIndividuals or business owners under 18 years old \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eIndividuals who filed a non-resident return last year\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eIndividuals who are dual-status or part-year U.S. residents, unless they elect to be treated as a U.S. resident\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eIndividuals filing as “married filing separately”, in a community property state where the exception to allocation hasn’t been met\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eIndividual taxpayers or businesses with Puerto Rico-sourced income or other obligation to file a return from Puerto Rico\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eFiling taxes on someone else’s behalf, including with a Power of Attorney\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eFinal year business tax returns (if you are a new customer)\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eReturns involving complex foreign transactions\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eReturns involving illegal income, including income that is legal at the state level, but not legal federally\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eReturns that require more than 5 state filings\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eIssues unrelated to the preparation of an individual or business tax return, as applicable, or unrelated to income taxes (e.g. sales/use tax, inheritance and gift tax, real/personal property tax, payroll tax)\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-4\"\u003eAny IRS forms or other situations that TurboTax does not support\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003e\u003cu\u003eUnsupported Business Entities\u003c/u\u003e. The following entity types are not supported for preparation and filing of business returns with Full Service: C-corps (Form 1120) and entities electing to be treated as a C-corp, trusts and estates (Form 1041), and tax exempt entities/non-profits. In addition, QuickBooks Live Expert Full Service Tax does not support single-member LLCs or Schedule C sole proprietorships. \u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e(c) \u003cu\u003eYour Expert\u003c/u\u003e. Intuit may provide features that enable you to match with an Expert of your own choosing based on your selected preferences or needs. While Intuit makes efforts to facilitate a successful match, Intuit cannot guarantee that we can match you with an Expert that meets all your preferences or needs, that you will be able to connect with the Expert of your choice, or that an appointment with an Expert will be available at your preferred time, and Intuit reserves the right to assign a specific Expert to your tax return. Final matching is subject to Expert availability during applicable business hours. Your engagement with your assigned Expert will conclude with either: (a) your Expert notifying you that your tax returns are ready to file within the Services; (b) your Expert notifying you that additional information is needed but you then fail to respond in a timely way to such requests; (c) your e-filed tax returns being sent and accepted by the taxing authority; or (d) delivery of electronic copies of completed tax returns to you for paper filing (if you are paper filing by mail). Intuit may from time to time, in its sole discretion, need to assign another Expert to complete your tax return due to expertise, volume, availability or other circumstances. More than one Expert or other Intuit employee, assistant or contractor may work with your Expert to assist with collecting and reviewing your documents and other information, entering data, scheduling any contact with you and/or reviewing your tax return for accuracy. Intuit and/or its Expert may terminate your engagement, access to, and use of the Services if you do not respond to Experts’ or other Intuit representatives’ requests within a reasonable amount of time.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(d) \u003cu\u003eBusiness Tax - Clean Books\u003c/u\u003e. For Full Service business tax customers only, you agree you are responsible for providing all relevant business bookkeeping records that are fully reconciled and in a state that allows your Expert to prepare your business return. The Expert has the right to determine if these records are appropriately reconciled at their discretion and has the right to refuse to start preparation of the return until any necessary bookkeeping is complete. For QuickBooks Live Expert Full-Service Tax customers, Intuit may, at its sole discretion, provide you a referral to a fee-based bookkeeping or books clean-up option via Intuit QuickBooks Live services, but it is not required that you choose an Intuit product to get your bookkeeping records ready for tax preparation usage. QuickBooks Live services are sold separately and subject to the \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"QuickBooks Online Terms of Service\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003eQuickBooks Online Terms of Service\u003c/a\u003e. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(e) \u003cu\u003eInformation You Provide\u003c/u\u003e. We will prepare your tax returns solely based on the information you have provided. You will provide this information by uploading relevant documents in an acceptable electronic format and in written responses to your Expert’s questions and/or requests through our secure portal and/or verbally via live preparation sessions with the Expert. It is your responsibility to promptly provide all information that we require for the preparation of complete and accurate tax returns. You represent that all information you provide is true and accurate and that you have the right to share the information with Intuit. You understand that you are solely responsible for the completeness and overall accuracy of the data in your final tax return. We have the right, in our sole discretion, to cancel your Full Service version of the Services if you fail to provide requested information or do not respond to the Expert’s requests in a timely manner. If you provide any of your information within less than 10 days of the tax filing deadline, we may ask you to file an extension. If you decline to file an extension, we have the right to decline to provide Full Service to you. Through Full Service, the preparation of tax returns cannot be relied upon to discover errors, fraud or other irregularities in prior year tax returns or other documents, should any exist. We will not independently audit or otherwise verify the information you submit, although we may ask you for clarification of some of the information.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(f) \u003cu\u003eConsent to Record\u003c/u\u003e. You consent to your sessions with the Expert being monitored and/or recorded (including screen visual) for quality control, internal training and agent assessment purposes. If you choose to use two-way video Services while chatting with an Expert, you understand that you and your background will be visible to us and may be recorded. Use of such Services requires an Intuit account. You are responsible for ensuring that any other individuals who appear with you on video have provided prior consent. You may not record such video calls without written consent of the Expert. Your Expert may choose to end the call at any time if they believe your conduct violates these terms.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(g) \u003cu\u003eRecord Keeping\u003c/u\u003e. You are responsible for maintaining adequate documentation to substantiate the accuracy and completeness of your tax returns. While Intuit will store certain tax records in accordance with IRS and/or state rules, you acknowledge and agree that you must comply with federal and state recordkeeping requirements, including those of the IRS. Intuit has no obligation to store your tax documents other than to the extent required by applicable law and regulation. You agree to hold Intuit harmless from any liability resulting from or due to audit and/or inadequate documentation, including but not limited to additional tax, penalties, interest and professional fees, requirement to file an amended return, or the disallowance of tax deductions or credits.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(h) \u003cu\u003eApproval of Final Tax Returns\u003c/u\u003e. You are responsible for the overall accuracy of the data in your final tax return(s). We will not file any tax returns on your behalf until we receive your payment for the Services and your consent to e-file/submit your tax return(s). Your Expert will notify you when your tax return is ready to file, and Intuit may charge you for the Services at that time, regardless of whether you decide to proceed with filing. After payment, you will need to download and carefully review an electronic copy of your completed tax return(s) for accuracy and completeness. If you identify any errors in your tax return during your review (and before you approve), you agree to promptly notify your Expert and work with the Expert to correct the errors. To approve your return, you will electronically sign a completed Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization and any additional applicable state and local authorization forms required to allow Intuit to electronically file your tax return(s). These forms may use a third party e-signature provider which you agree to use. You agree that with your electronic signature on these forms you represent that you and any joint filer have received a copy of, reviewed and approved the final tax return(s) as complete and accurate. You and any joint filer or spouse also agree that, in the case of a jointly-filed return, you and such joint filer or spouse must both sign Form 8879 to complete the approval process. To approve your business tax return, you will electronically sign a completed Form 8453-S or 8453-PE, IRS e-file Signature Authorization, and any additional applicable state and local authorization forms required to allow Intuit to file your tax return(s). These forms may use a third party e-signature provider which you agree to use. You agree that with your electronic signature on these forms, you represent that you are the designated partnership representative or corporate officer with authority to file such return(s), and that you have received a copy of, reviewed, and approved the final tax return(s) as complete and accurate. You, as the designated partnership representative or corporate officer, must sign Form 8453-PE or 8453-S to complete the approval process and you agree to do so.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(i) \u003cu\u003eElectronic Filing\u003c/u\u003e. Electronic filing may not be available for certain tax returns or in some states. Intuit’s responsibility with respect to e-filing your tax return(s) is limited to using commercially reasonable efforts to facilitate the transmission of your tax return(s) to the applicable taxing authority who accepts them. If we cannot electronically transmit your tax return, you agree to manually print and sign the tax return and mail the tax return directly to the respective taxing authority in a timely manner. You will be responsible for postage and mailing of such tax return(s). When paper tax returns are used, the Services shall be considered completed when your Expert notifies you that your return is ready to file and access to the final electronic copies of your return (along with any filing-by-mail instructions) are provided to you.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(j) \u003cu\u003eSpecific Tax Situations\u003c/u\u003e. We will use reasonable judgment to resolve questions where a tax law may be unclear, to the extent permitted by professional conduct and applicable law and provided there is substantial authority for doing so. You may request a specific position, provided it is consistent with our understanding of the IRC, tax regulations, revenue rulings, revenue procedures, private letter rulings and any related court cases or laws. For Full Service, where the Expert is the preparer, if we disagree with the position you request, we may decline to prepare and sign your return and you may cease use of the Services and complete your return(s) yourself using a method or service other than Full Service.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(k) \u003cu\u003eForeign Account Reporting\u003c/u\u003e. The U.S. imposes reporting requirements with respect to persons having certain direct and indirect interests in a foreign bank account or other foreign financial assets. Failure to comply with these reporting requirements may result in substantial civil and criminal penalties. You are responsible for informing us of all foreign assets and we may determine that you are not eligible for Full Service based on your situation with such foreign assets. If we prepare your individual income tax return, you will be responsible for filing any required foreign tax returns or required foreign account reporting, including FBAR (FinCEN Form 114). You, and not Intuit, assume all liability for any penalties associated with the failure to file, inaccurate filing, or untimely filing, of any of these forms. Intuit may provide you with the option to file your FBAR (FinCEN Form 114) as set forth in Section 2.6, Non-Tax Preparation Services, below. You understand and agree that your use of such Services will be governed by Section 2.6 below and will not be considered a tax preparation service.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(l) \u003cu\u003eChange or Termination of Services\u003c/u\u003e. Intuit reserves the right to refuse to prepare a tax return for any reason in its sole discretion. Additionally, the provision of Full Service or the ability of Experts to meet your tax filing deadlines is subject to availability during applicable business hours, reasonable turnaround times, your prompt submission of documents, and your prompt response to inquiries or requests for materials required for your tax return(s). Intuit reserves the right to revoke a delegated tax return for any reason in its sole discretion. Unless otherwise specified, Full Service for tax preparation and filing of Tax Year 2024 returns is available through October 15, 2025, and paper filing of any required amended returns by mail, where the Expert is the preparer, are available through November 15, 2025, or as otherwise permitted by the IRS and supported by Intuit. Full Service also permits you to speak with an Expert regarding supported tax-related Tax Year 2024 questions through December 31, 2025.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e2.6 \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services\u003c/u\u003e. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(a) With the “\u003cstrong\u003eTurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services\u003c/strong\u003e” (which may include but are not limited to TurboTax Expense Monitor, TurboTax Investor Center and other trackers, FBAR Services (as defined below), Tax Home, year-round tax tips and insights, refund estimators, and Specialized Expert consultations), Intuit provides certain Services that may be helpful for, but do not involve, preparation of a tax return, including education, insights, trackers, and organizers to help with year-round tax help and organization. These Services may be made available on or through the TurboTax website, mobile application or other Intuit or third-party sites, and their availability to you may depend on whether you use certain other Intuit or TurboTax products. These features and their availability and pricing are subject to change without notice. You understand and agree that the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services are intended for general information, organizational and/or non-tax-related purposes. These Services are not, and should not be construed as, legal, investment, credit repair, debt management, tax/retirement planning, or financial advice and they are not intended to serve as tax preparation services. When you are ready to prepare a state or federal tax return, you can use other services, including other TurboTax Services, to prepare and file your return. If you choose to use TurboTax tax preparation Services, certain of the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services may offer you the ability to import and/or upload certain information to the tax preparation Services for use in preparing your return, including information from your Intuit account and/or from third parties. If you choose to do so, you are responsible for verifying the accuracy and completeness of any such information. As a user of the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services, you are granted a limited license to use the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services solely for your own personal use and only for the period they are offered to you by Intuit. You understand and agree that Intuit may discontinue these TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services at any time without notice, that the TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services are provided on a strictly “as-is” basis, with no warranties or guarantees. You further understand and agree that if Intuit discontinues any TurboTax Non-Tax Preparation Services, any data or information you entered, created or imported into the same may not be available to you after such discontinuation.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(b) \u003cu\u003eFBAR (Form FinCEN 114) Filing Service\u003c/u\u003e: You understand that Intuit may provide you with a self-service FBAR filing solution (“\u003cstrong\u003eFBAR Service\u003c/strong\u003e”) that enables you to prepare and file the FBAR (Form FinCEN 114) with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). You agree that you are solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data you enter into the FBAR Service, that Intuit is not responsible for verifying the accuracy of the data you enter, and that Intuit will not attempt to verify such accuracy. You, and not Intuit, assume all liability for any penalties associated with the failure to file, inaccurate filing, or untimely filing, of any of these forms. Intuit does not guarantee that FinCEN will accept your FBAR. If your FBAR is rejected or conditionally approved by FinCEN, you may need to submit an amended FBAR. You also agree that you are solely responsible for complying with all laws, regulations, and instructions regarding the FBAR filing, including record keeping requirements of each account reported. The FBAR Service does not include or provide any legal, financial, or tax advice, or other areas of advice. Intuit may provide you the ability to print a copy of the information you enter to file the FBAR Form, but you understand and agree that Intuit will only provide unformatted data to you upon request, and may not provide an exact copy of the FBAR that gets filed with FinCEN. You further understand that failure to comply with the FBAR filing requirements, including submission of late, incomplete, inaccurate or fraudulent FBARs, may result in penalties and/or criminal liability. You agree and acknowledge that Intuit is and shall not be liable for any such penalties or legal consequences resulting from your use of the FBAR Service, and that you are solely responsible for confirming successful filing with the relevant authority.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e3. PRICING AND PAYMENT.\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(a) Pricing for the various versions of the Services is determined based on which version of the Services you choose, the complexity of your tax return, and/or the time when you pay for such version of the Services. Depending on the version you choose, you may be charged for the Services either when starting your use of the Services, when the preparation of your return is complete, or when your return is otherwise ready to be printed or filed. For certain Services, Intuit may charge you for these Services before the Services are performed or once our Expert prepares your return, whether or not you choose to file it. \u003cstrong\u003eYou understand and agree that Intuit may increase the price of any paid version of the Services as the respective tax filing deadline approaches or if you have not yet already paid for the Services, including after you have started your return(s) but have not yet completed and paid to print and/or e-file your return\u003c/strong\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(b) All prices are subject to change without notice. If you chose a version of the Services that doesn’t require you to pay until your return is prepared and ready to file, you should confirm whether there have been any changes in pricing for your use of that version of the Services since you first started using the Services, particularly if some time has passed between the date you started your tax return and the date you or Intuit finished preparing it and/or you are ready to pay for and file (or print) it. The price for your use of various part(s) or version(s) of the Services is the published price at the time you pay for such part(s) or version(s) of the Services. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e4. HELP AND SUPPORT\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIntuit may use a variety of methods (e.g., in-product, widgets, Internet, remote access, online community, chat, e-mail, video and phone) to provide technical support and customer service in connection with the Services. The terms and conditions governing the offering of this support, which may require the payment of an additional fee, are subject to change as announced by Intuit from time to time. Technical support and customer service regarding the purchase and use of the Services does not include tax assistance, tax advice or tax preparation help. If you choose to allow an Intuit agent to have remote access to your computer via the Internet to provide help, you should close other browsers or applications or follow other instructions to enable such access. Consult the TurboTax Online Help and Support website for the most up-to-date information relating to this support and any associated charges. Except as otherwise provided herein, Services for each tax year may not be accessible after October 15 of each calendar year after the applicable tax year of your return(s) and may not be supported beyond that date.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e5. GUARANTEES\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eFor purposes of the guarantees in this Section 5 (each, a “\u003cstrong\u003eGuarantee\u003c/strong\u003e”), a “\u003cstrong\u003eregistered user\u003c/strong\u003e” is a user from whom Intuit has received the information necessary to permit such person, or an assigned TurboTax Expert, to print or electronically file an individual or business tax return prepared using the applicable version of the Services and who complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(a) \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Accurate Calculation Guarantee – Individual Returns\u003c/u\u003e. Intuit works to ensure the accuracy of the calculations on every form prepared using the Services. The TurboTax Accurate Calculation Guarantee is for the lifetime of your individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven (7) years from the date it was filed using TurboTax. This Guarantee applies only to individual returns filed with the IRS or or relevant state tax authority using TurboTax (excluding business returns), all subject to the terms below:\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eIf you are a registered user and you pay an IRS or state penalty and/or interest, as levied in a first notice from a tax authority (and not as a result of a payment plan), and such IRS or state penalty and/or interest is due solely to a calculation error on a form prepared and filed using TurboTax, and not as a result of, among other things:\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003eyour failure to enter all required information accurately;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003ewillful or fraudulent omission or inclusion of information on your tax return;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003emisclassification of information on the tax return;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003etax law changes made by federal or state governments after your return was filed; or\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003efailure to file an amended return to avoid or reduce an applicable penalty/interest after Intuit announced updates or corrections to the applicable TurboTax Service in time for you to file an amended return;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003e\u003cu\u003ethen\u003c/u\u003e Intuit will reimburse the amount actually paid by you to the IRS or state in penalties and/or interest as levied against you in such first notice – but not any amounts, penalties or interest due, payable or paid by you as a result of a payment plan you may enter into (or have entered into) with such tax authority.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eThis Guarantee does not apply to tax forms completed manually by you in which the data is entered directly by you into the form itself in TurboTax, rather than through the use of the in-product TurboTax interview experience and guidance.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eYou are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eIf you believe such a calculation error occurred, you must notify Intuit as soon as you learn of the mistake and in any case no later than: (a) thirty (30) days after the penalty or interest is assessed by a tax authority, and (b) seven (7) years after the return was filed, which Intuit defines as the lifetime of the tax return.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eTo initiate a claim under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit using the instructions set forth on our website, as currently published at: \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e. You will be required to provide all tax-related documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking (to ensure tracked delivery), to enable Intuit to validate and process your claim. To validate a claim, Intuit may require, among other information, your TurboTax tax data file (particularly if you did not electronically file), a copy of the IRS/state notice and any other documents to support proof of income, credits or deductions. You are responsible for maintaining all information and documents that may be relevant to the accuracy of your tax return. You are also responsible for keeping Intuit apprised promptly of any change in your email address, mailing address and/or phone number so that you can be notified of any updates relating to your claim.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e(b) \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Maximum Refund Guarantee – Individual Returns\u003c/u\u003e. The TurboTax Maximum Refund (Tax Savings) Guarantee is for the lifetime of your individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven (7) years from the date it was filed using TurboTax. This Guarantee applies only to individual returns filed with the IRS or relevant state tax authority using TurboTax (excluding business returns), all subject to the terms below:\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eIf you are a registered user, use TurboTax for the preparation and filing of your individual return, and later file an amended return using identical information and data but using a tax preparation method other than TurboTax, and you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount using such alternative method, then Intuit will refund to you the purchase price actually paid by you for the preparation and filing of the applicable federal and/or state individual return using TurboTax Services. TurboTax Free Edition customers are entitled to payment of $30 in such case. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eTo qualify, the larger refund or smaller tax due cannot be attributed to:\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003evariations in the information or data you used for such alternate tax preparation method; \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003epositions taken by you or your alternate preparer or method that are contrary to the law; or \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003echanges in tax law made by federal or state governments that occurred after you filed your return using TurboTax.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eClaims must be submitted no later than: (a) sixty (60) days from the date you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount and (b) seven (7) years after the date the return was filed, which Intuit defines as the lifetime of the tax return.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eTo submit a claim under this Guarantee, you must provide Intuit with the following documents via First-Class U.S. mail and add USPS Tracking to your shipment to ensure tracked delivery:\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003ecopy of your TurboTax proof of payment (i.e., sales receipt) and/or shipment packing slip;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003ecopy of your proof of payment for another tax preparation method (unless done manually by you);\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003ecopy of your TurboTax data file and return;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003ecopy of the printed and filed tax return from the other tax preparation method; and\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003ea letter summarizing your refund or tax due amount using TurboTax and your refund or tax due amount using another tax preparation method.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003eYou must send all of the foregoing by mail to TurboTax Maximum Refund Guarantee, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85726-8867. You must maintain separate copies of all submitted items for your records. Claims of non-payment of a refund of your TurboTax purchase price will require photocopy substantiation of all required items. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing and delivery. If after 8 weeks you have not received your check, contact us via the TurboTax support website. Any materials submitted to Intuit are understood to be non-returnable. You are responsible for maintaining all documents necessary to qualify for this Guarantee.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eAll other fees you may have paid to Intuit for additional services or as add-ons to your tax return are excluded from this Guarantee, including but not limited to Audit Defense, Refund Processing Service and technical support fees, if any. \u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e(c) \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Audit Support Guarantee – Individual Returns\u003c/u\u003e. The Audit Support Guarantee is for the lifetime of your individual tax return filed with TurboTax, which Intuit defines as seven (7) years from the date it was filed using TurboTax. This Guarantee applies only to individual returns filed filed with the IRS or relevant state tax authority using TurboTax (excluding business returns) all subject to the terms below:\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eIf you are a registered user of TurboTax, use TurboTax for preparation and filing of your individual return(s), and receive an audit letter from the IRS or State Department of Revenue relating to your TurboTax-filed individual return, then Intuit will provide free audit guidance (limited to what to expect from and how to prepare for the audit) from a tax professional available to help answer your audit questions regarding your audited returns filed with TurboTax for the audited tax year and, if applicable, the prior two tax years of TurboTax individual returns. The Audit Support Guarantee is applicable to federal and state audit letters and/or notices. We will not be your representative before the tax authority or provide legal advice. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eClaims for audit support must be submitted no later than: (a) sixty (60) days from the date you received your audit letter and (b) seven (7) years from the date of filing of the individual tax return being audited which, for the purposes of this Guarantee, Intuit defines as the lifetime of your tax return.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eTo initiate a claim for audit support under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit at 1-800-624-9066 or other replacement telephone number Intuit may publish on the TurboTax website from time to time. Once you have contacted Intuit by phone to submit your claim for support, you will also be required to submit to us the following documents: (1) copy of your TurboTax proof of payment for Services for the audited tax year; and (2) a copy of the IRS or State audit letter. We may request that you provide these documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking added to your shipment to ensure tracked delivery, to: TurboTax Audit Support Guarantee, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85726-8867. For the most current information available regarding this guarantee and submission requirements, go to \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e. You must maintain copies of all submitted items for your records.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eIn the unlikely event we are not able to connect you to one of our tax professionals for audit support, then you are entitled to a refund of the purchase price paid by you for the preparation and filing of the applicable individual federal and/or state tax return using TurboTax. TurboTax Federal Free Edition customers are entitled to payment of $30. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eAny other fees you may have paid to Intuit for additional services or as add-ons to your tax return are excluded from this Guarantee, including but not limited to Audit Defense (a separate service), Refund Processing Service and technical support fees, if any. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing and delivery of your refund. If after 8 weeks you have not received your check, contact us at 1-800-4-INTUIT. To validate your claim that we were unable to connect you with a tax professional for audit support, and as a precondition of refund payment, Intuit may require your TurboTax data file for the applicable tax year and/or other supporting information such as copies of your printed tax returns. Any materials submitted to Intuit are understood to be non-returnable. You are responsible for maintaining all documents necessary to qualify for the guarantee.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e(d) \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Satisfaction Guaranteed (or Guaranteed Easy) - Individual and Business Tax Returns\u003c/u\u003e. Some versions of the Services allow you to use the TurboTax Services without charge up to the point you decide to print or electronically file your tax return. You understand and agree that printing or electronically filing your return reflects (a) your satisfaction with Services and (b) your acknowledgement and understanding that you are, at the time of printing or filing, voluntarily paying for the Services, and you therefore waive the right to receive a refund, except in the event that you qualify for a refund under one of the other Guarantees.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(e) \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Business Tax Guarantee\u003c/u\u003e. If you are a registered user of the TurboTax Live Assisted Sole Proprietor, TurboTax Live Full Service Sole Proprietor, TurboTax Live Assisted Business, TurboTax Live Full Service Business, and QuickBooks Live Expert Tax, powered by TurboTax, versions of the Services (the “Live Business Services”) and use those Services for preparation and filing of your business return, the following Guarantees apply to your use of those Services: TurboTax Accurate Calculations Guarantee - Business Tax Returns, TurboTax Maximum Savings Guarantee - Business Tax Returns, and TurboTax Audit Support Guarantee - Business Tax Returns.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(i) \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Accurate Calculation Guarantee – Business Tax Returns\u003c/u\u003e. Intuit works to ensure the accuracy of the calculations on every form prepared using the Live Business Services.\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli\u003eIf you are a registered user of our Live Business Services and you pay an IRS or state penalty and/or interest, as levied in a first notice from a tax authority (and not as a result of a payment plan), solely because of a calculation error on a form prepared using such versions of the Services, and not as a result of, among other things:\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003eyour failure to enter all required information accurately;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003ewillful or fraudulent omission or inclusion of information on your tax return;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003emisclassification of information on the tax return;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003etax law changes made by federal or state governments after your return was filed; or\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003efailure to file an amended return to avoid or reduce an applicable penalty/interest after Intuit announced updates or corrections to the applicable Live Business Service in time for you to file an amended return;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003e\u003cu\u003ethen\u003c/u\u003e Intuit will reimburse the amount actually paid by you to the IRS or state in penalties and/or interest as levied against you in such first notice – but not any amounts, penalties or interest due, payable or paid by you as a result of a payment plan you may enter into (or have entered into) with such tax authority. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eThis Guarantee does not apply to tax forms completed manually by you in which the data is entered directly by you into the form itself in TurboTax, rather than through the use of the in-product TurboTax interview experience, Expert guidance and/or entry of information by the Expert.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eYou are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eIf you believe such a calculation error occurred, you must notify Intuit as soon as you learn of the alleged error, and in no event later than: (a) thirty (30) days after the penalty or interest is assessed; and (b) seven (7) years from the date the business return was first filed. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eTo initiate a claim under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit using the instructions set forth on our website, as currently published at: \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e. You will be required to provide all tax-related documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking (to ensure tracked delivery), to enable Intuit to validate and process your claim. To validate a claim, Intuit may require, among other information, your TurboTax tax data file (particularly if you did not electronically file), a copy of the IRS/state notice and any other documents to support proof of income, credits or deductions. You are responsible for maintaining all information and documents that may be relevant to the accuracy of your tax return. You are also responsible for keeping Intuit apprised promptly of any change in your email address, mailing address and/or phone number so that you can be notified of any updates relating to your claim.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e(ii) \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Maximum Savings Guarantee – Business Tax Returns\u003c/u\u003e. The following Guarantee shall apply only to business returns filed with the IRS or states using the Live Business Services, all subject to the terms below:\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli\u003eIf you are a registered user of our Live Business Services, use such versions of the Services for the preparation and filing of your business return, and later file an amended return using identical information and data but using a tax preparation method other than TurboTax, and you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount using such alternative method, then Intuit will refund to you the purchase price actually paid by you for the preparation and filing of the applicable federal and/or state business return using the Live Business Services. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eTo qualify, the larger refund or smaller tax due cannot be attributed to:\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003evariations in the information or data you used for such alternate tax preparation method; \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003epositions taken by you or your alternate preparer or method that are contrary to the law; or\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003echanges in tax law made by federal or state governments that occurred after you filed your return using TurboTax.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eClaims must be submitted within sixty (60) days of the date you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount, but no later than December 15, 2025. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eTo submit a claim under this Guarantee, you must provide Intuit with the following documents via First-Class U.S. mail and add USPS Tracking to your shipment to ensure tracked delivery:\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003ecopy of your TurboTax proof of payment (i.e., sales receipt) and/or shipment packing slip;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003ecopy of your proof of payment for another tax preparation method (unless done manually by you);\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003ecopy of your TurboTax data file and return;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003ecopy of the printed and filed tax return from the other tax preparation method; and\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003ea letter summarizing your refund or tax due amount using TurboTax and your refund or tax due amount using another tax preparation method.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-1\"\u003eYou must send all of the foregoing by mail to TurboTax Live Business Maximum Savings Guarantee, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85726-8867. You must maintain separate copies of all submitted items for your records. Claims of non-payment of a refund of your TurboTax purchase price will require photocopy substantiation of all required items. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing and delivery. If after 8 weeks you have not received your check, contact us via the TurboTax support website. Any materials submitted to Intuit are understood to be non-returnable. You are responsible for maintaining all documents necessary to qualify for this Guarantee.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eAll other fees you may have paid to Intuit for additional services or as add-ons to your tax return are excluded from this Guarantee, including but not limited to Audit Defense, Refund Processing Service and technical support fees, if any. \u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e(iii) \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Audit Support Guarantee – Business Tax Returns\u003c/u\u003e. The following Audit Support Guarantees shall apply only to business returns filed with the IRS or states using the Live Business Services, all subject to the terms below:\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli\u003eIf you are a registered user of the Live Business Services, use such versions of the Services for preparation and filing of your business return(s), and receive an audit letter from the IRS or State Department of Revenue relating to your current tax year business return, then Intuit will provide at no additional cost audit guidance (limited to what to expect from and how to prepare for the audit) from a tax professional available to help answer your audit questions regarding your audited business return filed with Live Business Services for the current tax year. This Audit Support Guarantee is applicable to federal and state audit letters and/or notices. We will not be your representative before the tax authority or provide legal advice. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eAll claims for audit support must be submitted no later than: (a) sixty (60) days from the date you received your audit letter and (b) three (3) years following the date of filing of the business tax return being audited.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eTo initiate a claim for audit support under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit at 1-800-624-9066 or other replacement telephone number Intuit may publish on the TurboTax website from time to time. Once you have contacted Intuit by phone to submit your claim for support, you will also be required to submit to us the following documents: (1) copy of your TurboTax proof of payment for Services for the audited tax year; and (2) a copy of the IRS or State audit letter. We may request that you provide these documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking added to your shipment to ensure tracked delivery, to: TurboTax Live Assisted Business and TurboTax Live Full Service Business Audit Support Guarantee, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85726-8867. For the most current information available regarding this guarantee and submission requirements, go to \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\" \" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e. You must maintain copies of all submitted items for your records.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eIn the unlikely event we are not able to connect you to one of our tax professionals for audit guidance, then you are entitled to a refund of the purchase price actually paid by you for the preparation and filing of the applicable federal and/or state business return using the Live Business Services. \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eAny other fees you may have paid to Intuit for additional services or as add-ons to your business tax return are excluded, including but not limited to Audit Defense (a separate service), Refund Processing Service and technical support fees, if any. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing and delivery of your refund. If after 8 weeks you have not received your check, contact us at 1-800-4-INTUIT. To validate your claim that we were unable to connect you with a tax professional for audit support, and as a precondition of refund payment, Intuit may require your TurboTax data file for the applicable tax year and/or other supporting information such as copies of your printed tax returns. Any materials submitted to Intuit are understood to be non-returnable. You are responsible for maintaining all documents necessary to qualify for the guarantee.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e(f) \u003cu\u003eTurboTax 100% Accurate, Expert Approved Guarantee – TurboTax Live Assisted and TurboTax Live Full Service Only, Individual and Business Tax Returns\u003c/u\u003e.The following guarantee shall apply only to individual or business returns filed with the IRS or states using TurboTax Live Assisted and TurboTax Live Full Service offerings, all subject to the terms below:\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eIf you are a registered user of TurboTax Live Assisted or TurboTax Live Full Service and you pay an IRS or state penalty and/or interest as levied in a first notice from a tax authority (and not as a result of a payment plan), and such IRS or state penalty and/or interest is due solely to an error the Expert made while preparing your return, providing topic-specific tax advice, reviewing a section or otherwise appearing on a form signed by the Expert, and not as a result of, among other things:\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003eyour failure to provide all required information and do so accurately,\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003ewillful or fraudulent omission or inclusion of information for your tax return, or misrepresentation of your tax information,\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003etax law changes made by federal or state governments after your return was filed,\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003efailure to file your tax return on time or to take other action requested by the Expert, or\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-3\"\u003efailure to file an amended return to avoid or reduce an applicable penalty/interest after Intuit informed you of updates or corrections in time for you to file an amended return,\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003e\u003cu\u003ethen\u003c/u\u003e Intuit will reimburse the amount actually paid by you to the IRS or state in penalties and/or interest as levied against you in such first notice – but not any amounts, penalties, or interest due, payable or paid by you as a result of a payment plan you may enter into (or have entered into) with such tax authority.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eYou are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe and for providing any other information Intuit reasonably requests to validate your claim.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eIf you believe such an error occurred, you must notify Intuit as soon as you learn of the mistake and in no event later than: (a) thirty (30) days after the penalty or interest is assessed; and (b) no later than seven (7) years after the return was filed, which Intuit defines as the lifetime of the tax return.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eTo initiate a claim under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit using the instructions set forth on our website, as currently published at: \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\" \" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e. You will be required to provide all tax-related documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking (to ensure tracked delivery), to enable Intuit to validate and process your claim. To validate a claim Intuit may require, among other documents, a copy of your tax return (particularly if you did not electronically file), a copy of the IRS/state notice and any other documents to support proof of income, credits or deductions. You are responsible for maintaining all information and documents that may be relevant to the accuracy of your tax return. You are also responsible for keeping Intuit apprised promptly of any change in your email address, mailing address and/or phone number so that you can be notified of any updates relating to your claim.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli class=\"ql-indent-2\"\u003eThis Guarantee cannot be combined with any TurboTax Accurate Calculation Guarantee.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e(g) \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Live Full Service Guarantee - Individual and Business Returns\u003c/u\u003e. If you use TurboTax Live Full Service (Individual or Business; TurboTax Live Full Service only, not TurboTax Live Assisted), your Expert will only sign and file your return if they believe it is 100% correct based on the information you provide and that you are getting your best outcome possible. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you are a registered user, use TurboTax Live Full Service for the preparation and filing of your return, later file an amended return using identical information and data but using a tax preparation method other than TurboTax, and you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount using such alternative method, then Intuit will refund to you the purchase price actually paid by you for the preparation and filing of the applicable federal and/or state return using TurboTax Services. To qualify, the larger refund or smaller tax due cannot be attributed to:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003evariations in the information or data you used for such alternate tax preparation method; \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003epositions taken by you or your alternate preparer or method that are contrary to the law; or\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003echanges in tax law made by federal or state governments that occurred after you filed your return using TurboTax.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e\u003cp\u003eRefund claims must be submitted no later than: (a) sixty (60) days of the date you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount, and (b) seven (7) years after the date the return was filed for individual returns, or December 15, 2025 for business returns. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eTo submit a claim under this Guarantee, you must provide Intuit with the following documents via First-Class U.S. mail and add USPS Tracking to your shipment to ensure tracked delivery:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003ecopy of your TurboTax proof of payment (i.e., sales receipt) and/or shipment packing slip;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003ecopy of your proof of payment for another tax preparation method (unless done manually by you);\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003ecopy of your TurboTax data file and return;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003ecopy of the printed and filed tax return from the other tax preparation method; and\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003ea letter summarizing your refund or tax due amount using TurboTax and your refund or tax due amount using another tax preparation method.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou must send all of the foregoing by mail to TurboTax Maximum Refund Guarantee, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85726-8867. You must maintain separate copies of all submitted items for your records. Claims of non-payment of a refund of your TurboTax purchase price will require photocopy substantiation of all required items. Please allow up to 6 weeks for processing and delivery. If after 8 weeks you have not received your check, contact us via the TurboTax support website. Any materials submitted to Intuit are understood to be non-returnable. You are responsible for maintaining all documents necessary to qualify for this Guarantee.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you are a registered user of TurboTax Live Full Service and you pay an IRS or state penalty and/or interest as levied in a first notice from a tax authority (and not as a result of a payment plan), and such IRS or state penalty and/or interest is due solely to an error the Expert made while preparing your return, providing topic-specific tax advice, reviewing a section review or otherwise appearing on a form signed by the Expert and not as a result of, among other things:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003eyour failure to provide all required information and do so accurately,\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003ewillful or fraudulent omission or inclusion of information for your tax return, or misrepresentation of your tax information,\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003etax law changes made by federal or state governments after your return was filed,\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003efailure to file your tax return on time or to take other action requested by the Expert, or\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003efailure to file an amended return to avoid or reduce an applicable penalty/interest after Intuit informed you of updates or corrections in time for you to file an amended return,\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e\u003cp\u003ethen Intuit will reimburse the amount actually paid by you to the IRS or state in penalties and/or interest as levied against you in such first notice – but not any amounts, penalties, or interest due, payable or paid by you as a result of a payment plan you may enter into (or have entered into) with such tax authority.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe and for providing any other information Intuit reasonably requests to validate your claim. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you believe such an error occurred, you must notify Intuit as soon as you learn of the mistake and in no event later than (a) thirty (30) days after the penalty or interest is assessed; and (b) no later than seven (7) years after the return was filed using the Services, which Intuit defines as the lifetime of the tax return.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eTo initiate a claim under this Guarantee, please contact Intuit using the instructions set forth on our website, as currently published at: \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\" \" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e \u003c/a\u003e. You will be required to provide all tax-related documents, and any other relevant documents or information we reasonably request, either electronically or by First-Class U.S. mail with USPS Tracking (to ensure tracked delivery), to enable Intuit to validate and process your claim. To validate a claim Intuit may require, among other documents, a copy of your tax return (particularly if you did not electronically file), a copy of the IRS/state notice and any other documents to support proof of income, credits or deductions. You are responsible for maintaining all information and documents that may be relevant to the accuracy of your tax return. You are also responsible for keeping Intuit apprised promptly of any change in your email address, mailing address and/or phone number so that you can be notified of any updates relating to your claim.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis Guarantee cannot be combined with the TurboTax Accurate Calculation Guarantee, the TurboTax Maximum Refund/Savings Guarantee, or the TurboTax 100% Accurate, Expert Approved Guarantee.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(h) \u003cu\u003eTurboTax Five Day Early Refund Delivery Guarantee - Individual Returns\u003c/u\u003e. If you file your individual tax return (including jointly-filed returns) through TurboTax and choose to receive your federal tax refund early through the TurboTax Five Day Early Refund Delivery Service (“\u003cstrong\u003eFive Days Early Service\u003c/strong\u003e”), subject to a fee, your federal tax refund will be deposited to your selected bank account five (5) days before the refund settlement date provided by the IRS (i.e. the date your refund would have arrived if sent from the IRS directly). If your federal refund is deposited into your selected bank account less than five (5) days before the IRS refund settlement date, or if you are found to be ineligible for the Five Days Early Service, then the Five Days Early Service fee will not be deducted from your refund prior to being deposited to your selected bank account or otherwise charged to you.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eTo qualify for the Five Day Early Refund Delivery Guarantee, you must file your individual tax return through TurboTax, choose to receive your federal refund with the Five Days Early Service when filing your return, and be eligible for the Five Days Early Service. You will not be eligible to receive your refund with the Five Days Early Service if (1) you take a Refund Advance loan, (2) IRS delays payment of your refund, (3) your bank’s policies do not allow for same-day payment processing, or (4) we determine that you are ineligible for other reasons in our sole discretion. \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe TurboTax Five Day Early Refund Delivery Guarantee does not apply to Credit Karma’s up to 5 days early program which allows for your federal refund to be deposited into a Credit Karma MoneyTM checking or savings account up to 5 days earlier than standard tax refund electronic deposit. More information about the Credit Karma’s up to 5 days early refund program can be found at \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eMoney movement services are provided by Intuit Payments Inc., licensed as a Money Transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services. For more information about Intuit Payments' money transmission licenses, please visit \u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e6. THIRD PARTY SERVICES\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe Services may include information about or offers for third-party services or products or allow you to connect your account to or otherwise access third-party services or products (collectively, “Third Party Services”). To facilitate Third Party Services, Intuit may be required to obtain your explicit consent for disclosure and/or use of your information. By accepting these Third Party Services agreements and consents, you authorize Intuit to use and disclose your information, including name and address, to the third party for the purpose of making the Third Party Services you choose available to you. For some Third Party Services, we may submit an application on your behalf using your information to assist you in obtaining a benefit provided by a third party. You acknowledge that Intuit does not determine if you receive the benefit and that you are solely responsible for meeting the third party’s requirements and complying with applicable laws and regulations. You may need to provide us with your account number, password, security questions and answers and other necessary login information (“Login Details”). You hereby represent that you have the authority to provide the Login Details to Intuit, and you expressly appoint Intuit as your agent, or that of the third party who owns the Login Details, with limited power of attorney to access any Third Party Services on your or such third party’s behalf. You must provide true and accurate information. A third party’s terms and conditions are generally found on the third party’s website. Applicable terms and conditions for the audit defense memberships are accessible on the TurboTax website. Your participation in Third Party Services indicates your acceptance of such terms and conditions for such Third Party Services. If you sign up for a Third Party Service that requires access to your information on an ongoing basis and you subsequently want us to stop making your information available to, or stop accessing your information from, such third party, you should discontinue use of the Third Party Services.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eIf you sign up for the Refund Processing Service or the Five Days Early Service, which enables you to deduct certain tax filing fees, refund processing fees or the Five Days Early Service fee, as applicable, and any applicable tax, from the proceeds of your federal and/or state tax refund(s), you authorize Intuit (and/or a third party processor using banking services of a financial institution) to debit these amounts from your federal and/or state tax refunds, or from the bank account you identify as your direct deposit bank account in the event that you do not receive a tax refund that is sufficient to pay for them or in the event that your tax refund is delayed. However, you may not qualify for the Five Days Early Service if your refund is not large enough to cover your TurboTax fees, in which case the Five Days Early Service fee will not be deducted from your refund or otherwise charged to you. You should evaluate all Third Party Services based on your own assessment and review of their terms and conditions.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e7. USER ID AND PASSWORD SECURITY\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou are the only person authorized to use your user ID and password and are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user ID and password. You shall not permit or allow other persons to have access to or use your user ID and password. You are responsible for the use of the Services under your user ID. If you have not electronically filed or printed your tax return, you must create a user ID and password in order for you to access your tax return data at a later date. You must remember your user ID and password to electronically transfer your tax return information into next year's tax return.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e8. PRIVACY OF PERSONAL AND TAX RETURN INFORMATION; MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION; CALLS AND TEXTS\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eAt Intuit, we place the highest importance on respecting and protecting the privacy of our customers. Our most important asset is our relationship with you. We want you to feel comfortable and confident when using our products and services and when entrusting your personal and tax return information to us. Our full \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"Global Privacy Statement \" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003eGlobal Privacy Statement \u003c/a\u003ecan be found on the Intuit website. To contact us with a question, visit our website or write to us at: Privacy Team, TurboTax, 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85706.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou are responsible for protecting the information on your computer such as by installing anti-virus software, updating your software, password protecting your files and not permitting third party physical or electronic access to your computer or tax files.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou may provide us with your telephone number as part of your customer record or registration or via other methods. You understand and agree that the Services may require multiple sources of information about you to confirm your identity and help ensure the security of your personal use of TurboTax, often referred to as “multi-factor authentication” (“MFA”). Part of the MFA identity authentication and verification process may involve Intuit sending text message(s) containing security code(s) to your telephone number. You agree to receive these text message(s) from Intuit containing security code(s) as part of the MFA process.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWith MFA, you also agree and consent to us obtaining and using information from your mobile phone service provider, solely for the purposes of verifying your identity and to compare information you have provided to Intuit (such information may include from your mobile phone service provider account record: your name, address, email, customer type, customer role, billing type, mobile device identifiers (IMSI and IMEI) and other mobile phone subscriber details). You also agree that your acceptance of a Third Party Refund Processing Service Agreement will authorize the sharing of the bank account information you provide to the provider and your authorization to debit your bank account for fees, charges and any applicable taxes owed to Intuit if your tax refund is not sufficient in amount to pay for those fees, charges and taxes (if any).\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eBy providing a telephone number in connection with the Services, you verify that you are the current subscriber or owner of that number. In addition, you expressly agree that Intuit and/or its affiliates may contact you by telephone or text message (including through the use of artificial voices, prerecorded voice messages and/or autodialed calls and text messages) to the telephone number you provide or to any number provided to us on your behalf, for various purposes including verifying your identity, providing you with important notices regarding your account or use of the Services, fulfilling your requests or letting you know about promotions or Other Intuit Services we think we may be of interest to you. Your consent to receive automated calls and texts is completely voluntary, and you may opt out any time. You acknowledge that if you do not opt out, we may contact you even if your number is listed on a do-not-call list or if you cancel your account or terminate your relationship with us. You do not have to agree to receive promotional calls or texts as a condition of purchasing any goods or services.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou understand and agree, for any text messages sent to you in connection with the Services, that: (a) message frequency may vary, (b) message and data rates may apply, and Intuit is not responsible for these charges, (c) you may reply HELP for information, (d) you can reply STOP to opt out at any time (though if you do, you agree to receive a single message confirming your opt-out) and (e) neither Intuit nor mobile carriers involved in the text messaging are liable for delayed or undelivered messages. To opt out of automated voice calls, you must provide us with written notice revoking your consent by contacting us as described in the “How to Contact Us” section of our \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"Privacy Statement \" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003ePrivacy Statement \u003c/a\u003e, and including your full name, mailing address, account number and the specific phone number(s) you wish to opt out of such calls.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou also acknowledge and agree that your telephone calls to or from Intuit or its affiliates may be monitored and recorded. You must notify us immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your telephone. Although we will not be liable for losses caused by any unauthorized use of your telephone, you may be liable for our losses due to such unauthorized use.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e9. USE WITH YOUR MOBILE DEVICE.\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e9.1 Mobile access to certain versions or features of the Services requires a compatible mobile browser and/or the download and installation of an authorized mobile app and may not be available for all mobile devices or telecommunication providers. You will need to check the Services website to ensure your mobile device and telecommunications provider are compatible with the Services you wish to use. Intuit is not obligated to provide all versions of the Services via mobile applications or devices, and we are not obligated to provide a compatible version of the Services (including but not limited to a compatible mobile app) for all mobile devices, operating systems or telecommunication providers, all of which are subject to change by Intuit at any time without notice to you.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(a) If you choose to access and use the Services through a mobile app provided by Intuit (“Mobile App”), solely as part of the Services, Intuit hereby grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable license to download, install and use a single copy of the Mobile App on your own personal mobile device(s) solely for the purpose of preparing and filing your own Tax Year 2024 personal federal and state income tax return(s) via the Services, where and if made available by Intuit. You agree that your access to and use of the Services via, through, by or within the Mobile App is governed by this Agreement. You further agree that your download, installation and use of the Mobile App is also governed by this Agreement, including but not limited to the disclaimer(s) of warranties, limitation(s) of liability and damages, dispute resolution and other terms of this Agreement.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e(b) You acknowledge and agree that the Mobile App is licensed, not sold. You agree not to use, nor permit any third party to use, the Mobile App in a manner that violates any applicable law, regulation or this Agreement. You agree you will not:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003eProvide access to or give the Mobile App or any part of the Mobile App to any third party;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eReproduce, duplicate, modify, copy, sell, trade, lease, rent or resell the Mobile App;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eTransfer your license to the Mobile App to any other party;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eAttempt unauthorized access to any Intuit systems that are not part of the Services;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003ePermit any third party to benefit from the use or functionality of the Mobile App via a rental, lease, timesharing, service bureau, hosting service or other arrangement;\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eDecompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the Mobile App; \u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eMake the Mobile App available on any file-sharing or application hosting service; or\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eAttempt to use the Mobile App to prepare and file tax returns for others.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e\u003cp\u003e9.2 \u003cu\u003eApple Requirements\u003c/u\u003e. If you downloaded the Services from the Apple App Store, the following terms also apply to you:\u003c/p\u003e\u003col\u003e\u003cli\u003eAcknowledgement: You acknowledge that this Agreement is between you and Intuit only, and not with Apple, and Intuit, not Apple, is solely responsible for the Services and the content thereof.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eScope of License: The license granted to you for the Services is a limited, non-transferable license to use the Services on an iPhone OS Product that you own or control and as permitted by the Usage Rules set forth in the Apple App Store Terms of Service.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eMaintenance and Support: Intuit and not Apple is solely responsible for providing any maintenance and support services with respect to the Services. You acknowledge that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the Services.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eWarranty: Intuit is solely responsible for any product warranties, whether express or implied by law, to the extent not effectively disclaimed. In the event of any failure of the Services to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the Services to you. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the Services, and any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty will be Intuit’s sole responsibility.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eProduct Claims: Intuit, not Apple, is responsible for addressing any user or third party claims relating to the Services or the user’s possession and/or use of the Services, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the Services fail to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eIntellectual Property Rights: You acknowledge that, in the event of any third party claim that the Services or your possession and use of the Services infringes that third party’s intellectual property rights, Intuit, not Apple, will be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eLegal Compliance: You represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eDeveloper Contact Info: You may direct any questions, complaints or claims to: Intuit Inc., 2700 Coast Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eThird Party Terms of Agreement: You must comply with any applicable third party terms of agreement when using the Services, e.g., if you are using a VoIP application, then you must not be in violation of their wireless data service agreement when using the Services.\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eThird Party Beneficiary: You acknowledge and agree that Apple and Apple’s subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of this Agreement, and that, upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce the Agreement against you as a third party beneficiary thereof.\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ol\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e10. ADDITIONAL LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYOU UNDERSTAND THAT INTUIT WILL NOT AUDIT OR OTHERWISE VERIFY ANY INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE AND IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DISALLOWED DEDUCTIONS OR THE INCLUSION OF ADDITIONAL UNREPORTED INCOME OR RESULTING TAXES, PENALTIES OR INTEREST.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eEXCEPT FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT FOR CALCULATION ERRORS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 5 OF THESE SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS, THE ENTIRE CUMULATIVE LIABILITY OF INTUIT AND ITS VENDORS FOR ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED AS SET FORTH IN THE “LIMITATION OF LIABILITY” PORTION OF THE SECTION A GENERAL TERMS ABOVE.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eINTUIT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF PROFITS OR INVESTMENT, TAX POSITIONS TAKEN BY YOU, INABILITY TO FILE YOUR RETURN, DELAY IN PREPARING YOUR TAX RETURN, INCORRECT OR INCOMPLETE INFORMATION PROVIDED TO INTUIT OR ANY ACCESS TO, OR USE OF, YOUR PASSWORD AND USER ID BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eINTUIT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DEFAULT OR DELAY IN THE PERFORMANCE OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT TO THE EXTENT ITS PERFORMANCE IS DELAYED OR PREVENTED DUE TO CAUSES BEYOND ITS REASONABLE CONTROL, SUCH AS ACTS OF GOD, NATURAL DISASTERS, TERRORIST ACTS, WAR OR OTHER HOSTILITIES, LABOR DISPUTES, CIVIL DISTURBANCES, THE ACTIONS OR OMISSIONS OF THIRD PARTIES, ELECTRICAL OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FAILURES OR GOVERNMENTAL ACTION.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e11. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS.\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eUnless expressly stated herein, you agree that Intuit is not acting as your agent or fiduciary in connection with your use of any Services.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou can contact Intuit by mail at TurboTax, Intuit Inc., 2800 E Commerce Center Place, Tucson, AZ 85706 or by calling 888-777-3066 if you have a question or concern about any product or service we sell over the Internet. The address and telephone number of the Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs is: 400 R Street, Suite 1080, Sacramento, CA 95814-6200,\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e800-952-5210.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003e11.1 \u003cu\u003eConsumer Bill of Rights Regarding Tax Preparation Services\u003c/u\u003e. Taxpayers have certain rights when seeking tax preparation services and refund-related loan products. TurboTax’s Bill of Rights is available to all customers here: \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e. A list of specific city and state taxpayer bills of rights are also available below:\u003c/p\u003e\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003eCity of Chicago, Illinois: \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eCity of Alberquerque, New Mexico: \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eNew York City, New York: \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eNew York State: \u003ca href=\"\" data-action=\"interacted\" data-object=\"content\" data-ui-action=\"clicked\" data-ui-object=\"link\" data-ui-object-detail=\"\" data-ui-access-point=\"\" data-sku=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" data-wa-link=\"\" data-object-detail=\"\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e\u003cp\u003e11.2 \u003cu\u003eAdditional Third Party Software Licensing Terms\u003c/u\u003e. 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