‘The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore’ Canceled By Comedy Central | Deadline

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The late-night show, created and executive produced by Jon Stewart and hosted by Wilmore, has been cancel…"/> <meta property="article:published_time" content="2016-08-15T14:55:59+00:00"/> <meta property="article:modified_time" content="2016-08-15T18:48:35+00:00"/> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Deadline"/> <meta property="og:image" content=""/> <meta property="og:image:width" content="605"/> <meta property="og:image:height" content="341"/> <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US"/> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@Deadline"/> <meta name="twitter:image:src" content=""/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"/> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@DeadlineNellie"/> <meta name="twitter:title" content="‘The Nightly Show’ Canceled By Comedy Central, Larry Wilmore “Saddened” By Time Slot “Unblackening”"/> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore is coming to an end after a year and a half on the air."/> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""/> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="" sizes="16x16"/> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="" sizes="16x16"/> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href=""/> <link rel="openid.server" href=""/> <link rel="openid.delegate" href=""/> <meta name="author" content="Nellie Andreeva"> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="" title="Deadline Search"/> <style type="text/css"> .vvqbox { visibility: visible !important; display: block; clear: both; width: 100%; } .vvqbox div { margin: 10px auto; } .vvqbox img { max-width: 100%; height: 100%; } .vvqbox object { max-width: 100%; } </style> <link rel="canonical" href=""/> <!-- Swiftype Meta Tags Start --> <meta class="swiftype" name="title" data-type="string" content="'The Nightly Show' Canceled By Comedy Central, Larry Wilmore &quot;Saddened&quot; By Time Slot &quot;Unblackening&quot;"/> <meta class="swiftype" name="author" data-type="string" content="Nellie Andreeva"/> <meta class="swiftype" name="published_at" data-type="date" content="2016-08-15 07:55:59"/> <meta class="swiftype" name="image" data-type="enum" content=""/> <meta class="swiftype" name="comment_count" data-type="integer" content="86"/> <meta class="swiftype" name="tags" data-type="string" content="Comedy Central"/> <meta class="swiftype" name="tags" data-type="string" content="Larry Wilmore"/> <meta class="swiftype" name="tags" data-type="string" content="The Daily Show With Trevor Noah"/> <meta class="swiftype" name="tags" data-type="string" content="The Nightly Show With Larry Wilmore"/> <meta class="swiftype" name="topics" data-type="string" content="TV"/> <meta class="swiftype" name="body" data-type="text" content="The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore is coming to an end after a year and a half on the air. The late-night show, created and executive produced by Jon Stewart and hosted by Wilmore, has been canceled by Comedy Central. Wilmore just broke the news to his staff. The program will do one more week, with its final show airing Thursday. After that, @midnight will move temporarily to The Nightly Show's 11:30 PM slot (without changing its title) while Comedy Central looks for replacement. The cancellation comes less than two months before the November presidential elections, a fact Wilmore pointed out in his reaction to the decision. &quot;I'm really grateful to Comedy Central, Jon Stewart, and our fans to have had this opportunity, but I'm also saddened and surprised we won't be covering this crazy election, or 'The Unblackening' as we've coined it,&quot; Wilmore said. &quot;And keeping it 100, I guess I hadn't counted on 'The Unblackening' happening to my time slot as well.&quot; The timing of the decision was triggered by pending new one-year renewals of the deals for Wilmore and 15 or so creative contributors in front and behind the camera, Comedy Central president Kent Alterman said. But it was something that had been brewing at the network for awhile. Alterman praised Wilmore and his team for having &quot;evolved the show.&quot; &quot;They really have been doing great work in terms of creating a stable of contributors who fill the show with comedy bits and takes on what's going on -- all driven by Larry’s very strong and unique point of view,&quot; Alterman said. &quot;But unfortunately, it hasn't been resonating with our audience; it’s been struggling for quite a while as far as connecting with our audience. We stuck with it for a year and a half but ultimately we didn’t feel that we see enough traction to justify doing another year.&quot; Still, couldn't the politically-focused Nightly Show have stayed on until the Presidential election? &quot;Ideally we would do that but because these renewals were all coming up before the election, (it made it hard),&quot; Alterman said. &quot;The other thing we didn't want to do is create a slow death through the election, it didn't really make sense. Unfortunately, it is what it is; it was a business decision.&quot; Alterman said that The Nightly Show has not showed any ratings growth, staying relatively flat throughout its run, which began in January 2015 to largely positive reviews. The Nightly Show's largest live audience was during its first two weeks on the air, 885,000. With The Daily Show with Jon Stewart as a lead-in, The Nightly Show averaged between 600,000-800,000 live viewers; following the lower-rated Daily Show with Trevor Noah, its average was 400,000-550,00o. Alterman noted that the network had hoped for a boost from Wilmore's hosting of the White House Correspondents' Dinner and the show's coverage the two political conventions. &quot;But we were not getting any traction, not only in terms of linear ratings but also videos being shared or the show being engaged with on social platforms.&quot; One of Wilmore's most viral moments was his attack on Bill Cosby following the disgraced comedian's arrest early this year. Stewart recently popped up on another late-night show with a bumpy early going that he is executive producing, CBS' Late Show, whose new host Stephen Colbert Wilmore succeeded at Comedy Central. While Stewart has been involved in The Nightly Show, &quot;it wasn’t up to us, it wasn’t up to Jon, it was really up to the audience, and for whatever reason they just weren’t connecting with it,&quot; Alterman said. Comedy Central brassnow are focusing on finding a permanent replacement for The Nightly Show in the 11:30 PM slot. &quot;Now that we have clarity that we have an open slot, we open our doors to very active and aggressive late-night development,&quot; Alterman said.  &quot;We will begin to engage with the creative and comedy community; we are very open to what may come through and what we can develop.&quot; Before he got The Nightly Show, Wilmore was Senior Black Correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. There is no immediate plan for him or any of The Nightly Show contributors to transition to The Daily Show or have any other role on the network. &quot;We are taking it one step at a time so at this point all that has been determined is that we are not continuing with The Nightly Show. Everything else we will deal with as it comes,&quot; Alterman said. Wilmore, a comedian and seasoned writer-producer, likely will be in demand. He had to leave two comedy series for The Nightly Show gig -- the Emmy-nominated Black-ish, on which he was the original executive producer/showrunner, and HBO's Insecure, which he co-created with Issa Rae. He remains a consultant on the latter and could presumably assume a larger role should the show go to a second season. While Comedy Central is making a change at 11:30 PM, the network is pleased with the performance of its lead-in, The Daily Show with new host Trevor Noah. &quot;The Daily Show is an institution that is enduring, and we are very happy with how Trevor is doing,&quot; Alterman said. &quot;We always knew going in that it would take time for him to evolve and for the show to evolve around him. And we really feel that it is starting to gel. The couple of weeks before the conventions we felt that he hit a new plateau of taking ownership and control of the show -- both in terms of process and what he was doing on camera -- and we felt he was starting to have a much more confident, strong point of view and take on things and that was really coming through. Then during the two weeks of the conventions, we feel he hit whole new levels of both creative gusto that he had and everything that they were doing on The Daily Show that is really smart funny and unique, and we got an incredible resonance from the audience. We are heartened by where Trevor is evolving to.&quot; While The Daily Show is down year-to-year in total linear viewers and adults 18-49, Comedy Central is encouraged by the rise of The Daily Show's multiplatform views (full episodes and video views) since Noah began. They are up 22% vs. Stewart’s final season. It is also the highest-rated late-night show on TV among adults 18-24 and second behind The Tonight Show in 18-34. According to reports, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah was the second-most-watched show on Hulu in July. Online, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah has nearly 90 videos with  1M-plus views on Facebook, and more than 40 videos with more than 1MM views on YouTube during its inaugural season."/> <!-- Swiftype Meta Tags End --> <meta property="trueanthem.headline" content="‘The Nightly Show’ Canceled By Comedy Central, Larry Wilmore “Saddened” By Time Slot “Unblackening”"/><meta name="application-name" content="Deadline"/><meta name="msapplication-window" content="width=device-width;height=device-height"/><meta name="msapplication-tooltip" content="Hollywood Entertainment Breaking News"/><meta name="msapplication-task" content="name=Subscribe;action-uri=;icon-uri="/><script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var pmc_site_config = {"rot13_hostname":"qrnqyvar.pbz","hostname":"","is_proxied":null}; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var pmc_tracking_url = ""; var pmc_tracking_image = new Image(); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof pmc_meta && 'string' === typeof pmc_meta.omni_visit_id ) { pmc_tracking_url = pmc_tracking_url + '&omni_visit_id=' + pmc_meta.omni_visit_id; 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<span class="byline">by <a href="" title="Posts by Nellie Andreeva" rel="author" class="name">Nellie Andreeva</a> <span class="bullet">&bull;</span> <a href="" class="email"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i> tip</a> <div class="clear"></div></span> <time class="date-published updated">August 15, 2016 7:55am</time> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="counters"> <ul class="share-comment"> <li class="social-v3-facebook byline-icon fb-share-button as-popup"> <a class="" href=";t=%E2%80%98The+Nightly+Show%E2%80%99+Canceled+By+Comedy+Central%2C+Larry+Wilmore+%E2%80%9CSaddened%E2%80%9D+By+Time+Slot+%E2%80%9CUnblackening%E2%80%9D" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> </li> <li class="social-v3-twitter byline-icon as-popup" data-permalink="" data-http-permalink=""> <a target="_blank" href=";text=%E2%80%98The+Nightly+Show%E2%80%99+Canceled+By+Comedy+Central%2C+Larry+Wilmore+%E2%80%9CSaddened%E2%80%9D+By+Time+Slot+%E2%80%9CUnblackening%E2%80%9D&amp;via=deadline" rel="nofollow"></a> </li> <li 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class="main-article-thumbnail-wrapper desktop "> <img width="446" height="299" src=";h=299&amp;crop=1" class="attachment-main-article-thumb size-main-article-thumb wp-post-image" alt="larry-wilmore-nightly-show" srcset=";h=299&amp;crop=1 446w,;h=101&amp;crop=1 150w,;h=201&amp;crop=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 446px) 100vw, 446px"/> </div> <div class="tags thumb"> <ul> <li> <a href=""> TV </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Breaking News </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Cancellations </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Late Night TV </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Comedy Central </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Larry Wilmore </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> The Daily Show With Trevor Noah </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="copyright" itemprop="copyrightHolder">Comedy Central</div><div class="clear"></div> <div id="main-content-wrapper"> <div class="post-content"> <p><em>The Nightly Show with <a href="" id="auto-tag_larry-wilmore" data-tag="larry-wilmore">Larry Wilmore</a></em>&nbsp;is coming to an end after a year and a half on the air. The late-night show, created and executive produced by Jon Stewart and hosted by Wilmore, has been canceled by <a href="" id="auto-tag_comedy-central" data-tag="comedy-central">Comedy Central</a>. Wilmore just broke the news to his staff. The program&nbsp;will do one more week, with its final show airing Thursday. After that,<em> @midnight</em> will move temporarily to&nbsp;<em>The Nightly Show</em>&#8216;s 11:30 PM slot&nbsp;(without changing its title) while Comedy Central looks for replacement.</p> <p><div class="related-article"> <div class="pad"> <a href="" title="Related Article" class="related">Related</a> <div class="article"><a href="" title="Related Article">&#039;Legends Of Chamberlain Heights&#039; Gets Early Second-Season Renewal By Comedy Central - Comic-Con</a></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div></p> <p>The cancellation comes less than two months before the November presidential elections, a fact Wilmore pointed out in his reaction to the decision.</p> <p>&#8220;I&#8217;m really grateful to Comedy Central, Jon Stewart, and our fans to have had this opportunity, but I&#8217;m also saddened and surprised we won&#8217;t be covering this crazy election, or &#8216;The Unblackening&#8217; as we&#8217;ve coined it,&#8221; Wilmore said. &#8220;And keeping it 100, I guess I hadn&#8217;t counted on &#8216;The Unblackening&#8217; happening to my time slot as well.&#8221;</p> <figure id="attachment_1201767034" class="thumbnail alignright"> <img class=" wp-image-1201767034" src=";h=136" alt="Comedy Central featured" width="241" height="136" srcset=";h=136 241w,;h=272 482w,;h=84 150w,;h=169 300w" sizes="(max-width: 241px) 100vw, 241px"> <figcaption> </figcaption> </figure> <p>The timing of the decision was triggered by pending new one-year renewals of the deals for Wilmore and&nbsp;15 or so creative contributors in front and behind the camera, Comedy Central president Kent Alterman said. But it was something that had been brewing at the network for awhile.</p> <p>Alterman praised Wilmore and his team for having &#8220;evolved the show.&#8221;</p> <p>&#8220;They really have been doing great work in terms of creating a stable of contributors who fill the show with comedy bits and takes on what&#8217;s going on &#8212; all driven by Larry&rsquo;s very strong and unique point of view,&#8221; Alterman said.&nbsp;&#8220;But unfortunately, it hasn&#8217;t been resonating with our audience; it&rsquo;s been struggling for quite a while as far as connecting with our audience.&nbsp;We stuck with it for a year and a half but ultimately&nbsp;we didn&rsquo;t feel that we see enough traction to justify doing another year.&#8221;</p> <p>Still, couldn&#8217;t the politically-focused <em>Nightly Show</em>&nbsp;have stayed on until the Presidential election?</p> <p>&#8220;Ideally we would do that but because these renewals were all coming up before the election, (it made it hard),&#8221; Alterman said. &#8220;The other thing we didn&#8217;t want to do is create a slow death through the election, it didn&#8217;t really make sense.&nbsp;Unfortunately, it is what it is; it was a business decision.&#8221;</p> <p>Alterman said that <em>The Nightly Show</em> has not showed any ratings growth, staying relatively flat throughout&nbsp;its run, which began in January 2015 to largely positive reviews. <em>The Nightly Show</em>&#8216;s largest live audience was during its first two weeks on the air, 885,000. With <em>The Daily Show with Jon Stewart</em> as a lead-in, <em>The Nightly Show</em> averaged between 600,000-800,000 live viewers; following&nbsp;the lower-rated <em>Daily Show&nbsp;with</em>&nbsp;<em>Trevor Noah</em>, its average was 400,000-550,00o.</p> <p>Alterman&nbsp;noted that the network had hoped for a boost from Wilmore&#8217;s hosting of the White House Correspondents&#8217; Dinner and the show&#8217;s coverage&nbsp;the two political conventions. &#8220;But we were not getting any traction, not only in terms of linear ratings but also videos being shared or the show being engaged with on social platforms.&#8221;</p> <p>One of Wilmore&#8217;s most viral moments was his&nbsp;attack on Bill Cosby following the disgraced comedian&#8217;s arrest early this year.</p> <p>Stewart recently popped up on another late-night show with a bumpy early going that he is executive producing, CBS&#8217; <em>Late Show,</em> whose new host Stephen Colbert Wilmore succeeded at Comedy Central.</p> <p>While Stewart has been involved in <em>The Nightly Show,</em> &#8220;it wasn&rsquo;t up to us, it wasn&rsquo;t up to&nbsp;Jon,&nbsp;it was really up to the audience, and for whatever reason they just weren&rsquo;t connecting with it,&#8221; Alterman said.</p> <p>Comedy Central brassnow are focusing on finding a permanent replacement for <em>The Nightly Show</em>&nbsp;in the 11:30 PM slot.</p> <p>&#8220;Now that we have clarity that we have an open slot, we open our doors to very active and aggressive late-night development,&#8221; Alterman said. &nbsp;&#8220;We will begin to engage with the creative and comedy community; we are very open to what may come through and what we can develop.&#8221;</p> <p>Before he got<em> The Nightly Show</em>, Wilmore was Senior Black Correspondent on&nbsp;<em>The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.</em>&nbsp;There is no immediate plan for him or any of <em>The Nightly Show</em> contributors to transition to<em> The Daily Show</em> or have any other role on the network.</p> <p>&#8220;We are taking it one step at a time so at this point all that has been determined is that we are not continuing with<em> The Nightly&nbsp;Show. </em>Everything else we will deal with as it comes,&#8221; Alterman said.</p> <p>Wilmore, a comedian and seasoned&nbsp;writer-producer, likely will be in demand. He had to leave&nbsp;two comedy series for <em>The Nightly Show</em> gig &#8212; the Emmy-nominated <em>Black-ish,</em> on which he was the original executive producer/showrunner, and HBO&#8217;s <em>Insecure,</em> which he co-created with Issa Rae. He remains a consultant on the latter and could presumably assume a larger role should the show go to a second season.</p> <p>While Comedy Central is making a change at 11:30 PM, the network is pleased&nbsp;with the performance of its lead-in, <em>The Daily Show</em> with new host Trevor Noah.</p> <figure id="attachment_1201782255" class="thumbnail alignleft"> <img class=" wp-image-1201782255" src=";h=242" alt="Jessica Williams Trevor Noah Daily Show" width="352" height="242" srcset=";h=242 352w,;h=482 704w,;h=103 150w,;h=206 300w" sizes="(max-width: 352px) 100vw, 352px"> <figcaption> <div class="image-credit">Comedy Central</div> </figcaption> </figure> <p>&#8220;<em>The Daily&nbsp;Show i</em>s an institution that is enduring, and we are very happy with how Trevor is doing,&#8221; Alterman said. &#8220;We always knew going in that it would take time for him to evolve and for the show to evolve around him. And we really feel that it is starting to gel. The couple of weeks before the conventions we felt that he hit a new plateau of taking ownership and control of the show &#8212; both in terms of process and what he was doing on camera &#8212; and we felt he was&nbsp;starting to have a much more confident, strong point of view&nbsp;and take on things and that was really coming through. Then during the two weeks of the conventions, we feel he hit&nbsp;whole new levels of both creative gusto that he had and&nbsp;everything that they were doing on <em>The Daily Show</em>&nbsp;that is really smart funny and unique,&nbsp;and we got an incredible resonance from the audience. We are&nbsp;heartened by where Trevor is evolving to.&#8221;</p> <p>While<em> The Daily Show</em>&nbsp;is down year-to-year in total linear viewers and adults 18-49, Comedy Central is encouraged by the rise of <em>The Daily Show</em>&#8216;s multiplatform views (full episodes and video views) since Noah&nbsp;began. They are&nbsp;up 22% vs. Stewart&rsquo;s final season. It is also the highest-rated late-night show on TV among adults 18-24 and second behind <em>The Tonight Show</em> in 18-34. According to reports,&nbsp;<em><a href="" id="auto-tag_the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah" data-tag="the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah">The Daily Show with Trevor Noah</a>&nbsp;</em>was&nbsp;the second-most-watched show on Hulu in July.</p> <p>Online,&nbsp;<em>The Daily Show&nbsp;with Trevor Noah</em> has nearly 90 videos with &nbsp;1M-plus views on Facebook, and more than 40 videos with more than 1MM views on YouTube during its inaugural season.</p> </div> </div> </article> <!-- End of article link to Using text link widget --> <div id="text-4" class="widget-container widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"><p style="font-size:1.3335em;font-style:italic;margin-top:-10px;">Subscribe to <a href="" style="color:#008ad8;">Deadline Breaking News Alerts</a> and keep your inbox happy</p></div> </div> <ul class="social-strip" data-relativepath="/2016/08/the-nightly-show-with-larry-wilmore-canceled-comedy-central-1201803127/"> <li class="social-v3-facebook as-popup "> <a class="" href=";t=%E2%80%98The+Nightly+Show%E2%80%99+Canceled+By+Comedy+Central%2C+Larry+Wilmore+%E2%80%9CSaddened%E2%80%9D+By+Time+Slot+%E2%80%9CUnblackening%E2%80%9D" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> </li> <li class="social-v3-twitter as-popup" data-permalink="" data-http-permalink=""> <a target="_blank" href=";text=%E2%80%98The+Nightly+Show%E2%80%99+Canceled+By+Comedy+Central%2C+Larry+Wilmore+%E2%80%9CSaddened%E2%80%9D+By+Time+Slot+%E2%80%9CUnblackening%E2%80%9D&amp;via=deadline" rel="nofollow"></a> </li> <li class="social-v3-googleplus as-popup "> <a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <!-- <g:plusone size="medium" href="--><!--" data-width="60"></g:plusone>--> </li> <li class="social-v3-linkedin as-popup"> <a target="_blank" href=";;title=%E2%80%98The+Nightly+Show%E2%80%99+Canceled+By+Comedy+Central%2C+Larry+Wilmore+%E2%80%9CSaddened%E2%80%9D+By+Time+Slot+%E2%80%9CUnblackening%E2%80%9D&amp;summary=The+Nightly+Show+with+Larry+Wilmore%C2%A0is+coming+to+an+end+after+a+year+and+a+half+on+the+air.+The+late-night+show%2C+created+and+executive+produced+by+Jon+Stewart+and+hosted+by+Wilmore%2C+has+been+canceled+by+Comedy+Central.+Wilmore+just+broke+the+news+to+his+staff.+The+program%C2%A0will+do+one+more+week%2C+with+its+final+show+airing+Thursday.+After+that&amp;source=Deadline" rel="nofollow"></a> </li> <li class="no-sprite social-comments"> <i class="fa fa-comments "> <a class="" href="" title="‘The Nightly Show’ Canceled By Comedy Central, Larry Wilmore “Saddened” By Time Slot “Unblackening”"> 86 </a> </i> </li> </ul> <div class="widget widget_pmc_outbrain_widget"><div class="outbrain-widget"> <div class="OUTBRAIN" data-src="/web/20161129004505oe_/" data-widget-id="AR_1" data-ob-template="Deadline"></div> </div> </div> <div class="widget-area horizontal ad" id="ad-widget-single"> <div class="admz" id="adm-after-article"> <div class="adma google-publisher" data-device="Desktop" data-width="620"> <div class="pmc-adm-goog-pub-div "> <div id="div-gpt-dl-ros-620x250-uid3" class="ad-rotatable adw-620 adh-250"></div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" class="script-mobile"> new AdLoader('#adm-after-article', [ { "device": "Desktop", "width": 620, "height": 250 } ]); </script> </div> <div id="mobile-sidebar"> </div> <div id="comments"> <h3 id="comments-title">86 Comments</h3> <div class="clear"></div> <ol id="comment-list-wrapper"> <li class="comment even thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711700"> <div id="comment-1711700" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:12 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>This sucks.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment odd alt depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711840"> <div id="comment-1711840" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Middle</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 11:43 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Exactly, which is why it was cancelled.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711971"> <div id="comment-1711971" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Hi, Welcome to the I Hate White People Show!</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 5:33 pm</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Damn white people! Burn down their suburbs!</p> <p>Why in the world would white people tune into this hate-fest night after night? And I bet they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on focus groups and analysis, trying to figure out what was going wrong. Hilarious.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment odd alt depth-3 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1712015"> <div id="comment-1712015" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 7:44 pm</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>When has he said anything about hating white people?</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment even depth-4 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1712110"> <div id="comment-1712110" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Hi, Welcome to the I Hate White People Show!</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 16, 2016<span> 2:43 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Larry&#8230;are you for real?</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711701"> <div id="comment-1711701" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:14 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Nooooooo!!!!</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711704"> <div id="comment-1711704" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:16 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Larry started strong but then lost his audience with his racial bias ranting and his smiely guess list to the point his points made no sense. The Bernie-like ranting became too over the top.</p> <p>Daily show is limping along, but still has a chance as long as they too don&#8217;t go overly bias. I wish Trevor would be more insightful, but he&#8217;s new to us culture. Hopefully he gets it soon.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment odd alt depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711825"> <div id="comment-1711825" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Gil Brooks</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 11:06 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>PSA- &#8220;overly bias&#8221; means &#8220;too black.&#8221; Racism hides in all forms.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment even depth-3 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711853"> <div id="comment-1711853" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Patrick</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 12:02 pm</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>It was too black for Comedy central. He just went too far with everything. It was all white people&#8217;s fault. He could have easily pointed out the failures of a white dominated society without making it seem like all of society&#8217;s ills were the fault of whites. Even that would have been OK if he&#8217;d been willing to call out African Americans. Because AA&#8217;s always came off as blameless, while non-AA&#8217;s (such as Latinos or Asians) were never given such a carte blanche.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711709"> <div id="comment-1711709" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">swell</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:22 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Yeah, that&#8217;s a shame&#8230;. show had become much stronger than whatever it is The Daily Show has mutated into. Nightly Show&#8217;s cast was really settling in as something special.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711710"> <div id="comment-1711710" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">JJ</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:26 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>This isn&#8217;t a surprise. Wilmore has always had a stilted, uncomfortable delivery on camera. Even his time on The Daily Show was consistently awkward, shaky and ill timed with the jokes.</p> <p>It&#8217;s too bad they didn&#8217;t try to save the show and just replace him.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment odd alt depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711925"> <div id="comment-1711925" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">JtotheK</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 3:28 pm</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Wilmore&#8217;s a very talented writer but not a very compelling on-camera presence. Still, I would&#8217;ve replaced Noah on TDS before I cancelled this show.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711712"> <div id="comment-1711712" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:30 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Unbelievable. Cancel the poignant show that deals with real issues. If it&#8217;s not funny enough sell it to another network. But to cancel it is insulting as it has a lead in that makes everyone hit the sleep button on their remote controls.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment odd alt depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711745"> <div id="comment-1711745" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">fanto</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:26 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>LOl whatever. The show was awful.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711919"> <div id="comment-1711919" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Sharon</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 3:15 pm</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>It&#8217;s on Comedy Central, and rarely funny. It deserves to be cancelled.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711714"> <div id="comment-1711714" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">MiamiMan</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:31 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>They spent too much time on the skits and not enough with the round table, which is what made the show different.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment even depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711833"> <div id="comment-1711833" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Sterling Archer</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 11:27 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>The round table was the weakest part of the show. You can see a round table on just about every news program out there, why do I need to see one on Comedy Central?</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment odd alt depth-3 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1712009"> <div id="comment-1712009" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn"><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">MAK</a></cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 7:32 pm</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>have to agree &#8211; I thought this show was toast as soon as the round table discussion appeared . . . like on day two! It came off as incredibly lazy &#8211; a way to avoid writing something.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711715"> <div id="comment-1711715" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">He did well</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:32 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>What a shame. This is a great show. Thoughtful and measured. Also a network head saying &#8220;it wasn&#8217;t up to us,&#8221; is pretty cowardly. Great job Larry and team.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment odd alt depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711736"> <div id="comment-1711736" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Dbaptiste</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:07 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Exactly my thought. Comedy Central did nothing to promote to a boarder audience. Larry is very smart, and funny. He could have pulled back on the racial undertones a bit, but his arc of politics and comedy was spot on, but CC never connected this show to its core and beyond.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment even depth-3 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711879"> <div id="comment-1711879" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 1:01 pm</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Agreed! I felt Larry&#8217;s commentary on race was more effective for a general audience earlier on in the series when it was less in your face, but regardless, he is one of the smartest, funniest and solid comic voices out there. Not only Larry &#8211; but the stellar group of players and writers he surrounded himself with &#8211; Holly, Mike, Rory, Francesca, etc &#8211; none of them got the attention they deserved from Comedy Central. In fact, why didn&#8217;t CC send them to the conventions? Unfair, and a huge disappointment.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711719"> <div id="comment-1711719" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:41 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>The show was terrible but didn&#8217;t see this coming.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711725"> <div id="comment-1711725" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Largo</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:52 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>This show was way better than the Daily Show is now without Jon Stewart. Hopefully Trevor Noah is the next to go. The guy is awful. Stewart was always able to make interesting points. Noah constantly states the obvious as though it should be funny. Sad to see Wilmore go. Genuinely liked the guy. Wish he had taken over TDS.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment odd alt depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711793"> <div id="comment-1711793" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Fanny Winkle</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 10:26 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Completely agree! Noah has talent, but is too immature for the gig and everything about TDS now feels like a watered-down version of what they were in Stewart&#8217;s prime. Wilmore and his cast/writers are smart grown-ups with a sharp take on things. This is a real letdown.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711726"> <div id="comment-1711726" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Kimberly</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:53 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>With Trevor Noah, I suspect two unfunny &#8220;news shows&#8221; was one too many</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711727"> <div id="comment-1711727" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 8:56 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>They say they are fine with Trevor Noahs show but i doubt that. His show will be the next to go in 2-3 years. Dudes not even funny and you never see clips from his show on the morning shows.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment even depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711873"> <div id="comment-1711873" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Sterling Archer</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 12:51 pm</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>I&#8217;m thinking the axe will fall on Trevor Noah sooner than that.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711732"> <div id="comment-1711732" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:01 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Larry !!! Larry !!! Larry !!!<br/> NOOOO !!!<br/> So disappointed Comedy Central decided to cancel the Nightly Show.<br/> It was so good &#8230; I don&#8217;t know why it didn&#8217;t do better in the ratings.<br/> I will miss it.</p> <p>Keep It 100 Larry :)</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711733"> <div id="comment-1711733" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn"><a href="" rel="external nofollow" class="url">James Bigwood</a></cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:01 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>I am really sad to hear this. I actually prefer Larry to Trevor, although I watch both. I will definitely follow him to his next home.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711735"> <div id="comment-1711735" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:07 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Great show, will miss it. Did it have higher ratings than The Daily Show? I like both but how does that make sense?</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711737"> <div id="comment-1711737" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Jude Rouslin</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:09 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Very disappointing and unfortunate. My sense is that Larry Wilmore was just too real. He is also one of the more informative, humorous and qualified hosts I&#8217;ve seen in a while. &#8220;The unblackening&#8221; :-(((((</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711740"> <div id="comment-1711740" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Seth</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:18 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Sorry to hear this. One of my favorite shows. Thanks Larry and Co for a great run!</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711747"> <div id="comment-1711747" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:30 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>This really sucks. This is what I turned on CC for at night, not TDS. He was the true successor to Jon on the network. His correspondents also ended up being way better than TDS&#8217; new ones.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711750"> <div id="comment-1711750" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">JT</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:38 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>The timing of this really sucks in a huge way. They couldn&#8217;t have waited till after the election?</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment byuser comment-author-nyinstant even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711753"> <div id="comment-1711753" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Jᴏᴇ Dɪ Mᴀᴛᴛᴇᴏ</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:39 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>I&#8217;m not surprised, Larry Wilmore is about as entertaining as a root canal.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711755"> <div id="comment-1711755" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:40 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>The show belonged on MSNBC as it was closer to Meet the Press. The host alienated viewers by having a pulpit to rant, but not entertain.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment even depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711851"> <div id="comment-1711851" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Patrick</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 11:58 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>This. I mean, I agreed with a lot of his underlying points, but still. It was very preachy.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711765"> <div id="comment-1711765" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Anonymous</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 9:52 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Gahhhhddd nooooooo&#8230;. please be a sh;tty prank.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711769"> <div id="comment-1711769" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">stephen</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 10:00 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>I always felt that the problem was the two shows went back to back, therefore covering the same material twice. A lot of it was simply redundant by the time Larry got around to it. There&#8217;s only so much current affairs to cover every day. Perhaps if they&#8217;d been posted to different time slots?</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <li class="comment odd alt depth-2 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1714662"> <div id="comment-1714662" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">Thomas Martin</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 20, 2016<span> 12:27 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>I agree, I watched both shows and like them, but I always felt that there was an issue with the timing. If the daily show was in the daytime, I think the nightly show would of survived.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711781"> <div id="comment-1711781" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">william</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 10:19 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>Great! Now they need to cancel the other show w/ Trevor Noah. They were terrible. Or at the very least, replace him with a new anchor. One from the US that actually seems to know what he&#8217;s/she&#8217;s talking about.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <li class="comment odd alt thread-even depth-1 highlander-comment" id="li-comment-1711785"> <div id="comment-1711785" class="comment-wrapper"> <div class="comment-inner"> <div class="comment-author vcard"> <cite class="fn">RockinRobin</cite> &bull; <i>on </i> Aug 15, 2016<span> 10:22 am</span> </div> <!-- .comment-author .vcard --> <div class="comment-body"><p>We stopped watching this show a long time ago. Found it to be too racially biased and a total turn off. I am shocked that people are surprised this is being cancelled. The ratings were in the toilet.</p> </div> <div class="reply"> </div> <!-- .reply --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ol> <a href="" id="more-comments" onclick="deadline_comments.more_comments(1201803127); return false;" pagenum="1" maxpages="3">Load More Comments</a> </div> <div class="widget-area horizontal ad" id="after-comment-ad"> <div class="admz" id="adm-after-comments"> <div class="adma google-publisher" data-device="Desktop" data-width="620"> <div class="pmc-adm-goog-pub-div "> <div id="div-gpt-dl-ros-620x251-uid4" class="ad-rotatable adw-620 adh-251"></div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" class="script-mobile"> new AdLoader('#adm-after-comments', [ { "device": "Desktop", "width": 620, "height": 251 } ]); </script> </div> </div> <ul id="sidebar" class="widget-area nocontent"> <div class="admz" id="adm-widget-dl-ros-300x600"> <div class="adma google-publisher" data-device="Desktop" data-width="300"> <div class="pmc-adm-goog-pub-div "> <div id="div-gpt-deadline-ros-300x600-uid5" class="ad-rotatable adw-300 adh-600"></div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" class="script-mobile"> new AdLoader('#adm-widget-dl-ros-300x600', [ { "device": "Desktop", "width": 300, "height": 600 } ]); 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