Biopesticides in Agriculture, Biological Pesticides Products - ECHEMI

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opportunities</p></a> <span>2024-04-18</span> </li> <li> <a href="" ><p><span></span>China agrochemical industry weekly(1027)</p></a> <span>2023-10-28</span> </li> <li> <a href="" ><p><span></span> A subsidiary of Qianjiang Biochemical intends to invest in the relocation project of biopesticide technicals and formulations from the zone to the park</p></a> <span>2023-03-01</span> </li> <li> <a href="" ><p><span></span>The biopesticide project with an investment of $80 million and an output of 5,000 t/a is located in Anhui Huaishang Economic Development Zone</p></a> <span>2023-02-10</span> </li> <li> <a href="" ><p><span></span>Trichoderma asperellum TCS007 in Marine habitat can be developed as a new biological pesticide</p></a> <span>2023-01-06</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="ad_img"> <div class="swiper-container swiper-no-swiping"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <a href="" name="ad" rel="nofollow"> <img data-src="" alt="ad" class="lazyload"> </a> 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class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Abamectin</h2> (71751-41-2)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Avermectin has a good control effect on the pests of citrus, vegetables, cotton, apples, tobacco, soybeans, tea plants and other crops and delays drug resistance. Avermectin is a sixteen-membered macrolide with strong insecticidal, acaricidal, and nematicidal activity, a dual-purpose antibiotic for agriculture and livestock. Broad spectrum, efficient and safe. It has stomach poisoning and contact killing effect, and cannot kill eggs. Its mechanism of action is to interfere with neurophysiologic</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Abamectin SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Abamectin 99.8%" title="Abamectin 99.8%" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Pharma Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Provide Insecticide Pesticide Avermectin CAS 71751-41-2 Abamectin" title="Provide Insecticide Pesticide Avermectin CAS 71751-41-2 Abamectin" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Top Product / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi TNJONE Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd"> Shaanxi TNJONE Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy China Made Pesticide Abamectin 95% CAS71751-41-2" title="China Made Pesticide Abamectin 95% CAS71751-41-2" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> API Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Hebei Shunxing Import and Export Co.,Ltd"> Hebei Shunxing Import and Export Co.,Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Factory Supply Chemical Powder 95% 71751-41-2 Agrochemical Insecticide Avermectin / Abamectin Powder" title="Factory Supply Chemical Powder 95% 71751-41-2 Agrochemical Insecticide Avermectin / Abamectin Powder" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Pharmacy Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Hainan Flying International Trade Co., L"> Hainan Flying International Trade Co., L</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pd20170406155315966')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>(+)-Gibberellic acid</h2> (77-06-5)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Gibberellic Acid is a a pentacyclic diterpene acid. Gibberellic Acid is a hormone that is found in plants which promotes the growth and elongation of cells. Gibberellic acid acts as a plant growth regulator on account of its physiological and morphological effects in extremely low concentrations. Generally Gibberellic acid affects only the plant parts above the soil surface.</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">(+)-Gibberellic acid SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Plant Growth Regulator ga3 90% Gibberellic acid tablet Gibberellic acid GA4+7 CAS 77-06-5" title="Plant Growth Regulator ga3 90% Gibberellic acid tablet Gibberellic acid GA4+7 CAS 77-06-5" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Agricultural Grade / 90% </p> <p class="price"> $240-260/KG&nbsp;FOB</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="XI'AN HORLDEN BIO INDUSTRIES INC"> XI'AN HORLDEN BIO INDUSTRIES INC</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy CAS 77-06-5 Plant Growth Regulator Gibberellic Acid with 20%" title="CAS 77-06-5 Plant Growth Regulator Gibberellic Acid with 20%" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Agricultural Grade / 20% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="HYHCHEM"> HYHCHEM</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Gibberellic Acid CAS NO. 77-06-5" title="Gibberellic Acid CAS NO. 77-06-5" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="NANTONG REFORM PETRO-CHEMICAL CO.,LTD"> NANTONG REFORM PETRO-CHEMICAL CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy RYZUPSTRONG" title="RYZUPSTRONG" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Pharmacy Grade / 99.5% </p> <p class="price"> $5.5-6/KG&nbsp;FOB</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Rock14443')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Matrine</h2> (519-02-8)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Antifungal, nematocide Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, used to treat chronic cervicitis, bacillary dysentery, enteritis and other diseases. Diuretic effect, anti-pathogen effect</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Matrine SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Natural plant extract for agro-chemical use with liquid Matrine" title="Natural plant extract for agro-chemical use with liquid Matrine" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Agricultural Grade / 10% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="SHAANXI CREATIVE HERB BIOTECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD"> SHAANXI CREATIVE HERB BIOTECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Matrine" title="Matrine" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial grade / 99% </p> <p class="price"> $1/KG&nbsp;EXW</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Cuikang Pharmaceutical Technolog"> Shaanxi Cuikang Pharmaceutical Technolog</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Matrine" title="Matrine" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> - / 99.00% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="LEAP CHEM CO., LTD."> LEAP CHEM CO., LTD.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Facory Supply raw material Matrine powder CAS 519-02-8 and Matrine price" title="Facory Supply raw material Matrine powder CAS 519-02-8 and Matrine price" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Pharmacy Grade / 99% </p> <p class="price"> $12-15/MT&nbsp;FOB</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="XI'AN ZHONGSHI BIOENGR CO.,LTD."> XI'AN ZHONGSHI BIOENGR CO.,LTD.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Seven40772')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Emamectin benzoate</h2> (155569-91-8)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> As a new type of antibiotic bio-sourced insecticide, emamectin benzoate has the advantages of broad-spectrum, high efficiency, low toxicity, and low residue. It has a good insecticidal effect on lepidopteran pests, and emamectin benzoate on some lepidopteran insects The LC90 value range is 0.002~0.89mg/L. Compared with its lead compound, abamectin, emamectin salt has lower toxicity, and its toxicity to rats is only 1/6 of that of abamectin. It is safe for humans, animals, etc., and is easily deg</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Emamectin benzoate SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Emamectin Benzoate 95%TC 5%WDG Agrochemical pesticide price" title="Emamectin Benzoate 95%TC 5%WDG Agrochemical pesticide price" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Agricultural Grade / - </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="HYHCHEM"> HYHCHEM</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy 155569-91-8" title="155569-91-8" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Guangzhou Yaoguang Technology Co., Ltd."> Guangzhou Yaoguang Technology Co., Ltd.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Emamectin benzoate China manufacture 90%min" title="Emamectin benzoate China manufacture 90%min" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Hangzhou Dawn Ray Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd"> Hangzhou Dawn Ray Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy high quality Emamectin Benzoate 99% transparent liquid KANBEI" title="high quality Emamectin Benzoate 99% transparent liquid KANBEI" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="henan kanbei chemical co.,ltd"> henan kanbei chemical co.,ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pd180521131754')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Nitenpyram</h2> (150824-47-8)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Nitenpyram is a chloronicotinyl insecticide; orally administered flea adulticide. Nitenpyram is used as an ectoparasiticide.</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Nitenpyram SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Nitenpyram CAS NO.: 150824-47-8 99% Dideu-1-73875 Dideu" title="Nitenpyram CAS NO.: 150824-47-8 99% Dideu-1-73875 Dideu" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Sodium disilicate,δ-samdwich crystal / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Nitenpyram 99% white powder 150824-47-8 Senwayer" title="Nitenpyram 99% white powder 150824-47-8 Senwayer" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> API Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Wuhan Senwayer Century Chemical Co.,Ltd"> Wuhan Senwayer Century Chemical Co.,Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Nitenpyram 150824-47-8" title="Nitenpyram 150824-47-8" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shandong zhishang chemical Co.,Ltd"> Shandong zhishang chemical Co.,Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Nitenpyram 99% powder aly- 150824-47-8 lk" title="Nitenpyram 99% powder aly- 150824-47-8 lk" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="SHANDONG LOOK CHEMICAL CO.,LTD"> SHANDONG LOOK CHEMICAL CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('temppid160705008914')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="add_hot_box"> <div class="flex"><i class="iconfont icon-resou"></i> <h2 class="special_font">Source Biopesticides Products Supply</h2></div> <ul> <li> <a href=""> Rotenone suppliers </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Matrine suppliers </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Nitenpyram suppliers </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Emamectin benzoate suppliers </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Abamectin suppliers </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Spinosad suppliers </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Physcion</h2> (521-61-9)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> A natural anthraquinone derivative, on the infection process of Blumeria graminis on wheat. Physcion is one of the important active ingredients of ethanol extract from the roots of Chinese rhubarb (Rheum officinale) for controlling powdery mildew.</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Physcion SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Emodin-3-methyl ether" title="Emodin-3-methyl ether" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial grade / 99% </p> <p class="price"> $1/KG&nbsp;EXW</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Cuikang Pharmaceutical Technolog"> Shaanxi Cuikang Pharmaceutical Technolog</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Physcion" title="Physcion" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> - / 99.00% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="LEAP CHEM CO., LTD."> LEAP CHEM CO., LTD.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Emodin-3-methyl ether 521-61-9" title="Emodin-3-methyl ether 521-61-9" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> - / 99.5% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shandong Ranhang Biotechnology Co., Ltd."> Shandong Ranhang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Emodin-3-methyl ether 99% white powder kanbei" title="Emodin-3-methyl ether 99% white powder kanbei" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="henan kanbei chemical co.,ltd"> henan kanbei chemical co.,ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Seven41110')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Spinosad</h2> (168316-95-8)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Insecticide.</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Spinosad SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Spinosad 168316-95-8" title="Spinosad 168316-95-8" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Pharmacy Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="XI'AN HORLDEN BIO INDUSTRIES INC"> XI'AN HORLDEN BIO INDUSTRIES INC</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Spinosad Polyfungicide" title="Spinosad Polyfungicide" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Pharmacy Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="SHANDONG LOOK CHEMICAL CO.,LTD"> SHANDONG LOOK CHEMICAL CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy high purity hot sale Spinosad 99% high quality see COA KANBEI" title="high purity hot sale Spinosad 99% high quality see COA KANBEI" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="henan kanbei chemical co.,ltd"> henan kanbei chemical co.,ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy High quality Spinosad CAS NO.168316-95-8" title="High quality Spinosad CAS NO.168316-95-8" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Pharmacy Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shanghai Lonwin Chemical Co.,Ltd"> Shanghai Lonwin Chemical Co.,Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p class="hide news"> <a href="">News</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pd180521126529')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Validamycin A</h2> (37248-47-8)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Validamycin A is the major analogue of a family of cyclitol disaccharides isolated from Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. limoneus by researchers at Takeda in 1970. Although commonly regarded as an aminoglycoside, validamycin shares little in common with conventional aminoglycosides such as streptomycin and gentamicin. Validamycin A is a potent antifungal agent and is used to control fungi in crop production. Validamycin A acts as a potent inhibitor of trehalase, an important enzyme in carbohydrat</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Validamycin A SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Validamycin" title="Validamycin" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> - / 99.00% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="LEAP CHEM CO., LTD."> LEAP CHEM CO., LTD.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy China Most Professional Factory Supply High Qulity Validamycin CAS 37248-47-8" title="China Most Professional Factory Supply High Qulity Validamycin CAS 37248-47-8" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Pharmacy Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="LEADER BIOCHEMICAL GROUP"> LEADER BIOCHEMICAL GROUP</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Validamycin A TECHNICAL POWDER Pesticide Grade" title="Validamycin A TECHNICAL POWDER Pesticide Grade" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Pesticide Grade / - </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Wuhan Kernel Bio-tech Co., Ltd"> Wuhan Kernel Bio-tech Co., Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Validamycin" title="Validamycin" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Dayang Chem (Hangzhou) Co.,Ltd"> Dayang Chem (Hangzhou) Co.,Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pd20160908100629521')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Pyrethrins</h2> (8003-34-7)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Household insecticide (flies, mosquitoes, gar- den insects, etc.). Pyrethrum is used to control a wide range of insects and mites in public health, stored products, animal houses and on domestic and farm animals. It is used on glasshouse crops but has relatively limited use on field crops, vegetables and fruit. It is normally used with synergists such as piperonyl butoxide which inhibits metabolic detoxification. Pyrethrins are used to kill a number of different flying and crawling insects and </div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Pyrethrins SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Factory supply Natural 50% Pyrethrin oil Pyrethrum extract CAS 8003-34-7" title="Factory supply Natural 50% Pyrethrin oil Pyrethrum extract CAS 8003-34-7" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Agricultural Grade / 50% </p> <p class="price"> $350-420/KG&nbsp;FOB</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="XI'AN HORLDEN BIO INDUSTRIES INC"> XI'AN HORLDEN BIO INDUSTRIES INC</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Natural Plant Extract Pyrethrum Extract Pyrethrins 25%,50%" title="Natural Plant Extract Pyrethrum Extract Pyrethrins 25%,50%" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Agricultural Grade / 50% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="SHAANXI CREATIVE HERB BIOTECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD"> SHAANXI CREATIVE HERB BIOTECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Supply Pure Natural Pyrethrum Extract Pyrethrin 50% Dark yellow liquid LanShan" title="Supply Pure Natural Pyrethrum Extract Pyrethrin 50% Dark yellow liquid LanShan" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Agricultural Grade / 50% </p> <p class="price"> $404-525/KG&nbsp;EXW</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Xi'an Lanshan Biotechnology Co., Ltd."> Xi'an Lanshan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Pyrethrins 50% Organic Refined Pyrethrum Extract Concentrates" title="Pyrethrins 50% Organic Refined Pyrethrum Extract Concentrates" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> <i class="main_icon"></i></a> </div> <p class="grade"> - / 50% </p> <p class="price"> $360-468/KG&nbsp;EXW</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shanghai Beixinke Chemical Co., Ltd."> Shanghai Beixinke Chemical Co., Ltd.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p class="hide news"> <a href="">News</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Rock26808')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Bacillus thuringiensis</h2> (68038-71-1)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> It is a pollution-free biological insecticide, mainly used to control lepidopteran pests of crops such as grain, cotton and apple</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Bacillus thuringiensis SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Bacillus thuringiensis 99% Powder Professional producer Greenbo" title="Bacillus thuringiensis 99% Powder Professional producer Greenbo" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Agricultural Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Greenbo Biochem"> Greenbo Biochem</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki" title="Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Agricultural Grade / - </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="DALIAN HANDOM CHEMICALS CO.,LTD."> DALIAN HANDOM CHEMICALS CO.,LTD.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis 32000IU/mg 16000IU/mg 1200ITU/mg WP CAS 68038-71-1" title="Insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis 32000IU/mg 16000IU/mg 1200ITU/mg WP CAS 68038-71-1" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Agricultural Grade / - </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="HYHCHEM"> HYHCHEM</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy 68038-71-1" title="68038-71-1" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Guangzhou Yaoguang Technology Co., Ltd."> Guangzhou Yaoguang Technology Co., Ltd.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('temppid160705009541')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <!--换页按钮区--> <div class='turnPage_box'> <div class='fenye'> <div class='fenye_left'> <ul> <li class='previous firstpage'><span></span></li><li class='btn_active'>1</li><a href=''><li class='cursor_btn'>2</li></a> <a href=''><li class='next'><span></span></li></a> <span>Go to Page</span> <input type='text' id='gotoPageIndex468805654'/> <a href='javascript:void(0)' rel='nofollow' onclick='gotoChangePage468805654()' class='go_btn'>Go</a> </ul> </div> </div></div> <script type='text/javascript'> function gotoChangePage468805654(){ var gotoPageIndex = $('#gotoPageIndex468805654').val(); var urlWithGotoPage = ''; if (gotoPageIndex!='') { var reg = new RegExp('^[0-9]*$'); var result= reg.test(gotoPageIndex); if (result == false) { gotoPageIndex = '1'; }else{ if (gotoPageIndex*1 > 2) { gotoPageIndex = 2; } if (gotoPageIndex*1 == 0) { gotoPageIndex = 1 } } }else{ gotoPageIndex = '1'; } if (gotoPageIndex=='1') { location.href = ''; }else{ location.href = '' + gotoPageIndex; } } </script><!--换页按钮区 END--> <div class="category_intro"> Biopesticides refer to the use of living organisms (fungi, bacteria, insect viruses, genetically modified organisms, natural enemies, etc.) or their metabolites (pheromone, auxin, naphthalene acetic acid, 2,4-D, etc.) against agricultural pests Agents that kill or inhibit. 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