About Second Street - Second Street Online Promotions Platform
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Based in St. Louis, our software solutions enable companies to maximize customer engagement and convert website visits into revenue through contests, sweepstakes and giveaways, ballots, deals programs, email and text messaging communications, and UGC photo publishing and e-commerce programs. </p></div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <h2>Meet the Leaders</h2> <div class="sub-content"> Second Street is co-owned and operated by Matt Coen and Doug Villhard, who have been friends and business partners for more than 10 years. After meeting at Pulitzer Technologies, where they gained insight into the unique challenges facing media companies, Doug and Matt went on to start several businesses before combining their companies in 2007 in order to better serve their existing customers and respond to new opportunities.</p> </div> <div class="col1"> <div class="calloutbox"> <img src="/web/20150228133344im_/" style="display: inline; float: left; padding-top: 34px; margin-bottom: 220px; margin-right: 8px;"/></p> <h4>Doug Villhard</h4> <p>A graduate of Truman State University with a master’s degree from Boston University, and an MBA from Washington University, Doug started his career as a producer at Disney Interactive and Disney Online. After moving back to St. Louis, Doug worked at Pulitzer Technologies before leaving to found UPICKEM in 2001.</p> <p>Doug is a programmer by trade, but a golfer at heart. He and his wife, Diane, have four children. If he鈥檚 not on his laptop, he鈥檚 shuttling kids from one activity to the next, all the while dreaming of lowering his handicap. </p></div> </div> <div class="col2"> <div class="calloutbox"> <img src="/web/20150228133344im_/" style="display: inline; float: left; padding-top: 34px; margin-bottom: 200px; margin-right: 8px;"/></p> <h4>Matt Coen</h4> <p>A Rhode Island native and Connecticut College grad, Matt cut his teeth running political campaigns on the East Coast. Matt moved to the Midwest with his wife Emily and their three sons, where he started his career in media technology at Pulitzer Technologies. </p> <p>Matt is still a political junkie, and in 2006 he co-wrote and produced the award-winning documentary, “Can Mr. Smith Get to Washington Anymore?” </p></div> </div> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <div style="margin-top: 25px; margin-bottom: 25px;"> <h2>Meet the Team</h2> <div class="sub-content clearfix" style="background-color: #f1f5f7; padding-left: 10px;"> <img class="alignright" style="margin-top: 8px; margin-right: 8px;" title="Second Street Office St. Louis, Missouri" src="/web/20150228133344im_/" alt="Meet the Team"/><br/> The Second Street team is made up of smart, driven, and innovative individuals. While we work hard day in and day out to help our partners drive success, we also play hard. This photo shows the whole team at a company dodgeball tournament! </p> </div> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <h2>Join the Team</h2> <div class="sub-content"> Interested in joining the Second Street team? We always welcome innovation and new ideas, and we鈥檙e on the lookout to hire like-minded leaders and collaborators who are the best at what they do. Your abilities and talent will dictate your specific responsibilities. Create your own environment here, your opportunities are boundless.</p> <p>If this sounds like you, we’d love to talk to you. Please send a cover note and your resume to <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent','mailto','']);" target="_blank">employment [at]</a></p> </div> <div class="sub-content"> <div class="about-button" style="display: inline; float: left; margin-left: 20px;"><a href="/web/20150228133344/"><img src="/web/20150228133344im_/" border="0"/></a></div> <div class="about-button" style="display: inline; float: left; margin-left: 40px;"><a href="/web/20150228133344/"><img src="/web/20150228133344im_/" border="0"/></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div style="position:absolute;left:-23980px;">buy cialis for dogs <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'buy cialis online without prescription']);">buy cialis online without prescription</a> buy cialis for dogs buy celebrex cheap <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'buy celebrex without prescription']);">buy celebrex without prescription</a> buy celebrex cheap buy doxycycline mastercard <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'doxycycline online no prescription']);">doxycycline online no prescription</a> purchase doxycycline order propecia no prescription <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'propecia online without prescription']);">propecia online without prescription</a> propecia cheap where to buy sildenafil <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'buy sildenafil no prescription']);">buy sildenafil no prescription</a> cheap sildenafil online buy diflucan online cheap <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'buy diflucan without prescription']);">buy diflucan without prescription</a> order diflucan online buy discount kamagra <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'kamagra online pharmacy']);">kamagra online pharmacy</a> cheap kamagra buy amoxil overnight delivery <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'amoxil for sale']);">amoxil for sale</a> amoxil online overnight clomid without prescription <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'clomid online without prescription']);">clomid online without prescription</a> buy cheap clomid zithromax overnight shipping <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'buy zithromax online no prescription']);">buy zithromax online no prescription</a> buy discount zithromax buy levitra with mastercard <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'levitra for sale']);">levitra for sale</a> levitra no prescription retin-a overnight shipping <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'buy retin-a online without prescription']);">buy retin-a online without prescription</a> buy retin-a free shipping tadalafil cheap <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'tadalafil online no prescription']);">tadalafil online no prescription</a> where to buy tadalafil online cheap cipro <a href="" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', '', 'buy cipro without prescription']);">buy cipro without prescription</a> buy cipro online no prescription </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- #center-column --> </div><!-- .home-wrapper --> <!--<table style=" position: fixed; 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