Luxembourg Business Registers
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We will endeavor to correct the errors that will be reported to us.</p> <p>The LBR gie is not responsible for the use of the information contained in the pages published on this site.</p> <p>The LBR gie is committed to making every effort to ensure that the data of the persons or entities displayed on this site are conform to those displayed in the company's or entity’s file, provided that no changes have been notified to the RCS or to the RBE within 3 days preceeding the consultation date. If an amendment has been notified to the RCS or to the RBE in the meantime, it may not yet have been taken into account.</p> <p>Concerning the RCS portal and in case of discrepancies between the published texts, the information disseminated on this site and the original documents, the original documents, as filed onto the RCS, prevail.</p> <p>The site may refer to external sites over which LBR has no control and for which it disclaims all liability.</p> <p>LBR gie does not assume any liability for any damage caused to your facility by the use of this site.</p> <p>LBR gie is not responsible for any interruption, even temporary, of the dissemination of information.</p> <p>These disclaimers are not intended to circumvent the requirements of applicable laws or to exclude liability in cases where it can not be excluded by such laws.</p> <p>Regarding access to the paid services offered on this site, LBR informs the user that this access is subject to prior acceptance of the general conditions available on its site.</p> <h1>Copyright</h1> <p>In the absence of any indication to the contrary, reproduction of the information contained on this site is reserved for non-commercial purposes provided that the source is expressly mentioned.</p> </div> </div> <script language="javascript"> updateKnowMoreBox("pdf/conditionsgenerales.pdf","Terms and conditions"); </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> concatTimestampToUrlsInStaticPages(); </script> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <p> <span> Version : LBR_24.0.9</span> <span> Copyright © LBR gie | <a href="/mjrcs-lbr/jsp/webapp/static/mjrcs/en/mjrcs-lbr/legal.html?pageTitle=footer.legalaspect&time=1736130222330">Legal aspects</a> </span> </p> </div> <!-- contextual help div --> <div id="DIV_CONNECT_SECURED_CERT" style="display:none;"> <table> <tr> <td width="49%"> <h1>Access to electronic filing formalities</h1> <p>To access the electronic filing formalities on the LBR website, you need to have a "Luxtrust certificate" user account.</p> <p>Only a person authenticated by the LBR with a digital Luxtrust certificate has the right to electronically file documents with the RCS.</p> <p>If you already have a Luxtrust certificate, the process for creating your user account is automatic and your user account can be used immediately. No access request form needs to be completed in order to create your user account.</p> <h2>How to create a new "Luxtrust certificate" user account?</h2> <p>To create a new account just click on "Connect" in the toolbar and follow the instructions on the screen.</p> <p>You first have to click on the link "Click here to register" and then on "Or click here to register with your electronic Luxtrust certificate" and follow the instructions on the screen.</p> <p>For more information on how to create a "Luxtrust certificate" account, please consult the "Connection process" document.</p> <h2>Have you already created a user account with a “Luxtrust certificate”?</h2> <p>If you already have a user account associated with your “Luxtrust certificate” on the LBR website, you should connect and use this account to access the electronic filing menu.</p> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript">_satellite.pageBottom();</script> </body> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> checkIfHasErrorMessages(); </script> </html>