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Borooah Cancer Institute, Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati-16 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">T</button> <a href="/home/tenderdetails/227" target="_blank"> <b>Tender</b><br>Notice Inviting Tender for Supply of Video Stroboscope System at Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati-16 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1363" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Result of interview for the post of Medical Officer (Casualty) BBCI against Adv. 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(Trial Coordinator) (UR) against Adv.55/2023 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1263" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Result for the post of Technician &#39;C&#39; (CSSD) (UR/SC) against Adv.132/2023 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1262" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Result for Technician &#39;A&#39; (CSSD) (OBC) against Adv.12/2024 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1261" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for Senior Resident (Radiation Oncology/Pediatric Oncology) at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1260" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>List of Eligible Candidates for Counselling for Admission into MSc Nursing (Oncology Nursing) at Dr. B Borooah Cancer Institute <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1259" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Result for the post of Supervisor for MoHFW, GoI project Regional Satellite Centre of Tobacco Quitline services at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1258" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Result for the post of COUNSELOR for Regional Satellite Centre of Tobacco Quitline Services at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1257" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Declaration of result for the post of Technician &#39;C&#39; 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(Medical Oncology) (Pediatric) <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1251" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Shortlisted candidates for appearing in interview on 05.07.2024 for contractual post of Supervisor for MoHFW, GoI supported project at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1250" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Fresh Applications are invited for the Deepika Phukan Oncology Research Grant Award of BBCI for the 2024-2026 period. <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1221" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for the post of Asst. Accountant at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1220" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for Medical Physicist <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1219" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for Assistant Accounts Officer <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/admissionnotice/1216" target="_blank"> <b>Admission</b><br>List of eligible candidates for interview for admission into 2 years Certified TMC Fellowship in Different Subspecialties of Oncology at Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute for the academic session 2024-25 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1215" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertise for walk in interview for the contractual post of Counselor for Ministry of Health &amp; FW sponsored project Regional Satellite Centre of Tobacco Quitline Service at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1214" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertise for walk in interview for the contractual post of Project Technical Support - I (Patient Navigator and Coordinator) for ICMR supported project at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1209" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertise for contractual position of Biomedical Engineer for placement at BBCI through Prism Facilities Management Service <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1208" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Declaration of interview result for the post of Medical Officer &#39;E&#39; (Radiation Oncology) at BBCI, Guwahati against Adv. 12 of 2024 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/1207" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for the post of Clinical Trial Coordinator at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">T</button> <a href="/home/tenderdetails/172" target="_blank"> <b>Tender</b><br>Notice Inviting Tender for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Portable Ultrasound Machine for Dr. B.Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati-16 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/207" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Declaration of result for the post of Senior Resident (Onco Pathology) at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/206" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for Online interview for the post of Project Coordinator <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/205" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Declaration of result for the post of Asst. Medical Officer (Palliative Medicine) at BBCI against Adv No.1433 of 2024 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/204" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Declaration of result for the post of Project Technical Support II (Data Manager / Lab Coordinator) against Adv. No.1436/2024 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/203" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Adv for walk in interview for the post of Regional Coordinator for ICMR funded Research project &quot;Women Empowerment - Cancer Awareness Nexus (WE-CAN) at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/202" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Declaration of result for the post of Project Nurse III, Project Technical Support III (Clinical Research Coordinator), Project Technical Support II (Data Manager), Project Technical Support II (Lab Coordinator) and Project Technical Support I (Patient Navigator and Coordinator) <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/198" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for the post of Project Technical Support II (Data Manager) and Project Technical Support II (Lab Coordinator) <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/197" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for the post of Asst. Medical Officer (Palliative Medicine) <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/196" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for the post of Senior Resident (Onco Pathology) at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/194" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Result for the post of Team Lead for CCE, TMC supported project &#39;Indian Study for Health Ageing&#39; at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/190" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Declaration of result for the contractual post of MSW for ICMR supported project - Women Empowerment - Cancer Awareness Nexus (WE-CAN) ... at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/189" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>List of eligible candidates for appearing in interview for contractual post of Project Nurse III, Project Technical Support III (Clinical Research Coordinator), Project Technical Support II (Data Manager), Project Technical Support II (Lab Coordinator) and Project Technical Support I (Patient Navigator and Coordinator) for ICMR supported project at BBCI against adv.dtd.27.02.2024 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/188" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Shortlisted candidates for second round interview for the post of Scientific Officer &#39;C&#39; (Molecular Pathology) <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/187" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for contractual post of Team Lead for CCE TMC supported ISHA project at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/186" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for the contractual post of Scientific Officer D (Molecular Laboratory) at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/185" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for the contractual post of Scientific Officer C (Molecular Pathology) at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/184" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Adv for walk in interview for the contractual post of MSW for ICMR supported project at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/180" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Declaration of interview result for the contractual post of Medical Officer for CCE TMC supported project <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/179" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Declaration of interview result for the post of Deputy Controller of Accounts at BBCI against Adv. No.TMC/AD/132/2023 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">T</button> <a href="/home/tenderdetails/159" target="_blank"> <b>Tender</b><br>Notice Inviting Tender for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Operating Microscope Mid End for Dr. B.Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati-16 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/177" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Walk-in-Interview for the post of Purchase Officer <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/176" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for the contractual post of Blood Centre Counselor / Medical Social Worker <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/175" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for Scientific Officer (Nuclear Medicine) <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/170" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Selected candidates for the post of Senior Resident (Head &amp; Nek Surgery) at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/169" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for the post of Medical Officer for CCE TMC project at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/166" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Selected candidates for the post of Senior Resident (Surgical Oncology) <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/165" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for Computer Programmer / Networking Assistant / Web Designer (On contract Basis) to be recruited through manpower outsourcing agency. <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/164" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for Laboratory Technician to be recruited through manpower outsourcing agency <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/163" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for the post of Project Nurse and Project Technical Support staff for ICMR supported project IS-CALl at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/154" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for the contractual post of OT Technician <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/153" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for the post of Counselor for MoHFW, GoI supported project at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/152" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for Walk in interview for Assistant Medical Officer (Palliative Medicine) at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/151" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Shortlisted candidates for appearing in the interview on 31.01.2024 for contractual post of Phlebotomist at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/150" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertise for the contractual post of Project Engineer (Civil) and Junior Engineer Maintenance (Electrical) <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/149" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Application Form for Deepika Phukan Oncology Research Grant Award of Dr. B Borooah Cancer Institute <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/147" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for the contractual post of Pharmacist and ICU Technician <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/144" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for walk in interview for Adhoc Consultant (Radiation Oncology) at BBCI on 17.01.2024 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/142" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>List of candidates shortlisted for Medical Officer &#39;D&#39; <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/141" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for contractual post of Computer Programmer <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/140" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Selected candidates for the post of Asst. Medical Officer (Palliative Medicine) at BBCI, Guwahati <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/139" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Adv for walk in interview for the contractual post of Medical Research Officer (Scientist B) for Population Based Cancer Registry at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/138" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Adv for walk in interview for the post of Asst. Medical Officer (Palliative Medicine) <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/137" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for the post of Clinical Trial Coordinator at BBCI <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/136" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for Nuclear Medicine Technologist <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/135" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Corrigendum Notice for the post of Nurse <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/134" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Selected candidates for the post of Driver against Adv.4308 of 2023 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/133" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Job opportunity for Project Engineer (Civil) and Junior Engineer Maintenance (Electrical) at BBCI, Guwahati <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/132" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Job opportunity for Asst. Accounts Officer (contractual) at BBCI, Guwahati <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/130" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Walk-in-Interview for the post of Clinical Psychologist / Medical Social Worker at Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/129" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Corrigendum notice for the post of Attendant <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/127" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Advertisement for Phlebotomist <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/120" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Selected candidates for the post of Scientific Assistant B (Radiation Oncology) (SC) against ADv.55 of 2023 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/119" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Adv. for walk in interview for medical officer, nurse and attendant <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/118" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Selected candidate for the post of Medical Officer E (Anaesthesiology) against Adv. 55 of 2023 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/114" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>List of Shortlisted candidates for Document verification and interview for the post of NURSING (Prism) on basis of Written test held on 21.11.2023 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">T</button> <a href="/home/tenderdetails/112" target="_blank"> <b>Tender</b><br>NIT for Comprehensive architectural &amp; execution for Development of surrounding the palliative care centre, landscaped area for Palliative Care Patients at Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati-16 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/94" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Selected candidates for the post of Counselor <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/93" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>List of selected candidate for the post of Scientific Officer E (Epidemiology &amp; Biostatistics) against Adv.55 of 2023 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/92" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>List of selected candidate for the post of Scientific Officer &#39;SB&#39; (Biomedical) against Adv.55 of 2023 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/91" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>List of selected candidate for the post of Technician &#39;A&#39; (CSSD) (SC-01) against Adv.55 of 2023 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">A</button> <a href="/home/advertisement/88" target="_blank"> <b>Adv</b><br>Selected candidate for the post of Technician A (ICU) (SC) against Adv 55 of 2023 <span class="text-red text-blink">New</span> </a> </li> <li> <button class="notice-tender">T</button> <a href="/home/tenderdetails/103" target="_blank"> <b>Tender</b><br>NIT for Rate Contract for Electrical works in BBCI for 1 years (Extendable for another 1 year) at Dr. B. 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