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span").html('blackTxt'); } var _areaId = area.cityId; $("#regionId").val(_areaId); $("#cityCode").val(area.cityCode).change(); $("#changeCityBtn span").html('blackTxt'); }, function(data) { //该方法可选,请求接口异常执行方法,返回的数据记录了错误信息 //var cityId = data.cityId //loadCityData(cityId);//城市相关模块数据 }); e.preventDefault ? (e.preventDefault()) : (e.returnValue = false); } } }; var cityPop1 = new cityPop({ "openBtn": "changeCityBtn", //打开弹框按钮ID "cityBox": "changeCityBox", //弹层ID "searchInp": "sCity1", //搜索框ID "searchResult": "sResult1", //搜索结果层ID "hotsCity": "hotsCity1", //热门城市ID "tipNo": "tipNo1", //无结果提示ID "tipGo": "tipGo1", //直达提示ID "resultList": "resultList1", //搜索结果列表ID "closeBtn": "sClose1", //关闭按钮ID "letArea": "letArea1", //字母列表ID "cityArea": "cityArea1" //城市列表ID }, droplistCallback); function checkPhone() { var pattern = /^1[3-9]\d{9}$/; if ($.trim($("#phone").val()) == "请输入手机号码" || $.trim($("#phone").val()) == "") { $("#phoneErrTips").text("请输入您的手机号码"); $("#phoneTips").show(); $("#phoneErrTips").show(); $("#phone").addClass('error');//add 20160712 return false; } else if ($("#phone").val().length > 11) { $("#phoneErrTips").text("请输入正确的手机号"); $("#phoneTips").show(); $("#phoneErrTips").show(); $("#phone").addClass('error');//add 20160712 return false; } else if (!pattern.test($.trim($("#phone").val()))) { $("#phoneErrTips").text("请输入正确的手机号"); $("#phoneTips").show(); $("#phoneErrTips").show(); $("#phone").addClass('error');//add 20160712 return false; } else { $("#phoneTips").hide(); $("#phoneErrTips").hide(); $("#phone").removeClass('error');//add 20160712 return true; } } function checkModel() { var modelId = $.trim($("#modelId").val()); if (modelId == "" || modelId.indexOf('+') >= 0) { $("#carTips").show(); $("#carErrTips").text("请选择意向车型"); $("#carErrTips").show(); return false; } else { $("#carTips").hide(); $("#carErrTips").hide(); return true; } } function checkCode() { var pattern = /^\d{6}$/; if ($.trim($("#yzmCode").val()) == "请输入短信验证码" || $.trim($("#yzmCode").val()) == "") { $("#yzmErrTips").text("验证码不能为空"); $("#yzmTips").show(); $("#yzmErrTips").show(); $("#yzmCode").addClass('error'); return false; } else if (!pattern.test($.trim($("#yzmCode").val()))) { $("#yzmErrTips").text("请正确输入6位验证码"); $("#yzmTips").show(); $("#yzmErrTips").show(); $("#yzmCode").addClass('error'); return false; } else { $("#yzmTips").hide(); $("#yzmErrTips").hide(); $("#yzmCode").removeClass('error'); return true; } } /*add 20160712 姓名判断 S*/ function checkName(){ var val = $("#username").val() var reg = /^[A-Za-z\u4e00-\u9fa5]{1,20}$/; if(!reg.test(val)||val=="请输入姓名"){ $("#nameTips").show(); $("#nameErrTips").show(); $("#username").addClass('error'); return false; }else{ $("#nameTips").hide(); $("#nameErrTips").hide(); $("#username").removeClass('error'); return true; } } $("#username").blur(function(){ checkName(); }) /*add 20160712 E*/ $("#phone").blur(function() { checkPhone(); }); $("#yzmCode").blur(function() { checkCode(); }); $(function() { //根据IP定位网友的城市 LocateAuto.init({ device: 'pc', cityCode: '', callback:function(data){ var area = data; var _areaId = area.cityId; $("#regionId").val(_areaId); $("#cityCode").val(area.cityCode); $("#changeCityBtn span").html('blackTxt'); $("#nameList_curCity").html(; } }); /*edit 20200226 S*/ $("#cityCode").change(function(){ var cityCode = $("#cityCode").val(); if(cityCode) commSg.getDianJinAd(); }); /*edit 20200226 E*/ //查看省钱方案 $("#subtn1").click(function(){ if (!commSg.modelData.sgId) { $("#carTips").show(); $("#carErrTips").show(); return; } if (!checkName()) { return; } if (!checkPhone()) { return; } if(sendFlag == 1) { if(!checkCode()){ return; } } if (!isSubmit) { isSubmit = true;// 防止重复提交 $("#subtn1").attr("disabled", true); var name = $("#username").val(); var reg = /[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/; var regEn = /[A-Za-z]/; if (reg.test(name)||!regEn.test(name)){ name = encodeURIComponent(name); } //一级订单 if (sendFlag == 1) { $.getJSON(""+$('#phone').val()+"&checkCode="+$('#yzmCode').val(), function(data){ if(!data){ showError("服务繁忙,请重试!"); } if(data.code==0){ submitData(name, $("#phone").val(), sendFlag); }else{ //验证失败 $("#yzmErrTips").text(data.msg); $("#yzmTips").show(); $("#yzmErrTips").show(); $("#yzmCode").addClass('error'); } $("#subtn1").attr("disabled", false); isSubmit = false; }); } else { submitData(name, $("#phone").val(), sendFlag); } } }) }) function submitData(name, phone, sendFlag) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", data: { regionId: $("#regionId").val(), modelId: $("#modelId").val(), phone: phone, buyTime: $("#time").val(), name: name, sendFlag: sendFlag, source: $("#source").val(), level: 1 }, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { if(data.code == 1){ setCount(); 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