Bine aţi venit pe - învăţaţi CW online! - Learn CW Online
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Nu aveţi nevoie să instalaţi un program în calculator, iar setările dumneavoastră personale vă vor fi accesibile de pe orice calculator din lume conectat la internet. Cu ajutorul diferitelor facilităţi statistice vă veţi putea urmări cu uşurinţă progresele realizate. </P> <p><a href="/signup">Înregistraţi-vă</a> un cont gratuit (sau folosiţi numele de utilizator «test» şi parola «test» pentru o încercare) şi începeţi chiar de astăzi să învăţaţi telegrafia sau să vă perfecţionaţi performanţa.</p> <h2>Funcţiuni</h2> <p>- Curs de telegrafie (metoda Koch)<br> - <a href="/highscores">Cele mai mari scoruri</a> — Comparaţi-vă rezultatele cu cele ale altor utilizatori <br> - Antrenament de viteză (Grupe de cinci semne, Text în clar, Antrenament cu indicative, Antrenament pe grupe)<br> - <a href="/download">MP3 practice files</a> (Download)<br> - <a href="/text2cw">Convertirea textului în CW</a> (Nu necesită conectare)<br> - <a href="/forum">Forum</a> pentru discuţii între utilizatori şi opinii<br> - <a href="/usergroups">User groups</a><br> - <a href="" title="Worked All Europe DX Contest">WAE</a> Antrenament QTC<br> - Vor fi introduse curând şi alte facilităţi...</p> <h2>News <a href="/atom.xml"><img src="/pics/feed.png" border="0" alt="[Atom LCWO News Feed]" title="LCWO Atom News Feed"></a> <a href="/forumatom.xml"><img src="/pics/feed.png" border="0" alt="[Atom LCWO Forum Feed]" title="LCWO Atom Forums Feed"></a> </h2> <p><strong><span style="color:#ff0000">2024-07-20</span></strong> - LCWO is now also available in Slovak language, thanks to Matúš, OM8ATE!</p> <p><strong>2024-03-11</strong> - Every user will now find an practice activity "heatmap" on the main page. The same can be enabled on the public profiles! Tnx Matti, OH2CME for the implementation!</p> <p><strong>2024-03-10</strong> - We now have a collection of 77 Greek proverbs in the Plain Text Training (tnx SV1DAY)!</p> <p><strong>2023-08-07</strong> - Improvements in Word training (replaying words) and QTC training (just in time for WAE CW!).</p> <p><strong>2023-01-23</strong> - Over the last months, plain text training was updated with texts in Czech, Japanese and Polish!</p> <p><strong>2022-01-05</strong> - German word training now contains <b>30.000</b> words; thanks to Wolf, DK1ET!</p> <p><strong>2021-03-18</strong> - Note: LCWO will be down for maintenance starting around 00:00 UTC on March 19th 2021 for a few hours.</p> <p><strong>2020-09-01</strong> - A "Dark Mode" is now available for people who prefer white font on a black background (in your account settings).</p> <p><strong>2020-08-05</strong> - LCWO is now available in Korean language (한국어) - tnx Joe, HL5KY!</p> <p><strong>2020-07-26</strong> - 17.000 words are available now for word training in German. Carefully curated by Wolf, DK1ET. Thanks!</p> <div><a href='/news/all'>Arătaţi integral</a></div><p><a href='/changelog'>ChangeLog</a> — Please don't hesitate to report any problems, criticisms and suggestions to: <a href=''>Fabian Kurz</a>.</p> </td> <td width="20"> </td> </tr> </table> <br><br><br> <div align="center" class="footer"> - <strong>Learn Morse Code (CW) Online</strong> by <a class="sLink" href="">Fabian Kurz, DJ5CW</a> (<a href="/impressum">Impressum</a>) - <a href="/privacy">Privacy Policy / Datenschutzinformationen</a></div> <script> // keep the session cookie alife as long as user is on the page, refresh every // 5 minutes function session_keepalive () { var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "//", true); request.onreadystatechange = function() { var done = 4, ok = 200; if (request.readyState == done && request.status == ok) { var r = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if (r["result"] == false) { // no session if (document.getElementById("logoutlink")) { // but we think we're logged in! document.location.href = "//"; } } } } request.send(); } window.setInterval('session_keepalive()', 300000); </script> </body> </html>