Glottolog 5.1 - Xoco
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});</script></div></div> <h3> Unclassifiable: <span class="level-language">Xoco</span> <a class="btn-warning btn-mini btn" href="" title="report a problem" type="button"><i class="icon-bell"></i></a> <a class="btn-mini btn" href="" title="see on GitHub" type="button"><i class="icon-pencil"></i></a> <a class="btn-mini btn" href="#refs" title="go to references" type="button"><i class="icon-book"></i></a> </h3> <div class="accordion" id="Classification-accordion" style="margin-top: 1em; clear: right;"> <div class="accordion-group"> <div class="accordion-heading"> <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#Classification-accordion" href="#acc-Classification" title="click to hide or show Classification"> Classification </a> </div> <div id="acc-Classification" class="accordion-body collapse in"> <div class="accordion-inner"> <div style="overflow: visible;"> <ul class="inline pull-left"> <li> <a href=""><i class="icon-question-sign"></i></a> </li> </ul> <ul class="inline 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{"id": "xion1234", "pk": 762, "iso": null, "level": "language", "label": "Xiong-Nu", "children": []}, {"id": "xoco1235", "pk": 856, "iso": null, "level": "language", "label": "Xoco", "children": [], "map_marker": ""}, {"id": "yana1258", "pk": 835, "iso": null, "level": "language", "label": "Yanacona", "children": []}]}], 'xoco1235'); }); </script> <div class="accordion" id="Endangerment-accordion" style="margin-top: 1em; clear: right;"> <div class="accordion-group"> <div class="accordion-heading"> <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#Endangerment-accordion" href="#acc-Endangerment" title="click to hide or show Endangerment"> Endangerment </a> </div> <div id="acc-Endangerment" class="accordion-body collapse in"> <div class="accordion-inner"> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>AES status:</dt> <dd>extinct</dd> <dt>Source:</dt> <dd> Glottolog </dd> <dt>Comment:</dt> <dd>Xoco (NOCODE_Xoco-NOCODE_Xoco) = 10 (Extinct)</dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="alert alert-success"><button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button">脳</button><p>Ethnologue (editions 16-19) has two entries Karir铆-Xoc贸 <a href="">[kzw]</a> and Xukur煤 <a href="">[xoo]</a>, with the following information:</p> <p>| p{5cm} p{5cm}} | Karir铆-Xoc贸 <a href="">[kzw]</a> | Xukur煤 <a href="">[xoo]</a> | | Dialects: | Kipe谩 (Quipea), Kamur煤 (Camuru), Dzubuku谩 (Dzubucua), Sabuj谩 (Pedra Branca). Other dialects or languages are even less well attested. | | | Region: | Alagoas. | Pernambuco, Serra de Urub谩 (Arob谩) near Cimbres City, Bah铆a. | | Classification: | Unclassified | Unclassified | | Language development: | Grammar. | | | country: | Brazil | Brazil | | Alternate names: | Karir铆, Kariri Xuc贸, Kipe谩, Xoc贸, Xok贸, Xok贸-Karir铆, Xukur煤, Xukuru Kariri | Kirir铆, Kirir铆-Xok贸 | | Population: | No known speakers. Ethnic population: 1,062 (1995 SIL). | No known speakers. Ethnic population: 6,363. | | Language use: | Shifted to Portuguese. | Shifted to Portuguese. |</p> <p>The are (at least) three attested languages relevant for these two entries. The first, which we may call Kipe谩-Dzubuku谩, is a dialect complex consisting of Dzubuku谩, Kipe谩, Kamur煤 (Camuru), Sabuj谩 for which Jesuits grammars/catechisms are the main source of documentation. Quite a lot is known about Kipe谩-Dzubuku谩 grammar, i.e., noun classes, VSO constituent order, ergativity and so on ( <a class="Source" href="" title="Mamiani, Luis Vincencio 1877 [1699]">Mamiani, Luis Vincencio 1877 [1699]</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="de Azevedo, Gilda Maria Corr锚a 1965">de Azevedo, Gilda Maria Corr锚a 1965</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="Lucien Adam 1897">Lucien Adam 1897</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="Larsen, Thomas W. 1984">Larsen, Thomas W. 1984</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="Aryon D. Rodrigues 1999">Aryon D. Rodrigues 1999</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="Rodrigues, Aryon D. 1997">Rodrigues, Aryon D. 1997</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="de Nantes, Bernardo 1709">de Nantes, Bernardo 1709</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="de Queiroz, Jos茅 M谩rcio Correia 2008">de Queiroz, Jos茅 M谩rcio Correia 2008</a> ). The second, which we may call Choc贸, is attested only in a few minuscule wordlists ( <a class="Source" href="" title="膶estm铆r Loukotka 1963">膶estm铆r Loukotka 1963</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="Pompeu Sobrinho, Thomas 1939">Pompeu Sobrinho, Thomas 1939</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="Pompeu Sobrinho, Thomaz 1958">Pompeu Sobrinho, Thomaz 1958</a> ). The third, which we may call Shucur煤, is attested only in a few wordlists ( <a class="Source" href="" title="膶estm铆r Loukotka 1949">膶estm铆r Loukotka 1949</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="Lapenda, Geraldo Cal谩bria 1962">Lapenda, Geraldo Cal谩bria 1962</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="Robert E. Meader 1978">Robert E. Meader 1978</a> ). Whatever the meagre data of Choc贸 and Shukur煤 tell us, it does not support any constellation of Choc贸, Shukur煤 or Kipe谩-Dzubuku谩 being the same language or the same family ( <a class="Source" href="" title="Loukotka, 膶estm铆r 1955">Loukotka, 膶estm铆r 1955</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="膶estm铆r Loukotka 1968">膶estm铆r Loukotka 1968</a> ). The Choc贸 lived in Alagoas when first mentioned in the literature, whereas no variety of Kipe谩-Dzubuku谩 or Shucur煤 is attested in Alagoas before the 20th century ( <a class="Source" href="" title="Hohenthal, Jr., W. D. 1954">Hohenthal, Jr., W. D. 1954</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="Loukotka, 膶estm铆r 1955">Loukotka, 膶estm铆r 1955</a> , <a class="Source" href="" title="Curt Nimuendaj煤 1981">Curt Nimuendaj煤 1981</a> ). The descendants of Choc贸, Shucur煤, Kipe谩-Dzubuku谩 (and other tribes) were subsequently missionized together in various places and constellations, to the end that, at present, they could be considered one group from an ethnographic perspective ( <a class="Source" href="" title="Carneiro Martins, Silvia Aguiar 2003">Carneiro Martins, Silvia Aguiar 2003</a> ) who speak only Portuguese and with Alagoas as one of its locations. However, E16/E17/E18/E19/E20/E21/E22/E23/E24/E25/E26/E27 entries are supposed to reflect languages rather than ethnicities, so the information in the Karir铆-Xoc贸 <a href="">[kzw]</a> and Xukur煤 <a href="">[xoo]</a> entries are, at best, anachronistic. Ideally, a new entry should be created for Choc贸 (it was probably extinct by 1951, but, except for rememberers, all three were probably extinct by 1951), and the names and locations of the Kipe谩-Dzubuku谩 <a href="">[kzw]</a> and Xukur煤 <a href="">[xoo]</a> entries should be changed to reflect the names and locations of the (past) speakers of the language of the entry, rather than the names and locations used for descendants who do not speak the language of the entry. See also: Karir铆-Xoc贸 <a href="">[kzw]</a>, Xukur煤 <a href="">[xoo]</a>.</p></div> </div> <div class="span4"> <div class="codes pull-right"> <ul class="inline codes pull-right"> <li> <span class="large label label-info"> Glottocode: <span class="language_identifier glottolog"><a href="" style="color: white;" title="xoco1235"><i class="icon-share icon-white"></i> xoco1235</a></span> </span> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="well well-small"> <div id="map-container"> <div id="map" style="position: relative; width: 100%; height: 200px;"> </div> <script>$(window).load(function() {"map", {"xoco1235": {"type": "FeatureCollection", "properties": {"layer": "xoco1235"}, "features": [{"type": "Feature", "properties": {"icon": "", "branch": 856, "language": {"pk": 856, "name": "Xoco", "longitude": -38.6336387, "latitude": -7.633768, "id": "xoco1235"}, "name": "Xoco"}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [321.3663613, -7.633768]}, "id": "xoco1235"}]}}, {"resize_direction": "s", "max_zoom": 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