Apple Invites | Uncrate

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This new app allows iCloud+ subscribers to create and share custom even invitations using images from their photo library or a curated selection of themed backgrounds. The invites integrate with Maps and Weather to give guests directions to the event and the forecast for that day, and each event also has a dedicated Shared Album for collecting everyone's photos and videos. Collaborative playlists allow Apple Music subscribers to create an event playlist that's accessible to guests, and anyone can RSVP, regardless of whether they have an Apple Account or Apple device. Apple Invites is available now from the App Store or on the web at</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-single grid grid-overflow product-option-grid"> <div class="ui-wrapper clean" > <div class="buy"> <a href="" class="action--1-url" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <span class="action">Download From the App Store</span> </a> </div> <div class="article-product-wrapper"> <div class="social ss"> <a id="artext-entry-317588-2-44" class="stash ar-save" data-id="317588" data-blog-id="5" href="#"> <span class="stash">Stash For Later</span> </a> <a class="stash ar-remove" data-id="317588" data-blog-id="5" style="display: none" href="#"> <span class="stash">Remove</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> leadBasename.push("apple_invites"); </script> <div id='billboard' class="ad-wrapper-970"> <script type='text/javascript'> googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('billboard'); }); </script> </div> <div class="wrapper article-list-wrapper"> <ul class="article-list grid"> <li id="entry-314598" class="article one-half" > <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href=""> <img src="/img/vig.jpg" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" data-retina="" alt="Mozi" title="Mozi" class="lazy" /> </a> </div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="category-group"> <h2 class="category"> <a href="">Tech</a> </h2> <span class="sep">/</span> <h3 class="subcategory"> <a href="">Apps</a> </h3> </div> <div class="copy-wrapper"> <h1 class="article-title"> <a href="">Mozi</a> </h1> <p><a href="" class="black">Twitter co-founder Ev Williams is back with a social app meant to facilitate real-life meetups.</a></p> <p class="action-links"> <a href="">Read More</a> &nbsp;<em>or</em> &nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Download Now</a> </p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="entry-315041" class="article one-half" data-cid="4588" > <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href=""> <img src="/img/vig.jpg" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" data-retina="" alt="Skyscanner Music Guides" title="Skyscanner Music Guides" class="lazy" /> </a> </div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="category-group"> <h2 class="category"> <a href="">Partner</a> </h2> <span class="sep">/</span> <h3 class="subcategory"> <a href="">Skyscanner</a> </h3> </div> <div class="copy-wrapper"> <h1 class="article-title"> <a href="">Skyscanner Music&nbsp;Guides</a> </h1> <p><a href="" class="black">Skyscanner has teamed with Exceptional Alien on artist-curated guides to some of the best music venues.</a></p> <p class="action-links"> <a href="">Read More</a> &nbsp;<em>or</em> &nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Learn More From Skyscanner</a> </p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="wrapper sponsored-post-list-wrapper"> <ul class="sponsored-post-list grid" id="sponsored-gear"> <!-- slot: 1 winner: 0.44553866444413 base: 1 sync_id: id: id="fg-left" --> <!-- cid: 3996 prob: 0.0628391 base: 1 start: 0 end: 0.0628391 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4646 prob: 0.0568725 base: 1 start: 0.0628391 end: 0.1197116 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4647 prob: 0.0607372 base: 1 start: 0.1197116 end: 0.1804488 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4656 prob: 0.066681 base: 1 start: 0.1804488 end: 0.2471298 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4657 prob: 0.0793737 base: 1 start: 0.2471298 end: 0.3265035 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4685 prob: 0.0788115 base: 1 start: 0.3265035 end: 0.405315 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4690 prob: 0.166667 base: 1 start: 0.405315 end: 0.571982 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <li id="fg-left" class="article one-half full-card" data-cid="4690" data-aid="478" data-basename="nike_air_max_dn_1"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="/img/vig.jpg" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" data-retina="" alt="Nike Air Max Dn" title="Nike Air Max Dn" class="lazy" /> </a> </div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="category-group featured"> <h2 class="category"> <span class="featured-gear"><a href="#" data-supply="0">Featured Gear</a></span> </h2> </div> <div class="copy-wrapper fg-copy-wrapper"> <h1 class="article-title"> <a href="" target="_blank">Nike Air Max Dn</a> </h1> <p>The Nike Air Max Dn redefines comfort and innovation with its cutting-edge Dynamic Air unit system. Designed for a smooth, responsive ride, this sneaker features dual-pressure tubes that adapt to every step. Complementing its futuristic design, the Air Max Dn's next-generation Air technology delivers an ultra-reactive feel from heel to toe, ensuring all-day comfort and support. The lightweight, breathable multilayered mesh upper, combined with plush foam cushioning, is made with at least 50% recycled content by weight — merging sustainability with performance-level energy. Whether for everyday wear or high-energy outings, the Air Max Dn continues the legacy of Air Max innovation.</p> <p><em><p>Presented by Nike.</p></em></p> <div class="gradient-overlay"></div> </div> <p class="action-links"> <a href="" class="action--1-url" target="_blank">Buy Now From Nike</a> </p> <script> adBasenames.push("nike_air_max_dn_1"); </script> </div> </li> <!-- cid: 4691 prob: 0.0508555 base: 1 start: 0.571982 end: 0.6228375 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4695 prob: 0.0136381 base: 1 start: 0.6228375 end: 0.6364756 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4701 prob: 0.0550136 base: 1 start: 0.6364756 end: 0.6914892 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4708 prob: 0.0620454 base: 1 start: 0.6914892 end: 0.7535346 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4709 prob: 0.0304977 base: 1 start: 0.7535346 end: 0.7840323 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4279 prob: 0.0297546 base: 1 start: 0.7840323 end: 0.8137869 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4426 prob: 0.0274991 base: 1 start: 0.8137869 end: 0.841286 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4482 prob: 0.0260864 base: 1 start: 0.841286 end: 0.8673724 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4621 prob: 0.0151486 base: 1 start: 0.8673724 end: 0.882521 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4638 prob: 0.0156025 base: 1 start: 0.882521 end: 0.8981235 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4603 prob: 0.0319611 base: 1 start: 0.8981235 end: 0.9300846 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4608 prob: 0.0168151 base: 1 start: 0.9300846 end: 0.9468997 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4609 prob: 0.0200954 base: 1 start: 0.9468997 end: 0.9669951 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4612 prob: 0.013506 base: 1 start: 0.9669951 end: 0.9805011 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4629 prob: 0.0194991 base: 1 start: 0.9805011 end: 1.0000002 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- slot: 2 winner: 0.22825835702394 base: 0.833333 sync_id: id: id="fg-right" --> <!-- cid: 3996 prob: 0.07540695016278 base: 0.833333 start: 0 end: 0.07540695016278 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4646 prob: 0.068247027298811 base: 0.833333 start: 0.07540695016278 end: 0.14365397746159 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4647 prob: 0.072884669153868 base: 0.833333 start: 0.14365397746159 end: 0.21653864661546 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4656 prob: 0.080017232006893 base: 0.833333 start: 0.21653864661546 end: 0.29655587862235 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <li id="fg-right" class="article one-half full-card" data-cid="4656" data-aid="416" data-basename="caliber_fitness"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="/img/vig.jpg" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" data-retina="" alt="Caliber Fitness Program" title="Caliber Fitness Program" class="lazy" /> </a> </div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="category-group featured"> <h2 class="category"> <span class="featured-gear"><a href="#" data-supply="0">Featured Gear</a></span> </h2> </div> <div class="copy-wrapper fg-copy-wrapper"> <h1 class="article-title"> <a href="" target="_blank">Caliber Fitness Program</a> </h1> <p>Getting fit requires more than just staying active or watching what you eat. Caliber uses a science-based approach that incorporates strength training, cardio, and nutrition to help you achieve your wellness goals. The program's coaches keep an eye on your progress 24/7 and check in with you throughout the week to keep you motivated and on track. That real-time visibility across workouts, nutrition, and habits helps them provide personalized, actionable guidance that helps members make progress up to 50% faster than training alone. For a limited time, all their coaching programs are $100 off for January 2025.</p> <p><em><p>Presented by Caliber.</p></em></p> <div class="gradient-overlay"></div> </div> <p class="action-links"> <a href="" class="action--1-url" target="_blank">Enroll Now</a> </p> <script> adBasenames.push("caliber_fitness"); </script> </div> </li> <!-- cid: 4657 prob: 0.095248478099391 base: 0.833333 start: 0.29655587862235 end: 0.39180435672174 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4685 prob: 0.094573837829535 base: 0.833333 start: 0.39180435672174 end: 0.48637819455128 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4691 prob: 0.06102662441065 base: 0.833333 start: 0.48637819455128 end: 0.54740481896193 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4695 prob: 0.016365726546291 base: 0.833333 start: 0.54740481896193 end: 0.56377054550822 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4701 prob: 0.066016346406539 base: 0.833333 start: 0.56377054550822 end: 0.62978689191476 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4708 prob: 0.074454509781804 base: 0.833333 start: 0.62978689191476 end: 0.70424140169656 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4709 prob: 0.036597254638902 base: 0.833333 start: 0.70424140169656 end: 0.74083865633546 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4279 prob: 0.035705534282214 base: 0.833333 start: 0.74083865633546 end: 0.77654419061768 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4426 prob: 0.032998933199573 base: 0.833333 start: 0.77654419061768 end: 0.80954312381725 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4482 prob: 0.031303692521477 base: 0.833333 start: 0.80954312381725 end: 0.84084681633873 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4621 prob: 0.018178327271331 base: 0.833333 start: 0.84084681633873 end: 0.85902514361006 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4638 prob: 0.018723007489203 base: 0.833333 start: 0.85902514361006 end: 0.87774815109926 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4603 prob: 0.038353335341334 base: 0.833333 start: 0.87774815109926 end: 0.91610148644059 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4608 prob: 0.020178128071251 base: 0.833333 start: 0.91610148644059 end: 0.93627961451185 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4609 prob: 0.024114489645796 base: 0.833333 start: 0.93627961451185 end: 0.96039410415764 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4612 prob: 0.016207206482883 base: 0.833333 start: 0.96039410415764 end: 0.97660131064052 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4629 prob: 0.023398929359572 base: 0.833333 start: 0.97660131064052 end: 1.0000002400001 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> </ul> </div> <div class="wrapper article-list-wrapper"> <ul class="article-list grid"> <li id="entry-314359" class="article one-half" > <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href=""> <img src="/img/vig.jpg" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" data-retina="" alt="Sora AI Video Tool" title="Sora AI Video Tool" class="lazy" /> </a> </div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="category-group"> <h2 class="category"> <a href="">Tech</a> </h2> <span class="sep">/</span> <h3 class="subcategory"> <a href="">Apps</a> </h3> </div> <div class="copy-wrapper"> <h1 class="article-title"> <a href="">Sora AI Video&nbsp;Tool</a> </h1> <p><a href="" class="black">OpenAI has launched its AI-generated video tool, Sora, for paying customers.</a></p> <p class="action-links"> <a href="">Read More</a> &nbsp;<em>or</em> &nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Learn More From OpenAI</a> </p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="entry-313365" class="article one-half" data-cid="4554" > <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href=""> <img src="/img/vig.jpg" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" data-retina="" alt="Skyscanner" title="Skyscanner" class="lazy" /> </a> </div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="category-group"> <h2 class="category"> <a href="">Partner</a> </h2> <span class="sep">/</span> <h3 class="subcategory"> <a href="">Skyscanner</a> </h3> </div> <div class="copy-wrapper"> <h1 class="article-title"> <a href="">Skyscanner</a> </h1> <p><a href="" class="black">Take to the skies this Cyber Monday and Travel Tuesday with Skyscanner’s unbeatable travel deals.</a></p> <p class="action-links"> <a href="">Read More</a> &nbsp;<em>or</em> &nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Learn More from Skyscanner</a> </p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="wrapper sponsored-post-list-wrapper"> <ul class="sponsored-post-list grid" id="sponsored-gear"> <!-- slot: 3 winner: 0.98170689725397 base: 0.766652 sync_id: id: id="fg-left-2" --> <!-- cid: 3996 prob: 0.081965611516046 base: 0.766652 start: 0 end: 0.081965611516046 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4646 prob: 0.074182940891043 base: 0.766652 start: 0.081965611516046 end: 0.15614855240709 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4647 prob: 0.079223950371224 base: 0.766652 start: 0.15614855240709 end: 0.23537250277831 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4657 prob: 0.10353289367275 base: 0.766652 start: 0.23537250277831 end: 0.33890539645106 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4685 prob: 0.10279957529622 base: 0.766652 start: 0.33890539645106 end: 0.44170497174729 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4691 prob: 0.066334529877963 base: 0.766652 start: 0.44170497174729 end: 0.50803950162525 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4695 prob: 0.017789166401444 base: 0.766652 start: 0.50803950162525 end: 0.52582866802669 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4701 prob: 0.071758242331592 base: 0.766652 start: 0.52582866802669 end: 0.59758691035829 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4708 prob: 0.080930330841112 base: 0.766652 start: 0.59758691035829 end: 0.6785172411994 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4709 prob: 0.039780369711421 base: 0.766652 start: 0.6785172411994 end: 0.71829761091082 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4279 prob: 0.038811090299119 base: 0.766652 start: 0.71829761091082 end: 0.75710870120994 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4426 prob: 0.035869077495396 base: 0.766652 start: 0.75710870120994 end: 0.79297777870533 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4482 prob: 0.034026390070071 base: 0.766652 start: 0.79297777870533 end: 0.8270041687754 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4621 prob: 0.019759421484585 base: 0.766652 start: 0.8270041687754 end: 0.84676359025999 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4638 prob: 0.020351476289112 base: 0.766652 start: 0.84676359025999 end: 0.8671150665491 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4603 prob: 0.041689188836656 base: 0.766652 start: 0.8671150665491 end: 0.90880425538576 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4608 prob: 0.021933158721297 base: 0.766652 start: 0.90880425538576 end: 0.93073741410705 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4609 prob: 0.026211892749253 base: 0.766652 start: 0.93073741410705 end: 0.95694930685631 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4612 prob: 0.017616858757298 base: 0.766652 start: 0.95694930685631 end: 0.9745661656136 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4629 prob: 0.025434095260953 base: 0.766652 start: 0.9745661656136 end: 1.0000002608746 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <li id="fg-left-2" class="article one-half full-card" data-cid="4629" data-aid="0" data-basename="zodiac_malachit"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href=""> <img src="/img/vig.jpg" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" data-retina="" alt="Zodiac Malachite Compression Dive Watch" title="Zodiac Malachite Compression Dive Watch" class="lazy" /> </a> </div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="category-group featured"> <h2 class="category"> <span class="featured-gear"><a href="#" data-supply="1">Uncrate Supply</a></span> </h2> </div> <div class="copy-wrapper fg-copy-wrapper"> <h1 class="article-title"> <a href="" target="_blank">Zodiac Malachite Compression Dive Watch</a> </h1> <p>No two stones are exactly alike. Neither are any two examples of this Zenith Super Sea Wolf Compression Diver. The dial is made from genuine malachite stone, giving each one a slightly unique character, and is paired with a black DLC stainless steel case and matching bracelet. A Swiss-made STP automatic movement powers the green Super-LumiNova Hands across the lume-filled black indexes.</p> <p><em><p>Presented by Zodiac.</p></em></p> <div class="gradient-overlay"></div> </div> <p class="action-links"> <a href="" class="action--1-url" target="_blank">Buy From Uncrate Supply</a> </p> <script> adBasenames.push("zodiac_malachit"); </script> </div> </li> <!-- slot: 4 winner: 0.16113803636336 base: 0.7471529 sync_id: id: id="fg-right-2" --> <!-- cid: 3996 prob: 0.084104739471666 base: 0.7471529 start: 0 end: 0.084104739471666 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4646 prob: 0.076118957712672 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.084104739471666 end: 0.16022369718434 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4647 prob: 0.081291526807967 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.16022369718434 end: 0.2415152239923 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <li id="fg-right-2" class="article one-half full-card" data-cid="4647" data-aid="329" data-basename="roborock_saros_2"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href=" " target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="/img/vig.jpg" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" data-retina="" alt="Roborock Saros 10R Robotic Floor Cleaner" title="Roborock Saros 10R Robotic Floor Cleaner" class="lazy" /> </a> </div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="category-group featured"> <h2 class="category"> <span class="featured-gear"><a href="#" data-supply="0">Featured Gear</a></span> </h2> </div> <div class="copy-wrapper fg-copy-wrapper"> <h1 class="article-title"> <a href=" " target="_blank">Roborock Saros 10R Robotic Floor Cleaner</a> </h1> <p>Homes with complex layouts and/or a lot of floor obstacles can befuddle a lot of robot cleaners. With the StarSight Autonomous System 2.0, Roborock's Saros 10R handles them with ease. Its 3D ToF sensors and visual recognition technology allow it to create 3D maps of its environment — as opposed to the 2D tech in most robovacs — boosting sampling frequency, response times, and the ability to see small objects. As the thinnest Roborock yet, it easily navigates under furniture and into hard-to-reach spots. It has a dual anti-tangle system for dealing with hair and an industry-first AdaptiLift Chassis to easily tackle thresholds and obstacles up to 1.5" tall; the latter joins a liftable mop, main brush, and side brush to make this one of the most versatile cleaners on the market. Enjoy $200 off through 2/16.</p> <p><em><p>Presented by Roborock.</p></em></p> <div class="gradient-overlay"></div> </div> <p class="action-links"> <a href=" " class="action--1-url" target="_blank">Buy From Roborock</a> </p> <script> adBasenames.push("roborock_saros_2"); </script> </div> </li> <!-- cid: 4657 prob: 0.10623488177587 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.2415152239923 end: 0.34775010576818 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4685 prob: 0.10548242535096 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.34775010576818 end: 0.45323253111913 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4691 prob: 0.068065719881433 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.45323253111913 end: 0.52129825100057 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4695 prob: 0.018253425771351 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.52129825100057 end: 0.53955167677192 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4701 prob: 0.073630979683007 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.53955167677192 end: 0.61318265645492 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4708 prob: 0.083042440175231 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.61318265645492 end: 0.69622509663015 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4709 prob: 0.040818552668403 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.69622509663015 end: 0.73704364929856 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4279 prob: 0.039823977127038 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.73704364929856 end: 0.7768676264256 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4426 prob: 0.036805184052689 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.7768676264256 end: 0.81367281047828 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4482 prob: 0.034914406408648 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.81367281047828 end: 0.84858721688693 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4621 prob: 0.020275100317485 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.84858721688693 end: 0.86886231720442 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4638 prob: 0.020882606491924 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.86886231720442 end: 0.88974492369634 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4603 prob: 0.042777187908927 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.88974492369634 end: 0.93252211160527 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4608 prob: 0.022505567468185 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.93252211160527 end: 0.95502767907345 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4609 prob: 0.026895967344837 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.95502767907345 end: 0.98192364641829 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> <!-- cid: 4612 prob: 0.018076621264536 base: 0.7471529 start: 0.98192364641829 end: 1.0000002676828 label: next_l: sync: next_s: sync_prob: 0 --> </ul> </div> <div class="wrapper article-list-wrapper"> <ul class="article-list grid"> <li id="entry-313902" class="article one-half" > <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href=""> <img src="/img/vig.jpg" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" data-retina="" alt="Death Clock" title="Death Clock" class="lazy" /> </a> </div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="category-group"> <h2 class="category"> <a href="">Tech</a> </h2> <span class="sep">/</span> <h3 class="subcategory"> <a href="">Apps</a> </h3> </div> <div class="copy-wrapper"> <h1 class="article-title"> <a href="">Death&nbsp;Clock</a> </h1> <p><a href="" class="black">Get a ballpark figure of how long you'll live — and how to live longer — with this AI-powered app.</a></p> <p class="action-links"> <a href="">Read More</a> &nbsp;<em>or</em> &nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Download Now</a> </p> </div> </div> </li> <li id="entry-313083" class="article one-half" data-cid="4538" > <div class="image-wrapper"> <a href=""> <img src="/img/vig.jpg" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" data-retina="" alt="Bezel Holiday Sale" title="Bezel Holiday Sale" class="lazy" /> </a> </div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="category-group"> <h2 class="category"> <a href="">Partner</a> </h2> <span class="sep">/</span> <h3 class="subcategory"> <a href="">Bezel</a> </h3> </div> <div class="copy-wrapper"> <h1 class="article-title"> <a href="">Bezel Holiday&nbsp;Sale</a> </h1> <p><a href="" class="black">Save $500 offer your first purchase of $7,500 or more at the Bezel Annual Holiday Sale.</a></p> <p class="action-links"> <a href="">Read More</a> &nbsp;<em>or</em> &nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Shop Now</a> </p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="wrapper banner-ad-wrapper"> <div class="grid banner-ad"> <div id='leaderboard' class="ad-wrapper-970"> <script type='text/javascript'> googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('leaderboard'); 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