Lisa Wong Ming-Chuen
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charset=UTF-8"> <font size="+2"><b><A HREF="/db/people/view.mhtml?id=3636&complete_credits=1&display_set=big5">汪明荃</a></b></font> <font size="-1">  ♀ </font><br> <font size="+1"><b><A HREF="/db/people/view.mhtml?id=3636&complete_credits=1&display_set=eng">Lisa Wong Ming-Chuen</a></b></font> </td> </tr> <!-- <tr> <td><b><font size="-2">Cantonese: </font></b></td> </tr> --> <tr> <td><b> <font size="-2"> 拼音: </font></b> <!-- <tr> <td><b><font size="-2">Mandarin: </font></b></td> </tr> --> <font size="-2">wāng</font></b> <!-- <tr> <td><b><font size="-2">Mandarin: </font></b></td> </tr> --> <font size="-2">míng</font></b> <!-- <tr> <td><b><font size="-2">Mandarin: </font></b></td> </tr> --> <font size="-2">quán</font></b> </td> </tr> </table> <TABLE CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="90%" BORDER="0"> <style> img { border-radius: 5%; } </style> <TD COLSPAN="4"><b><font size="-1"> <!-- <TD COLSPAN="4"><b><font size="-1">Aliases: --> <font size="-1">Liza Wong, <font size="-1">Lisa Wang, <font size="-1">Liza Wang <!-- <TR> <TD><b><font size="-2">拼音 / Pinyin: </font></b></TD> </TR> --> <!-- </TD> </TR> --> <!-- <TR> <TD><b> --> <!-- <TR> <TD><b><font size="-2">Mandarin: </font></b></TD> </TR> --> <!-- --> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="4"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="4"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="4"></TD> </TR> </table> <TABLE CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="90%" BORDER="0"> <tr align="center"> <td> <!-- <A HREF="/db/people/image_detail.mhtml?id=3636&image_id=146205&display_set=eng"><IMG SRC="/db/images/people/3636/LisaWongMingChuen-7-t.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="150" BORDER="0" ALT="The Shell Game, TVB (1980)" onMouseOver="JSFX.zoomIn(this) " --> <A HREF="/db/people/image_detail.mhtml?id=3636&image_id=146205&display_set=eng"><IMG SRC="/db/images/people/3636/LisaWongMingChuen-7-t.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="150" ALT=""> <br></A> </td> <td> <!-- <A HREF="/db/people/image_detail.mhtml?id=3636&image_id=263682&display_set=eng"><IMG SRC="/db/images/people/3636/LisaWongMingChuen-14-t.jpg" WIDTH="112" HEIGHT="150" BORDER="0" ALT="" onMouseOver="JSFX.zoomIn(this) " --> <A HREF="/db/people/image_detail.mhtml?id=3636&image_id=263682&display_set=eng"><IMG SRC="/db/images/people/3636/LisaWongMingChuen-14-t.jpg" WIDTH="112" HEIGHT="150" ALT=""> <br></A> </td> <td> <!-- <A HREF="/db/people/image_detail.mhtml?id=3636&image_id=65861&display_set=eng"><IMG SRC="/db/images/people/3636/LisaWongMingChuen-2-t.jpg" WIDTH="122" HEIGHT="150" BORDER="0" ALT="Portrait from Full Moon Scimitar DVD" onMouseOver="JSFX.zoomIn(this) " --> <A HREF="/db/people/image_detail.mhtml?id=3636&image_id=65861&display_set=eng"><IMG SRC="/db/images/people/3636/LisaWongMingChuen-2-t.jpg" WIDTH="122" HEIGHT="150" ALT=""> <br></A> </td> <td> <!-- <A HREF="/db/people/image_detail.mhtml?id=3636&image_id=66454&display_set=eng"><IMG SRC="/db/images/movies/5954/FullMoonScimitar+1979-11-t.jpg" WIDTH="146" HEIGHT="150" BORDER="0" ALT="" onMouseOver="JSFX.zoomIn(this) " --> <A HREF="/db/people/image_detail.mhtml?id=3636&image_id=66454&display_set=eng"><IMG SRC="/db/images/movies/5954/FullMoonScimitar+1979-11-t.jpg" WIDTH="146" HEIGHT="150" ALT=""> <br></A> </td> <td> <!-- <A HREF="/db/people/image_detail.mhtml?id=3636&image_id=263684&display_set=eng"><IMG SRC="/db/images/people/3636/LisaWongMingChuen-15-t.jpg" WIDTH="96" HEIGHT="150" BORDER="0" ALT="" onMouseOver="JSFX.zoomIn(this) " --> <A HREF="/db/people/image_detail.mhtml?id=3636&image_id=263684&display_set=eng"><IMG SRC="/db/images/people/3636/LisaWongMingChuen-15-t.jpg" WIDTH="96" HEIGHT="150" ALT=""> <br></A> </td> </tr> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="90%" BORDER="0"> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> <TABLE CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="1" WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0"> <TR> <!-- --> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD COLSPAN="5"><b> 影視作品 / Filmography</b> <font size="-1"><b><i>(1969-2015)</i></font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="1"> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD> </TD> <TD COLSPAN="5"> 演員 / Actor <i>(1969-2015)</i></TD> <!-- --> </TR> <TR> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=5025&display_set=big5"> 玫瑰芍藥海棠紅 </a> / <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=5025&display_set=eng">Singing Darlings (1969)</a> <!-- ... Begonia Tsi</TD> --> ... 紫海棠 / Begonia Tsi </TR> <TR> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=5187&display_set=big5"> 小姐不在家 </a> / <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=5187&display_set=eng">Miss Not Home (1970)</a> </td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=5917&display_set=big5"> 大搶特腸 </a> / <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=5917&display_set=eng">The Sausage Chase (1978)</a> </td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=5954&display_set=big5"> 圓月彎刀 </a> / <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=5954&display_set=eng">Full Moon Scimitar (1979)</a> <!-- ... Qing Qing</TD> --> ... 青青 / Qing Qing </TR> <TR> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=17577&display_set=big5"> Atm提款機 </a> / <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=17577&display_set=eng">ATM (2015)</a> </td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> </TR> <TR> <TD> </TD> <TD COLSPAN="5">主唱 / Singer</TD> </TR> <TR> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=5954&display_set=big5"> 圓月彎刀 </a> / <a href="/db/movies/view.mhtml?id=5954&display_set=eng">Full Moon Scimitar (1979)</a> </td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0"> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"><b>Biography</b></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> </TD> <TD>Nicknamed "Ah Jie" (Big Sister), Wang was born in Shanghai's Chongming Island in 1947 and resided in Hong Kong in 1956. Armed with a passion in performing arts, she enrolled the TV acting course by Rediffusion TV (RTV) in 1967 was trained in singing, dancing and acting. She signed with RTV upon graduation, and was regarded as the highest-priced rookie of the year. In 1969, Wang won the Top 10 Stars Golden Globe Awards by Wah Kiu Yat Po, her first kudos in her career. She also got her screen debut in the same year in "Singing Darlings"; along with the release of her solo album debut at the same time. As her contract with RTV expired, Wang went to Japan and studied dancing at the Toho School of Performing Arts. She returned to Hong Kong in 1971 and joined Television Broadcast Limited (TVB), where she was transferred to the drama department in 1975 and starred in various household drama serials, including "The Legend of the Book and Sword", "Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre", "The House Is Not a a Home", "Yesterday's Glitter", "The Shell Game" and "Love and Passion". She also performed most of the serial's theme songs, which became household TV tunes. Professionalism and breakthrough are Wang's motto for her showbiz career. In 1982, she starred in the sensational "Legend of the White Snake" with Roman Tam and Michelle Mei Suet. She then dedicated herself to the Cantonese Opera and founded two troupes, Man Tang Hong and Fu Sheng. She was elected as the first female Chairman of the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong in 1992. Wang forayed into politics in 1988, when she was elected as the Hong Kong and Macau Representative at the 7th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and serviced till 1998. She was awarded with the Silver Bauhinia Star Medal by the Hong Kong SAR Government in 2004, for her distinguished contribution to the local performing arts throughout her 30-year career. <p>From the Celestial DVD release of "Full Moon Scimitar".</TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </center> <P> <P> <center> <br> <br> <br> <div id="donate-button-container"> <div id="donate-button"></div> <script src="" charset="UTF-8"></script> <script> PayPal.Donation.Button({ env:'production', hosted_button_id:'F3D4DPQN7YD4A', image: { src:'', alt:'Donate with PayPal button', title:'PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!', } }).render('#donate-button'); </script> </div> <p> <p> <br> <br> <br> <!-- <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> --> </html>