Göreme Open-Air Museum | Göreme, Turkey | Attractions - Lonely Planet

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href="/api/auth/login?action=bookmark" class="flex items-center gap-2 rounded-pill bg-black px-4 py-2 text-white font-semibold"><span class="sr-only">Login</span>Save <svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 14 20" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M12 0.625H2C1.50272 0.625 1.02581 0.822544 0.674175 1.17417C0.322544 1.52581 0.125 2.00272 0.125 2.5V18.75C0.125941 18.8607 0.15514 18.9693 0.20983 19.0656C0.264519 19.1618 0.342886 19.2425 0.4375 19.3C0.535537 19.3525 0.645032 19.38 0.75625 19.38C0.867468 19.38 0.976963 19.3525 1.075 19.3L7 15.725L12.925 19.2875C13.0228 19.3471 13.1355 19.3774 13.25 19.375C13.3585 19.3741 13.4654 19.3485 13.5625 19.3C13.6571 19.2425 13.7355 19.1618 13.7902 19.0656C13.8449 18.9693 13.8741 18.8607 13.875 18.75V2.5C13.875 2.00272 13.6775 1.52581 13.3258 1.17417C12.9742 0.822544 12.4973 0.625 12 0.625ZM12.625 17.65L7.325 14.4625C7.22619 14.4054 7.1141 14.3754 7 14.3754C6.8859 14.3754 6.77381 14.4054 6.675 14.4625L1.375 17.65V2.5C1.375 2.33424 1.44085 2.17527 1.55806 2.05806C1.67527 1.94085 1.83424 1.875 2 1.875H12C12.1658 1.875 12.3247 1.94085 12.4419 2.05806C12.5592 2.17527 12.625 2.33424 12.625 2.5V17.65Z"></path></svg></a></div></header><hr class="container text-[#DBDBDB]"/><div class="my-10 max-w-4xl mx-auto"><article class="my-8 lg:my-16"><section class="lg:w-full styles_article-body___AqUn"><div class="readMore_content__bv7mp relative overflow-hidden max-h-96 is-max "><p>This Unesco World Heritage site is an essential stop on any Cappadocian itinerary. First thought to be a Byzantine monastic settlement that housed some 20 monks, then a pilgrimage site from the 17th century, this splendid cluster of monastic Byzantine artistry with its rock-cut churches, chapels and monasteries is 1km uphill from Göreme's centre.</p><p>The site's highlight – the <a class="poi" href="/pois/470970">Dark Church</a> – has an additional entrance fee. Note that the ticket office closes at 4.30pm October to April.</p> <p>From the museum ticket booth, follow the cobbled path until you reach the 11th-century <a class="poi" href="/pois/1493621">Chapel of St Basil</a>, dedicated to Kayseri-born St Basil, one of Cappadocia's most important saints. In the main room, St Basil is pictured on the left; a Maltese cross is on the right, along with St George and St Theodore slaying a (faded) dragon, symbolising paganism. On the right of the apse, Mary holds baby Jesus with a cross in his halo.</p><p>Nearby is the <a class="poi" href="/pois/1493623">Chapel of St Barbara</a>. Some art historians theorise that Byzantine soldiers carved out this 11th-century church, dedicated to their patron saint, who is depicted on the left as you enter. Look up at the ceiling and note the red ochre motifs – the middle one could represent the Ascension; above the St George representation on the far wall, the strange creature could be a dragon and the two crosses the beast's usual slayers.</p><p>Past the Chapel of St Barbara the lane loops down to the columned and nine-domed <a class="poi" href="/pois/1493622">Apple Church</a>, which contains well-preserved, colourful, professionally painted frescoes of biblical scenes as well as simple red-ochre daubs. The Ascension is pictured above the door while Christ Pantocrator is depicted on the church's central dome. The church's name is thought to derive from an apple tree that grew nearby or from a misinterpretation of the globe held by the Archangel Gabriel, in the third dome.</p><p>Heading uphill you come to the <a class="poi" href="/pois/1493624">Snake Church</a>, also called the Church of St Onuphrius, where St George's ubiquitous dragon-foe is still having a bad day. To add insult to fatal injury, the church got its current moniker when locals mistook the pictured dragon for a snake. The hermetic hermaphrodite St Onuphrius is depicted on the right, holding a genitalia-covering palm leaf. Straight ahead, the small figure next to Jesus is one of the church's financiers.</p><p>The small <strong>Pantocrator Chapel</strong> and <strong>Nameless Chapel</strong> (İzimsiz Şapel) with their simple red-ochre geometric decorations and Maltese crosses are a little further along the path as well as a series of caves thought to have served as <strong>refectory</strong> and <strong>kitchen</strong> areas with a rock-cut table in one cavern.</p><p>On the highest point of the path, head up the tunnel to the stunning, fresco-filled <a class="poi" href="/pois/470970">Dark Church</a>, the most famous of the museum's churches. It takes its name from the fact that it originally had very few windows. Luckily, this lack of light preserved the vivid colour of the frescoes, which show, among other things, Christ Pantocrator, the Nativity, the Transfiguration, the Betrayal by Judas and the Crucifixion. The church was restored at great expense and the entrance fee is intended to limit visitor numbers to further preserve the frescoes.</p><p>Just past the Dark Church, the little <a class="poi" href="/pois/1493625">Chapel of St Catherine</a> contains frescoes of St George, St Catherine and the Deesis (a seated Christ flanked by the Virgin and John the Baptist).</p><p>Heading downhill, the 13th-century <a class="poi" href="/pois/1493626">Sandal Church</a> is named for the footprints marked in the floor, representing the last imprints left by Jesus before he ascended to heaven. Although the frescoes aren't as well preserved here, the colours are still vivid.The four gospel writers are depicted below the central dome; in the arch over the door to the left is the Betrayal by Judas.</p><p>The <a class="poi" href="/pois/1493627">Rahibeler Monastery</a> is at the bottom of the hill, just before you get back to the museum entrance area. It was originally several storeys high and it's posited by historians that a small community of nuns resided here during the 11th century. All that remains is a large plain dining hall and, up some steps, a small chapel with unremarkable frescoes, but the entire craggy structure is now cordoned off due to rock falls.</p><p>When you exit the Open-Air Museum, don't forget to cross the road to visit the <a class="poi" href="/pois/1493628">Buckle Church</a>, 50m down the hill towards Göreme and covered by the same ticket. This is one of Göreme's biggest and finest churches, with an underground chapel and fabulous restored frescoes painted in a narrative (rather than liturgical) cycle. Entry is via the barrel-vaulted chamber of the 10th-century 'old' chapel, with frescoes portraying the life of Christ. Behind it, the 'new' church, built less than 100 years later, is also alive with frescoes on a similar theme. The holes in the floor once contained tombs, taken by departing Greek Christians during Turkey's population exchange.</p><p>Note that photography is not allowed inside any of the churches.</p></div><button class="text-blue font-semibold mt-2 block mx-auto" type="button">Read <!-- -->more<svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="inline-block ml-2 text-xs" viewBox="0 0 10 7" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M1 0.436401L5 4.37175L9 0.436401L10 1.42024L5 6.4624L8.68036e-07 1.42024L1 0.436401Z"></path></svg></button></section></article><div class="mb-8 lg:mb-16" data-gyg-href="" data-gyg-locale-code="en-US" data-gyg-currency="USD" data-gyg-widget="availability" data-gyg-variant="horizontal" data-gyg-partner-id="MH9NGR8" data-gyg-cmp="poi-detail-fallback"></div><hr class="container text-[#DBDBDB]"/><article class="my-8 lg:my-16 "><div class="lg:flex"><h3 class="lg:hidden text-sm uppercase font-semibold mb-6">Contact</h3><div class="lg:mb-10 lg:w-1/3"><h3 class="hidden 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25.1209C20.1952 25.0661 20.0967 25.0369 19.9959 25.0369C19.8952 25.0369 19.7966 25.0661 19.7121 25.1209C19.6276 25.1758 19.5609 25.254 19.5199 25.3461L18.7999 27.5891H16.4369C16.3325 27.5903 16.2311 27.6242 16.1469 27.686C16.0627 27.7479 16 27.8345 15.9676 27.9338C15.9352 28.033 15.9346 28.14 15.9661 28.2396C15.9975 28.3392 16.0594 28.4264 16.1429 28.4891L18.0509 29.8761L17.3219 32.1191C17.2891 32.2196 17.2891 32.3279 17.3217 32.4284C17.3543 32.529 17.418 32.6166 17.5035 32.6787C17.5891 32.7408 17.6921 32.7742 17.7978 32.7741C17.9035 32.774 18.0065 32.7404 18.0919 32.6781L19.9999 31.3001L21.9079 32.6861C21.9933 32.7484 22.0963 32.782 22.202 32.7821C22.3077 32.7822 22.4108 32.7488 22.4963 32.6867C22.5819 32.6246 22.6455 32.537 22.6781 32.4364C22.7108 32.3359 22.7107 32.2276 22.6779 32.1271L21.9489 29.8841L23.8569 28.4971C23.9405 28.4344 24.0023 28.3472 24.0338 28.2476C24.0652 28.148 24.0647 28.041 24.0322 27.9418C23.9998 27.8425 23.9371 27.7559 23.8529 27.694C23.7688 27.6322 23.6673 27.5983 23.5629 27.5971V27.5891Z" fill="#0057d9"></path><path d="M37.851 16.465L23.535 2.14899C22.5974 1.21164 21.3258 0.685059 20 0.685059C18.6742 0.685059 17.4026 1.21164 16.465 2.14899L2.14899 16.465C1.21164 17.4026 0.685059 18.6742 0.685059 20C0.685059 21.3258 1.21164 22.5974 2.14899 23.535L16.465 37.851C17.4026 38.7883 18.6742 39.3149 20 39.3149C21.3258 39.3149 22.5974 38.7883 23.535 37.851L37.851 23.535C38.7883 22.5974 39.3149 21.3258 39.3149 20C39.3149 18.6742 38.7883 17.4026 37.851 16.465ZM36.437 22.121L22.121 36.437C21.5493 36.9819 20.7898 37.2859 20 37.2859C19.2102 37.2859 18.4507 36.9819 17.879 36.437L3.56299 22.121C3.00058 21.5584 2.68463 20.7955 2.68463 20C2.68463 19.2045 3.00058 18.4416 3.56299 17.879L17.879 3.56299C18.4416 3.00058 19.2045 2.68463 20 2.68463C20.7955 2.68463 21.5584 3.00058 22.121 3.56299L36.437 17.879C36.9994 18.4416 37.3154 19.2045 37.3154 20C37.3154 20.7955 36.9994 21.5584 36.437 22.121Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M15.6749 14.7H16.7609V10.788H18.2229V9.82703H14.2129V10.788H15.6749V14.7Z"></path><path d="M19.5541 14.791C19.8059 14.8004 20.0569 14.7577 20.2914 14.6655C20.5258 14.5733 20.7387 14.4335 20.9166 14.2551C21.0944 14.0767 21.2335 13.8634 21.325 13.6286C21.4164 13.3939 21.4584 13.1427 21.4481 12.891C21.4481 12.3897 21.249 11.909 20.8946 11.5545C20.5401 11.2001 20.0594 11.001 19.5581 11.001C19.0569 11.001 18.5761 11.2001 18.2217 11.5545C17.8673 11.909 17.6681 12.3897 17.6681 12.891C17.6575 13.1421 17.6989 13.3928 17.7897 13.6272C17.8806 13.8616 18.0189 14.0747 18.196 14.2531C18.3731 14.4315 18.5851 14.5714 18.8189 14.6639C19.0526 14.7565 19.3029 14.7997 19.5541 14.791ZM19.5541 11.902C20.0351 11.902 20.3961 12.25 20.3961 12.89C20.3961 13.53 20.0351 13.885 19.5541 13.885C19.0731 13.885 18.7261 13.531 18.7261 12.89C18.7261 12.249 19.0811 11.9 19.5541 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M22.9878 14.233C23.1011 14.411 23.2591 14.5562 23.4459 14.6541C23.6328 14.752 23.842 14.7992 24.0528 14.791C24.2839 14.7748 24.5094 14.7123 24.7159 14.6073C24.9224 14.5023 25.1057 14.3569 25.2549 14.1796C25.4042 14.0024 25.5163 13.7971 25.5846 13.5757C25.653 13.3544 25.6762 13.1215 25.6528 12.891C25.6763 12.6605 25.6532 12.4276 25.5849 12.2062C25.5166 11.9848 25.4045 11.7794 25.2553 11.6022C25.106 11.4249 24.9227 11.2795 24.7161 11.1745C24.5095 11.0695 24.284 11.0071 24.0528 10.991C23.8429 10.9828 23.6345 11.0292 23.4478 11.1256C23.2611 11.222 23.1027 11.3651 22.9878 11.541V11.088H21.9648V16.177H22.9878V14.233ZM23.7878 11.902C24.2678 11.902 24.6028 12.257 24.6028 12.902C24.6028 13.547 24.2678 13.89 23.7878 13.89C23.3078 13.89 22.9738 13.542 22.9738 12.902C22.9738 12.262 23.3078 11.9 23.7878 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M11.5998 18.5C11.8437 18.5006 12.0818 18.5747 12.283 18.7126C12.4842 18.8505 12.6392 19.0458 12.7278 19.273L13.6458 18.709C13.459 18.3312 13.1658 18.0163 12.8023 17.803C12.4387 17.5898 12.0207 17.4876 11.5998 17.509C11.2677 17.4979 10.9369 17.5564 10.6287 17.6806C10.3205 17.8048 10.0416 17.9921 9.80999 18.2304C9.57837 18.4687 9.39911 18.7528 9.2837 19.0644C9.16829 19.376 9.11928 19.7083 9.13981 20.04C9.11986 20.3714 9.1693 20.7032 9.28497 21.0144C9.40064 21.3255 9.57999 21.6091 9.81155 21.847C10.0431 22.0848 10.3218 22.2717 10.6297 22.3957C10.9376 22.5197 11.268 22.5781 11.5998 22.567C12.0207 22.5884 12.4387 22.4862 12.8023 22.273C13.1658 22.0598 13.459 21.7448 13.6458 21.367L12.7278 20.803C12.6392 21.0303 12.4842 21.2256 12.283 21.3634C12.0818 21.5013 11.8437 21.5754 11.5998 21.576C11.408 21.5734 11.219 21.5301 11.0453 21.4489C10.8715 21.3677 10.717 21.2505 10.592 21.1051C10.467 20.9597 10.3744 20.7893 10.3202 20.6053C10.266 20.4214 10.2516 20.228 10.2778 20.038C10.2516 19.848 10.266 19.6547 10.3202 19.4707C10.3744 19.2867 10.467 19.1164 10.592 18.9709C10.717 18.8255 10.8715 18.7083 11.0453 18.6271C11.219 18.5459 11.408 18.5026 11.5998 18.5Z"></path><path d="M16.012 18.766C15.8204 18.7554 15.6297 18.7995 15.4622 18.8932C15.2947 18.9868 15.1573 19.1262 15.066 19.295V17.256H14.043V22.476H15.066V20.36C15.0551 20.2706 15.0637 20.1798 15.0912 20.0941C15.1187 20.0083 15.1644 19.9294 15.2251 19.8629C15.2859 19.7965 15.3604 19.7439 15.4434 19.7089C15.5263 19.6738 15.6159 19.6572 15.706 19.66C16.006 19.66 16.242 19.883 16.242 20.301V22.479H17.266V20.117C17.28 19.9442 17.2579 19.7704 17.2011 19.6066C17.1444 19.4428 17.0541 19.2926 16.9362 19.1656C16.8183 19.0385 16.6752 18.9374 16.5161 18.8686C16.357 18.7998 16.1853 18.7649 16.012 18.766Z"></path><path d="M19.634 18.7661C19.258 18.7649 18.8901 18.8753 18.5768 19.0833C18.2636 19.2914 18.0191 19.5877 17.8744 19.9348C17.7297 20.2819 17.6912 20.6641 17.7638 21.033C17.8364 21.402 18.0169 21.7411 18.2824 22.0074C18.5479 22.2737 18.8864 22.4553 19.2551 22.5291C19.6239 22.6029 20.0062 22.5656 20.3537 22.422C20.7013 22.2784 20.9984 22.0348 21.2074 21.7223C21.4164 21.4097 21.528 21.0421 21.528 20.6661C21.5387 20.4142 21.4971 20.1629 21.4058 19.9279C21.3145 19.6929 21.1754 19.4795 20.9975 19.3009C20.8195 19.1224 20.6065 18.9827 20.3718 18.8906C20.1371 18.7986 19.8859 18.7562 19.634 18.7661ZM19.634 21.6661C19.161 21.6661 18.806 21.3111 18.806 20.6711C18.806 20.0311 19.161 19.6821 19.634 19.6821C20.107 19.6821 20.476 20.0301 20.476 20.6711C20.476 21.3121 20.115 21.6621 19.634 21.6621V21.6661Z"></path><path d="M22.5659 17.2419C22.4833 17.2354 22.4002 17.2462 22.3219 17.2734C22.2436 17.3006 22.1718 17.3438 22.111 17.4002C22.0502 17.4565 22.0017 17.5249 21.9687 17.6009C21.9356 17.677 21.9187 17.759 21.9189 17.8419C21.9344 18.002 22.0089 18.1506 22.128 18.2587C22.2471 18.3668 22.4021 18.4267 22.5629 18.4267C22.7238 18.4267 22.8788 18.3668 22.9979 18.2587C23.1169 18.1506 23.1915 18.002 23.2069 17.8419C23.2082 17.7593 23.1921 17.6773 23.1598 17.6012C23.1275 17.5251 23.0796 17.4566 23.0193 17.4001C22.9589 17.3436 22.8874 17.3003 22.8093 17.2731C22.7313 17.2458 22.6484 17.2352 22.5659 17.2419Z"></path><path d="M23.0669 18.864H22.0439V22.477H23.0669V18.864Z"></path><path d="M25.4698 19.671C25.6391 19.6601 25.8073 19.7043 25.9493 19.7972C26.0912 19.8901 26.1991 20.0265 26.2568 20.186L27.1128 19.692C26.9634 19.3907 26.7268 19.1413 26.4338 18.9762C26.1408 18.8111 25.805 18.7378 25.4698 18.766C24.9659 18.766 24.4826 18.9662 24.1263 19.3225C23.77 19.6789 23.5698 20.1621 23.5698 20.666C23.5698 21.17 23.77 21.6532 24.1263 22.0095C24.4826 22.3659 24.9659 22.566 25.4698 22.566C25.8049 22.5941 26.1408 22.5208 26.4337 22.3557C26.7267 22.1906 26.9633 21.9413 27.1128 21.64L26.2568 21.146C26.1993 21.3056 26.0914 21.4422 25.9494 21.5351C25.8074 21.628 25.6391 21.6722 25.4698 21.661C25.0518 21.661 24.6418 21.347 24.6418 20.666C24.6418 19.985 25.0518 19.671 25.4698 19.671Z"></path><path d="M29.134 18.766C28.8889 18.7627 28.6458 18.8104 28.4202 18.9063C28.1946 19.0022 27.9915 19.144 27.8238 19.3228C27.6561 19.5016 27.5275 19.7134 27.4463 19.9447C27.3651 20.176 27.333 20.4217 27.352 20.666C27.3367 20.9183 27.3749 21.171 27.4641 21.4075C27.5533 21.644 27.6914 21.859 27.8695 22.0384C28.0476 22.2178 28.2615 22.3575 28.4974 22.4485C28.7332 22.5394 28.9856 22.5795 29.238 22.566C29.5305 22.5793 29.8218 22.5227 30.0881 22.4009C30.3543 22.2792 30.5877 22.0959 30.769 21.866L30.06 21.288C29.9718 21.4233 29.8492 21.5326 29.7047 21.6046C29.5602 21.6767 29.3991 21.709 29.238 21.698C29.1312 21.7063 29.0239 21.6925 28.9227 21.6575C28.8214 21.6225 28.7285 21.5671 28.6495 21.4947C28.5706 21.4224 28.5073 21.3345 28.4637 21.2367C28.4201 21.1389 28.3971 21.0331 28.396 20.926H30.853C30.86 20.849 30.86 20.745 30.86 20.669C30.8839 20.4281 30.8571 20.1849 30.7812 19.955C30.7053 19.7252 30.582 19.5138 30.4194 19.3344C30.2568 19.1551 30.0584 19.0119 29.837 18.914C29.6156 18.8161 29.3761 18.7657 29.134 18.766ZM28.417 20.242C28.4202 20.1514 28.4414 20.0623 28.4792 19.9799C28.5171 19.8975 28.5709 19.8234 28.6376 19.7619C28.7043 19.7005 28.7825 19.6528 28.8677 19.6218C28.9529 19.5907 29.0434 19.5769 29.134 19.581C29.489 19.581 29.739 19.781 29.834 20.242H28.417Z"></path></svg><div class="space-y-4 mt-4"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/guelluedere-rose-valley/a/poi-sig/1283278/360875"><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Güllüdere (Rose) Valley</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>1<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">The trails that loop around Güllüdere Vadısı (Rose Valley) are easily accessible to all levels of walkers and provide some of the finest fairy-chimney…</p></div></article></div></li><li class="jsx-899198629 carousel-item flex-shrink-0 px-4 pb-2 w-90 md:w-1/4"><div class="relative"><article class="relative rounded"><div class="relative flex max-w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden rounded relative aspect-square"><img alt="Dark Church" loading="lazy" width="600" height="400" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full w-full h-full object-cover rounded relative aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=640&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1x,;ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 2x" src=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75"/><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="absolute top-[50%] left-0 right-0 w-24 max-w-[30%] h-auto mx-auto text-white aspect-square transform translate-y-[-50%]" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M20.716 7.34598C20.5338 7.18675 20.3 7.099 20.058 7.099C19.816 7.099 19.5822 7.18675 19.4 7.34598L16.367 9.99499C16.2596 10.0888 16.1735 10.2046 16.1145 10.3345C16.0555 10.4644 16.025 10.6053 16.025 10.748C16.025 10.8906 16.0555 11.0316 16.1145 11.1615C16.1735 11.2914 16.2596 11.4071 16.367 11.501L19.4 14.151C19.5822 14.3102 19.816 14.398 20.058 14.398C20.3 14.398 20.5338 14.3102 20.716 14.151L23.749 11.501C23.8564 11.4071 23.9425 11.2914 24.0015 11.1615C24.0605 11.0316 24.091 10.8906 24.091 10.748C24.091 10.6053 24.0605 10.4644 24.0015 10.3345C23.9425 10.2046 23.8564 10.0888 23.749 9.99499L20.716 7.34598Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M35.071 18.338L37.5 13.759C37.5807 13.6066 37.6206 13.4359 37.6159 13.2635C37.6111 13.0911 37.5619 12.9229 37.4729 12.7751C37.384 12.6274 37.2583 12.5052 37.1082 12.4203C36.958 12.3355 36.7885 12.2909 36.616 12.291H34.023L20.693 1.31798C20.514 1.17064 20.2893 1.09008 20.0575 1.09008C19.8257 1.09008 19.601 1.17064 19.422 1.31798L6.093 12.291H3.477C3.30454 12.2909 3.135 12.3355 2.98485 12.4203C2.83469 12.5052 2.70903 12.6274 2.62006 12.7751C2.5311 12.9229 2.48185 13.0911 2.47711 13.2635C2.47237 13.4359 2.51229 13.6066 2.593 13.759L5.018 18.338C5.09427 18.4783 5.20338 18.598 5.336 18.687V30.459H3.478C3.21279 30.459 2.95843 30.5643 2.7709 30.7519C2.58336 30.9394 2.478 31.1938 2.478 31.459V36.722C2.478 36.9872 2.58336 37.2416 2.7709 37.4291C2.95843 37.6166 3.21279 37.722 3.478 37.722H36.612C36.8772 37.722 37.1316 37.6166 37.3191 37.4291C37.5066 37.2416 37.612 36.9872 37.612 36.722V31.459C37.612 31.1938 37.5066 30.9394 37.3191 30.7519C37.1316 30.5643 36.8772 30.459 36.612 30.459H34.664V18.744C34.8365 18.6514 34.978 18.5102 35.071 18.338ZM5.138 14.291H12.3C12.5652 14.291 12.8196 14.1856 13.0071 13.9981C13.1946 13.8106 13.3 13.5562 13.3 13.291C13.3 13.0258 13.1946 12.7714 13.0071 12.5839C12.8196 12.3963 12.5652 12.291 12.3 12.291H9.24L20.058 3.38398L30.875 12.289H27.723C27.4578 12.289 27.2034 12.3943 27.0159 12.5819C26.8284 12.7694 26.723 13.0238 26.723 13.289C26.723 13.5542 26.8284 13.8086 27.0159 13.9961C27.2034 14.1836 27.4578 14.289 27.723 14.289H34.951L33.585 16.868H6.5L5.138 14.291ZM28.4 30.459H23.132V18.87H28.4V30.459ZM11.6 18.87H16.867V30.459H11.6V18.87ZM18.867 18.87H21.131V30.459H18.868L18.867 18.87ZM7.335 18.87H9.6V30.459H7.336L7.335 18.87ZM35.612 32.459V35.722H4.478V32.459H35.612ZM30.399 30.459V18.87H32.664V30.459H30.399Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></div><svg xmlns="" width="40px" height="40px" class="absolute top-4 left-4 z-10" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><rect x="0.57959" y="19.5" width="28" height="28" rx="4" transform="rotate(-45 0.57959 19.5)" fill="white"></rect><path d="M23.5629 27.5891H21.1999L20.4719 25.3461C20.431 25.254 20.3642 25.1758 20.2797 25.1209C20.1952 25.0661 20.0967 25.0369 19.9959 25.0369C19.8952 25.0369 19.7966 25.0661 19.7121 25.1209C19.6276 25.1758 19.5609 25.254 19.5199 25.3461L18.7999 27.5891H16.4369C16.3325 27.5903 16.2311 27.6242 16.1469 27.686C16.0627 27.7479 16 27.8345 15.9676 27.9338C15.9352 28.033 15.9346 28.14 15.9661 28.2396C15.9975 28.3392 16.0594 28.4264 16.1429 28.4891L18.0509 29.8761L17.3219 32.1191C17.2891 32.2196 17.2891 32.3279 17.3217 32.4284C17.3543 32.529 17.418 32.6166 17.5035 32.6787C17.5891 32.7408 17.6921 32.7742 17.7978 32.7741C17.9035 32.774 18.0065 32.7404 18.0919 32.6781L19.9999 31.3001L21.9079 32.6861C21.9933 32.7484 22.0963 32.782 22.202 32.7821C22.3077 32.7822 22.4108 32.7488 22.4963 32.6867C22.5819 32.6246 22.6455 32.537 22.6781 32.4364C22.7108 32.3359 22.7107 32.2276 22.6779 32.1271L21.9489 29.8841L23.8569 28.4971C23.9405 28.4344 24.0023 28.3472 24.0338 28.2476C24.0652 28.148 24.0647 28.041 24.0322 27.9418C23.9998 27.8425 23.9371 27.7559 23.8529 27.694C23.7688 27.6322 23.6673 27.5983 23.5629 27.5971V27.5891Z" fill="#0057d9"></path><path d="M37.851 16.465L23.535 2.14899C22.5974 1.21164 21.3258 0.685059 20 0.685059C18.6742 0.685059 17.4026 1.21164 16.465 2.14899L2.14899 16.465C1.21164 17.4026 0.685059 18.6742 0.685059 20C0.685059 21.3258 1.21164 22.5974 2.14899 23.535L16.465 37.851C17.4026 38.7883 18.6742 39.3149 20 39.3149C21.3258 39.3149 22.5974 38.7883 23.535 37.851L37.851 23.535C38.7883 22.5974 39.3149 21.3258 39.3149 20C39.3149 18.6742 38.7883 17.4026 37.851 16.465ZM36.437 22.121L22.121 36.437C21.5493 36.9819 20.7898 37.2859 20 37.2859C19.2102 37.2859 18.4507 36.9819 17.879 36.437L3.56299 22.121C3.00058 21.5584 2.68463 20.7955 2.68463 20C2.68463 19.2045 3.00058 18.4416 3.56299 17.879L17.879 3.56299C18.4416 3.00058 19.2045 2.68463 20 2.68463C20.7955 2.68463 21.5584 3.00058 22.121 3.56299L36.437 17.879C36.9994 18.4416 37.3154 19.2045 37.3154 20C37.3154 20.7955 36.9994 21.5584 36.437 22.121Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M15.6749 14.7H16.7609V10.788H18.2229V9.82703H14.2129V10.788H15.6749V14.7Z"></path><path d="M19.5541 14.791C19.8059 14.8004 20.0569 14.7577 20.2914 14.6655C20.5258 14.5733 20.7387 14.4335 20.9166 14.2551C21.0944 14.0767 21.2335 13.8634 21.325 13.6286C21.4164 13.3939 21.4584 13.1427 21.4481 12.891C21.4481 12.3897 21.249 11.909 20.8946 11.5545C20.5401 11.2001 20.0594 11.001 19.5581 11.001C19.0569 11.001 18.5761 11.2001 18.2217 11.5545C17.8673 11.909 17.6681 12.3897 17.6681 12.891C17.6575 13.1421 17.6989 13.3928 17.7897 13.6272C17.8806 13.8616 18.0189 14.0747 18.196 14.2531C18.3731 14.4315 18.5851 14.5714 18.8189 14.6639C19.0526 14.7565 19.3029 14.7997 19.5541 14.791ZM19.5541 11.902C20.0351 11.902 20.3961 12.25 20.3961 12.89C20.3961 13.53 20.0351 13.885 19.5541 13.885C19.0731 13.885 18.7261 13.531 18.7261 12.89C18.7261 12.249 19.0811 11.9 19.5541 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M22.9878 14.233C23.1011 14.411 23.2591 14.5562 23.4459 14.6541C23.6328 14.752 23.842 14.7992 24.0528 14.791C24.2839 14.7748 24.5094 14.7123 24.7159 14.6073C24.9224 14.5023 25.1057 14.3569 25.2549 14.1796C25.4042 14.0024 25.5163 13.7971 25.5846 13.5757C25.653 13.3544 25.6762 13.1215 25.6528 12.891C25.6763 12.6605 25.6532 12.4276 25.5849 12.2062C25.5166 11.9848 25.4045 11.7794 25.2553 11.6022C25.106 11.4249 24.9227 11.2795 24.7161 11.1745C24.5095 11.0695 24.284 11.0071 24.0528 10.991C23.8429 10.9828 23.6345 11.0292 23.4478 11.1256C23.2611 11.222 23.1027 11.3651 22.9878 11.541V11.088H21.9648V16.177H22.9878V14.233ZM23.7878 11.902C24.2678 11.902 24.6028 12.257 24.6028 12.902C24.6028 13.547 24.2678 13.89 23.7878 13.89C23.3078 13.89 22.9738 13.542 22.9738 12.902C22.9738 12.262 23.3078 11.9 23.7878 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M11.5998 18.5C11.8437 18.5006 12.0818 18.5747 12.283 18.7126C12.4842 18.8505 12.6392 19.0458 12.7278 19.273L13.6458 18.709C13.459 18.3312 13.1658 18.0163 12.8023 17.803C12.4387 17.5898 12.0207 17.4876 11.5998 17.509C11.2677 17.4979 10.9369 17.5564 10.6287 17.6806C10.3205 17.8048 10.0416 17.9921 9.80999 18.2304C9.57837 18.4687 9.39911 18.7528 9.2837 19.0644C9.16829 19.376 9.11928 19.7083 9.13981 20.04C9.11986 20.3714 9.1693 20.7032 9.28497 21.0144C9.40064 21.3255 9.57999 21.6091 9.81155 21.847C10.0431 22.0848 10.3218 22.2717 10.6297 22.3957C10.9376 22.5197 11.268 22.5781 11.5998 22.567C12.0207 22.5884 12.4387 22.4862 12.8023 22.273C13.1658 22.0598 13.459 21.7448 13.6458 21.367L12.7278 20.803C12.6392 21.0303 12.4842 21.2256 12.283 21.3634C12.0818 21.5013 11.8437 21.5754 11.5998 21.576C11.408 21.5734 11.219 21.5301 11.0453 21.4489C10.8715 21.3677 10.717 21.2505 10.592 21.1051C10.467 20.9597 10.3744 20.7893 10.3202 20.6053C10.266 20.4214 10.2516 20.228 10.2778 20.038C10.2516 19.848 10.266 19.6547 10.3202 19.4707C10.3744 19.2867 10.467 19.1164 10.592 18.9709C10.717 18.8255 10.8715 18.7083 11.0453 18.6271C11.219 18.5459 11.408 18.5026 11.5998 18.5Z"></path><path d="M16.012 18.766C15.8204 18.7554 15.6297 18.7995 15.4622 18.8932C15.2947 18.9868 15.1573 19.1262 15.066 19.295V17.256H14.043V22.476H15.066V20.36C15.0551 20.2706 15.0637 20.1798 15.0912 20.0941C15.1187 20.0083 15.1644 19.9294 15.2251 19.8629C15.2859 19.7965 15.3604 19.7439 15.4434 19.7089C15.5263 19.6738 15.6159 19.6572 15.706 19.66C16.006 19.66 16.242 19.883 16.242 20.301V22.479H17.266V20.117C17.28 19.9442 17.2579 19.7704 17.2011 19.6066C17.1444 19.4428 17.0541 19.2926 16.9362 19.1656C16.8183 19.0385 16.6752 18.9374 16.5161 18.8686C16.357 18.7998 16.1853 18.7649 16.012 18.766Z"></path><path d="M19.634 18.7661C19.258 18.7649 18.8901 18.8753 18.5768 19.0833C18.2636 19.2914 18.0191 19.5877 17.8744 19.9348C17.7297 20.2819 17.6912 20.6641 17.7638 21.033C17.8364 21.402 18.0169 21.7411 18.2824 22.0074C18.5479 22.2737 18.8864 22.4553 19.2551 22.5291C19.6239 22.6029 20.0062 22.5656 20.3537 22.422C20.7013 22.2784 20.9984 22.0348 21.2074 21.7223C21.4164 21.4097 21.528 21.0421 21.528 20.6661C21.5387 20.4142 21.4971 20.1629 21.4058 19.9279C21.3145 19.6929 21.1754 19.4795 20.9975 19.3009C20.8195 19.1224 20.6065 18.9827 20.3718 18.8906C20.1371 18.7986 19.8859 18.7562 19.634 18.7661ZM19.634 21.6661C19.161 21.6661 18.806 21.3111 18.806 20.6711C18.806 20.0311 19.161 19.6821 19.634 19.6821C20.107 19.6821 20.476 20.0301 20.476 20.6711C20.476 21.3121 20.115 21.6621 19.634 21.6621V21.6661Z"></path><path d="M22.5659 17.2419C22.4833 17.2354 22.4002 17.2462 22.3219 17.2734C22.2436 17.3006 22.1718 17.3438 22.111 17.4002C22.0502 17.4565 22.0017 17.5249 21.9687 17.6009C21.9356 17.677 21.9187 17.759 21.9189 17.8419C21.9344 18.002 22.0089 18.1506 22.128 18.2587C22.2471 18.3668 22.4021 18.4267 22.5629 18.4267C22.7238 18.4267 22.8788 18.3668 22.9979 18.2587C23.1169 18.1506 23.1915 18.002 23.2069 17.8419C23.2082 17.7593 23.1921 17.6773 23.1598 17.6012C23.1275 17.5251 23.0796 17.4566 23.0193 17.4001C22.9589 17.3436 22.8874 17.3003 22.8093 17.2731C22.7313 17.2458 22.6484 17.2352 22.5659 17.2419Z"></path><path d="M23.0669 18.864H22.0439V22.477H23.0669V18.864Z"></path><path d="M25.4698 19.671C25.6391 19.6601 25.8073 19.7043 25.9493 19.7972C26.0912 19.8901 26.1991 20.0265 26.2568 20.186L27.1128 19.692C26.9634 19.3907 26.7268 19.1413 26.4338 18.9762C26.1408 18.8111 25.805 18.7378 25.4698 18.766C24.9659 18.766 24.4826 18.9662 24.1263 19.3225C23.77 19.6789 23.5698 20.1621 23.5698 20.666C23.5698 21.17 23.77 21.6532 24.1263 22.0095C24.4826 22.3659 24.9659 22.566 25.4698 22.566C25.8049 22.5941 26.1408 22.5208 26.4337 22.3557C26.7267 22.1906 26.9633 21.9413 27.1128 21.64L26.2568 21.146C26.1993 21.3056 26.0914 21.4422 25.9494 21.5351C25.8074 21.628 25.6391 21.6722 25.4698 21.661C25.0518 21.661 24.6418 21.347 24.6418 20.666C24.6418 19.985 25.0518 19.671 25.4698 19.671Z"></path><path d="M29.134 18.766C28.8889 18.7627 28.6458 18.8104 28.4202 18.9063C28.1946 19.0022 27.9915 19.144 27.8238 19.3228C27.6561 19.5016 27.5275 19.7134 27.4463 19.9447C27.3651 20.176 27.333 20.4217 27.352 20.666C27.3367 20.9183 27.3749 21.171 27.4641 21.4075C27.5533 21.644 27.6914 21.859 27.8695 22.0384C28.0476 22.2178 28.2615 22.3575 28.4974 22.4485C28.7332 22.5394 28.9856 22.5795 29.238 22.566C29.5305 22.5793 29.8218 22.5227 30.0881 22.4009C30.3543 22.2792 30.5877 22.0959 30.769 21.866L30.06 21.288C29.9718 21.4233 29.8492 21.5326 29.7047 21.6046C29.5602 21.6767 29.3991 21.709 29.238 21.698C29.1312 21.7063 29.0239 21.6925 28.9227 21.6575C28.8214 21.6225 28.7285 21.5671 28.6495 21.4947C28.5706 21.4224 28.5073 21.3345 28.4637 21.2367C28.4201 21.1389 28.3971 21.0331 28.396 20.926H30.853C30.86 20.849 30.86 20.745 30.86 20.669C30.8839 20.4281 30.8571 20.1849 30.7812 19.955C30.7053 19.7252 30.582 19.5138 30.4194 19.3344C30.2568 19.1551 30.0584 19.0119 29.837 18.914C29.6156 18.8161 29.3761 18.7657 29.134 18.766ZM28.417 20.242C28.4202 20.1514 28.4414 20.0623 28.4792 19.9799C28.5171 19.8975 28.5709 19.8234 28.6376 19.7619C28.7043 19.7005 28.7825 19.6528 28.8677 19.6218C28.9529 19.5907 29.0434 19.5769 29.134 19.581C29.489 19.581 29.739 19.781 29.834 20.242H28.417Z"></path></svg><div class="space-y-4 mt-4"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/dark-church/a/poi-sig/470970/360875"><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Dark Church</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>0.09<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">The highlight of Göreme Open-Air Museum is the stunning and fully restored Dark Church, famed for the vivid colours and excellent preservation of its…</p></div></article></div></li><li class="jsx-899198629 carousel-item flex-shrink-0 px-4 pb-2 w-90 md:w-1/4"><div class="relative"><article class="relative rounded"><img alt="Cave dwelling for the ancient christians in Capadocia" loading="lazy" width="600" height="400" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-cover rounded relative aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=640&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1x,;ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 2x" src=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75"/><svg xmlns="" width="40px" height="40px" class="absolute top-4 left-4 z-10" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><rect x="0.57959" y="19.5" width="28" height="28" rx="4" transform="rotate(-45 0.57959 19.5)" fill="white"></rect><path d="M23.5629 27.5891H21.1999L20.4719 25.3461C20.431 25.254 20.3642 25.1758 20.2797 25.1209C20.1952 25.0661 20.0967 25.0369 19.9959 25.0369C19.8952 25.0369 19.7966 25.0661 19.7121 25.1209C19.6276 25.1758 19.5609 25.254 19.5199 25.3461L18.7999 27.5891H16.4369C16.3325 27.5903 16.2311 27.6242 16.1469 27.686C16.0627 27.7479 16 27.8345 15.9676 27.9338C15.9352 28.033 15.9346 28.14 15.9661 28.2396C15.9975 28.3392 16.0594 28.4264 16.1429 28.4891L18.0509 29.8761L17.3219 32.1191C17.2891 32.2196 17.2891 32.3279 17.3217 32.4284C17.3543 32.529 17.418 32.6166 17.5035 32.6787C17.5891 32.7408 17.6921 32.7742 17.7978 32.7741C17.9035 32.774 18.0065 32.7404 18.0919 32.6781L19.9999 31.3001L21.9079 32.6861C21.9933 32.7484 22.0963 32.782 22.202 32.7821C22.3077 32.7822 22.4108 32.7488 22.4963 32.6867C22.5819 32.6246 22.6455 32.537 22.6781 32.4364C22.7108 32.3359 22.7107 32.2276 22.6779 32.1271L21.9489 29.8841L23.8569 28.4971C23.9405 28.4344 24.0023 28.3472 24.0338 28.2476C24.0652 28.148 24.0647 28.041 24.0322 27.9418C23.9998 27.8425 23.9371 27.7559 23.8529 27.694C23.7688 27.6322 23.6673 27.5983 23.5629 27.5971V27.5891Z" fill="#0057d9"></path><path d="M37.851 16.465L23.535 2.14899C22.5974 1.21164 21.3258 0.685059 20 0.685059C18.6742 0.685059 17.4026 1.21164 16.465 2.14899L2.14899 16.465C1.21164 17.4026 0.685059 18.6742 0.685059 20C0.685059 21.3258 1.21164 22.5974 2.14899 23.535L16.465 37.851C17.4026 38.7883 18.6742 39.3149 20 39.3149C21.3258 39.3149 22.5974 38.7883 23.535 37.851L37.851 23.535C38.7883 22.5974 39.3149 21.3258 39.3149 20C39.3149 18.6742 38.7883 17.4026 37.851 16.465ZM36.437 22.121L22.121 36.437C21.5493 36.9819 20.7898 37.2859 20 37.2859C19.2102 37.2859 18.4507 36.9819 17.879 36.437L3.56299 22.121C3.00058 21.5584 2.68463 20.7955 2.68463 20C2.68463 19.2045 3.00058 18.4416 3.56299 17.879L17.879 3.56299C18.4416 3.00058 19.2045 2.68463 20 2.68463C20.7955 2.68463 21.5584 3.00058 22.121 3.56299L36.437 17.879C36.9994 18.4416 37.3154 19.2045 37.3154 20C37.3154 20.7955 36.9994 21.5584 36.437 22.121Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M15.6749 14.7H16.7609V10.788H18.2229V9.82703H14.2129V10.788H15.6749V14.7Z"></path><path d="M19.5541 14.791C19.8059 14.8004 20.0569 14.7577 20.2914 14.6655C20.5258 14.5733 20.7387 14.4335 20.9166 14.2551C21.0944 14.0767 21.2335 13.8634 21.325 13.6286C21.4164 13.3939 21.4584 13.1427 21.4481 12.891C21.4481 12.3897 21.249 11.909 20.8946 11.5545C20.5401 11.2001 20.0594 11.001 19.5581 11.001C19.0569 11.001 18.5761 11.2001 18.2217 11.5545C17.8673 11.909 17.6681 12.3897 17.6681 12.891C17.6575 13.1421 17.6989 13.3928 17.7897 13.6272C17.8806 13.8616 18.0189 14.0747 18.196 14.2531C18.3731 14.4315 18.5851 14.5714 18.8189 14.6639C19.0526 14.7565 19.3029 14.7997 19.5541 14.791ZM19.5541 11.902C20.0351 11.902 20.3961 12.25 20.3961 12.89C20.3961 13.53 20.0351 13.885 19.5541 13.885C19.0731 13.885 18.7261 13.531 18.7261 12.89C18.7261 12.249 19.0811 11.9 19.5541 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M22.9878 14.233C23.1011 14.411 23.2591 14.5562 23.4459 14.6541C23.6328 14.752 23.842 14.7992 24.0528 14.791C24.2839 14.7748 24.5094 14.7123 24.7159 14.6073C24.9224 14.5023 25.1057 14.3569 25.2549 14.1796C25.4042 14.0024 25.5163 13.7971 25.5846 13.5757C25.653 13.3544 25.6762 13.1215 25.6528 12.891C25.6763 12.6605 25.6532 12.4276 25.5849 12.2062C25.5166 11.9848 25.4045 11.7794 25.2553 11.6022C25.106 11.4249 24.9227 11.2795 24.7161 11.1745C24.5095 11.0695 24.284 11.0071 24.0528 10.991C23.8429 10.9828 23.6345 11.0292 23.4478 11.1256C23.2611 11.222 23.1027 11.3651 22.9878 11.541V11.088H21.9648V16.177H22.9878V14.233ZM23.7878 11.902C24.2678 11.902 24.6028 12.257 24.6028 12.902C24.6028 13.547 24.2678 13.89 23.7878 13.89C23.3078 13.89 22.9738 13.542 22.9738 12.902C22.9738 12.262 23.3078 11.9 23.7878 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M11.5998 18.5C11.8437 18.5006 12.0818 18.5747 12.283 18.7126C12.4842 18.8505 12.6392 19.0458 12.7278 19.273L13.6458 18.709C13.459 18.3312 13.1658 18.0163 12.8023 17.803C12.4387 17.5898 12.0207 17.4876 11.5998 17.509C11.2677 17.4979 10.9369 17.5564 10.6287 17.6806C10.3205 17.8048 10.0416 17.9921 9.80999 18.2304C9.57837 18.4687 9.39911 18.7528 9.2837 19.0644C9.16829 19.376 9.11928 19.7083 9.13981 20.04C9.11986 20.3714 9.1693 20.7032 9.28497 21.0144C9.40064 21.3255 9.57999 21.6091 9.81155 21.847C10.0431 22.0848 10.3218 22.2717 10.6297 22.3957C10.9376 22.5197 11.268 22.5781 11.5998 22.567C12.0207 22.5884 12.4387 22.4862 12.8023 22.273C13.1658 22.0598 13.459 21.7448 13.6458 21.367L12.7278 20.803C12.6392 21.0303 12.4842 21.2256 12.283 21.3634C12.0818 21.5013 11.8437 21.5754 11.5998 21.576C11.408 21.5734 11.219 21.5301 11.0453 21.4489C10.8715 21.3677 10.717 21.2505 10.592 21.1051C10.467 20.9597 10.3744 20.7893 10.3202 20.6053C10.266 20.4214 10.2516 20.228 10.2778 20.038C10.2516 19.848 10.266 19.6547 10.3202 19.4707C10.3744 19.2867 10.467 19.1164 10.592 18.9709C10.717 18.8255 10.8715 18.7083 11.0453 18.6271C11.219 18.5459 11.408 18.5026 11.5998 18.5Z"></path><path d="M16.012 18.766C15.8204 18.7554 15.6297 18.7995 15.4622 18.8932C15.2947 18.9868 15.1573 19.1262 15.066 19.295V17.256H14.043V22.476H15.066V20.36C15.0551 20.2706 15.0637 20.1798 15.0912 20.0941C15.1187 20.0083 15.1644 19.9294 15.2251 19.8629C15.2859 19.7965 15.3604 19.7439 15.4434 19.7089C15.5263 19.6738 15.6159 19.6572 15.706 19.66C16.006 19.66 16.242 19.883 16.242 20.301V22.479H17.266V20.117C17.28 19.9442 17.2579 19.7704 17.2011 19.6066C17.1444 19.4428 17.0541 19.2926 16.9362 19.1656C16.8183 19.0385 16.6752 18.9374 16.5161 18.8686C16.357 18.7998 16.1853 18.7649 16.012 18.766Z"></path><path d="M19.634 18.7661C19.258 18.7649 18.8901 18.8753 18.5768 19.0833C18.2636 19.2914 18.0191 19.5877 17.8744 19.9348C17.7297 20.2819 17.6912 20.6641 17.7638 21.033C17.8364 21.402 18.0169 21.7411 18.2824 22.0074C18.5479 22.2737 18.8864 22.4553 19.2551 22.5291C19.6239 22.6029 20.0062 22.5656 20.3537 22.422C20.7013 22.2784 20.9984 22.0348 21.2074 21.7223C21.4164 21.4097 21.528 21.0421 21.528 20.6661C21.5387 20.4142 21.4971 20.1629 21.4058 19.9279C21.3145 19.6929 21.1754 19.4795 20.9975 19.3009C20.8195 19.1224 20.6065 18.9827 20.3718 18.8906C20.1371 18.7986 19.8859 18.7562 19.634 18.7661ZM19.634 21.6661C19.161 21.6661 18.806 21.3111 18.806 20.6711C18.806 20.0311 19.161 19.6821 19.634 19.6821C20.107 19.6821 20.476 20.0301 20.476 20.6711C20.476 21.3121 20.115 21.6621 19.634 21.6621V21.6661Z"></path><path d="M22.5659 17.2419C22.4833 17.2354 22.4002 17.2462 22.3219 17.2734C22.2436 17.3006 22.1718 17.3438 22.111 17.4002C22.0502 17.4565 22.0017 17.5249 21.9687 17.6009C21.9356 17.677 21.9187 17.759 21.9189 17.8419C21.9344 18.002 22.0089 18.1506 22.128 18.2587C22.2471 18.3668 22.4021 18.4267 22.5629 18.4267C22.7238 18.4267 22.8788 18.3668 22.9979 18.2587C23.1169 18.1506 23.1915 18.002 23.2069 17.8419C23.2082 17.7593 23.1921 17.6773 23.1598 17.6012C23.1275 17.5251 23.0796 17.4566 23.0193 17.4001C22.9589 17.3436 22.8874 17.3003 22.8093 17.2731C22.7313 17.2458 22.6484 17.2352 22.5659 17.2419Z"></path><path d="M23.0669 18.864H22.0439V22.477H23.0669V18.864Z"></path><path d="M25.4698 19.671C25.6391 19.6601 25.8073 19.7043 25.9493 19.7972C26.0912 19.8901 26.1991 20.0265 26.2568 20.186L27.1128 19.692C26.9634 19.3907 26.7268 19.1413 26.4338 18.9762C26.1408 18.8111 25.805 18.7378 25.4698 18.766C24.9659 18.766 24.4826 18.9662 24.1263 19.3225C23.77 19.6789 23.5698 20.1621 23.5698 20.666C23.5698 21.17 23.77 21.6532 24.1263 22.0095C24.4826 22.3659 24.9659 22.566 25.4698 22.566C25.8049 22.5941 26.1408 22.5208 26.4337 22.3557C26.7267 22.1906 26.9633 21.9413 27.1128 21.64L26.2568 21.146C26.1993 21.3056 26.0914 21.4422 25.9494 21.5351C25.8074 21.628 25.6391 21.6722 25.4698 21.661C25.0518 21.661 24.6418 21.347 24.6418 20.666C24.6418 19.985 25.0518 19.671 25.4698 19.671Z"></path><path d="M29.134 18.766C28.8889 18.7627 28.6458 18.8104 28.4202 18.9063C28.1946 19.0022 27.9915 19.144 27.8238 19.3228C27.6561 19.5016 27.5275 19.7134 27.4463 19.9447C27.3651 20.176 27.333 20.4217 27.352 20.666C27.3367 20.9183 27.3749 21.171 27.4641 21.4075C27.5533 21.644 27.6914 21.859 27.8695 22.0384C28.0476 22.2178 28.2615 22.3575 28.4974 22.4485C28.7332 22.5394 28.9856 22.5795 29.238 22.566C29.5305 22.5793 29.8218 22.5227 30.0881 22.4009C30.3543 22.2792 30.5877 22.0959 30.769 21.866L30.06 21.288C29.9718 21.4233 29.8492 21.5326 29.7047 21.6046C29.5602 21.6767 29.3991 21.709 29.238 21.698C29.1312 21.7063 29.0239 21.6925 28.9227 21.6575C28.8214 21.6225 28.7285 21.5671 28.6495 21.4947C28.5706 21.4224 28.5073 21.3345 28.4637 21.2367C28.4201 21.1389 28.3971 21.0331 28.396 20.926H30.853C30.86 20.849 30.86 20.745 30.86 20.669C30.8839 20.4281 30.8571 20.1849 30.7812 19.955C30.7053 19.7252 30.582 19.5138 30.4194 19.3344C30.2568 19.1551 30.0584 19.0119 29.837 18.914C29.6156 18.8161 29.3761 18.7657 29.134 18.766ZM28.417 20.242C28.4202 20.1514 28.4414 20.0623 28.4792 19.9799C28.5171 19.8975 28.5709 19.8234 28.6376 19.7619C28.7043 19.7005 28.7825 19.6528 28.8677 19.6218C28.9529 19.5907 29.0434 19.5769 29.134 19.581C29.489 19.581 29.739 19.781 29.834 20.242H28.417Z"></path></svg><div class="space-y-4 mt-4"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/attractions/zelve-open-air-museum/a/poi-sig/1250362/360873"><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Zelve Open-Air Museum</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>2.22<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">The road between Çavuşin and Avanos passes a turn-off to the Zelve Open-Air Museum, where three valleys of crumbling cave-habitations and churches…</p></div></article></div></li><li class="jsx-899198629 carousel-item flex-shrink-0 px-4 pb-2 w-90 md:w-1/4"><div class="relative"><article class="relative rounded"><img alt="The Kaymakl underground city, Kaymakl, Cappadocia, Turkey, Middle East" loading="lazy" width="600" height="400" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full object-cover rounded relative aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=640&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1x,;ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 2x" src=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75"/><svg xmlns="" width="40px" height="40px" class="absolute top-4 left-4 z-10" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><rect x="0.57959" y="19.5" width="28" height="28" rx="4" transform="rotate(-45 0.57959 19.5)" fill="white"></rect><path d="M23.5629 27.5891H21.1999L20.4719 25.3461C20.431 25.254 20.3642 25.1758 20.2797 25.1209C20.1952 25.0661 20.0967 25.0369 19.9959 25.0369C19.8952 25.0369 19.7966 25.0661 19.7121 25.1209C19.6276 25.1758 19.5609 25.254 19.5199 25.3461L18.7999 27.5891H16.4369C16.3325 27.5903 16.2311 27.6242 16.1469 27.686C16.0627 27.7479 16 27.8345 15.9676 27.9338C15.9352 28.033 15.9346 28.14 15.9661 28.2396C15.9975 28.3392 16.0594 28.4264 16.1429 28.4891L18.0509 29.8761L17.3219 32.1191C17.2891 32.2196 17.2891 32.3279 17.3217 32.4284C17.3543 32.529 17.418 32.6166 17.5035 32.6787C17.5891 32.7408 17.6921 32.7742 17.7978 32.7741C17.9035 32.774 18.0065 32.7404 18.0919 32.6781L19.9999 31.3001L21.9079 32.6861C21.9933 32.7484 22.0963 32.782 22.202 32.7821C22.3077 32.7822 22.4108 32.7488 22.4963 32.6867C22.5819 32.6246 22.6455 32.537 22.6781 32.4364C22.7108 32.3359 22.7107 32.2276 22.6779 32.1271L21.9489 29.8841L23.8569 28.4971C23.9405 28.4344 24.0023 28.3472 24.0338 28.2476C24.0652 28.148 24.0647 28.041 24.0322 27.9418C23.9998 27.8425 23.9371 27.7559 23.8529 27.694C23.7688 27.6322 23.6673 27.5983 23.5629 27.5971V27.5891Z" fill="#0057d9"></path><path d="M37.851 16.465L23.535 2.14899C22.5974 1.21164 21.3258 0.685059 20 0.685059C18.6742 0.685059 17.4026 1.21164 16.465 2.14899L2.14899 16.465C1.21164 17.4026 0.685059 18.6742 0.685059 20C0.685059 21.3258 1.21164 22.5974 2.14899 23.535L16.465 37.851C17.4026 38.7883 18.6742 39.3149 20 39.3149C21.3258 39.3149 22.5974 38.7883 23.535 37.851L37.851 23.535C38.7883 22.5974 39.3149 21.3258 39.3149 20C39.3149 18.6742 38.7883 17.4026 37.851 16.465ZM36.437 22.121L22.121 36.437C21.5493 36.9819 20.7898 37.2859 20 37.2859C19.2102 37.2859 18.4507 36.9819 17.879 36.437L3.56299 22.121C3.00058 21.5584 2.68463 20.7955 2.68463 20C2.68463 19.2045 3.00058 18.4416 3.56299 17.879L17.879 3.56299C18.4416 3.00058 19.2045 2.68463 20 2.68463C20.7955 2.68463 21.5584 3.00058 22.121 3.56299L36.437 17.879C36.9994 18.4416 37.3154 19.2045 37.3154 20C37.3154 20.7955 36.9994 21.5584 36.437 22.121Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M15.6749 14.7H16.7609V10.788H18.2229V9.82703H14.2129V10.788H15.6749V14.7Z"></path><path d="M19.5541 14.791C19.8059 14.8004 20.0569 14.7577 20.2914 14.6655C20.5258 14.5733 20.7387 14.4335 20.9166 14.2551C21.0944 14.0767 21.2335 13.8634 21.325 13.6286C21.4164 13.3939 21.4584 13.1427 21.4481 12.891C21.4481 12.3897 21.249 11.909 20.8946 11.5545C20.5401 11.2001 20.0594 11.001 19.5581 11.001C19.0569 11.001 18.5761 11.2001 18.2217 11.5545C17.8673 11.909 17.6681 12.3897 17.6681 12.891C17.6575 13.1421 17.6989 13.3928 17.7897 13.6272C17.8806 13.8616 18.0189 14.0747 18.196 14.2531C18.3731 14.4315 18.5851 14.5714 18.8189 14.6639C19.0526 14.7565 19.3029 14.7997 19.5541 14.791ZM19.5541 11.902C20.0351 11.902 20.3961 12.25 20.3961 12.89C20.3961 13.53 20.0351 13.885 19.5541 13.885C19.0731 13.885 18.7261 13.531 18.7261 12.89C18.7261 12.249 19.0811 11.9 19.5541 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M22.9878 14.233C23.1011 14.411 23.2591 14.5562 23.4459 14.6541C23.6328 14.752 23.842 14.7992 24.0528 14.791C24.2839 14.7748 24.5094 14.7123 24.7159 14.6073C24.9224 14.5023 25.1057 14.3569 25.2549 14.1796C25.4042 14.0024 25.5163 13.7971 25.5846 13.5757C25.653 13.3544 25.6762 13.1215 25.6528 12.891C25.6763 12.6605 25.6532 12.4276 25.5849 12.2062C25.5166 11.9848 25.4045 11.7794 25.2553 11.6022C25.106 11.4249 24.9227 11.2795 24.7161 11.1745C24.5095 11.0695 24.284 11.0071 24.0528 10.991C23.8429 10.9828 23.6345 11.0292 23.4478 11.1256C23.2611 11.222 23.1027 11.3651 22.9878 11.541V11.088H21.9648V16.177H22.9878V14.233ZM23.7878 11.902C24.2678 11.902 24.6028 12.257 24.6028 12.902C24.6028 13.547 24.2678 13.89 23.7878 13.89C23.3078 13.89 22.9738 13.542 22.9738 12.902C22.9738 12.262 23.3078 11.9 23.7878 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M11.5998 18.5C11.8437 18.5006 12.0818 18.5747 12.283 18.7126C12.4842 18.8505 12.6392 19.0458 12.7278 19.273L13.6458 18.709C13.459 18.3312 13.1658 18.0163 12.8023 17.803C12.4387 17.5898 12.0207 17.4876 11.5998 17.509C11.2677 17.4979 10.9369 17.5564 10.6287 17.6806C10.3205 17.8048 10.0416 17.9921 9.80999 18.2304C9.57837 18.4687 9.39911 18.7528 9.2837 19.0644C9.16829 19.376 9.11928 19.7083 9.13981 20.04C9.11986 20.3714 9.1693 20.7032 9.28497 21.0144C9.40064 21.3255 9.57999 21.6091 9.81155 21.847C10.0431 22.0848 10.3218 22.2717 10.6297 22.3957C10.9376 22.5197 11.268 22.5781 11.5998 22.567C12.0207 22.5884 12.4387 22.4862 12.8023 22.273C13.1658 22.0598 13.459 21.7448 13.6458 21.367L12.7278 20.803C12.6392 21.0303 12.4842 21.2256 12.283 21.3634C12.0818 21.5013 11.8437 21.5754 11.5998 21.576C11.408 21.5734 11.219 21.5301 11.0453 21.4489C10.8715 21.3677 10.717 21.2505 10.592 21.1051C10.467 20.9597 10.3744 20.7893 10.3202 20.6053C10.266 20.4214 10.2516 20.228 10.2778 20.038C10.2516 19.848 10.266 19.6547 10.3202 19.4707C10.3744 19.2867 10.467 19.1164 10.592 18.9709C10.717 18.8255 10.8715 18.7083 11.0453 18.6271C11.219 18.5459 11.408 18.5026 11.5998 18.5Z"></path><path d="M16.012 18.766C15.8204 18.7554 15.6297 18.7995 15.4622 18.8932C15.2947 18.9868 15.1573 19.1262 15.066 19.295V17.256H14.043V22.476H15.066V20.36C15.0551 20.2706 15.0637 20.1798 15.0912 20.0941C15.1187 20.0083 15.1644 19.9294 15.2251 19.8629C15.2859 19.7965 15.3604 19.7439 15.4434 19.7089C15.5263 19.6738 15.6159 19.6572 15.706 19.66C16.006 19.66 16.242 19.883 16.242 20.301V22.479H17.266V20.117C17.28 19.9442 17.2579 19.7704 17.2011 19.6066C17.1444 19.4428 17.0541 19.2926 16.9362 19.1656C16.8183 19.0385 16.6752 18.9374 16.5161 18.8686C16.357 18.7998 16.1853 18.7649 16.012 18.766Z"></path><path d="M19.634 18.7661C19.258 18.7649 18.8901 18.8753 18.5768 19.0833C18.2636 19.2914 18.0191 19.5877 17.8744 19.9348C17.7297 20.2819 17.6912 20.6641 17.7638 21.033C17.8364 21.402 18.0169 21.7411 18.2824 22.0074C18.5479 22.2737 18.8864 22.4553 19.2551 22.5291C19.6239 22.6029 20.0062 22.5656 20.3537 22.422C20.7013 22.2784 20.9984 22.0348 21.2074 21.7223C21.4164 21.4097 21.528 21.0421 21.528 20.6661C21.5387 20.4142 21.4971 20.1629 21.4058 19.9279C21.3145 19.6929 21.1754 19.4795 20.9975 19.3009C20.8195 19.1224 20.6065 18.9827 20.3718 18.8906C20.1371 18.7986 19.8859 18.7562 19.634 18.7661ZM19.634 21.6661C19.161 21.6661 18.806 21.3111 18.806 20.6711C18.806 20.0311 19.161 19.6821 19.634 19.6821C20.107 19.6821 20.476 20.0301 20.476 20.6711C20.476 21.3121 20.115 21.6621 19.634 21.6621V21.6661Z"></path><path d="M22.5659 17.2419C22.4833 17.2354 22.4002 17.2462 22.3219 17.2734C22.2436 17.3006 22.1718 17.3438 22.111 17.4002C22.0502 17.4565 22.0017 17.5249 21.9687 17.6009C21.9356 17.677 21.9187 17.759 21.9189 17.8419C21.9344 18.002 22.0089 18.1506 22.128 18.2587C22.2471 18.3668 22.4021 18.4267 22.5629 18.4267C22.7238 18.4267 22.8788 18.3668 22.9979 18.2587C23.1169 18.1506 23.1915 18.002 23.2069 17.8419C23.2082 17.7593 23.1921 17.6773 23.1598 17.6012C23.1275 17.5251 23.0796 17.4566 23.0193 17.4001C22.9589 17.3436 22.8874 17.3003 22.8093 17.2731C22.7313 17.2458 22.6484 17.2352 22.5659 17.2419Z"></path><path d="M23.0669 18.864H22.0439V22.477H23.0669V18.864Z"></path><path d="M25.4698 19.671C25.6391 19.6601 25.8073 19.7043 25.9493 19.7972C26.0912 19.8901 26.1991 20.0265 26.2568 20.186L27.1128 19.692C26.9634 19.3907 26.7268 19.1413 26.4338 18.9762C26.1408 18.8111 25.805 18.7378 25.4698 18.766C24.9659 18.766 24.4826 18.9662 24.1263 19.3225C23.77 19.6789 23.5698 20.1621 23.5698 20.666C23.5698 21.17 23.77 21.6532 24.1263 22.0095C24.4826 22.3659 24.9659 22.566 25.4698 22.566C25.8049 22.5941 26.1408 22.5208 26.4337 22.3557C26.7267 22.1906 26.9633 21.9413 27.1128 21.64L26.2568 21.146C26.1993 21.3056 26.0914 21.4422 25.9494 21.5351C25.8074 21.628 25.6391 21.6722 25.4698 21.661C25.0518 21.661 24.6418 21.347 24.6418 20.666C24.6418 19.985 25.0518 19.671 25.4698 19.671Z"></path><path d="M29.134 18.766C28.8889 18.7627 28.6458 18.8104 28.4202 18.9063C28.1946 19.0022 27.9915 19.144 27.8238 19.3228C27.6561 19.5016 27.5275 19.7134 27.4463 19.9447C27.3651 20.176 27.333 20.4217 27.352 20.666C27.3367 20.9183 27.3749 21.171 27.4641 21.4075C27.5533 21.644 27.6914 21.859 27.8695 22.0384C28.0476 22.2178 28.2615 22.3575 28.4974 22.4485C28.7332 22.5394 28.9856 22.5795 29.238 22.566C29.5305 22.5793 29.8218 22.5227 30.0881 22.4009C30.3543 22.2792 30.5877 22.0959 30.769 21.866L30.06 21.288C29.9718 21.4233 29.8492 21.5326 29.7047 21.6046C29.5602 21.6767 29.3991 21.709 29.238 21.698C29.1312 21.7063 29.0239 21.6925 28.9227 21.6575C28.8214 21.6225 28.7285 21.5671 28.6495 21.4947C28.5706 21.4224 28.5073 21.3345 28.4637 21.2367C28.4201 21.1389 28.3971 21.0331 28.396 20.926H30.853C30.86 20.849 30.86 20.745 30.86 20.669C30.8839 20.4281 30.8571 20.1849 30.7812 19.955C30.7053 19.7252 30.582 19.5138 30.4194 19.3344C30.2568 19.1551 30.0584 19.0119 29.837 18.914C29.6156 18.8161 29.3761 18.7657 29.134 18.766ZM28.417 20.242C28.4202 20.1514 28.4414 20.0623 28.4792 19.9799C28.5171 19.8975 28.5709 19.8234 28.6376 19.7619C28.7043 19.7005 28.7825 19.6528 28.8677 19.6218C28.9529 19.5907 29.0434 19.5769 29.134 19.581C29.489 19.581 29.739 19.781 29.834 20.242H28.417Z"></path></svg><div class="space-y-4 mt-4"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/attractions/kaymakli-underground-city/a/poi-sig/1249017/360873"><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Kaymaklı Underground City</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>13.39<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">Kaymaklı underground city features a maze of tunnels and rooms carved eight levels deep into the earth, though only four are open to the public. The…</p></div></article></div></li><li class="jsx-899198629 carousel-item flex-shrink-0 px-4 pb-2 w-90 md:w-1/4"><div class="relative"><article class="relative rounded"><div class="relative flex max-w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden rounded relative aspect-square"><img alt="Kızılçukur Viewpoint" loading="lazy" width="600" height="400" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full w-full h-full object-cover rounded relative aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=640&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1x,;ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 2x" src=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75"/><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="absolute top-[50%] left-0 right-0 w-24 max-w-[30%] h-auto mx-auto text-white aspect-square transform translate-y-[-50%]" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M20.716 7.34598C20.5338 7.18675 20.3 7.099 20.058 7.099C19.816 7.099 19.5822 7.18675 19.4 7.34598L16.367 9.99499C16.2596 10.0888 16.1735 10.2046 16.1145 10.3345C16.0555 10.4644 16.025 10.6053 16.025 10.748C16.025 10.8906 16.0555 11.0316 16.1145 11.1615C16.1735 11.2914 16.2596 11.4071 16.367 11.501L19.4 14.151C19.5822 14.3102 19.816 14.398 20.058 14.398C20.3 14.398 20.5338 14.3102 20.716 14.151L23.749 11.501C23.8564 11.4071 23.9425 11.2914 24.0015 11.1615C24.0605 11.0316 24.091 10.8906 24.091 10.748C24.091 10.6053 24.0605 10.4644 24.0015 10.3345C23.9425 10.2046 23.8564 10.0888 23.749 9.99499L20.716 7.34598Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M35.071 18.338L37.5 13.759C37.5807 13.6066 37.6206 13.4359 37.6159 13.2635C37.6111 13.0911 37.5619 12.9229 37.4729 12.7751C37.384 12.6274 37.2583 12.5052 37.1082 12.4203C36.958 12.3355 36.7885 12.2909 36.616 12.291H34.023L20.693 1.31798C20.514 1.17064 20.2893 1.09008 20.0575 1.09008C19.8257 1.09008 19.601 1.17064 19.422 1.31798L6.093 12.291H3.477C3.30454 12.2909 3.135 12.3355 2.98485 12.4203C2.83469 12.5052 2.70903 12.6274 2.62006 12.7751C2.5311 12.9229 2.48185 13.0911 2.47711 13.2635C2.47237 13.4359 2.51229 13.6066 2.593 13.759L5.018 18.338C5.09427 18.4783 5.20338 18.598 5.336 18.687V30.459H3.478C3.21279 30.459 2.95843 30.5643 2.7709 30.7519C2.58336 30.9394 2.478 31.1938 2.478 31.459V36.722C2.478 36.9872 2.58336 37.2416 2.7709 37.4291C2.95843 37.6166 3.21279 37.722 3.478 37.722H36.612C36.8772 37.722 37.1316 37.6166 37.3191 37.4291C37.5066 37.2416 37.612 36.9872 37.612 36.722V31.459C37.612 31.1938 37.5066 30.9394 37.3191 30.7519C37.1316 30.5643 36.8772 30.459 36.612 30.459H34.664V18.744C34.8365 18.6514 34.978 18.5102 35.071 18.338ZM5.138 14.291H12.3C12.5652 14.291 12.8196 14.1856 13.0071 13.9981C13.1946 13.8106 13.3 13.5562 13.3 13.291C13.3 13.0258 13.1946 12.7714 13.0071 12.5839C12.8196 12.3963 12.5652 12.291 12.3 12.291H9.24L20.058 3.38398L30.875 12.289H27.723C27.4578 12.289 27.2034 12.3943 27.0159 12.5819C26.8284 12.7694 26.723 13.0238 26.723 13.289C26.723 13.5542 26.8284 13.8086 27.0159 13.9961C27.2034 14.1836 27.4578 14.289 27.723 14.289H34.951L33.585 16.868H6.5L5.138 14.291ZM28.4 30.459H23.132V18.87H28.4V30.459ZM11.6 18.87H16.867V30.459H11.6V18.87ZM18.867 18.87H21.131V30.459H18.868L18.867 18.87ZM7.335 18.87H9.6V30.459H7.336L7.335 18.87ZM35.612 32.459V35.722H4.478V32.459H35.612ZM30.399 30.459V18.87H32.664V30.459H30.399Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></div><svg xmlns="" width="40px" height="40px" class="absolute top-4 left-4 z-10" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><rect x="0.57959" y="19.5" width="28" height="28" rx="4" transform="rotate(-45 0.57959 19.5)" fill="white"></rect><path d="M23.5629 27.5891H21.1999L20.4719 25.3461C20.431 25.254 20.3642 25.1758 20.2797 25.1209C20.1952 25.0661 20.0967 25.0369 19.9959 25.0369C19.8952 25.0369 19.7966 25.0661 19.7121 25.1209C19.6276 25.1758 19.5609 25.254 19.5199 25.3461L18.7999 27.5891H16.4369C16.3325 27.5903 16.2311 27.6242 16.1469 27.686C16.0627 27.7479 16 27.8345 15.9676 27.9338C15.9352 28.033 15.9346 28.14 15.9661 28.2396C15.9975 28.3392 16.0594 28.4264 16.1429 28.4891L18.0509 29.8761L17.3219 32.1191C17.2891 32.2196 17.2891 32.3279 17.3217 32.4284C17.3543 32.529 17.418 32.6166 17.5035 32.6787C17.5891 32.7408 17.6921 32.7742 17.7978 32.7741C17.9035 32.774 18.0065 32.7404 18.0919 32.6781L19.9999 31.3001L21.9079 32.6861C21.9933 32.7484 22.0963 32.782 22.202 32.7821C22.3077 32.7822 22.4108 32.7488 22.4963 32.6867C22.5819 32.6246 22.6455 32.537 22.6781 32.4364C22.7108 32.3359 22.7107 32.2276 22.6779 32.1271L21.9489 29.8841L23.8569 28.4971C23.9405 28.4344 24.0023 28.3472 24.0338 28.2476C24.0652 28.148 24.0647 28.041 24.0322 27.9418C23.9998 27.8425 23.9371 27.7559 23.8529 27.694C23.7688 27.6322 23.6673 27.5983 23.5629 27.5971V27.5891Z" fill="#0057d9"></path><path d="M37.851 16.465L23.535 2.14899C22.5974 1.21164 21.3258 0.685059 20 0.685059C18.6742 0.685059 17.4026 1.21164 16.465 2.14899L2.14899 16.465C1.21164 17.4026 0.685059 18.6742 0.685059 20C0.685059 21.3258 1.21164 22.5974 2.14899 23.535L16.465 37.851C17.4026 38.7883 18.6742 39.3149 20 39.3149C21.3258 39.3149 22.5974 38.7883 23.535 37.851L37.851 23.535C38.7883 22.5974 39.3149 21.3258 39.3149 20C39.3149 18.6742 38.7883 17.4026 37.851 16.465ZM36.437 22.121L22.121 36.437C21.5493 36.9819 20.7898 37.2859 20 37.2859C19.2102 37.2859 18.4507 36.9819 17.879 36.437L3.56299 22.121C3.00058 21.5584 2.68463 20.7955 2.68463 20C2.68463 19.2045 3.00058 18.4416 3.56299 17.879L17.879 3.56299C18.4416 3.00058 19.2045 2.68463 20 2.68463C20.7955 2.68463 21.5584 3.00058 22.121 3.56299L36.437 17.879C36.9994 18.4416 37.3154 19.2045 37.3154 20C37.3154 20.7955 36.9994 21.5584 36.437 22.121Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M15.6749 14.7H16.7609V10.788H18.2229V9.82703H14.2129V10.788H15.6749V14.7Z"></path><path d="M19.5541 14.791C19.8059 14.8004 20.0569 14.7577 20.2914 14.6655C20.5258 14.5733 20.7387 14.4335 20.9166 14.2551C21.0944 14.0767 21.2335 13.8634 21.325 13.6286C21.4164 13.3939 21.4584 13.1427 21.4481 12.891C21.4481 12.3897 21.249 11.909 20.8946 11.5545C20.5401 11.2001 20.0594 11.001 19.5581 11.001C19.0569 11.001 18.5761 11.2001 18.2217 11.5545C17.8673 11.909 17.6681 12.3897 17.6681 12.891C17.6575 13.1421 17.6989 13.3928 17.7897 13.6272C17.8806 13.8616 18.0189 14.0747 18.196 14.2531C18.3731 14.4315 18.5851 14.5714 18.8189 14.6639C19.0526 14.7565 19.3029 14.7997 19.5541 14.791ZM19.5541 11.902C20.0351 11.902 20.3961 12.25 20.3961 12.89C20.3961 13.53 20.0351 13.885 19.5541 13.885C19.0731 13.885 18.7261 13.531 18.7261 12.89C18.7261 12.249 19.0811 11.9 19.5541 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M22.9878 14.233C23.1011 14.411 23.2591 14.5562 23.4459 14.6541C23.6328 14.752 23.842 14.7992 24.0528 14.791C24.2839 14.7748 24.5094 14.7123 24.7159 14.6073C24.9224 14.5023 25.1057 14.3569 25.2549 14.1796C25.4042 14.0024 25.5163 13.7971 25.5846 13.5757C25.653 13.3544 25.6762 13.1215 25.6528 12.891C25.6763 12.6605 25.6532 12.4276 25.5849 12.2062C25.5166 11.9848 25.4045 11.7794 25.2553 11.6022C25.106 11.4249 24.9227 11.2795 24.7161 11.1745C24.5095 11.0695 24.284 11.0071 24.0528 10.991C23.8429 10.9828 23.6345 11.0292 23.4478 11.1256C23.2611 11.222 23.1027 11.3651 22.9878 11.541V11.088H21.9648V16.177H22.9878V14.233ZM23.7878 11.902C24.2678 11.902 24.6028 12.257 24.6028 12.902C24.6028 13.547 24.2678 13.89 23.7878 13.89C23.3078 13.89 22.9738 13.542 22.9738 12.902C22.9738 12.262 23.3078 11.9 23.7878 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M11.5998 18.5C11.8437 18.5006 12.0818 18.5747 12.283 18.7126C12.4842 18.8505 12.6392 19.0458 12.7278 19.273L13.6458 18.709C13.459 18.3312 13.1658 18.0163 12.8023 17.803C12.4387 17.5898 12.0207 17.4876 11.5998 17.509C11.2677 17.4979 10.9369 17.5564 10.6287 17.6806C10.3205 17.8048 10.0416 17.9921 9.80999 18.2304C9.57837 18.4687 9.39911 18.7528 9.2837 19.0644C9.16829 19.376 9.11928 19.7083 9.13981 20.04C9.11986 20.3714 9.1693 20.7032 9.28497 21.0144C9.40064 21.3255 9.57999 21.6091 9.81155 21.847C10.0431 22.0848 10.3218 22.2717 10.6297 22.3957C10.9376 22.5197 11.268 22.5781 11.5998 22.567C12.0207 22.5884 12.4387 22.4862 12.8023 22.273C13.1658 22.0598 13.459 21.7448 13.6458 21.367L12.7278 20.803C12.6392 21.0303 12.4842 21.2256 12.283 21.3634C12.0818 21.5013 11.8437 21.5754 11.5998 21.576C11.408 21.5734 11.219 21.5301 11.0453 21.4489C10.8715 21.3677 10.717 21.2505 10.592 21.1051C10.467 20.9597 10.3744 20.7893 10.3202 20.6053C10.266 20.4214 10.2516 20.228 10.2778 20.038C10.2516 19.848 10.266 19.6547 10.3202 19.4707C10.3744 19.2867 10.467 19.1164 10.592 18.9709C10.717 18.8255 10.8715 18.7083 11.0453 18.6271C11.219 18.5459 11.408 18.5026 11.5998 18.5Z"></path><path d="M16.012 18.766C15.8204 18.7554 15.6297 18.7995 15.4622 18.8932C15.2947 18.9868 15.1573 19.1262 15.066 19.295V17.256H14.043V22.476H15.066V20.36C15.0551 20.2706 15.0637 20.1798 15.0912 20.0941C15.1187 20.0083 15.1644 19.9294 15.2251 19.8629C15.2859 19.7965 15.3604 19.7439 15.4434 19.7089C15.5263 19.6738 15.6159 19.6572 15.706 19.66C16.006 19.66 16.242 19.883 16.242 20.301V22.479H17.266V20.117C17.28 19.9442 17.2579 19.7704 17.2011 19.6066C17.1444 19.4428 17.0541 19.2926 16.9362 19.1656C16.8183 19.0385 16.6752 18.9374 16.5161 18.8686C16.357 18.7998 16.1853 18.7649 16.012 18.766Z"></path><path d="M19.634 18.7661C19.258 18.7649 18.8901 18.8753 18.5768 19.0833C18.2636 19.2914 18.0191 19.5877 17.8744 19.9348C17.7297 20.2819 17.6912 20.6641 17.7638 21.033C17.8364 21.402 18.0169 21.7411 18.2824 22.0074C18.5479 22.2737 18.8864 22.4553 19.2551 22.5291C19.6239 22.6029 20.0062 22.5656 20.3537 22.422C20.7013 22.2784 20.9984 22.0348 21.2074 21.7223C21.4164 21.4097 21.528 21.0421 21.528 20.6661C21.5387 20.4142 21.4971 20.1629 21.4058 19.9279C21.3145 19.6929 21.1754 19.4795 20.9975 19.3009C20.8195 19.1224 20.6065 18.9827 20.3718 18.8906C20.1371 18.7986 19.8859 18.7562 19.634 18.7661ZM19.634 21.6661C19.161 21.6661 18.806 21.3111 18.806 20.6711C18.806 20.0311 19.161 19.6821 19.634 19.6821C20.107 19.6821 20.476 20.0301 20.476 20.6711C20.476 21.3121 20.115 21.6621 19.634 21.6621V21.6661Z"></path><path d="M22.5659 17.2419C22.4833 17.2354 22.4002 17.2462 22.3219 17.2734C22.2436 17.3006 22.1718 17.3438 22.111 17.4002C22.0502 17.4565 22.0017 17.5249 21.9687 17.6009C21.9356 17.677 21.9187 17.759 21.9189 17.8419C21.9344 18.002 22.0089 18.1506 22.128 18.2587C22.2471 18.3668 22.4021 18.4267 22.5629 18.4267C22.7238 18.4267 22.8788 18.3668 22.9979 18.2587C23.1169 18.1506 23.1915 18.002 23.2069 17.8419C23.2082 17.7593 23.1921 17.6773 23.1598 17.6012C23.1275 17.5251 23.0796 17.4566 23.0193 17.4001C22.9589 17.3436 22.8874 17.3003 22.8093 17.2731C22.7313 17.2458 22.6484 17.2352 22.5659 17.2419Z"></path><path d="M23.0669 18.864H22.0439V22.477H23.0669V18.864Z"></path><path d="M25.4698 19.671C25.6391 19.6601 25.8073 19.7043 25.9493 19.7972C26.0912 19.8901 26.1991 20.0265 26.2568 20.186L27.1128 19.692C26.9634 19.3907 26.7268 19.1413 26.4338 18.9762C26.1408 18.8111 25.805 18.7378 25.4698 18.766C24.9659 18.766 24.4826 18.9662 24.1263 19.3225C23.77 19.6789 23.5698 20.1621 23.5698 20.666C23.5698 21.17 23.77 21.6532 24.1263 22.0095C24.4826 22.3659 24.9659 22.566 25.4698 22.566C25.8049 22.5941 26.1408 22.5208 26.4337 22.3557C26.7267 22.1906 26.9633 21.9413 27.1128 21.64L26.2568 21.146C26.1993 21.3056 26.0914 21.4422 25.9494 21.5351C25.8074 21.628 25.6391 21.6722 25.4698 21.661C25.0518 21.661 24.6418 21.347 24.6418 20.666C24.6418 19.985 25.0518 19.671 25.4698 19.671Z"></path><path d="M29.134 18.766C28.8889 18.7627 28.6458 18.8104 28.4202 18.9063C28.1946 19.0022 27.9915 19.144 27.8238 19.3228C27.6561 19.5016 27.5275 19.7134 27.4463 19.9447C27.3651 20.176 27.333 20.4217 27.352 20.666C27.3367 20.9183 27.3749 21.171 27.4641 21.4075C27.5533 21.644 27.6914 21.859 27.8695 22.0384C28.0476 22.2178 28.2615 22.3575 28.4974 22.4485C28.7332 22.5394 28.9856 22.5795 29.238 22.566C29.5305 22.5793 29.8218 22.5227 30.0881 22.4009C30.3543 22.2792 30.5877 22.0959 30.769 21.866L30.06 21.288C29.9718 21.4233 29.8492 21.5326 29.7047 21.6046C29.5602 21.6767 29.3991 21.709 29.238 21.698C29.1312 21.7063 29.0239 21.6925 28.9227 21.6575C28.8214 21.6225 28.7285 21.5671 28.6495 21.4947C28.5706 21.4224 28.5073 21.3345 28.4637 21.2367C28.4201 21.1389 28.3971 21.0331 28.396 20.926H30.853C30.86 20.849 30.86 20.745 30.86 20.669C30.8839 20.4281 30.8571 20.1849 30.7812 19.955C30.7053 19.7252 30.582 19.5138 30.4194 19.3344C30.2568 19.1551 30.0584 19.0119 29.837 18.914C29.6156 18.8161 29.3761 18.7657 29.134 18.766ZM28.417 20.242C28.4202 20.1514 28.4414 20.0623 28.4792 19.9799C28.5171 19.8975 28.5709 19.8234 28.6376 19.7619C28.7043 19.7005 28.7825 19.6528 28.8677 19.6218C28.9529 19.5907 29.0434 19.5769 29.134 19.581C29.489 19.581 29.739 19.781 29.834 20.242H28.417Z"></path></svg><div class="space-y-4 mt-4"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/ortahisar/attractions/kizilcukur-viewpoint/a/poi-sig/1620660/1319792"><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Kızılçukur Viewpoint</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>1.26<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">One of the best views of Kızılçukur (Red) Valley&#x27;s fang-like rock cones and wavy cliff ridges is from this lookout point, signposted off the highway,…</p></div></article></div></li><li class="jsx-899198629 carousel-item flex-shrink-0 px-4 pb-2 w-90 md:w-1/4"><div class="relative"><article class="relative rounded"><div class="relative flex max-w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden rounded relative aspect-square"><img alt="Buckle Church" loading="lazy" width="600" height="400" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full w-full h-full object-cover rounded relative aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=640&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1x,;ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 2x" src=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75"/><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="absolute top-[50%] left-0 right-0 w-24 max-w-[30%] h-auto mx-auto text-white aspect-square transform translate-y-[-50%]" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M20.716 7.34598C20.5338 7.18675 20.3 7.099 20.058 7.099C19.816 7.099 19.5822 7.18675 19.4 7.34598L16.367 9.99499C16.2596 10.0888 16.1735 10.2046 16.1145 10.3345C16.0555 10.4644 16.025 10.6053 16.025 10.748C16.025 10.8906 16.0555 11.0316 16.1145 11.1615C16.1735 11.2914 16.2596 11.4071 16.367 11.501L19.4 14.151C19.5822 14.3102 19.816 14.398 20.058 14.398C20.3 14.398 20.5338 14.3102 20.716 14.151L23.749 11.501C23.8564 11.4071 23.9425 11.2914 24.0015 11.1615C24.0605 11.0316 24.091 10.8906 24.091 10.748C24.091 10.6053 24.0605 10.4644 24.0015 10.3345C23.9425 10.2046 23.8564 10.0888 23.749 9.99499L20.716 7.34598Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M35.071 18.338L37.5 13.759C37.5807 13.6066 37.6206 13.4359 37.6159 13.2635C37.6111 13.0911 37.5619 12.9229 37.4729 12.7751C37.384 12.6274 37.2583 12.5052 37.1082 12.4203C36.958 12.3355 36.7885 12.2909 36.616 12.291H34.023L20.693 1.31798C20.514 1.17064 20.2893 1.09008 20.0575 1.09008C19.8257 1.09008 19.601 1.17064 19.422 1.31798L6.093 12.291H3.477C3.30454 12.2909 3.135 12.3355 2.98485 12.4203C2.83469 12.5052 2.70903 12.6274 2.62006 12.7751C2.5311 12.9229 2.48185 13.0911 2.47711 13.2635C2.47237 13.4359 2.51229 13.6066 2.593 13.759L5.018 18.338C5.09427 18.4783 5.20338 18.598 5.336 18.687V30.459H3.478C3.21279 30.459 2.95843 30.5643 2.7709 30.7519C2.58336 30.9394 2.478 31.1938 2.478 31.459V36.722C2.478 36.9872 2.58336 37.2416 2.7709 37.4291C2.95843 37.6166 3.21279 37.722 3.478 37.722H36.612C36.8772 37.722 37.1316 37.6166 37.3191 37.4291C37.5066 37.2416 37.612 36.9872 37.612 36.722V31.459C37.612 31.1938 37.5066 30.9394 37.3191 30.7519C37.1316 30.5643 36.8772 30.459 36.612 30.459H34.664V18.744C34.8365 18.6514 34.978 18.5102 35.071 18.338ZM5.138 14.291H12.3C12.5652 14.291 12.8196 14.1856 13.0071 13.9981C13.1946 13.8106 13.3 13.5562 13.3 13.291C13.3 13.0258 13.1946 12.7714 13.0071 12.5839C12.8196 12.3963 12.5652 12.291 12.3 12.291H9.24L20.058 3.38398L30.875 12.289H27.723C27.4578 12.289 27.2034 12.3943 27.0159 12.5819C26.8284 12.7694 26.723 13.0238 26.723 13.289C26.723 13.5542 26.8284 13.8086 27.0159 13.9961C27.2034 14.1836 27.4578 14.289 27.723 14.289H34.951L33.585 16.868H6.5L5.138 14.291ZM28.4 30.459H23.132V18.87H28.4V30.459ZM11.6 18.87H16.867V30.459H11.6V18.87ZM18.867 18.87H21.131V30.459H18.868L18.867 18.87ZM7.335 18.87H9.6V30.459H7.336L7.335 18.87ZM35.612 32.459V35.722H4.478V32.459H35.612ZM30.399 30.459V18.87H32.664V30.459H30.399Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></div><svg xmlns="" width="40px" height="40px" class="absolute top-4 left-4 z-10" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><rect x="0.57959" y="19.5" width="28" height="28" rx="4" transform="rotate(-45 0.57959 19.5)" fill="white"></rect><path d="M23.5629 27.5891H21.1999L20.4719 25.3461C20.431 25.254 20.3642 25.1758 20.2797 25.1209C20.1952 25.0661 20.0967 25.0369 19.9959 25.0369C19.8952 25.0369 19.7966 25.0661 19.7121 25.1209C19.6276 25.1758 19.5609 25.254 19.5199 25.3461L18.7999 27.5891H16.4369C16.3325 27.5903 16.2311 27.6242 16.1469 27.686C16.0627 27.7479 16 27.8345 15.9676 27.9338C15.9352 28.033 15.9346 28.14 15.9661 28.2396C15.9975 28.3392 16.0594 28.4264 16.1429 28.4891L18.0509 29.8761L17.3219 32.1191C17.2891 32.2196 17.2891 32.3279 17.3217 32.4284C17.3543 32.529 17.418 32.6166 17.5035 32.6787C17.5891 32.7408 17.6921 32.7742 17.7978 32.7741C17.9035 32.774 18.0065 32.7404 18.0919 32.6781L19.9999 31.3001L21.9079 32.6861C21.9933 32.7484 22.0963 32.782 22.202 32.7821C22.3077 32.7822 22.4108 32.7488 22.4963 32.6867C22.5819 32.6246 22.6455 32.537 22.6781 32.4364C22.7108 32.3359 22.7107 32.2276 22.6779 32.1271L21.9489 29.8841L23.8569 28.4971C23.9405 28.4344 24.0023 28.3472 24.0338 28.2476C24.0652 28.148 24.0647 28.041 24.0322 27.9418C23.9998 27.8425 23.9371 27.7559 23.8529 27.694C23.7688 27.6322 23.6673 27.5983 23.5629 27.5971V27.5891Z" fill="#0057d9"></path><path d="M37.851 16.465L23.535 2.14899C22.5974 1.21164 21.3258 0.685059 20 0.685059C18.6742 0.685059 17.4026 1.21164 16.465 2.14899L2.14899 16.465C1.21164 17.4026 0.685059 18.6742 0.685059 20C0.685059 21.3258 1.21164 22.5974 2.14899 23.535L16.465 37.851C17.4026 38.7883 18.6742 39.3149 20 39.3149C21.3258 39.3149 22.5974 38.7883 23.535 37.851L37.851 23.535C38.7883 22.5974 39.3149 21.3258 39.3149 20C39.3149 18.6742 38.7883 17.4026 37.851 16.465ZM36.437 22.121L22.121 36.437C21.5493 36.9819 20.7898 37.2859 20 37.2859C19.2102 37.2859 18.4507 36.9819 17.879 36.437L3.56299 22.121C3.00058 21.5584 2.68463 20.7955 2.68463 20C2.68463 19.2045 3.00058 18.4416 3.56299 17.879L17.879 3.56299C18.4416 3.00058 19.2045 2.68463 20 2.68463C20.7955 2.68463 21.5584 3.00058 22.121 3.56299L36.437 17.879C36.9994 18.4416 37.3154 19.2045 37.3154 20C37.3154 20.7955 36.9994 21.5584 36.437 22.121Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M15.6749 14.7H16.7609V10.788H18.2229V9.82703H14.2129V10.788H15.6749V14.7Z"></path><path d="M19.5541 14.791C19.8059 14.8004 20.0569 14.7577 20.2914 14.6655C20.5258 14.5733 20.7387 14.4335 20.9166 14.2551C21.0944 14.0767 21.2335 13.8634 21.325 13.6286C21.4164 13.3939 21.4584 13.1427 21.4481 12.891C21.4481 12.3897 21.249 11.909 20.8946 11.5545C20.5401 11.2001 20.0594 11.001 19.5581 11.001C19.0569 11.001 18.5761 11.2001 18.2217 11.5545C17.8673 11.909 17.6681 12.3897 17.6681 12.891C17.6575 13.1421 17.6989 13.3928 17.7897 13.6272C17.8806 13.8616 18.0189 14.0747 18.196 14.2531C18.3731 14.4315 18.5851 14.5714 18.8189 14.6639C19.0526 14.7565 19.3029 14.7997 19.5541 14.791ZM19.5541 11.902C20.0351 11.902 20.3961 12.25 20.3961 12.89C20.3961 13.53 20.0351 13.885 19.5541 13.885C19.0731 13.885 18.7261 13.531 18.7261 12.89C18.7261 12.249 19.0811 11.9 19.5541 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M22.9878 14.233C23.1011 14.411 23.2591 14.5562 23.4459 14.6541C23.6328 14.752 23.842 14.7992 24.0528 14.791C24.2839 14.7748 24.5094 14.7123 24.7159 14.6073C24.9224 14.5023 25.1057 14.3569 25.2549 14.1796C25.4042 14.0024 25.5163 13.7971 25.5846 13.5757C25.653 13.3544 25.6762 13.1215 25.6528 12.891C25.6763 12.6605 25.6532 12.4276 25.5849 12.2062C25.5166 11.9848 25.4045 11.7794 25.2553 11.6022C25.106 11.4249 24.9227 11.2795 24.7161 11.1745C24.5095 11.0695 24.284 11.0071 24.0528 10.991C23.8429 10.9828 23.6345 11.0292 23.4478 11.1256C23.2611 11.222 23.1027 11.3651 22.9878 11.541V11.088H21.9648V16.177H22.9878V14.233ZM23.7878 11.902C24.2678 11.902 24.6028 12.257 24.6028 12.902C24.6028 13.547 24.2678 13.89 23.7878 13.89C23.3078 13.89 22.9738 13.542 22.9738 12.902C22.9738 12.262 23.3078 11.9 23.7878 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M11.5998 18.5C11.8437 18.5006 12.0818 18.5747 12.283 18.7126C12.4842 18.8505 12.6392 19.0458 12.7278 19.273L13.6458 18.709C13.459 18.3312 13.1658 18.0163 12.8023 17.803C12.4387 17.5898 12.0207 17.4876 11.5998 17.509C11.2677 17.4979 10.9369 17.5564 10.6287 17.6806C10.3205 17.8048 10.0416 17.9921 9.80999 18.2304C9.57837 18.4687 9.39911 18.7528 9.2837 19.0644C9.16829 19.376 9.11928 19.7083 9.13981 20.04C9.11986 20.3714 9.1693 20.7032 9.28497 21.0144C9.40064 21.3255 9.57999 21.6091 9.81155 21.847C10.0431 22.0848 10.3218 22.2717 10.6297 22.3957C10.9376 22.5197 11.268 22.5781 11.5998 22.567C12.0207 22.5884 12.4387 22.4862 12.8023 22.273C13.1658 22.0598 13.459 21.7448 13.6458 21.367L12.7278 20.803C12.6392 21.0303 12.4842 21.2256 12.283 21.3634C12.0818 21.5013 11.8437 21.5754 11.5998 21.576C11.408 21.5734 11.219 21.5301 11.0453 21.4489C10.8715 21.3677 10.717 21.2505 10.592 21.1051C10.467 20.9597 10.3744 20.7893 10.3202 20.6053C10.266 20.4214 10.2516 20.228 10.2778 20.038C10.2516 19.848 10.266 19.6547 10.3202 19.4707C10.3744 19.2867 10.467 19.1164 10.592 18.9709C10.717 18.8255 10.8715 18.7083 11.0453 18.6271C11.219 18.5459 11.408 18.5026 11.5998 18.5Z"></path><path d="M16.012 18.766C15.8204 18.7554 15.6297 18.7995 15.4622 18.8932C15.2947 18.9868 15.1573 19.1262 15.066 19.295V17.256H14.043V22.476H15.066V20.36C15.0551 20.2706 15.0637 20.1798 15.0912 20.0941C15.1187 20.0083 15.1644 19.9294 15.2251 19.8629C15.2859 19.7965 15.3604 19.7439 15.4434 19.7089C15.5263 19.6738 15.6159 19.6572 15.706 19.66C16.006 19.66 16.242 19.883 16.242 20.301V22.479H17.266V20.117C17.28 19.9442 17.2579 19.7704 17.2011 19.6066C17.1444 19.4428 17.0541 19.2926 16.9362 19.1656C16.8183 19.0385 16.6752 18.9374 16.5161 18.8686C16.357 18.7998 16.1853 18.7649 16.012 18.766Z"></path><path d="M19.634 18.7661C19.258 18.7649 18.8901 18.8753 18.5768 19.0833C18.2636 19.2914 18.0191 19.5877 17.8744 19.9348C17.7297 20.2819 17.6912 20.6641 17.7638 21.033C17.8364 21.402 18.0169 21.7411 18.2824 22.0074C18.5479 22.2737 18.8864 22.4553 19.2551 22.5291C19.6239 22.6029 20.0062 22.5656 20.3537 22.422C20.7013 22.2784 20.9984 22.0348 21.2074 21.7223C21.4164 21.4097 21.528 21.0421 21.528 20.6661C21.5387 20.4142 21.4971 20.1629 21.4058 19.9279C21.3145 19.6929 21.1754 19.4795 20.9975 19.3009C20.8195 19.1224 20.6065 18.9827 20.3718 18.8906C20.1371 18.7986 19.8859 18.7562 19.634 18.7661ZM19.634 21.6661C19.161 21.6661 18.806 21.3111 18.806 20.6711C18.806 20.0311 19.161 19.6821 19.634 19.6821C20.107 19.6821 20.476 20.0301 20.476 20.6711C20.476 21.3121 20.115 21.6621 19.634 21.6621V21.6661Z"></path><path d="M22.5659 17.2419C22.4833 17.2354 22.4002 17.2462 22.3219 17.2734C22.2436 17.3006 22.1718 17.3438 22.111 17.4002C22.0502 17.4565 22.0017 17.5249 21.9687 17.6009C21.9356 17.677 21.9187 17.759 21.9189 17.8419C21.9344 18.002 22.0089 18.1506 22.128 18.2587C22.2471 18.3668 22.4021 18.4267 22.5629 18.4267C22.7238 18.4267 22.8788 18.3668 22.9979 18.2587C23.1169 18.1506 23.1915 18.002 23.2069 17.8419C23.2082 17.7593 23.1921 17.6773 23.1598 17.6012C23.1275 17.5251 23.0796 17.4566 23.0193 17.4001C22.9589 17.3436 22.8874 17.3003 22.8093 17.2731C22.7313 17.2458 22.6484 17.2352 22.5659 17.2419Z"></path><path d="M23.0669 18.864H22.0439V22.477H23.0669V18.864Z"></path><path d="M25.4698 19.671C25.6391 19.6601 25.8073 19.7043 25.9493 19.7972C26.0912 19.8901 26.1991 20.0265 26.2568 20.186L27.1128 19.692C26.9634 19.3907 26.7268 19.1413 26.4338 18.9762C26.1408 18.8111 25.805 18.7378 25.4698 18.766C24.9659 18.766 24.4826 18.9662 24.1263 19.3225C23.77 19.6789 23.5698 20.1621 23.5698 20.666C23.5698 21.17 23.77 21.6532 24.1263 22.0095C24.4826 22.3659 24.9659 22.566 25.4698 22.566C25.8049 22.5941 26.1408 22.5208 26.4337 22.3557C26.7267 22.1906 26.9633 21.9413 27.1128 21.64L26.2568 21.146C26.1993 21.3056 26.0914 21.4422 25.9494 21.5351C25.8074 21.628 25.6391 21.6722 25.4698 21.661C25.0518 21.661 24.6418 21.347 24.6418 20.666C24.6418 19.985 25.0518 19.671 25.4698 19.671Z"></path><path d="M29.134 18.766C28.8889 18.7627 28.6458 18.8104 28.4202 18.9063C28.1946 19.0022 27.9915 19.144 27.8238 19.3228C27.6561 19.5016 27.5275 19.7134 27.4463 19.9447C27.3651 20.176 27.333 20.4217 27.352 20.666C27.3367 20.9183 27.3749 21.171 27.4641 21.4075C27.5533 21.644 27.6914 21.859 27.8695 22.0384C28.0476 22.2178 28.2615 22.3575 28.4974 22.4485C28.7332 22.5394 28.9856 22.5795 29.238 22.566C29.5305 22.5793 29.8218 22.5227 30.0881 22.4009C30.3543 22.2792 30.5877 22.0959 30.769 21.866L30.06 21.288C29.9718 21.4233 29.8492 21.5326 29.7047 21.6046C29.5602 21.6767 29.3991 21.709 29.238 21.698C29.1312 21.7063 29.0239 21.6925 28.9227 21.6575C28.8214 21.6225 28.7285 21.5671 28.6495 21.4947C28.5706 21.4224 28.5073 21.3345 28.4637 21.2367C28.4201 21.1389 28.3971 21.0331 28.396 20.926H30.853C30.86 20.849 30.86 20.745 30.86 20.669C30.8839 20.4281 30.8571 20.1849 30.7812 19.955C30.7053 19.7252 30.582 19.5138 30.4194 19.3344C30.2568 19.1551 30.0584 19.0119 29.837 18.914C29.6156 18.8161 29.3761 18.7657 29.134 18.766ZM28.417 20.242C28.4202 20.1514 28.4414 20.0623 28.4792 19.9799C28.5171 19.8975 28.5709 19.8234 28.6376 19.7619C28.7043 19.7005 28.7825 19.6528 28.8677 19.6218C28.9529 19.5907 29.0434 19.5769 29.134 19.581C29.489 19.581 29.739 19.781 29.834 20.242H28.417Z"></path></svg><div class="space-y-4 mt-4"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/buckle-church/a/poi-sig/1493628/360875"><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Buckle Church</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>0.05<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">The Buckle Church is 50m back down the hill towards Göreme and across the road from the main Open-Air Museum complex, but is covered by the same entrance…</p></div></article></div></li><li class="jsx-899198629 carousel-item flex-shrink-0 px-4 pb-2 w-90 md:w-1/4"><div class="relative"><article class="relative rounded"><div class="relative flex max-w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden rounded relative aspect-square"><img alt="Soğanlı" loading="lazy" width="600" height="400" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full w-full h-full object-cover rounded relative aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=640&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1x,;ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 2x" src=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75"/><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="absolute top-[50%] left-0 right-0 w-24 max-w-[30%] h-auto mx-auto text-white aspect-square transform translate-y-[-50%]" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M20.716 7.34598C20.5338 7.18675 20.3 7.099 20.058 7.099C19.816 7.099 19.5822 7.18675 19.4 7.34598L16.367 9.99499C16.2596 10.0888 16.1735 10.2046 16.1145 10.3345C16.0555 10.4644 16.025 10.6053 16.025 10.748C16.025 10.8906 16.0555 11.0316 16.1145 11.1615C16.1735 11.2914 16.2596 11.4071 16.367 11.501L19.4 14.151C19.5822 14.3102 19.816 14.398 20.058 14.398C20.3 14.398 20.5338 14.3102 20.716 14.151L23.749 11.501C23.8564 11.4071 23.9425 11.2914 24.0015 11.1615C24.0605 11.0316 24.091 10.8906 24.091 10.748C24.091 10.6053 24.0605 10.4644 24.0015 10.3345C23.9425 10.2046 23.8564 10.0888 23.749 9.99499L20.716 7.34598Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M35.071 18.338L37.5 13.759C37.5807 13.6066 37.6206 13.4359 37.6159 13.2635C37.6111 13.0911 37.5619 12.9229 37.4729 12.7751C37.384 12.6274 37.2583 12.5052 37.1082 12.4203C36.958 12.3355 36.7885 12.2909 36.616 12.291H34.023L20.693 1.31798C20.514 1.17064 20.2893 1.09008 20.0575 1.09008C19.8257 1.09008 19.601 1.17064 19.422 1.31798L6.093 12.291H3.477C3.30454 12.2909 3.135 12.3355 2.98485 12.4203C2.83469 12.5052 2.70903 12.6274 2.62006 12.7751C2.5311 12.9229 2.48185 13.0911 2.47711 13.2635C2.47237 13.4359 2.51229 13.6066 2.593 13.759L5.018 18.338C5.09427 18.4783 5.20338 18.598 5.336 18.687V30.459H3.478C3.21279 30.459 2.95843 30.5643 2.7709 30.7519C2.58336 30.9394 2.478 31.1938 2.478 31.459V36.722C2.478 36.9872 2.58336 37.2416 2.7709 37.4291C2.95843 37.6166 3.21279 37.722 3.478 37.722H36.612C36.8772 37.722 37.1316 37.6166 37.3191 37.4291C37.5066 37.2416 37.612 36.9872 37.612 36.722V31.459C37.612 31.1938 37.5066 30.9394 37.3191 30.7519C37.1316 30.5643 36.8772 30.459 36.612 30.459H34.664V18.744C34.8365 18.6514 34.978 18.5102 35.071 18.338ZM5.138 14.291H12.3C12.5652 14.291 12.8196 14.1856 13.0071 13.9981C13.1946 13.8106 13.3 13.5562 13.3 13.291C13.3 13.0258 13.1946 12.7714 13.0071 12.5839C12.8196 12.3963 12.5652 12.291 12.3 12.291H9.24L20.058 3.38398L30.875 12.289H27.723C27.4578 12.289 27.2034 12.3943 27.0159 12.5819C26.8284 12.7694 26.723 13.0238 26.723 13.289C26.723 13.5542 26.8284 13.8086 27.0159 13.9961C27.2034 14.1836 27.4578 14.289 27.723 14.289H34.951L33.585 16.868H6.5L5.138 14.291ZM28.4 30.459H23.132V18.87H28.4V30.459ZM11.6 18.87H16.867V30.459H11.6V18.87ZM18.867 18.87H21.131V30.459H18.868L18.867 18.87ZM7.335 18.87H9.6V30.459H7.336L7.335 18.87ZM35.612 32.459V35.722H4.478V32.459H35.612ZM30.399 30.459V18.87H32.664V30.459H30.399Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></div><svg xmlns="" width="40px" height="40px" class="absolute top-4 left-4 z-10" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><rect x="0.57959" y="19.5" width="28" height="28" rx="4" transform="rotate(-45 0.57959 19.5)" fill="white"></rect><path d="M23.5629 27.5891H21.1999L20.4719 25.3461C20.431 25.254 20.3642 25.1758 20.2797 25.1209C20.1952 25.0661 20.0967 25.0369 19.9959 25.0369C19.8952 25.0369 19.7966 25.0661 19.7121 25.1209C19.6276 25.1758 19.5609 25.254 19.5199 25.3461L18.7999 27.5891H16.4369C16.3325 27.5903 16.2311 27.6242 16.1469 27.686C16.0627 27.7479 16 27.8345 15.9676 27.9338C15.9352 28.033 15.9346 28.14 15.9661 28.2396C15.9975 28.3392 16.0594 28.4264 16.1429 28.4891L18.0509 29.8761L17.3219 32.1191C17.2891 32.2196 17.2891 32.3279 17.3217 32.4284C17.3543 32.529 17.418 32.6166 17.5035 32.6787C17.5891 32.7408 17.6921 32.7742 17.7978 32.7741C17.9035 32.774 18.0065 32.7404 18.0919 32.6781L19.9999 31.3001L21.9079 32.6861C21.9933 32.7484 22.0963 32.782 22.202 32.7821C22.3077 32.7822 22.4108 32.7488 22.4963 32.6867C22.5819 32.6246 22.6455 32.537 22.6781 32.4364C22.7108 32.3359 22.7107 32.2276 22.6779 32.1271L21.9489 29.8841L23.8569 28.4971C23.9405 28.4344 24.0023 28.3472 24.0338 28.2476C24.0652 28.148 24.0647 28.041 24.0322 27.9418C23.9998 27.8425 23.9371 27.7559 23.8529 27.694C23.7688 27.6322 23.6673 27.5983 23.5629 27.5971V27.5891Z" fill="#0057d9"></path><path d="M37.851 16.465L23.535 2.14899C22.5974 1.21164 21.3258 0.685059 20 0.685059C18.6742 0.685059 17.4026 1.21164 16.465 2.14899L2.14899 16.465C1.21164 17.4026 0.685059 18.6742 0.685059 20C0.685059 21.3258 1.21164 22.5974 2.14899 23.535L16.465 37.851C17.4026 38.7883 18.6742 39.3149 20 39.3149C21.3258 39.3149 22.5974 38.7883 23.535 37.851L37.851 23.535C38.7883 22.5974 39.3149 21.3258 39.3149 20C39.3149 18.6742 38.7883 17.4026 37.851 16.465ZM36.437 22.121L22.121 36.437C21.5493 36.9819 20.7898 37.2859 20 37.2859C19.2102 37.2859 18.4507 36.9819 17.879 36.437L3.56299 22.121C3.00058 21.5584 2.68463 20.7955 2.68463 20C2.68463 19.2045 3.00058 18.4416 3.56299 17.879L17.879 3.56299C18.4416 3.00058 19.2045 2.68463 20 2.68463C20.7955 2.68463 21.5584 3.00058 22.121 3.56299L36.437 17.879C36.9994 18.4416 37.3154 19.2045 37.3154 20C37.3154 20.7955 36.9994 21.5584 36.437 22.121Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M15.6749 14.7H16.7609V10.788H18.2229V9.82703H14.2129V10.788H15.6749V14.7Z"></path><path d="M19.5541 14.791C19.8059 14.8004 20.0569 14.7577 20.2914 14.6655C20.5258 14.5733 20.7387 14.4335 20.9166 14.2551C21.0944 14.0767 21.2335 13.8634 21.325 13.6286C21.4164 13.3939 21.4584 13.1427 21.4481 12.891C21.4481 12.3897 21.249 11.909 20.8946 11.5545C20.5401 11.2001 20.0594 11.001 19.5581 11.001C19.0569 11.001 18.5761 11.2001 18.2217 11.5545C17.8673 11.909 17.6681 12.3897 17.6681 12.891C17.6575 13.1421 17.6989 13.3928 17.7897 13.6272C17.8806 13.8616 18.0189 14.0747 18.196 14.2531C18.3731 14.4315 18.5851 14.5714 18.8189 14.6639C19.0526 14.7565 19.3029 14.7997 19.5541 14.791ZM19.5541 11.902C20.0351 11.902 20.3961 12.25 20.3961 12.89C20.3961 13.53 20.0351 13.885 19.5541 13.885C19.0731 13.885 18.7261 13.531 18.7261 12.89C18.7261 12.249 19.0811 11.9 19.5541 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M22.9878 14.233C23.1011 14.411 23.2591 14.5562 23.4459 14.6541C23.6328 14.752 23.842 14.7992 24.0528 14.791C24.2839 14.7748 24.5094 14.7123 24.7159 14.6073C24.9224 14.5023 25.1057 14.3569 25.2549 14.1796C25.4042 14.0024 25.5163 13.7971 25.5846 13.5757C25.653 13.3544 25.6762 13.1215 25.6528 12.891C25.6763 12.6605 25.6532 12.4276 25.5849 12.2062C25.5166 11.9848 25.4045 11.7794 25.2553 11.6022C25.106 11.4249 24.9227 11.2795 24.7161 11.1745C24.5095 11.0695 24.284 11.0071 24.0528 10.991C23.8429 10.9828 23.6345 11.0292 23.4478 11.1256C23.2611 11.222 23.1027 11.3651 22.9878 11.541V11.088H21.9648V16.177H22.9878V14.233ZM23.7878 11.902C24.2678 11.902 24.6028 12.257 24.6028 12.902C24.6028 13.547 24.2678 13.89 23.7878 13.89C23.3078 13.89 22.9738 13.542 22.9738 12.902C22.9738 12.262 23.3078 11.9 23.7878 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M11.5998 18.5C11.8437 18.5006 12.0818 18.5747 12.283 18.7126C12.4842 18.8505 12.6392 19.0458 12.7278 19.273L13.6458 18.709C13.459 18.3312 13.1658 18.0163 12.8023 17.803C12.4387 17.5898 12.0207 17.4876 11.5998 17.509C11.2677 17.4979 10.9369 17.5564 10.6287 17.6806C10.3205 17.8048 10.0416 17.9921 9.80999 18.2304C9.57837 18.4687 9.39911 18.7528 9.2837 19.0644C9.16829 19.376 9.11928 19.7083 9.13981 20.04C9.11986 20.3714 9.1693 20.7032 9.28497 21.0144C9.40064 21.3255 9.57999 21.6091 9.81155 21.847C10.0431 22.0848 10.3218 22.2717 10.6297 22.3957C10.9376 22.5197 11.268 22.5781 11.5998 22.567C12.0207 22.5884 12.4387 22.4862 12.8023 22.273C13.1658 22.0598 13.459 21.7448 13.6458 21.367L12.7278 20.803C12.6392 21.0303 12.4842 21.2256 12.283 21.3634C12.0818 21.5013 11.8437 21.5754 11.5998 21.576C11.408 21.5734 11.219 21.5301 11.0453 21.4489C10.8715 21.3677 10.717 21.2505 10.592 21.1051C10.467 20.9597 10.3744 20.7893 10.3202 20.6053C10.266 20.4214 10.2516 20.228 10.2778 20.038C10.2516 19.848 10.266 19.6547 10.3202 19.4707C10.3744 19.2867 10.467 19.1164 10.592 18.9709C10.717 18.8255 10.8715 18.7083 11.0453 18.6271C11.219 18.5459 11.408 18.5026 11.5998 18.5Z"></path><path d="M16.012 18.766C15.8204 18.7554 15.6297 18.7995 15.4622 18.8932C15.2947 18.9868 15.1573 19.1262 15.066 19.295V17.256H14.043V22.476H15.066V20.36C15.0551 20.2706 15.0637 20.1798 15.0912 20.0941C15.1187 20.0083 15.1644 19.9294 15.2251 19.8629C15.2859 19.7965 15.3604 19.7439 15.4434 19.7089C15.5263 19.6738 15.6159 19.6572 15.706 19.66C16.006 19.66 16.242 19.883 16.242 20.301V22.479H17.266V20.117C17.28 19.9442 17.2579 19.7704 17.2011 19.6066C17.1444 19.4428 17.0541 19.2926 16.9362 19.1656C16.8183 19.0385 16.6752 18.9374 16.5161 18.8686C16.357 18.7998 16.1853 18.7649 16.012 18.766Z"></path><path d="M19.634 18.7661C19.258 18.7649 18.8901 18.8753 18.5768 19.0833C18.2636 19.2914 18.0191 19.5877 17.8744 19.9348C17.7297 20.2819 17.6912 20.6641 17.7638 21.033C17.8364 21.402 18.0169 21.7411 18.2824 22.0074C18.5479 22.2737 18.8864 22.4553 19.2551 22.5291C19.6239 22.6029 20.0062 22.5656 20.3537 22.422C20.7013 22.2784 20.9984 22.0348 21.2074 21.7223C21.4164 21.4097 21.528 21.0421 21.528 20.6661C21.5387 20.4142 21.4971 20.1629 21.4058 19.9279C21.3145 19.6929 21.1754 19.4795 20.9975 19.3009C20.8195 19.1224 20.6065 18.9827 20.3718 18.8906C20.1371 18.7986 19.8859 18.7562 19.634 18.7661ZM19.634 21.6661C19.161 21.6661 18.806 21.3111 18.806 20.6711C18.806 20.0311 19.161 19.6821 19.634 19.6821C20.107 19.6821 20.476 20.0301 20.476 20.6711C20.476 21.3121 20.115 21.6621 19.634 21.6621V21.6661Z"></path><path d="M22.5659 17.2419C22.4833 17.2354 22.4002 17.2462 22.3219 17.2734C22.2436 17.3006 22.1718 17.3438 22.111 17.4002C22.0502 17.4565 22.0017 17.5249 21.9687 17.6009C21.9356 17.677 21.9187 17.759 21.9189 17.8419C21.9344 18.002 22.0089 18.1506 22.128 18.2587C22.2471 18.3668 22.4021 18.4267 22.5629 18.4267C22.7238 18.4267 22.8788 18.3668 22.9979 18.2587C23.1169 18.1506 23.1915 18.002 23.2069 17.8419C23.2082 17.7593 23.1921 17.6773 23.1598 17.6012C23.1275 17.5251 23.0796 17.4566 23.0193 17.4001C22.9589 17.3436 22.8874 17.3003 22.8093 17.2731C22.7313 17.2458 22.6484 17.2352 22.5659 17.2419Z"></path><path d="M23.0669 18.864H22.0439V22.477H23.0669V18.864Z"></path><path d="M25.4698 19.671C25.6391 19.6601 25.8073 19.7043 25.9493 19.7972C26.0912 19.8901 26.1991 20.0265 26.2568 20.186L27.1128 19.692C26.9634 19.3907 26.7268 19.1413 26.4338 18.9762C26.1408 18.8111 25.805 18.7378 25.4698 18.766C24.9659 18.766 24.4826 18.9662 24.1263 19.3225C23.77 19.6789 23.5698 20.1621 23.5698 20.666C23.5698 21.17 23.77 21.6532 24.1263 22.0095C24.4826 22.3659 24.9659 22.566 25.4698 22.566C25.8049 22.5941 26.1408 22.5208 26.4337 22.3557C26.7267 22.1906 26.9633 21.9413 27.1128 21.64L26.2568 21.146C26.1993 21.3056 26.0914 21.4422 25.9494 21.5351C25.8074 21.628 25.6391 21.6722 25.4698 21.661C25.0518 21.661 24.6418 21.347 24.6418 20.666C24.6418 19.985 25.0518 19.671 25.4698 19.671Z"></path><path d="M29.134 18.766C28.8889 18.7627 28.6458 18.8104 28.4202 18.9063C28.1946 19.0022 27.9915 19.144 27.8238 19.3228C27.6561 19.5016 27.5275 19.7134 27.4463 19.9447C27.3651 20.176 27.333 20.4217 27.352 20.666C27.3367 20.9183 27.3749 21.171 27.4641 21.4075C27.5533 21.644 27.6914 21.859 27.8695 22.0384C28.0476 22.2178 28.2615 22.3575 28.4974 22.4485C28.7332 22.5394 28.9856 22.5795 29.238 22.566C29.5305 22.5793 29.8218 22.5227 30.0881 22.4009C30.3543 22.2792 30.5877 22.0959 30.769 21.866L30.06 21.288C29.9718 21.4233 29.8492 21.5326 29.7047 21.6046C29.5602 21.6767 29.3991 21.709 29.238 21.698C29.1312 21.7063 29.0239 21.6925 28.9227 21.6575C28.8214 21.6225 28.7285 21.5671 28.6495 21.4947C28.5706 21.4224 28.5073 21.3345 28.4637 21.2367C28.4201 21.1389 28.3971 21.0331 28.396 20.926H30.853C30.86 20.849 30.86 20.745 30.86 20.669C30.8839 20.4281 30.8571 20.1849 30.7812 19.955C30.7053 19.7252 30.582 19.5138 30.4194 19.3344C30.2568 19.1551 30.0584 19.0119 29.837 18.914C29.6156 18.8161 29.3761 18.7657 29.134 18.766ZM28.417 20.242C28.4202 20.1514 28.4414 20.0623 28.4792 19.9799C28.5171 19.8975 28.5709 19.8234 28.6376 19.7619C28.7043 19.7005 28.7825 19.6528 28.8677 19.6218C28.9529 19.5907 29.0434 19.5769 29.134 19.581C29.489 19.581 29.739 19.781 29.834 20.242H28.417Z"></path></svg><div class="space-y-4 mt-4"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/attractions/soganli/a/poi-sig/1537869/360873"><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Soğanlı</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>21.5<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">Let&#x27;s get one thing straight: despite its science-fiction setting, no scene in Star Wars was ever filmed near Soğanlı. But don&#x27;t despair Chewbacca fans;…</p></div></article></div></li><li class="jsx-899198629 carousel-item flex-shrink-0 px-4 pb-2 w-90 md:w-1/4"><div class="relative"><article class="relative rounded"><div class="relative flex max-w-full items-center justify-center overflow-hidden rounded relative aspect-square"><img alt="Church of St Jean" loading="lazy" width="600" height="400" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="max-w-full w-full h-full object-cover rounded relative aspect-square" style="color:transparent" srcSet=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=640&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 1x,;ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75 2x" src=";ar=1%3A1&amp;w=1200&amp;auto=format&amp;q=75"/><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="absolute top-[50%] left-0 right-0 w-24 max-w-[30%] h-auto mx-auto text-white aspect-square transform translate-y-[-50%]" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M20.716 7.34598C20.5338 7.18675 20.3 7.099 20.058 7.099C19.816 7.099 19.5822 7.18675 19.4 7.34598L16.367 9.99499C16.2596 10.0888 16.1735 10.2046 16.1145 10.3345C16.0555 10.4644 16.025 10.6053 16.025 10.748C16.025 10.8906 16.0555 11.0316 16.1145 11.1615C16.1735 11.2914 16.2596 11.4071 16.367 11.501L19.4 14.151C19.5822 14.3102 19.816 14.398 20.058 14.398C20.3 14.398 20.5338 14.3102 20.716 14.151L23.749 11.501C23.8564 11.4071 23.9425 11.2914 24.0015 11.1615C24.0605 11.0316 24.091 10.8906 24.091 10.748C24.091 10.6053 24.0605 10.4644 24.0015 10.3345C23.9425 10.2046 23.8564 10.0888 23.749 9.99499L20.716 7.34598Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M35.071 18.338L37.5 13.759C37.5807 13.6066 37.6206 13.4359 37.6159 13.2635C37.6111 13.0911 37.5619 12.9229 37.4729 12.7751C37.384 12.6274 37.2583 12.5052 37.1082 12.4203C36.958 12.3355 36.7885 12.2909 36.616 12.291H34.023L20.693 1.31798C20.514 1.17064 20.2893 1.09008 20.0575 1.09008C19.8257 1.09008 19.601 1.17064 19.422 1.31798L6.093 12.291H3.477C3.30454 12.2909 3.135 12.3355 2.98485 12.4203C2.83469 12.5052 2.70903 12.6274 2.62006 12.7751C2.5311 12.9229 2.48185 13.0911 2.47711 13.2635C2.47237 13.4359 2.51229 13.6066 2.593 13.759L5.018 18.338C5.09427 18.4783 5.20338 18.598 5.336 18.687V30.459H3.478C3.21279 30.459 2.95843 30.5643 2.7709 30.7519C2.58336 30.9394 2.478 31.1938 2.478 31.459V36.722C2.478 36.9872 2.58336 37.2416 2.7709 37.4291C2.95843 37.6166 3.21279 37.722 3.478 37.722H36.612C36.8772 37.722 37.1316 37.6166 37.3191 37.4291C37.5066 37.2416 37.612 36.9872 37.612 36.722V31.459C37.612 31.1938 37.5066 30.9394 37.3191 30.7519C37.1316 30.5643 36.8772 30.459 36.612 30.459H34.664V18.744C34.8365 18.6514 34.978 18.5102 35.071 18.338ZM5.138 14.291H12.3C12.5652 14.291 12.8196 14.1856 13.0071 13.9981C13.1946 13.8106 13.3 13.5562 13.3 13.291C13.3 13.0258 13.1946 12.7714 13.0071 12.5839C12.8196 12.3963 12.5652 12.291 12.3 12.291H9.24L20.058 3.38398L30.875 12.289H27.723C27.4578 12.289 27.2034 12.3943 27.0159 12.5819C26.8284 12.7694 26.723 13.0238 26.723 13.289C26.723 13.5542 26.8284 13.8086 27.0159 13.9961C27.2034 14.1836 27.4578 14.289 27.723 14.289H34.951L33.585 16.868H6.5L5.138 14.291ZM28.4 30.459H23.132V18.87H28.4V30.459ZM11.6 18.87H16.867V30.459H11.6V18.87ZM18.867 18.87H21.131V30.459H18.868L18.867 18.87ZM7.335 18.87H9.6V30.459H7.336L7.335 18.87ZM35.612 32.459V35.722H4.478V32.459H35.612ZM30.399 30.459V18.87H32.664V30.459H30.399Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></div><svg xmlns="" width="40px" height="40px" class="absolute top-4 left-4 z-10" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><rect x="0.57959" y="19.5" width="28" height="28" rx="4" transform="rotate(-45 0.57959 19.5)" fill="white"></rect><path d="M23.5629 27.5891H21.1999L20.4719 25.3461C20.431 25.254 20.3642 25.1758 20.2797 25.1209C20.1952 25.0661 20.0967 25.0369 19.9959 25.0369C19.8952 25.0369 19.7966 25.0661 19.7121 25.1209C19.6276 25.1758 19.5609 25.254 19.5199 25.3461L18.7999 27.5891H16.4369C16.3325 27.5903 16.2311 27.6242 16.1469 27.686C16.0627 27.7479 16 27.8345 15.9676 27.9338C15.9352 28.033 15.9346 28.14 15.9661 28.2396C15.9975 28.3392 16.0594 28.4264 16.1429 28.4891L18.0509 29.8761L17.3219 32.1191C17.2891 32.2196 17.2891 32.3279 17.3217 32.4284C17.3543 32.529 17.418 32.6166 17.5035 32.6787C17.5891 32.7408 17.6921 32.7742 17.7978 32.7741C17.9035 32.774 18.0065 32.7404 18.0919 32.6781L19.9999 31.3001L21.9079 32.6861C21.9933 32.7484 22.0963 32.782 22.202 32.7821C22.3077 32.7822 22.4108 32.7488 22.4963 32.6867C22.5819 32.6246 22.6455 32.537 22.6781 32.4364C22.7108 32.3359 22.7107 32.2276 22.6779 32.1271L21.9489 29.8841L23.8569 28.4971C23.9405 28.4344 24.0023 28.3472 24.0338 28.2476C24.0652 28.148 24.0647 28.041 24.0322 27.9418C23.9998 27.8425 23.9371 27.7559 23.8529 27.694C23.7688 27.6322 23.6673 27.5983 23.5629 27.5971V27.5891Z" fill="#0057d9"></path><path d="M37.851 16.465L23.535 2.14899C22.5974 1.21164 21.3258 0.685059 20 0.685059C18.6742 0.685059 17.4026 1.21164 16.465 2.14899L2.14899 16.465C1.21164 17.4026 0.685059 18.6742 0.685059 20C0.685059 21.3258 1.21164 22.5974 2.14899 23.535L16.465 37.851C17.4026 38.7883 18.6742 39.3149 20 39.3149C21.3258 39.3149 22.5974 38.7883 23.535 37.851L37.851 23.535C38.7883 22.5974 39.3149 21.3258 39.3149 20C39.3149 18.6742 38.7883 17.4026 37.851 16.465ZM36.437 22.121L22.121 36.437C21.5493 36.9819 20.7898 37.2859 20 37.2859C19.2102 37.2859 18.4507 36.9819 17.879 36.437L3.56299 22.121C3.00058 21.5584 2.68463 20.7955 2.68463 20C2.68463 19.2045 3.00058 18.4416 3.56299 17.879L17.879 3.56299C18.4416 3.00058 19.2045 2.68463 20 2.68463C20.7955 2.68463 21.5584 3.00058 22.121 3.56299L36.437 17.879C36.9994 18.4416 37.3154 19.2045 37.3154 20C37.3154 20.7955 36.9994 21.5584 36.437 22.121Z" fill="white"></path><path d="M15.6749 14.7H16.7609V10.788H18.2229V9.82703H14.2129V10.788H15.6749V14.7Z"></path><path d="M19.5541 14.791C19.8059 14.8004 20.0569 14.7577 20.2914 14.6655C20.5258 14.5733 20.7387 14.4335 20.9166 14.2551C21.0944 14.0767 21.2335 13.8634 21.325 13.6286C21.4164 13.3939 21.4584 13.1427 21.4481 12.891C21.4481 12.3897 21.249 11.909 20.8946 11.5545C20.5401 11.2001 20.0594 11.001 19.5581 11.001C19.0569 11.001 18.5761 11.2001 18.2217 11.5545C17.8673 11.909 17.6681 12.3897 17.6681 12.891C17.6575 13.1421 17.6989 13.3928 17.7897 13.6272C17.8806 13.8616 18.0189 14.0747 18.196 14.2531C18.3731 14.4315 18.5851 14.5714 18.8189 14.6639C19.0526 14.7565 19.3029 14.7997 19.5541 14.791ZM19.5541 11.902C20.0351 11.902 20.3961 12.25 20.3961 12.89C20.3961 13.53 20.0351 13.885 19.5541 13.885C19.0731 13.885 18.7261 13.531 18.7261 12.89C18.7261 12.249 19.0811 11.9 19.5541 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M22.9878 14.233C23.1011 14.411 23.2591 14.5562 23.4459 14.6541C23.6328 14.752 23.842 14.7992 24.0528 14.791C24.2839 14.7748 24.5094 14.7123 24.7159 14.6073C24.9224 14.5023 25.1057 14.3569 25.2549 14.1796C25.4042 14.0024 25.5163 13.7971 25.5846 13.5757C25.653 13.3544 25.6762 13.1215 25.6528 12.891C25.6763 12.6605 25.6532 12.4276 25.5849 12.2062C25.5166 11.9848 25.4045 11.7794 25.2553 11.6022C25.106 11.4249 24.9227 11.2795 24.7161 11.1745C24.5095 11.0695 24.284 11.0071 24.0528 10.991C23.8429 10.9828 23.6345 11.0292 23.4478 11.1256C23.2611 11.222 23.1027 11.3651 22.9878 11.541V11.088H21.9648V16.177H22.9878V14.233ZM23.7878 11.902C24.2678 11.902 24.6028 12.257 24.6028 12.902C24.6028 13.547 24.2678 13.89 23.7878 13.89C23.3078 13.89 22.9738 13.542 22.9738 12.902C22.9738 12.262 23.3078 11.9 23.7878 11.9V11.902Z"></path><path d="M11.5998 18.5C11.8437 18.5006 12.0818 18.5747 12.283 18.7126C12.4842 18.8505 12.6392 19.0458 12.7278 19.273L13.6458 18.709C13.459 18.3312 13.1658 18.0163 12.8023 17.803C12.4387 17.5898 12.0207 17.4876 11.5998 17.509C11.2677 17.4979 10.9369 17.5564 10.6287 17.6806C10.3205 17.8048 10.0416 17.9921 9.80999 18.2304C9.57837 18.4687 9.39911 18.7528 9.2837 19.0644C9.16829 19.376 9.11928 19.7083 9.13981 20.04C9.11986 20.3714 9.1693 20.7032 9.28497 21.0144C9.40064 21.3255 9.57999 21.6091 9.81155 21.847C10.0431 22.0848 10.3218 22.2717 10.6297 22.3957C10.9376 22.5197 11.268 22.5781 11.5998 22.567C12.0207 22.5884 12.4387 22.4862 12.8023 22.273C13.1658 22.0598 13.459 21.7448 13.6458 21.367L12.7278 20.803C12.6392 21.0303 12.4842 21.2256 12.283 21.3634C12.0818 21.5013 11.8437 21.5754 11.5998 21.576C11.408 21.5734 11.219 21.5301 11.0453 21.4489C10.8715 21.3677 10.717 21.2505 10.592 21.1051C10.467 20.9597 10.3744 20.7893 10.3202 20.6053C10.266 20.4214 10.2516 20.228 10.2778 20.038C10.2516 19.848 10.266 19.6547 10.3202 19.4707C10.3744 19.2867 10.467 19.1164 10.592 18.9709C10.717 18.8255 10.8715 18.7083 11.0453 18.6271C11.219 18.5459 11.408 18.5026 11.5998 18.5Z"></path><path d="M16.012 18.766C15.8204 18.7554 15.6297 18.7995 15.4622 18.8932C15.2947 18.9868 15.1573 19.1262 15.066 19.295V17.256H14.043V22.476H15.066V20.36C15.0551 20.2706 15.0637 20.1798 15.0912 20.0941C15.1187 20.0083 15.1644 19.9294 15.2251 19.8629C15.2859 19.7965 15.3604 19.7439 15.4434 19.7089C15.5263 19.6738 15.6159 19.6572 15.706 19.66C16.006 19.66 16.242 19.883 16.242 20.301V22.479H17.266V20.117C17.28 19.9442 17.2579 19.7704 17.2011 19.6066C17.1444 19.4428 17.0541 19.2926 16.9362 19.1656C16.8183 19.0385 16.6752 18.9374 16.5161 18.8686C16.357 18.7998 16.1853 18.7649 16.012 18.766Z"></path><path d="M19.634 18.7661C19.258 18.7649 18.8901 18.8753 18.5768 19.0833C18.2636 19.2914 18.0191 19.5877 17.8744 19.9348C17.7297 20.2819 17.6912 20.6641 17.7638 21.033C17.8364 21.402 18.0169 21.7411 18.2824 22.0074C18.5479 22.2737 18.8864 22.4553 19.2551 22.5291C19.6239 22.6029 20.0062 22.5656 20.3537 22.422C20.7013 22.2784 20.9984 22.0348 21.2074 21.7223C21.4164 21.4097 21.528 21.0421 21.528 20.6661C21.5387 20.4142 21.4971 20.1629 21.4058 19.9279C21.3145 19.6929 21.1754 19.4795 20.9975 19.3009C20.8195 19.1224 20.6065 18.9827 20.3718 18.8906C20.1371 18.7986 19.8859 18.7562 19.634 18.7661ZM19.634 21.6661C19.161 21.6661 18.806 21.3111 18.806 20.6711C18.806 20.0311 19.161 19.6821 19.634 19.6821C20.107 19.6821 20.476 20.0301 20.476 20.6711C20.476 21.3121 20.115 21.6621 19.634 21.6621V21.6661Z"></path><path d="M22.5659 17.2419C22.4833 17.2354 22.4002 17.2462 22.3219 17.2734C22.2436 17.3006 22.1718 17.3438 22.111 17.4002C22.0502 17.4565 22.0017 17.5249 21.9687 17.6009C21.9356 17.677 21.9187 17.759 21.9189 17.8419C21.9344 18.002 22.0089 18.1506 22.128 18.2587C22.2471 18.3668 22.4021 18.4267 22.5629 18.4267C22.7238 18.4267 22.8788 18.3668 22.9979 18.2587C23.1169 18.1506 23.1915 18.002 23.2069 17.8419C23.2082 17.7593 23.1921 17.6773 23.1598 17.6012C23.1275 17.5251 23.0796 17.4566 23.0193 17.4001C22.9589 17.3436 22.8874 17.3003 22.8093 17.2731C22.7313 17.2458 22.6484 17.2352 22.5659 17.2419Z"></path><path d="M23.0669 18.864H22.0439V22.477H23.0669V18.864Z"></path><path d="M25.4698 19.671C25.6391 19.6601 25.8073 19.7043 25.9493 19.7972C26.0912 19.8901 26.1991 20.0265 26.2568 20.186L27.1128 19.692C26.9634 19.3907 26.7268 19.1413 26.4338 18.9762C26.1408 18.8111 25.805 18.7378 25.4698 18.766C24.9659 18.766 24.4826 18.9662 24.1263 19.3225C23.77 19.6789 23.5698 20.1621 23.5698 20.666C23.5698 21.17 23.77 21.6532 24.1263 22.0095C24.4826 22.3659 24.9659 22.566 25.4698 22.566C25.8049 22.5941 26.1408 22.5208 26.4337 22.3557C26.7267 22.1906 26.9633 21.9413 27.1128 21.64L26.2568 21.146C26.1993 21.3056 26.0914 21.4422 25.9494 21.5351C25.8074 21.628 25.6391 21.6722 25.4698 21.661C25.0518 21.661 24.6418 21.347 24.6418 20.666C24.6418 19.985 25.0518 19.671 25.4698 19.671Z"></path><path d="M29.134 18.766C28.8889 18.7627 28.6458 18.8104 28.4202 18.9063C28.1946 19.0022 27.9915 19.144 27.8238 19.3228C27.6561 19.5016 27.5275 19.7134 27.4463 19.9447C27.3651 20.176 27.333 20.4217 27.352 20.666C27.3367 20.9183 27.3749 21.171 27.4641 21.4075C27.5533 21.644 27.6914 21.859 27.8695 22.0384C28.0476 22.2178 28.2615 22.3575 28.4974 22.4485C28.7332 22.5394 28.9856 22.5795 29.238 22.566C29.5305 22.5793 29.8218 22.5227 30.0881 22.4009C30.3543 22.2792 30.5877 22.0959 30.769 21.866L30.06 21.288C29.9718 21.4233 29.8492 21.5326 29.7047 21.6046C29.5602 21.6767 29.3991 21.709 29.238 21.698C29.1312 21.7063 29.0239 21.6925 28.9227 21.6575C28.8214 21.6225 28.7285 21.5671 28.6495 21.4947C28.5706 21.4224 28.5073 21.3345 28.4637 21.2367C28.4201 21.1389 28.3971 21.0331 28.396 20.926H30.853C30.86 20.849 30.86 20.745 30.86 20.669C30.8839 20.4281 30.8571 20.1849 30.7812 19.955C30.7053 19.7252 30.582 19.5138 30.4194 19.3344C30.2568 19.1551 30.0584 19.0119 29.837 18.914C29.6156 18.8161 29.3761 18.7657 29.134 18.766ZM28.417 20.242C28.4202 20.1514 28.4414 20.0623 28.4792 19.9799C28.5171 19.8975 28.5709 19.8234 28.6376 19.7619C28.7043 19.7005 28.7825 19.6528 28.8677 19.6218C28.9529 19.5907 29.0434 19.5769 29.134 19.581C29.489 19.581 29.739 19.781 29.834 20.242H28.417Z"></path></svg><div class="space-y-4 mt-4"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/gulsehir/attractions/church-of-st-jean/a/poi-sig/1249781/1319790"><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Church of St Jean</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>13.15<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">On the main highway into Gülşehir, just before the turn-off to the centre (another 500m further) is a signposted trail leading to the incredible 13th…</p></div></article></div></li></ul><div class="jsx-899198629 md:flex items-center mt-4 hidden md:justify-end"><a href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions" class="btn mr-10 btn" data-testid="a">View more attractions</a><div class="flex text-black-300"><button class="cursor-default opacity-50 mr-2" disabled="" aria-label="previous slide" type="button"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-3xl" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M20 1.25C16.2916 1.25 12.6665 2.34967 9.58307 4.40994C6.49964 6.47022 4.09641 9.39857 2.67727 12.8247C1.25812 16.2508 0.886812 20.0208 1.61028 23.6579C2.33376 27.2951 4.11952 30.636 6.74176 33.2583C9.36399 35.8805 12.7049 37.6663 16.3421 38.3897C19.9792 39.1132 23.7492 38.7419 27.1753 37.3227C30.6014 35.9036 33.5298 33.5004 35.5901 30.4169C37.6503 27.3335 38.75 23.7084 38.75 20C38.75 15.0272 36.7746 10.2581 33.2583 6.74175C29.742 3.22544 24.9728 1.25 20 1.25ZM20 36.25C16.7861 36.25 13.6443 35.297 10.972 33.5114C8.29969 31.7258 6.21689 29.1879 4.98697 26.2186C3.75704 23.2493 3.43524 19.982 4.06225 16.8298C4.68926 13.6776 6.23692 10.7821 8.50952 8.50951C10.7821 6.23691 13.6776 4.68925 16.8298 4.06224C19.982 3.43523 23.2493 3.75703 26.2186 4.98696C29.1879 6.21688 31.7258 8.29969 33.5114 10.972C35.297 13.6443 36.25 16.7861 36.25 20C36.2434 24.3077 34.5292 28.4371 31.4832 31.4832C28.4372 34.5292 24.3077 36.2434 20 36.25Z"></path><path d="M23.3994 12.7501C23.2832 12.6329 23.145 12.5399 22.9926 12.4764C22.8403 12.413 22.6769 12.3803 22.5119 12.3803C22.3469 12.3803 22.1835 12.413 22.0312 12.4764C21.8789 12.5399 21.7406 12.6329 21.6244 12.7501L14.8494 19.1001C14.6113 19.339 14.4775 19.6627 14.4775 20.0001C14.4775 20.3374 14.6113 20.6611 14.8494 20.9001L21.6244 27.3001C21.7353 27.4125 21.8677 27.5015 22.0138 27.5616C22.1598 27.6218 22.3165 27.6518 22.4744 27.6501C22.6481 27.6528 22.8205 27.6185 22.98 27.5496C23.1394 27.4806 23.2824 27.3785 23.3994 27.2501C23.5158 27.136 23.6083 26.9999 23.6714 26.8496C23.7346 26.6994 23.7671 26.538 23.7671 26.3751C23.7671 26.2121 23.7346 26.0508 23.6714 25.9005C23.6083 25.7503 23.5158 25.6141 23.3994 25.5001L17.4994 20.0001L23.3494 14.5001C23.4691 14.3894 23.5656 14.2559 23.633 14.1074C23.7005 13.959 23.7377 13.7986 23.7423 13.6356C23.747 13.4726 23.719 13.3103 23.6602 13.1582C23.6013 13.0062 23.5126 12.8674 23.3994 12.7501Z"></path></svg></button><button class="" aria-label="next slide" type="button"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-3xl" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M20 38.75C23.7084 38.75 27.3335 37.6503 30.4169 35.5901C33.5004 33.5298 35.9036 30.6014 37.3227 27.1753C38.7419 23.7492 39.1132 19.9792 38.3897 16.3421C37.6663 12.7049 35.8805 9.36399 33.2583 6.74176C30.636 4.11952 27.2951 2.33376 23.6579 1.61028C20.0208 0.886812 16.2508 1.25812 12.8247 2.67727C9.39857 4.09641 6.47022 6.49964 4.40994 9.58307C2.34967 12.6665 1.25 16.2916 1.25 20C1.25 24.9728 3.22544 29.742 6.74175 33.2583C10.2581 36.7746 15.0272 38.75 20 38.75ZM20 3.75001C23.2139 3.75001 26.3557 4.70305 29.028 6.48863C31.7003 8.2742 33.7831 10.8121 35.013 13.7814C36.243 16.7507 36.5648 20.018 35.9378 23.1702C35.3107 26.3224 33.7631 29.2179 31.4905 31.4905C29.2179 33.7631 26.3224 35.3108 23.1702 35.9378C20.018 36.5648 16.7507 36.243 13.7814 35.013C10.8121 33.7831 8.27419 31.7003 6.48862 29.028C4.70305 26.3557 3.75 23.214 3.75 20C3.75661 15.6923 5.47078 11.5629 8.51682 8.51683C11.5629 5.47079 15.6923 3.75662 20 3.75001Z"></path><path d="M16.6006 27.25C16.7176 27.3785 16.8606 27.4806 17.0201 27.5496C17.1795 27.6185 17.3519 27.6528 17.5256 27.65C17.6835 27.6518 17.8402 27.6217 17.9862 27.5616C18.1323 27.5015 18.2647 27.4125 18.3756 27.3L25.1506 20.9C25.3887 20.6611 25.5225 20.3374 25.5225 20C25.5225 19.6627 25.3887 19.339 25.1506 19.1L18.3756 12.7C18.2594 12.5829 18.1211 12.4899 17.9688 12.4264C17.8165 12.363 17.6531 12.3303 17.4881 12.3303C17.3231 12.3303 17.1597 12.363 17.0074 12.4264C16.855 12.4899 16.7168 12.5829 16.6006 12.7C16.4842 12.8141 16.3917 12.9502 16.3286 13.1005C16.2654 13.2507 16.2329 13.4121 16.2329 13.575C16.2329 13.738 16.2654 13.8993 16.3286 14.0496C16.3917 14.1998 16.4842 14.336 16.6006 14.45L22.5006 20L16.6506 25.5C16.5309 25.6107 16.4344 25.7442 16.367 25.8927C16.2995 26.0411 16.2624 26.2015 16.2577 26.3645C16.253 26.5275 16.281 26.6898 16.3399 26.8419C16.3987 26.9939 16.4874 27.1327 16.6006 27.25Z"></path></svg></button></div></div></div><div class="mt-10 text-center md:hidden"><a href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions" class="btn btn" data-testid="a">View more attractions</a></div><div class="container md:p-0 mt-32"><h2 class="text-center mb-16 text-2xl lg:text-5xl">Nearby <!-- -->Göreme<!-- --> attractions</h2><div class="max-h-[690px] overflow-hidden"><div class="lg:container grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-4 gap-4 auto-rows-fr"><div class="relative bg-white rounded"><article class="relative rounded test"><div class="space-y-4 p-4 bg-white rounded"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/rahibeler-monastery/a/poi-sig/1493627/360875"><span class="heading-05">1<!-- -->. </span><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Rahibeler Monastery</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>0.03<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">Downhill from the Sandal Church, the cordoned-off Rahibeler Monastery was originally several storeys high. It&#x27;s thought that this building served as a…</p></div></article></div><div class="relative bg-white rounded"><article class="relative rounded test"><div class="space-y-4 p-4 bg-white rounded"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/chapel-of-st-basil/a/poi-sig/1493621/360875"><span class="heading-05">2<!-- -->. </span><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Chapel of St Basil</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>0.05<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">Dedicated to Kayseri-born St Basil, this is the first church you come to inside the Göreme Open-Air Museum. The main room holds frescoes of St Basil (left…</p></div></article></div><div class="relative bg-white rounded"><article class="relative rounded test"><div class="space-y-4 p-4 bg-white rounded"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/chapel-of-st-barbara/a/poi-sig/1493623/360875"><span class="heading-05">3<!-- -->. </span><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Chapel of St Barbara</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>0.05<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">It&#x27;s posited that Byzantine soldiers carved the 11th-century Azize Barbara Şapeli (Chapel of St Barbara), dedicated to their patron saint who is depicted…</p></div></article></div><div class="relative bg-white rounded"><article class="relative rounded test"><div class="space-y-4 p-4 bg-white rounded"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/buckle-church/a/poi-sig/1493628/360875"><span class="heading-05">4<!-- -->. </span><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Buckle Church</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>0.05<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">The Buckle Church is 50m back down the hill towards Göreme and across the road from the main Open-Air Museum complex, but is covered by the same entrance…</p></div></article></div><div class="relative bg-white rounded"><article class="relative rounded test"><div class="space-y-4 p-4 bg-white rounded"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/sandal-church/a/poi-sig/1493626/360875"><span class="heading-05">5<!-- -->. </span><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Sandal Church</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>0.06<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">This 13th-century church has frescoes depicting the four gospel writers (below the central dome) and the Betrayal of Judas (in the arch over the door)…</p></div></article></div><div class="relative bg-white rounded"><article class="relative rounded test"><div class="space-y-4 p-4 bg-white rounded"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/chapel-of-st-catherine/a/poi-sig/1493625/360875"><span class="heading-05">6<!-- -->. </span><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Chapel of St Catherine</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>0.07<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">The small Chapel of St Catherine is the next church down the path from the Dark Church. Inside are frescoes depicting St Catherine, the ubiquitous St…</p></div></article></div><div class="relative bg-white rounded"><article class="relative rounded test"><div class="space-y-4 p-4 bg-white rounded"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/apple-church/a/poi-sig/1493622/360875"><span class="heading-05">7<!-- -->. </span><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Apple Church</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 0.644114C8.00832 0.354725 6.50032 0.50325 5.12987 1.07091C3.75943 1.63856 2.58809 2.59986 1.76398 3.83323C0.939867 5.0666 0.5 6.51664 0.5 8C0.502118 9.98848 1.29297 11.8949 2.69904 13.301C4.1051 14.707 6.01153 15.4979 8 15.5Z"></path><path d="M11.0529 4.26879L7.33585 5.31479C6.85497 5.45177 6.41699 5.70918 6.06334 6.06265C5.70969 6.41612 5.45207 6.85398 5.31485 7.33479L4.26885 11.0518C4.24781 11.1262 4.24433 11.2045 4.25867 11.2805C4.27301 11.3565 4.30479 11.4282 4.35151 11.4898C4.39822 11.5514 4.4586 11.6014 4.5279 11.6358C4.59719 11.6701 4.67351 11.6879 4.75085 11.6878C4.79653 11.6879 4.84199 11.6815 4.88585 11.6688L8.60285 10.6228C9.08373 10.4858 9.52172 10.2284 9.87536 9.87493C10.229 9.52146 10.4866 9.08361 10.6239 8.60279L11.6689 4.88579C11.693 4.80024 11.6939 4.7098 11.6715 4.62379C11.649 4.53778 11.6041 4.4593 11.5412 4.39645C11.4783 4.33359 11.3999 4.28863 11.3139 4.26619C11.2278 4.24375 11.1384 4.24465 11.0529 4.26879Z" fill="white"></path><circle cx="8" cy="8" r="1"></circle></svg>0.07<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">The 12th-century Apple Church (Elmalı Kilise) overlooks a valley of poplars below. Relatively well preserved, it contains both simple, red-ochre daubs and…</p></div></article></div><div class="relative bg-white rounded"><article class="relative rounded test"><div class="space-y-4 p-4 bg-white rounded"><p><a class="card-link line-clamp-2 w-[80%] md:w-90" href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/snake-church/a/poi-sig/1493624/360875"><span class="heading-05">8<!-- -->. </span><span class="heading-05 font-semibold">Snake Church</span></a></p><p class="relative flex flex-wrap justify-start items-start gap-x-4 gap-y-2 max-w-full label-sm uppercase"><span class="inline-flex items-center"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" class="text-[#563753] mr-1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M8 15.5C9.48336 15.5 10.9334 15.0601 12.1668 14.236C13.4001 13.4119 14.3614 12.2406 14.9291 10.8701C15.4968 9.49968 15.6453 7.99168 15.3559 6.53683C15.0665 5.08197 14.3522 3.7456 13.3033 2.6967C12.2544 1.64781 10.918 0.933503 9.46318 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r="1"></circle></svg>0.09<!-- --> MILES</span></p><p class="relative line-clamp-3">The Snake Church (or Church of St Onuphrius) got its modern name when locals mistook St George&#x27;s ubiquitous dragon-foe, depicted in a fresco here, for a…</p></div></article></div></div></div><div class="text-center mt-8 md:mt-16"><button class="btn md:hidden md:inline-block" type="button" data-testid="btn">View more</button><a href="/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions" class="btn hidden md:inline-block" data-testid="a">View more attractions</a></div></div></section></div><div class="hidden styles_gpt-ad__BVAfH bg-white pb-3 my-8 max-w-full overflow-x-hidden"></div></main></div><footer><section><div class="container pt-12 border-t border-black-200 md:pb-4 lg:py-12"><div class="justify-between md:flex"><div class="text-center md:w-1/4 flex-0 md:text-left"><a href="/" class="no-underline"><svg xmlns="" width="2em" height="1em" class="mx-auto text-3xl cursor-pointer text-blue w-36 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First thought to be a Byzantine monastic settlement that housed some 20 monks, then a pilgrimage site from the 17th century, this splendid cluster of monastic Byzantine artistry with its rock-cut churches, chapels and monasteries is 1km uphill from Göreme's centre.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe site's highlight – the \u003ca class=\"poi\" href=\"/pois/470970\"\u003eDark Church\u003c/a\u003e – has an additional entrance fee. Note that the ticket office closes at 4.30pm October to April.\u003c/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eFrom the museum ticket booth, follow the cobbled path until you reach the 11th-century \u003ca class=\"poi\" href=\"/pois/1493621\"\u003eChapel of St Basil\u003c/a\u003e, dedicated to Kayseri-born St Basil, one of Cappadocia's most important saints. In the main room, St Basil is pictured on the left; a Maltese cross is on the right, along with St George and St Theodore slaying a (faded) dragon, symbolising paganism. On the right of the apse, Mary holds baby Jesus with a cross in his halo.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eNearby is the \u003ca class=\"poi\" href=\"/pois/1493623\"\u003eChapel of St Barbara\u003c/a\u003e. Some art historians theorise that Byzantine soldiers carved out this 11th-century church, dedicated to their patron saint, who is depicted on the left as you enter. Look up at the ceiling and note the red ochre motifs – the middle one could represent the Ascension; above the St George representation on the far wall, the strange creature could be a dragon and the two crosses the beast's usual slayers.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003ePast the Chapel of St Barbara the lane loops down to the columned and nine-domed \u003ca class=\"poi\" href=\"/pois/1493622\"\u003eApple Church\u003c/a\u003e, which contains well-preserved, colourful, professionally painted frescoes of biblical scenes as well as simple red-ochre daubs. The Ascension is pictured above the door while Christ Pantocrator is depicted on the church's central dome. The church's name is thought to derive from an apple tree that grew nearby or from a misinterpretation of the globe held by the Archangel Gabriel, in the third dome.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eHeading uphill you come to the \u003ca class=\"poi\" href=\"/pois/1493624\"\u003eSnake Church\u003c/a\u003e, also called the Church of St Onuphrius, where St George's ubiquitous dragon-foe is still having a bad day. To add insult to fatal injury, the church got its current moniker when locals mistook the pictured dragon for a snake. The hermetic hermaphrodite St Onuphrius is depicted on the right, holding a genitalia-covering palm leaf. Straight ahead, the small figure next to Jesus is one of the church's financiers.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe small \u003cstrong\u003ePantocrator Chapel\u003c/strong\u003e and \u003cstrong\u003eNameless Chapel\u003c/strong\u003e (İzimsiz Şapel) with their simple red-ochre geometric decorations and Maltese crosses are a little further along the path as well as a series of caves thought to have served as \u003cstrong\u003erefectory\u003c/strong\u003e and \u003cstrong\u003ekitchen\u003c/strong\u003e areas with a rock-cut table in one cavern.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eOn the highest point of the path, head up the tunnel to the stunning, fresco-filled \u003ca class=\"poi\" href=\"/pois/470970\"\u003eDark Church\u003c/a\u003e, the most famous of the museum's churches. It takes its name from the fact that it originally had very few windows. Luckily, this lack of light preserved the vivid colour of the frescoes, which show, among other things, Christ Pantocrator, the Nativity, the Transfiguration, the Betrayal by Judas and the Crucifixion. The church was restored at great expense and the entrance fee is intended to limit visitor numbers to further preserve the frescoes.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eJust past the Dark Church, the little \u003ca class=\"poi\" href=\"/pois/1493625\"\u003eChapel of St Catherine\u003c/a\u003e contains frescoes of St George, St Catherine and the Deesis (a seated Christ flanked by the Virgin and John the Baptist).\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eHeading downhill, the 13th-century \u003ca class=\"poi\" href=\"/pois/1493626\"\u003eSandal Church\u003c/a\u003e is named for the footprints marked in the floor, representing the last imprints left by Jesus before he ascended to heaven. Although the frescoes aren't as well preserved here, the colours are still vivid.The four gospel writers are depicted below the central dome; in the arch over the door to the left is the Betrayal by Judas.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe \u003ca class=\"poi\" href=\"/pois/1493627\"\u003eRahibeler Monastery\u003c/a\u003e is at the bottom of the hill, just before you get back to the museum entrance area. It was originally several storeys high and it's posited by historians that a small community of nuns resided here during the 11th century. All that remains is a large plain dining hall and, up some steps, a small chapel with unremarkable frescoes, but the entire craggy structure is now cordoned off due to rock falls.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eWhen you exit the Open-Air Museum, don't forget to cross the road to visit the \u003ca class=\"poi\" href=\"/pois/1493628\"\u003eBuckle Church\u003c/a\u003e, 50m down the hill towards Göreme and covered by the same ticket. This is one of Göreme's biggest and finest churches, with an underground chapel and fabulous restored frescoes painted in a narrative (rather than liturgical) cycle. Entry is via the barrel-vaulted chamber of the 10th-century 'old' chapel, with frescoes portraying the life of Christ. Behind it, the 'new' church, built less than 100 years later, is also alive with frescoes on a similar theme. The holes in the floor once contained tombs, taken by departing Greek Christians during Turkey's population exchange.\u003c/p\u003e\u003cp\u003eNote that photography is not allowed inside any of the churches.\u003c/p\u003e","esid":"ca2bc864-fd16-457a-881d-8bb3eec175b9","excerpt":"This Unesco World Heritage site is an essential stop on any Cappadocian itinerary. First thought to be a Byzantine monastic settlement that housed some 20…","images":[],"meta":{"__typename":"PoiMetadata","isTopChoice":true,"isUltimateGuide":false,"priceString":"₺54","schemaMarkup":null,"type":{"__typename":"PoiType","displayName":"Attractions","schema":"TouristAttraction","singular":"sight","slug":"attractions","slugShort":"sig","title":"See"}},"places":[{"__typename":"Place","breadcrumb":[{"__typename":"TitleSlugAndType","slug":"europe","title":"Europe","type":"Continent"}],"meta":{"__typename":"PlaceMetadata","type":"City"},"slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme","title":"Göreme"}],"practicalities":{"addressExtras":null,"addressStreet":"Müze Caddesi","email":[],"formattedHours":null,"hours":"8am-7.15pm","telephone":["0384-213 4260"],"transport":[],"urls":[]},"slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/goereme-open-air-museum/a/poi-sig/470968/360875","title":"Göreme Open-Air Museum","featuredImage":{"__typename":"Image","alt":null,"credit":"Getty Images/Lonely Planet Images","height":2077,"url":"","width":3102},"overlay":true,"head":{"url":"","title":"Göreme Open-Air Museum | Göreme, Turkey | Attractions - Lonely Planet","description":"This Unesco World Heritage site is an essential stop on any Cappadocian itinerary. First thought to be a Byzantine monastic settlement that housed some 20…","schema":null,"image":"\u0026w=1200\u0026auto=format"},"feedbackCtx":{"14352825132433":{"label":"Website correction","value":"website_correction"},"14352913605265":""},"contactPracticalities":{"address":"Müze Caddesi","phone":"0384-213 4260","website":null,"transport":[]},"mustSeePois":[{"esid":"df2a5cbb-693e-4ade-82ce-f1b396f45924","title":"Güllüdere (Rose) Valley","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/guelluedere-rose-valley/a/poi-sig/1283278/360875","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/guelluedere-rose-valley/a/poi-sig/1283278/360875","image":{"url":null,"alt":"Güllüdere (Rose) Valley"},"description":"The trails that loop around Güllüdere Vadısı (Rose Valley) are easily accessible to all levels of walkers and provide some of the finest fairy-chimney…","topChoice":true,"miles":1},{"esid":"e9ee6c06-d00c-44c8-a1cf-5f51b4c67a07","title":"Dark Church","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/dark-church/a/poi-sig/470970/360875","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/dark-church/a/poi-sig/470970/360875","image":{"url":null,"alt":"Dark Church"},"description":"The highlight of Göreme Open-Air Museum is the stunning and fully restored Dark Church, famed for the vivid colours and excellent preservation of its…","topChoice":true,"miles":0.09},{"esid":"4582666e-9eda-4fbf-ad00-7c31cfd941f6","title":"Zelve Open-Air Museum","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/attractions/zelve-open-air-museum/a/poi-sig/1250362/360873","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/attractions/zelve-open-air-museum/a/poi-sig/1250362/360873","image":{"url":"","alt":"Cave dwelling for the ancient christians in Capadocia"},"description":"The road between Çavuşin and Avanos passes a turn-off to the Zelve Open-Air Museum, where three valleys of crumbling cave-habitations and churches…","topChoice":true,"miles":2.22},{"esid":"ffb27806-4323-44f7-aa6d-af8cf83e406e","title":"Kaymaklı Underground City","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/attractions/kaymakli-underground-city/a/poi-sig/1249017/360873","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/attractions/kaymakli-underground-city/a/poi-sig/1249017/360873","image":{"url":"","alt":"The Kaymakl underground city, Kaymakl, Cappadocia, Turkey, Middle East"},"description":"Kaymaklı underground city features a maze of tunnels and rooms carved eight levels deep into the earth, though only four are open to the public. The…","topChoice":true,"miles":13.39},{"esid":"38deda3c-07d3-455a-b670-748834acd253","title":"Kızılçukur Viewpoint","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/ortahisar/attractions/kizilcukur-viewpoint/a/poi-sig/1620660/1319792","slug":"turkey/ortahisar/attractions/kizilcukur-viewpoint/a/poi-sig/1620660/1319792","image":{"url":null,"alt":"Kızılçukur Viewpoint"},"description":"One of the best views of Kızılçukur (Red) Valley's fang-like rock cones and wavy cliff ridges is from this lookout point, signposted off the highway,…","topChoice":true,"miles":1.26},{"esid":"a6f75f78-5400-4ce2-afbb-04a44506529c","title":"Buckle Church","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/buckle-church/a/poi-sig/1493628/360875","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/buckle-church/a/poi-sig/1493628/360875","image":{"url":null,"alt":"Buckle Church"},"description":"The Buckle Church is 50m back down the hill towards Göreme and across the road from the main Open-Air Museum complex, but is covered by the same entrance…","topChoice":true,"miles":0.05},{"esid":"bc70828c-6d1b-4888-b055-919c197ee659","title":"Soğanlı","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/attractions/soganli/a/poi-sig/1537869/360873","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/attractions/soganli/a/poi-sig/1537869/360873","image":{"url":null,"alt":"Soğanlı"},"description":"Let's get one thing straight: despite its science-fiction setting, no scene in Star Wars was ever filmed near Soğanlı. But don't despair Chewbacca fans;…","topChoice":true,"miles":21.5},{"esid":"b42676f5-5aa5-45bc-8805-3c8304e686c8","title":"Church of St Jean","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/gulsehir/attractions/church-of-st-jean/a/poi-sig/1249781/1319790","slug":"turkey/gulsehir/attractions/church-of-st-jean/a/poi-sig/1249781/1319790","image":{"url":null,"alt":"Church of St Jean"},"description":"On the main highway into Gülşehir, just before the turn-off to the centre (another 500m further) is a signposted trail leading to the incredible 13th…","topChoice":true,"miles":13.15}],"nearbyPois":[{"esid":"1edb2cfe-28b4-440a-978b-d87c52a1008e","title":"Rahibeler Monastery","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/rahibeler-monastery/a/poi-sig/1493627/360875","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/rahibeler-monastery/a/poi-sig/1493627/360875","description":"Downhill from the Sandal Church, the cordoned-off Rahibeler Monastery was originally several storeys high. It's thought that this building served as a…","miles":0.03},{"esid":"0643e0fa-9697-4459-bd91-9463c78612e1","title":"Chapel of St Basil","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/chapel-of-st-basil/a/poi-sig/1493621/360875","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/chapel-of-st-basil/a/poi-sig/1493621/360875","description":"Dedicated to Kayseri-born St Basil, this is the first church you come to inside the Göreme Open-Air Museum. The main room holds frescoes of St Basil (left…","miles":0.05},{"esid":"1eed92c4-de65-4a17-a640-a2a191159669","title":"Chapel of St Barbara","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/chapel-of-st-barbara/a/poi-sig/1493623/360875","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/chapel-of-st-barbara/a/poi-sig/1493623/360875","description":"It's posited that Byzantine soldiers carved the 11th-century Azize Barbara Şapeli (Chapel of St Barbara), dedicated to their patron saint who is depicted…","miles":0.05},{"esid":"a6f75f78-5400-4ce2-afbb-04a44506529c","title":"Buckle Church","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/buckle-church/a/poi-sig/1493628/360875","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/buckle-church/a/poi-sig/1493628/360875","description":"The Buckle Church is 50m back down the hill towards Göreme and across the road from the main Open-Air Museum complex, but is covered by the same entrance…","miles":0.05},{"esid":"9c535277-305a-4284-8052-b080a53f5a72","title":"Sandal Church","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/sandal-church/a/poi-sig/1493626/360875","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/sandal-church/a/poi-sig/1493626/360875","description":"This 13th-century church has frescoes depicting the four gospel writers (below the central dome) and the Betrayal of Judas (in the arch over the door)…","miles":0.06},{"esid":"0c9999a1-320d-4893-8fef-232d18d377d5","title":"Chapel of St Catherine","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/chapel-of-st-catherine/a/poi-sig/1493625/360875","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/chapel-of-st-catherine/a/poi-sig/1493625/360875","description":"The small Chapel of St Catherine is the next church down the path from the Dark Church. Inside are frescoes depicting St Catherine, the ubiquitous St…","miles":0.07},{"esid":"38227119-1082-40b2-ae4a-5273662d03cd","title":"Apple Church","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/apple-church/a/poi-sig/1493622/360875","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/apple-church/a/poi-sig/1493622/360875","description":"The 12th-century Apple Church (Elmalı Kilise) overlooks a valley of poplars below. Relatively well preserved, it contains both simple, red-ochre daubs and…","miles":0.07},{"esid":"34a8b484-7472-45e9-8b0d-647a594b2419","title":"Snake Church","type":"poi","href":"/turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/snake-church/a/poi-sig/1493624/360875","slug":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/snake-church/a/poi-sig/1493624/360875","description":"The Snake Church (or Church of St Onuphrius) got its modern name when locals mistook St George's ubiquitous dragon-foe, depicted in a fresco here, for a…","miles":0.09}],"adTargeting":{"url":"turkey/cappadocia-kapadokya/goreme/attractions/goereme-open-air-museum/a/poi-sig/470968/360875","destination":"Göreme","continent":"Europe","country":"Turkey","city":"Göreme"}},"__N_SSP":true},"page":"/pois/detail","query":{"place":["turkey","cappadocia-kapadokya","goreme"],"poiSlug":"goereme-open-air-museum","poiType":"poi-sig","poiId":"470968","placeId":"360875"},"buildId":"073d26b379a3715f2664d9f70f2c24d5cd259c9c","isFallback":false,"isExperimentalCompile":false,"gssp":true,"scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>

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