Damien P. George
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Damien P. George</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> </head> <font face="arial"> <center> <table width=90%> <td> <h1>Damien P. George</h1> <table border=0 cellspacing=8 cellpadding=8> <tr> <td> <img src="images/damien.jpg" alt="my photo" width=150 border=2> </td> <td width=450> <p> DAMTP<br> Centre for Mathematical Sciences<br> Wilberforce Road<br> Cambridge CB3 0WA<br> United Kingdom<br> </p> <p> office: B2.03 <br> phone: +44 1223 330853 <br> email: <img src="images/eml-head.png" alt="email" style='position:relative;bottom:-4px'> at <img src="images/eml-tail.png" alt="email" style="position:relative;bottom:-4px"> <br> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <hr> <h3>Physics</h3> <p> My research interests centre around model building using extra dimensions, and the phenomenology of such models at the electroweak scale as is relevant for their testing at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this area my current work looks at the phenomenology of soft-wall models, as well as truncated Randall-Sundrum (RS) spaces with brane localised scalar curvature terms. I also have a separate interest in using the method of Lie-point symmetries, in combination with model building, to obtain an exhaustive list of possible relationships between parameters for a given Lagrangian, in order to aid in understanding and extending the standard model. </p> <p> Papers that I have been involved with (most recent first): <ul> <li> B.M. Dillon, D.P. George and K.L. McDonald <em>Regarding the Radion in Randall-Sundrum Models with Brane Curvature</em>,<br> <a href="">arXiv:1605.03087</a> <li> D.P. George, S. Mooij and M. Postma, <em>Quantum corrections in Higgs inflation: the Standard Model case</em>,<br> <a href="">arXiv:1508.04660</a> <li> B.C. Allanach, D.P. George and B. Nachman, <em>Investigating Multiple Solutions in the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model</em>,<br> JHEP 02 (2014) 031, <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:1311.3960</a> <li> D.P. George, S. Mooij and M. Postma, <em>Quantum corrections in Higgs inflation: the real scalar case</em>,<br> JCAP 02 (2014) 024, <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:1310.2157</a> <li> B.C. Allanach, D.P. George and B. Gripaios, <em>The dark side of the μ: on multiple solutions to renormalisation group equations, and why the CMSSM is not necessarily being ruled out</em>,<br> JHEP 7 (2013) 098, <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:1304.5462</a> <li> D.P. George, S. Mooij and M. Postma, <em>Effective action for the Abelian Higgs model in FLRW</em>,<br> JCAP 11 (2012) 043, <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:1207.6963</a> <li> D.P. George, A. Ram, J.E. Thompson and R.R. Volkas, <em>Symmetry breaking, subgroup embeddings and the Weyl group</em>,<br> Phys. Rev. D 87 105009 (2013), <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:1203.1048</a> <li> D.P. George and K.L. McDonald, <em>Gravity on a Little Warped Space</em>,<br> Phys. Rev. D 84 064007 (2011), <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:1107.0755</a> <li> D.P. George, <em>A systematic approach to model building</em>,<br> <a href="">arXiv:1105.4604</a> <li> D.P. George and M. Postma, <em>Avoiding the dangers of a soft-wall singularity</em>,<br> <a href="">arXiv:1105.3390</a> <li> M. Duerr, D.P. George and K.L. McDonald, <em>Neutrino Mass and μ→e+γ from a Mini-Seesaw</em>,<br> JHEP 07 (2011) 103, <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:1105.0593</a> <li> D.P. George, <em>Survival of scalar zero modes in warped extra dimension</em>,<br> Phys. Rev. D 83 104025 (2011), <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:1102.0564</a> <li> D.P. George, <em>Stability of gravity-scalar systems for domain-wall models with a soft wall</em>,<br> 2010 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 259 012034, <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:1010.1628</a> <li> S. Mert Aybat and D.P. George, <em>Stability of scalar fields in warped extra dimensions</em>,<br> JHEP 09 (2010) 010, <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:1006.2827</a> <li> D.P. George and R.R. Volkas, <em>Dynamics of the infinitely-thin kink</em>,<br> Phys. Lett. B 704 (2011) 646-651, <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:0911.0538</a> <li> D.P. George, M. Trodden and R.R. Volkas, <em>Extra-dimensional cosmology with domain-wall branes</em>,<br> JHEP 02 (2009) 035, <a href="">doi</a>, <a href="">arXiv:0810.3746</a> <li> A. Davidson, D.P. George, A. Kobakhidze, R.R. Volkas and K.C. Wali, <em>SU(5) grand unification on a domain-wall brane from an E_6-invariant action</em>,<br> Phys. Rev. D 77 085031 (2008), <a href="">arXiv:0710.3432</a> <li> R. Davies, D.P. George and R.R. Volkas, <em>The standard model on a domain-wall brane?</em>,<br> Phys. Rev. D 77 124038 (2008), <a href="">arXiv:0705.1584</a> <li> R. Davies and D.P. George, <em>Fermions, scalars and Randall-Sundrum gravity on domain-wall branes</em>,<br> Phys. Rev. D 76 104010 (2007), <a href="">arXiv:0705.1391</a> <li> D.P. George and R.R. Volkas, <em>Kink modes and effective four dimensional fermion and Higgs brane models</em>,<br> Phys. Rev. D 75 105007 (2007), <a href="">arXiv:hep-ph/0612270</a> <li> E. Di Napoli, D. George, M. Hertzberg, F. Metzler and E. Siegel, <em>Dark Matter In Minimal Trinification</em>,<br> Proceedings of the LXXXVI Les Houches Summer School, pages 517--524 (2006), <a href="">arXiv:hep-ph/0611012</a> <li> D.P. George and R.R. Volkas, <em>Stability of domain walls coupled to Abelian gauge fields</em>,<br> Phys.Rev. D 72 105011 (2005), <a href="">arXiv:hep-ph/0508206</a> <li> G. Dando, A. Davidson, D.P. George, R.R. Volkas and K.C. Wali, <em>The clash of symmetries in a Randall-Sundrum-like spacetime</em>,<br> Phys.Rev. D 72 045016 (2005), <a href="">arXiv:hep-ph/0507097</a> </ul> </p> <p> Listings of my papers on the <a href=""> arXiv</a>, on <a href="">Inspire</a> and on <a href=""> Spires</a>. </p> <p> Selected presentations that I have given (most recent first): <ul> <li><a href="phys/melb-nov11.pdf">(PDF)</a> University of Melbourne, November 2011. <li><a href="phys/zurich-oct11.pdf">(PDF)</a> University of Zurich, October 2011. <li><a href="phys/cern-aug2011.pdf">(PDF)</a> LPCC summer institute, CERN, August 2011. <li><a href="phys/veldhoven-jan11.pdf">(PDF)</a> Physics @ FOM, Veldhoven, January 2011. <li><a href="phys/pascos-jul10.pdf">(PDF)</a> PASCOS 2010 conference, Valencia, Spain, July 2010. <li><a href="phys/nikhef-jun10.pdf">(PDF)</a> Nikhef theory centre meeting, Nikhef, June 2010. <li><a href="phys/nikhef-dec09.pdf">(PDF)</a> Nikhef Jamboree, Nikhef, December 2009. <li><a href="phys/nikhef-nov09.pdf">(PDF)</a> Nikhef theory seminar, Nikhef, November 2009. <li><a href="phys/complete08.pdf">(PDF)</a> PhD completion seminar, University of Melbourne, October 2008. <li><a href="phys/cornell08.pdf">(PDF)</a> Particle theory seminar, Cornell University, NY, USA, March 2008. <li><a href="phys/syr08.pdf">(PDF)</a> Relativity/cosmology/high energy physics seminar, Syracuse University, NY, USA, February 2008. <li><a href="phys/goss07.pdf">(PDF)</a> GOSS talk (graduate seminar series), University of Melbourne, April 2007. </ul> </p> <p> I studied at the University of Melbourne, Australia. You can read my <a href="phys/phd-thesis.pdf">PhD thesis</a> and my <a href="phys/hons-thesis.pdf">honours thesis</a>. </p> <!-- <hr> <h4>Mathematics</h4> <p> Mathematics is a language. A language is a tool. Tools can be replaced. It just so happens that mathematics is the best language we have at the moment to talk about physics. --!> <hr> <h3>MicroPython</h3> <p> At the end of 2013 I ran a Kickstarter campaign for the MicroPython project, which is a lean and fast implementation of the Python programming language that is optimised to run on microcontrollers. </p> <p> The official page for MicroPython is <a href=""></a>. The source code can be found at <a href=""></a>. </p> <hr> <h3>Web sites</h3> <p> Check out <a href=""></a> for a visualisation of the latest Planck data. </p> <p> <a href="">Paperscape</a> is an online tool used for visualising and managing papers from the ever-expanding arXiv. <a href="">Rob Knegjens</a> and I are developing it as a side project. </p> <hr> <h3>Robotics</h3> <p> I studied robotics as part of my undergraduate degree. This included participating in Robocup 2002, an international robotics competition where teams program robots to autonomously play soccer against each other. Our team came in 4th place, out of 19 teams. There are some <a href="robocup">photos</a> of the competition. </p> <p> The paper that resulted from my Robocup work: <ul> <li> D. George, N. Barnes, <em>Particle Attraction Localisation</em>,<br> Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2003), Las Vegas, USA, Nov., 2003, <a href="comp-eng/part-attr-loc.pdf">(PDF)</a> </ul> </p> <p> I built a <a href="s6">simple walking robot</a> that can follow a blue light. </p> <p> I have designed and built a fully working <a href="cnc">CNC machine</a>. </p> <hr> <h3>Food</h3> <p> How to make <a href="tofu">tofu</a>. </p> <p> </p> <hr> <small> Last updated 20/5/2016. </small> </td> </table> </center> <a href=""></a> </font> </body> </html>