Our Management Team - SJ

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Leveraging over 35 years’ experience in built environment consulting and global business leadership, Sean is driving SJ Group’s transformation and charter to accelerate the transition to a regenerative future, enabled by sustainability thinking and the adoption of digital technology and smart solutions. An advocate for inspiring future generations of talent, Sean has instituted Councils of Excellence to drive innovation and excellence in every field, and increased programmes for nurturing early professionals, promoting career mobility and enhancing skills development.</p> <p>Prior to this, Sean held senior leadership positions at AECOM, one of the world’s largest infrastructure, design and engineering companies. He was Chief Executive, Buildings and Places, a global business line and in that capacity, led a team of over 10,000 covering a wide range of market sectors. Before that, Sean served as AECOM’s President, Asia Pacific where he oversaw its business operations in Greater China, Southeast Asia, India, Australia and New Zealand. A passionate urbanist and firm advocate of collaboration to create holistic solutions, Sean has spearheaded iconic projects including masterplanning for River of Life in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Bonifacio Global City in Metro Manila, Philippines; and Jinji Lake, Suzhou Industrial Park in Suzhou, China.</p> <p>Sean is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects; a Global Trustee of the Urban Land Institute; a member of Dean’s Leadership Council, Harvard University Graduate School of Design; and a member of Harvard University’s Master in Design Engineering (MDE) External Advisory Board.</p> <p>Sean holds a Master of Architecture in Urban Design from the Graduate School of Design of Harvard University, and a degree in architecture and a Master of Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalling-su-minchief-operating-officer-andchief-transformation-officer" data-hash="#globalling-su-minchief-operating-officer-andchief-transformation-officer"> <img src="" alt="CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER<br />CHIEF TRANSFORMATION OFFICER" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalling-su-minchief-operating-officer-andchief-transformation-officer" data-hash="#globalling-su-minchief-operating-officer-andchief-transformation-officer"> LING Su Min<br /><font size="2">Chief Operating Officer and<br />Chief Transformation Officer</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="globalling-su-minchief-operating-officer-andchief-transformation-officer" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">LING Su Min<br /><font size="2">Chief Operating Officer and<br />Chief Transformation Officer</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER<br />CHIEF TRANSFORMATION OFFICER </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Ms LING Su Min is Chief Operating Officer and Chief Transformation Officer for Surbana Jurong Group, reporting to the Group CEO.</p> <p>As COO and CTRO, Su Min supports the Group CEO in building a cohesive, future-ready SJ Group, with a focus on the following areas:<br /> • Driving the Group’s transformation<br /> • Achieving operational excellence<br /> • Steering the Group’s pathways into growth markets, new offerings, and its go-to-market strategies, together with its business leaders, and<br /> • Igniting cultural change and shifting mindsets in the way teams across SJ work.</p> <p>In this capacity, she advises and partners Business Lines, Business Functions, Regions, and Councils of Excellence in advancing their transformation plans and organisational designs.</p> <p>Su Min has over 25 years’ experience in business transformation. From September 2021 till 2023, she led KPMG Impact, where she conceptualised the firm’s ESG vision and sustainability practices, aligning stakeholders in terms of the strategy and investments required. In 2020, Su Min was KPMG’s Head of Clients, Markets & Innovation, where she streamlined and reorganised the team with content and experience skillsets, making it one of the top Asia Pacific teams in the KPMG network.</p> <p>Before that, Su Min started up KPMG Innovation Lab to transform the firm’s service workflow for clients. With a strong passion for integrating data and tools with domain knowledge, Su Min had initiated and led the use of data analytics engagement from 2014, showcasing her strategic agility and ability to future proof the business. In 2014, she had built an accounting chatbot for knowledge management purposes.</p> <p>Su Min holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Laws from the University of Western Australia. She is a Chartered Accountant registered with the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants, as well as in Australia and New Zealand.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalpatrick-bellew-rdichief-sustainability-officer" data-hash="#globalpatrick-bellew-rdichief-sustainability-officer"> <img src="" alt="CHIEF SUSTAINABILITY OFFICER" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalpatrick-bellew-rdichief-sustainability-officer" data-hash="#globalpatrick-bellew-rdichief-sustainability-officer"> Patrick BELLEW <i>RDI</i><br /><font size="2">Chief Sustainability Officer</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="globalpatrick-bellew-rdichief-sustainability-officer" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Patrick BELLEW <i>RDI</i><br /><font size="2">Chief Sustainability Officer</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHIEF SUSTAINABILITY OFFICER </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>As Chief Sustainability Officer, Mr Patrick BELLEW drives the Group’s commitment to build a regenerative future, working closely with the Group’s Global Sustainability Council to deliver impact within the Group's operations against the Group’s charter, as well as to support clients on their sustainability journeys.</p> <p>Patrick was recently conferred a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. Founding director of Atelier Ten, Patrick is one of the UK’s Royal Designers and is a Chartered Building Services Engineer with more than 30 years’ experience in the design of high performance buildings and systems, including the integration of environmental and building systems with architecture. Patrick was one of the original group who founded the UK Green Building Council in 2006. He lectures widely on the creation of a more sustainable built environment.</p> <p>Patrick’s success in integrating innovative technologies with noteworthy architecture has been acknowledged by the Royal Institute of British Architects, who made him an Honorary Fellow in 2001. Patrick was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2004.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalalfred-foxchief-people-culture-officer" data-hash="#globalalfred-foxchief-people-culture-officer"> <img src="" alt="CHIEF PEOPLE & CULTURE OFFICER" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalalfred-foxchief-people-culture-officer" data-hash="#globalalfred-foxchief-people-culture-officer"> Alfred FOX<br /><font size="2">Chief People & Culture Officer</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="line-break clearfix"></div> <div id="globalalfred-foxchief-people-culture-officer" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Alfred FOX<br /><font size="2">Chief People & Culture Officer</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHIEF PEOPLE & CULTURE OFFICER </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Mr Alfred FOX is Chief People and Culture Officer (CPCO) of the Surbana Jurong Group. As CPCO, Alfred drives employee engagement, culture development, talent attraction, development and retention, diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as HR system optimisation. Working with the leadership group, these areas of focus will create an environment where people are motivated to do their best work, and have opportunities to grow and thrive. He has experience and expertise in cultivating thriving work environments and developing talents, including AETOS where he has led a 5,000 strong workforce since 2019.</p> <p>Prior to joining the Group in 2019, Alfred held several key positions in Singapore’s Ministry of Defence. Among these roles was as a Division Commander in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), responsible for maintaining a high level of operational readiness by building ready and capable units for the Army. During that time, he was also the Chairman of the 2018 Singapore National Day Parade Executive Committee (EXCO).</p> <p>Between 2012 – 2016, Alfred was the Assistant Chief of General Staff (Personnel) for the Army and concurrent Non-Resident Defence Attache (NRDA) to Cambodia. As NRDA, he deepened the defence relations between the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and the SAF.</p> <p>He was also part of the founding team of the Future Systems Directorate (FSD) at Singapore’s Ministry of Defence, which looked at conceptualising warfighting concepts through close ops-tech integration. Deployed to Afghanistan in 2008, he was the first National Liaison Officer in Kabul and concurrently worked with NATO/ISAF, the Afghan National Army and the Pakistan Military to build border control centres along the Afghan-Pakistan border.</p> <p>Alfred is a recipient of the Public Service Administration Medal (Silver) Military, the NATO-ISAF Overseas Service Medal and the Long Service Medal (Military). He holds a B.A from the National University of Singapore and a Masters in Public Management from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Harvard School of Government.</p> <p>He is currently Chairman of the Programme Advisory Committee at the SUSS (Singapore University of Social Sciences) Public Safety & Security Programme and is also a member of the ACCORD (Advisory Council on Community Relations in Defence) Employer & Business Council.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalphilip-cheokhead-of-finance" data-hash="#globalphilip-cheokhead-of-finance"> <img src="" alt="HEAD OF FINANCE" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalphilip-cheokhead-of-finance" data-hash="#globalphilip-cheokhead-of-finance"> Philip CHEOK<br /><font size="2">Head of Finance</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="globalphilip-cheokhead-of-finance" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Philip CHEOK<br /><font size="2">Head of Finance</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> HEAD OF FINANCE </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Mr Philip CHEOK joined Surbana Jurong in 2019 and currently serves as Head of Finance, responsible for finance controllership functions; financial compliance and reporting, ensuring that the Group meets all financial regulations and reporting standards; and financial transaction processing and internal controls. </p> <p>Philip has over 30 years of global finance expertise in financial management, business transformation, restructuring & integration, mergers & acquisitions, and corporate governance through his previous leadership roles with Fortune 500 companies General Electric Company, Sun Microsystems (now part of Oracle Corporation) and Ingram Micro. Philip also worked for American engineering firm Bechtel Corporation on projects based in Singapore, Malaysia, United States and China. </p> <p>Philip holds a Master of Science in Professional Accountancy from University College London and a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Honours) in Accounting and Finance from London South Bank University. He is a Chartered Accountant registered with the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants and a Fellow member with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalkeith-zecchinichief-technology-officer" data-hash="#globalkeith-zecchinichief-technology-officer"> <img src="" alt="CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalkeith-zecchinichief-technology-officer" data-hash="#globalkeith-zecchinichief-technology-officer"> Keith ZECCHINI<br /><font size="2">Chief Technology Officer</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="globalkeith-zecchinichief-technology-officer" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Keith ZECCHINI<br /><font size="2">Chief Technology Officer</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Mr. Keith ZECCHINI is the Chief Technology Officer, responsible for all aspects of technology across the SJ Group, including IT, digital delivery, and digital innovation. He works closely with senior leaders in the Group to enhance business performance and enable capability for exceptional project delivery, while aligning processes and delivering technology to support SJ’s strategic business outcomes.</p> <p>A veteran of the AEC industry, Keith has more than 30 years’ experience providing technology leadership for the built environment, and brings perspectives of a truly global technology executive, having lived and worked in London, New York City, Calgary, Montreal, and Oslo and most recently, Singapore. Prior to joining Surbana Jurong in 2024, Keith was the Chief Technology Officer at Woolpert, where he led the digital transformation and drove the integration of acquisitions, while overseeing significant growth and established a global innovation programme, and supported significant growth in the business.</p> <p>Previously the global Chief Information Officer for WSP and Parsons Brinckerhoff, Keith was responsible for modernising platforms with an integrated and scalable IT environment ,while delivering cost-effective solutions aligned with optimising the business. Throughout his career, Keith has always been responsible for delivering IT strategy, services, and supporting engineering and technology professionals, helping companies and talent leverage the most advanced solutions.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalkaren-yewchief-corporate-affairs" data-hash="#globalkaren-yewchief-corporate-affairs"> <img src="" alt="CHIEF CORPORATE AFFAIRS" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalkaren-yewchief-corporate-affairs" data-hash="#globalkaren-yewchief-corporate-affairs"> Karen YEW<br /><font size="2">Chief Corporate Affairs</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="globalkaren-yewchief-corporate-affairs" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Karen YEW<br /><font size="2">Chief Corporate Affairs</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHIEF CORPORATE AFFAIRS </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Ms Karen YEW is Chief Corporate Affairs, responsible for enhancing SJ’s engagement with significant external stakeholders in its global environment.</p> <p>Reporting to the Group CEO, Karen manages executive communications, supporting the Group CEO in establishing and maintaining relationships with internal stakeholders including the Board of Directors, Global Leadership Team and employees, as well as external stakeholders including industry associations, think tanks, and government agencies. Karen also works with Risk Management to protect the group's reputation and maintain stakeholder trust. This includes establishing protocols for a coordinated response and ensuring alignment with the group’s brand strategy.</p> <p>Before joining Surbana Jurong, Karen served as the Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Marketing and Communications at Mediacorp, where she played an integral role in transforming the company from a traditional broadcaster to a multi-platform national media network. As the Vice President of Brand and Communications at NTUC Income, she was instrumental in promoting the insurer's innovative agenda and distinctive policies and practices. During her tenure at IBM, she led the ASEAN brand and communications team, supporting the company's operations in both mature and high-growth markets.</p> <p>Karen started her career as a journalist after completing her honours degree in English Literature from the University of Reading, where she studied on a Singapore Broadcasting Corporation scholarship.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalmalini-kannanchief-legal-officer" data-hash="#globalmalini-kannanchief-legal-officer"> <img src="" alt="CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#globalmalini-kannanchief-legal-officer" data-hash="#globalmalini-kannanchief-legal-officer"> Malini KANNAN<br /><font size="2">Chief Legal Officer</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="line-break clearfix"></div> <div id="globalmalini-kannanchief-legal-officer" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Malini KANNAN<br /><font size="2">Chief Legal Officer</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Ms KANNAN Malini is the Chief Legal Officer of the Surbana Jurong Group.</p> <p>Malini has over 20 years of legal experience in various industries with a specialist interest in joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring. </p> <p>Prior to joining Surbana Jurong, Malini was the Senior VP, Legal & Compliance Asia Pacific Department of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) Singapore branch, helping oversee the legal, compliance and anti-money laundering functions. She has previously headed the legal and secretariat functions in Singapore SportsHub Pte Ltd, Rowsley Ltd, CapitaMalls Asia Limited and JTC Corporation.</p> <p>Malini has a Bachelor of Laws from National University of Singapore (NUS), a Master of Laws in Corporate & Commercial Law from University College London and a Master of Arts in South East Asian studies from NUS. She is admitted to the bar in both Singapore and New South Wales. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="gr-12 experts-list business-lines-and-regions" data-group-slug="business-lines-and-regions"> <div class="group-title red-color">BUSINESS LINES AND REGIONS</div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionsyeo-siew-haipchief-executive-buildings-cities" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionsyeo-siew-haipchief-executive-buildings-cities"> <img src="" alt="CHIEF EXECUTIVE, BUILDINGS + CITIES" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionsyeo-siew-haipchief-executive-buildings-cities" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionsyeo-siew-haipchief-executive-buildings-cities"> YEO Siew Haip<br><font size="2">Chief Executive, <span class="nobreak">Buildings + Cities</span></font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="business-lines-and-regionsyeo-siew-haipchief-executive-buildings-cities" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">YEO Siew Haip<br><font size="2">Chief Executive, <span class="nobreak">Buildings + Cities</span></font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHIEF EXECUTIVE, BUILDINGS + CITIES </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>As Chief Executive, Buildings + Cities, Mr YEO Siew Haip leads the global architecture, urban planning, master planning, landscape design, engineering and environmental design businesses in the SJ Group and works with the practice leaders across the Group, leveraging their collective strengths to create new opportunities for the Group’s growth and development.</p> <p>Siew Haip was most recently SJ Global Architecture and CEO, SAA. </p> <p>As CEO, SJ Global Architecture, since 2021, Siew Haip brought together more than 600 creative minds -architecture, master-planning, landscape and design professionals, from 16 offices in 7 countries across Southeast Asia and China, collectively forging design excellence through a multi-disciplinary and collaborative approach, driving growth and expansion. </p> <p>At SAA, and as CEO since 2008 Siew Haip consolidated the firm’s leadership and nurtured a new management team, building a versatile and experienced group of design leaders, leading the firm’s transformation into an architecture consultancy reputed for its excellence in design, delivery and service, and steering the firm through many high-profile projects. </p> <p>With extensive local and international experience spanning over three decades and covering a range of large and complex projects, Siew Haip has been the Project Lead for several landmark projects in Singapore and the region, in diverse sectors such as Aviation, Rail, Commercial and Mixed Developments, TODs and Healthcare. These include the award-winning Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 4, the recently completed Woodlands Healthcare Campus, JEM, a Transit Oriented Development at the gateway of Singapore’s new downtowns, designing and delivering more than 90 mass transit stations in Singapore, and ten underground stations along Malaysia’s Klang Valley MRT Line 2. </p> <p>Siew Haip's approach is to always integrate the macro level complexities of design and project management, with the subtle nuances unique to each project and context. His strong leadership in design and delivery, management of multi-disciplinary teams, and successful completion of many notable projects, has helped elevate the architectural and design expertise of the SJ Group. </p> <p>Siew Haip sits on Singapore’s Board of Architects spearheading various initiatives within the architectural fraternity. He also champions SAA’s community and student engagement, providing scholarship programmes to architecture students at the National University of Singapore’s (NUS) Architecture School Department and Singapore’s Institute of Technical Education (SIT) and supporting studios within Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionshari-poologasundramchief-executive-infrastructure-energy" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionshari-poologasundramchief-executive-infrastructure-energy"> <img src="" alt="CHIEF EXECUTIVE, INFRASTRUCTURE + ENERGY" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionshari-poologasundramchief-executive-infrastructure-energy" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionshari-poologasundramchief-executive-infrastructure-energy"> Hari POOLOGASUNDRAM<br /><font size="2">Chief Executive, <span class="nobreak">Infrastructure + Energy</span></font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="business-lines-and-regionshari-poologasundramchief-executive-infrastructure-energy" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Hari POOLOGASUNDRAM<br /><font size="2">Chief Executive, <span class="nobreak">Infrastructure + Energy</span></font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHIEF EXECUTIVE, INFRASTRUCTURE + ENERGY </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Mr Hari POOLOGASUNDRAM has been an integral member of SMEC's executive and leadership team since 1999, driving the multi-disciplinary infrastructure consultancy business. Over the course of his career with SMEC, he has overseen several business divisions including Australia, New Zealand, having been instrumental in driving its overal performance and strategic growth. </p> <p>As Chief Executive, Infrastructure + Energy, Hari leads the Group's water, transport & environment and energy sectors, building on his solid track record in planning, design and management of large infrastructure projects and over 20 years of operational management experience.</p> <p>Hari holds a Bachelor of Science (Civil Engineering) and a Master of Science (Civil Engineering) from City University, London.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionsyeo-choon-chongchief-executive-integrated-solutionsregional-head-asia" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionsyeo-choon-chongchief-executive-integrated-solutionsregional-head-asia"> <img src="" alt="CHIEF EXECUTIVE, INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS<br>REGIONAL HEAD, ASIA" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionsyeo-choon-chongchief-executive-integrated-solutionsregional-head-asia" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionsyeo-choon-chongchief-executive-integrated-solutionsregional-head-asia"> YEO Choon Chong<br><font size="2">Chief Executive, Integrated Solutions<br>Regional Head, Asia</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="business-lines-and-regionsyeo-choon-chongchief-executive-integrated-solutionsregional-head-asia" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">YEO Choon Chong<br><font size="2">Chief Executive, Integrated Solutions<br>Regional Head, Asia</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHIEF EXECUTIVE, INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS<br>REGIONAL HEAD, ASIA </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Mr YEO Choon Chong drives the expansion of SJ Group's Integrated Solutions business beyond its current base in Singapore.</p> <p>Choon Chong has more than 30 years' experience managing infrastructure, architectural and engineering consultancy businesses. For his innovative solutions in delivering complex projects, he has received several buildability, design and engineering safety excellence awards. He is a keen advocate for innovative design, sustainability and buildability, and sits on several professional committees in Singapore to promote the supporting initiatives.</p> <p>He is also currently the Chairman of Mitbana, a joint venture company between Mitsubishi Corporation and Surbana Jurong, and the Group Managing Director of KTP Consultants.</p> <p>Prior to joining Surbana Jurong, Choon Chong was a founding member of KTP Consultants, and was instrumental in expanding KTP’s business operations across Asia before it was acquired by Surbana Jurong in 2015.</p> <p>Before that, Choon Chong was the Asian Board Director in Meinhardt Group for 17 years, where he oversaw projects in the Middle East and Southeast Asia regions. Notable projects he has led included Dubai Mall and Ocean Heights Tower in Dubai, and Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station in Malaysia. Upon graduation from the university, Choon Chong joined Arup as an engineer in the United Kingdom. At Arup, he was involved in iconic projects which included the “Cloud” at La Grande Arche Paris and Moorgate Hall in London.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionskate-drewschair-council-of-sustainabilityregional-head-anz" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionskate-drewschair-council-of-sustainabilityregional-head-anz"> <img src="" alt="CHAIR, COUNCIL OF SUSTAINABILITY<br />REGIONAL HEAD, ANZ" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionskate-drewschair-council-of-sustainabilityregional-head-anz" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionskate-drewschair-council-of-sustainabilityregional-head-anz"> Kate DREWS<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Sustainability<br />Regional Head, ANZ</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="line-break clearfix"></div> <div id="business-lines-and-regionskate-drewschair-council-of-sustainabilityregional-head-anz" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Kate DREWS<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Sustainability<br />Regional Head, ANZ</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHAIR, COUNCIL OF SUSTAINABILITY<br />REGIONAL HEAD, ANZ </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Ms Kate DREWS is the Surbana Jurong (SJ) Regional Head for Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), leading a diverse, talented team of over 2,600 specialists across both countries. Kate is a senior executive with more than 25 years’ experience in the built environment and infrastructure sectors and is also a Director on the Board of SMEC Australia. In her role as Regional Head, ANZ, Kate leads business grow in the region. She is focused on client experience, employee engagement and equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging (EDIB).</p> <p>Kate has experience in business strategy, corporate governance and risk management. She is passionate about technical excellence, client service and gender diversity within our industry. Kate is the Chair of the SJ Council of Excellence for Sustainability leading the transformation towards a regenerative future within the built environment. She is a graduate of the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership Business Sustainability Course and holds both a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Commerce from the University of New South Wales.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionsnico-kienzlregional-head-aecasenior-executive-director-mep-and-environmental-design-buildings-cities" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionsnico-kienzlregional-head-aecasenior-executive-director-mep-and-environmental-design-buildings-cities"> <img src="" alt="REGIONAL HEAD, AECA<BR />SENIOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MEP AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, BUILDINGS + CITIES" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionsnico-kienzlregional-head-aecasenior-executive-director-mep-and-environmental-design-buildings-cities" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionsnico-kienzlregional-head-aecasenior-executive-director-mep-and-environmental-design-buildings-cities"> Nico KIENZL<br /><font size="2">Regional Head, AECA<br />Senior Executive Director, MEP and Environmental Design, <span class="nobreak">Buildings + Cities</span></font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="business-lines-and-regionsnico-kienzlregional-head-aecasenior-executive-director-mep-and-environmental-design-buildings-cities" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Nico KIENZL<br /><font size="2">Regional Head, AECA<br />Senior Executive Director, MEP and Environmental Design, <span class="nobreak">Buildings + Cities</span></font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> REGIONAL HEAD, AECA<BR />SENIOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MEP AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, BUILDINGS + CITIES </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Mr Nico KIENZL drives the growth of the Group's business lines in the Americas, Europe and Central Asia, working with the Group’s network of talent and strengthening client relationships. Nico is a founding director of Atelier Ten’s New York City office and member of Atelier Ten’s US and international leadership group. He has over 20 years of experience in sustainability consulting with expertise on the application of advanced building analysis for façade optimization, daylight and shading analysis, and optimization of building systems.</p> <p>Nico has played a significant role on a variety of residential, commercial, institutional, cultural, and masterplan projects throughout the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East where he has not only shaped the environmental performance, but also influenced the building industry in moving into a more sustainable future. His exemplary contributions to green building and significant professional achievements within the community of LEED professionals led him to be among a select group of 43 exceptional green building professionals worldwide to be named LEED Fellow of 2012, the most prestigious designation awarded by Green Building Certification Institute.</p> <p>Nico is a member of the Board of Directors for the Urban Green Council and Architecture League of New York. He served as a Representative Member and Peer Reviewer for the U.S. General Services Administration’s (GSA) Green Building Federal Advisory Committee and GSA Design Excellence Program, respectively, and is currently an Industry Advisor for the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) for the U.S. Department of State.</p> <p>He received a Doctor of Design from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University, a Master of Science in Building Technology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Diploma in Architecture from the Technical University of Munich.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionsjohn-andersonregional-head-amep" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionsjohn-andersonregional-head-amep"> <img src="" alt="REGIONAL HEAD, AMEP" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#business-lines-and-regionsjohn-andersonregional-head-amep" data-hash="#business-lines-and-regionsjohn-andersonregional-head-amep"> John ANDERSON<br /><font size="2">Regional Head, AMEP</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="line-break clearfix"></div> <div id="business-lines-and-regionsjohn-andersonregional-head-amep" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">John ANDERSON<br /><font size="2">Regional Head, AMEP</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> REGIONAL HEAD, AMEP </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>John is a Professional Civil Engineer with 28 years of experience in civil engineering design, construction supervision and management of multi-disciplinary engineering teams. In his role as Regional Head, AMEP, John will advise and coordinate all business lines to grow in the region. In his role as COO, John is responsible for driving the financial, operational and people performance across SMEC’s Africa Division.</p> <p>John has extensive experience in civil structures and specialised in bridge design and construction. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Edinburgh and a Master of Engineering (Civil) from the University of Cape Town.</p> <p>In his previous role as Functional General Manager of the Structures Group in South Africa, John played an instrumental role in many flagship projects within South Africa and abroad, including the North West Rail Link, a 270 m long curved box girder cable-stayed rail bridge in Sydney, Australia; and the Msikaba Gorge Crossing, a 590 m span gravity anchored cable-stayed bridge in Eastern Cape, South Africa. He is an advocate for the positive impact engineers can have on the quality of built environment and the need for integrated and buildable designs.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="gr-12 experts-list councils-of-excellence" data-group-slug="councils-of-excellence"> <div class="group-title red-color">COUNCILS OF EXCELLENCE</div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#councils-of-excellencekate-drewschair-council-of-sustainabilityregional-head-anz" data-hash="#councils-of-excellencekate-drewschair-council-of-sustainabilityregional-head-anz"> <img src="" alt="CHAIR, COUNCIL OF SUSTAINABILITY<BR />REGIONAL HEAD, ANZ" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#councils-of-excellencekate-drewschair-council-of-sustainabilityregional-head-anz" data-hash="#councils-of-excellencekate-drewschair-council-of-sustainabilityregional-head-anz"> Kate DREWS<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Sustainability<br />Regional Head, ANZ</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="councils-of-excellencekate-drewschair-council-of-sustainabilityregional-head-anz" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Kate DREWS<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Sustainability<br />Regional Head, ANZ</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHAIR, COUNCIL OF SUSTAINABILITY<BR />REGIONAL HEAD, ANZ </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Ms Kate DREWS is the Surbana Jurong (SJ) Regional Head for Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), leading a diverse, talented team of over 2,600 specialists across both countries. Kate is a senior executive with more than 25 years’ experience in the built environment and infrastructure sectors and is also a Director on the Board of SMEC Australia. In her role as Regional Head, ANZ, Kate leads business grow in the region. She is focused on client experience, employee engagement and equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging (EDIB).</p> <p>Kate has experience in business strategy, corporate governance and risk management. She is passionate about technical excellence, client service and gender diversity within our industry. Kate is the Chair of the SJ Council of Excellence for Sustainability leading the transformation towards a regenerative future within the built environment. She is a graduate of the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership Business Sustainability Course and holds both a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Commerce from the University of New South Wales.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#councils-of-excellencedr-michele-krugerchair-council-of-equality-diversity-inclusion-belonging" data-hash="#councils-of-excellencedr-michele-krugerchair-council-of-equality-diversity-inclusion-belonging"> <img src="" alt="CHAIR, COUNCIL OF EQUITY, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION & BELONGING" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#councils-of-excellencedr-michele-krugerchair-council-of-equality-diversity-inclusion-belonging" data-hash="#councils-of-excellencedr-michele-krugerchair-council-of-equality-diversity-inclusion-belonging"> Dr Michele KRUGER<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="councils-of-excellencedr-michele-krugerchair-council-of-equality-diversity-inclusion-belonging" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Dr Michele KRUGER<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHAIR, COUNCIL OF EQUITY, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION & BELONGING </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Dr Michele KRUGER brings exceptional passion and a wealth of experience to her role. Dr Kruger chairs the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council of FIDIC, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers. She has co-authored a book dedicated to the subject, “The Development of Young Professionals and Women in STEM careers” published by Taylor & Francis Group (USA). Dr Kruger was honoured with the prestigious FIDIC President & CEO Award 2023 for her contributions to the field, especially in the area of capacity building for professionals of all backgrounds.</p> <p>Dr Kruger actively engages leaders, employees and works closely with the People & Culture team to foster a culture where everyone belongs and thrives.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#councils-of-excellencepatrick-fejrchair-council-of-architecture-and-designsenior-executive-director-architecture-and-design-buildings-cities" data-hash="#councils-of-excellencepatrick-fejrchair-council-of-architecture-and-designsenior-executive-director-architecture-and-design-buildings-cities"> <img src="" alt="CHAIR, COUNCIL OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN<BR />SENIOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN, BUILDINGS + CITIES" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#councils-of-excellencepatrick-fejrchair-council-of-architecture-and-designsenior-executive-director-architecture-and-design-buildings-cities" data-hash="#councils-of-excellencepatrick-fejrchair-council-of-architecture-and-designsenior-executive-director-architecture-and-design-buildings-cities"> Patrick FEJÉR<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Architecture and Design<br />Senior Executive Director, Architecture and Design, <span class="nobreak">Buildings + Cities</span></font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="councils-of-excellencepatrick-fejrchair-council-of-architecture-and-designsenior-executive-director-architecture-and-design-buildings-cities" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Patrick FEJÉR<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Architecture and Design<br />Senior Executive Director, Architecture and Design, <span class="nobreak">Buildings + Cities</span></font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHAIR, COUNCIL OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN<BR />SENIOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN, BUILDINGS + CITIES </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Mr Patrick FEJÉR is Chair, Council of Architecture and Design and Senior Executive Director, Architecture and Design, Buildings + Cities. The Architecture and Design Council will enhance our efforts to create a culture of design excellence and elevate our pursuits in shaping transformative spaces. Leveraging the unique strengths of our architectural and design brands, the Council will inspire thought leadership and foster collaboration to position the Group as a vanguard in the world of design.</p> <p>With over 27 years of practice, Patrick brings a wealth of experience and a remarkably diversified range of project typologies to the role. Since assuming leadership of B+H, Patrick has been instrumental in the cross-pollination of the firm’s global studios, setting the trajectory for the firm's vision for growth, and enabling the exploration of new ideas and design possibilities. Patrick is known for engaging clients and colleagues in fearless exploration, constantly asking thought-provoking questions to uncover hidden opportunities and arrive at bold and human-centered, future-forward solutions.</p> <p>With nearly 30 years of experience leading large-scale design projects across global sectors and markets, Patrick is well positioned to lead the firm, uncovering new opportunities for growth, innovation, and ushering in a new era of design excellence at B+H. He joined the firm in 2005 and was appointed as a Partner in 2007. As CEO, he leads the firm’s growth, guided by his commitment to design excellence, client service, and the talent who will help B+H realise its aspirations.</p> <p>Patrick is widely regarded as a visionary by clients, partners and colleagues. He is a proven leader who cares deeply about nurturing talent. He believes in collectively creating a unique vision and identity for every project by pushing the boundaries of design through fearless exploration within his teams.</p> <p>Patrick holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Cornell University where he received the Clifton Beckwith Memorial Award.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#councils-of-excellencejohn-wardchair-council-of-engineering-excellence" data-hash="#councils-of-excellencejohn-wardchair-council-of-engineering-excellence"> <img src="" alt="CHAIR, COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#councils-of-excellencejohn-wardchair-council-of-engineering-excellence" data-hash="#councils-of-excellencejohn-wardchair-council-of-engineering-excellence"> John WARD<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Engineering Excellence</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="line-break clearfix"></div> <div id="councils-of-excellencejohn-wardchair-council-of-engineering-excellence" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">John WARD<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Engineering Excellence</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHAIR, COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Mr John WARD is a long-standing Director of the Robert Bird Group, having worked in the RBG’s Brisbane and Sydney offices before moving to the London office as a founding member in 2003. His experience covers a wide range of structure types and sectors including residential, commercial, retail, hospital, research and public buildings, heritage, wharf and offshore structures, airports, rail infrastructure, forensic engineering and advanced analysis. He has served as RBG project director for recent major projects including Battersea Power Station, Abu Dhabi International Airport Midfield Terminal and the London Bank Station Capacity Upgrade.</p> <p>As Chair of the SJ Group Council of Engineering Excellence, John will lead the Council to develop and implement a high-level technical vision and strategy to generate innovative, economical, and practical technical leadership and capability across the SJ Group. John will work closely with the Global Leadership Team, Business Line and Regional Leaders to drive technical capability across the organisation, as well as leveraging technical excellence from across the Group into client offerings and building strong relationships with professional bodies and educational institutions globally to promote research and engineering best practices.</p> <p>John has a passion for the application of digital technology and advanced engineering within the Construction industry. He established and oversees the RBG Advanced Technical Services, a team applying modern analytical technology to a range of complex engineering problems. Team capabilities include parametric design optimisation, construction stage analysis, offshore construction, structural dynamics, blast analysis, soil-structure interaction and numerical simulation.</p> <p>John has had a longstanding interest in tidal energy technology and has been involved in a number of world-first projects in this sector. John was the RBG Project Director for the MeyGen Phase 1A turbine support structures which won the 2017 IStructE award for “Structures in Extreme Conditions” and the 2018 NCE100 award for “Excellence in Alternative Energy”. John is also a member of the UK shadow panel contributing to development of the IEC code for Marine Energy Devices</p> <p>John is a member of the UK Working Group contributing to the development of the next generation of Structural Steel Eurocodes and has previously served as a member of the editorial panel for the ICE Buildings and Structures journal. John is also involved in a range of industry panels and initiatives supporting sustainable design and use of steel in construction.</p> </div> </div> <div class="experts-item item gr-3 gr-6@s-tab gr-6@mob" > <div class="item-content"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#councils-of-excellencepaul-mulletchair-council-of-digital-technology" data-hash="#councils-of-excellencepaul-mulletchair-council-of-digital-technology"> <img src="" alt="CHAIR, COUNCIL OF DIGITAL & TECHNOLOGY" /> </a> <hr /> <div class="expert-name rem-text"> <a class="popup-modal" href="#councils-of-excellencepaul-mulletchair-council-of-digital-technology" data-hash="#councils-of-excellencepaul-mulletchair-council-of-digital-technology"> Paul MULLET<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Digital & Technology</font> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="line-break clearfix"></div> <div id="councils-of-excellencepaul-mulletchair-council-of-digital-technology" class="white-popup-block mfp-hide"> <a class="mfp-close" href="#"><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </a> <h2 class="rem-text">Paul MULLET<br /><font size="2">Chair, Council of Digital & Technology</font></h2> <hr/> <div class="expert-media"> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nl-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob"> <img src="" /> </div> <div class="gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob gut-nr-10 gut-0@s-tab gut-0@mob quote rem-text"> </div> </div> <div class="expert-header rem-text"> CHAIR, COUNCIL OF DIGITAL & TECHNOLOGY </div> <div class="expert-description rem-text"> <p>Mr Paul MULLETT is the Chair of the Digital and Technology Council. The Digital and Technology Council is responsible for harnessing digital solutions and transformative technology to enhance our delivery capabilities. One of the Council’s key objectives is to create unique value propositions predicated on specialist technical skills and value-adding innovations, with a focus on automation, optimisation and visualisation.</p> <p>Paul is an award-winning engineer with over 27 years' experience and a varied portfolio in advanced structural analysis, high-rise buildings, bridge strengthening, forensic engineering, delivery of mega-projects and complex construction engineering. He joined RBG in 2010 and has been instrumental in accelerating the firm’s adoption of grassroots digital skills, forming an effective digital framework and developing industry-leading digital tools such as RBG Reveal. Paul is a Chartered Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #post-## --> </div><!-- #main --> </div><!-- #primary --> </div><!-- #content --> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="footer22" class=""> <div class="wrapper"> <div class=" gr-6 gr-12@s-tab gr-12@mob footer_left"> <h3>Stay current with our latest news & insights</h3> <div class="footer22_subscribe"> <div class="footer_subscribe_text"> Subscribe to our newsletter and discover <span style="white-space: nowrap;">SJ’s</span> solutions for the built environment </div> <a class="footer_subscribe_now" href="">Subscribe now</a> </div> <div id="footer-social" class="gr-12"><div id="social-4" class="widget social_links"> <div class="social-item"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" width="34" height="34"/></a> </div> <div class="social-item"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" width="34" height="34"/></a> </div> <div class="social-item"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" width="34" height="34"/></a> </div> <!-- <div class="social-item"> <a href="" onclick="gtag('event', 'clicked', {'event_category':'link', 'event_label':'enquiries'});" ><img src="" /></a> </div> --> <!-- <div class="social-text"><span></span></div> --> </div> <style> #social-5{ display: inline-flex !important; 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