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contentBoxEl.setAttribute('data-tab', 'submit'); } else { iframeHistoryEl.src = iframHistorySrc; contentBoxEl.setAttribute('data-tab', 'history'); } }; // 登录监听 function listenLoginStatusChange (callback) { if (isQQBrowser()) { chrome.account && chrome.account.onLoginStatusChanged && chrome.account.onLoginStatusChanged.addListener(() => { window.location.reload(); }); } } // 监听到登录状态改变时,刷新页面 listenLoginStatusChange(); /** * 判断是否为QB浏览器 */ function isQQBrowser() { return !!( !/Trident/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && /QQBrowser/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && // chrome && window.external && window.external.getVersion ); } // 比较版本号 const compareVersion = (sVersioinA, sVersionB, format = 'xx.x.xxxx') => { const curVerStr = sVersioinA.replace(/\./g, ''); const verStr = sVersionB.replace(/\./g, ''); const res = []; const { length } = format.replace(/\./g, ''); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const m = Number(curVerStr[i]) || 0; const n = Number(verStr[i]) || 0; if (m === n) { res[i] = 0; } else if (m > n) { res[i] = 1; } else { res[i] = -1; } } for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (res[i] !== 0) { return res[i]; } } return 0; }; // 显示客户端native的登录框 function showLoginWindow(_url) { var wrapper = $("#userLoginPop");; // 如果是大于等于12.6的版本,api传入参数 const version = (window.external && window.external.getVersion && window.external.getVersion()) || ''; if (compareVersion(version, '12.6.0000') >= 0) { // 吊起登录框增加来源上报 && && &&{ triggerSrc: 45, }), () => { }); } else { && && && => { }); } } //添加cookie值 var setCookie = function (name, value, day) { if(day !== 0){ //当设置的时间等于0时,不设置expires属性,cookie在浏览器关闭后删除 var expires = day * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var date = new Date(+new Date()+expires); document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ";expires=" + date.toUTCString(); }else{ document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value); } }; // 获取cookie值 function getCookie(Name) { var search = Name + "="; var returnvalue = ""; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { var offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search); if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length; var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); if (end == -1){ end = document.cookie.length; } returnvalue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)); } return returnvalue; } }; //解码 //十进制转二进制并返回竞品名称和安全软件名称 function ten2bin(number,obj){ let dec = number; let bin = ""; while(dec > 0){ if (dec%2 != 0) { bin = "1" + bin; }else{ bin = "0" + bin; } dec = parseInt(dec/2); } if(obj == 'ps'){ //TODO 安全软件 }else{ //TODO 竞品 } return bin; } // 检测浏览器是否登录 let $iframe = document.getElementById('frame_tips'); let $todo = document.querySelector('.tabs .submit'); let $history = document.querySelector('.tabs .history'); // 获取浏览器主版本号 function getBrowserMainVersion(){ var a = navigator.userAgent; let strs = new Array(); strs = a.split("/"); let version = strs[strs.length-1]; let versions = new Array(); versions = version.split("."); let qbversion = versions[0]; return qbversion; } let keyStr = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAlAlASWJvw4bQFdS4OTkHOcZftLPvKwq9BALHjXec7TFyy4NSifMYukxs1GvYyOg8gjapn7LBoQsAhIWa/RInpE7sOZaqey0odLMTaGVltBukzbDvQBzxisXpkr6l1h/UDaoX9iHdvcsrgh64nl49QGeI5nSOOxIGA2lakbbHoXeFKWa6u0SyX6fX5pbrg+RDYENfmf1u0kfClrUNU/YaYLyaqduCHdVqUOmM1qtz8W0stx+9Kd2ymGnNAuX0BspYMA2hNy89wffHL6YS7roULMiUhYWa6km5tS41BbCy7A4UGJhYZveLfb+YpjxVFnIWBKGBkASlZ0FNSqg+wYWrhQIDAQAB-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'; let jsencrypt = ""; let encrypt = new JSEncrypt(); encrypt.setPublicKey(keyStr); let iframSrc; // 提交反馈的iframe let iframHistorySrc; // 反馈历史的iframe let ptUin = getCookie('luin'); //检测网页是否正常登陆 // 最终要上报的消息 let systemConfig = { osInfo: '', qbVer: '', coreVersion:'', ieVer:'', guid:'', cbInfo:'', psInfo:'', tabInfo:'', clientGuid:'' } function generateCustomHeader() { return { 'X-Tone-RequestId': `${generateUniqueId({ length: 22 })}_${Math.floor( / 1000)}`, Source: 'api', }; }; function getHotFaq(){ const userInfo = `userid=3d45d4a7e8e205f08a1df1f0734a88cb&t=${Date.parse(new Date())}`; const encryptKey = encrypt.encrypt(userInfo); let url = "" + encryptKey + '&t=' + ( - 1000 * 60 * 3); $.ajax({ url, headers: generateCustomHeader(), success: (data) => { const faqData = || []; generateHotFaqList(faqData); } }); } // 获取问题分类 function getFaqCategory() { const userInfo = `userid=3d45d4a7e8e205f08a1df1f0734a88cb&t=${Date.parse(new Date())}`; const encryptKey = encrypt.encrypt(userInfo); const url = "" + encryptKey + '&t=' + ( - 1000 * 60 * 3); $.ajax({ url, headers: generateCustomHeader(), success: (data) => { const faqData = || []; generateCategoryFaqList(faqData); } }); } // 客户端的api const nativeApi = { // 获取用户登录信息 getLoginInfo: () => new Promise(resolve => chrome.account.getLoginInfo(resolve)), // 操作系统 getOsVersion: () => new Promise(resolve => chrome.environment.getOsVersion(resolve)), // QQ浏览器版本 getQbVersion: () => new Promise(resolve => chrome.environment.getQbVersion(resolve)), // 内核版本 getCoreVersion: () => new Promise(resolve => chrome.environment.getCoreVersion(resolve)), // IE浏览器版本 getIeVersion: () => new Promise(resolve => chrome.environment.getIeVersion(resolve)), // 安全软件 getProtectionSoftware: () => new Promise(resolve => chrome.environment.getProtectionSoftware(resolve)), // 竞品 getCoexistedBrowser: () => new Promise(resolve => chrome.environment.getCoexistedBrowser(resolve)), // 打开url getTabInfo: () => new Promise(resolve => chrome.environment.getTabInfo(resolve)), }; // 非QB内的逻辑 const initPageInNonQB = () => { requirejs([''], function() { // 非QB下,直接模拟用户账号 let userid = ''; const lsKey = '_qb_home_page_user_id_'; if(localStorage.getItem(lsKey)) { userid = localStorage.getItem(lsKey); } else { userid = `aaaa${generateUniqueId({ length: 24 })}88cb`; localStorage.setItem(lsKey, userid); } const uaInfo = new UAParser(navigator.userAgent).getResult(); console.log('uaInfo', uaInfo); let version = uaInfo.browser.version; let os = + '_' + uaInfo.os.version; let custom = { '是否是QB': '否', '内核版本': uaInfo.engine.version, '浏览器版本': uaInfo.browser.version, '浏览器':, 'ClientGuid': userid, '当前打开URL': encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) || '', 'user-agent':, 'mediaId': getUrlQuery('mediaId') || '', 'sessionId': getUrlQuery('sessionId') || '', 'chatId': getUrlQuery('chatId') || '', 'qbId': userid, 'Q36': '', 'qua': '', }; if(getUrlQuery('url')){ custom['拦截网址'] = decodeURIComponent(getUrlQuery('url')); }; let customData = JSON.stringify(custom); // 需要加密的账号 const userInfo = 'userid='+userid+'&version='+version + '&os='+ os +'&t=' +;; // 使用公钥加密,得到密文 const encryptKey = encrypt.encrypt(userInfo); iframSrc = ''+encryptKey +'&custom='+customData + '&t=' + + `&levelId=${levelId}`; iframHistorySrc = ''+encryptKey +'&custom='+customData + '&t=' +; initMain('submit'); }); }; // QB内登录态 const initPageInQBWithLogin = () => { let version = window.external.getVersion(); Promise.all([ nativeApi.getLoginInfo(), nativeApi.getOsVersion(), nativeApi.getQbVersion(), nativeApi.getCoreVersion(), nativeApi.getIeVersion(), nativeApi.getProtectionSoftware(), nativeApi.getCoexistedBrowser(), nativeApi.getTabInfo(), ]).then(([loginInfo, osInfoData, qbVerData, v, ieVerData, psData, cbData, tabData]) => { console.log('[loginInfo]', loginInfo); let qbId = loginInfo.qbid; let userid = qbId; // QB票据有效 if(loginInfo.qbLoginInfo) { try { const qbloginInfo = JSON.parse(loginInfo.qbLoginInfo); console.log('[qbloginInfo]', qbloginInfo); qbId = qbloginInfo.qbid; userid = qbId; } catch(e) {} } systemConfig.guid = window.external.getGuid().replace(/\-/g, ''); systemConfig.osInfo += osInfoData; systemConfig.qbVer += qbVerData; systemConfig.coreVersion += v; systemConfig.ieVer += ieVerData; systemConfig.psInfo += ten2bin(psData,'ps'); systemConfig.cbInfo += ten2bin(cbData,'cb'); systemConfig.tabInfo += encodeURIComponent(tabData); console.log('[systemConfig]', systemConfig); if (Number(getBrowserMainVersion()) >= 10) { //ClientGuid systemConfig.clientGuid = qb_external.getFavSyncGuid(); } let custom = { '内核版本': systemConfig.coreVersion, 'IE浏览器版本': systemConfig.ieVer, '安全软件': systemConfig.psInfo, '竞品': systemConfig.cbInfo, 'ClientGuid': systemConfig.clientGuid, '当前打开URL': systemConfig.tabInfo, 'mediaId': getUrlQuery('mediaId') || '', 'sessionId': getUrlQuery('sessionId') || '', 'chatId': getUrlQuery('chatId') || '', 'qua': encodeURIComponent(qb_external.getQUA()), 'qbId': qbId, }; console.log('[customInfo]', custom); if(getUrlQuery('url')){ custom['拦截网址'] = decodeURIComponent(getUrlQuery('url')); }; if(window.qb_external && window.qb_external.getQ36){ custom['Q36'] = window.qb_external.getQ36(); }; let customData = JSON.stringify(custom); // 需要加密的账号 const userInfo = 'userid='+userid+'&version='+version+"&os="+ systemConfig.osInfo+"&deviceId="+systemConfig.clientGuid + '&t=' +; // 使用公钥加密,得到密文 const encryptKey = encrypt.encrypt(userInfo); iframSrc = ''+encryptKey +'&custom='+customData + '&t=' + + `&levelId=${levelId}`; iframHistorySrc = ''+encryptKey +'&custom='+customData + '&t=' +; initMain('submit'); }); }; function hideLoading() { document.querySelector('.loading-container').style.display = 'none'; } // 请求 我要反馈 和 反馈记录、常见问题的api接口并获取当前操作电脑的相关信息 function intPage() { if (isQQBrowser()) { chrome.account.getLoginInfo(res => { const isLogin = res.isLogin === true || res.qbLoginInfo; if (isLogin) { hideLoading(); initPageInQBWithLogin(); } else { $(".pc-qb-suggest").css('display', 'none'); showLoginWindow(); } }); } else { hideLoading(); initPageInNonQB(); } getHotFaq(); getFaqCategory(); } // 初始化页面 requirejs([''], function () { intPage(); }); </script> </html>