Filmtracks Audio Library Index
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Filmtracks Audio Library Index</TITLE> <META Name="description" Content="Filmtracks film music audio library"> <META Name="keywords" Content="soundtracks, film music, film scores"> </HEAD> <!-- Thanks for viewing my source code --> <!-- Comments and suggestions are always welcome --> <!-- Send them to tyderian(at) --> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#ffffff" link="#2163FF" vlink="#D63942"> <TABLE WIDTH=99% CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR><TD COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR="#000000"> <FORM METHOD="GET" ACTION="/search/"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Match" value="2" SELECTED></TD></TR> <TR BGCOLOR="#07053F"><TD WIDTH=4><IMG SRC="/images/title02b_left.jpg" WIDTH=4 HEIGHT=78 BORDER=0></TD><TD BACKGROUND="/images/title02b_back.jpg"><TABLE ALIGN=CENTER HEIGHT=78 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0><TR ALIGN=CENTER><TD ROWSPAN=2><IMG SRC="/images/title02b_main.jpg" WIDTH=347 HEIGHT=78 BORDER=0 USEMAP="#navbuttons1"></TD><TD HEIGHT=43 ALIGN=LEFT><IMG SRC="/images/title02b_top.jpg" WIDTH=343 HEIGHT=43 BORDER=0 USEMAP="#navbuttons2"></TD></TR><TR><TD HEIGHT=35 VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=MIDDLE><TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0><TR><TD> <IMG SRC="/images/spacer.gif" HEIGHT=4 WIDTH=1 BORDER=0></TD></TR><TR><TD><select NAME="Realm"> <option value="Filmtracks" SELECTED>Search Filmtracks <option value="Reviews">CD Reviews Only </select></TD><TD WIDTH=10></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Terms" SIZE=15 MAX=15></TD><TD WIDTH=10></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Go!"></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></FORM></TABLE></TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BACKGROUND="/images/title02b_back.jpg"> <IMG SRC="/images/title02b_right.jpg" WIDTH=18 HEIGHT=78 BORDER=0></TD></TR></TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH=98% CELLPADDING=3 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0><TR BGCOLOR="#07053F"><TD WIDTH=4 ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica" SIZE=1><B>• </FONT></TD> <TD><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica" SIZE=1>Newest Major Reviews:</TD><TD WIDTH=12><FONT COLOR="#07053F">.</FONT></TD><TD WIDTH=4 ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica" SIZE=1><B>• </FONT></TD><TD COLSPAN=3><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica" SIZE=1>This Month's Most Popular Reviews:</TD><TD WIDTH=4 ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica" SIZE=1><B>• </FONT></TD><TD> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica" SIZE=1>Best-Selling Albums:</TD></TR> <TR BGCOLOR="#07053F"><TD WIDTH=4><FONT COLOR="#07053F">.</FONT></TD><TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica" SIZE=1> 1. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Nosferatu</FONT></A><BR> 2. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">That Christmas</FONT></A><BR> 3. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Spellbound</FONT></A><BR> 4. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Mufasa: The Lion King</FONT></A><BR> 5. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Sonic the Hedgehog 3</FONT></A><BR> </TD><TD WIDTH=12><FONT COLOR="#07053F">.</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH=4><FONT COLOR="#07053F">.</FONT></TD><TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica" SIZE=1> 1. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Batman (1989)</FONT></A><BR> 2. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Beetlejuice</FONT></A><BR> 3. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Alice in Wonderland</FONT></A><BR> 4. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial</FONT></A><BR> 5. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Spider-Man</FONT></A><BR> </TD><TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica" SIZE=1> 6. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Raiders of the Lost Ark</FONT></A><BR> 7. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Doctor Strange: Multiverse</FONT></A><BR> 8. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring</FONT></A><BR> 9. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Titanic</FONT></A><BR> 10. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Justice League</FONT></A><BR> </TD><TD WIDTH=20><FONT COLOR="#07053F">.</FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH=4><FONT COLOR="#07053F">.</FONT></TD><TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT FACE="Verdana, Helvetica" SIZE=1> 1. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">The Wild Robot</FONT></A><BR> 2. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Solo: A Star Wars Story</FONT></A><BR> 3. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Dune: Part Two</FONT></A><BR> 4. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Avatar: The Way of Water</FONT></A><BR> 5. <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Cutthroat Island</FONT></A><BR> </TD></TR><TR BGCOLOR="#07053F"><TD HEIGHT=1 COLSPAN=9><IMG SRC="/images/spacer.gif" HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1 BORDER=0></TD></TR></TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH=98% CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0></TD></TR><TR BGCOLOR="#D63942"><TD HEIGHT=1 COLSPAN=9><IMG SRC="/images/spacer.gif" HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1 BORDER=0></TD></TR></TABLE> <MAP NAME="navbuttons1"> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="0,0,300,70" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="322,5,347,18" HREF=""> </MAP><MAP NAME="navbuttons2"> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="0,5,24,18" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="42,5,75,18" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="92,5,192,18" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="210,5,242,18" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="259,5,333,18" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="1,20,59,30" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="74,20,153,30" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="168,20,221,30" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="235,20,283,30" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=rect coords="300,20,338,30" HREF=""> </MAP> <TABLE WIDTH=98% CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#122A56" HEIGHT=28><FONT SIZE=+1> <B><I> NOTE: This section was placed in the <A HREF="/archives/"> <FONT COLOR="#B3B3F5">Filmtracks Archives</FONT></A> in 2009 and will never again be updated.</I></B></FONT> </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR="#122A56" HEIGHT=28 NOWRAP> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>(last updated 6/22/09) </B></FONT> </TD></TR><TR><TD HEIGHT=1 BGCOLOR="#D63942" COLSPAN=2> <IMG SRC="/images/spacer.gif" HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1 BORDER=0></TD></TR></TABLE> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=96%> <TR><TD VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=RIGHT HEIGHT=26> <IMG ALT="Filmtracks Audio" SRC="../images/title_audio2.jpg" WIDTH=225 HEIGHT=26> </TD></TR> </TABLE><BR> <BR><BR> <!-- Begin Left Column --> <TABLE WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0><TR> <TD WIDTH=170 VALIGN=TOP BGCOLOR=#000000> <TABLE WIDTH=170 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0><TR> <TD COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR=#2163FF WIDTH=170 HEIGHT=28> <IMG SRC=../images/reviews03/title03_left_top.gif WIDTH=170 HEIGHT=28 BORDER=0></TD></TR> <TR><TD WIDTH=8 BGCOLOR=#2163FF BACKGROUND=../images/reviews03/title03_left_column.gif> <IMG SRC=../images/spacer.gif HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=6 BORDER=0> </TD><TD> <TABLE WIDTH=162 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0><TR> <TD WIDTH=156 BGCOLOR=#07053F> <IMG SRC=../images/spacer.gif HEIGHT=6 WIDTH=1 BORDER=0><BR> <TABLE CELLPADDING=4 CELLSPACING=2 BORDER=0 WIDTH=154><TR><TD BGCOLOR=#07053F> <B><FONT COLOR=#9393D5>Reviews with<BR>Audio Samples:</FONT><BR> <BR> <CENTER> <TABLE WIDTH=136 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=#07053F><TR> <TD><B> <A HREF="0.html">#</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="a.html">A</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="b.html">B</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="c.html">C</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="d.html">D</A></B> </TD></TR><TR><TD><B> <A HREF="e.html">E</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="f.html">F</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="g.html">G</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="h.html">H</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="i.html">I</A></B> </TD></TR><TR><TD><B> <A HREF="j.html">J</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="k.html">K</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="l.html">L</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="m.html">M</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="n.html">N</A></B> </TD></TR><TR><TD><B> <A HREF="o.html">O</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="p.html">P</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="q.html">Q</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="r.html">R</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="s.html">S</A></B> </TD></TR><TR><TD><B> <A HREF="t.html">T</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="u.html">U</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="v.html">V</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="w.html">W</A></B> </TD><TD><B> <A HREF="x.html">X-Z</A></B> </TD></TR></TABLE> <!-- <A HREF="a-d.html"><B>A-D Listings</B></A><BR> <BR> <A HREF="e-k.html"><B>E-K Listings</B></A><BR> <BR> <A HREF="l-r.html"><B>L-R Listings</B></A><BR> <BR> <A HREF="s-z.html"><B>S-Z Listings</B></A><BR> --> <BR><BR> </CENTER> </TD></TR></TABLE> </TD><TD WIDTH=6 BGCOLOR=#000000> </TD></TR></TABLE> </TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR=#2163FF WIDTH=170 HEIGHT=22> <IMG SRC=../images/reviews03/title03_left_bottom.gif WIDTH=170 HEIGHT=22 BORDER=0></TD></TR></TABLE> </TD><TD WIDTH=40 BGCOLOR=#000000> <IMG SRC=../images/spacer.gif HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=40 BORDER=0> </TD><TD BGCOLOR=#000000 VALIGN=TOP> <BR> <FONT COLOR=#9393D5>Current number of audio clips at Filmtracks:</FONT> <B>7,171</B><BR><FONT COLOR=#9393D5>Total amount of audio at Filmtracks:</FONT> <B>59 hours, 45+ minutes</B><BR> <BR> <IMG ALT="RA" SRC="../images/realaudio.gif" ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=58 HEIGHT=36> When Filmtracks opened in 1996, it was a review site devoted only to textual content, and the number of audio clips with those reviews was limited to a sum of about 100. As part of the April/May, 2000, Theme of the Month, Filmtracks expanded the number of audio samples offered with its reviews to a total of 350, and created this library in which to list them. With the demand for audio samples always increasing, Filmtracks' November/December, 2001, Theme of the Month was devoted to the addition of 1,000 audio clips to Filmtracks, making this the largest and most eclectic film score audio library on the web. All of the clips are in the non-streaming Real Audio format, and are either encoded in ISDN mono (the first 380 clips) or ISDN stereo sound (all newer clips). The file sizes range from 60K to 200K each, so they're easy to download. Because of the high volume of traffic at Filmtracks, we are staying with the non-streaming Real Audio clips instead of the larger, bandwidth-heavy MP3 and QuickTime formats. Most importantly, each clip at Filmtracks is carefully hand chosen using our expertise of each score, which gives you a much better representation of the scores than the batch processed clips you often find at other sites. New clips are always being added, so check back and enjoy!<BR> </TD></TR></TABLE> <BR CLEAR=ALL> <BR><BR> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%> <TR><TD HEIGHT=20 WIDTH=200 ALIGN=LEFT> <IMG SRC=../images/reviews03/title03_center_line.gif HEIGHT=20 WIDTH=200 BORDER=0></TD> <TD ALIGN=LEFT><TABLE CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR><TD BGCOLOR=#000000 ALIGN=LEFT> <B><I> Special Audio Clips:</I></B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE> </TD></TR><TR><TD HEIGHT=1 COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR=#D63942> <IMG SRC=../images/spacer.gif HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1 BORDER=0></TD></TR> <TR><TD HEIGHT=2 COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR=#07053F> <IMG SRC=../images/spacer.gif HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1 BORDER=0></TD></TR> <TR><TD HEIGHT=1 COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR=#2163FF> <IMG SRC=../images/spacer.gif HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1 BORDER=0></TD></TR> </TABLE><BR> <UL><BR> <LI><A HREF="../titles/evita.html"><B>Evita</B></A>: (Andrew Lloyd Webber)<BR> Don't Cry for me Argentina (the mix heard in the theatrical trailer), <FONT COLOR="#1B8B86">242K</FONT> <A HREF="">evita.ra</A><BR> <BR> <LI><A HREF="../titles/empire.html"><B>The Empire Strikes Back</B></A>: (John Williams)<BR> Aboard the Executor (backwards mix of the rejected Imperial March) (0:37), <FONT COLOR="#1B8B86">74K</FONT> <A HREF="">empire_back.ra</A><BR> <BR> <LI><B>Anywhere But Here</B>: (Danny Elfman)<BR> Main Theme Suite (0:45), <FONT COLOR="#1B8B86">238K</FONT> <A HREF="">anywhere15.ra</A><BR> <BR> <LI><B>The 1997 Academy Awards</B>: (Jerry Goldsmith)<BR> Commercial Fanfare (written specifically for the 1997 awards) (0:30), <FONT COLOR="#1B8B86">209K</FONT> <A HREF="">oscar.ra</A><BR> <BR> <LI><B>The Haunted House in EuroDisney, Paris</B>: (John Debney)<BR> Finale (newly recorded from original 1950s theme) (0:30), <FONT COLOR="#1B8B86">153K</FONT> <A HREF="">phantom_manor.ra</A><BR> <BR> <LI><B><I>The Tempest</I></B>: (Cliff Eidelman)<BR> First Movement (from the concert piece) (0:45), <FONT COLOR="#1B8B86">225K</FONT> <A HREF="">eidelman13.ra</A><BR> <BR> <LI><B>Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country</B>: (Cliff Eidelman)<BR> End Title Suite (from 1993 Czech Symphony Orchestra performance) (0:46), <FONT COLOR="#1B8B86">231K</FONT> <A HREF="">eidelman18.ra</A><BR> <BR> <LI><B>The Witches of Eastwick</B>: (John Williams)<BR> The Dance of the Witches (0:30), <FONT COLOR="#1B8B86">154K</FONT> <A HREF="">witches2.ra</A><BR> <BR> <LI><A HREF="../titles/richard_band.html"><B>Up and Down</B></A>: (Richard Band)<BR> Promotional two CD set: <A HREF="../titles/richard_band.html">20 audio clips</A><BR> <BR> <BR> <LI><A HREF="../collecting/"><B>The Filmtracks Collector's Corner</B></A><BR> Number of new collector's clips: 6<BR> </UL> <BR><BR> <BR CLEAR=ALL><BR> You're the 380,632nd person to view this page.<BR> <TABLE WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR><TD BGCOLOR=#000000 HEIGHT=6 WIDTH=100%> <IMG SRC=../images/spacer.gif HEIGHT=6 WIDTH=1 BORDER=0></TD></TR> <TR><TD BGCOLOR=#1B8B86 HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=100%> <IMG SRC=../images/spacer.gif HEIGHT=1 WIDTH=1 BORDER=0></TD></TR> <TR><TD BGCOLOR=#000000 HEIGHT=6 WIDTH=100%> <IMG SRC=../images/spacer.gif HEIGHT=6 WIDTH=1 BORDER=0></TD></TR></TABLE> <FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR="#1B8B86"> The audio contained on the site may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of Filmtracks Publications. Page created 3/27/00, updated 2/9/05. Version 3.1 (Filmtracks Publications). Copyright © 2000-2007, <A HREF="mailto:tyderian(at)">Christian Clemmensen</A>. All rights reserved. Some 1998-1999 clips were generously donated by long-time visitors Tom "Gunnlace" Hoover, Steven Weigle, and Todd Wong(©). Audio clips can be heard using <A HREF="">RealPlayer</A> but cannot be redistributed without the label's expressed written consent.<BR> <P></FONT> </BODY> </HTML>