Journal of Trauma and Rehabilitation - High Impact Factor Journal
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This Journal considers almost all aspects of research related to trauma sciences, psychiatry and its rehabilitation methods from all countries.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Trauma can be defined as a deep stress and disturbance in humans caused by physical injury or by any mental disorder. To overcome Traumatic stress in patients Rehabilitation must be done. Rehabilitation plays a major role in patients suffering with Trauma. This Journal focuses on how these traumatic injuries can affect a person both physically and mentally.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The Journal mainly focuses on treatment of traumatic brain injuries, psychological trauma, childhood trauma, spinal cord injuries and post-traumatic stress. It also includes the advancements of rehabilitation therapies like physical therapy, dysphagia therapy, hand therapy, infection control, occupational therapy, and speech & language therapy.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The following classifications and topics related to it will be considered for publication in the Journal of Trauma and Rehabilitation but, not limited to the following fields:</p> <ul style="text-align: justify;"> <li>Traumatic Stress</li> <li>Psychological Trauma</li> <li>Orthopaedic Trauma</li> <li>Traumatic Brain Injury</li> <li>Spinal Cord Trauma</li> <li>Sports Trauma</li> <li>Suicidal Trauma</li> <li>Accidental Trauma</li> <li>Sexual and Emotional Trauma</li> <li>Traumatic Shock and Pain</li> <li>Community Violence</li> <li>War and Terrorism</li> <li>Post Traumatic Stress Disorder</li> <li>Advanced Rehabilitation Techniques</li> </ul> <p style="text-align: justify;">All the published articles are available online in open access mode receiving the benefit of worldwide visibility. The Journal follows quality peer review process for standard publication. The Journal also provides an easy access to the author’s towards manuscript tracking during review evaluation and publication in an automated way. The received manuscripts undergo double blind review process by the editorial board members of Journal of Trauma and Rehabilitation. However, approval of at least two independent reviewers and the editor is mandatory to accept the manuscript for citable publication to maintain its quality.</p> <p><strong>Traumatic Stress</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Traumatic stress is commonly known as reactive anxiety and depression caused by Traumatic events. Traumatic events are emotionally immense and shocking situations which involve life threatening automobile accidents, serious injury, shooting, terrorist attack. Traumatic stress is not a mental disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder are the mental health diagnoses associated with traumatic stress reactions. Connecting to family, friends can relieve patients from Traumatic stress effectively.</p> <p><strong>Psychological Trauma</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Psychological Trauma is defined as the trauma caused by a situation or event in which a person completely overwhelm the individual's ability to cope or integrate the ideas and emotions involved with that experience and leaves that person fearing death, annihilation, mutilation, or psychosis. The person suffering from Psychological Trauma may feel emotionally and physically overwhelmed. The circumstances of the event commonly include abuse of power, betrayal of trust, entrapment, helplessness, pain, confusion, and loss. Causes and of psychological trauma is embarrassment, abandonment, abusive relationships, rejection, co-dependence, physical assault, sexual abuse, employment discrimination, police brutality, judicial corruption and misconduct, bullying, paternalism, domestic violence etc.</p> <p><strong>Orthopedic Trauma</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Orthopedic trauma is a severe injury to part of the musculoskeletal system due to a sudden accident requiring immediate medical attention. Orthopedic trauma is not life-threatening, it is life altering. Orthopedic traumatology is a branch of orthopedics deals with the problems related to the bones, joints, and soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments) of the entire body. Most of the fractures can be treated by general orthopedic surgeons, In few cases like multiple fractures and fractures near a joint, and fractures of the pelvis are more are difficult to treat. These kind of injuries are treated by fracture specialists. Treatment usually requires the services of an orthopedic surgeon and can require an orthopedic trauma specialist, These Orthopedic Trauma specialists will take care of patients suffering with serious orthopedic injuries.</p> <p><strong>Traumatic Brain Injury</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Traumatic Brain injury is also known as intracranial injury which occurs when an external force injuries the brain. It is a form of acquired brain injury caused by a sudden accident. This can happen when the head suddenly and violently hits an object or when an object pierces the skull and enters brain tissue. Traumatic brain injury can result in physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. The symptoms of a TBI can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the extent of the damage to the brain. Severe Traumatic brain injury can make a person enter in to coma. Coma is a prolonged state of deep unconsciousness.</p> <p><strong>Spinal Cord Trauma</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Spinal cord trauma is the damage directly caused to spinal cord due to any accident or indirectly caused from disease of the nearby bones, tissues, or blood vessels. Spinal cord injuries are commonly caused by: falls, accidents, Gunshot wounds, industrial accidents, motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries. A minor injury can damage the spinal cord. Disease conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis can weaken the spinal cord. The different symptoms of spinal cord trauma are weakness, numbness, tingling and impaired sensation in the limbs, paralysis of the legs or of both the arms and legs, Loss of bowel and bladder control, Erectile dysfunction, Breathing difficulty. Spinal cord trauma can be diagnosed by X-ray of Spine, CT scan and MRI scan.</p> <p><strong>Sports Trauma</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Sports trauma can be defined as the injuries caused while playing sports events like cricket, foot ball, hockey, rugby etc. It can result to from an acute trauma. These injuries are caused due to not warming up the bodies properly or by improper stretching before playing. Accidental falls can lead to fractures, dislocation of joints. Over usage of body parts leads to muscle tears which causes a severe pain. The different kinds of sports injuries are Achilles Tendonitis, Ankle Sprains, Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsalgia, Stress Fractures, Turf Toe. Sports injuries can also caused due to overuse of a particular body parts like shoulders, ankles. Rehabilitation is a key part of treatment. It involves exercises that step by step get the injured area back to normal. Moving the injured area helps it to heal.</p> <p><strong>Suicidal Trauma</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Suicidal trauma is mental disorder caused to a person due to traumatic stress. The person who is suffering from Suicidal Trauma will think to commit suicide or harm themselves unknowingly due to over stress and depression. The person who is suffering from this disorder will only have intention to die. Sometimes, suicidal feelings are left over from a trauma where death seemed to happen. The psychological causes for this suicidal behavior are feeling hopeless, alone, trapped, anxious, different mood swings, drug abuse. This disorder can be treated by socializing the victim with friends and family, giving motivation and taking of the person emotionally can fix this disorder.</p> <p><strong>Accidental Trauma</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Accidental trauma can be explained as sudden depression caused to a person by an unexpected accident. Example, If a person met with sudden accident he/she will be affected emotionally and physically. Accidents can also cause trauma indirectly to the persons who are very close to the person met with accident or a death in a family etc. This can depress a person emotionally and leads to many psychological disorders and health issues. This leads to Insomnia, Intrusive memories, flashbacks and nightmares, Racing heartbeat, Fatigue and low energy, Muscle tension, aches and pains, Crying spells, Headaches, Stomach Distress.</p> <p><strong>Sexual and Emotional Trauma</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Sexual and Emotional Trauma is caused due to sexual abuse and emotional abuse of a person. Sexual abuse is also known as molestation. It means one forcing to take part in sexual activities up on another. This sexual Abuse causes a major traumatic condition in women physically and mentally. Emotional abuse is also called as psychological abuse or mental abuse. The causes for emotional abuse are humiliation, diminishing, social deprivation, excessive demands or expectations and verbal assault. Both Sexual and Emotional trauma effects a person psychologically. Sexual and emotional Trauma can lead to self-harm, sleepless ness, sexually transmitted diseases, eating disorders, suicidal activities, and disassociation. Taking good care of affected person can cure these disorders.</p> <p><strong>Traumatic Shock and Pain</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Traumatic shock can be defined as the the emotional or psychological state after trauma which leads to abnormal behavior. The most common types are hypovolemic shock from blood loss and neurogenic shock caused by a disruption of the integrity of the spinal cord. Trauma leads to traumatic shock. It is a medical condition where an individual perform an abnormal behavior resulting in dysfunctioning of multiple organs. In few cases this Traumatic shock and pain leads to death. The treatment for traumatic shock must be supportive which includes psychological trauma therapy.</p> <p><strong>Community Violence</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Community violence is interpersonal violence perpetrated by individuals who are not intimately related to the victim. Community violence includes interracial violence, police and civilian altercations, group violence, gang related violence like robbery, murders, rapes. People are usually confronted with their feelings of disappointment, frustration and anger. Children are especially impacted with community violence. Extreme violence in the community can also lead to psychological disorders in individuals.</p> <p><strong>War and Terrorism</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Terrorism is an act that threatens or carries out violence with the intention to disrupt, kill or coerce against a body or nation in order to impose will. This means that a lot of groups use this method to get what they want. Wars and terrorist activities emotionally hurt individuals. This includes exposure to war and its activities and terrorism acts like bombing, shooting. To avoid this situation one must be in a peaceful location. Terrorism challenges the natural need of human beings to see the world as predictable, orderly, and controllable. This creates longer lasting mental health effects than natural disasters or accidents.</p> <p><strong>Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a psychological condition that develops to someone who went through a dangerous events like accidents, violent personal assaults, such as sexual assault, mugging or robbery, prolonged sexual abuse, violence or severe neglect, witnessing violent deaths, military combating held hostage, terrorist attacks etc. People with disorder will feel stressed or scary even when they’re no longer in danger. Some people recover within 6 months, while other has symptoms that last much longer. In some people it may become chronic. The main treatments for people with this disorder are medications, psychotherapy also known as talk therapy.</p> <p><strong>Advanced Rehabilitation Techniques</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Rehabilitation is known as treating someone to restore normally from medical disorders through therapy. To overcome Traumatic stress in patients Rehabilitation must be done. Rehabilitation plays a major role in patients suffering with Traumas. There are many Rehabilitation centers which help in treatment of Traumatic conditions. Many advances in Rehabilitation techniques have been invented by researchers. Few examples of Advanced Rehabilitation Techniques are Aquatic therapy, Dysphagia therapy, Hand therapy, Infection control, Occupational therapy, Physical therapy, Recreational services, Speech and language therapy.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'><strong>Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process):</strong><br /> Journal of Trauma and Rehabilitation is participating in the Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process) with an additional prepayment of $99 apart from the regular article processing fee. Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process is a special service for the article that enables it to get a faster response in the pre-review stage from the handling editor as well as a review from the reviewer. An author can get a faster response of pre-review maximum in 3 days since submission, and a review process by the reviewer maximum in 5 days, followed by revision/publication in 2 days. 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