Farm Sanctuary | We Envision a World Where Sanctuary Replaces Exploitation

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Sponsor a rescued bird & help us fight for others.</div> <a href="" target="_self" class="hero-cta">Adopt Now</a> </div> <div class="homepage-hero-img-container tablet"> <picture class="" data-title="Freyja turkey enjoys a blade of grass at Farm Sanctuary" tabindex="0"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Freyja turkey enjoys a blade of grass at Farm Sanctuary" title="Freyja turkey enjoys a blade of grass at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img alt="Freyja turkey enjoys a blade of grass at Farm Sanctuary" title="Freyja turkey enjoys a blade of grass at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Freyja turkey enjoys a blade of grass at Farm Sanctuary" title="Freyja turkey enjoys a blade of grass at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript></noscript> </picture> </div> </div> </section> <div id="content"> <section id="about_us_block_1" class="fs-module fs-about-us-block "> <div class="fs-container"> <div class="fs-about-us-block__horizontal-line"></div> <p class="fs-about-us-block__eyebrow">what we do</p> <div class="fs-about-us-block__body wysiwyg-text-container">Farm Sanctuary fights the disastrous effects of animal agriculture on animals, the environment, social justice, and public health through rescue, education, and advocacy.</div> <div class="fs-about-us-block__pillars "> <ul class="fs-about-us-block__pillar-list "> <li class="fs-about-us-block__pillar-entry"> <a aria-label="Rescue" href=""> <div aria-hidden="true"> <picture class="" data-title="icon-heart-ochre" tabindex="-1"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="icon-heart-ochre" title="icon-heart-ochre" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="icon-heart-ochre" title="icon-heart-ochre" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <span>Rescue</span> </a> </li> <li class="fs-about-us-block__pillar-entry"> <a aria-label="Educate" href=""> <div aria-hidden="true"> <picture class="" data-title="icon-book-ochre" tabindex="-1"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="icon-book-ochre" title="icon-book-ochre" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="icon-book-ochre" title="icon-book-ochre" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <span>Educate</span> </a> </li> <li class="fs-about-us-block__pillar-entry"> <a aria-label="Advocate" href=""> <div aria-hidden="true"> <picture class="" data-title="icon-megaphone-ochre" tabindex="-1"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="icon-megaphone-ochre" title="icon-megaphone-ochre" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="icon-megaphone-ochre" title="icon-megaphone-ochre" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <span>Advocate</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section id="content_block_1" class="fs-module fs-content-blocks --no-headline --default --video --no-text --no-cta "> <div class="fs-container fs-content-blocks-content"> <div class="fs-content-blocks__header"> <p class="eyebrow">Featured Video</p> </div> <div class="fs-content-blocks__wrapper"> <div class="vid-cont"> <div class="video"> <picture data-thumbnail-ytid="xX0rStLHltw" class="vid-thumbnail"> <img alt="The Power of Sanctuary" loading="lazy" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="The Power of Sanctuary" loading="lazy"></noscript> </picture> <div class="youtube-video" id="xX0rStLHltw" data-title="YouTube video player - The Power of Sanctuary" data-src=""> </div> </div> <div class="fs-audio-description__transcript-container content-block-transcript has-download"> <div class="icons-container"> <div class="grp-1"> <button tabindex="0" aria-label="audio description toggle" aria-expanded="false" class="icon-audio-description"> <svg class="icon " role="img" title="" aria-hidden="true" aria-label=""> <use xlink:href=></use> </svg> </button> </div> <div class="grp-2"> <button class="fs-audio-description__download-button download-button-content-block tablet-content-block tablet" aria-label="Download Transcript, Dropdown"> <svg class="icon " role="img" title="" aria-hidden="true" aria-label=""> <use xlink:href=></use> </svg> Download Transcript </button> <div class="fs-audio-description__download-links tablet tablet-content-block"> <a class="download-link" role="button" href="" download>Download Audio</a> <button class="download-link download-link--text" type="button" value="[MUSIC PLAYING] Sanctuaries are a place where cruelty is met with kindness. It&#039;s about kindness to animals. But it&#039;s also about respecting others, respecting ourselves, respecting the earth, living in a way that doesn&#039;t cause unnecessary harm.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; We live at a time when there&#039;s immense oppression and strain and ugliness out in the world. And this harms all of us. The reason things are as bad as they are is because we have infrastructures and systems in place. And those need to be shifted. It actually undermines our empathy. And that&#039;s a very important part of our humanity.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; For me and for many people, this begins with recognizing trauma and violence and cruelty in the world and not wanting to be part of it. These animals, like other animals, want to live. They don&#039;t want to be abused. They don&#039;t want to be killed. They don&#039;t want to be eaten. They want to live just like cats or dogs or us. We&#039;re all animals. And we all have pretty much the same desires.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; I got this van in California in the early mid-1980s. We use this van to do investigations of farms, stockyards, and slaughterhouses. And the way we funded the organization back in those days was selling vegan hot dogs at Grateful Dead shows out of this van. It was an open-minded crowd. And I remember on occasion, somebody would come up and stand in front of our table and look at these images and just be affected by them and start crying.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Hilda, our first rescued animal was rescued in this van who we found left on a pile of dead animals behind the Lancaster stockyards in Pennsylvania. So we took her off the dead pile, brought her to a veterinarian thinking she would have to be euthanized. As the veterinarian was examining her, she actually started perking up and then she stood up. And she lived with us for more than 10 years. And she&#039;s actually buried up on the farm right now.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; It&#039;s not possible for sanctuaries to rescue all the animals who are currently being exploited and slaughtered. So we need to change the system. And farm sanctuaries play a very important role in modeling a different kind of relationship with other animals. The animals become ambassadors. And people who are touched by them can go out and educate others.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; I want everyone to cozy up. My name is Jo-Anne McArthur. I&#039;m a photojournalist. I&#039;ve been photographing our relationship with animals around the world for over 15 years now. This is one of the most important things about sanctuaries that we have to take into account, you rescue animals, and you invite people to meet the individuals.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; They might come here and decide to eat fewer animals, or go vegan. Or they might go out into the world a changed person. They might become an activist. How can you possibly put a dollar sign on that? You can&#039;t.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; It changed me. And as I said, it set me on this path of activism for life. And I have reached millions of people now through my work because I was inspired by sanctuary.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Farm Sanctuary has been a touchstone for so many people who have gone on to do amazing activism. Some of them have founded organizations. Some travel the world exposing cruelty and educating people about what humans do to other animals.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; I did furniture moving for like 16 years in the five boroughs. I knew nothing about farms, man. So she asked me, hey, can you help me with this little piglet. I fell in love like instantly. So all that Spanish stuff, eating pork my whole life went right out the window, man. Any rescues, any emergencies, yeah, I&#039;m there for them.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; So I haven&#039;t had an animal food product since the day after my heart attack. With distance from the eating machine and propaganda, I was able to kind of see, oh, there&#039;s a whole completely different way to live, ironically healthier.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; It took me my first 10 years before I became a vegan for ethical reasons. Seeing them in this environment being well cared for, it can be life changing.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Part of coming here to Farm Sanctuary made me aware of these invisible animals, as I call them, and that they&#039;re not represented. We don&#039;t see them. And how can we start to consider them at all if we&#039;re not seeing them and talking about them.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Sanctuary to me just meant a safe haven. All beings deserve that. We have people who are escaping horrible situations. Animals that are escaping horrible situations and need they need that sanctuary.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Every animal should be in one, and every person too.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; This part of Western New York was not too far from the roots of the Underground Railroad. And when Farm Sanctuary first got this property, I felt pretty good knowing that this tradition of liberating individuals from oppression and exploitation had been part of this area.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Providing a level of education so people can mindfully change their actions works to the goal of rescuing all the animals.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; You know, Farm Sanctuary is a place. But it&#039;s also a mission. The idea is to rescue individuals and then ultimately to change the world.">Download Text</button> </div> <a class="download-link download-link--desktop first download-link--audio" role="button" href="" download>Download Audio</a> <button class="download-link download-link--text download-link--desktop" type="button" value="[MUSIC PLAYING] Sanctuaries are a place where cruelty is met with kindness. It&#039;s about kindness to animals. But it&#039;s also about respecting others, respecting ourselves, respecting the earth, living in a way that doesn&#039;t cause unnecessary harm.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; We live at a time when there&#039;s immense oppression and strain and ugliness out in the world. And this harms all of us. The reason things are as bad as they are is because we have infrastructures and systems in place. And those need to be shifted. It actually undermines our empathy. And that&#039;s a very important part of our humanity.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; For me and for many people, this begins with recognizing trauma and violence and cruelty in the world and not wanting to be part of it. These animals, like other animals, want to live. They don&#039;t want to be abused. They don&#039;t want to be killed. They don&#039;t want to be eaten. They want to live just like cats or dogs or us. We&#039;re all animals. And we all have pretty much the same desires.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; I got this van in California in the early mid-1980s. We use this van to do investigations of farms, stockyards, and slaughterhouses. And the way we funded the organization back in those days was selling vegan hot dogs at Grateful Dead shows out of this van. It was an open-minded crowd. And I remember on occasion, somebody would come up and stand in front of our table and look at these images and just be affected by them and start crying.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Hilda, our first rescued animal was rescued in this van who we found left on a pile of dead animals behind the Lancaster stockyards in Pennsylvania. So we took her off the dead pile, brought her to a veterinarian thinking she would have to be euthanized. As the veterinarian was examining her, she actually started perking up and then she stood up. And she lived with us for more than 10 years. And she&#039;s actually buried up on the farm right now.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; It&#039;s not possible for sanctuaries to rescue all the animals who are currently being exploited and slaughtered. So we need to change the system. And farm sanctuaries play a very important role in modeling a different kind of relationship with other animals. The animals become ambassadors. And people who are touched by them can go out and educate others.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; I want everyone to cozy up. My name is Jo-Anne McArthur. I&#039;m a photojournalist. I&#039;ve been photographing our relationship with animals around the world for over 15 years now. This is one of the most important things about sanctuaries that we have to take into account, you rescue animals, and you invite people to meet the individuals.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; They might come here and decide to eat fewer animals, or go vegan. Or they might go out into the world a changed person. They might become an activist. How can you possibly put a dollar sign on that? You can&#039;t.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; It changed me. And as I said, it set me on this path of activism for life. And I have reached millions of people now through my work because I was inspired by sanctuary.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Farm Sanctuary has been a touchstone for so many people who have gone on to do amazing activism. Some of them have founded organizations. Some travel the world exposing cruelty and educating people about what humans do to other animals.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; I did furniture moving for like 16 years in the five boroughs. I knew nothing about farms, man. So she asked me, hey, can you help me with this little piglet. I fell in love like instantly. So all that Spanish stuff, eating pork my whole life went right out the window, man. Any rescues, any emergencies, yeah, I&#039;m there for them.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; So I haven&#039;t had an animal food product since the day after my heart attack. With distance from the eating machine and propaganda, I was able to kind of see, oh, there&#039;s a whole completely different way to live, ironically healthier.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; It took me my first 10 years before I became a vegan for ethical reasons. Seeing them in this environment being well cared for, it can be life changing.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Part of coming here to Farm Sanctuary made me aware of these invisible animals, as I call them, and that they&#039;re not represented. We don&#039;t see them. And how can we start to consider them at all if we&#039;re not seeing them and talking about them.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Sanctuary to me just meant a safe haven. All beings deserve that. We have people who are escaping horrible situations. Animals that are escaping horrible situations and need they need that sanctuary.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Every animal should be in one, and every person too.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; This part of Western New York was not too far from the roots of the Underground Railroad. And when Farm Sanctuary first got this property, I felt pretty good knowing that this tradition of liberating individuals from oppression and exploitation had been part of this area.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Providing a level of education so people can mindfully change their actions works to the goal of rescuing all the animals.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; You know, Farm Sanctuary is a place. But it&#039;s also a mission. The idea is to rescue individuals and then ultimately to change the world.">Download Text Transcript</button> </div> </div> <h3 class="transcript-title content-block">Transcript</h3> <div data-simplebar class="fs-audio-description__transcript-body body-content-block wysiwyg-text-container"> <div tabindex="0" role="article" aria-label="text transcript for video The Power of Sanctuary">[MUSIC PLAYING] Sanctuaries are a place where cruelty is met with kindness. It's about kindness to animals. But it's also about respecting others, respecting ourselves, respecting the earth, living in a way that doesn't cause unnecessary harm.<br /> <br /> <br /> We live at a time when there's immense oppression and strain and ugliness out in the world. And this harms all of us. The reason things are as bad as they are is because we have infrastructures and systems in place. And those need to be shifted. It actually undermines our empathy. And that's a very important part of our humanity.<br /> <br /> <br /> For me and for many people, this begins with recognizing trauma and violence and cruelty in the world and not wanting to be part of it. These animals, like other animals, want to live. They don't want to be abused. They don't want to be killed. They don't want to be eaten. They want to live just like cats or dogs or us. We're all animals. And we all have pretty much the same desires.<br /> <br /> <br /> I got this van in California in the early mid-1980s. We use this van to do investigations of farms, stockyards, and slaughterhouses. And the way we funded the organization back in those days was selling vegan hot dogs at Grateful Dead shows out of this van. It was an open-minded crowd. And I remember on occasion, somebody would come up and stand in front of our table and look at these images and just be affected by them and start crying.<br /> <br /> <br /> Hilda, our first rescued animal was rescued in this van who we found left on a pile of dead animals behind the Lancaster stockyards in Pennsylvania. So we took her off the dead pile, brought her to a veterinarian thinking she would have to be euthanized. As the veterinarian was examining her, she actually started perking up and then she stood up. And she lived with us for more than 10 years. And she's actually buried up on the farm right now.<br /> <br /> <br /> It's not possible for sanctuaries to rescue all the animals who are currently being exploited and slaughtered. So we need to change the system. And farm sanctuaries play a very important role in modeling a different kind of relationship with other animals. The animals become ambassadors. And people who are touched by them can go out and educate others.<br /> <br /> <br /> I want everyone to cozy up. My name is Jo-Anne McArthur. I'm a photojournalist. I've been photographing our relationship with animals around the world for over 15 years now. This is one of the most important things about sanctuaries that we have to take into account, you rescue animals, and you invite people to meet the individuals.<br /> <br /> <br /> They might come here and decide to eat fewer animals, or go vegan. Or they might go out into the world a changed person. They might become an activist. How can you possibly put a dollar sign on that? You can't.<br /> <br /> <br /> It changed me. And as I said, it set me on this path of activism for life. And I have reached millions of people now through my work because I was inspired by sanctuary.<br /> <br /> <br /> Farm Sanctuary has been a touchstone for so many people who have gone on to do amazing activism. Some of them have founded organizations. Some travel the world exposing cruelty and educating people about what humans do to other animals.<br /> <br /> <br /> I did furniture moving for like 16 years in the five boroughs. I knew nothing about farms, man. So she asked me, hey, can you help me with this little piglet. I fell in love like instantly. So all that Spanish stuff, eating pork my whole life went right out the window, man. Any rescues, any emergencies, yeah, I'm there for them.<br /> <br /> <br /> So I haven't had an animal food product since the day after my heart attack. With distance from the eating machine and propaganda, I was able to kind of see, oh, there's a whole completely different way to live, ironically healthier.<br /> <br /> <br /> It took me my first 10 years before I became a vegan for ethical reasons. Seeing them in this environment being well cared for, it can be life changing.<br /> <br /> <br /> Part of coming here to Farm Sanctuary made me aware of these invisible animals, as I call them, and that they're not represented. We don't see them. And how can we start to consider them at all if we're not seeing them and talking about them.<br /> <br /> <br /> Sanctuary to me just meant a safe haven. All beings deserve that. We have people who are escaping horrible situations. Animals that are escaping horrible situations and need they need that sanctuary.<br /> <br /> <br /> Every animal should be in one, and every person too.<br /> <br /> <br /> This part of Western New York was not too far from the roots of the Underground Railroad. And when Farm Sanctuary first got this property, I felt pretty good knowing that this tradition of liberating individuals from oppression and exploitation had been part of this area.<br /> <br /> <br /> Providing a level of education so people can mindfully change their actions works to the goal of rescuing all the animals.<br /> <br /> <br /> You know, Farm Sanctuary is a place. But it's also a mission. The idea is to rescue individuals and then ultimately to change the world.</div> </div> <button class="fs-audio-description__download-button download-button-content-block mobile" aria-label="Download Transcript, Dropdown"> <svg class="icon " role="img" title="" aria-hidden="true" aria-label=""> <use xlink:href=></use> </svg> <span>Download Transcript</span> </button> <div class="fs-audio-description__download-links mobile"> <a class="download-link" href="" role="button" download>Download Audio</a> <button class="download-link download-link--text" type="button" value="[MUSIC PLAYING] Sanctuaries are a place where cruelty is met with kindness. It&#039;s about kindness to animals. But it&#039;s also about respecting others, respecting ourselves, respecting the earth, living in a way that doesn&#039;t cause unnecessary harm.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; We live at a time when there&#039;s immense oppression and strain and ugliness out in the world. And this harms all of us. The reason things are as bad as they are is because we have infrastructures and systems in place. And those need to be shifted. It actually undermines our empathy. And that&#039;s a very important part of our humanity.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; For me and for many people, this begins with recognizing trauma and violence and cruelty in the world and not wanting to be part of it. These animals, like other animals, want to live. They don&#039;t want to be abused. They don&#039;t want to be killed. They don&#039;t want to be eaten. They want to live just like cats or dogs or us. We&#039;re all animals. And we all have pretty much the same desires.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; I got this van in California in the early mid-1980s. We use this van to do investigations of farms, stockyards, and slaughterhouses. And the way we funded the organization back in those days was selling vegan hot dogs at Grateful Dead shows out of this van. It was an open-minded crowd. And I remember on occasion, somebody would come up and stand in front of our table and look at these images and just be affected by them and start crying.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Hilda, our first rescued animal was rescued in this van who we found left on a pile of dead animals behind the Lancaster stockyards in Pennsylvania. So we took her off the dead pile, brought her to a veterinarian thinking she would have to be euthanized. As the veterinarian was examining her, she actually started perking up and then she stood up. And she lived with us for more than 10 years. And she&#039;s actually buried up on the farm right now.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; It&#039;s not possible for sanctuaries to rescue all the animals who are currently being exploited and slaughtered. So we need to change the system. And farm sanctuaries play a very important role in modeling a different kind of relationship with other animals. The animals become ambassadors. And people who are touched by them can go out and educate others.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; I want everyone to cozy up. My name is Jo-Anne McArthur. I&#039;m a photojournalist. I&#039;ve been photographing our relationship with animals around the world for over 15 years now. This is one of the most important things about sanctuaries that we have to take into account, you rescue animals, and you invite people to meet the individuals.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; They might come here and decide to eat fewer animals, or go vegan. Or they might go out into the world a changed person. They might become an activist. How can you possibly put a dollar sign on that? You can&#039;t.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; It changed me. And as I said, it set me on this path of activism for life. And I have reached millions of people now through my work because I was inspired by sanctuary.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Farm Sanctuary has been a touchstone for so many people who have gone on to do amazing activism. Some of them have founded organizations. Some travel the world exposing cruelty and educating people about what humans do to other animals.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; I did furniture moving for like 16 years in the five boroughs. I knew nothing about farms, man. So she asked me, hey, can you help me with this little piglet. I fell in love like instantly. So all that Spanish stuff, eating pork my whole life went right out the window, man. Any rescues, any emergencies, yeah, I&#039;m there for them.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; So I haven&#039;t had an animal food product since the day after my heart attack. With distance from the eating machine and propaganda, I was able to kind of see, oh, there&#039;s a whole completely different way to live, ironically healthier.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; It took me my first 10 years before I became a vegan for ethical reasons. Seeing them in this environment being well cared for, it can be life changing.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Part of coming here to Farm Sanctuary made me aware of these invisible animals, as I call them, and that they&#039;re not represented. We don&#039;t see them. And how can we start to consider them at all if we&#039;re not seeing them and talking about them.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Sanctuary to me just meant a safe haven. All beings deserve that. We have people who are escaping horrible situations. Animals that are escaping horrible situations and need they need that sanctuary.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Every animal should be in one, and every person too.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; This part of Western New York was not too far from the roots of the Underground Railroad. And when Farm Sanctuary first got this property, I felt pretty good knowing that this tradition of liberating individuals from oppression and exploitation had been part of this area.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; Providing a level of education so people can mindfully change their actions works to the goal of rescuing all the animals.&lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; &lt;br /&gt; You know, Farm Sanctuary is a place. But it&#039;s also a mission. The idea is to rescue individuals and then ultimately to change the world.">Download Text</button> </div> </div> <div class="body-container --no-text --no-cta "> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="landing_pull_quote_1" class="fs-module fs-landing-pull-quote"> <div class="fs-container fs-landing-pull-quote-content fs-no-max-width --with-image --with-gradient" > <div class="image-container"> <picture class="" data-title="Roo, Seneca, and Bae hens with Hansel Rooster at Farm Sanctuary" tabindex="0"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Roo, Seneca, and Bae hens with Hansel Rooster at Farm Sanctuary" title="Roo, Seneca, and Bae hens with Hansel Rooster at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Roo, Seneca, and Bae hens with Hansel Rooster at Farm Sanctuary" title="Roo, Seneca, and Bae hens with Hansel Rooster at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="content-container --no-content"> <div class="quote-text wysiwyg-text-container "></div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="adopt_a_farm_animal_slider_1" class="fs-module fs-adopt-animal-slider adopt-animal-HFRNhzJ2Ki" data-hash-id="HFRNhzJ2Ki"> <div class="fs-container header-container"> <div class="fs-adopt-animal-slider__header"> <p class="eyebrow">Featured Rescue Stories</p> <h2 class="headline">Meet our Rescued Residents</h2> </div> </div> <div class="white-gradient"></div> <div class="fs-container fs-adopt-animal-slider-content" data-slide-length="7"> <div class="animal-slider glide"> <div class="glide__track" data-glide-el="track"> <div class="glide__slides"> <div class="adopt-slide glide__slide active" aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Animal slide 1 of 7" role="group" data-slide-index="1" > <div class="adopt-slide-container"> <div class="adopt-slide-image"> <picture class="" data-title="Blue pig at Farm Sanctuary" tabindex="0"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Blue pig at Farm Sanctuary" title="Blue pig at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Blue pig at Farm Sanctuary" title="Blue pig at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="adopt-slide-description"> <div class="name-cta"> <p class="eyebrow"></p> <p class="animal-name">Blue</p> <a href="" target="" class="adopt-cta" tabindex="0" > Read his story </a> </div> <div class="description-textlink"> <div class="description wysiwyg-text-container">With one look into Blue’s bright, expressive sky-blue eyes, it’s easy to see why he won the heart of the compassionate and brave student who spoke up for him.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="adopt-slide glide__slide " aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Animal slide 2 of 7" role="group" data-slide-index="2" > <div class="adopt-slide-container"> <div class="adopt-slide-image"> <picture class="" data-title="June B. Free and Susan cows eating hay at Sanctuary" tabindex="-1"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="June B. Free and Susan cows eating hay at Sanctuary" title="June B. Free and Susan cows eating hay at Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="June B. Free and Susan cows eating hay at Sanctuary" title="June B. Free and Susan cows eating hay at Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="adopt-slide-description"> <div class="name-cta"> <p class="eyebrow"></p> <p class="animal-name">June B. Free &amp; Susan</p> <a href="" target="" class="adopt-cta" tabindex="-1" > Read their story </a> </div> <div class="description-textlink"> <div class="description wysiwyg-text-container">In June 2021, 40 cows escaped a slaughterhouse and ran for their lives. Most were rounded up and returned to slaughter—but two lucky survivors were released to Farm Sanctuary.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="adopt-slide glide__slide " aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Animal slide 3 of 7" role="group" data-slide-index="3" > <div class="adopt-slide-container"> <div class="adopt-slide-image"> <picture class="" data-title="Elli sheep standing in a green pasture with a valley behind her" tabindex="-1"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Elli sheep standing in a green pasture with a valley behind her" title="Elli sheep standing in a green pasture with a valley behind her" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Elli sheep standing in a green pasture with a valley behind her" title="Elli sheep standing in a green pasture with a valley behind her" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="adopt-slide-description"> <div class="name-cta"> <p class="eyebrow"></p> <p class="animal-name">Elli</p> <a href="" target="" class="adopt-cta" tabindex="-1" > Read her story </a> </div> <div class="description-textlink"> <div class="description wysiwyg-text-container">The slaughterhouse workers called her “95.” They had painted that number on her side, marking her for death. But the sheep we now call Elli had other plans.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="adopt-slide glide__slide " aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Animal slide 4 of 7" role="group" data-slide-index="4" > <div class="adopt-slide-container"> <div class="adopt-slide-image"> <picture class="" data-title="Tilly hen considers the camera with green grass behind her" tabindex="-1"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Tilly hen considers the camera with green grass behind her" title="Tilly hen considers the camera with green grass behind her" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Tilly hen considers the camera with green grass behind her" title="Tilly hen considers the camera with green grass behind her" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="adopt-slide-description"> <div class="name-cta"> <p class="eyebrow"></p> <p class="animal-name">Tilly</p> <a href="" target="" class="adopt-cta" tabindex="-1" > Read her story </a> </div> <div class="description-textlink"> <div class="description wysiwyg-text-container">Tilly was born with a cross beak and needs specialized care to eat and survive—something she wouldn’t get on a factory farm. Ironically, this saved her life.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="adopt-slide glide__slide " aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Animal slide 5 of 7" role="group" data-slide-index="5" > <div class="adopt-slide-container"> <div class="adopt-slide-image"> <picture class="" data-title="Rad, Dobie, Milo, and Macka ducks explore the grass at Sanctuary" tabindex="-1"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Rad, Dobie, Milo, and Macka ducks explore the grass at Sanctuary" title="Rad, Dobie, Milo, and Macka ducks explore the grass at Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Rad, Dobie, Milo, and Macka ducks explore the grass at Sanctuary" title="Rad, Dobie, Milo, and Macka ducks explore the grass at Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="adopt-slide-description"> <div class="name-cta"> <p class="eyebrow"></p> <p class="animal-name">Macka, Milo, Dobie, &amp; Rad</p> <a href="" target="" class="adopt-cta" tabindex="-1" > Read their story </a> </div> <div class="description-textlink"> <div class="description wysiwyg-text-container">A case of “fowl play” landed four ducklings in jail. Macka, Milo, Dobie, and Rad were abandoned in the cold by a prison dumpster. Without help, they wouldn’t live to spring.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="adopt-slide glide__slide " aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Animal slide 6 of 7" role="group" data-slide-index="6" > <div class="adopt-slide-container"> <div class="adopt-slide-image"> <picture class="" data-title="Tutu turkey at Farm Sanctuary" tabindex="-1"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Tutu turkey at Farm Sanctuary" title="Tutu turkey at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Tutu turkey at Farm Sanctuary" title="Tutu turkey at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="adopt-slide-description"> <div class="name-cta"> <p class="eyebrow"></p> <p class="animal-name">Tutu</p> <a href="" target="" class="adopt-cta" tabindex="-1" > Read her story </a> </div> <div class="description-textlink"> <div class="description wysiwyg-text-container">It’s been said that art imitates life—but in the case of Tutu turkey, art saved a couple of lives as well.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="adopt-slide glide__slide " aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Animal slide 7 of 7" role="group" data-slide-index="7" > <div class="adopt-slide-container"> <div class="adopt-slide-image"> <picture class="" data-title="Hans in the snow at Farm Sanctuary" tabindex="-1"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Hans in the snow at Farm Sanctuary" title="Hans in the snow at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Hans in the snow at Farm Sanctuary" title="Hans in the snow at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="adopt-slide-description"> <div class="name-cta"> <p class="eyebrow"></p> <p class="animal-name">Hans</p> <a href="" target="" class="adopt-cta" tabindex="-1" > Read his story </a> </div> <div class="description-textlink"> <div class="description wysiwyg-text-container">Hans was found wandering the streets on his own, likely after escaping slaughter. He was far from the comforts of a warm, clean barn and protection from his herd—but he was alive.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slider-controls" data-glide-el="controls"> <button class="animal-slide-prev slide-btns" aria-label="Previous button, Go to animal slide 7 of 7" data-glide-dir="&lt;"> <svg class="icon " role="img" title="" aria-hidden="true" aria-label=""> <use xlink:href=></use> </svg> <span>Previous</span> </button> <button class="animal-slide-next slide-btns" aria-label="Next button, Go to animal slide 2 of 7" data-glide-dir="&gt;"> <svg class="icon " role="img" title="" aria-hidden="true" aria-label=""> <use xlink:href=></use> </svg> <span class="mobile-label">Swipe</span> <span class="tablet-label">Next</span> </button> </div> <div class="glide__bullets" data-glide-el="controls[nav]"> <button class="glide__bullet" aria-label="Go to slide 1 of 7" data-glide-dir="=0"></button> <button class="glide__bullet" aria-label="Go to slide 2 of 7" data-glide-dir="=1"></button> <button class="glide__bullet" aria-label="Go to slide 3 of 7" data-glide-dir="=2"></button> <button class="glide__bullet" aria-label="Go to slide 4 of 7" data-glide-dir="=3"></button> <button class="glide__bullet" aria-label="Go to slide 5 of 7" data-glide-dir="=4"></button> <button class="glide__bullet" aria-label="Go to slide 6 of 7" data-glide-dir="=5"></button> <button class="glide__bullet" aria-label="Go to slide 7 of 7" data-glide-dir="=6"></button> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="two_column_display_1" class="fs-module fs-2-column-display"> <div class="fs-container fs-2-column-display-content fs-no-max-width"> <div class="fs-2-column-display__wrapper"> <div class="fs-2-column-display__heading"> <h2>Imagine Sanctuary. Plan your Trip.</h2> </div> <div class="fs-2-column-display__sanctuaries"> <div class="sanctuary"> <div class="image"> <picture class="" data-title="Sheep pasture landscape at Farm Sanctuary" tabindex="0"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img src="" alt="Sheep pasture landscape at Farm Sanctuary" title="Sheep pasture landscape at Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" > </picture> </div> <div class="content "> <h3 class="name">Watkins Glen, NY</h3> <div class="description wysiwyg-text-container"><p>Nestled in the beautiful Finger Lakes Region of upstate New York, the rolling green pastures of Farm Sanctuary’s 275-acre New York Sanctuary are home to nearly 400 rescued farm animals.</p> </div> <a class="cta-button" href="" target=""> Learn More </a> </div> </div> <div class="sanctuary"> <div class="image"> <picture class="" data-title="Cows outside Farm Sanctuary" tabindex="0"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img src="" alt="Cows outside Farm Sanctuary" title="Cows outside Farm Sanctuary" loading="lazy" role="img" > </picture> </div> <div class="content "> <h3 class="name">Los Angeles, CA</h3> <div class="description wysiwyg-text-container"><p>Our 39-acre Southern California Sanctuary — home to over 100 rescued farm animals — is located on a beautiful hacienda ranch in Acton, just 45 minutes from Hollywood.</p> </div> <a class="cta-button" href="" target=""> Learn More </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="cta_grid_1" class="fs-module fs-cta-grid"> <div class="fs-container"> <div class="fs-cta-grid__horizontal-line"></div> <h2 class="fs-cta-grid__headline">Sanctuary Happenings</h2> <div class="fs-cta-grid__description wysiwyg-text-container"><p>—</p> </div> <ul class="fs-cta-grid__entries-container"> <li class="fs-cta-grid__entry" aria-label="CTA Grid 1"> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-image"> <picture class="" data-title="vegan mashed potatoes" tabindex="0"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="vegan mashed potatoes" title="vegan mashed potatoes" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="vegan mashed potatoes" title="vegan mashed potatoes" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-content"> <h3 class="fs-cta-grid__entry-title">Our Favorite Thanksgiving Sides</h3> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-description wysiwyg-text-container"><p>You can enjoy a festive Thanksgiving without harming turkeys (or any animals)! Try our favorite vegan side dishes, sure to steal the show.</p> </div> <a class="fs-cta-grid__entry-cta" href="" target="_blank">Enjoy</a> </div> </li> <li class="fs-cta-grid__entry" aria-label="CTA Grid 2"> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-image"> <picture class="" data-title="Vehicles drive across large California farm" tabindex="0"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Vehicles drive across large California farm" title="Vehicles drive across large California farm" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Vehicles drive across large California farm" title="Vehicles drive across large California farm" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-content"> <h3 class="fs-cta-grid__entry-title">A Blueprint for a Just Food system</h3> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-description wysiwyg-text-container"><p>The revolutionary Food System Shift Roadmap by Farm Sanctuary and the Center for Biological Diversity is here to guide critical change.</p> </div> <a class="fs-cta-grid__entry-cta" href="" target="_blank">Read More</a> </div> </li> <li class="fs-cta-grid__entry" aria-label="CTA Grid 3"> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-image"> <picture class="" data-title="A Farm Sanctuary researchers holds a stopwatch as a chicken stands in the background" tabindex="0"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="A Farm Sanctuary researchers holds a stopwatch as a chicken stands in the background" title="A Farm Sanctuary researchers holds a stopwatch as a chicken stands in the background" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="A Farm Sanctuary researchers holds a stopwatch as a chicken stands in the background" title="A Farm Sanctuary researchers holds a stopwatch as a chicken stands in the background" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-content"> <h3 class="fs-cta-grid__entry-title">Our Study Showcases Chicken Emotion</h3> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-description wysiwyg-text-container"><p>Can chickens be optimistic? Now in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, our groundbreaking research shows learning impacts chicken emotion.</p> </div> <a class="fs-cta-grid__entry-cta" href="" target="_blank">Read More</a> </div> </li> <li class="fs-cta-grid__entry" aria-label="CTA Grid 4"> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-image"> <picture class="" data-title="Blue Pig" tabindex="0"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Blue Pig" title="Blue Pig" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Blue Pig" title="Blue Pig" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-content"> <h3 class="fs-cta-grid__entry-title">Visit Farm Sanctuary Los Angeles</h3> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-description wysiwyg-text-container"><p>Did you know our California sanctuary is open for guided tours year-round? Book yours now to meet our rescued animal residents and hear their stories.</p> </div> <a class="fs-cta-grid__entry-cta" href=";full-items=yes" target="_blank">Book Now</a> </div> </li> <li class="fs-cta-grid__entry" aria-label="CTA Grid 5"> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-image"> <picture class="" data-title="Live cam by" tabindex="0"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Live cam by" title="Live cam by" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Live cam by" title="Live cam by" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-content"> <h3 class="fs-cta-grid__entry-title">Tune Into the Sheep Barn Cam</h3> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-description wysiwyg-text-container"><p>Visit with our rescued residents from the comfort of your own home through our live cams on</p> </div> <a class="fs-cta-grid__entry-cta" href="" target="_blank">Watch Now</a> </div> </li> <li class="fs-cta-grid__entry" aria-label="CTA Grid 6"> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-image"> <picture class="" data-title="Farm Sanctuary staff member Alice with rescued cow and wearing shirt that reads &quot;Save Animals, Eat Plants&quot;" tabindex="0"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" srcset=""> <img alt="Farm Sanctuary staff member Alice with rescued cow and wearing shirt that reads &quot;Save Animals, Eat Plants&quot;" title="Farm Sanctuary staff member Alice with rescued cow and wearing shirt that reads &quot;Save Animals, Eat Plants&quot;" loading="lazy" role="img" data-src="" class="lazyload" src=""><noscript><img src="" alt="Farm Sanctuary staff member Alice with rescued cow and wearing shirt that reads &quot;Save Animals, Eat Plants&quot;" title="Farm Sanctuary staff member Alice with rescued cow and wearing shirt that reads &quot;Save Animals, Eat Plants&quot;" loading="lazy" role="img" ></noscript> </picture> </div> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-content"> <h3 class="fs-cta-grid__entry-title">New: Save Animals Pullover</h3> <div class="fs-cta-grid__entry-description wysiwyg-text-container"><p>Show your support for plant-based eating with our new ladies&#8217; pullover. Its simple message embodies what living the Farm Sanctuary life is all about.</p> </div> <a class="fs-cta-grid__entry-cta" href="" target="_blank">Shop Now</a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section id="about_us_block_2" class="fs-module fs-about-us-block "> <div class="fs-container"> <div class="fs-about-us-block__horizontal-line"></div> <p class="fs-about-us-block__eyebrow">Follow us on social</p> <div class="fs-about-us-block__body wysiwyg-text-container">For photos, videos, and stories featuring all of your favorite rescued residents, follow us on our social channels.</div> <div class="fs-about-us-block__pillars four-items"> <ul class="fs-about-us-block__pillar-list four-items"> <li class="fs-about-us-block__pillar-entry"> <a aria-label="Facebook" href=""> <div aria-hidden="true"> <picture class="" data-title="icon-facebook-ochre" tabindex="-1"> <source media="(min-width: 1280px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 760px)" srcset=""> <source media="(min-width: 0)" 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