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All rights reserved. - e-Library Catalog Keyword search summary --> <!-- Print the search summary --> <strong> "10009215{001}" </strong> <div class="top_edge"></div> <div class="right_edge"></div> <div class="bottom_edge"></div> <div class="left_edge"></div> <div class="top_left"></div> <div class="top_right"></div> <div class="bottom_right"></div> <div class="bottom_left"></div> </div> <div class="content_container item_details"> <!-- show tabbed view if suported by browser and the environment is configured to do so --> <div id="tabholder" class="tabholder"> <!-- show tabs for the panel --> <!-- Build this tab only copies exist --> <span id="tab1" class="tab" onClick = "showPanel(1,'#000000','#FFFFFF',false);" onMouseOver="hover(this,'#FFFFFF','#FFFFFF');" onMouseOut="setState(1,'#000000','#FFFFFF')"> Item Information </span> <span id="tab3" class="tab" onClick="showPanel(3,'#000000','#FFFFFF',false);" onMouseOver="hover(this,'#FFFFFF','#FFFFFF');" onMouseOut="setState(3,'#000000','#FFFFFF')">Catalogue Record </span> </div> <!-- end tabholder span --> <!-- end conditional to show the tabs --> <div class="panelholder"> <div id="panel1" class="panel" style="display:block;"> <!-- hold link for all copies --> <!-- hold icon --> <div class="bibinfo"> <!-- displays, author, title, etc on all panels --> <!-- Print the title, if one exists --> <div class="full_title">Human microanatomy : cell tissue and organ histology with celebrity medical histories</div> <br/> <!-- Print the author, if one exists --> <div class="full_author">Stricker, Stephen A., author.</div> </div> <!-- kg test start --> <script> var s="Stricker, Stephen A., author."; var t="Personal Author"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="Human microanatomy : cell tissue and organ histology with celebrity medical histories / Stephen A. Stricker."; var t="Title"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022."; var t="Publication"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="viii, 522 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm"; var t="Physical description"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="text txt"; var t="Content type"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="unmediated n"; var t="Media type"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="volume nc"; var t="Carrier type"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="Histology."; var t="Subject term"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="Includes bibliographical references and index."; var t="Bibliography note"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="Part I: Cell and tissue histology - overview of histology, cell structure, and tissues -- 1. Introduction to human microanatomy and its associated techniques -- 2. Primer of cellular ultrastructure -- 3. Overview of embryology and the four basic tissue types with emphasis on epithelium and connective tissue proper -- 4. Cartilage and bone -- Part II: Tissue and organ histology - blood, circulatory and lymphatic systems, muscles, nervous system, and skin -- 6. Blood -- 7. Circulatory and lymnphatic systems -- 8. Muscles -- 9. Nervous system -- 10. Skin -- Part III: Organ histology - digestive, respiratory, and endocrine systmes -- 11. Digestive system I - Oral cavity -- 12. Digestive system II - Pharyns to anus -- 13. Digestive system III - Liver, gallbladder, and pancreas -- 14. Respiratory system -- 15. Endocrine system -- Part IV: Organ sytology - urinary system, reproductive systems, and sensory organs -- 16. Urinary system -- 17. Male reproductive system -- 18. Female reproductive system -- 19. Eyes -- 20. Ears."; var t="Contents"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s=""Human Microanatomy is a comprehensive histology text that analyzes human structure and function from the subcellular to organ level of organization. In addition to emphasizing medically relevant information, each chapter considers developmental and evolutionary aspects of microanatomy while also using celebrity medical histories to help provide context for accompanying descriptions of normal histology. As key elements of those descriptions, various microanatomical features are illustrated in over 1400 images ranging from concept-clarifying line drawings to high-resolution light and electron micrographs. Text illustrations are further organized into cohesive collections with detailed captions that routinely link molecular and cellular aspects to anatomical and physiological properties. Each chapter also includes a preview, pictorial summary, and self-study quiz to help elucidate important concepts. By incorporating features like medical histories, biological correlates, and annotated image plates, Human Microanatomy aims to provide an appealing and informative treatment of histology for readers who are interested in the structural bases of cell, tissue, and organ functioning"--"; var t="Summary"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="9780367364571 (paperback)"; var t="ISBN"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="9780367771843 (hardcover)"; var t="ISBN"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="(ISBN invalid)9780429353307 (ebook)"; var t="ISBN"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="10009215"; var t="key"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <script> var s="2021007692"; var t="LCCN"; if (s.indexOf("Chonnam National University")!=-1 && t.indexOf('Local note')!='-1'){ //alert("display image"); document.write('<img src="">'); } </script> <!-- kg test end --> <!-- dynamic content lookup for viewtop.h --> <!-- show the following div if there is a summary put in it --> <!-- summary processing --> <!-- eLibrary configured with content --> <div class="bibinfo2"> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <!-- extract requested bib data --> <tr> <!-- Print publisher data --> <th class="viewmarctags" valign="top" width="25%">Publisher:</th> <td class="viewmarctags">CRC Press, Taylor &amp; Francis Group,</td> </tr> <!-- Ju data --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <tr> <!-- Print publication date --> <th class="viewmarctags" valign="top">Pub date:</th> <td class="viewmarctags">2022.</td> </tr> <!-- Jv data --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <tr> <!-- Print page count --> <th class="viewmarctags" valign="top">Pages:</th> <td class="viewmarctags">viii, 522 pages :</td> </tr> <!-- Jt data --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- iteminfo option1 --> <!-- iteminfo option2 --> <!-- iteminfo option3 --> <!-- list LT --> <!-- Print ISBN number, if exists --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" valign="top">ISBN:</th> <td class="viewmarctags">9780367364571</td> </tr> <!--list_of_available/holdings --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" valign="top"> <!-- Kg removed label --> <!-- Item info:: --> </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> <!-- show if catalog or call-num item view --> 1 copy available at Northwestern Polytechnic - Grande Prairie Learning Commons.<br/> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- show if catalog or call-num item view --> <!-- check for the existence of MARC Holdings data --> <!-- show holdings --> <!-- Copyright (c) 1996 - 2005, SirsiDynix - Copy Holdings for a Single Item View; eLibrary --> <a name="holdings"></a> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <!-- Print library header line --> <td colspan=3 class="enrichheader">Holdings</td> <!-- View Holdings Button --> </tr> <!-- holdings allowed --> <!-- new library --> <tr> <!-- Print library header line --> <td class="holdingsheader" colspan="4" align="left"> Northwestern Polytechnic - Grande Prairie Learning Commons <!-- <a href="" target="_blank"> [where's this?] </a> --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="holdingsheader" align="right">&nbsp;</td> <td class="holdingsheader" align="right">Copy</td> <td class="holdingsheader" align="left">Material</td> <td class="holdingsheader" align="left">Location</td> </tr> <tr> <!-- Number of copies --> <!-- Start new callnum --> <td class="holdingslist" align="left">QM 551 S93 2022</td> <td class="holdingslist" align="right">1</td> <td class="holdingslist" align="left"> Book </td> <td class="holdingslist" align="left"> NWP Health Education Book Kiosk </td> </tr> <!-- Boundwith holdings --> </table> </div> </div> <div id="panel2" class="panel"> <!-- don't show the repeating bib info unless using single-item tabbed view --> <!-- hold link for all copies --> <!-- hold icon --> <div class="bibinfo"> <!-- displays, author, title, etc on all panels --> <!-- Print the title, if one exists --> <strong>Human microanatomy : cell tissue and organ histology with celebrity medical histories</strong> <br/> <!-- Print the author, if one exists --> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stricker, Stephen A., author.<br/> </div> <!-- Copyright (c) 2000 - 2007, SirsiDynix - Enrichments for single-item view. --> <!-- Determine which Enrichments are present --> <!-- Set the enrichment page variables if not already set. --> <!-- dynamic content lookup for view_enrichments.h --> <a name="enrichments"></a> <!-- Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, SirsiDynix - Check for additional syndetic content --> <!-- CONTENT FETCH ABORTED --><!-- CONTENT FETCH ABORTED --><!-- CONTENT FETCH ABORTED --> </div> <div id="panel3" class="panel"> <!-- don't show the repeating bib info unless using single-item tabbed view --> <!-- hold link for all copies --> <!-- hold icon --> <div class="bibinfo"> <!-- displays, author, title, etc on all panels --> <!-- Print the title, if one exists --> <strong>Human microanatomy : cell tissue and organ histology with celebrity medical histories</strong> <!-- Removed by View Options Button &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="javascript:document.item_view.form_type.value = 'VOPTIONS'; document.item_view.submit()">Change Display</a> --> <br/> <!-- Print the author, if one exists --> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Stricker, Stephen A., author.<br/> </div> <a name="marc_data"></a> <!-- The View Unformatted and Regular Views have been separated b/c of an additional column that has to appear for the indicators. The first conditional is to check to show unformatted, then the tables are then constructed using the list code. --> <!-- view formatted --> <!-- Print the tags --> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="90%"> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- "Likeable" tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> Personal Author: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> <!-- Single term in tag --> <a href="/uhtbin/cgisirsi/?ps=MESaQlnowd/NWP_GP/X/18/X100/XAUTHOR/Stricker,+Stephen+A.,">Stricker, Stephen A., author.</a> </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- "Likeable" tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> Title: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> <!-- Single term in tag --> <a href="/uhtbin/cgisirsi/?ps=PmNXBHE0Va/NWP_GP/X/18/X245/XTITLE/Human+microanatomy+:">Human microanatomy : cell tissue and organ histology with celebrity medical histories / Stephen A. Stricker.</a> </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> Publication: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022. </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> Physical description: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> viii, 522 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> Content type: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> text txt </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> Media type: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> unmediated n </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> Carrier type: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> volume nc </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- "Likeable" tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> Subject term: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> <!-- Single term in tag --> <a href="/uhtbin/cgisirsi/?ps=sVoQMf4ysw/NWP_GP/X/18/X650/XSUBJECT/Histology.">Histology.</a> </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> Bibliography note: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> Includes bibliographical references and index. </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> Contents: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> Part I: Cell and tissue histology - overview of histology, cell structure, and tissues -- 1. Introduction to human microanatomy and its associated techniques -- 2. Primer of cellular ultrastructure -- 3. Overview of embryology and the four basic tissue types with emphasis on epithelium and connective tissue proper -- 4. Cartilage and bone -- Part II: Tissue and organ histology - blood, circulatory and lymphatic systems, muscles, nervous system, and skin -- 6. Blood -- 7. Circulatory and lymnphatic systems -- 8. Muscles -- 9. Nervous system -- 10. Skin -- Part III: Organ histology - digestive, respiratory, and endocrine systmes -- 11. Digestive system I - Oral cavity -- 12. Digestive system II - Pharyns to anus -- 13. Digestive system III - Liver, gallbladder, and pancreas -- 14. Respiratory system -- 15. Endocrine system -- Part IV: Organ sytology - urinary system, reproductive systems, and sensory organs -- 16. Urinary system -- 17. Male reproductive system -- 18. Female reproductive system -- 19. Eyes -- 20. Ears. </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> Summary: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> "Human Microanatomy is a comprehensive histology text that analyzes human structure and function from the subcellular to organ level of organization. In addition to emphasizing medically relevant information, each chapter considers developmental and evolutionary aspects of microanatomy while also using celebrity medical histories to help provide context for accompanying descriptions of normal histology. As key elements of those descriptions, various microanatomical features are illustrated in over 1400 images ranging from concept-clarifying line drawings to high-resolution light and electron micrographs. Text illustrations are further organized into cohesive collections with detailed captions that routinely link molecular and cellular aspects to anatomical and physiological properties. Each chapter also includes a preview, pictorial summary, and self-study quiz to help elucidate important concepts. By incorporating features like medical histories, biological correlates, and annotated image plates, Human Microanatomy aims to provide an appealing and informative treatment of histology for readers who are interested in the structural bases of cell, tissue, and organ functioning"-- </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> ISBN: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> 9780367364571 (paperback) </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> ISBN: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> 9780367771843 (hardcover) </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> ISBN: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> (ISBN invalid)9780429353307 (ebook) </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> key: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> 10009215 </td> </tr> <!-- Print inline webimage-type tag --> <!-- Regular tag --> <tr> <th class="viewmarctags" align="right" valign="top"> <!-- Regular tag --> LCCN: </th> <td class="viewmarctags"> 2021007692 </td> </tr> </table><!--end of bib cell--> <!-- Print any WEBIMAGE tags that should appear after the list of tags --> <div class="clear_all"></div> </div> </div> <!-- div container for content panels --> <div class="top_edge"></div> <div class="right_edge"></div> <div class="bottom_edge"></div> <div class="left_edge"></div> <div class="top_left"></div> <div class="top_right"></div> <div class="bottom_right"></div> <div class="bottom_left"></div> </div> <div class="info_container"> <!-- dynamic content lookup for filename: 5_item_services.h --> <!-- Side bar for catalog record --> <!-- eLibrary configured with content --> <div class="content_container details_info"> <img src=";printsec=frontcover&amp;img=1&zoom=1"> <a href=";printsec=index"><img src="" class="gbp"></a> <div class="keep_container"> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ put_keepremove_button('10009215', 'Mark','/WebCat_Images/English/Other/MiscD','Mark','/uhtbin/cgisirsi/?ps=Eins0p9pw0/NWP_GP','X','Remove'); 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