Dictionary Index mmcif_std.dic
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<small>mmcif_std.dic</small></h2> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-1 my-nav-title"><div class="pull-right"> <h4>Browse:</h4></div></div> <div class="col-md-11"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"> <a href="/dictionaries/mmcif_std.dic/Index/index.html">Dictionary</a></li> <li > <a href="/dictionaries/mmcif_std.dic/Groups/index.html">Category Groups</a></li> <li > <a href="/dictionaries/mmcif_std.dic/Categories/index.html">Data Categories</a></li> <li > <a href="/dictionaries/mmcif_std.dic/Items/index.html">Data Items</a></li> <li > <a href="/dictionaries/mmcif_std.dic/Data/index.html">Supporting Data</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="panel panel-default general"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">General <a href="#" class="mytip pull-right" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" title="General information"> <img class="" src="/assets/images/glyphicons-dot-com/png/glyphicons_195_circle_info.png"></a></h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <dl class="dl-horizontal dl-lg"> <dt >Dictionary title</dt> <dd >mmCIF Dictionary</dd> <dt >Dictionary description</dt> <dd >Original IUCr mmCIF Dictionary</dd> <dt >Original developers</dt> <dd >IUCr working group: Paula M. Fitzgerald, Helen Berman,Phil Bourne, Brian McMahon, Keith Watenpaugh, and John Westbrook</dd> <dt >Dictionary maintainers</dt> <dd >wwPDB for the IUCr</dd> <dt >Dictionary name</dt> <dd >mmcif_std.dic</dd> <dt >Dictionary version</dt> <dd >2.0.11</dd> <dt >Last update</dt> <dd >2007-05-30</dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="panel panel-default default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Downloads <a href="#" class="mytip pull-right" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" title="Download options"> <img class="" src="/assets/images/glyphicons-dot-com/png/glyphicons_181_download_alt.png"></a></h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="col-md-10 col-md-offset-1"> <a class="btn btn-lg btn-wwpdb-green" href="/dictionaries/ascii/mmcif_std.dic">Dictionary Text</a> <a class="btn btn-lg btn-wwpdb-green" href="/dictionaries/ascii/mmcif_std.dic.gz">Dictionary Text (gz)</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="panel-group my-spacer" id="pg1"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <!-- begin top accordion panel --> <div class="panel-heading"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <h4 class="panel-title"> Dictionary Revision History </h4> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <a class="accordion-toggle pull-right" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#pg1" href="#p1"> View/Hide revision history list </a> </div> </div> <!-- end heading row --> </div> <!-- end panel heading --> <div id="p1" class="panel-collapse collapse in"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- BEGIN inserted markup --> <div class="my-table-scrollable"> <table class="table table-striped table-condensed "> <thead> <tr> <th>Version</th> <th>Revision Date</th> <th>Revision Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-05-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Changes (jdw):<br /> + Make all key items mandatory.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">2006-02-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Changes (jdw):<br /> + Added category groups to audit_link, diffrn_reflns_class, refine_ls_class,<br /> reflns_class, space_group, space_group_symop, valence_param, valence_ref.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.09</td> <td class="my-monospace">2005-06-27</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Internal dates used for housekeeping prior to release<br /> 2005-04-13<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-13<br /> + Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation.<br /> + pdb_group definition: Brookhaven Protein Data Bank changed to<br /> Protein Data Bank.<br /><br /> 2005-04-14<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-14<br /> + Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation.<br /> + _atom_sites.solution_* descriptions edited so each appropriate<br /> to the particular data name.<br /> +_chem_comp.formula description edited to match that in core dictionary<br /> +_chem_comp.three_letter_code: several typing errors in amino-acid and<br /> base names corrected.<br /> +_chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_z: 'The x component ...' changed to<br /> 'The z component...'<br /> +_chemical.melting_point_* descriptions edited so each appropriate to the<br /> particular data name.<br /> +_chemical.temperature_decomposition_* descriptions edited so each<br /> appropriate to the particular data name.<br /> +_chemical.temperature_sublimation_* descriptions edited so each appropriate<br /> to the particular data name.<br /><br /> 2005-04-15<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-15<br /> + Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation.<br /> +_citation.journal_id_CSD description, Brookhaven Protein Data Bank<br /> changed to Protein Data Bank.<br /> +_database.code_* entries edited so each is relevant to the particular<br /> data name<br /> +_database_PDB_matrix.scale[3][3]: description changed from 'The [1][1]<br /> element of the PDB SCALE matrix.' to 'The [3][3] element of the PDB SCALE<br /> matrix.'<br /> +_diffrn.ambient_pressure_gt and _lt, descriptions edited so each is<br /> relevant to the particular data name.<br /> +_diffrn.ambient_temp_gt and _lt, descriptions edited so each is relevant<br /> to the particular data name.<br /> +_diffrn_attenuator.scale description changed to match that in the core<br /> dictionary.<br /> _diffrn_radiation_wavelength in description<br /> changed to _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength<br /> +_diffrn_reflns_class.av_sgI/I description [sum|u(net I)|/sum|net I|] changed<br /> to [sum|sigma(net I)|/sum|net I|]<br /> +_diffrn_reflns_class.d_res_high and _low descriptions changed to match<br /> those in the core dictionary<br /> +diffrn_source Example 1 _diffrn_source.power '50 kw, 180 mA' changed to<br /> _diffrn_source.power 50 and _diffrn_source.current 180<br /> +_exptl_crystal.density_Matthews year of reference corrected from 1960 to<br /> 1968<br /> +_exptl_crystal.density_meas_gt and _lt descriptions edited so each is<br /> relevant to the particular data name.<br /> +_exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp_gt and _lt descriptions edited so each<br /> is relevant to the particular data name.<br /> +geom_contact and geom_bond Example 1 year for reference corrected from<br /> 1991 to 1992<br /> +_phasing_MAD_ratio.d_res_high and low ; _phasing_MAD_set.d_res_high<br /> and _low; _phasing_MIR.d_res_high and low; _phasing_MIR_der.d_res_high<br /> and low; _phasing_MIR_der_shell.d_res_high and low;<br /> _phasing_MIR_shell.d_res_high and low and _refine.ls_d_res_high and low<br /> rephrased to correspond to similar terms in the core dictionary.<br /> +Spelling of Lattman corrected in references to Hendrickson, W. A. &<br /> Lattman, E. E. (1970). Acta Cryst. B26, 136-143.<br /> +Temperature factor replaced by displacement parameter throughout.<br /> +refine Example 2 _refine.ls_weighting_scheme<br /> 'calc w=1/(\s^2^(F)+0.0004F^2^)' split into _refine.ls_weighting_scheme and<br /> _refine.ls_weighting_details<br /> +_refine.ls_extinction_coef and _refine.ls_extinction_method reference to<br /> Becker and Coppens corrected to 129-147, 148-153 (is two articles).<br /> +_refine.ls_restrained_S_all and _obs: Y~calc~ = the observed coefficients<br /> changed toY~calc~ = the calculated coefficients<br /><br /> 2005-04-18<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-18<br /> + Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation.<br /> + temperature factor changed to displacement parameter throughout<br /> + _refine_ls_class.R_factor_all 'and for significantly intense reflections<br /> (see _reflns.threshold_expression) ' removed from description.<br /> + _refine_ls_class.R_factor_gt 'for all reflections' removed from<br /> description.<br /> + _refine_ls_class.d_res_high and _low, _refine_analyze.RG_d_res_high<br /> and _low, _refine_ls_shell.d_res_high and _low,<br /> _reflns.d_resolution_high and low, _reflns_class.d_res_high and _low,<br /> _reflns_shell.d_res_high and _low definitions edited to match related<br /> definitions in the core dictionary<br /> + _refln.intensity_calc _meas, _sigma edited to match corresponding entries<br /> in the core dictionary<br /> + _reflns.Friedel_coverage in description _reflns_number_total changed to<br /> _reflns.number_all.<br /> + _reflns_class.R_factor_all 'and for significantly intense reflections (see<br /> _reflns.threshold_expression)' removed from description.<br />+ _reflns_class.R_factor_gt 'all reflections, and for' removed from description<br />+ _reflns_class.number_total in description: _reflns_special_details<br /> changed to _reflns.details<br /><br /> 2005-04-19<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-19<br /> + Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation.<br /> + _valence_param.ref_id description: _valence_ref_id changed<br /> to<br /> + References to International Tables updated.<br /><br /> 2005-04-22<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-22<br /> + _cell.reciprocal_angle_alpha, beta and gamma: descriptions edited<br /> so each appropriate to the particular data name.<br /> + _cell.reciprocal_length_a, b and c: descriptions edited so each<br /> appropriate to the particular data name.<br /> + _struct_mon_nucl.chi1 and _chi2; descriptions edited from<br /> `... sugar-base torsion angle chi...' to '... sugar-base torsion angle chi1'<br /> and '... sugar-base torsion angle chi2'<br /><br /> 2005-05-03<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-05-03<br /> + several data items *_esd edited so that the description reads<br /> 'the standard uncertainly of *', not 'the standard uncertainty of *_esd'<br /> + several DDL1 datanames in descriptions changed to DDL2 datanames<br /><br /> 2005-05-10<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-05-10<br /> + _citation.journal_id_CSD example changed from 070 to 0070<br /> + Mursudov and Dodson (1997) references corrected<br /> + References to Cruickshank DPI updated<br /> + References to Luzzati (1952) corrected<br /><br /> 2005-06-23<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-06-23<br /> added. Corrections for IT G Chapter 4.5 included.<br /><br /> 2005-06-25 (BM)<br /> ITEM_UNITS_LIST: cosmetic changes to definitions of some units<br /> ITEM_UNITS_CONVERSION: multipliers in electrons per <unit> cubed terms fixed<br /><br /> 2005-06-27 (BM)<br /> Some minor editorial changes to ensure consistency with latest pdbx<br /> dictionary version. Only significant change:<br /> + in the listing for _software.citation_id has <br /> _item.mandatory_code changed to "no" to match the value in<br /> save__software.citation_id and to match pdbx</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.08</td> <td class="my-monospace">2005-04-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW) 2005-04-06<br /> + Added mandatory code _cell.reciprocal_angle_beta<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.07</td> <td class="my-monospace">2005-03-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW) 2005-03-08<br /> + Changed related references to _diffrn.ambient_temperature to<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temp<br /> + Changed related references to _refln.observed_status to<br /> _refln.status<br /> + Restore original case to FOM - although case is not an issue for<br /> mmCIF it is an issue for XML translations.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.06</td> <td class="my-monospace">2005-03-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /><br /> + The following data items added to maintain data item correspondence<br /> with the CIF CORE dictionary V 2.3. All aliases in section 1 updated<br /> to version 2.3.<br /> _atom_site.adp_type<br /> _atom_site.refinement_flags<br /> _atom_site.refinement_flags_adp<br /> _atom_site.refinement_flags_occupancy<br /> _atom_site.refinement_flags_posn<br /> _atom_sites.special_details<br /> _atom_type.scat_dispersion_source<br /> _audit_link.block_code<br /> _audit_link.block_description<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_alpha<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_beta<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_gamma<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_alpha_esd<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_beta_esd<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_gamma_esd<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_a<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_b<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_c<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_a_esd<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_b_esd<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_c_esd<br /> _cell.special_details<br /> _chemical.absolute_configuration<br /> _chemical.melting_point_gt<br /> _chemical.melting_point_lt<br /> _chemical.optical_rotation<br /> _chemical.properties_biological<br /> _chemical.properties_physical<br /> _chemical.temperature_decomposition<br /> _chemical.temperature_decomposition_esd<br /> _chemical.temperature_decomposition_gt<br /> _chemical.temperature_decomposition_lt<br /> _chemical.temperature_sublimation<br /> _chemical.temperature_sublimation_esd<br /> _chemical.temperature_sublimation_gt<br /> _chemical.temperature_sublimation_lt<br /> _citation.database_id_CSD<br /> _database.CSD_history<br /> _database.code_CAS<br /> _database.code_CSD<br /> _database.code_ICSD<br /> _database.code_MDF<br /> _database.code_NBS<br /> _database.code_PDB<br /> _database.code_PDF<br /> _database.code_depnum_ccdc_fiz<br /> _database.code_depnum_ccdc_journal<br /> _database.code_depnum_ccdc_archive<br /> _diffrn.ambient_pressure<br /> _diffrn.ambient_pressure_esd<br /> _diffrn.ambient_pressure_gt<br /> _diffrn.ambient_pressure_lt<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature_esd<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature_gt<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature_lt<br /> _diffrn_attenuator.material<br /> _diffrn_detector.area_resol_mean<br /> _diffrn_detector.dtime<br /> _diffrn_refln.class_code<br /> _diffrn_refln.intensity_u<br /> _diffrn_reflns.av_unetI/netI<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.av_R_eq<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.av_sgI/I<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.av_uI/I<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.code<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.description<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.d_res_high<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.d_res_low<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.number<br /> _diffrn_source.take-off_angle<br /> _diffrn_standards.scale_u<br /> _exptl_crystal.colour_lustre<br /> _exptl_crystal.colour_modifier<br /> _exptl_crystal.colour_primary<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_esd<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_gt<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_lt<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp_esd<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp_gt<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp_lt<br /> _geom_bond.valence<br /> _publ_author.id_iucr<br /> _refine.ls_R_factor_gt<br /> _refine.ls_goodness_of_fit_gt<br /> _refine.ls_goodness_of_fit_ref<br /> _refine.ls_shift/esd_max<br /> _refine.ls_shift/esd_mean<br /> _refine.ls_shift/su_max<br /> _refine.ls_shift/su_max_lt<br /> _refine.ls_shift/su_mean<br /> _refine.ls_shift/su_mean_lt<br /> _refine_ls_class.code<br /> _refine_ls_class.d_res_high<br /> _refine_ls_class.d_res_low<br /> _refine_ls_class.R_factor_gt<br /> _refine_ls_class.R_factor_all<br /> _refine_ls_class.R_Fsqd_factor<br /> _refine_ls_class.R_I_factor<br /> _refine_ls_class.wR_factor_all<br /> _refln.class_code<br /> _refln.d_spacing<br /> _refln.include_status<br /> _refln.mean_path_length_tbar<br /> _refln.observed_status<br /> _refln.sint/lambda<br /> _reflns.Friedel_coverage<br /> _reflns.number_gt<br /> _reflns_class.code<br /> _reflns_class.description<br /> _reflns_class.d_res_high<br /> _reflns_class.d_res_low<br /> _reflns_class.number_gt<br /> _reflns_class.number_total<br /> _reflns_class.R_factor_all<br /> _reflns_class.R_factor_gt<br /> _reflns_class.R_Fsqd_factor<br /> _reflns_class.R_I_factor<br /> _reflns_class.wR_factor_all<br /> _reflns_shell.meanI_over_sigI_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.meanI_over_uI_all<br /> _reflns_shell.meanI_over_uI_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.number_measured_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.number_unique_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.percent_possible_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.Rmerge_F_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.Rmerge_I_gt<br /> _space_group.crystal_system<br /><br /> _space_group.IT_number<br /> _space_group.name_Hall<br /> _space_group.name_H-M_alt<br /><br /> _space_group_symop.operation_xyz<br /> _space_group_symop.sg_id<br /> _valence_param.atom_1<br /> _valence_param.atom_1_valence<br /> _valence_param.atom_2<br /> _valence_param.atom_2_valence<br /> _valence_param.B<br /> _valence_param.details<br /><br /> _valence_param.ref_id<br /> _valence_param.Ro<br /><br /> _valence_ref.reference<br /><br /> Changes (BM): 2005-03-03<br /> Editorial changes to accompany International Tables Volume G publication<br /> (B. McMahon):<br /> + Fixed broken example loop for _phasing_MAD_ratio.*<br /> + Expanded the definitions for _phasing_MIR_der_refln.HL_A_iso (and B, C<br /> and D terms) and provided literature reference<br /> + Abbreviation .FOM (for figure-of-merit) consistently rendered lowercase<br /> + Expanded the definitions for _refine.solvent_model_param_bsol (and<br /> *_ksol) and provided literature reference<br /> + Rearranged the order of entries in the REFINE_ANALYZE category to<br /> preserve strict alphabetisation<br /> + Removed _refine_ls_restr_type.U_sigma_weights from example in<br /> REFINE_LS_RESTR_TYPE category<br /> + Commented out the incorrect example for the CHEM_COMP_LINK category<br /> + For the example in the ENTITY_NAME_SYS category supplied the EC<br /> number and the systematic name "water"; also trimmed the irrelevant<br /> last line of the definition.<br /> + Changed the vague 'x,x-pyranoside' example of<br /> to 'hydroquinone-beta-D-pyranoside' and matched this with 'arbutin'<br /> for<br /> + Removed the CAVEAT and REMARK terms (and PDB code trailers) from the<br /> contents pf the _database_PDB_caveat.* and *_remark.* examples in<br /> accordance with current PDB practice<br /> + Updated reference to Tickle et al. in _refine_analyze.RG_free_work_ratio<br /> + Fixed few minor typos<br /> + Cosmetic reflowing of textual examples to aid typesetting<br /> + Added Engh & Huber and Priestle references to example details<br /> + Changed upper enumeration limit of _atom_site_attached_hydrogens to 8<br /> in line with current Core dictionary<br /> + Added URL of PDB format description to _database_PDB_rev.mod_type<br /> + Extended enumeration list of _publ.requested_category for Acta E papers<br /> + Updated definition of _refine.ls_abs_structure_Flack and *_Rogers to<br /> reflect the more correct wording of the current Core dictionary.<br /> + Added _item_range.maximum and *minimum to _refine.ls_abs_structure_Rogers<br /> in line with new wording of definition.<br /><br /> Changes (NJA): 2005-03-03<br /> + Commented out duplicate save frames for following items with<br /> _item_aliases.version 2.0.1:<br /> _atom_site.refinement flags, _database.code_CAS, _database.code_CSD<br /> _database.code_ICSD, _database.code_MDF, _database.code_NBS<br /> _database.code_PDF, _diffrn.ambient_pressure, _diffrn.ambient_pressure.esd<br /> _diffrn_detector.dtime, _exptl_crystal.density.meas<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp, _refln.mean_path_length_tbar<br /><br /> Changes (BM): 2005-03-03<br /> + Fixed erroneous in save__diffrn.ambient_pressure_esd<br /> + Removed erroneous aliases to *_esd quantities in coreCIF 2.3:<br /> _cell_reciprocal_angle_alpha_esd, _cell_reciprocal_angle_beta_esd<br /> _cell_reciprocal_angle_gamma_esd, _cell_reciprocal_length_a_esd<br /> _cell_reciprocal_length_b_esd, _cell_reciprocal_length_c_esd<br /> _chemical_temperature_decomposition_esd<br /> _chemical_temperature_sublimation_esd<br /> _diffrn.ambient_pressure_esd, _diffrn_ambient_temperature_esd<br /> _exptl_crystal_density_meas_esd, _exptl_crystal_density_meas_temp_esd<br /> + Removed redundant aliases:<br /> _cell.special_details ( = _cell.details)<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature ( = _diffrn.ambient_temp)<br /> _refine.ls_shift/esd_max ( = _refine.ls_shift_over_esd_max)<br /> _refine.ls_shift/esd_mean ( = _refine.ls_shift_over_esd_mean)<br /> _refln.observed_status ( = _refln.status)<br /> _refln.sint/lambda ( = _refln.sint_over_lambda)<br /> + Changed _refine.ls_shift/su_max to _refine.ls_shift_over_su_max<br /> and likewise for *_lt, *_mean and *_max_lt<br /><br />Changes (NJA): 2005-03-07<br />+ Changed _reflns.class_d_res_low to _reflns_class.d_res_low in description of<br /> _reflns_class.wR_factor_all<br />+ Added [][] to _atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix, _diffrn_reflns.transf_matrix<br /> and _diffrn_orient_matrix.UB for consistency throughout.<br />+ Changed _chem_comp_link.type_1 and _2 to _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1<br /> and 2 in _chem_link_angle.atom_id_1 and _2<br />+ Changed all occurences of _diffrn.ambient_temperature to _diffrn.ambient_temp<br />+ Changed _diffrn_reflns.class_code to _diffrn_reflns_class.code in<br /> _diffrn_refln.class_code<br />+ Changed _geom_bond.distance to _geom_bond.dist in description of<br /> _geom_bond.valence.<br />+ Changed _refln.observed_status to _refln.status in refln.include_status<br />+ Changed _reflns.special_details to _reflns.details in _reflns.number_gt and<br /> _reflns_class.number_gt<br />+ Created new entry for _reflns.threshold_expression, as no entry existed and<br /> many item descriptions referred to _reflns_threshold_expression (these were<br /> then changed to _reflns.threshold_expression).<br />+ Changed _struct_mon_prot.alt_id, _struct_mon_prot.asym_id,<br /> _struct_mon_prot.comp_id and _struct_mon_prot.seq_id to<br /> _struct_mon_prot.label_alt_id, _struct_mon_prot.label_asym_id,<br /> _struct_mon_prot.label_comp_id and _struct_mon_prot.label_seq_id<br /> in Example 1 of _struct_mon_prot.<br />+ Changed _struct_site_view.view_id to in Example 1<br /> of _struct_site_view.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.05</td> <td class="my-monospace">2004-08-04</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Changed data type of _refine.ls_redundancy_reflns_all,<br /> _refine.ls_redundancy_reflns_obs,<br /> _refine_ls_shell.redundancy_reflns_all,<br /> _refine_ls_shell.redundancy_reflns_obs<br /> from int to float.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.04</td> <td class="my-monospace">2004-04-21</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Changed working name and packaging of dictionary.<br /> + _reflns_shell_number_possible range data type error fixed<br /> + Fix syntax errors in category examples.<br /> + Remove nonsense zero value default values<br /> + Remove all default values from *_esd items<br /> + Make _atom_site.label_* mandatory<br /> + Make _atom_site.auth_asym_id mandatory<br /> + Make _software.citation_id optional</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.03</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-11-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Relax regular expression for atom names to accept blanks in atom names<br /> in order to support nomenclature used in many existing macromolecular<br /> data files. Data type "atcode" has been assigned to<br /> _chem_comp_atom.atom_id, _atom_site.auth_atom_id and all related items.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.02</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-10-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Updated enumerations for _database_PDB_rev.mod_type.<br /> + Updated enumerations for<br /> + Corrected data type of _refine_ls_shell.percent_reflns_obs<br /> from int to float<br /> + Updated preliminary description of _database_PDB_rev.status.<br /> + Changed regular expression for float to accept trailing decimal (ie. dd.)<br /> + Add () to regular expressions for code and ucode.<br /> + Added L-saccharide, D-saccharide, saccharide to enumerants for<br /> _chem_comp.type to handle monosaccarided components where linking<br /> cannot be inferred.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.01</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-10-17</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Integrated new definitions and extensions to existing categories.<br /> Additional data definitions submitted by Kim Henrick. Content<br /> of phasing definitions reviewed by Paula Fitgerald. Content<br /> of refinement definitions reviewed by Dale Tronrud. Editorial<br /> review by Helen Berman, John Westbrook, and Paula Fitzgerald.<br /><br /> New Items included in this version:<br /><br /> _phasing_MIR.d_res_high, _phasing_MIR.d_res_low, _phasing_MIR.FOM,<br /> _phasing_MIR.FOM_acentric, _phasing_MIR.FOM_centric, _phasing_MIR.reflns,<br /> _phasing_MIR.reflns_acentric, _phasing_MIR.reflns_centric,<br /> _phasing_MIR.reflns_criterion, _phasing_MIR_der.power_acentric,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der.power_centric, _phasing_MIR_der.R_cullis_acentric,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der.R_cullis_anomalous, _phasing_MIR_der.R_cullis_centric,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der.reflns_acentric, _phasing_MIR_der.reflns_anomalous,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der.reflns_centric, _phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_anom,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_anom_su, _phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_iso,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_iso_su, _phasing_MIR_shell.FOM_acentric,<br /> _phasing_MIR_shell.FOM_centric, _phasing_MIR_shell.reflns_acentric,<br /> _phasing_MIR_shell.reflns_anomalous, _phasing_MIR_shell.reflns_centric,<br /> _refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc, _refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc_free,<br /> _refine.overall_SU_B, _refine.overall_SU_ML,<br /> _refine.overall_SU_R_Cruickshank_DPI, _refine.overall_SU_R_free,<br /> _refine.overall_FOM_free_R_set, _refine.overall_FOM_work_R_set,<br /> _refine_analyze.RG_d_res_high, _refine_analyze.RG_d_res_low,<br /> _refine_analyze.RG_free, _refine_analyze.RG_work, and<br /> _refine_analyze.RG_free_work_ratio.<br /><br /> + New categories included in this version:<br /> REFINE_FUNCT_MINIMIZED,REFINE_LS_RESTR_TYPE, REFLN_SYS_ABS.<br /> + Modification of examples for _refine_ls_restr.type<br /><br /> + Contributed editorial and typographical corrections.<br /> + Corrected incomplete keys in categories PHASING_MAD_SET and<br /> DATABASE_PDB_REV_RECORD.<br /> + _exptl.method enumerations moved to examples.<br /> + Added database codes for RCSB and EBI.<br /> + Fixed item examples in _publ_body.label.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.0.00</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-10-14</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Editorial changes in light of proof-reading by B. McMahon and I.D. Brown<br /> + No data names or enumeration values have changed, with the exception<br /> of the addition of the enumeration value 'other' to exptl.method<br /> + The bulk of the changes, which are too numerous to list there, were<br /> fixing spelling and grammar errors, and providing missing definitions<br /> + In a few cases, data definitions were reworded for clarity<br /> + Replaced erroneous occurances of Y~calc~ with Y~obs~ in the defintions of<br /> weighted R factors (Ian Tickle)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.9.01</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-31</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Removed occurrance of two or more blank lines<br /> + Enforced rule of no apostrophes around values for<br /> + Enforced rule of no apostrophes around values for_item_default.value<br /> + Enforced rule of no apostrophes around values for_item.mandatory_code<br /> and fixed one alignment problem<br /> + Enforced rule of no apostrophes around values for<br /> _item_related.function_code and fixed a few alignment problems<br /> + Added _item.mandatory_code for _diffrn_refln.wavelength_id<br /> + Changed cifdic.c94 to cif_core.dic in _item_aliases.dictionary everywhere<br /> + Changed 2.0 to 2.0.1 in _item_aliases.version everywhere<br /> + Changed to consistent usage of kelvins instead of kelvin, got rid of<br /> capitalized versions<br /> + Removed capitalized usages of angstroms<br /> + Enforced rule of no apostrophes around values for _item_units.code<br /> + Fixed alignment problems with a few values</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.9.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Corrected _reflns_observed_criterion to _reflns.observed_criterion in<br /> a number of places<br /> + Aligned enumeration lists in this dictionary with those in version 2.0 of<br /> the core dictionary. This involved changes in:<br /> _citation.coordinate_linkage<br /> _diffrn_radiation.xray_symbol<br /> _diffrn_refln.scan_mode<br /> _diffrn_refln.scan_mode_backgd<br /> _exptl.absorpt_correction_type<br /> _publ_manuscript_incl.extra_defn<br /> _refine.ls_hydrogen_treatment<br /> _refine.ls_structure_factor_coef<br /> + A number of corrections to errors pointed out by H. Bernstein<br /> Added to<br /> Fixed spelling of _publ.section_exptl_soltuion<br /> Corrected _refine.ls_R_factor_work to<br /> _refine.ls_R_factor_R_work in description<br /> Corrected spelling of _refine_analyze.Luzaatti_d_res_low_obs in example<br /> Corrected spelling of _refine_analyze.Luzzatti_coordinate_error_obs in<br /> example<br /> Corrected _geom_hbond.atom_site_label_id_D to<br /> _geom_hbond.atom_site_id_D in example<br /> Corrected _geom_hbond.atom_site_label_id_H to<br /> _geom_hbond.atom_site_id_H in example<br /> Corrected _geom_hbond.atom_site_label_id_A to<br /> _geom_hbond.atom_site_id_A in example<br /> Corrected _entry_link.description to _entry_link.details<br /> Corrected _DIFFRN_SCALE_GROUP to DIFFRN_SCALE_GROUP in description<br /> Corrected _refine_ls_restr_ncs.model_details to<br /> _refine_ls_restr_ncs.ncs_model_details in example<br /> Corrected _refln.observed_criterion to _reflns.observed_criterion in<br /> description<br /> Corrected _struct_biol_view.view_id to in example<br /> Corrected to _chem_comp_link.link_id in example<br /> Corrected _chem_comp_link.comp_type_1 to<br /> _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1<br /> Corrected _chem_comp_link.comp_type_1 to<br /> _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1<br /> Corrected _entry_link.link_id to _entry_link.entry_id in description<br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> Corrections to REFINE_HIST category example and removal of a<br /> few misplaced colons.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.12</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> Replaced all tabs with spaces.<br /> Fixed instances of lines > 80 characters.<br /> Added 'GLX' to the enumeration list for _chem_comp.three_letter_code.<br /> Added 'B' and 'Z' to the enumeration list for<br /> _chem_comp.one_letter_code.<br /> Corrected definition for _cell_measurement.wavelength.<br /> Corrected definitions for _atom_type.scat_dispersion_imag and<br /> _atom_type.scat_dispersion_real.<br /> Corrected examples for categories: CITATION, DIFFRN_DETECTOR,<br /> DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT, DIFFRN_SOURCE, GEOM_HBOND, REFINE_ANALYZE,<br /> REFINE_LS_RESTR,<br /> Corrected definition for _reflns_shell.Rmerge_F_obs.<br /> Corrected definition for _reflns_scale.group_code.<br /> Changed _refine_ls_restr_ncs.weight_iso_B to<br /> _refine_ls_restr_ncs.weight_B_iso.<br /> Corrected definitions in: _diffrn_refln.angle_[chi-theta].<br /><br /> Using experimental data kindly provided by Tom Emge,<br /> Shri Jain, Rachel Kramer, Jinsong Liu, and Gary Parkinson<br /> examples were added for the following categories:<br /> DIFFRN_ORIENT_MATRIX, DIFFRN_ORIENT_REFLN, DIFFRN_REFLN,<br /> DIFFRN_SCALE_GROUP, EXPTL, EXPTL_CRYSTAL, EXPTL_CRYSTAL_FACE,<br /> STRUCT_REF_SEQ, STRUCT_REF_SEQ_DIF, STRUCT_NCS_OPER,<br /> STRUCT_NCS_DOM, STRUCT_NCS_DOM_LIM, STRUCT_NCS_ENS,<br /> STRUCT_NCS_ENS_GEN, REFINE_LS_RESTR_NCS, PHASING_MIR_DER_REFLN,<br /> PHASING_SET, PHASING_SET_REFLN, STRUCT_MON_NUCL, STRUCT_MON_PROT,<br /> REFINE_HIST, ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP, CHEM_COMP_LINK, JOURNAL, PUBL,<br /> CELL_MEASUREMENT_REFLN, CHEMICAL, CHEMICAL_CONN_ATOM,<br /> CHEMICAL_CONN_BOND, STRUCT_BIOL_VIEW, STRUCT_SITE_VIEW,<br /> STRUCT_MON_PROT_CIS.<br /> Added _exptl_crystal_face.crystal_id.<br /> Added items: _reflns.observed_criterion_I_min<br /> _reflns.observed_criterion_I_max<br /> _reflns.observed_criterion_F_max<br /> _reflns.observed_criterion_F_min.<br /> Changed dictionary tile and data block name to the conforming<br /> name recommended by SRH/BMcM, cif_mm.dic.<br /> Restore consistency to the 'arbitrary units' suffix:<br /> Changed _phasing_set_refln.F_meas_au_sigma to<br /> _phasing_set_refln.F_meas_sigma_au<br /> Changed _phasing_mir_der_refln.F_meas_au_sigma to<br /> _phasing_mir_der_refln.F_meas_sigma_au<br /> Changed _phasing_set_refln.F_meas_au_sigma to<br /> _phasing_set_refln.F_meas_sigma_au<br /> Changed _refln.F_meas_au_sigma to<br /> _refln.F_meas_sigma_au<br /> Although data item names and category names are not case<br /> sensitive, as a matter of style certain abbreviations are<br /> consistently expressed in upper case (e.g. B, MIR, MAD, PDB).<br /> Corrected definition for category DATABASE.<br /> Added category ENTRY_LINK and corresponding aliases to<br /> CIF core category audit_link.<br /> Corrected alias name _refine_ls_R_I_factor.<br /> Added core CIF alias _diffrn_refln_crystal_id to data item<br /> _diffrn.crystal_id.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> Enforced style of only one space at the end of a sentence and after a ;<br /> Enforced stye in the categories section<br /> Enforced style of Need example 1<br /> + More changes to provide compatibility for PDB Remark 3<br /> Added _refine.B_iso_mean<br /> Added _refine.ls_percent_reflns_obs<br /> Added _refine.ls_R_factor_R_free_error<br /> Added _refine.ls_R_factor_R_free_error_details<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.percent_reflns_obs<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.R_factor_R_free_error<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.redundancy_reflns_all<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.redundancy_reflns_obs<br /> Added _refine.ls_redundancy_reflns_all<br /> Added _refine.ls_redundancy_reflns_obs<br /> Added _reflns.observed_criterion_sigma_F<br /> Added _reflns.observed_criterion_sigma_I<br /> Added REFINE_LS_RESTR_NCS category<br /> Added _refine.solvent_model_details<br /> Added _refine.solvent_model_param_bsol<br /> Added _refine.solvent_model_param_ksol</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Still more changes to align with new core:<br /> Added _refine.ls_R_Fsqd_factor_obs<br /> Added _refine.ls_R_I_factor_obs<br /> Added _atom_site.disorder_assembly<br /> Added new definition of _atom_site.disorder_group<br /> Many more style and wording changes<br /> Changes to provide compatibility with PDB Remark 3<br /> Added _chem_comp_chir_atom.comp_id<br /> Added _diffrn.ambient_temp_details<br /> Added _exptl_crystal_grow.temp_details<br /> Enlarged enumeration list of _phasing.method<br /> Added _reflns.Rmerge_F_all<br /> Added _reflns.Rmerge_F_obs<br /> Added _reflns.B_iso_Wilson_estimate<br /> Added _reflns.percent_possible_obs<br /> Added _refine_ls_restr.weight<br /> Added _refine.aniso_B data items<br /> Added _exptl_crystal.density_matthews<br /> Added _refine.ls_percent_reflns_R_free<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.percent_reflns_R_free<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_coordinate_error_obs<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_d_res_low_obs<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_sigma_a_obs<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_sigma_a_obs_details<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_coordinate_error_free<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_d_res_low_free<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_sigma_a_free<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_sigma_a_free_details<br /> Added _refine.number_disordered_residues<br /> Added _refine.occupancy_sum_hydrogen<br /> Added _refine.occupancy_sum_non_hydrogen</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.09</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + More changes to align with new core:<br /> Changed _citation.book_coden_ISBN to _citation.book_id_ISBN<br /> Changed _citation.journal_coden_ASTM to _citation.journal_id_ASTM<br /> Changed _citation.journal_coden_CAS to _citation.abstract_id_ASTM<br /> Changed _citation.journal_coden_CSD to _citation.journal_id_CSD<br /> Changed _citation.journal_coden_ISSN to _citation.journal_id_ISSN<br /> Changed _citation.medline_AN to _citation.database_id_Medline<br /> Added _publ.requested_category<br /> Corrected alias for _atom_type.scat_length_neutron<br /> Added _journal.data_validation_number<br /> Changed _diffrn_detector.detector_specific to _diffrn_detector.type<br /> Deleted _diffrn_detector.detector_type<br /> Added _diffrn_radiation.probe<br /> Adjusted definition of _diffrn_radiation.type<br /> Changed _diffrn_source.source_specific to _diffrn_source.type<br /> Deleted old _diffrn_source.type<br /> Changed _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength_wt to<br /> _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wt<br /> Added _diffrn_radiation.xray_symbol<br /> Aliased both versions 1.0 and 2.0 of the core for<br /> _diffrn_detector.detector<br /> _diffrn_detector.dtime<br /> _diffrn_source.source</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.08</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added R_work data items to the various REFINE categories<br /> + Rewrote definitions for existing R-factor definitions to distinguish<br /> between R_work, R_free and conventional R<br /> Changes (JDW) (retrieved from earlier, misplaced version):<br /> + Added data item _chem_comp.mon_nstd_parent_comp_id to provide explicit<br /> reference between a nonstandard component and the parent component.<br /> + Changed _item_type.code for and all of its children<br /> to 'ucode'.<br /> + Changed char3 and char1 to uchar3 and uchar1 to be consistent with<br /> other case insensitive data type codes. Corrected the regular<br /> expressions and primitive codes for these data types.<br /> + Added _chem_comp_atom.partial_charge.<br /> + Corrected the descriptions for _chem_comp_tor.comp_id,<br /> _chem_comp_bond.comp_id and _chem_comp_angle.comp_id.<br /> + Added _chem_comp_tor_value.comp_id as a key for category<br /> CHEM_COMP_TOR_VALUE.<br /> + Added _chem_comp_plane_atom.comp_id as a key in category<br /> CHEM_COMP_PLANE_ATOM.<br /> + Miscellaneous corrections in item descriptions in CHEM_COMP_GROUP<br /> categories.<br /> + Added item _chem_comp_plane_atom.dist_esd</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.07</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-12-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Removed single quote from value of DDL items where they were not needed<br /> + Cleaned up style of range minimum/maximum data value<br /> + Cleaned up alignment of various DDL items<br /> + Deleted _chem_link_bond.value_angle and _chem_link_bond.value_angle_esd</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.06</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-11-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Reorganized categories in the DIFFRN group to formally support<br /> multiple diffraction data sets.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.05</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-11-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + More changes to bring this dictionary into alignement with the extended<br /> core<br /> + Added _chemical_forumula.iupac<br /> + Added _atom_site.B_equiv_geom_mean (and its esd)<br /> + Added _atom_site.U_equiv_geom_mean (and its esd)<br /> + Added _atom_type.scat_length_neutron</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.04</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-11-04</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed format of references in data item definitions to match style of<br /> extended core.<br /> + Changed format of matrices in data item definitions to match style of<br /> extended core, with the addition of more rigorous definition of style<br /> agreed to by PMDF, JDW and HB.<br /> + Changed format of equivations in data item definitions to match style of<br /> extended core, with the addition of more rigorous definition of style<br /> agreed to by PMDF, JDW and HB.<br /> + Added aliases to data items where they were missing to establish<br /> correspondence with extended core.<br /> + Changed frac to fract in _atom_site.frac... data items.<br /> + Added _citation_editor_ordinal.<br /> + Added JOURNAL_INDEX data items, as well as _journal.language and<br /> _journal.paper_category.<br /> + Added _diffrn_measurement_specimen_support<br /> _diffrn_orient_refln_angle_omega<br /> _diffrn_orient_refln_angle_theta<br /> + Added PUBL_BODY category and data items.<br /> + Added _publ.contact_author_address<br /> _publ.contact_author_name<br /> + Added _publ.section_exptl_solution<br /> _publ.section_synopsis<br /> _publ.section_title_footnote<br /> + Added AUDIT_CONFORM category and data items.<br /> + Added GEOM_HBOND category and data items.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.03</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-04-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Began implementing changes to bring this dictionary into alignment<br /> with the current version of the CIF core dictionary. These differences<br /> were provided by Brian McMahon and I. David Brown. As most of these<br /> changes are matters of style and not substance, they will not be noted<br /> individually here. Anything that does involve substance will be.<br /> + Changed specification of the format of names to included that provision<br /> for a dynanastic modifier.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.02</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-03-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed category from chem_comp to chem_comp_link for data items<br /> _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1 and _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1 in the<br /> parent/child tree for the chem_comp.type data item.<br /> + Added _struct_ref_seq.seq_align_beg and _struct_ref_seq.seq_aling_end<br /> to the mandatory code table for _entity_poly_seq.num.<br /> + Added _struct_ref_seq_dif.seq_num to both the parent/child and mandatory<br /> code tables for _entity_poly_seq.num.<br /> + Added data item _struct_ncs_oper.code.<br /> + Changed units type to 8pi2_angstroms_squares for<br /> _atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv and _atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv_esd.<br /> + Moved TVECT vector from DATABASE_PDB_MATRIX to<br /> a new category DATABASE_PDB_TVECT and added a identifier<br /> and details item to this new category. The matrix component of<br /> TVECT has been removed.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.01</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-03-12</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added missing circumflex to definition of<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_percent_sol.<br /> + Fixed erroneous reference to _atom_site.entity_seq_num in definition<br /> of _atom_site.auth_seq_id.<br /> + Changed to in definition of<br /> _chem_comp_link.link_id.<br /> + Changed _citation.journal_coden_PDB to _citation.journal_coden_CSD in<br /> citation category example<br /> + Changed to in definition of<br /> _entity_link.link_id.<br /> + Changed _chem_link.type_comp_1 to _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1 in<br /> _item_name and parent/child tables for _chem_comp.type. The same change<br /> was made for component 2.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-03-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF, HB, JDW):<br /> + Added unit type 8pi2_angstroms_squared B anisotropic temperature factors,<br /> and added conversion factor for this new unit type in the<br /> ITEM_UNITS_CONVERSION category.<br /> + Changed _item_type.code for to 'code'<br /> + Added default value 'no' to _chem_comp.mon_nstd_flag.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.34</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-02-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Integrated STRUCT_REF, STRUCT_REF_SEQ and STRUCT_REF_SEQ_DIF from<br /> PMDF.<br /> + Removed ENTITY_REFERENCE and ENTITY_POLY_SEQ_DIF.<br /> + Integrated modified categories STRUCT_NCS_DOM, STRUCT_NCS_DOM_LIM,<br /> STRUCT_NCS_ENS, STRUCT_NCS_ENS_GEN, and STRUCT_NCS_OPER from PMDF.<br /> + changed _item_type.code's 'char' and 'uchar' to 'line' and 'uline'.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.33</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-02-19</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Replaced category COMP_PROG with category SOFTWARE supplied by<br /> P. Bourne.<br /> + Fine tuned some values of _item_type.code. Fixed regular expression<br /> for code and ucode.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.32</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-02-17</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + atom_site.entity_id renamed atom_site.label_entity_id.<br /> + atom_site.entity_seq_num deleted.<br /> + added items _atom_site.auth_asym_id, _atom_site.auth_atom_id,<br /> _atom_site.auth_comp_id, and _atom_site.auth_seq_id. These<br /> items provide placeholders for alternative nomenclature that<br /> may be used by the author.<br /> + Set the parentage for _atom_site.label_seq_id to<br /> _entity_poly_seq.num. All components of the atom site label<br /> (_atom_site.label_*) are now linked to the mmCIF hierarchical<br /> description of structure. The data items in _atom_site.auth_*<br /> may be used by authors to provide alternative identifiers<br /> in the atom site which conform with the scheme that is used in<br /> the publication of the structure.<br /> + added category group mm_atom_site_auth_label<br /> + added auth_asym_id, auth_atom_id, auth_comp_id, and auth_seq_id<br /> child data items to the categories: GEOM_ANGLE,GEOM_BOND,<br /> GEOM_CONTACT, STRUCT_CONF, STRUCT_CONN, STRUCT_MON_NUCL,<br /> STRUCT_PROT, STRUCT_PROT_CIS, STRUCT_NCS_DOM_GEN,<br /> STRUCT_SHEET_HBOND, STRUCT_SHEET_RANGE, and STRUCT_SITE_GEN.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.31</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-02-12</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Added data items for _database_pdb_matrix.tvect_matrix[][] and<br /> _database_pdb_matrix.tvect_vector[].<br /> + Generalized category CHEM_LINK to handle descriptions of a<br /> any type of linkage. Created CHEM_COMP_LINK to describe<br /> linkages between components, and ENTITY_LINK to describe<br /> linkages between entities (and within entities between<br /> nonsequential components). Both CHEM_COMP_LINK and ENTITY_LINK<br /> reference the linkage description in the CHEM_LINK_* categories.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.30</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-01-29</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF, HB, JDW):<br /> + Added data items for pseudorotation in STRUCT_MON_NUCL.<br /> + Globally changed future tense usage to present tense (eg. will be -> is)<br /> + Added _citation.book_publisher_city.<br /> + Changed _citation.journal_coden_PDB to _citation.journal_coden_CSD.<br /> + Added _citation.journal_coden_CAS.<br /> + Generalized the defintion of _atom_site.calc_flag.<br /> + Corrections to definitions defining beginning and ends of ranges in<br /> category STRUCT_SHEET_HBOND.<br /> + Added data items _diffrn_refln.scan_rate and<br /> _diffrn_refln.scan_time_backgd<br /> + Added HELX_LH_27_P and HELX_RH_27_P helix enumeration types.<br /> + Added figure of merit data item _refln.fom.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.29</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-12-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changes to my title and Brian's in header information.<br /> + Enhanced description of the 'Hill system' of element ordering in<br /> the definition of _chem_comp.formula.<br /> + Added _item.mandatory_code to _phasing_mir_der.native_set_id<br /> + Added DATABASE_PDB_CAVEAT category.<br /> + Changed supercedes to superseded in DATABASE category description.<br /> + Changed DATABASE_NEW to DATABASE_2 in category description.<br /> + Changed SRUCT_SHEET_TOPOLOGY to STRUCT_SHEET_TOPOLOGY in category<br /> description.<br /> + Changed examples for STRUCT_SHEET_RANGE to contain only<br /> _struct_sheet_range.symmetry, not _struct_sheet_range.beg_symmetry and<br /> _struct_sheet_range.end_symmetry<br /> + Added cell.Z_PDB data item<br /> + Changed _atoms_sites.Cartn_tran_matrix to atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix<br /> in definition of _atom_sites.Cartn_transform_axes<br /> + Changed _chem_comp.nstd_class to _chem_comp.mon_nstd_class in<br /> definition of _chem_comp.mon_nstd_flag<br /> + Added data items for _chem_link_bond.value_angle and<br /> _chem_link_bond.value_angle_esd<br /> + Changed reference to _chemical_formula.appendix to CHEMICAL_FORMULA<br /> category description in definition of _chemical_formula.moiety<br /> + Changed _comp.prog.version to _comp_prog.version and<br /> _comp.prog.citation_id to _comp_prog.citation_id in COMP_PROG example<br /> + Changed reference to _computing.phasing_mir in _phasing_mir.method to<br /> a reference to the COMP_PROG category.<br /> Similarly with _computing.phasing_averaging in<br /> _phasing_averaging.method and _computing.phasing_mad in<br /> _phasing_mad.method and _computing.save_reduction in<br /> _reflns.data_reduction_method<br /> + Changed to in<br /> ENTITY_NAME_COM example<br /> + Changed reference to _exptl_crystal.face_ to data items in the<br /> EXPTL_CRYSTAL_FACE category in the definition of<br /> _exptl_crystal.description.<br /> + Changed _diffrn.attenuator_code to _diffrn_attenuator.code in<br /> the definition of _diffrn_refln.attenuator_code<br /> + Changed _exptl.crystal_preparation to _exptl_crystal.preparation in the<br /> definition of _exptl.details<br /> + Changed _geom_bond.distance to _geom_bond.dist in the definition of<br /> _geom_bond.dist_esd<br /> + Added data items for _refine.ls_d_res_high and _refine.ls_d_res_low<br /> + Changed _refine.d_res_high to _refine.ls_d_res_high and<br /> _refine.d_res_low to _refine.ls_d_res_low in the definition of<br /> _refln.status<br /> + Changed _reflns_scale_group.code to _reflns_scale.group_code in the<br /> definition of _refln.scale_group_code<br /> + Changed _struct_site_view_details to _struct_biol_view.details in the<br /> rotation matrix element definitions in the STRUCT_BIOL_VIEW<br /> category (even though I realize that this isn't really correct in<br /> terms of the definition of _struct_biol_view.details)<br /> + Changed _symmetry.equiv_pos_as_xyz to _symmetry_equiv.pos_as_xyz in<br /> the definition of _symmetry.space_group_name_H-M<br /> + Changed _struct_mon.details_RSSR to _struct_mon_details.RSSR and<br /> _struct_mon.details_RSR to _struct_mon_details.RSR in a number of<br /> definitions in the STRUCT_MON_PROT and STRUCT_MON_NUCL categories<br /> + Changed _reflns_shell.possible_%_obs to _reflns_shell.percent_possible_obs<br /> in the REFLNS_SHELL example<br /> + Corrected alphabetical order of data items in the REFLNS_SHELL category<br /> + Changed _struct_sheet.number_details to _struct_sheet.details in the<br /> STRUCT_SHEET examples<br /> + Replaced _struct_sheet_range.beg_symmetry and<br /> _struct_sheet_range.end_symmetry with _struct_sheet_range.symmetry<br /> in the STRUCT_SHEET_RANGE category and fixed example itself<br /> + Changed _refine.ls_number_reflns to _refine.ls_number_reflns_obs in the<br /> definitions of _refine.ls_restrained_S_all and<br /> _refine.ls_restrained_S_obs<br /> + Changed _refine_ls_shell.reflns to _refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_obs in<br /> the REFINE_LS_SHELL example<br /> + Removed example from DATABASE category as it was not longer valid</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.28</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-10-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Removed loop from category example for DATABASE_2<br /> + Fixed data names in category example for STRUCT_KEYWORDS<br /> + Rewrote enumeration list for<br /> + Removed references to chemical_formula.appendix and replaced them with<br /> reference to the CHEMICAL_FORMULA category description<br /> + Added data items _chem_comp.formula and _chem_comp.formula_weight<br /> + Changed _chem_link_angle.atom_1_atom_id to _chem_link_angle.atom_id_1<br /> + Changed _chem_link_angle.atom_2_atom_id to _chem_link_angle.atom_id_2<br /> + Changed _chem_link_angle.atom_3_atom_id to _chem_link_angle.atom_id_3<br /> + Changed _chem_link_bond.atom_1_atom_id to _chem_link_bond.atom_id_1<br /> + Changed _chem_link_bond.atom_2_atom_id to _chem_link_bond.atom_id_2<br /> + Realphabetized to accomodation the above changes<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_CHIR category<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_CHIR_ATOM category<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_PLANE category<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_PLANE_ATOM category<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_TOR category<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_TOR_VALUE category<br /> + Added entries to parent/child table for for reflect the<br /> addition of the new categories.<br /> + Added Engh and Huber/Priestle examples to CHEM_LINK_BOND and<br /> CHEM_LINK_ANGLE<br /> + Realphabetized categories in PHASING_MAD section<br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Added _item_type.code's for _chem_link_chir*.atom_id and<br /> _chem_link_tor.atom_id_*.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.27</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-09-27</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW & SH):<br /> + Added _item_aliases.dictionary and _item_aliases.version to all<br /> alias items.<br /> + Added several missing aliases from cifdic.C94.<br /> + Added a few missing data type codes in chem_link_*<br /> + Modified all _item_range items to reflect the correction in<br /> DDL 2.1.1. Checked all of the boundary conditions on ranges.<br /> + Made corrections in virtually all of the regular expressions.<br /> + Added data types 'ucode' and 'uchar'. These are case insensitive<br /> character types for words and single line strings, respectively.<br /> The regular expressions for these items will match characters<br /> of upper and lower case but the primitive type is uchar so<br /> all comparisons are performed in upper case. This avoids<br /> problems with case, where case is really not important.<br /> + Reviewed all items with character data types and made the following<br /> changes (hopefully uniformly):<br /> - Data items with single word enumerates were set to type 'ucode'.<br /> - Data items with multi word enumerates were set to type 'uchar'.<br /> - Any item which could potentially exceed 80 characters was<br /> set to type text.<br /> - Items which are restricted to single words were set to type 'code'.<br /> - Items which are short strings which may not span lines were<br /> set to type 'char'.<br /> + Moved aliases for anisotropic temperature factors from category<br /> ATOM_SITE to ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP<br /> + Added category DATABASE_PDB_MATRIX to hold the SCALE and ORIGX<br /> matrices/vectors.<br /> + Modified the defintions of data types 'char1' and 'char3' to<br /> permit leading '+' to indicate a modification.<br /> + Checked dictionary with SIFLIB and returned to Paula ...</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.26</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-09-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Put single quotes around 5HVP in those examples where they were missing.<br /> + Fixed registration of '5VHP' in examples.<br /> + Fixed typos in definition of _diffrn_measurement.device_specific.<br /> + Added loop and parent-child tree to _chem_comp.type<br /> + Fixed for _phasing_mir_der.der_set_id<br /> + Fixed for _phasing_mir_der.native_set_id<br /> + Added _phasing_mir_der_refln.set_id to loops and parent-child<br /> tree of<br /> + Fixed two misspellings of reference (refence).</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.25</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-31</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Eliminated duplicate line in _entry_id parent/child table<br /> + Changed the three occurrences of _item_type.code text to char<br /> _atom_sites_alt.details<br /> _atom_sites_alt_ens.details<br /> _database_PDB_remark.text<br /> + Fixed Klyne and Prelog reference in GEOM_TORSION category description<br /> + Added data item _chem_comp_chir.atom_config<br /> + Added hyphen in non-crystallographic in definition sof<br /> _struct_ncs_ens.point_group<br /> + Changed Data Base to Database when referring to the CSD<br /> + Fixed four occurrances of 'the the' in definitions<br /> + Added _item_range.maximum and _item_range.minimum DDL items to<br /> _refine.ls_abs_structure_Flack and removed discussion of limits from<br /> the definition.<br /> + Changed two occurances of 'will be' to 'are' in the definition of<br /> _entity.type.<br /> + Changed ENTITY_NPOL to CHEM_COMP in definition of _entity.type.<br /> + Changes ATOM to HETATM for APS coordinates in Example 1 for the<br /> ATOM_SITE category<br /> + Corrected _item.category_id for _struct_mon_details.prot_cis.<br /> + Corrected _item.category_id for _refine_hist.details.<br /> + Rewrote header comments to emphasize use of the mmCIF listserver as the<br /> forum for the dictionary review process.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.24</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-21</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Corrected for data items in the DIFFRN_STANDARDS category<br /> + Corrected for data items in the PHASING_MAD_EXPT category<br /> + Corrected for selected data items in the PHASING_SET<br /> category<br /> + Corrected alias for _atom_site.thermal_displace_type<br /> + Introduced alias of _atom_site_aniso_label for<br /> + Introduced alias of _atom_site_aniso_type_symbol for<br /> _atom_site_anisotrop.type_symbol</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.23</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed _struct_sheet_gen.label_seq_id to _struct_site_gen.label_seq_id<br /> in _atom_site.label_seq_id tree<br /> + Removed duplicate entry of _phasing_MIR.entry_id in tree<br /> + Removed alias in definitionof _refln.A_meas_au<br /> + Removed _item.category_id from<br /> _chem_link.type_comp_1<br /> _chem_link.type_comp_2<br /> _phasing_mad_clust.expt_id<br /> _phasing_mad_set.clust_id<br /> _phasing_mad_set.expt_id<br /> _phasing_mad_set.set_id<br /> _phasing_mad_ratio.expt_id<br /> _phasing_mad_ratio.clust_id<br /> _phasing_mad_ratio.wavelength_1<br /> _phasing_mad_ratio.wavelength_2<br /> + Removed _item_type.code from most of the above (it wasn't there in all<br /> of them).<br /> + Added _item.mandatory_code to _phasing_mir_der.der_set_id<br /> + Corrected for _phasing_mad_ratio.wavelength_2</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.22</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added definitions for _chem_link_angle.link_id and<br /> _chem_link_bond.link_id<br /> + Straighted out spacing inconsistencies with _item.mandatory_code<br /> + Another quick pass at spell checking</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.21</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-08</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added _citation_author.ordinal and updated examples to reflect this<br /> addition.<br /> + Changed _item.mandatory_code for to 'yes'.<br /> + First pass at checking the dictionary for spelling - lots of little<br /> changes in lots of places.<br /> + Removed many occurrences of 'with with' in definitions.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.20</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Enforced 80 character per line limit throughout.<br /> + Realphabetized _geom_angle.value and _geom_angle.value_esd.<br /> + Realphabetized _geom_torsion.value and _geom_torsion.value_esd.<br /> + Removed trailing blanks.<br /> + Fixed a couple of problems with missing terminal '.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.19</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-07-23</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW & PMDF):<br /> + Minor corrections in sheet example and version update.<br /> + Removed illegal characters from data item names.<br /> Changed any "/" in data item names to "_over_".</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.18</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-07-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Added '_struct_biol_gen.symmetry' to the key on struct_biol_gen.<br /> + Changed category block to entry.<br /> + Added _dictionary.datablock_id<br /> + Replace publ_group and journal_group with category group named iucr_group<br /> + Added category group named pdb_group<br /> + Removed all the _atom_site.label references and repointed any<br /> references to this item to<br /> + Added optional atom identifiers to all of the GEOM categories.<br /> + Added translation vector to transformations in ATOM_SITES<br /> + Created subcategories for matrices and vectors<br /> + Moved _struct.keywords to a new category STRUCT_KEYWORDS<br /> + Added pointer to as part of key in<br /> category EXPTL_CRYSTAL_GROW_COMP.<br /> + Restructured DATABASE_PDB_REMARK category<br /> + Changed alternate_exclusive to replaces and replacedby in<br /> DATABASE and DATABASE_2<br /> + Restructured examples in _chem_comp.one_letter_code ...<br /> + Added data item _chem_comp.three_letter_code<br /> + Made atom_site.label_alt_id and its children an optional item<br /> + Changed item names _atom_sites.frac_tran_* _atom_site.frac_transf_*<br /> and _atom_sites.Cartn_tran_* _atom_site.Cartn_transf_*<br /> + Changed the key of ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP to<br /> + Added all of the GEOM category atom label items to their appropriate<br /> parent data items.<br /> + 'arbitrary' added to list of item_units_list.code's<br /> + Fixed conflicting mandatory codes...</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.17</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-05-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added _phasing_MIR_refln.F_meas_au and _phasing_MIR_refln.F_meas_au_sigma<br /> and adjusted appropriate _item.related DDL<br /> Added _refln.F_meas_au and _refln.F_meas_au_sigma and adjusted as above<br /> Added _phasing_MIR_refln.F_calc_au and adjusted as above<br /> Added _refln.F_calc_au and adjusted as above<br /> Added _refln.A_calc_au and adjusted as above<br /> Added _refln.B_calc_au and adjusted as above<br /> Added _refln.A_meas_au and adjusted as above<br /> Added _refln.B_meas_au and adjusted as above<br /> Changed _item_related.function_code from 'replace' to<br /> 'alternate_exclusive' in database_2 data items<br /> Added _item_related DDL to appropriate _database data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.16</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-05-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added DDL to those data items that didn't have it<br /> Wrote program to check that the added names were all correct<br /> Fixed problems that turned up (including one missing . in<br /> _diffrn_radiation_detector_details</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.15</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-05-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added DDL linking data names that are value to the data names that are<br /> esds of those values<br /> Changed _geom_bond.distance to _geom_bond.dist and _geom_bond.distance_esd<br /> to _geom_bond.dist_esd<br /> Changed _geom_contact.distance to _geom_contact.dist and<br /> _geom_contact.distance_esd to _geom_contact.dist_esd<br /> Changed _cell_measurement.temperature to _cell_measurement.temp and<br /> _cell_measurement.temperature_esd to _cell_measurement.temp_esd<br /> Changed _diffrn.ambient_temperature to _diffrn.ambient_temp and<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature_esd to _diffrn.ambient_temp_esd</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.14</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-05-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Fixed definitions of _phasing_MIR_refln.index_k and<br /> _phasing_MIR_refln.index_l</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.13</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-04-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed all matrices back to element by element representation.<br /> + Reworded definitions of B and U matrices to clarify alternate exclusive<br /> relationship<br /> + Changed 'miller' to 'Miller' in some definitions, but left it 'miller' in<br /> data values.<br /> + Changed 'CIF' to 'data bock' where appropriate.<br /> + Made changes according to notes from last Rutgers meeting. Mostly this is<br /> clearer wording of definitions.<br /> Made formal Ref: for scattering factors.<br /> Changed atom_site.description to atom_site.details<br /> Expanded definitions for the components of the atom site label.<br /> Added disclaimer to some records in ATOM_SITE and ATOM_SITES categories.<br /> Changed _atom_type.analytical_mass_% to<br /> _atom_type.analytical_mass_percent<br /> Expanded definition of AUDIT category<br /> Added separate esd data items to examples in CELL category<br /> Added real formula in definition of _cell.volume<br /> Moved disclaimer to the top in CHEMICAL categories<br /> Changed enumeration to example in _chem_comp.one_letter_code<br /> Changed _phasing_MIR_refln.F_sigma to _phasing_MIR_refln.F_meas_sigma<br /> and adjusted definition to style of other esd definitions. Added type<br /> condition esd to _phasing_MIR_refln.F_meas<br /> Changed refln.observed_status to refln.status in example<br /> Changed _refln.F_sigma to _refln.F_meas_sigma and adjusted definition to<br /> style of other esd definitions. Added type condition esd to<br /> _refln.F_meas</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.12</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-02-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Changed _atom_site.label_res_id to _atom_site.label_comp_id which is<br /> a child of<br /> + Changed all children items named label_res_id to label_comp_id<br /> + Changed descriptions of many label_comp_id to reference correct<br /> parent item. (_atom_site.label_comp_id rather than<br /> + Changed ENTITY_MON to CHEM_COMP and removed polymer component specific<br /> terminology.<br /> + Changed ENTITY_LINK to CHEM_LINK and removed polymer component specific<br /> terminology.<br /> + Added data type for yyyy-mm-dd and applied this where appropriate.<br /> + Added chem_comp_group and chem_link_group to the category group list.<br /> + Added '_' prefix to all data item save frame names.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-02-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Finished standardizing style of equations in definitions<br /> Moved ITEM_TYPE_LIST to bottom of dictionary<br /> Moved ITEM_UNITS_LIST to bottom of dictionary<br /> Moved ITEM_STRUCTURE_LIST to bottom of dictionary<br /> Moved DICTIONARY_HISTORY to bottom of dictionary (it will come back up<br /> to the top with version 1.0.0)<br /> Rewrote dictionary header comments to reflect this dictionary</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-02-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Removed loop_ construction from loop_ or order one, except not for<br /> category examples and not for parent/child loops<br /> Standardized style of yes/no enumeration lists<br /> Made style of all enumeration lists more standard (still not happy here)<br /> Standardized style of examples<br /> Standardized style of references in definitions<br /> Began standardizing style of equations in definitions</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.9</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Fixed syntax errors unearthed by checking of JW and PDB</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added _entity_mon.type, _entity_mon.number_atoms_all,<br /> _entity_mon.number_atoms_nh, _entity_mon.one_letter_code<br /> Added _entity_mon_angle.value_angle_esd, _entity_mon_angle.value_dist_esd,<br /> _entity_mon_bond.value_dist_esd<br /> Added _entity_mon_atom.type_energy, but since this is intended to be a<br /> pointer to a category (_atom_type_energy) that doesn't exist yet, have<br /> left it commented out<br /> Added _entity_mon_chir.volume_three, _entity_mon_chir.volume_three_esd and<br /> _entity_mon_chir.volume_flag<br /> Added _entity_mon_plane.number_atoms_all, _entity_mon_plane.number_atoms_nh<br /> Added _entity_mon_chir.number_atoms_all, _entity_mon_chir.number_atoms_nh<br /> Added<br /> Added _entity_mon_tor_value.angle_esd, _entity_mon_tor_value.dist_esd<br /> Added ENTITY_LINK category<br /> Added ENTITY_LINK_ANGLE category<br /> Added ENTITY_LINK_BOND category<br /> Changes (HB et al.):<br /> + Added STRUCT_MON_NUCL category<br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added label links from STRUCT_MON_NUCL to rest of dictionary<br /> Added label links from STRUCT_MON_PROT as well (forget them initially)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added PHASING_MIR_REFLN category</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-17</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added ENTITY_SRC_NAT category<br /> Added ENTITY_SRC_GEN category<br /> Added ENTITY_NAM_COM category<br /> Added ENTITY_NAM_SYS category<br /> Added _entity.src_method data item<br /> Moved other entity data items to new categories as appropriate</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Provided for sequence microheterogeneity by making _entity_poly_seq.mon_id<br /> part of the category key and by adding the data item<br /> _entity_poly_seq.hetero as a flag<br /> Added ENTITY_POLY_SEQ_DIF category - this meant adjusting some pointer<br /> in referenced data items.<br /> Added _entity_mon_atom.alt_atom_id.<br /> Added COMP_PROG category<br /> Removed non-c91 COMPUTING data items (phasing averaging, MAD, MIR and MR)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-12</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Finished working on STRUCT_MON_PROT category<br /> Added STRUCT_MON_DETAILS category<br /> Added STRUCT_MON_PROT_CIS category<br /> Added STRUCT_NCS_ENS category<br /> Added STRUCT_NCS_ENS_OPER category<br /> Added STRUCT_NCS_DOM category<br /> Added STRUCT_NCS_DOM_GEN category<br /> Added equations to definitions of _phasing_MIR_der_shell.fom and<br /> _phasing_MIR_shell.fom<br /> Added REFINE_HIST category</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Fixed things turned up by JDW checking of 0.7.2<br /> Couple of small typos<br /> Added angstroms_cubed to units list and conversion tables<br /> Added _phasing_MIR_site.atom_type_symbol and added this reference to the<br /> table until _atom_type.symbol<br /> Added _entity_mon_atom.substruct_code<br /> Began adding STRUCT_MON_PROT, but this is not yet complete</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Merged JDW changes with version 0.6.12<br /> Changed _item_type.code of numb to either int or float<br /> Changed _item_description.description to category.description where<br /> appropriate<br /> Fixed a bunch of pure syntax errors<br /> Removed 'refln_scale_group' from list of category groups.<br /> Changed _refln_scale_group_code to _refln.scale_group_code somewhere<br /> Changed REFLN_SCALE_GROUP_CODE to _refln.scale_group_code somewhere<br /> Reformatted CATEGORY_GROUP_LIST items to match style of other<br /> header categories<br /> Ensures that all _category data items obey they rule of first<br /> alphabetic character is column 34 (most didn't before this check)<br /> Removed _item_related stuff from _atom_site.aniso_U[1][1] (at the<br /> rest) data items, and added wording to description that these<br /> items are only there for compliance via the alias (but left in<br /> the one _item_related thing that made the matrix element data item<br /> alternate exclusive to the full matrix data item<br /> Added language about compliance to _atom_sites.Cartn_tran_matrix<br /> Added language about compliance to _diffrn_orient_matrix.UB<br /> Added language about compliance to _diffrn_reflns.transf_matrix<br /> Removed matrix element data items for _atom_sites.fract_tran_matrix -<br /> this wasn't in c91 and so doesn't need aliasing</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-19</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + First pass through SIFLIB checking tools. Corrected syntax errors and<br /> missing parent references.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.14</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-19</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed refine.ls_number_reflns to refine.ls_number_reflns_obs<br /> Added refine.ls_number_reflns_all<br /> Added refine.ls_number_reflns_R_free<br /> Changed _refln.observed_status to refln.status<br /> Expanded enumeration list to include resolution limits and R-free flag<br /> Rewrote definition<br /> Eliminated refln.R_free_status<br /> Changed _refine_ls_shell.number_all to _refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_all<br /> Changed _refine_ls_shell.number_obs to _refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_obs<br /> Changed _refine_ls_shell.number_R_free to<br /> _refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_R_free<br /> Added PHASING category<br /> Filled in and reformatted units conversion table</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.13</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-16</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added data item _refln.R_free_status<br /> Added data item _reflns.R_free_details<br /> Changed _refine_ls_shell.reflns to refine_ls_shell.number_obs<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.number_R_free<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.number_all<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.R_factor_R_free<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.wR_factor_R_free<br /> Tidied up the count and R-factor descriptions in REFINE_LS_SHELL<br /> Added appropriate item_related names to the R-factors in REFINE_LS_SHELL<br /> Changed 'count' to 'number' in several data names<br /> Changed _reflns.number_total to _reflns.number_all<br /> Changed _reflns.number_observed to _reflns.number.obs<br /> Added _refine.ls_R_factor_R_free<br /> Added _refine.ls_wR_factor_R_free<br /> Edited descriptions of the other R-factor data items in the REFINE<br /> category to conform to the style in REFINE_LS_SHELL<br /> Re-alphabetized the things I changed yesterday from special_details to<br /> details - I had forgotten to do that yesterday</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.12</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-15</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed _enumeration_default.code to _item_default.value<br /> Changed _enumeration_default.value to _item_default.value<br /> Changed _enumeration.code to _item_enumeration.value<br /> Changed _enumeration.detail to _item_enumeration.detail<br /> Changed to _item_enumeration.value<br /> Changed _enumeration_limit.maximum to _item_range.maximum<br /> Changed _enumeration_limit.minimum to _item_range.minimum<br /> Checked that matrix were properly labeled as either rw_rowwise or just<br /> plan rowwise.<br /> Reworded matrix descriptions for consistency.<br /> Got rid of the last of the a.b_* constructions in descriptions<br /> Added cell_length, cell_length_esd, cell_angle and cell_angle_esd<br /> subcategories<br /> Changed special_details to details for core items - original names retained<br /> in aliases<br /> Added<br /> Added mm_atom_site_label subcategory<br /> Commented out _atom_site.label_component until it can be dealt with<br /> properly<br /> Changed 'SIF' to 'data block' in a number of descriptions.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-14</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Fixed R-Kraut reference<br /> Changed _reflns_shell.possible_&_all to _reflns_shell.percent_possible_all<br /> Changed _reflns_shell.possible_&_obs to _reflns_shell.percent_possible_obs<br /> Changed _exptl_crystal.density_%_sol to _exptl_crystal.density_percent_sol<br /> Included full formula for this calculation in description<br /> Changed _refine_ls_restr.model _refine_ls_restr.dev_ideal<br /> Changed _refine_ls_restr.dev_ideal_target<br /> Improved wording of all definitions in REFINE_LS_RESTR<br /> Explained sums in _reflns_shell.Rmerge_I_obs and related data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Established check-list for unfinished tasks and began dealing with them<br /> Added enumeration limits of 0 and 1 and enumeration default of 1.0 to<br /> occupancy data items<br /> Left heavy-atom maximum with an enumeration of ?<br /> Added enumeration default of 1_555 to all _symmetry data items where it was<br /> missing<br /> Changed 'connect type' to 'interaction' in _struct_conn_type data items.<br /> Filled out sub_category ddl items for cartesian coordinates, fractional<br /> coordinates, cartesian coordinates esds, and Miller indices.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.9</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added _esd data items where needed<br /> Rationalized descriptions for all of the coordinate data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-08</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Created ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category to provide for ability to have<br /> anisotropic data is a separate loop, if desired.<br /> Checked and fixed a bunch of style things<br /> Added item_units.code of degrees in data items with degrees in the<br /> description but not in the ddl<br /> Added item_units.code of kelvin in data items with kelvin in the<br /> description but not in the ddl (and added 'in degrees kelvin' to the<br /> description of those with item_units.code of kelvin but no corresponding<br /> phrase in the description)<br /> Added item_units.code of microseconds to _diffrn_radiation.detector_dtime<br /> (added to units list at same time)<br /> Added 'in minutes' to description of _diffrn_refln.elapsed_time<br /> Added 'in kilopascals' to to the description of those with item_units.code<br /> of kilopascals but no corresponding phrase in the description<br /> Added BLOCK category<br /> Added appropriate pointers (in category key, and with a data item<br /> pointing to in all categories that needed them</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Created DATABASE_NEW category to solve logical problems with old DATABASE<br /> category. Need to think some more about how old data items are handled.<br /> Added aliases for remaining c91 data items<br /> Changed geom_angle to geom_angle.value (aliased to original name)<br /> Changed geom_torsion to geom_torsion.value (aliased to original name)<br /> Returned ATOM_SITE items taken out during ATOM_SITE_MM transition</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Finished conversion of _list_link_parent items to appropriate new DDL<br /> relationships<br /> Filled out items in each category<br /> Had to add item, as cannot use h k l in that category<br /> (perfectly valid to measure same reflection more than once).<br /> Used _diffrn_standard_refln.code in that category - this may cause a<br /> problem with old files, as example file did not give this data item<br /> Moved _entity_poly items back to _entity category<br /> Moved _entity_poly.formula_weight to entity.formula_weight<br /> Used in that category - this may cause a<br /> problem with old files, as example file did not give this data item<br /> Added _exptl_crystal_grow.crystal_id in that category<br /> Added in that category - this may cause a<br /> problem with old files, as this is a new data item</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Began implementation of new scheme for relationships in the entity<br /> category<br /> All entities will be treated as polymers - non-polymers will have<br /> a number of monomers of 1<br /> All data items in ENTITY_NPOL categories are eliminated<br /> All data items in ENTITY_POLY category are moved to ENTITY</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-01</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Began conversion of _list_link_parent items to appropriate new DDL<br /> relationships</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Finished conversion of units data items<br /> Added a number of unit types to the table<br /> Conversation table still need to be fleshed out<br /> Removed _list_mandatory and changed _item_mandatory.code to yes for<br /> those data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Made loop_ data items into separate data items<br /> This involved rewriting the definitions of most of them.<br /> In doing so I continued to eliminate the a.b_* construction.<br /> Added unit type of degrees.<br /> Added unit type of minutes.<br /> Added unit type of electrons.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-21</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Converted dictionary and dictionary_history categories.<br /> Incorporated core dictionary history list into the new<br /> history list in the revision 0.5.1 where the dictionary<br /> merger is firsted discussed.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-15</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Implementation of DDL 2.0.7 dictionary wide - PMDF<br /> Finished putting .'s in itme names<br /> Changed _diffrn_measure_ to _diffrn_measurement.<br /> Changed _diffrn_rad_ to _diffrn_radiation.<br /> <saved newddl_all_4 at this point><br /> Implemented category and ID pointers for entity category.<br /> Found all sorts of errors while doing this, and attempted<br /> to fix them consistently. Did not remove child data<br /> Items, even though they don't have to be specified - they<br /> should help keep all of this straight during the transition.<br /> Some silly reformatting to ensure that data values always<br /> have the first alphabetic character in column 33.<br /> More silly reformatting to put each example in an example<br /> loop on a separate line.<br /> <saved newddl_all_4 at this point and sent copy to JW></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-14</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Implementation of DDL 2.0.7 dictionary wide - PMDF<br /> Changed _enumeration to _enumeration.code<br /> Changed _enumeration_detail to _enumeration.code_detail<br /> Changed _enumeration_default to _enumeration_default.code<br /> Put .'s in item names (incomplete)<br /> Moved _PDB back to appropriate place in item names in the<br /> _database_remark_PDB_ and _database_rev_PDB_ and<br /> _database_rev_record_PDB_ categories<br /> Changed database_rev_PDB to database_PDB_rev<br /> Changed database_remark_PDB to database_PDB_remark<br /> Changed database_rev_record_PDB to database_PDB_rev_record<br /> Changed category items from item to category<br /> Began getting rid of *_whatever construction in category<br /> and item descriptions<br /> <saved newddl_all_3 at this point></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Implementation of DDL 2.0.7 dictionary wide - PMDF<br /> Finished merging [] and [mm] sections<br /> <Saved newddl_all_1 at this point><br /> Changed data_ to save_ everywhere<br /> Changed _name to everywhere<br /> Added _item.mandatory_code everywhere<br /> Added save_ everywhere<br /> Moved _description to top of _save frame everywhere<br /> Changed _example to everywhere<br /> Changed _example_detail to _item_examples.detail everywhere<br /> Changed _description to _item.description.description<br /> everywhere<br /> Removed _list yes everywhere<br /> Removed _list_reference everywhere<br /> Changed _enumeration_range to enumeration_limit.minimum and<br /> enumeration_limit.maximum everywhere<br /> <saved newddl_all_2 at this point></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Implementation of DDL 2.0.7 in CITATION category - PMDF & JW</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-10-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Implementation of Treaty of Brussels - PMDF<br /> Merged CIF core dated 1994-03-01 (from BMcM) with mm dictionary<br /> dated 1994-05-20.<br /><br /> The history records for the core dictionary are included here<br /> to identify the version of the core that was merged:<br /><br /> _dictionary_name cifdic.c94<br /> _dictionary_version 2.0<br /> _dictionary_update 1994-03-01<br /> _dictionary_history<br /><br /> 1991-05-27 Created from CIF Dictionary text. SRH<br /> 1991-05-30 Validated with CYCLOPS & CIF ms. SRH<br /> 1991-06-03 Adjustments to some definitions. SRH<br /> 1991-06-06 Adjustments a la B. McMahon. SRH<br /> 1991-06-18 Additions & some redefinitions. SRH<br /> 1991-07-04 Corrected 90:0 in *_detect_slit_. SRH<br /> 1991-09-20 Additions & some redefinitions. SRH<br /> 1991-09-20 Final published version. IUCr<br /> 1991-11-12 Add _diffrn_ambient_environment. SRH<br /> 1991-11-12 Allow 'c' for _atom_site_calc_flag. SRH<br /> 1993-02-23 Apply global_ and 'unknown' -> '?' SRH<br /> 1993-03-05 Changes resulting from MM dictionary. SRH<br /> 1993-05-20 Changes arising from new DDL commands. SRH<br /> 1993-08-05 Additional fine tuning pre-Beijing. SRH<br /> 1993-12-22 Introductory sections added to categories. BMcM<br /> 1993-12-22 Additional categories from mm work: _audit_author,<br /> _citation, _atom_sites_fract_tran_matrix. BMcM<br /> 1994-03-01 Add 'undef' to _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment. BMcM<br /> 1994-03-01 Add '_publ_section_exptl_prep' and '*_refinement'. BMcM<br /> 1994-03-01 Add 'atom_site_aniso_ratio'. BMcM<br /> --------------<br /><br /> Removed all mm sections that enumeration items present in core<br /> but not present in mm dictionary.<br /> Fixed errors with missing trailing _'s in some category headers<br /> Also unbalanced ##'s in same place<br /> Removed "End of Example" statement everywhere<br /> Standardized syntax for missing examples<br /> Standardized syntax and style for category _definition data<br /> items. Added a bunch of ending dashed lines where they were missing.<br /> <Saved Brussels_airplane_1 at this point and began new file.><br /> Merged [] and [mm] category explanation sections. Made HIV<br /> example always example 1, moved examples from core (where<br /> they were different from the HIV example) to higher numbers.<br /> <Saved Bussels_airplane_2 at this point - [] and [mm] sections<br /> not yet completely merged..</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.4.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-03-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Various changes following suggestions by IDB - PMDF<br /> Changed _entity_mon_angle_value to<br /> _entity_mon_angle_value_angle in example<br /> Changed _entity_npol_bond_value to<br /> _entity_npol_bond_value_dist<br /> Changed nonp to npol in _entity_npol_tor_value category<br /> Reworded angle _enumeration_details in _refine_ls_restr_type<br /> Reworded definitions in _struct_asym_[mm] and _struct_biol_[mm]<br /> Reworded definitions of _struct_conn_symmetry_*<br /> _struct_site_gen_symmetry<br /> _struct_biol_gen_symmetry<br /> Split _struct_conn_symmetry_* into<br /> _struct_conn_ptnr1_symmetry and<br /> _struct_conn_ptnr2_symmetry<br /> Split _struct_conn_role_* into<br /> _struct_conn_ptnr1_role and<br /> _struct_conn_ptnr2_role<br /> Removed _list_link_child from _struct_conn_conn_type_id<br /> Added _list_link_child to _struct_conn_type_id</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.4.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-02-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Corrected spelling errors found by BMcM - PMDF</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.4.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-02-04</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Major modifications of _entity_ subcategories - PMDF<br /> Added angles, planes, torsion angles and chiral centers to<br /> _entity_mon_ and _entity_npol_<br /> Added many missing definitions<br /> Added many missing examples</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.14</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-01-26</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Lots more re-alphabetization - PMDF<br /> Changed non_s to nstd throughout - PMDF<br /> Changed nonp to npol throughout - PMDF<br /> Removed all multiple spaces - PMDF<br /> Fixed a couple of alignment problems - PMDF</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.13</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-01-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Rationalization of categories between mm and core dicts - BMcM<br /> Deleted _diffrn_crystal_environment (same as core<br /> _diffrn_ambient_environment) and moved other _diffrn_crystal<br /> items to core - BMcM<br /> Fixed typos, removed hyphenation ("be kind to ciftex") - BMcM<br /> Some re-alphabetization - BMcM</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.12</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-12-23</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Broke out examples from intro sections to loop_<br /> _example_detail construction - BMcM</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-12-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Made a number of fixes relayed by PEB from MS AND RH<br /> _type of _atom_site_footnote_id (numb->char) - PMDF<br /> _type of _database_rev_record_rev_num_PDB (char->numb) - PMDF<br /> _type of _phasing_MIR_der_number_of_sites (char->numb) - PMDF<br /> _atom_sites_fract_tran_matrx to _matrix - PMDF<br /> _type of _phasing_MIR_site_details (numb->char) - PMDF<br /> _example of _struct_conf_type_reference - PMDF</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-12-15</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Various changes following suggestions from BMcM<br /> Refined definition of _atoms_site_label_atom_id - PMDF<br /> Removed _atom_sites_fract_tran (moved to core) - PMDF<br /> Changed _diffrn_crystal_physical_device to<br /> _diffrn_crystal_support - PMDF<br /> Changed _diffrn_measure_device_part to<br /> _diffrn_measure_device_specific - PMDF<br /> Changed _diffrn_rad_detector_part to<br /> _diffrn_rad_detector_specific - PMDF<br /> Changed _diffrn_rad_source_part to<br /> _diffrn_rad_source_specific - PMDF<br /> Changed *_par1* and *_par2* to *_ptnr* in _struct_conn* - PMDF<br /> Fixed several occurrences of \&A instead of \%A - PMDF</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.9</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-12-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Deleted section summarizing categories - PMDF<br /> Returned definitions for most *_[mm] sections - PMDF<br /> Added _list and _list_level to global - PMDF<br /> Changed form of dates from yy-mm-dd to yyyy-mm-dd - PMDF<br /> Checked lists of data items in core, fixing some problems<br /> with missing names and alphabetization - PMDF<br /> Resorted some categories to correct alphabetization - PMDF<br /> Changed form and definitions of _database_remark_num_PDB and<br /> _database_remark_text_PDB - PMDF<br /> Added data item _database_rev_replaced_by_PDB - PMDF<br /> Reordered data items in _citation example - PMDF<br /> Added data item _exptl_crystal_density_%_sol - PMDF</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-11-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Moved _audit_author_, _citation_ categories to CIF core<br /> Definitions and small-molecule examples removed from *_[mm]<br /> sections that don't extend core categories - BMcM</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-11-16</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changed form of dates in _update_history to CIF style<br /> Changed ? to . in examples, where appropriate<br /> Added _example_detail to _refine_ls_restr_type<br /> Expanded definition of _refine_ls_restr_type</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-10-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changed *_appendix to *_[mm] throughout<br /> Removed 'Need example here' from _chemical_[mm]<br /> Removed 'Need example here' from _chemical_conn_atom_[mm]<br /> Removed 'Need example here' from _chemical_conn_bond_[mm]<br /> Moved _PDB to end of all relevant data names (except _[mm])<br /> Added _database_rev_record_details_PDB data name<br /> Changed _refine_occupancy_limit_high to _refine_occupancy_max<br /> Changed _refine_occupancy_limit_low to _refine_occupancy_min<br /> Changed _refine_B_iso_limit_high to _refine_B_iso_max<br /> Changed _refine_B_iso_limit_low to _refine_B_iso_min<br /> Changed all definitions and examples in _refine_iso_B_ category<br /> to _refine_B_iso_ equivalents</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-09-08</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Added missing _diffrn_orient_matrix_UB_33 (in appendix)<br /> Added missing _phasing_MIR_der_shell_der_id to appropriate example</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-09-01</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Added _struct_conn_ptnr1_label_alt_id and<br /> _struct_conn_ptnr2_label_alt_id<br /> Corrected definitions for _struct_conn_ptnr2_ items<br /> Added _struct_site_gen_label_alt_id<br /> Fixed Cullis reference in _phasing_MIR_der_shell_R_Cullis<br /> Change _database_PDB_rev_ example to _loop construction<br /> Added _PDB_remark category (data items _PDB_remark_num and<br /> _PDB_remark_text)<br /> Added 'obsolete' to enumeration list for _database_PDB_rev_status<br /> Added _database_PDB_rev_replaces data item</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-08-12</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Syntax and consistency checks - SRH<br /> Added _type of null for appendix items.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-08-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Cleaning up of stray notes</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-08-08</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Began implementing DDL v0.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-08-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> More work on phasing_MIR<br /> Created phasing_MIR_der and phasing_MIR_der_shell categories</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-08-01</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Redesigned phasing_MIR definitions</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-06-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Fixed _atom_site_ example (_entity_poly_seq_num)<br /> Removed _list_link_parent from _entity_mon_atom_atom_id a<br /> _entity_nonp_atom_atom_id<br /> Added real APS coordinates to _atom_site_ example<br /> Rewrote _atom_sites_footnote_ example</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> A general merging of updates from PMR, BMcM and SRH<br /> Fixed typographical and stylistic problems a la BMcM</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> DDL adjustment from down under ):-(></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-19</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Fixed based on problems unearthed by Peter Murray-Rust and Brian McMahon</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Style consistency and proof reading changes throughout<br /> Make page numbers general to articles and chapters in citation<br /> Added *_method to all phasing categories<br /> Looped out keywords from _struct_site_ list<br /> Added _atom_site_label_ definitions as per H. Berman<br /> Added _struct_biol_view_ and struct_site_view_ items as per P. Bourne<br /> Added _atom_sites_alt_ data items to formally handle alternative<br /> conformations<br /> Verified with Cyclops and RGB tools</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Major rethinking of _entity_ data based following discussions<br /> of 1993-05-10 meeting</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.1.18</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-12</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Looped out authors and editors in citation list<br /> Verified with RGB tools<br /> Some style consistency imposed<br /> Fleshed out category definitions and imposed style<br /> Updated "sets of data item" at beginning of document<br /> Checked alphabetical order of data names - moved id's</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.17</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changed _atom_site_label_component_? to new nomenclature<br /> Introduced category DDL throughout<br /> Introduced refers_to DDL throughout<br /> Introduced part_of_key DDL throughout<br /> Mandated that _list must be in each data definition<br /> Standardized 'need not be unique' statements<br /> Standardized example headers</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.16</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Made corrections based on written comments from K. Watenpaugh<br /> Made corrections/additions based on discussions at Rutgers</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.15</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Reconciled nonconcurrent versions<br /> Removed trailing blanks<br /> Made corrections based on email suggestions from P. Bourne</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.14</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-04-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Experiment with refers_to, category and part_of_key in<br /> entity_conn_atom_ and entity_conn_bond_ sections.<br /> Discovered horror show with nonconcurrent versions on different<br /> computers - not yet resolved.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.13</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-04-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Introduced _exptl_crystal_grow_ data names</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.12</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-04-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> More syntax problems fixed a la Peter Murray-Rust</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-04-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Syntax checked using tools of Peter Murray-Rust - many problems fixed</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Filled in examples for several data categories</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.9</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-26</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Removed _struct_topol_ section until it gets straightened out</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Still testing for Cyclops compliance - reveal many additional<br /> syntax problems<br /> Also verified with new tool by RG Ball - still more errors fixed<br /> Dealt with issue raised by PE Bourne - amongst changes<br /> Rewrote _database_ section completely<br /> Changed _audit_contact_author_ to<br /> _audit_contact_author_name<br /> _audit_contact_author_address</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Tested for Cyclops compliance - most problems are names that<br /> are too long.<br /> Changed crystal_preparation to crystal_prep<br /> Changed d_resolution to d_res<br /> Many other such changes</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Dealt with many issues raised by SR Hall.<br /> Some were merely typographical.<br /> Changed temp to B_iso<br /> Changed occ to occupancy<br /> Changed special_details to details.<br /> Changed asl to label everywhere.<br /> Shuffled data names in _struct_conf_ and _struct_conn_</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Finished moving examples to *_appendix data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-02-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Added example for _symmetry_</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-02-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Started moving core data names to the *_appendix data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-02-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Started moving examples to *_appendix data items.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-02-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Highlighted all notes with # %%%%% surrounds.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-05-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Changes (jdw):<br /> + Make all key items mandatory.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">2006-02-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Changes (jdw):<br /> + Added category groups to audit_link, diffrn_reflns_class, refine_ls_class,<br /> reflns_class, space_group, space_group_symop, valence_param, valence_ref.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.09</td> <td class="my-monospace">2005-06-27</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Internal dates used for housekeeping prior to release<br /> 2005-04-13<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-13<br /> + Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation.<br /> + pdb_group definition: Brookhaven Protein Data Bank changed to<br /> Protein Data Bank.<br /><br /> 2005-04-14<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-14<br /> + Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation.<br /> + _atom_sites.solution_* descriptions edited so each appropriate<br /> to the particular data name.<br /> +_chem_comp.formula description edited to match that in core dictionary<br /> +_chem_comp.three_letter_code: several typing errors in amino-acid and<br /> base names corrected.<br /> +_chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_z: 'The x component ...' changed to<br /> 'The z component...'<br /> +_chemical.melting_point_* descriptions edited so each appropriate to the<br /> particular data name.<br /> +_chemical.temperature_decomposition_* descriptions edited so each<br /> appropriate to the particular data name.<br /> +_chemical.temperature_sublimation_* descriptions edited so each appropriate<br /> to the particular data name.<br /><br /> 2005-04-15<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-15<br /> + Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation.<br /> +_citation.journal_id_CSD description, Brookhaven Protein Data Bank<br /> changed to Protein Data Bank.<br /> +_database.code_* entries edited so each is relevant to the particular<br /> data name<br /> +_database_PDB_matrix.scale[3][3]: description changed from 'The [1][1]<br /> element of the PDB SCALE matrix.' to 'The [3][3] element of the PDB SCALE<br /> matrix.'<br /> +_diffrn.ambient_pressure_gt and _lt, descriptions edited so each is<br /> relevant to the particular data name.<br /> +_diffrn.ambient_temp_gt and _lt, descriptions edited so each is relevant<br /> to the particular data name.<br /> +_diffrn_attenuator.scale description changed to match that in the core<br /> dictionary.<br /> _diffrn_radiation_wavelength in description<br /> changed to _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength<br /> +_diffrn_reflns_class.av_sgI/I description [sum|u(net I)|/sum|net I|] changed<br /> to [sum|sigma(net I)|/sum|net I|]<br /> +_diffrn_reflns_class.d_res_high and _low descriptions changed to match<br /> those in the core dictionary<br /> +diffrn_source Example 1 _diffrn_source.power '50 kw, 180 mA' changed to<br /> _diffrn_source.power 50 and _diffrn_source.current 180<br /> +_exptl_crystal.density_Matthews year of reference corrected from 1960 to<br /> 1968<br /> +_exptl_crystal.density_meas_gt and _lt descriptions edited so each is<br /> relevant to the particular data name.<br /> +_exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp_gt and _lt descriptions edited so each<br /> is relevant to the particular data name.<br /> +geom_contact and geom_bond Example 1 year for reference corrected from<br /> 1991 to 1992<br /> +_phasing_MAD_ratio.d_res_high and low ; _phasing_MAD_set.d_res_high<br /> and _low; _phasing_MIR.d_res_high and low; _phasing_MIR_der.d_res_high<br /> and low; _phasing_MIR_der_shell.d_res_high and low;<br /> _phasing_MIR_shell.d_res_high and low and _refine.ls_d_res_high and low<br /> rephrased to correspond to similar terms in the core dictionary.<br /> +Spelling of Lattman corrected in references to Hendrickson, W. A. &<br /> Lattman, E. E. (1970). Acta Cryst. B26, 136-143.<br /> +Temperature factor replaced by displacement parameter throughout.<br /> +refine Example 2 _refine.ls_weighting_scheme<br /> 'calc w=1/(\s^2^(F)+0.0004F^2^)' split into _refine.ls_weighting_scheme and<br /> _refine.ls_weighting_details<br /> +_refine.ls_extinction_coef and _refine.ls_extinction_method reference to<br /> Becker and Coppens corrected to 129-147, 148-153 (is two articles).<br /> +_refine.ls_restrained_S_all and _obs: Y~calc~ = the observed coefficients<br /> changed toY~calc~ = the calculated coefficients<br /><br /> 2005-04-18<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-18<br /> + Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation.<br /> + temperature factor changed to displacement parameter throughout<br /> + _refine_ls_class.R_factor_all 'and for significantly intense reflections<br /> (see _reflns.threshold_expression) ' removed from description.<br /> + _refine_ls_class.R_factor_gt 'for all reflections' removed from<br /> description.<br /> + _refine_ls_class.d_res_high and _low, _refine_analyze.RG_d_res_high<br /> and _low, _refine_ls_shell.d_res_high and _low,<br /> _reflns.d_resolution_high and low, _reflns_class.d_res_high and _low,<br /> _reflns_shell.d_res_high and _low definitions edited to match related<br /> definitions in the core dictionary<br /> + _refln.intensity_calc _meas, _sigma edited to match corresponding entries<br /> in the core dictionary<br /> + _reflns.Friedel_coverage in description _reflns_number_total changed to<br /> _reflns.number_all.<br /> + _reflns_class.R_factor_all 'and for significantly intense reflections (see<br /> _reflns.threshold_expression)' removed from description.<br />+ _reflns_class.R_factor_gt 'all reflections, and for' removed from description<br />+ _reflns_class.number_total in description: _reflns_special_details<br /> changed to _reflns.details<br /><br /> 2005-04-19<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-19<br /> + Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation.<br /> + _valence_param.ref_id description: _valence_ref_id changed<br /> to<br /> + References to International Tables updated.<br /><br /> 2005-04-22<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-04-22<br /> + _cell.reciprocal_angle_alpha, beta and gamma: descriptions edited<br /> so each appropriate to the particular data name.<br /> + _cell.reciprocal_length_a, b and c: descriptions edited so each<br /> appropriate to the particular data name.<br /> + _struct_mon_nucl.chi1 and _chi2; descriptions edited from<br /> `... sugar-base torsion angle chi...' to '... sugar-base torsion angle chi1'<br /> and '... sugar-base torsion angle chi2'<br /><br /> 2005-05-03<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-05-03<br /> + several data items *_esd edited so that the description reads<br /> 'the standard uncertainly of *', not 'the standard uncertainty of *_esd'<br /> + several DDL1 datanames in descriptions changed to DDL2 datanames<br /><br /> 2005-05-10<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-05-10<br /> + _citation.journal_id_CSD example changed from 070 to 0070<br /> + Mursudov and Dodson (1997) references corrected<br /> + References to Cruickshank DPI updated<br /> + References to Luzzati (1952) corrected<br /><br /> 2005-06-23<br /> Changes (NJA) 2005-06-23<br /> added. Corrections for IT G Chapter 4.5 included.<br /><br /> 2005-06-25 (BM)<br /> ITEM_UNITS_LIST: cosmetic changes to definitions of some units<br /> ITEM_UNITS_CONVERSION: multipliers in electrons per <unit> cubed terms fixed<br /><br /> 2005-06-27 (BM)<br /> Some minor editorial changes to ensure consistency with latest pdbx<br /> dictionary version. Only significant change:<br /> + in the listing for _software.citation_id has <br /> _item.mandatory_code changed to "no" to match the value in<br /> save__software.citation_id and to match pdbx</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.08</td> <td class="my-monospace">2005-04-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW) 2005-04-06<br /> + Added mandatory code _cell.reciprocal_angle_beta<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.07</td> <td class="my-monospace">2005-03-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW) 2005-03-08<br /> + Changed related references to _diffrn.ambient_temperature to<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temp<br /> + Changed related references to _refln.observed_status to<br /> _refln.status<br /> + Restore original case to FOM - although case is not an issue for<br /> mmCIF it is an issue for XML translations.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.06</td> <td class="my-monospace">2005-03-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /><br /> + The following data items added to maintain data item correspondence<br /> with the CIF CORE dictionary V 2.3. All aliases in section 1 updated<br /> to version 2.3.<br /> _atom_site.adp_type<br /> _atom_site.refinement_flags<br /> _atom_site.refinement_flags_adp<br /> _atom_site.refinement_flags_occupancy<br /> _atom_site.refinement_flags_posn<br /> _atom_sites.special_details<br /> _atom_type.scat_dispersion_source<br /> _audit_link.block_code<br /> _audit_link.block_description<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_alpha<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_beta<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_gamma<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_alpha_esd<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_beta_esd<br /> _cell.reciprocal_angle_gamma_esd<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_a<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_b<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_c<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_a_esd<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_b_esd<br /> _cell.reciprocal_length_c_esd<br /> _cell.special_details<br /> _chemical.absolute_configuration<br /> _chemical.melting_point_gt<br /> _chemical.melting_point_lt<br /> _chemical.optical_rotation<br /> _chemical.properties_biological<br /> _chemical.properties_physical<br /> _chemical.temperature_decomposition<br /> _chemical.temperature_decomposition_esd<br /> _chemical.temperature_decomposition_gt<br /> _chemical.temperature_decomposition_lt<br /> _chemical.temperature_sublimation<br /> _chemical.temperature_sublimation_esd<br /> _chemical.temperature_sublimation_gt<br /> _chemical.temperature_sublimation_lt<br /> _citation.database_id_CSD<br /> _database.CSD_history<br /> _database.code_CAS<br /> _database.code_CSD<br /> _database.code_ICSD<br /> _database.code_MDF<br /> _database.code_NBS<br /> _database.code_PDB<br /> _database.code_PDF<br /> _database.code_depnum_ccdc_fiz<br /> _database.code_depnum_ccdc_journal<br /> _database.code_depnum_ccdc_archive<br /> _diffrn.ambient_pressure<br /> _diffrn.ambient_pressure_esd<br /> _diffrn.ambient_pressure_gt<br /> _diffrn.ambient_pressure_lt<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature_esd<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature_gt<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature_lt<br /> _diffrn_attenuator.material<br /> _diffrn_detector.area_resol_mean<br /> _diffrn_detector.dtime<br /> _diffrn_refln.class_code<br /> _diffrn_refln.intensity_u<br /> _diffrn_reflns.av_unetI/netI<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.av_R_eq<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.av_sgI/I<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.av_uI/I<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.code<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.description<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.d_res_high<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.d_res_low<br /> _diffrn_reflns_class.number<br /> _diffrn_source.take-off_angle<br /> _diffrn_standards.scale_u<br /> _exptl_crystal.colour_lustre<br /> _exptl_crystal.colour_modifier<br /> _exptl_crystal.colour_primary<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_esd<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_gt<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_lt<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp_esd<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp_gt<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp_lt<br /> _geom_bond.valence<br /> _publ_author.id_iucr<br /> _refine.ls_R_factor_gt<br /> _refine.ls_goodness_of_fit_gt<br /> _refine.ls_goodness_of_fit_ref<br /> _refine.ls_shift/esd_max<br /> _refine.ls_shift/esd_mean<br /> _refine.ls_shift/su_max<br /> _refine.ls_shift/su_max_lt<br /> _refine.ls_shift/su_mean<br /> _refine.ls_shift/su_mean_lt<br /> _refine_ls_class.code<br /> _refine_ls_class.d_res_high<br /> _refine_ls_class.d_res_low<br /> _refine_ls_class.R_factor_gt<br /> _refine_ls_class.R_factor_all<br /> _refine_ls_class.R_Fsqd_factor<br /> _refine_ls_class.R_I_factor<br /> _refine_ls_class.wR_factor_all<br /> _refln.class_code<br /> _refln.d_spacing<br /> _refln.include_status<br /> _refln.mean_path_length_tbar<br /> _refln.observed_status<br /> _refln.sint/lambda<br /> _reflns.Friedel_coverage<br /> _reflns.number_gt<br /> _reflns_class.code<br /> _reflns_class.description<br /> _reflns_class.d_res_high<br /> _reflns_class.d_res_low<br /> _reflns_class.number_gt<br /> _reflns_class.number_total<br /> _reflns_class.R_factor_all<br /> _reflns_class.R_factor_gt<br /> _reflns_class.R_Fsqd_factor<br /> _reflns_class.R_I_factor<br /> _reflns_class.wR_factor_all<br /> _reflns_shell.meanI_over_sigI_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.meanI_over_uI_all<br /> _reflns_shell.meanI_over_uI_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.number_measured_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.number_unique_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.percent_possible_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.Rmerge_F_gt<br /> _reflns_shell.Rmerge_I_gt<br /> _space_group.crystal_system<br /><br /> _space_group.IT_number<br /> _space_group.name_Hall<br /> _space_group.name_H-M_alt<br /><br /> _space_group_symop.operation_xyz<br /> _space_group_symop.sg_id<br /> _valence_param.atom_1<br /> _valence_param.atom_1_valence<br /> _valence_param.atom_2<br /> _valence_param.atom_2_valence<br /> _valence_param.B<br /> _valence_param.details<br /><br /> _valence_param.ref_id<br /> _valence_param.Ro<br /><br /> _valence_ref.reference<br /><br /> Changes (BM): 2005-03-03<br /> Editorial changes to accompany International Tables Volume G publication<br /> (B. McMahon):<br /> + Fixed broken example loop for _phasing_MAD_ratio.*<br /> + Expanded the definitions for _phasing_MIR_der_refln.HL_A_iso (and B, C<br /> and D terms) and provided literature reference<br /> + Abbreviation .FOM (for figure-of-merit) consistently rendered lowercase<br /> + Expanded the definitions for _refine.solvent_model_param_bsol (and<br /> *_ksol) and provided literature reference<br /> + Rearranged the order of entries in the REFINE_ANALYZE category to<br /> preserve strict alphabetisation<br /> + Removed _refine_ls_restr_type.U_sigma_weights from example in<br /> REFINE_LS_RESTR_TYPE category<br /> + Commented out the incorrect example for the CHEM_COMP_LINK category<br /> + For the example in the ENTITY_NAME_SYS category supplied the EC<br /> number and the systematic name "water"; also trimmed the irrelevant<br /> last line of the definition.<br /> + Changed the vague 'x,x-pyranoside' example of<br /> to 'hydroquinone-beta-D-pyranoside' and matched this with 'arbutin'<br /> for<br /> + Removed the CAVEAT and REMARK terms (and PDB code trailers) from the<br /> contents pf the _database_PDB_caveat.* and *_remark.* examples in<br /> accordance with current PDB practice<br /> + Updated reference to Tickle et al. in _refine_analyze.RG_free_work_ratio<br /> + Fixed few minor typos<br /> + Cosmetic reflowing of textual examples to aid typesetting<br /> + Added Engh & Huber and Priestle references to example details<br /> + Changed upper enumeration limit of _atom_site_attached_hydrogens to 8<br /> in line with current Core dictionary<br /> + Added URL of PDB format description to _database_PDB_rev.mod_type<br /> + Extended enumeration list of _publ.requested_category for Acta E papers<br /> + Updated definition of _refine.ls_abs_structure_Flack and *_Rogers to<br /> reflect the more correct wording of the current Core dictionary.<br /> + Added _item_range.maximum and *minimum to _refine.ls_abs_structure_Rogers<br /> in line with new wording of definition.<br /><br /> Changes (NJA): 2005-03-03<br /> + Commented out duplicate save frames for following items with<br /> _item_aliases.version 2.0.1:<br /> _atom_site.refinement flags, _database.code_CAS, _database.code_CSD<br /> _database.code_ICSD, _database.code_MDF, _database.code_NBS<br /> _database.code_PDF, _diffrn.ambient_pressure, _diffrn.ambient_pressure.esd<br /> _diffrn_detector.dtime, _exptl_crystal.density.meas<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_meas_temp, _refln.mean_path_length_tbar<br /><br /> Changes (BM): 2005-03-03<br /> + Fixed erroneous in save__diffrn.ambient_pressure_esd<br /> + Removed erroneous aliases to *_esd quantities in coreCIF 2.3:<br /> _cell_reciprocal_angle_alpha_esd, _cell_reciprocal_angle_beta_esd<br /> _cell_reciprocal_angle_gamma_esd, _cell_reciprocal_length_a_esd<br /> _cell_reciprocal_length_b_esd, _cell_reciprocal_length_c_esd<br /> _chemical_temperature_decomposition_esd<br /> _chemical_temperature_sublimation_esd<br /> _diffrn.ambient_pressure_esd, _diffrn_ambient_temperature_esd<br /> _exptl_crystal_density_meas_esd, _exptl_crystal_density_meas_temp_esd<br /> + Removed redundant aliases:<br /> _cell.special_details ( = _cell.details)<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature ( = _diffrn.ambient_temp)<br /> _refine.ls_shift/esd_max ( = _refine.ls_shift_over_esd_max)<br /> _refine.ls_shift/esd_mean ( = _refine.ls_shift_over_esd_mean)<br /> _refln.observed_status ( = _refln.status)<br /> _refln.sint/lambda ( = _refln.sint_over_lambda)<br /> + Changed _refine.ls_shift/su_max to _refine.ls_shift_over_su_max<br /> and likewise for *_lt, *_mean and *_max_lt<br /><br />Changes (NJA): 2005-03-07<br />+ Changed _reflns.class_d_res_low to _reflns_class.d_res_low in description of<br /> _reflns_class.wR_factor_all<br />+ Added [][] to _atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix, _diffrn_reflns.transf_matrix<br /> and _diffrn_orient_matrix.UB for consistency throughout.<br />+ Changed _chem_comp_link.type_1 and _2 to _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1<br /> and 2 in _chem_link_angle.atom_id_1 and _2<br />+ Changed all occurences of _diffrn.ambient_temperature to _diffrn.ambient_temp<br />+ Changed _diffrn_reflns.class_code to _diffrn_reflns_class.code in<br /> _diffrn_refln.class_code<br />+ Changed _geom_bond.distance to _geom_bond.dist in description of<br /> _geom_bond.valence.<br />+ Changed _refln.observed_status to _refln.status in refln.include_status<br />+ Changed _reflns.special_details to _reflns.details in _reflns.number_gt and<br /> _reflns_class.number_gt<br />+ Created new entry for _reflns.threshold_expression, as no entry existed and<br /> many item descriptions referred to _reflns_threshold_expression (these were<br /> then changed to _reflns.threshold_expression).<br />+ Changed _struct_mon_prot.alt_id, _struct_mon_prot.asym_id,<br /> _struct_mon_prot.comp_id and _struct_mon_prot.seq_id to<br /> _struct_mon_prot.label_alt_id, _struct_mon_prot.label_asym_id,<br /> _struct_mon_prot.label_comp_id and _struct_mon_prot.label_seq_id<br /> in Example 1 of _struct_mon_prot.<br />+ Changed _struct_site_view.view_id to in Example 1<br /> of _struct_site_view.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.05</td> <td class="my-monospace">2004-08-04</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Changed data type of _refine.ls_redundancy_reflns_all,<br /> _refine.ls_redundancy_reflns_obs,<br /> _refine_ls_shell.redundancy_reflns_all,<br /> _refine_ls_shell.redundancy_reflns_obs<br /> from int to float.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.04</td> <td class="my-monospace">2004-04-21</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Changed working name and packaging of dictionary.<br /> + _reflns_shell_number_possible range data type error fixed<br /> + Fix syntax errors in category examples.<br /> + Remove nonsense zero value default values<br /> + Remove all default values from *_esd items<br /> + Make _atom_site.label_* mandatory<br /> + Make _atom_site.auth_asym_id mandatory<br /> + Make _software.citation_id optional</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.03</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-11-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Relax regular expression for atom names to accept blanks in atom names<br /> in order to support nomenclature used in many existing macromolecular<br /> data files. Data type "atcode" has been assigned to<br /> _chem_comp_atom.atom_id, _atom_site.auth_atom_id and all related items.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.02</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-10-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Updated enumerations for _database_PDB_rev.mod_type.<br /> + Updated enumerations for<br /> + Corrected data type of _refine_ls_shell.percent_reflns_obs<br /> from int to float<br /> + Updated preliminary description of _database_PDB_rev.status.<br /> + Changed regular expression for float to accept trailing decimal (ie. dd.)<br /> + Add () to regular expressions for code and ucode.<br /> + Added L-saccharide, D-saccharide, saccharide to enumerants for<br /> _chem_comp.type to handle monosaccarided components where linking<br /> cannot be inferred.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">2.0.01</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-10-17</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Integrated new definitions and extensions to existing categories.<br /> Additional data definitions submitted by Kim Henrick. Content<br /> of phasing definitions reviewed by Paula Fitgerald. Content<br /> of refinement definitions reviewed by Dale Tronrud. Editorial<br /> review by Helen Berman, John Westbrook, and Paula Fitzgerald.<br /><br /> New Items included in this version:<br /><br /> _phasing_MIR.d_res_high, _phasing_MIR.d_res_low, _phasing_MIR.FOM,<br /> _phasing_MIR.FOM_acentric, _phasing_MIR.FOM_centric, _phasing_MIR.reflns,<br /> _phasing_MIR.reflns_acentric, _phasing_MIR.reflns_centric,<br /> _phasing_MIR.reflns_criterion, _phasing_MIR_der.power_acentric,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der.power_centric, _phasing_MIR_der.R_cullis_acentric,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der.R_cullis_anomalous, _phasing_MIR_der.R_cullis_centric,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der.reflns_acentric, _phasing_MIR_der.reflns_anomalous,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der.reflns_centric, _phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_anom,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_anom_su, _phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_iso,<br /> _phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_iso_su, _phasing_MIR_shell.FOM_acentric,<br /> _phasing_MIR_shell.FOM_centric, _phasing_MIR_shell.reflns_acentric,<br /> _phasing_MIR_shell.reflns_anomalous, _phasing_MIR_shell.reflns_centric,<br /> _refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc, _refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc_free,<br /> _refine.overall_SU_B, _refine.overall_SU_ML,<br /> _refine.overall_SU_R_Cruickshank_DPI, _refine.overall_SU_R_free,<br /> _refine.overall_FOM_free_R_set, _refine.overall_FOM_work_R_set,<br /> _refine_analyze.RG_d_res_high, _refine_analyze.RG_d_res_low,<br /> _refine_analyze.RG_free, _refine_analyze.RG_work, and<br /> _refine_analyze.RG_free_work_ratio.<br /><br /> + New categories included in this version:<br /> REFINE_FUNCT_MINIMIZED,REFINE_LS_RESTR_TYPE, REFLN_SYS_ABS.<br /> + Modification of examples for _refine_ls_restr.type<br /><br /> + Contributed editorial and typographical corrections.<br /> + Corrected incomplete keys in categories PHASING_MAD_SET and<br /> DATABASE_PDB_REV_RECORD.<br /> + _exptl.method enumerations moved to examples.<br /> + Added database codes for RCSB and EBI.<br /> + Fixed item examples in _publ_body.label.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.0.00</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-10-14</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Editorial changes in light of proof-reading by B. McMahon and I.D. Brown<br /> + No data names or enumeration values have changed, with the exception<br /> of the addition of the enumeration value 'other' to exptl.method<br /> + The bulk of the changes, which are too numerous to list there, were<br /> fixing spelling and grammar errors, and providing missing definitions<br /> + In a few cases, data definitions were reworded for clarity<br /> + Replaced erroneous occurances of Y~calc~ with Y~obs~ in the defintions of<br /> weighted R factors (Ian Tickle)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.9.01</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-31</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Removed occurrance of two or more blank lines<br /> + Enforced rule of no apostrophes around values for<br /> + Enforced rule of no apostrophes around values for_item_default.value<br /> + Enforced rule of no apostrophes around values for_item.mandatory_code<br /> and fixed one alignment problem<br /> + Enforced rule of no apostrophes around values for<br /> _item_related.function_code and fixed a few alignment problems<br /> + Added _item.mandatory_code for _diffrn_refln.wavelength_id<br /> + Changed cifdic.c94 to cif_core.dic in _item_aliases.dictionary everywhere<br /> + Changed 2.0 to 2.0.1 in _item_aliases.version everywhere<br /> + Changed to consistent usage of kelvins instead of kelvin, got rid of<br /> capitalized versions<br /> + Removed capitalized usages of angstroms<br /> + Enforced rule of no apostrophes around values for _item_units.code<br /> + Fixed alignment problems with a few values</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.9.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Corrected _reflns_observed_criterion to _reflns.observed_criterion in<br /> a number of places<br /> + Aligned enumeration lists in this dictionary with those in version 2.0 of<br /> the core dictionary. This involved changes in:<br /> _citation.coordinate_linkage<br /> _diffrn_radiation.xray_symbol<br /> _diffrn_refln.scan_mode<br /> _diffrn_refln.scan_mode_backgd<br /> _exptl.absorpt_correction_type<br /> _publ_manuscript_incl.extra_defn<br /> _refine.ls_hydrogen_treatment<br /> _refine.ls_structure_factor_coef<br /> + A number of corrections to errors pointed out by H. Bernstein<br /> Added to<br /> Fixed spelling of _publ.section_exptl_soltuion<br /> Corrected _refine.ls_R_factor_work to<br /> _refine.ls_R_factor_R_work in description<br /> Corrected spelling of _refine_analyze.Luzaatti_d_res_low_obs in example<br /> Corrected spelling of _refine_analyze.Luzzatti_coordinate_error_obs in<br /> example<br /> Corrected _geom_hbond.atom_site_label_id_D to<br /> _geom_hbond.atom_site_id_D in example<br /> Corrected _geom_hbond.atom_site_label_id_H to<br /> _geom_hbond.atom_site_id_H in example<br /> Corrected _geom_hbond.atom_site_label_id_A to<br /> _geom_hbond.atom_site_id_A in example<br /> Corrected _entry_link.description to _entry_link.details<br /> Corrected _DIFFRN_SCALE_GROUP to DIFFRN_SCALE_GROUP in description<br /> Corrected _refine_ls_restr_ncs.model_details to<br /> _refine_ls_restr_ncs.ncs_model_details in example<br /> Corrected _refln.observed_criterion to _reflns.observed_criterion in<br /> description<br /> Corrected _struct_biol_view.view_id to in example<br /> Corrected to _chem_comp_link.link_id in example<br /> Corrected _chem_comp_link.comp_type_1 to<br /> _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1<br /> Corrected _chem_comp_link.comp_type_1 to<br /> _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1<br /> Corrected _entry_link.link_id to _entry_link.entry_id in description<br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> Corrections to REFINE_HIST category example and removal of a<br /> few misplaced colons.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.12</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> Replaced all tabs with spaces.<br /> Fixed instances of lines > 80 characters.<br /> Added 'GLX' to the enumeration list for _chem_comp.three_letter_code.<br /> Added 'B' and 'Z' to the enumeration list for<br /> _chem_comp.one_letter_code.<br /> Corrected definition for _cell_measurement.wavelength.<br /> Corrected definitions for _atom_type.scat_dispersion_imag and<br /> _atom_type.scat_dispersion_real.<br /> Corrected examples for categories: CITATION, DIFFRN_DETECTOR,<br /> DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT, DIFFRN_SOURCE, GEOM_HBOND, REFINE_ANALYZE,<br /> REFINE_LS_RESTR,<br /> Corrected definition for _reflns_shell.Rmerge_F_obs.<br /> Corrected definition for _reflns_scale.group_code.<br /> Changed _refine_ls_restr_ncs.weight_iso_B to<br /> _refine_ls_restr_ncs.weight_B_iso.<br /> Corrected definitions in: _diffrn_refln.angle_[chi-theta].<br /><br /> Using experimental data kindly provided by Tom Emge,<br /> Shri Jain, Rachel Kramer, Jinsong Liu, and Gary Parkinson<br /> examples were added for the following categories:<br /> DIFFRN_ORIENT_MATRIX, DIFFRN_ORIENT_REFLN, DIFFRN_REFLN,<br /> DIFFRN_SCALE_GROUP, EXPTL, EXPTL_CRYSTAL, EXPTL_CRYSTAL_FACE,<br /> STRUCT_REF_SEQ, STRUCT_REF_SEQ_DIF, STRUCT_NCS_OPER,<br /> STRUCT_NCS_DOM, STRUCT_NCS_DOM_LIM, STRUCT_NCS_ENS,<br /> STRUCT_NCS_ENS_GEN, REFINE_LS_RESTR_NCS, PHASING_MIR_DER_REFLN,<br /> PHASING_SET, PHASING_SET_REFLN, STRUCT_MON_NUCL, STRUCT_MON_PROT,<br /> REFINE_HIST, ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP, CHEM_COMP_LINK, JOURNAL, PUBL,<br /> CELL_MEASUREMENT_REFLN, CHEMICAL, CHEMICAL_CONN_ATOM,<br /> CHEMICAL_CONN_BOND, STRUCT_BIOL_VIEW, STRUCT_SITE_VIEW,<br /> STRUCT_MON_PROT_CIS.<br /> Added _exptl_crystal_face.crystal_id.<br /> Added items: _reflns.observed_criterion_I_min<br /> _reflns.observed_criterion_I_max<br /> _reflns.observed_criterion_F_max<br /> _reflns.observed_criterion_F_min.<br /> Changed dictionary tile and data block name to the conforming<br /> name recommended by SRH/BMcM, cif_mm.dic.<br /> Restore consistency to the 'arbitrary units' suffix:<br /> Changed _phasing_set_refln.F_meas_au_sigma to<br /> _phasing_set_refln.F_meas_sigma_au<br /> Changed _phasing_mir_der_refln.F_meas_au_sigma to<br /> _phasing_mir_der_refln.F_meas_sigma_au<br /> Changed _phasing_set_refln.F_meas_au_sigma to<br /> _phasing_set_refln.F_meas_sigma_au<br /> Changed _refln.F_meas_au_sigma to<br /> _refln.F_meas_sigma_au<br /> Although data item names and category names are not case<br /> sensitive, as a matter of style certain abbreviations are<br /> consistently expressed in upper case (e.g. B, MIR, MAD, PDB).<br /> Corrected definition for category DATABASE.<br /> Added category ENTRY_LINK and corresponding aliases to<br /> CIF core category audit_link.<br /> Corrected alias name _refine_ls_R_I_factor.<br /> Added core CIF alias _diffrn_refln_crystal_id to data item<br /> _diffrn.crystal_id.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> Enforced style of only one space at the end of a sentence and after a ;<br /> Enforced stye in the categories section<br /> Enforced style of Need example 1<br /> + More changes to provide compatibility for PDB Remark 3<br /> Added _refine.B_iso_mean<br /> Added _refine.ls_percent_reflns_obs<br /> Added _refine.ls_R_factor_R_free_error<br /> Added _refine.ls_R_factor_R_free_error_details<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.percent_reflns_obs<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.R_factor_R_free_error<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.redundancy_reflns_all<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.redundancy_reflns_obs<br /> Added _refine.ls_redundancy_reflns_all<br /> Added _refine.ls_redundancy_reflns_obs<br /> Added _reflns.observed_criterion_sigma_F<br /> Added _reflns.observed_criterion_sigma_I<br /> Added REFINE_LS_RESTR_NCS category<br /> Added _refine.solvent_model_details<br /> Added _refine.solvent_model_param_bsol<br /> Added _refine.solvent_model_param_ksol</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Still more changes to align with new core:<br /> Added _refine.ls_R_Fsqd_factor_obs<br /> Added _refine.ls_R_I_factor_obs<br /> Added _atom_site.disorder_assembly<br /> Added new definition of _atom_site.disorder_group<br /> Many more style and wording changes<br /> Changes to provide compatibility with PDB Remark 3<br /> Added _chem_comp_chir_atom.comp_id<br /> Added _diffrn.ambient_temp_details<br /> Added _exptl_crystal_grow.temp_details<br /> Enlarged enumeration list of _phasing.method<br /> Added _reflns.Rmerge_F_all<br /> Added _reflns.Rmerge_F_obs<br /> Added _reflns.B_iso_Wilson_estimate<br /> Added _reflns.percent_possible_obs<br /> Added _refine_ls_restr.weight<br /> Added _refine.aniso_B data items<br /> Added _exptl_crystal.density_matthews<br /> Added _refine.ls_percent_reflns_R_free<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.percent_reflns_R_free<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_coordinate_error_obs<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_d_res_low_obs<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_sigma_a_obs<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_sigma_a_obs_details<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_coordinate_error_free<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_d_res_low_free<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_sigma_a_free<br /> Added _refine.Luzzati_sigma_a_free_details<br /> Added _refine.number_disordered_residues<br /> Added _refine.occupancy_sum_hydrogen<br /> Added _refine.occupancy_sum_non_hydrogen</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.09</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + More changes to align with new core:<br /> Changed _citation.book_coden_ISBN to _citation.book_id_ISBN<br /> Changed _citation.journal_coden_ASTM to _citation.journal_id_ASTM<br /> Changed _citation.journal_coden_CAS to _citation.abstract_id_ASTM<br /> Changed _citation.journal_coden_CSD to _citation.journal_id_CSD<br /> Changed _citation.journal_coden_ISSN to _citation.journal_id_ISSN<br /> Changed _citation.medline_AN to _citation.database_id_Medline<br /> Added _publ.requested_category<br /> Corrected alias for _atom_type.scat_length_neutron<br /> Added _journal.data_validation_number<br /> Changed _diffrn_detector.detector_specific to _diffrn_detector.type<br /> Deleted _diffrn_detector.detector_type<br /> Added _diffrn_radiation.probe<br /> Adjusted definition of _diffrn_radiation.type<br /> Changed _diffrn_source.source_specific to _diffrn_source.type<br /> Deleted old _diffrn_source.type<br /> Changed _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength_wt to<br /> _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wt<br /> Added _diffrn_radiation.xray_symbol<br /> Aliased both versions 1.0 and 2.0 of the core for<br /> _diffrn_detector.detector<br /> _diffrn_detector.dtime<br /> _diffrn_source.source</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.08</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added R_work data items to the various REFINE categories<br /> + Rewrote definitions for existing R-factor definitions to distinguish<br /> between R_work, R_free and conventional R<br /> Changes (JDW) (retrieved from earlier, misplaced version):<br /> + Added data item _chem_comp.mon_nstd_parent_comp_id to provide explicit<br /> reference between a nonstandard component and the parent component.<br /> + Changed _item_type.code for and all of its children<br /> to 'ucode'.<br /> + Changed char3 and char1 to uchar3 and uchar1 to be consistent with<br /> other case insensitive data type codes. Corrected the regular<br /> expressions and primitive codes for these data types.<br /> + Added _chem_comp_atom.partial_charge.<br /> + Corrected the descriptions for _chem_comp_tor.comp_id,<br /> _chem_comp_bond.comp_id and _chem_comp_angle.comp_id.<br /> + Added _chem_comp_tor_value.comp_id as a key for category<br /> CHEM_COMP_TOR_VALUE.<br /> + Added _chem_comp_plane_atom.comp_id as a key in category<br /> CHEM_COMP_PLANE_ATOM.<br /> + Miscellaneous corrections in item descriptions in CHEM_COMP_GROUP<br /> categories.<br /> + Added item _chem_comp_plane_atom.dist_esd</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.07</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-12-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Removed single quote from value of DDL items where they were not needed<br /> + Cleaned up style of range minimum/maximum data value<br /> + Cleaned up alignment of various DDL items<br /> + Deleted _chem_link_bond.value_angle and _chem_link_bond.value_angle_esd</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.06</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-11-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Reorganized categories in the DIFFRN group to formally support<br /> multiple diffraction data sets.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.05</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-11-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + More changes to bring this dictionary into alignement with the extended<br /> core<br /> + Added _chemical_forumula.iupac<br /> + Added _atom_site.B_equiv_geom_mean (and its esd)<br /> + Added _atom_site.U_equiv_geom_mean (and its esd)<br /> + Added _atom_type.scat_length_neutron</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.04</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-11-04</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed format of references in data item definitions to match style of<br /> extended core.<br /> + Changed format of matrices in data item definitions to match style of<br /> extended core, with the addition of more rigorous definition of style<br /> agreed to by PMDF, JDW and HB.<br /> + Changed format of equivations in data item definitions to match style of<br /> extended core, with the addition of more rigorous definition of style<br /> agreed to by PMDF, JDW and HB.<br /> + Added aliases to data items where they were missing to establish<br /> correspondence with extended core.<br /> + Changed frac to fract in _atom_site.frac... data items.<br /> + Added _citation_editor_ordinal.<br /> + Added JOURNAL_INDEX data items, as well as _journal.language and<br /> _journal.paper_category.<br /> + Added _diffrn_measurement_specimen_support<br /> _diffrn_orient_refln_angle_omega<br /> _diffrn_orient_refln_angle_theta<br /> + Added PUBL_BODY category and data items.<br /> + Added _publ.contact_author_address<br /> _publ.contact_author_name<br /> + Added _publ.section_exptl_solution<br /> _publ.section_synopsis<br /> _publ.section_title_footnote<br /> + Added AUDIT_CONFORM category and data items.<br /> + Added GEOM_HBOND category and data items.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.03</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-04-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Began implementing changes to bring this dictionary into alignment<br /> with the current version of the CIF core dictionary. These differences<br /> were provided by Brian McMahon and I. David Brown. As most of these<br /> changes are matters of style and not substance, they will not be noted<br /> individually here. Anything that does involve substance will be.<br /> + Changed specification of the format of names to included that provision<br /> for a dynanastic modifier.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.02</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-03-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed category from chem_comp to chem_comp_link for data items<br /> _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1 and _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1 in the<br /> parent/child tree for the chem_comp.type data item.<br /> + Added _struct_ref_seq.seq_align_beg and _struct_ref_seq.seq_aling_end<br /> to the mandatory code table for _entity_poly_seq.num.<br /> + Added _struct_ref_seq_dif.seq_num to both the parent/child and mandatory<br /> code tables for _entity_poly_seq.num.<br /> + Added data item _struct_ncs_oper.code.<br /> + Changed units type to 8pi2_angstroms_squares for<br /> _atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv and _atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv_esd.<br /> + Moved TVECT vector from DATABASE_PDB_MATRIX to<br /> a new category DATABASE_PDB_TVECT and added a identifier<br /> and details item to this new category. The matrix component of<br /> TVECT has been removed.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.01</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-03-12</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added missing circumflex to definition of<br /> _exptl_crystal.density_percent_sol.<br /> + Fixed erroneous reference to _atom_site.entity_seq_num in definition<br /> of _atom_site.auth_seq_id.<br /> + Changed to in definition of<br /> _chem_comp_link.link_id.<br /> + Changed _citation.journal_coden_PDB to _citation.journal_coden_CSD in<br /> citation category example<br /> + Changed to in definition of<br /> _entity_link.link_id.<br /> + Changed _chem_link.type_comp_1 to _chem_comp_link.type_comp_1 in<br /> _item_name and parent/child tables for _chem_comp.type. The same change<br /> was made for component 2.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.8.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-03-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF, HB, JDW):<br /> + Added unit type 8pi2_angstroms_squared B anisotropic temperature factors,<br /> and added conversion factor for this new unit type in the<br /> ITEM_UNITS_CONVERSION category.<br /> + Changed _item_type.code for to 'code'<br /> + Added default value 'no' to _chem_comp.mon_nstd_flag.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.34</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-02-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Integrated STRUCT_REF, STRUCT_REF_SEQ and STRUCT_REF_SEQ_DIF from<br /> PMDF.<br /> + Removed ENTITY_REFERENCE and ENTITY_POLY_SEQ_DIF.<br /> + Integrated modified categories STRUCT_NCS_DOM, STRUCT_NCS_DOM_LIM,<br /> STRUCT_NCS_ENS, STRUCT_NCS_ENS_GEN, and STRUCT_NCS_OPER from PMDF.<br /> + changed _item_type.code's 'char' and 'uchar' to 'line' and 'uline'.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.33</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-02-19</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Replaced category COMP_PROG with category SOFTWARE supplied by<br /> P. Bourne.<br /> + Fine tuned some values of _item_type.code. Fixed regular expression<br /> for code and ucode.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.32</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-02-17</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + atom_site.entity_id renamed atom_site.label_entity_id.<br /> + atom_site.entity_seq_num deleted.<br /> + added items _atom_site.auth_asym_id, _atom_site.auth_atom_id,<br /> _atom_site.auth_comp_id, and _atom_site.auth_seq_id. These<br /> items provide placeholders for alternative nomenclature that<br /> may be used by the author.<br /> + Set the parentage for _atom_site.label_seq_id to<br /> _entity_poly_seq.num. All components of the atom site label<br /> (_atom_site.label_*) are now linked to the mmCIF hierarchical<br /> description of structure. The data items in _atom_site.auth_*<br /> may be used by authors to provide alternative identifiers<br /> in the atom site which conform with the scheme that is used in<br /> the publication of the structure.<br /> + added category group mm_atom_site_auth_label<br /> + added auth_asym_id, auth_atom_id, auth_comp_id, and auth_seq_id<br /> child data items to the categories: GEOM_ANGLE,GEOM_BOND,<br /> GEOM_CONTACT, STRUCT_CONF, STRUCT_CONN, STRUCT_MON_NUCL,<br /> STRUCT_PROT, STRUCT_PROT_CIS, STRUCT_NCS_DOM_GEN,<br /> STRUCT_SHEET_HBOND, STRUCT_SHEET_RANGE, and STRUCT_SITE_GEN.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.31</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-02-12</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Added data items for _database_pdb_matrix.tvect_matrix[][] and<br /> _database_pdb_matrix.tvect_vector[].<br /> + Generalized category CHEM_LINK to handle descriptions of a<br /> any type of linkage. Created CHEM_COMP_LINK to describe<br /> linkages between components, and ENTITY_LINK to describe<br /> linkages between entities (and within entities between<br /> nonsequential components). Both CHEM_COMP_LINK and ENTITY_LINK<br /> reference the linkage description in the CHEM_LINK_* categories.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.30</td> <td class="my-monospace">1996-01-29</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF, HB, JDW):<br /> + Added data items for pseudorotation in STRUCT_MON_NUCL.<br /> + Globally changed future tense usage to present tense (eg. will be -> is)<br /> + Added _citation.book_publisher_city.<br /> + Changed _citation.journal_coden_PDB to _citation.journal_coden_CSD.<br /> + Added _citation.journal_coden_CAS.<br /> + Generalized the defintion of _atom_site.calc_flag.<br /> + Corrections to definitions defining beginning and ends of ranges in<br /> category STRUCT_SHEET_HBOND.<br /> + Added data items _diffrn_refln.scan_rate and<br /> _diffrn_refln.scan_time_backgd<br /> + Added HELX_LH_27_P and HELX_RH_27_P helix enumeration types.<br /> + Added figure of merit data item _refln.fom.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.29</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-12-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changes to my title and Brian's in header information.<br /> + Enhanced description of the 'Hill system' of element ordering in<br /> the definition of _chem_comp.formula.<br /> + Added _item.mandatory_code to _phasing_mir_der.native_set_id<br /> + Added DATABASE_PDB_CAVEAT category.<br /> + Changed supercedes to superseded in DATABASE category description.<br /> + Changed DATABASE_NEW to DATABASE_2 in category description.<br /> + Changed SRUCT_SHEET_TOPOLOGY to STRUCT_SHEET_TOPOLOGY in category<br /> description.<br /> + Changed examples for STRUCT_SHEET_RANGE to contain only<br /> _struct_sheet_range.symmetry, not _struct_sheet_range.beg_symmetry and<br /> _struct_sheet_range.end_symmetry<br /> + Added cell.Z_PDB data item<br /> + Changed _atoms_sites.Cartn_tran_matrix to atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix<br /> in definition of _atom_sites.Cartn_transform_axes<br /> + Changed _chem_comp.nstd_class to _chem_comp.mon_nstd_class in<br /> definition of _chem_comp.mon_nstd_flag<br /> + Added data items for _chem_link_bond.value_angle and<br /> _chem_link_bond.value_angle_esd<br /> + Changed reference to _chemical_formula.appendix to CHEMICAL_FORMULA<br /> category description in definition of _chemical_formula.moiety<br /> + Changed _comp.prog.version to _comp_prog.version and<br /> _comp.prog.citation_id to _comp_prog.citation_id in COMP_PROG example<br /> + Changed reference to _computing.phasing_mir in _phasing_mir.method to<br /> a reference to the COMP_PROG category.<br /> Similarly with _computing.phasing_averaging in<br /> _phasing_averaging.method and _computing.phasing_mad in<br /> _phasing_mad.method and _computing.save_reduction in<br /> _reflns.data_reduction_method<br /> + Changed to in<br /> ENTITY_NAME_COM example<br /> + Changed reference to _exptl_crystal.face_ to data items in the<br /> EXPTL_CRYSTAL_FACE category in the definition of<br /> _exptl_crystal.description.<br /> + Changed _diffrn.attenuator_code to _diffrn_attenuator.code in<br /> the definition of _diffrn_refln.attenuator_code<br /> + Changed _exptl.crystal_preparation to _exptl_crystal.preparation in the<br /> definition of _exptl.details<br /> + Changed _geom_bond.distance to _geom_bond.dist in the definition of<br /> _geom_bond.dist_esd<br /> + Added data items for _refine.ls_d_res_high and _refine.ls_d_res_low<br /> + Changed _refine.d_res_high to _refine.ls_d_res_high and<br /> _refine.d_res_low to _refine.ls_d_res_low in the definition of<br /> _refln.status<br /> + Changed _reflns_scale_group.code to _reflns_scale.group_code in the<br /> definition of _refln.scale_group_code<br /> + Changed _struct_site_view_details to _struct_biol_view.details in the<br /> rotation matrix element definitions in the STRUCT_BIOL_VIEW<br /> category (even though I realize that this isn't really correct in<br /> terms of the definition of _struct_biol_view.details)<br /> + Changed _symmetry.equiv_pos_as_xyz to _symmetry_equiv.pos_as_xyz in<br /> the definition of _symmetry.space_group_name_H-M<br /> + Changed _struct_mon.details_RSSR to _struct_mon_details.RSSR and<br /> _struct_mon.details_RSR to _struct_mon_details.RSR in a number of<br /> definitions in the STRUCT_MON_PROT and STRUCT_MON_NUCL categories<br /> + Changed _reflns_shell.possible_%_obs to _reflns_shell.percent_possible_obs<br /> in the REFLNS_SHELL example<br /> + Corrected alphabetical order of data items in the REFLNS_SHELL category<br /> + Changed _struct_sheet.number_details to _struct_sheet.details in the<br /> STRUCT_SHEET examples<br /> + Replaced _struct_sheet_range.beg_symmetry and<br /> _struct_sheet_range.end_symmetry with _struct_sheet_range.symmetry<br /> in the STRUCT_SHEET_RANGE category and fixed example itself<br /> + Changed _refine.ls_number_reflns to _refine.ls_number_reflns_obs in the<br /> definitions of _refine.ls_restrained_S_all and<br /> _refine.ls_restrained_S_obs<br /> + Changed _refine_ls_shell.reflns to _refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_obs in<br /> the REFINE_LS_SHELL example<br /> + Removed example from DATABASE category as it was not longer valid</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.28</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-10-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Removed loop from category example for DATABASE_2<br /> + Fixed data names in category example for STRUCT_KEYWORDS<br /> + Rewrote enumeration list for<br /> + Removed references to chemical_formula.appendix and replaced them with<br /> reference to the CHEMICAL_FORMULA category description<br /> + Added data items _chem_comp.formula and _chem_comp.formula_weight<br /> + Changed _chem_link_angle.atom_1_atom_id to _chem_link_angle.atom_id_1<br /> + Changed _chem_link_angle.atom_2_atom_id to _chem_link_angle.atom_id_2<br /> + Changed _chem_link_angle.atom_3_atom_id to _chem_link_angle.atom_id_3<br /> + Changed _chem_link_bond.atom_1_atom_id to _chem_link_bond.atom_id_1<br /> + Changed _chem_link_bond.atom_2_atom_id to _chem_link_bond.atom_id_2<br /> + Realphabetized to accomodation the above changes<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_CHIR category<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_CHIR_ATOM category<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_PLANE category<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_PLANE_ATOM category<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_TOR category<br /> + Added CHEM_LINK_TOR_VALUE category<br /> + Added entries to parent/child table for for reflect the<br /> addition of the new categories.<br /> + Added Engh and Huber/Priestle examples to CHEM_LINK_BOND and<br /> CHEM_LINK_ANGLE<br /> + Realphabetized categories in PHASING_MAD section<br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Added _item_type.code's for _chem_link_chir*.atom_id and<br /> _chem_link_tor.atom_id_*.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.27</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-09-27</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW & SH):<br /> + Added _item_aliases.dictionary and _item_aliases.version to all<br /> alias items.<br /> + Added several missing aliases from cifdic.C94.<br /> + Added a few missing data type codes in chem_link_*<br /> + Modified all _item_range items to reflect the correction in<br /> DDL 2.1.1. Checked all of the boundary conditions on ranges.<br /> + Made corrections in virtually all of the regular expressions.<br /> + Added data types 'ucode' and 'uchar'. These are case insensitive<br /> character types for words and single line strings, respectively.<br /> The regular expressions for these items will match characters<br /> of upper and lower case but the primitive type is uchar so<br /> all comparisons are performed in upper case. This avoids<br /> problems with case, where case is really not important.<br /> + Reviewed all items with character data types and made the following<br /> changes (hopefully uniformly):<br /> - Data items with single word enumerates were set to type 'ucode'.<br /> - Data items with multi word enumerates were set to type 'uchar'.<br /> - Any item which could potentially exceed 80 characters was<br /> set to type text.<br /> - Items which are restricted to single words were set to type 'code'.<br /> - Items which are short strings which may not span lines were<br /> set to type 'char'.<br /> + Moved aliases for anisotropic temperature factors from category<br /> ATOM_SITE to ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP<br /> + Added category DATABASE_PDB_MATRIX to hold the SCALE and ORIGX<br /> matrices/vectors.<br /> + Modified the defintions of data types 'char1' and 'char3' to<br /> permit leading '+' to indicate a modification.<br /> + Checked dictionary with SIFLIB and returned to Paula ...</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.26</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-09-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Put single quotes around 5HVP in those examples where they were missing.<br /> + Fixed registration of '5VHP' in examples.<br /> + Fixed typos in definition of _diffrn_measurement.device_specific.<br /> + Added loop and parent-child tree to _chem_comp.type<br /> + Fixed for _phasing_mir_der.der_set_id<br /> + Fixed for _phasing_mir_der.native_set_id<br /> + Added _phasing_mir_der_refln.set_id to loops and parent-child<br /> tree of<br /> + Fixed two misspellings of reference (refence).</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.25</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-31</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Eliminated duplicate line in _entry_id parent/child table<br /> + Changed the three occurrences of _item_type.code text to char<br /> _atom_sites_alt.details<br /> _atom_sites_alt_ens.details<br /> _database_PDB_remark.text<br /> + Fixed Klyne and Prelog reference in GEOM_TORSION category description<br /> + Added data item _chem_comp_chir.atom_config<br /> + Added hyphen in non-crystallographic in definition sof<br /> _struct_ncs_ens.point_group<br /> + Changed Data Base to Database when referring to the CSD<br /> + Fixed four occurrances of 'the the' in definitions<br /> + Added _item_range.maximum and _item_range.minimum DDL items to<br /> _refine.ls_abs_structure_Flack and removed discussion of limits from<br /> the definition.<br /> + Changed two occurances of 'will be' to 'are' in the definition of<br /> _entity.type.<br /> + Changed ENTITY_NPOL to CHEM_COMP in definition of _entity.type.<br /> + Changes ATOM to HETATM for APS coordinates in Example 1 for the<br /> ATOM_SITE category<br /> + Corrected _item.category_id for _struct_mon_details.prot_cis.<br /> + Corrected _item.category_id for _refine_hist.details.<br /> + Rewrote header comments to emphasize use of the mmCIF listserver as the<br /> forum for the dictionary review process.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.24</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-21</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Corrected for data items in the DIFFRN_STANDARDS category<br /> + Corrected for data items in the PHASING_MAD_EXPT category<br /> + Corrected for selected data items in the PHASING_SET<br /> category<br /> + Corrected alias for _atom_site.thermal_displace_type<br /> + Introduced alias of _atom_site_aniso_label for<br /> + Introduced alias of _atom_site_aniso_type_symbol for<br /> _atom_site_anisotrop.type_symbol</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.23</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed _struct_sheet_gen.label_seq_id to _struct_site_gen.label_seq_id<br /> in _atom_site.label_seq_id tree<br /> + Removed duplicate entry of _phasing_MIR.entry_id in tree<br /> + Removed alias in definitionof _refln.A_meas_au<br /> + Removed _item.category_id from<br /> _chem_link.type_comp_1<br /> _chem_link.type_comp_2<br /> _phasing_mad_clust.expt_id<br /> _phasing_mad_set.clust_id<br /> _phasing_mad_set.expt_id<br /> _phasing_mad_set.set_id<br /> _phasing_mad_ratio.expt_id<br /> _phasing_mad_ratio.clust_id<br /> _phasing_mad_ratio.wavelength_1<br /> _phasing_mad_ratio.wavelength_2<br /> + Removed _item_type.code from most of the above (it wasn't there in all<br /> of them).<br /> + Added _item.mandatory_code to _phasing_mir_der.der_set_id<br /> + Corrected for _phasing_mad_ratio.wavelength_2</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.22</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added definitions for _chem_link_angle.link_id and<br /> _chem_link_bond.link_id<br /> + Straighted out spacing inconsistencies with _item.mandatory_code<br /> + Another quick pass at spell checking</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.21</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-08</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added _citation_author.ordinal and updated examples to reflect this<br /> addition.<br /> + Changed _item.mandatory_code for to 'yes'.<br /> + First pass at checking the dictionary for spelling - lots of little<br /> changes in lots of places.<br /> + Removed many occurrences of 'with with' in definitions.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.20</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-08-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Enforced 80 character per line limit throughout.<br /> + Realphabetized _geom_angle.value and _geom_angle.value_esd.<br /> + Realphabetized _geom_torsion.value and _geom_torsion.value_esd.<br /> + Removed trailing blanks.<br /> + Fixed a couple of problems with missing terminal '.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.19</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-07-23</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW & PMDF):<br /> + Minor corrections in sheet example and version update.<br /> + Removed illegal characters from data item names.<br /> Changed any "/" in data item names to "_over_".</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.18</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-07-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Added '_struct_biol_gen.symmetry' to the key on struct_biol_gen.<br /> + Changed category block to entry.<br /> + Added _dictionary.datablock_id<br /> + Replace publ_group and journal_group with category group named iucr_group<br /> + Added category group named pdb_group<br /> + Removed all the _atom_site.label references and repointed any<br /> references to this item to<br /> + Added optional atom identifiers to all of the GEOM categories.<br /> + Added translation vector to transformations in ATOM_SITES<br /> + Created subcategories for matrices and vectors<br /> + Moved _struct.keywords to a new category STRUCT_KEYWORDS<br /> + Added pointer to as part of key in<br /> category EXPTL_CRYSTAL_GROW_COMP.<br /> + Restructured DATABASE_PDB_REMARK category<br /> + Changed alternate_exclusive to replaces and replacedby in<br /> DATABASE and DATABASE_2<br /> + Restructured examples in _chem_comp.one_letter_code ...<br /> + Added data item _chem_comp.three_letter_code<br /> + Made atom_site.label_alt_id and its children an optional item<br /> + Changed item names _atom_sites.frac_tran_* _atom_site.frac_transf_*<br /> and _atom_sites.Cartn_tran_* _atom_site.Cartn_transf_*<br /> + Changed the key of ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP to<br /> + Added all of the GEOM category atom label items to their appropriate<br /> parent data items.<br /> + 'arbitrary' added to list of item_units_list.code's<br /> + Fixed conflicting mandatory codes...</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.17</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-05-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added _phasing_MIR_refln.F_meas_au and _phasing_MIR_refln.F_meas_au_sigma<br /> and adjusted appropriate _item.related DDL<br /> Added _refln.F_meas_au and _refln.F_meas_au_sigma and adjusted as above<br /> Added _phasing_MIR_refln.F_calc_au and adjusted as above<br /> Added _refln.F_calc_au and adjusted as above<br /> Added _refln.A_calc_au and adjusted as above<br /> Added _refln.B_calc_au and adjusted as above<br /> Added _refln.A_meas_au and adjusted as above<br /> Added _refln.B_meas_au and adjusted as above<br /> Changed _item_related.function_code from 'replace' to<br /> 'alternate_exclusive' in database_2 data items<br /> Added _item_related DDL to appropriate _database data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.16</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-05-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added DDL to those data items that didn't have it<br /> Wrote program to check that the added names were all correct<br /> Fixed problems that turned up (including one missing . in<br /> _diffrn_radiation_detector_details</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.15</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-05-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added DDL linking data names that are value to the data names that are<br /> esds of those values<br /> Changed _geom_bond.distance to _geom_bond.dist and _geom_bond.distance_esd<br /> to _geom_bond.dist_esd<br /> Changed _geom_contact.distance to _geom_contact.dist and<br /> _geom_contact.distance_esd to _geom_contact.dist_esd<br /> Changed _cell_measurement.temperature to _cell_measurement.temp and<br /> _cell_measurement.temperature_esd to _cell_measurement.temp_esd<br /> Changed _diffrn.ambient_temperature to _diffrn.ambient_temp and<br /> _diffrn.ambient_temperature_esd to _diffrn.ambient_temp_esd</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.14</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-05-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Fixed definitions of _phasing_MIR_refln.index_k and<br /> _phasing_MIR_refln.index_l</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.13</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-04-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed all matrices back to element by element representation.<br /> + Reworded definitions of B and U matrices to clarify alternate exclusive<br /> relationship<br /> + Changed 'miller' to 'Miller' in some definitions, but left it 'miller' in<br /> data values.<br /> + Changed 'CIF' to 'data bock' where appropriate.<br /> + Made changes according to notes from last Rutgers meeting. Mostly this is<br /> clearer wording of definitions.<br /> Made formal Ref: for scattering factors.<br /> Changed atom_site.description to atom_site.details<br /> Expanded definitions for the components of the atom site label.<br /> Added disclaimer to some records in ATOM_SITE and ATOM_SITES categories.<br /> Changed _atom_type.analytical_mass_% to<br /> _atom_type.analytical_mass_percent<br /> Expanded definition of AUDIT category<br /> Added separate esd data items to examples in CELL category<br /> Added real formula in definition of _cell.volume<br /> Moved disclaimer to the top in CHEMICAL categories<br /> Changed enumeration to example in _chem_comp.one_letter_code<br /> Changed _phasing_MIR_refln.F_sigma to _phasing_MIR_refln.F_meas_sigma<br /> and adjusted definition to style of other esd definitions. Added type<br /> condition esd to _phasing_MIR_refln.F_meas<br /> Changed refln.observed_status to refln.status in example<br /> Changed _refln.F_sigma to _refln.F_meas_sigma and adjusted definition to<br /> style of other esd definitions. Added type condition esd to<br /> _refln.F_meas</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.12</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-02-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Changed _atom_site.label_res_id to _atom_site.label_comp_id which is<br /> a child of<br /> + Changed all children items named label_res_id to label_comp_id<br /> + Changed descriptions of many label_comp_id to reference correct<br /> parent item. (_atom_site.label_comp_id rather than<br /> + Changed ENTITY_MON to CHEM_COMP and removed polymer component specific<br /> terminology.<br /> + Changed ENTITY_LINK to CHEM_LINK and removed polymer component specific<br /> terminology.<br /> + Added data type for yyyy-mm-dd and applied this where appropriate.<br /> + Added chem_comp_group and chem_link_group to the category group list.<br /> + Added '_' prefix to all data item save frame names.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-02-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Finished standardizing style of equations in definitions<br /> Moved ITEM_TYPE_LIST to bottom of dictionary<br /> Moved ITEM_UNITS_LIST to bottom of dictionary<br /> Moved ITEM_STRUCTURE_LIST to bottom of dictionary<br /> Moved DICTIONARY_HISTORY to bottom of dictionary (it will come back up<br /> to the top with version 1.0.0)<br /> Rewrote dictionary header comments to reflect this dictionary</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-02-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Removed loop_ construction from loop_ or order one, except not for<br /> category examples and not for parent/child loops<br /> Standardized style of yes/no enumeration lists<br /> Made style of all enumeration lists more standard (still not happy here)<br /> Standardized style of examples<br /> Standardized style of references in definitions<br /> Began standardizing style of equations in definitions</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.9</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Fixed syntax errors unearthed by checking of JW and PDB</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added _entity_mon.type, _entity_mon.number_atoms_all,<br /> _entity_mon.number_atoms_nh, _entity_mon.one_letter_code<br /> Added _entity_mon_angle.value_angle_esd, _entity_mon_angle.value_dist_esd,<br /> _entity_mon_bond.value_dist_esd<br /> Added _entity_mon_atom.type_energy, but since this is intended to be a<br /> pointer to a category (_atom_type_energy) that doesn't exist yet, have<br /> left it commented out<br /> Added _entity_mon_chir.volume_three, _entity_mon_chir.volume_three_esd and<br /> _entity_mon_chir.volume_flag<br /> Added _entity_mon_plane.number_atoms_all, _entity_mon_plane.number_atoms_nh<br /> Added _entity_mon_chir.number_atoms_all, _entity_mon_chir.number_atoms_nh<br /> Added<br /> Added _entity_mon_tor_value.angle_esd, _entity_mon_tor_value.dist_esd<br /> Added ENTITY_LINK category<br /> Added ENTITY_LINK_ANGLE category<br /> Added ENTITY_LINK_BOND category<br /> Changes (HB et al.):<br /> + Added STRUCT_MON_NUCL category<br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added label links from STRUCT_MON_NUCL to rest of dictionary<br /> Added label links from STRUCT_MON_PROT as well (forget them initially)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added PHASING_MIR_REFLN category</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-17</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added ENTITY_SRC_NAT category<br /> Added ENTITY_SRC_GEN category<br /> Added ENTITY_NAM_COM category<br /> Added ENTITY_NAM_SYS category<br /> Added _entity.src_method data item<br /> Moved other entity data items to new categories as appropriate</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Provided for sequence microheterogeneity by making _entity_poly_seq.mon_id<br /> part of the category key and by adding the data item<br /> _entity_poly_seq.hetero as a flag<br /> Added ENTITY_POLY_SEQ_DIF category - this meant adjusting some pointer<br /> in referenced data items.<br /> Added _entity_mon_atom.alt_atom_id.<br /> Added COMP_PROG category<br /> Removed non-c91 COMPUTING data items (phasing averaging, MAD, MIR and MR)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1995-01-12</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Finished working on STRUCT_MON_PROT category<br /> Added STRUCT_MON_DETAILS category<br /> Added STRUCT_MON_PROT_CIS category<br /> Added STRUCT_NCS_ENS category<br /> Added STRUCT_NCS_ENS_OPER category<br /> Added STRUCT_NCS_DOM category<br /> Added STRUCT_NCS_DOM_GEN category<br /> Added equations to definitions of _phasing_MIR_der_shell.fom and<br /> _phasing_MIR_shell.fom<br /> Added REFINE_HIST category</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Fixed things turned up by JDW checking of 0.7.2<br /> Couple of small typos<br /> Added angstroms_cubed to units list and conversion tables<br /> Added _phasing_MIR_site.atom_type_symbol and added this reference to the<br /> table until _atom_type.symbol<br /> Added _entity_mon_atom.substruct_code<br /> Began adding STRUCT_MON_PROT, but this is not yet complete</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Merged JDW changes with version 0.6.12<br /> Changed _item_type.code of numb to either int or float<br /> Changed _item_description.description to category.description where<br /> appropriate<br /> Fixed a bunch of pure syntax errors<br /> Removed 'refln_scale_group' from list of category groups.<br /> Changed _refln_scale_group_code to _refln.scale_group_code somewhere<br /> Changed REFLN_SCALE_GROUP_CODE to _refln.scale_group_code somewhere<br /> Reformatted CATEGORY_GROUP_LIST items to match style of other<br /> header categories<br /> Ensures that all _category data items obey they rule of first<br /> alphabetic character is column 34 (most didn't before this check)<br /> Removed _item_related stuff from _atom_site.aniso_U[1][1] (at the<br /> rest) data items, and added wording to description that these<br /> items are only there for compliance via the alias (but left in<br /> the one _item_related thing that made the matrix element data item<br /> alternate exclusive to the full matrix data item<br /> Added language about compliance to _atom_sites.Cartn_tran_matrix<br /> Added language about compliance to _diffrn_orient_matrix.UB<br /> Added language about compliance to _diffrn_reflns.transf_matrix<br /> Removed matrix element data items for _atom_sites.fract_tran_matrix -<br /> this wasn't in c91 and so doesn't need aliasing</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-19</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + First pass through SIFLIB checking tools. Corrected syntax errors and<br /> missing parent references.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.14</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-19</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed refine.ls_number_reflns to refine.ls_number_reflns_obs<br /> Added refine.ls_number_reflns_all<br /> Added refine.ls_number_reflns_R_free<br /> Changed _refln.observed_status to refln.status<br /> Expanded enumeration list to include resolution limits and R-free flag<br /> Rewrote definition<br /> Eliminated refln.R_free_status<br /> Changed _refine_ls_shell.number_all to _refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_all<br /> Changed _refine_ls_shell.number_obs to _refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_obs<br /> Changed _refine_ls_shell.number_R_free to<br /> _refine_ls_shell.number_reflns_R_free<br /> Added PHASING category<br /> Filled in and reformatted units conversion table</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.13</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-16</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added data item _refln.R_free_status<br /> Added data item _reflns.R_free_details<br /> Changed _refine_ls_shell.reflns to refine_ls_shell.number_obs<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.number_R_free<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.number_all<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.R_factor_R_free<br /> Added _refine_ls_shell.wR_factor_R_free<br /> Tidied up the count and R-factor descriptions in REFINE_LS_SHELL<br /> Added appropriate item_related names to the R-factors in REFINE_LS_SHELL<br /> Changed 'count' to 'number' in several data names<br /> Changed _reflns.number_total to _reflns.number_all<br /> Changed _reflns.number_observed to _reflns.number.obs<br /> Added _refine.ls_R_factor_R_free<br /> Added _refine.ls_wR_factor_R_free<br /> Edited descriptions of the other R-factor data items in the REFINE<br /> category to conform to the style in REFINE_LS_SHELL<br /> Re-alphabetized the things I changed yesterday from special_details to<br /> details - I had forgotten to do that yesterday</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.12</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-15</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Changed _enumeration_default.code to _item_default.value<br /> Changed _enumeration_default.value to _item_default.value<br /> Changed _enumeration.code to _item_enumeration.value<br /> Changed _enumeration.detail to _item_enumeration.detail<br /> Changed to _item_enumeration.value<br /> Changed _enumeration_limit.maximum to _item_range.maximum<br /> Changed _enumeration_limit.minimum to _item_range.minimum<br /> Checked that matrix were properly labeled as either rw_rowwise or just<br /> plan rowwise.<br /> Reworded matrix descriptions for consistency.<br /> Got rid of the last of the a.b_* constructions in descriptions<br /> Added cell_length, cell_length_esd, cell_angle and cell_angle_esd<br /> subcategories<br /> Changed special_details to details for core items - original names retained<br /> in aliases<br /> Added<br /> Added mm_atom_site_label subcategory<br /> Commented out _atom_site.label_component until it can be dealt with<br /> properly<br /> Changed 'SIF' to 'data block' in a number of descriptions.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-14</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Fixed R-Kraut reference<br /> Changed _reflns_shell.possible_&_all to _reflns_shell.percent_possible_all<br /> Changed _reflns_shell.possible_&_obs to _reflns_shell.percent_possible_obs<br /> Changed _exptl_crystal.density_%_sol to _exptl_crystal.density_percent_sol<br /> Included full formula for this calculation in description<br /> Changed _refine_ls_restr.model _refine_ls_restr.dev_ideal<br /> Changed _refine_ls_restr.dev_ideal_target<br /> Improved wording of all definitions in REFINE_LS_RESTR<br /> Explained sums in _reflns_shell.Rmerge_I_obs and related data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Established check-list for unfinished tasks and began dealing with them<br /> Added enumeration limits of 0 and 1 and enumeration default of 1.0 to<br /> occupancy data items<br /> Left heavy-atom maximum with an enumeration of ?<br /> Added enumeration default of 1_555 to all _symmetry data items where it was<br /> missing<br /> Changed 'connect type' to 'interaction' in _struct_conn_type data items.<br /> Filled out sub_category ddl items for cartesian coordinates, fractional<br /> coordinates, cartesian coordinates esds, and Miller indices.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.9</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Added _esd data items where needed<br /> Rationalized descriptions for all of the coordinate data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-08</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Created ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category to provide for ability to have<br /> anisotropic data is a separate loop, if desired.<br /> Checked and fixed a bunch of style things<br /> Added item_units.code of degrees in data items with degrees in the<br /> description but not in the ddl<br /> Added item_units.code of kelvin in data items with kelvin in the<br /> description but not in the ddl (and added 'in degrees kelvin' to the<br /> description of those with item_units.code of kelvin but no corresponding<br /> phrase in the description)<br /> Added item_units.code of microseconds to _diffrn_radiation.detector_dtime<br /> (added to units list at same time)<br /> Added 'in minutes' to description of _diffrn_refln.elapsed_time<br /> Added 'in kilopascals' to to the description of those with item_units.code<br /> of kilopascals but no corresponding phrase in the description<br /> Added BLOCK category<br /> Added appropriate pointers (in category key, and with a data item<br /> pointing to in all categories that needed them</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Created DATABASE_NEW category to solve logical problems with old DATABASE<br /> category. Need to think some more about how old data items are handled.<br /> Added aliases for remaining c91 data items<br /> Changed geom_angle to geom_angle.value (aliased to original name)<br /> Changed geom_torsion to geom_torsion.value (aliased to original name)<br /> Returned ATOM_SITE items taken out during ATOM_SITE_MM transition</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Finished conversion of _list_link_parent items to appropriate new DDL<br /> relationships<br /> Filled out items in each category<br /> Had to add item, as cannot use h k l in that category<br /> (perfectly valid to measure same reflection more than once).<br /> Used _diffrn_standard_refln.code in that category - this may cause a<br /> problem with old files, as example file did not give this data item<br /> Moved _entity_poly items back to _entity category<br /> Moved _entity_poly.formula_weight to entity.formula_weight<br /> Used in that category - this may cause a<br /> problem with old files, as example file did not give this data item<br /> Added _exptl_crystal_grow.crystal_id in that category<br /> Added in that category - this may cause a<br /> problem with old files, as this is a new data item</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Began implementation of new scheme for relationships in the entity<br /> category<br /> All entities will be treated as polymers - non-polymers will have<br /> a number of monomers of 1<br /> All data items in ENTITY_NPOL categories are eliminated<br /> All data items in ENTITY_POLY category are moved to ENTITY</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-12-01</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Began conversion of _list_link_parent items to appropriate new DDL<br /> relationships</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Finished conversion of units data items<br /> Added a number of unit types to the table<br /> Conversation table still need to be fleshed out<br /> Removed _list_mandatory and changed _item_mandatory.code to yes for<br /> those data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (PMDF):<br /> + Made loop_ data items into separate data items<br /> This involved rewriting the definitions of most of them.<br /> In doing so I continued to eliminate the a.b_* construction.<br /> Added unit type of degrees.<br /> Added unit type of minutes.<br /> Added unit type of electrons.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-21</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes (JDW):<br /> + Converted dictionary and dictionary_history categories.<br /> Incorporated core dictionary history list into the new<br /> history list in the revision 0.5.1 where the dictionary<br /> merger is firsted discussed.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-15</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Implementation of DDL 2.0.7 dictionary wide - PMDF<br /> Finished putting .'s in itme names<br /> Changed _diffrn_measure_ to _diffrn_measurement.<br /> Changed _diffrn_rad_ to _diffrn_radiation.<br /> <saved newddl_all_4 at this point><br /> Implemented category and ID pointers for entity category.<br /> Found all sorts of errors while doing this, and attempted<br /> to fix them consistently. Did not remove child data<br /> Items, even though they don't have to be specified - they<br /> should help keep all of this straight during the transition.<br /> Some silly reformatting to ensure that data values always<br /> have the first alphabetic character in column 33.<br /> More silly reformatting to put each example in an example<br /> loop on a separate line.<br /> <saved newddl_all_4 at this point and sent copy to JW></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-14</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Implementation of DDL 2.0.7 dictionary wide - PMDF<br /> Changed _enumeration to _enumeration.code<br /> Changed _enumeration_detail to _enumeration.code_detail<br /> Changed _enumeration_default to _enumeration_default.code<br /> Put .'s in item names (incomplete)<br /> Moved _PDB back to appropriate place in item names in the<br /> _database_remark_PDB_ and _database_rev_PDB_ and<br /> _database_rev_record_PDB_ categories<br /> Changed database_rev_PDB to database_PDB_rev<br /> Changed database_remark_PDB to database_PDB_remark<br /> Changed database_rev_record_PDB to database_PDB_rev_record<br /> Changed category items from item to category<br /> Began getting rid of *_whatever construction in category<br /> and item descriptions<br /> <saved newddl_all_3 at this point></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Implementation of DDL 2.0.7 dictionary wide - PMDF<br /> Finished merging [] and [mm] sections<br /> <Saved newddl_all_1 at this point><br /> Changed data_ to save_ everywhere<br /> Changed _name to everywhere<br /> Added _item.mandatory_code everywhere<br /> Added save_ everywhere<br /> Moved _description to top of _save frame everywhere<br /> Changed _example to everywhere<br /> Changed _example_detail to _item_examples.detail everywhere<br /> Changed _description to _item.description.description<br /> everywhere<br /> Removed _list yes everywhere<br /> Removed _list_reference everywhere<br /> Changed _enumeration_range to enumeration_limit.minimum and<br /> enumeration_limit.maximum everywhere<br /> <saved newddl_all_2 at this point></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-11-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Implementation of DDL 2.0.7 in CITATION category - PMDF & JW</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-10-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Implementation of Treaty of Brussels - PMDF<br /> Merged CIF core dated 1994-03-01 (from BMcM) with mm dictionary<br /> dated 1994-05-20.<br /><br /> The history records for the core dictionary are included here<br /> to identify the version of the core that was merged:<br /><br /> _dictionary_name cifdic.c94<br /> _dictionary_version 2.0<br /> _dictionary_update 1994-03-01<br /> _dictionary_history<br /><br /> 1991-05-27 Created from CIF Dictionary text. SRH<br /> 1991-05-30 Validated with CYCLOPS & CIF ms. SRH<br /> 1991-06-03 Adjustments to some definitions. SRH<br /> 1991-06-06 Adjustments a la B. McMahon. SRH<br /> 1991-06-18 Additions & some redefinitions. SRH<br /> 1991-07-04 Corrected 90:0 in *_detect_slit_. SRH<br /> 1991-09-20 Additions & some redefinitions. SRH<br /> 1991-09-20 Final published version. IUCr<br /> 1991-11-12 Add _diffrn_ambient_environment. SRH<br /> 1991-11-12 Allow 'c' for _atom_site_calc_flag. SRH<br /> 1993-02-23 Apply global_ and 'unknown' -> '?' SRH<br /> 1993-03-05 Changes resulting from MM dictionary. SRH<br /> 1993-05-20 Changes arising from new DDL commands. SRH<br /> 1993-08-05 Additional fine tuning pre-Beijing. SRH<br /> 1993-12-22 Introductory sections added to categories. BMcM<br /> 1993-12-22 Additional categories from mm work: _audit_author,<br /> _citation, _atom_sites_fract_tran_matrix. BMcM<br /> 1994-03-01 Add 'undef' to _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment. BMcM<br /> 1994-03-01 Add '_publ_section_exptl_prep' and '*_refinement'. BMcM<br /> 1994-03-01 Add 'atom_site_aniso_ratio'. BMcM<br /> --------------<br /><br /> Removed all mm sections that enumeration items present in core<br /> but not present in mm dictionary.<br /> Fixed errors with missing trailing _'s in some category headers<br /> Also unbalanced ##'s in same place<br /> Removed "End of Example" statement everywhere<br /> Standardized syntax for missing examples<br /> Standardized syntax and style for category _definition data<br /> items. Added a bunch of ending dashed lines where they were missing.<br /> <Saved Brussels_airplane_1 at this point and began new file.><br /> Merged [] and [mm] category explanation sections. Made HIV<br /> example always example 1, moved examples from core (where<br /> they were different from the HIV example) to higher numbers.<br /> <Saved Bussels_airplane_2 at this point - [] and [mm] sections<br /> not yet completely merged..</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.4.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-03-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Various changes following suggestions by IDB - PMDF<br /> Changed _entity_mon_angle_value to<br /> _entity_mon_angle_value_angle in example<br /> Changed _entity_npol_bond_value to<br /> _entity_npol_bond_value_dist<br /> Changed nonp to npol in _entity_npol_tor_value category<br /> Reworded angle _enumeration_details in _refine_ls_restr_type<br /> Reworded definitions in _struct_asym_[mm] and _struct_biol_[mm]<br /> Reworded definitions of _struct_conn_symmetry_*<br /> _struct_site_gen_symmetry<br /> _struct_biol_gen_symmetry<br /> Split _struct_conn_symmetry_* into<br /> _struct_conn_ptnr1_symmetry and<br /> _struct_conn_ptnr2_symmetry<br /> Split _struct_conn_role_* into<br /> _struct_conn_ptnr1_role and<br /> _struct_conn_ptnr2_role<br /> Removed _list_link_child from _struct_conn_conn_type_id<br /> Added _list_link_child to _struct_conn_type_id</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.4.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-02-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Corrected spelling errors found by BMcM - PMDF</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.4.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-02-04</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Major modifications of _entity_ subcategories - PMDF<br /> Added angles, planes, torsion angles and chiral centers to<br /> _entity_mon_ and _entity_npol_<br /> Added many missing definitions<br /> Added many missing examples</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.14</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-01-26</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Lots more re-alphabetization - PMDF<br /> Changed non_s to nstd throughout - PMDF<br /> Changed nonp to npol throughout - PMDF<br /> Removed all multiple spaces - PMDF<br /> Fixed a couple of alignment problems - PMDF</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.13</td> <td class="my-monospace">1994-01-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Rationalization of categories between mm and core dicts - BMcM<br /> Deleted _diffrn_crystal_environment (same as core<br /> _diffrn_ambient_environment) and moved other _diffrn_crystal<br /> items to core - BMcM<br /> Fixed typos, removed hyphenation ("be kind to ciftex") - BMcM<br /> Some re-alphabetization - BMcM</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.12</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-12-23</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Broke out examples from intro sections to loop_<br /> _example_detail construction - BMcM</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-12-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Made a number of fixes relayed by PEB from MS AND RH<br /> _type of _atom_site_footnote_id (numb->char) - PMDF<br /> _type of _database_rev_record_rev_num_PDB (char->numb) - PMDF<br /> _type of _phasing_MIR_der_number_of_sites (char->numb) - PMDF<br /> _atom_sites_fract_tran_matrx to _matrix - PMDF<br /> _type of _phasing_MIR_site_details (numb->char) - PMDF<br /> _example of _struct_conf_type_reference - PMDF</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-12-15</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Various changes following suggestions from BMcM<br /> Refined definition of _atoms_site_label_atom_id - PMDF<br /> Removed _atom_sites_fract_tran (moved to core) - PMDF<br /> Changed _diffrn_crystal_physical_device to<br /> _diffrn_crystal_support - PMDF<br /> Changed _diffrn_measure_device_part to<br /> _diffrn_measure_device_specific - PMDF<br /> Changed _diffrn_rad_detector_part to<br /> _diffrn_rad_detector_specific - PMDF<br /> Changed _diffrn_rad_source_part to<br /> _diffrn_rad_source_specific - PMDF<br /> Changed *_par1* and *_par2* to *_ptnr* in _struct_conn* - PMDF<br /> Fixed several occurrences of \&A instead of \%A - PMDF</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.9</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-12-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Deleted section summarizing categories - PMDF<br /> Returned definitions for most *_[mm] sections - PMDF<br /> Added _list and _list_level to global - PMDF<br /> Changed form of dates from yy-mm-dd to yyyy-mm-dd - PMDF<br /> Checked lists of data items in core, fixing some problems<br /> with missing names and alphabetization - PMDF<br /> Resorted some categories to correct alphabetization - PMDF<br /> Changed form and definitions of _database_remark_num_PDB and<br /> _database_remark_text_PDB - PMDF<br /> Added data item _database_rev_replaced_by_PDB - PMDF<br /> Reordered data items in _citation example - PMDF<br /> Added data item _exptl_crystal_density_%_sol - PMDF</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-11-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Moved _audit_author_, _citation_ categories to CIF core<br /> Definitions and small-molecule examples removed from *_[mm]<br /> sections that don't extend core categories - BMcM</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-11-16</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changed form of dates in _update_history to CIF style<br /> Changed ? to . in examples, where appropriate<br /> Added _example_detail to _refine_ls_restr_type<br /> Expanded definition of _refine_ls_restr_type</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-10-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changed *_appendix to *_[mm] throughout<br /> Removed 'Need example here' from _chemical_[mm]<br /> Removed 'Need example here' from _chemical_conn_atom_[mm]<br /> Removed 'Need example here' from _chemical_conn_bond_[mm]<br /> Moved _PDB to end of all relevant data names (except _[mm])<br /> Added _database_rev_record_details_PDB data name<br /> Changed _refine_occupancy_limit_high to _refine_occupancy_max<br /> Changed _refine_occupancy_limit_low to _refine_occupancy_min<br /> Changed _refine_B_iso_limit_high to _refine_B_iso_max<br /> Changed _refine_B_iso_limit_low to _refine_B_iso_min<br /> Changed all definitions and examples in _refine_iso_B_ category<br /> to _refine_B_iso_ equivalents</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-09-08</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Added missing _diffrn_orient_matrix_UB_33 (in appendix)<br /> Added missing _phasing_MIR_der_shell_der_id to appropriate example</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-09-01</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Added _struct_conn_ptnr1_label_alt_id and<br /> _struct_conn_ptnr2_label_alt_id<br /> Corrected definitions for _struct_conn_ptnr2_ items<br /> Added _struct_site_gen_label_alt_id<br /> Fixed Cullis reference in _phasing_MIR_der_shell_R_Cullis<br /> Change _database_PDB_rev_ example to _loop construction<br /> Added _PDB_remark category (data items _PDB_remark_num and<br /> _PDB_remark_text)<br /> Added 'obsolete' to enumeration list for _database_PDB_rev_status<br /> Added _database_PDB_rev_replaces data item</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-08-12</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Syntax and consistency checks - SRH<br /> Added _type of null for appendix items.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-08-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Cleaning up of stray notes</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-08-08</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Began implementing DDL v0.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-08-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> More work on phasing_MIR<br /> Created phasing_MIR_der and phasing_MIR_der_shell categories</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-08-01</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Redesigned phasing_MIR definitions</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-06-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Fixed _atom_site_ example (_entity_poly_seq_num)<br /> Removed _list_link_parent from _entity_mon_atom_atom_id a<br /> _entity_nonp_atom_atom_id<br /> Added real APS coordinates to _atom_site_ example<br /> Rewrote _atom_sites_footnote_ example</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> A general merging of updates from PMR, BMcM and SRH<br /> Fixed typographical and stylistic problems a la BMcM</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-20</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> DDL adjustment from down under ):-(></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-19</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Fixed based on problems unearthed by Peter Murray-Rust and Brian McMahon</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Style consistency and proof reading changes throughout<br /> Make page numbers general to articles and chapters in citation<br /> Added *_method to all phasing categories<br /> Looped out keywords from _struct_site_ list<br /> Added _atom_site_label_ definitions as per H. Berman<br /> Added _struct_biol_view_ and struct_site_view_ items as per P. Bourne<br /> Added _atom_sites_alt_ data items to formally handle alternative<br /> conformations<br /> Verified with Cyclops and RGB tools</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Major rethinking of _entity_ data based following discussions<br /> of 1993-05-10 meeting</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.1.18</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-12</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Looped out authors and editors in citation list<br /> Verified with RGB tools<br /> Some style consistency imposed<br /> Fleshed out category definitions and imposed style<br /> Updated "sets of data item" at beginning of document<br /> Checked alphabetical order of data names - moved id's</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.17</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changed _atom_site_label_component_? to new nomenclature<br /> Introduced category DDL throughout<br /> Introduced refers_to DDL throughout<br /> Introduced part_of_key DDL throughout<br /> Mandated that _list must be in each data definition<br /> Standardized 'need not be unique' statements<br /> Standardized example headers</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.16</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Made corrections based on written comments from K. Watenpaugh<br /> Made corrections/additions based on discussions at Rutgers</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.15</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-05-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Reconciled nonconcurrent versions<br /> Removed trailing blanks<br /> Made corrections based on email suggestions from P. Bourne</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.14</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-04-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Experiment with refers_to, category and part_of_key in<br /> entity_conn_atom_ and entity_conn_bond_ sections.<br /> Discovered horror show with nonconcurrent versions on different<br /> computers - not yet resolved.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.13</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-04-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Introduced _exptl_crystal_grow_ data names</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.12</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-04-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> More syntax problems fixed a la Peter Murray-Rust</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-04-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Syntax checked using tools of Peter Murray-Rust - many problems fixed</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Filled in examples for several data categories</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.9</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-26</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Removed _struct_topol_ section until it gets straightened out</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Still testing for Cyclops compliance - reveal many additional<br /> syntax problems<br /> Also verified with new tool by RG Ball - still more errors fixed<br /> Dealt with issue raised by PE Bourne - amongst changes<br /> Rewrote _database_ section completely<br /> Changed _audit_contact_author_ to<br /> _audit_contact_author_name<br /> _audit_contact_author_address</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Tested for Cyclops compliance - most problems are names that<br /> are too long.<br /> Changed crystal_preparation to crystal_prep<br /> Changed d_resolution to d_res<br /> Many other such changes</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Dealt with many issues raised by SR Hall.<br /> Some were merely typographical.<br /> Changed temp to B_iso<br /> Changed occ to occupancy<br /> Changed special_details to details.<br /> Changed asl to label everywhere.<br /> Shuffled data names in _struct_conf_ and _struct_conn_</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-03-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Finished moving examples to *_appendix data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-02-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Added example for _symmetry_</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-02-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Started moving core data names to the *_appendix data items</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-02-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Started moving examples to *_appendix data items.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1993-02-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Highlighted all notes with # %%%%% surrounds.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_std.dic</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <!-- END inserted markup --> </div> <!-- end panel body--> </div> <!-- end panel-collapse --> </div> <!-- end top accordion panel panel-default --> </div> <!-- end accordion panel group --> </div> </div> <!-- end top container--> </div> <!-- end wrap --> <!-- END TEXT HERE --> <!-- File: page_javascript_bs.html Update: Oct 6, 2013 jdw --> <script src="/assets/js/jquery/core/jquery-1.11.0.min.js" ></script> <script src="/assets/css/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js" > </script> <!-- local application js --> <script src="/js/MyApp.js"></script> <!-- end of file page_javascript_bs.html --> <!-- File: page_footer_bs.html Update: Oct 6, 2013 J. 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