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With our featured lists, we're leveraging <!-- -->Wellfound<!-- --> data to surface hiring trends and opportunities no one else can, doing the hard part of your job search for you.</p></div><div class="styles_component__ivX7J styles_threeColumn__Txyiv"><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/the-top-teams-trending-august-2023-edition">The Top 5: August 2023 Edition </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Check out the innovative teams everyone's watching on Wellfound this fall.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/the-top-teams-trending-august-2023-edition">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/trending-on-wellfound-july-edition">The Top 5: July, 2023 Edition</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The top five startups based on job-seeker engagement for the month of July, and for good reason. Take a look at the most popular teams on Wellfound this month.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/trending-on-wellfound-july-edition">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-5-high-altitude-balloon-and-satellite-startups">Security in the Skies: 5 High Altitude Balloon and Satellite Startups Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Nearly nine decades after the Hindenburg disaster, some speculate we’re entering the Second Age of the Balloon. “As all these objects fall, a new space race is rising,” Vox ( proclaimed. Tens of thousands of balloons float into near-space every year, and the numbers rise every year. The National Weather Service alone launches around 60k high-flying balloons each year. The Pentagon spent nearly $4B over the past two years on its own high altitude balloons, according to Politico ( Why the interest in such old-school tech? “They’re cheap, easy to transport, can be fielded in large numbers and are payload agnostic,” industry expert George Howell wrote. Tucson, Arizona-based World View (, a stratospheric ballooning company, last month announced plans to go public via SPAC merger. The company develops a “stratollite” that provides high-res imagery for extended periods. (The company also offer space tourism.) Colorado-based Urban Sky (/company/urban-sky) is creating what it claims as the first ever reusable stratospheric balloon. Called “micro-balloons,” they’re the size of a VW bus and can hover in near space to collect data over urban areas. Company founder Jared Leidich ( has some chops in this arena, having designed the space suit used in the world record space dive in 2014 via a balloon at nearly 136k feet. Near Space Labs (/company/nearspacelabs) invites people to “step inside a new way of thinking about all things geospatial imaging (” The company's high-altitude balloons that carry a small, autonomous robot called Swifty to capture the world around them at 60k to 85k feet in the air. The company says it’s done zero carbon emissions and recently launched ( a program to make its high-resolution Earth imagery available to universities and nonprofits for free. Sounds fascinating, right? Luckily, with a new wave of space technology, comes a brand new, cutting-edge wave of jobs. Check out 5 top startups aiming skywards and hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-5-high-altitude-balloon-and-satellite-startups">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/exciting-edtech-companies-hiring-in-2023">Exciting Edtech Companies Hiring In 2023</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Education tech, or edtech, is on the rise as educators and families try to adapt to a generation of children raised online. Over 65% ( of teachers use digital tools to teach everyday, and the Edtech industry is predicted to grow to nearly $320B ( by 2029. Covid-19 kicked the need to integrate technology with education into overdrive. Prior to the pandemic about 2/3rds of school districts reported providing students with a digital learning device; post pandemic this number skyrocketed to 90% ( Online classes went from the fringes of education to the forefront, with a 99% ( increase in Edtech usage in K-12 since 2020, over 70% ( of colleges launching online undergrad programs, and approximately 90% ( of U.S. educators teaching some amount of their classes online from home. Studies have shown that students with the highest outcomes ( in reading, science, and math, were the students spent an hour or more per week doing homework on a device. Edtech is demonstrably important for making learning more accessible (, as the at-your-pace structure of online learning paired with all the possibilities for Edtech such as video lectures and gamified lessons can be helpful alternatives to students who struggle in a traditional class format. Parallel Learning (/company/parallel-learning-1) is a company that understands this and offers skill-based tutoring, behavioral therapy, speech language therapy, and more to students from the comfort of their own home and at an affordable price. Brightwheel (/company/brightwheel) is a company dedicated to providing families with the best early education by allowing teachers more valuable time with students, engaging parents in their child’s education, and more. SchoolLinks (/company/schoolinks) is a learning platform dedicated to turning K-12 education into a pipeline for college and careers. Their platform gives students and academic advisors the tools they need to plan out their future,and take the steps necessary to achieve it. If you want to play a part in the education of the next generation of thinkers, doers, and leaders, take a look at these 5 Edtech companies hiring in 2023.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/exciting-edtech-companies-hiring-in-2023">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-startups-helping-reshape-the-healthcare-industry-in-2023">5 Startups Helping Reshape the Healthcare Industry in 2023</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Access to affordable and effective healthcare is a necessity for living a long and healthy life, but unfortunately for many people this is easier said than done. Nearly 40% ( of adults in America face medical debt and around 70% ( have reported putting off a doctor’s appointment or medical procedure because of the cost. Add on growing labor shortages ( in the field, and it isn’t hard to see why so many people are looking outside of traditional healthcare sources for treatment. That’s because many startups are working to create a brighter future for the healthcare industry, where people are in control of their health and can have their needs met for a reasonable price. Many companies leverage digital platforms, AI, and other technologies to achieve these goals. SWORD Health (/company/sword-health-1) is a digital physical therapy platform that helps guide patients through rehabilitation with sensor technology to deliver real-time feedback and ensure that they aren’t doing more harm than good with poor form. In addition to sensors they make a number of wearables tailored to help improve people’s physical health and alleviate pain. In late 2021, they reported reaching a $2B (/today/stories/sword-health-raises-163m-in-series-d-reaches-2-billion-valuation-55596) valuation. New York-based Ro (/company/healthbyro) is a healthcare company dedicated to putting patients in control of their healthcare. With Ro, customers can talk to licensed providers 24/7, have medication ordered and delivered, collect samples for medical tests, and more all from the comfort of home. Early last year, funding rounds brought Ro’s valuation to $7B ( Ribbon Health (/company/ribbonhealth) is a predictive analytics and data platform for the healthcare industry based out of New York City. Their API provides patients with comprehensive data on doctors, healthcare plans, cost, and more to empower more informed decision making.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-startups-helping-reshape-the-healthcare-industry-in-2023">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/peak-performance-5-fitness-tech-companies-hiring-now">Peak Performance: 5 Fitness Tech Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The fitness industry reached a market value of over $33B (,growth%20of%2033.10%25%20per%20year) in 2021, with projections showing it reaching nearly $435B by 2028. Tech startups are creating new ways to access fitness technology and programs, often from the comfort of people’s homes (, driving the industry's growth. Peloton (/company/peloton) is an interactive fitness platform that makes training from the comfort of your home convenient and enjoyable. Their world class streaming content and top of the line equipment makes them the home fitness choice of over 2M ( members. FightCamp (/company/fightcamp) is a boxing gym that gives users access to world class trainers and equipment from the comfort of their own home. Last Summer, the training system raised $90M (/today/stories/fightcamp-punches-its-way-to-a-90m-round-47437) in funding rounds, with some of that funding coming from people like Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather. Aspiring and professional athletes require specialized training programs to keep them at the top of their game, and startups are rushing to cater towards this need. Area Scouts (/company/areascouts) is a athlete development program that helps youth athletes learn the skills they need to succeed in achieving greatness, living a healthy life, and avoiding injury. WHOOP (/company/whoop) isa performance optimization system for elite athletes and teams that helps trainers and players find the balance between pushing themselves as hard as they can and pushing themselves too far. Their wearables provide real-time feedback on what to do next so you can make smarter decisions and build healthier habits. After an investment from SoftBank, the company is valued at $3.6B (/today/stories/wearables-company-whoop-valued-at-3-6bn-after-softbank-investment-51356). If you want to work for a company dedicated to helping people achieve peak performance, take a look at these 5 fitness startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/peak-performance-5-fitness-tech-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-3d-printing-companies-hiring-in-2023">Top 3D Printing Companies Hiring in 2023</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>3D printing is changing the way that we think about manufacturing across nearly all industry verticals. From human organ ( printing to the burgeoning field of 3D printing large metal objects ( to the amazing potential ( that 3D modeling and prototyping can afford engineers, the technology is helping humanity achieve goals that would have seemed like science fiction only decades prior. Beyond the untold possibilities of 3D printing, it can also help organizations manufacture in more eco-friendly ( and efficient ( ways. As it becomes more ubiquitous throughout our society, the 3D Printing industry is projected to grow from $1.9B in 2021 to over $10B ( by 2031. Formlabs (/company/formlabs) is a 3D printer distributor that also develops cutting edge materials and software. They want to help get the most powerful tools on the market into the hands of companies across the world. They recently passed over 100M parts ( printed using their devices. Amsterdam-founded online manufacturing platform Hubs (/company/hubsmfg) helps with everything from rapid prototyping to full scale production for over 35,000 businesses across the globe. People can upload a prototype, get an instant quote, and start production quickly with Hubs. Launcher (/company/launcherspace) is a California-based startup leveraging the cost effectiveness of 3D printing technology to create the most efficient rocket in the world, capable of delivering satellites into orbit. The company has forged partnerships with some of the biggest names in space travel from NASA to SpaceX on its mission to get satellites into space with the smallest possible cost. If you want to join the 3D printing revolution, take a look at these 5 companies hiring in the field in 2023.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-3d-printing-companies-hiring-in-2023">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-hiring-companies-creating-the-future-of-artificial-intelligence-in-2023">5 Hiring Companies Creating the Future of Artificial Intelligence In 2023</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has seen consistent growth and widespread adoption in everyday life and businesses for many years. It’s estimated that more than a third ( of companies use some form of AI and 42% are testing AI within their operations. Companies are leveraging AI to help cut costs ( with more efficient processes, improve network performance (, create better customer experiences (, and more. Many organizations use AI to ease the stress felt by workers by reducing workloads ( and eliminating menial tasks (, in turn giving them the ability to focus on more thoughtful areas of their job. For example, AssemblyAI (/company/assemblyai-1) is a remote company that builds powerful AI models for developers, startups, and companies to transcribe, understand, and organize audio data. This simple but time consuming task can be done far more efficiently by their API, allowing humans to focus on the work that really matters. Sanctuary AI (/company/sanctuary-ai-2) is a company setting out to create human-like intelligence in robots. They aim to tackle labor shortages facing many large companies ( with the help of robots capable of performing manual labor and thinking like people. Some critics are concerned of the dangers of creating AI that could become intelligent enough to reach some form of sentience (; luckily there are companies like OpenAI (/company/openai) with humanities best interests in mind when it comes to developing AI. They are a research company dedicated to finding and deploying a safe path towards artificial general intelligence. They want an AI that benefits humanity, with safety and human needs at its core, not profit. If you want to work in an industry that will play a large part in shaping the future of other industries and all of humanity, here are 5 AI companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-hiring-companies-creating-the-future-of-artificial-intelligence-in-2023">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-companies-that-offer-paid-holidays-now-hiring">5 Companies That Offer Paid Holidays Now Hiring</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Who doesn't love vacation? As the power in the employee-employer dynamic continues to shift ( toward the former, workers are making it clear that they certainly have an affinity for paid holidays. Some research suggests that approximately 80% ( of employees would choose a job with more vacation time over a job with higher pay. Paid holidays make an employee more likely to stay ( with a company and avoid burnout ( Savvy and compassionate business owners recognize the importance of this benefit, with many listing it as one of the top three ( most important benefits to their workforce. BetterUP (/company/betterup) is a mobile platform that fitness to the next level with 1-on-1 coaching, lessons on topics including managing stress or engaging with peers, and much more. Their valuation nearly tripled (/today/stories/betterup-the-coaching-startup-that-hired-prince-harry-nearly-triples-its-valuation-53548) recently. They observe all federal holidays and have "inner work" ( days, volunteer days, and company wide Summer and Winter breaks. Alma (/company/alma-14) makes it easy to find affordable yet effective mental health care. They offer parental leave, generous vacation, and paid holidays. If you want to work for a company that values your work-life balance, look no further than these 5 exciting companies that offer paid vacation that are hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-companies-that-offer-paid-holidays-now-hiring">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-companies-with-unique-and-amazing-benefits-hiring-now">Top Companies With Unique and Amazing Benefits Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Covid-19 empowered workers to reconsider work-life balance and break free from corporate hierarchies. The so-called Great Resignation (—in which 4.5M ( people quit jobs in just one month—put pressure on companies to find ways to attract top talent and convince them to stay. Startups have been at the forefront ( of the shift to remote work culture ( Tech companies offer other truly amazing and unique benefits (, including unlimited time off and 4-day work weeks with full pay. Airbnb (/company/airbnb) is an online marketplace that allows for people to list and book spaces, ditching the constraints of hotels. The company offers its employees the ability to work from any location in the world, comprehensive health plans, parental leave, and more. If you choose to work from one of their 50+ locations from around the world, they also offer free and healthy meals and snacks. One of their most unique benefits is their paid volunteer time (, which allows the company to encourage workers to invest some of their time not in their company, but in their communities. Twitch (/company/twitch) is one of the largest live streaming platforms in the world, connecting creators to millions of viewers every day. The Amazon-owned company offers the same health, retirement, and leave programs as their parent company, in addition to Twitch specific benefits like mental health services, flexible time-off, and subsidized fitness benefits. Their offices feature a wide variety ( of gamer memorabilia, arcades, PC gaming rooms, and more. Hubspot is a marketing and sales platform trusted by over 10,000 companies from across the globe. In addition to great options for health insurance, remote work, and more, they offer unlimited vacation time, and a ‘global week of rest’. If you are looking to work in an environment that shows appreciation for its workers through amazing benefits, here are 5 companies that offer some of the best.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-companies-with-unique-and-amazing-benefits-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/join-the-next-era-of-retail-with-these-5-e-commerce-startups-hiring-now">Join The Next Era Of Retail With These 5 E-Commerce Startups Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Year after year, e-commerce continues to become a more dominant player in how goods and services are bought and sold. In 2021 retail e-commerce sales were approximately $5.2T; by 2026 sales are expected to reach around $8.1T (, nearly two thirds ( of Americans shop online, and almost 20% ( of all retail sales are e-commerce. It’s clear that the convenience ( of e-commerce is causing it to turn into the king of the shopping world. E-commerce can also present unique benefits to businesses that take advantage of it, such as creating personalized ( shopping experiences for customers and omnichannel capabilities ( that allow a company to be more connected to consumers. (/company/checkout-com-1) is a company dedicated to empowering businesses and their communities to flourish in the digital market. They offer fast and reliable digital payment solutions for businesses around the globe with a flexible platform that allows companies to focus only on the features they need and a team of experts ready to help you navigate the market with ease. Last year they reached a valuation of $40B (/today/stories/checkout-com-is-worth-40-billion-now-57583) with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. With the fall sports season underway, Gametime (/company/gametime) wants to help you get your head in the game. The San Francisco-based startup offers last-minute tickets to the hottest games, concerts, and events, with a focus on making purchasing and accessing tickets all from your phone as simple as possible. Swifities (, take note of this consumer focused e-commerce ticket seller. Earlier this year, they secured $30M (/today/stories/gametime-secures-30m-in-funding-64750) in funding. If you want to work for a company ushering in the next era of retail, look no further than these 5 e-commerce startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/join-the-next-era-of-retail-with-these-5-e-commerce-startups-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/work-in-the-windy-city-5-top-tech-companies-hiring-in-chicago-now">Work In The Windy City: 5 Top Tech Companies Hiring in Chicago Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>When it comes to the most powerful startup ecosystems in America, people often think of the far ends of the country with regions ( like New York and Silicon Valley, but the midwest is making a name with Chicago leading the way. Forbes called it a top 3 ( startup city last year, citing it’s impressive VC Funding ( numbers, it’s focus on supporting diverse founders (, and more. Chicago’s VC funding slowed down ( a bit this year, but this matches trends ( seen across the US and world and shouldn’t distract from the positives of the ecosystem, such as it’s $49B ( ecosystem value. Flexport (/company/flexport) is a supply chain platform with a strong presence in Chicago that helps global logistics, buyers, and sellers for over 10,000 ( companies make their supply chains more transparent, connected, scaleable, and sustainable ( Earlier this year, they raised $935M (/today/stories/flexport-raises-935m-in-series-e-funding-post-valued-at-over-8-billion-58697) in Series E funding, bringing their total valuation to approximately $8B. Samba TV (/company/sambatv) is a company dedicated to using data to improve the smart TV experience with enhanced content discovery on the viewer end, and omniscreen advertising on the corporate end. Synapse (/company/synapsefi) (/company/synapsefi) provides cutting-edge banking infrastructure to startups and financial institutions, with the ability to expand product offerings on a cloud-based platform with a limitless scale and quickly reach the global market. In October, they were awarded ( as a Top 10 Banking Tech Solution Provider. Chicago is a growing force in the startup ecosystem, and if you want to be a part of it take a look at our list of 5 companies with a presence in Chicago hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/work-in-the-windy-city-5-top-tech-companies-hiring-in-chicago-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/culture-diversity-and-a-booming-startup-ecosystem-5-atlanta-tech-startups-hiring-now">Culture, Diversity, and a Booming Startup Ecosystem: 5 Atlanta Tech Startups Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Atlanta is becoming a startup ecosystem to look out for. They were recently ranked as the fifth-best ( U.S. city to launch a startup in. The city is a phenomenal hosting ground for startups with 12 ( homegrown unicorns, 16 Fortune 500 Headquarters, and 54 colleges and universities. Atlanta is proud of its diversity ( with 52% more minority tech workers and 27% more female tech workers than comparable metro areas. It’s home to many institutions dedicated to helping female founders ( and minority founders ( The city's world class food, vibrant culture, diversity, and booming job market are just some of the reasons that it was named Money’s Best Place ( To Live in 2022. Xometry (/company/xometry) is a custom manufacturing company offering AI-powered solutions for on-demand manufacturing with features like instant quoting technology, a nationwide network of manufacturers, and many more. After years of growth, the company went public last year with a $100M IPO (/today/stories/montgomery-county-manufacturing-startup-xometry-files-for-100m-ipo-45841). Homebase (/company/homebase) is a startup dedicated to simplifying hourly work for employers and workers. They work with over 100K businesses to help over 1M employees manage scheduling, time tracking, and more. Last year, the company raised $71M (/today/stories/homebase-raises-71m-for-a-team-management-platform-aimed-at-smbs-and-their-hourly-workers-49384) in Series C funding, bring their total valuation to over $500M. Vower (/company/vower) is a social-impact tech company that wants to reward people who complete community service with money for tuition, rewards ranging from Air Jordans to cryptocurrency, and more. They also reward you for learning skills such as Excel or building a website. If you want to work in one of the best and most diverse places to live, look no further than these 5 companies with a presence in Atlanta hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/culture-diversity-and-a-booming-startup-ecosystem-5-atlanta-tech-startups-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/7-hiring-companies-doing-something-about-our-climate-crisis">7 Hiring Companies Doing Something About Our Climate Crisis</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Startups are taking climate action into their hands, developing technology to help the planet and the people on it thrive. Denver-based Crusoe Energy (/company/crusoe-energy-systems) is dedicated to reducing the routine flaring of natural gas. Their flare mitigation tech reduces emissions and waste. Earlier this year, they raised $505M (/today/stories/bitcoin-miner-crusoe-energy-systems-raises-505-million-62918) in Series C funding. Boston-based Electric Hydrogen (/company/electric-hydrogen-co) is on a mission to decarbonize heavy industry by providing fossil-free hydrogen to power operations. A few months ago, they raised $198M (/today/stories/electric-hydrogen-raises-198m-in-financing-66020) in funding. Bevi (/company/bevi-1), which is also based in Beantown, wants to replace harmful (,times%20less%20than%20tap%20water.) single-use water bottles with smart water machines that can produce a variety of beverages from purified water to flavored sparkling water. In August, the company raised a $70M (/today/stories/bevi-raised-70m-amazon-s-acquisition-plans-and-more-boston-tech-news-69242) series D funding round. Seattle-based Kopperfield (/company/kopperfield) is on a mission to make electrifying your home as easy as shopping on Amazon. The company is starting with home EV charger installations and plans to expand into heat pumps, solar roofs, and other major home electric appliances soon. They recently raised a $5M ( seed round. If you want to work for a company with strong values and a critical mission for the survival of our species and planet, take a look at our list of top climate tech companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/7-hiring-companies-doing-something-about-our-climate-crisis">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-making-owning-property-a-reality">5 Tech Companies Making Owning Property A Reality</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Buying a house in 2022 is no easy feat. With rising mortgage rates (, increased home prices ( and inventory nearing record lows (, it’s not hard to see why mortgage applications are at their lowest level in 22 years ( Thankfully, startups are creating solutions to make buying a home for personal and commercial usage more affordable and less expensive over time. Ownwell (/company/ownwell) is a company dedicated to reducing the cost of property ownership. Their customers save an average of $1,457 on their property taxes thanks to Ornwell putting a stop to unfair assessments and having property owners simply pay what’s fair. Loftium (/company/loftium) is a Seattle-based startup revolutionizing the way people pay for their homes with a system that finds people homes where they can live and rent out a private suite to guests in order to build savings for a down payment. They make the hosting process simple with their app and features like professional furnishing and designating a completely separate space for guests with keyless entry. Tomo (/company/tomo) is a company that rewrites the rules on the mortgage process in order to put homebuyers in control with their streamlined digital experience. They accelerate the the purchase process from new homeowners and save them money along the way. Earlier this year, they raised $40M (, bringing their total valuation to $640M. If you want to work for a company that makes achieving the American Dream of homeownership more feasible, look no further than these 5 property tech companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-making-owning-property-a-reality">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/making-the-internet-a-safer-place-6-cybersecurity-companies-hiring-now">Making The Internet a Safer Place: 6 Cybersecurity Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>We trust the Internet to interact more deeply with our lives than ever before. From buying and selling online through ecommerce (, to connecting countless ( household devices to the internet of things, to artificial intelligence driving our cars (, many of our daily tasks depend on devices with online capabilities to work. Our increasing reliance on connected devices has come with the need to protect our devices and ourselves from threats and attackers. Cyber crimes are growing at a rate of approximately 15% ( every year. To go back to the example of cars, more connected vehicles and safety features make a car more electronic, and therefore more susceptible ( to cyber-attacks. The cybersecurity market has been growing rapidly to match these threats. It’s projected to grow from $155B this year to over $376B ( by 2029. GeoComply (/company/geocomply-1) is a geolocation company that protects users against location fraud by verifying their true digital identity. They boast a 99.6% accuracy in VPN determination and an ID verification rate of over 90%. [HUMAN] is a cybersecurity company dedicated to protecting enterprises from bot attacks, keeping their digital experiences human. They verify the humanity of over 10T interactions per week, so it’s no surprise that they’re growing. Earlier this year, they raised 100M (/today/stories/human-security-raises-100m-in-growth-funding-57130) in growth funding. If you want to work in an industry making the internet safer for all, take a look at these 5 cutting edge cybersecurity companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/making-the-internet-a-safer-place-6-cybersecurity-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-5-companies-helping-to-electrify-america">Hiring: 5 Companies Helping to Electrify America</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Now, as oil and gas prices surge, electrifying your home has never looked more appealing. The inflation reduction act is working to establish the market certainty households need to build an affordable and environmentally friendly future. The more we electrify, the easier ( it will become to continue electrifying. The law offers myriad incentives for homeowners and property investors to upgrade their buildings. Founders ( find their businesses have been gifted significant tailwinds as the Biden administration just approved all 50 states’ plans for where to install DC fast chargers. Still, those chargers won’t be enough to handle all the miles EVs will rack up. Fortunately, a lot of EV charging is done while cars are parked at home. And new offerings from companies like Kopperfield are making it simple to encapsulate everything from EV charging to water heaters, HVAC, and rooftop solar. The federal tax credit on charging equipment ( is also extended through 2032 for both individual and commercial uses. It’s a hot moment, as new multi-day energy storage systems ( are also coming to market. These technologies will find quick adoption in construction, as clean-energy mandates in places such as New York City mean developers will be prohibited ( from installing gas hookups starting in 2024. In similar style, California is committing to a plan to make it the first US state to phase out gas-fueled furnaces and water heaters in homes. Campbell, Calif.-based ChargePoint (/company/chargepoint) is producing EV charging platforms and stations to charge any EV, anywhere it goes. Over the years ChargePoint has helped to avoid 700K metric tons ( of greenhouse gas emissions and has rreceivedawards from the United Nations, Global Cleantech, and more. San Diego, Calif.-based ChargeNet Stations (/company/chargenet-stations) is building a consolidated solution to the problems of lack of charging hardware in retail areas, and lack of clean power. Using parking meter data, ChargeNet can predict how long an EV driver will stay at a charger and can optimize charging arrays, solar, and energy storage for maximum returns. London, England-based Pod Point (/company/pod-point) is the UK’s leading provider of EV charging, having manufactured and sold over 50,000 charging points. Seattle, Washington-based Kopperfield (/company/kopperfield) is on a mission to accelerate the electrification of personal infrastructure. As a step forward in fighting climate change, Kopperfield wants to enable consumers to opt for electric cars, furnaces, water heaters, stoves, dryers, and more. Los Angeles, Calif.-based EV Connect (/company/ev-connect) is providing companies from enterprise and hospitality to universities and governments with a cloud-based platform for managing EV ecosystems. If you're interested in helping usher in a sustainable future, check out our list of top electrification companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-5-companies-helping-to-electrify-america">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-companies-dedicated-to-making-parents-lives-easier">5 Companies Dedicated To Making Parents Lives Easier</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Being a parent today is harder ( than ever before. From navigating the internet and managing screentime ( with kids, to the astronomical cost of raising kids, which now averages over $300K ('s%20%2480%2C000%20more%20than%20the,include%20the%20cost%20of%20college),there is a seemingly never ending list of hurdles to having children. Fortunately, there are startups dedicated to improving the parental experience through innovative, tech-based solutions. Securly (/company/securly-2) is a company dedicated to providing students K-12 with a safer, more educational online experience. From AI that recognizes when a student might be getting bullied, to using social media to develop emotional intelligence, they want to use the internets strengths to benefit children while mitigating the risks. They have an app for parents to monitor their kids online activity and trade im worrying and uncertainty for peace of mind. Tinyhood (/company/tinyhood) is an online education platform made for parents, by parenting experts. Their courses are flexible, online, and accessible to parents from all backgrounds. They offer a grant program ( that provides a free annual membership to selected applicants. Finding the right daycare and preschool can be a challenge, especially with the limited capacity of many of these services. Winnie (/company/winnielabs) is a marketplace dedicated to making this search easier. They provide parents with specific details about the facilities, and help get kids into childcare faster. If you want to work for a startup that helps the next generation of parents, here is our list of companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-companies-dedicated-to-making-parents-lives-easier">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/grow-with-your-startup-5-companies-that-offer-equity-hiring-now">Grow With Your Startup: 5 Companies That Offer Equity Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Offering stock options, or equity, is a popular way to incentivize interest in a company, particularly among startups ( Startups often don't always have the most healthy cash flow, especially in early days. Equity in a startup is a good way to be able to attract top talent and compensate them fairly ( with partial ownership in a company, despite the companies smaller cash flow. Equity also builds stable, symbiotic relationships between employees and and employers. Having overall compensation relying on the success of a company creates a dynamic that encourages employees to be more invested in their work and stay ( with companies for longer. The return on investment from working for a startup with equity can end up being far more valuable than a higher salary. For over 50% ( of millennials, a companies stock option was the main determining factor for where they ended up working. Apixio (/company/apixio) is an AI platform that analyzes health care data to help clinics make smarter decisions. They offer a number of enticing benefits including generous vacation time, a monthly home office stipend, and of course equity for some positions. Cross River (/company/crossriver) is a New York based fintech company dedicated to helping clients change the way they do business. They offer streamlined payment solutions, marketplace lending, and more, while always maintaining a strong focus om compliance. They offer employees strong family medical plans, matching 401K, and stock options. If you want to work for a startup offering equity, here are 5 companies that do just that.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/grow-with-your-startup-5-companies-that-offer-equity-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-top-startups-hiring-across-africa">5 Top Startups Hiring Across Africa</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>In a year where venture capital funding across the globe has been significantly scaled back (, Africa has been an anomaly as it's on track to face a record year ( for funding. Africa has put its name into the ring of startup ecosystems to look out for with an rapidly increasing number of operations, particularly in fintech (, that look to disrupt traditional financial services. Across the nation, African ecosystems collectively add up to $6.6B ( One Acre Fund (/company/one-acre-fund-2) is a NPO working to support and increase productivity for farmers in Africa. They provide farmers with supplies, training, financial services and insurance, and more to help farmers reach their maximum potential. VALR (/company/valr-sa) is a leading South African cryptocurrency platform with a goal to make digital currency accessible for everyone, starting in South Africa with plans to eventually serve customers globally. MKOBO (/company/mkobo-1) is building a borderless bank that will provide accessible and affordable financial services to the people of Africa. Users can open a free banking account in under 5 minutes. Their efforts have gotten them global recognition ( as an emerging financial service. If you want to work in a diverse, emerging market, take a look at our list of 5 tech companies now hiring in Africa.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-top-startups-hiring-across-africa">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/moving-towards-the-future-of-transportation-5-companies-hiring-now">Moving Towards The Future Of Transportation: 5 Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Tech companies are working to fix one of the biggest contributors to an unhealthy planet and populations: commutes. From the rising rates of traffic ( in cities causing increased commute times (, to studies showing correlations between commuting and adverse effects on your health ( and the negative effects it places onto our planet (, it’s clear that we need some new approaches to getting around. While some attempted solutions have proven to be flawed (, startups are looking to ease the burden of getting around by bringing older transportation methods into the 21st century and even creating entirely new ways to travel. Wanderu (/company/wanderu) makes public transportation simpler by helping people find, compare, and book travel by bus and train. They have partnered with over 50 bus and train companies to make finding the cheapest, most convenient travel options a breeze. They recently partnered with Moovit ( in order to help travelers easily travel from their door to their destination. Brooklyn, NY-based Revel (/company/gorevel) wants to make shared electric mopeds and shared EVs go-to forms of transportation. Customers can reserve and ride their mopeds entirely though the app. They also want to power their fleet as well and help to normalize private EVs with their ‘Superhubs’ which can quickly charge any brand of electric car. Bolt (/company/boltapp) wants to reduce the use of personal cars and all the downsides that come with them. Their services include ride sharing, scooter and car rentals, food and grocery delivery, and more. If you want to work for a company dedicated to reshaping the transportation industry, here are 5 companies doing just that and hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/moving-towards-the-future-of-transportation-5-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-hiring-now-that-offer-a-401-k-match">5 Tech Companies Hiring Now That Offer a 401(k) Match </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>401(k) matching is a highly desirable ( benefit that results in the money you put into your 401(k) plan being partially or in some case totally matched ( from an employer. Most Americans want to retire by the age of 67 ( and 62% (,62%25%20of%20workers%20view%20401(k)%20employer%20match%20as,key%20to%20reaching%20retirement%20goals) of workers see 401(k) matching as critical to reaching retirement. Validere (/company/validere-technologies) is a commodity management platform that helps energy providers solve tough operational and environmental challenges. Earlier this year, they raised $43B (/today/stories/validere-raises-43m-in-series-b-funding-60758) in series B funding. Their success allows them to offer their employees RRSP and 401(k) matching plans. Healthie (/company/healthie) has a platform that thousands of health and wellness organizations use to provide best-in-class virtual experiences for clients and clinicians. They offer employees healthcare benefits, equity, 401(k) matched, and other benefits to help people reach retirement faster. If you want to reach, or even potentially expedite your journey towards retirement, here are 5 hiring companies that offer 401(k) matching.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-hiring-now-that-offer-a-401-k-match">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-iot-companies-hiring-now">5 IoT Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Communication will be happening in everything, everywhere, all at once. The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a system made up of sensors, software, and a wide variety of devices ( that collect and communicate data to and from the Internet. Smart home tech like Google Home, smartwatches, connected cars, and more comprise more than 14.4B ( devices active on the IoT. With an expectation that approximately 27B IoT devices will be online by 2025, the IoT market is porjected to grow substantially over the next decade to $2.5T ( along with the spread of 5G connectivity ( New York City-based (/company/ontarget-technologies) develops tech to make construction sites safer and more productive. The company deploys smart wearables ( for workers that include GPS, fall detection, and other safety functions as well as environmental sensors ( that can alert workers to the presence of harmful chemicals. Mountain View, Calif.-based Twin Health (/company/twin-health) is a health platform that uses IoT to help people manage chronic diseases. Medical experts help patients collect and decipher data from wearables that track biosignals. The Internet of Things is growing every day, and there is certainly no shortage of opportunities to be a part of this crucial industry. Here is our list of 5 top IoT companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-iot-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-thermal-imaging-companies-hiring-today">5 Thermal Imaging Companies Hiring Today</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Thermal imaging is unlocking the world hidden from the naked eye. Thermal cameras allow people to see the invisible heat radiation emitted or reflected by objects, even in very low light. In the past, military operations were the exclusive users of thermal optics, but these days thermal tech is finding use cases in science, medicine, industry, surveillance, and imaging. Specific applications see firefighters pinpointing this (,that%20initial%20uptake%20was%20slow). the epicenter of a blaze and doctors being able to instantly screen skin temperature. With aftermarket options already available to enable thermal imaging for your smartphone (, it’s projected that thermal optics will soon become another built-in smartphone feature. Due to this and the growing need of security application across public and private sectors, the thermal imaging market is expected to reach a market size of $7.5B ( by 2030. In the world of medicine, Kernel (/company/kernel_) is exploring the frontiers of the mind–a crossdisciplinary effort of neuroscientists, physicicsts, and engineers–with non-invasive mind/body/machine interfaces (mbmi) to improve and extend human cognition. Their current offering is a scifi looking helmet that scans the wearers brain with infrared. While the helmet isn’t quite as practical as a smart watch of other wearable just yet, the goal is to make brain imaging as common as tech that tracks ones heart rate. But thermal has the potential to protect your health beyond just monitoring. Owl Autonomous Imaging (/company/owl-autonomous-1) is using thermal imaging to ensure pedestrian safety, especially at night. Their 3D thermal ranging solution allows vehicles to identify pedestrians, cyclists, and animals far sooner than other autonomous driving systems. And Athena Security (/company/athena-security-2) is bridging the gap between health and safety with their iPad temperature detection setup. The system can detect temperatures within 0.3 degrees celsius and enables the contactless screening of pedestrian traffic for up to 2000 people per hour. Whats more, the same device can be used for concealed weapons detection. If you’re interested in ushering in a more safe and secure future with thermal, check out our list below of top thermal imaging startups hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-thermal-imaging-companies-hiring-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/longevity-tech-10-tech-companies-hiring-to-extend-life-and-prevent-disease">Longevity Tech: 10 Tech Companies Hiring to Extend Life and Prevent Disease </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Tech companies are developing innovative new tools to help detect and prevent disease earlier and with much better precision. The $3.6B (,USD%205%2C512.89%20billion%20by%202027.) global preventative healthcare market is expected to grow to $5.5B by 2027, buoyed by innovations in detecting and managing chronic diseases. The category encompasses everything from chronic disease management technologies and early detection and screening, to vaccines and advanced tools for reducing medical errors. Jyzen Labs is taking a personal approach to aging and disease by developing research and data-driven personalized health programs. The company’s biometrics lab provides insights into the use of their bio-resonance, heat and cold therapy, hyperbaric sleep chambers, integrative bodywork, IV therapies, NeuroFit protocols, and more. Komodo Health is addressing the burden of disease with its platform for curating healthcare data and analytics. The cloud-based platform brings together data from across enterprise, public domain, and proprietary sources to help businesses make better decisions that improve patient outcomes. Companies like Oncoustics are working on developing non-invasive surveillance, diagnostics, and treatment monitoring with the help of AI. In the case of Oncoustics, this involves applying AI to raw ultrasound signals. Methid focused on leveraging AI to make both research and diagnostics more effective, faster, and cheaper. And Biobot Analytics is seeking better public health by collecting data from sewage systems. If you’re drawn to prevent suffering and empower people with longer, healthier lives, check out our list below of top startups developing preventative medical technologies.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/longevity-tech-10-tech-companies-hiring-to-extend-life-and-prevent-disease">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-5-tech-companies-advancing-age-tech">Hiring: 5 Tech Companies Advancing Age Tech</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Tech companies are forging new ground in an effort to crack the code of aging. Take caloric restriction, for example. It’s been shown to extend lifespans in animal lab tests. Genetic pathways related to growth and insulin signaling appear linked to aging–many drugs developed for diabetes, like metformin and FGF-21, are relevant to anti-aging. Parabiosis—providing an older animal with younger blood—is another area gaining interest of tech companies. Animals with less senescent cells live longer. Increasing the expression of one protein that helps to clean up cellular waste was enough to make mice live 17% longer ( And research into the hypothalamus, reproductive system, mitochondria, and sitruins round out the list of promising areas for longevity. Companies like Xcell Biosciences (/company/xcell-biosciences) are working to enhance the safety of cell and gene therapies. Xcell leverages AI to enable researchers to discover novel insights into immune and tumor biology. OneStudyTeam (/company/onestudyteam) is building cloud-based software to accelerate the development of new life-saving therapies. While Benchling (/company/benchling) and Genemod (/company/genemod) are improving R&D for faster therapeutic breakthroughs. If you’re interested in working at the cutting edge of medicine, check out our list of top companies pioneering medical treatments.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-5-tech-companies-advancing-age-tech">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/7-bootstrapped-companies-hiring-now">7 Bootstrapped Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Some of the most successful and impactful startups in recent years including Apple, Craigslist, Meta, and many more ( are “bootstrapped” successes. Without the help of major outside funding from VCs early on, they pulled themselves up by their proverbial bootstraps and fueled growth through sales. To make it out of the mud, these companies need efficient ( business models, good spending habits (, and a product or service that genuinely separates itself from the competition to generate sales ( If companies are scrappy enough to find early success without major funding, it can bode well for their ability to attract talent. After all, who doesn’t root for a David up against a Goliath? These companies are living proof. Atlassian (/company/atlassian) is a worldwide leader in work management, IT service management, team collaborations, and other areas around the workplace. The company got its start in 2002 with a $10K ( charge on a founder’s credit card. It’s now a hugely valuable company that’s acquiring (/today/stories/atlassian-acquires-percept-ai-58250) other tech companies and hiring to continue its growth. Kpler (/company/kpler) is a fintech that built a data-based solution to help facilitate more sustainable and efficient trades. The company aggregates data from a variety of sources including satellites, radar, and government databases, to deliver global trade information in real time. After bootstrapping since 2014, the company took on its first major funding in April with over $200M ( Tremendous (/company/tremendous) originated as GiftRocket (, a company founded by 3 people with the deceptively simple goal of making sending virtual gift cards a breeze. With Tremendous, they make it easy for businesses to reward people who complete surveys, participatein user research calls, attend online trainings, and more. They are able to choose the kind of reward they recieve such as cash, gift cards or a charitable donation to an organization whose cause they support. If you want to work for a company that has started from the bottom and clawed its way to the top, take a look at these 5 successful bootstrap companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/7-bootstrapped-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/music-tech-5-top-companies-hiring-now">Music Tech: 5 Top Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>It’s no secret that working in the music industry can be unforgiving, often for “starving artist" ( wages. The digitization of music through streaming and downloads has tanked ( music sales, fewer people are seeing live music (, and it’s harder to keep audiences attention with nearly one song ('s%20approximately%20137%20million%20new,according%20to%20United%20Nations%20estimates) released per second on Spotify. Thankfully, the music hasn’t died out yet; artists are learning to adapt to the TikTok era ( of music and there are plenty of startups dedicated to overcoming the struggles of today’s digital landscape with tech based solutions. Patreon (/company/patreon) is a membership platform that empowers creators of all kinds, including musicians, to monetize their work and early a salary from their most dedicated fans, rather than relying on the pennies ( they receive from streaming services. Last year, the platform reached a $4B (/today/stories/patreon-s-valuation-triples-to-4-billion-as-creators-and-fans-flock-to-platform-41142) valuation. DICE (/company/dice-1) wants more people to get out to the shows they want to see (even the ones they don’t know about). They tailor quality live shows to every users tastes, from genre, to venue size, and more. Last year, they raised $122M (/today/stories/london-s-dice-raises-122m-at-a-400m-valuation-for-its-intelligent-event-discovery-and-booking-platform-52815) in Series C funding. Q&A (/company/qandamedia) is a company dedicated to empowering independent artists, managers, and labels to grow their entrepreneurial chops through strategy and tech. They offer services to help artists pitch their music for licensing, a cutting-edge distribution platform, community spaces for learning, and more. If you want to help shape the next wave of artists in an ever changing digital world, take a look at these music tech jobs hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/music-tech-5-top-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-moving-the-creator-economy-forward">5 Tech Companies Moving the Creator Economy Forward</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Over the past decade the idea of making a living off of content creation has gone from a novel idea ( to reality ( for a growing number of people. Creators get the luxury of creating the kind of content they produce, choosing their own schedule (, deciding which brands ( to work with, and all the other benefits ( that come with being your own boss. Savvy companies realize that creators and influencers are the future (,type%20of%20digital%20marketing%20activities) of reaching their target audience in a cost effective ( manner. They are finding ways to support and bankroll creators while profiting themselves. CreatorIQ (/company/socialedge-2) is a Los Angeles-based company dedicated to connecting the world's biggest brands with creators in order to create digital marketing that will achieve a variety of business objectives such as creating brand loyalty and repeat sales. Last year they closed a $40M (/today/stories/creatoriq-banks-40-million-to-build-out-influencer-marketing-platform-52455) funding round. New York-based Lumanu (/company/lumanu) has created a SaaS platform that makes for a more frictionless experience between creators and marketers. Their platform offers automated payments for creators, integration with a brands existing accounting and CRM, and more. Last year, they were named one of the top ( New York creator economy startups. If you want to work for a company powering creativity and building smarter marketing solutions, here are 5 creator economy companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-moving-the-creator-economy-forward">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/want-to-grow-alongside-your-company-these-5-tech-companies-offer-mentorship-programs">Want To Grow Alongside Your Company? These 5 Tech Companies Offer Mentorship Programs</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Mentorship programs are one of the most powerful tools for employee development ( and retention ( From pairing a newer employee with a more experienced colleague for one-on-one training, to group mentoring programs, growth opportunities ( at a company are very enticing to prospective employees. Mentorships can also help ease ( the feeling of detachment that some feel as a result of remote or hybrid work environments. Flexport (/company/flexport) is a supply chain platform that helps global logistics, buyers, and sellers for over 10k ( companies make their supply chains more transparent, connected, scaleable, and sustainable ( They offer employees a learning budget and have leadership development programs and mentorship opportunities, and get every new employee started with an one-week intensive onboarding program ( TravelPerk (/company/travelperk) takes the headache out of booking and managing business travel. They have a robust onboarding process and offer growth programs ( and mentorships. If you want to work for a company where your professional development matters, take a look at our list of companies with mentorship programs hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/want-to-grow-alongside-your-company-these-5-tech-companies-offer-mentorship-programs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/take-all-the-time-you-need-5-top-tech-companies-with-unlimited-pto-hiring-now">Take All The Time You Need: 5 Top Tech Companies With Unlimited PTO Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Nearly 80% ( of employees seek better work-life balance. The top way to achieve that, according to many, is time away from work. So it’s no surprise that paid time off ( (also know as “PTO”) is one of the most sought after perks today’s talent looks for. This model of working gives workers the freedom and flexibility they need to avoid burnout ( and creates an environment where the worker feels more trusted ( and valued ( NutriSense (/company/nutrisenseio) is a company that enables customers to engage critically with their blood glucose level by using their cutting edge Continuous Glucose Monitor (, all in an effort to improve their metabolic health. They offer employees a robust list of benefits including work from home reimbursement, a 100% remote environment, and unlimited PTO. The New York-based investment app Titan (/company/titanvest) is a powerful modern tool that over 50k clients use to build and manage a successful portfolio for stocks, crypto, real estate, and more. The company offers employees equity, a MacBook/PC laptop, and unlimited PTO. Hang (/company/hang-11) is a company working with Web3 and NFT tech to create the future of brand loyalty. They allow their clients to offer NFT based memberships to their customers that can accrue value over time. Benefits of working at Hang include health insurance, quarterly company offsites, and unlimited PTO. If you want to work for a company offering competitive benefits, take a look at our list of 5 companies with unlimited PTO hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/take-all-the-time-you-need-5-top-tech-companies-with-unlimited-pto-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/game-on-5-top-gaming-tech-companies-hiring-now">Game On: 5 Top Gaming Tech Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The gaming industry is rapidly growing and showing no signs of slowing down. Global video game revenue is expected to increase from $235B by the end of this year to over $321B (,exceed%20%24320%20billion%20by%202026) by 2026. There are a number of factors that explain this swift expansion. When the pandemic forced everyone inside, people sought escape with gaming. Online gaming was especially popular, and even beneficial to gamers mental health, providing a form of connection ( that many desperately sought. The Verse (/company/the-verse) is a company that focuses on the intersection of gaming and mental health. They create games and digital experiences made to help users with mental health struggles such as anxiety, grief, perspective-taking, and more. Another key reason for the growth of the industry is the rapidly expanding social/casual/mobile (/job-collections/get-in-the-game-top-mobile-gaming-companies-hiring-now) gaming sphere. These games are bringing a more diverse audience to gaming, especially with older players (/job-collections/get-in-the-game-top-mobile-gaming-companies-hiring-now). Niantic (/company/niantic) is one of the most prominent names in mobile gaming, creating smash hits like Pokémon GO. Their AR games appeal to a wide audience and encourage healthy habits for gamers, such as outdoor exercise and social interactions. The company has brought in over $900 ( for the past two years. One of the newer sectors of gaming is Web-3 based games. These games allow players to collect in-game items and collectibles via the blockchain. Companies like Metatheory (/company/metatheory-1) are facing this new frontier head-on, building Web-3 games and social experiences to transform how we game and connect with others online. If you want to work in the ever-expanding gaming industry, here is our list of 5 exciting gaming tech companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/game-on-5-top-gaming-tech-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/shaping-the-future-of-manufacturing-5-exciting-3d-companies-hiring-now">Shaping The Future Of Manufacturing: 5 Exciting 3D Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>From beautiful two-story homes ( to groundbreaking bike designs ( to drones ( capable of constructing 3D printed structures in disaster zones, 3D Printing is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry. 3D printing is quickly shaping into the most efficient ( and sustainable ( way to manufacture on both a micro ( and macro ( scale. Xometry (/company/xometry) is a manufacturing company that offers AI-enabled solutions for on-demand manufacturing with instant quoting technology, a nationwide network of manufacturers, and more. Their Go Green ( initiative gives customers the option to offset their carbon footprint. Threekit (/company/threekit) is a visualization platform that allows their clients to easily and effectively render and deploy 3D product configurations. While they don’t produce the products themselves, their 3D technology is cutting edge and can greatly increase the customer experience that a company can provide. San Francisco-Based Gantri (/company/gantri) helps designers create and sell designs directly to consumers. Sustainability is a top priority for the company which uses innovative plant-based materials ( rather than traditional plastic. If you want to help shape the future of the manufacturing industry, look no further. Here is our list of 5 exciting 3D tech companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/shaping-the-future-of-manufacturing-5-exciting-3d-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/building-the-future-5-advanced-materials-companies-hiring-now">Building The Future: 5 Advanced Materials Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Advanced materials are materials with “unique” or “novel” properties ( that “exhibit greater mechanical, thermal, electrical, optical, chemical properties.” The industry is growing in size and importance at an astounding rate. The market was valued at approximately $15B in 2022 and is projected to surpass $22B (,at%20%2414.2%20Billion%20in%202021) by 2027. High tech ( industrial sectors like aerospace, defense, medical, and energy industries rely on the critical, cutting edge materials that advanced material companies produce. Over time, these materials can become ubiquitous with everyday life, such as carbon fiber ( and kevlar ( California-based Apeel Sciences (/company/apeel-sciences) is creating plant-based protection to extend the shelf life of your produce. Their innovative product uses materials from fruits and vegetables to keep moisture inside your produce and oxygen out, making it last twice as long and helping to reduce food waste. Last year it’s valuation shot past $2B ( Phoenix Tailings (/company/phoenix-tailings) is a mining and metal production dedicated to producing the valuable materials we need from mining while eliminating the harmful waste that it produces as well. AELER Technologies (/company/aeler-technologies) is redefining the shipping container. Advanced materials make their containers insulated, stronger, and more environmentally friendly. If you want to work for a company rethinking the materials we use to build our reality, here are 5 advanced materials companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/building-the-future-5-advanced-materials-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/from-browsing-to-spending-to-marketing-5-e-commerce-companies-hiring-now">From Browsing to Spending to Marketing: 5 E-commerce Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>In just the past 5 years, e-commerce across the globe has nearly doubled ( A lot of that growth happened as a result of the pandemic ( Previously, U.S. e-commerce sales weren’t projected to cross over the $1T mark until 2024, but with the help of the pandemic, this number should be reached before the end of this year ( Many believe it’s a new era of e-commerce dominance ( Approximately 60% ( of consumers prefer online shopping to a brick and mortar experience. E-commerce can also open up new opportunities to reach customers through new and cutting edge marketing techniques. Klaviyo ( is a customer data and marketing automation platform. They make storing and analyzing customer data simple and use this data to target customers with high impact marketing. Companies that use Klaviyo have reported getting more email sign-ups from consumers, as well as consumers that are more likely to make another purchase from the company within 90 days ( Another huge player in the ecommerce realm happens to be streaming services. Anime is a medium where fans used to have to rely on expensive imports or dodgy bootlegs (, but with streaming services like Crunchyroll (/company/crunchyroll) entering the market, it is far easier for fans to access the shows they want to see. They stand to grow even larger in the coming years; in 2021 Crunchyroll was purchased by Sony’s Funimation for $1.175B (/today/stories/sony-s-funimation-acquires-anime-streaming-service-crunchyroll-for-1-175-billion-33841). If you want to work in the industry that is changing how we purchase items and services, take a look at our list of 5 companies in ecommerce hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/from-browsing-to-spending-to-marketing-5-e-commerce-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/from-sunny-oceanside-getaways-to-mountain-retreats-5-travel-companies-hiring-now">From Sunny Oceanside Getaways To Mountain Retreats: 5 Travel Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The vacation and travel industry was one of the areas of the economy that was most affected by COVID-19 ( shutting down travel and isolating people. Now the people are vaccinated and travel restrictions are being lifted (, there is a strong desire ( for travel. Whether it’s to reconnect with family and friends, or to simply get away, travel is back on the mind of many people. In recent months, spending on travel has been around 2019, pre-pandemic levels ( Leading voices in the travel industry and startups are using this period of rebuilding to create, a more resilient ( travel and tourism sector. TravelPerk (/company/travelperk) is a platform that makes booking and managing business travel a breeze. They make business travel safe, easy, and they can even offset 100% ( of carbon emissions from business travel. Last year they raised $160M (/today/stories/travelperk-raises-160m-in-equity-and-debt-after-a-year-of-derailed-business-trips-43180) in series D funding. AvantStay (/company/avantstay) is a company that creates expertly curated home-away-from-home experiences for their guests. They help guests book luxury estates that have top quality interior design and activities, courtsey of their team, for an unforgettable vacation home experience. Family vacations, friends trips, corporate retreats, and more can be elevated with AvantStay. Last year they raised over $160M ( in series B funding. If you want to work for a company that helps turn travel dreams into reality, take a look at these 5 companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/from-sunny-oceanside-getaways-to-mountain-retreats-5-travel-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/what-s-cooking-in-the-food-and-beverage-tech-industry-5-companies-hiring-now">What’s Cooking in the Food and Beverage Tech Industry? 5 Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The food and beverage industry isn’t all caviar and champagne these days after getting walloped ( by the pandemic. Food and beverage makers, distributors, restaurants, and others are adjusting to a number of other global challenges (read: opportunities) that make the industry especially enticing to tech entrepreneurs and investors (/today/stories/the-2022-outlook-for-food-and-beverage-companies-and-investors-marcum-llp-67717). The food industry generated $8.27T ( in 2021, a number that’s expected to grow to $11T ( by 2027. Automation (/job-collections/5-robotic-process-automation-rpa-tech-companies-enhancing-work-with-robots-and-hiring-now) is expected to play a role in everything from making food safer (/today/stories/ai-holds-the-key-to-automation-in-the-food-industry-67718) to delivering it faster and fresher. Companies are confronting crosswinds of food shortages ( combined with labor shortages (,pay%20and%20less%20customer%20harassment), all while demand continues to increase (,by%20more%20than%20population%20growth) along with populations. Other trends present opportunities, like the increased popularity of plant-based diets and juice (/today/stories/global-juice-concentrates-market-2022-to-2027-value-added-products-are-gaining-momentum-67720), the rise of robot-assisted farming (/job-collections/5-robotic-process-automation-rpa-tech-companies-enhancing-work-with-robots-and-hiring-now) and cobots (/job-collections/hiring-now-5-companies-helping-humans-with-smart-cobots) in the kitchen, and the rise of food delivery (,15%25%2C%20the%20survey%20found). Qwick (/company/qwick-1) is a staffing-as-a-service platform dedicated to helping restaurants tackle the labor shortage. Restaurants use Qwick’s system to hire workers as they need help, which is a win for staff, too, since it allows them more flexibility to choose their own schedule and where they work. Meanwhile, Daily Harvest (/company/daily-harvest-2) is taking advantage of food trends with a food delivery service specializing in plant-based meals. Interested in working in an industry that serves everyone? Here are 5 food or beverage tech companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/what-s-cooking-in-the-food-and-beverage-tech-industry-5-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-latinx-owned-companies-hiring-today">5 Latinx-owned Companies Hiring Today</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Funding for LatinX startup founders grew from less than $2B in 2017 to nearly $7B in 2021 ( But despite this growth, LatinX-founded startups still receive little more than 2% of all VC investment. Recognizing the need, Google recently launched ( an investment fund to promote better equity for Latino-led startups. Alongside the $5M in investment allocated to the fund, Google revealed that they will provide mentorship, cloud credits, and access to therapy sessions. San Francisco-based BetterUp (/company/betterup) is helping people up-level their lives and careers with a mobile platform focused on personal and professional skills coaching. Meanwhile, Pittsburgh-based Duolingo (/company/duolingo) is on a mission to enable us all to communicate better with each other. It’s now the world’s top downloaded education app, too. The company has helped more than 120M people learn a new language. San Francisco-based Brex (_/company/brex) is a Y Combinator alumnus that provides all-in-one finance for small businesses. Boston-based Drift (/company/heydrift) and Seattle-based Outreach (/company/outreach) are helping those businesses drive sales with their software. Check out our list of top Latinx-founded tech companies hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-latinx-owned-companies-hiring-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-startups-hiring-engineers-now">5 Startups Hiring Engineers Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Software engineers are one of the most in demand ( roles across a wide range of industries. Companies are willing to pay top dollar in order to attract the best and brightest. Overall, engineers earn a healthy median salary of $100k (, while certain specialties commonly net salaries in the $200k+ ( range. A career as an engineer can be challenging and incredibly rewarding. Beyond the great pay, engineers are often hard at work solving a tech company’s most pressing challenges, which makes the work intellectually stimulating. Often, their tech solutions lead to a better planet (,of%20living%20in%20underdeveloped%20countries) because of the central role tech plays in sustainability, clean energy, healthcare, transportation, food security, and more. One company hiring engineers with an incredibly important mission is Virta Health (/company/virta-health). The company recently raised another $130M+ ( to create a first of its kind medication- and surgery-free treatment for type 2 diabetes. Plume (/company/plume-design) enables the next generation of smart home tech with a platform that helps other tech companies and operator services deploy wifi solutions. The company recently took home three awards ( at the 2022 Visionary Spotlight Awards. If you are looking for a rewarding and engaging career in the engineering field, take a look at our list of 5 top tech companies hiring engineers now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-startups-hiring-engineers-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-hiring-remote-workers">5 Tech Companies Hiring Remote Workers</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>It’s clear by now: Remote work is here to stay. No longer simply a safety precaution in a pandemic, remote work is opening up new opportunities for job seekers and tech companies alike. Some expect as many as 25% ( of all professional office jobs in the U.S. to be remote by the end of 2022. High paying remote options at companies have risen from 4% pre-pandemic to over 15% ( today. Remote work allows workers to be productive ( at their own pace and on their own schedules, from the comfort of their own home. It’s given a boost to travel (, too, since people can now work from anywhere with an Internet connection. Remote and flexible work can also deliver mental health ( benefits and support an overall happier and more fulfilled lifestyle for employees. Employers also reap major benefits ( Twitter ( is among the Big Tech companies leading the way by downsizing office space and encouraging virtual offices. AssemblyAI (/company/assemblyai-1) is a fully remote company that develops AI that understands and transcribes audio. In addition to being fully remote, the company offers unlimited PTO, equity, and a $1k home office improvement bonus. The company recently raised $30M ( in Series B funding. Overjet is a startup that uses AI to help dentists make challenging diagnoses more manageable. They are fully remote and growing. Last year the company raised $42M ( in Series B funding. If working remotely is a high priority for your career and lifestyle, take a look at these five top tech companies hiring fully or largely remote staff now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-hiring-remote-workers">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/6-top-tech-companies-hiring-positions-100k">6 Top Tech Companies Hiring Positions $100K+</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>In June, the U.S. saw their inflation rate continue to soar, rising to 9.1% (,according%20to%20our%20econometric%20models). Studies show that having enough money to live comfortably is a key foundation for a happy life (,believe%20money%20can%20buy%20happiness.&text=Unlike%20the%20Princeton%20researchers%2C%20Killingsworth,less%20happiness%2C%22%20he%20noted.), but the ever-increasing cost of living is causing many to fall behind ( financially. Now is a great time for skilled and dedicated workers to upgrade their standing in life with a high paying and exciting career. Social Native (/company/social-native) is a company that connects brands with professional, trendy, engaging content creators to help create authentic visual content. They have connected companies such as Dollar Shave Club and Adidas with creators to help generate buzz around the brand. They are expanding their investment in the creator economy, forming partnerships with creator talent companies like ( in order to tap into their network to serve more clients. Based out of Venice, Calif., CareRev (/company/care-revolutions) is tackling the labor issues that plague the healthcare system. Their platform allows medical facilities to quickly and easily get help with covering open shifts, optimizing their workforce while reducing labor costs. Last year, the company raised $50M in Series A funding, a testament to their success, alongside happy customers and well paid employees. If you want to take the next step in your career and life in a position that pays $100K+, here are 6 exciting companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/6-top-tech-companies-hiring-positions-100k">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/step-into-the-future-with-these-5-ai-companies-hiring-now">Step Into The Future With These 5 AI Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Artificial Intelligence is becoming more powerful, fast, and integrated into human lives by the day, with no signs ( of slowing down anytime soon. Companies are utilizing AI to great success to increase productivity and profits, with 92% ( of large companies utilizing AI reporting returns on their AI investments. AI also has the power to ease the stress felt by workers by eliminating menial tasks (, in turn giving them the ability to focus on more thoughtful areas of their job. For example, AssemblyAI (/company/assemblyai-1) is a remote company that builds powerful AI models for developers, startups, and companies to transcribe, understand, and organize audio data. This simple but time consuming task can be done far more efficiently by their API, allowing humans to focus on the work that really matters. The capabilities of AI seem nearly limitless, as demonstrated by Sanctuary AI (/company/sanctuary-ai-2), a company setting out to create human-like intelligence in robots. They aim to tackle labor shortages facing many large companies ( with the help of robots capable of performing manual labor and thinking like people. Some critics are concerned of the dangers of creating AI that could become intelligent enough to reach some form of sentience (; that’s where a company like OpenAI (/company/openai) comes in. They are a research company dedicated to finding and deploying a safe path towards artificial general intelligence. They want an AI that benefits humanity, with safety and human needs at its core, not profit. If you want to work in an industry that will play a large part in shaping the future of other industries and all of humanity, here are 5 AI companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/step-into-the-future-with-these-5-ai-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/women-owned-companies-hiring-top-talent">Women-Owned Companies Hiring Top Talent</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>In 2021, women-founded startups in the U.S. raised $55B, representing a 146% YoY increase ( from 2020. However, despite this growth, funding for women founders remains at only 2% of total VC dollars. While many hurdles remain, there are breakthroughs to be celebrated. 2021 saw 4X ( more women-led startups reach unicorn status than 2020. This class of 83 newly minted women-led unicorns spans everything from agtech and healthcare to e-commerce and delivery. And then there’s Sydney, Australia-based Canva (/company/canva), which became the world’s most valuable woman-led startup ( at $40B. What’s more, women-led startups have consistently shown that when they do get funded, they have a higher likelihood of success ( Now, more organizations, certification and funding programs, and women-focused business awards ( are emerging to expand opportunities for more women to join the ranks of success. Founded by Arianna Huffington, Thrive Global (/company/thrive-global) aims to unlock human potential by busting stress and preventing burnout. Berlin-based Clue (/company/clue) helps over 10M people each month to get insights into their reproductive health. The company collaborates with universities to advance female health research and provide education about health, periods, and sex. New York City-based BlockFi (/company/blockfi) is building bridges between traditional finance and crypto markets. The company’s first product, a USD loan secured by cryptoassets, allows clients to access liquidity without losing future upside or triggering a taxable event. Check out our list of top companies with women founders hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/women-owned-companies-hiring-top-talent">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-hot-tech-companies-hiring-to-up-level-consumer-packaging">5 Hot Tech Companies Hiring to Up-level Consumer Packaging </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Packaging has always been a way of establishing brand identity, but increasingly, companies are putting their values on display with environmentally friendly packaging options. Companies like Returnity (/company/returnityinc) and Mi Terro (/company/mi-terro) are pioneering reusable and degradable packaging materials with products made from agricultural byproducts ( and surplus food. In some cases, such as with Cometeer (/company/cometeer), packaging is even improving the taste of ingredients. Other technologies like Machine Learning are rapidly maturing in the packaging market. Companies like Adrich (/company/adrich) and Arka (/company/arkainc) are making the world of packaging more intelligent with sophisticated data collection. The use of these new technologies is crucial for delivering optimum productivity and efficiency, prompting many packaging companies to embrace automation. The pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. and the expanding ecommerce sector in Asia are also set to help packaging grow. Global Market Insights Inc. anticipates the packaging equipment industry will grow to a $50B market ( by 2027. If you’re interested in working at the intersection of design and environmentalism, check out our list of companies revolutionizing packaging.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-hot-tech-companies-hiring-to-up-level-consumer-packaging">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/from-prototype-to-production-3d-printing-companies-hiring-now">From Prototype to Production: 3D Printing Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing as it’s more commonly referred to, is reshaping ( our manufacturing capabilities. 3D printing allows companies to speed up the manufacturing process from rapid prototyping ( to production ( It is also a very cost effective ( and sustainable ( production method for companies to adopt. Montreal-based AON3D (/company/aon3d) is an exciting company that prints advanced materials for aerospace, R&D, industrial, and other industries. Parts that they have worked on have ended up on the International Space Station (, the moon (/today/stories/aon3d-closes-11-5m-series-a-partners-with-astrobotic-to-send-3d-printed-parts-to-the-moon-51673), and other out of this world places. Amsterdam-founded online manufacturing platform Hubs (/company/hubsmfg) that helps with everything from rapid prototyping to full scale production for over 35,000 businesses across the globe ( People can upload a prototype, get an instant quote, and start production quickly with Hubs. The company offers ( its employees free lunch, 24 days paid leave, a yearly trip to Europe, and other benefits. Massachusetts-based Markforged (/company/markforged) is an additive manufacturing company that specializes in metal and carbon fiber printing to create tough, factory floor ready parts. The company is expanding as well, having recently acquired 3D printing company Digital Metal (/today/stories/markforged-acquires-digital-metal-for-40m-as-3d-printing-space-continues-to-evolve-67124). Last year, Markforged went public in a $2.1B ( SPAC deal. If you want to work in this exciting industry that is changing how we manufacture products and is expected to grow to $50.8B ( by 2030, take a look at our list of 5 3D printing companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/from-prototype-to-production-3d-printing-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/life-is-expensive-these-startups-are-helping-and-hiring">Life Is Expensive, These Startups Are Helping (and Hiring)</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Living is getting more expensive ( Millions of Americans feel the crushing weight of student debt ( and deteriorating credit scores ( Luckily, startups are tackling these issues head-on, helping a diverse array of people in the process. Cherry (/company/cherry-technologies) is a San Francisco-based fintech that helps to take the burden off of people with expensive medical needs. With Cherry, patients can quickly and easily create and manage payment plans to split their expenses into manageable monthly payments. Nearly 45% ( of consumers take advantage of the ‘buy now pay later’ model, and Cherry gives that option to the people who need it the most. Earnest (/company/earnest) is a company on a mission to make higher education more accessible and affordable by finding the best ways to lower their bills and pay off student debt. In 2021, it was the leading ( refinancer of student loans in the U.S. by origination value. January (/company/january-tech) is a company that works to treat borrowers who have fallen behind on debt with respect and dignity, while simultaneously getting them back on track towards financial stability. Early this year, the startup received $10M in funding which it put towards hiring and expanding its product line. If you want to work for a company dedicated to helping to make ends meet for millions of people, take a look at our list of employers hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/life-is-expensive-these-startups-are-helping-and-hiring">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-hot-companies-hiring-growth-hackers">5 Hot Companies Hiring Growth Hackers</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Despite difficult times for many sectors, marketers remain in high demand. The field is expected add 10% (/job-collections/5-companies-with-revolutionary-marketing-strategies-hiring-now) more jobs by 2030. Part of this growth is due to the need for more specialized forms ( of marketing needed to tackle the problems a company might be facing. When a company is focused specifically on rapid growth, they look for a special kind of marketer to help them achieve their goals. Growth hackers ( are the people with the expertise to make this happen. Denver-based SonderMind (/company/sondermind) is looking to grow its behvioral therapy platform in order to make mental health resources accessible to anyone. Last July, they closed a $150M (/today/stories/sondermind-raises-150m-in-series-c-funding-49315) series C financing, and since have been using the funds to expand to all 50 states. San Francisco-based Chime (/company/lifeatchime) is on a mission to provide Americans with banking services that are easy and free. The company’s approach doesn’t rely on overdraft ( monthly service, minimum balance, or other member fees. Zurich-based On Running (/company/on_running1) wants to spread the joy of running. Together, sports scientists, athletes, and enthusiasts, (plus growth hackers) are developing shoes and apparel at the intersection of design and technology. As strategies for sustainable growth continue to evolve, roles for growth hacking continue to rise. Check out our list of 5 hot companies hiring growth hackers now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-hot-companies-hiring-growth-hackers">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-5-tech-companies-modernizing-self-taught-skills">Hiring: 5 Tech Companies Modernizing Self-Taught Skills</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Technological and cultural shifts ( have led to workers placing their needs above their employers and looking for personal growth and new opportunities. It’s fitting then that there are companies capitalizing on this trend of personal development by creating services dedicated to helping people become the best versions of themselves. More than half ( of the workforce says that more professional development would help them in their current roles. The self-improvement industry is expected to grow from $41B in 2022 to over $67B ( by 2030. One of the most valuable skills ( that companies look for is the ability to speak multiple languages. Duolingo (/company/duolingo) is a company teaching these skills to over 120M users across the world. They use industry leading tech such as AI (/today/stories/edtech-language-platform-duolingo-ups-the-ai-ante-51980) to create their fun and effective lessons. JobPrepped (/company/jobprepped) is a digital marketing training program that offers its users immediate work experience. They help users with everything from resume optimization to digital marketing training to tips to ace their interviews. Stock Navigators (/company/stock-navigators) is for the person who wants to escape the corporate 9-5 lifestyle. They give users the tools to learn how to achieve financial freedom via building wealth through financial markets. If you are interested in working for a company dedicated to helping others grow, here are 5 self improvement companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-5-tech-companies-modernizing-self-taught-skills">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-5-companies-tech-companies-offering-tuition-reimbursement">Hiring: 5 Companies Tech Companies Offering Tuition Reimbursement</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Every year U.S. companies spend around $28B on tuition reimbursement ( — though only 2% ( of employees with access to it take advantage of. People who work at companies that offer tuition reimbursement tend to have stronger networks (, be more confident (, and stay at their companies longer (,t%20use%20the%20tuition%20reimbursement). Amazon (/company/amazon) is one of the tech giants leading the way in this realm. The company offers tuition reimbursement ( to employees across the board. Jellyvision (/company/jellyvision) is a Chicago-based startup that creates software to help employees make better decisions about their benefits from their company. Fittingly, Jellyvision offers some fantastic benefits, including a home office allowance, health insurance, and tuition reimbursement ( LogicMonitor (/company/logicmonitor) creates a cloud-based and fully automated infrastructure monitoring platform to help businesses innovate and improve their efficiency. Employees get paid professional development, a tuition stipend, and tuition reimbursements, among other benefits. If you are looking for a career that prioritizes your education and professional development, take a look at these companies that offer tuition reimbursement that are hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-5-companies-tech-companies-offering-tuition-reimbursement">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/satellite-maps-and-3d-5-spatial-engineering-companies-hiring-now">Satellite, Maps, and 3D: 5 Spatial Engineering Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>A geographic information system, or “GIS” for short, is a geographic database that has tools to analyze and visualize said data. Factor the power of 3D scanning and visualization into the equation and you have one of the most powerful, cutting edge technologies available to businesses ( today. Farming is one area where GIS technology is flourishing. Farmers face an ever increasing list of variables, such as the effects of global warming (, that impact crop yield. Companies like Indigo AG are helping farmers sustainably increase their yield ( by measuring environmental variables such as untilled soil’s capacity to trap carbon ( Wisconsin-based upstart Agrograph (/company/agrograph-1) is doing similar work by analyzing and visualizing farm data. GIS companies often use 3D visualization tools from companies like Navvis (/company/navvis) that make precise and ergonomic wearables. That allows them to create accurate visual maps at an incredible pace ( They are always working on fascinating new technological endeavors, such as their recently announced partnership ( with AR tech company Magic Leap to create large-scale AR applications for complex enterprise environments. If you want to work in a fast growing (,16.15%25%20during%20the%20forecast%20period) tech field, here are 5 GIS/3D visualization companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/satellite-maps-and-3d-5-spatial-engineering-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/bots-galore-5-robotics-companies-hiring-now">Bots Galore: 5 Robotics Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Robots are an increasingly common feature of our daily lives, and nowhere more so than a factory floor. Manufacturing puts to work 90% (,be%20found%20in%20such%20facilities) of robots in operation today. Auto titans like Toyota, Hyundai, and Ford are investing heavily ( into robotics to increase efficiencies. San-Francisco-based self-driving car service Cruise (/company/cruise-automation) is shaking up the automotive industry with its autonomous rideshare fleet, which attracted $1.35B (/today/stories/cruise-loaded-with-another-1-35b-from-softbank-opens-up-driverless-ride-hailing-to-the-public-58426) in investment from SoftBank. Kodiak Robotics (/company/kodiak-robotics) works with similar technology to create a wave of self-driving trucks. This is a service in high demand. Last year there was a shortage of 80k (,drivers%20over%20the%20next%20decade) drivers. Zipline (/company/zipline-international-1) is a robotics company with an nobel mission. The company uses autonomous drones to deliver vital medical supplies across the globe. In 2021, they received the prestigious Secretary of State ( award for their work strengthening access to health security in Ghana. The global robotics industry is expected to grow from $55B ( in 2021 to around $160B ( by 2030. If you want to become apart of this important and growing industry, here are 5 robotics companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/bots-galore-5-robotics-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/4-companies-hiring-top-developer-talent">4 Companies Hiring Top Developer Talent</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Studies show that on average, people who were nerds in highschool end up earning more ( than their popular “jock” counterparts. For example, the average salary of a remote software developer is $110K (/blog/software-engineer-salary#:~:text=Software%20engineer%20pay%20by%20experience%20level&text=Entry%2Dlevel%20software%20engineers%20earn,an%20average%20salary%20of%20%24141%2C706) a year. This career path opens the door to work in a wide variety of industries because of how wildly in demand ( the position is. The field is projected to grow 22% ( by 2030. If you’re a cyber-nerd with a passion with a passion for making the internet a better place, working in the Web3 field might be for you. While companies like Binance and have established themselves as major players in the crypto/Web3 space, there’s plenty of room for startups. U.S. and Mumbai-based Ethereum Push Notification Services (/company/ethereum-push-notification-service) developed the world’s first open communication layer for the web3 ecosystem and plans to roll it out over Ethereum, L2s, other blockchains. Now dapp users can get rewarded ( for their level of engagement. If your nerdy interests lie closer to the convergence of computers and the human mind, look no further than Elon Musk founded company Neuralink (/company/neuralink). The company, based out of California and Texas, aims to enable people to operate phones and computers despite physical limitations. In the future their product can help with everything from speeding up how much time it takes to send an email to ‘solving’ ( autism and schizophrenia. Others might take their nerd skills to the clouds. Based in Canada, High Tech Genesis (/company/high-tech-genesis-1) is one of many up-and-coming startups looking for talent to build cloud infrastructure. If you are ready for all of your hard, nerdy work to pay off, take a look at these 4 companies hiring high paying developer positions in exciting fields.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/4-companies-hiring-top-developer-talent">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-proptech-companies-bringing-real-estate-into-the-digital-age">5 Proptech Companies Bringing Real Estate Into the Digital Age</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Anyone who’s ever bought or sold a house knows that real estate transactions are typically complex affairs requiring a small forest of paperwork. Tech companies are changing the game, though, simplifying life for those who build, buy, sell, and rent property. Real estate technology—commonly referred to as “proptech” or “realtech”—sits at the crossroads of the sharing economy, fintech, and real estate. The sector grew like gangbusters ( the past few years as investors took advantage of historically low interest rates and sought modern software solutions to make things more efficient. Along the way, tech companies disrupted ( just about every areas of real estate for landlords, tenants, investors, brokers, and more. Sometimes called Realtech, The industry is expected to reach $86B ( over the next year following an injection of $32B in VC funding in 2021—marking a 28% increase from the year before. Funding is roughly split down the middle, with half devoted to residential and the other half to commercial property. Real estate software devoted the construction and property management is expected to remain hot through 2022, though rising mortgage rates and other economic conditions could cool a once-hot residential market. New York City-based StackSource (/company/stacksource) (/company/stacksource) makes it easy for commercial buyers to connect with financing options like banks, insurance companies, and private lenders. San Francisco-based Divvy (/company/divvy-homes) offers residential buyers new flexibility by offering a rent-to-own option for most any home purchase. The company wil purchase your home and rent it back to you. Companies like Orchard (/company/orchardhomes) and HomeLight (/company/homelight) are also transforming how people buy and sell homes with their own online platforms. New York City-based Obligo (/company/obligo) offers a tech-enabled alternative ( to traditional security deposits. If real estate moves you, check out our list below of top proptech companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-proptech-companies-bringing-real-estate-into-the-digital-age">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-blockchain-companies-hiring-to-revolutionize-real-estate">5 Blockchain Companies Hiring to Revolutionize Real Estate</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Blockchain-based real estate transactions are gaining traction with buyers, sellers, and investors. The distributed ledger technology is poised to give the real estate industry new life ( by increasing trust and transparency. What’s more, blockchain also has the potential to expedite contract processes, save time and reduce costs. The real estate industry is preparing to upgrade to web3 in order to consolidate web2 databases into a common ledger of leases and purchases that will allow brokers and agents to view the entire transaction history of properties. And, real estate NFTs ( will become all that’s required to document ownership of a property. Suddenly, ownership can become transferable without a middleman, in turn making the whole process cheaper, faster, and more secure than traditional real estate transactions. The recent sale of a home in Tampa marks the world’s third NFT sale of a home ( By simply connecting your wallet, after a few clicks, you can participate in transparent online auctions and apply for loans all in one place. Web3 real estate is so promising that even crypto credit scores ( are on the horizon. San Francisco-based Ripple (/company/ripple-labs) “tokenizes” value by bringing real estate transactions to the blockchain. Similarly, Blocknative (/company/blocknative-1) is developing a myriad of web3 products to help bring traditional finance to the metaverse. Austin-based Rex (/company/rexteams) provides an ecosystem for incubating, launching, and operating startups at the intersection of technology and real estate. Launch House (/company/launch-house) is building the future of community by creating physical and digital spaces to host social clubs populated by founders, engineers, and investors. Web3 real estate is just getting started. Check out our list below of top companies building blockchain-enabled real estate hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-blockchain-companies-hiring-to-revolutionize-real-estate">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-companies-shaping-the-future-of-smart-real-estate">5 Companies Shaping the Future of Smart Real Estate</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Proptech solutions embedded with smart wireless sensors are radically changing ( the way properties function. With streamlined technology, data from smart sensors can be easily integrated into building management systems that save tenants excess utility costs ( and add convenience for both tenants and renters. Sustainability (, connectivity, and automation are the core of smart real estate. Most commercial real estate companies still use manual methods ( to collect the data they rely on to manage building temperature, layout, and maintenance. Affordable, low-maintenance proptech means real estate companies of all sizes can also experience the benefits of IoT cost savings and convenience that keeps tenants smiling. The industry is is getting a boost with IoT technology that’s getting far more affordable for commercial and residential owners alike. New tech companies like Onwell (/company/ownwell) and Happyco (/company/happyco) leverage data to make property ownership a breeze. Younity (/company/younity-2) is focused on making wifi reliable throughout large multi-family properties. Meanwhile, Findigs (/company/findigs) and Doorloop (/company/doorloop) are building platforms to make navigating the home market easy, regardless if you’re looking to rent, buy, or sell. If you’re interested in building liveable spaces of the future, check out the list below of top smart real estate companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-companies-shaping-the-future-of-smart-real-estate">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-5-tech-companies-doing-good-in-the-world">Hiring: 5 Tech Companies Doing Good in the World</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Some of the most attractive companies to work for today are the ones taking it into their own hands to make positive change (/today/stories/why-work-for-a-nonprofit-creating-a-career-with-impact-68510) in the world. People who work for nonprofits are often more fulfilled (/today/stories/best-nonprofits-to-work-for-flexibility-benefits-and-feeling-appreciated-key-top-nonprofits-68511) by their work and feel that they are making progress everyday. In fact, 93% ( of nonprofit employees say they feel engaged in their work. Another attractive prospect of the nonprofit sector is that it is growing; in 2020 the market size was valued at $253B (,from%20%24255.54%20Billion%20in%202019) and this number is projected to grow to $345B (,from%20%24255.54%20Billion%20in%202019) by 2027. Additionally, some nonprofits receive public and private grants (, allowing them to offer better compensation packages. Code for America (/company/code-for-america) is a nonprofit that merges the best parts of technology with government to help make it work for everyone. They empower government and community organizations with the tools and tech to help make government services more accessible and effective. One downside of working for nonprofits is that they don’t pay ( as much as for-profit companies, but luckily there are plenty of for-profit companies that have a mission that seeks to better the world. Since tech is an increasingly important part of how any organization gets its work done, there are ample opportunities to work at for-profit companies that help nonprofits achieve their missions. Vera Solutions (/company/vera-solutions-1) is a social enterprise that’s dedicated to building could and mobile applications for social impact organizations across the world. They help organizations working in fields like health and education to work more effectively with the help of their tech solutions. The San Diego, Calif.,-based fundraising platform Classy (/company/classy) enables nonprofit social good organizations to easily raise funds. They offer a variety of services such as online donations, fundraising campaigns, ticketing, and more. Cuseum (/company/cuseum) is a software platform that helps museums, nonprofits, cultural institutions, and more with digital tools that make for a more engaging visitor experience. If you want to work for a startup dedicated to serving individuals and communities, here's our list of 5 companies doing good and hiring top tech talent now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-5-tech-companies-doing-good-in-the-world">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/here-s-to-the-host-5-hospitality-companies-hiring-now">Here’s to the Host: 5 Hospitality Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>As pandemic restrictions lift and the world opens back up, travel is a top priority ( for many people. The hospitality industry stands to benefit from our collective desire to get away (/job-collections/7-startups-you-should-apply-to-if-you-love-tech-and-travel) and the rise of a digital nomad workforce (/job-collections/digital-nomad-jobs). The industry market is projected to grow substantially over the next 5 years, from $4T ( to nearly $7T as companies capitalize on opportunities to introduce new services and tech ( that elevate the travel experience. Companies like AvantStay (/company/avantstay) are making travel more convenient and comfortable than ever, tailoring places to their customers’ every need. AvantStay offers a curated home-away-from-home experience for people who book travel through their service, connecting travelers with luxury estates and manages services during their stay. Meanwhile companies like Placemakr (/company/placemakr) are blurring traditional lines between permanent homes and temporary stays by offering all the luxury, amenities, and white-glove service of a hotel with longer stays. Blueground (/company/blueground) designs and furnishes properties for longer term rentals and then manages the rental throughout the stay. If you want to work in the hospitality industry, here is our list of 5 top hospitality tech startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/here-s-to-the-host-5-hospitality-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-today-5-companies-moving-the-sharing-economy-forward">Hiring Today: 5 Companies Moving the Sharing Economy Forward</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>At a time when just about everything’s more expensive ( for just about everyone (, the sharing economy is the big winner. It’s little surprise we’re seeing huge growth in everything from shared rides and homes to offices and luggage storage. The sharing economy allows people to skip past traditional retail shopping and services in favor of services delivered on-demand with another person. In the U.S., an estimated 90M ( people participate in the sharing economy, and it's market size is expected to reach $1.5T (,period%20of%202019%20to%202024) by 2024. Bounce (/company/getbounce) provides travelers with secure and cheap luggage storage in over 1k cities around the world. A few months ago, the company closed a $12M ( Series A funding, helping them expand their sights past the 100k+ customers they currently serve. Brik + Clik (/company/brik-clik) is bridging the gap ( between online and IRL retail spaces. The company creates modern retail spaces and curates trending brands, immersive events, and more in a sustainable space. The sharing economy is a ecosystem that shows no signs of slowing down; if you want to be apart of this movement here are 5 companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-today-5-companies-moving-the-sharing-economy-forward">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-prioritizing-women-s-healthcare-benefits-for-their-employees-amidst-roe-v-wade">5 Major Tech Companies Prioritizing Women's Healthcare Benefits for their Employees Amidst Roe v Wade</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade, major tech companies are tweaking their benefits policies to support and provide health care for women in their workforce. In response to the recent laws impacting employees' health, tech giants like Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta ( have extended their benefits to include the expenses necessary to support every employee in their right to make the healthcare choices that are right for them ( Duolingo (/company/duolingo) has already updated ( their benefits to ensure all employees in the United States have access to reproductive healthcare. Netflix (/company/netflix) and Duolingo have both included a policy to reimburse the expenses necessary for U.S. employees and their dependants to access abortion services. Tesla (/company/tesla-motors) is also covering travel costs ( for employees seeking out-of-state abortions. GoodRx (/company/goodrx), a platform helping US citizens access affordable prescription drugs, is set to launch a new “Reproductive Health Center” ( to provide women with resources around emergency contraception, abortion costs, and access. While Box (/company/box), a company that helps people collaborate across the globe, released a statement ( reaffirming that they are committed to creating a safe, equitable, and inclusive workplace and will continue to offer paid time off and travel and medical expenses for reproductive healthcare services. While the fight for reproductive rights continues, the tech industry has an opportunity to step up and play a critical role ( in the safety and security of their women employees and customers. See below to learn more about the open roles at companies prioritizing women's healthcare benefits, supporting their employee's right to make their own healthcare decisions, and hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-prioritizing-women-s-healthcare-benefits-for-their-employees-amidst-roe-v-wade">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-black-owned-tech-companies-hiring-amid-2022-layoffs">5 Black-Owned Tech Companies Hiring Amid 2022 Layoffs</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The Great Resignation ( has seen Black employees leaving behind toxic work environments ( in search of meaning, equitable pay, and more support. Now, Black professionals are turning to entrepreneurship at unprecedented rates ( As a result, the number of Black-owned businesses in the U.S. is sitting at 30% ( above pre-pandemic levels. While there’s been progress, there’s a growing concern that the current wave of hiring freezes and layoffs in tech could reverse workforce diversity (/today/stories/tech-industry-layoffs-may-undo-workforce-diversity-gains-67927). At Meta, for example, the company reached its goal of doubling its Black workforce, but according to Meta’s chief diversity officer (, the need to watch budgets and work leaner is threatening their current employee mix. Tesla, Netflix, Peloton (, and many others have laid off tech workers in recent months. The failure of companies to make cultural changes that enable the retention of Black tech workers is all the more reason why there is a critical need for more Black founders in tech. Atlanta-based Calendly (/company/calendly) is the fastest growing company in scheduling automation; their simple scheduling software has connected over a million people. The founder, Tope Awotona, is one of just two Black tech billionaires ( in the U.S. Gro Intelligence (/company/gro-intelligence) was founded by Sara Menker to help customers tackle big data challenges. With offices in New York City and Nairobi, the company uses AI to help companies make sense of agriculture and climate data to forecast supply chains, fight climate change, and improve food security. Co-founders Kalam Dennis and Reham Fagiri of New York City-based AptDeco (/company/aptdeco) are working to do for interior design what Airbnb did for short-term rentals with a peer-to-peer marketplace for buying furniture. The site offers same-day pickup and delivery. Check out our list of companies headed by Black founders hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-black-owned-tech-companies-hiring-amid-2022-layoffs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-optimizing-the-workplace-and-hiring-now">5 Tech Companies Optimizing the Workplace and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Tech companies are at the forefront of redefining the workplace. Around the office, just about everything is different ( than just a few years ago. People are working from home and community workspaces (, dress codes ( are relaxing, and schedules are getting more flexible ( Companies are deploying tech to help with every step of the process, from finding great remote jobs to renting temporary homes and offices to automating back-office operations and optimizing buildings for workers to perform their best. (/company/firstbase-io) is developing tools to help founders launch their startups faster with less red tape. The company helps startups get up and running, setting bank accounts, offering tax advisory, and everything in between. Once companies are established, CIC (/company/cic-3) offers “startup clusters” they can join to keep all the back-office administration tasks off the CEOs agenda. The company provides coworking office spaces, community kitchens, conference rooms, technical support, and more to startups. After a startup is up and going, Addappt Intelligence (/company/adappt-intelligence) helps optimize their office environment. The company leverages sensors and machine learning to help businesses maximize energy efficiency and productivity. If you want to work for a company that is making waves in the business world and changing how work gets done, here is our list of 5 companies redefining the future of work.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-optimizing-the-workplace-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-home-office-stipends-hiring-in-2022">5 Remote Tech Companies with Unbelievable Home-Office Stipends Hiring in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Worldwide, employees and companies alike are beginning to recognize that remote work is here to stay. By the end of 2022, 25% ( of all jobs in North America will be remote, and remote opportunities are predicted to continue their reign as we enter 2023. While many companies boast the benefits and flexibility that come with a distributed workforce, the seemingly permanent shift to remote work means they’ll have to do more ( than just be remote. As employees continue to work from home, companies will have to reimagine new ways to attract and retain top tech talent. Benefits like generous remote work stipends are on the rise as companies continue to brainstorm new ways ( to offer their employees better benefits and more support while working remotely. Denver-based data startup, Flatfile (/company/flatfile), is investing heavily into its employees by providing them with an interior designer and a whopping 10K ( stipend for the ultimate home office makeover. SaaS-based data collaboration platform, Logic Monitor (/company/logicmonitor), offers their remote employees an $1800/year ‘Harmony Bonus’ for workers to use on whatever adds personal and professional harmony to their lives. Async collaboration platform, Almanac (/company/almanacdocs), offers each full-time employee a monthly stipend of $200 to spend on their workspace. Similarly, Alt (/company/onlyalt) employees can expense up to $100/month to be used at their discretion. California-based company, Box (/company/box), has started giving their employees $600/month to compensate for perks they previously received in the office. If you’re looking for a company that promotes work-life balance and has the receipts to prove it, check out our list of companies with the most generous home-office stipends hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-home-office-stipends-hiring-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-companies-prioritizing-employee-mental-health-and-hiring-now">5 Companies Prioritizing Employee Mental Health and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Mental health continues to be a hot topic post-pandemic. 40% ( of U.S. adults struggle with their mental health, and companies are showing their support by increasing their employee mental health benefits. In the past year alone, 30% ( of employers have already made mental health a top priority for their workforce - but many employees still feel as though they need more ( support. By 2030, the cost of mental illness is projected to exceed $6T ( annually. As a result, companies are reevaluating their employee benefits in order to offer better solutions with more efficient support and care. The search-as-a-service platform, Algolia (/company/algolia), enables companies of all sizes to deliver fast and relevant digital experiences that drive results. Algolia puts effort into taking care of their employees by offering them free 1:1 care with licensed mental health providers. During the pandemic, the company also offered optional “Listening Circles” ( as a safe space for employees to share their thoughts and struggles. Pinterest (/company/pinterest) has taken on its own approach to employee well-being. In 2020 the company created an internal community called “Pinside Out” (, which serves as a forum for employees to discuss mental health, they also host wellness-focused events for employees bringing in experts to speak on a range of mental health topics. Modern Health (/company/modernhealth) is a platform that provides mental health services to companies for their employees. Their mission is to destigmatize mental health care, break down barriers to access, and give employees the support they need to succeed. Of course, they also offer incredible mental health benefits to their own team - making it no surprise that 95% ( of their employees agree that Modern Health is a great place to work. If you’re interested in joining a company that prioritizes the mental health of their employees, see our list below of companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-companies-prioritizing-employee-mental-health-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/these-tech-companies-are-making-waves-in-ocean-conservation-and-hiring-now">These Tech Companies are Making Waves in Ocean Conservation and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The world is in the midst of an “ocean emergency" (/today/stories/un-head-declares-ocean-emergency-as-global-leaders-gather-in-lisbon-67550), and the United Nations is urging countries to do more to restore ocean health. Many tech companies are heeding the call and hiring top tech talent to take on this global blue challenge. Sea level rise, ocean heating, ocean acidification, and greenhouse gas concentrations all reached record levels (/today/stories/four-key-climate-change-indicators-break-records-in-2021-67552) last year. Nearly 80% of the world’s waste water (/today/stories/quality-and-wastewater-un-water-67553) is still discharged into the sea without treatment. Without drastic action, plastic could outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050 (/today/stories/un-head-declares-ocean-emergency-as-global-leaders-gather-in-lisbon-67550), as millions of tons of plastic (/today/stories/plastic-waste-entering-oceans-expected-to-triple-in-20-years-67554) get dumped into the oceans each year. There is a critical need for more scientific knowledge and marine technology to build ocean resilience. Sofar Ocean Technologies (/company/sofar-ocean-technologies) produced two tools for exploring uncharted waters: Sensors that can measure the surface conditions of the ocean and an underwater drone that allows anybody to explore beneath the surface. Companies like Flexport (/company/flexport) are developing platforms for global logistics to help in that work. Nyshex (/company/nyshex) is focused on providing technologies for managing ocean freight contracts that will unite shippers and carriers with a predictable, efficient, and accountable system for global commerce—and reduce environmental impacts along the way. Around 3B people (/today/stories/sustainable-seafood-industries-wwf-67555) rely on seafood as their primary source of protein. Running Tide (/company/running-tide) is taking a hands-on approach to growing and deploying kelp micro forests in the deep ocean to sequester carbon. The company also design automated systems for farming oysters and clams in an attempt to produce high-quality protein while restoring coastlines. The world's oceans—if strongly protected (/today/stories/study-in-nature-protecting-the-ocean-delivers-a-comprehensive-solution-for-climate-fishing-and-biodiversity-67556)—can be key to addressing many of the world’s most pressing challenges. Sustainable management could help the ocean produce 6x more food and generate 40x the renewable energy, all while protecting the oceans and the people in coastal areas from the impacts of climate change. If you love the ocean and are passionate about protecting our planet, check out our list of top companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/these-tech-companies-are-making-waves-in-ocean-conservation-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-companies-shaping-the-future-of-green-energy-and-hiring-now">5 Companies Shaping the Future of Green Energy and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Innovation and technology development play an ever more critical role in the world’s collective effort to fight climate change and move to a carbon-free future. The United Nations devotes more attention (/today/stories/this-is-what-we-need-to-invent-to-fight-climate-change-67525) than ever to the role of the tech sector in its most recent comprehensive report on climate change (/today/stories/climate-change-2022-mitigation-of-climate-change-67526). Fossil fuels still provide about 80% (/today/stories/energy-mix-67527) of the world’s energy, hampering efforts to eliminate carbon emissions and move to more environmentally sustainable economies. The U.N. warns (/today/stories/un-climate-report-it-s-now-or-never-to-limit-global-warming-to-1-5-degrees-67528) that unless drastic action is taken, global climate change goals are in danger of slipping out of reach by the end of this decade. Many countries and tech companies are taking drastic action to improve the performance of sustainable energy sources while reducing the cost of producing them. It’s working: Sustainable energy sources like wind, solar, and battery technologies that emit little to no greenhouse gases have made massive strides in recent years. Demand for renewable energy is on the rise (/today/stories/renewables-2020-analysis-iea-67529), too, and global events like the Ukraine crisis are only helping to advance the argument against oil (/today/stories/what-the-war-in-ukraine-means-for-energy-climate-and-food-67531). Global investment in the energy sector hit a record $755B in 2021, with renewables leading the way (,a%20new%20report%20from%20BloombergNEF.). Sustainable fusion as a power source (/today/stories/european-fusion-reactor-sets-record-for-sustained-energy-67533) has long been promoted as a potentially powerful tool in the fight against climate change. Companies like Commonwealth Fusion Systems (/company/commonwealth-fusion-systems), a venture spun out of MIT's plasma science and fusion center, are leveraging decades of past research and VC funding to advance this arena. Batteries are another hot area. Companies like Form Energy (/company/form-energy) are developing energy storage solutions that make a fully renewable electric grid possible. Meanwhile, Moxion Power (/company/moxion-power-co) is helping heavy industries like construction get more green with more powerful and reliable portable batteries. Some companies are helping the oil industry leverage tech to get cleaner. For example, Crusoe Energy Systems (/company/crusoe-energy-systems) provides oil and gas companies with a tech solution that the company claims eliminates up to 98% of methane emissions ( caused by natural gas flaring. With so many valuable approaches emerging to combat the climate crisis, every application of energy is seeing a push for innovation. If you’re excited by the prospect of a world powered by green energy, see our list of startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-companies-shaping-the-future-of-green-energy-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-you-should-apply-to-if-you-re-passionate-about-sustainability">5 Tech Companies You Should Apply to if You’re Passionate about Sustainability </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Across the globe people are more focused than ever on environmental issues and committed to achieving net-zero (,reach%20net%20zero%20by%202050). Tech companies are responding with environmentally friendly products and processes that prove popular among consumers and talent alike. Apple (, Dell ( and Microsoft ( are among the Big Tech companies working toward carbon neutrality. Samsung is reducing its energy consumption and recycling 95% of its manufacturing waste (,to%20reduce%20their%20environmental%20impacts). Deloitte estimates that a “de-carbonized economy” ( would save the U.S. $14T while adding another $3T to GDP. That presents a significant opportunity for new players in the sustainability space. Ethic (/company/ethic) offers institutions sustainable investing options. Chewie Labs (/company/chewie-labs) looks to rebuild the waste industry with sustainable design. Zoox (/company/zoox) has developed a fully autonomous vehicle fleet to provide mobility-as-a-service in urban environments. Flexport (/company/flexport) works to make shipping more sustainable, and Cognite (/company/cognite-1) is doing the same for SaaS. If you’re looking for a company that reflects your environmental ethos, check out our list of sustainability-focused companies hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-you-should-apply-to-if-you-re-passionate-about-sustainability">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-5-supply-chain-tech-companies-innovating-the-industry-in-2022">Hiring Now: 5 Supply Chain Tech Companies Innovating the Industry in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The pandemic brought to light a multitude of issues and inefficiencies ( in global shipping that many hope tech companies can fix. According to a recent survey, 93% ( of executives in shipping and logistics want to create a more flexible, agile, and resilient supply chain. As the industry adapts to the new normal, it’s also growing. The industry was valued at $10.1B (,9.02%25%20from%202021%20to%202028) in 2020 is expected to nearly double (,9.02%25%20from%202021%20to%202028) in size by 2028. That’s great news for job seekers. The industry is also projected to employ 30% ( more workers by 2030, with a starting salary of $60K ( and a median salary for professionals of roughly $90K ( Two tech companies at the forefront of supply chain innovation include San Francisco-based Arkestro (/company/arkestro), a predictive procurement platform, and Flexport (/company/flexport) which works with over 10k ( companies to ship goods. Supply chain management is a growing and changing industry that is critical to an immeasurable number of goods and services, and COVID showed how things can get when it fails. If you want to be a part of the movement to solve the supply chain crisis, here are 5 exciting startups in the field hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-5-supply-chain-tech-companies-innovating-the-industry-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/computer-vision-technology-is-on-the-rise-and-these-5-innovative-companies-are-hiring-now">Computer Vision Technology is on the Rise and These 5 Innovative CV Companies are Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Computer vision is a form of artificial intelligence in which computers can “see” ( and analyze images, video, and other types of data. Companies can hand off tasks both menial and complex to computer vision (CV) technology, which are performed by the computer without risk ( of fatigue, distraction, or other human errors. Computer vision is key technology making everything from warehouse robots to autonomous vehicles (,safe%20experience%20for%20its%20passengers) possible. CV can also help ( reduce costs and boost productivity in a variety of industries, from security ( to construction ( The computer vision industry generated $9.5B in 2020 and is expected to grow to $41B ( by 2030. San Francisco-based Hover (/company/hover) developed tech that allows anyone with a cell camera to create an accurately measured and interactive 3D model of their home to send off to insurance adjustors, interior decorators, and the like. Hive (/company/hiveai), with offices in San Francisco and Delhi, aims to power the next wave of intelligent automation with its plug-and-play computer vision and artificial intelligence services. As computer vision becomes more common across industries, now is a great time to join and build this technology. Here is our list of 5 startups working with computer vision hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/computer-vision-technology-is-on-the-rise-and-these-5-innovative-companies-are-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/these-6-iot-tech-startups-want-you-to-hire-you">6 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies Hiring Tech Talent Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a system made up of sensors, software, and a wide variety of devices ( that collect and communicate data to and from the Internet. Smart home tech like Google Home, smartwatches, connected cars, and more comprise more than 10B (,by%20the%20end%20of%202025.) devices active on the IoT. The IoT market is valued at nearly $400B ( and expected to grow substantially over the next decade to $2.5T ( along with the spread of 5G connectivity ( New York City-based (/company/ontarget-technologies) develops tech to make construction sites safer and more productive. The company deploys smart wearables ( for workers that include GPS, fall detection, and other safety functions as well as environmental sensors ( that can alert workers to the presence of harmful chemicals. Mountain View, Calif.-based Twin Health (/company/twin-health) is a health platform that uses IoT to help people manage chronic diseases. Medical experts help patients collect and decipher data from wearables that track biosignals. The Internet of Things is growing every day, and there is certainly no shortage of opportunities to be a part of this crucial industry. Here is our list of 6 IoT-based jobs hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/these-6-iot-tech-startups-want-you-to-hire-you">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-edtech-companies-shaping-the-future-of-education-and-hiring-now">5 Edtech Companies Shaping the Future of Education and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Education tech (“edtech”) is on the rise as educators and families try to adapt to a generation of children raised online. The industry is projected to grow to $100B ( by 2025. The pandemic helped kick innovation of edtech into overdrive, where more than 70% ( of colleges launched new online undergrad programs in the past couple of years and nearly two thirds ( of teachers in the U.S. use digital tools to teach every day. These trends are only expected to grow in the coming years. Edtech is demonstrably important for making learning more accessible (, as the at-your-pace structure of online learning paired with all the possibilities for edtech such as video lectures and gamified lessons can be helpful alternatives to students who struggle in a traditional class format. Additionally, studies ( show that students who spend an hour or more per week doing homework on a device excel. GoGuardian (/company/goguardian) is a company building tools to facilitate a more engaging learning environment for educators and students. Their systems ( can see how engaged students are, find areas in lessons that students struggle with most, and create safer learning environments. SchoolLinks (/company/schoolinks) is a learning platform dedicated to turning K-12 education into a pipeline for college and careers. Their platform gives students and academic advisors the tools they need to plan out their future and take the steps necessary to achieve it. If you want to join the edtech industry and contribute to shaping the minds of the next generation, here are 5 companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-edtech-companies-shaping-the-future-of-education-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-robotic-process-automation-rpa-tech-companies-enhancing-work-with-robots-and-hiring-now">5 Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Tech Companies Enhancing Work With Robots and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is becoming increasingly common in the workplace. By 2025, intelligent automation systems are expected to replace more than 40% ( of service desk interactions. This doesn’t mean jobs are being eliminated and humans are being replaced with robots. Rather, RPA is designed to enhance ( the workplace by eliminating menial tasks (, simplifying processes (, and countering the possibility of human error (,hours%20on%20rectifying%20the%20errors). Many experts expect the industry to see significant growth over the next few years. In 2020, the industry’s market size was $1.29B (, and this is predicted to grow to $7.64B ( by 2028. Agtonomy (/company/agtonomy) is a company that works with established farming equipment manufacturers to turn tractors and agricultural machines into autonomous tools that can be controlled remotely by farmers. They aim to combat food and labor shortages in the farming industry by providing farmers with the tools to increase their productivity. While Augury (/company/augury) uses RPA to perform diagnostics on machines to predict and prevent them from failure. Their product is key for companies looking to decrease machine downtime and increase productivity. RPAs will continue to become increasingly common as they can be helpful to a wide variety of industries. If you want to build the future of robotics in the workplace, here are 5 RPA tech companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-robotic-process-automation-rpa-tech-companies-enhancing-work-with-robots-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-climate-tech-companies-saving-the-planet-and-hiring-now">5 Climate Tech Companies Saving the Planet and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>As our planet continues to heat up year after year (, it becomes increasingly obvious that this is not an issue that can be handled by watching from the sidelines. Humans release roughly 50B tons ( of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere on a yearly basis. Just a few dozen large corporations are responsible for more than 70% ( of all global emissions. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we have until 2050 ( to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to zero. In response, startups are taking action by creating technology with the future of our species, climate, and planet in mind. Crusoe Energy (/company/crusoe-energy-systems) is a company that realizes that humanity can’t switch to completely clean energy at the drop of a hat. Their mission is to provide oil and gas companies with a simple, cheap solution to reduce flaring from natural gas. Their product can reduce up to 63% ( of carbon emissions from natural gas flares. Moxion Power (/company/moxion-power-co) aims to create a more sustainable way to get temporary, mobile power to industries that need it. Their battery-electric approach to mobile generators allows for a cleaner way to power construction sites, events, utilities, and more, all while offering the same performance as a traditional gas power generator. Climate tech is necessary for the survival of our planet and investors are realizing this; the industry could reach $1.5-2T ( in annual capital investment by 2025. If you want to join the industry working towards a cleaner, greener future, here is our list of 5 climate tech startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-climate-tech-companies-saving-the-planet-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/send-your-tech-career-into-orbit-5-satellite-tech-companies-hiring-now">Send Your Tech Career into Orbit: 5 Satellite Tech Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Satellites are an increasingly vital component of our everyday lives ( A wide range ( of industries from energy to defence utilize satellites in their operations, and they enable Internet access for millions ( of people. The industry is valued at $71B ( and is expected to see steady growth ( for the foreseeable future. An increased focus on space (,The%20global%20space%20economy's%20value%20reached%20%24424%20billion%20in%202020,satellite%20sector%2C%22%20Citi%20said) travel and exploration has also helped the satellite industry grow ( Astranis (/company/astranis) is a company dedicated to bringing Internet access to everyone. They create smaller, cheaper satellites to bring areas online; their first goal is to triple the internet capacity of Alaska. Last year, the company raised $250M ( and entered the realm of unicorns. Launcher (/company/launcherspace) is a company creating efficient rockets to send small satellites into orbit. They’re able to innovate and keep prices low by using technology like 3D printing ( The satellite industry is critically important to our lives today and in the future. If you want to join this fast-growing industry, here is our list of 5 companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/send-your-tech-career-into-orbit-5-satellite-tech-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-space-tech-companies-you-should-apply-to-if-you-re-interested-in-exploring-the-cosmos">5 Space Tech Companies You Should Apply to if You’re Interested in Exploring the Cosmos</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The vast unknown of outer space has long lured curious minds. So it’s little wonder that today’s tech entrepreneurs play a key role in shaping our understanding of, and interaction with, the cosmos. Governments and tech companies are hiring top tech talent ( to propel the $420B ( space industry forward in areas as diverse as communications, mining (, farming, national security, tourism, and, indeed, possibly even colonizing ( other planets. Global revenue is predicted to reach $1T ( annually by 2040. The inception of the Space Force has spurred the U.S. government to look towards startups ( for help in an increasingly competitive global space market. In 2021, the Space Force funded startups with $32M ( in contracts. SpaceX (/company/spacex) is a long-established leader in the movement extending humans’ reach beyond Earth. ISpace (/company/ispace-technologies-1) is a NASA funded ( tech startup helping to move humanity towards the stars. The company creates micro-robots capable of locating and extracting resources in space that would be necessary for human survival. Relativity Space (/company/relativity-space) is using 3D printers to create rockets in 60 days. Interested in space tech? Here are 5 companies working towards space exploration hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-space-tech-companies-you-should-apply-to-if-you-re-interested-in-exploring-the-cosmos">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-5-startups-merging-the-tech-and-sports-industries-in-2022">Hiring Now: 5 Startups Merging the Tech and Sports Industries in 2023</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>In 2023, emerging technologies continue to thin the line between the real and digital world ( for sports fans worldwide through the use of improved analytics, sports gaming, betting software, and even NFTs and the metaverse. AR and VR are being used to revolutionize training for athletes and digitalize events for fans, while sports-related NFTs are growing in popularity for both leagues and individual athletes. Companies like Swish Analytics (/company/swish-analytics) are enabling sophisticated sports betting through use of odds origination, risk management & trading software. While companies like Gametime United (/company/gametime) are building technology that simplifies the purchase of last-minute tickets, encouraging budget-friendly spontaneity amidst a surge back to sporting arenas. In the next few years, we’ll likely see a link between ticket sales and blockchains (, which will revolutionize the sporting event industry. Companies like Frontrunner (/company/frontrunnerinc) are ahead of the game, already creating a decentralized market where users can buy shares of sports predictions and trade them. Whats more, fan engagement has taken on new levels of authenticity. Now, we can see our favorite players giving house tours on YouTube and dancing all across TikTok. With the advancement of the "athlete influencer", ( companies like BlinkFire Analytics (/company/blinkfire-analytics) are keeping up by tracking and analyzing multi-dimensional media outlets; gauging engagement for teams, players, and entire leagues as they look to engage fans on a deeper level than ever before. With so many emerging technologies leading the way, every sport is seeing major innovation when it comes to fan engagement, event interaction, and overall revenue for the industry. If you’re interested in joining the booming sports-tech industry in2023, see our list of startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-5-startups-merging-the-tech-and-sports-industries-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-companies-offering-unlimited-pto-and-hiring-now">5 Companies Offering Unlimited PTO and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The benefits most sought after by employees have changed post-pandemic, making workers less concerned with in-office perks and more interested in what companies are offering in terms of work-life balance (/job-collections/5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-benefits-hiring-now). In order to continue to attract and retain top talent, tech companies are adopting benefits like remote work, home-office stipends, and generous paid time off (PTO) policies. Studies show that employees want more flexibility, and employers are seeing the benefits of giving employees what they want. Happy employees lead to productivity, and with the most significant driver of employee happiness being trust (, companies are brainstorming new ways to make their employees feel valued. 72% ( of workers say that having unlimited PTO (UPTO) would increase their company loyalty, and the trending benefit is continuing to gain popularity despite controversy ( While UPTO is great in flexible environments, it won’t work for companies that still thrive on overwork (, triggering many companies to shift their cultures and adapt for emerging talent. Companies like Flatfile (/company/flatfile) are investing heavily in their employees by offering untraditional benefits, like a whopping home-office stipend of 10K ( GitHub (/company/github) has even made “work happier” (/company/github/culture) one of their culture pillars, boasting a flexible schedule and encouraging their workers to take time off when they need it. Companies like Roku (/company/roku) have gotten rid of company hierarchies, offering their employees complete autonomy, claiming that hiring the best talent and trusting them to do their job on their own terms ( will deliver the best results. If you’re interested in working for a company that promotes work-life balance, offers UPTO, and boasts other unconventional benefits check out our list below.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-companies-offering-unlimited-pto-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-hospitality-tech-companies-hiring-amidst-the-2022-revenge-travel-boom">5 Hospitality-tech Companies Hiring Amidst the 2022 ‘Revenge Travel’ Boom </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Despite flight and fuel prices going up, travel is at an all time high this summer. Everyone is travel-starved post-pandemic, and the hospitality industry is working hard to keep up with the tourism boom by integrating emerging technologies into their process. The vacation spike has been coined as “revenge travel” (, where people everywhere are trying to make up for lost time after the last two years of restrictions. As summer begins to peak, many accommodations are embracing automation ( Automation systems are simplifying the overall process for guests and staff. Companies like Selfbook (/company/selfbook-4) are setting a new standard for hotels to simplify, verify, and unify the direct booking experience in just one click ( While companies like Life House (/company/life-house) are offering software aimed at helping independent hotel owners to develop, design, and operate their boutique hotels. On the consumer side, companies like Find Hotel (/company/findhotel) are bringing customers around the world the best value for their accommodation search in a commercially viable way. While Hostfully (/company/hostfully) is helping vacation-rental managers and their guests make the most of every stay by giving property managers the tools they need to automate their business. If you’re interested in joining the booming hospitality-tech industry, there are ample opportunities available at companies working to make travel as seamless as ever.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-hospitality-tech-companies-hiring-amidst-the-2022-revenge-travel-boom">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-top-tech-companies-hiring-for-customer-service-roles">5 Top Tech Companies Hiring for Customer Service Roles</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Customer service is mission-critical for most types of businesses. It’s not hard to see why. Seven out of ten Americans say that they’re more willing to spend money ( on a company that has exceptional customer service. Over the next decade, more than 350k (,Employment%20of%20customer%20service%20representatives%20is%20projected%20to%20show%20little,on%20average%2C%20over%20the%20decade) customer service positions are expected to be created each year as companies work to meet growing customer expectations ( for excellent service. Advanced data and analytics ( tools allow customer service workers to get ahead of customer needs by predicting customer satisfaction. Callback scheduling ( gives customers the ability to skip waiting on hold and provides workers with more flexibility as well. Companies like Blend (/company/blend) are building custom solutions for specific industries like financial services. In this case, the company makes it simple for people to gain access to financial resources. If you want to join this ever-expanding industry, explore our list of companies hiring customer service positions.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-top-tech-companies-hiring-for-customer-service-roles">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-these-companies-are-helping-digital-nomads-work-remotely-in-2022">Hiring Now: These Companies are Helping Digital Nomads Work Remotely in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>As travel spikes post-pandemic, digital nomads everywhere are on the hunt for the best locations and services to help them work remotely. Remote work is a hot topic as 9-5 desk jobs decline in popularity, and with so many companies switching to being location-independent, many startups have blossomed to help employees live and work around the world without constraints. Investment into the sector is also pouring into the booming sector, and with over 210% ( global growth year-over-year since 2015, VCs are paying attention. Co-living spaces like WiFi Tribe (/company/wifitribe) are making it possible for remote professionals from all backgrounds to travel the world while they work. The trend of professionals living, working, and travelling together brings a new meaning to work-life balance. Digital nomad living spaces like Selina (, plan to expand worldwide so remote workers can stay anywhere and work anywhere while exploring the globe and networking with like-minded individuals. As teams continue to be globally distributed, companies require the tools necessary for their employees to communicate remotely. Notion (/company/notion-labs) works to blend everyday work tools into one, while companies like Remote (/company/remotecom) take care of payroll, benefits, and compliance: allowing you to legally employ and pay people in countries where you don't have your own entity. If you’re looking to join the growing trend of co-living or just co-working in general, there are ample opportunities available at companies helping to provide the services necessary for employees to work remotely. See our list below of the hottest companies helping digital nomads and remote workers get the job done, no matter where they choose to work.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-these-companies-are-helping-digital-nomads-work-remotely-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-hot-streaming-service-companies-hiring-now">5 Hot Streaming Service Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Today’s streaming services go far beyond traditional offerings like Netflix and Hulu which have long dominated the space. The two perennial streaming giants lost a significant share of viewers in recent years—from two-thirds to less than half ( of U.S. subscribers—as niche upstarts found their footing in an industry that continues to see rapid growth. Over the next 5 years, the industry is expected to more than quadruple in value from $370B ( today to $1.7T ( Much of that growth will be driven by specialty offerings, which saw 66% ( customer growth in 2021. Companies like Crunchyroll (/company/crunchyroll) are bringing new types of entertainment to fans of anime. Sony bought the company in 2020 for over $1B ( after the platform gained 5M ( subscribers. Peloton (/company/peloton), too, is counted amount streaming services because of its extensive catalog of entertaining, instructor-led, video streaming content. The streaming service industry is poised to see lots of change and success in the next few years. If you want to be a part of that, take a look at our list of 5 streaming service companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-hot-streaming-service-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-top-blockchain-companies-making-crypto-mainstream">Hiring Now: Top Blockchain Companies Making Crypto Mainstream</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Blockchain is going mainstream. Government agencies across the globe are finding all sorts of novel use cases ( for decentralized public ledgers. Sweden saw massive efficiencies in the way it processes land-title transfers by putting them on a decentralized platform, cutting transaction time down by 90% ( The Netherlands is using a blockchain-based infrastructure to administer its pension program ( In Malta, regulators are experimenting with a system for verifying academic credentials on-chain ( In the U.S., Chainalysis (/company/chainalysis) is a dominant name in blockchain surveillance. What started as a $9k contract with the FBI in 2015 has blossomed into contracts with 10 federal agencies and has Chainalysis being called “the cryptocurrency-tracing equivalent of Palantir” ( U.S. Homeland Security awarded San Francisco-based Coinbase (/company/coinbase) a $1.4M contract ( for blockchain analytics software. The exchange has provided software to the Secret Service and IRS in the past. Ripple (/company/ripple-labs) aims to leverage its carbon-neutral blockchain to let users source crypto, transact instantly, lower capital requirements, and more. If you’re interested in helping the world transition to decentralized banking, check out our list of the top blockchain companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-top-blockchain-companies-making-crypto-mainstream">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-real-estate-tech-companies-hiring-now">Top Real Estate Tech Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>After facing enormous obstacles during a global pandemic, the $3741B ( real estate market is back on the rise and seeking tech talent to keep up with the growth. Entrepreneurs are applying tech to just about every aspect of how real estate gets leased and sold. According to one survey, 48% ( of Realtors believe that keeping up with emerging tech is one of their biggest challenges. Some agents are using AI ( to analyze opportunities. An entire new cottage industry called "proptech" ( has emerged, as entrepreneurs compete to define the future of home buying. The number of “proptech” companies quadrupled from 2k a decade ago to over 8k companies ( today. Companies like Qualia (/company/qualialabs) are creating “digital closing platforms” used by millions of Realtors across the U.S. They want to simplify the process of buying a home, all while making sure that every step of the process is as transparent as possible. Others are innovating lending. For example, the Vonitive (/company/vontive) mortgage platform is opening the real estate market to new types of investors and retail brands by providing a simple, affordable way to buy an investment property. The company claims its platform is 40x cheaper than going the traditional route to buy an investment property. If you want to help shape the future of the real estate industry, here are 5 startups in real estate tech hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-real-estate-tech-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-hot-companies-hiring-automation-engineers-now">Hot Companies Hiring Automation Engineers Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Companies across just about all industries are embracing automation as a way to streamline their operations and deliver better experiences to customers. Companies in food services, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, e-commerce, engineering, manufacturing, and more are leveraging automation to help keep their workers safe ( and get more efficient. This is where automation engineers shine. They excel ( at planning, implementing and monitoring this technology. Massive corporations like IBM, Intel (/company/intel), and Capital One have utilized automation engineers to improve their function and grow into their status as household names. Currently, the retail industry is the highest paying sector ( for automation engineers. Post-pandemic trends ( have seen growth for grocery delivery, “dark stores” ( micro fulfillment centers, and automated cold storage (,or%20for%20boxes%20(miniload).). By 2025, some predict machines will be doing just as much work as humans ( Menlo Park, Calif.-based Zoox (/company/zoox) is looking to harness automation engineers to develop the world’s first ground-up, fully autonomous vehicle fleet along with the ecosystem needed to bring the technology to market. Their work is at the intersection of AI, robotics, and design, enabling Zoox to provide the next generation of mobility-as-a-service ( in urban environments. Dallas, Texas-based Bottle Rocket Studios (/company/bottle-rocket-studios-1), is a consultancy that helps companies leverage technology, like helping Pfizer to automate tours and education ( with virtual reality, or crafting digital platforms ( to help 7-Eleven better serve their customers. In the SaaS market, New York City-based LINK3D (/company/link3d) provides an operating system that helps businesses scale their manufacturing infrastructure. If you’re looking to work at the cutting edge of automation, check out our list of the top companies hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-hot-companies-hiring-automation-engineers-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-5-tech-companies-revolutionizing-the-fashion-industry-in-2022">Hiring Now: 5 Tech Companies Revolutionizing the Fashion Industry in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Tech companies are helping the fashion industry rebuild after losing significant ground ( during the pandemic. Every facet of the industry is being modernized, from the production of clothes (,speeding%20up%20the%20fashion%20space) to a growing interest in virtual clothing ( Artificial intelligence helps to enhance the online shopping experience by giving shoppers personalized recommendations ( to match them with the right product. However, AI’s main value to the fashion industry is its ability to help companies manage their inventory and optimize their supply chain ( Syrup Tech (/company/syrup-tech) is an AI-powered software that seeks to integrate machine learning with inventory management to help brands make better decisions. Their algorithms use factors ranging from weather to social media trends ( to determine the most optimal inventory to keep in stock, optimize itself for a company's specific needs, and cut down on waste. Recurate (/company/recurate) is a startup that is turning shopping for secondhand clothing on its head. Their service allows for brands to take control of their products that might otherwise be sold somewhere like a consignment store, by providing brands with their own resale marketplace directly on their eCommerce store. They aim to help companies grow their brand awareness and community by acknowledging and engaging with the resale market, rather than simply seeing it as a threat. (/company/armoire-style) is looking to shake the fashion industry up. They offer a service similar to clothing subscription boxes such as Stitch Fix; users can curate a digital wardrobe with the help of artificial intelligence and professional stylists and have a new box of clothes that they pick and is sent to them every month. However, rather than owning the clothes, their users are renting them out, allowing for lower coats, more selection, and a more sustainable approach to getting new clothes. If you want to ride the wave of fashion tech there has never been a better time. Here is our list of 5 of the top fashion tech startups hiring now!</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-5-tech-companies-revolutionizing-the-fashion-industry-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-these-tech-companies-are-offering-200k-anual-salaries-for-software-engineers">Hiring Now: These Tech Companies are Offering $200K Annual Salaries for Software Engineers</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Engineering jobs are consistently some of the highest paying, with a medium annual wage of around $100K ( On the higher end of the pay range, many engineering jobs will even reach a starting salary of $200K ( As the following job listings show, there are ample opportunities for high-paying engineer roles amongst a number of top companies. Akili (/company/akili-6) is a video game studio that has its sights set on big pharma. They combine state-of-the-art video game design with world-class neuroscience to deliver a unique entertainment experience that helps users tackle the mental health battles that they face on a daily basis, pill-free. The company recently announced a partnership with Roblox (, one of the most popular gaming platforms in the world, that seeks to encourage children to engage with Akili’s prescription ADHD gaming treatment. Ascend (/company/useascend) is a sleek, simple payment platform that automates insurance payments. It seeks to simplify the consumer's experience by swapping outdated and tedious payment processes for its modern, frictionless experience. Ascend helps businesses improve their relationship with customers and receive payments with haste and ease. The company is looking for a software engineer (/company/useascend/jobs/1304789-senior-software-engineer) to help build the future of insurance payments. Autonomous vehicles are one of the most hotly debated topics in the realm of artificial intelligence; it isn’t hard to find a headline about the potential risks ( that come with relinquishing control of a car to a computer. However, companies like Zendar (/company/zendar-2) are not deterred from their mission to continue building the technology that will make the autonomous driving experience as safe as possible. They develop radar specifically designed to help autonomous vehicles in bad weather conditions ( Zendar is hiring an assortment of engineering roles (/company/zendar-2/jobs). If you are looking to take the next step in your engineering career and move into a field tackling some of humanity's greatest problems, take a gander at our list of 5 companies hiring exciting engineering roles.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-these-tech-companies-are-offering-200k-anual-salaries-for-software-engineers">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-top-vr-companies-you-ll-want-to-work-for-in-2022">Hiring Now: Top VR Companies You’ll Want to Work for in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Virtual reality (VR) provides a new lens for just about everything we do these days. From buying a house (_ to meditating (_ to learning with special needs (_, startups are using new tech to create entirely new immersive online worlds. Combined with augmented reality (AR), which adds a digital overlay to physical environments, the so-called “metaverse” represents a boon to just about every industry, including healthcare, engineering, real estate, and the military ( They’re getting better, too, as faster and more advanced cellular networks spread and expand the market. With global spending on VR products and services expected to reach $7.6B by 2026 (_, big players are doubling down. Facebook’s owner, Meta, recently unveiled prototypes of its latest VR headset (_ Apple is working on its own headset (_ The company also acquired several VR startups, including Spaces and NextVR, a live video partner with the NBA, Wimbledon, and Fox Sports. As the industry grows, up-and-coming players like Matterport (_/company/matterport_) are creating realistic-looking online worlds for real estate, travel, and hospitality. Hong Kong-based Sandbox VR (_/company/sandboxvr_) claims to create the “most advanced virtual reality experience in the world.” Families rent the company’s VR body suit, complete with a gun, to shoot at and with each other in different online worlds. It’s a top activity in Singapore and Hong Kong on TripAdvisor. Supernatural (_/company/supernatural-3_) helps people hack their workout routine, creating VR cardio workouts synced to the beat of a user’s favorite music.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-top-vr-companies-you-ll-want-to-work-for-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/into-the-metaverse-6-extended-reality-tech-companies-hiring-now">Into the Metaverse: Top Extended Reality Tech Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Extended reality (XR) is emerging from the pandemic as one of the hottest areas in tech. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tech are helping companies innovate just about every industry, as investors pour record funding ( into the so-called "metaverse" ( VCs invested an eye-popping $4B ( in extended reality tech in 2021. Some of the biggest companies in the world are investing in new virtual worlds, too. A recent McKinsey report ( predicted the metaverse would produce $5T in economic impact by 2030. In recent years, XR catapulted into the public consciousness. Today, 78% ( of Americans are familiar with virtual reality, up from 45% in 2015. In the coming years XR will become more and more integrated ( into our daily lives, from virtual job training to VR therapy experiences for people with PTSD. In the realm of VR training, Lumeto (/company/lumeto) is creating Involve XR (, a VR learning and assessment platform that allows for public health and safety institutions to teach and test the skills of their workers. Doctors, first responders, and other critical positions are using Involve XR to prepare for real-world scenarios in a safe and relatively inexpensive training experience. Vancouver- and San Francisco-based Inworld AI (/company/inworld) is helping people create realistic online identities by leveraging AI to learn ( and mimic a person’s unique speech and behavior patterns. If you want to be a part of the industry creating the Metaverse and the virtual and augmented worlds of the near future, here is our list of top XR tech companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/into-the-metaverse-6-extended-reality-tech-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-companies-revolutionizing-robotics-and-hiring-now">These Companies are Revolutionizing Robotics and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Robotics companies are hiring to make driving and flying safer and more convenient by taking human hands off the wheel. Autonomous vehicles are a hot trend in robotics and AI. The sector is predicted to see a rise in strategic partnerships ( for technology development, and customer demand ( for offloading driving is strong. Menlo Park, Calif.,-based Zoox (/company/zoox) aims to provide a fleet of autonomous vehicles that will allow users to travel in dense urban environments. Zoox handles the driving, charging, and maintenance, while riders simply pay for the service. The project caught Amazon’s attention, and in 2020 the companies partnered ( to work on building the future of autonomous vehicles. San Francisco-based Cruise (/company/cruise-automation) is another competitor in the driverless car sector. Their fleet of autonomous vehicles is driving passengers around San Francisco, and they’ve partnered with Walmart to begin delivering groceries ( in Phoenix. For the places that roads don’t go, San Francisco-based Zipline (/company/zipline-international-1) is designing and manufacturing small drones to deliver essential medical products. The company is powering Rwanda’s national blood delivery network ( and Ghana’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Zipline is enabling healthcare providers to reach homes in the U.S. and they have ambitions of disrupting retail supply chains as they too are working with Walmart. Redwood City, Calif.-based Skydio (/company/skydio) is also looking to the sky for public safety, enterprise inspections, and defence solutions. They’ve created an AI expert pilot to help fly anywhere you might need eyes. Dallas and San Diego-based Shield AI (/company/shield-ai) is also building an AI “Top Gun” pilot for aviation. Shield AI’s Navy SEAL co-founder (, Brandon Tseng, believes the future of the military includes AI pilots powering every military craft. Check out our list below for open roles building the future of autonomous robots.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-companies-revolutionizing-robotics-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/tech-support-engineers-wanted-these-top-companies-are-hiring-now">Tech Support Engineers Wanted! These Top Companies are Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>All things digital are continuing to accelerate (, and companies are hiring talent to keep up with the times. As organizations expand, they require more support services when upgrading to new hardware and software systems. As a result, employment opportunities for technical support engineers are expected to grow 11% ( by 2026, surpassing the national average for all technical occupations. New York City-based Dataminr (/company/dataminr-careers) leverages AI to alert clients in over 100 countries to emerging risks. The company works with private and public sector customers, such as businesses, first responders, or news agencies, to provide critical information as early as possible. Another NYC-based AI company, Dataiku (/company/dataiku), views AI as a symbiotic tool for helping customers make data-driven decisions. Forbes recently named Dataiku to the Forbes AI 50 (, a list of top AI companies shaping the future. Headquartered in Paris, Contentsquare (/company/contentsquare) is another company driven by AI and big data looking to fill technical support engineering roles. The company computes billions ( of touch and mouse movements to help other businesses understand how and why users interact with their apps or sites. If you’re interested in serving others with digital technology at scale, check out our list of top companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/tech-support-engineers-wanted-these-top-companies-are-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/get-in-the-game-top-mobile-gaming-companies-hiring-now">Get In The Game: Top Mobile Gaming Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Cell phones are propelling the $200B+ ( gaming industry to new heights. Mobile gaming now accounts for 60% ( of the market and is growing 1.7x faster ( than other segments like computer- and console-based games. Gaming isn’t just for kids, either. With easy access to games on their mobile phones, adults now account for much of the industry’s growth: Gen X and Baby Boomers are the two fastest growing age groups ( for mobile games. Gaming companies are taking advantage of advancements in cell phones to offer more augmented reality (AR) options. They’re also using features like camera location tracking to enhance experiences. San Francisco-based Niantic (/company/niantic) is one of the heavyweights in the industry with blockbuster titles like Pokémon GO, an AR-based game that’s netted $6B ( The company now has offices throughout the world and is on a hiring frenzy (/company/niantic/jobs) to shape the future of AR. Akili (/company/akili-6), with offices in California and Boston, is using gaming tech to help improve people’s mental health. The gaming studio is “taking on Big Pharma” by delivering unique gaming experiences to treat cognitive conditions without the need for pills. The company recently announced a partnership with Roblox (, one of the most popular gaming platforms in the world, that seeks to encourage children to engage with Akili’s prescription ADHD gaming treatment. Montreal-based Mino Games (/company/minogames) is another top mobile gaming studio looking to expand its team (/company/minogames/jobs). The creator of games like Mino Monsters, which has reached 13M downloads (, offers a fun work perk: Employees get their own custom cat avatar ( If you want to help create the future of gaming, here is our list of 5 mobile gaming companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/get-in-the-game-top-mobile-gaming-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-companies-innovating-the-future-of-medicine-and-hiring-now">5 Companies Innovating the Future of Medicine and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Regenerative medicine has been the holy grail for most medical professionals in recent decades. Since the introduction of nanoparticles (,since%20undergone%20dramatically%20rapid%20expansion.), the medical field has rapidly expanded as scientists and doctors alike try and understand the mechanisms of such groundbreaking technology ( From regenerating entire organs, rebuilding bones, and skin regeneration, the possible applications ( of this technology are promising. The use of technology and AI particles to give a more accurate reading of the human body is a growing and exciting field. Through the use of non-invasive artificial sensors and technologies, companies are able to not only identify medical issues faster but also treat them with more precision. Companies such as Twin Health (/company/twin-health), equipped with IOT sensors ( and powered by artificial intelligence have been able to prevent several chronic metabolic diseases with the help of these preventative technologies. Companies such as Revero (/company/revero/jobs) and INBRAIN Neuroelectronic (/company/inbrain-neuroelectronics) have integrated technology into their medical process in order to deliver accurate, precise and real-time results with the help of AI and in some cases, nanotechnology. As these technologies become more integrated into our medical world, experts continue to realize that our current applications are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to nanotechnology. Are you interested in being at the forefront of this life-changing technology? Check out these innovative med-tech companies hiring now!</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-companies-innovating-the-future-of-medicine-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-keeping-austin-weird-and-hiring-now">5 Tech Companies Keeping Austin Weird and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Long known for barbecue and cowboy boots, Austin, Texas, is now brimming with tech talent attracted to the city’s sunny weather (,The%20winters%20are%20temperate), nightlife, and low cost of living ( Founders in this “city of unicorns and tech giants” ( took in a record haul of $4.9B in 2021, more than doubling ( the previous year’s fundraising. Austin hosts the world-famous SXSW ( festival, which draws hundreds of thousands of attendees, including tech entrepreneurs ( It’s also home to Tesla’s 10M square foot Gigafactory ( Among Austin-based tech companies hiring today include Ontra, whose software helps hundreds of investment firms process complex contracts. “Find a way or make one” is the company credo at Rex (/company/rexteams), which helps launch startups building software to help power the $280T real estate industry. EasyPost (/company/easypost/jobs?locations=austin) is an API allowing developers to integrate shipping with FedEx, UPS, DHL, and others in their apps. The company makes people a priority as well, with initiatives like discounted shipping for small businesses ( and a carbon offset program ( If you want to join the movement of tech workers ( who are making Austin their home, now is the perfect time. Here is our list of 5 top Austin-based tech startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-keeping-austin-weird-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/full-stack-engineers-wanted-5-hot-tech-companies-hiring-now">Full-Stack Engineers Wanted! 6 Hot Tech Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Digital technologies are continuing to accelerate (, and companies are hiring talent to remain competitive. The broad skillset full-stack engineers bring to the table makes them a highly desirable hire. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a whopping 22% growth ( in jobs for software developers by 2029. The Bay Area is a hotbed for full-stack positions. Shortwave (/company/shortwave-com) is hiring to make the future of email as fast and easy as typing a text message. The company recently released a new inbox experience for Gmail. Oliver Space (/company/oliver-space/jobs) is making it easier than ever for people to furnish their digs. Prelude (/company/prelude_team), a recruitment solutions company, is hiring to make interviews less painful. Elsewhere, Chicago-based Remotion (/company/remotionco) enhances the virtual office environment with Spotify and YouTube sharing that allows for casual conversation. Redmond, Wash.,-based Tagboard (/company/tagboard) arms creatives with software to design custom graphics, curate social content and create live sponsored programming. Check out our list of hot tech companies hiring full-stack engineers.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/full-stack-engineers-wanted-5-hot-tech-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/work-from-anywhere-these-remote-tech-companies-are-hiring-worldwide">Work from Anywhere: These Remote Tech Companies are Hiring Worldwide</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Since the pandemic, we’ve seen some of the most drastic changes in hiring in years. Most notably, the rise in remote work, especially abroad. In the last year alone, AngelList Talent has had nearly 500K (/blog/introducing-partnerships-to-find-and-hire-your-team) international candidates look for jobs on our platform. Post pandemic, almost 50% ( of employees worldwide will continue to work remotely. With half the working population choosing to work from home, there are huge opportunities in the market. Since Apple ( announced their plans for employees to return to the office, 56% ( of workers have expressed that they are looking to leave the company because of it’s in-office requirements. A lot has changed about what employees value and seek (/job-collections/5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-benefits-hiring-now) when it comes to company benefits, and with restrictions and remote work, in-office perks have become less and less attractive. Companies that force employees to return to the office are at risk of losing their best talent. Remote work tore down the geographical barriers that once prevented employees from getting jobs around the world, and companies will need to keep up with the current trends (/job-collections/5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-benefits-hiring-now) in order to retain and attract top talent. Luckily, we’re here to help! In the last year, we've made several additions to our product to make it easier than ever to recruit international remote talent. Our new partnerships (/blog/introducing-partnerships-to-find-and-hire-your-team) with Remote (/company/remotecom), Panther (/company/panther-global/jobs) and Deel (/company/deel-1) are here to make it easier to find, hire, and pay remote employees in 160+ countries around the world, no matter where your company is based. With these partnerships, companies can easily find international remote candidates on AngelList Talent, then start the hiring process for them within minutes. Our partners will take care of all payroll, benefits, and compliance needs for any international new hire from there. If your company is interested in accessing top tech talent around the world, you can get started here (/recruit/payroll-partner). In the meantime, here are 5 hot remote-first companies hiring tech talent worldwide.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/work-from-anywhere-these-remote-tech-companies-are-hiring-worldwide">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-5-innovative-companies-revolutionizing-the-future-of-art-tech">Hiring now: 5 Innovative Companies Revolutionizing the future of Art-Tech</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>This year, art and design trends have seen massive transformations. Art has entered the digital world (,will%20continue%20to%20grow%20exponentially) with emerging technologies like NFTs, VR, and immersive exhibitions. The way we consume, share, and sell art has evolved, making art increasingly accessible to creative communities, and in turn enabling artists to reach new audiences (,will%20continue%20to%20grow%20exponentially). Museums, fashion designers, performances and even massive festivals, like ‘Burning Man’ (, have made use of emerging tech to advertise and recreate their events in an interactive digital space. Even the Guggenheim ( recently announced their Art and Technology Initiative, dedicated to art that engages with virtual reality through AI and Web3 initiatives. Blockchain and the metaverse are shaping the experience of art, and the birth of emerging art technology companies has been welcomed by many traditional artists worldwide. If you’re interested in playing a part in revolutionizing the art-tech market, check out our list of hot companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-5-innovative-companies-revolutionizing-the-future-of-art-tech">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/come-to-brazil-these-5-hot-tech-startups-are-hiring-now">Come to Brazil! These 5 Hot Tech Startups are Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Brazil has long been an important economic and cultural center for South America. Today, the country’s burgeoning startup scenes are attracting tech talent in record numbers, too. In 2021, Brazil-based startups raised a record $9.4B in funding (, more than twice as much of the previous years’ total funding. Nearly 3k startups ( make their home in Brazil’s most populous city, São Paulo. These include 11 unicorns ( valued at over $1B. Venture capital firms have helped to contribute to the growth of the startup sector in Brazil and are increasing in number as well. The country added 84 VC firms ( in the past few years, bringing the country's total to over 300 ( A little over half of all startups in Brazil have operations in São Paulo ( They include companies like mobile game maker Wildlife Studios (/company/wildlife-studios), which has been called “Brazil’s most valuable tech company with the widest global reach.” ( Big tech companies like Uber are growing their presence ( in the region, too. Other cities with vibrant entrepreneurial communities include Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, and Florianópolis. Brazil is a startup ecosystem on the rise and now is the perfect time to get in; here are 5 of the top tech companies hiring in Brazil now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/come-to-brazil-these-5-hot-tech-startups-are-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/moving-to-miami-here-are-5-hot-tech-companies-hiring-now">Moving to Miami? Here are 5 Hot Tech Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The Sunshine State is home to a quickly growing startup scene. Some are calling it Silicon Valley-to-Miami migration ( With ample sunlight (, tax-friendly laws (, and record-high VC funding pouring in, Miami is increasingly attractive to startup founders and top tech talent. Venture capital poured into the city’s startups last year to the tune of $5.6B ( Organizations like the Knight Foundation are also working hard to foster and promote Miami’s entrepreneurial spirit by funding programs that prepare students ( for a career in tech. Flexport is one of the largest supply chain management startups in the world. More than 10k companies ( use Flexport to make smarter shipping decisions and even reduce their carbon footprint ( and skip the steps like the warehouse ( that end up costing time and money. OpenStore is a company dedicated to buying, investing in, and improving small DTC companies. They pride themselves on closing deals fast and helping small companies scale to heights they never would have thought possible. Just 8 months after being founded in 2021, the company had already seen over $750 million in funding, allowing them to invest more in both the companies they help and themselves. Currently, the company is still looking for help and expanding its Miami-based team (/company/openstore/jobs). The sunshine state is setting itself apart as one of the best places for people looking for work with its tropical atmosphere, low taxes, and booming startup scene. Here are 5 of the top tech companies hiring in Miami now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/moving-to-miami-here-are-5-hot-tech-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-chicago-companies-hiring-top-tech-talent-in-2022">5 Chicago Companies Hiring Top Tech Talent in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Chicago’s known as the “windy city”, but these days, it’s getting a similar reputation for attracting tech talent. Last year startups in Chicago raised $7B in venture capital, with a dozen new unicorns ( minted along the way—bringing the number to 20. Chicago’s startup ecosystem is diverse, reflecting the diversity found within the city’s population ( Funds like TechRise ( focus on LatinX- and Black-founded startups. In 2021, women founders raised $250+ ( At the heart of Chicago’s startup ecosystem is the fintech industry, which employed 41k people last year ( Earlier this year, World Business Chicago, an economic development organization for the city, called fintech a high growth tech sector ( More than 300 Chicago-based fintechs generated over $4B in growth capital in 2021 ( The city is also home to The Trading Show (, one of the premier trading conferences in America, which works to bring in top talent from the fintech industry. Companies hiring talent include Synapse (/company/synapsefi), which is on a mission to “accelerate the democratization of best-in-class financial products for all.” Chicago has comparable levels of diversity, culture, and economic power to tech hubs like New York and San Francisco, but with a much lower cost of living ( If you’re interested in working in one of the startup superpowers in the Midwest, here is our list of 5 of the top companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-chicago-companies-hiring-top-tech-talent-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-top-tech-companies-hiring-in-west-africa">5 Top Tech Companies Hiring in West Africa</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>West Africa is blossoming into an attractive startup ecosystem for top tech talent across the globe. In 2021 Africa-based startups raised more than $4B ( in venture capital funding, more than tripling ( the amount raised the year before. Much of the growth is happening in West Africa, as the region establishes itself as a major player in the global tech economy. The region has seen landmark deals like Visa acquiring ( Nigeria-based tech-payment company Interswitch, which propelled the startup to unicorn status. Of the estimated 7 tech companies in Africa with $1B+ valuations, 5 have operations in Nigeria ( Africa is the youngest continent in the world with around 60% of the population ( under the age of 25. The youthful energy found in the capital cities of Lagos and Accra as well as expanded access to the Internet ( and growing economies are some of the reasons for the buzz. Companies like MarketForce360 (/company/marketforce360-3) are capitalizing on opportunities to support the switch to mobile payments among the continent’s estimated 1.2B people. Ghana-based Stars From All Nations (/company/stars-from-all-nations) is on a mission to educate and empower African youth to help build the continent's burgeoning economy. If an up-and-coming ecosystem sounds like the place you want to be, here are 5 of the top companies in West Africa hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-top-tech-companies-hiring-in-west-africa">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-data-driven-companies-hiring-database-engineers">5 Data-Driven companies Hiring Database Engineers</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Technology companies depend on databases to run everything from sales to science and they’re hiring database engineers to create and manage them. Data infrastructure and platforms are gaining widespread use, growing data’s role in businesses of all sizes and types. As a result, data engineering is one of the fastest-growing ( jobs in tech. In the fitness space, Peloton (/company/peloton) is serving its community of more than 3M members by using data-driven insights to make fitness entertaining, approachable, and effective. New York City is becoming a magnet for database talent. Butterfly Network (/company/butterfly-network) is developing a handheld, smartphone-connected ultrasound probe powered by AI. This intersection of medicine, engineering, and machine learning is a data-driven dream. Similarly, 4Catalyzer (/company/4catalyzer) is looking for data engineers to drive the development of new sensors paired with deep learning tech. The company hopes to open the door to new biology and medical insights. Also based in New York, Canoe Intelligence (/company/canoe-software-3) is unlocking the power of data for investment firms by taking their unstructured reporting data and fashioning it into actionable information. Bellevue, Wash.-based Hyperproof (/company/hyperproof) hopes to radically reduce risk for companies keeping customer data and make it easy for them to remain in compliance with data regulations. The ever-present need to store, clean, and analyze data is making databases the favorite child of businesses. Check out our list of the top data-driven companies hiring database engineers below.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-data-driven-companies-hiring-database-engineers">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-top-enterprise-companies-hiring-today">5 Top Enterprise Companies Hiring Today</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>In business, as in life, it takes a village to succeed. Tech companies that work to help other companies succeed constitute a large and growing market, despite a global cool-down in hiring and VC investment. The global business software and services market size was valued at $430B (,USD%20474.61%20billion%20in%202022.) in 2021 and is expected to double by 2030 as businesses seek out technology to run more efficient and sophisticated operations. Companies are perfecting tech solutions to just about every aspect of running a business, following the lead of trailblazers like Dropbox, Evernote, and Slack, which all invaded office environments on their way to unicorn success. Palo Alto, Calif.,-based Avoma (/company/avoma) is putting automation to work in office meetings, using state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to summarize meeting notes and extract key topics and next steps. Canada-based Comparative Analytics (/company/comparative-analytics) is among a cadre of companies delivering new data analysis and other developer tools to businesses. In a single click, the company says, you can do what would take a team of data analysts weeks to do. Other companies are helping in the back-office. San Francisco-base Plat IQ (/company/plateiq) makes it possible to automate a company’s account payable process, including invoicing and inventory management. These companies are charging ahead to give the office a major upgrade. Want to join them? Check out our list of enterprise companies hiring top tech talent today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-top-enterprise-companies-hiring-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/7-digital-media-companies-hiring-today">7 Digital Media Companies Hiring Today</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Technology companies are hiring developers and engineers to reinvent how people communicate with each other. From copywriting and chatting with co-workers to putting on live performances, entrepreneurs are hard at work helping create news forms of engagements and looking for top tech talent to fill key roles. Redmond, Wash.-based Tagboard (/company/tagboard) offers a cloud-based production platform for creating interactive live programming for any connected screen. The company’s leadership is serious about building a diverse team (, too. For remote workers, Remotion (/company/remotionco) creates a virtual office environment that “makes room for casual conversations with co-working and shared music.” People can collaborate with co-workers, keep on track of projects, and cut loose with a little fun, all in one place. Toronto-based Keyhole (/company/keyhole-1) has amassed an impressive client list early in its journey. The company helps brands like Nike, Samsung, CBS, and NBC track social media conversations. New York City-based Yup (/company/yupteam) is doing social media on its terms, as a second layer distributed protocol that overlays “social capital onto online content.” [] promises to put an end to writer’s block with its automated writing tools that help businesses craft marketing messages. The company recently raised a Series A and is looking to fill several roles Miami-based Column (/company/columnpbc) is the first collaborative public notice platform helping publishers, governments and legal services work together to inform their communities If you’ve got a flair for communications and tech talent to boot, consider these top digital media companies hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/7-digital-media-companies-hiring-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/ca-ching-15-fintechs-hiring-talent-today">Cha-Ching: 15 Fintechs Hiring Talent Today</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Innovations like artificial intelligence and blockchain technology are upending the world of finance, creating ample opportunities for tech talent. Eight in ten ( traditional banking organizations say they plan to partner with technology companies in coming years in an effort to keep pace with the change. According to “The State of U.S. Early-Stage Venture & Startups: 1Q22,” fintech saw the greatest payroll growth of any tech sector, up 158% in one year, as the industry ballooned to over $25T (,of%20the%20global%20financial%20industry). More recently, some fintechs have encountered economic headwinds ( Tech companies are revolutionizing mobile payments ( Four in ten U.S. smartphone users used a contactless payment ( at least once last year, a rate that’s comparable with South Korea. Consumer spending in mobile app stores is projected to reach $270B ( worldwide in the next few years. Blockchain and “regtech” (regulatory technology) are two of the fastest-growing segments of the fintech industry. Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms originated more than $48B in U.S. consumer loans ( from 2006 to 2018, and some expect that to rise to $150B per year ( by 2025. Banks are making use of customer service chatbots, and tech companies are taking things further with financial robo-advisors ( Today there are hundreds of fintech unicorns (, including the likes of Stripe (/company/stripe), Plaid (/company/plaid), and Ripple (/company/ripple-labs). There’s also a dizzying array of up-and-comers vying to innovate every aspect of how people transact. Upstart [Firstcard] innovates how students pay for college, while Tremendous (/company/tremendous) helps universities pay their global network of research participants. Hemlane (/company/hemlane) makes it easier to manage rental properties, while Housecall (/company/housecall) helps home services businesses shift to online payments. Goldfinch (/company/goldfinch-1) is working to build a global, decentralized network that allows anyone—not just banks—to be a lender. Seedfi (/company/seedfi) and [Vested] [/company/vested-3] aim to put powerful financial tools in everyone’s’ hands. If you fancy the worlds of finance and tech, check out our list of 15 hot tech fintechs hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/ca-ching-15-fintechs-hiring-talent-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-top-tech-companies-hiring-blockchain-engineers">5 Top Tech Companies Hiring Blockchain Engineers</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>From real estate ( and banking ( to healthcare ( and diamonds (, blockchain technology is increasingly important to companies in every industry. Blockchain engineers are among the most sought-after talent in the sector, and they command an average salary of over $100k annually (,28.htm). Despite hiring freezes elsewhere across the tech industry, there’s a growing demand for crypto and blockchain roles ( at many companies and many job seekers eye the industry as one ripe for continued growth. Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. Over the past few years, blockchain-based digital currency has gone from risky, rumored promise, to a strong bid for investors as an entirely new cryptocurrency ecosystem evolved. Today, even Wall Street is getting on board ( Similar transitions are happening in all sorts of industries as companies quicky adopt blockchain technology. Companies like Ripple (/company/ripple-labs) and Luno (/company/lunoglobal) are using blockchain technology to improve payments. Others like OpenSea (/company/opensea-3) are using digital ledgers to create new marketplaces for digital art and other virtual goods, With so many exciting breakthroughs in the space, opportunities are bountiful. Here are 5 hot companies hiring blockchain engineers now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-top-tech-companies-hiring-blockchain-engineers">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-top-tech-companies-hiring-in-germany">5 Top Tech Companies Hiring in Germany</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Germany is emerging as a premiere startup hub in the global marketplace. The nation’s capital, Berlin, is ranked as Europe’s second-largest startup hub ('s%20startup%20ecosystem%20has%20now,investing%20in%20key%20research%20areas) with an estimated value of $94B ( Germans are supportive of tech all the way to this highest levels of government. The national government provides financial and other support to help fuel innovation, including a recent $12B infusion for fintech innovation ( The country has plans to provide tens of billions of more financial support over the next few years. Kayak (/company/kayak/jobs) is one of top search engines for travel, allowing users to easily compare prices and find the best deals on flights, hotels, rental cars, and other essential vacation services. One of their largest offices is located in Berlin and they are currently hiring for dozens of positions. Six weeks of paid vacation and German classes ( are just some of the perks found within the company culture at Kayak. Berlin-based Moonfare (/company/moonfare/jobs) helps people to gain access to investments like private equity funds. Moonfare founder and CEO Steffen Pauls frequently expresses his passion for leveling the playing field when it comes to access to “unprecedented value creation” of private markets that 99% of the population is excluded from. The startup has locations around the world. Germany is on the rise in the startup world and with more high value-companies making it their home and continued efforts by the government to help this sector grow. Now is the ideal time to look at the many opportunities available there. Here is our list of six of the fastest-growing Germany-Based startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-top-tech-companies-hiring-in-germany">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/party-people-wanted-top-event-tech-companies-hiring-today">Party People Wanted: Top Event Tech Companies Hiring Today </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>After years of social distancing and quarantining, people are eager to get back together for events. So event companies are reviving their talent pools ( At the same time, an entire new cottage industry of virtual events that bloomed during the pandemic is expected to remain fully rooted in our social fabric. For tech talent with a social bug, both of those developments spell o-p-p-o-r-t-u-n-i-t-y ( in an industry expected to grow to $1.6T in the next 5 years. For in-person events, there’s much more to it than choosing a venue, food, and entertainment. There’s plenty of technical aspects behind the scenes, whether you’re planning events for a company’s employee appreciation banquet or a wedding. Special events are becoming ever more important for companies with dispersed workforces to get face-time, as well as businesses hosting grand re-openings ( following a pandemic shutdown. New offerings like WeGoTrip’s (/company/wegotrip) audio tours, Tagboard’s (/company/tagboard) real-time social content, and SixPlus’s (/company/sixplus) website for curating the best private dining events, are all enabling companies to get creative with their events. It’s an exciting and dynamic time to be in the events industry. Here’s our list of some of the top events companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/party-people-wanted-top-event-tech-companies-hiring-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-in-india-5-companies-on-the-rise">Hiring in India: 5 Companies on the Rise</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>By some accounts India is the third-largest ( startup ecosystem in the world, behind the U.S. and China, with more than 60k tech companies. In 2021 alone, the country registered 14k new tech companies and minted 4 dozen unicorns. The service industry is by far India’s hottest sector. But areas like space tech ( are on the rise, quadrupling in size in the past couple of years from 11 to 47 companies. Delhi is leap-frogging Bengaluru ( as the startup capital of India, with more than 5k new tech companies in the region since 2019. India-based startups raised 130 deals ( in the first month of 2022, with some deals reaching records of up to $3.5B. Some experts warn, though, things could cool under current economic conditions. If you’re interested in India's exciting opportunities, check out our list of top Indian startups hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-in-india-5-companies-on-the-rise">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-startups-shaping-the-future-of-work">5 Startups Shaping the Future of Work </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>For years businesses gradually shifted to more remote work settings. Then the pandemic accelerated the pace of change ( to a sprint, and now companies of all sizes and types—from healthcare and consumer goods to tech companies with increasingly global workforces—are adjusting to new office norms. Increasingly, the motivations for work are changing ( People are looking to their careers to provide social connection and a sense of higher purpose. As a result, beliefs about what makes a “good job” are changing. Experts point to three major trends and opportunity areas for companies to shape the future of work: Remote work and virtual meetings are now a normal part of business. Although most expect “Zoom fatigue” to be less of an issue as things get more balanced, there are ample ways to improve on how people interact with each other virtually. Online transactions shot up massively across the globe ( and in every industry from e-commerce and telemedicine to online banking and media streaming. How people pay and get paid remains a large and growing space. Automation and AI adoption is expanding rapidly (, especially in bustling work areas with lots of people in one space. IBM saw a surge in new customers for its AI Watson Assistant to deploy chatbots and other customer services. Companies like Amazon (, Calendly, Remotion, and Notion are helping to pave the way for the future of work. If you’re interested in improving the future of work and making work meaningful for future generations, check out our list of the top companies shaping the future of work hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-startups-shaping-the-future-of-work">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-5-companies-helping-humans-with-smart-cobots">Hiring now! 5 Companies Helping Humans with Smart Cobots</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Beep boop. What if your coworker was a robot? Cobots, or collaborative robots (, are growing in popularity in order to help human employees optimize their efficiency in a number of different industries. From performing simple manufacturing tasks to complex surgical procedures, the goal of cobots is to relieve workers of complicated and time-consuming jobs and help them by partially automating their work, ultimately making their lives easier and safer. With emerging technologies like AI, machine learning, and intelligent integrated sensors, cobots continue to get smarter all the time. The advanced software within cobots makes them easy for even beginners to use and program. Sensor fusion, intuitive algorithms, and advanced IoT-based sensors enable these robots to perform tasks at the press of a button ( Progressing beyond traditional robotics, new cobots are intelligent machines that are able to adapt to their changing environments and assist humans in a broad spectrum of work. Major companies like Universal Robots (/company/universal-robotics) and Rethink Robotics (/company/rethink-robotics), have all focused on collaborative robots since their start, and conventional robotics companies such as KUKA (/company/kuka-robotics/people), ABB (/company/abb), and Fanuc (/company/fanuc-america) have followed suit. Even Amazon (/company/amazon) has built many of its warehouses specifically for mobile robots. The company ‘employs’ more than 200, 000 robots in their warehouses. As cobots take on more and more tasks, human workers can focus on the more important aspects of business operations - making humans and robots the ultimate team for efficiency and productivity in the workplace. Interested in programming the future of cobots? Here’s our list of hot robotics companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-now-5-companies-helping-humans-with-smart-cobots">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-companies-with-revolutionary-marketing-strategies-hiring-now">5 Companies with Revolutionary Marketing Strategies Hiring Now </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Marketing trends have changed drastically, with strategies being increasingly influenced by emerging technology. Marketing roles are projected to grow by 10% (,on%20average%2C%20over%20the%20decade) by 2030, with over 31,000 (,on%20average%2C%20over%20the%20decade) openings for marketing managers popping up each year. Companies are bringing their A-game to compete in a world where digital marketing is everywhere, leading to amazing new opportunities for candidates in the sector. Slack (/company/slack) is a collaboration tool that allows teams to communicate more efficiently and share files, all on one easy platform. Many companies use the messaging platform internally in place of emails. Slack’s secret to success is that they market a solution, not a product ( They’ve focused on customer experience, making their messaging center around their customer’s pain points. If you’re a customer-driven marketer, you might want to check out their open roles (/company/slack). Airbnb (/company/airbnb/jobs?roles=marketing) does a great job of leveraging UGC (user-generated content) in its marketing strategy. With more than 75% ( of their content coming from their users, they’re experts at making their digital presence feel human, real, and authentic. They’re currently hiring (/company/airbnb/jobs?roles=marketing) travel-loving marketers to join their team. First Round Capital (/company/first-round-capital) uses long-form content marketing to fuel its growth. Run by former Wall Street Journal reporter, Camille Rickettshe, the First Round Review ( is written with the goal of transforming technical information from experts into easily accessible resources for aspiring founders. If you consider yourself a writer first and foremost, it’s worth taking a look at their open roles (/company/first-round-capital/jobs). As the metaverse buzz increases, many brands have even teamed up with game developers to feature their products in the virtual world - newly known as ‘gamevertizing’ ( For example, Balenciaga recently launched Afterworld: The Age of Tomorrow (, a game where players explore a futuristic world where characters dress in the luxury brand. With so many emerging marketing trends, opportunities are bountiful. Here are 5 hot companies hiring marketers now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-companies-with-revolutionary-marketing-strategies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/web3-engineers-these-hot-startups-want-to-hire-you">Web3 Engineers: These Hot Startups Want to Hire You</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>As a decentralized Internet, or “Web3”, quickly moves from idea to reality, it’s becoming hard for companies of all types to ignore. From cryptocurrency and NFTs to the metaverse, we are seeing Web3 elements becoming more and more a part of daily life. This puts Web3 engineers firmly in the driver's seat of a burgeoning space. Last year, this space received nearly $18B in venture funding ( and it’s on pace to top that number in 2022, having received $3.8B in venture funding ( as of February. Proponents of Web3 cite its capabilities to allow people to skip middlemen (,an%20internet%20owned%20by%20users.) (financial institutions and big tech) by empowering individuals to have a greater sense of ownership over their online experience. Web3 has seen its fair share of skeptics ( However, this has not deterred investors from helping to fund the space, creating thousands of Web3 engineering jobs. In early 2022 there were nearly 9k jobs listed in the Web3 space ( Among the companies looking to fill Web3 positions are startups like Vana (/company/corsali) and Mem Protocol (/company/mem-protocol) which aim to give web users more control over their online identity. An effective Web3 developer ( is familiar with the concepts behind Web3, is proficient in the relevant programming languages, and has the right tech stack to develop apps on Web3, which are referred to as decentralized applications ( or “dApps.” Since applications built for the Web3 ecosystem are often developed by their own communities, the ability to communicate and collaborate are also important skills. If building the future of the internet sounds like a challenge you’re ready to tackle, take a look at some of the top Web3 engineer positions hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/web3-engineers-these-hot-startups-want-to-hire-you">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/oh-canada-5-hot-canadian-startups-hiring-in-2022">Oh Canada! 5 Hot Canadian Startups Hiring in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The startup scene in Canada ( is booming, having received $14.2 billion in venture capital in 202 (, a 215% increase ( from the previous year. Fintech is a bright spot, as the Great White North is home to 700+ fintech companies ( and gaining a strong foothold in the global startup economy ( Along with it, Canada is attracting top tech talent. Startup scenes are bustling across the country, from Montreal (, Calgary (, and Atlantic Canada (, in the east, to so-called “tech-couver" (/job-collections/the-vancouver-startup-scene-14-fast-growing-startups-hiring-now) in the west. In between, the Toronto-Waterloo corridor is one of the continent’s fastest growing ( innovation ecosystems with 300k tech workers. Companies from the region include MaRS Discovery District ( and Communitech ( The Collision (,is one of the fastest growing tech conferences in North America, attracting some of the top minds in the industry from around the globe to Toronto for the past three years. Or, take a company like Calgary- and San Francisco-based Hemlane (/company/hemlane/jobs), which is making waves in the rental property space alongside the likes of bigger players like Airbnb (/company/airbnb). Canada is poised to become a juggernaut in the startup world. Here is our list of five fast-growing Canada-based startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/oh-canada-5-hot-canadian-startups-hiring-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-innovative-tech-enabled-companies-hiring-now">5 Innovative Tech-Enabled Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>With emerging technologies becoming more accessible to all, tech-enabled businesses are on the rise providing new solutions to make long-established industries more efficient and effective. Using technology to innovate and develop products and services is fast becoming the norm for a wide range of industries. Companies are enhancing their offerings ( through software and data by creating tech-enabled products to keep up with emerging trends. Allowing them to innovate faster, get closer to customers, and deliver on efficiency. As the cost of sensors and connectivity software decreases, companies have the opportunity to harness new technologies to reinvent their products and services with disruptive new offerings. Peloton (/company/peloton) — well known for its popular stationary bikes that stream video workouts - has described itself as a technology company that meshes the physical and digital worlds ( The company currently has a number of connected fitness equipment options such as bikes, treadmills, and more. The interactive fitness platform is hiring (/company/peloton/jobs) for hundreds of roles now. Sweetgreen (/company/sweetgreen) has leveraged its digital channels to sell more salads. In 2021, they acquired Spyce (, the robot-powered electric delivery fleet, the goal of which was to increase automation, improve efficiency, and improve the overall customer experience. Focused on building their digital offerings, they’re currently hiring (/company/sweetgreen/jobs) for a number of roles. But with technology being increasingly integrated into nearly every business model, some investors have begun to worry ( about what the looseness around ‘tech’ could mean for the economy. For example, WeWork (/company/wework) has long been pushing ‘tech’ (/today/stories/wework-unbundles-its-products-in-an-attempt-to-make-itself-over-but-will-the-strategy-work-39434) as one of its main pillars, which has caused some controversy. Recently, the company announced its launch of WeWork Workplace (,struggling%20one%2C%20at%20that), to help companies manage employees and office space - with the hopes of enticing remote and hybrid companies. Investing in technology is important for company growth, and with so many industries testing the waters, there is no shortage of opportunities available.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-innovative-tech-enabled-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-10-tech-companies-in-senior-care">11 Tech Startups Building Better Senior Care </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Building a better life for seniors has never been more important. By 2030, 1 in 6 people ( in the world will be over 60. As a result of people living longer ( into their “golden years,” just about every country in the world is seeing its senior population increase. So it’s no surprise the market for providing care to seniors — everything from pharmaceuticals and assistive devices to housing and nursing care — is growing rapidly. In the U.S. alone, the market’s expected to reach $1.2T by 2029 ( Companies in the space are leveraging new technologies to provide seniors with community, in-home health monitoring, live captioned conversations (/company/ava-me), freedom of mobility (/company/healing-innovations), and more. The trend of aging populations presents opportunities for robotics ( on two fronts: the need to assist seniors in carrying out day-to-day tasks and the need to automate the gaps in a shrinking workforce. If you’re energized by the prospect of making people’s later years truly golden, check out our list of the top companies hiring to build the future of senior care.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-10-tech-companies-in-senior-care">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-early-stage-tech-startups-looking-for-co-founders">5 Early-Stage Tech Startups Looking for Co-founders</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Building a successful company requires a broad array of knowledge and expertise. Founders want partners who complement their skills and can accelerate ( their startup towards its goals. There’s a growing debate ( about how vital a co-founder is to startup success. Paul Graham famously listed solopreneurship as the no. 1 reason startups fail ( More recently, investor Ali Tamaseb found that 2 in 10 unicorns ( found massive success with just one founder—though they tended to have at least 10 years of startup experience before starting the job. Y Combinator helps match co-founders ( based on interest, skills, location and other factors. Some companies seek specific skills like finance, sales, or engineering to build out their teams. Investors and founders alike need to believe in the people who will bring their company’s vision to life. If you aspire to build the future alongside other talented founders, check out our list of startups hiring co-founders below.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-early-stage-tech-startups-looking-for-co-founders">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-companies-shaping-the-future-of-cities-and-hiring-now">5 Companies Shaping the Future of Cities and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Smart cities are on the rise amidst a so-called Internet of things (IoT) revolution ( Smart devices and infrastructure spread far and wide in recent years — from the factory floor to city hall to the living room — and, it turns out, people tend to like the sense of comfort (, convenience (, safety, and sustainability ( they bring. Companies are developing tech to help cities (,economic%2C%20environmental%20and%20political%20factors.) address the impacts of growing populations and climate changes, with things like smart parking ( and interconnected transportation grids ( Developers of smart city technology tend to take pride in things like innovation, energy efficiency, and, of course, security. If that sounds like you, check out our list of top companies working to build smarter cities that are hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-companies-shaping-the-future-of-cities-and-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-hot-startups-hiring-full-stack-engineers">5 Hot Startups Hiring Full-Stack Engineers</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Full-stack engineers are in high demand! In the U.S. alone, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a whopping 22% growth ( in jobs for software developers by 2029. Being able to work on a project from frontend to backend (aka full-stack ( brings incredible value to a company. A full-stack engineer works to design, test, and implement software applications. Their broad skillset means that they can be involved in every single stage of software development. This can range from initial architecture design to code review and performance evaluation to crafting later updates. The duties ( of a full-stack engineer often go beyond coding into the realm of leadership. It is common for full-stack engineers to work with a variety of other coders, engineers, and designers on a software development project, and often they will be responsible for running the entire software development team. A wide variety of companies hire full-stack developers. For example, software companies like Premium Labs (/company/premium-labs-1) and fintechs like Vested (/company/vested-3/jobs) and SeedFi (/company/seedfi) commonly hire full-stack engineers, as well as social media companies, cybersecurity companies, and others.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-hot-startups-hiring-full-stack-engineers">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-mexico-based-startups-hiring-tech-talent-now">5 Mexico-Based Startups Hiring Tech Talent Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The Mexican startup scene has been making great strides in recent years. The success of giants like Uber, Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify ('ve%20known%20Spotify%20was,the%20music%20streaming%20market%20there) has proven the country to be one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing ( tech markets. Currently, fintech is the top sector, but logistics and distribution are close behind with solutions for megacities (,home%20to%2022%20million%20people.) and transportation being two other major trends. Only Brazil beats out Mexico in terms of investment in Latin America (,which%20were%20themselves%20record%2Dsetting). In 2018 alone $175M was invested across 95 transactions, growing invested capital by over 119%. This upwards trend continued with investors like SoftBank announcing a $5B Latin American fund. New international investors ( like Sequoia, A16z, Goldman Sachs, and others are bringing backing to the ecosystem. While Mexico has faced challenges with attracting top talent, the growing pool of investment capital is creating a cornucopia of opportunities. Another outstanding factor is Mexico’s internet userbase of 84M people ( What’s more, mobile growth in Latin America is expected to grow three times faster than in China. As Mexico enters its stride, Mexican talent has increasingly founded new companies to pursue their visions. All of these trends point to Mexico developing into a tech powerhouse.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-mexico-based-startups-hiring-tech-talent-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-gaming-companies-leveling-up-their-tech-talent-in-2022">5 Gaming Companies Leveling Up their Tech Talent in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>As the world adapts post-pandemic, game developers are harnessing emerging technologies to attract and retain gamers. eSports have revolutionized competitive mobile gaming with games like FIFA, PUBG, call of duty, and others at the forefront. The sector is anticipated to be worth more than $3B ( in 2023, as spectator platforms like Twitch (/company/twitch) continue to see record traffic ( for top streamers. Cloud gaming offers an innovative way for players to access a wide range of games online. Big players like Microsoft, Sony, Google, Nvidia, Tencent, and Amazon ( now offer their games through cloud-based subscription services. Increased internet speeds and smartphone technology continues to be the main driver for mobile gaming success. The AR and VR video game market is set to hit $11B ( by 2026. Thanks to the falling price of VR hardware, consumer headsets are becoming increasingly affordable (, and 2022 might even see the release of Apple's (/company/apple) long-rumoured VR headset ( Several of the biggest creators of games, such as Ubisoft (/company/ubisoft-4/jobs), announced intentions to build NFTs ( into their games as a way of letting players win, earn and trade unique in-game items. However, this idea isn’t popular with all gamers ( With new technology emerging all the time, the future of gaming has never been more exciting. Interested in playing a part in the future of gaming technology? Here are 5 hot gaming startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-gaming-companies-leveling-up-their-tech-talent-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-benefits-hiring-now">5 Tech Companies with Unbelievable Benefits Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>When the pandemic hit, tech companies worldwide had to change their employee benefits strategies. A lot has changed about what employees value and seek ( when it comes to company benefits, and with restrictions and remote work, in-office perks have become less and less attractive. Unlimited vacation policies, flexible schedules, childcare resources, and extensive health benefits are all being offered right now as companies are going the extra mile to retain and attract ( top tech talent. The challenges of working parents ( during the pandemic brought conversations about family and childcare benefits from employers to the forefront, and recognition of the importance of mental health benefits, flexible schedules, and remote work stipends ( are on the rise. Remote work is at the top of desired employee benefits, and after announcing that employees could live and work anywhere in the world, Airbnb (/company/airbnb) saw more than 800,000 candidates visit their careers page. Atlassian (/company/atlassian), a software company working to improve collaborations, offers its employees a vast and varied benefits package. From remote work options to counselling resources for employees and their families, they'll even pay you to volunteer at a charity! Hubspot (/company/hubspot) has also kept up with the times, with unlimited PTO, extended parental leave, and remote opportunities. Huge players like Netflix (/company/netflix) are providing impressive advantages for their employees, with stellar perks and benefits packages that include year-long parental leave ( With unlimited PTO, yearly offsites, and a remote-first culture, we’re putting ourselves on the list, as AngelList (/company/angellist) continues to lead by example with competitive benefits for its employees. If you're looking for a new role with benefits that fit your values, there's no shortage of opportunities available. See our list below of 5 of the top tech companies with unbelievable benefits hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-benefits-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/6-companies-hiring-top-tech-talent-amidst-2022-layoffs">7 Companies Hiring Top Tech Talent Amidst 2022 Layoffs</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The job market is experiencing a shift with a wave of major layoffs across big tech companies pushing top talent to explore open roles at mid-sized companies. Big tech players like Meta, Twitter, and Uber ( are pausing hiring as layoffs increase (, giving an unexpected opportunity to midsize startups looking to recruit top tech talent who might have otherwise gone to larger firms ( Many companies have had to restrategize under the current investment climate, but Amazon (/company/amazon) could come out stronger than ever with millions continuing to rely on the company for everything from grocery delivery to cloud computing. Market conditions have made many startups cheaper to invest in, and venture capitalists ( remain optimistic. This has lead to massive opportunities ( for new founders and early startups. Amidst the economic uncertainty, the number of tech jobs—including web developers and software engineers—is expected to grow in the next decade ( There are still tech companies of all sizes looking to fill roles, and those with open roles are very serious about hiring ( Docugami (/company/docugami/jobs) is recruiting for a variety of open engineering positions in a job market that has suddenly been turned on its head. Seattle startup, 98point6 (/company/98point6) raised $43 million to help increase development capacity for its virtual healthcare technology, and is currently hiring for a number of tech roles. Remitly (/company/remitly) which helps people send money overseas saw customer growth spike 100% and the company is looking for tech talent to join their team. Opportunities are still hot for tech talent across a number of sectors. Here’s our list of top tech companies hiring amidst the current layoffs.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/6-companies-hiring-top-tech-talent-amidst-2022-layoffs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/13-innovative-social-media-companies-hiring-tech-talent-now">13 Innovative Social Media Companies Hiring Tech Talent Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Twitter’s $44B price tag ( is evidence of the power and popularity of social media, a space that’s attracting a torrent of tech talent these days. At their best, social media platforms empower people to cultivate relationships (, expose them to (hopefully accurate!) news ( and new perspectives, serve as a tool for building personal brands (, and much more. Even though one third of the world ( is already on Facebook, there’s still plenty of room for startups to appeal to niche communities. That’s what Grindr (/company/grindr) does for LGBTQ folks and Chief (/company/chief-7) does for boss women. Stressed about all the social media accounts and #hashtags you need to track? Keyhole (/company/keyhole-1) is working to make that as painless as possible. Companies are trying out novel approaches, too. Saturn (/company/saturn-technologies) is all about helping teens build their social lives around the things they actually plan to do (that is, their calendar). Meanwhile, many people believe blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize how people interact online ( If the prospect of connecting the world excites you, check out our list of the top companies hiring to build social platforms and social media-related services.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/13-innovative-social-media-companies-hiring-tech-talent-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/11-hot-paris-startups-saying-bonjour-to-top-tech-talent">11 Hot Paris Startups Saying ‘Bonjour’ to Top Tech Talent</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Paris is fast becoming one of the hottest startup ecosystems in Europe ( and a top destination for tech talent. VC investment in French startups doubled to nearly $12B ( in 2021 as the country welcomed 12 new unicorns. A mix of highly skilled young professionals, booming VC investments, and an ecosystem that supports and promotes growth has helped propel the City of Light onto the global startup map. The city boasts the most research professionals, high-tech patents, and annual R&D spending in Europe. Paris also hosts several top startup events, including Big Data & AI Paris ( and Hello Tomorrow Global Summit ( The city’s proximity to economic centers like London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, and Luxembourg add to the appeal for entrepreneurs. Leading tech categories include cosmetics, healthcare, aeronautics, digital transformation, and sustainable cities—which makes sense considering the city’s ambition to be Europe’s greenest city by 2030 ( Success stories include online home improvement marketplace ManoMano (/company/manomano-1) and crypto security company Ledger (/company/ledger) which have both raised hundreds of millions of dollars from investors. To keep up the momentum, France’s president pledges billions more in tech investment ( and founder-friendly immigration laws. Startups on the French Tech Next 40/120 list ( plan to create more than 200k jobs by 2025. If Paris is calling, check out our list of 11 hot Parisian startups hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/11-hot-paris-startups-saying-bonjour-to-top-tech-talent">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-5-crypto-startups-hiring-software-engineers">5 Rapidly Growing Crypto Startups Hiring Software Engineers in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>You’d need a supercomputer to keep up with all the news about challenges confronting decentralized finance these days. The value of Bitcoin, the OG of cryptocurrency, is nose-diving ( along with the stock price ( of Coinbase, the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the U.S. Add to that high-profile hacks (, software glitches (, evidence that so-called “stable coins” can be anything but (, and growing calls for more regulation (, and there’s plenty of work ahead for the industry to address. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is an emerging financial system that uses blockchain to bypass the traditional global banking industry, making it public and peer-to-peer in nature. First developed in the 1990s, blockchain technology saw a relatively slow adoption rate during its early years and then exploded in popularity during rapid digitization triggered by the pandemic. Seemingly overnight the world went from one main cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to dozens of digital currencies with varying degrees of decentralization. One of the most noteworthy events of 2021 came when El Salvador ( became the world’s first nation to adopt Bitcoin as a national currency to increase economic growth, boost financial inclusion, and maximize remittances from abroad. There are silver linings to the gray clouds hanging over crypto-land these days. For one, DeFi is getting more mainstream as Wall Street slowly embraces it ( For another, crypto and blockchain companies are getting more VC funding than any other category ( in 2022, according to a recent AngelList Venture report. Besides, currencies like Bitcoin have weathered wilder swings in the past ( If you’d like to put your software engineering skills to work for a company reimagining the future of payments, check out our list of the 5 top DeFi startups hiring top software talent.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-5-crypto-startups-hiring-software-engineers">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-sizzling-hot-innovative-food-startups-hungry-for-tech-talent-in-2022">5 Sizzling Hot Food Startups Hungry to Hire Tech Talent in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Food tech is sizzling hot with investors. The industry saw record VC investment ( of $40B in 2021—doubling the previous high mark—as tech companies work to optimize how people grow (, consume (, and discard ( food. Companies in this sector develop agricultural technology for farming aimed at improving yield, efficiency, and profitability through things like crop and herd monitoring as well as robotic farm labor. They also develop new foods and help optimize operations for grocers and restaurants. The spike in funding is spurred by several major trends accelerated by the pandemic that continue through today. These include the popularity of online ordering and food delivery; shocks to the supply chain (; global labor shortages; and growing demand for more sustainable food systems. Investment into food e-commerce has been rising over the past decade, and the trend accelerated significantly after the onset of Covid-19, requiring companies to build out infrastructure to meet consumer demand. Online grocery and other digital-first food providers attracted record fundraising ( in 2021, and this year Chipotle launched a $50M venture fund ( for early-stage food tech startups. Startups that created vegan products and non-cultivated meat alternatives overtook cultivated meat in terms of deal amount at the seed stage in 2021, suggesting increasing early-stage innovation in the meat alternative field. Y Combinator, Techstars, 500 Global, Plug and Play Tech Center, and FoodBytes are among the most active investors in the sector. Hungry to get into the space? Check out our list of 5 hot food techs hiring today!</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-sizzling-hot-innovative-food-startups-hungry-for-tech-talent-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/the-next-big-startup-hub-in-asia-4-philippine-based-startups-hiring-now">The Next Big Startup Hub in Asia: 4 Philippine-based Startups Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The Philippine startup scene is rapidly growing, and the country is in a perfect position to be the next big startup hub ( in Asia. With around 15% ( of the startup ecosystem consisting of Fintech companies. The transaction value of Manila’s Fintech startups is expected to nearly double to around $10.5 billion ( by this year. Manila is on track to be one of the fastest-growing startup ecosystems ( worldwide. Policies like the Philippine Innovation Act ( and the Innovative Startup Act ( have been a major draw in bringing foreign investment into the region. The Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises Act CREATE ( has grown the country’s investments with an increase in competitive incentives. Since the country’s venture market is not yet overcrowded, now is the best time for investors to get in early. The Philippines are in a unique situation, currently churning out more ideas than capital can keep up with ( and VCs are working hard to build a startup hub that empowers more innovators to pursue their ideas. As the population of startups continues to rise in Manila, the number of startup incubators has also increased. Several notable incubators include IdeaSpace (, Impact Hub Manila (, and BrainSpark ( Here’s our list of some of the fastest-growing Philippines-based startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/the-next-big-startup-hub-in-asia-4-philippine-based-startups-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-world-changing-sustainable-climate-tech-startups-hiring-now">5 Sustainable Climate-Tech Startups Changing the World and Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The growing impact of climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions has been a dominant cause for concern around the world, gaining attention from investors with venture capital firms pouring $53.7B ( into climate tech in 2021. Climate-focused funding in private markets is projected to continue over the coming decade, with the industry expected to grow to $1.9T ( by 2030. The number of climate tech unicorns has grown to 78 (, with the biggest number of these unicorns sitting in Mobility and Transport. While electric vehicles, micro-mobility (light-weight single person short distance transport), driverless cars, and other innovative transit solutions continue to attract significant funding. The tech world has seen a dramatic increase in interest in climate tech startups, but the challenge is scale ( - especially in sectors where the innovator is too big for angel capital but too high-risk for commercial lending. It’s in this space that venture capital plays a critical role. Private markets ( are willing to forgo an immediate return in anticipation that over the coming decade the economy will inevitably be decarbonized ( Reports predict that the next billion-dollar start-ups will be in climate tech, and will play a huge part in flattening the trajectory of pollution emissions in the hopes of getting the world back on track towards 1.5°C ( Interested in joining the green-tech revolution? Here’s our list of the fastest-growing climate tech companies changing the world, and they’re hiring!</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-world-changing-sustainable-climate-tech-startups-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/7-startups-you-should-apply-to-if-you-love-tech-and-travel">7 Startups You Should Apply to if you Love Tech and Travel </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Emerging technologies are helping the Travel and Tourism industries bounce back from the pandemic ( and so far in 2022, the sector has raised about $3.4B ( Augmented Reality is bringing the tourism industry into the metaverse, making it possible to take a vacation without leaving the comfort of your home. Even major players like Disney ( are in the works of creating an AR theme park. After the restrictions set in place during the pandemic, travellers are gearing up to make up for lost time and virtual reality could provide a means for people to meet, plan trips, and learn more about their destination before they travel (, reducing last-minute cancellations and improving overall booking experiences. AR technologies are enhancing travel for tourists ( from translating signs and menus to providing virtual guided tours. The digitalization of the travel and tourism industry plays a key role in making the travel experience seamless, and startups are working hard to speed up wait times at airports by providing contactless security checks with facial recognition technology ( In the future, a face scan could facilitate all aspects of the airport process — from bag check to boarding — without ever having to show an ID or boarding pass. With the help of AI-based identification, augmented reality, and virtual vacations, the future of travel is looking promising as investors are embracing emerging technologies. Interested in playing a part in the future of travel? Apply to these 7 startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/7-startups-you-should-apply-to-if-you-love-tech-and-travel">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/5-of-the-hottest-web3-startups-you-ll-want-to-work-for-in-2022">5 of the Hottest Web3 Startups You’ll Want to Work For in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>“Web3” has grown as a buzzword in the startup industry, and it’s no surprise blockchain technologies are gaining major investor interest. This year, more than $3.8B ( has been poured into startups in the Web3 space — which includes the metaverse, cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and plenty of augmented reality features. The goal of Web3 is to move towards a decentralized internet, and away from larger tech players currently in control. The aim is to enable individuals to deal directly with one another, brands and creators, subsequently eliminating the middle man. While supporters believe Web3 will increase transparency and accessibility (, other players, such as Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey (, have stressed that Web3 has already become as centralized as Web2 — but by venture capital. Investors are not deterred by the debate around the decentralized web and are continuing to fund its development. Web3 is accelerating with an increasing number of the world’s most recognized, from Starbucks ( to Steve Aoki (, rapidly adding Web3 capabilities to their core products. While not every blockchain-related company describes itself as a Web3 startup, companies that use “Web3” and “decentralized web” in their descriptions have seen a significant spike in funding ( In 2021 $380M ( was invested in companies that describe themselves as Web3 startups, a huge increase from the $20.5M ( in 2020. The buzz surrounding Web3 has attracted some of the brightest minds in tech, and mega-companies in Silicon Valley have seen a massive amount of their top talent migrate into the Web3 sector ( In the past year alone, crypto job postings have gone up by 400% ( and there is no scarcity in the number of opportunities available. Interested in playing a part in the future of the internet? Here’s our list of the hottest Web3 startups hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/5-of-the-hottest-web3-startups-you-ll-want-to-work-for-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-fraud-detection-and-prevention-startups-hiring-now">The Future of Digital Security: Top 6 Innovative Fraud Detection Startups Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>With online fraud on the rise, it’s little surprise that fraud detection and prevention is one of the hottest industries in tech. Companies are hiring top talent to keep ahead of the bad guys and contributing to a market that’s projected to grow to $66B by 2026 ( With so much of our days built around digital experiences, companies are increasingly looking for ways to quickly detect signs of fraud and eliminate risk. Angel investors are aggressively pursuing early-stage cybersecurity companies ( Cryptocurrency is one area rife with attempted fraud, leading many companies to beef up their compliance capabilities ( to ensure they don’t end up in any regulatory hot water. Even the biggest tech companies struggle to meet the challenge of rising levels of fraud in Apple’s App Store ( and Amazon’s marketplace ( Money laundering ( is a hot topic in the UK, leading to new startups like London-based Thirdfort, which aims to help flag suspicious financial actions. Here’s our list of the top FDP companies hiring to make the world more safe and secure.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-fraud-detection-and-prevention-startups-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-edtech-companies-shaping-the-future-of-learning">Hiring! Edtech Companies Shaping the Future of Learning</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The global education technology market is experiencing a surge in new technologies. Education has been highly affected by Covid-19, with school closures and remote learning giving rise to a wave of edtech startups ( As a result, everything from books to fundraising is getting a digital makeover. In addition, the effects of students studying online are spilling out into sectors like healthcare and business ( As these new trends push edtech forward, the market cap is expected to reach $605B by 2027. (,15.52%25%20during%20the%20forecast%20period) The move from traditional modes of teaching to interactive and digitized formats has boosted the online education market and inspired the development of new approaches to delivering courses and skills. Advanced technologies like AI and augmented reality (AR) could become education’s engine through game-based learning (gamification), mobile-based learning, and hybrid models. Moreover, online certification platforms ( from companies like Google and LinkedIn and universities like Harvard and MIT are now competing with traditional degree tracks. If you’re passionate about improving education for future generations, check out our list below of the top edtech companies hiring now!</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-edtech-companies-shaping-the-future-of-learning">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-wearables-companies-hiring-today">Top 10 Wearable Tech Companies on the Rise </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The global wearables market is red-hot and expected to grow to $118B (,13.8%25%20from%202021%20to%202028) by 2028 as consumers quickly adopt new tech that helps them stay on top of their health. Wearables help people track day-to-day events and physiological data such as sleep quality, heart rate, blood oxygen level, blood pressure, cholesterol level, and more. Rising rates of chronic disease and obesity are helping to fuel adoption of activity trackers and body monitors that provide real-time information on a person’s wellbeing. While companies like Google, Garmin, and Apple dominate the consumer wearables market, there are plenty of up-and-coming tech companies enlisting top talent to innovate. From medicine to motion tracking and glasses to gloves, here’s our list of the top wearables companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-wearables-companies-hiring-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/the-hottest-new-players-in-agtech-hiring-now">Breaking Ground, Breaking Soil: The Hottest Startups in AgTech Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Across the $7.4B global agtech market (, entrepreneurs are crafting solutions to some hefty challenges. Faced with the prospect of feeding nearly 10 billion people (,toll%20on%20our%20natural%20resources.) by 2050—which would require a 60% increase in food production—tech companies are working to boost food production and fish supplies without damaging ecosystems or encroaching too much land. Companies are helping farmers face down a global farm labor shortage ( by deploying automation and robotics. They’re also leveraging things like satellite imagery, genomics, and drone-based precision farming ( to raise healthier livestock and crops. Check out our list of the top agtech companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/the-hottest-new-players-in-agtech-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-quantum-computing-startups-hiring-today">Top Quantum Computing Startups Hiring Today</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Quantum computing is expanding in all directions (, from academics and corporate boardrooms to new hardware and software production. It’s no surprise that the industry is expected to skyrocket (,30.8%25%20during%20the%20forecast%20period.) to a value of $3.2T in 2028. The race to scale qubits (,or%20∣1⟩%20is%201.) (quantum equivalent of bits) is on. Denis Mandich, CTO of quantum encryption startup Qrypt (/company/qrypt), attributes the accelerating pace of funding and hiring to the likelihood of a speedy takeoff: “If you make that (first) scalable quantum computer, your advantage is so great that "you’ll leave everyone else in the dust" ( What makes quantum computers a powerful tool is their use of phenomena in quantum physics to create new ways of computing. Unlike normal computer bits, which can be 0 or 1, a qubit functions probabilistically ( This difference will enable quantum computers to attack historically difficult problems ( in drug and materials development, finance, cyber security, and efforts to fight climate change. If you’re drawn to help map the frontier of computation, check out our list of the top quantum computing companies hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-quantum-computing-startups-hiring-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/13-u-s-based-tech-companies-hiring-international-talent">13 U.S.-based Tech Companies Hiring International Talent</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Immigrants are the economic engine of startups in the U.S., founding more than half of the country’s unicorns ( It doesn’t stop with founders. Tech companies are competing for foregin tech talent for a variety of reasons—including that diverse teams prove to be more productive ( Collaborating with the best and brightest from around the world is a win for everyone ( In order for a U.S.-based company to hire foreign workers, it needs to sponsor their petition for an H1-B visa (, a specialty visa for jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree or equivalent which lets them work in the country for up to 6 years. Each year, 85k candidates are awarded visas according to a lottery system ( While the visa isn’t guaranteed, many top companies are leveraging the program to employ international talent ( Check out our list below for the top companies sponsoring H1-B visas.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/13-u-s-based-tech-companies-hiring-international-talent">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/12-startups-hiring-to-serve-modern-women">12 Startups Hiring to Serve Modern Women</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>In just about any arena you look—from finance ( and fashion ( to SAAS ( and spirits (—women entrepreneurs are making giant strides ( despite the so-called “shesession.” ( It’s no different for healthcare. VCs poured nearly $1B into tech companies ( focused on women’s health in the first quarter of last year alone, and the number of companies in the space nearly doubled ( last year. According to the department of labor, women make 80% of healthcare decisions ( in the U.S. and spend 29% more per capita on healthcare than men. The pandemic presented an opportunity to innovate around women’s unique health needs. Here are top companies hiring today to deliver better health to women:</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/12-startups-hiring-to-serve-modern-women">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-women-backed-tech-companies-hiring-now">Top Women-Backed Tech Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Every year the number of female angel investors and VCs ( grows, with many actively looking to support women founders. “The momentum behind some of these companies that have been built by women ( is incredibly encouraging,” says the founder of the Female Founders Fund, reflecting on recent IPOs of Bumble, 23andMe, and Figs. There's a good reason, too. Research shows that VC firms with more female representation at the highest ranks post higher returns ( Billie (/company/billie-18), Zola, and Winky Lux are just a few examples of companies reaping the benefits of strong female backing. While they’ve made great strides, women still make up just 15% (,about%201%2C000%20female%20angel%20investors) of general partners at venture capital firms. So there’s plenty of work yet to be done. Here’s our list of the top companies hiring today that are backed by women investors:</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-women-backed-tech-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-startups-hiring-in-healthtech-in-2022">14 Startups Revolutionizing the Fitness Industry in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Health and wellness is a hot industry with consumers and investors alike. Companies in the space raised a whopping $44B last year during a so-called “home workout revolution” ( that also saw mindfulness soar to new heights. Other areas of healthtech innovation include new approaches to treating chronic lifestyle diseases. Apps like Headspace (/company/headspace and Calm are tackling sleep and mindfulness, while subscription box services such as TheraBox are bringing customers better nutrition and better appearance. As people get back to using shared spaces again, some predict a “mini-boom” for wellness tourism, health spas, and the like. These are the top fitness companies making waves in healthtech:</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-startups-hiring-in-healthtech-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/20-startups-with-4-day-workweeks">20 Startups Adopting the 4-Day Workweek </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The dream of spending less time at work without a pay cut is becoming a reality for more employees. Pandemic burnout ( and The Great Resignation ( are forcing many companies to rethink a 5-day schedule. A growing number of companies ( are now urging their employees to work fewer hours, not more. Studies have shown that a 4-day work week improves productivity ( and corresponds with gains in workers’ well-being ( This shift helps companies move away from simply measuring how long people are at work, to a sharper focus on the output they’re producing (—a win-win for both employees and companies. If it’s time to improve your work-life balance, check out our list of companies hiring with a 4-day work week.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/20-startups-with-4-day-workweeks">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hiring-up-and-coming-companies-developing-green-energy">Hiring: Up-and-Coming Companies Developing Green Energy </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Capital is pouring into the renewable energy sector thanks to a growing recognition of the impacts of climate change among investors ( and others. The industry is expected to grow to $1.9T by 2030 ( as every aspect of the energy supply chain ( gets reimagined. Zero-emission fuel companies, green electricity providers, solar energy services, wind turbine distributors, and electric vehicle charging companies are just a few examples of businesses stepping up to combat reliance on fossil fuels. These sustainable energy companies are looking to hire top talent.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hiring-up-and-coming-companies-developing-green-energy">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-12-mental-health-startups-hiring-today">Top 12 Mental Health Startups Hiring Today </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Fueled by the growing need to provide digital mental health solutions to patients during the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health and telehealth are receiving record investment ( With telehealth use up 38x overall since the pandemic began (, patients are more comfortable than ever connecting with health providers over their mobile phones. Increasingly, that’s true for mental health thanks to innovation by up-and-coming tech companies. Entrepreneurs are working to make accessing a therapist as easy as checking the weather and as comfortable as talking to a friend. With depression reportedly on the rise worldwide (, some predict the mental health app industry could grow to $17.5B by 2030 ( Some of these apps focus on catering to specific niches such as college students, teens, or employees. Meanwhile other companies are developing specialized therapies utilizing psychedelics or AI. Here are top mental health focused companies hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-12-mental-health-startups-hiring-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/12-black-owned-startups-hiring-top-tech-talent">10 Black-Owned Startups Hiring Top Tech Talent</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>When it comes to diversity in tech, there’s good news and bad news. The good news: significant progress has been made to create more opportunities for Black tech talent to thrive. As a result, there’s an influx of Black founders who saw their funding quadruple in recent years ( and investors who are being promoted to partner or starting their own venture firms ( Firms like Jumpstart Nova are investing exclusively in Black-led companies ( The bad news: There’s a long way to go. For example, despite that quadrupling, Black entrepreneurs still only receive 1.2% of all venture capital invested in the U.S., and the number of venture partners or owners who are Black is still staggeringly small. Here are some Black-owned tech companies that are making a big impact across industries as diverse as fintech and foodtech.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/12-black-owned-startups-hiring-top-tech-talent">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/12-fast-growing-electric-vehicle-startups-hiring-now">12 Fast-Growing Electric Vehicle Startups Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Chinese electric vehicle startups are bucking the trend of pursuing fully autonomous driving in favor of building advanced semi-autonomous systems ( Several of these Chinese companies have joined forces with Nvidia to rival U.S. car manufacturers. Tesla’s success (their sales nearly doubled last year, to 950k cars ( has provided hope for dozens of competitors to capitalize on the moment. The U.S. market will see its options for electric cars double this year, with 30 entirely new models poised to hit the streets. Unlike the standard-bearer, Tesla, many of these new offerings will be SUVs or larger. IHS predicts that 1 in 20 ( American buyers this year will pick a fully electric vehicle. With electric rising to cultural prominence, electric scooter manufacturers, charging station developers, and others are rising to fill in the gaps electric car brands won’t satisfy. Investors have recently shown a readiness to embrace promising startups ( in the space. They see the potential in a budding market that is poised to take off. Here are top electric vehicle companies looking to hire now:</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/12-fast-growing-electric-vehicle-startups-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-12-robotics-startups-hiring-today">Top 10 Robotics Startups Hiring in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The robotics space is attracting investment and top tech talent as opportunities expand across whole new types of industries. Tech companies hiring today are developing drone-based solutions, advancing autonomous travel, and inventing new modes of human-robot collaboration. The market for professional-service robots ( nearly tripled in value to $37B in recent years. While previous generations of robots thrived in industrial settings (think production lines), today’s robots prove useful in a wide array of settings and applications. Thanks to advancements in processing power, machine learning, and sensors—just to name a few—robots are more capable and widespread than ever before. <b> Robots may not be taking over the world just yet, but they’re capturing the hearts and minds of ambitious geeks. <b> Here are the top robotics startups hiring now:</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-12-robotics-startups-hiring-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/15-top-space-startups-hiring-today">18 Innovative Space Startups Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Few tech sectors are capturing the public’s collective imagination as much as space. Privatized spaceflight, or “NewSpace,” is attracting record investment and opening opportunities for tech companies across the globe that are inventing new ways to transport people—and giant telescopes ( —across the galaxy. The space industry is expected to grow to $3T in coming decades (, with space tourism ( comprising a healthy portion of the industry. With the price of flights dropping every year, new companies are taking flight to meet the demand and developing a new classes of solar sailing spaceships. If your sights are set on stars, check out our list for the top space startups hiring now:</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/15-top-space-startups-hiring-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/15-startups-shaping-the-nft-space">15 Startups Shaping the NFT Space</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>As crypto continues to advance, the NFT space has seen a wave of participation from the tech industry’s best and brightest ( The result: NFT companies have garnered more than $3B in investment ( in the past year alone. NFT stands for non-fungible token. “Non-fungible,” meaning that it’s unique and cannot be replaced. Each NFT is a digital asset designed to provide something that can’t be copied: proof of ownership of the work ( This proof enables digital collecting to function like physical art collecting. Beeple’s sale of his NFT piece “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” ( for $69M is a testament to where NFTs could be headed. As web3 (crypto) matures, it will be exciting to see the role NFTs play in shaping the future. Here are 15 NFT startups hiring today:</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/15-startups-shaping-the-nft-space">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/20-top-startups-hiring-product-designers-now">20 Fast-Growing Companies Hiring Product Designers </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Today’s tech companies are blurring the lines ( between products and services and online and offline experiences. They’re looking to product designers to help deliver unified brand experiences that can extend the relevance of a product across many facets of a customer’s life. This elevates the role of the product designer. A product designer is in charge of the design process of a product from start to finish. They must be able to dig into the details while remaining mindful of the product's larger goals. Traditionally the role has been associated with developing user experiences (“UX”) or product visuals, but product designers might also help develop product information architecture or system design. With the global industrial design market expected to grow by $12.5B ( in the coming years, the demand for product design jobs is set to increase—along with salaries, which today average a healthy $105k/yr (,16.htm). If this sounds enticing, here are some of the top startups hiring product designers.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/20-top-startups-hiring-product-designers-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/innovation-for-a-better-world-x-top-philanthropic-startups-hiring-today">Innovation for a Better World: 20 Top Philanthropic Startups Hiring Today </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Startups are widely recognized as a key source of job growth, innovation and economic resiliency ( across the globe. Increasingly, they’re driving social change, too. Founders are levering tech know-how to address a growing list of humanitarian and social issues including homelessness, incarceration, and equity. Meanwhile, an emerging crop of companies are developing new tools to support the work of charities that raise money and attract volunteers for all manner of causes. Here are some world-changing startups that are hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/innovation-for-a-better-world-x-top-philanthropic-startups-hiring-today">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-remote-based-uk-startups-hiring-now">28 London-Based Startups You'll Want to Work For in 2023</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>London is one of the top 3 startup ecosystems in the world (, in terms of funding. London-based companies are pushing innovation across a number of industries including AI, blockchain, cyber security, and data analytics. England’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson once claimed that 528k Londoners—which equates to 1 in 6 residents ( —worked in the startup industry. The United Kingdom has gone to great lengths to remove barriers to innovation and business expansion, with lower corporate tax rates ( for companies engaging in research and development and the introduction of a start-up visa for entrepreneurs coming to the U.K. Here are some of the hottest London startups hiring today:</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-remote-based-uk-startups-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/the-singapore-startup-scene-is-exploding-here-are-x-top-startups-to-watch-in-2022">The Silicon Valley of Asia: 15 Top Singapore Startups on the Rise in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Singapore is known among some as “Silicon Valley of Asia” ( as it’s developed into a leading startup hub in the region with an ecosystem valued at $21B ( The Singapore Fintech Festival ( is one of the world’s biggest annual fintech gatherings. Digital health is also hot in Singapore, with $4B in government funding ( for health and biomedical sciences R&D, and many great digital health startups are flourishing. The city has a reputation for ease of doing business owing to startup grants and the efficient tax regime ( Singapore is situated as an intersection for different talents and backgrounds. Here are some top startups hiring in Singapore.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/the-singapore-startup-scene-is-exploding-here-are-x-top-startups-to-watch-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hot-berlin-startups-to-watch-in-2022">The Berlin Startup Scene: 20 Top Startups Hiring Now </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Berlin remains one of Europe’s hottest startup scenes. With $2B+ billion ( in early stage funding in 2020 alone, the excitement in Berlin is only ramping up. Germany’s capital city continues to attract talent from across the globe with a bustling startup scene that added 200+ new startups ( in the past year. Silicon Allee ( is one of several mini startup hubs spread throughout Berlin to help tech workers connect, and there are a number of women-driven networks ( helping to foster gender diversity ( in the local tech community. Affordable rent, availability of cheap office space, and a vibrant community of artists and creatives help draw people to Berlin from all over. Here are some top Berlin startups hiring today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hot-berlin-startups-to-watch-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/12-brazilian-based-startups-hiring-remotely-in-2022">22 Hot Brazilian-Based Startups With Flexible Work Cultures</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Brazil’s startup scene is buzzing despite headwinds that continue to keep South America’s largest economy in a recession. Companies serving the B2B space—like recruitment platform Gupy and payment processing startup Ebanx—account for the majority of the estimated 12k active startups ( in the country, and agribusiness is a particular bright spot ( Brazil’s 9 active unicorns—like corporate wellbeing platform Gympass (/today/stories/gympass-the-corporate-wellness-unicorn-raises-a-220m-series-e-47402)—are taking advantage of the country’s rapid mobile adoption and improving Internet speeds. Much of the country’s startup activity is happening in the financial center of São Paulo, home to several top universities and a growing number of startup incubators (including Google’s only Latin-American incubator). Other cities with vibrant entrepreneur communities include Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, and Florianópolis. The country is shattering startup fundraising records in 2021 with more than $5B ( invested in the first half of the year—more than all of 2020. We’ve compiled a list of startups actively developing the next wave of big breakthroughs in Brazil.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/12-brazilian-based-startups-hiring-remotely-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/the-vancouver-startup-scene-14-fast-growing-startups-hiring-now">15 Hot Vancouver Startups Hiring Remotely in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Vancouver is the epicenter of British Columbia’s tech industry boom, representing Canada’s fastest growing and fastest job-creating economy. "Techcouver" ( is the main tech hub of B.C, which is home to 10k startups, and is producing unicorns at an accelerated clip this year with 6 new unicorns ( in 2021 alone. Vancouver is attracting top tech talent with its reputation for beauty, diversity, and rising salaries. Located on the coast, Vancouver is home to B.C.’s largest LGBTQ community and 40% ( of its population immigrated from elsewhere. Leading sectors include information and communications, cleantech, life sciences, and digital media. Check out this list of startups taking full advantage of what Vancouver offers to help shape the future.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/the-vancouver-startup-scene-14-fast-growing-startups-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/15-fully-remote-tech-startups-hiring-product-managers">The Golden Age of Product Managers: 25 Remote Startups Hiring PMs </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The age old problem of having a lot of exciting ideas, and no execution - that's where the Product Manager comes in. The term has evolved from being a commonly used, debatably cliché resume skill, to one of the most sought-after job titles on the market. Essentially, a Product Manager is the sole expert of the product; sitting at the intersection of business, technology, marketing, and sometimes even design. Their role is to understand consumer needs in relation to the product and prioritize product features based on these needs. They take charge of organizing and instructing all functions and responsibilities related to a specific product; assessing risks and challenges, delegating tasks, implementing a roadmap, and ensuring, above all, the vision becomes reality. It's been said that we're currently in "The Golden Age of Product Managers", given that the demand has increased a staggering 32% ( from 2017 to 2019 alone, and is expected to see consistent YoY growth in the years to come. Not to mention, salaries are averaging well over 100K (,15.htm) and climbing. Sound exciting? These 25 startups are hiring Product Managers of all skill-levels, and bonus, they're all 100% remote.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/15-fully-remote-tech-startups-hiring-product-managers">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/15-trending-startups-hiring-remote-ux-designers">20 Top Startups Hiring Remote UX/UI Designers </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>User experience has become somewhat of a buzzword these days, and honestly, it makes perfect sense. The existing, heavily-saturated digital market accentuates the need for constant innovation, creative solution, and most importantly, a deep understanding of how consumers engage with an interface at every touchpoint. Frictionless and delightful digital experiences are the golden standard, but what many don't see is the extensive methodical thought and behavioral research that goes into the design of each and every digital component we encounter. Our attuned assumption that digital experiences should all be easy (or we will just look elsewhere), prompts the necessity for talent to tease out the pain points through extensive user-testing, rounds of prototypes, and continual loops of data-driven optimization. The UX/UI Designer is that talent - and they are in high-demand. UX Designers were listed as #24 on Glassdoor's "Top 50 Best Jobs in America for 2021", and the industry is expected to grow 18% in the next three years alone. The role happens to be perfect for those looking to work remotely. It also just so happens, that's our specialty. There are currently hundreds of remote UX/UI Designer jobs on AngelList, so we narrowed it down for you. Here's a list of 20 top startups hiring remotely for UX/UI Designers.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/15-trending-startups-hiring-remote-ux-designers">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/12-women-led-startups-expanding-their-remote-teams-in-2022">20 Women-Led Startups Expanding Their Remote Teams in 2022</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Shattering the glass ceiling, one ambitious women at a time. It is no surprise by now that women make great leaders. In the US alone, women-led businesses generated more than 1.8 trillion dollars last year, and that number is projected to keep climbing well into 2022. Despite historic business structure sitting heavily stacked against women, there has been a long-awaited, inspirational surge of female founders taking risks and emerging as successful entrepreneurial leaders. Survey data shows there are many crucial advantages to having women in leadership positions. One of the most important being emotional intelligence and empathetic leadership as a determinant of success. It also means greater probability of putting other women within the company in leadership positions; and thus, creating a more diverse, gender-balanced culture. Here is a list of 20 women-founded startups with flexible work environments, incredible benefits, and a highly-rated culture (not to mention, on the fast-track to impressive valuations and well-earned success).</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/12-women-led-startups-expanding-their-remote-teams-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/x-startups-with-missions-to-enhance-the-world-s-new-remote-workforce">14 Startups With a Mission to Enhance the Remote Workplace</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>With the rise of remote work comes a slew of new workplace challenges. We all know the pain of zoom fatigue, not to mention technical difficulties, feelings of isolation, the siloed efforts inhibiting team collaboration. The adjustment to remote work has been tricky to navigate for large and small companies alike, but as the months trickle on, it looks like remote work is here to stay. Currently, over 4.3 million Americans are working remote at least half of the time ( What's more, remote workers are now 24% more likely ( to report better work-life balance and mental health satisfaction. As remote work becomes more of a norm, many have seen the opportunity to enhance this new worker ecosystem through technology, new modes of communication, and task-management tools. From immersive community programs set on building remote culture, to crafting humanized conversation and compelling presentation through a computer screen, these 14 startups are looking to elevate the new normal, and make working from home (or wherever you please) the true ideal.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/x-startups-with-missions-to-enhance-the-world-s-new-remote-workforce">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/x-startups-revolutionizing-health-care-technology">20 Remote Startups Revolutionizing Healthcare Technology</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>As technology continues to advance, the healthcare industry becomes precedent in solution-oriented execution. The healthcare industry — more specifically, the medical profession — has been exhausted and overwhelmed by the pandemic, exposing the dire need for automaton, efficiency and enhancement within the system. These 20 remote-based startups are utilizing the growing intelligence of tech, AI, and advanced medical research to create a more robust healthcare system, and ultimately, a healthier future for society.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/x-startups-revolutionizing-health-care-technology">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/these-x-fast-growing-startups-are-looking-to-hire-international-talent">15 Remote Startups Hiring International Talent</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The modern-day workplace is stripping down borders and tearing down office walls. The shift from in-office to remote work has opened up access to jobs all over the world. As brilliantly put by tech legend Marc Andreessen, “Permanently divorcing physical location from economic opportunity gives us a real shot at radically expanding the number of good jobs in the world while also dramatically improving quality of life for millions, or billions, of people. We may, at long last, shatter the geographic lottery, opening up opportunity to countless people who weren’t lucky enough to be born in the right place. It is perhaps the most important thing that’s happened in my lifetime." The result: newly diversified cultures that thrive off different points of view, cross-cultural collaboration, and shared prosperity. Needless to say, the decentralization of the workplace is an exciting shift, and these startups are taking full advantage of a world of talent at their fingertips:</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/these-x-fast-growing-startups-are-looking-to-hire-international-talent">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/x-ai-driven-startups-transforming-our-future-one-automation-at-a-time">21 AI-Driven Startups Hiring Remote Talent </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Long gone are the days of manual data entry, impersonalized web experience, and soon enough, driving your own car. Artificial Intelligence is automating and advancing every facet of modern day society. Big data has transformed the way businesses connect with consumers, shaking up the entire business ecosystem and creating a plethora of new job opportunities for unique talent. Apart from data collection, machine learning continues to test its creativity; from mood-regulating robots, to minimizing food waste, to 24/7 live speech recognition - it’s no question, AI-driven inventions are becoming more innovative, more inspiring, and more interconnected within our day to day lives than ever before. The AI sector is sitting around 47 billion in value at the end of 2021, with projections of reaching a $360.36 billion market valuation by 2028. The industries growth predictions are set to skyrocket, creating a massive demand for data scientists, engineers, and developers able to tackle the humanized functions that make AI possible. Check out the fastest-growing startups set on transforming our future through AI.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/x-ai-driven-startups-transforming-our-future-one-automation-at-a-time">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/x-crypto-startups-to-watch-out-for-in-2022">19 Hot Crypto Startups Hiring Remotely in 2022 </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Either Crypto has a great PR team, or the internet-based medium of exchange is truly taking the world by storm. The latter seems to hold more validity, seeing that the cryptocurrency market is on track to reach 1TN in value by 2026. Over the past few years, crypto has gone from risky, rumored promise, to a strong bid for investors. What was once synonymous with merely BitCoin has now evolved into an entirely different currency ecosystem - expanding to thousands of individual internet currencies - each eager to capitalize on an expansive opportunity. By decentralizing the stream and exchange of money with blockchain technology, Crypto is revolutionizing not only the exchange of currency, but the entire investment portfolio. As a result, these internet currencies are reshaping the way our society perceives money, exchanges currency, and invests for long-term financial gains. BitCoin laid the groundwork, but since its rise to success, crypto companies are multiplying at a rapid pace. To help you out, we pulled together 19 exciting crypto startups to look out for (and are growing their teams!) in 2022:</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/x-crypto-startups-to-watch-out-for-in-2022">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/11-fast-growing-marketing-tech-startups-hiring-in-2021">11 Fast Growing Marketing Tech Startups Hiring in 2021</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Businesses of all sizes need marketing software. Growth in the space has accelerated over the past year due to consumers and businesses moving their activity online. This collection is a list of fast-growing marketing software startups that help businesses engage customers and scale. Companies on this list are backed by world-class investors and at all stages of growth – from Series A to hundreds of employees. We’ve included leading companies in each major marketing channel including email, search, and social media. These companies should be on your shortlist if you’re passionate about helping businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences and acquire, activate and retain customers.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/11-fast-growing-marketing-tech-startups-hiring-in-2021">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/top-50-unicorn-startups-according-to-linkedin">Unicorn Startups Hiring From LinkedIn's 2019 List of Top Companies To Work For</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Last April LinkedIn released its 2019 list of top 50 companies to work for in the United States. This was their 4th annual ranking of the most sought-after companies today. <br /><br /> LinkedIn's Top Companies list is based on data gathered from their 546-plus million users, and more specifically, member's anonymized actions across four main pillars: interest in the company, engagement with the company’s employees, job demand and employee retention. <br /><br /> With their 2020 list just around the corner, we thought we'd share with you some of the Unicorn Startups from their 2019 list hiring on AngelList today! <br /><br /> For LinkedIn's full 2019 list check out LinkedIn/TopCompanies (</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/top-50-unicorn-startups-according-to-linkedin">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/digital-health-companies-enabling-you-to-manage-your-health-from-home">Digital Health Companies Enabling You To Manage Your Health From Home</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>While 2019 was a big year for digital health, 2020 could be the biggest yet. COVID-19 has put enormous pressure on our global healthcare system, which is short-staffed, overwhelmed, and lacking the resources necessary to support the rising number of confirmed coronavirus cases. As a result, we're now turning to digital health companies to play a vital, and virtual, role in safeguarding those stuck at home. <br /><br /> From aging populations, to those with mental health conditions, to those suffering from chronic illness (and everything in between), here's a list of digital health companies that can improve the care and self-management of patients from their homes.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/digital-health-companies-enabling-you-to-manage-your-health-from-home">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/companies-delivering-food-safely-to-your-door-during-covid-19">Companies Delivering Food Safely To Your Door During COVID-19</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>With over 80 million Americans forced to stay home, food-delivery companies have become a lifeline for customers. Rather than collapsing like the rest of the market, their stocks have been surging. <br /><br /> What are these companies doing to meet the increase in demand brought about by COVID-19? More importantly, what measures are they taking to ensure the safety of both customers and drivers? <br /><br /> Here's a list of food-delivery companies, from meal-kits to on-demand service, that are keeping food on our tables during this crisis, along with the changes their implementing to ensure the health and safety of our communities.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/companies-delivering-food-safely-to-your-door-during-covid-19">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/startups-fighting-to-flatten-the-covid-19-curve">Startups Fighting to Flatten the COVID-19 Curve</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>As the outbreak of COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the U.S., more stringent containment measures are being put into place. From social distancing, to workplace, school and daycare closures, to "shelter-in-place" orders, communities, our nation, and the world are coming together to fight this pandemic. <br /><br /> At AngelList, we are very proud of the startup ecosystem's resilience and commitment to do what's needed to help curb the spread. We'd like to recognize some of the companies who are using their tech to ensure the health and safety of our communities, and support solutions for COVID-19. <br /><br /> Check out these startups fighting to flatten the COVID-19 curve. <br /><br /> NOTE: This job collection is a work-in-progress. If your startup is helping fight COVID-19 and wants to be listed, please email <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="3e5d514c51505f48574c4b4d134c5b4d4e51504d5b7e5f50595b52105d51">[email protected]</a> (mailto:<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="395a564b5657584f504b4c4a144b5c4a4956574a5c7958575e5c55175a56">[email protected]</a>). We’d be honored to highlight your efforts.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/startups-fighting-to-flatten-the-covid-19-curve">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/wealthfront-s-2020-career-launching-company-list-new-york">New York Companies Hiring From Wealthfront's 2020 Career-Launching Company List</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>At AngelList, we collect some of the best lists of jobs and growing tech companies. The list below was curated by Wealthfront as part of their 2020 Career Launching Company List ( <br /><br /> To qualify for Wealthfront's 2020 list, a company must be US-based, privately held, have a revenue run rate by year end of between $20 million and $300 million, be on a trajectory to grow at a rate in excess of 50% for at least the next three or four years, and have compelling unit economics. Their list was built by surveying partners of the following 16 premier early and late stage venture capital firms: Accel Partners, Andreessen Horowitz, Benchmark, Coatue, Dragoneer, Greylock Partners, Index Ventures, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Matrix Partners, Redpoint, Ribbit Capital, Social Capital, Spark Capital, TCV, Tiger Global and Unusual Ventures. . <br /><br /> Check out a small selection of the list below: New York based companies hiring on AngelList!</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/wealthfront-s-2020-career-launching-company-list-new-york">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/san-francisco-companies-hiring-from-wealthfront-s-2020-career-launching-company-list">San Francisco Companies Hiring From Wealthfront's 2020 Career-Launching Company List</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>At AngelList, we collect some of the best lists of jobs and growing tech companies. The list below was curated by Wealthfront as part of their 2020 Career Launching Company List ( <br /> To qualify for Wealthfront's 2020 list, a company must be US-based, privately held, have a revenue run rate by year end of between $20 million and $300 million, be on a trajectory to grow at a rate in excess of 50% for at least the next three or four years, and have compelling unit economics. Their list was built by surveying partners of the following 16 premier early and late stage venture capital firms: Accel Partners, Andreessen Horowitz, Benchmark, Coatue, Dragoneer, Greylock Partners, Index Ventures, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Matrix Partners, Redpoint, Ribbit Capital, Social Capital, Spark Capital, TCV, Tiger Global and Unusual Ventures. . <br /><br /> Check out a small selection of the list below: San Francisco based companies hiring on AngelList!</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/san-francisco-companies-hiring-from-wealthfront-s-2020-career-launching-company-list">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/the-breakout-list-great-companies-to-apply-to">The Breakout List: Great Companies To Apply To</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>At AngelList, we collect some of the best lists of jobs and growing tech companies. Check out these 30 companies hiring on AngelList from Breakout List 2019: Great Companies to Apply For ( <br /><br /> Note: This list is not inclusive of all the companies highlighted on The 2019 Breakout List, but rather a selection of those actively hiring on AngelList! <br /><br /> What is The Breakout List? The Breakout List collects data from angels, VCs, late stage investors and CEOs, to identifying great companies. Why? "Because candidates deserve to know which companies are growing and which companies are stagnant. Because when you’re a candidate, you’re betting your career".</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/the-breakout-list-great-companies-to-apply-to">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/23-favorite-female-founded-companies">23 Favorite Female-Founded Companies </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>As we look forward to this year's International Women's Day, we're proud to share this list of female-founded companies driving impact and innovation across the tech world. This list is not inclusive of all female founders, entrepreneurs and leaders, but rather a small selection of some of our favorite companies, hand-selected by the women of AngelList. Women continue to be a rising force in tech, starting more businesses than ever before. They're setting trends and redefining industries, all while overcoming unique challenges related to gender equality. We're proud to have these companies and leaders in the AngelList community.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/23-favorite-female-founded-companies">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/20-companies-building-our-remote-first-future">20 Companies Building Our Remote First Future</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Buckle up for the biggest global work from home experiment. As the Coronavirus continues to spread, most major companies are pushing their workers to work remotely. All eyes are now on the companies that enable remote work. In the last couple months, Slack and Zoom have seen their stock prices surge. There’s a new generation of startups innovating on the infrastructure of remote work. From online collaboration tools, to task management and mobile productivity software, to virtual reality conferencing, here’s a list of companies building a remote first future.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/20-companies-building-our-remote-first-future">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/52-best-startup-companies-to-watch-out-for-in-2020">52 Best Startup Companies To Watch Out For in 2020</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Here at AngelList, we strive to empower anybody interested in startups to find the right resources to succeed - whether you're job seekers, investors, or builders, we provide the right jobs, investment opportunities, or new products to help you succeed. As we continue our journey to build the world's largest startup community, we are given the privilege to connect with promising startups all around the world every day. In this collection, we put together a list of some of the most interesting startups to keep on your radar in 2020. The list is based on our internal survey of numerous AngelList employees who interact with thousands of startups every year. From seed round companies about to make their presence known in the market, to well-established companies that have already raised significant capital but are still flying under the radar, here's a list you won't want to miss.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/52-best-startup-companies-to-watch-out-for-in-2020">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/highest-paying-jobs-september">15 Startups With The Highest Paying Jobs of September</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Thousands of jobs were posted to AngelList in September of 2019. To make sure you didn't miss any high paying roles, we broke down the startups posting the highest paying jobs in September, and listed them (in no particular order) below. <br /><br /> These jobs vary across cities (even remote) and across specialties. If you're looking to upgrade your pay, read on.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/highest-paying-jobs-september">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/15-fast-growing-startups-to-join-after-faang">15 Fast-Growing Startups To Join After FAANG</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>In terms of total compensation, FAANG-sized (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) companies are among the best in the world. If you want job security and the highest possible salary, there's nowhere better than a Big-N tech company. <br /><br /> However, thousands of people leave FAANG companies for startups every year, for a variety of reasons. Often, they leave because they want: <br /><br /> A role where they can have a bigger impact on the company. A chance to work with a new, cutting edge technology. To be an early employee (and equity owner) at the next tech giant. <br /><br /> To get a better understanding of why people leave FAANG companies—and what they're looking for in their next roles—we collaborated with Blind (, a trusted online community where 2.8M+ verified professionals anonymously share advice, provide honest feedback, and discover relevant career information. <br /><br /> After comparing Blind data with AngelList's startup data, we noticed an interesting trend around people who leave FAANG companies for startups: They tend to join the same companies. <br /><br /> In fact, we've found that there is a small subset of startups, spanning all stages of fundraising and sectors of technology, that consistently recruit talent away from the top tech companies. <br /><br /> Below, we've listed the top 15 startups people are leaving FAANG companies for—all of which you can apply to on AngelList today. <br /><br /> To curate this list, we analyzed Blind's data ( on which companies FAANG employees most frequently search for, AngelList's data on which startups hire the most former FAANG employees, and more AngelList data on which startups are growing the fastest.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/15-fast-growing-startups-to-join-after-faang">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/startups-with-generous-vacation-policies-sf">22 San Francisco Startups With Generous Vacation Policies</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Perks on their own aren't a good reason to join a company—but they're still nice. Having ample time off, for example, can make life significantly less stressful. <br /><br /> Vetting a company's perks, however, can be tricky. Oftentimes, these things aren't listed on job postings. To help with this, we built AngelList's new company profiles to include information about companies' perks and culture. <br /><br /> For example, here are 22 startups in San Francisco that offer generous vacation time, all of which you can apply to via AngelList today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/startups-with-generous-vacation-policies-sf">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/startups-with-free-lunch-sf">18 Startups In SF That Offer Free Lunch</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Perks on their own aren't a good reason to join a company—but they're still nice. Having your company cover your lunch, for example, makes coming to work just that much more enjoyable. Vetting a company's perks, however, can be tricky. Oftentimes, these things aren't listed on job postings. To help with this, we built AngelList's new company profiles to include information about companies' perks and culture. For example, here are 18 startups in San Francisco that offer free employee meals, all of which you can apply to via AngelList today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/startups-with-free-lunch-sf">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/jobs-with-free-food-nyc">17 Startups In NYC That Will Cover Your Lunch</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Perks on their own aren't a good reason to join a company—but they're still nice. Having your company cover your lunch, for example, makes coming to work just that much more enjoyable. <br /><br /> Vetting a company's perks, however, can be tricky. Oftentimes, these things aren't listed on job postings. To help with this, we built AngelList's new company profiles to include information about companies' perks and culture. <br /><br /> For example, here are 17 startups in New York that offer free employee meals, all of which you can apply to via AngelList today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/jobs-with-free-food-nyc">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/san-francisco-work-from-home-jobs">15 San Francisco Startups That Let Employees Work From Home</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>With sky-high rents and some of the worst traffic in the world (though not as bad as LA or NYC, to be fair), living and commuting in San Francisco has some downsides. <br /><br /> For many in the Bay Area, finding a job with a flexible work from home policy is a miracle, allowing them to live further out in more affordable locations, while reducing the number of days they have to battle with the commute. <br /><br /> If you're looking for a job in San Francisco with a company that encourages working from home, you're in luck. We've put together this list of San Francisco companies hiring for work-from-home-friendly jobs on AngelList today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/san-francisco-work-from-home-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/new-york-work-from-home-jobs">15 New York Startups That Let Employees Work From Home </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>It's not a secret: Commuting in New York sucks. <br /><br /> Between the reliably gridlocked traffic and the unreliable subway system, having a job that allows you to work from home can be a game changer. One of the city's dozens of parades adding an hour to your commute? Don't feel like riding the train in 90 degree heat? No problem—stay home and get your work done. <br /><br /> Discerning which companies allow employees to work from home, however, can be tricky. Often times, these sorts of cultural perks aren't listed explicitly on job listings. <br /><br /> To help with this, AngelList recently rolled out our new, revamped company profiles. These new profiles give companies a chance to show off their culture and perks in a way that makes your job search easier. <br /><br /> As an example of how these new profiles can make your job search better, we put together this collection of New York startups hiring on AngelList who list "work from home" among their perks and benefits. You can apply to any of these companies today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/new-york-work-from-home-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/digital-nomad-jobs">20 Startups With Perfect Jobs For Digital Nomads</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Traveling the world, working from the beach, staying in low cost of living cities—the digital nomad life is appealing for a lot of reasons. To live this care-free life of international travel, however, you do have one big hurdle to overcome: You have to find a job to support it. <br /><br /> To give your digital nomad dreams a boost, we've put together this list of companies hiring for jobs that suit a digital nomad. Whether you like to code, write, or handle operations, there's a job for everyone on this list. <br /><br /> Remember, if you can't find the right job for you here, you can also always check out our mega collection of remote jobs (/job-collections/remote).</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/digital-nomad-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/freelance-writing-jobs">26 Startups Hiring For Freelance Writing Jobs</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Making a living as a writer in tech can be tricky. While many gravitate towards in-house roles, typically around content marketing, many people are still attracted to the freedom and flexibility of freelance writing jobs. <br /><br /> To help with you job search, we put together this list of startups currently hiring for freelance writing jobs. You can apply to any of these jobs on AngelList today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/freelance-writing-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/junior-software-engineer-jobs">25 Startups Hiring For Junior Software Engineer Jobs</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Junior software engineering jobs are, according to conventional wisdom, the hardest to land. Junior software engineering jobs, the thinking goes, have the highest level of relative competition, as there are typically a flood of juniors applying for open roles, all of whom lack the work experience to really differentiate themselves According to AngelList data, the average junior engineer applies to 23 companies before getting hired to their first job. (/blog/the-truth-about-finding-your-first-engineering-job) To help you in your search, we compiled this list of 25 companies, all of whom are hiring for junior software engineer roles that you can apply for today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/junior-software-engineer-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/high-paying-software-engineer-jobs">30 Startups Willing To Pay Engineers $200,000</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>One of the more pervasive ideas about startups is that when you join one, you are accepting an extreme pay cut, often in exchange for equity. And while it's true that most startups can't offer comp packages that rival the Google's of the world, it simply isn't true that joining a startup means skimping by on a low salary. <br /><br /> To prove this point, we've put together this collection of 30 startups hiring engineers on AngelList whose salary range extends to $200,000. <br /><br /> You can apply to any of these companies today—and if you don't see a company you like, you can search for even more jobs in this high salary range via AngelList's Job Search. (/jobs)</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/high-paying-software-engineer-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/six-figure-jobs">41 Startups Hiring For Great Second Jobs In Tech </a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Finding a second job is, by and large, easier than landing your first. As a hire, you're "de-risked" now that you've spent sometime working as an engineer. <br /><br /> However, some second jobs are still better than others. In the below collection, we've listed 41 companies that pay over $100,000 a year for roles that require less than 3 years of experience. <br /><br /> If you're ready to make a move, start here.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/six-figure-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/no-work-experience">62 Companies Hiring Engineers Without Work Experience</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Finding your first job in tech, according to traditional wisdom, is the hardest. While getting your resume/portfolio in order is important, one of the bigger bottlenecks is simply finding enough companies who hire technical talent with no work experience. <br /><br /> To help, we've put together this list of companies hiring for technical roles who accept applicants with no prior work experience. The jobs here include the full breadth of software engineering roles, as well as other technical fields, such as data science. <br /><br /> All of these jobs are either in the US or Europe, while some offer remote work. Additionally, while all of these companies hire applicants with no work experience, this does not necessarily mean they have no barriers to entry. Some of these roles (machine learning roles, for example) may have knowledge requirements, while others may require certain credentials, like a CS degree. Check the guidelines for any role before applying. <br /><br /> Also note that these listings reflect live data. Companies may alter jobs/update details. We'll do our best to make sure things are up-to-date. <br /><br /> Finally, here's some slightly broader job search advice. While there are no doubt many roles that fit you in this collection, you shouldn't feel limited to only applying to jobs in this collection—or to only applying to jobs with "junior" in their title, for that matter. According to AngelList data, the average engineer with 0 years of experience lands their first job in a role "requiring" more than 1 year of work experience. (/blog/why-you-should-apply-to-engineering-jobs-you-arent-qualified-for)</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/no-work-experience">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/jobs-at-no-code">10 Hot "No Code" Startups Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Critics like to dismiss "No Code" platforms as being faddish and incapable of producing "real" software, but here's the thing: No Code platforms have been powering the web for decades. <br /><br /> To understand the impact of these platforms, think of it this way. Wordpress, one of the oldest coding-optional website management platforms, is also the most ubiquitous CMS on the web, powering over 25% of the world's websites ( Pile on the popularity of Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, and others, and you're looking at a massive chunk of the modern internet being run on No Code or low-code platforms. <br /><br /> The newer generation of these platforms, think Zapier, Airtable, and Webflow, allow you to take things a step further and actually build full-stack web applications without touching a line of code. When it comes to democratizing the power of software, it's hard to think of an industry making more of an impact. <br /><br /> Because of this impact, these companies also are incredibly successful financially. Shopify and Wix are both publicly traded, Squarespace is gearing up for an IPO, Airtable is a unicorn, and Webflow just raised a Series A at a $350 million dollar valuation. ( <br /><br /> If you want to join a startup that is having a massive impact on the world, and also has a reliable path to profitability, consider applying to one of the No Code startups below:</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/jobs-at-no-code">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/remote-marketing-jobs">30 Startups Hiring For Remote Marketing Jobs</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Finding a remote marketing job can be a brutal slog. You have to sort through: <br /><br /> 1. The "freelance" gigs that pay pennies per hour 2. The "ambassador" jobs that also pay pennies per hour 3. The outright scams that somehow pay less than pennies per hour <br /><br /> To help you avoid this, we put together this collection of remote marketing jobs. Every company on this list is hiring for a marketing role that is remote, that pays well, and that you can apply to on AngelList today. <br /><br /> If you're looking for more remote jobs, check out our mega-collection of remote jobs (/job-collections/remote) and our more tailored collection of high paying remote jobs (/job-collections/high-paying-remote-jobs).</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/remote-marketing-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/remote-graphic-design-jobs">36 Startups Hiring For Remote Design Jobs</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Forging your path as a creative in tech isn't the most straightforward proposition. Whereas engineers, for the most part, have a well-documented standard career progression, designers—particularly graphic designers and illustrators—vary much more in how their career's progress. What one graphic designer needs out of a job to take a step forward in their career is very different from another. <br /><br /> With this job collection, we went through AngelList data to find companies hiring for remote design jobs, with an emphasis on finding jobs that satisfy a variety of career needs. We've covered both contract and full-time work, as well as junior and senior positions. <br /><br /> Note that all of these roles are focused on pure design work. If you're looking for remote jobs that incorporate some frontend engineering, we recommend checking out our larger remote jobs (/job-collections/remote) collection.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/remote-graphic-design-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/remote-product-manager-jobs">17 Startups With Remote Product Manager Jobs</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>A product manager's role is roughly as far from an "individual contributor" as you can possibly get. A PM needs to be involved in designing the product, setting the roadmap, managing the team, and coordinating the launch. It is a cross-functional, "wear many hats" role. <br /><br /> Many people assume that such managerial roles are less likely to be remote, particularly compared to individual contributor roles, but a quick survey of AngelList data suggests that this isn't necessarily the case. <br /><br /> Below, we've broken down 17 startups hiring for remote product manager roles that you can apply for today. For more remote roles, check out our mega-collection of remote jobs (/job-collections/remote).</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/remote-product-manager-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/high-paying-remote-jobs">18 Startups Hiring For High Paying Remote Jobs</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>For many, remote work is the ideal. No commute, no office life, and the freedom to travel while you work. For all of that upside, many are willing to accept a lower salary than they would receive if they worked in an office in a major tech hub. <br /><br /> This tradeoff, however, isn't completely necessary. There are plenty of companies who pay high salaries for remote positions—you just have to find them. <br /><br /> To help, we've put together a collection of 18 startups with high paying remote jobs (for the purposes of this collection, a high paying remote job is one that pays over $100,000) on AngelList today. <br /><br /> To see more remote positions, check out our mega-collection of remote jobs (/job-collections/remote) on AngelList.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/high-paying-remote-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/jobs-in-brooklyn">33 Startups Hiring For Jobs In Brooklyn</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>For the better part of the last decade, New York has been the central hub for East Coast startups. And while Manhattan's so-called "Silicon Alley" is probably the most famous area for startups, Brooklyn—which would be the 4th largest city in America if independent—is home to a lot of exciting companies. According to AngelList data, we've seen over 1,600 startups in the neighborhood over the last years. <br /><br /> If you want a job at a startup in Brooklyn, read on. We've broken down some of the best startups hiring for jobs in Brooklyn, all of which you can apply to today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/jobs-in-brooklyn">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/education-jobs">26 Startups Hiring For Education Jobs</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Ed tech is a young, but rapidly growing market. While the total amount of funding in the market is still small relative to bigger markets, the education market did set new personal records for total funds raised in both 2017 and 2018. <br /><br /> As with any growing market, there is a need for talent in the field. Below, we've broken down some of the top startups hiring for education jobs right now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/education-jobs">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/careers-after-facebook">9 Startups Engineers Are Leaving Facebook For</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>To recruit engineers from a company like Facebook, a startup needs to be pretty exciting. <br /><br /> Engineers at so-called "Big N" companies (the Facebook's and Google's of the world) make the best salaries in the industry, and for them, joining a startup almost invariably means taking a pay cut. Because of this, when an engineer leaves Facebook, it's typically for another tech giant that can offer similar compensation. <br /><br /> However, after looking at AngelList data, there are some startups successfully recruiting Facebook engineers. While these companies may not yet have the brand name of Facebook, they clearly have something figured out, and engineers are taking notice. <br /><br /> If you're an engineer at a tech giant—or are just looking for a potential rocketship to join—take a moment to review these companies. You can apply to all of them today on AngelList.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/careers-after-facebook">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/fastest-growing-startups-in-san-francisco-hiring-now">32 Fastest Growing Startups In San Francisco—Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The Bay Area is the center of the startup universe. As a job seeker, you shouldn't feel limited to just San Francisco, but you also shouldn't close yourself off to the opportunities it presents. With higher salaries, the biggest concentration of startups, and the presence of most major tech giants, San Francisco is one of—if not the—best cities to build a career in tech. <br /><br /> Below, we've broken down some of the fastest growing startups in San Francisco, all of which are hiring now. <br /><br /> Our methodology is simple: We looked through AngelList data to find which companies have added the most employees in 2019, and we selected the leading startups that also have open jobs. We removed any company that didn't include salary/equity data for its jobs. <br /><br /> Learn more about these companies and 300+ jobs by clicking on the roles below.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/fastest-growing-startups-in-san-francisco-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/companies-that-hire-coding-bootcamp-graduates">41 Companies That Hire Coding Bootcamp Graduates</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>The real final assignment in any coding bootcamp isn't a capstone project or an app for your portfolio—it's your job search. <br /><br /> While some coding bootcamps have extensive partnership programs to help place their graduates, many still rely on graduates to apply to jobs on their own. Unfortunately, applying to jobs as a new bootcamp graduate is tough. Companies don't always advertise whether or not they hire coding bootcamp graduates as a policy, and because of this, you can waste days sending applications to companies that are rejecting you without thought. <br /><br /> To provide some transparency, we went through AngelList data and curated a selection of companies with open jobs on AngelList who have hired a fresh bootcamp graduate in the past. <br /><br /> You can apply to any of these jobs today with the confidence that the company has at some point hired someone who recently graduated from a coding bootcamp. <br /><br /> This list is a living document and will be updated weekly, so if you're on the hunt for your first job after graduating bootcamp, check back here often. <br /><br /> Note: Just because a company has hired bootcamp grads, it does not mean that every role they're hiring for is likely to be filled by a recent bootcamp grad. Management roles, for example, are almost always going to require some years' experience.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/companies-that-hire-coding-bootcamp-graduates">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/hot-startups-hiring-in-los-angeles">Hot Startups Hiring In Los Angeles</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Behind only San Francisco and New York in terms of candidate interest, Los Angeles is one of the most popular tech hubs in America. The weather is incredible, the cost of living is lower than SF or NYC, and the tech ecosystem is booming. If you're looking for your next startup, it's a pretty great place to look. <br /><br /> Below, we've listed 17 LA startups hiring for technical talent on AngelList—that you can apply to today.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/hot-startups-hiring-in-los-angeles">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/11-startups-founded-by-uber-alumni-that-are-hiring-now">11 Startups Founded By Uber Alumni That Are Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Uber's rise has been nothing short of meteoric. The company—which raised part of its seed round as UberCab on AngelList (/blog/congratulations-ubercab)—now boasts over 90 million users serviced in more than 60 countries. <br /><br /> Over the last decade, Uber has recruited some of the best talent in tech, and as a result, has an incredible alumni network of founders. Below, we've collected 11 exciting startups founded by ex-Uber employees, all of which are hiring now.</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/11-startups-founded-by-uber-alumni-that-are-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/28-hot-healthcare-startups-hiring-now">28 Hot Healthcare Startups Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>Healthcare startups raised over $28 billion in 2018—more than 2012 and 2013 ( combined. <br /><br /> Everything from how you attend your doctor's exam—or your AI-powered diagnostic scan—to how your prescriptions get filled is changing, thanks to tech. As these innovative companies grow, so does their need for talent. <br /><br /> Below, we've listed the most active (from a hiring perspective) healthcare companies on AngelList. <br /><br /> Our methodology weighted: <br /><br /> - - Number of jobs each company is actively hiring for - - How frequently each company reaches out to recruit candidates - - How responsive each company is to applicants</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/28-hot-healthcare-startups-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/16-budding-cannabis-companies-hiring-now">16 Budding Cannabis Companies Hiring Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>With the U.S. seeing more and more states legalize recreational cannabis, the industry is poised for a massive boom. Cannabis revenue in America is projected to eclipse $23 billion by 2022, and within a decade, global cannabis spending is expected to surpass $57 billion ( <br /><br /> Cannabis startups, as a result, are growing quickly. <br /><br /> If you're interested in finding a job at a high growth cannabis company, we've taken a sampling of the most active cannabis startups (from a hiring perspective) on AngelList and listed them below. <br /><br /> Our methodology weighted: <br /><br /> - - Number of jobs each company is actively hiring for - - How frequently each company reaches out to recruit candidates</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/16-budding-cannabis-companies-hiring-now">Read more →</a></div><div class="styles_component__QK1Kk"><img alt="image" loading="lazy" src="/cdn-cgi/image/width=880,height=660,fit=cover,gravity=0.5x0.5,quality=90,format=auto/" height="330" width="440" class="styles_image__OJA4d"/><h3 class="styles-module_component__3ZI84 styles-module_flow__FV70c text-xl font-medium"><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw styles_titleAnchor__eJHqc" href="/job-collections/10-hot-fintech-startups-hiring-the-most-right-now">10 Hot FinTech Startups Hiring The Most Right Now</a></h3><p class="styles-module_component__vnXTJ m-0 mb-4 text-dark-aa text-md"><span>FinTech startups raised nearly $40 billion in 2018, with about $12 billion of that making its way to U.S.-based companies. The tech they’re advancing could impact everything from the way you pay for lunch today to how we’ll invest in the next unicorn. <br /><br /> And they’re attracting more than capital. <br /><br /> Finance is high on the list of industries that top job-seekers most want to join. Interested in making a move? We took a global snapshot of all FinTech startups hiring on AngelList Talent and analyzed a standard set of inputs: <br /><br /> —Jobs: How many jobs does each startup have posted on AngelList Talent right now? —Outreach: How many job-seekers has each startup contacted this year? —Conversion: How many of the job-seekers they contacted responded this year? —Applicants: How many job-seekers have applied to work at each startup this year? —Hires: How many hires has each startup made through AngelList Talent? —And more <br /><br /> Below are the top 10 FinTech startups hiring the most on AngelList Talent right now. <br /><br /> (Methodology and Data collection by Kenny Leung)</span></p><a class="styles_component__UCLp3 styles_defaultLink__eZMqw" href="/job-collections/10-hot-fintech-startups-hiring-the-most-right-now">Read more →</a></div></div></div><div class="flex w-full flex-wrap justify-center gap-4 border-t border-gray-400 px-4 py-16 lg:p-20"><button aria-expanded="false" 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Top 5: August 2023 Edition ","slug":"the-top-teams-trending-august-2023-edition","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Check out the innovative teams everyone's watching on Wellfound this fall."},"JobCollection:243":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"243","title":"The Top 5: July, 2023 Edition","slug":"trending-on-wellfound-july-edition","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The top five startups based on job-seeker engagement for the month of July, and for good reason. Take a look at the most popular teams on Wellfound this month."},"JobCollection:241":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"241","title":"Security in the Skies: 5 High Altitude Balloon and Satellite Startups Hiring Now","slug":"top-5-high-altitude-balloon-and-satellite-startups","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Nearly nine decades after the Hindenburg disaster, some speculate we’re entering the Second Age of the Balloon. “As all these objects fall, a new space race is rising,” Vox ( proclaimed. Tens of thousands of balloons float into near-space every year, and the numbers rise every year. The National Weather Service alone launches around 60k high-flying balloons each year. The Pentagon spent nearly $4B over the past two years on its own high altitude balloons, according to Politico ( Why the interest in such old-school tech? “They’re cheap, easy to transport, can be fielded in large numbers and are payload agnostic,” industry expert George Howell wrote. Tucson, Arizona-based World View (, a stratospheric ballooning company, last month announced plans to go public via SPAC merger. The company develops a “stratollite” that provides high-res imagery for extended periods. (The company also offer space tourism.) Colorado-based Urban Sky (/company/urban-sky) is creating what it claims as the first ever reusable stratospheric balloon. Called “micro-balloons,” they’re the size of a VW bus and can hover in near space to collect data over urban areas. Company founder Jared Leidich ( has some chops in this arena, having designed the space suit used in the world record space dive in 2014 via a balloon at nearly 136k feet. Near Space Labs (/company/nearspacelabs) invites people to “step inside a new way of thinking about all things geospatial imaging (” The company's high-altitude balloons that carry a small, autonomous robot called Swifty to capture the world around them at 60k to 85k feet in the air. The company says it’s done zero carbon emissions and recently launched ( a program to make its high-resolution Earth imagery available to universities and nonprofits for free. Sounds fascinating, right? Luckily, with a new wave of space technology, comes a brand new, cutting-edge wave of jobs. Check out 5 top startups aiming skywards and hiring now."},"JobCollection:240":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"240","title":"Exciting Edtech Companies Hiring In 2023","slug":"exciting-edtech-companies-hiring-in-2023","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Education tech, or edtech, is on the rise as educators and families try to adapt to a generation of children raised online. Over 65% ( of teachers use digital tools to teach everyday, and the Edtech industry is predicted to grow to nearly $320B ( by 2029. Covid-19 kicked the need to integrate technology with education into overdrive. Prior to the pandemic about 2/3rds of school districts reported providing students with a digital learning device; post pandemic this number skyrocketed to 90% ( Online classes went from the fringes of education to the forefront, with a 99% ( increase in Edtech usage in K-12 since 2020, over 70% ( of colleges launching online undergrad programs, and approximately 90% ( of U.S. educators teaching some amount of their classes online from home. Studies have shown that students with the highest outcomes ( in reading, science, and math, were the students spent an hour or more per week doing homework on a device. Edtech is demonstrably important for making learning more accessible (, as the at-your-pace structure of online learning paired with all the possibilities for Edtech such as video lectures and gamified lessons can be helpful alternatives to students who struggle in a traditional class format. Parallel Learning (/company/parallel-learning-1) is a company that understands this and offers skill-based tutoring, behavioral therapy, speech language therapy, and more to students from the comfort of their own home and at an affordable price. Brightwheel (/company/brightwheel) is a company dedicated to providing families with the best early education by allowing teachers more valuable time with students, engaging parents in their child’s education, and more. SchoolLinks (/company/schoolinks) is a learning platform dedicated to turning K-12 education into a pipeline for college and careers. Their platform gives students and academic advisors the tools they need to plan out their future,and take the steps necessary to achieve it. If you want to play a part in the education of the next generation of thinkers, doers, and leaders, take a look at these 5 Edtech companies hiring in 2023."},"JobCollection:239":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"239","title":"5 Startups Helping Reshape the Healthcare Industry in 2023","slug":"5-startups-helping-reshape-the-healthcare-industry-in-2023","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Access to affordable and effective healthcare is a necessity for living a long and healthy life, but unfortunately for many people this is easier said than done. Nearly 40% ( of adults in America face medical debt and around 70% ( have reported putting off a doctor’s appointment or medical procedure because of the cost. Add on growing labor shortages ( in the field, and it isn’t hard to see why so many people are looking outside of traditional healthcare sources for treatment. That’s because many startups are working to create a brighter future for the healthcare industry, where people are in control of their health and can have their needs met for a reasonable price. Many companies leverage digital platforms, AI, and other technologies to achieve these goals. SWORD Health (/company/sword-health-1) is a digital physical therapy platform that helps guide patients through rehabilitation with sensor technology to deliver real-time feedback and ensure that they aren’t doing more harm than good with poor form. In addition to sensors they make a number of wearables tailored to help improve people’s physical health and alleviate pain. In late 2021, they reported reaching a $2B (/today/stories/sword-health-raises-163m-in-series-d-reaches-2-billion-valuation-55596) valuation. New York-based Ro (/company/healthbyro) is a healthcare company dedicated to putting patients in control of their healthcare. With Ro, customers can talk to licensed providers 24/7, have medication ordered and delivered, collect samples for medical tests, and more all from the comfort of home. Early last year, funding rounds brought Ro’s valuation to $7B ( Ribbon Health (/company/ribbonhealth) is a predictive analytics and data platform for the healthcare industry based out of New York City. Their API provides patients with comprehensive data on doctors, healthcare plans, cost, and more to empower more informed decision making."},"JobCollection:238":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"238","title":"Peak Performance: 5 Fitness Tech Companies Hiring Now","slug":"peak-performance-5-fitness-tech-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The fitness industry reached a market value of over $33B (,growth%20of%2033.10%25%20per%20year) in 2021, with projections showing it reaching nearly $435B by 2028. Tech startups are creating new ways to access fitness technology and programs, often from the comfort of people’s homes (, driving the industry's growth. Peloton (/company/peloton) is an interactive fitness platform that makes training from the comfort of your home convenient and enjoyable. Their world class streaming content and top of the line equipment makes them the home fitness choice of over 2M ( members. FightCamp (/company/fightcamp) is a boxing gym that gives users access to world class trainers and equipment from the comfort of their own home. Last Summer, the training system raised $90M (/today/stories/fightcamp-punches-its-way-to-a-90m-round-47437) in funding rounds, with some of that funding coming from people like Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather. Aspiring and professional athletes require specialized training programs to keep them at the top of their game, and startups are rushing to cater towards this need. Area Scouts (/company/areascouts) is a athlete development program that helps youth athletes learn the skills they need to succeed in achieving greatness, living a healthy life, and avoiding injury. WHOOP (/company/whoop) isa performance optimization system for elite athletes and teams that helps trainers and players find the balance between pushing themselves as hard as they can and pushing themselves too far. Their wearables provide real-time feedback on what to do next so you can make smarter decisions and build healthier habits. After an investment from SoftBank, the company is valued at $3.6B (/today/stories/wearables-company-whoop-valued-at-3-6bn-after-softbank-investment-51356). If you want to work for a company dedicated to helping people achieve peak performance, take a look at these 5 fitness startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:237":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"237","title":"Top 3D Printing Companies Hiring in 2023","slug":"top-3d-printing-companies-hiring-in-2023","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"3D printing is changing the way that we think about manufacturing across nearly all industry verticals. From human organ ( printing to the burgeoning field of 3D printing large metal objects ( to the amazing potential ( that 3D modeling and prototyping can afford engineers, the technology is helping humanity achieve goals that would have seemed like science fiction only decades prior. Beyond the untold possibilities of 3D printing, it can also help organizations manufacture in more eco-friendly ( and efficient ( ways. As it becomes more ubiquitous throughout our society, the 3D Printing industry is projected to grow from $1.9B in 2021 to over $10B (\u0026guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8\u0026guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAERxn2KWh9x8ZU0is1_PgOUQhudSg8sCtgPbKB1V-9w0I9ifPChEcKLJ0fu1sr_7HxrUPgRDnKvyJtDuoIK9TL9wGxnRsYoFWVNUmVrgffWfNnseapk7zMRTgVcg5TjEQzSc_g0kW_teYWFhyW2WmGEt-1frO4LO51JlXthiuqAA) by 2031. Formlabs (/company/formlabs) is a 3D printer distributor that also develops cutting edge materials and software. They want to help get the most powerful tools on the market into the hands of companies across the world. They recently passed over 100M parts ( printed using their devices. Amsterdam-founded online manufacturing platform Hubs (/company/hubsmfg) helps with everything from rapid prototyping to full scale production for over 35,000 businesses across the globe. People can upload a prototype, get an instant quote, and start production quickly with Hubs. Launcher (/company/launcherspace) is a California-based startup leveraging the cost effectiveness of 3D printing technology to create the most efficient rocket in the world, capable of delivering satellites into orbit. The company has forged partnerships with some of the biggest names in space travel from NASA to SpaceX on its mission to get satellites into space with the smallest possible cost. If you want to join the 3D printing revolution, take a look at these 5 companies hiring in the field in 2023."},"JobCollection:236":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"236","title":"5 Hiring Companies Creating the Future of Artificial Intelligence In 2023","slug":"5-hiring-companies-creating-the-future-of-artificial-intelligence-in-2023","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has seen consistent growth and widespread adoption in everyday life and businesses for many years. It’s estimated that more than a third ( of companies use some form of AI and 42% are testing AI within their operations. Companies are leveraging AI to help cut costs ( with more efficient processes, improve network performance (, create better customer experiences (, and more. Many organizations use AI to ease the stress felt by workers by reducing workloads ( and eliminating menial tasks (, in turn giving them the ability to focus on more thoughtful areas of their job. For example, AssemblyAI (/company/assemblyai-1) is a remote company that builds powerful AI models for developers, startups, and companies to transcribe, understand, and organize audio data. This simple but time consuming task can be done far more efficiently by their API, allowing humans to focus on the work that really matters. Sanctuary AI (/company/sanctuary-ai-2) is a company setting out to create human-like intelligence in robots. They aim to tackle labor shortages facing many large companies ( with the help of robots capable of performing manual labor and thinking like people. Some critics are concerned of the dangers of creating AI that could become intelligent enough to reach some form of sentience (; luckily there are companies like OpenAI (/company/openai) with humanities best interests in mind when it comes to developing AI. They are a research company dedicated to finding and deploying a safe path towards artificial general intelligence. They want an AI that benefits humanity, with safety and human needs at its core, not profit. If you want to work in an industry that will play a large part in shaping the future of other industries and all of humanity, here are 5 AI companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:235":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"235","title":"5 Companies That Offer Paid Holidays Now Hiring","slug":"5-companies-that-offer-paid-holidays-now-hiring","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Who doesn't love vacation? As the power in the employee-employer dynamic continues to shift ( toward the former, workers are making it clear that they certainly have an affinity for paid holidays. Some research suggests that approximately 80% ( of employees would choose a job with more vacation time over a job with higher pay. Paid holidays make an employee more likely to stay ( with a company and avoid burnout ( Savvy and compassionate business owners recognize the importance of this benefit, with many listing it as one of the top three ( most important benefits to their workforce. BetterUP (/company/betterup) is a mobile platform that fitness to the next level with 1-on-1 coaching, lessons on topics including managing stress or engaging with peers, and much more. Their valuation nearly tripled (/today/stories/betterup-the-coaching-startup-that-hired-prince-harry-nearly-triples-its-valuation-53548) recently. They observe all federal holidays and have \"inner work\" ( days, volunteer days, and company wide Summer and Winter breaks. Alma (/company/alma-14) makes it easy to find affordable yet effective mental health care. They offer parental leave, generous vacation, and paid holidays. If you want to work for a company that values your work-life balance, look no further than these 5 exciting companies that offer paid vacation that are hiring now."},"JobCollection:234":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"234","title":"Top Companies With Unique and Amazing Benefits Hiring Now","slug":"top-companies-with-unique-and-amazing-benefits-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Covid-19 empowered workers to reconsider work-life balance and break free from corporate hierarchies. The so-called Great Resignation (—in which 4.5M ( people quit jobs in just one month—put pressure on companies to find ways to attract top talent and convince them to stay. Startups have been at the forefront ( of the shift to remote work culture ( Tech companies offer other truly amazing and unique benefits (, including unlimited time off and 4-day work weeks with full pay. Airbnb (/company/airbnb) is an online marketplace that allows for people to list and book spaces, ditching the constraints of hotels. The company offers its employees the ability to work from any location in the world, comprehensive health plans, parental leave, and more. If you choose to work from one of their 50+ locations from around the world, they also offer free and healthy meals and snacks. One of their most unique benefits is their paid volunteer time (, which allows the company to encourage workers to invest some of their time not in their company, but in their communities. Twitch (/company/twitch) is one of the largest live streaming platforms in the world, connecting creators to millions of viewers every day. The Amazon-owned company offers the same health, retirement, and leave programs as their parent company, in addition to Twitch specific benefits like mental health services, flexible time-off, and subsidized fitness benefits. Their offices feature a wide variety ( of gamer memorabilia, arcades, PC gaming rooms, and more. Hubspot is a marketing and sales platform trusted by over 10,000 companies from across the globe. In addition to great options for health insurance, remote work, and more, they offer unlimited vacation time, and a ‘global week of rest’. If you are looking to work in an environment that shows appreciation for its workers through amazing benefits, here are 5 companies that offer some of the best."},"JobCollection:233":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"233","title":"Join The Next Era Of Retail With These 5 E-Commerce Startups Hiring Now","slug":"join-the-next-era-of-retail-with-these-5-e-commerce-startups-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Year after year, e-commerce continues to become a more dominant player in how goods and services are bought and sold. In 2021 retail e-commerce sales were approximately $5.2T; by 2026 sales are expected to reach around $8.1T (, nearly two thirds ( of Americans shop online, and almost 20% ( of all retail sales are e-commerce. It’s clear that the convenience ( of e-commerce is causing it to turn into the king of the shopping world. E-commerce can also present unique benefits to businesses that take advantage of it, such as creating personalized ( shopping experiences for customers and omnichannel capabilities ( that allow a company to be more connected to consumers. (/company/checkout-com-1) is a company dedicated to empowering businesses and their communities to flourish in the digital market. They offer fast and reliable digital payment solutions for businesses around the globe with a flexible platform that allows companies to focus only on the features they need and a team of experts ready to help you navigate the market with ease. Last year they reached a valuation of $40B (/today/stories/checkout-com-is-worth-40-billion-now-57583) with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. With the fall sports season underway, Gametime (/company/gametime) wants to help you get your head in the game. The San Francisco-based startup offers last-minute tickets to the hottest games, concerts, and events, with a focus on making purchasing and accessing tickets all from your phone as simple as possible. Swifities (, take note of this consumer focused e-commerce ticket seller. Earlier this year, they secured $30M (/today/stories/gametime-secures-30m-in-funding-64750) in funding. If you want to work for a company ushering in the next era of retail, look no further than these 5 e-commerce startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:232":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"232","title":"Work In The Windy City: 5 Top Tech Companies Hiring in Chicago Now","slug":"work-in-the-windy-city-5-top-tech-companies-hiring-in-chicago-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"When it comes to the most powerful startup ecosystems in America, people often think of the far ends of the country with regions ( like New York and Silicon Valley, but the midwest is making a name with Chicago leading the way. Forbes called it a top 3 ( startup city last year, citing it’s impressive VC Funding ( numbers, it’s focus on supporting diverse founders (, and more. Chicago’s VC funding slowed down ( a bit this year, but this matches trends ( seen across the US and world and shouldn’t distract from the positives of the ecosystem, such as it’s $49B ( ecosystem value. Flexport (/company/flexport) is a supply chain platform with a strong presence in Chicago that helps global logistics, buyers, and sellers for over 10,000 ( companies make their supply chains more transparent, connected, scaleable, and sustainable ( Earlier this year, they raised $935M (/today/stories/flexport-raises-935m-in-series-e-funding-post-valued-at-over-8-billion-58697) in Series E funding, bringing their total valuation to approximately $8B. Samba TV (/company/sambatv) is a company dedicated to using data to improve the smart TV experience with enhanced content discovery on the viewer end, and omniscreen advertising on the corporate end. Synapse (/company/synapsefi) (/company/synapsefi) provides cutting-edge banking infrastructure to startups and financial institutions, with the ability to expand product offerings on a cloud-based platform with a limitless scale and quickly reach the global market. In October, they were awarded ( as a Top 10 Banking Tech Solution Provider. Chicago is a growing force in the startup ecosystem, and if you want to be a part of it take a look at our list of 5 companies with a presence in Chicago hiring now."},"JobCollection:231":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"231","title":"Culture, Diversity, and a Booming Startup Ecosystem: 5 Atlanta Tech Startups Hiring Now","slug":"culture-diversity-and-a-booming-startup-ecosystem-5-atlanta-tech-startups-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Atlanta is becoming a startup ecosystem to look out for. They were recently ranked as the fifth-best ( U.S. city to launch a startup in. The city is a phenomenal hosting ground for startups with 12 ( homegrown unicorns, 16 Fortune 500 Headquarters, and 54 colleges and universities. Atlanta is proud of its diversity ( with 52% more minority tech workers and 27% more female tech workers than comparable metro areas. It’s home to many institutions dedicated to helping female founders ( and minority founders ( The city's world class food, vibrant culture, diversity, and booming job market are just some of the reasons that it was named Money’s Best Place ( To Live in 2022. Xometry (/company/xometry) is a custom manufacturing company offering AI-powered solutions for on-demand manufacturing with features like instant quoting technology, a nationwide network of manufacturers, and many more. After years of growth, the company went public last year with a $100M IPO (/today/stories/montgomery-county-manufacturing-startup-xometry-files-for-100m-ipo-45841). Homebase (/company/homebase) is a startup dedicated to simplifying hourly work for employers and workers. They work with over 100K businesses to help over 1M employees manage scheduling, time tracking, and more. Last year, the company raised $71M (/today/stories/homebase-raises-71m-for-a-team-management-platform-aimed-at-smbs-and-their-hourly-workers-49384) in Series C funding, bring their total valuation to over $500M. Vower (/company/vower) is a social-impact tech company that wants to reward people who complete community service with money for tuition, rewards ranging from Air Jordans to cryptocurrency, and more. They also reward you for learning skills such as Excel or building a website. If you want to work in one of the best and most diverse places to live, look no further than these 5 companies with a presence in Atlanta hiring now."},"JobCollection:230":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"230","title":"7 Hiring Companies Doing Something About Our Climate Crisis","slug":"7-hiring-companies-doing-something-about-our-climate-crisis","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Startups are taking climate action into their hands, developing technology to help the planet and the people on it thrive. Denver-based Crusoe Energy (/company/crusoe-energy-systems) is dedicated to reducing the routine flaring of natural gas. Their flare mitigation tech reduces emissions and waste. Earlier this year, they raised $505M (/today/stories/bitcoin-miner-crusoe-energy-systems-raises-505-million-62918) in Series C funding. Boston-based Electric Hydrogen (/company/electric-hydrogen-co) is on a mission to decarbonize heavy industry by providing fossil-free hydrogen to power operations. A few months ago, they raised $198M (/today/stories/electric-hydrogen-raises-198m-in-financing-66020) in funding. Bevi (/company/bevi-1), which is also based in Beantown, wants to replace harmful (,times%20less%20than%20tap%20water.) single-use water bottles with smart water machines that can produce a variety of beverages from purified water to flavored sparkling water. In August, the company raised a $70M (/today/stories/bevi-raised-70m-amazon-s-acquisition-plans-and-more-boston-tech-news-69242) series D funding round. Seattle-based Kopperfield (/company/kopperfield) is on a mission to make electrifying your home as easy as shopping on Amazon. The company is starting with home EV charger installations and plans to expand into heat pumps, solar roofs, and other major home electric appliances soon. They recently raised a $5M ( seed round. If you want to work for a company with strong values and a critical mission for the survival of our species and planet, take a look at our list of top climate tech companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:229":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"229","title":"5 Tech Companies Making Owning Property A Reality","slug":"5-tech-companies-making-owning-property-a-reality","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Buying a house in 2022 is no easy feat. With rising mortgage rates (, increased home prices ( and inventory nearing record lows (, it’s not hard to see why mortgage applications are at their lowest level in 22 years ( Thankfully, startups are creating solutions to make buying a home for personal and commercial usage more affordable and less expensive over time. Ownwell (/company/ownwell) is a company dedicated to reducing the cost of property ownership. Their customers save an average of $1,457 on their property taxes thanks to Ornwell putting a stop to unfair assessments and having property owners simply pay what’s fair. Loftium (/company/loftium) is a Seattle-based startup revolutionizing the way people pay for their homes with a system that finds people homes where they can live and rent out a private suite to guests in order to build savings for a down payment. They make the hosting process simple with their app and features like professional furnishing and designating a completely separate space for guests with keyless entry. Tomo (/company/tomo) is a company that rewrites the rules on the mortgage process in order to put homebuyers in control with their streamlined digital experience. They accelerate the the purchase process from new homeowners and save them money along the way. Earlier this year, they raised $40M (, bringing their total valuation to $640M. If you want to work for a company that makes achieving the American Dream of homeownership more feasible, look no further than these 5 property tech companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:228":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"228","title":"Making The Internet a Safer Place: 6 Cybersecurity Companies Hiring Now","slug":"making-the-internet-a-safer-place-6-cybersecurity-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"We trust the Internet to interact more deeply with our lives than ever before. From buying and selling online through ecommerce (, to connecting countless ( household devices to the internet of things, to artificial intelligence driving our cars (, many of our daily tasks depend on devices with online capabilities to work. Our increasing reliance on connected devices has come with the need to protect our devices and ourselves from threats and attackers. Cyber crimes are growing at a rate of approximately 15% ( every year. To go back to the example of cars, more connected vehicles and safety features make a car more electronic, and therefore more susceptible ( to cyber-attacks. The cybersecurity market has been growing rapidly to match these threats. It’s projected to grow from $155B this year to over $376B ( by 2029. GeoComply (/company/geocomply-1) is a geolocation company that protects users against location fraud by verifying their true digital identity. They boast a 99.6% accuracy in VPN determination and an ID verification rate of over 90%. [HUMAN] is a cybersecurity company dedicated to protecting enterprises from bot attacks, keeping their digital experiences human. They verify the humanity of over 10T interactions per week, so it’s no surprise that they’re growing. Earlier this year, they raised 100M (/today/stories/human-security-raises-100m-in-growth-funding-57130) in growth funding. If you want to work in an industry making the internet safer for all, take a look at these 5 cutting edge cybersecurity companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:227":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"227","title":"Hiring: 5 Companies Helping to Electrify America","slug":"hiring-5-companies-helping-to-electrify-america","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Now, as oil and gas prices surge, electrifying your home has never looked more appealing. The inflation reduction act is working to establish the market certainty households need to build an affordable and environmentally friendly future. The more we electrify, the easier ( it will become to continue electrifying. The law offers myriad incentives for homeowners and property investors to upgrade their buildings. Founders ( find their businesses have been gifted significant tailwinds as the Biden administration just approved all 50 states’ plans for where to install DC fast chargers. Still, those chargers won’t be enough to handle all the miles EVs will rack up. Fortunately, a lot of EV charging is done while cars are parked at home. And new offerings from companies like Kopperfield are making it simple to encapsulate everything from EV charging to water heaters, HVAC, and rooftop solar. The federal tax credit on charging equipment ( is also extended through 2032 for both individual and commercial uses. It’s a hot moment, as new multi-day energy storage systems ( are also coming to market. These technologies will find quick adoption in construction, as clean-energy mandates in places such as New York City mean developers will be prohibited ( from installing gas hookups starting in 2024. In similar style, California is committing to a plan to make it the first US state to phase out gas-fueled furnaces and water heaters in homes. Campbell, Calif.-based ChargePoint (/company/chargepoint) is producing EV charging platforms and stations to charge any EV, anywhere it goes. Over the years ChargePoint has helped to avoid 700K metric tons ( of greenhouse gas emissions and has rreceivedawards from the United Nations, Global Cleantech, and more. San Diego, Calif.-based ChargeNet Stations (/company/chargenet-stations) is building a consolidated solution to the problems of lack of charging hardware in retail areas, and lack of clean power. Using parking meter data, ChargeNet can predict how long an EV driver will stay at a charger and can optimize charging arrays, solar, and energy storage for maximum returns. London, England-based Pod Point (/company/pod-point) is the UK’s leading provider of EV charging, having manufactured and sold over 50,000 charging points. Seattle, Washington-based Kopperfield (/company/kopperfield) is on a mission to accelerate the electrification of personal infrastructure. As a step forward in fighting climate change, Kopperfield wants to enable consumers to opt for electric cars, furnaces, water heaters, stoves, dryers, and more. Los Angeles, Calif.-based EV Connect (/company/ev-connect) is providing companies from enterprise and hospitality to universities and governments with a cloud-based platform for managing EV ecosystems. If you're interested in helping usher in a sustainable future, check out our list of top electrification companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:226":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"226","title":"5 Companies Dedicated To Making Parents Lives Easier","slug":"5-companies-dedicated-to-making-parents-lives-easier","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Being a parent today is harder ( than ever before. From navigating the internet and managing screentime ( with kids, to the astronomical cost of raising kids, which now averages over $300K ('s%20%2480%2C000%20more%20than%20the,include%20the%20cost%20of%20college),there is a seemingly never ending list of hurdles to having children. Fortunately, there are startups dedicated to improving the parental experience through innovative, tech-based solutions. Securly (/company/securly-2) is a company dedicated to providing students K-12 with a safer, more educational online experience. From AI that recognizes when a student might be getting bullied, to using social media to develop emotional intelligence, they want to use the internets strengths to benefit children while mitigating the risks. They have an app for parents to monitor their kids online activity and trade im worrying and uncertainty for peace of mind. Tinyhood (/company/tinyhood) is an online education platform made for parents, by parenting experts. Their courses are flexible, online, and accessible to parents from all backgrounds. They offer a grant program ( that provides a free annual membership to selected applicants. Finding the right daycare and preschool can be a challenge, especially with the limited capacity of many of these services. Winnie (/company/winnielabs) is a marketplace dedicated to making this search easier. They provide parents with specific details about the facilities, and help get kids into childcare faster. If you want to work for a startup that helps the next generation of parents, here is our list of companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:225":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"225","title":"Grow With Your Startup: 5 Companies That Offer Equity Hiring Now","slug":"grow-with-your-startup-5-companies-that-offer-equity-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Offering stock options, or equity, is a popular way to incentivize interest in a company, particularly among startups ( Startups often don't always have the most healthy cash flow, especially in early days. Equity in a startup is a good way to be able to attract top talent and compensate them fairly ( with partial ownership in a company, despite the companies smaller cash flow. Equity also builds stable, symbiotic relationships between employees and and employers. Having overall compensation relying on the success of a company creates a dynamic that encourages employees to be more invested in their work and stay ( with companies for longer. The return on investment from working for a startup with equity can end up being far more valuable than a higher salary. For over 50% ( of millennials, a companies stock option was the main determining factor for where they ended up working. Apixio (/company/apixio) is an AI platform that analyzes health care data to help clinics make smarter decisions. They offer a number of enticing benefits including generous vacation time, a monthly home office stipend, and of course equity for some positions. Cross River (/company/crossriver) is a New York based fintech company dedicated to helping clients change the way they do business. They offer streamlined payment solutions, marketplace lending, and more, while always maintaining a strong focus om compliance. They offer employees strong family medical plans, matching 401K, and stock options. If you want to work for a startup offering equity, here are 5 companies that do just that."},"JobCollection:224":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"224","title":"5 Top Startups Hiring Across Africa","slug":"5-top-startups-hiring-across-africa","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"In a year where venture capital funding across the globe has been significantly scaled back (, Africa has been an anomaly as it's on track to face a record year ( for funding. Africa has put its name into the ring of startup ecosystems to look out for with an rapidly increasing number of operations, particularly in fintech (, that look to disrupt traditional financial services. Across the nation, African ecosystems collectively add up to $6.6B ( One Acre Fund (/company/one-acre-fund-2) is a NPO working to support and increase productivity for farmers in Africa. They provide farmers with supplies, training, financial services and insurance, and more to help farmers reach their maximum potential. VALR (/company/valr-sa) is a leading South African cryptocurrency platform with a goal to make digital currency accessible for everyone, starting in South Africa with plans to eventually serve customers globally. MKOBO (/company/mkobo-1) is building a borderless bank that will provide accessible and affordable financial services to the people of Africa. Users can open a free banking account in under 5 minutes. Their efforts have gotten them global recognition ( as an emerging financial service. If you want to work in a diverse, emerging market, take a look at our list of 5 tech companies now hiring in Africa."},"JobCollection:223":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"223","title":"Moving Towards The Future Of Transportation: 5 Companies Hiring Now","slug":"moving-towards-the-future-of-transportation-5-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Tech companies are working to fix one of the biggest contributors to an unhealthy planet and populations: commutes. From the rising rates of traffic ( in cities causing increased commute times (, to studies showing correlations between commuting and adverse effects on your health ( and the negative effects it places onto our planet (, it’s clear that we need some new approaches to getting around. While some attempted solutions have proven to be flawed (, startups are looking to ease the burden of getting around by bringing older transportation methods into the 21st century and even creating entirely new ways to travel. Wanderu (/company/wanderu) makes public transportation simpler by helping people find, compare, and book travel by bus and train. They have partnered with over 50 bus and train companies to make finding the cheapest, most convenient travel options a breeze. They recently partnered with Moovit ( in order to help travelers easily travel from their door to their destination. Brooklyn, NY-based Revel (/company/gorevel) wants to make shared electric mopeds and shared EVs go-to forms of transportation. Customers can reserve and ride their mopeds entirely though the app. They also want to power their fleet as well and help to normalize private EVs with their ‘Superhubs’ which can quickly charge any brand of electric car. Bolt (/company/boltapp) wants to reduce the use of personal cars and all the downsides that come with them. Their services include ride sharing, scooter and car rentals, food and grocery delivery, and more. If you want to work for a company dedicated to reshaping the transportation industry, here are 5 companies doing just that and hiring now."},"JobCollection:222":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"222","title":"5 Tech Companies Hiring Now That Offer a 401(k) Match ","slug":"5-tech-companies-hiring-now-that-offer-a-401-k-match","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"401(k) matching is a highly desirable ( benefit that results in the money you put into your 401(k) plan being partially or in some case totally matched ( from an employer. Most Americans want to retire by the age of 67 ( and 62% (,62%25%20of%20workers%20view%20401(k)%20employer%20match%20as,key%20to%20reaching%20retirement%20goals) of workers see 401(k) matching as critical to reaching retirement. Validere (/company/validere-technologies) is a commodity management platform that helps energy providers solve tough operational and environmental challenges. Earlier this year, they raised $43B (/today/stories/validere-raises-43m-in-series-b-funding-60758) in series B funding. Their success allows them to offer their employees RRSP and 401(k) matching plans. Healthie (/company/healthie) has a platform that thousands of health and wellness organizations use to provide best-in-class virtual experiences for clients and clinicians. They offer employees healthcare benefits, equity, 401(k) matched, and other benefits to help people reach retirement faster. If you want to reach, or even potentially expedite your journey towards retirement, here are 5 hiring companies that offer 401(k) matching."},"JobCollection:221":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"221","title":"5 IoT Companies Hiring Now","slug":"5-iot-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Communication will be happening in everything, everywhere, all at once. The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a system made up of sensors, software, and a wide variety of devices ( that collect and communicate data to and from the Internet. Smart home tech like Google Home, smartwatches, connected cars, and more comprise more than 14.4B ( devices active on the IoT. With an expectation that approximately 27B IoT devices will be online by 2025, the IoT market is porjected to grow substantially over the next decade to $2.5T ( along with the spread of 5G connectivity ( New York City-based (/company/ontarget-technologies) develops tech to make construction sites safer and more productive. The company deploys smart wearables ( for workers that include GPS, fall detection, and other safety functions as well as environmental sensors ( that can alert workers to the presence of harmful chemicals. Mountain View, Calif.-based Twin Health (/company/twin-health) is a health platform that uses IoT to help people manage chronic diseases. Medical experts help patients collect and decipher data from wearables that track biosignals. The Internet of Things is growing every day, and there is certainly no shortage of opportunities to be a part of this crucial industry. Here is our list of 5 top IoT companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:220":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"220","title":"5 Thermal Imaging Companies Hiring Today","slug":"5-thermal-imaging-companies-hiring-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Thermal imaging is unlocking the world hidden from the naked eye. Thermal cameras allow people to see the invisible heat radiation emitted or reflected by objects, even in very low light. In the past, military operations were the exclusive users of thermal optics, but these days thermal tech is finding use cases in science, medicine, industry, surveillance, and imaging. Specific applications see firefighters pinpointing this (,that%20initial%20uptake%20was%20slow). the epicenter of a blaze and doctors being able to instantly screen skin temperature. With aftermarket options already available to enable thermal imaging for your smartphone (, it’s projected that thermal optics will soon become another built-in smartphone feature. Due to this and the growing need of security application across public and private sectors, the thermal imaging market is expected to reach a market size of $7.5B ( by 2030. In the world of medicine, Kernel (/company/kernel_) is exploring the frontiers of the mind–a crossdisciplinary effort of neuroscientists, physicicsts, and engineers–with non-invasive mind/body/machine interfaces (mbmi) to improve and extend human cognition. Their current offering is a scifi looking helmet that scans the wearers brain with infrared. While the helmet isn’t quite as practical as a smart watch of other wearable just yet, the goal is to make brain imaging as common as tech that tracks ones heart rate. But thermal has the potential to protect your health beyond just monitoring. Owl Autonomous Imaging (/company/owl-autonomous-1) is using thermal imaging to ensure pedestrian safety, especially at night. Their 3D thermal ranging solution allows vehicles to identify pedestrians, cyclists, and animals far sooner than other autonomous driving systems. And Athena Security (/company/athena-security-2) is bridging the gap between health and safety with their iPad temperature detection setup. The system can detect temperatures within 0.3 degrees celsius and enables the contactless screening of pedestrian traffic for up to 2000 people per hour. Whats more, the same device can be used for concealed weapons detection. If you’re interested in ushering in a more safe and secure future with thermal, check out our list below of top thermal imaging startups hiring today."},"JobCollection:219":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"219","title":"Longevity Tech: 10 Tech Companies Hiring to Extend Life and Prevent Disease ","slug":"longevity-tech-10-tech-companies-hiring-to-extend-life-and-prevent-disease","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Tech companies are developing innovative new tools to help detect and prevent disease earlier and with much better precision. The $3.6B (,USD%205%2C512.89%20billion%20by%202027.) global preventative healthcare market is expected to grow to $5.5B by 2027, buoyed by innovations in detecting and managing chronic diseases. The category encompasses everything from chronic disease management technologies and early detection and screening, to vaccines and advanced tools for reducing medical errors. Jyzen Labs is taking a personal approach to aging and disease by developing research and data-driven personalized health programs. The company’s biometrics lab provides insights into the use of their bio-resonance, heat and cold therapy, hyperbaric sleep chambers, integrative bodywork, IV therapies, NeuroFit protocols, and more. Komodo Health is addressing the burden of disease with its platform for curating healthcare data and analytics. The cloud-based platform brings together data from across enterprise, public domain, and proprietary sources to help businesses make better decisions that improve patient outcomes. Companies like Oncoustics are working on developing non-invasive surveillance, diagnostics, and treatment monitoring with the help of AI. In the case of Oncoustics, this involves applying AI to raw ultrasound signals. Methid focused on leveraging AI to make both research and diagnostics more effective, faster, and cheaper. And Biobot Analytics is seeking better public health by collecting data from sewage systems. If you’re drawn to prevent suffering and empower people with longer, healthier lives, check out our list below of top startups developing preventative medical technologies."},"JobCollection:218":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"218","title":"Hiring: 5 Tech Companies Advancing Age Tech","slug":"hiring-5-tech-companies-advancing-age-tech","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Tech companies are forging new ground in an effort to crack the code of aging. Take caloric restriction, for example. It’s been shown to extend lifespans in animal lab tests. Genetic pathways related to growth and insulin signaling appear linked to aging–many drugs developed for diabetes, like metformin and FGF-21, are relevant to anti-aging. Parabiosis—providing an older animal with younger blood—is another area gaining interest of tech companies. Animals with less senescent cells live longer. Increasing the expression of one protein that helps to clean up cellular waste was enough to make mice live 17% longer ( And research into the hypothalamus, reproductive system, mitochondria, and sitruins round out the list of promising areas for longevity. Companies like Xcell Biosciences (/company/xcell-biosciences) are working to enhance the safety of cell and gene therapies. Xcell leverages AI to enable researchers to discover novel insights into immune and tumor biology. OneStudyTeam (/company/onestudyteam) is building cloud-based software to accelerate the development of new life-saving therapies. While Benchling (/company/benchling) and Genemod (/company/genemod) are improving R\u0026D for faster therapeutic breakthroughs. If you’re interested in working at the cutting edge of medicine, check out our list of top companies pioneering medical treatments."},"JobCollection:217":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"217","title":"7 Bootstrapped Companies Hiring Now","slug":"7-bootstrapped-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Some of the most successful and impactful startups in recent years including Apple, Craigslist, Meta, and many more ( are “bootstrapped” successes. Without the help of major outside funding from VCs early on, they pulled themselves up by their proverbial bootstraps and fueled growth through sales. To make it out of the mud, these companies need efficient ( business models, good spending habits (, and a product or service that genuinely separates itself from the competition to generate sales ( If companies are scrappy enough to find early success without major funding, it can bode well for their ability to attract talent. After all, who doesn’t root for a David up against a Goliath? These companies are living proof. Atlassian (/company/atlassian) is a worldwide leader in work management, IT service management, team collaborations, and other areas around the workplace. The company got its start in 2002 with a $10K ( charge on a founder’s credit card. It’s now a hugely valuable company that’s acquiring (/today/stories/atlassian-acquires-percept-ai-58250) other tech companies and hiring to continue its growth. Kpler (/company/kpler) is a fintech that built a data-based solution to help facilitate more sustainable and efficient trades. The company aggregates data from a variety of sources including satellites, radar, and government databases, to deliver global trade information in real time. After bootstrapping since 2014, the company took on its first major funding in April with over $200M ( Tremendous (/company/tremendous) originated as GiftRocket (, a company founded by 3 people with the deceptively simple goal of making sending virtual gift cards a breeze. With Tremendous, they make it easy for businesses to reward people who complete surveys, participatein user research calls, attend online trainings, and more. They are able to choose the kind of reward they recieve such as cash, gift cards or a charitable donation to an organization whose cause they support. If you want to work for a company that has started from the bottom and clawed its way to the top, take a look at these 5 successful bootstrap companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:216":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"216","title":"Music Tech: 5 Top Companies Hiring Now","slug":"music-tech-5-top-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"It’s no secret that working in the music industry can be unforgiving, often for “starving artist\" ( wages. The digitization of music through streaming and downloads has tanked ( music sales, fewer people are seeing live music (, and it’s harder to keep audiences attention with nearly one song ('s%20approximately%20137%20million%20new,according%20to%20United%20Nations%20estimates) released per second on Spotify. Thankfully, the music hasn’t died out yet; artists are learning to adapt to the TikTok era ( of music and there are plenty of startups dedicated to overcoming the struggles of today’s digital landscape with tech based solutions. Patreon (/company/patreon) is a membership platform that empowers creators of all kinds, including musicians, to monetize their work and early a salary from their most dedicated fans, rather than relying on the pennies ( they receive from streaming services. Last year, the platform reached a $4B (/today/stories/patreon-s-valuation-triples-to-4-billion-as-creators-and-fans-flock-to-platform-41142) valuation. DICE (/company/dice-1) wants more people to get out to the shows they want to see (even the ones they don’t know about). They tailor quality live shows to every users tastes, from genre, to venue size, and more. Last year, they raised $122M (/today/stories/london-s-dice-raises-122m-at-a-400m-valuation-for-its-intelligent-event-discovery-and-booking-platform-52815) in Series C funding. Q\u0026A (/company/qandamedia) is a company dedicated to empowering independent artists, managers, and labels to grow their entrepreneurial chops through strategy and tech. They offer services to help artists pitch their music for licensing, a cutting-edge distribution platform, community spaces for learning, and more. If you want to help shape the next wave of artists in an ever changing digital world, take a look at these music tech jobs hiring now."},"JobCollection:215":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"215","title":"5 Tech Companies Moving the Creator Economy Forward","slug":"5-tech-companies-moving-the-creator-economy-forward","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Over the past decade the idea of making a living off of content creation has gone from a novel idea ( to reality ( for a growing number of people. Creators get the luxury of creating the kind of content they produce, choosing their own schedule (, deciding which brands ( to work with, and all the other benefits ( that come with being your own boss. Savvy companies realize that creators and influencers are the future (,type%20of%20digital%20marketing%20activities) of reaching their target audience in a cost effective ( manner. They are finding ways to support and bankroll creators while profiting themselves. CreatorIQ (/company/socialedge-2) is a Los Angeles-based company dedicated to connecting the world's biggest brands with creators in order to create digital marketing that will achieve a variety of business objectives such as creating brand loyalty and repeat sales. Last year they closed a $40M (/today/stories/creatoriq-banks-40-million-to-build-out-influencer-marketing-platform-52455) funding round. New York-based Lumanu (/company/lumanu) has created a SaaS platform that makes for a more frictionless experience between creators and marketers. Their platform offers automated payments for creators, integration with a brands existing accounting and CRM, and more. Last year, they were named one of the top ( New York creator economy startups. If you want to work for a company powering creativity and building smarter marketing solutions, here are 5 creator economy companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:214":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"214","title":"Want To Grow Alongside Your Company? These 5 Tech Companies Offer Mentorship Programs","slug":"want-to-grow-alongside-your-company-these-5-tech-companies-offer-mentorship-programs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Mentorship programs are one of the most powerful tools for employee development ( and retention ( From pairing a newer employee with a more experienced colleague for one-on-one training, to group mentoring programs, growth opportunities ( at a company are very enticing to prospective employees. Mentorships can also help ease ( the feeling of detachment that some feel as a result of remote or hybrid work environments. Flexport (/company/flexport) is a supply chain platform that helps global logistics, buyers, and sellers for over 10k ( companies make their supply chains more transparent, connected, scaleable, and sustainable ( They offer employees a learning budget and have leadership development programs and mentorship opportunities, and get every new employee started with an one-week intensive onboarding program ( TravelPerk (/company/travelperk) takes the headache out of booking and managing business travel. They have a robust onboarding process and offer growth programs ( and mentorships. If you want to work for a company where your professional development matters, take a look at our list of companies with mentorship programs hiring now."},"JobCollection:213":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"213","title":"Take All The Time You Need: 5 Top Tech Companies With Unlimited PTO Hiring Now","slug":"take-all-the-time-you-need-5-top-tech-companies-with-unlimited-pto-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Nearly 80% ( of employees seek better work-life balance. The top way to achieve that, according to many, is time away from work. So it’s no surprise that paid time off ( (also know as “PTO”) is one of the most sought after perks today’s talent looks for. This model of working gives workers the freedom and flexibility they need to avoid burnout ( and creates an environment where the worker feels more trusted ( and valued ( NutriSense (/company/nutrisenseio) is a company that enables customers to engage critically with their blood glucose level by using their cutting edge Continuous Glucose Monitor (, all in an effort to improve their metabolic health. They offer employees a robust list of benefits including work from home reimbursement, a 100% remote environment, and unlimited PTO. The New York-based investment app Titan (/company/titanvest) is a powerful modern tool that over 50k clients use to build and manage a successful portfolio for stocks, crypto, real estate, and more. The company offers employees equity, a MacBook/PC laptop, and unlimited PTO. Hang (/company/hang-11) is a company working with Web3 and NFT tech to create the future of brand loyalty. They allow their clients to offer NFT based memberships to their customers that can accrue value over time. Benefits of working at Hang include health insurance, quarterly company offsites, and unlimited PTO. If you want to work for a company offering competitive benefits, take a look at our list of 5 companies with unlimited PTO hiring now."},"JobCollection:212":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"212","title":"Game On: 5 Top Gaming Tech Companies Hiring Now","slug":"game-on-5-top-gaming-tech-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The gaming industry is rapidly growing and showing no signs of slowing down. Global video game revenue is expected to increase from $235B by the end of this year to over $321B (,exceed%20%24320%20billion%20by%202026) by 2026. There are a number of factors that explain this swift expansion. When the pandemic forced everyone inside, people sought escape with gaming. Online gaming was especially popular, and even beneficial to gamers mental health, providing a form of connection ( that many desperately sought. The Verse (/company/the-verse) is a company that focuses on the intersection of gaming and mental health. They create games and digital experiences made to help users with mental health struggles such as anxiety, grief, perspective-taking, and more. Another key reason for the growth of the industry is the rapidly expanding social/casual/mobile (/job-collections/get-in-the-game-top-mobile-gaming-companies-hiring-now) gaming sphere. These games are bringing a more diverse audience to gaming, especially with older players (/job-collections/get-in-the-game-top-mobile-gaming-companies-hiring-now). Niantic (/company/niantic) is one of the most prominent names in mobile gaming, creating smash hits like Pokémon GO. Their AR games appeal to a wide audience and encourage healthy habits for gamers, such as outdoor exercise and social interactions. The company has brought in over $900 ( for the past two years. One of the newer sectors of gaming is Web-3 based games. These games allow players to collect in-game items and collectibles via the blockchain. Companies like Metatheory (/company/metatheory-1) are facing this new frontier head-on, building Web-3 games and social experiences to transform how we game and connect with others online. If you want to work in the ever-expanding gaming industry, here is our list of 5 exciting gaming tech companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:211":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"211","title":"Shaping The Future Of Manufacturing: 5 Exciting 3D Companies Hiring Now","slug":"shaping-the-future-of-manufacturing-5-exciting-3d-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"From beautiful two-story homes ( to groundbreaking bike designs ( to drones ( capable of constructing 3D printed structures in disaster zones, 3D Printing is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry. 3D printing is quickly shaping into the most efficient ( and sustainable ( way to manufacture on both a micro ( and macro ( scale. Xometry (/company/xometry) is a manufacturing company that offers AI-enabled solutions for on-demand manufacturing with instant quoting technology, a nationwide network of manufacturers, and more. Their Go Green ( initiative gives customers the option to offset their carbon footprint. Threekit (/company/threekit) is a visualization platform that allows their clients to easily and effectively render and deploy 3D product configurations. While they don’t produce the products themselves, their 3D technology is cutting edge and can greatly increase the customer experience that a company can provide. San Francisco-Based Gantri (/company/gantri) helps designers create and sell designs directly to consumers. Sustainability is a top priority for the company which uses innovative plant-based materials ( rather than traditional plastic. If you want to help shape the future of the manufacturing industry, look no further. Here is our list of 5 exciting 3D tech companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:210":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"210","title":"Building The Future: 5 Advanced Materials Companies Hiring Now","slug":"building-the-future-5-advanced-materials-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Advanced materials are materials with “unique” or “novel” properties ( that “exhibit greater mechanical, thermal, electrical, optical, chemical properties.” The industry is growing in size and importance at an astounding rate. The market was valued at approximately $15B in 2022 and is projected to surpass $22B (,at%20%2414.2%20Billion%20in%202021) by 2027. High tech ( industrial sectors like aerospace, defense, medical, and energy industries rely on the critical, cutting edge materials that advanced material companies produce. Over time, these materials can become ubiquitous with everyday life, such as carbon fiber ( and kevlar ( California-based Apeel Sciences (/company/apeel-sciences) is creating plant-based protection to extend the shelf life of your produce. Their innovative product uses materials from fruits and vegetables to keep moisture inside your produce and oxygen out, making it last twice as long and helping to reduce food waste. Last year it’s valuation shot past $2B ( Phoenix Tailings (/company/phoenix-tailings) is a mining and metal production dedicated to producing the valuable materials we need from mining while eliminating the harmful waste that it produces as well. AELER Technologies (/company/aeler-technologies) is redefining the shipping container. Advanced materials make their containers insulated, stronger, and more environmentally friendly. If you want to work for a company rethinking the materials we use to build our reality, here are 5 advanced materials companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:209":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"209","title":"From Browsing to Spending to Marketing: 5 E-commerce Companies Hiring Now","slug":"from-browsing-to-spending-to-marketing-5-e-commerce-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"In just the past 5 years, e-commerce across the globe has nearly doubled ( A lot of that growth happened as a result of the pandemic ( Previously, U.S. e-commerce sales weren’t projected to cross over the $1T mark until 2024, but with the help of the pandemic, this number should be reached before the end of this year ( Many believe it’s a new era of e-commerce dominance ( Approximately 60% ( of consumers prefer online shopping to a brick and mortar experience. E-commerce can also open up new opportunities to reach customers through new and cutting edge marketing techniques. Klaviyo ( is a customer data and marketing automation platform. They make storing and analyzing customer data simple and use this data to target customers with high impact marketing. Companies that use Klaviyo have reported getting more email sign-ups from consumers, as well as consumers that are more likely to make another purchase from the company within 90 days ( Another huge player in the ecommerce realm happens to be streaming services. Anime is a medium where fans used to have to rely on expensive imports or dodgy bootlegs (, but with streaming services like Crunchyroll (/company/crunchyroll) entering the market, it is far easier for fans to access the shows they want to see. They stand to grow even larger in the coming years; in 2021 Crunchyroll was purchased by Sony’s Funimation for $1.175B (/today/stories/sony-s-funimation-acquires-anime-streaming-service-crunchyroll-for-1-175-billion-33841). If you want to work in the industry that is changing how we purchase items and services, take a look at our list of 5 companies in ecommerce hiring now."},"JobCollection:208":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"208","title":"From Sunny Oceanside Getaways To Mountain Retreats: 5 Travel Companies Hiring Now","slug":"from-sunny-oceanside-getaways-to-mountain-retreats-5-travel-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The vacation and travel industry was one of the areas of the economy that was most affected by COVID-19 ( shutting down travel and isolating people. Now the people are vaccinated and travel restrictions are being lifted (, there is a strong desire ( for travel. Whether it’s to reconnect with family and friends, or to simply get away, travel is back on the mind of many people. In recent months, spending on travel has been around 2019, pre-pandemic levels ( Leading voices in the travel industry and startups are using this period of rebuilding to create, a more resilient ( travel and tourism sector. TravelPerk (/company/travelperk) is a platform that makes booking and managing business travel a breeze. They make business travel safe, easy, and they can even offset 100% ( of carbon emissions from business travel. Last year they raised $160M (/today/stories/travelperk-raises-160m-in-equity-and-debt-after-a-year-of-derailed-business-trips-43180) in series D funding. AvantStay (/company/avantstay) is a company that creates expertly curated home-away-from-home experiences for their guests. They help guests book luxury estates that have top quality interior design and activities, courtsey of their team, for an unforgettable vacation home experience. Family vacations, friends trips, corporate retreats, and more can be elevated with AvantStay. Last year they raised over $160M ( in series B funding. If you want to work for a company that helps turn travel dreams into reality, take a look at these 5 companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:207":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"207","title":"What’s Cooking in the Food and Beverage Tech Industry? 5 Companies Hiring Now","slug":"what-s-cooking-in-the-food-and-beverage-tech-industry-5-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The food and beverage industry isn’t all caviar and champagne these days after getting walloped ( by the pandemic. Food and beverage makers, distributors, restaurants, and others are adjusting to a number of other global challenges (read: opportunities) that make the industry especially enticing to tech entrepreneurs and investors (/today/stories/the-2022-outlook-for-food-and-beverage-companies-and-investors-marcum-llp-67717). The food industry generated $8.27T ( in 2021, a number that’s expected to grow to $11T ( by 2027. Automation (/job-collections/5-robotic-process-automation-rpa-tech-companies-enhancing-work-with-robots-and-hiring-now) is expected to play a role in everything from making food safer (/today/stories/ai-holds-the-key-to-automation-in-the-food-industry-67718) to delivering it faster and fresher. Companies are confronting crosswinds of food shortages ( combined with labor shortages (,pay%20and%20less%20customer%20harassment), all while demand continues to increase (,by%20more%20than%20population%20growth) along with populations. Other trends present opportunities, like the increased popularity of plant-based diets and juice (/today/stories/global-juice-concentrates-market-2022-to-2027-value-added-products-are-gaining-momentum-67720), the rise of robot-assisted farming (/job-collections/5-robotic-process-automation-rpa-tech-companies-enhancing-work-with-robots-and-hiring-now) and cobots (/job-collections/hiring-now-5-companies-helping-humans-with-smart-cobots) in the kitchen, and the rise of food delivery (,15%25%2C%20the%20survey%20found). Qwick (/company/qwick-1) is a staffing-as-a-service platform dedicated to helping restaurants tackle the labor shortage. Restaurants use Qwick’s system to hire workers as they need help, which is a win for staff, too, since it allows them more flexibility to choose their own schedule and where they work. Meanwhile, Daily Harvest (/company/daily-harvest-2) is taking advantage of food trends with a food delivery service specializing in plant-based meals. Interested in working in an industry that serves everyone? Here are 5 food or beverage tech companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:206":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"206","title":"5 Latinx-owned Companies Hiring Today","slug":"5-latinx-owned-companies-hiring-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Funding for LatinX startup founders grew from less than $2B in 2017 to nearly $7B in 2021 ( But despite this growth, LatinX-founded startups still receive little more than 2% of all VC investment. Recognizing the need, Google recently launched ( an investment fund to promote better equity for Latino-led startups. Alongside the $5M in investment allocated to the fund, Google revealed that they will provide mentorship, cloud credits, and access to therapy sessions. San Francisco-based BetterUp (/company/betterup) is helping people up-level their lives and careers with a mobile platform focused on personal and professional skills coaching. Meanwhile, Pittsburgh-based Duolingo (/company/duolingo) is on a mission to enable us all to communicate better with each other. It’s now the world’s top downloaded education app, too. The company has helped more than 120M people learn a new language. San Francisco-based Brex (_/company/brex) is a Y Combinator alumnus that provides all-in-one finance for small businesses. Boston-based Drift (/company/heydrift) and Seattle-based Outreach (/company/outreach) are helping those businesses drive sales with their software. Check out our list of top Latinx-founded tech companies hiring today."},"JobCollection:205":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"205","title":"5 Startups Hiring Engineers Now","slug":"5-startups-hiring-engineers-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Software engineers are one of the most in demand ( roles across a wide range of industries. Companies are willing to pay top dollar in order to attract the best and brightest. Overall, engineers earn a healthy median salary of $100k (, while certain specialties commonly net salaries in the $200k+ ( range. A career as an engineer can be challenging and incredibly rewarding. Beyond the great pay, engineers are often hard at work solving a tech company’s most pressing challenges, which makes the work intellectually stimulating. Often, their tech solutions lead to a better planet (,of%20living%20in%20underdeveloped%20countries) because of the central role tech plays in sustainability, clean energy, healthcare, transportation, food security, and more. One company hiring engineers with an incredibly important mission is Virta Health (/company/virta-health). The company recently raised another $130M+ ( to create a first of its kind medication- and surgery-free treatment for type 2 diabetes. Plume (/company/plume-design) enables the next generation of smart home tech with a platform that helps other tech companies and operator services deploy wifi solutions. The company recently took home three awards ( at the 2022 Visionary Spotlight Awards. If you are looking for a rewarding and engaging career in the engineering field, take a look at our list of 5 top tech companies hiring engineers now."},"JobCollection:204":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"204","title":"5 Tech Companies Hiring Remote Workers","slug":"5-tech-companies-hiring-remote-workers","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"It’s clear by now: Remote work is here to stay. No longer simply a safety precaution in a pandemic, remote work is opening up new opportunities for job seekers and tech companies alike. Some expect as many as 25% ( of all professional office jobs in the U.S. to be remote by the end of 2022. High paying remote options at companies have risen from 4% pre-pandemic to over 15% ( today. Remote work allows workers to be productive ( at their own pace and on their own schedules, from the comfort of their own home. It’s given a boost to travel (, too, since people can now work from anywhere with an Internet connection. Remote and flexible work can also deliver mental health ( benefits and support an overall happier and more fulfilled lifestyle for employees. Employers also reap major benefits ( Twitter ( is among the Big Tech companies leading the way by downsizing office space and encouraging virtual offices. AssemblyAI (/company/assemblyai-1) is a fully remote company that develops AI that understands and transcribes audio. In addition to being fully remote, the company offers unlimited PTO, equity, and a $1k home office improvement bonus. The company recently raised $30M ( in Series B funding. Overjet is a startup that uses AI to help dentists make challenging diagnoses more manageable. They are fully remote and growing. Last year the company raised $42M ( in Series B funding. If working remotely is a high priority for your career and lifestyle, take a look at these five top tech companies hiring fully or largely remote staff now."},"JobCollection:203":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"203","title":"6 Top Tech Companies Hiring Positions $100K+","slug":"6-top-tech-companies-hiring-positions-100k","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"In June, the U.S. saw their inflation rate continue to soar, rising to 9.1% (,according%20to%20our%20econometric%20models). Studies show that having enough money to live comfortably is a key foundation for a happy life (,believe%20money%20can%20buy%20happiness.\u0026text=Unlike%20the%20Princeton%20researchers%2C%20Killingsworth,less%20happiness%2C%22%20he%20noted.), but the ever-increasing cost of living is causing many to fall behind ( financially. Now is a great time for skilled and dedicated workers to upgrade their standing in life with a high paying and exciting career. Social Native (/company/social-native) is a company that connects brands with professional, trendy, engaging content creators to help create authentic visual content. They have connected companies such as Dollar Shave Club and Adidas with creators to help generate buzz around the brand. They are expanding their investment in the creator economy, forming partnerships with creator talent companies like ( in order to tap into their network to serve more clients. Based out of Venice, Calif., CareRev (/company/care-revolutions) is tackling the labor issues that plague the healthcare system. Their platform allows medical facilities to quickly and easily get help with covering open shifts, optimizing their workforce while reducing labor costs. Last year, the company raised $50M in Series A funding, a testament to their success, alongside happy customers and well paid employees. If you want to take the next step in your career and life in a position that pays $100K+, here are 6 exciting companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:202":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"202","title":"Step Into The Future With These 5 AI Companies Hiring Now","slug":"step-into-the-future-with-these-5-ai-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Artificial Intelligence is becoming more powerful, fast, and integrated into human lives by the day, with no signs ( of slowing down anytime soon. Companies are utilizing AI to great success to increase productivity and profits, with 92% ( of large companies utilizing AI reporting returns on their AI investments. AI also has the power to ease the stress felt by workers by eliminating menial tasks (, in turn giving them the ability to focus on more thoughtful areas of their job. For example, AssemblyAI (/company/assemblyai-1) is a remote company that builds powerful AI models for developers, startups, and companies to transcribe, understand, and organize audio data. This simple but time consuming task can be done far more efficiently by their API, allowing humans to focus on the work that really matters. The capabilities of AI seem nearly limitless, as demonstrated by Sanctuary AI (/company/sanctuary-ai-2), a company setting out to create human-like intelligence in robots. They aim to tackle labor shortages facing many large companies ( with the help of robots capable of performing manual labor and thinking like people. Some critics are concerned of the dangers of creating AI that could become intelligent enough to reach some form of sentience (; that’s where a company like OpenAI (/company/openai) comes in. They are a research company dedicated to finding and deploying a safe path towards artificial general intelligence. They want an AI that benefits humanity, with safety and human needs at its core, not profit. If you want to work in an industry that will play a large part in shaping the future of other industries and all of humanity, here are 5 AI companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:201":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"201","title":"Women-Owned Companies Hiring Top Talent","slug":"women-owned-companies-hiring-top-talent","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"In 2021, women-founded startups in the U.S. raised $55B, representing a 146% YoY increase ( from 2020. However, despite this growth, funding for women founders remains at only 2% of total VC dollars. While many hurdles remain, there are breakthroughs to be celebrated. 2021 saw 4X ( more women-led startups reach unicorn status than 2020. This class of 83 newly minted women-led unicorns spans everything from agtech and healthcare to e-commerce and delivery. And then there’s Sydney, Australia-based Canva (/company/canva), which became the world’s most valuable woman-led startup ( at $40B. What’s more, women-led startups have consistently shown that when they do get funded, they have a higher likelihood of success ( Now, more organizations, certification and funding programs, and women-focused business awards ( are emerging to expand opportunities for more women to join the ranks of success. Founded by Arianna Huffington, Thrive Global (/company/thrive-global) aims to unlock human potential by busting stress and preventing burnout. Berlin-based Clue (/company/clue) helps over 10M people each month to get insights into their reproductive health. The company collaborates with universities to advance female health research and provide education about health, periods, and sex. New York City-based BlockFi (/company/blockfi) is building bridges between traditional finance and crypto markets. The company’s first product, a USD loan secured by cryptoassets, allows clients to access liquidity without losing future upside or triggering a taxable event. Check out our list of top companies with women founders hiring now."},"JobCollection:200":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"200","title":"5 Hot Tech Companies Hiring to Up-level Consumer Packaging ","slug":"5-hot-tech-companies-hiring-to-up-level-consumer-packaging","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Packaging has always been a way of establishing brand identity, but increasingly, companies are putting their values on display with environmentally friendly packaging options. Companies like Returnity (/company/returnityinc) and Mi Terro (/company/mi-terro) are pioneering reusable and degradable packaging materials with products made from agricultural byproducts ( and surplus food. In some cases, such as with Cometeer (/company/cometeer), packaging is even improving the taste of ingredients. Other technologies like Machine Learning are rapidly maturing in the packaging market. Companies like Adrich (/company/adrich) and Arka (/company/arkainc) are making the world of packaging more intelligent with sophisticated data collection. The use of these new technologies is crucial for delivering optimum productivity and efficiency, prompting many packaging companies to embrace automation. The pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. and the expanding ecommerce sector in Asia are also set to help packaging grow. Global Market Insights Inc. anticipates the packaging equipment industry will grow to a $50B market ( by 2027. If you’re interested in working at the intersection of design and environmentalism, check out our list of companies revolutionizing packaging."},"JobCollection:199":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"199","title":"From Prototype to Production: 3D Printing Companies Hiring Now","slug":"from-prototype-to-production-3d-printing-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing as it’s more commonly referred to, is reshaping ( our manufacturing capabilities. 3D printing allows companies to speed up the manufacturing process from rapid prototyping ( to production ( It is also a very cost effective ( and sustainable ( production method for companies to adopt. Montreal-based AON3D (/company/aon3d) is an exciting company that prints advanced materials for aerospace, R\u0026D, industrial, and other industries. Parts that they have worked on have ended up on the International Space Station (\u0026utm_content=216109975\u0026utm_medium=social\u0026utm_source=linkedin\u0026hss_channel=lcp-10902156), the moon (/today/stories/aon3d-closes-11-5m-series-a-partners-with-astrobotic-to-send-3d-printed-parts-to-the-moon-51673), and other out of this world places. Amsterdam-founded online manufacturing platform Hubs (/company/hubsmfg) that helps with everything from rapid prototyping to full scale production for over 35,000 businesses across the globe ( People can upload a prototype, get an instant quote, and start production quickly with Hubs. The company offers ( its employees free lunch, 24 days paid leave, a yearly trip to Europe, and other benefits. Massachusetts-based Markforged (/company/markforged) is an additive manufacturing company that specializes in metal and carbon fiber printing to create tough, factory floor ready parts. The company is expanding as well, having recently acquired 3D printing company Digital Metal (/today/stories/markforged-acquires-digital-metal-for-40m-as-3d-printing-space-continues-to-evolve-67124). Last year, Markforged went public in a $2.1B ( SPAC deal. If you want to work in this exciting industry that is changing how we manufacture products and is expected to grow to $50.8B ( by 2030, take a look at our list of 5 3D printing companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:198":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"198","title":"Life Is Expensive, These Startups Are Helping (and Hiring)","slug":"life-is-expensive-these-startups-are-helping-and-hiring","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Living is getting more expensive ( Millions of Americans feel the crushing weight of student debt ( and deteriorating credit scores ( Luckily, startups are tackling these issues head-on, helping a diverse array of people in the process. Cherry (/company/cherry-technologies) is a San Francisco-based fintech that helps to take the burden off of people with expensive medical needs. With Cherry, patients can quickly and easily create and manage payment plans to split their expenses into manageable monthly payments. Nearly 45% ( of consumers take advantage of the ‘buy now pay later’ model, and Cherry gives that option to the people who need it the most. Earnest (/company/earnest) is a company on a mission to make higher education more accessible and affordable by finding the best ways to lower their bills and pay off student debt. In 2021, it was the leading ( refinancer of student loans in the U.S. by origination value. January (/company/january-tech) is a company that works to treat borrowers who have fallen behind on debt with respect and dignity, while simultaneously getting them back on track towards financial stability. Early this year, the startup received $10M in funding which it put towards hiring and expanding its product line. If you want to work for a company dedicated to helping to make ends meet for millions of people, take a look at our list of employers hiring now."},"JobCollection:197":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"197","title":"5 Hot Companies Hiring Growth Hackers","slug":"5-hot-companies-hiring-growth-hackers","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Despite difficult times for many sectors, marketers remain in high demand. The field is expected add 10% (/job-collections/5-companies-with-revolutionary-marketing-strategies-hiring-now) more jobs by 2030. Part of this growth is due to the need for more specialized forms ( of marketing needed to tackle the problems a company might be facing. When a company is focused specifically on rapid growth, they look for a special kind of marketer to help them achieve their goals. Growth hackers ( are the people with the expertise to make this happen. Denver-based SonderMind (/company/sondermind) is looking to grow its behvioral therapy platform in order to make mental health resources accessible to anyone. Last July, they closed a $150M (/today/stories/sondermind-raises-150m-in-series-c-funding-49315) series C financing, and since have been using the funds to expand to all 50 states. San Francisco-based Chime (/company/lifeatchime) is on a mission to provide Americans with banking services that are easy and free. The company’s approach doesn’t rely on overdraft ( monthly service, minimum balance, or other member fees. Zurich-based On Running (/company/on_running1) wants to spread the joy of running. Together, sports scientists, athletes, and enthusiasts, (plus growth hackers) are developing shoes and apparel at the intersection of design and technology. As strategies for sustainable growth continue to evolve, roles for growth hacking continue to rise. Check out our list of 5 hot companies hiring growth hackers now."},"JobCollection:196":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"196","title":"Hiring: 5 Tech Companies Modernizing Self-Taught Skills","slug":"hiring-5-tech-companies-modernizing-self-taught-skills","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Technological and cultural shifts ( have led to workers placing their needs above their employers and looking for personal growth and new opportunities. It’s fitting then that there are companies capitalizing on this trend of personal development by creating services dedicated to helping people become the best versions of themselves. More than half ( of the workforce says that more professional development would help them in their current roles. The self-improvement industry is expected to grow from $41B in 2022 to over $67B ( by 2030. One of the most valuable skills ( that companies look for is the ability to speak multiple languages. Duolingo (/company/duolingo) is a company teaching these skills to over 120M users across the world. They use industry leading tech such as AI (/today/stories/edtech-language-platform-duolingo-ups-the-ai-ante-51980) to create their fun and effective lessons. JobPrepped (/company/jobprepped) is a digital marketing training program that offers its users immediate work experience. They help users with everything from resume optimization to digital marketing training to tips to ace their interviews. Stock Navigators (/company/stock-navigators) is for the person who wants to escape the corporate 9-5 lifestyle. They give users the tools to learn how to achieve financial freedom via building wealth through financial markets. If you are interested in working for a company dedicated to helping others grow, here are 5 self improvement companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:195":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"195","title":"Hiring: 5 Companies Tech Companies Offering Tuition Reimbursement","slug":"hiring-5-companies-tech-companies-offering-tuition-reimbursement","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Every year U.S. companies spend around $28B on tuition reimbursement ( — though only 2% ( of employees with access to it take advantage of. People who work at companies that offer tuition reimbursement tend to have stronger networks (, be more confident (, and stay at their companies longer (,t%20use%20the%20tuition%20reimbursement). Amazon (/company/amazon) is one of the tech giants leading the way in this realm. The company offers tuition reimbursement ( to employees across the board. Jellyvision (/company/jellyvision) is a Chicago-based startup that creates software to help employees make better decisions about their benefits from their company. Fittingly, Jellyvision offers some fantastic benefits, including a home office allowance, health insurance, and tuition reimbursement ( LogicMonitor (/company/logicmonitor) creates a cloud-based and fully automated infrastructure monitoring platform to help businesses innovate and improve their efficiency. Employees get paid professional development, a tuition stipend, and tuition reimbursements, among other benefits. If you are looking for a career that prioritizes your education and professional development, take a look at these companies that offer tuition reimbursement that are hiring now."},"JobCollection:194":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"194","title":"Satellite, Maps, and 3D: 5 Spatial Engineering Companies Hiring Now","slug":"satellite-maps-and-3d-5-spatial-engineering-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"A geographic information system, or “GIS” for short, is a geographic database that has tools to analyze and visualize said data. Factor the power of 3D scanning and visualization into the equation and you have one of the most powerful, cutting edge technologies available to businesses ( today. Farming is one area where GIS technology is flourishing. Farmers face an ever increasing list of variables, such as the effects of global warming (, that impact crop yield. Companies like Indigo AG are helping farmers sustainably increase their yield ( by measuring environmental variables such as untilled soil’s capacity to trap carbon ( Wisconsin-based upstart Agrograph (/company/agrograph-1) is doing similar work by analyzing and visualizing farm data. GIS companies often use 3D visualization tools from companies like Navvis (/company/navvis) that make precise and ergonomic wearables. That allows them to create accurate visual maps at an incredible pace ( They are always working on fascinating new technological endeavors, such as their recently announced partnership ( with AR tech company Magic Leap to create large-scale AR applications for complex enterprise environments. If you want to work in a fast growing (,16.15%25%20during%20the%20forecast%20period) tech field, here are 5 GIS/3D visualization companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:193":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"193","title":"Bots Galore: 5 Robotics Companies Hiring Now","slug":"bots-galore-5-robotics-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Robots are an increasingly common feature of our daily lives, and nowhere more so than a factory floor. Manufacturing puts to work 90% (,be%20found%20in%20such%20facilities) of robots in operation today. Auto titans like Toyota, Hyundai, and Ford are investing heavily ( into robotics to increase efficiencies. San-Francisco-based self-driving car service Cruise (/company/cruise-automation) is shaking up the automotive industry with its autonomous rideshare fleet, which attracted $1.35B (/today/stories/cruise-loaded-with-another-1-35b-from-softbank-opens-up-driverless-ride-hailing-to-the-public-58426) in investment from SoftBank. Kodiak Robotics (/company/kodiak-robotics) works with similar technology to create a wave of self-driving trucks. This is a service in high demand. Last year there was a shortage of 80k (,drivers%20over%20the%20next%20decade) drivers. Zipline (/company/zipline-international-1) is a robotics company with an nobel mission. The company uses autonomous drones to deliver vital medical supplies across the globe. In 2021, they received the prestigious Secretary of State ( award for their work strengthening access to health security in Ghana. The global robotics industry is expected to grow from $55B ( in 2021 to around $160B ( by 2030. If you want to become apart of this important and growing industry, here are 5 robotics companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:192":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"192","title":"4 Companies Hiring Top Developer Talent","slug":"4-companies-hiring-top-developer-talent","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Studies show that on average, people who were nerds in highschool end up earning more ( than their popular “jock” counterparts. For example, the average salary of a remote software developer is $110K (/blog/software-engineer-salary#:~:text=Software%20engineer%20pay%20by%20experience%20level\u0026text=Entry%2Dlevel%20software%20engineers%20earn,an%20average%20salary%20of%20%24141%2C706) a year. This career path opens the door to work in a wide variety of industries because of how wildly in demand ( the position is. The field is projected to grow 22% ( by 2030. If you’re a cyber-nerd with a passion with a passion for making the internet a better place, working in the Web3 field might be for you. While companies like Binance and have established themselves as major players in the crypto/Web3 space, there’s plenty of room for startups. U.S. and Mumbai-based Ethereum Push Notification Services (/company/ethereum-push-notification-service) developed the world’s first open communication layer for the web3 ecosystem and plans to roll it out over Ethereum, L2s, other blockchains. Now dapp users can get rewarded ( for their level of engagement. If your nerdy interests lie closer to the convergence of computers and the human mind, look no further than Elon Musk founded company Neuralink (/company/neuralink). The company, based out of California and Texas, aims to enable people to operate phones and computers despite physical limitations. In the future their product can help with everything from speeding up how much time it takes to send an email to ‘solving’ ( autism and schizophrenia. Others might take their nerd skills to the clouds. Based in Canada, High Tech Genesis (/company/high-tech-genesis-1) is one of many up-and-coming startups looking for talent to build cloud infrastructure. If you are ready for all of your hard, nerdy work to pay off, take a look at these 4 companies hiring high paying developer positions in exciting fields."},"JobCollection:191":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"191","title":"5 Proptech Companies Bringing Real Estate Into the Digital Age","slug":"5-proptech-companies-bringing-real-estate-into-the-digital-age","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Anyone who’s ever bought or sold a house knows that real estate transactions are typically complex affairs requiring a small forest of paperwork. Tech companies are changing the game, though, simplifying life for those who build, buy, sell, and rent property. Real estate technology—commonly referred to as “proptech” or “realtech”—sits at the crossroads of the sharing economy, fintech, and real estate. The sector grew like gangbusters ( the past few years as investors took advantage of historically low interest rates and sought modern software solutions to make things more efficient. Along the way, tech companies disrupted ( just about every areas of real estate for landlords, tenants, investors, brokers, and more. Sometimes called Realtech, The industry is expected to reach $86B ( over the next year following an injection of $32B in VC funding in 2021—marking a 28% increase from the year before. Funding is roughly split down the middle, with half devoted to residential and the other half to commercial property. Real estate software devoted the construction and property management is expected to remain hot through 2022, though rising mortgage rates and other economic conditions could cool a once-hot residential market. New York City-based StackSource (/company/stacksource) (/company/stacksource) makes it easy for commercial buyers to connect with financing options like banks, insurance companies, and private lenders. San Francisco-based Divvy (/company/divvy-homes) offers residential buyers new flexibility by offering a rent-to-own option for most any home purchase. The company wil purchase your home and rent it back to you. Companies like Orchard (/company/orchardhomes) and HomeLight (/company/homelight) are also transforming how people buy and sell homes with their own online platforms. New York City-based Obligo (/company/obligo) offers a tech-enabled alternative ( to traditional security deposits. If real estate moves you, check out our list below of top proptech companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:190":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"190","title":"5 Blockchain Companies Hiring to Revolutionize Real Estate","slug":"5-blockchain-companies-hiring-to-revolutionize-real-estate","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Blockchain-based real estate transactions are gaining traction with buyers, sellers, and investors. The distributed ledger technology is poised to give the real estate industry new life ( by increasing trust and transparency. What’s more, blockchain also has the potential to expedite contract processes, save time and reduce costs. The real estate industry is preparing to upgrade to web3 in order to consolidate web2 databases into a common ledger of leases and purchases that will allow brokers and agents to view the entire transaction history of properties. And, real estate NFTs ( will become all that’s required to document ownership of a property. Suddenly, ownership can become transferable without a middleman, in turn making the whole process cheaper, faster, and more secure than traditional real estate transactions. The recent sale of a home in Tampa marks the world’s third NFT sale of a home ( By simply connecting your wallet, after a few clicks, you can participate in transparent online auctions and apply for loans all in one place. Web3 real estate is so promising that even crypto credit scores ( are on the horizon. San Francisco-based Ripple (/company/ripple-labs) “tokenizes” value by bringing real estate transactions to the blockchain. Similarly, Blocknative (/company/blocknative-1) is developing a myriad of web3 products to help bring traditional finance to the metaverse. Austin-based Rex (/company/rexteams) provides an ecosystem for incubating, launching, and operating startups at the intersection of technology and real estate. Launch House (/company/launch-house) is building the future of community by creating physical and digital spaces to host social clubs populated by founders, engineers, and investors. Web3 real estate is just getting started. Check out our list below of top companies building blockchain-enabled real estate hiring now."},"JobCollection:189":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"189","title":"5 Companies Shaping the Future of Smart Real Estate","slug":"5-companies-shaping-the-future-of-smart-real-estate","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Proptech solutions embedded with smart wireless sensors are radically changing ( the way properties function. With streamlined technology, data from smart sensors can be easily integrated into building management systems that save tenants excess utility costs ( and add convenience for both tenants and renters. Sustainability (, connectivity, and automation are the core of smart real estate. Most commercial real estate companies still use manual methods ( to collect the data they rely on to manage building temperature, layout, and maintenance. Affordable, low-maintenance proptech means real estate companies of all sizes can also experience the benefits of IoT cost savings and convenience that keeps tenants smiling. The industry is is getting a boost with IoT technology that’s getting far more affordable for commercial and residential owners alike. New tech companies like Onwell (/company/ownwell) and Happyco (/company/happyco) leverage data to make property ownership a breeze. Younity (/company/younity-2) is focused on making wifi reliable throughout large multi-family properties. Meanwhile, Findigs (/company/findigs) and Doorloop (/company/doorloop) are building platforms to make navigating the home market easy, regardless if you’re looking to rent, buy, or sell. If you’re interested in building liveable spaces of the future, check out the list below of top smart real estate companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:188":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"188","title":"Hiring: 5 Tech Companies Doing Good in the World","slug":"hiring-5-tech-companies-doing-good-in-the-world","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Some of the most attractive companies to work for today are the ones taking it into their own hands to make positive change (/today/stories/why-work-for-a-nonprofit-creating-a-career-with-impact-68510) in the world. People who work for nonprofits are often more fulfilled (/today/stories/best-nonprofits-to-work-for-flexibility-benefits-and-feeling-appreciated-key-top-nonprofits-68511) by their work and feel that they are making progress everyday. In fact, 93% ( of nonprofit employees say they feel engaged in their work. Another attractive prospect of the nonprofit sector is that it is growing; in 2020 the market size was valued at $253B (,from%20%24255.54%20Billion%20in%202019) and this number is projected to grow to $345B (,from%20%24255.54%20Billion%20in%202019) by 2027. Additionally, some nonprofits receive public and private grants (, allowing them to offer better compensation packages. Code for America (/company/code-for-america) is a nonprofit that merges the best parts of technology with government to help make it work for everyone. They empower government and community organizations with the tools and tech to help make government services more accessible and effective. One downside of working for nonprofits is that they don’t pay ( as much as for-profit companies, but luckily there are plenty of for-profit companies that have a mission that seeks to better the world. Since tech is an increasingly important part of how any organization gets its work done, there are ample opportunities to work at for-profit companies that help nonprofits achieve their missions. Vera Solutions (/company/vera-solutions-1) is a social enterprise that’s dedicated to building could and mobile applications for social impact organizations across the world. They help organizations working in fields like health and education to work more effectively with the help of their tech solutions. The San Diego, Calif.,-based fundraising platform Classy (/company/classy) enables nonprofit social good organizations to easily raise funds. They offer a variety of services such as online donations, fundraising campaigns, ticketing, and more. Cuseum (/company/cuseum) is a software platform that helps museums, nonprofits, cultural institutions, and more with digital tools that make for a more engaging visitor experience. If you want to work for a startup dedicated to serving individuals and communities, here's our list of 5 companies doing good and hiring top tech talent now."},"JobCollection:187":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"187","title":"Here’s to the Host: 5 Hospitality Companies Hiring Now","slug":"here-s-to-the-host-5-hospitality-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"As pandemic restrictions lift and the world opens back up, travel is a top priority ( for many people. The hospitality industry stands to benefit from our collective desire to get away (/job-collections/7-startups-you-should-apply-to-if-you-love-tech-and-travel) and the rise of a digital nomad workforce (/job-collections/digital-nomad-jobs). The industry market is projected to grow substantially over the next 5 years, from $4T ( to nearly $7T as companies capitalize on opportunities to introduce new services and tech ( that elevate the travel experience. Companies like AvantStay (/company/avantstay) are making travel more convenient and comfortable than ever, tailoring places to their customers’ every need. AvantStay offers a curated home-away-from-home experience for people who book travel through their service, connecting travelers with luxury estates and manages services during their stay. Meanwhile companies like Placemakr (/company/placemakr) are blurring traditional lines between permanent homes and temporary stays by offering all the luxury, amenities, and white-glove service of a hotel with longer stays. Blueground (/company/blueground) designs and furnishes properties for longer term rentals and then manages the rental throughout the stay. If you want to work in the hospitality industry, here is our list of 5 top hospitality tech startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:186":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"186","title":"Hiring Today: 5 Companies Moving the Sharing Economy Forward","slug":"hiring-today-5-companies-moving-the-sharing-economy-forward","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"At a time when just about everything’s more expensive ( for just about everyone (, the sharing economy is the big winner. It’s little surprise we’re seeing huge growth in everything from shared rides and homes to offices and luggage storage. The sharing economy allows people to skip past traditional retail shopping and services in favor of services delivered on-demand with another person. In the U.S., an estimated 90M ( people participate in the sharing economy, and it's market size is expected to reach $1.5T (,period%20of%202019%20to%202024) by 2024. Bounce (/company/getbounce) provides travelers with secure and cheap luggage storage in over 1k cities around the world. A few months ago, the company closed a $12M ( Series A funding, helping them expand their sights past the 100k+ customers they currently serve. Brik + Clik (/company/brik-clik) is bridging the gap ( between online and IRL retail spaces. The company creates modern retail spaces and curates trending brands, immersive events, and more in a sustainable space. The sharing economy is a ecosystem that shows no signs of slowing down; if you want to be apart of this movement here are 5 companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:185":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"185","title":"5 Major Tech Companies Prioritizing Women's Healthcare Benefits for their Employees Amidst Roe v Wade","slug":"5-tech-companies-prioritizing-women-s-healthcare-benefits-for-their-employees-amidst-roe-v-wade","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade, major tech companies are tweaking their benefits policies to support and provide health care for women in their workforce. In response to the recent laws impacting employees' health, tech giants like Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta ( have extended their benefits to include the expenses necessary to support every employee in their right to make the healthcare choices that are right for them ( Duolingo (/company/duolingo) has already updated ( their benefits to ensure all employees in the United States have access to reproductive healthcare. Netflix (/company/netflix) and Duolingo have both included a policy to reimburse the expenses necessary for U.S. employees and their dependants to access abortion services. Tesla (/company/tesla-motors) is also covering travel costs ( for employees seeking out-of-state abortions. GoodRx (/company/goodrx), a platform helping US citizens access affordable prescription drugs, is set to launch a new “Reproductive Health Center” ( to provide women with resources around emergency contraception, abortion costs, and access. While Box (/company/box), a company that helps people collaborate across the globe, released a statement (\u0026t=EEtLQ6gzjKqCvLQ3GeGyZg) reaffirming that they are committed to creating a safe, equitable, and inclusive workplace and will continue to offer paid time off and travel and medical expenses for reproductive healthcare services. While the fight for reproductive rights continues, the tech industry has an opportunity to step up and play a critical role ( in the safety and security of their women employees and customers. See below to learn more about the open roles at companies prioritizing women's healthcare benefits, supporting their employee's right to make their own healthcare decisions, and hiring now."},"JobCollection:184":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"184","title":"5 Black-Owned Tech Companies Hiring Amid 2022 Layoffs","slug":"5-black-owned-tech-companies-hiring-amid-2022-layoffs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The Great Resignation ( has seen Black employees leaving behind toxic work environments ( in search of meaning, equitable pay, and more support. Now, Black professionals are turning to entrepreneurship at unprecedented rates ( As a result, the number of Black-owned businesses in the U.S. is sitting at 30% ( above pre-pandemic levels. While there’s been progress, there’s a growing concern that the current wave of hiring freezes and layoffs in tech could reverse workforce diversity (/today/stories/tech-industry-layoffs-may-undo-workforce-diversity-gains-67927). At Meta, for example, the company reached its goal of doubling its Black workforce, but according to Meta’s chief diversity officer (, the need to watch budgets and work leaner is threatening their current employee mix. Tesla, Netflix, Peloton (, and many others have laid off tech workers in recent months. The failure of companies to make cultural changes that enable the retention of Black tech workers is all the more reason why there is a critical need for more Black founders in tech. Atlanta-based Calendly (/company/calendly) is the fastest growing company in scheduling automation; their simple scheduling software has connected over a million people. The founder, Tope Awotona, is one of just two Black tech billionaires ( in the U.S. Gro Intelligence (/company/gro-intelligence) was founded by Sara Menker to help customers tackle big data challenges. With offices in New York City and Nairobi, the company uses AI to help companies make sense of agriculture and climate data to forecast supply chains, fight climate change, and improve food security. Co-founders Kalam Dennis and Reham Fagiri of New York City-based AptDeco (/company/aptdeco) are working to do for interior design what Airbnb did for short-term rentals with a peer-to-peer marketplace for buying furniture. The site offers same-day pickup and delivery. Check out our list of companies headed by Black founders hiring now."},"JobCollection:183":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"183","title":"5 Tech Companies Optimizing the Workplace and Hiring Now","slug":"5-tech-companies-optimizing-the-workplace-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Tech companies are at the forefront of redefining the workplace. Around the office, just about everything is different ( than just a few years ago. People are working from home and community workspaces (, dress codes ( are relaxing, and schedules are getting more flexible ( Companies are deploying tech to help with every step of the process, from finding great remote jobs to renting temporary homes and offices to automating back-office operations and optimizing buildings for workers to perform their best. (/company/firstbase-io) is developing tools to help founders launch their startups faster with less red tape. The company helps startups get up and running, setting bank accounts, offering tax advisory, and everything in between. Once companies are established, CIC (/company/cic-3) offers “startup clusters” they can join to keep all the back-office administration tasks off the CEOs agenda. The company provides coworking office spaces, community kitchens, conference rooms, technical support, and more to startups. After a startup is up and going, Addappt Intelligence (/company/adappt-intelligence) helps optimize their office environment. The company leverages sensors and machine learning to help businesses maximize energy efficiency and productivity. If you want to work for a company that is making waves in the business world and changing how work gets done, here is our list of 5 companies redefining the future of work."},"JobCollection:182":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"182","title":"5 Remote Tech Companies with Unbelievable Home-Office Stipends Hiring in 2022","slug":"5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-home-office-stipends-hiring-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Worldwide, employees and companies alike are beginning to recognize that remote work is here to stay. By the end of 2022, 25% ( of all jobs in North America will be remote, and remote opportunities are predicted to continue their reign as we enter 2023. While many companies boast the benefits and flexibility that come with a distributed workforce, the seemingly permanent shift to remote work means they’ll have to do more ( than just be remote. As employees continue to work from home, companies will have to reimagine new ways to attract and retain top tech talent. Benefits like generous remote work stipends are on the rise as companies continue to brainstorm new ways ( to offer their employees better benefits and more support while working remotely. Denver-based data startup, Flatfile (/company/flatfile), is investing heavily into its employees by providing them with an interior designer and a whopping 10K ( stipend for the ultimate home office makeover. SaaS-based data collaboration platform, Logic Monitor (/company/logicmonitor), offers their remote employees an $1800/year ‘Harmony Bonus’ for workers to use on whatever adds personal and professional harmony to their lives. Async collaboration platform, Almanac (/company/almanacdocs), offers each full-time employee a monthly stipend of $200 to spend on their workspace. Similarly, Alt (/company/onlyalt) employees can expense up to $100/month to be used at their discretion. California-based company, Box (/company/box), has started giving their employees $600/month to compensate for perks they previously received in the office. If you’re looking for a company that promotes work-life balance and has the receipts to prove it, check out our list of companies with the most generous home-office stipends hiring now."},"JobCollection:181":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"181","title":"5 Companies Prioritizing Employee Mental Health and Hiring Now","slug":"5-companies-prioritizing-employee-mental-health-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Mental health continues to be a hot topic post-pandemic. 40% ( of U.S. adults struggle with their mental health, and companies are showing their support by increasing their employee mental health benefits. In the past year alone, 30% ( of employers have already made mental health a top priority for their workforce - but many employees still feel as though they need more ( support. By 2030, the cost of mental illness is projected to exceed $6T ( annually. As a result, companies are reevaluating their employee benefits in order to offer better solutions with more efficient support and care. The search-as-a-service platform, Algolia (/company/algolia), enables companies of all sizes to deliver fast and relevant digital experiences that drive results. Algolia puts effort into taking care of their employees by offering them free 1:1 care with licensed mental health providers. During the pandemic, the company also offered optional “Listening Circles” ( as a safe space for employees to share their thoughts and struggles. Pinterest (/company/pinterest) has taken on its own approach to employee well-being. In 2020 the company created an internal community called “Pinside Out” (\u0026si=8000000011685639\u0026pi=c17a0a2f-9274-4588-91b5-e77a04d4ae29), which serves as a forum for employees to discuss mental health, they also host wellness-focused events for employees bringing in experts to speak on a range of mental health topics. Modern Health (/company/modernhealth) is a platform that provides mental health services to companies for their employees. Their mission is to destigmatize mental health care, break down barriers to access, and give employees the support they need to succeed. Of course, they also offer incredible mental health benefits to their own team - making it no surprise that 95% ( of their employees agree that Modern Health is a great place to work. If you’re interested in joining a company that prioritizes the mental health of their employees, see our list below of companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:180":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"180","title":"These Tech Companies are Making Waves in Ocean Conservation and Hiring Now","slug":"these-tech-companies-are-making-waves-in-ocean-conservation-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The world is in the midst of an “ocean emergency\" (/today/stories/un-head-declares-ocean-emergency-as-global-leaders-gather-in-lisbon-67550), and the United Nations is urging countries to do more to restore ocean health. Many tech companies are heeding the call and hiring top tech talent to take on this global blue challenge. Sea level rise, ocean heating, ocean acidification, and greenhouse gas concentrations all reached record levels (/today/stories/four-key-climate-change-indicators-break-records-in-2021-67552) last year. Nearly 80% of the world’s waste water (/today/stories/quality-and-wastewater-un-water-67553) is still discharged into the sea without treatment. Without drastic action, plastic could outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050 (/today/stories/un-head-declares-ocean-emergency-as-global-leaders-gather-in-lisbon-67550), as millions of tons of plastic (/today/stories/plastic-waste-entering-oceans-expected-to-triple-in-20-years-67554) get dumped into the oceans each year. There is a critical need for more scientific knowledge and marine technology to build ocean resilience. Sofar Ocean Technologies (/company/sofar-ocean-technologies) produced two tools for exploring uncharted waters: Sensors that can measure the surface conditions of the ocean and an underwater drone that allows anybody to explore beneath the surface. Companies like Flexport (/company/flexport) are developing platforms for global logistics to help in that work. Nyshex (/company/nyshex) is focused on providing technologies for managing ocean freight contracts that will unite shippers and carriers with a predictable, efficient, and accountable system for global commerce—and reduce environmental impacts along the way. Around 3B people (/today/stories/sustainable-seafood-industries-wwf-67555) rely on seafood as their primary source of protein. Running Tide (/company/running-tide) is taking a hands-on approach to growing and deploying kelp micro forests in the deep ocean to sequester carbon. The company also design automated systems for farming oysters and clams in an attempt to produce high-quality protein while restoring coastlines. The world's oceans—if strongly protected (/today/stories/study-in-nature-protecting-the-ocean-delivers-a-comprehensive-solution-for-climate-fishing-and-biodiversity-67556)—can be key to addressing many of the world’s most pressing challenges. Sustainable management could help the ocean produce 6x more food and generate 40x the renewable energy, all while protecting the oceans and the people in coastal areas from the impacts of climate change. If you love the ocean and are passionate about protecting our planet, check out our list of top companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:179":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"179","title":"5 Companies Shaping the Future of Green Energy and Hiring Now","slug":"5-companies-shaping-the-future-of-green-energy-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Innovation and technology development play an ever more critical role in the world’s collective effort to fight climate change and move to a carbon-free future. The United Nations devotes more attention (/today/stories/this-is-what-we-need-to-invent-to-fight-climate-change-67525) than ever to the role of the tech sector in its most recent comprehensive report on climate change (/today/stories/climate-change-2022-mitigation-of-climate-change-67526). Fossil fuels still provide about 80% (/today/stories/energy-mix-67527) of the world’s energy, hampering efforts to eliminate carbon emissions and move to more environmentally sustainable economies. The U.N. warns (/today/stories/un-climate-report-it-s-now-or-never-to-limit-global-warming-to-1-5-degrees-67528) that unless drastic action is taken, global climate change goals are in danger of slipping out of reach by the end of this decade. Many countries and tech companies are taking drastic action to improve the performance of sustainable energy sources while reducing the cost of producing them. It’s working: Sustainable energy sources like wind, solar, and battery technologies that emit little to no greenhouse gases have made massive strides in recent years. Demand for renewable energy is on the rise (/today/stories/renewables-2020-analysis-iea-67529), too, and global events like the Ukraine crisis are only helping to advance the argument against oil (/today/stories/what-the-war-in-ukraine-means-for-energy-climate-and-food-67531). Global investment in the energy sector hit a record $755B in 2021, with renewables leading the way (,a%20new%20report%20from%20BloombergNEF.). Sustainable fusion as a power source (/today/stories/european-fusion-reactor-sets-record-for-sustained-energy-67533) has long been promoted as a potentially powerful tool in the fight against climate change. Companies like Commonwealth Fusion Systems (/company/commonwealth-fusion-systems), a venture spun out of MIT's plasma science and fusion center, are leveraging decades of past research and VC funding to advance this arena. Batteries are another hot area. Companies like Form Energy (/company/form-energy) are developing energy storage solutions that make a fully renewable electric grid possible. Meanwhile, Moxion Power (/company/moxion-power-co) is helping heavy industries like construction get more green with more powerful and reliable portable batteries. Some companies are helping the oil industry leverage tech to get cleaner. For example, Crusoe Energy Systems (/company/crusoe-energy-systems) provides oil and gas companies with a tech solution that the company claims eliminates up to 98% of methane emissions ( caused by natural gas flaring. With so many valuable approaches emerging to combat the climate crisis, every application of energy is seeing a push for innovation. If you’re excited by the prospect of a world powered by green energy, see our list of startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:178":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"178","title":"5 Tech Companies You Should Apply to if You’re Passionate about Sustainability ","slug":"5-tech-companies-you-should-apply-to-if-you-re-passionate-about-sustainability","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Across the globe people are more focused than ever on environmental issues and committed to achieving net-zero (,reach%20net%20zero%20by%202050). Tech companies are responding with environmentally friendly products and processes that prove popular among consumers and talent alike. Apple (, Dell ( and Microsoft ( are among the Big Tech companies working toward carbon neutrality. Samsung is reducing its energy consumption and recycling 95% of its manufacturing waste (,to%20reduce%20their%20environmental%20impacts). Deloitte estimates that a “de-carbonized economy” (\u0026gclid=Cj0KCQiAybaRBhDtARIsAIEG3knO0u6r3ztS_38bZlajTirSYLvMWc7kWEgFKyABnyR8PIw6uBK58McaAlDjEALw_wcB) would save the U.S. $14T while adding another $3T to GDP. That presents a significant opportunity for new players in the sustainability space. Ethic (/company/ethic) offers institutions sustainable investing options. Chewie Labs (/company/chewie-labs) looks to rebuild the waste industry with sustainable design. Zoox (/company/zoox) has developed a fully autonomous vehicle fleet to provide mobility-as-a-service in urban environments. Flexport (/company/flexport) works to make shipping more sustainable, and Cognite (/company/cognite-1) is doing the same for SaaS. If you’re looking for a company that reflects your environmental ethos, check out our list of sustainability-focused companies hiring today."},"JobCollection:177":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"177","title":"Hiring Now: 5 Supply Chain Tech Companies Innovating the Industry in 2022","slug":"hiring-now-5-supply-chain-tech-companies-innovating-the-industry-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The pandemic brought to light a multitude of issues and inefficiencies ( in global shipping that many hope tech companies can fix. According to a recent survey, 93% ( of executives in shipping and logistics want to create a more flexible, agile, and resilient supply chain. As the industry adapts to the new normal, it’s also growing. The industry was valued at $10.1B (,9.02%25%20from%202021%20to%202028) in 2020 is expected to nearly double (,9.02%25%20from%202021%20to%202028) in size by 2028. That’s great news for job seekers. The industry is also projected to employ 30% ( more workers by 2030, with a starting salary of $60K ( and a median salary for professionals of roughly $90K ( Two tech companies at the forefront of supply chain innovation include San Francisco-based Arkestro (/company/arkestro), a predictive procurement platform, and Flexport (/company/flexport) which works with over 10k ( companies to ship goods. Supply chain management is a growing and changing industry that is critical to an immeasurable number of goods and services, and COVID showed how things can get when it fails. If you want to be a part of the movement to solve the supply chain crisis, here are 5 exciting startups in the field hiring now."},"JobCollection:176":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"176","title":"Computer Vision Technology is on the Rise and These 5 Innovative CV Companies are Hiring Now","slug":"computer-vision-technology-is-on-the-rise-and-these-5-innovative-companies-are-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Computer vision is a form of artificial intelligence in which computers can “see” ( and analyze images, video, and other types of data. Companies can hand off tasks both menial and complex to computer vision (CV) technology, which are performed by the computer without risk ( of fatigue, distraction, or other human errors. Computer vision is key technology making everything from warehouse robots to autonomous vehicles (,safe%20experience%20for%20its%20passengers) possible. CV can also help ( reduce costs and boost productivity in a variety of industries, from security ( to construction ( The computer vision industry generated $9.5B in 2020 and is expected to grow to $41B ( by 2030. San Francisco-based Hover (/company/hover) developed tech that allows anyone with a cell camera to create an accurately measured and interactive 3D model of their home to send off to insurance adjustors, interior decorators, and the like. Hive (/company/hiveai), with offices in San Francisco and Delhi, aims to power the next wave of intelligent automation with its plug-and-play computer vision and artificial intelligence services. As computer vision becomes more common across industries, now is a great time to join and build this technology. Here is our list of 5 startups working with computer vision hiring now."},"JobCollection:175":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"175","title":"6 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies Hiring Tech Talent Now","slug":"these-6-iot-tech-startups-want-you-to-hire-you","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a system made up of sensors, software, and a wide variety of devices ( that collect and communicate data to and from the Internet. Smart home tech like Google Home, smartwatches, connected cars, and more comprise more than 10B (\u0026text=This%20number%20is%20projected%20to,by%20the%20end%20of%202025.) devices active on the IoT. The IoT market is valued at nearly $400B ( and expected to grow substantially over the next decade to $2.5T ( along with the spread of 5G connectivity ( New York City-based (/company/ontarget-technologies) develops tech to make construction sites safer and more productive. The company deploys smart wearables ( for workers that include GPS, fall detection, and other safety functions as well as environmental sensors ( that can alert workers to the presence of harmful chemicals. Mountain View, Calif.-based Twin Health (/company/twin-health) is a health platform that uses IoT to help people manage chronic diseases. Medical experts help patients collect and decipher data from wearables that track biosignals. The Internet of Things is growing every day, and there is certainly no shortage of opportunities to be a part of this crucial industry. Here is our list of 6 IoT-based jobs hiring now."},"JobCollection:174":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"174","title":"5 Edtech Companies Shaping the Future of Education and Hiring Now","slug":"5-edtech-companies-shaping-the-future-of-education-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Education tech (“edtech”) is on the rise as educators and families try to adapt to a generation of children raised online. The industry is projected to grow to $100B ( by 2025. The pandemic helped kick innovation of edtech into overdrive, where more than 70% ( of colleges launched new online undergrad programs in the past couple of years and nearly two thirds ( of teachers in the U.S. use digital tools to teach every day. These trends are only expected to grow in the coming years. Edtech is demonstrably important for making learning more accessible (, as the at-your-pace structure of online learning paired with all the possibilities for edtech such as video lectures and gamified lessons can be helpful alternatives to students who struggle in a traditional class format. Additionally, studies ( show that students who spend an hour or more per week doing homework on a device excel. GoGuardian (/company/goguardian) is a company building tools to facilitate a more engaging learning environment for educators and students. Their systems ( can see how engaged students are, find areas in lessons that students struggle with most, and create safer learning environments. SchoolLinks (/company/schoolinks) is a learning platform dedicated to turning K-12 education into a pipeline for college and careers. Their platform gives students and academic advisors the tools they need to plan out their future and take the steps necessary to achieve it. If you want to join the edtech industry and contribute to shaping the minds of the next generation, here are 5 companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:173":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"173","title":"5 Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Tech Companies Enhancing Work With Robots and Hiring Now","slug":"5-robotic-process-automation-rpa-tech-companies-enhancing-work-with-robots-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is becoming increasingly common in the workplace. By 2025, intelligent automation systems are expected to replace more than 40% ( of service desk interactions. This doesn’t mean jobs are being eliminated and humans are being replaced with robots. Rather, RPA is designed to enhance ( the workplace by eliminating menial tasks (, simplifying processes (, and countering the possibility of human error (,hours%20on%20rectifying%20the%20errors). Many experts expect the industry to see significant growth over the next few years. In 2020, the industry’s market size was $1.29B (, and this is predicted to grow to $7.64B ( by 2028. Agtonomy (/company/agtonomy) is a company that works with established farming equipment manufacturers to turn tractors and agricultural machines into autonomous tools that can be controlled remotely by farmers. They aim to combat food and labor shortages in the farming industry by providing farmers with the tools to increase their productivity. While Augury (/company/augury) uses RPA to perform diagnostics on machines to predict and prevent them from failure. Their product is key for companies looking to decrease machine downtime and increase productivity. RPAs will continue to become increasingly common as they can be helpful to a wide variety of industries. If you want to build the future of robotics in the workplace, here are 5 RPA tech companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:172":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"172","title":"5 Climate Tech Companies Saving the Planet and Hiring Now","slug":"5-climate-tech-companies-saving-the-planet-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"As our planet continues to heat up year after year (, it becomes increasingly obvious that this is not an issue that can be handled by watching from the sidelines. Humans release roughly 50B tons ( of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere on a yearly basis. Just a few dozen large corporations are responsible for more than 70% ( of all global emissions. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we have until 2050 ( to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to zero. In response, startups are taking action by creating technology with the future of our species, climate, and planet in mind. Crusoe Energy (/company/crusoe-energy-systems) is a company that realizes that humanity can’t switch to completely clean energy at the drop of a hat. Their mission is to provide oil and gas companies with a simple, cheap solution to reduce flaring from natural gas. Their product can reduce up to 63% ( of carbon emissions from natural gas flares. Moxion Power (/company/moxion-power-co) aims to create a more sustainable way to get temporary, mobile power to industries that need it. Their battery-electric approach to mobile generators allows for a cleaner way to power construction sites, events, utilities, and more, all while offering the same performance as a traditional gas power generator. Climate tech is necessary for the survival of our planet and investors are realizing this; the industry could reach $1.5-2T ( in annual capital investment by 2025. If you want to join the industry working towards a cleaner, greener future, here is our list of 5 climate tech startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:171":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"171","title":"Send Your Tech Career into Orbit: 5 Satellite Tech Companies Hiring Now","slug":"send-your-tech-career-into-orbit-5-satellite-tech-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Satellites are an increasingly vital component of our everyday lives ( A wide range ( of industries from energy to defence utilize satellites in their operations, and they enable Internet access for millions ( of people. The industry is valued at $71B ( and is expected to see steady growth ( for the foreseeable future. An increased focus on space (,The%20global%20space%20economy's%20value%20reached%20%24424%20billion%20in%202020,satellite%20sector%2C%22%20Citi%20said) travel and exploration has also helped the satellite industry grow ( Astranis (/company/astranis) is a company dedicated to bringing Internet access to everyone. They create smaller, cheaper satellites to bring areas online; their first goal is to triple the internet capacity of Alaska. Last year, the company raised $250M ( and entered the realm of unicorns. Launcher (/company/launcherspace) is a company creating efficient rockets to send small satellites into orbit. They’re able to innovate and keep prices low by using technology like 3D printing ( The satellite industry is critically important to our lives today and in the future. If you want to join this fast-growing industry, here is our list of 5 companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:170":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"170","title":"5 Space Tech Companies You Should Apply to if You’re Interested in Exploring the Cosmos","slug":"5-space-tech-companies-you-should-apply-to-if-you-re-interested-in-exploring-the-cosmos","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The vast unknown of outer space has long lured curious minds. So it’s little wonder that today’s tech entrepreneurs play a key role in shaping our understanding of, and interaction with, the cosmos. Governments and tech companies are hiring top tech talent ( to propel the $420B ( space industry forward in areas as diverse as communications, mining (, farming, national security, tourism, and, indeed, possibly even colonizing ( other planets. Global revenue is predicted to reach $1T ( annually by 2040. The inception of the Space Force has spurred the U.S. government to look towards startups ( for help in an increasingly competitive global space market. In 2021, the Space Force funded startups with $32M ( in contracts. SpaceX (/company/spacex) is a long-established leader in the movement extending humans’ reach beyond Earth. ISpace (/company/ispace-technologies-1) is a NASA funded ( tech startup helping to move humanity towards the stars. The company creates micro-robots capable of locating and extracting resources in space that would be necessary for human survival. Relativity Space (/company/relativity-space) is using 3D printers to create rockets in 60 days. Interested in space tech? Here are 5 companies working towards space exploration hiring now."},"JobCollection:169":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"169","title":"Hiring Now: 5 Startups Merging the Tech and Sports Industries in 2023","slug":"hiring-now-5-startups-merging-the-tech-and-sports-industries-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"In 2023, emerging technologies continue to thin the line between the real and digital world ( for sports fans worldwide through the use of improved analytics, sports gaming, betting software, and even NFTs and the metaverse. AR and VR are being used to revolutionize training for athletes and digitalize events for fans, while sports-related NFTs are growing in popularity for both leagues and individual athletes. Companies like Swish Analytics (/company/swish-analytics) are enabling sophisticated sports betting through use of odds origination, risk management \u0026 trading software. While companies like Gametime United (/company/gametime) are building technology that simplifies the purchase of last-minute tickets, encouraging budget-friendly spontaneity amidst a surge back to sporting arenas. In the next few years, we’ll likely see a link between ticket sales and blockchains (, which will revolutionize the sporting event industry. Companies like Frontrunner (/company/frontrunnerinc) are ahead of the game, already creating a decentralized market where users can buy shares of sports predictions and trade them. Whats more, fan engagement has taken on new levels of authenticity. Now, we can see our favorite players giving house tours on YouTube and dancing all across TikTok. With the advancement of the \"athlete influencer\", ( companies like BlinkFire Analytics (/company/blinkfire-analytics) are keeping up by tracking and analyzing multi-dimensional media outlets; gauging engagement for teams, players, and entire leagues as they look to engage fans on a deeper level than ever before. With so many emerging technologies leading the way, every sport is seeing major innovation when it comes to fan engagement, event interaction, and overall revenue for the industry. If you’re interested in joining the booming sports-tech industry in2023, see our list of startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:168":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"168","title":"5 Companies Offering Unlimited PTO and Hiring Now","slug":"5-companies-offering-unlimited-pto-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The benefits most sought after by employees have changed post-pandemic, making workers less concerned with in-office perks and more interested in what companies are offering in terms of work-life balance (/job-collections/5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-benefits-hiring-now). In order to continue to attract and retain top talent, tech companies are adopting benefits like remote work, home-office stipends, and generous paid time off (PTO) policies. Studies show that employees want more flexibility, and employers are seeing the benefits of giving employees what they want. Happy employees lead to productivity, and with the most significant driver of employee happiness being trust (, companies are brainstorming new ways to make their employees feel valued. 72% ( of workers say that having unlimited PTO (UPTO) would increase their company loyalty, and the trending benefit is continuing to gain popularity despite controversy ( While UPTO is great in flexible environments, it won’t work for companies that still thrive on overwork (, triggering many companies to shift their cultures and adapt for emerging talent. Companies like Flatfile (/company/flatfile) are investing heavily in their employees by offering untraditional benefits, like a whopping home-office stipend of 10K ( GitHub (/company/github) has even made “work happier” (/company/github/culture) one of their culture pillars, boasting a flexible schedule and encouraging their workers to take time off when they need it. Companies like Roku (/company/roku) have gotten rid of company hierarchies, offering their employees complete autonomy, claiming that hiring the best talent and trusting them to do their job on their own terms ( will deliver the best results. If you’re interested in working for a company that promotes work-life balance, offers UPTO, and boasts other unconventional benefits check out our list below."},"JobCollection:167":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"167","title":"5 Hospitality-tech Companies Hiring Amidst the 2022 ‘Revenge Travel’ Boom ","slug":"5-hospitality-tech-companies-hiring-amidst-the-2022-revenge-travel-boom","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Despite flight and fuel prices going up, travel is at an all time high this summer. Everyone is travel-starved post-pandemic, and the hospitality industry is working hard to keep up with the tourism boom by integrating emerging technologies into their process. The vacation spike has been coined as “revenge travel” (, where people everywhere are trying to make up for lost time after the last two years of restrictions. As summer begins to peak, many accommodations are embracing automation ( Automation systems are simplifying the overall process for guests and staff. Companies like Selfbook (/company/selfbook-4) are setting a new standard for hotels to simplify, verify, and unify the direct booking experience in just one click ( While companies like Life House (/company/life-house) are offering software aimed at helping independent hotel owners to develop, design, and operate their boutique hotels. On the consumer side, companies like Find Hotel (/company/findhotel) are bringing customers around the world the best value for their accommodation search in a commercially viable way. While Hostfully (/company/hostfully) is helping vacation-rental managers and their guests make the most of every stay by giving property managers the tools they need to automate their business. If you’re interested in joining the booming hospitality-tech industry, there are ample opportunities available at companies working to make travel as seamless as ever."},"JobCollection:166":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"166","title":"5 Top Tech Companies Hiring for Customer Service Roles","slug":"5-top-tech-companies-hiring-for-customer-service-roles","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Customer service is mission-critical for most types of businesses. It’s not hard to see why. Seven out of ten Americans say that they’re more willing to spend money ( on a company that has exceptional customer service. Over the next decade, more than 350k (,Employment%20of%20customer%20service%20representatives%20is%20projected%20to%20show%20little,on%20average%2C%20over%20the%20decade) customer service positions are expected to be created each year as companies work to meet growing customer expectations ( for excellent service. Advanced data and analytics ( tools allow customer service workers to get ahead of customer needs by predicting customer satisfaction. Callback scheduling ( gives customers the ability to skip waiting on hold and provides workers with more flexibility as well. Companies like Blend (/company/blend) are building custom solutions for specific industries like financial services. In this case, the company makes it simple for people to gain access to financial resources. If you want to join this ever-expanding industry, explore our list of companies hiring customer service positions."},"JobCollection:165":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"165","title":"Hiring Now: These Companies are Helping Digital Nomads Work Remotely in 2022","slug":"hiring-now-these-companies-are-helping-digital-nomads-work-remotely-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"As travel spikes post-pandemic, digital nomads everywhere are on the hunt for the best locations and services to help them work remotely. Remote work is a hot topic as 9-5 desk jobs decline in popularity, and with so many companies switching to being location-independent, many startups have blossomed to help employees live and work around the world without constraints. Investment into the sector is also pouring into the booming sector, and with over 210% ( global growth year-over-year since 2015, VCs are paying attention. Co-living spaces like WiFi Tribe (/company/wifitribe) are making it possible for remote professionals from all backgrounds to travel the world while they work. The trend of professionals living, working, and travelling together brings a new meaning to work-life balance. Digital nomad living spaces like Selina (, plan to expand worldwide so remote workers can stay anywhere and work anywhere while exploring the globe and networking with like-minded individuals. As teams continue to be globally distributed, companies require the tools necessary for their employees to communicate remotely. Notion (/company/notion-labs) works to blend everyday work tools into one, while companies like Remote (/company/remotecom) take care of payroll, benefits, and compliance: allowing you to legally employ and pay people in countries where you don't have your own entity. If you’re looking to join the growing trend of co-living or just co-working in general, there are ample opportunities available at companies helping to provide the services necessary for employees to work remotely. See our list below of the hottest companies helping digital nomads and remote workers get the job done, no matter where they choose to work."},"JobCollection:164":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"164","title":"5 Hot Streaming Service Companies Hiring Now","slug":"5-hot-streaming-service-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Today’s streaming services go far beyond traditional offerings like Netflix and Hulu which have long dominated the space. The two perennial streaming giants lost a significant share of viewers in recent years—from two-thirds to less than half ( of U.S. subscribers—as niche upstarts found their footing in an industry that continues to see rapid growth. Over the next 5 years, the industry is expected to more than quadruple in value from $370B ( today to $1.7T ( Much of that growth will be driven by specialty offerings, which saw 66% ( customer growth in 2021. Companies like Crunchyroll (/company/crunchyroll) are bringing new types of entertainment to fans of anime. Sony bought the company in 2020 for over $1B ( after the platform gained 5M ( subscribers. Peloton (/company/peloton), too, is counted amount streaming services because of its extensive catalog of entertaining, instructor-led, video streaming content. The streaming service industry is poised to see lots of change and success in the next few years. If you want to be a part of that, take a look at our list of 5 streaming service companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:163":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"163","title":"Hiring Now: Top Blockchain Companies Making Crypto Mainstream","slug":"hiring-now-top-blockchain-companies-making-crypto-mainstream","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Blockchain is going mainstream. Government agencies across the globe are finding all sorts of novel use cases ( for decentralized public ledgers. Sweden saw massive efficiencies in the way it processes land-title transfers by putting them on a decentralized platform, cutting transaction time down by 90% ( The Netherlands is using a blockchain-based infrastructure to administer its pension program ( In Malta, regulators are experimenting with a system for verifying academic credentials on-chain ( In the U.S., Chainalysis (/company/chainalysis) is a dominant name in blockchain surveillance. What started as a $9k contract with the FBI in 2015 has blossomed into contracts with 10 federal agencies and has Chainalysis being called “the cryptocurrency-tracing equivalent of Palantir” ( U.S. Homeland Security awarded San Francisco-based Coinbase (/company/coinbase) a $1.4M contract ( for blockchain analytics software. The exchange has provided software to the Secret Service and IRS in the past. Ripple (/company/ripple-labs) aims to leverage its carbon-neutral blockchain to let users source crypto, transact instantly, lower capital requirements, and more. If you’re interested in helping the world transition to decentralized banking, check out our list of the top blockchain companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:162":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"162","title":"Top Real Estate Tech Companies Hiring Now","slug":"top-real-estate-tech-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"After facing enormous obstacles during a global pandemic, the $3741B ( real estate market is back on the rise and seeking tech talent to keep up with the growth. Entrepreneurs are applying tech to just about every aspect of how real estate gets leased and sold. According to one survey, 48% ( of Realtors believe that keeping up with emerging tech is one of their biggest challenges. Some agents are using AI ( to analyze opportunities. An entire new cottage industry called \"proptech\" ( has emerged, as entrepreneurs compete to define the future of home buying. The number of “proptech” companies quadrupled from 2k a decade ago to over 8k companies ( today. Companies like Qualia (/company/qualialabs) are creating “digital closing platforms” used by millions of Realtors across the U.S. They want to simplify the process of buying a home, all while making sure that every step of the process is as transparent as possible. Others are innovating lending. For example, the Vonitive (/company/vontive) mortgage platform is opening the real estate market to new types of investors and retail brands by providing a simple, affordable way to buy an investment property. The company claims its platform is 40x cheaper than going the traditional route to buy an investment property. If you want to help shape the future of the real estate industry, here are 5 startups in real estate tech hiring now."},"JobCollection:161":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"161","title":"Hot Companies Hiring Automation Engineers Now","slug":"5-hot-companies-hiring-automation-engineers-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Companies across just about all industries are embracing automation as a way to streamline their operations and deliver better experiences to customers. Companies in food services, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, e-commerce, engineering, manufacturing, and more are leveraging automation to help keep their workers safe ( and get more efficient. This is where automation engineers shine. They excel ( at planning, implementing and monitoring this technology. Massive corporations like IBM, Intel (/company/intel), and Capital One have utilized automation engineers to improve their function and grow into their status as household names. Currently, the retail industry is the highest paying sector ( for automation engineers. Post-pandemic trends ( have seen growth for grocery delivery, “dark stores” ( micro fulfillment centers, and automated cold storage (,or%20for%20boxes%20(miniload).). By 2025, some predict machines will be doing just as much work as humans ( Menlo Park, Calif.-based Zoox (/company/zoox) is looking to harness automation engineers to develop the world’s first ground-up, fully autonomous vehicle fleet along with the ecosystem needed to bring the technology to market. Their work is at the intersection of AI, robotics, and design, enabling Zoox to provide the next generation of mobility-as-a-service ( in urban environments. Dallas, Texas-based Bottle Rocket Studios (/company/bottle-rocket-studios-1), is a consultancy that helps companies leverage technology, like helping Pfizer to automate tours and education ( with virtual reality, or crafting digital platforms ( to help 7-Eleven better serve their customers. In the SaaS market, New York City-based LINK3D (/company/link3d) provides an operating system that helps businesses scale their manufacturing infrastructure. If you’re looking to work at the cutting edge of automation, check out our list of the top companies hiring today."},"JobCollection:160":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"160","title":"Hiring Now: 5 Tech Companies Revolutionizing the Fashion Industry in 2022","slug":"hiring-now-5-tech-companies-revolutionizing-the-fashion-industry-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Tech companies are helping the fashion industry rebuild after losing significant ground ( during the pandemic. Every facet of the industry is being modernized, from the production of clothes (,speeding%20up%20the%20fashion%20space) to a growing interest in virtual clothing ( Artificial intelligence helps to enhance the online shopping experience by giving shoppers personalized recommendations ( to match them with the right product. However, AI’s main value to the fashion industry is its ability to help companies manage their inventory and optimize their supply chain ( Syrup Tech (/company/syrup-tech) is an AI-powered software that seeks to integrate machine learning with inventory management to help brands make better decisions. Their algorithms use factors ranging from weather to social media trends ( to determine the most optimal inventory to keep in stock, optimize itself for a company's specific needs, and cut down on waste. Recurate (/company/recurate) is a startup that is turning shopping for secondhand clothing on its head. Their service allows for brands to take control of their products that might otherwise be sold somewhere like a consignment store, by providing brands with their own resale marketplace directly on their eCommerce store. They aim to help companies grow their brand awareness and community by acknowledging and engaging with the resale market, rather than simply seeing it as a threat. (/company/armoire-style) is looking to shake the fashion industry up. They offer a service similar to clothing subscription boxes such as Stitch Fix; users can curate a digital wardrobe with the help of artificial intelligence and professional stylists and have a new box of clothes that they pick and is sent to them every month. However, rather than owning the clothes, their users are renting them out, allowing for lower coats, more selection, and a more sustainable approach to getting new clothes. If you want to ride the wave of fashion tech there has never been a better time. Here is our list of 5 of the top fashion tech startups hiring now!"},"JobCollection:159":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"159","title":"Hiring Now: These Tech Companies are Offering $200K Annual Salaries for Software Engineers","slug":"hiring-now-these-tech-companies-are-offering-200k-anual-salaries-for-software-engineers","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Engineering jobs are consistently some of the highest paying, with a medium annual wage of around $100K ( On the higher end of the pay range, many engineering jobs will even reach a starting salary of $200K ( As the following job listings show, there are ample opportunities for high-paying engineer roles amongst a number of top companies. Akili (/company/akili-6) is a video game studio that has its sights set on big pharma. They combine state-of-the-art video game design with world-class neuroscience to deliver a unique entertainment experience that helps users tackle the mental health battles that they face on a daily basis, pill-free. The company recently announced a partnership with Roblox (, one of the most popular gaming platforms in the world, that seeks to encourage children to engage with Akili’s prescription ADHD gaming treatment. Ascend (/company/useascend) is a sleek, simple payment platform that automates insurance payments. It seeks to simplify the consumer's experience by swapping outdated and tedious payment processes for its modern, frictionless experience. Ascend helps businesses improve their relationship with customers and receive payments with haste and ease. The company is looking for a software engineer (/company/useascend/jobs/1304789-senior-software-engineer) to help build the future of insurance payments. Autonomous vehicles are one of the most hotly debated topics in the realm of artificial intelligence; it isn’t hard to find a headline about the potential risks ( that come with relinquishing control of a car to a computer. However, companies like Zendar (/company/zendar-2) are not deterred from their mission to continue building the technology that will make the autonomous driving experience as safe as possible. They develop radar specifically designed to help autonomous vehicles in bad weather conditions ( Zendar is hiring an assortment of engineering roles (/company/zendar-2/jobs). If you are looking to take the next step in your engineering career and move into a field tackling some of humanity's greatest problems, take a gander at our list of 5 companies hiring exciting engineering roles."},"JobCollection:158":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"158","title":"Hiring Now: Top VR Companies You’ll Want to Work for in 2022","slug":"hiring-now-top-vr-companies-you-ll-want-to-work-for-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Virtual reality (VR) provides a new lens for just about everything we do these days. From buying a house (_ to meditating (_ to learning with special needs (_, startups are using new tech to create entirely new immersive online worlds. Combined with augmented reality (AR), which adds a digital overlay to physical environments, the so-called “metaverse” represents a boon to just about every industry, including healthcare, engineering, real estate, and the military ( They’re getting better, too, as faster and more advanced cellular networks spread and expand the market. With global spending on VR products and services expected to reach $7.6B by 2026 (_, big players are doubling down. Facebook’s owner, Meta, recently unveiled prototypes of its latest VR headset (_ Apple is working on its own headset (_ The company also acquired several VR startups, including Spaces and NextVR, a live video partner with the NBA, Wimbledon, and Fox Sports. As the industry grows, up-and-coming players like Matterport (_/company/matterport_) are creating realistic-looking online worlds for real estate, travel, and hospitality. Hong Kong-based Sandbox VR (_/company/sandboxvr_) claims to create the “most advanced virtual reality experience in the world.” Families rent the company’s VR body suit, complete with a gun, to shoot at and with each other in different online worlds. It’s a top activity in Singapore and Hong Kong on TripAdvisor. Supernatural (_/company/supernatural-3_) helps people hack their workout routine, creating VR cardio workouts synced to the beat of a user’s favorite music."},"JobCollection:157":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"157","title":"Into the Metaverse: Top Extended Reality Tech Companies Hiring Now","slug":"into-the-metaverse-6-extended-reality-tech-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Extended reality (XR) is emerging from the pandemic as one of the hottest areas in tech. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tech are helping companies innovate just about every industry, as investors pour record funding ( into the so-called \"metaverse\" ( VCs invested an eye-popping $4B ( in extended reality tech in 2021. Some of the biggest companies in the world are investing in new virtual worlds, too. A recent McKinsey report ( predicted the metaverse would produce $5T in economic impact by 2030. In recent years, XR catapulted into the public consciousness. Today, 78% (\u0026utm_medium=rss\u0026utm_campaign=20-statistics-about-vr-ar-xr-and-metaverse-you-should-know-in-2022) of Americans are familiar with virtual reality, up from 45% in 2015. In the coming years XR will become more and more integrated ( into our daily lives, from virtual job training to VR therapy experiences for people with PTSD. In the realm of VR training, Lumeto (/company/lumeto) is creating Involve XR (, a VR learning and assessment platform that allows for public health and safety institutions to teach and test the skills of their workers. Doctors, first responders, and other critical positions are using Involve XR to prepare for real-world scenarios in a safe and relatively inexpensive training experience. Vancouver- and San Francisco-based Inworld AI (/company/inworld) is helping people create realistic online identities by leveraging AI to learn ( and mimic a person’s unique speech and behavior patterns. If you want to be a part of the industry creating the Metaverse and the virtual and augmented worlds of the near future, here is our list of top XR tech companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:156":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"156","title":"These Companies are Revolutionizing Robotics and Hiring Now","slug":"5-companies-revolutionizing-robotics-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Robotics companies are hiring to make driving and flying safer and more convenient by taking human hands off the wheel. Autonomous vehicles are a hot trend in robotics and AI. The sector is predicted to see a rise in strategic partnerships ( for technology development, and customer demand ( for offloading driving is strong. Menlo Park, Calif.,-based Zoox (/company/zoox) aims to provide a fleet of autonomous vehicles that will allow users to travel in dense urban environments. Zoox handles the driving, charging, and maintenance, while riders simply pay for the service. The project caught Amazon’s attention, and in 2020 the companies partnered ( to work on building the future of autonomous vehicles. San Francisco-based Cruise (/company/cruise-automation) is another competitor in the driverless car sector. Their fleet of autonomous vehicles is driving passengers around San Francisco, and they’ve partnered with Walmart to begin delivering groceries ( in Phoenix. For the places that roads don’t go, San Francisco-based Zipline (/company/zipline-international-1) is designing and manufacturing small drones to deliver essential medical products. The company is powering Rwanda’s national blood delivery network ( and Ghana’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Zipline is enabling healthcare providers to reach homes in the U.S. and they have ambitions of disrupting retail supply chains as they too are working with Walmart. Redwood City, Calif.-based Skydio (/company/skydio) is also looking to the sky for public safety, enterprise inspections, and defence solutions. They’ve created an AI expert pilot to help fly anywhere you might need eyes. Dallas and San Diego-based Shield AI (/company/shield-ai) is also building an AI “Top Gun” pilot for aviation. Shield AI’s Navy SEAL co-founder (, Brandon Tseng, believes the future of the military includes AI pilots powering every military craft. Check out our list below for open roles building the future of autonomous robots."},"JobCollection:155":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"155","title":"Tech Support Engineers Wanted! These Top Companies are Hiring Now","slug":"tech-support-engineers-wanted-these-top-companies-are-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"All things digital are continuing to accelerate (, and companies are hiring talent to keep up with the times. As organizations expand, they require more support services when upgrading to new hardware and software systems. As a result, employment opportunities for technical support engineers are expected to grow 11% ( by 2026, surpassing the national average for all technical occupations. New York City-based Dataminr (/company/dataminr-careers) leverages AI to alert clients in over 100 countries to emerging risks. The company works with private and public sector customers, such as businesses, first responders, or news agencies, to provide critical information as early as possible. Another NYC-based AI company, Dataiku (/company/dataiku), views AI as a symbiotic tool for helping customers make data-driven decisions. Forbes recently named Dataiku to the Forbes AI 50 (, a list of top AI companies shaping the future. Headquartered in Paris, Contentsquare (/company/contentsquare) is another company driven by AI and big data looking to fill technical support engineering roles. The company computes billions ( of touch and mouse movements to help other businesses understand how and why users interact with their apps or sites. If you’re interested in serving others with digital technology at scale, check out our list of top companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:154":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"154","title":"Get In The Game: Top Mobile Gaming Companies Hiring Now","slug":"get-in-the-game-top-mobile-gaming-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Cell phones are propelling the $200B+ ( gaming industry to new heights. Mobile gaming now accounts for 60% ( of the market and is growing 1.7x faster ( than other segments like computer- and console-based games. Gaming isn’t just for kids, either. With easy access to games on their mobile phones, adults now account for much of the industry’s growth: Gen X and Baby Boomers are the two fastest growing age groups ( for mobile games. Gaming companies are taking advantage of advancements in cell phones to offer more augmented reality (AR) options. They’re also using features like camera location tracking to enhance experiences. San Francisco-based Niantic (/company/niantic) is one of the heavyweights in the industry with blockbuster titles like Pokémon GO, an AR-based game that’s netted $6B ( The company now has offices throughout the world and is on a hiring frenzy (/company/niantic/jobs) to shape the future of AR. Akili (/company/akili-6), with offices in California and Boston, is using gaming tech to help improve people’s mental health. The gaming studio is “taking on Big Pharma” by delivering unique gaming experiences to treat cognitive conditions without the need for pills. The company recently announced a partnership with Roblox (, one of the most popular gaming platforms in the world, that seeks to encourage children to engage with Akili’s prescription ADHD gaming treatment. Montreal-based Mino Games (/company/minogames) is another top mobile gaming studio looking to expand its team (/company/minogames/jobs). The creator of games like Mino Monsters, which has reached 13M downloads (, offers a fun work perk: Employees get their own custom cat avatar ( If you want to help create the future of gaming, here is our list of 5 mobile gaming companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:153":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"153","title":"5 Companies Innovating the Future of Medicine and Hiring Now","slug":"5-companies-innovating-the-future-of-medicine-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Regenerative medicine has been the holy grail for most medical professionals in recent decades. Since the introduction of nanoparticles (,since%20undergone%20dramatically%20rapid%20expansion.), the medical field has rapidly expanded as scientists and doctors alike try and understand the mechanisms of such groundbreaking technology ( From regenerating entire organs, rebuilding bones, and skin regeneration, the possible applications ( of this technology are promising. The use of technology and AI particles to give a more accurate reading of the human body is a growing and exciting field. Through the use of non-invasive artificial sensors and technologies, companies are able to not only identify medical issues faster but also treat them with more precision. Companies such as Twin Health (/company/twin-health), equipped with IOT sensors ( and powered by artificial intelligence have been able to prevent several chronic metabolic diseases with the help of these preventative technologies. Companies such as Revero (/company/revero/jobs) and INBRAIN Neuroelectronic (/company/inbrain-neuroelectronics) have integrated technology into their medical process in order to deliver accurate, precise and real-time results with the help of AI and in some cases, nanotechnology. As these technologies become more integrated into our medical world, experts continue to realize that our current applications are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to nanotechnology. Are you interested in being at the forefront of this life-changing technology? Check out these innovative med-tech companies hiring now!"},"JobCollection:151":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"151","title":"5 Tech Companies Keeping Austin Weird and Hiring Now","slug":"5-tech-companies-keeping-austin-weird-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Long known for barbecue and cowboy boots, Austin, Texas, is now brimming with tech talent attracted to the city’s sunny weather (,The%20winters%20are%20temperate), nightlife, and low cost of living ( Founders in this “city of unicorns and tech giants” ( took in a record haul of $4.9B in 2021, more than doubling ( the previous year’s fundraising. Austin hosts the world-famous SXSW ( festival, which draws hundreds of thousands of attendees, including tech entrepreneurs ( It’s also home to Tesla’s 10M square foot Gigafactory ( Among Austin-based tech companies hiring today include Ontra, whose software helps hundreds of investment firms process complex contracts. “Find a way or make one” is the company credo at Rex (/company/rexteams), which helps launch startups building software to help power the $280T real estate industry. EasyPost (/company/easypost/jobs?locations=austin) is an API allowing developers to integrate shipping with FedEx, UPS, DHL, and others in their apps. The company makes people a priority as well, with initiatives like discounted shipping for small businesses ( and a carbon offset program ( If you want to join the movement of tech workers (\u0026guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8\u0026guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADjjjuO_gEZNFcXHwebAc6oFEFXOKlTh6ybzdlq4_eZZitg0yDPoeRiCHQtTvWMEseSGwV4IhuvjpRgYWCGJG3sDgqfkYpk5BNN-1XXJ-WrTFXncHsewaL85sz3T593VdXCcOWAvZ_EAZjX9xA4rx_4eUtcynolutBbB4Z3KOjm9) who are making Austin their home, now is the perfect time. Here is our list of 5 top Austin-based tech startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:150":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"150","title":"Full-Stack Engineers Wanted! 6 Hot Tech Companies Hiring Now","slug":"full-stack-engineers-wanted-5-hot-tech-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Digital technologies are continuing to accelerate (, and companies are hiring talent to remain competitive. The broad skillset full-stack engineers bring to the table makes them a highly desirable hire. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a whopping 22% growth ( in jobs for software developers by 2029. The Bay Area is a hotbed for full-stack positions. Shortwave (/company/shortwave-com) is hiring to make the future of email as fast and easy as typing a text message. The company recently released a new inbox experience for Gmail. Oliver Space (/company/oliver-space/jobs) is making it easier than ever for people to furnish their digs. Prelude (/company/prelude_team), a recruitment solutions company, is hiring to make interviews less painful. Elsewhere, Chicago-based Remotion (/company/remotionco) enhances the virtual office environment with Spotify and YouTube sharing that allows for casual conversation. Redmond, Wash.,-based Tagboard (/company/tagboard) arms creatives with software to design custom graphics, curate social content and create live sponsored programming. Check out our list of hot tech companies hiring full-stack engineers."},"JobCollection:149":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"149","title":"Work from Anywhere: These Remote Tech Companies are Hiring Worldwide","slug":"work-from-anywhere-these-remote-tech-companies-are-hiring-worldwide","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Since the pandemic, we’ve seen some of the most drastic changes in hiring in years. Most notably, the rise in remote work, especially abroad. In the last year alone, AngelList Talent has had nearly 500K (/blog/introducing-partnerships-to-find-and-hire-your-team) international candidates look for jobs on our platform. Post pandemic, almost 50% ( of employees worldwide will continue to work remotely. With half the working population choosing to work from home, there are huge opportunities in the market. Since Apple ( announced their plans for employees to return to the office, 56% ( of workers have expressed that they are looking to leave the company because of it’s in-office requirements. A lot has changed about what employees value and seek (/job-collections/5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-benefits-hiring-now) when it comes to company benefits, and with restrictions and remote work, in-office perks have become less and less attractive. Companies that force employees to return to the office are at risk of losing their best talent. Remote work tore down the geographical barriers that once prevented employees from getting jobs around the world, and companies will need to keep up with the current trends (/job-collections/5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-benefits-hiring-now) in order to retain and attract top talent. Luckily, we’re here to help! In the last year, we've made several additions to our product to make it easier than ever to recruit international remote talent. Our new partnerships (/blog/introducing-partnerships-to-find-and-hire-your-team) with Remote (/company/remotecom), Panther (/company/panther-global/jobs) and Deel (/company/deel-1) are here to make it easier to find, hire, and pay remote employees in 160+ countries around the world, no matter where your company is based. With these partnerships, companies can easily find international remote candidates on AngelList Talent, then start the hiring process for them within minutes. Our partners will take care of all payroll, benefits, and compliance needs for any international new hire from there. If your company is interested in accessing top tech talent around the world, you can get started here (/recruit/payroll-partner). In the meantime, here are 5 hot remote-first companies hiring tech talent worldwide."},"JobCollection:148":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"148","title":"Hiring now: 5 Innovative Companies Revolutionizing the future of Art-Tech","slug":"hiring-now-5-innovative-companies-revolutionizing-the-future-of-art-tech","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"This year, art and design trends have seen massive transformations. Art has entered the digital world (,will%20continue%20to%20grow%20exponentially) with emerging technologies like NFTs, VR, and immersive exhibitions. The way we consume, share, and sell art has evolved, making art increasingly accessible to creative communities, and in turn enabling artists to reach new audiences (,will%20continue%20to%20grow%20exponentially). Museums, fashion designers, performances and even massive festivals, like ‘Burning Man’ (, have made use of emerging tech to advertise and recreate their events in an interactive digital space. Even the Guggenheim ( recently announced their Art and Technology Initiative, dedicated to art that engages with virtual reality through AI and Web3 initiatives. Blockchain and the metaverse are shaping the experience of art, and the birth of emerging art technology companies has been welcomed by many traditional artists worldwide. If you’re interested in playing a part in revolutionizing the art-tech market, check out our list of hot companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:147":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"147","title":"Come to Brazil! These 5 Hot Tech Startups are Hiring Now","slug":"come-to-brazil-these-5-hot-tech-startups-are-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Brazil has long been an important economic and cultural center for South America. Today, the country’s burgeoning startup scenes are attracting tech talent in record numbers, too. In 2021, Brazil-based startups raised a record $9.4B in funding (, more than twice as much of the previous years’ total funding. Nearly 3k startups ( make their home in Brazil’s most populous city, São Paulo. These include 11 unicorns ( valued at over $1B. Venture capital firms have helped to contribute to the growth of the startup sector in Brazil and are increasing in number as well. The country added 84 VC firms ( in the past few years, bringing the country's total to over 300 ( A little over half of all startups in Brazil have operations in São Paulo ( They include companies like mobile game maker Wildlife Studios (/company/wildlife-studios), which has been called “Brazil’s most valuable tech company with the widest global reach.” ( Big tech companies like Uber are growing their presence ( in the region, too. Other cities with vibrant entrepreneurial communities include Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, and Florianópolis. Brazil is a startup ecosystem on the rise and now is the perfect time to get in; here are 5 of the top tech companies hiring in Brazil now."},"JobCollection:146":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"146","title":"Moving to Miami? Here are 5 Hot Tech Companies Hiring Now","slug":"moving-to-miami-here-are-5-hot-tech-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The Sunshine State is home to a quickly growing startup scene. Some are calling it Silicon Valley-to-Miami migration ( With ample sunlight (, tax-friendly laws (, and record-high VC funding pouring in, Miami is increasingly attractive to startup founders and top tech talent. Venture capital poured into the city’s startups last year to the tune of $5.6B ( Organizations like the Knight Foundation are also working hard to foster and promote Miami’s entrepreneurial spirit by funding programs that prepare students ( for a career in tech. Flexport is one of the largest supply chain management startups in the world. More than 10k companies ( use Flexport to make smarter shipping decisions and even reduce their carbon footprint ( and skip the steps like the warehouse ( that end up costing time and money. OpenStore is a company dedicated to buying, investing in, and improving small DTC companies. They pride themselves on closing deals fast and helping small companies scale to heights they never would have thought possible. Just 8 months after being founded in 2021, the company had already seen over $750 million in funding, allowing them to invest more in both the companies they help and themselves. Currently, the company is still looking for help and expanding its Miami-based team (/company/openstore/jobs). The sunshine state is setting itself apart as one of the best places for people looking for work with its tropical atmosphere, low taxes, and booming startup scene. Here are 5 of the top tech companies hiring in Miami now."},"JobCollection:145":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"145","title":"5 Chicago Companies Hiring Top Tech Talent in 2022","slug":"5-chicago-companies-hiring-top-tech-talent-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Chicago’s known as the “windy city”, but these days, it’s getting a similar reputation for attracting tech talent. Last year startups in Chicago raised $7B in venture capital, with a dozen new unicorns ( minted along the way—bringing the number to 20. Chicago’s startup ecosystem is diverse, reflecting the diversity found within the city’s population ( Funds like TechRise ( focus on LatinX- and Black-founded startups. In 2021, women founders raised $250+ ( At the heart of Chicago’s startup ecosystem is the fintech industry, which employed 41k people last year ( Earlier this year, World Business Chicago, an economic development organization for the city, called fintech a high growth tech sector ( More than 300 Chicago-based fintechs generated over $4B in growth capital in 2021 ( The city is also home to The Trading Show (, one of the premier trading conferences in America, which works to bring in top talent from the fintech industry. Companies hiring talent include Synapse (/company/synapsefi), which is on a mission to “accelerate the democratization of best-in-class financial products for all.” Chicago has comparable levels of diversity, culture, and economic power to tech hubs like New York and San Francisco, but with a much lower cost of living ( If you’re interested in working in one of the startup superpowers in the Midwest, here is our list of 5 of the top companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:144":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"144","title":"5 Top Tech Companies Hiring in West Africa","slug":"5-top-tech-companies-hiring-in-west-africa","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"West Africa is blossoming into an attractive startup ecosystem for top tech talent across the globe. In 2021 Africa-based startups raised more than $4B ( in venture capital funding, more than tripling ( the amount raised the year before. Much of the growth is happening in West Africa, as the region establishes itself as a major player in the global tech economy. The region has seen landmark deals like Visa acquiring ( Nigeria-based tech-payment company Interswitch, which propelled the startup to unicorn status. Of the estimated 7 tech companies in Africa with $1B+ valuations, 5 have operations in Nigeria ( Africa is the youngest continent in the world with around 60% of the population ( under the age of 25. The youthful energy found in the capital cities of Lagos and Accra as well as expanded access to the Internet ( and growing economies are some of the reasons for the buzz. Companies like MarketForce360 (/company/marketforce360-3) are capitalizing on opportunities to support the switch to mobile payments among the continent’s estimated 1.2B people. Ghana-based Stars From All Nations (/company/stars-from-all-nations) is on a mission to educate and empower African youth to help build the continent's burgeoning economy. If an up-and-coming ecosystem sounds like the place you want to be, here are 5 of the top companies in West Africa hiring now."},"JobCollection:143":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"143","title":"5 Data-Driven companies Hiring Database Engineers","slug":"5-data-driven-companies-hiring-database-engineers","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Technology companies depend on databases to run everything from sales to science and they’re hiring database engineers to create and manage them. Data infrastructure and platforms are gaining widespread use, growing data’s role in businesses of all sizes and types. As a result, data engineering is one of the fastest-growing ( jobs in tech. In the fitness space, Peloton (/company/peloton) is serving its community of more than 3M members by using data-driven insights to make fitness entertaining, approachable, and effective. New York City is becoming a magnet for database talent. Butterfly Network (/company/butterfly-network) is developing a handheld, smartphone-connected ultrasound probe powered by AI. This intersection of medicine, engineering, and machine learning is a data-driven dream. Similarly, 4Catalyzer (/company/4catalyzer) is looking for data engineers to drive the development of new sensors paired with deep learning tech. The company hopes to open the door to new biology and medical insights. Also based in New York, Canoe Intelligence (/company/canoe-software-3) is unlocking the power of data for investment firms by taking their unstructured reporting data and fashioning it into actionable information. Bellevue, Wash.-based Hyperproof (/company/hyperproof) hopes to radically reduce risk for companies keeping customer data and make it easy for them to remain in compliance with data regulations. The ever-present need to store, clean, and analyze data is making databases the favorite child of businesses. Check out our list of the top data-driven companies hiring database engineers below."},"JobCollection:142":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"142","title":"5 Top Enterprise Companies Hiring Today","slug":"5-top-enterprise-companies-hiring-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"In business, as in life, it takes a village to succeed. Tech companies that work to help other companies succeed constitute a large and growing market, despite a global cool-down in hiring and VC investment. The global business software and services market size was valued at $430B (,USD%20474.61%20billion%20in%202022.) in 2021 and is expected to double by 2030 as businesses seek out technology to run more efficient and sophisticated operations. Companies are perfecting tech solutions to just about every aspect of running a business, following the lead of trailblazers like Dropbox, Evernote, and Slack, which all invaded office environments on their way to unicorn success. Palo Alto, Calif.,-based Avoma (/company/avoma) is putting automation to work in office meetings, using state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to summarize meeting notes and extract key topics and next steps. Canada-based Comparative Analytics (/company/comparative-analytics) is among a cadre of companies delivering new data analysis and other developer tools to businesses. In a single click, the company says, you can do what would take a team of data analysts weeks to do. Other companies are helping in the back-office. San Francisco-base Plat IQ (/company/plateiq) makes it possible to automate a company’s account payable process, including invoicing and inventory management. These companies are charging ahead to give the office a major upgrade. Want to join them? Check out our list of enterprise companies hiring top tech talent today."},"JobCollection:141":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"141","title":"7 Digital Media Companies Hiring Today","slug":"7-digital-media-companies-hiring-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Technology companies are hiring developers and engineers to reinvent how people communicate with each other. From copywriting and chatting with co-workers to putting on live performances, entrepreneurs are hard at work helping create news forms of engagements and looking for top tech talent to fill key roles. Redmond, Wash.-based Tagboard (/company/tagboard) offers a cloud-based production platform for creating interactive live programming for any connected screen. The company’s leadership is serious about building a diverse team (, too. For remote workers, Remotion (/company/remotionco) creates a virtual office environment that “makes room for casual conversations with co-working and shared music.” People can collaborate with co-workers, keep on track of projects, and cut loose with a little fun, all in one place. Toronto-based Keyhole (/company/keyhole-1) has amassed an impressive client list early in its journey. The company helps brands like Nike, Samsung, CBS, and NBC track social media conversations. New York City-based Yup (/company/yupteam) is doing social media on its terms, as a second layer distributed protocol that overlays “social capital onto online content.” [] promises to put an end to writer’s block with its automated writing tools that help businesses craft marketing messages. The company recently raised a Series A and is looking to fill several roles Miami-based Column (/company/columnpbc) is the first collaborative public notice platform helping publishers, governments and legal services work together to inform their communities If you’ve got a flair for communications and tech talent to boot, consider these top digital media companies hiring today."},"JobCollection:140":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"140","title":"Cha-Ching: 15 Fintechs Hiring Talent Today","slug":"ca-ching-15-fintechs-hiring-talent-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Innovations like artificial intelligence and blockchain technology are upending the world of finance, creating ample opportunities for tech talent. Eight in ten ( traditional banking organizations say they plan to partner with technology companies in coming years in an effort to keep pace with the change. According to “The State of U.S. Early-Stage Venture \u0026 Startups: 1Q22,” fintech saw the greatest payroll growth of any tech sector, up 158% in one year, as the industry ballooned to over $25T (,of%20the%20global%20financial%20industry). More recently, some fintechs have encountered economic headwinds ( Tech companies are revolutionizing mobile payments ( Four in ten U.S. smartphone users used a contactless payment ( at least once last year, a rate that’s comparable with South Korea. Consumer spending in mobile app stores is projected to reach $270B ( worldwide in the next few years. Blockchain and “regtech” (regulatory technology) are two of the fastest-growing segments of the fintech industry. Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms originated more than $48B in U.S. consumer loans ( from 2006 to 2018, and some expect that to rise to $150B per year ( by 2025. Banks are making use of customer service chatbots, and tech companies are taking things further with financial robo-advisors ( Today there are hundreds of fintech unicorns (, including the likes of Stripe (/company/stripe), Plaid (/company/plaid), and Ripple (/company/ripple-labs). There’s also a dizzying array of up-and-comers vying to innovate every aspect of how people transact. Upstart [Firstcard] innovates how students pay for college, while Tremendous (/company/tremendous) helps universities pay their global network of research participants. Hemlane (/company/hemlane) makes it easier to manage rental properties, while Housecall (/company/housecall) helps home services businesses shift to online payments. Goldfinch (/company/goldfinch-1) is working to build a global, decentralized network that allows anyone—not just banks—to be a lender. Seedfi (/company/seedfi) and [Vested] [/company/vested-3] aim to put powerful financial tools in everyone’s’ hands. If you fancy the worlds of finance and tech, check out our list of 15 hot tech fintechs hiring today."},"JobCollection:139":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"139","title":"5 Top Tech Companies Hiring Blockchain Engineers","slug":"5-top-tech-companies-hiring-blockchain-engineers","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"From real estate ( and banking ( to healthcare ( and diamonds (, blockchain technology is increasingly important to companies in every industry. Blockchain engineers are among the most sought-after talent in the sector, and they command an average salary of over $100k annually (,28.htm). Despite hiring freezes elsewhere across the tech industry, there’s a growing demand for crypto and blockchain roles ( at many companies and many job seekers eye the industry as one ripe for continued growth. Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. Over the past few years, blockchain-based digital currency has gone from risky, rumored promise, to a strong bid for investors as an entirely new cryptocurrency ecosystem evolved. Today, even Wall Street is getting on board ( Similar transitions are happening in all sorts of industries as companies quicky adopt blockchain technology. Companies like Ripple (/company/ripple-labs) and Luno (/company/lunoglobal) are using blockchain technology to improve payments. Others like OpenSea (/company/opensea-3) are using digital ledgers to create new marketplaces for digital art and other virtual goods, With so many exciting breakthroughs in the space, opportunities are bountiful. Here are 5 hot companies hiring blockchain engineers now."},"JobCollection:138":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"138","title":"5 Top Tech Companies Hiring in Germany","slug":"5-top-tech-companies-hiring-in-germany","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Germany is emerging as a premiere startup hub in the global marketplace. The nation’s capital, Berlin, is ranked as Europe’s second-largest startup hub ('s%20startup%20ecosystem%20has%20now,investing%20in%20key%20research%20areas) with an estimated value of $94B ( Germans are supportive of tech all the way to this highest levels of government. The national government provides financial and other support to help fuel innovation, including a recent $12B infusion for fintech innovation ( The country has plans to provide tens of billions of more financial support over the next few years. Kayak (/company/kayak/jobs) is one of top search engines for travel, allowing users to easily compare prices and find the best deals on flights, hotels, rental cars, and other essential vacation services. One of their largest offices is located in Berlin and they are currently hiring for dozens of positions. Six weeks of paid vacation and German classes ( are just some of the perks found within the company culture at Kayak. Berlin-based Moonfare (/company/moonfare/jobs) helps people to gain access to investments like private equity funds. Moonfare founder and CEO Steffen Pauls frequently expresses his passion for leveling the playing field when it comes to access to “unprecedented value creation” of private markets that 99% of the population is excluded from. The startup has locations around the world. Germany is on the rise in the startup world and with more high value-companies making it their home and continued efforts by the government to help this sector grow. Now is the ideal time to look at the many opportunities available there. Here is our list of six of the fastest-growing Germany-Based startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:137":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"137","title":"Party People Wanted: Top Event Tech Companies Hiring Today ","slug":"party-people-wanted-top-event-tech-companies-hiring-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"After years of social distancing and quarantining, people are eager to get back together for events. So event companies are reviving their talent pools ( At the same time, an entire new cottage industry of virtual events that bloomed during the pandemic is expected to remain fully rooted in our social fabric. For tech talent with a social bug, both of those developments spell o-p-p-o-r-t-u-n-i-t-y ( in an industry expected to grow to $1.6T in the next 5 years. For in-person events, there’s much more to it than choosing a venue, food, and entertainment. There’s plenty of technical aspects behind the scenes, whether you’re planning events for a company’s employee appreciation banquet or a wedding. Special events are becoming ever more important for companies with dispersed workforces to get face-time, as well as businesses hosting grand re-openings ( following a pandemic shutdown. New offerings like WeGoTrip’s (/company/wegotrip) audio tours, Tagboard’s (/company/tagboard) real-time social content, and SixPlus’s (/company/sixplus) website for curating the best private dining events, are all enabling companies to get creative with their events. It’s an exciting and dynamic time to be in the events industry. Here’s our list of some of the top events companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:136":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"136","title":"Hiring in India: 5 Companies on the Rise","slug":"hiring-in-india-5-companies-on-the-rise","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"By some accounts India is the third-largest ( startup ecosystem in the world, behind the U.S. and China, with more than 60k tech companies. In 2021 alone, the country registered 14k new tech companies and minted 4 dozen unicorns. The service industry is by far India’s hottest sector. But areas like space tech ( are on the rise, quadrupling in size in the past couple of years from 11 to 47 companies. Delhi is leap-frogging Bengaluru ( as the startup capital of India, with more than 5k new tech companies in the region since 2019. India-based startups raised 130 deals ( in the first month of 2022, with some deals reaching records of up to $3.5B. Some experts warn, though, things could cool under current economic conditions. If you’re interested in India's exciting opportunities, check out our list of top Indian startups hiring today."},"JobCollection:135":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"135","title":"5 Startups Shaping the Future of Work ","slug":"5-startups-shaping-the-future-of-work","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"For years businesses gradually shifted to more remote work settings. Then the pandemic accelerated the pace of change ( to a sprint, and now companies of all sizes and types—from healthcare and consumer goods to tech companies with increasingly global workforces—are adjusting to new office norms. Increasingly, the motivations for work are changing ( People are looking to their careers to provide social connection and a sense of higher purpose. As a result, beliefs about what makes a “good job” are changing. Experts point to three major trends and opportunity areas for companies to shape the future of work: Remote work and virtual meetings are now a normal part of business. Although most expect “Zoom fatigue” to be less of an issue as things get more balanced, there are ample ways to improve on how people interact with each other virtually. Online transactions shot up massively across the globe ( and in every industry from e-commerce and telemedicine to online banking and media streaming. How people pay and get paid remains a large and growing space. Automation and AI adoption is expanding rapidly (, especially in bustling work areas with lots of people in one space. IBM saw a surge in new customers for its AI Watson Assistant to deploy chatbots and other customer services. Companies like Amazon (, Calendly, Remotion, and Notion are helping to pave the way for the future of work. If you’re interested in improving the future of work and making work meaningful for future generations, check out our list of the top companies shaping the future of work hiring now."},"JobCollection:134":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"134","title":"Hiring now! 5 Companies Helping Humans with Smart Cobots","slug":"hiring-now-5-companies-helping-humans-with-smart-cobots","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Beep boop. What if your coworker was a robot? Cobots, or collaborative robots (, are growing in popularity in order to help human employees optimize their efficiency in a number of different industries. From performing simple manufacturing tasks to complex surgical procedures, the goal of cobots is to relieve workers of complicated and time-consuming jobs and help them by partially automating their work, ultimately making their lives easier and safer. With emerging technologies like AI, machine learning, and intelligent integrated sensors, cobots continue to get smarter all the time. The advanced software within cobots makes them easy for even beginners to use and program. Sensor fusion, intuitive algorithms, and advanced IoT-based sensors enable these robots to perform tasks at the press of a button ( Progressing beyond traditional robotics, new cobots are intelligent machines that are able to adapt to their changing environments and assist humans in a broad spectrum of work. Major companies like Universal Robots (/company/universal-robotics) and Rethink Robotics (/company/rethink-robotics), have all focused on collaborative robots since their start, and conventional robotics companies such as KUKA (/company/kuka-robotics/people), ABB (/company/abb), and Fanuc (/company/fanuc-america) have followed suit. Even Amazon (/company/amazon) has built many of its warehouses specifically for mobile robots. The company ‘employs’ more than 200, 000 robots in their warehouses. As cobots take on more and more tasks, human workers can focus on the more important aspects of business operations - making humans and robots the ultimate team for efficiency and productivity in the workplace. Interested in programming the future of cobots? Here’s our list of hot robotics companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:133":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"133","title":"5 Companies with Revolutionary Marketing Strategies Hiring Now ","slug":"5-companies-with-revolutionary-marketing-strategies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Marketing trends have changed drastically, with strategies being increasingly influenced by emerging technology. Marketing roles are projected to grow by 10% (,on%20average%2C%20over%20the%20decade) by 2030, with over 31,000 (,on%20average%2C%20over%20the%20decade) openings for marketing managers popping up each year. Companies are bringing their A-game to compete in a world where digital marketing is everywhere, leading to amazing new opportunities for candidates in the sector. Slack (/company/slack) is a collaboration tool that allows teams to communicate more efficiently and share files, all on one easy platform. Many companies use the messaging platform internally in place of emails. Slack’s secret to success is that they market a solution, not a product ( They’ve focused on customer experience, making their messaging center around their customer’s pain points. If you’re a customer-driven marketer, you might want to check out their open roles (/company/slack). Airbnb (/company/airbnb/jobs?roles=marketing) does a great job of leveraging UGC (user-generated content) in its marketing strategy. With more than 75% ( of their content coming from their users, they’re experts at making their digital presence feel human, real, and authentic. They’re currently hiring (/company/airbnb/jobs?roles=marketing) travel-loving marketers to join their team. First Round Capital (/company/first-round-capital) uses long-form content marketing to fuel its growth. Run by former Wall Street Journal reporter, Camille Rickettshe, the First Round Review ( is written with the goal of transforming technical information from experts into easily accessible resources for aspiring founders. If you consider yourself a writer first and foremost, it’s worth taking a look at their open roles (/company/first-round-capital/jobs). As the metaverse buzz increases, many brands have even teamed up with game developers to feature their products in the virtual world - newly known as ‘gamevertizing’ ( For example, Balenciaga recently launched Afterworld: The Age of Tomorrow (, a game where players explore a futuristic world where characters dress in the luxury brand. With so many emerging marketing trends, opportunities are bountiful. Here are 5 hot companies hiring marketers now."},"JobCollection:132":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"132","title":"Web3 Engineers: These Hot Startups Want to Hire You","slug":"web3-engineers-these-hot-startups-want-to-hire-you","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"As a decentralized Internet, or “Web3”, quickly moves from idea to reality, it’s becoming hard for companies of all types to ignore. From cryptocurrency and NFTs to the metaverse, we are seeing Web3 elements becoming more and more a part of daily life. This puts Web3 engineers firmly in the driver's seat of a burgeoning space. Last year, this space received nearly $18B in venture funding ( and it’s on pace to top that number in 2022, having received $3.8B in venture funding ( as of February. Proponents of Web3 cite its capabilities to allow people to skip middlemen (,an%20internet%20owned%20by%20users.) (financial institutions and big tech) by empowering individuals to have a greater sense of ownership over their online experience. Web3 has seen its fair share of skeptics ( However, this has not deterred investors from helping to fund the space, creating thousands of Web3 engineering jobs. In early 2022 there were nearly 9k jobs listed in the Web3 space ( Among the companies looking to fill Web3 positions are startups like Vana (/company/corsali) and Mem Protocol (/company/mem-protocol) which aim to give web users more control over their online identity. An effective Web3 developer ( is familiar with the concepts behind Web3, is proficient in the relevant programming languages, and has the right tech stack to develop apps on Web3, which are referred to as decentralized applications ( or “dApps.” Since applications built for the Web3 ecosystem are often developed by their own communities, the ability to communicate and collaborate are also important skills. If building the future of the internet sounds like a challenge you’re ready to tackle, take a look at some of the top Web3 engineer positions hiring now."},"JobCollection:131":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"131","title":"Oh Canada! 5 Hot Canadian Startups Hiring in 2022","slug":"oh-canada-5-hot-canadian-startups-hiring-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The startup scene in Canada ( is booming, having received $14.2 billion in venture capital in 202 (, a 215% increase ( from the previous year. Fintech is a bright spot, as the Great White North is home to 700+ fintech companies ( and gaining a strong foothold in the global startup economy ( Along with it, Canada is attracting top tech talent. Startup scenes are bustling across the country, from Montreal (, Calgary (, and Atlantic Canada (, in the east, to so-called “tech-couver\" (/job-collections/the-vancouver-startup-scene-14-fast-growing-startups-hiring-now) in the west. In between, the Toronto-Waterloo corridor is one of the continent’s fastest growing ( innovation ecosystems with 300k tech workers. Companies from the region include MaRS Discovery District ( and Communitech ( The Collision (,is one of the fastest growing tech conferences in North America, attracting some of the top minds in the industry from around the globe to Toronto for the past three years. Or, take a company like Calgary- and San Francisco-based Hemlane (/company/hemlane/jobs), which is making waves in the rental property space alongside the likes of bigger players like Airbnb (/company/airbnb). Canada is poised to become a juggernaut in the startup world. Here is our list of five fast-growing Canada-based startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:130":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"130","title":"5 Innovative Tech-Enabled Companies Hiring Now","slug":"5-innovative-tech-enabled-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"With emerging technologies becoming more accessible to all, tech-enabled businesses are on the rise providing new solutions to make long-established industries more efficient and effective. Using technology to innovate and develop products and services is fast becoming the norm for a wide range of industries. Companies are enhancing their offerings ( through software and data by creating tech-enabled products to keep up with emerging trends. Allowing them to innovate faster, get closer to customers, and deliver on efficiency. As the cost of sensors and connectivity software decreases, companies have the opportunity to harness new technologies to reinvent their products and services with disruptive new offerings. Peloton (/company/peloton) — well known for its popular stationary bikes that stream video workouts - has described itself as a technology company that meshes the physical and digital worlds ( The company currently has a number of connected fitness equipment options such as bikes, treadmills, and more. The interactive fitness platform is hiring (/company/peloton/jobs) for hundreds of roles now. Sweetgreen (/company/sweetgreen) has leveraged its digital channels to sell more salads. In 2021, they acquired Spyce (, the robot-powered electric delivery fleet, the goal of which was to increase automation, improve efficiency, and improve the overall customer experience. Focused on building their digital offerings, they’re currently hiring (/company/sweetgreen/jobs) for a number of roles. But with technology being increasingly integrated into nearly every business model, some investors have begun to worry ( about what the looseness around ‘tech’ could mean for the economy. For example, WeWork (/company/wework) has long been pushing ‘tech’ (/today/stories/wework-unbundles-its-products-in-an-attempt-to-make-itself-over-but-will-the-strategy-work-39434) as one of its main pillars, which has caused some controversy. Recently, the company announced its launch of WeWork Workplace (,struggling%20one%2C%20at%20that), to help companies manage employees and office space - with the hopes of enticing remote and hybrid companies. Investing in technology is important for company growth, and with so many industries testing the waters, there is no shortage of opportunities available."},"JobCollection:129":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"129","title":"11 Tech Startups Building Better Senior Care ","slug":"top-10-tech-companies-in-senior-care","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Building a better life for seniors has never been more important. By 2030, 1 in 6 people ( in the world will be over 60. As a result of people living longer ( into their “golden years,” just about every country in the world is seeing its senior population increase. So it’s no surprise the market for providing care to seniors — everything from pharmaceuticals and assistive devices to housing and nursing care — is growing rapidly. In the U.S. alone, the market’s expected to reach $1.2T by 2029 ( Companies in the space are leveraging new technologies to provide seniors with community, in-home health monitoring, live captioned conversations (/company/ava-me), freedom of mobility (/company/healing-innovations), and more. The trend of aging populations presents opportunities for robotics ( on two fronts: the need to assist seniors in carrying out day-to-day tasks and the need to automate the gaps in a shrinking workforce. If you’re energized by the prospect of making people’s later years truly golden, check out our list of the top companies hiring to build the future of senior care."},"JobCollection:128":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"128","title":"5 Early-Stage Tech Startups Looking for Co-founders","slug":"5-early-stage-tech-startups-looking-for-co-founders","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Building a successful company requires a broad array of knowledge and expertise. Founders want partners who complement their skills and can accelerate ( their startup towards its goals. There’s a growing debate ( about how vital a co-founder is to startup success. Paul Graham famously listed solopreneurship as the no. 1 reason startups fail ( More recently, investor Ali Tamaseb found that 2 in 10 unicorns ( found massive success with just one founder—though they tended to have at least 10 years of startup experience before starting the job. Y Combinator helps match co-founders ( based on interest, skills, location and other factors. Some companies seek specific skills like finance, sales, or engineering to build out their teams. Investors and founders alike need to believe in the people who will bring their company’s vision to life. If you aspire to build the future alongside other talented founders, check out our list of startups hiring co-founders below."},"JobCollection:127":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"127","title":"5 Companies Shaping the Future of Cities and Hiring Now","slug":"5-companies-shaping-the-future-of-cities-and-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Smart cities are on the rise amidst a so-called Internet of things (IoT) revolution ( Smart devices and infrastructure spread far and wide in recent years — from the factory floor to city hall to the living room — and, it turns out, people tend to like the sense of comfort (, convenience (, safety, and sustainability ( they bring. Companies are developing tech to help cities (,economic%2C%20environmental%20and%20political%20factors.) address the impacts of growing populations and climate changes, with things like smart parking ( and interconnected transportation grids ( Developers of smart city technology tend to take pride in things like innovation, energy efficiency, and, of course, security. If that sounds like you, check out our list of top companies working to build smarter cities that are hiring today."},"JobCollection:126":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"126","title":"5 Hot Startups Hiring Full-Stack Engineers","slug":"5-hot-startups-hiring-full-stack-engineers","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Full-stack engineers are in high demand! In the U.S. alone, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a whopping 22% growth ( in jobs for software developers by 2029. Being able to work on a project from frontend to backend (aka full-stack ( brings incredible value to a company. A full-stack engineer works to design, test, and implement software applications. Their broad skillset means that they can be involved in every single stage of software development. This can range from initial architecture design to code review and performance evaluation to crafting later updates. The duties ( of a full-stack engineer often go beyond coding into the realm of leadership. It is common for full-stack engineers to work with a variety of other coders, engineers, and designers on a software development project, and often they will be responsible for running the entire software development team. A wide variety of companies hire full-stack developers. For example, software companies like Premium Labs (/company/premium-labs-1) and fintechs like Vested (/company/vested-3/jobs) and SeedFi (/company/seedfi) commonly hire full-stack engineers, as well as social media companies, cybersecurity companies, and others."},"JobCollection:125":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"125","title":"5 Mexico-Based Startups Hiring Tech Talent Now","slug":"5-mexico-based-startups-hiring-tech-talent-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The Mexican startup scene has been making great strides in recent years. The success of giants like Uber, Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify ('ve%20known%20Spotify%20was,the%20music%20streaming%20market%20there) has proven the country to be one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing ( tech markets. Currently, fintech is the top sector, but logistics and distribution are close behind with solutions for megacities (,home%20to%2022%20million%20people.) and transportation being two other major trends. Only Brazil beats out Mexico in terms of investment in Latin America (,which%20were%20themselves%20record%2Dsetting). In 2018 alone $175M was invested across 95 transactions, growing invested capital by over 119%. This upwards trend continued with investors like SoftBank announcing a $5B Latin American fund. New international investors ( like Sequoia, A16z, Goldman Sachs, and others are bringing backing to the ecosystem. While Mexico has faced challenges with attracting top talent, the growing pool of investment capital is creating a cornucopia of opportunities. Another outstanding factor is Mexico’s internet userbase of 84M people ( What’s more, mobile growth in Latin America is expected to grow three times faster than in China. As Mexico enters its stride, Mexican talent has increasingly founded new companies to pursue their visions. All of these trends point to Mexico developing into a tech powerhouse."},"JobCollection:124":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"124","title":"5 Gaming Companies Leveling Up their Tech Talent in 2022","slug":"5-gaming-companies-leveling-up-their-tech-talent-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"As the world adapts post-pandemic, game developers are harnessing emerging technologies to attract and retain gamers. eSports have revolutionized competitive mobile gaming with games like FIFA, PUBG, call of duty, and others at the forefront. The sector is anticipated to be worth more than $3B ( in 2023, as spectator platforms like Twitch (/company/twitch) continue to see record traffic ( for top streamers. Cloud gaming offers an innovative way for players to access a wide range of games online. Big players like Microsoft, Sony, Google, Nvidia, Tencent, and Amazon ( now offer their games through cloud-based subscription services. Increased internet speeds and smartphone technology continues to be the main driver for mobile gaming success. The AR and VR video game market is set to hit $11B ( by 2026. Thanks to the falling price of VR hardware, consumer headsets are becoming increasingly affordable (, and 2022 might even see the release of Apple's (/company/apple) long-rumoured VR headset ( Several of the biggest creators of games, such as Ubisoft (/company/ubisoft-4/jobs), announced intentions to build NFTs ( into their games as a way of letting players win, earn and trade unique in-game items. However, this idea isn’t popular with all gamers ( With new technology emerging all the time, the future of gaming has never been more exciting. Interested in playing a part in the future of gaming technology? Here are 5 hot gaming startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:123":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"123","title":"5 Tech Companies with Unbelievable Benefits Hiring Now","slug":"5-tech-companies-with-unbelievable-benefits-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"When the pandemic hit, tech companies worldwide had to change their employee benefits strategies. A lot has changed about what employees value and seek ( when it comes to company benefits, and with restrictions and remote work, in-office perks have become less and less attractive. Unlimited vacation policies, flexible schedules, childcare resources, and extensive health benefits are all being offered right now as companies are going the extra mile to retain and attract ( top tech talent. The challenges of working parents ( during the pandemic brought conversations about family and childcare benefits from employers to the forefront, and recognition of the importance of mental health benefits, flexible schedules, and remote work stipends ( are on the rise. Remote work is at the top of desired employee benefits, and after announcing that employees could live and work anywhere in the world, Airbnb (/company/airbnb) saw more than 800,000 candidates visit their careers page. Atlassian (/company/atlassian), a software company working to improve collaborations, offers its employees a vast and varied benefits package. From remote work options to counselling resources for employees and their families, they'll even pay you to volunteer at a charity! Hubspot (/company/hubspot) has also kept up with the times, with unlimited PTO, extended parental leave, and remote opportunities. Huge players like Netflix (/company/netflix) are providing impressive advantages for their employees, with stellar perks and benefits packages that include year-long parental leave ( With unlimited PTO, yearly offsites, and a remote-first culture, we’re putting ourselves on the list, as AngelList (/company/angellist) continues to lead by example with competitive benefits for its employees. If you're looking for a new role with benefits that fit your values, there's no shortage of opportunities available. See our list below of 5 of the top tech companies with unbelievable benefits hiring now."},"JobCollection:122":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"122","title":"7 Companies Hiring Top Tech Talent Amidst 2022 Layoffs","slug":"6-companies-hiring-top-tech-talent-amidst-2022-layoffs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The job market is experiencing a shift with a wave of major layoffs across big tech companies pushing top talent to explore open roles at mid-sized companies. Big tech players like Meta, Twitter, and Uber ( are pausing hiring as layoffs increase (, giving an unexpected opportunity to midsize startups looking to recruit top tech talent who might have otherwise gone to larger firms ( Many companies have had to restrategize under the current investment climate, but Amazon (/company/amazon) could come out stronger than ever with millions continuing to rely on the company for everything from grocery delivery to cloud computing. Market conditions have made many startups cheaper to invest in, and venture capitalists ( remain optimistic. This has lead to massive opportunities ( for new founders and early startups. Amidst the economic uncertainty, the number of tech jobs—including web developers and software engineers—is expected to grow in the next decade ( There are still tech companies of all sizes looking to fill roles, and those with open roles are very serious about hiring ( Docugami (/company/docugami/jobs) is recruiting for a variety of open engineering positions in a job market that has suddenly been turned on its head. Seattle startup, 98point6 (/company/98point6) raised $43 million to help increase development capacity for its virtual healthcare technology, and is currently hiring for a number of tech roles. Remitly (/company/remitly) which helps people send money overseas saw customer growth spike 100% and the company is looking for tech talent to join their team. Opportunities are still hot for tech talent across a number of sectors. Here’s our list of top tech companies hiring amidst the current layoffs."},"JobCollection:121":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"121","title":"13 Innovative Social Media Companies Hiring Tech Talent Now","slug":"13-innovative-social-media-companies-hiring-tech-talent-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Twitter’s $44B price tag ( is evidence of the power and popularity of social media, a space that’s attracting a torrent of tech talent these days. At their best, social media platforms empower people to cultivate relationships (, expose them to (hopefully accurate!) news ( and new perspectives, serve as a tool for building personal brands (, and much more. Even though one third of the world ( is already on Facebook, there’s still plenty of room for startups to appeal to niche communities. That’s what Grindr (/company/grindr) does for LGBTQ folks and Chief (/company/chief-7) does for boss women. Stressed about all the social media accounts and #hashtags you need to track? Keyhole (/company/keyhole-1) is working to make that as painless as possible. Companies are trying out novel approaches, too. Saturn (/company/saturn-technologies) is all about helping teens build their social lives around the things they actually plan to do (that is, their calendar). Meanwhile, many people believe blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize how people interact online ( If the prospect of connecting the world excites you, check out our list of the top companies hiring to build social platforms and social media-related services."},"JobCollection:120":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"120","title":"11 Hot Paris Startups Saying ‘Bonjour’ to Top Tech Talent","slug":"11-hot-paris-startups-saying-bonjour-to-top-tech-talent","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Paris is fast becoming one of the hottest startup ecosystems in Europe ( and a top destination for tech talent. VC investment in French startups doubled to nearly $12B ( in 2021 as the country welcomed 12 new unicorns. A mix of highly skilled young professionals, booming VC investments, and an ecosystem that supports and promotes growth has helped propel the City of Light onto the global startup map. The city boasts the most research professionals, high-tech patents, and annual R\u0026D spending in Europe. Paris also hosts several top startup events, including Big Data \u0026 AI Paris ( and Hello Tomorrow Global Summit ( The city’s proximity to economic centers like London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, and Luxembourg add to the appeal for entrepreneurs. Leading tech categories include cosmetics, healthcare, aeronautics, digital transformation, and sustainable cities—which makes sense considering the city’s ambition to be Europe’s greenest city by 2030 ( Success stories include online home improvement marketplace ManoMano (/company/manomano-1) and crypto security company Ledger (/company/ledger) which have both raised hundreds of millions of dollars from investors. To keep up the momentum, France’s president pledges billions more in tech investment ( and founder-friendly immigration laws. Startups on the French Tech Next 40/120 list ( plan to create more than 200k jobs by 2025. If Paris is calling, check out our list of 11 hot Parisian startups hiring today."},"JobCollection:119":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"119","title":"5 Rapidly Growing Crypto Startups Hiring Software Engineers in 2022","slug":"top-5-crypto-startups-hiring-software-engineers","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"You’d need a supercomputer to keep up with all the news about challenges confronting decentralized finance these days. The value of Bitcoin, the OG of cryptocurrency, is nose-diving ( along with the stock price ( of Coinbase, the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the U.S. Add to that high-profile hacks (, software glitches (, evidence that so-called “stable coins” can be anything but (, and growing calls for more regulation (, and there’s plenty of work ahead for the industry to address. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is an emerging financial system that uses blockchain to bypass the traditional global banking industry, making it public and peer-to-peer in nature. First developed in the 1990s, blockchain technology saw a relatively slow adoption rate during its early years and then exploded in popularity during rapid digitization triggered by the pandemic. Seemingly overnight the world went from one main cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to dozens of digital currencies with varying degrees of decentralization. One of the most noteworthy events of 2021 came when El Salvador ( became the world’s first nation to adopt Bitcoin as a national currency to increase economic growth, boost financial inclusion, and maximize remittances from abroad. There are silver linings to the gray clouds hanging over crypto-land these days. For one, DeFi is getting more mainstream as Wall Street slowly embraces it ( For another, crypto and blockchain companies are getting more VC funding than any other category ( in 2022, according to a recent AngelList Venture report. Besides, currencies like Bitcoin have weathered wilder swings in the past ( If you’d like to put your software engineering skills to work for a company reimagining the future of payments, check out our list of the 5 top DeFi startups hiring top software talent."},"JobCollection:118":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"118","title":"5 Sizzling Hot Food Startups Hungry to Hire Tech Talent in 2022","slug":"5-sizzling-hot-innovative-food-startups-hungry-for-tech-talent-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Food tech is sizzling hot with investors. The industry saw record VC investment ( of $40B in 2021—doubling the previous high mark—as tech companies work to optimize how people grow (, consume (, and discard ( food. Companies in this sector develop agricultural technology for farming aimed at improving yield, efficiency, and profitability through things like crop and herd monitoring as well as robotic farm labor. They also develop new foods and help optimize operations for grocers and restaurants. The spike in funding is spurred by several major trends accelerated by the pandemic that continue through today. These include the popularity of online ordering and food delivery; shocks to the supply chain (; global labor shortages; and growing demand for more sustainable food systems. Investment into food e-commerce has been rising over the past decade, and the trend accelerated significantly after the onset of Covid-19, requiring companies to build out infrastructure to meet consumer demand. Online grocery and other digital-first food providers attracted record fundraising ( in 2021, and this year Chipotle launched a $50M venture fund ( for early-stage food tech startups. Startups that created vegan products and non-cultivated meat alternatives overtook cultivated meat in terms of deal amount at the seed stage in 2021, suggesting increasing early-stage innovation in the meat alternative field. Y Combinator, Techstars, 500 Global, Plug and Play Tech Center, and FoodBytes are among the most active investors in the sector. Hungry to get into the space? Check out our list of 5 hot food techs hiring today!"},"JobCollection:117":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"117","title":"The Next Big Startup Hub in Asia: 4 Philippine-based Startups Hiring Now","slug":"the-next-big-startup-hub-in-asia-4-philippine-based-startups-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The Philippine startup scene is rapidly growing, and the country is in a perfect position to be the next big startup hub ( in Asia. With around 15% ( of the startup ecosystem consisting of Fintech companies. The transaction value of Manila’s Fintech startups is expected to nearly double to around $10.5 billion ( by this year. Manila is on track to be one of the fastest-growing startup ecosystems ( worldwide. Policies like the Philippine Innovation Act ( and the Innovative Startup Act ( have been a major draw in bringing foreign investment into the region. The Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises Act CREATE ( has grown the country’s investments with an increase in competitive incentives. Since the country’s venture market is not yet overcrowded, now is the best time for investors to get in early. The Philippines are in a unique situation, currently churning out more ideas than capital can keep up with ( and VCs are working hard to build a startup hub that empowers more innovators to pursue their ideas. As the population of startups continues to rise in Manila, the number of startup incubators has also increased. Several notable incubators include IdeaSpace (, Impact Hub Manila (, and BrainSpark ( Here’s our list of some of the fastest-growing Philippines-based startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:116":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"116","title":"5 Sustainable Climate-Tech Startups Changing the World and Hiring Now","slug":"5-world-changing-sustainable-climate-tech-startups-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The growing impact of climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions has been a dominant cause for concern around the world, gaining attention from investors with venture capital firms pouring $53.7B ( into climate tech in 2021. Climate-focused funding in private markets is projected to continue over the coming decade, with the industry expected to grow to $1.9T ( by 2030. The number of climate tech unicorns has grown to 78 (, with the biggest number of these unicorns sitting in Mobility and Transport. While electric vehicles, micro-mobility (light-weight single person short distance transport), driverless cars, and other innovative transit solutions continue to attract significant funding. The tech world has seen a dramatic increase in interest in climate tech startups, but the challenge is scale ( - especially in sectors where the innovator is too big for angel capital but too high-risk for commercial lending. It’s in this space that venture capital plays a critical role. Private markets ( are willing to forgo an immediate return in anticipation that over the coming decade the economy will inevitably be decarbonized ( Reports predict that the next billion-dollar start-ups will be in climate tech, and will play a huge part in flattening the trajectory of pollution emissions in the hopes of getting the world back on track towards 1.5°C ( Interested in joining the green-tech revolution? Here’s our list of the fastest-growing climate tech companies changing the world, and they’re hiring!"},"JobCollection:115":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"115","title":"7 Startups You Should Apply to if you Love Tech and Travel ","slug":"7-startups-you-should-apply-to-if-you-love-tech-and-travel","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Emerging technologies are helping the Travel and Tourism industries bounce back from the pandemic ( and so far in 2022, the sector has raised about $3.4B ( Augmented Reality is bringing the tourism industry into the metaverse, making it possible to take a vacation without leaving the comfort of your home. Even major players like Disney ( are in the works of creating an AR theme park. After the restrictions set in place during the pandemic, travellers are gearing up to make up for lost time and virtual reality could provide a means for people to meet, plan trips, and learn more about their destination before they travel (, reducing last-minute cancellations and improving overall booking experiences. AR technologies are enhancing travel for tourists ( from translating signs and menus to providing virtual guided tours. The digitalization of the travel and tourism industry plays a key role in making the travel experience seamless, and startups are working hard to speed up wait times at airports by providing contactless security checks with facial recognition technology ( In the future, a face scan could facilitate all aspects of the airport process — from bag check to boarding — without ever having to show an ID or boarding pass. With the help of AI-based identification, augmented reality, and virtual vacations, the future of travel is looking promising as investors are embracing emerging technologies. Interested in playing a part in the future of travel? Apply to these 7 startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:114":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"114","title":"5 of the Hottest Web3 Startups You’ll Want to Work For in 2022","slug":"5-of-the-hottest-web3-startups-you-ll-want-to-work-for-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"“Web3” has grown as a buzzword in the startup industry, and it’s no surprise blockchain technologies are gaining major investor interest. This year, more than $3.8B ( has been poured into startups in the Web3 space — which includes the metaverse, cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and plenty of augmented reality features. The goal of Web3 is to move towards a decentralized internet, and away from larger tech players currently in control. The aim is to enable individuals to deal directly with one another, brands and creators, subsequently eliminating the middle man. While supporters believe Web3 will increase transparency and accessibility (, other players, such as Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey (\, have stressed that Web3 has already become as centralized as Web2 — but by venture capital. Investors are not deterred by the debate around the decentralized web and are continuing to fund its development. Web3 is accelerating with an increasing number of the world’s most recognized, from Starbucks ( to Steve Aoki (, rapidly adding Web3 capabilities to their core products. While not every blockchain-related company describes itself as a Web3 startup, companies that use “Web3” and “decentralized web” in their descriptions have seen a significant spike in funding ( In 2021 $380M ( was invested in companies that describe themselves as Web3 startups, a huge increase from the $20.5M ( in 2020. The buzz surrounding Web3 has attracted some of the brightest minds in tech, and mega-companies in Silicon Valley have seen a massive amount of their top talent migrate into the Web3 sector ( In the past year alone, crypto job postings have gone up by 400% ( and there is no scarcity in the number of opportunities available. Interested in playing a part in the future of the internet? Here’s our list of the hottest Web3 startups hiring now."},"JobCollection:113":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"113","title":"The Future of Digital Security: Top 6 Innovative Fraud Detection Startups Hiring Now","slug":"top-fraud-detection-and-prevention-startups-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"With online fraud on the rise, it’s little surprise that fraud detection and prevention is one of the hottest industries in tech. Companies are hiring top talent to keep ahead of the bad guys and contributing to a market that’s projected to grow to $66B by 2026 ( With so much of our days built around digital experiences, companies are increasingly looking for ways to quickly detect signs of fraud and eliminate risk. Angel investors are aggressively pursuing early-stage cybersecurity companies ( Cryptocurrency is one area rife with attempted fraud, leading many companies to beef up their compliance capabilities ( to ensure they don’t end up in any regulatory hot water. Even the biggest tech companies struggle to meet the challenge of rising levels of fraud in Apple’s App Store ( and Amazon’s marketplace ( Money laundering ( is a hot topic in the UK, leading to new startups like London-based Thirdfort, which aims to help flag suspicious financial actions. Here’s our list of the top FDP companies hiring to make the world more safe and secure."},"JobCollection:112":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"112","title":"Hiring! Edtech Companies Shaping the Future of Learning","slug":"hiring-edtech-companies-shaping-the-future-of-learning","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The global education technology market is experiencing a surge in new technologies. Education has been highly affected by Covid-19, with school closures and remote learning giving rise to a wave of edtech startups ( As a result, everything from books to fundraising is getting a digital makeover. In addition, the effects of students studying online are spilling out into sectors like healthcare and business ( As these new trends push edtech forward, the market cap is expected to reach $605B by 2027. (,15.52%25%20during%20the%20forecast%20period) The move from traditional modes of teaching to interactive and digitized formats has boosted the online education market and inspired the development of new approaches to delivering courses and skills. Advanced technologies like AI and augmented reality (AR) could become education’s engine through game-based learning (gamification), mobile-based learning, and hybrid models. Moreover, online certification platforms ( from companies like Google and LinkedIn and universities like Harvard and MIT are now competing with traditional degree tracks. If you’re passionate about improving education for future generations, check out our list below of the top edtech companies hiring now!"},"JobCollection:111":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"111","title":"Top 10 Wearable Tech Companies on the Rise ","slug":"top-wearables-companies-hiring-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The global wearables market is red-hot and expected to grow to $118B (,13.8%25%20from%202021%20to%202028) by 2028 as consumers quickly adopt new tech that helps them stay on top of their health. Wearables help people track day-to-day events and physiological data such as sleep quality, heart rate, blood oxygen level, blood pressure, cholesterol level, and more. Rising rates of chronic disease and obesity are helping to fuel adoption of activity trackers and body monitors that provide real-time information on a person’s wellbeing. While companies like Google, Garmin, and Apple dominate the consumer wearables market, there are plenty of up-and-coming tech companies enlisting top talent to innovate. From medicine to motion tracking and glasses to gloves, here’s our list of the top wearables companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:110":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"110","title":"Breaking Ground, Breaking Soil: The Hottest Startups in AgTech Hiring Now","slug":"the-hottest-new-players-in-agtech-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Across the $7.4B global agtech market (, entrepreneurs are crafting solutions to some hefty challenges. Faced with the prospect of feeding nearly 10 billion people (,toll%20on%20our%20natural%20resources.) by 2050—which would require a 60% increase in food production—tech companies are working to boost food production and fish supplies without damaging ecosystems or encroaching too much land. Companies are helping farmers face down a global farm labor shortage ( by deploying automation and robotics. They’re also leveraging things like satellite imagery, genomics, and drone-based precision farming ( to raise healthier livestock and crops. Check out our list of the top agtech companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:109":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"109","title":"Top Quantum Computing Startups Hiring Today","slug":"top-quantum-computing-startups-hiring-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Quantum computing is expanding in all directions (, from academics and corporate boardrooms to new hardware and software production. It’s no surprise that the industry is expected to skyrocket (,30.8%25%20during%20the%20forecast%20period.) to a value of $3.2T in 2028. The race to scale qubits (,or%20∣1⟩%20is%201.) (quantum equivalent of bits) is on. Denis Mandich, CTO of quantum encryption startup Qrypt (/company/qrypt), attributes the accelerating pace of funding and hiring to the likelihood of a speedy takeoff: “If you make that (first) scalable quantum computer, your advantage is so great that \"you’ll leave everyone else in the dust\" ( What makes quantum computers a powerful tool is their use of phenomena in quantum physics to create new ways of computing. Unlike normal computer bits, which can be 0 or 1, a qubit functions probabilistically ( This difference will enable quantum computers to attack historically difficult problems ( in drug and materials development, finance, cyber security, and efforts to fight climate change. If you’re drawn to help map the frontier of computation, check out our list of the top quantum computing companies hiring now."},"JobCollection:108":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"108","title":"13 U.S.-based Tech Companies Hiring International Talent","slug":"13-u-s-based-tech-companies-hiring-international-talent","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Immigrants are the economic engine of startups in the U.S., founding more than half of the country’s unicorns ( It doesn’t stop with founders. Tech companies are competing for foregin tech talent for a variety of reasons—including that diverse teams prove to be more productive ( Collaborating with the best and brightest from around the world is a win for everyone ( In order for a U.S.-based company to hire foreign workers, it needs to sponsor their petition for an H1-B visa (, a specialty visa for jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree or equivalent which lets them work in the country for up to 6 years. Each year, 85k candidates are awarded visas according to a lottery system ( While the visa isn’t guaranteed, many top companies are leveraging the program to employ international talent ( Check out our list below for the top companies sponsoring H1-B visas."},"JobCollection:107":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"107","title":"12 Startups Hiring to Serve Modern Women","slug":"12-startups-hiring-to-serve-modern-women","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"In just about any arena you look—from finance ( and fashion ( to SAAS ( and spirits (—women entrepreneurs are making giant strides ( despite the so-called “shesession.” ( It’s no different for healthcare. VCs poured nearly $1B into tech companies ( focused on women’s health in the first quarter of last year alone, and the number of companies in the space nearly doubled ( last year. According to the department of labor, women make 80% of healthcare decisions ( in the U.S. and spend 29% more per capita on healthcare than men. The pandemic presented an opportunity to innovate around women’s unique health needs. Here are top companies hiring today to deliver better health to women:"},"JobCollection:106":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"106","title":"Top Women-Backed Tech Companies Hiring Now","slug":"top-women-backed-tech-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Every year the number of female angel investors and VCs ( grows, with many actively looking to support women founders. “The momentum behind some of these companies that have been built by women ( is incredibly encouraging,” says the founder of the Female Founders Fund, reflecting on recent IPOs of Bumble, 23andMe, and Figs. There's a good reason, too. Research shows that VC firms with more female representation at the highest ranks post higher returns ( Billie (/company/billie-18), Zola, and Winky Lux are just a few examples of companies reaping the benefits of strong female backing. While they’ve made great strides, women still make up just 15% (,about%201%2C000%20female%20angel%20investors) of general partners at venture capital firms. So there’s plenty of work yet to be done. Here’s our list of the top companies hiring today that are backed by women investors:"},"JobCollection:105":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"105","title":"14 Startups Revolutionizing the Fitness Industry in 2022","slug":"top-startups-hiring-in-healthtech-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Health and wellness is a hot industry with consumers and investors alike. Companies in the space raised a whopping $44B last year during a so-called “home workout revolution” ( that also saw mindfulness soar to new heights. Other areas of healthtech innovation include new approaches to treating chronic lifestyle diseases. Apps like Headspace (/company/headspace and Calm are tackling sleep and mindfulness, while subscription box services such as TheraBox are bringing customers better nutrition and better appearance. As people get back to using shared spaces again, some predict a “mini-boom” for wellness tourism, health spas, and the like. These are the top fitness companies making waves in healthtech:"},"JobCollection:104":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"104","title":"20 Startups Adopting the 4-Day Workweek ","slug":"20-startups-with-4-day-workweeks","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The dream of spending less time at work without a pay cut is becoming a reality for more employees. Pandemic burnout ( and The Great Resignation ( are forcing many companies to rethink a 5-day schedule. A growing number of companies ( are now urging their employees to work fewer hours, not more. Studies have shown that a 4-day work week improves productivity ( and corresponds with gains in workers’ well-being ( This shift helps companies move away from simply measuring how long people are at work, to a sharper focus on the output they’re producing (—a win-win for both employees and companies. If it’s time to improve your work-life balance, check out our list of companies hiring with a 4-day work week."},"JobCollection:103":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"103","title":"Hiring: Up-and-Coming Companies Developing Green Energy ","slug":"hiring-up-and-coming-companies-developing-green-energy","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Capital is pouring into the renewable energy sector thanks to a growing recognition of the impacts of climate change among investors ( and others. The industry is expected to grow to $1.9T by 2030 ( as every aspect of the energy supply chain ( gets reimagined. Zero-emission fuel companies, green electricity providers, solar energy services, wind turbine distributors, and electric vehicle charging companies are just a few examples of businesses stepping up to combat reliance on fossil fuels. These sustainable energy companies are looking to hire top talent."},"JobCollection:102":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"102","title":"Top 12 Mental Health Startups Hiring Today ","slug":"top-12-mental-health-startups-hiring-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Fueled by the growing need to provide digital mental health solutions to patients during the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health and telehealth are receiving record investment ( With telehealth use up 38x overall since the pandemic began (, patients are more comfortable than ever connecting with health providers over their mobile phones. Increasingly, that’s true for mental health thanks to innovation by up-and-coming tech companies. Entrepreneurs are working to make accessing a therapist as easy as checking the weather and as comfortable as talking to a friend. With depression reportedly on the rise worldwide (, some predict the mental health app industry could grow to $17.5B by 2030 ( Some of these apps focus on catering to specific niches such as college students, teens, or employees. Meanwhile other companies are developing specialized therapies utilizing psychedelics or AI. Here are top mental health focused companies hiring today."},"JobCollection:101":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"101","title":"10 Black-Owned Startups Hiring Top Tech Talent","slug":"12-black-owned-startups-hiring-top-tech-talent","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"When it comes to diversity in tech, there’s good news and bad news. The good news: significant progress has been made to create more opportunities for Black tech talent to thrive. As a result, there’s an influx of Black founders who saw their funding quadruple in recent years ( and investors who are being promoted to partner or starting their own venture firms ( Firms like Jumpstart Nova are investing exclusively in Black-led companies ( The bad news: There’s a long way to go. For example, despite that quadrupling, Black entrepreneurs still only receive 1.2% of all venture capital invested in the U.S., and the number of venture partners or owners who are Black is still staggeringly small. Here are some Black-owned tech companies that are making a big impact across industries as diverse as fintech and foodtech."},"JobCollection:100":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"100","title":"12 Fast-Growing Electric Vehicle Startups Hiring Now","slug":"12-fast-growing-electric-vehicle-startups-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Chinese electric vehicle startups are bucking the trend of pursuing fully autonomous driving in favor of building advanced semi-autonomous systems ( Several of these Chinese companies have joined forces with Nvidia to rival U.S. car manufacturers. Tesla’s success (their sales nearly doubled last year, to 950k cars ( has provided hope for dozens of competitors to capitalize on the moment. The U.S. market will see its options for electric cars double this year, with 30 entirely new models poised to hit the streets. Unlike the standard-bearer, Tesla, many of these new offerings will be SUVs or larger. IHS predicts that 1 in 20 ( American buyers this year will pick a fully electric vehicle. With electric rising to cultural prominence, electric scooter manufacturers, charging station developers, and others are rising to fill in the gaps electric car brands won’t satisfy. Investors have recently shown a readiness to embrace promising startups ( in the space. They see the potential in a budding market that is poised to take off. Here are top electric vehicle companies looking to hire now:"},"JobCollection:99":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"99","title":"Top 10 Robotics Startups Hiring in 2022","slug":"top-12-robotics-startups-hiring-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The robotics space is attracting investment and top tech talent as opportunities expand across whole new types of industries. Tech companies hiring today are developing drone-based solutions, advancing autonomous travel, and inventing new modes of human-robot collaboration. The market for professional-service robots ( nearly tripled in value to $37B in recent years. While previous generations of robots thrived in industrial settings (think production lines), today’s robots prove useful in a wide array of settings and applications. Thanks to advancements in processing power, machine learning, and sensors—just to name a few—robots are more capable and widespread than ever before. \u003cb\u003e Robots may not be taking over the world just yet, but they’re capturing the hearts and minds of ambitious geeks. \u003cb\u003e Here are the top robotics startups hiring now:"},"JobCollection:98":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"98","title":"18 Innovative Space Startups Hiring Now","slug":"15-top-space-startups-hiring-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Few tech sectors are capturing the public’s collective imagination as much as space. Privatized spaceflight, or “NewSpace,” is attracting record investment and opening opportunities for tech companies across the globe that are inventing new ways to transport people—and giant telescopes ( —across the galaxy. The space industry is expected to grow to $3T in coming decades (, with space tourism ( comprising a healthy portion of the industry. With the price of flights dropping every year, new companies are taking flight to meet the demand and developing a new classes of solar sailing spaceships. If your sights are set on stars, check out our list for the top space startups hiring now:"},"JobCollection:97":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"97","title":"15 Startups Shaping the NFT Space","slug":"15-startups-shaping-the-nft-space","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"As crypto continues to advance, the NFT space has seen a wave of participation from the tech industry’s best and brightest ( The result: NFT companies have garnered more than $3B in investment ( in the past year alone. NFT stands for non-fungible token. “Non-fungible,” meaning that it’s unique and cannot be replaced. Each NFT is a digital asset designed to provide something that can’t be copied: proof of ownership of the work ( This proof enables digital collecting to function like physical art collecting. Beeple’s sale of his NFT piece “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” ( for $69M is a testament to where NFTs could be headed. As web3 (crypto) matures, it will be exciting to see the role NFTs play in shaping the future. Here are 15 NFT startups hiring today:"},"JobCollection:95":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"95","title":"20 Fast-Growing Companies Hiring Product Designers ","slug":"20-top-startups-hiring-product-designers-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Today’s tech companies are blurring the lines ( between products and services and online and offline experiences. They’re looking to product designers to help deliver unified brand experiences that can extend the relevance of a product across many facets of a customer’s life. This elevates the role of the product designer. A product designer is in charge of the design process of a product from start to finish. They must be able to dig into the details while remaining mindful of the product's larger goals. Traditionally the role has been associated with developing user experiences (“UX”) or product visuals, but product designers might also help develop product information architecture or system design. With the global industrial design market expected to grow by $12.5B (\u0026guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMmT4Z4BMtT3nPk3ooIhD-tB3C-AV-PAmapRGV0mbAFnIjaUP1rYKicVzhx_XcBxvvQccZ19Q1AZVq084I51p3bqF7ETzT251srnlADMdcW1duKyKs2ZgtBEj6FHgdJK_zQ49e9B53iUjEDD_IhaaUQJXxZnOR6W73T1y7heLH92\u0026guccounter=2) in the coming years, the demand for product design jobs is set to increase—along with salaries, which today average a healthy $105k/yr (,16.htm). If this sounds enticing, here are some of the top startups hiring product designers."},"JobCollection:94":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"94","title":"Innovation for a Better World: 20 Top Philanthropic Startups Hiring Today ","slug":"innovation-for-a-better-world-x-top-philanthropic-startups-hiring-today","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Startups are widely recognized as a key source of job growth, innovation and economic resiliency ( across the globe. Increasingly, they’re driving social change, too. Founders are levering tech know-how to address a growing list of humanitarian and social issues including homelessness, incarceration, and equity. Meanwhile, an emerging crop of companies are developing new tools to support the work of charities that raise money and attract volunteers for all manner of causes. Here are some world-changing startups that are hiring today."},"JobCollection:93":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"93","title":"28 London-Based Startups You'll Want to Work For in 2023","slug":"top-remote-based-uk-startups-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"London is one of the top 3 startup ecosystems in the world (, in terms of funding. London-based companies are pushing innovation across a number of industries including AI, blockchain, cyber security, and data analytics. England’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson once claimed that 528k Londoners—which equates to 1 in 6 residents ( —worked in the startup industry. The United Kingdom has gone to great lengths to remove barriers to innovation and business expansion, with lower corporate tax rates ( for companies engaging in research and development and the introduction of a start-up visa for entrepreneurs coming to the U.K. Here are some of the hottest London startups hiring today:"},"JobCollection:92":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"92","title":"The Silicon Valley of Asia: 15 Top Singapore Startups on the Rise in 2022","slug":"the-singapore-startup-scene-is-exploding-here-are-x-top-startups-to-watch-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Singapore is known among some as “Silicon Valley of Asia” ( as it’s developed into a leading startup hub in the region with an ecosystem valued at $21B ( The Singapore Fintech Festival ( is one of the world’s biggest annual fintech gatherings. Digital health is also hot in Singapore, with $4B in government funding ( for health and biomedical sciences R\u0026D, and many great digital health startups are flourishing. The city has a reputation for ease of doing business owing to startup grants and the efficient tax regime ( Singapore is situated as an intersection for different talents and backgrounds. Here are some top startups hiring in Singapore."},"JobCollection:91":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"91","title":"The Berlin Startup Scene: 20 Top Startups Hiring Now ","slug":"hot-berlin-startups-to-watch-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Berlin remains one of Europe’s hottest startup scenes. With $2B+ billion ( in early stage funding in 2020 alone, the excitement in Berlin is only ramping up. Germany’s capital city continues to attract talent from across the globe with a bustling startup scene that added 200+ new startups ( in the past year. Silicon Allee ( is one of several mini startup hubs spread throughout Berlin to help tech workers connect, and there are a number of women-driven networks ( helping to foster gender diversity ( in the local tech community. Affordable rent, availability of cheap office space, and a vibrant community of artists and creatives help draw people to Berlin from all over. Here are some top Berlin startups hiring today."},"JobCollection:90":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"90","title":"22 Hot Brazilian-Based Startups With Flexible Work Cultures","slug":"12-brazilian-based-startups-hiring-remotely-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Brazil’s startup scene is buzzing despite headwinds that continue to keep South America’s largest economy in a recession. Companies serving the B2B space—like recruitment platform Gupy and payment processing startup Ebanx—account for the majority of the estimated 12k active startups ( in the country, and agribusiness is a particular bright spot ( Brazil’s 9 active unicorns—like corporate wellbeing platform Gympass (/today/stories/gympass-the-corporate-wellness-unicorn-raises-a-220m-series-e-47402)—are taking advantage of the country’s rapid mobile adoption and improving Internet speeds. Much of the country’s startup activity is happening in the financial center of São Paulo, home to several top universities and a growing number of startup incubators (including Google’s only Latin-American incubator). Other cities with vibrant entrepreneur communities include Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, and Florianópolis. The country is shattering startup fundraising records in 2021 with more than $5B ( invested in the first half of the year—more than all of 2020. We’ve compiled a list of startups actively developing the next wave of big breakthroughs in Brazil."},"JobCollection:89":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"89","title":"15 Hot Vancouver Startups Hiring Remotely in 2022","slug":"the-vancouver-startup-scene-14-fast-growing-startups-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Vancouver is the epicenter of British Columbia’s tech industry boom, representing Canada’s fastest growing and fastest job-creating economy. \"Techcouver\" ( is the main tech hub of B.C, which is home to 10k startups, and is producing unicorns at an accelerated clip this year with 6 new unicorns ( in 2021 alone. Vancouver is attracting top tech talent with its reputation for beauty, diversity, and rising salaries. Located on the coast, Vancouver is home to B.C.’s largest LGBTQ community and 40% ( of its population immigrated from elsewhere. Leading sectors include information and communications, cleantech, life sciences, and digital media. Check out this list of startups taking full advantage of what Vancouver offers to help shape the future."},"JobCollection:88":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"88","title":"The Golden Age of Product Managers: 25 Remote Startups Hiring PMs ","slug":"15-fully-remote-tech-startups-hiring-product-managers","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The age old problem of having a lot of exciting ideas, and no execution - that's where the Product Manager comes in. The term has evolved from being a commonly used, debatably cliché resume skill, to one of the most sought-after job titles on the market. Essentially, a Product Manager is the sole expert of the product; sitting at the intersection of business, technology, marketing, and sometimes even design. Their role is to understand consumer needs in relation to the product and prioritize product features based on these needs. They take charge of organizing and instructing all functions and responsibilities related to a specific product; assessing risks and challenges, delegating tasks, implementing a roadmap, and ensuring, above all, the vision becomes reality. It's been said that we're currently in \"The Golden Age of Product Managers\", given that the demand has increased a staggering 32% ( from 2017 to 2019 alone, and is expected to see consistent YoY growth in the years to come. Not to mention, salaries are averaging well over 100K (,15.htm) and climbing. Sound exciting? These 25 startups are hiring Product Managers of all skill-levels, and bonus, they're all 100% remote."},"JobCollection:87":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"87","title":"20 Top Startups Hiring Remote UX/UI Designers ","slug":"15-trending-startups-hiring-remote-ux-designers","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"User experience has become somewhat of a buzzword these days, and honestly, it makes perfect sense. The existing, heavily-saturated digital market accentuates the need for constant innovation, creative solution, and most importantly, a deep understanding of how consumers engage with an interface at every touchpoint. Frictionless and delightful digital experiences are the golden standard, but what many don't see is the extensive methodical thought and behavioral research that goes into the design of each and every digital component we encounter. Our attuned assumption that digital experiences should all be easy (or we will just look elsewhere), prompts the necessity for talent to tease out the pain points through extensive user-testing, rounds of prototypes, and continual loops of data-driven optimization. The UX/UI Designer is that talent - and they are in high-demand. UX Designers were listed as #24 on Glassdoor's \"Top 50 Best Jobs in America for 2021\", and the industry is expected to grow 18% in the next three years alone. The role happens to be perfect for those looking to work remotely. It also just so happens, that's our specialty. There are currently hundreds of remote UX/UI Designer jobs on AngelList, so we narrowed it down for you. Here's a list of 20 top startups hiring remotely for UX/UI Designers."},"JobCollection:85":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"85","title":"20 Women-Led Startups Expanding Their Remote Teams in 2022","slug":"12-women-led-startups-expanding-their-remote-teams-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Shattering the glass ceiling, one ambitious women at a time. It is no surprise by now that women make great leaders. In the US alone, women-led businesses generated more than 1.8 trillion dollars last year, and that number is projected to keep climbing well into 2022. Despite historic business structure sitting heavily stacked against women, there has been a long-awaited, inspirational surge of female founders taking risks and emerging as successful entrepreneurial leaders. Survey data shows there are many crucial advantages to having women in leadership positions. One of the most important being emotional intelligence and empathetic leadership as a determinant of success. It also means greater probability of putting other women within the company in leadership positions; and thus, creating a more diverse, gender-balanced culture. Here is a list of 20 women-founded startups with flexible work environments, incredible benefits, and a highly-rated culture (not to mention, on the fast-track to impressive valuations and well-earned success)."},"JobCollection:84":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"84","title":"14 Startups With a Mission to Enhance the Remote Workplace","slug":"x-startups-with-missions-to-enhance-the-world-s-new-remote-workforce","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"With the rise of remote work comes a slew of new workplace challenges. We all know the pain of zoom fatigue, not to mention technical difficulties, feelings of isolation, the siloed efforts inhibiting team collaboration. The adjustment to remote work has been tricky to navigate for large and small companies alike, but as the months trickle on, it looks like remote work is here to stay. Currently, over 4.3 million Americans are working remote at least half of the time ( What's more, remote workers are now 24% more likely ( to report better work-life balance and mental health satisfaction. As remote work becomes more of a norm, many have seen the opportunity to enhance this new worker ecosystem through technology, new modes of communication, and task-management tools. From immersive community programs set on building remote culture, to crafting humanized conversation and compelling presentation through a computer screen, these 14 startups are looking to elevate the new normal, and make working from home (or wherever you please) the true ideal."},"JobCollection:83":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"83","title":"20 Remote Startups Revolutionizing Healthcare Technology","slug":"x-startups-revolutionizing-health-care-technology","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"As technology continues to advance, the healthcare industry becomes precedent in solution-oriented execution. The healthcare industry — more specifically, the medical profession — has been exhausted and overwhelmed by the pandemic, exposing the dire need for automaton, efficiency and enhancement within the system. These 20 remote-based startups are utilizing the growing intelligence of tech, AI, and advanced medical research to create a more robust healthcare system, and ultimately, a healthier future for society."},"JobCollection:82":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"82","title":"15 Remote Startups Hiring International Talent","slug":"these-x-fast-growing-startups-are-looking-to-hire-international-talent","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The modern-day workplace is stripping down borders and tearing down office walls. The shift from in-office to remote work has opened up access to jobs all over the world. As brilliantly put by tech legend Marc Andreessen, “Permanently divorcing physical location from economic opportunity gives us a real shot at radically expanding the number of good jobs in the world while also dramatically improving quality of life for millions, or billions, of people. We may, at long last, shatter the geographic lottery, opening up opportunity to countless people who weren’t lucky enough to be born in the right place. It is perhaps the most important thing that’s happened in my lifetime.\" The result: newly diversified cultures that thrive off different points of view, cross-cultural collaboration, and shared prosperity. Needless to say, the decentralization of the workplace is an exciting shift, and these startups are taking full advantage of a world of talent at their fingertips:"},"JobCollection:81":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"81","title":"21 AI-Driven Startups Hiring Remote Talent ","slug":"x-ai-driven-startups-transforming-our-future-one-automation-at-a-time","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Long gone are the days of manual data entry, impersonalized web experience, and soon enough, driving your own car. Artificial Intelligence is automating and advancing every facet of modern day society. Big data has transformed the way businesses connect with consumers, shaking up the entire business ecosystem and creating a plethora of new job opportunities for unique talent. Apart from data collection, machine learning continues to test its creativity; from mood-regulating robots, to minimizing food waste, to 24/7 live speech recognition - it’s no question, AI-driven inventions are becoming more innovative, more inspiring, and more interconnected within our day to day lives than ever before. The AI sector is sitting around 47 billion in value at the end of 2021, with projections of reaching a $360.36 billion market valuation by 2028. The industries growth predictions are set to skyrocket, creating a massive demand for data scientists, engineers, and developers able to tackle the humanized functions that make AI possible. Check out the fastest-growing startups set on transforming our future through AI."},"JobCollection:80":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"80","title":"19 Hot Crypto Startups Hiring Remotely in 2022 ","slug":"x-crypto-startups-to-watch-out-for-in-2022","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Either Crypto has a great PR team, or the internet-based medium of exchange is truly taking the world by storm. The latter seems to hold more validity, seeing that the cryptocurrency market is on track to reach 1TN in value by 2026. Over the past few years, crypto has gone from risky, rumored promise, to a strong bid for investors. What was once synonymous with merely BitCoin has now evolved into an entirely different currency ecosystem - expanding to thousands of individual internet currencies - each eager to capitalize on an expansive opportunity. By decentralizing the stream and exchange of money with blockchain technology, Crypto is revolutionizing not only the exchange of currency, but the entire investment portfolio. As a result, these internet currencies are reshaping the way our society perceives money, exchanges currency, and invests for long-term financial gains. BitCoin laid the groundwork, but since its rise to success, crypto companies are multiplying at a rapid pace. To help you out, we pulled together 19 exciting crypto startups to look out for (and are growing their teams!) in 2022:"},"JobCollection:79":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"79","title":"11 Fast Growing Marketing Tech Startups Hiring in 2021","slug":"11-fast-growing-marketing-tech-startups-hiring-in-2021","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Businesses of all sizes need marketing software. Growth in the space has accelerated over the past year due to consumers and businesses moving their activity online. This collection is a list of fast-growing marketing software startups that help businesses engage customers and scale. Companies on this list are backed by world-class investors and at all stages of growth – from Series A to hundreds of employees. We’ve included leading companies in each major marketing channel including email, search, and social media. These companies should be on your shortlist if you’re passionate about helping businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences and acquire, activate and retain customers."},"JobCollection:74":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"74","title":"Unicorn Startups Hiring From LinkedIn's 2019 List of Top Companies To Work For","slug":"top-50-unicorn-startups-according-to-linkedin","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Last April LinkedIn released its 2019 list of top 50 companies to work for in the United States. This was their 4th annual ranking of the most sought-after companies today. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e LinkedIn's Top Companies list is based on data gathered from their 546-plus million users, and more specifically, member's anonymized actions across four main pillars: interest in the company, engagement with the company’s employees, job demand and employee retention. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e With their 2020 list just around the corner, we thought we'd share with you some of the Unicorn Startups from their 2019 list hiring on AngelList today! \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e For LinkedIn's full 2019 list check out LinkedIn/TopCompanies ("},"JobCollection:72":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"72","title":"Digital Health Companies Enabling You To Manage Your Health From Home","slug":"digital-health-companies-enabling-you-to-manage-your-health-from-home","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"While 2019 was a big year for digital health, 2020 could be the biggest yet. COVID-19 has put enormous pressure on our global healthcare system, which is short-staffed, overwhelmed, and lacking the resources necessary to support the rising number of confirmed coronavirus cases. As a result, we're now turning to digital health companies to play a vital, and virtual, role in safeguarding those stuck at home. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e From aging populations, to those with mental health conditions, to those suffering from chronic illness (and everything in between), here's a list of digital health companies that can improve the care and self-management of patients from their homes."},"JobCollection:71":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"71","title":"Companies Delivering Food Safely To Your Door During COVID-19","slug":"companies-delivering-food-safely-to-your-door-during-covid-19","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"With over 80 million Americans forced to stay home, food-delivery companies have become a lifeline for customers. Rather than collapsing like the rest of the market, their stocks have been surging. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e What are these companies doing to meet the increase in demand brought about by COVID-19? More importantly, what measures are they taking to ensure the safety of both customers and drivers? \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Here's a list of food-delivery companies, from meal-kits to on-demand service, that are keeping food on our tables during this crisis, along with the changes their implementing to ensure the health and safety of our communities."},"JobCollection:70":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"70","title":"Startups Fighting to Flatten the COVID-19 Curve","slug":"startups-fighting-to-flatten-the-covid-19-curve","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"As the outbreak of COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the U.S., more stringent containment measures are being put into place. From social distancing, to workplace, school and daycare closures, to \"shelter-in-place\" orders, communities, our nation, and the world are coming together to fight this pandemic. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e At AngelList, we are very proud of the startup ecosystem's resilience and commitment to do what's needed to help curb the spread. We'd like to recognize some of the companies who are using their tech to ensure the health and safety of our communities, and support solutions for COVID-19. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Check out these startups fighting to flatten the COVID-19 curve. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e NOTE: This job collection is a work-in-progress. If your startup is helping fight COVID-19 and wants to be listed, please email ( We’d be honored to highlight your efforts."},"JobCollection:68":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"68","title":"New York Companies Hiring From Wealthfront's 2020 Career-Launching Company List","slug":"wealthfront-s-2020-career-launching-company-list-new-york","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"At AngelList, we collect some of the best lists of jobs and growing tech companies. The list below was curated by Wealthfront as part of their 2020 Career Launching Company List ( \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To qualify for Wealthfront's 2020 list, a company must be US-based, privately held, have a revenue run rate by year end of between $20 million and $300 million, be on a trajectory to grow at a rate in excess of 50% for at least the next three or four years, and have compelling unit economics. Their list was built by surveying partners of the following 16 premier early and late stage venture capital firms: Accel Partners, Andreessen Horowitz, Benchmark, Coatue, Dragoneer, Greylock Partners, Index Ventures, Kleiner Perkins Caufield \u0026 Byers, Matrix Partners, Redpoint, Ribbit Capital, Social Capital, Spark Capital, TCV, Tiger Global and Unusual Ventures. . \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Check out a small selection of the list below: New York based companies hiring on AngelList!"},"JobCollection:67":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"67","title":"San Francisco Companies Hiring From Wealthfront's 2020 Career-Launching Company List","slug":"san-francisco-companies-hiring-from-wealthfront-s-2020-career-launching-company-list","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"At AngelList, we collect some of the best lists of jobs and growing tech companies. The list below was curated by Wealthfront as part of their 2020 Career Launching Company List ( \u003cbr /\u003e To qualify for Wealthfront's 2020 list, a company must be US-based, privately held, have a revenue run rate by year end of between $20 million and $300 million, be on a trajectory to grow at a rate in excess of 50% for at least the next three or four years, and have compelling unit economics. Their list was built by surveying partners of the following 16 premier early and late stage venture capital firms: Accel Partners, Andreessen Horowitz, Benchmark, Coatue, Dragoneer, Greylock Partners, Index Ventures, Kleiner Perkins Caufield \u0026 Byers, Matrix Partners, Redpoint, Ribbit Capital, Social Capital, Spark Capital, TCV, Tiger Global and Unusual Ventures. . \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Check out a small selection of the list below: San Francisco based companies hiring on AngelList!"},"JobCollection:66":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"66","title":"The Breakout List: Great Companies To Apply To","slug":"the-breakout-list-great-companies-to-apply-to","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"At AngelList, we collect some of the best lists of jobs and growing tech companies. Check out these 30 companies hiring on AngelList from Breakout List 2019: Great Companies to Apply For ( \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Note: This list is not inclusive of all the companies highlighted on The 2019 Breakout List, but rather a selection of those actively hiring on AngelList! \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e What is The Breakout List? The Breakout List collects data from angels, VCs, late stage investors and CEOs, to identifying great companies. Why? \"Because candidates deserve to know which companies are growing and which companies are stagnant. Because when you’re a candidate, you’re betting your career\"."},"JobCollection:63":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"63","title":"23 Favorite Female-Founded Companies ","slug":"23-favorite-female-founded-companies","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"As we look forward to this year's International Women's Day, we're proud to share this list of female-founded companies driving impact and innovation across the tech world. This list is not inclusive of all female founders, entrepreneurs and leaders, but rather a small selection of some of our favorite companies, hand-selected by the women of AngelList. Women continue to be a rising force in tech, starting more businesses than ever before. They're setting trends and redefining industries, all while overcoming unique challenges related to gender equality. We're proud to have these companies and leaders in the AngelList community."},"JobCollection:61":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"61","title":"20 Companies Building Our Remote First Future","slug":"20-companies-building-our-remote-first-future","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Buckle up for the biggest global work from home experiment. As the Coronavirus continues to spread, most major companies are pushing their workers to work remotely. All eyes are now on the companies that enable remote work. In the last couple months, Slack and Zoom have seen their stock prices surge. There’s a new generation of startups innovating on the infrastructure of remote work. From online collaboration tools, to task management and mobile productivity software, to virtual reality conferencing, here’s a list of companies building a remote first future."},"JobCollection:57":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"57","title":"52 Best Startup Companies To Watch Out For in 2020","slug":"52-best-startup-companies-to-watch-out-for-in-2020","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Here at AngelList, we strive to empower anybody interested in startups to find the right resources to succeed - whether you're job seekers, investors, or builders, we provide the right jobs, investment opportunities, or new products to help you succeed. As we continue our journey to build the world's largest startup community, we are given the privilege to connect with promising startups all around the world every day. In this collection, we put together a list of some of the most interesting startups to keep on your radar in 2020. The list is based on our internal survey of numerous AngelList employees who interact with thousands of startups every year. From seed round companies about to make their presence known in the market, to well-established companies that have already raised significant capital but are still flying under the radar, here's a list you won't want to miss."},"JobCollection:54":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"54","title":"15 Startups With The Highest Paying Jobs of September","slug":"highest-paying-jobs-september","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Thousands of jobs were posted to AngelList in September of 2019. To make sure you didn't miss any high paying roles, we broke down the startups posting the highest paying jobs in September, and listed them (in no particular order) below. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e These jobs vary across cities (even remote) and across specialties. If you're looking to upgrade your pay, read on."},"JobCollection:53":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"53","title":"15 Fast-Growing Startups To Join After FAANG","slug":"15-fast-growing-startups-to-join-after-faang","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"In terms of total compensation, FAANG-sized (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) companies are among the best in the world. If you want job security and the highest possible salary, there's nowhere better than a Big-N tech company. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e However, thousands of people leave FAANG companies for startups every year, for a variety of reasons. Often, they leave because they want: \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e A role where they can have a bigger impact on the company. A chance to work with a new, cutting edge technology. To be an early employee (and equity owner) at the next tech giant. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To get a better understanding of why people leave FAANG companies—and what they're looking for in their next roles—we collaborated with Blind (\u0026utm_medium=newsletter\u0026utm_campaign=angelist\u0026utm_content=top15faang), a trusted online community where 2.8M+ verified professionals anonymously share advice, provide honest feedback, and discover relevant career information. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e After comparing Blind data with AngelList's startup data, we noticed an interesting trend around people who leave FAANG companies for startups: They tend to join the same companies. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e In fact, we've found that there is a small subset of startups, spanning all stages of fundraising and sectors of technology, that consistently recruit talent away from the top tech companies. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Below, we've listed the top 15 startups people are leaving FAANG companies for—all of which you can apply to on AngelList today. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To curate this list, we analyzed Blind's data (\u0026utm_medium=newsletter\u0026utm_campaign=angelist\u0026utm_content=top15faang) on which companies FAANG employees most frequently search for, AngelList's data on which startups hire the most former FAANG employees, and more AngelList data on which startups are growing the fastest."},"JobCollection:52":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"52","title":"22 San Francisco Startups With Generous Vacation Policies","slug":"startups-with-generous-vacation-policies-sf","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Perks on their own aren't a good reason to join a company—but they're still nice. Having ample time off, for example, can make life significantly less stressful. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Vetting a company's perks, however, can be tricky. Oftentimes, these things aren't listed on job postings. To help with this, we built AngelList's new company profiles to include information about companies' perks and culture. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e For example, here are 22 startups in San Francisco that offer generous vacation time, all of which you can apply to via AngelList today."},"JobCollection:51":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"51","title":"18 Startups In SF That Offer Free Lunch","slug":"startups-with-free-lunch-sf","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Perks on their own aren't a good reason to join a company—but they're still nice. Having your company cover your lunch, for example, makes coming to work just that much more enjoyable. Vetting a company's perks, however, can be tricky. Oftentimes, these things aren't listed on job postings. To help with this, we built AngelList's new company profiles to include information about companies' perks and culture. For example, here are 18 startups in San Francisco that offer free employee meals, all of which you can apply to via AngelList today."},"JobCollection:50":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"50","title":"17 Startups In NYC That Will Cover Your Lunch","slug":"jobs-with-free-food-nyc","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Perks on their own aren't a good reason to join a company—but they're still nice. Having your company cover your lunch, for example, makes coming to work just that much more enjoyable. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Vetting a company's perks, however, can be tricky. Oftentimes, these things aren't listed on job postings. To help with this, we built AngelList's new company profiles to include information about companies' perks and culture. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e For example, here are 17 startups in New York that offer free employee meals, all of which you can apply to via AngelList today."},"JobCollection:48":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"48","title":"15 San Francisco Startups That Let Employees Work From Home","slug":"san-francisco-work-from-home-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"With sky-high rents and some of the worst traffic in the world (though not as bad as LA or NYC, to be fair), living and commuting in San Francisco has some downsides. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e For many in the Bay Area, finding a job with a flexible work from home policy is a miracle, allowing them to live further out in more affordable locations, while reducing the number of days they have to battle with the commute. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e If you're looking for a job in San Francisco with a company that encourages working from home, you're in luck. We've put together this list of San Francisco companies hiring for work-from-home-friendly jobs on AngelList today."},"JobCollection:47":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"47","title":"15 New York Startups That Let Employees Work From Home ","slug":"new-york-work-from-home-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"It's not a secret: Commuting in New York sucks. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Between the reliably gridlocked traffic and the unreliable subway system, having a job that allows you to work from home can be a game changer. One of the city's dozens of parades adding an hour to your commute? Don't feel like riding the train in 90 degree heat? No problem—stay home and get your work done. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Discerning which companies allow employees to work from home, however, can be tricky. Often times, these sorts of cultural perks aren't listed explicitly on job listings. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To help with this, AngelList recently rolled out our new, revamped company profiles. These new profiles give companies a chance to show off their culture and perks in a way that makes your job search easier. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e As an example of how these new profiles can make your job search better, we put together this collection of New York startups hiring on AngelList who list \"work from home\" among their perks and benefits. You can apply to any of these companies today."},"JobCollection:46":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"46","title":"20 Startups With Perfect Jobs For Digital Nomads","slug":"digital-nomad-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Traveling the world, working from the beach, staying in low cost of living cities—the digital nomad life is appealing for a lot of reasons. To live this care-free life of international travel, however, you do have one big hurdle to overcome: You have to find a job to support it. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To give your digital nomad dreams a boost, we've put together this list of companies hiring for jobs that suit a digital nomad. Whether you like to code, write, or handle operations, there's a job for everyone on this list. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Remember, if you can't find the right job for you here, you can also always check out our mega collection of remote jobs (/job-collections/remote)."},"JobCollection:45":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"45","title":"26 Startups Hiring For Freelance Writing Jobs","slug":"freelance-writing-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Making a living as a writer in tech can be tricky. While many gravitate towards in-house roles, typically around content marketing, many people are still attracted to the freedom and flexibility of freelance writing jobs. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To help with you job search, we put together this list of startups currently hiring for freelance writing jobs. You can apply to any of these jobs on AngelList today."},"JobCollection:44":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"44","title":"25 Startups Hiring For Junior Software Engineer Jobs","slug":"junior-software-engineer-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Junior software engineering jobs are, according to conventional wisdom, the hardest to land. Junior software engineering jobs, the thinking goes, have the highest level of relative competition, as there are typically a flood of juniors applying for open roles, all of whom lack the work experience to really differentiate themselves According to AngelList data, the average junior engineer applies to 23 companies before getting hired to their first job. (/blog/the-truth-about-finding-your-first-engineering-job) To help you in your search, we compiled this list of 25 companies, all of whom are hiring for junior software engineer roles that you can apply for today."},"JobCollection:43":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"43","title":"30 Startups Willing To Pay Engineers $200,000","slug":"high-paying-software-engineer-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"One of the more pervasive ideas about startups is that when you join one, you are accepting an extreme pay cut, often in exchange for equity. And while it's true that most startups can't offer comp packages that rival the Google's of the world, it simply isn't true that joining a startup means skimping by on a low salary. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To prove this point, we've put together this collection of 30 startups hiring engineers on AngelList whose salary range extends to $200,000. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e You can apply to any of these companies today—and if you don't see a company you like, you can search for even more jobs in this high salary range via AngelList's Job Search. (/jobs)"},"JobCollection:42":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"42","title":"41 Startups Hiring For Great Second Jobs In Tech ","slug":"six-figure-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Finding a second job is, by and large, easier than landing your first. As a hire, you're \"de-risked\" now that you've spent sometime working as an engineer. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e However, some second jobs are still better than others. In the below collection, we've listed 41 companies that pay over $100,000 a year for roles that require less than 3 years of experience. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e If you're ready to make a move, start here."},"JobCollection:41":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"41","title":"62 Companies Hiring Engineers Without Work Experience","slug":"no-work-experience","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Finding your first job in tech, according to traditional wisdom, is the hardest. While getting your resume/portfolio in order is important, one of the bigger bottlenecks is simply finding enough companies who hire technical talent with no work experience. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To help, we've put together this list of companies hiring for technical roles who accept applicants with no prior work experience. The jobs here include the full breadth of software engineering roles, as well as other technical fields, such as data science. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e All of these jobs are either in the US or Europe, while some offer remote work. Additionally, while all of these companies hire applicants with no work experience, this does not necessarily mean they have no barriers to entry. Some of these roles (machine learning roles, for example) may have knowledge requirements, while others may require certain credentials, like a CS degree. Check the guidelines for any role before applying. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Also note that these listings reflect live data. Companies may alter jobs/update details. We'll do our best to make sure things are up-to-date. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Finally, here's some slightly broader job search advice. While there are no doubt many roles that fit you in this collection, you shouldn't feel limited to only applying to jobs in this collection—or to only applying to jobs with \"junior\" in their title, for that matter. According to AngelList data, the average engineer with 0 years of experience lands their first job in a role \"requiring\" more than 1 year of work experience. (/blog/why-you-should-apply-to-engineering-jobs-you-arent-qualified-for)"},"JobCollection:38":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"38","title":"10 Hot \"No Code\" Startups Hiring Now","slug":"jobs-at-no-code","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Critics like to dismiss \"No Code\" platforms as being faddish and incapable of producing \"real\" software, but here's the thing: No Code platforms have been powering the web for decades. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To understand the impact of these platforms, think of it this way. Wordpress, one of the oldest coding-optional website management platforms, is also the most ubiquitous CMS on the web, powering over 25% of the world's websites ( Pile on the popularity of Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, and others, and you're looking at a massive chunk of the modern internet being run on No Code or low-code platforms. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e The newer generation of these platforms, think Zapier, Airtable, and Webflow, allow you to take things a step further and actually build full-stack web applications without touching a line of code. When it comes to democratizing the power of software, it's hard to think of an industry making more of an impact. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Because of this impact, these companies also are incredibly successful financially. Shopify and Wix are both publicly traded, Squarespace is gearing up for an IPO, Airtable is a unicorn, and Webflow just raised a Series A at a $350 million dollar valuation. ( \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e If you want to join a startup that is having a massive impact on the world, and also has a reliable path to profitability, consider applying to one of the No Code startups below:"},"JobCollection:37":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"37","title":"30 Startups Hiring For Remote Marketing Jobs","slug":"remote-marketing-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Finding a remote marketing job can be a brutal slog. You have to sort through: \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e 1. The \"freelance\" gigs that pay pennies per hour 2. The \"ambassador\" jobs that also pay pennies per hour 3. The outright scams that somehow pay less than pennies per hour \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To help you avoid this, we put together this collection of remote marketing jobs. Every company on this list is hiring for a marketing role that is remote, that pays well, and that you can apply to on AngelList today. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e If you're looking for more remote jobs, check out our mega-collection of remote jobs (/job-collections/remote) and our more tailored collection of high paying remote jobs (/job-collections/high-paying-remote-jobs)."},"JobCollection:36":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"36","title":"36 Startups Hiring For Remote Design Jobs","slug":"remote-graphic-design-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Forging your path as a creative in tech isn't the most straightforward proposition. Whereas engineers, for the most part, have a well-documented standard career progression, designers—particularly graphic designers and illustrators—vary much more in how their career's progress. What one graphic designer needs out of a job to take a step forward in their career is very different from another. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e With this job collection, we went through AngelList data to find companies hiring for remote design jobs, with an emphasis on finding jobs that satisfy a variety of career needs. We've covered both contract and full-time work, as well as junior and senior positions. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Note that all of these roles are focused on pure design work. If you're looking for remote jobs that incorporate some frontend engineering, we recommend checking out our larger remote jobs (/job-collections/remote) collection."},"JobCollection:35":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"35","title":"17 Startups With Remote Product Manager Jobs","slug":"remote-product-manager-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"A product manager's role is roughly as far from an \"individual contributor\" as you can possibly get. A PM needs to be involved in designing the product, setting the roadmap, managing the team, and coordinating the launch. It is a cross-functional, \"wear many hats\" role. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Many people assume that such managerial roles are less likely to be remote, particularly compared to individual contributor roles, but a quick survey of AngelList data suggests that this isn't necessarily the case. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Below, we've broken down 17 startups hiring for remote product manager roles that you can apply for today. For more remote roles, check out our mega-collection of remote jobs (/job-collections/remote)."},"JobCollection:34":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"34","title":"18 Startups Hiring For High Paying Remote Jobs","slug":"high-paying-remote-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"For many, remote work is the ideal. No commute, no office life, and the freedom to travel while you work. For all of that upside, many are willing to accept a lower salary than they would receive if they worked in an office in a major tech hub. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e This tradeoff, however, isn't completely necessary. There are plenty of companies who pay high salaries for remote positions—you just have to find them. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To help, we've put together a collection of 18 startups with high paying remote jobs (for the purposes of this collection, a high paying remote job is one that pays over $100,000) on AngelList today. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To see more remote positions, check out our mega-collection of remote jobs (/job-collections/remote) on AngelList."},"JobCollection:33":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"33","title":"33 Startups Hiring For Jobs In Brooklyn","slug":"jobs-in-brooklyn","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"For the better part of the last decade, New York has been the central hub for East Coast startups. And while Manhattan's so-called \"Silicon Alley\" is probably the most famous area for startups, Brooklyn—which would be the 4th largest city in America if independent—is home to a lot of exciting companies. According to AngelList data, we've seen over 1,600 startups in the neighborhood over the last years. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e If you want a job at a startup in Brooklyn, read on. We've broken down some of the best startups hiring for jobs in Brooklyn, all of which you can apply to today."},"JobCollection:31":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"31","title":"26 Startups Hiring For Education Jobs","slug":"education-jobs","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Ed tech is a young, but rapidly growing market. While the total amount of funding in the market is still small relative to bigger markets, the education market did set new personal records for total funds raised in both 2017 and 2018. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e As with any growing market, there is a need for talent in the field. Below, we've broken down some of the top startups hiring for education jobs right now."},"JobCollection:30":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"30","title":"9 Startups Engineers Are Leaving Facebook For","slug":"careers-after-facebook","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"To recruit engineers from a company like Facebook, a startup needs to be pretty exciting. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Engineers at so-called \"Big N\" companies (the Facebook's and Google's of the world) make the best salaries in the industry, and for them, joining a startup almost invariably means taking a pay cut. Because of this, when an engineer leaves Facebook, it's typically for another tech giant that can offer similar compensation. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e However, after looking at AngelList data, there are some startups successfully recruiting Facebook engineers. While these companies may not yet have the brand name of Facebook, they clearly have something figured out, and engineers are taking notice. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e If you're an engineer at a tech giant—or are just looking for a potential rocketship to join—take a moment to review these companies. You can apply to all of them today on AngelList."},"JobCollection:29":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"29","title":"32 Fastest Growing Startups In San Francisco—Hiring Now","slug":"fastest-growing-startups-in-san-francisco-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The Bay Area is the center of the startup universe. As a job seeker, you shouldn't feel limited to just San Francisco, but you also shouldn't close yourself off to the opportunities it presents. With higher salaries, the biggest concentration of startups, and the presence of most major tech giants, San Francisco is one of—if not the—best cities to build a career in tech. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Below, we've broken down some of the fastest growing startups in San Francisco, all of which are hiring now. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Our methodology is simple: We looked through AngelList data to find which companies have added the most employees in 2019, and we selected the leading startups that also have open jobs. We removed any company that didn't include salary/equity data for its jobs. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Learn more about these companies and 300+ jobs by clicking on the roles below."},"JobCollection:28":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"28","title":"41 Companies That Hire Coding Bootcamp Graduates","slug":"companies-that-hire-coding-bootcamp-graduates","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"The real final assignment in any coding bootcamp isn't a capstone project or an app for your portfolio—it's your job search. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e While some coding bootcamps have extensive partnership programs to help place their graduates, many still rely on graduates to apply to jobs on their own. Unfortunately, applying to jobs as a new bootcamp graduate is tough. Companies don't always advertise whether or not they hire coding bootcamp graduates as a policy, and because of this, you can waste days sending applications to companies that are rejecting you without thought. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To provide some transparency, we went through AngelList data and curated a selection of companies with open jobs on AngelList who have hired a fresh bootcamp graduate in the past. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e You can apply to any of these jobs today with the confidence that the company has at some point hired someone who recently graduated from a coding bootcamp. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e This list is a living document and will be updated weekly, so if you're on the hunt for your first job after graduating bootcamp, check back here often. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Note: Just because a company has hired bootcamp grads, it does not mean that every role they're hiring for is likely to be filled by a recent bootcamp grad. Management roles, for example, are almost always going to require some years' experience."},"JobCollection:26":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"26","title":"Hot Startups Hiring In Los Angeles","slug":"hot-startups-hiring-in-los-angeles","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Behind only San Francisco and New York in terms of candidate interest, Los Angeles is one of the most popular tech hubs in America. The weather is incredible, the cost of living is lower than SF or NYC, and the tech ecosystem is booming. If you're looking for your next startup, it's a pretty great place to look. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Below, we've listed 17 LA startups hiring for technical talent on AngelList—that you can apply to today."},"JobCollection:24":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"24","title":"11 Startups Founded By Uber Alumni That Are Hiring Now","slug":"11-startups-founded-by-uber-alumni-that-are-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Uber's rise has been nothing short of meteoric. The company—which raised part of its seed round as UberCab on AngelList (/blog/congratulations-ubercab)—now boasts over 90 million users serviced in more than 60 countries. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Over the last decade, Uber has recruited some of the best talent in tech, and as a result, has an incredible alumni network of founders. Below, we've collected 11 exciting startups founded by ex-Uber employees, all of which are hiring now."},"JobCollection:23":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"23","title":"28 Hot Healthcare Startups Hiring Now","slug":"28-hot-healthcare-startups-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"Healthcare startups raised over $28 billion in 2018—more than 2012 and 2013 ( combined. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Everything from how you attend your doctor's exam—or your AI-powered diagnostic scan—to how your prescriptions get filled is changing, thanks to tech. As these innovative companies grow, so does their need for talent. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Below, we've listed the most active (from a hiring perspective) healthcare companies on AngelList. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Our methodology weighted: \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e - - Number of jobs each company is actively hiring for - - How frequently each company reaches out to recruit candidates - - How responsive each company is to applicants"},"JobCollection:22":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"22","title":"16 Budding Cannabis Companies Hiring Now","slug":"16-budding-cannabis-companies-hiring-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"With the U.S. seeing more and more states legalize recreational cannabis, the industry is poised for a massive boom. Cannabis revenue in America is projected to eclipse $23 billion by 2022, and within a decade, global cannabis spending is expected to surpass $57 billion ( \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Cannabis startups, as a result, are growing quickly. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e If you're interested in finding a job at a high growth cannabis company, we've taken a sampling of the most active cannabis startups (from a hiring perspective) on AngelList and listed them below. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Our methodology weighted: \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e - - Number of jobs each company is actively hiring for - - How frequently each company reaches out to recruit candidates"},"JobCollection:20":{"__typename":"JobCollection","id":"20","title":"10 Hot FinTech Startups Hiring The Most Right Now","slug":"10-hot-fintech-startups-hiring-the-most-right-now","heroUrl":"","textDescription":"FinTech startups raised nearly $40 billion in 2018, with about $12 billion of that making its way to U.S.-based companies. The tech they’re advancing could impact everything from the way you pay for lunch today to how we’ll invest in the next unicorn. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e And they’re attracting more than capital. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Finance is high on the list of industries that top job-seekers most want to join. Interested in making a move? We took a global snapshot of all FinTech startups hiring on AngelList Talent and analyzed a standard set of inputs: \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e —Jobs: How many jobs does each startup have posted on AngelList Talent right now? —Outreach: How many job-seekers has each startup contacted this year? —Conversion: How many of the job-seekers they contacted responded this year? —Applicants: How many job-seekers have applied to work at each startup this year? —Hires: How many hires has each startup made through AngelList Talent? —And more \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Below are the top 10 FinTech startups hiring the most on AngelList Talent right now. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e (Methodology and Data collection by Kenny Leung)"}}},"router":null}},"page":"/jobCollections/directory","query":{},"buildId":"ch-86c2532525e3e521db5da818ca95bfca","assetPrefix":"/talent","runtimeConfig":{"ALLOW_UNAUTHORIZED":false,"ANALYTICS_WRITE_KEY":"poTMRBHig2tYBNBP5P6kGfkGBFq19jmB","CLARITY_ENABLED":false,"CLARITY_PROJECT_TOKEN":false,"CLOUDFLARE_TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY":"0x4AAAAAAAgpA-Qx7SsJOW-g","DD_CLIENT_TOKEN":"pub666b57f287aabbce5dbde9cdcebef24c","DEFAULT_DOMAIN":"","DEFAULT_EMAIL_DOMAIN":"","DEFAULT_SEO_DOMAIN":"","EXTERNAL_SCRIPTS_DISABLED":false,"RECRUITER_CLOUD_URL":"","GIT_COMMIT_SHA":"ch-86c2532525e3e521db5da818ca95bfca","GRAPHQL_URI":"","HELP_DOMAIN":"","HELPSCOUT_BEACON_ID":"555ee66a-6ab0-4ff7-9c32-1089d7fbc687","HELPSCOUT_CURATED_BEACON_ID":"d7819ce9-e156-4c80-a096-7d55711d0291","HELPSCOUT_TALENT_HELP_BEACON_ID":"168dd697-8dc7-421c-81ec-1e1f498bf879","METAMAP_KEY":"63e535937180ab001c5ee0df","ROLLBAR_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN":"753ead3574224e64ab8e3ebd93895ce0","SEGMENT_ENABLED":true,"STONLY_WID":"b5cf3113-5d1d-11ec-82f1-064cee365e5a","STRIPE_KEY":"pk_live_LVuuoof98c4wqw91j9BWsrOs","TIMEKIT_WIDGET_KEY":"live_widget_key_NDII8Ma6XFOcUHEZvIbMzDaBVtBn0eOg","USE_INSECURE_AGENT":false,"NEXT_CONFIG_ENV":"production","NODE_ENV":"production","RAILS_ENV":"production","ROOT_URL":""},"isFallback":false,"customServer":true,"gip":true,"scriptLoader":[]}</script><script> !function(){var||[];if(!analytics.initialize)if(analytics.invoked)window.console&&console.error&&console.error("Segment snippet included twice.");else{analytics.invoked=!0;analytics.methods=["trackSubmit","trackClick","trackLink","trackForm","pageview","identify","reset","group","track","ready","alias","debug","page","once","off","on","addSourceMiddleware","addIntegrationMiddleware","setAnonymousId","addDestinationMiddleware"];analytics.factory=function(e){return function(){var;t.unshift(e);analytics.push(t);return analytics}};for(var e=0;e<analytics.methods.length;e++){var key=analytics.methods[e];analytics[key]=analytics.factory(key)}analytics.load=function(key,e){var t=document.createElement("script");t.type="text/javascript";t.async=!0;t.src="" + key + "/analytics.min.js";var n=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];n.parentNode.insertBefore(t,n);analytics._loadOptions=e}; analytics._writeKey="poTMRBHig2tYBNBP5P6kGfkGBFq19jmB"; analytics.SNIPPET_VERSION="4.15.2"; analytics.load("poTMRBHig2tYBNBP5P6kGfkGBFq19jmB", {"integrations":{"Amplitude":false}}); }}(); </script><script>(function(){function c(){var b=a.contentDocument||a.contentWindow.document;if(b){var d=b.createElement('script');d.innerHTML="window.__CF$cv$params={r:'8e7177a418134d9f',t:'MTczMjM2ODEzOS4wMDAwMDA='};var a=document.createElement('script');a.nonce='';a.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/scripts/jsd/main.js';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(a);";b.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(d)}}if(document.body){var a=document.createElement('iframe');a.height=1;a.width=1;'absolute';;;'none';'hidden';document.body.appendChild(a);if('loading'!==document.readyState)c();else if(window.addEventListener)document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',c);else{var e=document.onreadystatechange||function(){};document.onreadystatechange=function(b){e(b);'loading'!==document.readyState&&(document.onreadystatechange=e,c())}}}})();</script></body></html>