XSDT: cập nhật Tin tức, bài báo MỚI NHẤT về XSDT
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-21 -13z"/> <path d="M1200 1996 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M2313 1963 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M50 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -11 11 -25 0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 14 5 25 11 25 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M710 1855 c0 -14 -5 -25 -12 -25 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 11 -12 25 0 14 -4 25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1340 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M1524 1871 c7 -11 -28 -43 -37 -34 -4 3 -7 -3 -7 -15 0 -16 6 -22 21 -22 11 0 18 4 15 9 -7 11 28 43 37 34 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M1800 1859 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 11 7 43 -28 34 -37 -3 -4 3 -7 15 -7 16 0 22 6 22 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -9 -9 -44 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-15z"/> <path d="M2303 1803 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M1683 1723 c4 -3 -3 -11 -16 -17 -26 -14 -29 -44 -5 -60 14 -8 22 -7 35 8 17 18 17 18 -4 5 -17 -10 -25 -11 -34 -2 -15 15 -4 43 16 43 10 0 13 -5 9 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -6 8 -14 14 -17 14 -3 0 -2 -3 1 -7z"/> <path d="M50 1705 c-10 -12 -10 -18 0 -30 10 -12 15 -13 21 -4 11 19 42 2 34 -19 -5 -13 -3 -14 6 -5 15 15 5 41 -18 50 -10 4 -21 10 -24 15 -3 5 -12 2 -19 -7z"/> <path d="M231 1706 c-9 -11 -9 -15 0 -18 8 -3 10 -11 6 -22 -5 -12 -13 -16 -25 -11 -13 5 -14 3 -5 -6 15 -16 44 -4 50 21 3 11 10 20 15 20 6 0 5 7 -2 15 -15 19 -24 19 -39 1z"/> <path d="M364 1705 c-7 -18 12 -45 32 -45 8 0 14 -5 14 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 4 14 14 14 20 3 33 -10 12 -15 13 -21 4 -10 -17 -42 -2 -35 16 3 8 3 15 0 15 -2 0 -7 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M552 1708 c-7 -7 -12 -18 -12 -25 0 -7 -5 -13 -12 -13 -8 0 -6 -6 4 -17 14 -14 20 -14 33 -3 12 10 13 15 4 21 -17 10 -2 42 17 35 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -8 14 -28 13 -43 -2z"/> <path d="M1339 1703 c-13 -15 -12 -15 8 -2 17 10 25 11 34 2 15 -15 4 -43 -16 -43 -9 0 -13 5 -10 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4 -9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -3 -4 7 2 14 13 17 26 7 36 33 20 52 -16 20 -34 19 -51 -2z"/> <path d="M1812 1708 c-17 -17 -15 -33 5 -49 15 -13 15 -12 2 8 -10 17 -11 25 -2 34 15 15 43 4 43 -16 0 -9 -4 -13 -10 -10 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 16 -7 27 6 7 10 9 15 5 11 -5 -5 -14 2 -20 14 -13 27 -36 34 -54 16z"/> <path d="M691 1696 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 17 0 21 -4 15 -17 -5 -14 -3 -15 6 -6 15 15 3 33 -22 33 -11 0 -17 5 -14 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M879 1693 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -17 -4 -21 -17 -15 -14 5 -15 3 -6 -6 15 -15 33 -3 33 22 0 14 4 18 13 13 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1197 1703 c-4 -3 -7 -15 -7 -25 0 -11 -4 -16 -10 -13 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 16 4 20 16 16 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -7 12 -19 13 -28 3z"/> <path d="M1479 1693 c-7 -10 -9 -15 -5 -11 5 5 14 -2 20 -15 14 -26 44 -29 60 -5 8 14 7 22 -8 35 -18 17 -18 17 -5 -4 10 -17 11 -25 2 -34 -15 -15 -43 -4 -43 16 0 10 5 13 13 9 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -17 21 -16 21 -32 0z"/> <path d="M1015 1690 c-9 -15 4 -30 26 -30 14 0 18 -4 13 -12 -5 -9 -2 -9 9 1 9 7 17 15 17 16 0 1 -8 9 -17 16 -11 10 -14 10 -9 2 5 -9 0 -13 -14 -13 -16 0 -20 5 -16 15 6 17 0 20 -9 5z"/> <path d="M721 1556 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -4 8 -1 12 10 12 12 0 15 -6 12 -25 -3 -13 -1 -22 3 -19 17 10 9 46 -11 51 -11 3 -17 9 -14 14 8 14 -2 11 -15 -5z"/> <path d="M67 1554 c-3 -3 -3 -13 0 -21 4 -9 1 -13 -8 -11 -8 2 -15 -1 -16 -7 -1 -5 5 -9 13 -7 9 2 14 -3 12 -12 -2 -8 2 -15 7 -15 6 0 9 7 7 15 -2 9 3 14 10 12 8 -2 14 2 14 7 0 6 -7 9 -15 7 -9 -2 -12 2 -8 12 6 16 -6 30 -16 20z"/> <path d="M200 1543 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 3 4 13 1 22 -6 14 -10 14 -10 4 4 -7 9 -10 19 -6 22 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M263 1553 c4 -3 1 -13 -6 -22 -10 -14 -10 -14 4 -4 9 7 19 10 22 6 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -17 17 -9 0 -13 -3 -10 -7z"/> <path d="M409 1551 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M550 1530 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 27 0 30 3 30 30 0 27 -3 30 -30 30 -27 0 -30 -3 -30 -30z m50 -5 c0 -8 -9 -15 -20 -15 -11 0 -20 7 -20 15 0 8 9 15 20 15 11 0 20 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1230 1552 c0 -7 -9 -12 -20 -12 -11 0 -20 -4 -20 -10 0 -5 9 -10 20 -10 11 0 20 -5 20 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M893 1535 c-14 -10 -24 -12 -28 -5 -3 5 -12 10 -18 10 -7 0 -3 -6 7 -12 19 -11 19 -11 1 -24 -10 -8 -14 -14 -8 -14 7 0 15 4 18 10 4 6 15 4 30 -6 15 -10 25 -12 30 -5 3 6 3 12 -2 12 -4 1 -12 2 -18 3 -5 0 -10 6 -10 11 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 12 4 13 9 7 15 -4 15 -25 1z"/> <path d="M1065 1541 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M360 1510 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 17 0 30 4 30 9 0 4 -11 6 -25 3 -20 -3 -25 0 -25 16 0 11 6 23 13 25 7 3 5 6 -5 6 -13 1 -18 -7 -18 -29z"/> <path d="M399 1523 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M520 1510 c0 -26 3 -30 28 -29 25 2 25 2 3 6 -18 4 -22 10 -18 29 2 13 0 24 -4 24 -5 0 -9 -13 -9 -30z"/> <path d="M687 1533 c-14 -14 -6 -45 13 -50 11 -3 17 -10 13 -17 -4 -6 1 -5 10 3 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -1 -10 -11 -10 -12 0 -15 6 -12 25 6 27 5 29 -5 18z"/> <path d="M1001 1516 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1160 1516 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 9 12 20 12 11 0 20 5 20 10 0 6 -9 10 -19 10 -11 0 -21 5 -23 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M225 1500 c-4 -6 -11 -8 -16 -5 -5 4 -9 -1 -9 -9 0 -9 8 -16 17 -16 9 0 13 3 10 7 -4 3 -2 12 4 20 6 7 9 13 6 13 -3 0 -9 -5 -12 -10z"/> <path d="M257 1499 c7 -9 10 -19 6 -22 -3 -4 1 -7 10 -7 10 0 17 8 17 17 0 9 -3 13 -7 10 -3 -4 -13 -1 -22 6 -14 10 -14 10 -4 -4z"/> <path d="M1006 1391 c-10 -11 -16 -31 -14 -48 3 -26 6 -28 48 -28 42 0 45 2 48 28 4 32 -21 67 -48 67 -9 0 -25 -9 -34 -19z m54 -26 c20 18 20 17 20 -13 0 -31 -2 -32 -40 -32 -38 0 -40 1 -40 32 0 30 0 31 20 13 19 -17 21 -17 40 0z"/> <path d="M24 1387 c-3 -8 -4 -30 -1 -49 3 -29 4 -28 5 10 l2 43 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -7z"/> <path d="M360 1355 l0 -45 40 0 c39 0 40 1 40 33 0 40 -15 57 -52 57 -27 0 -28 -2 -28 -45z m40 20 c0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -9 15 -20 0 -16 -7 -20 -30 -20 -28 0 -30 3 -30 35 0 24 5 35 15 35 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m25 5 c3 -5 1 -10 -4 -10 -6 0 -11 5 -11 10 0 6 2 10 4 10 3 0 8 -4 11 -10z"/> <path d="M688 1393 c6 -2 12 -20 12 -38 0 -18 -6 -35 -12 -38 -7 -2 6 -6 30 -8 l42 -5 0 48 0 48 -42 -1 c-24 0 -37 -3 -30 -6z"/> <path d="M1167 1380 c-18 -22 -23 -70 -7 -70 6 0 10 11 10 24 0 34 10 56 25 56 15 0 25 -22 25 -56 0 -13 5 -24 10 -24 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 26 -27 65 -45 65 -6 0 -18 -9 -28 -20z"/> <path d="M1500 1384 c-11 -12 -10 -18 3 -32 16 -15 18 -15 34 0 13 14 14 20 3 32 -7 9 -16 16 -20 16 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -16z m36 -5 c10 -17 -13 -36 -27 -22 -12 12 -4 33 11 33 5 0 12 -5 16 -11z"/> <path d="M1655 1388 c-3 -8 -7 -28 -8 -44 -2 -27 1 -29 36 -32 43 -4 51 8 39 53 -6 23 -15 31 -35 33 -16 2 -29 -2 -32 -10z m55 -18 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1678 1373 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1815 1390 c-15 -6 -7 -9 30 -9 37 0 45 3 30 9 -11 5 -24 9 -30 9 -5 0 -19 -4 -30 -9z"/> <path d="M1980 1379 c-6 -11 -10 -30 -8 -42 2 -17 10 -22 33 -22 23 0 31 5 33 22 4 28 -14 63 -33 63 -8 0 -19 -9 -25 -21z"/> <path d="M2117 1393 c-12 -12 -7 -25 7 -20 11 4 16 -3 18 -26 3 -28 7 -32 33 -32 25 0 30 4 33 28 3 23 0 27 -21 27 -14 0 -27 7 -31 15 -6 15 -28 20 -39 8z"/> <path d="M2280 1353 c0 -24 4 -43 9 -43 6 0 12 19 14 43 l4 42 1 -42 c2 -39 5 -43 27 -43 23 0 25 4 25 45 l0 45 -40 -3 -40 -2 0 -42z m70 5 c0 -23 -3 -29 -9 -19 -7 11 -9 11 -14 0 -3 -8 -6 1 -6 19 -1 22 4 32 14 32 10 0 15 -10 15 -32z"/> <path d="M2457 1372 l-27 -28 23 -22 23 -22 27 28 c15 15 27 38 27 50 0 32 -40 29 -73 -6z m32 -28 c-6 -7 -15 -11 -21 -8 -5 3 -4 12 3 20 6 7 15 11 21 8 5 -3 4 -12 -3 -20z"/> <path d="M184 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 2 -19 10 -24 41 -26 26 -2 45 2 58 14 28 26 23 34 -20 34 -30 0 -44 -6 -55 -22 -16 -22 -16 -22 -16 10 l0 33 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -8z"/> <path d="M530 1355 c0 -30 3 -35 23 -35 29 0 47 18 47 47 0 20 -5 23 -35 23 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 14 c0 -14 -25 -39 -39 -39 -6 0 -11 11 -11 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 14 0 25 -5 25 -11z"/> <path d="M834 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 3 -20 9 -23 48 -23 45 0 45 0 45 35 0 34 -1 35 -43 38 -30 2 -44 -1 -48 -12z m84 -28 c3 -27 1 -28 -37 -28 -36 0 -41 3 -41 23 0 32 9 38 45 35 24 -2 31 -8 33 -30z"/> <path d="M863 1355 c17 -19 17 -19 35 0 16 18 16 18 0 6 -15 -11 -21 -11 -35 0 -17 12 -17 12 0 -6z"/> <path d="M1327 1384 c-14 -14 -7 -50 13 -67 19 -16 22 -16 46 -1 18 12 24 24 22 43 -3 22 -9 26 -38 29 -20 2 -39 0 -43 -4z m73 -27 c0 -12 -9 -28 -20 -35 -12 -7 -20 -8 -20 -2 0 5 -7 10 -15 10 -9 0 -15 9 -15 25 0 22 4 25 35 25 30 0 35 -3 35 -23z"/> <path d="M1353 1363 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M1348 1343 c6 -2 18 -2 25 0 6 3 1 5 -13 5 -14 0 -19 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M58 1363 c-11 -3 -18 -14 -18 -29 0 -23 3 -25 43 -22 38 3 42 6 45 31 3 24 0 27 -25 26 -15 -1 -36 -3 -45 -6z"/> <path d="M1180 1340 c0 -20 5 -30 15 -30 10 0 15 10 15 30 0 20 -5 30 -15 30 -10 0 -15 -10 -15 -30z"/> <path d="M1812 1338 c3 -29 6 -33 33 -33 27 0 30 4 33 33 3 31 2 32 -33 32 -35 0 -36 -1 -33 -32z m15 -10 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z"/> <path d="M1478 1323 c-8 -10 1 -13 43 -13 40 0 50 3 41 12 -15 15 -71 16 -84 1z"/> <path d="M2306 1235 c-3 -8 -12 -15 -21 -15 -17 0 -20 -16 -4 -26 6 -3 9 -15 6 -25 -3 -11 -1 -19 4 -19 5 0 9 5 9 10 0 6 9 10 20 10 11 0 20 -4 20 -10 0 -5 4 -10 9 -10 5 0 7 8 4 19 -3 10 0 22 6 25 16 10 13 26 -4 26 -9 0 -18 7 -21 15 -4 8 -10 15 -14 15 -4 0 -10 -7 -14 -15z"/> <path d="M49 1213 c-13 -14 -18 -23 -10 -18 11 6 13 2 9 -19 -5 -24 -3 -26 32 -26 35 0 37 2 32 26 -4 21 -2 25 9 19 8 -5 3 4 -10 18 -14 15 -27 27 -31 27 -4 0 -17 -12 -31 -27z m52 0 c13 -16 12 -17 -3 -4 -15 11 -21 11 -35 0 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 7 9 17 17 21 17 4 0 14 -8 21 -17z m-11 -38 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M365 1232 c-3 -3 -5 -23 -5 -44 0 -38 0 -38 41 -38 l40 0 -3 42 c-3 40 -5 43 -35 44 -18 1 -35 -1 -38 -4z m65 -47 c0 -21 -5 -25 -30 -25 -25 0 -30 4 -30 25 0 21 5 25 30 25 25 0 30 -4 30 -25z"/> <path d="M390 1185 c0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M746 1231 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M852 1228 c-28 -28 -7 -78 33 -78 12 0 26 5 33 12 7 7 12 21 12 33 0 12 -5 26 -12 33 -7 7 -21 12 -33 12 -12 0 -26 -5 -33 -12z m52 -48 c10 -13 9 -13 -6 -1 -10 7 -17 23 -17 35 1 20 2 20 6 1 3 -11 10 -27 17 -35z"/> <path d="M1004 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m59 -3 c-7 -2 -21 -2 -30 0 -10 3 -4 5 12 5 17 0 24 -2 18 -5z m-36 -55 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z m43 7 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1164 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z"/> <path d="M1347 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1366 1211 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1507 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1528 1203 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1667 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1840 1228 c0 -7 -12 -24 -27 -40 -33 -34 -23 -50 12 -18 13 12 31 20 39 17 15 -6 34 29 22 40 -3 4 -6 1 -6 -5 0 -7 -5 -12 -11 -12 -6 0 -9 7 -5 15 3 9 0 15 -9 15 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12z"/> <path d="M2480 1216 c-7 -14 -21 -28 -31 -31 -21 -7 -19 -37 3 -41 9 -1 21 9 28 22 7 13 21 26 31 29 20 7 19 39 -3 43 -8 1 -20 -9 -28 -22z m30 -6 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m-40 -40 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M193 1190 c0 -25 2 -35 4 -22 2 12 2 32 0 45 -2 12 -4 2 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M210 1205 c0 -16 7 -25 25 -29 33 -8 45 -1 45 27 0 18 -6 22 -35 24 -30 1 -35 -1 -35 -22z"/> <path d="M506 1222 c7 -4 13 -16 15 -27 3 -16 13 -20 49 -21 l45 -1 -42 4 c-38 4 -43 7 -43 29 0 16 -6 24 -17 24 -12 0 -14 -3 -7 -8z"/> <path d="M1976 1221 c-1 -3 -2 -19 -2 -36 1 -27 4 -30 36 -30 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 32 -2 35 -33 36 -18 1 -34 -2 -36 -5z m44 -31 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M2123 1214 c-3 -8 4 -25 18 -40 l23 -24 23 22 c13 12 23 27 23 34 0 19 -19 27 -35 14 -9 -7 -15 -8 -20 0 -9 15 -25 12 -32 -6z"/> <path d="M558 1213 c12 -2 30 -2 40 0 9 3 -1 5 -23 4 -22 0 -30 -2 -17 -4z"/> <path d="M700 1185 c-32 -34 -16 -46 16 -13 14 14 22 28 16 31 -5 4 -20 -5 -32 -18z m30 11 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M588 1193 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1203 1083 c-7 -2 -13 -10 -13 -17 0 -7 -9 -21 -20 -31 -21 -19 -27 -45 -11 -45 6 0 13 5 16 10 4 6 22 17 41 25 35 14 43 32 22 53 -13 13 -16 13 -35 5z m-13 -47 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M1332 1078 c-16 -16 -15 -28 4 -66 20 -41 29 -40 50 4 13 26 15 41 7 53 -13 20 -45 25 -61 9z m53 -23 c0 -22 -31 -33 -47 -17 -17 17 -1 44 24 40 15 -2 23 -10 23 -23z"/> <path d="M1658 1076 c-12 -9 -18 -27 -18 -55 l0 -41 40 0 40 0 0 41 c0 37 -18 68 -40 68 -3 0 -13 -6 -22 -13z m50 -53 c-2 -22 -8 -28 -28 -28 -20 0 -26 6 -28 28 -3 24 0 27 28 27 28 0 31 -3 28 -27z"/> <path d="M50 1065 c-26 -32 13 -81 48 -59 34 22 22 74 -18 74 -10 0 -23 -7 -30 -15z m25 -15 c-10 -11 -20 -18 -23 -15 -7 6 18 35 31 35 5 0 2 -9 -8 -20z m25 -25 c-7 -8 -17 -15 -23 -15 -5 0 -2 9 8 20 21 23 35 19 15 -5z"/> <path d="M390 1065 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M1004 1068 c-4 -6 0 -16 9 -23 14 -10 14 -12 -1 -22 -14 -9 -15 -13 -3 -24 11 -12 15 -11 24 3 10 15 12 15 23 0 11 -14 15 -15 26 -4 11 11 10 15 -4 26 -15 11 -15 13 0 23 14 9 15 13 4 24 -11 12 -15 11 -26 -4 -12 -15 -14 -16 -20 -2 -6 18 -22 20 -32 3z"/> <path d="M1487 1073 c-13 -12 -7 -33 10 -33 15 0 15 -1 -2 -14 -11 -8 -16 -19 -12 -30 9 -22 28 -20 34 4 5 20 7 20 24 4 11 -10 22 -14 27 -10 4 4 -2 14 -13 22 -20 15 -20 15 4 35 13 10 17 19 10 19 -7 0 -21 -7 -31 -17 -17 -15 -18 -15 -18 5 0 21 -19 30 -33 15z m23 -13 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z m0 -50 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z"/> <path d="M1807 1073 c-26 -26 16 -97 54 -91 35 5 40 55 7 80 -24 18 -50 23 -61 11z m31 -15 c-9 -7 -18 -20 -21 -28 -3 -8 -6 -3 -6 13 -1 21 3 27 21 27 19 0 20 -2 6 -12z m42 -48 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1957 1074 c-4 -4 -7 -20 -7 -35 0 -31 21 -46 58 -43 32 2 44 17 40 50 -3 26 -7 29 -43 32 -23 2 -44 0 -48 -4z m83 -32 c0 -27 -3 -29 -40 -29 -37 0 -40 2 -40 29 0 26 3 28 40 28 37 0 40 -2 40 -28z"/> <path d="M1976 1053 c-11 -11 -6 -23 9 -23 8 0 15 4 15 9 0 13 -16 22 -24 14z"/> <path d="M2114 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -27 6 -28 53 -28 l50 0 0 40 0 40 -48 3 c-34 2 -49 -1 -53 -12z m96 -31 c0 -35 0 -35 -45 -35 -45 0 -45 0 -45 35 0 35 0 35 45 35 45 0 45 0 45 -35z"/> <path d="M2141 1042 c-16 -30 -15 -32 25 -32 24 0 34 4 32 13 -3 6 -10 12 -17 12 -6 0 -16 6 -20 14 -7 11 -11 10 -20 -7z"/> <path d="M2284 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m56 -11 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m0 -40 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M2448 1073 c-3 -4 -4 -24 -4 -43 1 -34 2 -35 41 -35 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -37 43 -20 2 -38 -1 -40 -5z m22 -15 c0 6 11 12 25 12 28 0 30 -5 13 -43 -8 -17 -21 -27 -35 -27 -18 0 -21 6 -20 35 1 21 4 30 9 22 6 -9 8 -9 8 1z"/> <path d="M230 1055 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M850 1061 c0 -6 5 -13 10 -16 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -15 -18 -3 -32 13 -16 9 9 15 9 25 0 7 -6 16 -8 20 -5 3 4 1 13 -5 20 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 16 16 2 28 -16 13 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -8 13 -25 13 -25 1z"/> <path d="M670 1035 c0 -11 12 -15 50 -15 38 0 50 4 50 15 0 11 -12 15 -50 15 -38 0 -50 -4 -50 -15z"/> <path d="M520 1030 c0 -5 18 -10 40 -10 22 0 40 5 40 10 0 6 -18 10 -40 10 -22 0 -40 -4 -40 -10z"/> <path d="M197 922 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -12 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m0 -40 c0 -11 -4 -20 -10 -20 -5 0 -10 9 -10 20 0 11 5 20 10 20 6 0 10 -9 10 -20z"/> <path d="M42 885 c-12 -25 -22 -48 -22 -50 0 -3 27 -5 60 -5 33 0 60 2 60 5 0 20 -47 95 -60 95 -9 0 -26 -20 -38 -45z m48 10 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z m0 -35 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M390 911 c0 -5 3 -17 6 -26 5 -13 8 -14 15 -3 13 20 11 38 -6 38 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M540 910 c0 -5 7 -10 16 -10 14 0 14 -3 4 -15 -18 -22 -3 -32 17 -13 8 9 13 24 10 32 -7 17 -47 22 -47 6z"/> <path d="M731 887 c-21 -25 -26 -27 -35 -15 -9 12 -14 12 -22 4 -8 -9 -5 -16 11 -28 20 -15 23 -14 56 16 24 22 32 36 24 42 -7 7 -18 0 -34 -19z"/> <path d="M1494 885 c0 -22 4 -35 12 -35 7 0 15 -8 17 -17 4 -17 5 -17 6 0 0 9 7 17 14 17 9 0 13 12 13 35 -1 32 -4 35 -31 35 -27 0 -30 -3 -31 -35z m43 -11 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z"/> <path d="M1020 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z m40 -21 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1183 904 c-19 -8 -16 -54 3 -61 24 -9 49 10 49 38 0 24 -24 34 -52 23z m45 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1340 894 c0 -7 -8 -15 -17 -17 -17 -4 -17 -5 0 -6 9 0 17 -7 17 -14 0 -9 12 -13 35 -13 32 1 35 4 35 31 0 27 -3 30 -35 31 -22 0 -35 -4 -35 -12z m27 -26 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z"/> <path d="M396 851 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M550 840 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M1360 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M1510 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M50 715 c0 -40 3 -41 48 -17 l33 18 -36 17 c-20 9 -38 17 -40 17 -3 0 -5 -16 -5 -35z"/> <path d="M220 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M260 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M1182 730 c-17 -28 -16 -30 18 -30 33 0 36 6 16 33 -17 21 -18 21 -34 -3z"/> <path d="M350 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M417 729 c10 -10 10 -16 0 -27 -10 -13 -9 -14 13 -2 14 7 26 14 28 15 1 1 -10 7 -25 14 -23 10 -26 10 -16 0z"/> <path d="M522 727 l-23 -13 27 -13 c23 -10 26 -10 16 2 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 15 15 9 15 -20 -1z"/> <path d="M572 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M680 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M753 715 c0 -14 3 -25 8 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -8 -11 -8 -25z"/> <path d="M840 715 c0 -14 4 -25 9 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -9 -11 -9 -25z"/> <path d="M892 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M1020 715 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 20 0 25 5 25 25 0 20 -5 25 -25 25 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1555 715 c0 -13 3 -21 8 -18 4 2 7 10 7 18 0 8 -3 16 -7 18 -5 3 -8 -5 -8 -18z"/> <path d="M1183 683 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M70 583 c0 -29 12 -24 17 7 2 11 -2 20 -7 20 -6 0 -10 -12 -10 -27z"/> <path d="M42 588 c-15 -15 -16 -50 0 -66 15 -15 51 -15 66 0 15 15 16 55 1 64 -6 3 -10 -1 -9 -12 4 -32 1 -42 -15 -48 -22 -8 -49 23 -34 40 15 18 8 39 -9 22z"/> <path d="M232 584 c15 -8 34 -27 42 -42 13 -24 15 -24 16 -6 0 25 -40 64 -66 64 -15 -1 -14 -4 8 -16z"/> <path d="M433 555 c0 -22 2 -30 4 -17 2 12 2 30 0 40 -3 9 -5 -1 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M510 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M670 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M830 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M990 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M233 548 c12 -13 24 -19 25 -15 5 11 -18 37 -34 37 -9 0 -5 -8 9 -22z"/> <path d="M412 545 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M391 534 c0 -11 3 -14 6 -6 3 7 2 16 -1 19 -3 4 -6 -2 -5 -13z"/> <path d="M210 530 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M37 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m59 -27 c14 -13 14 -17 0 -31 -15 -14 -17 -14 -32 0 -12 13 -13 18 -2 30 16 19 16 19 34 1z"/> <path d="M197 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m73 -42 c0 -5 -13 -10 -30 -10 -16 0 -30 5 -30 10 0 6 14 10 30 10 17 0 30 -4 30 -10z"/> <path d="M357 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m70 -42 c0 -22 -5 -27 -27 -27 -22 0 -27 5 -27 27 0 22 5 27 27 27 22 0 27 -5 27 -27z"/> <path d="M517 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m50 -59 c-16 -16 -17 -15 -17 17 0 32 1 33 17 17 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M677 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -49 c-16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -16 16 -15 17 17 17 32 0 33 -1 17 -17z"/> <path d="M837 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m53 -44 c0 -30 -1 -31 -17 -16 -13 14 -14 20 -3 32 18 22 20 20 20 -16z"/> <path d="M997 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m63 -37 c11 -13 8 -15 -20 -15 -28 0 -31 2 -20 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1157 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -59 c-11 -11 -17 -13 -17 -5 0 7 -7 12 -15 12 -8 0 -15 5 -15 10 0 6 7 10 15 10 8 0 15 5 15 12 0 8 6 6 17 -5 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M1317 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -27 c0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 8 0 6 -6 -5 -17 -16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -11 11 -13 17 -5 17 7 0 12 7 12 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M1477 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m59 -32 c8 0 14 -4 14 -10 0 -5 -7 -10 -15 -10 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12 0 -8 -6 -6 -17 4 -14 15 -14 19 -3 34 9 10 16 12 18 5 2 -6 10 -11 18 -11z"/> <path d="M1637 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m63 -27 c9 -10 9 -15 1 -15 -6 0 -11 -7 -11 -15 0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 -5 15 -11 15 -8 0 -8 5 1 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1797 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1836 411 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1957 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1998 403 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M2117 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m62 -48 c-17 -18 -25 -21 -36 -13 -13 12 -8 33 7 24 4 -3 13 2 20 10 7 8 17 12 22 9 5 -3 -1 -17 -13 -30z"/> <path d="M50 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M76 241 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M210 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M238 233 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M370 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M393 235 c0 -6 6 -12 12 -12 6 0 12 6 12 12 0 6 -6 12 -12 12 -6 0 -12 -6 -12 -12z"/> <path d="M530 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m44 -6 c-3 -5 -10 -7 -15 -3 -5 3 -7 10 -3 15 3 5 10 7 15 3 5 -3 7 -10 3 -15z"/> <path d="M690 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 -1 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 0 c0 -6 -6 -12 -12 -12 -6 0 -12 6 -12 12 0 6 6 12 12 12 6 0 12 -6 12 -12z"/> <path d="M880 73 l-55 -58 58 55 c53 50 62 60 54 60 -1 0 -27 -26 -57 -57z"/> <path d="M393 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M413 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M721 77 l-32 -34 25 1 c31 2 40 11 42 41 0 14 0 25 -1 25 0 0 -16 -15 -34 -33z m25 -4 c-2 -9 -11 -17 -20 -19 -17 -2 -17 -2 0 17 21 23 23 23 20 2z"/> <path d="M543 83 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M899 53 l-34 -38 38 34 c20 19 37 36 37 38 0 8 -8 0 -41 -34z"/> <path d="M543 63 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M919 33 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> </g> </svg>')}.ui-widget-header .ui-icon{background-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" version="1.0" width="256" height="240" viewBox="0 0 256.000000 240.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g transform="translate(0.000000,240.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="%23444444" stroke="none"> <path d="M1345 2350 c-10 -11 -13 -20 -7 -20 6 0 14 5 17 10 5 8 11 7 21 -1 22 -18 27 -5 6 14 -18 16 -20 16 -37 -3z"/> <path d="M390 2342 c0 -6 5 -14 10 -17 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -18 -22 -5 -27 14 -6 16 18 16 20 -3 37 -11 10 -20 13 -20 7z"/> <path d="M1037 2332 c-16 -18 -16 -20 3 -37 11 -10 20 -13 20 -7 0 6 -5 14 -10 17 -8 5 -7 11 1 21 18 22 5 27 -14 6z"/> <path d="M1487 2332 c-16 -18 -16 -20 3 -37 11 -10 20 -13 20 -7 0 6 -5 14 -10 17 -8 5 -7 11 1 21 18 22 5 27 -14 6z"/> <path d="M1530 2342 c0 -6 5 -14 10 -17 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -18 -22 -5 -27 14 -6 16 18 16 20 -3 37 -11 10 -20 13 -20 7z"/> 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-11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -12 -4 -18 -10 -15 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 14 4 19 13 14 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1993 2033 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M2321 2022 c-1 -16 -5 -21 -13 -16 -9 5 -9 2 1 -9 7 -9 15 -17 16 -17 1 0 9 8 16 17 8 9 9 14 2 10 -7 -5 -13 1 -16 15 l-4 23 -2 -23z"/> <path d="M59 2013 c-8 -10 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -2 16 -20 l4 -28 2 28 c1 20 5 26 14 21 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M721 2007 c-1 -20 -5 -26 -13 -21 -9 5 -8 2 1 -9 10 -13 17 -15 27 -6 16 13 19 23 5 14 -5 -3 -12 7 -14 22 l-4 28 -2 -28z"/> <path d="M1524 2021 c7 -11 -18 -33 -27 -24 -4 3 -7 -1 -7 -10 0 -9 7 -17 16 -17 8 0 13 4 10 9 -7 11 18 33 27 24 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -16 17 -8 0 -13 -4 -10 -9z"/> <path d="M1810 2013 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 9 9 34 -13 27 -24 -3 -5 2 -9 10 -9 9 0 16 7 16 16 0 8 -4 13 -9 10 -11 -7 -33 18 -24 27 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M229 2011 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M405 2011 c3 -5 -7 -12 -22 -14 l-28 -4 28 -2 c20 -1 26 -5 21 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M530 2016 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M889 2003 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1021 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 2 13 20 16 l28 4 -28 2 c-16 0 -25 5 -22 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1180 1998 c0 -17 3 -19 9 -9 5 7 15 17 22 22 10 6 8 9 -8 9 -17 0 -23 -6 -23 -22z"/> <path d="M1651 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 14 0 19 -4 14 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -3 -10 -15 -10 -12 0 -18 5 -15 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1989 2003 c-8 -9 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -1 16 -15 l4 -23 2 23 c1 16 5 21 14 16 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M2155 2011 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2481 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M558 1989 c-17 -18 -17 -19 2 -19 13 0 20 7 20 20 0 24 0 24 -22 -1z"/> <path d="M860 1993 c0 -17 6 -23 23 -23 16 0 18 3 8 9 -7 5 -17 15 -22 22 -6 10 -9 8 -9 -8z"/> <path d="M219 1983 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1200 1996 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M2313 1963 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M50 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -11 11 -25 0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 14 5 25 11 25 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M710 1855 c0 -14 -5 -25 -12 -25 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 11 -12 25 0 14 -4 25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1340 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M1524 1871 c7 -11 -28 -43 -37 -34 -4 3 -7 -3 -7 -15 0 -16 6 -22 21 -22 11 0 18 4 15 9 -7 11 28 43 37 34 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M1800 1859 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 11 7 43 -28 34 -37 -3 -4 3 -7 15 -7 16 0 22 6 22 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -9 -9 -44 23 -37 34 3 5 -4 9 -15 9 -15 0 -21 -6 -21 -21z"/> <path d="M1983 1873 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M2310 1865 c0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M244 1861 c3 -4 -3 -16 -14 -26 -11 -10 -17 -22 -14 -27 3 -5 16 0 28 11 12 12 26 18 29 14 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M516 1862 c-3 -5 3 -17 14 -27 11 -10 17 -22 14 -26 -3 -5 4 -9 15 -9 15 0 21 6 21 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -3 -4 -17 2 -29 14 -12 11 -25 16 -28 11z"/> <path d="M885 1850 c-10 -11 -22 -17 -26 -14 -5 3 -9 -4 -9 -15 0 -15 6 -21 22 -21 12 0 18 3 15 7 -4 3 2 17 14 29 11 12 16 25 11 28 -5 3 -17 -3 -27 -14z"/> <path d="M1170 1849 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 4 3 16 -3 26 -14 10 -11 22 -17 27 -14 5 3 0 16 -11 28 -12 12 -18 26 -14 29 3 4 -3 7 -15 7 -16 0 -22 -6 -22 -21z"/> <path d="M1650 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5 0 -15 -27 -16 -32 -1 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M2150 1862 c0 -7 -7 -12 -15 -12 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2480 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -6 10 -14 10 -8 0 -16 5 -18 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M410 1852 c0 -7 -11 -12 -25 -12 -14 0 -25 -4 -25 -10 0 -5 11 -10 25 -10 14 0 25 -5 25 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M1010 1846 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 11 12 25 12 14 0 25 5 25 10 0 6 -11 10 -24 10 -13 0 -26 5 -28 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M1980 1845 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M2303 1803 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M1683 1723 c4 -3 -3 -11 -16 -17 -26 -14 -29 -44 -5 -60 14 -8 22 -7 35 8 17 18 17 18 -4 5 -17 -10 -25 -11 -34 -2 -15 15 -4 43 16 43 10 0 13 -5 9 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -6 8 -14 14 -17 14 -3 0 -2 -3 1 -7z"/> <path d="M50 1705 c-10 -12 -10 -18 0 -30 10 -12 15 -13 21 -4 11 19 42 2 34 -19 -5 -13 -3 -14 6 -5 15 15 5 41 -18 50 -10 4 -21 10 -24 15 -3 5 -12 2 -19 -7z"/> <path d="M231 1706 c-9 -11 -9 -15 0 -18 8 -3 10 -11 6 -22 -5 -12 -13 -16 -25 -11 -13 5 -14 3 -5 -6 15 -16 44 -4 50 21 3 11 10 20 15 20 6 0 5 7 -2 15 -15 19 -24 19 -39 1z"/> <path d="M364 1705 c-7 -18 12 -45 32 -45 8 0 14 -5 14 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 4 14 14 14 20 3 33 -10 12 -15 13 -21 4 -10 -17 -42 -2 -35 16 3 8 3 15 0 15 -2 0 -7 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M552 1708 c-7 -7 -12 -18 -12 -25 0 -7 -5 -13 -12 -13 -8 0 -6 -6 4 -17 14 -14 20 -14 33 -3 12 10 13 15 4 21 -17 10 -2 42 17 35 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -8 14 -28 13 -43 -2z"/> <path d="M1339 1703 c-13 -15 -12 -15 8 -2 17 10 25 11 34 2 15 -15 4 -43 -16 -43 -9 0 -13 5 -10 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4 -9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -3 -4 7 2 14 13 17 26 7 36 33 20 52 -16 20 -34 19 -51 -2z"/> <path d="M1812 1708 c-17 -17 -15 -33 5 -49 15 -13 15 -12 2 8 -10 17 -11 25 -2 34 15 15 43 4 43 -16 0 -9 -4 -13 -10 -10 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 16 -7 27 6 7 10 9 15 5 11 -5 -5 -14 2 -20 14 -13 27 -36 34 -54 16z"/> <path d="M691 1696 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 17 0 21 -4 15 -17 -5 -14 -3 -15 6 -6 15 15 3 33 -22 33 -11 0 -17 5 -14 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M879 1693 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -17 -4 -21 -17 -15 -14 5 -15 3 -6 -6 15 -15 33 -3 33 22 0 14 4 18 13 13 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1197 1703 c-4 -3 -7 -15 -7 -25 0 -11 -4 -16 -10 -13 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 16 4 20 16 16 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -7 12 -19 13 -28 3z"/> <path d="M1479 1693 c-7 -10 -9 -15 -5 -11 5 5 14 -2 20 -15 14 -26 44 -29 60 -5 8 14 7 22 -8 35 -18 17 -18 17 -5 -4 10 -17 11 -25 2 -34 -15 -15 -43 -4 -43 16 0 10 5 13 13 9 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -17 21 -16 21 -32 0z"/> <path d="M1015 1690 c-9 -15 4 -30 26 -30 14 0 18 -4 13 -12 -5 -9 -2 -9 9 1 9 7 17 15 17 16 0 1 -8 9 -17 16 -11 10 -14 10 -9 2 5 -9 0 -13 -14 -13 -16 0 -20 5 -16 15 6 17 0 20 -9 5z"/> <path d="M721 1556 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -4 8 -1 12 10 12 12 0 15 -6 12 -25 -3 -13 -1 -22 3 -19 17 10 9 46 -11 51 -11 3 -17 9 -14 14 8 14 -2 11 -15 -5z"/> <path d="M67 1554 c-3 -3 -3 -13 0 -21 4 -9 1 -13 -8 -11 -8 2 -15 -1 -16 -7 -1 -5 5 -9 13 -7 9 2 14 -3 12 -12 -2 -8 2 -15 7 -15 6 0 9 7 7 15 -2 9 3 14 10 12 8 -2 14 2 14 7 0 6 -7 9 -15 7 -9 -2 -12 2 -8 12 6 16 -6 30 -16 20z"/> <path d="M200 1543 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 3 4 13 1 22 -6 14 -10 14 -10 4 4 -7 9 -10 19 -6 22 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M263 1553 c4 -3 1 -13 -6 -22 -10 -14 -10 -14 4 -4 9 7 19 10 22 6 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -17 17 -9 0 -13 -3 -10 -7z"/> <path d="M409 1551 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M550 1530 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 27 0 30 3 30 30 0 27 -3 30 -30 30 -27 0 -30 -3 -30 -30z m50 -5 c0 -8 -9 -15 -20 -15 -11 0 -20 7 -20 15 0 8 9 15 20 15 11 0 20 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1230 1552 c0 -7 -9 -12 -20 -12 -11 0 -20 -4 -20 -10 0 -5 9 -10 20 -10 11 0 20 -5 20 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M893 1535 c-14 -10 -24 -12 -28 -5 -3 5 -12 10 -18 10 -7 0 -3 -6 7 -12 19 -11 19 -11 1 -24 -10 -8 -14 -14 -8 -14 7 0 15 4 18 10 4 6 15 4 30 -6 15 -10 25 -12 30 -5 3 6 3 12 -2 12 -4 1 -12 2 -18 3 -5 0 -10 6 -10 11 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 12 4 13 9 7 15 -4 15 -25 1z"/> <path d="M1065 1541 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M360 1510 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 17 0 30 4 30 9 0 4 -11 6 -25 3 -20 -3 -25 0 -25 16 0 11 6 23 13 25 7 3 5 6 -5 6 -13 1 -18 -7 -18 -29z"/> <path d="M399 1523 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M520 1510 c0 -26 3 -30 28 -29 25 2 25 2 3 6 -18 4 -22 10 -18 29 2 13 0 24 -4 24 -5 0 -9 -13 -9 -30z"/> <path d="M687 1533 c-14 -14 -6 -45 13 -50 11 -3 17 -10 13 -17 -4 -6 1 -5 10 3 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -1 -10 -11 -10 -12 0 -15 6 -12 25 6 27 5 29 -5 18z"/> <path d="M1001 1516 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1160 1516 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 9 12 20 12 11 0 20 5 20 10 0 6 -9 10 -19 10 -11 0 -21 5 -23 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M225 1500 c-4 -6 -11 -8 -16 -5 -5 4 -9 -1 -9 -9 0 -9 8 -16 17 -16 9 0 13 3 10 7 -4 3 -2 12 4 20 6 7 9 13 6 13 -3 0 -9 -5 -12 -10z"/> <path d="M257 1499 c7 -9 10 -19 6 -22 -3 -4 1 -7 10 -7 10 0 17 8 17 17 0 9 -3 13 -7 10 -3 -4 -13 -1 -22 6 -14 10 -14 10 -4 -4z"/> <path d="M1006 1391 c-10 -11 -16 -31 -14 -48 3 -26 6 -28 48 -28 42 0 45 2 48 28 4 32 -21 67 -48 67 -9 0 -25 -9 -34 -19z m54 -26 c20 18 20 17 20 -13 0 -31 -2 -32 -40 -32 -38 0 -40 1 -40 32 0 30 0 31 20 13 19 -17 21 -17 40 0z"/> <path d="M24 1387 c-3 -8 -4 -30 -1 -49 3 -29 4 -28 5 10 l2 43 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -7z"/> <path d="M360 1355 l0 -45 40 0 c39 0 40 1 40 33 0 40 -15 57 -52 57 -27 0 -28 -2 -28 -45z m40 20 c0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -9 15 -20 0 -16 -7 -20 -30 -20 -28 0 -30 3 -30 35 0 24 5 35 15 35 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m25 5 c3 -5 1 -10 -4 -10 -6 0 -11 5 -11 10 0 6 2 10 4 10 3 0 8 -4 11 -10z"/> <path d="M688 1393 c6 -2 12 -20 12 -38 0 -18 -6 -35 -12 -38 -7 -2 6 -6 30 -8 l42 -5 0 48 0 48 -42 -1 c-24 0 -37 -3 -30 -6z"/> <path d="M1167 1380 c-18 -22 -23 -70 -7 -70 6 0 10 11 10 24 0 34 10 56 25 56 15 0 25 -22 25 -56 0 -13 5 -24 10 -24 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 26 -27 65 -45 65 -6 0 -18 -9 -28 -20z"/> <path d="M1500 1384 c-11 -12 -10 -18 3 -32 16 -15 18 -15 34 0 13 14 14 20 3 32 -7 9 -16 16 -20 16 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -16z m36 -5 c10 -17 -13 -36 -27 -22 -12 12 -4 33 11 33 5 0 12 -5 16 -11z"/> <path d="M1655 1388 c-3 -8 -7 -28 -8 -44 -2 -27 1 -29 36 -32 43 -4 51 8 39 53 -6 23 -15 31 -35 33 -16 2 -29 -2 -32 -10z m55 -18 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1678 1373 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1815 1390 c-15 -6 -7 -9 30 -9 37 0 45 3 30 9 -11 5 -24 9 -30 9 -5 0 -19 -4 -30 -9z"/> <path d="M1980 1379 c-6 -11 -10 -30 -8 -42 2 -17 10 -22 33 -22 23 0 31 5 33 22 4 28 -14 63 -33 63 -8 0 -19 -9 -25 -21z"/> <path d="M2117 1393 c-12 -12 -7 -25 7 -20 11 4 16 -3 18 -26 3 -28 7 -32 33 -32 25 0 30 4 33 28 3 23 0 27 -21 27 -14 0 -27 7 -31 15 -6 15 -28 20 -39 8z"/> <path d="M2280 1353 c0 -24 4 -43 9 -43 6 0 12 19 14 43 l4 42 1 -42 c2 -39 5 -43 27 -43 23 0 25 4 25 45 l0 45 -40 -3 -40 -2 0 -42z m70 5 c0 -23 -3 -29 -9 -19 -7 11 -9 11 -14 0 -3 -8 -6 1 -6 19 -1 22 4 32 14 32 10 0 15 -10 15 -32z"/> <path d="M2457 1372 l-27 -28 23 -22 23 -22 27 28 c15 15 27 38 27 50 0 32 -40 29 -73 -6z m32 -28 c-6 -7 -15 -11 -21 -8 -5 3 -4 12 3 20 6 7 15 11 21 8 5 -3 4 -12 -3 -20z"/> <path d="M184 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 2 -19 10 -24 41 -26 26 -2 45 2 58 14 28 26 23 34 -20 34 -30 0 -44 -6 -55 -22 -16 -22 -16 -22 -16 10 l0 33 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -8z"/> <path d="M530 1355 c0 -30 3 -35 23 -35 29 0 47 18 47 47 0 20 -5 23 -35 23 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 14 c0 -14 -25 -39 -39 -39 -6 0 -11 11 -11 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 14 0 25 -5 25 -11z"/> <path d="M834 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 3 -20 9 -23 48 -23 45 0 45 0 45 35 0 34 -1 35 -43 38 -30 2 -44 -1 -48 -12z m84 -28 c3 -27 1 -28 -37 -28 -36 0 -41 3 -41 23 0 32 9 38 45 35 24 -2 31 -8 33 -30z"/> <path d="M863 1355 c17 -19 17 -19 35 0 16 18 16 18 0 6 -15 -11 -21 -11 -35 0 -17 12 -17 12 0 -6z"/> <path d="M1327 1384 c-14 -14 -7 -50 13 -67 19 -16 22 -16 46 -1 18 12 24 24 22 43 -3 22 -9 26 -38 29 -20 2 -39 0 -43 -4z m73 -27 c0 -12 -9 -28 -20 -35 -12 -7 -20 -8 -20 -2 0 5 -7 10 -15 10 -9 0 -15 9 -15 25 0 22 4 25 35 25 30 0 35 -3 35 -23z"/> <path d="M1353 1363 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M1348 1343 c6 -2 18 -2 25 0 6 3 1 5 -13 5 -14 0 -19 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M58 1363 c-11 -3 -18 -14 -18 -29 0 -23 3 -25 43 -22 38 3 42 6 45 31 3 24 0 27 -25 26 -15 -1 -36 -3 -45 -6z"/> <path d="M1180 1340 c0 -20 5 -30 15 -30 10 0 15 10 15 30 0 20 -5 30 -15 30 -10 0 -15 -10 -15 -30z"/> <path d="M1812 1338 c3 -29 6 -33 33 -33 27 0 30 4 33 33 3 31 2 32 -33 32 -35 0 -36 -1 -33 -32z m15 -10 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z"/> <path d="M1478 1323 c-8 -10 1 -13 43 -13 40 0 50 3 41 12 -15 15 -71 16 -84 1z"/> <path d="M2306 1235 c-3 -8 -12 -15 -21 -15 -17 0 -20 -16 -4 -26 6 -3 9 -15 6 -25 -3 -11 -1 -19 4 -19 5 0 9 5 9 10 0 6 9 10 20 10 11 0 20 -4 20 -10 0 -5 4 -10 9 -10 5 0 7 8 4 19 -3 10 0 22 6 25 16 10 13 26 -4 26 -9 0 -18 7 -21 15 -4 8 -10 15 -14 15 -4 0 -10 -7 -14 -15z"/> <path d="M49 1213 c-13 -14 -18 -23 -10 -18 11 6 13 2 9 -19 -5 -24 -3 -26 32 -26 35 0 37 2 32 26 -4 21 -2 25 9 19 8 -5 3 4 -10 18 -14 15 -27 27 -31 27 -4 0 -17 -12 -31 -27z m52 0 c13 -16 12 -17 -3 -4 -15 11 -21 11 -35 0 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 7 9 17 17 21 17 4 0 14 -8 21 -17z m-11 -38 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M365 1232 c-3 -3 -5 -23 -5 -44 0 -38 0 -38 41 -38 l40 0 -3 42 c-3 40 -5 43 -35 44 -18 1 -35 -1 -38 -4z m65 -47 c0 -21 -5 -25 -30 -25 -25 0 -30 4 -30 25 0 21 5 25 30 25 25 0 30 -4 30 -25z"/> <path d="M390 1185 c0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M746 1231 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M852 1228 c-28 -28 -7 -78 33 -78 12 0 26 5 33 12 7 7 12 21 12 33 0 12 -5 26 -12 33 -7 7 -21 12 -33 12 -12 0 -26 -5 -33 -12z m52 -48 c10 -13 9 -13 -6 -1 -10 7 -17 23 -17 35 1 20 2 20 6 1 3 -11 10 -27 17 -35z"/> <path d="M1004 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m59 -3 c-7 -2 -21 -2 -30 0 -10 3 -4 5 12 5 17 0 24 -2 18 -5z m-36 -55 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z m43 7 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1164 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z"/> <path d="M1347 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1366 1211 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1507 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1528 1203 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1667 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1840 1228 c0 -7 -12 -24 -27 -40 -33 -34 -23 -50 12 -18 13 12 31 20 39 17 15 -6 34 29 22 40 -3 4 -6 1 -6 -5 0 -7 -5 -12 -11 -12 -6 0 -9 7 -5 15 3 9 0 15 -9 15 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12z"/> <path d="M2480 1216 c-7 -14 -21 -28 -31 -31 -21 -7 -19 -37 3 -41 9 -1 21 9 28 22 7 13 21 26 31 29 20 7 19 39 -3 43 -8 1 -20 -9 -28 -22z m30 -6 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m-40 -40 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M193 1190 c0 -25 2 -35 4 -22 2 12 2 32 0 45 -2 12 -4 2 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M210 1205 c0 -16 7 -25 25 -29 33 -8 45 -1 45 27 0 18 -6 22 -35 24 -30 1 -35 -1 -35 -22z"/> <path d="M506 1222 c7 -4 13 -16 15 -27 3 -16 13 -20 49 -21 l45 -1 -42 4 c-38 4 -43 7 -43 29 0 16 -6 24 -17 24 -12 0 -14 -3 -7 -8z"/> <path d="M1976 1221 c-1 -3 -2 -19 -2 -36 1 -27 4 -30 36 -30 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 32 -2 35 -33 36 -18 1 -34 -2 -36 -5z m44 -31 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M2123 1214 c-3 -8 4 -25 18 -40 l23 -24 23 22 c13 12 23 27 23 34 0 19 -19 27 -35 14 -9 -7 -15 -8 -20 0 -9 15 -25 12 -32 -6z"/> <path d="M558 1213 c12 -2 30 -2 40 0 9 3 -1 5 -23 4 -22 0 -30 -2 -17 -4z"/> <path d="M700 1185 c-32 -34 -16 -46 16 -13 14 14 22 28 16 31 -5 4 -20 -5 -32 -18z m30 11 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M588 1193 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1203 1083 c-7 -2 -13 -10 -13 -17 0 -7 -9 -21 -20 -31 -21 -19 -27 -45 -11 -45 6 0 13 5 16 10 4 6 22 17 41 25 35 14 43 32 22 53 -13 13 -16 13 -35 5z m-13 -47 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M1332 1078 c-16 -16 -15 -28 4 -66 20 -41 29 -40 50 4 13 26 15 41 7 53 -13 20 -45 25 -61 9z m53 -23 c0 -22 -31 -33 -47 -17 -17 17 -1 44 24 40 15 -2 23 -10 23 -23z"/> <path d="M1658 1076 c-12 -9 -18 -27 -18 -55 l0 -41 40 0 40 0 0 41 c0 37 -18 68 -40 68 -3 0 -13 -6 -22 -13z m50 -53 c-2 -22 -8 -28 -28 -28 -20 0 -26 6 -28 28 -3 24 0 27 28 27 28 0 31 -3 28 -27z"/> <path d="M50 1065 c-26 -32 13 -81 48 -59 34 22 22 74 -18 74 -10 0 -23 -7 -30 -15z m25 -15 c-10 -11 -20 -18 -23 -15 -7 6 18 35 31 35 5 0 2 -9 -8 -20z m25 -25 c-7 -8 -17 -15 -23 -15 -5 0 -2 9 8 20 21 23 35 19 15 -5z"/> <path d="M390 1065 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M1004 1068 c-4 -6 0 -16 9 -23 14 -10 14 -12 -1 -22 -14 -9 -15 -13 -3 -24 11 -12 15 -11 24 3 10 15 12 15 23 0 11 -14 15 -15 26 -4 11 11 10 15 -4 26 -15 11 -15 13 0 23 14 9 15 13 4 24 -11 12 -15 11 -26 -4 -12 -15 -14 -16 -20 -2 -6 18 -22 20 -32 3z"/> <path d="M1487 1073 c-13 -12 -7 -33 10 -33 15 0 15 -1 -2 -14 -11 -8 -16 -19 -12 -30 9 -22 28 -20 34 4 5 20 7 20 24 4 11 -10 22 -14 27 -10 4 4 -2 14 -13 22 -20 15 -20 15 4 35 13 10 17 19 10 19 -7 0 -21 -7 -31 -17 -17 -15 -18 -15 -18 5 0 21 -19 30 -33 15z m23 -13 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z m0 -50 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z"/> <path d="M1807 1073 c-26 -26 16 -97 54 -91 35 5 40 55 7 80 -24 18 -50 23 -61 11z m31 -15 c-9 -7 -18 -20 -21 -28 -3 -8 -6 -3 -6 13 -1 21 3 27 21 27 19 0 20 -2 6 -12z m42 -48 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1957 1074 c-4 -4 -7 -20 -7 -35 0 -31 21 -46 58 -43 32 2 44 17 40 50 -3 26 -7 29 -43 32 -23 2 -44 0 -48 -4z m83 -32 c0 -27 -3 -29 -40 -29 -37 0 -40 2 -40 29 0 26 3 28 40 28 37 0 40 -2 40 -28z"/> <path d="M1976 1053 c-11 -11 -6 -23 9 -23 8 0 15 4 15 9 0 13 -16 22 -24 14z"/> <path d="M2114 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -27 6 -28 53 -28 l50 0 0 40 0 40 -48 3 c-34 2 -49 -1 -53 -12z m96 -31 c0 -35 0 -35 -45 -35 -45 0 -45 0 -45 35 0 35 0 35 45 35 45 0 45 0 45 -35z"/> <path d="M2141 1042 c-16 -30 -15 -32 25 -32 24 0 34 4 32 13 -3 6 -10 12 -17 12 -6 0 -16 6 -20 14 -7 11 -11 10 -20 -7z"/> <path d="M2284 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m56 -11 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m0 -40 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M2448 1073 c-3 -4 -4 -24 -4 -43 1 -34 2 -35 41 -35 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -37 43 -20 2 -38 -1 -40 -5z m22 -15 c0 6 11 12 25 12 28 0 30 -5 13 -43 -8 -17 -21 -27 -35 -27 -18 0 -21 6 -20 35 1 21 4 30 9 22 6 -9 8 -9 8 1z"/> <path d="M230 1055 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M850 1061 c0 -6 5 -13 10 -16 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -15 -18 -3 -32 13 -16 9 9 15 9 25 0 7 -6 16 -8 20 -5 3 4 1 13 -5 20 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 16 16 2 28 -16 13 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -8 13 -25 13 -25 1z"/> <path d="M670 1035 c0 -11 12 -15 50 -15 38 0 50 4 50 15 0 11 -12 15 -50 15 -38 0 -50 -4 -50 -15z"/> <path d="M520 1030 c0 -5 18 -10 40 -10 22 0 40 5 40 10 0 6 -18 10 -40 10 -22 0 -40 -4 -40 -10z"/> <path d="M197 922 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -12 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m0 -40 c0 -11 -4 -20 -10 -20 -5 0 -10 9 -10 20 0 11 5 20 10 20 6 0 10 -9 10 -20z"/> <path d="M42 885 c-12 -25 -22 -48 -22 -50 0 -3 27 -5 60 -5 33 0 60 2 60 5 0 20 -47 95 -60 95 -9 0 -26 -20 -38 -45z m48 10 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z m0 -35 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M390 911 c0 -5 3 -17 6 -26 5 -13 8 -14 15 -3 13 20 11 38 -6 38 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M540 910 c0 -5 7 -10 16 -10 14 0 14 -3 4 -15 -18 -22 -3 -32 17 -13 8 9 13 24 10 32 -7 17 -47 22 -47 6z"/> <path d="M731 887 c-21 -25 -26 -27 -35 -15 -9 12 -14 12 -22 4 -8 -9 -5 -16 11 -28 20 -15 23 -14 56 16 24 22 32 36 24 42 -7 7 -18 0 -34 -19z"/> <path d="M1494 885 c0 -22 4 -35 12 -35 7 0 15 -8 17 -17 4 -17 5 -17 6 0 0 9 7 17 14 17 9 0 13 12 13 35 -1 32 -4 35 -31 35 -27 0 -30 -3 -31 -35z m43 -11 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z"/> <path d="M1020 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z m40 -21 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1183 904 c-19 -8 -16 -54 3 -61 24 -9 49 10 49 38 0 24 -24 34 -52 23z m45 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1340 894 c0 -7 -8 -15 -17 -17 -17 -4 -17 -5 0 -6 9 0 17 -7 17 -14 0 -9 12 -13 35 -13 32 1 35 4 35 31 0 27 -3 30 -35 31 -22 0 -35 -4 -35 -12z m27 -26 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z"/> <path d="M396 851 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M550 840 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M1360 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M1510 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M50 715 c0 -40 3 -41 48 -17 l33 18 -36 17 c-20 9 -38 17 -40 17 -3 0 -5 -16 -5 -35z"/> <path d="M220 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M260 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M1182 730 c-17 -28 -16 -30 18 -30 33 0 36 6 16 33 -17 21 -18 21 -34 -3z"/> <path d="M350 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M417 729 c10 -10 10 -16 0 -27 -10 -13 -9 -14 13 -2 14 7 26 14 28 15 1 1 -10 7 -25 14 -23 10 -26 10 -16 0z"/> <path d="M522 727 l-23 -13 27 -13 c23 -10 26 -10 16 2 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 15 15 9 15 -20 -1z"/> <path d="M572 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M680 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M753 715 c0 -14 3 -25 8 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -8 -11 -8 -25z"/> <path d="M840 715 c0 -14 4 -25 9 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -9 -11 -9 -25z"/> <path d="M892 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M1020 715 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 20 0 25 5 25 25 0 20 -5 25 -25 25 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1555 715 c0 -13 3 -21 8 -18 4 2 7 10 7 18 0 8 -3 16 -7 18 -5 3 -8 -5 -8 -18z"/> <path d="M1183 683 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M70 583 c0 -29 12 -24 17 7 2 11 -2 20 -7 20 -6 0 -10 -12 -10 -27z"/> <path d="M42 588 c-15 -15 -16 -50 0 -66 15 -15 51 -15 66 0 15 15 16 55 1 64 -6 3 -10 -1 -9 -12 4 -32 1 -42 -15 -48 -22 -8 -49 23 -34 40 15 18 8 39 -9 22z"/> <path d="M232 584 c15 -8 34 -27 42 -42 13 -24 15 -24 16 -6 0 25 -40 64 -66 64 -15 -1 -14 -4 8 -16z"/> <path d="M433 555 c0 -22 2 -30 4 -17 2 12 2 30 0 40 -3 9 -5 -1 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M510 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M670 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M830 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M990 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M233 548 c12 -13 24 -19 25 -15 5 11 -18 37 -34 37 -9 0 -5 -8 9 -22z"/> <path d="M412 545 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M391 534 c0 -11 3 -14 6 -6 3 7 2 16 -1 19 -3 4 -6 -2 -5 -13z"/> <path d="M210 530 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M37 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m59 -27 c14 -13 14 -17 0 -31 -15 -14 -17 -14 -32 0 -12 13 -13 18 -2 30 16 19 16 19 34 1z"/> <path d="M197 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m73 -42 c0 -5 -13 -10 -30 -10 -16 0 -30 5 -30 10 0 6 14 10 30 10 17 0 30 -4 30 -10z"/> <path d="M357 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m70 -42 c0 -22 -5 -27 -27 -27 -22 0 -27 5 -27 27 0 22 5 27 27 27 22 0 27 -5 27 -27z"/> <path d="M517 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m50 -59 c-16 -16 -17 -15 -17 17 0 32 1 33 17 17 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M677 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -49 c-16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -16 16 -15 17 17 17 32 0 33 -1 17 -17z"/> <path d="M837 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m53 -44 c0 -30 -1 -31 -17 -16 -13 14 -14 20 -3 32 18 22 20 20 20 -16z"/> <path d="M997 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m63 -37 c11 -13 8 -15 -20 -15 -28 0 -31 2 -20 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1157 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -59 c-11 -11 -17 -13 -17 -5 0 7 -7 12 -15 12 -8 0 -15 5 -15 10 0 6 7 10 15 10 8 0 15 5 15 12 0 8 6 6 17 -5 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M1317 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -27 c0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 8 0 6 -6 -5 -17 -16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -11 11 -13 17 -5 17 7 0 12 7 12 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M1477 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m59 -32 c8 0 14 -4 14 -10 0 -5 -7 -10 -15 -10 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12 0 -8 -6 -6 -17 4 -14 15 -14 19 -3 34 9 10 16 12 18 5 2 -6 10 -11 18 -11z"/> <path d="M1637 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m63 -27 c9 -10 9 -15 1 -15 -6 0 -11 -7 -11 -15 0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 -5 15 -11 15 -8 0 -8 5 1 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1797 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1836 411 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1957 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1998 403 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M2117 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m62 -48 c-17 -18 -25 -21 -36 -13 -13 12 -8 33 7 24 4 -3 13 2 20 10 7 8 17 12 22 9 5 -3 -1 -17 -13 -30z"/> <path d="M50 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M76 241 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M210 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M238 233 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M370 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M393 235 c0 -6 6 -12 12 -12 6 0 12 6 12 12 0 6 -6 12 -12 12 -6 0 -12 -6 -12 -12z"/> <path d="M530 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m44 -6 c-3 -5 -10 -7 -15 -3 -5 3 -7 10 -3 15 3 5 10 7 15 3 5 -3 7 -10 3 -15z"/> <path d="M690 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 -1 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 0 c0 -6 -6 -12 -12 -12 -6 0 -12 6 -12 12 0 6 6 12 12 12 6 0 12 -6 12 -12z"/> <path d="M880 73 l-55 -58 58 55 c53 50 62 60 54 60 -1 0 -27 -26 -57 -57z"/> <path d="M393 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M413 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M721 77 l-32 -34 25 1 c31 2 40 11 42 41 0 14 0 25 -1 25 0 0 -16 -15 -34 -33z m25 -4 c-2 -9 -11 -17 -20 -19 -17 -2 -17 -2 0 17 21 23 23 23 20 2z"/> <path d="M543 83 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M899 53 l-34 -38 38 34 c20 19 37 36 37 38 0 8 -8 0 -41 -34z"/> <path d="M543 63 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M919 33 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> </g> </svg>')}.ui-state-hover .ui-icon,.ui-state-focus .ui-icon,.ui-button:hover .ui-icon,.ui-button:focus .ui-icon{background-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" version="1.0" width="256" height="240" viewBox="0 0 256.000000 240.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g 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-5 11 -10 25 -10 20 0 25 5 25 25 0 14 -4 25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M705 2320 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -3 21 19 16 32 -6 14 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -3 5 -11 10 -17 10 -6 0 -3 -9 7 -20z"/> <path d="M860 2315 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 14 0 25 5 25 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1180 2315 c0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -11 10 -25 10 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1345 2290 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -3 21 19 16 32 -6 14 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -3 5 -11 10 -17 10 -6 0 -3 -9 7 -20z"/> <path d="M390 2153 c0 -36 0 -36 20 -18 19 17 19 19 4 37 -23 24 -24 24 -24 -19z"/> <path d="M1036 2172 c-15 -18 -15 -20 4 -37 20 -18 20 -18 20 18 0 43 -1 43 -24 19z"/> <path d="M1340 2175 c-11 -13 -8 -15 15 -15 23 0 26 2 15 15 -7 8 -14 15 -15 15 -1 0 -8 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M55 2160 c-18 -20 -17 -20 20 -20 37 0 38 0 20 20 -10 11 -19 20 -20 20 -1 0 -10 -9 -20 -20z"/> <path d="M240 2155 c13 -14 25 -25 27 -25 2 0 3 11 3 25 0 20 -5 25 -27 25 l-26 0 23 -25z"/> <path d="M550 2155 l-23 -25 26 0 c22 0 27 5 27 25 0 14 -1 25 -3 25 -2 0 -14 -11 -27 -25z"/> <path d="M705 2160 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -4 24 23 24 24 -19 24 -36 0 -36 0 -18 -20z"/> <path d="M860 2155 c0 -20 5 -25 27 -25 l26 0 -23 25 c-13 14 -25 25 -27 25 -2 0 -3 -11 -3 -25z"/> <path d="M1180 2153 l0 -26 25 23 c14 13 25 25 25 27 0 2 -11 3 -25 3 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -27z"/> <path d="M1501 2166 c-9 -10 -8 -16 4 -26 13 -11 15 -8 15 14 0 30 -3 32 -19 12z"/> <path d="M1530 2154 c0 -22 2 -25 15 -14 12 10 13 16 4 26 -16 20 -19 18 -19 -12z"/> <path d="M1330 2146 c0 -2 6 -9 14 -15 10 -9 16 -8 26 4 11 13 8 15 -14 15 -14 0 -26 -2 -26 -4z"/> <path d="M1349 2023 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -12 -4 -18 -10 -15 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 14 4 19 13 14 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1993 2033 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M2321 2022 c-1 -16 -5 -21 -13 -16 -9 5 -9 2 1 -9 7 -9 15 -17 16 -17 1 0 9 8 16 17 8 9 9 14 2 10 -7 -5 -13 1 -16 15 l-4 23 -2 -23z"/> <path d="M59 2013 c-8 -10 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -2 16 -20 l4 -28 2 28 c1 20 5 26 14 21 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M721 2007 c-1 -20 -5 -26 -13 -21 -9 5 -8 2 1 -9 10 -13 17 -15 27 -6 16 13 19 23 5 14 -5 -3 -12 7 -14 22 l-4 28 -2 -28z"/> <path d="M1524 2021 c7 -11 -18 -33 -27 -24 -4 3 -7 -1 -7 -10 0 -9 7 -17 16 -17 8 0 13 4 10 9 -7 11 18 33 27 24 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -16 17 -8 0 -13 -4 -10 -9z"/> <path d="M1810 2013 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 9 9 34 -13 27 -24 -3 -5 2 -9 10 -9 9 0 16 7 16 16 0 8 -4 13 -9 10 -11 -7 -33 18 -24 27 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M229 2011 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M405 2011 c3 -5 -7 -12 -22 -14 l-28 -4 28 -2 c20 -1 26 -5 21 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M530 2016 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M889 2003 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1021 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 2 13 20 16 l28 4 -28 2 c-16 0 -25 5 -22 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1180 1998 c0 -17 3 -19 9 -9 5 7 15 17 22 22 10 6 8 9 -8 9 -17 0 -23 -6 -23 -22z"/> <path d="M1651 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 14 0 19 -4 14 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -3 -10 -15 -10 -12 0 -18 5 -15 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1989 2003 c-8 -9 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -1 16 -15 l4 -23 2 23 c1 16 5 21 14 16 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M2155 2011 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2481 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M558 1989 c-17 -18 -17 -19 2 -19 13 0 20 7 20 20 0 24 0 24 -22 -1z"/> <path d="M860 1993 c0 -17 6 -23 23 -23 16 0 18 3 8 9 -7 5 -17 15 -22 22 -6 10 -9 8 -9 -8z"/> <path d="M219 1983 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1200 1996 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M2313 1963 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M50 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -11 11 -25 0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 14 5 25 11 25 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M710 1855 c0 -14 -5 -25 -12 -25 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 11 -12 25 0 14 -4 25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1340 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M1524 1871 c7 -11 -28 -43 -37 -34 -4 3 -7 -3 -7 -15 0 -16 6 -22 21 -22 11 0 18 4 15 9 -7 11 28 43 37 34 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M1800 1859 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 11 7 43 -28 34 -37 -3 -4 3 -7 15 -7 16 0 22 6 22 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -9 -9 -44 23 -37 34 3 5 -4 9 -15 9 -15 0 -21 -6 -21 -21z"/> <path d="M1983 1873 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M2310 1865 c0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M244 1861 c3 -4 -3 -16 -14 -26 -11 -10 -17 -22 -14 -27 3 -5 16 0 28 11 12 12 26 18 29 14 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M516 1862 c-3 -5 3 -17 14 -27 11 -10 17 -22 14 -26 -3 -5 4 -9 15 -9 15 0 21 6 21 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -3 -4 -17 2 -29 14 -12 11 -25 16 -28 11z"/> <path d="M885 1850 c-10 -11 -22 -17 -26 -14 -5 3 -9 -4 -9 -15 0 -15 6 -21 22 -21 12 0 18 3 15 7 -4 3 2 17 14 29 11 12 16 25 11 28 -5 3 -17 -3 -27 -14z"/> <path d="M1170 1849 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 4 3 16 -3 26 -14 10 -11 22 -17 27 -14 5 3 0 16 -11 28 -12 12 -18 26 -14 29 3 4 -3 7 -15 7 -16 0 -22 -6 -22 -21z"/> <path d="M1650 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5 0 -15 -27 -16 -32 -1 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M2150 1862 c0 -7 -7 -12 -15 -12 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2480 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -6 10 -14 10 -8 0 -16 5 -18 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M410 1852 c0 -7 -11 -12 -25 -12 -14 0 -25 -4 -25 -10 0 -5 11 -10 25 -10 14 0 25 -5 25 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M1010 1846 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 11 12 25 12 14 0 25 5 25 10 0 6 -11 10 -24 10 -13 0 -26 5 -28 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M1980 1845 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M2303 1803 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M1683 1723 c4 -3 -3 -11 -16 -17 -26 -14 -29 -44 -5 -60 14 -8 22 -7 35 8 17 18 17 18 -4 5 -17 -10 -25 -11 -34 -2 -15 15 -4 43 16 43 10 0 13 -5 9 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -6 8 -14 14 -17 14 -3 0 -2 -3 1 -7z"/> <path d="M50 1705 c-10 -12 -10 -18 0 -30 10 -12 15 -13 21 -4 11 19 42 2 34 -19 -5 -13 -3 -14 6 -5 15 15 5 41 -18 50 -10 4 -21 10 -24 15 -3 5 -12 2 -19 -7z"/> <path d="M231 1706 c-9 -11 -9 -15 0 -18 8 -3 10 -11 6 -22 -5 -12 -13 -16 -25 -11 -13 5 -14 3 -5 -6 15 -16 44 -4 50 21 3 11 10 20 15 20 6 0 5 7 -2 15 -15 19 -24 19 -39 1z"/> <path d="M364 1705 c-7 -18 12 -45 32 -45 8 0 14 -5 14 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 4 14 14 14 20 3 33 -10 12 -15 13 -21 4 -10 -17 -42 -2 -35 16 3 8 3 15 0 15 -2 0 -7 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M552 1708 c-7 -7 -12 -18 -12 -25 0 -7 -5 -13 -12 -13 -8 0 -6 -6 4 -17 14 -14 20 -14 33 -3 12 10 13 15 4 21 -17 10 -2 42 17 35 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -8 14 -28 13 -43 -2z"/> <path d="M1339 1703 c-13 -15 -12 -15 8 -2 17 10 25 11 34 2 15 -15 4 -43 -16 -43 -9 0 -13 5 -10 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4 -9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -3 -4 7 2 14 13 17 26 7 36 33 20 52 -16 20 -34 19 -51 -2z"/> <path d="M1812 1708 c-17 -17 -15 -33 5 -49 15 -13 15 -12 2 8 -10 17 -11 25 -2 34 15 15 43 4 43 -16 0 -9 -4 -13 -10 -10 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 16 -7 27 6 7 10 9 15 5 11 -5 -5 -14 2 -20 14 -13 27 -36 34 -54 16z"/> <path d="M691 1696 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 17 0 21 -4 15 -17 -5 -14 -3 -15 6 -6 15 15 3 33 -22 33 -11 0 -17 5 -14 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M879 1693 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -17 -4 -21 -17 -15 -14 5 -15 3 -6 -6 15 -15 33 -3 33 22 0 14 4 18 13 13 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1197 1703 c-4 -3 -7 -15 -7 -25 0 -11 -4 -16 -10 -13 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 16 4 20 16 16 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -7 12 -19 13 -28 3z"/> <path d="M1479 1693 c-7 -10 -9 -15 -5 -11 5 5 14 -2 20 -15 14 -26 44 -29 60 -5 8 14 7 22 -8 35 -18 17 -18 17 -5 -4 10 -17 11 -25 2 -34 -15 -15 -43 -4 -43 16 0 10 5 13 13 9 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -17 21 -16 21 -32 0z"/> <path d="M1015 1690 c-9 -15 4 -30 26 -30 14 0 18 -4 13 -12 -5 -9 -2 -9 9 1 9 7 17 15 17 16 0 1 -8 9 -17 16 -11 10 -14 10 -9 2 5 -9 0 -13 -14 -13 -16 0 -20 5 -16 15 6 17 0 20 -9 5z"/> <path d="M721 1556 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -4 8 -1 12 10 12 12 0 15 -6 12 -25 -3 -13 -1 -22 3 -19 17 10 9 46 -11 51 -11 3 -17 9 -14 14 8 14 -2 11 -15 -5z"/> <path d="M67 1554 c-3 -3 -3 -13 0 -21 4 -9 1 -13 -8 -11 -8 2 -15 -1 -16 -7 -1 -5 5 -9 13 -7 9 2 14 -3 12 -12 -2 -8 2 -15 7 -15 6 0 9 7 7 15 -2 9 3 14 10 12 8 -2 14 2 14 7 0 6 -7 9 -15 7 -9 -2 -12 2 -8 12 6 16 -6 30 -16 20z"/> <path d="M200 1543 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 3 4 13 1 22 -6 14 -10 14 -10 4 4 -7 9 -10 19 -6 22 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M263 1553 c4 -3 1 -13 -6 -22 -10 -14 -10 -14 4 -4 9 7 19 10 22 6 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -17 17 -9 0 -13 -3 -10 -7z"/> <path d="M409 1551 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M550 1530 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 27 0 30 3 30 30 0 27 -3 30 -30 30 -27 0 -30 -3 -30 -30z m50 -5 c0 -8 -9 -15 -20 -15 -11 0 -20 7 -20 15 0 8 9 15 20 15 11 0 20 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1230 1552 c0 -7 -9 -12 -20 -12 -11 0 -20 -4 -20 -10 0 -5 9 -10 20 -10 11 0 20 -5 20 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M893 1535 c-14 -10 -24 -12 -28 -5 -3 5 -12 10 -18 10 -7 0 -3 -6 7 -12 19 -11 19 -11 1 -24 -10 -8 -14 -14 -8 -14 7 0 15 4 18 10 4 6 15 4 30 -6 15 -10 25 -12 30 -5 3 6 3 12 -2 12 -4 1 -12 2 -18 3 -5 0 -10 6 -10 11 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 12 4 13 9 7 15 -4 15 -25 1z"/> <path d="M1065 1541 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M360 1510 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 17 0 30 4 30 9 0 4 -11 6 -25 3 -20 -3 -25 0 -25 16 0 11 6 23 13 25 7 3 5 6 -5 6 -13 1 -18 -7 -18 -29z"/> <path d="M399 1523 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M520 1510 c0 -26 3 -30 28 -29 25 2 25 2 3 6 -18 4 -22 10 -18 29 2 13 0 24 -4 24 -5 0 -9 -13 -9 -30z"/> <path d="M687 1533 c-14 -14 -6 -45 13 -50 11 -3 17 -10 13 -17 -4 -6 1 -5 10 3 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -1 -10 -11 -10 -12 0 -15 6 -12 25 6 27 5 29 -5 18z"/> <path d="M1001 1516 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1160 1516 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 9 12 20 12 11 0 20 5 20 10 0 6 -9 10 -19 10 -11 0 -21 5 -23 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M225 1500 c-4 -6 -11 -8 -16 -5 -5 4 -9 -1 -9 -9 0 -9 8 -16 17 -16 9 0 13 3 10 7 -4 3 -2 12 4 20 6 7 9 13 6 13 -3 0 -9 -5 -12 -10z"/> <path d="M257 1499 c7 -9 10 -19 6 -22 -3 -4 1 -7 10 -7 10 0 17 8 17 17 0 9 -3 13 -7 10 -3 -4 -13 -1 -22 6 -14 10 -14 10 -4 -4z"/> <path d="M1006 1391 c-10 -11 -16 -31 -14 -48 3 -26 6 -28 48 -28 42 0 45 2 48 28 4 32 -21 67 -48 67 -9 0 -25 -9 -34 -19z m54 -26 c20 18 20 17 20 -13 0 -31 -2 -32 -40 -32 -38 0 -40 1 -40 32 0 30 0 31 20 13 19 -17 21 -17 40 0z"/> <path d="M24 1387 c-3 -8 -4 -30 -1 -49 3 -29 4 -28 5 10 l2 43 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -7z"/> <path d="M360 1355 l0 -45 40 0 c39 0 40 1 40 33 0 40 -15 57 -52 57 -27 0 -28 -2 -28 -45z m40 20 c0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -9 15 -20 0 -16 -7 -20 -30 -20 -28 0 -30 3 -30 35 0 24 5 35 15 35 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m25 5 c3 -5 1 -10 -4 -10 -6 0 -11 5 -11 10 0 6 2 10 4 10 3 0 8 -4 11 -10z"/> <path d="M688 1393 c6 -2 12 -20 12 -38 0 -18 -6 -35 -12 -38 -7 -2 6 -6 30 -8 l42 -5 0 48 0 48 -42 -1 c-24 0 -37 -3 -30 -6z"/> <path d="M1167 1380 c-18 -22 -23 -70 -7 -70 6 0 10 11 10 24 0 34 10 56 25 56 15 0 25 -22 25 -56 0 -13 5 -24 10 -24 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 26 -27 65 -45 65 -6 0 -18 -9 -28 -20z"/> <path d="M1500 1384 c-11 -12 -10 -18 3 -32 16 -15 18 -15 34 0 13 14 14 20 3 32 -7 9 -16 16 -20 16 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -16z m36 -5 c10 -17 -13 -36 -27 -22 -12 12 -4 33 11 33 5 0 12 -5 16 -11z"/> <path d="M1655 1388 c-3 -8 -7 -28 -8 -44 -2 -27 1 -29 36 -32 43 -4 51 8 39 53 -6 23 -15 31 -35 33 -16 2 -29 -2 -32 -10z m55 -18 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1678 1373 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1815 1390 c-15 -6 -7 -9 30 -9 37 0 45 3 30 9 -11 5 -24 9 -30 9 -5 0 -19 -4 -30 -9z"/> <path d="M1980 1379 c-6 -11 -10 -30 -8 -42 2 -17 10 -22 33 -22 23 0 31 5 33 22 4 28 -14 63 -33 63 -8 0 -19 -9 -25 -21z"/> <path d="M2117 1393 c-12 -12 -7 -25 7 -20 11 4 16 -3 18 -26 3 -28 7 -32 33 -32 25 0 30 4 33 28 3 23 0 27 -21 27 -14 0 -27 7 -31 15 -6 15 -28 20 -39 8z"/> <path d="M2280 1353 c0 -24 4 -43 9 -43 6 0 12 19 14 43 l4 42 1 -42 c2 -39 5 -43 27 -43 23 0 25 4 25 45 l0 45 -40 -3 -40 -2 0 -42z m70 5 c0 -23 -3 -29 -9 -19 -7 11 -9 11 -14 0 -3 -8 -6 1 -6 19 -1 22 4 32 14 32 10 0 15 -10 15 -32z"/> <path d="M2457 1372 l-27 -28 23 -22 23 -22 27 28 c15 15 27 38 27 50 0 32 -40 29 -73 -6z m32 -28 c-6 -7 -15 -11 -21 -8 -5 3 -4 12 3 20 6 7 15 11 21 8 5 -3 4 -12 -3 -20z"/> <path d="M184 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 2 -19 10 -24 41 -26 26 -2 45 2 58 14 28 26 23 34 -20 34 -30 0 -44 -6 -55 -22 -16 -22 -16 -22 -16 10 l0 33 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -8z"/> <path d="M530 1355 c0 -30 3 -35 23 -35 29 0 47 18 47 47 0 20 -5 23 -35 23 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 14 c0 -14 -25 -39 -39 -39 -6 0 -11 11 -11 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 14 0 25 -5 25 -11z"/> <path d="M834 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 3 -20 9 -23 48 -23 45 0 45 0 45 35 0 34 -1 35 -43 38 -30 2 -44 -1 -48 -12z m84 -28 c3 -27 1 -28 -37 -28 -36 0 -41 3 -41 23 0 32 9 38 45 35 24 -2 31 -8 33 -30z"/> <path d="M863 1355 c17 -19 17 -19 35 0 16 18 16 18 0 6 -15 -11 -21 -11 -35 0 -17 12 -17 12 0 -6z"/> <path d="M1327 1384 c-14 -14 -7 -50 13 -67 19 -16 22 -16 46 -1 18 12 24 24 22 43 -3 22 -9 26 -38 29 -20 2 -39 0 -43 -4z m73 -27 c0 -12 -9 -28 -20 -35 -12 -7 -20 -8 -20 -2 0 5 -7 10 -15 10 -9 0 -15 9 -15 25 0 22 4 25 35 25 30 0 35 -3 35 -23z"/> <path d="M1353 1363 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M1348 1343 c6 -2 18 -2 25 0 6 3 1 5 -13 5 -14 0 -19 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M58 1363 c-11 -3 -18 -14 -18 -29 0 -23 3 -25 43 -22 38 3 42 6 45 31 3 24 0 27 -25 26 -15 -1 -36 -3 -45 -6z"/> <path d="M1180 1340 c0 -20 5 -30 15 -30 10 0 15 10 15 30 0 20 -5 30 -15 30 -10 0 -15 -10 -15 -30z"/> <path d="M1812 1338 c3 -29 6 -33 33 -33 27 0 30 4 33 33 3 31 2 32 -33 32 -35 0 -36 -1 -33 -32z m15 -10 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z"/> <path d="M1478 1323 c-8 -10 1 -13 43 -13 40 0 50 3 41 12 -15 15 -71 16 -84 1z"/> <path d="M2306 1235 c-3 -8 -12 -15 -21 -15 -17 0 -20 -16 -4 -26 6 -3 9 -15 6 -25 -3 -11 -1 -19 4 -19 5 0 9 5 9 10 0 6 9 10 20 10 11 0 20 -4 20 -10 0 -5 4 -10 9 -10 5 0 7 8 4 19 -3 10 0 22 6 25 16 10 13 26 -4 26 -9 0 -18 7 -21 15 -4 8 -10 15 -14 15 -4 0 -10 -7 -14 -15z"/> <path d="M49 1213 c-13 -14 -18 -23 -10 -18 11 6 13 2 9 -19 -5 -24 -3 -26 32 -26 35 0 37 2 32 26 -4 21 -2 25 9 19 8 -5 3 4 -10 18 -14 15 -27 27 -31 27 -4 0 -17 -12 -31 -27z m52 0 c13 -16 12 -17 -3 -4 -15 11 -21 11 -35 0 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 7 9 17 17 21 17 4 0 14 -8 21 -17z m-11 -38 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M365 1232 c-3 -3 -5 -23 -5 -44 0 -38 0 -38 41 -38 l40 0 -3 42 c-3 40 -5 43 -35 44 -18 1 -35 -1 -38 -4z m65 -47 c0 -21 -5 -25 -30 -25 -25 0 -30 4 -30 25 0 21 5 25 30 25 25 0 30 -4 30 -25z"/> <path d="M390 1185 c0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M746 1231 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M852 1228 c-28 -28 -7 -78 33 -78 12 0 26 5 33 12 7 7 12 21 12 33 0 12 -5 26 -12 33 -7 7 -21 12 -33 12 -12 0 -26 -5 -33 -12z m52 -48 c10 -13 9 -13 -6 -1 -10 7 -17 23 -17 35 1 20 2 20 6 1 3 -11 10 -27 17 -35z"/> <path d="M1004 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m59 -3 c-7 -2 -21 -2 -30 0 -10 3 -4 5 12 5 17 0 24 -2 18 -5z m-36 -55 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z m43 7 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1164 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z"/> <path d="M1347 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1366 1211 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1507 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1528 1203 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1667 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1840 1228 c0 -7 -12 -24 -27 -40 -33 -34 -23 -50 12 -18 13 12 31 20 39 17 15 -6 34 29 22 40 -3 4 -6 1 -6 -5 0 -7 -5 -12 -11 -12 -6 0 -9 7 -5 15 3 9 0 15 -9 15 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12z"/> <path d="M2480 1216 c-7 -14 -21 -28 -31 -31 -21 -7 -19 -37 3 -41 9 -1 21 9 28 22 7 13 21 26 31 29 20 7 19 39 -3 43 -8 1 -20 -9 -28 -22z m30 -6 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m-40 -40 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M193 1190 c0 -25 2 -35 4 -22 2 12 2 32 0 45 -2 12 -4 2 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M210 1205 c0 -16 7 -25 25 -29 33 -8 45 -1 45 27 0 18 -6 22 -35 24 -30 1 -35 -1 -35 -22z"/> <path d="M506 1222 c7 -4 13 -16 15 -27 3 -16 13 -20 49 -21 l45 -1 -42 4 c-38 4 -43 7 -43 29 0 16 -6 24 -17 24 -12 0 -14 -3 -7 -8z"/> <path d="M1976 1221 c-1 -3 -2 -19 -2 -36 1 -27 4 -30 36 -30 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 32 -2 35 -33 36 -18 1 -34 -2 -36 -5z m44 -31 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M2123 1214 c-3 -8 4 -25 18 -40 l23 -24 23 22 c13 12 23 27 23 34 0 19 -19 27 -35 14 -9 -7 -15 -8 -20 0 -9 15 -25 12 -32 -6z"/> <path d="M558 1213 c12 -2 30 -2 40 0 9 3 -1 5 -23 4 -22 0 -30 -2 -17 -4z"/> <path d="M700 1185 c-32 -34 -16 -46 16 -13 14 14 22 28 16 31 -5 4 -20 -5 -32 -18z m30 11 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M588 1193 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1203 1083 c-7 -2 -13 -10 -13 -17 0 -7 -9 -21 -20 -31 -21 -19 -27 -45 -11 -45 6 0 13 5 16 10 4 6 22 17 41 25 35 14 43 32 22 53 -13 13 -16 13 -35 5z m-13 -47 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M1332 1078 c-16 -16 -15 -28 4 -66 20 -41 29 -40 50 4 13 26 15 41 7 53 -13 20 -45 25 -61 9z m53 -23 c0 -22 -31 -33 -47 -17 -17 17 -1 44 24 40 15 -2 23 -10 23 -23z"/> <path d="M1658 1076 c-12 -9 -18 -27 -18 -55 l0 -41 40 0 40 0 0 41 c0 37 -18 68 -40 68 -3 0 -13 -6 -22 -13z m50 -53 c-2 -22 -8 -28 -28 -28 -20 0 -26 6 -28 28 -3 24 0 27 28 27 28 0 31 -3 28 -27z"/> <path d="M50 1065 c-26 -32 13 -81 48 -59 34 22 22 74 -18 74 -10 0 -23 -7 -30 -15z m25 -15 c-10 -11 -20 -18 -23 -15 -7 6 18 35 31 35 5 0 2 -9 -8 -20z m25 -25 c-7 -8 -17 -15 -23 -15 -5 0 -2 9 8 20 21 23 35 19 15 -5z"/> <path d="M390 1065 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M1004 1068 c-4 -6 0 -16 9 -23 14 -10 14 -12 -1 -22 -14 -9 -15 -13 -3 -24 11 -12 15 -11 24 3 10 15 12 15 23 0 11 -14 15 -15 26 -4 11 11 10 15 -4 26 -15 11 -15 13 0 23 14 9 15 13 4 24 -11 12 -15 11 -26 -4 -12 -15 -14 -16 -20 -2 -6 18 -22 20 -32 3z"/> <path d="M1487 1073 c-13 -12 -7 -33 10 -33 15 0 15 -1 -2 -14 -11 -8 -16 -19 -12 -30 9 -22 28 -20 34 4 5 20 7 20 24 4 11 -10 22 -14 27 -10 4 4 -2 14 -13 22 -20 15 -20 15 4 35 13 10 17 19 10 19 -7 0 -21 -7 -31 -17 -17 -15 -18 -15 -18 5 0 21 -19 30 -33 15z m23 -13 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z m0 -50 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z"/> <path d="M1807 1073 c-26 -26 16 -97 54 -91 35 5 40 55 7 80 -24 18 -50 23 -61 11z m31 -15 c-9 -7 -18 -20 -21 -28 -3 -8 -6 -3 -6 13 -1 21 3 27 21 27 19 0 20 -2 6 -12z m42 -48 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1957 1074 c-4 -4 -7 -20 -7 -35 0 -31 21 -46 58 -43 32 2 44 17 40 50 -3 26 -7 29 -43 32 -23 2 -44 0 -48 -4z m83 -32 c0 -27 -3 -29 -40 -29 -37 0 -40 2 -40 29 0 26 3 28 40 28 37 0 40 -2 40 -28z"/> <path d="M1976 1053 c-11 -11 -6 -23 9 -23 8 0 15 4 15 9 0 13 -16 22 -24 14z"/> <path d="M2114 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -27 6 -28 53 -28 l50 0 0 40 0 40 -48 3 c-34 2 -49 -1 -53 -12z m96 -31 c0 -35 0 -35 -45 -35 -45 0 -45 0 -45 35 0 35 0 35 45 35 45 0 45 0 45 -35z"/> <path d="M2141 1042 c-16 -30 -15 -32 25 -32 24 0 34 4 32 13 -3 6 -10 12 -17 12 -6 0 -16 6 -20 14 -7 11 -11 10 -20 -7z"/> <path d="M2284 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m56 -11 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m0 -40 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M2448 1073 c-3 -4 -4 -24 -4 -43 1 -34 2 -35 41 -35 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -37 43 -20 2 -38 -1 -40 -5z m22 -15 c0 6 11 12 25 12 28 0 30 -5 13 -43 -8 -17 -21 -27 -35 -27 -18 0 -21 6 -20 35 1 21 4 30 9 22 6 -9 8 -9 8 1z"/> <path d="M230 1055 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M850 1061 c0 -6 5 -13 10 -16 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -15 -18 -3 -32 13 -16 9 9 15 9 25 0 7 -6 16 -8 20 -5 3 4 1 13 -5 20 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 16 16 2 28 -16 13 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -8 13 -25 13 -25 1z"/> <path d="M670 1035 c0 -11 12 -15 50 -15 38 0 50 4 50 15 0 11 -12 15 -50 15 -38 0 -50 -4 -50 -15z"/> <path d="M520 1030 c0 -5 18 -10 40 -10 22 0 40 5 40 10 0 6 -18 10 -40 10 -22 0 -40 -4 -40 -10z"/> <path d="M197 922 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -12 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m0 -40 c0 -11 -4 -20 -10 -20 -5 0 -10 9 -10 20 0 11 5 20 10 20 6 0 10 -9 10 -20z"/> <path d="M42 885 c-12 -25 -22 -48 -22 -50 0 -3 27 -5 60 -5 33 0 60 2 60 5 0 20 -47 95 -60 95 -9 0 -26 -20 -38 -45z m48 10 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z m0 -35 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M390 911 c0 -5 3 -17 6 -26 5 -13 8 -14 15 -3 13 20 11 38 -6 38 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M540 910 c0 -5 7 -10 16 -10 14 0 14 -3 4 -15 -18 -22 -3 -32 17 -13 8 9 13 24 10 32 -7 17 -47 22 -47 6z"/> <path d="M731 887 c-21 -25 -26 -27 -35 -15 -9 12 -14 12 -22 4 -8 -9 -5 -16 11 -28 20 -15 23 -14 56 16 24 22 32 36 24 42 -7 7 -18 0 -34 -19z"/> <path d="M1494 885 c0 -22 4 -35 12 -35 7 0 15 -8 17 -17 4 -17 5 -17 6 0 0 9 7 17 14 17 9 0 13 12 13 35 -1 32 -4 35 -31 35 -27 0 -30 -3 -31 -35z m43 -11 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z"/> <path d="M1020 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z m40 -21 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1183 904 c-19 -8 -16 -54 3 -61 24 -9 49 10 49 38 0 24 -24 34 -52 23z m45 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1340 894 c0 -7 -8 -15 -17 -17 -17 -4 -17 -5 0 -6 9 0 17 -7 17 -14 0 -9 12 -13 35 -13 32 1 35 4 35 31 0 27 -3 30 -35 31 -22 0 -35 -4 -35 -12z m27 -26 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z"/> <path d="M396 851 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M550 840 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M1360 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M1510 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M50 715 c0 -40 3 -41 48 -17 l33 18 -36 17 c-20 9 -38 17 -40 17 -3 0 -5 -16 -5 -35z"/> <path d="M220 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M260 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M1182 730 c-17 -28 -16 -30 18 -30 33 0 36 6 16 33 -17 21 -18 21 -34 -3z"/> <path d="M350 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M417 729 c10 -10 10 -16 0 -27 -10 -13 -9 -14 13 -2 14 7 26 14 28 15 1 1 -10 7 -25 14 -23 10 -26 10 -16 0z"/> <path d="M522 727 l-23 -13 27 -13 c23 -10 26 -10 16 2 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 15 15 9 15 -20 -1z"/> <path d="M572 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M680 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M753 715 c0 -14 3 -25 8 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -8 -11 -8 -25z"/> <path d="M840 715 c0 -14 4 -25 9 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -9 -11 -9 -25z"/> <path d="M892 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M1020 715 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 20 0 25 5 25 25 0 20 -5 25 -25 25 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1555 715 c0 -13 3 -21 8 -18 4 2 7 10 7 18 0 8 -3 16 -7 18 -5 3 -8 -5 -8 -18z"/> <path d="M1183 683 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M70 583 c0 -29 12 -24 17 7 2 11 -2 20 -7 20 -6 0 -10 -12 -10 -27z"/> <path d="M42 588 c-15 -15 -16 -50 0 -66 15 -15 51 -15 66 0 15 15 16 55 1 64 -6 3 -10 -1 -9 -12 4 -32 1 -42 -15 -48 -22 -8 -49 23 -34 40 15 18 8 39 -9 22z"/> <path d="M232 584 c15 -8 34 -27 42 -42 13 -24 15 -24 16 -6 0 25 -40 64 -66 64 -15 -1 -14 -4 8 -16z"/> <path d="M433 555 c0 -22 2 -30 4 -17 2 12 2 30 0 40 -3 9 -5 -1 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M510 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M670 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M830 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M990 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M233 548 c12 -13 24 -19 25 -15 5 11 -18 37 -34 37 -9 0 -5 -8 9 -22z"/> <path d="M412 545 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M391 534 c0 -11 3 -14 6 -6 3 7 2 16 -1 19 -3 4 -6 -2 -5 -13z"/> <path d="M210 530 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M37 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m59 -27 c14 -13 14 -17 0 -31 -15 -14 -17 -14 -32 0 -12 13 -13 18 -2 30 16 19 16 19 34 1z"/> <path d="M197 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m73 -42 c0 -5 -13 -10 -30 -10 -16 0 -30 5 -30 10 0 6 14 10 30 10 17 0 30 -4 30 -10z"/> <path d="M357 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m70 -42 c0 -22 -5 -27 -27 -27 -22 0 -27 5 -27 27 0 22 5 27 27 27 22 0 27 -5 27 -27z"/> <path d="M517 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m50 -59 c-16 -16 -17 -15 -17 17 0 32 1 33 17 17 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M677 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -49 c-16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -16 16 -15 17 17 17 32 0 33 -1 17 -17z"/> <path d="M837 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m53 -44 c0 -30 -1 -31 -17 -16 -13 14 -14 20 -3 32 18 22 20 20 20 -16z"/> <path d="M997 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m63 -37 c11 -13 8 -15 -20 -15 -28 0 -31 2 -20 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1157 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -59 c-11 -11 -17 -13 -17 -5 0 7 -7 12 -15 12 -8 0 -15 5 -15 10 0 6 7 10 15 10 8 0 15 5 15 12 0 8 6 6 17 -5 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M1317 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -27 c0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 8 0 6 -6 -5 -17 -16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -11 11 -13 17 -5 17 7 0 12 7 12 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M1477 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m59 -32 c8 0 14 -4 14 -10 0 -5 -7 -10 -15 -10 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12 0 -8 -6 -6 -17 4 -14 15 -14 19 -3 34 9 10 16 12 18 5 2 -6 10 -11 18 -11z"/> <path d="M1637 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m63 -27 c9 -10 9 -15 1 -15 -6 0 -11 -7 -11 -15 0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 -5 15 -11 15 -8 0 -8 5 1 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1797 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1836 411 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1957 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1998 403 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M2117 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m62 -48 c-17 -18 -25 -21 -36 -13 -13 12 -8 33 7 24 4 -3 13 2 20 10 7 8 17 12 22 9 5 -3 -1 -17 -13 -30z"/> <path d="M50 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M76 241 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M210 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M238 233 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M370 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M393 235 c0 -6 6 -12 12 -12 6 0 12 6 12 12 0 6 -6 12 -12 12 -6 0 -12 -6 -12 -12z"/> <path d="M530 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m44 -6 c-3 -5 -10 -7 -15 -3 -5 3 -7 10 -3 15 3 5 10 7 15 3 5 -3 7 -10 3 -15z"/> <path d="M690 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 -1 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 0 c0 -6 -6 -12 -12 -12 -6 0 -12 6 -12 12 0 6 6 12 12 12 6 0 12 -6 12 -12z"/> <path d="M880 73 l-55 -58 58 55 c53 50 62 60 54 60 -1 0 -27 -26 -57 -57z"/> <path d="M393 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M413 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M721 77 l-32 -34 25 1 c31 2 40 11 42 41 0 14 0 25 -1 25 0 0 -16 -15 -34 -33z m25 -4 c-2 -9 -11 -17 -20 -19 -17 -2 -17 -2 0 17 21 23 23 23 20 2z"/> <path d="M543 83 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M899 53 l-34 -38 38 34 c20 19 37 36 37 38 0 8 -8 0 -41 -34z"/> <path d="M543 63 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M919 33 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> </g> </svg>')}.ui-state-active .ui-icon,.ui-button:active .ui-icon{background-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" version="1.0" width="256" height="240" viewBox="0 0 256.000000 240.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g transform="translate(0.000000,240.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="%23ffffff" stroke="none"> <path d="M1345 2350 c-10 -11 -13 -20 -7 -20 6 0 14 5 17 10 5 8 11 7 21 -1 22 -18 27 -5 6 14 -18 16 -20 16 -37 -3z"/> <path d="M390 2342 c0 -6 5 -14 10 -17 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -18 -22 -5 -27 14 -6 16 18 16 20 -3 37 -11 10 -20 13 -20 7z"/> <path d="M1037 2332 c-16 -18 -16 -20 3 -37 11 -10 20 -13 20 -7 0 6 -5 14 -10 17 -8 5 -7 11 1 21 18 22 5 27 -14 6z"/> <path d="M1487 2332 c-16 -18 -16 -20 3 -37 11 -10 20 -13 20 -7 0 6 -5 14 -10 17 -8 5 -7 11 1 21 18 22 5 27 -14 6z"/> <path d="M1530 2342 c0 -6 5 -14 10 -17 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -18 -22 -5 -27 14 -6 16 18 16 20 -3 37 -11 10 -20 13 -20 7z"/> <path d="M55 2320 c-10 -11 -13 -20 -7 -20 6 0 14 5 17 10 5 8 11 7 21 -1 22 -18 27 -5 6 14 -18 16 -20 16 -37 -3z"/> <path d="M210 2330 c0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 20 -5 25 -25 25 -14 0 -25 -4 -25 -10z"/> <path d="M560 2325 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 11 -10 25 -10 20 0 25 5 25 25 0 14 -4 25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M705 2320 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -3 21 19 16 32 -6 14 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -3 5 -11 10 -17 10 -6 0 -3 -9 7 -20z"/> <path d="M860 2315 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 14 0 25 5 25 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1180 2315 c0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -11 10 -25 10 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1345 2290 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -3 21 19 16 32 -6 14 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -3 5 -11 10 -17 10 -6 0 -3 -9 7 -20z"/> <path d="M390 2153 c0 -36 0 -36 20 -18 19 17 19 19 4 37 -23 24 -24 24 -24 -19z"/> <path d="M1036 2172 c-15 -18 -15 -20 4 -37 20 -18 20 -18 20 18 0 43 -1 43 -24 19z"/> <path d="M1340 2175 c-11 -13 -8 -15 15 -15 23 0 26 2 15 15 -7 8 -14 15 -15 15 -1 0 -8 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M55 2160 c-18 -20 -17 -20 20 -20 37 0 38 0 20 20 -10 11 -19 20 -20 20 -1 0 -10 -9 -20 -20z"/> <path d="M240 2155 c13 -14 25 -25 27 -25 2 0 3 11 3 25 0 20 -5 25 -27 25 l-26 0 23 -25z"/> <path d="M550 2155 l-23 -25 26 0 c22 0 27 5 27 25 0 14 -1 25 -3 25 -2 0 -14 -11 -27 -25z"/> <path d="M705 2160 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -4 24 23 24 24 -19 24 -36 0 -36 0 -18 -20z"/> <path d="M860 2155 c0 -20 5 -25 27 -25 l26 0 -23 25 c-13 14 -25 25 -27 25 -2 0 -3 -11 -3 -25z"/> <path d="M1180 2153 l0 -26 25 23 c14 13 25 25 25 27 0 2 -11 3 -25 3 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -27z"/> <path d="M1501 2166 c-9 -10 -8 -16 4 -26 13 -11 15 -8 15 14 0 30 -3 32 -19 12z"/> <path d="M1530 2154 c0 -22 2 -25 15 -14 12 10 13 16 4 26 -16 20 -19 18 -19 -12z"/> <path d="M1330 2146 c0 -2 6 -9 14 -15 10 -9 16 -8 26 4 11 13 8 15 -14 15 -14 0 -26 -2 -26 -4z"/> <path d="M1349 2023 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -12 -4 -18 -10 -15 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 14 4 19 13 14 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1993 2033 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M2321 2022 c-1 -16 -5 -21 -13 -16 -9 5 -9 2 1 -9 7 -9 15 -17 16 -17 1 0 9 8 16 17 8 9 9 14 2 10 -7 -5 -13 1 -16 15 l-4 23 -2 -23z"/> <path d="M59 2013 c-8 -10 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -2 16 -20 l4 -28 2 28 c1 20 5 26 14 21 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M721 2007 c-1 -20 -5 -26 -13 -21 -9 5 -8 2 1 -9 10 -13 17 -15 27 -6 16 13 19 23 5 14 -5 -3 -12 7 -14 22 l-4 28 -2 -28z"/> <path d="M1524 2021 c7 -11 -18 -33 -27 -24 -4 3 -7 -1 -7 -10 0 -9 7 -17 16 -17 8 0 13 4 10 9 -7 11 18 33 27 24 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -16 17 -8 0 -13 -4 -10 -9z"/> <path d="M1810 2013 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 9 9 34 -13 27 -24 -3 -5 2 -9 10 -9 9 0 16 7 16 16 0 8 -4 13 -9 10 -11 -7 -33 18 -24 27 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M229 2011 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M405 2011 c3 -5 -7 -12 -22 -14 l-28 -4 28 -2 c20 -1 26 -5 21 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M530 2016 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M889 2003 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1021 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 2 13 20 16 l28 4 -28 2 c-16 0 -25 5 -22 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1180 1998 c0 -17 3 -19 9 -9 5 7 15 17 22 22 10 6 8 9 -8 9 -17 0 -23 -6 -23 -22z"/> <path d="M1651 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 14 0 19 -4 14 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -3 -10 -15 -10 -12 0 -18 5 -15 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1989 2003 c-8 -9 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -1 16 -15 l4 -23 2 23 c1 16 5 21 14 16 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M2155 2011 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2481 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M558 1989 c-17 -18 -17 -19 2 -19 13 0 20 7 20 20 0 24 0 24 -22 -1z"/> <path d="M860 1993 c0 -17 6 -23 23 -23 16 0 18 3 8 9 -7 5 -17 15 -22 22 -6 10 -9 8 -9 -8z"/> <path d="M219 1983 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1200 1996 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M2313 1963 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M50 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -11 11 -25 0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 14 5 25 11 25 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M710 1855 c0 -14 -5 -25 -12 -25 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 11 -12 25 0 14 -4 25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1340 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M1524 1871 c7 -11 -28 -43 -37 -34 -4 3 -7 -3 -7 -15 0 -16 6 -22 21 -22 11 0 18 4 15 9 -7 11 28 43 37 34 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M1800 1859 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 11 7 43 -28 34 -37 -3 -4 3 -7 15 -7 16 0 22 6 22 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -9 -9 -44 23 -37 34 3 5 -4 9 -15 9 -15 0 -21 -6 -21 -21z"/> <path d="M1983 1873 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M2310 1865 c0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M244 1861 c3 -4 -3 -16 -14 -26 -11 -10 -17 -22 -14 -27 3 -5 16 0 28 11 12 12 26 18 29 14 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M516 1862 c-3 -5 3 -17 14 -27 11 -10 17 -22 14 -26 -3 -5 4 -9 15 -9 15 0 21 6 21 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -3 -4 -17 2 -29 14 -12 11 -25 16 -28 11z"/> <path d="M885 1850 c-10 -11 -22 -17 -26 -14 -5 3 -9 -4 -9 -15 0 -15 6 -21 22 -21 12 0 18 3 15 7 -4 3 2 17 14 29 11 12 16 25 11 28 -5 3 -17 -3 -27 -14z"/> <path d="M1170 1849 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 4 3 16 -3 26 -14 10 -11 22 -17 27 -14 5 3 0 16 -11 28 -12 12 -18 26 -14 29 3 4 -3 7 -15 7 -16 0 -22 -6 -22 -21z"/> <path d="M1650 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5 0 -15 -27 -16 -32 -1 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M2150 1862 c0 -7 -7 -12 -15 -12 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2480 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -6 10 -14 10 -8 0 -16 5 -18 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M410 1852 c0 -7 -11 -12 -25 -12 -14 0 -25 -4 -25 -10 0 -5 11 -10 25 -10 14 0 25 -5 25 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M1010 1846 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 11 12 25 12 14 0 25 5 25 10 0 6 -11 10 -24 10 -13 0 -26 5 -28 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M1980 1845 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M2303 1803 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M1683 1723 c4 -3 -3 -11 -16 -17 -26 -14 -29 -44 -5 -60 14 -8 22 -7 35 8 17 18 17 18 -4 5 -17 -10 -25 -11 -34 -2 -15 15 -4 43 16 43 10 0 13 -5 9 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -6 8 -14 14 -17 14 -3 0 -2 -3 1 -7z"/> <path d="M50 1705 c-10 -12 -10 -18 0 -30 10 -12 15 -13 21 -4 11 19 42 2 34 -19 -5 -13 -3 -14 6 -5 15 15 5 41 -18 50 -10 4 -21 10 -24 15 -3 5 -12 2 -19 -7z"/> <path d="M231 1706 c-9 -11 -9 -15 0 -18 8 -3 10 -11 6 -22 -5 -12 -13 -16 -25 -11 -13 5 -14 3 -5 -6 15 -16 44 -4 50 21 3 11 10 20 15 20 6 0 5 7 -2 15 -15 19 -24 19 -39 1z"/> <path d="M364 1705 c-7 -18 12 -45 32 -45 8 0 14 -5 14 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 4 14 14 14 20 3 33 -10 12 -15 13 -21 4 -10 -17 -42 -2 -35 16 3 8 3 15 0 15 -2 0 -7 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M552 1708 c-7 -7 -12 -18 -12 -25 0 -7 -5 -13 -12 -13 -8 0 -6 -6 4 -17 14 -14 20 -14 33 -3 12 10 13 15 4 21 -17 10 -2 42 17 35 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -8 14 -28 13 -43 -2z"/> <path d="M1339 1703 c-13 -15 -12 -15 8 -2 17 10 25 11 34 2 15 -15 4 -43 -16 -43 -9 0 -13 5 -10 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4 -9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -3 -4 7 2 14 13 17 26 7 36 33 20 52 -16 20 -34 19 -51 -2z"/> <path d="M1812 1708 c-17 -17 -15 -33 5 -49 15 -13 15 -12 2 8 -10 17 -11 25 -2 34 15 15 43 4 43 -16 0 -9 -4 -13 -10 -10 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 16 -7 27 6 7 10 9 15 5 11 -5 -5 -14 2 -20 14 -13 27 -36 34 -54 16z"/> <path d="M691 1696 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 17 0 21 -4 15 -17 -5 -14 -3 -15 6 -6 15 15 3 33 -22 33 -11 0 -17 5 -14 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M879 1693 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -17 -4 -21 -17 -15 -14 5 -15 3 -6 -6 15 -15 33 -3 33 22 0 14 4 18 13 13 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1197 1703 c-4 -3 -7 -15 -7 -25 0 -11 -4 -16 -10 -13 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 16 4 20 16 16 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -7 12 -19 13 -28 3z"/> <path d="M1479 1693 c-7 -10 -9 -15 -5 -11 5 5 14 -2 20 -15 14 -26 44 -29 60 -5 8 14 7 22 -8 35 -18 17 -18 17 -5 -4 10 -17 11 -25 2 -34 -15 -15 -43 -4 -43 16 0 10 5 13 13 9 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -17 21 -16 21 -32 0z"/> <path d="M1015 1690 c-9 -15 4 -30 26 -30 14 0 18 -4 13 -12 -5 -9 -2 -9 9 1 9 7 17 15 17 16 0 1 -8 9 -17 16 -11 10 -14 10 -9 2 5 -9 0 -13 -14 -13 -16 0 -20 5 -16 15 6 17 0 20 -9 5z"/> <path d="M721 1556 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -4 8 -1 12 10 12 12 0 15 -6 12 -25 -3 -13 -1 -22 3 -19 17 10 9 46 -11 51 -11 3 -17 9 -14 14 8 14 -2 11 -15 -5z"/> <path d="M67 1554 c-3 -3 -3 -13 0 -21 4 -9 1 -13 -8 -11 -8 2 -15 -1 -16 -7 -1 -5 5 -9 13 -7 9 2 14 -3 12 -12 -2 -8 2 -15 7 -15 6 0 9 7 7 15 -2 9 3 14 10 12 8 -2 14 2 14 7 0 6 -7 9 -15 7 -9 -2 -12 2 -8 12 6 16 -6 30 -16 20z"/> <path d="M200 1543 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 3 4 13 1 22 -6 14 -10 14 -10 4 4 -7 9 -10 19 -6 22 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M263 1553 c4 -3 1 -13 -6 -22 -10 -14 -10 -14 4 -4 9 7 19 10 22 6 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -17 17 -9 0 -13 -3 -10 -7z"/> <path d="M409 1551 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M550 1530 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 27 0 30 3 30 30 0 27 -3 30 -30 30 -27 0 -30 -3 -30 -30z m50 -5 c0 -8 -9 -15 -20 -15 -11 0 -20 7 -20 15 0 8 9 15 20 15 11 0 20 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1230 1552 c0 -7 -9 -12 -20 -12 -11 0 -20 -4 -20 -10 0 -5 9 -10 20 -10 11 0 20 -5 20 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M893 1535 c-14 -10 -24 -12 -28 -5 -3 5 -12 10 -18 10 -7 0 -3 -6 7 -12 19 -11 19 -11 1 -24 -10 -8 -14 -14 -8 -14 7 0 15 4 18 10 4 6 15 4 30 -6 15 -10 25 -12 30 -5 3 6 3 12 -2 12 -4 1 -12 2 -18 3 -5 0 -10 6 -10 11 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 12 4 13 9 7 15 -4 15 -25 1z"/> <path d="M1065 1541 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M360 1510 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 17 0 30 4 30 9 0 4 -11 6 -25 3 -20 -3 -25 0 -25 16 0 11 6 23 13 25 7 3 5 6 -5 6 -13 1 -18 -7 -18 -29z"/> <path d="M399 1523 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M520 1510 c0 -26 3 -30 28 -29 25 2 25 2 3 6 -18 4 -22 10 -18 29 2 13 0 24 -4 24 -5 0 -9 -13 -9 -30z"/> <path d="M687 1533 c-14 -14 -6 -45 13 -50 11 -3 17 -10 13 -17 -4 -6 1 -5 10 3 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -1 -10 -11 -10 -12 0 -15 6 -12 25 6 27 5 29 -5 18z"/> <path d="M1001 1516 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1160 1516 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 9 12 20 12 11 0 20 5 20 10 0 6 -9 10 -19 10 -11 0 -21 5 -23 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M225 1500 c-4 -6 -11 -8 -16 -5 -5 4 -9 -1 -9 -9 0 -9 8 -16 17 -16 9 0 13 3 10 7 -4 3 -2 12 4 20 6 7 9 13 6 13 -3 0 -9 -5 -12 -10z"/> <path d="M257 1499 c7 -9 10 -19 6 -22 -3 -4 1 -7 10 -7 10 0 17 8 17 17 0 9 -3 13 -7 10 -3 -4 -13 -1 -22 6 -14 10 -14 10 -4 -4z"/> <path d="M1006 1391 c-10 -11 -16 -31 -14 -48 3 -26 6 -28 48 -28 42 0 45 2 48 28 4 32 -21 67 -48 67 -9 0 -25 -9 -34 -19z m54 -26 c20 18 20 17 20 -13 0 -31 -2 -32 -40 -32 -38 0 -40 1 -40 32 0 30 0 31 20 13 19 -17 21 -17 40 0z"/> <path d="M24 1387 c-3 -8 -4 -30 -1 -49 3 -29 4 -28 5 10 l2 43 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -7z"/> <path d="M360 1355 l0 -45 40 0 c39 0 40 1 40 33 0 40 -15 57 -52 57 -27 0 -28 -2 -28 -45z m40 20 c0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -9 15 -20 0 -16 -7 -20 -30 -20 -28 0 -30 3 -30 35 0 24 5 35 15 35 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m25 5 c3 -5 1 -10 -4 -10 -6 0 -11 5 -11 10 0 6 2 10 4 10 3 0 8 -4 11 -10z"/> <path d="M688 1393 c6 -2 12 -20 12 -38 0 -18 -6 -35 -12 -38 -7 -2 6 -6 30 -8 l42 -5 0 48 0 48 -42 -1 c-24 0 -37 -3 -30 -6z"/> <path d="M1167 1380 c-18 -22 -23 -70 -7 -70 6 0 10 11 10 24 0 34 10 56 25 56 15 0 25 -22 25 -56 0 -13 5 -24 10 -24 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 26 -27 65 -45 65 -6 0 -18 -9 -28 -20z"/> <path d="M1500 1384 c-11 -12 -10 -18 3 -32 16 -15 18 -15 34 0 13 14 14 20 3 32 -7 9 -16 16 -20 16 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -16z m36 -5 c10 -17 -13 -36 -27 -22 -12 12 -4 33 11 33 5 0 12 -5 16 -11z"/> <path d="M1655 1388 c-3 -8 -7 -28 -8 -44 -2 -27 1 -29 36 -32 43 -4 51 8 39 53 -6 23 -15 31 -35 33 -16 2 -29 -2 -32 -10z m55 -18 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1678 1373 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1815 1390 c-15 -6 -7 -9 30 -9 37 0 45 3 30 9 -11 5 -24 9 -30 9 -5 0 -19 -4 -30 -9z"/> <path d="M1980 1379 c-6 -11 -10 -30 -8 -42 2 -17 10 -22 33 -22 23 0 31 5 33 22 4 28 -14 63 -33 63 -8 0 -19 -9 -25 -21z"/> <path d="M2117 1393 c-12 -12 -7 -25 7 -20 11 4 16 -3 18 -26 3 -28 7 -32 33 -32 25 0 30 4 33 28 3 23 0 27 -21 27 -14 0 -27 7 -31 15 -6 15 -28 20 -39 8z"/> <path d="M2280 1353 c0 -24 4 -43 9 -43 6 0 12 19 14 43 l4 42 1 -42 c2 -39 5 -43 27 -43 23 0 25 4 25 45 l0 45 -40 -3 -40 -2 0 -42z m70 5 c0 -23 -3 -29 -9 -19 -7 11 -9 11 -14 0 -3 -8 -6 1 -6 19 -1 22 4 32 14 32 10 0 15 -10 15 -32z"/> <path d="M2457 1372 l-27 -28 23 -22 23 -22 27 28 c15 15 27 38 27 50 0 32 -40 29 -73 -6z m32 -28 c-6 -7 -15 -11 -21 -8 -5 3 -4 12 3 20 6 7 15 11 21 8 5 -3 4 -12 -3 -20z"/> <path d="M184 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 2 -19 10 -24 41 -26 26 -2 45 2 58 14 28 26 23 34 -20 34 -30 0 -44 -6 -55 -22 -16 -22 -16 -22 -16 10 l0 33 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -8z"/> <path d="M530 1355 c0 -30 3 -35 23 -35 29 0 47 18 47 47 0 20 -5 23 -35 23 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 14 c0 -14 -25 -39 -39 -39 -6 0 -11 11 -11 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 14 0 25 -5 25 -11z"/> <path d="M834 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 3 -20 9 -23 48 -23 45 0 45 0 45 35 0 34 -1 35 -43 38 -30 2 -44 -1 -48 -12z m84 -28 c3 -27 1 -28 -37 -28 -36 0 -41 3 -41 23 0 32 9 38 45 35 24 -2 31 -8 33 -30z"/> <path d="M863 1355 c17 -19 17 -19 35 0 16 18 16 18 0 6 -15 -11 -21 -11 -35 0 -17 12 -17 12 0 -6z"/> <path d="M1327 1384 c-14 -14 -7 -50 13 -67 19 -16 22 -16 46 -1 18 12 24 24 22 43 -3 22 -9 26 -38 29 -20 2 -39 0 -43 -4z m73 -27 c0 -12 -9 -28 -20 -35 -12 -7 -20 -8 -20 -2 0 5 -7 10 -15 10 -9 0 -15 9 -15 25 0 22 4 25 35 25 30 0 35 -3 35 -23z"/> <path d="M1353 1363 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M1348 1343 c6 -2 18 -2 25 0 6 3 1 5 -13 5 -14 0 -19 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M58 1363 c-11 -3 -18 -14 -18 -29 0 -23 3 -25 43 -22 38 3 42 6 45 31 3 24 0 27 -25 26 -15 -1 -36 -3 -45 -6z"/> <path d="M1180 1340 c0 -20 5 -30 15 -30 10 0 15 10 15 30 0 20 -5 30 -15 30 -10 0 -15 -10 -15 -30z"/> <path d="M1812 1338 c3 -29 6 -33 33 -33 27 0 30 4 33 33 3 31 2 32 -33 32 -35 0 -36 -1 -33 -32z m15 -10 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z"/> <path d="M1478 1323 c-8 -10 1 -13 43 -13 40 0 50 3 41 12 -15 15 -71 16 -84 1z"/> <path d="M2306 1235 c-3 -8 -12 -15 -21 -15 -17 0 -20 -16 -4 -26 6 -3 9 -15 6 -25 -3 -11 -1 -19 4 -19 5 0 9 5 9 10 0 6 9 10 20 10 11 0 20 -4 20 -10 0 -5 4 -10 9 -10 5 0 7 8 4 19 -3 10 0 22 6 25 16 10 13 26 -4 26 -9 0 -18 7 -21 15 -4 8 -10 15 -14 15 -4 0 -10 -7 -14 -15z"/> <path d="M49 1213 c-13 -14 -18 -23 -10 -18 11 6 13 2 9 -19 -5 -24 -3 -26 32 -26 35 0 37 2 32 26 -4 21 -2 25 9 19 8 -5 3 4 -10 18 -14 15 -27 27 -31 27 -4 0 -17 -12 -31 -27z m52 0 c13 -16 12 -17 -3 -4 -15 11 -21 11 -35 0 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 7 9 17 17 21 17 4 0 14 -8 21 -17z m-11 -38 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M365 1232 c-3 -3 -5 -23 -5 -44 0 -38 0 -38 41 -38 l40 0 -3 42 c-3 40 -5 43 -35 44 -18 1 -35 -1 -38 -4z m65 -47 c0 -21 -5 -25 -30 -25 -25 0 -30 4 -30 25 0 21 5 25 30 25 25 0 30 -4 30 -25z"/> <path d="M390 1185 c0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M746 1231 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M852 1228 c-28 -28 -7 -78 33 -78 12 0 26 5 33 12 7 7 12 21 12 33 0 12 -5 26 -12 33 -7 7 -21 12 -33 12 -12 0 -26 -5 -33 -12z m52 -48 c10 -13 9 -13 -6 -1 -10 7 -17 23 -17 35 1 20 2 20 6 1 3 -11 10 -27 17 -35z"/> <path d="M1004 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m59 -3 c-7 -2 -21 -2 -30 0 -10 3 -4 5 12 5 17 0 24 -2 18 -5z m-36 -55 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z m43 7 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1164 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z"/> <path d="M1347 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1366 1211 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1507 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1528 1203 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1667 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1840 1228 c0 -7 -12 -24 -27 -40 -33 -34 -23 -50 12 -18 13 12 31 20 39 17 15 -6 34 29 22 40 -3 4 -6 1 -6 -5 0 -7 -5 -12 -11 -12 -6 0 -9 7 -5 15 3 9 0 15 -9 15 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12z"/> <path d="M2480 1216 c-7 -14 -21 -28 -31 -31 -21 -7 -19 -37 3 -41 9 -1 21 9 28 22 7 13 21 26 31 29 20 7 19 39 -3 43 -8 1 -20 -9 -28 -22z m30 -6 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m-40 -40 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M193 1190 c0 -25 2 -35 4 -22 2 12 2 32 0 45 -2 12 -4 2 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M210 1205 c0 -16 7 -25 25 -29 33 -8 45 -1 45 27 0 18 -6 22 -35 24 -30 1 -35 -1 -35 -22z"/> <path d="M506 1222 c7 -4 13 -16 15 -27 3 -16 13 -20 49 -21 l45 -1 -42 4 c-38 4 -43 7 -43 29 0 16 -6 24 -17 24 -12 0 -14 -3 -7 -8z"/> <path d="M1976 1221 c-1 -3 -2 -19 -2 -36 1 -27 4 -30 36 -30 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 32 -2 35 -33 36 -18 1 -34 -2 -36 -5z m44 -31 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M2123 1214 c-3 -8 4 -25 18 -40 l23 -24 23 22 c13 12 23 27 23 34 0 19 -19 27 -35 14 -9 -7 -15 -8 -20 0 -9 15 -25 12 -32 -6z"/> <path d="M558 1213 c12 -2 30 -2 40 0 9 3 -1 5 -23 4 -22 0 -30 -2 -17 -4z"/> <path d="M700 1185 c-32 -34 -16 -46 16 -13 14 14 22 28 16 31 -5 4 -20 -5 -32 -18z m30 11 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M588 1193 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1203 1083 c-7 -2 -13 -10 -13 -17 0 -7 -9 -21 -20 -31 -21 -19 -27 -45 -11 -45 6 0 13 5 16 10 4 6 22 17 41 25 35 14 43 32 22 53 -13 13 -16 13 -35 5z m-13 -47 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M1332 1078 c-16 -16 -15 -28 4 -66 20 -41 29 -40 50 4 13 26 15 41 7 53 -13 20 -45 25 -61 9z m53 -23 c0 -22 -31 -33 -47 -17 -17 17 -1 44 24 40 15 -2 23 -10 23 -23z"/> <path d="M1658 1076 c-12 -9 -18 -27 -18 -55 l0 -41 40 0 40 0 0 41 c0 37 -18 68 -40 68 -3 0 -13 -6 -22 -13z m50 -53 c-2 -22 -8 -28 -28 -28 -20 0 -26 6 -28 28 -3 24 0 27 28 27 28 0 31 -3 28 -27z"/> <path d="M50 1065 c-26 -32 13 -81 48 -59 34 22 22 74 -18 74 -10 0 -23 -7 -30 -15z m25 -15 c-10 -11 -20 -18 -23 -15 -7 6 18 35 31 35 5 0 2 -9 -8 -20z m25 -25 c-7 -8 -17 -15 -23 -15 -5 0 -2 9 8 20 21 23 35 19 15 -5z"/> <path d="M390 1065 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M1004 1068 c-4 -6 0 -16 9 -23 14 -10 14 -12 -1 -22 -14 -9 -15 -13 -3 -24 11 -12 15 -11 24 3 10 15 12 15 23 0 11 -14 15 -15 26 -4 11 11 10 15 -4 26 -15 11 -15 13 0 23 14 9 15 13 4 24 -11 12 -15 11 -26 -4 -12 -15 -14 -16 -20 -2 -6 18 -22 20 -32 3z"/> <path d="M1487 1073 c-13 -12 -7 -33 10 -33 15 0 15 -1 -2 -14 -11 -8 -16 -19 -12 -30 9 -22 28 -20 34 4 5 20 7 20 24 4 11 -10 22 -14 27 -10 4 4 -2 14 -13 22 -20 15 -20 15 4 35 13 10 17 19 10 19 -7 0 -21 -7 -31 -17 -17 -15 -18 -15 -18 5 0 21 -19 30 -33 15z m23 -13 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z m0 -50 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z"/> <path d="M1807 1073 c-26 -26 16 -97 54 -91 35 5 40 55 7 80 -24 18 -50 23 -61 11z m31 -15 c-9 -7 -18 -20 -21 -28 -3 -8 -6 -3 -6 13 -1 21 3 27 21 27 19 0 20 -2 6 -12z m42 -48 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1957 1074 c-4 -4 -7 -20 -7 -35 0 -31 21 -46 58 -43 32 2 44 17 40 50 -3 26 -7 29 -43 32 -23 2 -44 0 -48 -4z m83 -32 c0 -27 -3 -29 -40 -29 -37 0 -40 2 -40 29 0 26 3 28 40 28 37 0 40 -2 40 -28z"/> <path d="M1976 1053 c-11 -11 -6 -23 9 -23 8 0 15 4 15 9 0 13 -16 22 -24 14z"/> <path d="M2114 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -27 6 -28 53 -28 l50 0 0 40 0 40 -48 3 c-34 2 -49 -1 -53 -12z m96 -31 c0 -35 0 -35 -45 -35 -45 0 -45 0 -45 35 0 35 0 35 45 35 45 0 45 0 45 -35z"/> <path d="M2141 1042 c-16 -30 -15 -32 25 -32 24 0 34 4 32 13 -3 6 -10 12 -17 12 -6 0 -16 6 -20 14 -7 11 -11 10 -20 -7z"/> <path d="M2284 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m56 -11 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m0 -40 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M2448 1073 c-3 -4 -4 -24 -4 -43 1 -34 2 -35 41 -35 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -37 43 -20 2 -38 -1 -40 -5z m22 -15 c0 6 11 12 25 12 28 0 30 -5 13 -43 -8 -17 -21 -27 -35 -27 -18 0 -21 6 -20 35 1 21 4 30 9 22 6 -9 8 -9 8 1z"/> <path d="M230 1055 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M850 1061 c0 -6 5 -13 10 -16 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -15 -18 -3 -32 13 -16 9 9 15 9 25 0 7 -6 16 -8 20 -5 3 4 1 13 -5 20 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 16 16 2 28 -16 13 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -8 13 -25 13 -25 1z"/> <path d="M670 1035 c0 -11 12 -15 50 -15 38 0 50 4 50 15 0 11 -12 15 -50 15 -38 0 -50 -4 -50 -15z"/> <path d="M520 1030 c0 -5 18 -10 40 -10 22 0 40 5 40 10 0 6 -18 10 -40 10 -22 0 -40 -4 -40 -10z"/> <path d="M197 922 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -12 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m0 -40 c0 -11 -4 -20 -10 -20 -5 0 -10 9 -10 20 0 11 5 20 10 20 6 0 10 -9 10 -20z"/> <path d="M42 885 c-12 -25 -22 -48 -22 -50 0 -3 27 -5 60 -5 33 0 60 2 60 5 0 20 -47 95 -60 95 -9 0 -26 -20 -38 -45z m48 10 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z m0 -35 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M390 911 c0 -5 3 -17 6 -26 5 -13 8 -14 15 -3 13 20 11 38 -6 38 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M540 910 c0 -5 7 -10 16 -10 14 0 14 -3 4 -15 -18 -22 -3 -32 17 -13 8 9 13 24 10 32 -7 17 -47 22 -47 6z"/> <path d="M731 887 c-21 -25 -26 -27 -35 -15 -9 12 -14 12 -22 4 -8 -9 -5 -16 11 -28 20 -15 23 -14 56 16 24 22 32 36 24 42 -7 7 -18 0 -34 -19z"/> <path d="M1494 885 c0 -22 4 -35 12 -35 7 0 15 -8 17 -17 4 -17 5 -17 6 0 0 9 7 17 14 17 9 0 13 12 13 35 -1 32 -4 35 -31 35 -27 0 -30 -3 -31 -35z m43 -11 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z"/> <path d="M1020 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z m40 -21 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1183 904 c-19 -8 -16 -54 3 -61 24 -9 49 10 49 38 0 24 -24 34 -52 23z m45 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1340 894 c0 -7 -8 -15 -17 -17 -17 -4 -17 -5 0 -6 9 0 17 -7 17 -14 0 -9 12 -13 35 -13 32 1 35 4 35 31 0 27 -3 30 -35 31 -22 0 -35 -4 -35 -12z m27 -26 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z"/> <path d="M396 851 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M550 840 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M1360 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M1510 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M50 715 c0 -40 3 -41 48 -17 l33 18 -36 17 c-20 9 -38 17 -40 17 -3 0 -5 -16 -5 -35z"/> <path d="M220 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M260 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M1182 730 c-17 -28 -16 -30 18 -30 33 0 36 6 16 33 -17 21 -18 21 -34 -3z"/> <path d="M350 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M417 729 c10 -10 10 -16 0 -27 -10 -13 -9 -14 13 -2 14 7 26 14 28 15 1 1 -10 7 -25 14 -23 10 -26 10 -16 0z"/> <path d="M522 727 l-23 -13 27 -13 c23 -10 26 -10 16 2 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 15 15 9 15 -20 -1z"/> <path d="M572 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M680 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M753 715 c0 -14 3 -25 8 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -8 -11 -8 -25z"/> <path d="M840 715 c0 -14 4 -25 9 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -9 -11 -9 -25z"/> <path d="M892 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M1020 715 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 20 0 25 5 25 25 0 20 -5 25 -25 25 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1555 715 c0 -13 3 -21 8 -18 4 2 7 10 7 18 0 8 -3 16 -7 18 -5 3 -8 -5 -8 -18z"/> <path d="M1183 683 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M70 583 c0 -29 12 -24 17 7 2 11 -2 20 -7 20 -6 0 -10 -12 -10 -27z"/> <path d="M42 588 c-15 -15 -16 -50 0 -66 15 -15 51 -15 66 0 15 15 16 55 1 64 -6 3 -10 -1 -9 -12 4 -32 1 -42 -15 -48 -22 -8 -49 23 -34 40 15 18 8 39 -9 22z"/> <path d="M232 584 c15 -8 34 -27 42 -42 13 -24 15 -24 16 -6 0 25 -40 64 -66 64 -15 -1 -14 -4 8 -16z"/> <path d="M433 555 c0 -22 2 -30 4 -17 2 12 2 30 0 40 -3 9 -5 -1 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M510 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M670 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M830 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M990 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M233 548 c12 -13 24 -19 25 -15 5 11 -18 37 -34 37 -9 0 -5 -8 9 -22z"/> <path d="M412 545 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M391 534 c0 -11 3 -14 6 -6 3 7 2 16 -1 19 -3 4 -6 -2 -5 -13z"/> <path d="M210 530 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M37 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m59 -27 c14 -13 14 -17 0 -31 -15 -14 -17 -14 -32 0 -12 13 -13 18 -2 30 16 19 16 19 34 1z"/> <path d="M197 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m73 -42 c0 -5 -13 -10 -30 -10 -16 0 -30 5 -30 10 0 6 14 10 30 10 17 0 30 -4 30 -10z"/> <path d="M357 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m70 -42 c0 -22 -5 -27 -27 -27 -22 0 -27 5 -27 27 0 22 5 27 27 27 22 0 27 -5 27 -27z"/> <path d="M517 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m50 -59 c-16 -16 -17 -15 -17 17 0 32 1 33 17 17 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M677 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -49 c-16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -16 16 -15 17 17 17 32 0 33 -1 17 -17z"/> <path d="M837 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m53 -44 c0 -30 -1 -31 -17 -16 -13 14 -14 20 -3 32 18 22 20 20 20 -16z"/> <path d="M997 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m63 -37 c11 -13 8 -15 -20 -15 -28 0 -31 2 -20 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1157 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -59 c-11 -11 -17 -13 -17 -5 0 7 -7 12 -15 12 -8 0 -15 5 -15 10 0 6 7 10 15 10 8 0 15 5 15 12 0 8 6 6 17 -5 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M1317 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -27 c0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 8 0 6 -6 -5 -17 -16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -11 11 -13 17 -5 17 7 0 12 7 12 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M1477 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m59 -32 c8 0 14 -4 14 -10 0 -5 -7 -10 -15 -10 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12 0 -8 -6 -6 -17 4 -14 15 -14 19 -3 34 9 10 16 12 18 5 2 -6 10 -11 18 -11z"/> <path d="M1637 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m63 -27 c9 -10 9 -15 1 -15 -6 0 -11 -7 -11 -15 0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 -5 15 -11 15 -8 0 -8 5 1 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1797 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1836 411 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1957 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1998 403 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M2117 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m62 -48 c-17 -18 -25 -21 -36 -13 -13 12 -8 33 7 24 4 -3 13 2 20 10 7 8 17 12 22 9 5 -3 -1 -17 -13 -30z"/> <path d="M50 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M76 241 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M210 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M238 233 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M370 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M393 235 c0 -6 6 -12 12 -12 6 0 12 6 12 12 0 6 -6 12 -12 12 -6 0 -12 -6 -12 -12z"/> <path d="M530 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m44 -6 c-3 -5 -10 -7 -15 -3 -5 3 -7 10 -3 15 3 5 10 7 15 3 5 -3 7 -10 3 -15z"/> <path d="M690 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 -1 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 0 c0 -6 -6 -12 -12 -12 -6 0 -12 6 -12 12 0 6 6 12 12 12 6 0 12 -6 12 -12z"/> <path d="M880 73 l-55 -58 58 55 c53 50 62 60 54 60 -1 0 -27 -26 -57 -57z"/> <path d="M393 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M413 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M721 77 l-32 -34 25 1 c31 2 40 11 42 41 0 14 0 25 -1 25 0 0 -16 -15 -34 -33z m25 -4 c-2 -9 -11 -17 -20 -19 -17 -2 -17 -2 0 17 21 23 23 23 20 2z"/> <path d="M543 83 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M899 53 l-34 -38 38 34 c20 19 37 36 37 38 0 8 -8 0 -41 -34z"/> <path d="M543 63 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M919 33 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> </g> </svg>')}.ui-state-highlight .ui-icon,.ui-button .ui-state-highlight.ui-icon{background-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" version="1.0" width="256" height="240" viewBox="0 0 256.000000 240.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g transform="translate(0.000000,240.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="%23777620" stroke="none"> <path d="M1345 2350 c-10 -11 -13 -20 -7 -20 6 0 14 5 17 10 5 8 11 7 21 -1 22 -18 27 -5 6 14 -18 16 -20 16 -37 -3z"/> <path d="M390 2342 c0 -6 5 -14 10 -17 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -18 -22 -5 -27 14 -6 16 18 16 20 -3 37 -11 10 -20 13 -20 7z"/> <path d="M1037 2332 c-16 -18 -16 -20 3 -37 11 -10 20 -13 20 -7 0 6 -5 14 -10 17 -8 5 -7 11 1 21 18 22 5 27 -14 6z"/> <path d="M1487 2332 c-16 -18 -16 -20 3 -37 11 -10 20 -13 20 -7 0 6 -5 14 -10 17 -8 5 -7 11 1 21 18 22 5 27 -14 6z"/> <path d="M1530 2342 c0 -6 5 -14 10 -17 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -18 -22 -5 -27 14 -6 16 18 16 20 -3 37 -11 10 -20 13 -20 7z"/> <path d="M55 2320 c-10 -11 -13 -20 -7 -20 6 0 14 5 17 10 5 8 11 7 21 -1 22 -18 27 -5 6 14 -18 16 -20 16 -37 -3z"/> <path d="M210 2330 c0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 20 -5 25 -25 25 -14 0 -25 -4 -25 -10z"/> <path d="M560 2325 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 11 -10 25 -10 20 0 25 5 25 25 0 14 -4 25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M705 2320 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -3 21 19 16 32 -6 14 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -3 5 -11 10 -17 10 -6 0 -3 -9 7 -20z"/> <path d="M860 2315 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 14 0 25 5 25 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1180 2315 c0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -11 10 -25 10 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1345 2290 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -3 21 19 16 32 -6 14 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -3 5 -11 10 -17 10 -6 0 -3 -9 7 -20z"/> <path d="M390 2153 c0 -36 0 -36 20 -18 19 17 19 19 4 37 -23 24 -24 24 -24 -19z"/> <path d="M1036 2172 c-15 -18 -15 -20 4 -37 20 -18 20 -18 20 18 0 43 -1 43 -24 19z"/> <path d="M1340 2175 c-11 -13 -8 -15 15 -15 23 0 26 2 15 15 -7 8 -14 15 -15 15 -1 0 -8 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M55 2160 c-18 -20 -17 -20 20 -20 37 0 38 0 20 20 -10 11 -19 20 -20 20 -1 0 -10 -9 -20 -20z"/> <path d="M240 2155 c13 -14 25 -25 27 -25 2 0 3 11 3 25 0 20 -5 25 -27 25 l-26 0 23 -25z"/> <path d="M550 2155 l-23 -25 26 0 c22 0 27 5 27 25 0 14 -1 25 -3 25 -2 0 -14 -11 -27 -25z"/> <path d="M705 2160 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -4 24 23 24 24 -19 24 -36 0 -36 0 -18 -20z"/> <path d="M860 2155 c0 -20 5 -25 27 -25 l26 0 -23 25 c-13 14 -25 25 -27 25 -2 0 -3 -11 -3 -25z"/> <path d="M1180 2153 l0 -26 25 23 c14 13 25 25 25 27 0 2 -11 3 -25 3 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -27z"/> <path d="M1501 2166 c-9 -10 -8 -16 4 -26 13 -11 15 -8 15 14 0 30 -3 32 -19 12z"/> <path d="M1530 2154 c0 -22 2 -25 15 -14 12 10 13 16 4 26 -16 20 -19 18 -19 -12z"/> <path d="M1330 2146 c0 -2 6 -9 14 -15 10 -9 16 -8 26 4 11 13 8 15 -14 15 -14 0 -26 -2 -26 -4z"/> <path d="M1349 2023 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -12 -4 -18 -10 -15 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 14 4 19 13 14 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1993 2033 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M2321 2022 c-1 -16 -5 -21 -13 -16 -9 5 -9 2 1 -9 7 -9 15 -17 16 -17 1 0 9 8 16 17 8 9 9 14 2 10 -7 -5 -13 1 -16 15 l-4 23 -2 -23z"/> <path d="M59 2013 c-8 -10 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -2 16 -20 l4 -28 2 28 c1 20 5 26 14 21 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M721 2007 c-1 -20 -5 -26 -13 -21 -9 5 -8 2 1 -9 10 -13 17 -15 27 -6 16 13 19 23 5 14 -5 -3 -12 7 -14 22 l-4 28 -2 -28z"/> <path d="M1524 2021 c7 -11 -18 -33 -27 -24 -4 3 -7 -1 -7 -10 0 -9 7 -17 16 -17 8 0 13 4 10 9 -7 11 18 33 27 24 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -16 17 -8 0 -13 -4 -10 -9z"/> <path d="M1810 2013 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 9 9 34 -13 27 -24 -3 -5 2 -9 10 -9 9 0 16 7 16 16 0 8 -4 13 -9 10 -11 -7 -33 18 -24 27 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M229 2011 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M405 2011 c3 -5 -7 -12 -22 -14 l-28 -4 28 -2 c20 -1 26 -5 21 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M530 2016 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M889 2003 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1021 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 2 13 20 16 l28 4 -28 2 c-16 0 -25 5 -22 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1180 1998 c0 -17 3 -19 9 -9 5 7 15 17 22 22 10 6 8 9 -8 9 -17 0 -23 -6 -23 -22z"/> <path d="M1651 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 14 0 19 -4 14 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -3 -10 -15 -10 -12 0 -18 5 -15 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1989 2003 c-8 -9 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -1 16 -15 l4 -23 2 23 c1 16 5 21 14 16 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M2155 2011 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2481 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M558 1989 c-17 -18 -17 -19 2 -19 13 0 20 7 20 20 0 24 0 24 -22 -1z"/> <path d="M860 1993 c0 -17 6 -23 23 -23 16 0 18 3 8 9 -7 5 -17 15 -22 22 -6 10 -9 8 -9 -8z"/> <path d="M219 1983 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1200 1996 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M2313 1963 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M50 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -11 11 -25 0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 14 5 25 11 25 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M710 1855 c0 -14 -5 -25 -12 -25 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 11 -12 25 0 14 -4 25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1340 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M1524 1871 c7 -11 -28 -43 -37 -34 -4 3 -7 -3 -7 -15 0 -16 6 -22 21 -22 11 0 18 4 15 9 -7 11 28 43 37 34 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M1800 1859 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 11 7 43 -28 34 -37 -3 -4 3 -7 15 -7 16 0 22 6 22 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -9 -9 -44 23 -37 34 3 5 -4 9 -15 9 -15 0 -21 -6 -21 -21z"/> <path d="M1983 1873 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M2310 1865 c0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M244 1861 c3 -4 -3 -16 -14 -26 -11 -10 -17 -22 -14 -27 3 -5 16 0 28 11 12 12 26 18 29 14 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M516 1862 c-3 -5 3 -17 14 -27 11 -10 17 -22 14 -26 -3 -5 4 -9 15 -9 15 0 21 6 21 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -3 -4 -17 2 -29 14 -12 11 -25 16 -28 11z"/> <path d="M885 1850 c-10 -11 -22 -17 -26 -14 -5 3 -9 -4 -9 -15 0 -15 6 -21 22 -21 12 0 18 3 15 7 -4 3 2 17 14 29 11 12 16 25 11 28 -5 3 -17 -3 -27 -14z"/> <path d="M1170 1849 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 4 3 16 -3 26 -14 10 -11 22 -17 27 -14 5 3 0 16 -11 28 -12 12 -18 26 -14 29 3 4 -3 7 -15 7 -16 0 -22 -6 -22 -21z"/> <path d="M1650 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5 0 -15 -27 -16 -32 -1 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M2150 1862 c0 -7 -7 -12 -15 -12 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2480 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -6 10 -14 10 -8 0 -16 5 -18 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M410 1852 c0 -7 -11 -12 -25 -12 -14 0 -25 -4 -25 -10 0 -5 11 -10 25 -10 14 0 25 -5 25 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M1010 1846 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 11 12 25 12 14 0 25 5 25 10 0 6 -11 10 -24 10 -13 0 -26 5 -28 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M1980 1845 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M2303 1803 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M1683 1723 c4 -3 -3 -11 -16 -17 -26 -14 -29 -44 -5 -60 14 -8 22 -7 35 8 17 18 17 18 -4 5 -17 -10 -25 -11 -34 -2 -15 15 -4 43 16 43 10 0 13 -5 9 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -6 8 -14 14 -17 14 -3 0 -2 -3 1 -7z"/> <path d="M50 1705 c-10 -12 -10 -18 0 -30 10 -12 15 -13 21 -4 11 19 42 2 34 -19 -5 -13 -3 -14 6 -5 15 15 5 41 -18 50 -10 4 -21 10 -24 15 -3 5 -12 2 -19 -7z"/> <path d="M231 1706 c-9 -11 -9 -15 0 -18 8 -3 10 -11 6 -22 -5 -12 -13 -16 -25 -11 -13 5 -14 3 -5 -6 15 -16 44 -4 50 21 3 11 10 20 15 20 6 0 5 7 -2 15 -15 19 -24 19 -39 1z"/> <path d="M364 1705 c-7 -18 12 -45 32 -45 8 0 14 -5 14 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 4 14 14 14 20 3 33 -10 12 -15 13 -21 4 -10 -17 -42 -2 -35 16 3 8 3 15 0 15 -2 0 -7 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M552 1708 c-7 -7 -12 -18 -12 -25 0 -7 -5 -13 -12 -13 -8 0 -6 -6 4 -17 14 -14 20 -14 33 -3 12 10 13 15 4 21 -17 10 -2 42 17 35 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -8 14 -28 13 -43 -2z"/> <path d="M1339 1703 c-13 -15 -12 -15 8 -2 17 10 25 11 34 2 15 -15 4 -43 -16 -43 -9 0 -13 5 -10 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4 -9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -3 -4 7 2 14 13 17 26 7 36 33 20 52 -16 20 -34 19 -51 -2z"/> <path d="M1812 1708 c-17 -17 -15 -33 5 -49 15 -13 15 -12 2 8 -10 17 -11 25 -2 34 15 15 43 4 43 -16 0 -9 -4 -13 -10 -10 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 16 -7 27 6 7 10 9 15 5 11 -5 -5 -14 2 -20 14 -13 27 -36 34 -54 16z"/> <path d="M691 1696 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 17 0 21 -4 15 -17 -5 -14 -3 -15 6 -6 15 15 3 33 -22 33 -11 0 -17 5 -14 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M879 1693 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -17 -4 -21 -17 -15 -14 5 -15 3 -6 -6 15 -15 33 -3 33 22 0 14 4 18 13 13 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1197 1703 c-4 -3 -7 -15 -7 -25 0 -11 -4 -16 -10 -13 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 16 4 20 16 16 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -7 12 -19 13 -28 3z"/> <path d="M1479 1693 c-7 -10 -9 -15 -5 -11 5 5 14 -2 20 -15 14 -26 44 -29 60 -5 8 14 7 22 -8 35 -18 17 -18 17 -5 -4 10 -17 11 -25 2 -34 -15 -15 -43 -4 -43 16 0 10 5 13 13 9 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -17 21 -16 21 -32 0z"/> <path d="M1015 1690 c-9 -15 4 -30 26 -30 14 0 18 -4 13 -12 -5 -9 -2 -9 9 1 9 7 17 15 17 16 0 1 -8 9 -17 16 -11 10 -14 10 -9 2 5 -9 0 -13 -14 -13 -16 0 -20 5 -16 15 6 17 0 20 -9 5z"/> <path d="M721 1556 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -4 8 -1 12 10 12 12 0 15 -6 12 -25 -3 -13 -1 -22 3 -19 17 10 9 46 -11 51 -11 3 -17 9 -14 14 8 14 -2 11 -15 -5z"/> <path d="M67 1554 c-3 -3 -3 -13 0 -21 4 -9 1 -13 -8 -11 -8 2 -15 -1 -16 -7 -1 -5 5 -9 13 -7 9 2 14 -3 12 -12 -2 -8 2 -15 7 -15 6 0 9 7 7 15 -2 9 3 14 10 12 8 -2 14 2 14 7 0 6 -7 9 -15 7 -9 -2 -12 2 -8 12 6 16 -6 30 -16 20z"/> <path d="M200 1543 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 3 4 13 1 22 -6 14 -10 14 -10 4 4 -7 9 -10 19 -6 22 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M263 1553 c4 -3 1 -13 -6 -22 -10 -14 -10 -14 4 -4 9 7 19 10 22 6 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -17 17 -9 0 -13 -3 -10 -7z"/> <path d="M409 1551 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M550 1530 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 27 0 30 3 30 30 0 27 -3 30 -30 30 -27 0 -30 -3 -30 -30z m50 -5 c0 -8 -9 -15 -20 -15 -11 0 -20 7 -20 15 0 8 9 15 20 15 11 0 20 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1230 1552 c0 -7 -9 -12 -20 -12 -11 0 -20 -4 -20 -10 0 -5 9 -10 20 -10 11 0 20 -5 20 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M893 1535 c-14 -10 -24 -12 -28 -5 -3 5 -12 10 -18 10 -7 0 -3 -6 7 -12 19 -11 19 -11 1 -24 -10 -8 -14 -14 -8 -14 7 0 15 4 18 10 4 6 15 4 30 -6 15 -10 25 -12 30 -5 3 6 3 12 -2 12 -4 1 -12 2 -18 3 -5 0 -10 6 -10 11 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 12 4 13 9 7 15 -4 15 -25 1z"/> <path d="M1065 1541 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M360 1510 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 17 0 30 4 30 9 0 4 -11 6 -25 3 -20 -3 -25 0 -25 16 0 11 6 23 13 25 7 3 5 6 -5 6 -13 1 -18 -7 -18 -29z"/> <path d="M399 1523 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M520 1510 c0 -26 3 -30 28 -29 25 2 25 2 3 6 -18 4 -22 10 -18 29 2 13 0 24 -4 24 -5 0 -9 -13 -9 -30z"/> <path d="M687 1533 c-14 -14 -6 -45 13 -50 11 -3 17 -10 13 -17 -4 -6 1 -5 10 3 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -1 -10 -11 -10 -12 0 -15 6 -12 25 6 27 5 29 -5 18z"/> <path d="M1001 1516 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1160 1516 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 9 12 20 12 11 0 20 5 20 10 0 6 -9 10 -19 10 -11 0 -21 5 -23 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M225 1500 c-4 -6 -11 -8 -16 -5 -5 4 -9 -1 -9 -9 0 -9 8 -16 17 -16 9 0 13 3 10 7 -4 3 -2 12 4 20 6 7 9 13 6 13 -3 0 -9 -5 -12 -10z"/> <path d="M257 1499 c7 -9 10 -19 6 -22 -3 -4 1 -7 10 -7 10 0 17 8 17 17 0 9 -3 13 -7 10 -3 -4 -13 -1 -22 6 -14 10 -14 10 -4 -4z"/> <path d="M1006 1391 c-10 -11 -16 -31 -14 -48 3 -26 6 -28 48 -28 42 0 45 2 48 28 4 32 -21 67 -48 67 -9 0 -25 -9 -34 -19z m54 -26 c20 18 20 17 20 -13 0 -31 -2 -32 -40 -32 -38 0 -40 1 -40 32 0 30 0 31 20 13 19 -17 21 -17 40 0z"/> <path d="M24 1387 c-3 -8 -4 -30 -1 -49 3 -29 4 -28 5 10 l2 43 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -7z"/> <path d="M360 1355 l0 -45 40 0 c39 0 40 1 40 33 0 40 -15 57 -52 57 -27 0 -28 -2 -28 -45z m40 20 c0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -9 15 -20 0 -16 -7 -20 -30 -20 -28 0 -30 3 -30 35 0 24 5 35 15 35 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m25 5 c3 -5 1 -10 -4 -10 -6 0 -11 5 -11 10 0 6 2 10 4 10 3 0 8 -4 11 -10z"/> <path d="M688 1393 c6 -2 12 -20 12 -38 0 -18 -6 -35 -12 -38 -7 -2 6 -6 30 -8 l42 -5 0 48 0 48 -42 -1 c-24 0 -37 -3 -30 -6z"/> <path d="M1167 1380 c-18 -22 -23 -70 -7 -70 6 0 10 11 10 24 0 34 10 56 25 56 15 0 25 -22 25 -56 0 -13 5 -24 10 -24 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 26 -27 65 -45 65 -6 0 -18 -9 -28 -20z"/> <path d="M1500 1384 c-11 -12 -10 -18 3 -32 16 -15 18 -15 34 0 13 14 14 20 3 32 -7 9 -16 16 -20 16 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -16z m36 -5 c10 -17 -13 -36 -27 -22 -12 12 -4 33 11 33 5 0 12 -5 16 -11z"/> <path d="M1655 1388 c-3 -8 -7 -28 -8 -44 -2 -27 1 -29 36 -32 43 -4 51 8 39 53 -6 23 -15 31 -35 33 -16 2 -29 -2 -32 -10z m55 -18 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1678 1373 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1815 1390 c-15 -6 -7 -9 30 -9 37 0 45 3 30 9 -11 5 -24 9 -30 9 -5 0 -19 -4 -30 -9z"/> <path d="M1980 1379 c-6 -11 -10 -30 -8 -42 2 -17 10 -22 33 -22 23 0 31 5 33 22 4 28 -14 63 -33 63 -8 0 -19 -9 -25 -21z"/> <path d="M2117 1393 c-12 -12 -7 -25 7 -20 11 4 16 -3 18 -26 3 -28 7 -32 33 -32 25 0 30 4 33 28 3 23 0 27 -21 27 -14 0 -27 7 -31 15 -6 15 -28 20 -39 8z"/> <path d="M2280 1353 c0 -24 4 -43 9 -43 6 0 12 19 14 43 l4 42 1 -42 c2 -39 5 -43 27 -43 23 0 25 4 25 45 l0 45 -40 -3 -40 -2 0 -42z m70 5 c0 -23 -3 -29 -9 -19 -7 11 -9 11 -14 0 -3 -8 -6 1 -6 19 -1 22 4 32 14 32 10 0 15 -10 15 -32z"/> <path d="M2457 1372 l-27 -28 23 -22 23 -22 27 28 c15 15 27 38 27 50 0 32 -40 29 -73 -6z m32 -28 c-6 -7 -15 -11 -21 -8 -5 3 -4 12 3 20 6 7 15 11 21 8 5 -3 4 -12 -3 -20z"/> <path d="M184 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 2 -19 10 -24 41 -26 26 -2 45 2 58 14 28 26 23 34 -20 34 -30 0 -44 -6 -55 -22 -16 -22 -16 -22 -16 10 l0 33 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -8z"/> <path d="M530 1355 c0 -30 3 -35 23 -35 29 0 47 18 47 47 0 20 -5 23 -35 23 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 14 c0 -14 -25 -39 -39 -39 -6 0 -11 11 -11 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 14 0 25 -5 25 -11z"/> <path d="M834 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 3 -20 9 -23 48 -23 45 0 45 0 45 35 0 34 -1 35 -43 38 -30 2 -44 -1 -48 -12z m84 -28 c3 -27 1 -28 -37 -28 -36 0 -41 3 -41 23 0 32 9 38 45 35 24 -2 31 -8 33 -30z"/> <path d="M863 1355 c17 -19 17 -19 35 0 16 18 16 18 0 6 -15 -11 -21 -11 -35 0 -17 12 -17 12 0 -6z"/> <path d="M1327 1384 c-14 -14 -7 -50 13 -67 19 -16 22 -16 46 -1 18 12 24 24 22 43 -3 22 -9 26 -38 29 -20 2 -39 0 -43 -4z m73 -27 c0 -12 -9 -28 -20 -35 -12 -7 -20 -8 -20 -2 0 5 -7 10 -15 10 -9 0 -15 9 -15 25 0 22 4 25 35 25 30 0 35 -3 35 -23z"/> <path d="M1353 1363 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M1348 1343 c6 -2 18 -2 25 0 6 3 1 5 -13 5 -14 0 -19 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M58 1363 c-11 -3 -18 -14 -18 -29 0 -23 3 -25 43 -22 38 3 42 6 45 31 3 24 0 27 -25 26 -15 -1 -36 -3 -45 -6z"/> <path d="M1180 1340 c0 -20 5 -30 15 -30 10 0 15 10 15 30 0 20 -5 30 -15 30 -10 0 -15 -10 -15 -30z"/> <path d="M1812 1338 c3 -29 6 -33 33 -33 27 0 30 4 33 33 3 31 2 32 -33 32 -35 0 -36 -1 -33 -32z m15 -10 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z"/> <path d="M1478 1323 c-8 -10 1 -13 43 -13 40 0 50 3 41 12 -15 15 -71 16 -84 1z"/> <path d="M2306 1235 c-3 -8 -12 -15 -21 -15 -17 0 -20 -16 -4 -26 6 -3 9 -15 6 -25 -3 -11 -1 -19 4 -19 5 0 9 5 9 10 0 6 9 10 20 10 11 0 20 -4 20 -10 0 -5 4 -10 9 -10 5 0 7 8 4 19 -3 10 0 22 6 25 16 10 13 26 -4 26 -9 0 -18 7 -21 15 -4 8 -10 15 -14 15 -4 0 -10 -7 -14 -15z"/> <path d="M49 1213 c-13 -14 -18 -23 -10 -18 11 6 13 2 9 -19 -5 -24 -3 -26 32 -26 35 0 37 2 32 26 -4 21 -2 25 9 19 8 -5 3 4 -10 18 -14 15 -27 27 -31 27 -4 0 -17 -12 -31 -27z m52 0 c13 -16 12 -17 -3 -4 -15 11 -21 11 -35 0 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 7 9 17 17 21 17 4 0 14 -8 21 -17z m-11 -38 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M365 1232 c-3 -3 -5 -23 -5 -44 0 -38 0 -38 41 -38 l40 0 -3 42 c-3 40 -5 43 -35 44 -18 1 -35 -1 -38 -4z m65 -47 c0 -21 -5 -25 -30 -25 -25 0 -30 4 -30 25 0 21 5 25 30 25 25 0 30 -4 30 -25z"/> <path d="M390 1185 c0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M746 1231 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M852 1228 c-28 -28 -7 -78 33 -78 12 0 26 5 33 12 7 7 12 21 12 33 0 12 -5 26 -12 33 -7 7 -21 12 -33 12 -12 0 -26 -5 -33 -12z m52 -48 c10 -13 9 -13 -6 -1 -10 7 -17 23 -17 35 1 20 2 20 6 1 3 -11 10 -27 17 -35z"/> <path d="M1004 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m59 -3 c-7 -2 -21 -2 -30 0 -10 3 -4 5 12 5 17 0 24 -2 18 -5z m-36 -55 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z m43 7 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1164 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z"/> <path d="M1347 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1366 1211 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1507 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1528 1203 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1667 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1840 1228 c0 -7 -12 -24 -27 -40 -33 -34 -23 -50 12 -18 13 12 31 20 39 17 15 -6 34 29 22 40 -3 4 -6 1 -6 -5 0 -7 -5 -12 -11 -12 -6 0 -9 7 -5 15 3 9 0 15 -9 15 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12z"/> <path d="M2480 1216 c-7 -14 -21 -28 -31 -31 -21 -7 -19 -37 3 -41 9 -1 21 9 28 22 7 13 21 26 31 29 20 7 19 39 -3 43 -8 1 -20 -9 -28 -22z m30 -6 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m-40 -40 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M193 1190 c0 -25 2 -35 4 -22 2 12 2 32 0 45 -2 12 -4 2 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M210 1205 c0 -16 7 -25 25 -29 33 -8 45 -1 45 27 0 18 -6 22 -35 24 -30 1 -35 -1 -35 -22z"/> <path d="M506 1222 c7 -4 13 -16 15 -27 3 -16 13 -20 49 -21 l45 -1 -42 4 c-38 4 -43 7 -43 29 0 16 -6 24 -17 24 -12 0 -14 -3 -7 -8z"/> <path d="M1976 1221 c-1 -3 -2 -19 -2 -36 1 -27 4 -30 36 -30 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 32 -2 35 -33 36 -18 1 -34 -2 -36 -5z m44 -31 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M2123 1214 c-3 -8 4 -25 18 -40 l23 -24 23 22 c13 12 23 27 23 34 0 19 -19 27 -35 14 -9 -7 -15 -8 -20 0 -9 15 -25 12 -32 -6z"/> <path d="M558 1213 c12 -2 30 -2 40 0 9 3 -1 5 -23 4 -22 0 -30 -2 -17 -4z"/> <path d="M700 1185 c-32 -34 -16 -46 16 -13 14 14 22 28 16 31 -5 4 -20 -5 -32 -18z m30 11 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M588 1193 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1203 1083 c-7 -2 -13 -10 -13 -17 0 -7 -9 -21 -20 -31 -21 -19 -27 -45 -11 -45 6 0 13 5 16 10 4 6 22 17 41 25 35 14 43 32 22 53 -13 13 -16 13 -35 5z m-13 -47 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M1332 1078 c-16 -16 -15 -28 4 -66 20 -41 29 -40 50 4 13 26 15 41 7 53 -13 20 -45 25 -61 9z m53 -23 c0 -22 -31 -33 -47 -17 -17 17 -1 44 24 40 15 -2 23 -10 23 -23z"/> <path d="M1658 1076 c-12 -9 -18 -27 -18 -55 l0 -41 40 0 40 0 0 41 c0 37 -18 68 -40 68 -3 0 -13 -6 -22 -13z m50 -53 c-2 -22 -8 -28 -28 -28 -20 0 -26 6 -28 28 -3 24 0 27 28 27 28 0 31 -3 28 -27z"/> <path d="M50 1065 c-26 -32 13 -81 48 -59 34 22 22 74 -18 74 -10 0 -23 -7 -30 -15z m25 -15 c-10 -11 -20 -18 -23 -15 -7 6 18 35 31 35 5 0 2 -9 -8 -20z m25 -25 c-7 -8 -17 -15 -23 -15 -5 0 -2 9 8 20 21 23 35 19 15 -5z"/> <path d="M390 1065 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M1004 1068 c-4 -6 0 -16 9 -23 14 -10 14 -12 -1 -22 -14 -9 -15 -13 -3 -24 11 -12 15 -11 24 3 10 15 12 15 23 0 11 -14 15 -15 26 -4 11 11 10 15 -4 26 -15 11 -15 13 0 23 14 9 15 13 4 24 -11 12 -15 11 -26 -4 -12 -15 -14 -16 -20 -2 -6 18 -22 20 -32 3z"/> <path d="M1487 1073 c-13 -12 -7 -33 10 -33 15 0 15 -1 -2 -14 -11 -8 -16 -19 -12 -30 9 -22 28 -20 34 4 5 20 7 20 24 4 11 -10 22 -14 27 -10 4 4 -2 14 -13 22 -20 15 -20 15 4 35 13 10 17 19 10 19 -7 0 -21 -7 -31 -17 -17 -15 -18 -15 -18 5 0 21 -19 30 -33 15z m23 -13 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z m0 -50 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z"/> <path d="M1807 1073 c-26 -26 16 -97 54 -91 35 5 40 55 7 80 -24 18 -50 23 -61 11z m31 -15 c-9 -7 -18 -20 -21 -28 -3 -8 -6 -3 -6 13 -1 21 3 27 21 27 19 0 20 -2 6 -12z m42 -48 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1957 1074 c-4 -4 -7 -20 -7 -35 0 -31 21 -46 58 -43 32 2 44 17 40 50 -3 26 -7 29 -43 32 -23 2 -44 0 -48 -4z m83 -32 c0 -27 -3 -29 -40 -29 -37 0 -40 2 -40 29 0 26 3 28 40 28 37 0 40 -2 40 -28z"/> <path d="M1976 1053 c-11 -11 -6 -23 9 -23 8 0 15 4 15 9 0 13 -16 22 -24 14z"/> <path d="M2114 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -27 6 -28 53 -28 l50 0 0 40 0 40 -48 3 c-34 2 -49 -1 -53 -12z m96 -31 c0 -35 0 -35 -45 -35 -45 0 -45 0 -45 35 0 35 0 35 45 35 45 0 45 0 45 -35z"/> <path d="M2141 1042 c-16 -30 -15 -32 25 -32 24 0 34 4 32 13 -3 6 -10 12 -17 12 -6 0 -16 6 -20 14 -7 11 -11 10 -20 -7z"/> <path d="M2284 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m56 -11 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m0 -40 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M2448 1073 c-3 -4 -4 -24 -4 -43 1 -34 2 -35 41 -35 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -37 43 -20 2 -38 -1 -40 -5z m22 -15 c0 6 11 12 25 12 28 0 30 -5 13 -43 -8 -17 -21 -27 -35 -27 -18 0 -21 6 -20 35 1 21 4 30 9 22 6 -9 8 -9 8 1z"/> <path d="M230 1055 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M850 1061 c0 -6 5 -13 10 -16 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -15 -18 -3 -32 13 -16 9 9 15 9 25 0 7 -6 16 -8 20 -5 3 4 1 13 -5 20 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 16 16 2 28 -16 13 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -8 13 -25 13 -25 1z"/> <path d="M670 1035 c0 -11 12 -15 50 -15 38 0 50 4 50 15 0 11 -12 15 -50 15 -38 0 -50 -4 -50 -15z"/> <path d="M520 1030 c0 -5 18 -10 40 -10 22 0 40 5 40 10 0 6 -18 10 -40 10 -22 0 -40 -4 -40 -10z"/> <path d="M197 922 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -12 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m0 -40 c0 -11 -4 -20 -10 -20 -5 0 -10 9 -10 20 0 11 5 20 10 20 6 0 10 -9 10 -20z"/> <path d="M42 885 c-12 -25 -22 -48 -22 -50 0 -3 27 -5 60 -5 33 0 60 2 60 5 0 20 -47 95 -60 95 -9 0 -26 -20 -38 -45z m48 10 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z m0 -35 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M390 911 c0 -5 3 -17 6 -26 5 -13 8 -14 15 -3 13 20 11 38 -6 38 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M540 910 c0 -5 7 -10 16 -10 14 0 14 -3 4 -15 -18 -22 -3 -32 17 -13 8 9 13 24 10 32 -7 17 -47 22 -47 6z"/> <path d="M731 887 c-21 -25 -26 -27 -35 -15 -9 12 -14 12 -22 4 -8 -9 -5 -16 11 -28 20 -15 23 -14 56 16 24 22 32 36 24 42 -7 7 -18 0 -34 -19z"/> <path d="M1494 885 c0 -22 4 -35 12 -35 7 0 15 -8 17 -17 4 -17 5 -17 6 0 0 9 7 17 14 17 9 0 13 12 13 35 -1 32 -4 35 -31 35 -27 0 -30 -3 -31 -35z m43 -11 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z"/> <path d="M1020 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z m40 -21 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1183 904 c-19 -8 -16 -54 3 -61 24 -9 49 10 49 38 0 24 -24 34 -52 23z m45 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1340 894 c0 -7 -8 -15 -17 -17 -17 -4 -17 -5 0 -6 9 0 17 -7 17 -14 0 -9 12 -13 35 -13 32 1 35 4 35 31 0 27 -3 30 -35 31 -22 0 -35 -4 -35 -12z m27 -26 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z"/> <path d="M396 851 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M550 840 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M1360 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M1510 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M50 715 c0 -40 3 -41 48 -17 l33 18 -36 17 c-20 9 -38 17 -40 17 -3 0 -5 -16 -5 -35z"/> <path d="M220 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M260 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M1182 730 c-17 -28 -16 -30 18 -30 33 0 36 6 16 33 -17 21 -18 21 -34 -3z"/> <path d="M350 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M417 729 c10 -10 10 -16 0 -27 -10 -13 -9 -14 13 -2 14 7 26 14 28 15 1 1 -10 7 -25 14 -23 10 -26 10 -16 0z"/> <path d="M522 727 l-23 -13 27 -13 c23 -10 26 -10 16 2 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 15 15 9 15 -20 -1z"/> <path d="M572 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M680 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M753 715 c0 -14 3 -25 8 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -8 -11 -8 -25z"/> <path d="M840 715 c0 -14 4 -25 9 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -9 -11 -9 -25z"/> <path d="M892 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M1020 715 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 20 0 25 5 25 25 0 20 -5 25 -25 25 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1555 715 c0 -13 3 -21 8 -18 4 2 7 10 7 18 0 8 -3 16 -7 18 -5 3 -8 -5 -8 -18z"/> <path d="M1183 683 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M70 583 c0 -29 12 -24 17 7 2 11 -2 20 -7 20 -6 0 -10 -12 -10 -27z"/> <path d="M42 588 c-15 -15 -16 -50 0 -66 15 -15 51 -15 66 0 15 15 16 55 1 64 -6 3 -10 -1 -9 -12 4 -32 1 -42 -15 -48 -22 -8 -49 23 -34 40 15 18 8 39 -9 22z"/> <path d="M232 584 c15 -8 34 -27 42 -42 13 -24 15 -24 16 -6 0 25 -40 64 -66 64 -15 -1 -14 -4 8 -16z"/> <path d="M433 555 c0 -22 2 -30 4 -17 2 12 2 30 0 40 -3 9 -5 -1 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M510 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M670 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M830 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M990 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M233 548 c12 -13 24 -19 25 -15 5 11 -18 37 -34 37 -9 0 -5 -8 9 -22z"/> <path d="M412 545 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M391 534 c0 -11 3 -14 6 -6 3 7 2 16 -1 19 -3 4 -6 -2 -5 -13z"/> <path d="M210 530 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M37 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m59 -27 c14 -13 14 -17 0 -31 -15 -14 -17 -14 -32 0 -12 13 -13 18 -2 30 16 19 16 19 34 1z"/> <path d="M197 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m73 -42 c0 -5 -13 -10 -30 -10 -16 0 -30 5 -30 10 0 6 14 10 30 10 17 0 30 -4 30 -10z"/> <path d="M357 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m70 -42 c0 -22 -5 -27 -27 -27 -22 0 -27 5 -27 27 0 22 5 27 27 27 22 0 27 -5 27 -27z"/> <path d="M517 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m50 -59 c-16 -16 -17 -15 -17 17 0 32 1 33 17 17 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M677 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -49 c-16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -16 16 -15 17 17 17 32 0 33 -1 17 -17z"/> <path d="M837 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m53 -44 c0 -30 -1 -31 -17 -16 -13 14 -14 20 -3 32 18 22 20 20 20 -16z"/> <path d="M997 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m63 -37 c11 -13 8 -15 -20 -15 -28 0 -31 2 -20 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1157 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -59 c-11 -11 -17 -13 -17 -5 0 7 -7 12 -15 12 -8 0 -15 5 -15 10 0 6 7 10 15 10 8 0 15 5 15 12 0 8 6 6 17 -5 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M1317 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -27 c0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 8 0 6 -6 -5 -17 -16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -11 11 -13 17 -5 17 7 0 12 7 12 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M1477 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m59 -32 c8 0 14 -4 14 -10 0 -5 -7 -10 -15 -10 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12 0 -8 -6 -6 -17 4 -14 15 -14 19 -3 34 9 10 16 12 18 5 2 -6 10 -11 18 -11z"/> <path d="M1637 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m63 -27 c9 -10 9 -15 1 -15 -6 0 -11 -7 -11 -15 0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 -5 15 -11 15 -8 0 -8 5 1 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1797 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1836 411 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1957 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1998 403 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M2117 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m62 -48 c-17 -18 -25 -21 -36 -13 -13 12 -8 33 7 24 4 -3 13 2 20 10 7 8 17 12 22 9 5 -3 -1 -17 -13 -30z"/> <path d="M50 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M76 241 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M210 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M238 233 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M370 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M393 235 c0 -6 6 -12 12 -12 6 0 12 6 12 12 0 6 -6 12 -12 12 -6 0 -12 -6 -12 -12z"/> <path d="M530 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m44 -6 c-3 -5 -10 -7 -15 -3 -5 3 -7 10 -3 15 3 5 10 7 15 3 5 -3 7 -10 3 -15z"/> <path d="M690 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 -1 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 0 c0 -6 -6 -12 -12 -12 -6 0 -12 6 -12 12 0 6 6 12 12 12 6 0 12 -6 12 -12z"/> <path d="M880 73 l-55 -58 58 55 c53 50 62 60 54 60 -1 0 -27 -26 -57 -57z"/> <path d="M393 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M413 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M721 77 l-32 -34 25 1 c31 2 40 11 42 41 0 14 0 25 -1 25 0 0 -16 -15 -34 -33z m25 -4 c-2 -9 -11 -17 -20 -19 -17 -2 -17 -2 0 17 21 23 23 23 20 2z"/> <path d="M543 83 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M899 53 l-34 -38 38 34 c20 19 37 36 37 38 0 8 -8 0 -41 -34z"/> <path d="M543 63 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M919 33 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> </g> </svg>')}.ui-state-error .ui-icon,.ui-state-error-text .ui-icon{background-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" version="1.0" width="256" height="240" viewBox="0 0 256.000000 240.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g transform="translate(0.000000,240.000000) 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25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M705 2320 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -3 21 19 16 32 -6 14 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -3 5 -11 10 -17 10 -6 0 -3 -9 7 -20z"/> <path d="M860 2315 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 14 0 25 5 25 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1180 2315 c0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -11 10 -25 10 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1345 2290 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -3 21 19 16 32 -6 14 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -3 5 -11 10 -17 10 -6 0 -3 -9 7 -20z"/> <path d="M390 2153 c0 -36 0 -36 20 -18 19 17 19 19 4 37 -23 24 -24 24 -24 -19z"/> <path d="M1036 2172 c-15 -18 -15 -20 4 -37 20 -18 20 -18 20 18 0 43 -1 43 -24 19z"/> <path d="M1340 2175 c-11 -13 -8 -15 15 -15 23 0 26 2 15 15 -7 8 -14 15 -15 15 -1 0 -8 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M55 2160 c-18 -20 -17 -20 20 -20 37 0 38 0 20 20 -10 11 -19 20 -20 20 -1 0 -10 -9 -20 -20z"/> <path d="M240 2155 c13 -14 25 -25 27 -25 2 0 3 11 3 25 0 20 -5 25 -27 25 l-26 0 23 -25z"/> <path d="M550 2155 l-23 -25 26 0 c22 0 27 5 27 25 0 14 -1 25 -3 25 -2 0 -14 -11 -27 -25z"/> <path d="M705 2160 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -4 24 23 24 24 -19 24 -36 0 -36 0 -18 -20z"/> <path d="M860 2155 c0 -20 5 -25 27 -25 l26 0 -23 25 c-13 14 -25 25 -27 25 -2 0 -3 -11 -3 -25z"/> <path d="M1180 2153 l0 -26 25 23 c14 13 25 25 25 27 0 2 -11 3 -25 3 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -27z"/> <path d="M1501 2166 c-9 -10 -8 -16 4 -26 13 -11 15 -8 15 14 0 30 -3 32 -19 12z"/> <path d="M1530 2154 c0 -22 2 -25 15 -14 12 10 13 16 4 26 -16 20 -19 18 -19 -12z"/> <path d="M1330 2146 c0 -2 6 -9 14 -15 10 -9 16 -8 26 4 11 13 8 15 -14 15 -14 0 -26 -2 -26 -4z"/> <path d="M1349 2023 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -12 -4 -18 -10 -15 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 14 4 19 13 14 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1993 2033 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M2321 2022 c-1 -16 -5 -21 -13 -16 -9 5 -9 2 1 -9 7 -9 15 -17 16 -17 1 0 9 8 16 17 8 9 9 14 2 10 -7 -5 -13 1 -16 15 l-4 23 -2 -23z"/> <path d="M59 2013 c-8 -10 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -2 16 -20 l4 -28 2 28 c1 20 5 26 14 21 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M721 2007 c-1 -20 -5 -26 -13 -21 -9 5 -8 2 1 -9 10 -13 17 -15 27 -6 16 13 19 23 5 14 -5 -3 -12 7 -14 22 l-4 28 -2 -28z"/> <path d="M1524 2021 c7 -11 -18 -33 -27 -24 -4 3 -7 -1 -7 -10 0 -9 7 -17 16 -17 8 0 13 4 10 9 -7 11 18 33 27 24 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -16 17 -8 0 -13 -4 -10 -9z"/> <path d="M1810 2013 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 9 9 34 -13 27 -24 -3 -5 2 -9 10 -9 9 0 16 7 16 16 0 8 -4 13 -9 10 -11 -7 -33 18 -24 27 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M229 2011 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M405 2011 c3 -5 -7 -12 -22 -14 l-28 -4 28 -2 c20 -1 26 -5 21 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M530 2016 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M889 2003 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1021 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 2 13 20 16 l28 4 -28 2 c-16 0 -25 5 -22 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1180 1998 c0 -17 3 -19 9 -9 5 7 15 17 22 22 10 6 8 9 -8 9 -17 0 -23 -6 -23 -22z"/> <path d="M1651 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 14 0 19 -4 14 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -3 -10 -15 -10 -12 0 -18 5 -15 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1989 2003 c-8 -9 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -1 16 -15 l4 -23 2 23 c1 16 5 21 14 16 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M2155 2011 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2481 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M558 1989 c-17 -18 -17 -19 2 -19 13 0 20 7 20 20 0 24 0 24 -22 -1z"/> <path d="M860 1993 c0 -17 6 -23 23 -23 16 0 18 3 8 9 -7 5 -17 15 -22 22 -6 10 -9 8 -9 -8z"/> <path d="M219 1983 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1200 1996 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M2313 1963 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M50 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -11 11 -25 0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 14 5 25 11 25 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M710 1855 c0 -14 -5 -25 -12 -25 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 11 -12 25 0 14 -4 25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1340 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M1524 1871 c7 -11 -28 -43 -37 -34 -4 3 -7 -3 -7 -15 0 -16 6 -22 21 -22 11 0 18 4 15 9 -7 11 28 43 37 34 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M1800 1859 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 11 7 43 -28 34 -37 -3 -4 3 -7 15 -7 16 0 22 6 22 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -9 -9 -44 23 -37 34 3 5 -4 9 -15 9 -15 0 -21 -6 -21 -21z"/> <path d="M1983 1873 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M2310 1865 c0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M244 1861 c3 -4 -3 -16 -14 -26 -11 -10 -17 -22 -14 -27 3 -5 16 0 28 11 12 12 26 18 29 14 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M516 1862 c-3 -5 3 -17 14 -27 11 -10 17 -22 14 -26 -3 -5 4 -9 15 -9 15 0 21 6 21 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -3 -4 -17 2 -29 14 -12 11 -25 16 -28 11z"/> <path d="M885 1850 c-10 -11 -22 -17 -26 -14 -5 3 -9 -4 -9 -15 0 -15 6 -21 22 -21 12 0 18 3 15 7 -4 3 2 17 14 29 11 12 16 25 11 28 -5 3 -17 -3 -27 -14z"/> <path d="M1170 1849 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 4 3 16 -3 26 -14 10 -11 22 -17 27 -14 5 3 0 16 -11 28 -12 12 -18 26 -14 29 3 4 -3 7 -15 7 -16 0 -22 -6 -22 -21z"/> <path d="M1650 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5 0 -15 -27 -16 -32 -1 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M2150 1862 c0 -7 -7 -12 -15 -12 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2480 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -6 10 -14 10 -8 0 -16 5 -18 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M410 1852 c0 -7 -11 -12 -25 -12 -14 0 -25 -4 -25 -10 0 -5 11 -10 25 -10 14 0 25 -5 25 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M1010 1846 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 11 12 25 12 14 0 25 5 25 10 0 6 -11 10 -24 10 -13 0 -26 5 -28 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M1980 1845 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M2303 1803 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M1683 1723 c4 -3 -3 -11 -16 -17 -26 -14 -29 -44 -5 -60 14 -8 22 -7 35 8 17 18 17 18 -4 5 -17 -10 -25 -11 -34 -2 -15 15 -4 43 16 43 10 0 13 -5 9 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -6 8 -14 14 -17 14 -3 0 -2 -3 1 -7z"/> <path d="M50 1705 c-10 -12 -10 -18 0 -30 10 -12 15 -13 21 -4 11 19 42 2 34 -19 -5 -13 -3 -14 6 -5 15 15 5 41 -18 50 -10 4 -21 10 -24 15 -3 5 -12 2 -19 -7z"/> <path d="M231 1706 c-9 -11 -9 -15 0 -18 8 -3 10 -11 6 -22 -5 -12 -13 -16 -25 -11 -13 5 -14 3 -5 -6 15 -16 44 -4 50 21 3 11 10 20 15 20 6 0 5 7 -2 15 -15 19 -24 19 -39 1z"/> <path d="M364 1705 c-7 -18 12 -45 32 -45 8 0 14 -5 14 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 4 14 14 14 20 3 33 -10 12 -15 13 -21 4 -10 -17 -42 -2 -35 16 3 8 3 15 0 15 -2 0 -7 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M552 1708 c-7 -7 -12 -18 -12 -25 0 -7 -5 -13 -12 -13 -8 0 -6 -6 4 -17 14 -14 20 -14 33 -3 12 10 13 15 4 21 -17 10 -2 42 17 35 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -8 14 -28 13 -43 -2z"/> <path d="M1339 1703 c-13 -15 -12 -15 8 -2 17 10 25 11 34 2 15 -15 4 -43 -16 -43 -9 0 -13 5 -10 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4 -9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -3 -4 7 2 14 13 17 26 7 36 33 20 52 -16 20 -34 19 -51 -2z"/> <path d="M1812 1708 c-17 -17 -15 -33 5 -49 15 -13 15 -12 2 8 -10 17 -11 25 -2 34 15 15 43 4 43 -16 0 -9 -4 -13 -10 -10 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 16 -7 27 6 7 10 9 15 5 11 -5 -5 -14 2 -20 14 -13 27 -36 34 -54 16z"/> <path d="M691 1696 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 17 0 21 -4 15 -17 -5 -14 -3 -15 6 -6 15 15 3 33 -22 33 -11 0 -17 5 -14 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M879 1693 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -17 -4 -21 -17 -15 -14 5 -15 3 -6 -6 15 -15 33 -3 33 22 0 14 4 18 13 13 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1197 1703 c-4 -3 -7 -15 -7 -25 0 -11 -4 -16 -10 -13 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 16 4 20 16 16 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -7 12 -19 13 -28 3z"/> <path d="M1479 1693 c-7 -10 -9 -15 -5 -11 5 5 14 -2 20 -15 14 -26 44 -29 60 -5 8 14 7 22 -8 35 -18 17 -18 17 -5 -4 10 -17 11 -25 2 -34 -15 -15 -43 -4 -43 16 0 10 5 13 13 9 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -17 21 -16 21 -32 0z"/> <path d="M1015 1690 c-9 -15 4 -30 26 -30 14 0 18 -4 13 -12 -5 -9 -2 -9 9 1 9 7 17 15 17 16 0 1 -8 9 -17 16 -11 10 -14 10 -9 2 5 -9 0 -13 -14 -13 -16 0 -20 5 -16 15 6 17 0 20 -9 5z"/> <path d="M721 1556 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -4 8 -1 12 10 12 12 0 15 -6 12 -25 -3 -13 -1 -22 3 -19 17 10 9 46 -11 51 -11 3 -17 9 -14 14 8 14 -2 11 -15 -5z"/> <path d="M67 1554 c-3 -3 -3 -13 0 -21 4 -9 1 -13 -8 -11 -8 2 -15 -1 -16 -7 -1 -5 5 -9 13 -7 9 2 14 -3 12 -12 -2 -8 2 -15 7 -15 6 0 9 7 7 15 -2 9 3 14 10 12 8 -2 14 2 14 7 0 6 -7 9 -15 7 -9 -2 -12 2 -8 12 6 16 -6 30 -16 20z"/> <path d="M200 1543 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 3 4 13 1 22 -6 14 -10 14 -10 4 4 -7 9 -10 19 -6 22 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M263 1553 c4 -3 1 -13 -6 -22 -10 -14 -10 -14 4 -4 9 7 19 10 22 6 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -17 17 -9 0 -13 -3 -10 -7z"/> <path d="M409 1551 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M550 1530 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 27 0 30 3 30 30 0 27 -3 30 -30 30 -27 0 -30 -3 -30 -30z m50 -5 c0 -8 -9 -15 -20 -15 -11 0 -20 7 -20 15 0 8 9 15 20 15 11 0 20 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1230 1552 c0 -7 -9 -12 -20 -12 -11 0 -20 -4 -20 -10 0 -5 9 -10 20 -10 11 0 20 -5 20 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M893 1535 c-14 -10 -24 -12 -28 -5 -3 5 -12 10 -18 10 -7 0 -3 -6 7 -12 19 -11 19 -11 1 -24 -10 -8 -14 -14 -8 -14 7 0 15 4 18 10 4 6 15 4 30 -6 15 -10 25 -12 30 -5 3 6 3 12 -2 12 -4 1 -12 2 -18 3 -5 0 -10 6 -10 11 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 12 4 13 9 7 15 -4 15 -25 1z"/> <path d="M1065 1541 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M360 1510 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 17 0 30 4 30 9 0 4 -11 6 -25 3 -20 -3 -25 0 -25 16 0 11 6 23 13 25 7 3 5 6 -5 6 -13 1 -18 -7 -18 -29z"/> <path d="M399 1523 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M520 1510 c0 -26 3 -30 28 -29 25 2 25 2 3 6 -18 4 -22 10 -18 29 2 13 0 24 -4 24 -5 0 -9 -13 -9 -30z"/> <path d="M687 1533 c-14 -14 -6 -45 13 -50 11 -3 17 -10 13 -17 -4 -6 1 -5 10 3 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -1 -10 -11 -10 -12 0 -15 6 -12 25 6 27 5 29 -5 18z"/> <path d="M1001 1516 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1160 1516 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 9 12 20 12 11 0 20 5 20 10 0 6 -9 10 -19 10 -11 0 -21 5 -23 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M225 1500 c-4 -6 -11 -8 -16 -5 -5 4 -9 -1 -9 -9 0 -9 8 -16 17 -16 9 0 13 3 10 7 -4 3 -2 12 4 20 6 7 9 13 6 13 -3 0 -9 -5 -12 -10z"/> <path d="M257 1499 c7 -9 10 -19 6 -22 -3 -4 1 -7 10 -7 10 0 17 8 17 17 0 9 -3 13 -7 10 -3 -4 -13 -1 -22 6 -14 10 -14 10 -4 -4z"/> <path d="M1006 1391 c-10 -11 -16 -31 -14 -48 3 -26 6 -28 48 -28 42 0 45 2 48 28 4 32 -21 67 -48 67 -9 0 -25 -9 -34 -19z m54 -26 c20 18 20 17 20 -13 0 -31 -2 -32 -40 -32 -38 0 -40 1 -40 32 0 30 0 31 20 13 19 -17 21 -17 40 0z"/> <path d="M24 1387 c-3 -8 -4 -30 -1 -49 3 -29 4 -28 5 10 l2 43 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -7z"/> <path d="M360 1355 l0 -45 40 0 c39 0 40 1 40 33 0 40 -15 57 -52 57 -27 0 -28 -2 -28 -45z m40 20 c0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -9 15 -20 0 -16 -7 -20 -30 -20 -28 0 -30 3 -30 35 0 24 5 35 15 35 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m25 5 c3 -5 1 -10 -4 -10 -6 0 -11 5 -11 10 0 6 2 10 4 10 3 0 8 -4 11 -10z"/> <path d="M688 1393 c6 -2 12 -20 12 -38 0 -18 -6 -35 -12 -38 -7 -2 6 -6 30 -8 l42 -5 0 48 0 48 -42 -1 c-24 0 -37 -3 -30 -6z"/> <path d="M1167 1380 c-18 -22 -23 -70 -7 -70 6 0 10 11 10 24 0 34 10 56 25 56 15 0 25 -22 25 -56 0 -13 5 -24 10 -24 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 26 -27 65 -45 65 -6 0 -18 -9 -28 -20z"/> <path d="M1500 1384 c-11 -12 -10 -18 3 -32 16 -15 18 -15 34 0 13 14 14 20 3 32 -7 9 -16 16 -20 16 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -16z m36 -5 c10 -17 -13 -36 -27 -22 -12 12 -4 33 11 33 5 0 12 -5 16 -11z"/> <path d="M1655 1388 c-3 -8 -7 -28 -8 -44 -2 -27 1 -29 36 -32 43 -4 51 8 39 53 -6 23 -15 31 -35 33 -16 2 -29 -2 -32 -10z m55 -18 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1678 1373 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1815 1390 c-15 -6 -7 -9 30 -9 37 0 45 3 30 9 -11 5 -24 9 -30 9 -5 0 -19 -4 -30 -9z"/> <path d="M1980 1379 c-6 -11 -10 -30 -8 -42 2 -17 10 -22 33 -22 23 0 31 5 33 22 4 28 -14 63 -33 63 -8 0 -19 -9 -25 -21z"/> <path d="M2117 1393 c-12 -12 -7 -25 7 -20 11 4 16 -3 18 -26 3 -28 7 -32 33 -32 25 0 30 4 33 28 3 23 0 27 -21 27 -14 0 -27 7 -31 15 -6 15 -28 20 -39 8z"/> <path d="M2280 1353 c0 -24 4 -43 9 -43 6 0 12 19 14 43 l4 42 1 -42 c2 -39 5 -43 27 -43 23 0 25 4 25 45 l0 45 -40 -3 -40 -2 0 -42z m70 5 c0 -23 -3 -29 -9 -19 -7 11 -9 11 -14 0 -3 -8 -6 1 -6 19 -1 22 4 32 14 32 10 0 15 -10 15 -32z"/> <path d="M2457 1372 l-27 -28 23 -22 23 -22 27 28 c15 15 27 38 27 50 0 32 -40 29 -73 -6z m32 -28 c-6 -7 -15 -11 -21 -8 -5 3 -4 12 3 20 6 7 15 11 21 8 5 -3 4 -12 -3 -20z"/> <path d="M184 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 2 -19 10 -24 41 -26 26 -2 45 2 58 14 28 26 23 34 -20 34 -30 0 -44 -6 -55 -22 -16 -22 -16 -22 -16 10 l0 33 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -8z"/> <path d="M530 1355 c0 -30 3 -35 23 -35 29 0 47 18 47 47 0 20 -5 23 -35 23 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 14 c0 -14 -25 -39 -39 -39 -6 0 -11 11 -11 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 14 0 25 -5 25 -11z"/> <path d="M834 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 3 -20 9 -23 48 -23 45 0 45 0 45 35 0 34 -1 35 -43 38 -30 2 -44 -1 -48 -12z m84 -28 c3 -27 1 -28 -37 -28 -36 0 -41 3 -41 23 0 32 9 38 45 35 24 -2 31 -8 33 -30z"/> <path d="M863 1355 c17 -19 17 -19 35 0 16 18 16 18 0 6 -15 -11 -21 -11 -35 0 -17 12 -17 12 0 -6z"/> <path d="M1327 1384 c-14 -14 -7 -50 13 -67 19 -16 22 -16 46 -1 18 12 24 24 22 43 -3 22 -9 26 -38 29 -20 2 -39 0 -43 -4z m73 -27 c0 -12 -9 -28 -20 -35 -12 -7 -20 -8 -20 -2 0 5 -7 10 -15 10 -9 0 -15 9 -15 25 0 22 4 25 35 25 30 0 35 -3 35 -23z"/> <path d="M1353 1363 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M1348 1343 c6 -2 18 -2 25 0 6 3 1 5 -13 5 -14 0 -19 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M58 1363 c-11 -3 -18 -14 -18 -29 0 -23 3 -25 43 -22 38 3 42 6 45 31 3 24 0 27 -25 26 -15 -1 -36 -3 -45 -6z"/> <path d="M1180 1340 c0 -20 5 -30 15 -30 10 0 15 10 15 30 0 20 -5 30 -15 30 -10 0 -15 -10 -15 -30z"/> <path d="M1812 1338 c3 -29 6 -33 33 -33 27 0 30 4 33 33 3 31 2 32 -33 32 -35 0 -36 -1 -33 -32z m15 -10 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z"/> <path d="M1478 1323 c-8 -10 1 -13 43 -13 40 0 50 3 41 12 -15 15 -71 16 -84 1z"/> <path d="M2306 1235 c-3 -8 -12 -15 -21 -15 -17 0 -20 -16 -4 -26 6 -3 9 -15 6 -25 -3 -11 -1 -19 4 -19 5 0 9 5 9 10 0 6 9 10 20 10 11 0 20 -4 20 -10 0 -5 4 -10 9 -10 5 0 7 8 4 19 -3 10 0 22 6 25 16 10 13 26 -4 26 -9 0 -18 7 -21 15 -4 8 -10 15 -14 15 -4 0 -10 -7 -14 -15z"/> <path d="M49 1213 c-13 -14 -18 -23 -10 -18 11 6 13 2 9 -19 -5 -24 -3 -26 32 -26 35 0 37 2 32 26 -4 21 -2 25 9 19 8 -5 3 4 -10 18 -14 15 -27 27 -31 27 -4 0 -17 -12 -31 -27z m52 0 c13 -16 12 -17 -3 -4 -15 11 -21 11 -35 0 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 7 9 17 17 21 17 4 0 14 -8 21 -17z m-11 -38 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M365 1232 c-3 -3 -5 -23 -5 -44 0 -38 0 -38 41 -38 l40 0 -3 42 c-3 40 -5 43 -35 44 -18 1 -35 -1 -38 -4z m65 -47 c0 -21 -5 -25 -30 -25 -25 0 -30 4 -30 25 0 21 5 25 30 25 25 0 30 -4 30 -25z"/> <path d="M390 1185 c0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M746 1231 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M852 1228 c-28 -28 -7 -78 33 -78 12 0 26 5 33 12 7 7 12 21 12 33 0 12 -5 26 -12 33 -7 7 -21 12 -33 12 -12 0 -26 -5 -33 -12z m52 -48 c10 -13 9 -13 -6 -1 -10 7 -17 23 -17 35 1 20 2 20 6 1 3 -11 10 -27 17 -35z"/> <path d="M1004 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m59 -3 c-7 -2 -21 -2 -30 0 -10 3 -4 5 12 5 17 0 24 -2 18 -5z m-36 -55 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z m43 7 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1164 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z"/> <path d="M1347 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1366 1211 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1507 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1528 1203 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1667 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1840 1228 c0 -7 -12 -24 -27 -40 -33 -34 -23 -50 12 -18 13 12 31 20 39 17 15 -6 34 29 22 40 -3 4 -6 1 -6 -5 0 -7 -5 -12 -11 -12 -6 0 -9 7 -5 15 3 9 0 15 -9 15 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12z"/> <path d="M2480 1216 c-7 -14 -21 -28 -31 -31 -21 -7 -19 -37 3 -41 9 -1 21 9 28 22 7 13 21 26 31 29 20 7 19 39 -3 43 -8 1 -20 -9 -28 -22z m30 -6 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m-40 -40 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M193 1190 c0 -25 2 -35 4 -22 2 12 2 32 0 45 -2 12 -4 2 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M210 1205 c0 -16 7 -25 25 -29 33 -8 45 -1 45 27 0 18 -6 22 -35 24 -30 1 -35 -1 -35 -22z"/> <path d="M506 1222 c7 -4 13 -16 15 -27 3 -16 13 -20 49 -21 l45 -1 -42 4 c-38 4 -43 7 -43 29 0 16 -6 24 -17 24 -12 0 -14 -3 -7 -8z"/> <path d="M1976 1221 c-1 -3 -2 -19 -2 -36 1 -27 4 -30 36 -30 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 32 -2 35 -33 36 -18 1 -34 -2 -36 -5z m44 -31 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M2123 1214 c-3 -8 4 -25 18 -40 l23 -24 23 22 c13 12 23 27 23 34 0 19 -19 27 -35 14 -9 -7 -15 -8 -20 0 -9 15 -25 12 -32 -6z"/> <path d="M558 1213 c12 -2 30 -2 40 0 9 3 -1 5 -23 4 -22 0 -30 -2 -17 -4z"/> <path d="M700 1185 c-32 -34 -16 -46 16 -13 14 14 22 28 16 31 -5 4 -20 -5 -32 -18z m30 11 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M588 1193 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1203 1083 c-7 -2 -13 -10 -13 -17 0 -7 -9 -21 -20 -31 -21 -19 -27 -45 -11 -45 6 0 13 5 16 10 4 6 22 17 41 25 35 14 43 32 22 53 -13 13 -16 13 -35 5z m-13 -47 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M1332 1078 c-16 -16 -15 -28 4 -66 20 -41 29 -40 50 4 13 26 15 41 7 53 -13 20 -45 25 -61 9z m53 -23 c0 -22 -31 -33 -47 -17 -17 17 -1 44 24 40 15 -2 23 -10 23 -23z"/> <path d="M1658 1076 c-12 -9 -18 -27 -18 -55 l0 -41 40 0 40 0 0 41 c0 37 -18 68 -40 68 -3 0 -13 -6 -22 -13z m50 -53 c-2 -22 -8 -28 -28 -28 -20 0 -26 6 -28 28 -3 24 0 27 28 27 28 0 31 -3 28 -27z"/> <path d="M50 1065 c-26 -32 13 -81 48 -59 34 22 22 74 -18 74 -10 0 -23 -7 -30 -15z m25 -15 c-10 -11 -20 -18 -23 -15 -7 6 18 35 31 35 5 0 2 -9 -8 -20z m25 -25 c-7 -8 -17 -15 -23 -15 -5 0 -2 9 8 20 21 23 35 19 15 -5z"/> <path d="M390 1065 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M1004 1068 c-4 -6 0 -16 9 -23 14 -10 14 -12 -1 -22 -14 -9 -15 -13 -3 -24 11 -12 15 -11 24 3 10 15 12 15 23 0 11 -14 15 -15 26 -4 11 11 10 15 -4 26 -15 11 -15 13 0 23 14 9 15 13 4 24 -11 12 -15 11 -26 -4 -12 -15 -14 -16 -20 -2 -6 18 -22 20 -32 3z"/> <path d="M1487 1073 c-13 -12 -7 -33 10 -33 15 0 15 -1 -2 -14 -11 -8 -16 -19 -12 -30 9 -22 28 -20 34 4 5 20 7 20 24 4 11 -10 22 -14 27 -10 4 4 -2 14 -13 22 -20 15 -20 15 4 35 13 10 17 19 10 19 -7 0 -21 -7 -31 -17 -17 -15 -18 -15 -18 5 0 21 -19 30 -33 15z m23 -13 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z m0 -50 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z"/> <path d="M1807 1073 c-26 -26 16 -97 54 -91 35 5 40 55 7 80 -24 18 -50 23 -61 11z m31 -15 c-9 -7 -18 -20 -21 -28 -3 -8 -6 -3 -6 13 -1 21 3 27 21 27 19 0 20 -2 6 -12z m42 -48 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1957 1074 c-4 -4 -7 -20 -7 -35 0 -31 21 -46 58 -43 32 2 44 17 40 50 -3 26 -7 29 -43 32 -23 2 -44 0 -48 -4z m83 -32 c0 -27 -3 -29 -40 -29 -37 0 -40 2 -40 29 0 26 3 28 40 28 37 0 40 -2 40 -28z"/> <path d="M1976 1053 c-11 -11 -6 -23 9 -23 8 0 15 4 15 9 0 13 -16 22 -24 14z"/> <path d="M2114 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -27 6 -28 53 -28 l50 0 0 40 0 40 -48 3 c-34 2 -49 -1 -53 -12z m96 -31 c0 -35 0 -35 -45 -35 -45 0 -45 0 -45 35 0 35 0 35 45 35 45 0 45 0 45 -35z"/> <path d="M2141 1042 c-16 -30 -15 -32 25 -32 24 0 34 4 32 13 -3 6 -10 12 -17 12 -6 0 -16 6 -20 14 -7 11 -11 10 -20 -7z"/> <path d="M2284 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m56 -11 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m0 -40 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M2448 1073 c-3 -4 -4 -24 -4 -43 1 -34 2 -35 41 -35 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -37 43 -20 2 -38 -1 -40 -5z m22 -15 c0 6 11 12 25 12 28 0 30 -5 13 -43 -8 -17 -21 -27 -35 -27 -18 0 -21 6 -20 35 1 21 4 30 9 22 6 -9 8 -9 8 1z"/> <path d="M230 1055 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M850 1061 c0 -6 5 -13 10 -16 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -15 -18 -3 -32 13 -16 9 9 15 9 25 0 7 -6 16 -8 20 -5 3 4 1 13 -5 20 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 16 16 2 28 -16 13 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -8 13 -25 13 -25 1z"/> <path d="M670 1035 c0 -11 12 -15 50 -15 38 0 50 4 50 15 0 11 -12 15 -50 15 -38 0 -50 -4 -50 -15z"/> <path d="M520 1030 c0 -5 18 -10 40 -10 22 0 40 5 40 10 0 6 -18 10 -40 10 -22 0 -40 -4 -40 -10z"/> <path d="M197 922 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -12 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m0 -40 c0 -11 -4 -20 -10 -20 -5 0 -10 9 -10 20 0 11 5 20 10 20 6 0 10 -9 10 -20z"/> <path d="M42 885 c-12 -25 -22 -48 -22 -50 0 -3 27 -5 60 -5 33 0 60 2 60 5 0 20 -47 95 -60 95 -9 0 -26 -20 -38 -45z m48 10 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z m0 -35 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M390 911 c0 -5 3 -17 6 -26 5 -13 8 -14 15 -3 13 20 11 38 -6 38 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M540 910 c0 -5 7 -10 16 -10 14 0 14 -3 4 -15 -18 -22 -3 -32 17 -13 8 9 13 24 10 32 -7 17 -47 22 -47 6z"/> <path d="M731 887 c-21 -25 -26 -27 -35 -15 -9 12 -14 12 -22 4 -8 -9 -5 -16 11 -28 20 -15 23 -14 56 16 24 22 32 36 24 42 -7 7 -18 0 -34 -19z"/> <path d="M1494 885 c0 -22 4 -35 12 -35 7 0 15 -8 17 -17 4 -17 5 -17 6 0 0 9 7 17 14 17 9 0 13 12 13 35 -1 32 -4 35 -31 35 -27 0 -30 -3 -31 -35z m43 -11 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z"/> <path d="M1020 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z m40 -21 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1183 904 c-19 -8 -16 -54 3 -61 24 -9 49 10 49 38 0 24 -24 34 -52 23z m45 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1340 894 c0 -7 -8 -15 -17 -17 -17 -4 -17 -5 0 -6 9 0 17 -7 17 -14 0 -9 12 -13 35 -13 32 1 35 4 35 31 0 27 -3 30 -35 31 -22 0 -35 -4 -35 -12z m27 -26 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z"/> <path d="M396 851 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M550 840 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M1360 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M1510 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M50 715 c0 -40 3 -41 48 -17 l33 18 -36 17 c-20 9 -38 17 -40 17 -3 0 -5 -16 -5 -35z"/> <path d="M220 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M260 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M1182 730 c-17 -28 -16 -30 18 -30 33 0 36 6 16 33 -17 21 -18 21 -34 -3z"/> <path d="M350 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M417 729 c10 -10 10 -16 0 -27 -10 -13 -9 -14 13 -2 14 7 26 14 28 15 1 1 -10 7 -25 14 -23 10 -26 10 -16 0z"/> <path d="M522 727 l-23 -13 27 -13 c23 -10 26 -10 16 2 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 15 15 9 15 -20 -1z"/> <path d="M572 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M680 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M753 715 c0 -14 3 -25 8 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -8 -11 -8 -25z"/> <path d="M840 715 c0 -14 4 -25 9 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -9 -11 -9 -25z"/> <path d="M892 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M1020 715 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 20 0 25 5 25 25 0 20 -5 25 -25 25 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1555 715 c0 -13 3 -21 8 -18 4 2 7 10 7 18 0 8 -3 16 -7 18 -5 3 -8 -5 -8 -18z"/> <path d="M1183 683 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M70 583 c0 -29 12 -24 17 7 2 11 -2 20 -7 20 -6 0 -10 -12 -10 -27z"/> <path d="M42 588 c-15 -15 -16 -50 0 -66 15 -15 51 -15 66 0 15 15 16 55 1 64 -6 3 -10 -1 -9 -12 4 -32 1 -42 -15 -48 -22 -8 -49 23 -34 40 15 18 8 39 -9 22z"/> <path d="M232 584 c15 -8 34 -27 42 -42 13 -24 15 -24 16 -6 0 25 -40 64 -66 64 -15 -1 -14 -4 8 -16z"/> <path d="M433 555 c0 -22 2 -30 4 -17 2 12 2 30 0 40 -3 9 -5 -1 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M510 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M670 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M830 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M990 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M233 548 c12 -13 24 -19 25 -15 5 11 -18 37 -34 37 -9 0 -5 -8 9 -22z"/> <path d="M412 545 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M391 534 c0 -11 3 -14 6 -6 3 7 2 16 -1 19 -3 4 -6 -2 -5 -13z"/> <path d="M210 530 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M37 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m59 -27 c14 -13 14 -17 0 -31 -15 -14 -17 -14 -32 0 -12 13 -13 18 -2 30 16 19 16 19 34 1z"/> <path d="M197 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m73 -42 c0 -5 -13 -10 -30 -10 -16 0 -30 5 -30 10 0 6 14 10 30 10 17 0 30 -4 30 -10z"/> <path d="M357 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m70 -42 c0 -22 -5 -27 -27 -27 -22 0 -27 5 -27 27 0 22 5 27 27 27 22 0 27 -5 27 -27z"/> <path d="M517 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m50 -59 c-16 -16 -17 -15 -17 17 0 32 1 33 17 17 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M677 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -49 c-16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -16 16 -15 17 17 17 32 0 33 -1 17 -17z"/> <path d="M837 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m53 -44 c0 -30 -1 -31 -17 -16 -13 14 -14 20 -3 32 18 22 20 20 20 -16z"/> <path d="M997 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m63 -37 c11 -13 8 -15 -20 -15 -28 0 -31 2 -20 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1157 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -59 c-11 -11 -17 -13 -17 -5 0 7 -7 12 -15 12 -8 0 -15 5 -15 10 0 6 7 10 15 10 8 0 15 5 15 12 0 8 6 6 17 -5 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M1317 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -27 c0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 8 0 6 -6 -5 -17 -16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -11 11 -13 17 -5 17 7 0 12 7 12 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M1477 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m59 -32 c8 0 14 -4 14 -10 0 -5 -7 -10 -15 -10 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12 0 -8 -6 -6 -17 4 -14 15 -14 19 -3 34 9 10 16 12 18 5 2 -6 10 -11 18 -11z"/> <path d="M1637 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m63 -27 c9 -10 9 -15 1 -15 -6 0 -11 -7 -11 -15 0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 -5 15 -11 15 -8 0 -8 5 1 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1797 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1836 411 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1957 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1998 403 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M2117 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m62 -48 c-17 -18 -25 -21 -36 -13 -13 12 -8 33 7 24 4 -3 13 2 20 10 7 8 17 12 22 9 5 -3 -1 -17 -13 -30z"/> <path d="M50 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M76 241 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M210 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M238 233 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M370 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M393 235 c0 -6 6 -12 12 -12 6 0 12 6 12 12 0 6 -6 12 -12 12 -6 0 -12 -6 -12 -12z"/> <path d="M530 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m44 -6 c-3 -5 -10 -7 -15 -3 -5 3 -7 10 -3 15 3 5 10 7 15 3 5 -3 7 -10 3 -15z"/> <path d="M690 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 -1 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m47 0 c0 -6 -6 -12 -12 -12 -6 0 -12 6 -12 12 0 6 6 12 12 12 6 0 12 -6 12 -12z"/> <path d="M880 73 l-55 -58 58 55 c53 50 62 60 54 60 -1 0 -27 -26 -57 -57z"/> <path d="M393 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M413 75 c0 -27 2 -38 4 -22 2 15 2 37 0 50 -2 12 -4 0 -4 -28z"/> <path d="M721 77 l-32 -34 25 1 c31 2 40 11 42 41 0 14 0 25 -1 25 0 0 -16 -15 -34 -33z m25 -4 c-2 -9 -11 -17 -20 -19 -17 -2 -17 -2 0 17 21 23 23 23 20 2z"/> <path d="M543 83 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M899 53 l-34 -38 38 34 c20 19 37 36 37 38 0 8 -8 0 -41 -34z"/> <path d="M543 63 c15 -2 37 -2 50 0 12 2 0 4 -28 4 -27 0 -38 -2 -22 -4z"/> <path d="M919 33 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> </g> </svg>')}.ui-button .ui-icon{background-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" version="1.0" width="256" height="240" viewBox="0 0 256.000000 240.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g transform="translate(0.000000,240.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="%23777777" stroke="none"> <path d="M1345 2350 c-10 -11 -13 -20 -7 -20 6 0 14 5 17 10 5 8 11 7 21 -1 22 -18 27 -5 6 14 -18 16 -20 16 -37 -3z"/> <path d="M390 2342 c0 -6 5 -14 10 -17 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -18 -22 -5 -27 14 -6 16 18 16 20 -3 37 -11 10 -20 13 -20 7z"/> <path d="M1037 2332 c-16 -18 -16 -20 3 -37 11 -10 20 -13 20 -7 0 6 -5 14 -10 17 -8 5 -7 11 1 21 18 22 5 27 -14 6z"/> <path d="M1487 2332 c-16 -18 -16 -20 3 -37 11 -10 20 -13 20 -7 0 6 -5 14 -10 17 -8 5 -7 11 1 21 18 22 5 27 -14 6z"/> <path d="M1530 2342 c0 -6 5 -14 10 -17 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -18 -22 -5 -27 14 -6 16 18 16 20 -3 37 -11 10 -20 13 -20 7z"/> <path d="M55 2320 c-10 -11 -13 -20 -7 -20 6 0 14 5 17 10 5 8 11 7 21 -1 22 -18 27 -5 6 14 -18 16 -20 16 -37 -3z"/> <path d="M210 2330 c0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 20 -5 25 -25 25 -14 0 -25 -4 -25 -10z"/> <path d="M560 2325 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 11 -10 25 -10 20 0 25 5 25 25 0 14 -4 25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M705 2320 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -3 21 19 16 32 -6 14 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -3 5 -11 10 -17 10 -6 0 -3 -9 7 -20z"/> <path d="M860 2315 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 14 0 25 5 25 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1180 2315 c0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -11 10 -25 10 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1345 2290 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -3 21 19 16 32 -6 14 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -3 5 -11 10 -17 10 -6 0 -3 -9 7 -20z"/> <path d="M390 2153 c0 -36 0 -36 20 -18 19 17 19 19 4 37 -23 24 -24 24 -24 -19z"/> <path d="M1036 2172 c-15 -18 -15 -20 4 -37 20 -18 20 -18 20 18 0 43 -1 43 -24 19z"/> <path d="M1340 2175 c-11 -13 -8 -15 15 -15 23 0 26 2 15 15 -7 8 -14 15 -15 15 -1 0 -8 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M55 2160 c-18 -20 -17 -20 20 -20 37 0 38 0 20 20 -10 11 -19 20 -20 20 -1 0 -10 -9 -20 -20z"/> <path d="M240 2155 c13 -14 25 -25 27 -25 2 0 3 11 3 25 0 20 -5 25 -27 25 l-26 0 23 -25z"/> <path d="M550 2155 l-23 -25 26 0 c22 0 27 5 27 25 0 14 -1 25 -3 25 -2 0 -14 -11 -27 -25z"/> <path d="M705 2160 c17 -19 19 -19 37 -4 24 23 24 24 -19 24 -36 0 -36 0 -18 -20z"/> <path d="M860 2155 c0 -20 5 -25 27 -25 l26 0 -23 25 c-13 14 -25 25 -27 25 -2 0 -3 -11 -3 -25z"/> <path d="M1180 2153 l0 -26 25 23 c14 13 25 25 25 27 0 2 -11 3 -25 3 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -27z"/> <path d="M1501 2166 c-9 -10 -8 -16 4 -26 13 -11 15 -8 15 14 0 30 -3 32 -19 12z"/> <path d="M1530 2154 c0 -22 2 -25 15 -14 12 10 13 16 4 26 -16 20 -19 18 -19 -12z"/> <path d="M1330 2146 c0 -2 6 -9 14 -15 10 -9 16 -8 26 4 11 13 8 15 -14 15 -14 0 -26 -2 -26 -4z"/> <path d="M1349 2023 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -12 -4 -18 -10 -15 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 14 4 19 13 14 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1993 2033 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M2321 2022 c-1 -16 -5 -21 -13 -16 -9 5 -9 2 1 -9 7 -9 15 -17 16 -17 1 0 9 8 16 17 8 9 9 14 2 10 -7 -5 -13 1 -16 15 l-4 23 -2 -23z"/> <path d="M59 2013 c-8 -10 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -2 16 -20 l4 -28 2 28 c1 20 5 26 14 21 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M721 2007 c-1 -20 -5 -26 -13 -21 -9 5 -8 2 1 -9 10 -13 17 -15 27 -6 16 13 19 23 5 14 -5 -3 -12 7 -14 22 l-4 28 -2 -28z"/> <path d="M1524 2021 c7 -11 -18 -33 -27 -24 -4 3 -7 -1 -7 -10 0 -9 7 -17 16 -17 8 0 13 4 10 9 -7 11 18 33 27 24 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -16 17 -8 0 -13 -4 -10 -9z"/> <path d="M1810 2013 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 9 9 34 -13 27 -24 -3 -5 2 -9 10 -9 9 0 16 7 16 16 0 8 -4 13 -9 10 -11 -7 -33 18 -24 27 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M229 2011 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M405 2011 c3 -5 -7 -12 -22 -14 l-28 -4 28 -2 c20 -1 26 -5 21 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M530 2016 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M889 2003 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1021 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 2 13 20 16 l28 4 -28 2 c-16 0 -25 5 -22 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1180 1998 c0 -17 3 -19 9 -9 5 7 15 17 22 22 10 6 8 9 -8 9 -17 0 -23 -6 -23 -22z"/> <path d="M1651 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 14 0 19 -4 14 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -3 -10 -15 -10 -12 0 -18 5 -15 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1989 2003 c-8 -9 -9 -14 -2 -10 7 5 13 -1 16 -15 l4 -23 2 23 c1 16 5 21 14 16 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M2155 2011 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1995 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2481 2006 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M558 1989 c-17 -18 -17 -19 2 -19 13 0 20 7 20 20 0 24 0 24 -22 -1z"/> <path d="M860 1993 c0 -17 6 -23 23 -23 16 0 18 3 8 9 -7 5 -17 15 -22 22 -6 10 -9 8 -9 -8z"/> <path d="M219 1983 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M1200 1996 c0 -2 8 -10 18 -17 15 -13 16 -12 3 4 -13 16 -21 21 -21 13z"/> <path d="M2313 1963 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M50 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -11 11 -25 0 -14 5 -25 10 -25 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 14 5 25 11 25 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M710 1855 c0 -14 -5 -25 -12 -25 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 11 -12 25 0 14 -4 25 -10 25 -5 0 -10 -11 -10 -25z"/> <path d="M1340 1865 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M1524 1871 c7 -11 -28 -43 -37 -34 -4 3 -7 -3 -7 -15 0 -16 6 -22 21 -22 11 0 18 4 15 9 -7 11 28 43 37 34 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M1800 1859 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 11 7 43 -28 34 -37 -3 -4 3 -7 15 -7 16 0 22 6 22 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -9 -9 -44 23 -37 34 3 5 -4 9 -15 9 -15 0 -21 -6 -21 -21z"/> <path d="M1983 1873 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M2310 1865 c0 -8 -5 -15 -12 -15 -8 0 -6 -6 5 -17 16 -16 18 -16 34 0 11 11 13 17 5 17 -7 0 -12 7 -12 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M244 1861 c3 -4 -3 -16 -14 -26 -11 -10 -17 -22 -14 -27 3 -5 16 0 28 11 12 12 26 18 29 14 4 -3 7 3 7 15 0 16 -6 22 -21 22 -11 0 -18 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M516 1862 c-3 -5 3 -17 14 -27 11 -10 17 -22 14 -26 -3 -5 4 -9 15 -9 15 0 21 6 21 22 0 12 -3 18 -7 15 -3 -4 -17 2 -29 14 -12 11 -25 16 -28 11z"/> <path d="M885 1850 c-10 -11 -22 -17 -26 -14 -5 3 -9 -4 -9 -15 0 -15 6 -21 22 -21 12 0 18 3 15 7 -4 3 2 17 14 29 11 12 16 25 11 28 -5 3 -17 -3 -27 -14z"/> <path d="M1170 1849 c0 -11 4 -18 9 -15 4 3 16 -3 26 -14 10 -11 22 -17 27 -14 5 3 0 16 -11 28 -12 12 -18 26 -14 29 3 4 -3 7 -15 7 -16 0 -22 -6 -22 -21z"/> <path d="M1650 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5 0 -15 -27 -16 -32 -1 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M2150 1862 c0 -7 -7 -12 -15 -12 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -5 15 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M2192 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2452 1840 c0 -19 2 -27 5 -17 2 9 2 25 0 35 -3 9 -5 1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M2480 1856 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 7 12 15 12 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -6 10 -14 10 -8 0 -16 5 -18 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M410 1852 c0 -7 -11 -12 -25 -12 -14 0 -25 -4 -25 -10 0 -5 11 -10 25 -10 14 0 25 -5 25 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M1010 1846 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 11 12 25 12 14 0 25 5 25 10 0 6 -11 10 -24 10 -13 0 -26 5 -28 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M1980 1845 c-9 -10 -9 -15 -1 -15 6 0 11 -7 11 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 5 15 11 15 8 0 8 5 -1 15 -7 8 -16 15 -20 15 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -15z"/> <path d="M2303 1803 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M1683 1723 c4 -3 -3 -11 -16 -17 -26 -14 -29 -44 -5 -60 14 -8 22 -7 35 8 17 18 17 18 -4 5 -17 -10 -25 -11 -34 -2 -15 15 -4 43 16 43 10 0 13 -5 9 -12 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -6 8 -14 14 -17 14 -3 0 -2 -3 1 -7z"/> <path d="M50 1705 c-10 -12 -10 -18 0 -30 10 -12 15 -13 21 -4 11 19 42 2 34 -19 -5 -13 -3 -14 6 -5 15 15 5 41 -18 50 -10 4 -21 10 -24 15 -3 5 -12 2 -19 -7z"/> <path d="M231 1706 c-9 -11 -9 -15 0 -18 8 -3 10 -11 6 -22 -5 -12 -13 -16 -25 -11 -13 5 -14 3 -5 -6 15 -16 44 -4 50 21 3 11 10 20 15 20 6 0 5 7 -2 15 -15 19 -24 19 -39 1z"/> <path d="M364 1705 c-7 -18 12 -45 32 -45 8 0 14 -5 14 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 4 14 14 14 20 3 33 -10 12 -15 13 -21 4 -10 -17 -42 -2 -35 16 3 8 3 15 0 15 -2 0 -7 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M552 1708 c-7 -7 -12 -18 -12 -25 0 -7 -5 -13 -12 -13 -8 0 -6 -6 4 -17 14 -14 20 -14 33 -3 12 10 13 15 4 21 -17 10 -2 42 17 35 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -8 14 -28 13 -43 -2z"/> <path d="M1339 1703 c-13 -15 -12 -15 8 -2 17 10 25 11 34 2 15 -15 4 -43 -16 -43 -9 0 -13 5 -10 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4 -9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -3 -4 7 2 14 13 17 26 7 36 33 20 52 -16 20 -34 19 -51 -2z"/> <path d="M1812 1708 c-17 -17 -15 -33 5 -49 15 -13 15 -12 2 8 -10 17 -11 25 -2 34 15 15 43 4 43 -16 0 -9 -4 -13 -10 -10 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 16 -7 27 6 7 10 9 15 5 11 -5 -5 -14 2 -20 14 -13 27 -36 34 -54 16z"/> <path d="M691 1696 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -5 8 0 12 14 12 17 0 21 -4 15 -17 -5 -14 -3 -15 6 -6 15 15 3 33 -22 33 -11 0 -17 5 -14 10 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M879 1693 c-10 -11 -10 -14 -1 -9 8 5 12 0 12 -14 0 -17 -4 -21 -17 -15 -14 5 -15 3 -6 -6 15 -15 33 -3 33 22 0 14 4 18 13 13 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -7 9 -15 17 -16 17 -1 0 -9 -8 -16 -17z"/> <path d="M1197 1703 c-4 -3 -7 -15 -7 -25 0 -11 -4 -16 -10 -13 -15 9 -12 -1 4 -14 10 -9 17 -7 27 6 9 11 10 14 2 9 -9 -5 -13 0 -13 14 0 16 4 20 16 16 8 -3 12 -2 9 4 -7 12 -19 13 -28 3z"/> <path d="M1479 1693 c-7 -10 -9 -15 -5 -11 5 5 14 -2 20 -15 14 -26 44 -29 60 -5 8 14 7 22 -8 35 -18 17 -18 17 -5 -4 10 -17 11 -25 2 -34 -15 -15 -43 -4 -43 16 0 10 5 13 13 9 8 -5 8 -2 -2 9 -17 21 -16 21 -32 0z"/> <path d="M1015 1690 c-9 -15 4 -30 26 -30 14 0 18 -4 13 -12 -5 -9 -2 -9 9 1 9 7 17 15 17 16 0 1 -8 9 -17 16 -11 10 -14 10 -9 2 5 -9 0 -13 -14 -13 -16 0 -20 5 -16 15 6 17 0 20 -9 5z"/> <path d="M721 1556 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 11 -9 14 -10 9 -1 -4 8 -1 12 10 12 12 0 15 -6 12 -25 -3 -13 -1 -22 3 -19 17 10 9 46 -11 51 -11 3 -17 9 -14 14 8 14 -2 11 -15 -5z"/> <path d="M67 1554 c-3 -3 -3 -13 0 -21 4 -9 1 -13 -8 -11 -8 2 -15 -1 -16 -7 -1 -5 5 -9 13 -7 9 2 14 -3 12 -12 -2 -8 2 -15 7 -15 6 0 9 7 7 15 -2 9 3 14 10 12 8 -2 14 2 14 7 0 6 -7 9 -15 7 -9 -2 -12 2 -8 12 6 16 -6 30 -16 20z"/> <path d="M200 1543 c0 -9 3 -13 7 -10 3 4 13 1 22 -6 14 -10 14 -10 4 4 -7 9 -10 19 -6 22 3 4 -1 7 -10 7 -9 0 -17 -7 -17 -17z"/> <path d="M263 1553 c4 -3 1 -13 -6 -22 -10 -14 -10 -14 4 -4 9 7 19 10 22 6 4 -3 7 1 7 10 0 10 -7 17 -17 17 -9 0 -13 -3 -10 -7z"/> <path d="M409 1551 c7 -5 17 -15 22 -22 6 -10 9 -8 9 9 0 16 -6 22 -22 22 -17 0 -19 -3 -9 -9z"/> <path d="M550 1530 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 27 0 30 3 30 30 0 27 -3 30 -30 30 -27 0 -30 -3 -30 -30z m50 -5 c0 -8 -9 -15 -20 -15 -11 0 -20 7 -20 15 0 8 9 15 20 15 11 0 20 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1230 1552 c0 -7 -9 -12 -20 -12 -11 0 -20 -4 -20 -10 0 -5 9 -10 20 -10 11 0 20 -5 20 -12 0 -8 6 -6 17 5 16 16 16 18 0 34 -11 11 -17 13 -17 5z"/> <path d="M893 1535 c-14 -10 -24 -12 -28 -5 -3 5 -12 10 -18 10 -7 0 -3 -6 7 -12 19 -11 19 -11 1 -24 -10 -8 -14 -14 -8 -14 7 0 15 4 18 10 4 6 15 4 30 -6 15 -10 25 -12 30 -5 3 6 3 12 -2 12 -4 1 -12 2 -18 3 -5 0 -10 6 -10 11 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 12 4 13 9 7 15 -4 15 -25 1z"/> <path d="M1065 1541 c3 -5 -5 -12 -17 -14 l-23 -4 23 -2 c16 -1 21 -5 16 -13 -5 -9 -2 -8 9 1 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 5z"/> <path d="M360 1510 c0 -27 3 -30 30 -30 17 0 30 4 30 9 0 4 -11 6 -25 3 -20 -3 -25 0 -25 16 0 11 6 23 13 25 7 3 5 6 -5 6 -13 1 -18 -7 -18 -29z"/> <path d="M399 1523 c-13 -16 -12 -17 4 -4 9 7 17 15 17 17 0 8 -8 3 -21 -13z"/> <path d="M520 1510 c0 -26 3 -30 28 -29 25 2 25 2 3 6 -18 4 -22 10 -18 29 2 13 0 24 -4 24 -5 0 -9 -13 -9 -30z"/> <path d="M687 1533 c-14 -14 -6 -45 13 -50 11 -3 17 -10 13 -17 -4 -6 1 -5 10 3 13 10 15 17 6 27 -13 16 -23 19 -14 4 3 -5 -1 -10 -11 -10 -12 0 -15 6 -12 25 6 27 5 29 -5 18z"/> <path d="M1001 1516 c-9 -10 -7 -17 6 -27 9 -8 14 -9 10 -2 -5 7 1 13 15 16 l23 4 -23 2 c-13 0 -20 6 -17 11 9 15 -1 12 -14 -4z"/> <path d="M1160 1516 c-11 -15 -11 -19 3 -34 11 -10 17 -12 17 -4 0 7 9 12 20 12 11 0 20 5 20 10 0 6 -9 10 -19 10 -11 0 -21 5 -23 11 -2 7 -9 5 -18 -5z"/> <path d="M225 1500 c-4 -6 -11 -8 -16 -5 -5 4 -9 -1 -9 -9 0 -9 8 -16 17 -16 9 0 13 3 10 7 -4 3 -2 12 4 20 6 7 9 13 6 13 -3 0 -9 -5 -12 -10z"/> <path d="M257 1499 c7 -9 10 -19 6 -22 -3 -4 1 -7 10 -7 10 0 17 8 17 17 0 9 -3 13 -7 10 -3 -4 -13 -1 -22 6 -14 10 -14 10 -4 -4z"/> <path d="M1006 1391 c-10 -11 -16 -31 -14 -48 3 -26 6 -28 48 -28 42 0 45 2 48 28 4 32 -21 67 -48 67 -9 0 -25 -9 -34 -19z m54 -26 c20 18 20 17 20 -13 0 -31 -2 -32 -40 -32 -38 0 -40 1 -40 32 0 30 0 31 20 13 19 -17 21 -17 40 0z"/> <path d="M24 1387 c-3 -8 -4 -30 -1 -49 3 -29 4 -28 5 10 l2 43 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -7z"/> <path d="M360 1355 l0 -45 40 0 c39 0 40 1 40 33 0 40 -15 57 -52 57 -27 0 -28 -2 -28 -45z m40 20 c0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -9 15 -20 0 -16 -7 -20 -30 -20 -28 0 -30 3 -30 35 0 24 5 35 15 35 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m25 5 c3 -5 1 -10 -4 -10 -6 0 -11 5 -11 10 0 6 2 10 4 10 3 0 8 -4 11 -10z"/> <path d="M688 1393 c6 -2 12 -20 12 -38 0 -18 -6 -35 -12 -38 -7 -2 6 -6 30 -8 l42 -5 0 48 0 48 -42 -1 c-24 0 -37 -3 -30 -6z"/> <path d="M1167 1380 c-18 -22 -23 -70 -7 -70 6 0 10 11 10 24 0 34 10 56 25 56 15 0 25 -22 25 -56 0 -13 5 -24 10 -24 6 0 10 11 10 25 0 26 -27 65 -45 65 -6 0 -18 -9 -28 -20z"/> <path d="M1500 1384 c-11 -12 -10 -18 3 -32 16 -15 18 -15 34 0 13 14 14 20 3 32 -7 9 -16 16 -20 16 -4 0 -13 -7 -20 -16z m36 -5 c10 -17 -13 -36 -27 -22 -12 12 -4 33 11 33 5 0 12 -5 16 -11z"/> <path d="M1655 1388 c-3 -8 -7 -28 -8 -44 -2 -27 1 -29 36 -32 43 -4 51 8 39 53 -6 23 -15 31 -35 33 -16 2 -29 -2 -32 -10z m55 -18 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1678 1373 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1815 1390 c-15 -6 -7 -9 30 -9 37 0 45 3 30 9 -11 5 -24 9 -30 9 -5 0 -19 -4 -30 -9z"/> <path d="M1980 1379 c-6 -11 -10 -30 -8 -42 2 -17 10 -22 33 -22 23 0 31 5 33 22 4 28 -14 63 -33 63 -8 0 -19 -9 -25 -21z"/> <path d="M2117 1393 c-12 -12 -7 -25 7 -20 11 4 16 -3 18 -26 3 -28 7 -32 33 -32 25 0 30 4 33 28 3 23 0 27 -21 27 -14 0 -27 7 -31 15 -6 15 -28 20 -39 8z"/> <path d="M2280 1353 c0 -24 4 -43 9 -43 6 0 12 19 14 43 l4 42 1 -42 c2 -39 5 -43 27 -43 23 0 25 4 25 45 l0 45 -40 -3 -40 -2 0 -42z m70 5 c0 -23 -3 -29 -9 -19 -7 11 -9 11 -14 0 -3 -8 -6 1 -6 19 -1 22 4 32 14 32 10 0 15 -10 15 -32z"/> <path d="M2457 1372 l-27 -28 23 -22 23 -22 27 28 c15 15 27 38 27 50 0 32 -40 29 -73 -6z m32 -28 c-6 -7 -15 -11 -21 -8 -5 3 -4 12 3 20 6 7 15 11 21 8 5 -3 4 -12 -3 -20z"/> <path d="M184 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 2 -19 10 -24 41 -26 26 -2 45 2 58 14 28 26 23 34 -20 34 -30 0 -44 -6 -55 -22 -16 -22 -16 -22 -16 10 l0 33 53 -7 c28 -4 50 -4 47 -2 -3 3 -26 9 -53 12 -37 6 -48 4 -53 -8z"/> <path d="M530 1355 c0 -30 3 -35 23 -35 29 0 47 18 47 47 0 20 -5 23 -35 23 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 14 c0 -14 -25 -39 -39 -39 -6 0 -11 11 -11 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 14 0 25 -5 25 -11z"/> <path d="M834 1376 c-3 -8 -4 -25 -2 -38 3 -20 9 -23 48 -23 45 0 45 0 45 35 0 34 -1 35 -43 38 -30 2 -44 -1 -48 -12z m84 -28 c3 -27 1 -28 -37 -28 -36 0 -41 3 -41 23 0 32 9 38 45 35 24 -2 31 -8 33 -30z"/> <path d="M863 1355 c17 -19 17 -19 35 0 16 18 16 18 0 6 -15 -11 -21 -11 -35 0 -17 12 -17 12 0 -6z"/> <path d="M1327 1384 c-14 -14 -7 -50 13 -67 19 -16 22 -16 46 -1 18 12 24 24 22 43 -3 22 -9 26 -38 29 -20 2 -39 0 -43 -4z m73 -27 c0 -12 -9 -28 -20 -35 -12 -7 -20 -8 -20 -2 0 5 -7 10 -15 10 -9 0 -15 9 -15 25 0 22 4 25 35 25 30 0 35 -3 35 -23z"/> <path d="M1353 1363 c9 -2 23 -2 30 0 6 3 -1 5 -18 5 -16 0 -22 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M1348 1343 c6 -2 18 -2 25 0 6 3 1 5 -13 5 -14 0 -19 -2 -12 -5z"/> <path d="M58 1363 c-11 -3 -18 -14 -18 -29 0 -23 3 -25 43 -22 38 3 42 6 45 31 3 24 0 27 -25 26 -15 -1 -36 -3 -45 -6z"/> <path d="M1180 1340 c0 -20 5 -30 15 -30 10 0 15 10 15 30 0 20 -5 30 -15 30 -10 0 -15 -10 -15 -30z"/> <path d="M1812 1338 c3 -29 6 -33 33 -33 27 0 30 4 33 33 3 31 2 32 -33 32 -35 0 -36 -1 -33 -32z m15 -10 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z m20 0 c-3 -7 -5 -2 -5 12 0 14 2 19 5 13 2 -7 2 -19 0 -25z"/> <path d="M1478 1323 c-8 -10 1 -13 43 -13 40 0 50 3 41 12 -15 15 -71 16 -84 1z"/> <path d="M2306 1235 c-3 -8 -12 -15 -21 -15 -17 0 -20 -16 -4 -26 6 -3 9 -15 6 -25 -3 -11 -1 -19 4 -19 5 0 9 5 9 10 0 6 9 10 20 10 11 0 20 -4 20 -10 0 -5 4 -10 9 -10 5 0 7 8 4 19 -3 10 0 22 6 25 16 10 13 26 -4 26 -9 0 -18 7 -21 15 -4 8 -10 15 -14 15 -4 0 -10 -7 -14 -15z"/> <path d="M49 1213 c-13 -14 -18 -23 -10 -18 11 6 13 2 9 -19 -5 -24 -3 -26 32 -26 35 0 37 2 32 26 -4 21 -2 25 9 19 8 -5 3 4 -10 18 -14 15 -27 27 -31 27 -4 0 -17 -12 -31 -27z m52 0 c13 -16 12 -17 -3 -4 -15 11 -21 11 -35 0 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 7 9 17 17 21 17 4 0 14 -8 21 -17z m-11 -38 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M365 1232 c-3 -3 -5 -23 -5 -44 0 -38 0 -38 41 -38 l40 0 -3 42 c-3 40 -5 43 -35 44 -18 1 -35 -1 -38 -4z m65 -47 c0 -21 -5 -25 -30 -25 -25 0 -30 4 -30 25 0 21 5 25 30 25 25 0 30 -4 30 -25z"/> <path d="M390 1185 c0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M746 1231 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M852 1228 c-28 -28 -7 -78 33 -78 12 0 26 5 33 12 7 7 12 21 12 33 0 12 -5 26 -12 33 -7 7 -21 12 -33 12 -12 0 -26 -5 -33 -12z m52 -48 c10 -13 9 -13 -6 -1 -10 7 -17 23 -17 35 1 20 2 20 6 1 3 -11 10 -27 17 -35z"/> <path d="M1004 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m59 -3 c-7 -2 -21 -2 -30 0 -10 3 -4 5 12 5 17 0 24 -2 18 -5z m-36 -55 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z m43 7 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1164 1226 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z"/> <path d="M1347 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1366 1211 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1507 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1528 1203 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1667 1234 c-4 -4 -7 -14 -7 -22 0 -9 -7 -24 -17 -34 -18 -20 -11 -37 9 -20 7 5 27 12 43 14 26 3 30 7 30 33 0 25 -5 31 -25 33 -14 2 -29 0 -33 -4z m51 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1840 1228 c0 -7 -12 -24 -27 -40 -33 -34 -23 -50 12 -18 13 12 31 20 39 17 15 -6 34 29 22 40 -3 4 -6 1 -6 -5 0 -7 -5 -12 -11 -12 -6 0 -9 7 -5 15 3 9 0 15 -9 15 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12z"/> <path d="M2480 1216 c-7 -14 -21 -28 -31 -31 -21 -7 -19 -37 3 -41 9 -1 21 9 28 22 7 13 21 26 31 29 20 7 19 39 -3 43 -8 1 -20 -9 -28 -22z m30 -6 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m-40 -40 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M193 1190 c0 -25 2 -35 4 -22 2 12 2 32 0 45 -2 12 -4 2 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M210 1205 c0 -16 7 -25 25 -29 33 -8 45 -1 45 27 0 18 -6 22 -35 24 -30 1 -35 -1 -35 -22z"/> <path d="M506 1222 c7 -4 13 -16 15 -27 3 -16 13 -20 49 -21 l45 -1 -42 4 c-38 4 -43 7 -43 29 0 16 -6 24 -17 24 -12 0 -14 -3 -7 -8z"/> <path d="M1976 1221 c-1 -3 -2 -19 -2 -36 1 -27 4 -30 36 -30 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 32 -2 35 -33 36 -18 1 -34 -2 -36 -5z m44 -31 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M2123 1214 c-3 -8 4 -25 18 -40 l23 -24 23 22 c13 12 23 27 23 34 0 19 -19 27 -35 14 -9 -7 -15 -8 -20 0 -9 15 -25 12 -32 -6z"/> <path d="M558 1213 c12 -2 30 -2 40 0 9 3 -1 5 -23 4 -22 0 -30 -2 -17 -4z"/> <path d="M700 1185 c-32 -34 -16 -46 16 -13 14 14 22 28 16 31 -5 4 -20 -5 -32 -18z m30 11 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M588 1193 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M1203 1083 c-7 -2 -13 -10 -13 -17 0 -7 -9 -21 -20 -31 -21 -19 -27 -45 -11 -45 6 0 13 5 16 10 4 6 22 17 41 25 35 14 43 32 22 53 -13 13 -16 13 -35 5z m-13 -47 c0 -2 -8 -10 -17 -17 -16 -13 -17 -12 -4 4 13 16 21 21 21 13z"/> <path d="M1332 1078 c-16 -16 -15 -28 4 -66 20 -41 29 -40 50 4 13 26 15 41 7 53 -13 20 -45 25 -61 9z m53 -23 c0 -22 -31 -33 -47 -17 -17 17 -1 44 24 40 15 -2 23 -10 23 -23z"/> <path d="M1658 1076 c-12 -9 -18 -27 -18 -55 l0 -41 40 0 40 0 0 41 c0 37 -18 68 -40 68 -3 0 -13 -6 -22 -13z m50 -53 c-2 -22 -8 -28 -28 -28 -20 0 -26 6 -28 28 -3 24 0 27 28 27 28 0 31 -3 28 -27z"/> <path d="M50 1065 c-26 -32 13 -81 48 -59 34 22 22 74 -18 74 -10 0 -23 -7 -30 -15z m25 -15 c-10 -11 -20 -18 -23 -15 -7 6 18 35 31 35 5 0 2 -9 -8 -20z m25 -25 c-7 -8 -17 -15 -23 -15 -5 0 -2 9 8 20 21 23 35 19 15 -5z"/> <path d="M390 1065 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 7 -15 15 -15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 7 15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -7 15 -15 15 -8 0 -15 -7 -15 -15z"/> <path d="M1004 1068 c-4 -6 0 -16 9 -23 14 -10 14 -12 -1 -22 -14 -9 -15 -13 -3 -24 11 -12 15 -11 24 3 10 15 12 15 23 0 11 -14 15 -15 26 -4 11 11 10 15 -4 26 -15 11 -15 13 0 23 14 9 15 13 4 24 -11 12 -15 11 -26 -4 -12 -15 -14 -16 -20 -2 -6 18 -22 20 -32 3z"/> <path d="M1487 1073 c-13 -12 -7 -33 10 -33 15 0 15 -1 -2 -14 -11 -8 -16 -19 -12 -30 9 -22 28 -20 34 4 5 20 7 20 24 4 11 -10 22 -14 27 -10 4 4 -2 14 -13 22 -20 15 -20 15 4 35 13 10 17 19 10 19 -7 0 -21 -7 -31 -17 -17 -15 -18 -15 -18 5 0 21 -19 30 -33 15z m23 -13 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z m0 -50 c0 -5 -5 -10 -11 -10 -5 0 -7 5 -4 10 3 6 8 10 11 10 2 0 4 -4 4 -10z"/> <path d="M1807 1073 c-26 -26 16 -97 54 -91 35 5 40 55 7 80 -24 18 -50 23 -61 11z m31 -15 c-9 -7 -18 -20 -21 -28 -3 -8 -6 -3 -6 13 -1 21 3 27 21 27 19 0 20 -2 6 -12z m42 -48 c0 -15 -7 -20 -25 -20 -18 0 -25 5 -25 20 0 15 7 20 25 20 18 0 25 -5 25 -20z"/> <path d="M1957 1074 c-4 -4 -7 -20 -7 -35 0 -31 21 -46 58 -43 32 2 44 17 40 50 -3 26 -7 29 -43 32 -23 2 -44 0 -48 -4z m83 -32 c0 -27 -3 -29 -40 -29 -37 0 -40 2 -40 29 0 26 3 28 40 28 37 0 40 -2 40 -28z"/> <path d="M1976 1053 c-11 -11 -6 -23 9 -23 8 0 15 4 15 9 0 13 -16 22 -24 14z"/> <path d="M2114 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -27 6 -28 53 -28 l50 0 0 40 0 40 -48 3 c-34 2 -49 -1 -53 -12z m96 -31 c0 -35 0 -35 -45 -35 -45 0 -45 0 -45 35 0 35 0 35 45 35 45 0 45 0 45 -35z"/> <path d="M2141 1042 c-16 -30 -15 -32 25 -32 24 0 34 4 32 13 -3 6 -10 12 -17 12 -6 0 -16 6 -20 14 -7 11 -11 10 -20 -7z"/> <path d="M2284 1066 c-3 -8 -4 -27 -2 -43 3 -26 7 -28 43 -28 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -38 43 -26 2 -39 -1 -43 -12z m56 -11 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z m0 -40 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M2448 1073 c-3 -4 -4 -24 -4 -43 1 -34 2 -35 41 -35 40 0 40 0 40 40 0 39 -1 40 -37 43 -20 2 -38 -1 -40 -5z m22 -15 c0 6 11 12 25 12 28 0 30 -5 13 -43 -8 -17 -21 -27 -35 -27 -18 0 -21 6 -20 35 1 21 4 30 9 22 6 -9 8 -9 8 1z"/> <path d="M230 1055 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -10 0 -5 7 -10 15 -10 8 0 15 -7 15 -15 0 -8 5 -15 10 -15 6 0 10 7 10 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 5 15 10 0 6 -7 10 -15 10 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 -4 15 -10 15 -5 0 -10 -7 -10 -15z"/> <path d="M850 1061 c0 -6 5 -13 10 -16 8 -5 7 -11 -1 -21 -15 -18 -3 -32 13 -16 9 9 15 9 25 0 7 -6 16 -8 20 -5 3 4 1 13 -5 20 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 16 16 2 28 -16 13 -10 -8 -16 -9 -21 -1 -8 13 -25 13 -25 1z"/> <path d="M670 1035 c0 -11 12 -15 50 -15 38 0 50 4 50 15 0 11 -12 15 -50 15 -38 0 -50 -4 -50 -15z"/> <path d="M520 1030 c0 -5 18 -10 40 -10 22 0 40 5 40 10 0 6 -18 10 -40 10 -22 0 -40 -4 -40 -10z"/> <path d="M197 922 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -12 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z m0 -40 c0 -11 -4 -20 -10 -20 -5 0 -10 9 -10 20 0 11 5 20 10 20 6 0 10 -9 10 -20z"/> <path d="M42 885 c-12 -25 -22 -48 -22 -50 0 -3 27 -5 60 -5 33 0 60 2 60 5 0 20 -47 95 -60 95 -9 0 -26 -20 -38 -45z m48 10 c0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z m0 -35 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> <path d="M390 911 c0 -5 3 -17 6 -26 5 -13 8 -14 15 -3 13 20 11 38 -6 38 -8 0 -15 -4 -15 -9z"/> <path d="M540 910 c0 -5 7 -10 16 -10 14 0 14 -3 4 -15 -18 -22 -3 -32 17 -13 8 9 13 24 10 32 -7 17 -47 22 -47 6z"/> <path d="M731 887 c-21 -25 -26 -27 -35 -15 -9 12 -14 12 -22 4 -8 -9 -5 -16 11 -28 20 -15 23 -14 56 16 24 22 32 36 24 42 -7 7 -18 0 -34 -19z"/> <path d="M1494 885 c0 -22 4 -35 12 -35 7 0 15 -8 17 -17 4 -17 5 -17 6 0 0 9 7 17 14 17 9 0 13 12 13 35 -1 32 -4 35 -31 35 -27 0 -30 -3 -31 -35z m43 -11 c-3 -3 -12 -4 -19 -1 -8 3 -5 6 6 6 11 1 17 -2 13 -5z"/> <path d="M850 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z"/> <path d="M1020 896 c-27 -33 18 -72 48 -42 13 13 14 20 6 34 -15 23 -38 26 -54 8z m40 -21 c0 -8 -7 -15 -15 -15 -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 0 8 7 15 15 15 8 0 15 -7 15 -15z"/> <path d="M1183 904 c-19 -8 -16 -54 3 -61 24 -9 49 10 49 38 0 24 -24 34 -52 23z m45 -27 c4 -20 -25 -34 -40 -19 -15 15 -1 44 19 40 10 -2 19 -11 21 -21z"/> <path d="M1340 894 c0 -7 -8 -15 -17 -17 -17 -4 -17 -5 0 -6 9 0 17 -7 17 -14 0 -9 12 -13 35 -13 32 1 35 4 35 31 0 27 -3 30 -35 31 -22 0 -35 -4 -35 -12z m27 -26 c-3 -8 -6 -5 -6 6 -1 11 2 17 5 13 3 -3 4 -12 1 -19z"/> <path d="M396 851 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M550 840 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M1360 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M1510 745 c-7 -8 -19 -15 -26 -15 -8 0 -14 -7 -14 -15 0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 6 0 20 -7 30 -17 17 -15 18 -14 18 30 0 51 -2 54 -20 32z"/> <path d="M50 715 c0 -40 3 -41 48 -17 l33 18 -36 17 c-20 9 -38 17 -40 17 -3 0 -5 -16 -5 -35z"/> <path d="M220 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M260 715 c0 -19 5 -35 10 -35 6 0 10 16 10 35 0 19 -4 35 -10 35 -5 0 -10 -16 -10 -35z"/> <path d="M1182 730 c-17 -28 -16 -30 18 -30 33 0 36 6 16 33 -17 21 -18 21 -34 -3z"/> <path d="M350 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M417 729 c10 -10 10 -16 0 -27 -10 -13 -9 -14 13 -2 14 7 26 14 28 15 1 1 -10 7 -25 14 -23 10 -26 10 -16 0z"/> <path d="M522 727 l-23 -13 27 -13 c23 -10 26 -10 16 2 -9 10 -9 16 0 25 15 15 9 15 -20 -1z"/> <path d="M572 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M680 715 c0 -28 5 -30 38 -12 l23 13 -26 12 c-35 16 -35 16 -35 -13z"/> <path d="M753 715 c0 -14 3 -25 8 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -8 -11 -8 -25z"/> <path d="M840 715 c0 -14 4 -25 9 -25 5 0 9 11 9 25 0 14 -4 25 -9 25 -5 0 -9 -11 -9 -25z"/> <path d="M892 727 l-23 -13 26 -12 c35 -16 35 -16 35 13 0 28 -5 30 -38 12z"/> <path d="M1020 715 c0 -20 5 -25 25 -25 20 0 25 5 25 25 0 20 -5 25 -25 25 -20 0 -25 -5 -25 -25z"/> <path d="M1555 715 c0 -13 3 -21 8 -18 4 2 7 10 7 18 0 8 -3 16 -7 18 -5 3 -8 -5 -8 -18z"/> <path d="M1183 683 c9 -2 25 -2 35 0 9 3 1 5 -18 5 -19 0 -27 -2 -17 -5z"/> <path d="M70 583 c0 -29 12 -24 17 7 2 11 -2 20 -7 20 -6 0 -10 -12 -10 -27z"/> <path d="M42 588 c-15 -15 -16 -50 0 -66 15 -15 51 -15 66 0 15 15 16 55 1 64 -6 3 -10 -1 -9 -12 4 -32 1 -42 -15 -48 -22 -8 -49 23 -34 40 15 18 8 39 -9 22z"/> <path d="M232 584 c15 -8 34 -27 42 -42 13 -24 15 -24 16 -6 0 25 -40 64 -66 64 -15 -1 -14 -4 8 -16z"/> <path d="M433 555 c0 -22 2 -30 4 -17 2 12 2 30 0 40 -3 9 -5 -1 -4 -23z"/> <path d="M510 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M670 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M830 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M990 560 c0 -29 2 -30 44 -30 45 0 61 15 50 45 -4 10 -20 15 -50 15 -42 0 -44 -1 -44 -30z m85 0 c0 -10 -12 -16 -37 -18 -33 -3 -38 0 -38 18 0 18 5 21 38 18 25 -2 37 -8 37 -18z"/> <path d="M233 548 c12 -13 24 -19 25 -15 5 11 -18 37 -34 37 -9 0 -5 -8 9 -22z"/> <path d="M412 545 c0 -16 2 -22 5 -12 2 9 2 23 0 30 -3 6 -5 -1 -5 -18z"/> <path d="M391 534 c0 -11 3 -14 6 -6 3 7 2 16 -1 19 -3 4 -6 -2 -5 -13z"/> <path d="M210 530 c0 -5 5 -10 10 -10 6 0 10 5 10 10 0 6 -4 10 -10 10 -5 0 -10 -4 -10 -10z"/> <path d="M37 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m59 -27 c14 -13 14 -17 0 -31 -15 -14 -17 -14 -32 0 -12 13 -13 18 -2 30 16 19 16 19 34 1z"/> <path d="M197 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m73 -42 c0 -5 -13 -10 -30 -10 -16 0 -30 5 -30 10 0 6 14 10 30 10 17 0 30 -4 30 -10z"/> <path d="M357 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m70 -42 c0 -22 -5 -27 -27 -27 -22 0 -27 5 -27 27 0 22 5 27 27 27 22 0 27 -5 27 -27z"/> <path d="M517 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m50 -59 c-16 -16 -17 -15 -17 17 0 32 1 33 17 17 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M677 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -49 c-16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -16 16 -15 17 17 17 32 0 33 -1 17 -17z"/> <path d="M837 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m53 -44 c0 -30 -1 -31 -17 -16 -13 14 -14 20 -3 32 18 22 20 20 20 -16z"/> <path d="M997 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m63 -37 c11 -13 8 -15 -20 -15 -28 0 -31 2 -20 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1157 442 c-36 -40 -9 -102 45 -102 51 0 78 69 40 103 -24 22 -65 21 -85 -1z m60 -59 c-11 -11 -17 -13 -17 -5 0 7 -7 12 -15 12 -8 0 -15 5 -15 10 0 6 7 10 15 10 8 0 15 5 15 12 0 8 6 6 17 -5 16 -16 16 -18 0 -34z"/> <path d="M1317 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m53 -27 c0 -8 5 -15 12 -15 8 0 6 -6 -5 -17 -16 -16 -18 -16 -34 0 -11 11 -13 17 -5 17 7 0 12 7 12 15 0 8 5 15 10 15 6 0 10 -7 10 -15z"/> <path d="M1477 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m59 -32 c8 0 14 -4 14 -10 0 -5 -7 -10 -15 -10 -8 0 -15 -5 -15 -12 0 -8 -6 -6 -17 4 -14 15 -14 19 -3 34 9 10 16 12 18 5 2 -6 10 -11 18 -11z"/> <path d="M1637 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m63 -27 c9 -10 9 -15 1 -15 -6 0 -11 -7 -11 -15 0 -8 -4 -15 -10 -15 -5 0 -10 7 -10 15 0 8 -5 15 -11 15 -8 0 -8 5 1 15 7 8 16 15 20 15 4 0 13 -7 20 -15z"/> <path d="M1797 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1836 411 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M1957 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m71 -35 c2 -11 -6 -21 -24 -27 -34 -13 -37 -10 -24 24 11 31 42 33 48 3z"/> <path d="M1998 403 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M2117 442 c-22 -24 -21 -65 1 -85 40 -36 102 -9 102 45 0 51 -69 78 -103 40z m62 -48 c-17 -18 -25 -21 -36 -13 -13 12 -8 33 7 24 4 -3 13 2 20 10 7 8 17 12 22 9 5 -3 -1 -17 -13 -30z"/> <path d="M50 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M76 241 c-4 -5 -2 -12 3 -15 5 -4 12 -2 15 3 4 5 2 12 -3 15 -5 4 -12 2 -15 -3z"/> <path d="M210 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M238 233 c7 -3 16 -2 19 1 4 3 -2 6 -13 5 -11 0 -14 -3 -6 -6z"/> <path d="M370 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m60 0 c0 -20 -5 -25 -25 -25 -20 0 -25 5 -25 25 0 20 5 25 25 25 20 0 25 -5 25 -25z"/> <path d="M393 235 c0 -6 6 -12 12 -12 6 0 12 6 12 12 0 6 -6 12 -12 12 -6 0 -12 -6 -12 -12z"/> <path d="M530 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 0 33 -2 35 -35 35 -33 0 -35 -2 -35 -35z m44 -6 c-3 -5 -10 -7 -15 -3 -5 3 -7 10 -3 15 3 5 10 7 15 3 5 -3 7 -10 3 -15z"/> <path d="M690 235 c0 -33 2 -35 35 -35 33 0 35 2 35 35 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