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By accepting, User agrees to the terms under <strong>"Terms & Conditions."</strong> Thank you for your cooperation. </div> <!-- //explain box --> <h5>Important Notice!</h5> <div>(Summary of Terms & Conditions for B2B Workplace)</div> <dl class="basic"> <dt>1. Confidentiality</dt> <dd>You acknowledge that the information contained in this B2B Workplace is confidential and some of it may constitute a trade secret.<br> You shall not disclose the information (or any part thereof) to any person, without Samsung Semiconductor's consent.</dd> <dt>2. Password Management</dt> <dd>Samsung Semiconductor shall provide you with a user ID & password to allow you to access B2B Workplace.<br> You are responsible for the confidentiality of this information and you must not disclose them to others.</dd> </dl> <h5>Terms & Conditions</h5> <dl class="basic"> <dt>1. Acceptance</dt> <dd>We, Samsung Semiconductor, will allow you to access and use c-Dance on the following terms.</dd> <dt>2. Authorized Use</dt> <dd>You are permitted to view and download, at your risk, the content of c-Dance for your organization's legitimate dealings with us. You must not alter any data downloaded from c-Dance without our prior consent.</dd> <dt>3. Access and Security</dt> <dd class="ullist"> <ul> <li><span class="no">1)</span> Samsung Semiconductor shall provide you with a user identity and pass code ("Security Codes") to allow you to access c-Dance. You are responsible for the confidentiality of these Security Codes and you must not disclose them to others. You will notify Samsung Semiconductor immediately on becoming aware of any known or suspected unauthorized access of Security Codes. </li> <li><span class="no">2)</span> Samsung Semiconductor may change the Security Codes from time to time and will notify you accordingly.</li> <li><span class="no">3)</span> Samsung Semiconductor recommends you to take all appropriate preventative measures before downloading information from c-Dance. You undertake to take all appropriate protective measures to prevent the introduction of viruses by you to c-Dance. </li> <li><span class="no">4)</span> You must not modify, contaminate, violate or attempt to violate the security of c-Dance.</li> <li><span class="no">5)</span> We need your help in making sure your personal information is correct in our systems. Please notify us of changes to your name, address, title, phone number or email address. Our site allow you to make these updates yourself via the program's User Information page.</li> <li><span class="no">6)</span> If Samsung Semiconductor suspects there is a risk to security of c-Dance, it shall be entitled to suspend or restrict access until it is satisfied the risk has ceased.</li> </ul> </dd> <dt>4. Trademark</dt> <dd class="ullist"> <ul> <li><span class="no">1)</span> Samsung Semiconductor cannot guarante and does not warrant and represent that the inforation contained in this C-Dance is accurate, complete or up to date and any reliance on such information is at your own risk. </li> <li><span class="no">2)</span> While C-Dance's objective is to make the site accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, C-Dance may make the site, or any portion therof, unavailable from time to time for any reason including, without limitation, routine maintenance. C-Dance does not guarantee the availability or access of the site, or of any feature, database, or service available through the site, or that access will be uninterrupted or error free. C-Dance reserves the right to interrupt, limit, change, suspend or discontinue the site operations from time to time, with or without notice.</li> <li><span class="no">3)</span> Subject to clause 5.1, Samsung Semiconductor shall not be liable in contract or tort for <ul> <li><span class="no">(i)</span> Loss of profits;</li> <li><span class="no">(ii)</span> Loss of revenue; </li> <li><span class="no">(iii)</span> Loss of goodwill or reputation;</li> <li><span class="no">(iv)</span> Loss of contracts; or </li> <li><span class="no">(v)</span> For any special, indirect or consequential loss howsever arising due to your company's use of or in connection with this C-Dance.</li> </ul></li> <li><span class="no">4)</span> Save as expressly set out in these terms, Samsung Semiconductor excludes all warraties, terms and conditions implied by statute or law, to the fullest extent allowed by law.</li> </ul> </dd> <dt>6. Linking</dt> <dd>By linking with other websites or material Samsung Semiconductor does not have any liability for any links or the material arising from them.</dd> <dt>7. Confidentiality</dt> <dd class="ullist"> <ul> <li><span class="no">1)</span> You acknowledge that the information contained in this c-Dance is confidential and some of it may constitute a trade secret. You shall not disclose the information (or any part thereof) to any person, without Samsung Semiconductor's consent, except to those persons engaged by you organization who need to know the confidential information for the purposes of exercising your commercial relations with us and who have been advised of the confidential nature of such information. </li> <li><span class="no">2)</span> Transactions conducted between Company and Samsung Semiconductor via c-Dance will be governed by the mutually executed Purchase Agreement or similar document which applies to the products or services which are the subject of such transactions. If no Purchase Agreement or similar document applies, such transactions will be governed by Samsung's then-current standard purchase order terms and conditions. Our relationship will continue to be governed by the Corporate Non-Disclosure Agreement(CNDA) which has been agreed to by the Parties we have executed. All pricing, availability, ordering and similar information disclosed via c-Dance will be deemed the "Confidential Information" of the discloser under such CNDA., regardless of whether the CNDA's marking or other similar requirements are met. We each agree to execute documents and take all other actions reasonably necessary to effectuate the intent of the CNDA. </li> <li><span class="no">3)</span> You shall promptly inform Samsung Semiconductor if it becomes aware of any breach or suspected breach of confidence regarding confidential information by any person or body and shall give Samsung Semiconductor all reasonable assistance in connection with any proceedings which Samsung Semiconductor may instigate as a result of any such breach. These obligations of confidence shall not apply to information that is or falls into the public domain other than by breach of these obligations. </li> </ul> </dd> <dt>8. Personal Data and Privacy</dt> <dd class="ullist"> <ul> <li><span class="no">1)</span> In general we gather information about our users collectively, such as what areas users visit most frequently. We use that data in the aggregate to help us determine what is beneficial to our users. </li> <li><span class="no">2)</span> We may store some information on the visitor's computer in the form of a "cookie" or other similar file. <br> These files allow Samsung Semiconductor to tailor the Site to reflect our visitor's, customer's and subscriber's preferences. Most browsers allow users to exercise control over such files on their computers by erasing them, blocking them, or notifying the user when such a file is stored. </li> <li><span class="no">3)</span> Any Personal Data (as defined under the Data Protection Act 1998) that you provide will be held on a database and may be shared with companies in the Samsung Group in Korea and internationally for marketing purposes and if necessary for performing any of its agreements with your company. You should be aware that some of these companies are incorporated in countries that do not have adequate or any data protection laws. <br>If you do not wish your details to be used for marketing purposes, please write to: e-Business TF, 19th Fl. Joonang-Ilbo Bldg. 7, Soonhwa-Dong, Chung-Ku Seoul, Korea 100-759 </li> </ul> </dd> <dt>9. Termination and Effect of Termination</dt> <dd class="ullist"> <ul> <li><span class="no">1)</span> Samsung Semiconductor may terminate your use of this c-Dance without notice. </li> <li><span class="no">2)</span> Termination shall not affect rights or remedies accruing up to the date of termination under these Terms or at law nor any provision which is either expressly or by implication to continue after termination, which shall include but not be limited to paragraphs 5, 7, 8, and 10. </li> </ul> </dd> <dt>10. General</dt> <dd class="ullist"> <ul> <li><span class="no">1)</span> These Terms constitute the entire agreement between Samsung Semiconductor and you in respect of your use of c-Dance.<br> SAMSUNG SEMICONDUCTOR SHALL NOTIFY YOU OF CHANGES TO THESE TERMS BY CONSPICUOUSLY POSTING SUCH CHANGES ON THIS c-Dance. YOUR CONTINUED USE OF THE C-DANCE AFTER NOTICE OF CHANGE SHALL BE DEEMED ACCEPTANCE OF THE CHANGE. </li> <li><span class="no">2)</span> Your right to use c-Dance is personal to you and may not be carried out by another on your behalf without Samsung Semiconductor's prior written consent. </li> <li><span class="no">3)</span> A waiver by Samsung Semiconductor of a breach of any term or condition of the Terms shall not be deemed as a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent breach or the same of any other provisions.</li> <li><span class="no">4)</span> The provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (or any analogous laws) shall not apply to these Terms. </li> <li><span class="no">5)</span> If a competent authority decides any part of these Terms cannot be enforced that particular part will not apply but the rest will.</li> <li><span class="no">6)</span> Samsung Semiconductor controls and operates this Site from its headquarters in the Republic of Korea and makes no representation that the Contents are appropriate or will be available for use in other locations. 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