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4-17 6-25 4zm19-16c4-2 9-8 10-12 2-4 2-12 1-16-2-4-7-9-11-11s-10-2-14-1c-8 3-13 10-13 20 0 7 2 11 6 15 5 6 14 8 21 5zm170 16c-14-3-24-12-27-25-2-6-2-15 0-21 5-18 22-29 41-26s31 18 31 38v4h-28l-28 1c0 2 2 7 4 9 3 3 10 6 15 6 6 0 10-1 14-4l4-3 6 3 7 4c2 1-7 9-12 11-8 4-18 5-27 3zm27-45l-2-5c-6-8-19-11-28-4-3 1-8 8-8 9l19 1 19-1zm39 45c-5-2-9-3-13-7l-3-4 5-5 6-6 3 2c3 3 8 5 11 5 6 0 10-4 8-8-1-2-6-5-13-9-16-8-21-20-14-31 8-12 26-13 38-3l4 5-5 6-5 6-3-3c-4-4-6-5-10-5-3 0-6 2-6 5 1 2 3 3 10 7 15 8 19 13 20 22 2 13-8 23-22 24l-11-1zm68 0c-6-2-11-4-16-9-9-8-12-16-11-29 0-7 0-9 3-14 7-15 23-23 38-20 16 2 28 15 31 30a37 37 0 01-45 42zm17-17c12-6 15-26 4-36-4-3-8-4-14-4-12 1-20 13-17 26s16 20 27 14zm184 17c-13-3-23-12-26-25-2-6-2-15 0-21 4-18 22-29 40-26 19 3 32 18 32 38v4h-29l-28 1 5 9c3 3 9 6 15 6 5 0 9-1 14-4l3-3 7 3 7 4c1 1-7 9-12 11-8 4-19 5-28 3zm28-45l-3-5c-5-8-19-11-28-4l-7 9 19 1 19-1zM92 64L80 28h16l5 13 10 26 8-20 7-19h10l8 20c4 11 7 19 8 18l7-19 6-19h9c8 0 9 0 8 1l-13 36-12 33h-11l-7-19-8-20-8 20-7 19h-11zm312-1V28h17v4l1 3 4-3c6-5 16-7 24-5 5 2 12 7 13 10 0 2 1 1 5-3 6-6 11-7 19-7 6-1 8 0 12 2 7 3 10 8 11 16l1 29v24h-17l-1-23-1-27c-2-4-6-6-10-6s-6 1-10 5c-5 4-5 8-5 31v20h-18V75c0-22 0-23-2-27-3-4-6-6-12-6-4 1-9 4-11 8-2 5-3 12-3 31v17h-17z" fill="#f90"/></symbol><symbol id="BetterWorld-logo" viewBox="0 -20 750 120"><path d="M352 25v13c6-11 13-14 22-14h2v20l-6-1c-12 0-17 6-17 21v34h-19V25zm-64-2c22 0 35 13 34 44h-49c1 10 6 17 16 17 5 0 11-2 13-7h20c-1 12-13 23-33 23-17 0-35-10-35-38 0-24 14-39 34-39zm14 31c0-9-5-15-14-15-8 0-13 6-14 15zm-83-28V6h19v20h12v14h-12v37c0 6 2 7 8 7h4v14h-9c-16 0-22-3-22-14V40h-10V26h10zm-47 0V6h19v20h12v14h-12v37c0 6 2 7 9 7h3v14h-9c-16 0-22-3-22-14V40h-10V26h10zm-48-3c22 0 35 13 34 44h-49c0 10 6 17 16 17 5 0 10-2 13-7h20c-1 12-13 23-33 23-17 0-35-10-35-38 0-24 14-39 34-39zm14 31c-1-9-5-15-14-15-8 0-13 6-14 15zM44 0c23 0 34 9 34 25 0 8-2 15-12 20 8 3 15 11 15 23 0 14-8 29-37 29H0V0zM20 38h24c9 0 13-3 13-11 0-6-3-10-16-10H20zm0 42h23c11 0 17-4 17-14 0-7-5-11-16-11H20v25z" fill="#011f34"/><path d="M703 24c9 0 16 3 20 10V0h20v98h-19V88c-5 7-11 12-22 12-16 0-30-14-30-37 0-25 13-39 31-39zm5 59c8 0 16-6 16-20s-6-22-16-22-16 7-16 21c0 15 7 21 16 21zm-44 1h4v14h-9c-15 0-20-8-20-18V0h20v77c0 5 2 7 5 7zm-57-59v13c6-11 12-14 21-14h3v20l-6-1c-13 0-17 6-17 21v34h-20V25zm-67-2c24 0 37 15 37 39 0 22-13 38-37 38s-38-16-38-39c0-22 14-38 38-38zm0 61c10 0 16-9 16-23s-6-22-16-22c-8 0-17 4-17 22 0 15 6 23 17 23zM401 0l13 55 2 16 3-15 11-56h22l11 55 3 16 2-15 13-56h21l-27 98h-20l-11-56-3-19-4 19-11 56h-19L379 1h22z" fill="#808f9a"/></symbol><symbol id="Biblio-logo" viewBox="0 -12 400 112"><path d="M354 99q-14 0-25-6-10-6-16-17t-6-25q0-15 6-26t16-17q11-6 25-6 13 0 24 6 10 6 16 17t6 25q0 15-6 26t-16 17q-11 6-24 6zm0-18q11 0 18-8 7-9 7-22 0-9-3-16t-9-11q-6-4-13-4-8 0-14 4t-9 11q-3 7-3 16t3 16q3 6 9 10t14 4zM270 3h20v94h-20zm-65 0h21v76h25v18h-46zm-80 0h32q13 0 21 7t8 18q0 13-11 19 15 6 15 21 0 9-4 15-4 7-12 10-8 4-17 4h-32zm27 39q7 0 11-4 4-3 4-9 0-10-13-10h-9v23zm2 39q8 0 12-3 4-4 4-9 0-6-4-9-3-3-10-3h-11v24zM84 3h21v94H84zM3 3h32q13 0 21 7t8 18q0 13-11 19 15 6 15 21 0 9-4 15-5 7-12 10-8 4-17 4H3zm27 39q7 0 11-4 4-3 4-9 0-10-13-10h-9v23zm2 39q7 0 12-3 4-4 4-9 0-6-4-9-3-3-10-3H23v24z" fill="none" stroke="#c8c8bf"/><path d="M350 97q-14 0-24-7-11-6-17-17-5-10-5-25 0-14 5-25 6-11 17-17 10-6 24-6t25 6q10 6 16 17t6 25q0 14-6 25t-16 17q-11 7-25 7zm0-18q12 0 19-9 7-8 7-22 0-9-4-16-3-7-9-10-5-4-13-4-7 0-13 4-6 3-9 10t-3 16q0 9 3 16t9 11q6 4 13 4zM267 1h20v94h-20zm-65 0h20v76h25v18h-45zm-80 0h31q14 0 22 7 8 6 8 17 0 13-11 20 15 6 15 21 0 8-5 15-4 6-11 10-8 4-17 4h-32zm27 38q7 0 11-3 3-3 3-9 0-10-12-10h-9v22zm2 40q7 0 11-3 5-4 5-10 0-5-4-8-3-3-10-3h-11v24zM81 1h20v94H81zM0 1h31q14 0 22 7 8 6 8 17 0 13-11 20 15 6 15 21 0 8-5 15-4 6-12 10-7 4-16 4H0zm27 38q7 0 10-3 4-3 4-9 0-10-13-10h-8v22zm2 40q7 0 11-3 5-4 5-10 0-5-4-8t-11-3H20v24z" fill="#42413d"/></symbol><symbol id="BiggerBooks-logo" viewBox="0 -6 520 106"><path d="M259 31l-1 4v2l-1 1h-2l-1-1h-6l-2 2-3 2-3 5v32l-1 1h-2l-4 1-3-1h-3l-1-1V27v-1l1-1 2-1h6l2 1 1 1v7l4-5 3-3 3-1 4-1h1l2 1h2l1 1v3l1 3zm-38 19l-1 4q-1 2-3 2h-31l1 5 2 5 5 3 6 1 7-1 4-1 4-1 2-1h1l1 1v8l-1 1-2 2-4 1-6 1-7 1q-7 0-12-2l-9-5-5-9q-2-5-2-13l2-12 5-9q4-4 9-6 4-2 10-2 7 0 11 2l8 5 4 8 1 10zm-14-4q1-6-2-9-3-4-8-4l-5 1-3 3-2 4-1 5zm-34-16v4l-2 1h-6l2 4 1 3q0 5-2 8l-4 6-7 3q-4 2-9 2l-4-1-4-1-1 1v3l1 2 4 2h12l8 1 6 3 3 5q2 2 2 6t-2 7l-5 6-8 4-12 1-11-1-8-3-4-4-1-6v-3l2-4 2-3 3-2-4-4-1-5 2-6q1-3 4-5l-4-5-1-7 2-8q1-3 4-5 3-3 7-4l8-1h5l4 1h16l2 1v4zm-18 12q0-4-2-6-3-3-7-3l-3 1-3 2-2 3v3q0 4 2 6 2 3 6 3l4-1 3-2 1-3 1-3zm3 41q0-3-2-4-2-2-5-2h-11l-2 2-1 2-1 2v1q0 3 3 5l8 1h5l4-2 2-3v-2zm-34-53v4l-2 1h-6l2 4 1 3q0 5-2 8l-4 6-7 3q-4 2-9 2l-4-1-4-1-1 1v3l1 2 4 2h13l7 1 6 3 3 5q2 2 2 6t-2 7l-5 6-8 4-12 1-11-1-7-3-5-4-1-6v-3l2-4 2-3 3-2-4-4-1-5 2-6q1-3 4-5l-3-5q-2-3-2-7l2-8q1-3 4-5 3-3 7-4l8-1h5l4 1h16l2 1v4zm-18 12q0-4-2-6-3-3-7-3l-3 1-3 2-2 3v3q0 4 2 6 2 3 6 3l4-1 3-2 1-3 1-3zm3 41q0-3-2-4-2-2-5-2H91l-2 2-1 2-1 2v1q0 3 3 5l8 1h5l4-2 2-3v-2zm-37-6l-1 1-1 1h-2l-4 1-3-1h-2l-1-1-1-1V27l1-1 1-1 2-1h7l2 1 1 1 1 1zM53 57l-1 7-3 6-4 4-6 3-7 2H4l-3-1-1-3V10l1-3 3-1h19l11 1 8 3q4 2 5 6l2 8-1 5q0 3-2 5l-3 3-4 2 5 2 5 4 3 5 1 7zM34 26l-1-4q0-2-2-3l-3-2H15v19h8l5-1 3-2q2-1 2-3l1-4zm4 32l-1-5-3-3q-1-2-4-2l-6-1h-9v21h10l6-1 3-2 3-3 1-4z" fill="#005694"/><path d="M512 63l-1 8-5 5-7 3q-4 2-9 2l-5-1-5-1-3-1-2-2-1-1v-4-3-1l1-1h2l3 2 5 1 5 1h3l3-1 2-2v-3l-1-3-3-2-3-2-5-1-4-3-4-3-3-4-1-6 1-7 4-5 7-4 8-1 5 1h4l3 2 2 1h1v10h-3l-3-2-3-1-5-1-4 1-2 1-1 2-1 2 1 3 3 2 4 2 5 1 4 3 4 3 3 4 1 6zm-38 14v1l-2 1h-2l-3 1-4-1h-3l-1-1-1-1-17-27v28l-1 1h-3l-3 1-4-1h-2l-1-1V2 1h1l2-1h7l3 1h1v46l15-20 1-1 2-1 2-1h7l2 1 2 1v2l-2 2-15 17 18 27 1 2v1zm-49-26q0 7-2 12-2 6-5 9-4 4-9 6-5 3-12 3t-12-2q-5-2-8-6-3-3-5-9-2-5-2-12 0-6 2-11l5-10q4-4 9-6t12-2q7 0 12 2t8 6q4 3 5 8l2 12zm-15 1l-1-7q0-3-2-5l-3-4-6-1-6 1-4 3-2 6-1 7 1 7q0 3 2 5 1 3 4 4l5 1 6-1 4-3 2-6 1-7zm-41-1l-1 12q-2 6-5 9-4 4-9 6-5 3-12 3t-12-2q-5-2-8-6-4-3-5-9-2-5-2-12 0-6 2-11 1-6 5-10 3-4 9-6 5-2 12-2t12 2q5 2 8 6l5 8 1 12zm-14 1l-1-7q0-3-2-5-1-3-4-4l-6-1-5 1-4 3q-2 2-2 6l-1 7v7l2 5 4 4 6 1 6-1 4-3 2-6 1-7zm-41 5l-1 7-3 6-4 4-6 3-7 2h-28l-3-1-1-3V10l1-3 3-1h19l11 1 8 3q3 2 5 6l2 8-1 5-2 5-3 3-4 2 5 2 5 4 3 5 1 7zm-19-31l-1-4q0-2-2-3l-3-2h-13v19h8l5-1 3-2q2-1 2-3l1-4zm4 32l-1-5-3-3q-1-2-4-2l-7-1h-8v21h10l6-1 3-2 3-3 1-4z" fill="#62b446"/></symbol><symbol id="BN-logo" viewBox="0 -10 650 110"><path d="M650 83v13h-36V5h34v14h-18v24h16v13h-16v27zM569 5h17v78h19v13h-36zm-55 0v91h20c15 0 23-7 23-26 0-14-6-22-14-22 7-1 12-6 12-18 0-15-5-25-21-25zm18 11c6 0 7 4 7 15 0 7-1 11-5 11h-4V16h3zm-2 37h3c6 0 7 6 7 16 0 14-1 17-6 17h-4zM480 4c-16 0-22 7-22 47 0 41 7 47 21 47h1c15 0 21-8 21-47 0-40-5-47-21-47zm-1 10c3 0 4 1 5 7v59c-1 8-2 8-4 8-3 0-4-1-5-8V51 21c1-6 2-7 4-7zm-57 49l-4-16 1 27v23h-15V6h15l9 32 3 15-1-29V5h15v91h-13l-10-34zm-117 9c0 15-6 26-21 26-12 0-20-6-20-22l1-10h14l-1 9c0 11 3 12 7 12 2 0 5-1 5-11 0-9-7-16-13-24-7-7-14-17-14-26 0-13 6-21 20-21 12 0 19 7 19 20l-1 7h-13v-6c0-8-1-12-5-12s-4 4-4 11c0 8 6 14 12 21 8 10 14 18 14 27zM218 5h34v14h-17v24h15v13h-15v27h20v13h-36V5zm-38 58l-4-16 1 26v24h-15V6h15l9 32 4 14-1-29V5h15v91h-14l-10-34zM104 5v91h17V57h1c6 1 8 7 8 14v11l1 14h17l-2-20c0-11-1-24-11-26v-1c7-1 13-7 13-21 0-17-8-23-19-23zm21 12c5 0 7 2 7 15 0 8-2 11-6 11h-5V17h4zM63 5L50 96h14l1-14h11l2 14h17L79 5zm8 23l2 26 2 17h-8l2-17 2-26zM0 5v91h20c15 0 24-7 24-26 0-15-7-23-14-23 7 0 11-6 11-17 0-16-4-25-20-25zm19 11c5 0 6 4 6 15 0 7-1 11-5 11h-4V16h3zm-3 37h4c5 0 7 5 7 15 0 14-2 17-7 17h-4z" fill="#366251"/><path fill="#c6beb0" d="M396 59c-1 3-2 5-6 5-7 0-1-10-8-10-4 0-6 3-10 12l-7 15 2 3c4 6 8 10 12 10 3 0 6-2 10-6l2 3c-5 6-11 9-16 9-6 0-12-6-16-10-6 6-13 10-22 10-13 0-25-8-22-28 2-11 11-19 21-25-3-8-5-17-4-24 3-15 16-23 27-23 13 0 19 9 17 19-1 5-3 10-9 15l-20 13 15 30 9-18c3-6 7-10 14-10 9 0 11 6 11 10zm-71 16c-1 8 3 18 16 18 6 0 11-1 15-7-8-11-14-22-18-33-7 5-12 11-13 22zm39-46c3-4 4-7 4-10 2-7-3-12-9-12-9 0-15 7-16 13-1 8 0 15 2 22l19-13z"/></symbol><symbol id="Bonanza-logo" viewBox="0 -10 640 110"><path d="M0 0v20h9v79h25l8-9 7 7 15 3c4 0 8-2 12-4 6-5 10-12 12-20l1-16c0-7-2-14-6-21-3-4-7-8-12-10l-10-1-9 1c-3 2-7 4-9 7-2 2-1-2-1-3V0H0zm48 46l5 2 2 6v18c0 3 0 5-2 7l-4 2c-2 1-4 0-5-2-3-2-2-6-2-9V51l3-4 3-1zm84-18a50 50 0 00-22 7 35 35 0 00-13 15l-3 9v10l2 7c1 4 3 7 5 9 3 3 5 6 9 8l12 5a50 50 0 0030-1l11-7c2-2 5-4 6-7l4-8 2-10-1-11-5-10c-1-3-4-5-6-7a40 40 0 00-20-9h-11zm1 17c2 0 4 0 6 2l1 4v26l-2 5h-6l-2-2c-2-3-1-7-1-10V50l2-4 2-1zm188-17c-6 0-12-1-17 1-6 1-11 3-16 7l-4 5-1 7 2 6 5 3 8 2 8-1 6-4v-6c-1-2 0-4 2-4 1 0 3-1 5 1l1 7v8c-10 1-21 2-30 5l-8 5a16 16 0 00-4 16c0 4 3 7 6 9l6 3a34 34 0 0027-3l6-5 2 3 9 5c5 2 9 2 13 2s7-1 11-3l5-5c3-3 4-7 4-11v-4h-10l-1 7c-1 0-3 1-4-1v-5l-1-31c-1-4-2-7-5-9l-10-7c-4-2-9-3-14-3h-1zm-2 42l1 4c0 2 1 6-2 8l-4 1c-3 0-5-2-5-4s0-4 2-5c1-2 4-3 6-4h2zm269-43l-14 2-12 5-5 5-2 8c0 3 1 6 4 8l7 4 11-1c3-1 6-2 7-5v-5c-1-2 0-4 1-4h4l2 3v13c-8 1-17 1-25 4-4 1-7 2-11 5l-5 7-1 6c-1 3 1 6 3 9l5 5 7 3 11 1 8-2c4-2 8-3 10-7 1-1 2-1 3 1 2 3 6 5 9 6l10 2 9-1 8-4c2-2 4-3 5-6 2-3 2-7 2-10 1-2 0-3-2-2h-9v6l-4 1-1-3V50c0-3-1-7-3-9-1-3-3-4-5-6-6-4-13-7-21-7l-6-1zm3 43v9c0 2-1 3-2 3l-4 1-4-2v-5l5-5 5-1zM179 98v-5-14h9V49h-9V29h42v15c2-3 3-6 6-8a28 28 0 0122-8l7 2 6 6c3 4 4 8 5 13v30h8v20h-45V79c1-1 4 1 4-1l-1-26c0-2 0-3-2-4s-4 1-5 2c-3 3-4 7-5 10v19h4l-1 19-45 1v-1zm189-9V79h8V49h-8V29h41v15l7-8 7-5c3-2 7-3 11-3 2 0 5-1 7 1 5 1 8 4 11 8 2 4 3 7 3 11v31h9v20l-45-1-1-19h5l-1-26-2-5-4 1c-3 2-5 6-6 9l-1 10v11h4v20h-45V89zm98 7l1-4 36-46h-15v12h-20V29h78l-1 6-33 46c-1 2 1 1 2 1h12V69h19v29l-79 1v-3z" fill="#62764a"/></symbol><symbol id="BookDepository-logo" viewBox="0 -10 760 110"><path d="M180 0v77h17V52l17 25h20l-20-28 20-23h-21l-16 21V0zM0 5v72h28l11-1 8-4 6-6c2-3 3-6 3-10l-1-7-4-5a18 18 0 00-10-5c3-1 6-3 8-6 3-3 4-6 4-10l-3-9-5-5c-3-2-5-3-8-3l-9-1zm17 14h8l8 1c2 1 3 3 3 6l-2 5c-2 2-5 2-8 2h-9zm0 27h9l9 2c2 1 3 3 3 6l-1 5c-1 1-1 2-3 2l-4 1-4 1h-9zm71-22l-11 2c-4 1-7 3-9 5l-6 9c-2 3-2 7-2 11a27 27 0 008 20c2 2 5 4 9 5l11 2 10-2c4-1 7-3 9-5 3-3 5-5 6-9 2-3 3-7 3-11a27 27 0 00-9-20c-2-2-5-4-9-5l-10-2zm0 14a11 11 0 019 4l2 4 1 5-1 5-2 4-4 3-5 1-5-1a12 12 0 01-6-7l-1-5 1-5 2-4 4-3 5-1zm60-14l-11 2c-4 1-7 3-9 5l-6 9c-2 3-2 7-2 11a27 27 0 008 20c2 2 5 4 9 5l11 2 10-2c4-1 7-3 9-5 3-3 5-5 6-9 2-3 3-7 3-11a27 27 0 00-9-20c-2-2-5-4-9-5l-10-2zm0 14a11 11 0 019 4l2 4 1 5-1 5-2 4-4 3-5 1-5-1a12 12 0 01-6-7l-1-5 1-5 2-4 4-3 5-1zM546 0l-4 1-3 2-2 3a9 9 0 002 10l7 2h4l3-2 2-3V9 6l-2-3-3-2-4-1zM241 4v72h26l15-2 13-7a34 34 0 0013-27c0-7-2-13-4-17-2-5-5-9-9-11-4-3-9-5-14-6l-14-2zm17 15h8l9 1c3 0 5 2 7 3l6 7 2 10-2 10-6 6c-2 2-4 3-7 3l-9 2h-8zm310-7v13h-8v13h8v21l1 7 3 6 6 4 8 1a31 31 0 0010-2l-1-12-2 1h-2c-3 0-4-1-5-2l-2-5V38h12V25h-12V12h-16zm-56 11l-7 1-7 3-5 6-2 7 2 6a16 16 0 008 7l5 2 8 2 2 4-2 3-4 1-7-2-5-4-10 10c3 3 6 4 10 6a37 37 0 0020 1l7-3 5-5 2-8-2-7-3-4-6-3-5-2c-4 0-6-1-7-2-2 0-3-1-3-3l2-3 5-1 6 2 4 3 10-10-9-5-12-2zm-53 0l-11 2-9 6-6 8-2 11a27 27 0 008 20l9 5c4 2 7 2 11 2l11-2 9-5 6-9 2-11-2-11a25 25 0 00-15-14l-11-2zm0 14a11 11 0 019 4l2 4 1 5-1 5-2 4-4 3-5 1-5-1a12 12 0 01-6-7l-1-5 1-5 2-4 4-3 5-1zm168-14l-11 2c-3 2-6 3-8 6-3 2-5 5-6 8-2 3-3 7-3 11a27 27 0 009 20l8 5c4 2 8 2 11 2l11-2 9-5c3-3 5-5 6-9 2-3 2-7 2-11s0-8-2-11a25 25 0 00-15-14l-11-2zm0 14a11 11 0 019 4l3 4v10l-3 4-3 3-6 1-5-1a12 12 0 01-6-7v-5-5l3-4 3-3 5-1zM339 24a28 28 0 00-20 7c-2 2-4 5-5 9-2 3-3 7-3 11s1 8 3 11a24 24 0 0014 13c4 2 7 2 11 2l14-2c4-2 7-5 9-8l-12-8a14 14 0 01-15 5 11 11 0 01-7-5l-1-4h37v-4l-2-11c-1-4-3-7-5-9l-8-5c-3-2-7-2-10-2zm0 11c3 0 6 1 7 3 2 2 3 4 3 7h-22l1-4a11 11 0 016-5l5-1zm351-11l-8 2-5 7h-1v-8h-16v50h17V50l1-4 2-4 3-3 6-1h2l2 1 1-15h-4zm-287 0a20 20 0 00-16 7h-1v-6h-16v75h17V70l7 5 8 2 11-2 7-6a30 30 0 006-19l-1-10-5-8c-2-3-4-5-7-6l-10-2zm-5 13a11 11 0 019 4l2 4 1 5-1 5-2 4-4 3-5 1a11 11 0 01-9-4l-2-4a14 14 0 012-14l4-3 5-1zm140-12v51h16V25h-16zm159 0l21 50-2 4-3 5-5 2h-3l-3-1-2 14 5 1h5l8-1 6-3 4-6 4-7 22-58h-17l-10 33h-1l-11-33z" fill="#4c394f"/></symbol><symbol id="BookHolders-logo" viewBox="0 -22 860 122"><path d="M264 0h27v51l21-24h33l-25 25 27 46h-31l-14-28-11 10v18h-27zm-85 63q0-16 11-27t29-11q22 0 33 13 9 10 9 25 0 16-11 26-11 11-31 11-17 0-27-9-13-11-13-28zm27 0q0 9 4 14 4 4 10 4t9-4q4-4 4-14t-4-14q-4-5-9-5-6 0-10 5-4 4-4 14zM93 63q0-16 11-27t30-11q21 0 32 13 9 10 9 25 0 16-11 26-11 11-30 11-17 0-28-9-13-11-13-28zm28 0q0 9 3 14 4 4 10 4t10-4q4-4 4-14t-4-14q-4-5-10-5t-9 5q-4 4-4 14zM0 0h57q14 0 22 7 7 7 7 17 0 9-5 15-4 5-11 7 11 3 16 9t5 15q0 8-4 14-3 6-9 10l-12 3-14 1H0zm31 39h13q7 0 10-3 3-2 3-7 0-4-3-7-3-2-10-2H31zm0 38h15q8 0 11-3 3-2 3-7 0-4-3-7t-11-3H31z"/><path d="M778 79l28-3q1 5 4 7t8 2q6 0 9-2 2-2 2-5t-3-4l-12-3-19-5q-6-2-10-7t-4-11q0-7 5-12 4-5 11-8t19-3q13 0 19 2t10 6l7 12-26 2-3-5-8-2q-5 0-7 2-2 1-2 4 0 2 3 3 2 2 11 3 14 1 21 4 6 3 10 8 3 5 3 11t-4 12q-3 6-11 10-8 3-22 3-20 0-28-6-8-5-11-15zm-49-52h26v12q4-8 8-11t9-3q6 0 14 4l-9 20-8-2q-5 0-8 4-4 6-4 23v24h-28zm-2 42h-55q1 7 4 10 4 5 10 5l8-2 4-5 27 3q-6 11-15 15-8 5-25 5-14 0-22-4t-13-13q-6-8-6-20 0-17 11-27 11-11 30-11 15 0 24 5t13 14q5 8 5 22zm-28-13q-1-8-4-11-4-3-9-3-7 0-11 5l-3 9zM641 0v98h-25V88q-6 7-10 9-6 3-13 3-15 0-22-11-8-11-8-27 0-18 8-27 9-10 22-10 6 0 11 3 6 2 10 6V0zm-27 63q0-9-4-13-3-4-9-4-4 0-8 4-3 4-3 13t3 13q4 4 9 4t8-4q4-4 4-13zM532 0h27v98h-27zm-86 63q0-16 11-27t30-11q21 0 32 13 9 10 9 25 0 16-11 26-11 11-30 11-18 0-28-9-13-11-13-28zm27 0q0 9 4 14 4 4 10 4t9-4q4-4 4-14t-4-14q-3-5-9-5t-10 5q-4 4-4 14zM349 0h30v34h34V0h30v98h-30V59h-34v39h-30z" fill="#ed1c24"/></symbol><symbol id="BookOutlet-logo" viewBox="0 -30 680 130"><path d="M228 0v58a38 38 0 00-10-21c-3-3-7-6-12-8-4-2-10-3-16-3-7 0-12 1-17 3s-9 5-12 8c-4 4-6 8-8 12v1l-1-1c-1-4-4-8-7-12-3-3-7-6-12-8s-11-3-17-3-12 1-17 3-9 5-12 8a35 35 0 00-10 22v-1c-3-4-8-7-13-9 4-2 8-5 10-9a26 26 0 001-24c-2-4-4-7-8-10-3-2-7-3-11-3H0v96h47c6 0 12-1 17-3 6-2 10-4 13-8l4-8 6 9c3 3 7 6 12 8s11 3 17 3 12-1 17-3a34 34 0 0019-20l1-1v1a36 36 0 0020 20c5 2 10 3 17 3 6 0 12-1 16-3a34 34 0 0022-28v30h26V78l5-5 16 26h27l-27-40 25-31h-27l-19 26V0zM26 25h19l3 1 2 2 1 4-1 5-2 2-4 1H26zm90 23c3 0 5 0 7 2l4 5 2 8-2 8-4 6-7 1-6-1c-2-2-4-3-5-6l-1-8 1-8a12 12 0 0111-7zm74 0c2 0 4 0 6 2l5 5 1 8-1 8-5 6-6 1-7-1-4-6-2-8 2-8a12 12 0 0111-7zM26 60h22l4 1 2 3 1 5a8 8 0 01-4 6l-4 1H26z" fill="#d32730"/><path d="M513 0v75-1l-5 2-4 1-4-2c-1-1-2-2-2-5V47h9V28h-9V5h-25v23h-8v-1h-26v40l-3 6-4 3-5 1c-2 0-4 0-5-2-2-2-3-4-3-8V27h-25v12l-2-6c-2-6-6-11-10-16a46 46 0 00-35-15 49 49 0 00-35 15c-5 4-8 9-10 15-3 6-4 12-4 18a50 50 0 0013 34c5 5 10 8 16 11s12 4 19 4a48 48 0 0036-14 49 49 0 0012-22v19l3 9c2 2 4 5 7 6 3 2 6 3 11 3l11-2c4 0 7-2 10-4l6-6v10h23V47h8v32l2 13c2 3 5 5 8 6l11 2a48 48 0 0016-3l3-1v3h26V75a36 36 0 008 14c3 3 7 6 12 8s11 3 17 3 11-1 15-3c5-1 9-4 12-6 4-3 6-7 8-10l-21-7c-1 3-3 4-5 6a17 17 0 01-14 0c-2 0-3-1-5-3l-2-6h50l1-4v-4c0-6-1-11-4-16h6v32c0 5 1 10 3 13s5 5 8 6l11 2a48 48 0 0016-3l7-2-4-21-5 2-4 1-4-2c-1-1-2-2-2-5V47h14V28h-14V5h-26v23h-8v14c-3-4-7-8-12-11-6-3-13-5-21-5-9 0-16 2-21 5a34 34 0 00-16 21V0zM347 26c3 0 7 0 9 2l7 5 4 8a32 32 0 01-4 27l-6 6-10 2-10-2c-3-1-5-3-7-6l-4-8a33 33 0 010-18l4-9 7-5c3-2 6-2 10-2zm229 18l5 2 4 4 2 5h-23l2-5 4-4 6-2z" fill="#ffc50c"/></symbol><symbol id="BooksAMillion-logo" viewBox="0 -22 1180 122"><path d="M1079 1l63 39V3h32v96h-2l-63-38v36h-33V1zm-63 100c-30 0-53-23-53-50 0-28 23-50 53-50 31 0 54 22 54 50 0 27-23 50-54 50zm1-30c11 0 19-10 19-20 0-11-8-20-19-20-12 0-20 9-20 20 0 10 8 20 20 20zm-60 26h-33V3h33zM889 3v72h29v22h-62V3zm-66 0v72h28v22h-61V3zm-43 94h-33V3h33zM638 1l46 38 49-38h2l3 96h-32l-2-35-20 16-22-17-1 36h-29l4-96zM498 98l58-97h3l58 97h-36l-6-12h-35l-6 12zm51-32h17l-9-18zm-91-36c-3-6-5-8-11-9-3 0-8 0-11 3v6c2 5 10 5 15 5 9 1 22 3 29 15 4 8 4 20 0 29-7 14-21 19-32 20-9 2-28 0-39-11l-6-11 24-8c4 6 8 9 14 9 3 0 7 0 9-4 1-1 2-3 1-5-3-5-9-5-14-5-8 0-22-3-28-15-5-9-5-20 0-30 6-12 18-17 28-18 8-1 27-1 37 9 3 3 5 7 6 12zM343 3v39l26-39h36l-29 43 33 51h-39l-27-40v40h-33V3zm273 63a14 14 0 000-28c-9 0-15 6-15 14s6 14 15 14m-115 0a14 14 0 000-28c-9 0-15 6-15 14s6 14 15 14m-248 35c-30 0-53-23-53-50 0-28 23-50 53-50 31 0 53 22 53 50 0 27-22 50-53 50zm0-30a20 20 0 000-40c-12 0-20 9-20 20 0 10 8 20 20 20zm-109 30c-31 0-54-23-54-50 0-28 23-50 54-50 30 0 53 22 53 50 0 27-23 50-53 50zm0-30a20 20 0 000-40c-12 0-20 9-20 20 0 10 8 20 20 20zM1 97V3h51c9 0 23 0 31 11 5 6 5 15 3 21-3 9-8 12-16 15 7 2 12 4 17 12 3 6 3 16 0 22-7 13-27 13-33 13zm32-20h11c6 0 10-2 10-8s-4-8-10-8H33zm0-38h10c6 0 10-2 10-8s-4-8-10-8H33z" fill="#264f9b"/></symbol><symbol id="Bookshop-logo" viewBox="0 0 460 100"><path d="M413 31v1s0 0 0 0l3-1v-1l7-4 7-1c7 0 12 2 17 7 4 5 6 11 6 19s-3 15-7 21c-5 6-12 8-19 8l-7-1-7-2h0a220 220 0 001 16c0 1 1 2 3 2s3 1 3 2-1 2-3 2l-8 1-8-1c-2 0-3-1-3-2s1-2 3-2l3-2 1-5V57a275 275 0 00-2-24h-3c-2-1-2-1-2-3l4-3c3-2 5-2 8-2h2l1 3zm0 14v22l1 3 6 4 7 2c6 0 10-2 13-6s4-9 4-15c0-7-2-13-5-17-3-5-7-7-12-7s-8 2-11 4c-2 2-3 6-3 10zm-65 5c0 8 2 14 5 18 4 5 8 8 13 8s10-2 13-6 4-9 4-16-2-13-5-17c-4-5-8-7-14-7-5 0-8 1-11 5s-5 9-5 15zm-9 3c0-8 3-15 8-20 5-6 12-8 20-8 7 0 13 2 18 7s7 12 7 19c0 9-2 16-7 21-6 6-12 8-20 8-7 0-13-2-19-7-5-6-7-12-7-20zm-47-20v1s0 0 0 0l2-2 2-2 6-4 7-2c5 0 9 2 12 4a26 26 0 017 15 83 83 0 01-1 10v4l1 11v4l2 2h1l3 2-3 3h-15l-3-3 3-2 2-2 1-4V50l-2-14c-2-3-5-4-9-4l-8 1-6 6-2 3v10a382 382 0 001 20c0 1 1 2 3 2l2 2-2 3h-16l-3-3 3-2 3-2 1-6a543 543 0 00-2-57l-3-1c-2 0-3-1-3-2l1-2 3-1a45 45 0 019-3l2 1 1 3v24zm-29-7l1-1 2-1 3 4c2 2 2 5 2 8v2l-2 1c-2 0-3-1-4-3v-1l-4-5-5-1-7 2-2 6c0 4 4 8 13 11a583 583 0 0111 8l2 8c0 5-1 9-5 12-3 3-8 5-13 5l-6-1-4-1h-2l-1 1-3-4-2-8 1-2 2-1 3 3 1 2a12 12 0 0011 6c3 0 6-1 7-3 2-1 3-4 3-6l-1-6-6-4-4-1-11-7a13 13 0 01-5-10c0-4 2-8 5-10 3-3 7-5 12-5l4 1 4 1zm-63 32a186 186 0 001 14l3 2 3 2-3 3h-15l-3-3 2-2c2 0 3-1 3-2l1-6a567 567 0 00-1-57l-3-1c-2 0-3-1-3-2l1-2 3-1a45 45 0 019-3l2 1 1 3a1805 1805 0 010 43l3-1 4-4 6-7 2-3-2-2c-2 0-3-1-3-2s1-2 3-2l9-1 8 1 2 2-4 3c-3 0-5 2-7 3a67 67 0 00-12 13v1l2 3a251 251 0 0019 22l4 2c2 0 3 1 3 2l-2 2-7 1-5-1-4-4-6-8a230 230 0 00-13-15s0 0 0 0l-1 3zm-64-8c0 8 1 14 5 18 3 5 8 8 13 8s9-2 12-6 4-9 4-16-1-13-5-17c-4-5-8-7-13-7s-9 1-12 5-4 9-4 15zm-10 3c0-8 3-15 8-20 6-6 12-8 20-8s14 2 19 7c4 5 7 12 7 19 0 9-3 16-8 21-5 6-12 8-19 8-8 0-14-2-19-7-5-6-8-12-8-20zm-51-3c0 8 2 14 5 18 4 5 8 8 13 8s9-2 12-6 5-9 5-16-2-13-6-17c-3-5-8-7-13-7s-9 1-12 5-4 9-4 15zm-9 3c0-8 2-15 8-20 5-6 12-8 19-8 8 0 14 2 19 7s7 12 7 19c0 9-2 16-8 21-5 6-11 8-19 8-7 0-14-2-19-7-5-6-7-12-7-20zM21 42l-3 1-1 5v1a366 366 0 001 21l4 3 8 1c6 0 11-1 14-4s5-6 5-11c0-6-2-10-7-13-4-3-11-4-21-4zm-4-16v6l1 4h3c9 0 15-1 18-3 4-2 6-6 6-11s-2-9-5-12c-3-2-7-3-13-3h-7l-2 1-1 5v13zm38-6c0 3 0 7-2 9-2 3-4 5-8 7l-4 2-2 1 3 1h2c5 1 9 4 12 7 2 3 4 7 4 11 0 7-3 12-7 16-5 3-12 5-21 5a195 195 0 01-16 0 114 114 0 00-9 0l-5-1-2-2 3-3 4-1 1-8A554 554 0 007 9L3 7C1 7 0 6 0 5l1-2 3-1h1l25-1c8 0 14 2 19 5 4 4 6 8 6 14z" fill="#584199"/></symbol><symbol id="BooksRun-logo" viewBox="0 0 320 100"><path d="M173 2c-4 0-8 2-11 6s-4 10-4 15c0 7 2 13 5 19l14 16c3 2 6 6 7 10 2 5 2 11 1 16 0 4-2 7-5 9s-6 2-9 2c-3-1-6-3-7-6l-1-4c0-2-2-3-3-2-2 1-2 2-2 3 1 5 3 9 7 12 3 2 8 2 12 2 4-1 7-3 10-6 3-5 4-10 4-16 0-5-1-11-4-16-2-4-6-7-9-10-5-5-9-9-12-15s-3-13-2-20c0-3 2-7 5-9h8c2 1 4 2 6 5l1 4c0 1 2 2 4 1l1-3c-1-4-3-8-7-10l-9-3zm-52-1l-2 3v92c0 2 2 3 3 2l2-3V53l11 1c3 2 6 4 8 8 2 3 3 6 3 10l1 14v12l4 2 1-3-1-24c0-6-2-13-6-18l-9-6c5-3 9-7 11-13 3-7 4-16 4-24V4l-2-2c-2 0-3 2-3 3l-1 19c-1 6-2 12-6 17-3 3-7 5-11 6l-4 1V4c0-2-2-3-3-3zM94 1c-3 1-7 2-10 5s-4 8-5 12l-1 23v29c1 6 1 13 3 18 1 4 3 8 7 10 3 2 7 2 11 2 4-1 7-3 9-6 3-4 3-9 4-13l1-26V26l-3-15c-1-4-4-7-8-9l-8-1zm1 5l7 2c2 1 4 5 5 8l1 9v28l-1 25-2 11c-1 3-3 5-6 6l-8-1c-3-1-5-4-5-7-2-4-2-9-2-14l-1-32 1-21c0-3 1-7 3-10s5-3 8-4zM54 1c-4 1-8 2-11 5s-4 8-5 12l-1 23 1 29c0 6 0 13 2 19 1 3 3 7 7 9s8 2 12 2c3-1 6-3 8-6 3-4 4-9 4-13l1-26V26c0-5 0-10-2-15-2-4-5-7-8-8l-8-2zm0 5l7 2c3 2 4 5 5 8l1 8v23l-1 30c0 4 0 9-2 12-1 3-3 5-5 5h-8c-3-1-5-3-6-6l-2-13-1-31 1-24c1-3 1-7 4-10 1-3 4-3 7-4zM7 0C4 0 1 1 0 4v4l2 88c0 2 1 3 2 2 6 0 12-2 17-5s8-8 9-13V64c-1-5-4-10-9-13l-9-4a34 34 0 0010-36c-2-5-5-9-10-10L7 0zm0 5l6 2c3 2 4 6 5 10l-1 11c-1 7-5 14-11 17L5 6l2-1zM6 51l9 2c4 2 7 5 9 9 2 5 2 9 2 14l-4 10c-4 4-10 7-16 7z" fill="#000"/><path d="M205 2l-7 2c-1 0-2 1-1 2v90c0 2 2 3 3 2l2-3V53c5 0 10 3 14 7l3 9 2 20 1 9c0 2 2 2 3 2 2-1 2-2 2-4-2-9-2-18-3-28-1-5-3-10-7-14l-5-3c5-3 10-7 13-13 2-6 2-12 1-18-1-5-3-10-7-13-4-4-9-5-14-5zm1 5l9 2 4 4c2 4 3 9 3 13 0 6-1 11-5 15-4 5-10 7-15 8V8l4-1zm29-7l-2 3v78c0 5 3 11 8 15 4 3 9 3 14 2 4-1 8-4 9-8 2-4 3-9 3-13V3c0-2-2-3-3-2-1 0-2 1-2 3v76c-1 4-1 8-4 11-3 2-6 3-10 2-3 0-7-2-8-5-2-3-3-7-2-10V3c0-2-2-3-3-3zm71 1c-2 0-3 2-3 3l2 75-27-77h-5v4l1 90c0 2 2 3 4 2l1-3-1-77 27 78h5v-4l-2-89-2-2z" fill="#009fe5"/></symbol><symbol id="Bookstores-logo" viewBox="0 0 510 100"><path d="M489 37c-4 0-7 2-9 3-5 3-7 8-7 13-1 4 1 9 5 13l11 6 9 5c2 3 3 7 3 11-1 3-3 5-6 6-3 2-6 1-9 0-3-2-6-5-7-8l-3-8h-2l-1 2 1 14 2 2c4 2 10 3 15 3l9-3c3-2 6-5 7-9 2-5 1-10-1-15l-9-8-13-7c-3-2-3-6-3-8 1-4 3-7 6-7 2-1 5 0 7 1 3 2 6 6 8 10v1h3l-1-14c-4-2-9-3-14-3h-1zm-43 0l-12 4-7 8-5 12-1 11c0 7 2 14 7 19 4 5 10 8 17 8 3 0 6 0 8-2 6-2 10-5 14-10l1-1-1-5-5 5c-3 2-5 4-8 4h-6c-4 0-8-2-11-5-3-4-5-9-6-14l-1-7 1-3 1-1h14l21-1-1-8c-2-3-4-7-7-9-2-2-5-4-8-4l-5-1zm1 5c3 0 7 2 9 5l1 6-1 1-8 1-16 1c0-4 2-7 4-9a13 13 0 0111-5zm-52-7l-5 9-9 4v3l7 2c2 1 2 2 2 3v36h-3l-7 2v3h34l1-3-6-1-8-1-1-2v-8l-1-20c0-4 2-7 4-10l3-3c1-1 3 0 5 1s4 2 6 1 4-3 4-5c0-3-1-6-4-8h-6l-4 3a91 91 0 00-8 11 270 270 0 00-1-17l-2-1-1 1zm-46 3c-6 0-12 1-17 5s-9 9-10 16a33 33 0 004 28 27 27 0 0025 11c6 0 12-2 16-6a31 31 0 008-36c-2-5-6-10-10-14-5-3-11-5-16-4zm0 3l7 2c3 2 6 5 8 9l2 12v11c0 4-1 9-4 12-1 3-4 5-7 6a15 15 0 01-18-3c-2-2-4-5-4-8-2-5-2-10-2-15s0-10 2-14 4-7 7-9a18 18 0 019-3zm-49-15l-4 10-6 7-4 2c-1 1-1 3 1 3h7v43c1 4 5 7 9 7h9c3-1 7-3 9-6l-1-3-2 1-4 2h-6c-2 0-4-2-4-4l-1-12V56v-8h1l16-1v-1-5h-17V29v-3h-3zm-38 11l-9 3c-4 3-7 8-7 13 0 4 2 10 6 13l11 6 8 5c2 2 3 5 3 8 1 2 0 5-2 7s-5 3-8 3-7-2-9-5l-4-7-2-5h-1l-2 1 1 5v10l2 2 15 3 9-3c4-2 6-5 8-9 1-5 0-10-2-15-2-3-5-6-9-8l-13-7c-2-2-3-6-2-9 0-3 2-6 6-6 2-1 4 0 6 1 4 2 7 6 8 10l1 1h3l-1-14-15-3h-1zM200 1l-7 4-6 2-1 3 7 2 1 3v75l-1 3-6 1-1 1v2h25l-1-4-6-1-1-4V73v-4c2 0 4 0 6 2l7 8 8 10 1 3-3 1-5 1-1 1 1 2h4l17-1 7 1v-3c-3-1-6-1-8-3l-7-8-12-15-4-5a563 563 0 0019-16l7-2 1-3h-27v3l1 1 6 2 1 2c-2 4-5 6-8 9l-7 6-4 1V42 19 9 1h-3zm-46 37c-6 0-12 1-16 5-5 4-9 9-11 16a33 33 0 005 28c2 4 6 7 10 9s9 3 15 3c5-1 11-3 16-7a31 31 0 008-36c-2-5-6-10-11-14-4-3-10-5-16-4zm0 3l9 3c3 2 6 6 7 10l2 12v10c-1 6-3 11-7 15-3 2-7 4-11 4s-8-1-11-4c-2-3-4-5-5-9-2-5-2-11-2-17 1-5 1-10 4-14 1-3 3-5 6-7 2-2 5-2 8-3zm-61-3h-1c-5 0-11 1-16 5s-9 9-10 15a33 33 0 004 29c3 4 6 7 10 9l15 3c6-1 12-3 16-7a31 31 0 009-35c-3-6-6-11-11-15-5-3-11-5-16-4zm0 3c3 0 7 1 9 4 3 2 5 5 6 9l3 12-1 11c-1 5-3 10-7 14-3 3-7 4-11 4s-8-2-11-5c-2-2-4-5-4-8-2-4-2-9-2-14s0-10 2-15c2-4 4-7 7-9l9-3zM17 0l-3 1L1 4 0 7l8 5 1 5v83h2l4-6 3 1 9 3c6 2 13 1 19-3 4-2 7-5 9-9l4-9 1-11-3-12-8-10c-3-2-7-3-11-3h-6l-6 1-6 3h-2V35 16 2l-1-2zm13 46l7 1c5 3 9 7 11 12 2 6 2 12 1 17s-2 10-6 14c-3 3-7 4-11 4s-7-1-10-3c-2-1-3-3-4-6v-8-24l1-3c3-3 7-4 11-4z" fill="#5a5b5d"/></symbol><symbol id="Chegg-logo" viewBox="0 0 340 100"><g fill="#f58113" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M230 22c-5 0-10 1-14 5-7 7-9 15-8 25 0 6 2 12 5 17 9 11 19 9 26 8 6-1 7 3 6 5-2 4-7 5-13 3-6-3-14-3-18 1v6l2 2c11 8 27 7 39 3 6-2 11-9 11-15 2-17 1-52 1-53-2-10-15-6-20-4-5-2-11-4-17-3zm8 16c2 0 4 1 5 3 2 2 4 5 3 9 0 4-2 8-5 10-2 1-6 1-8-1-3-2-4-6-4-10 0-3 1-6 4-9l5-2zM294 22c-5 0-10 1-14 5-7 7-9 15-9 25 1 6 2 12 6 17 8 11 19 9 25 8s8 3 7 5c-2 4-7 5-13 3-6-3-14-3-18 1v6l2 2c10 8 27 7 39 3 6-2 10-9 11-15 2-17 1-52 1-53-2-10-15-6-20-4-5-2-11-4-17-3zm8 16l5 3c2 2 3 5 3 9s-2 8-5 10c-3 1-6 1-8-1-3-2-4-6-4-10l3-9 6-2zM172 21c-7 0-13 2-19 6-9 7-13 19-11 31 2 10 9 20 19 22 13 3 30 3 38-10 1-2 1-6-2-7-8-4-14 2-20 4-4 1-8 0-10-3s0-6 2-7c12-3 26 6 33-2 4-4 0-17-4-22-6-8-16-12-26-12zm1 15c2 0 4 0 5 2 1 1 2 3 1 5-3 2-7 2-10 1-2-2-2-4-2-6l6-2zM57 80c-14 6-33 5-45-6S-2 44 2 28C4 18 11 9 20 4c11-6 27-6 39 1 5 2 10 8 13 13 1 4 3 9 0 11-5 5-15 3-18 1-6-5-11-14-19-10-7 3-10 12-10 19 0 9 0 19 8 24 4 2 11 2 14-2 4-3 6-9 10-9 2 0 18-2 17 4 0 10-8 20-17 24M133 80c-4 1-9 1-13-1-5-3-4-9-3-15 0-8 2-19-6-24-3-1-6 0-7 1l-4 7c-1 10 1 24-3 30-2 3-12 3-14 1-6-3-5-11-5-17 0-15-1-37 1-56 1-6 14-9 19-1 2 2 2 8 2 10 0 9 4 9 5 9 9-3 21-6 27 3 8 11 5 44 5 46-1 4-3 6-4 7"/></g></symbol><symbol id="CityLights-logo" viewBox="0 -10 630 110"><path d="M195 93l5-2 5-1V51l-10-19c-8-15-11-20-15-21-3-1-5-3-5-4l14-1c9 0 14 1 14 2l-3 1c-1 0-3 1-2 2l7 17 8 16 3-6 6-15c4-9 4-10 1-12l-5-2-1-1c2-2 23-2 23 0l-3 1-4 1-9 20-9 21v17c0 18 1 22 7 22 2 0 3 1 3 3 0 1-2 2-15 2-12 0-16-1-15-2zM131 94c-2-2 0-4 4-4h3V51l-1-41c-2-1-9 2-12 5-2 3-3 8-4 15-1 17-3 11-3-10 0-18 1-25 3-17 1 3 2 3 23 3 22 0 23 0 24-3 2-7 3-1 3 17 0 22-2 28-3 11-1-7-2-13-4-15-2-4-10-7-13-6l-1 39c0 41 0 41 8 41 3 0 4 1 4 3 0 1-3 2-15 2l-16-1zM82 93c0-2 2-3 5-3h4V58c0-39 0-46-5-47-7-3-4-5 10-5 8 0 14 1 14 2l-4 1-4 1v78l4 2c8 3 5 5-10 5-11 0-14-1-14-2zM25 93a48 48 0 01-9-78C28 4 46 1 61 7l6 3 1-3 2-5c2 0 2 4 2 17 0 15 0 18-2 18s-2-1-2-6C68 19 57 9 42 9s-25 8-30 23c-6 21 6 48 24 57 10 5 21 3 30-3 5-4 7-4 8-3 1 3 0 4-7 8-6 4-9 4-21 5-12 0-14 0-21-3zM515 92l5-2h4V51c1-23 0-40-1-41l-7 1c-7 2-10 8-10 20 0 8 0 10-2 10s-3-4-3-20c0-12 1-20 2-20 1-1 2 0 3 2 0 3 1 3 24 3s24 0 25-3c0-2 2-3 2-2 2 0 2 8 2 20 0 16 0 20-2 20s-3-3-3-11c0-10 0-12-3-15l-7-4-5-1c-3 0-2 76 0 79l6 2 5 1c0 1-7 2-17 2s-18-1-18-2zM428 92l4-1h4V12l-4-1c-7-4-4-5 11-5 8 0 15 1 15 2l-5 2c-4 0-4 0-4 11l-1 10h25v-9c0-9 0-10-4-11-9-3-5-5 10-5 8 0 15 1 15 2l-4 2h-3l-1 39v39l4 1c7 4 4 5-11 5-9 0-15-1-15-2l5-1h4V36h-25v52l5 2c8 3 5 4-10 4-9 0-15-1-15-2zM298 92l5-1h5V12l-5-1c-9-3-5-5 10-5 9 0 15 1 15 2l-4 1h-4v40c1 39 1 39 4 41 7 3 4 4-11 4-9 0-15-1-15-2zM579 95c-14-4-21-12-21-25 0-14 9-23 22-23 7 0 15 6 17 11 3 8-5 16-12 13-3-1-3-1 1-4 9-7 2-19-10-16-12 2-16 19-7 31 14 18 47 10 47-12 0-9-4-13-20-23-20-12-26-22-18-34 4-6 9-9 19-8 6 1 7 0 8-2 0-2 2-3 3-3 2 0 1 33-1 33l-3-9c0-6-1-11-3-12-7-7-18-2-18 7 0 7 2 9 17 17 21 11 26 19 24 35-2 17-24 29-45 24zM371 95c-15-3-28-13-34-26-4-9-4-25 0-36 3-10 16-22 26-26 10-3 25-3 35 1l8 3V7l2-4 1 17c0 16-2 22-3 10-2-13-13-21-29-21-12 0-20 5-26 14-5 7-5 8-5 21 0 12 1 16 4 22 11 21 32 31 49 22 5-2 5-3 5-8 0-8-1-9-8-10-11-3-6-4 12-4l17 1c0 1-2 2-5 2-4 0-4 1-4 8 0 6-1 8-4 10-10 7-29 11-41 8zM290 99v-3c0-1-6-2-22-2-12 0-21-1-21-2l4-1h5V53l-1-40-5-3c-7-2-3-4 12-4 10 0 16 1 16 2l-5 1h-4v41l1 41c5 0 14-4 16-6 2-3 3-7 4-16l2-12c1-1 2 6 2 21 0 14-1 22-2 22l-2-1z"/></symbol><symbol id="Daedalus-logo" viewBox="0 0 510 100"><path d="M460 96c-3-2-8-7-10-11l-3-7 11-17c11-15 12-17 11-25-1-7-1-9 4-12 7-4 12-3 15 2 3 4 3 5 0 10-3 6-2 7 6 22 7 12 8 17 7 22-3 17-25 26-41 16zm23-7c6-6 5-15-2-28l-7-11-9 13-9 16c0 2 2 5 5 8 6 6 17 7 22 2zM91 95c-8-3-12-11-12-27 0-22 11-39 28-42 5-1 7 0 12 5l6 6 2-5c1-6 7-8 10-4 2 2 2 8-1 30-2 14-4 28-3 29 1 5 7 3 10-3 4-7 4-3 1 5-1 2-5 6-8 7-5 2-7 2-12-1l-5-6c0-3-1-2-7 2-9 7-14 8-21 4zm17-8c16-7 21-43 7-52-16-10-31 38-18 52 4 4 4 4 11 0zm108 9c-15-6-17-36-4-57 10-15 24-17 34-6l4 5 3-19c3-19 3-19 9-19 7 0 7-2 0 47-4 28-5 39-3 41 3 3 9 1 9-4 0-3 1-5 2-5l1 5c-4 11-14 16-21 11-3-2-5-4-5-6 0-5-2-4-9 2-6 6-14 8-20 5zm21-13c7-7 12-18 12-28 0-8-6-19-10-20-11-4-20 9-21 31-1 13-1 16 3 19 6 6 8 6 16-2zm48 12c-8-3-12-12-11-27 0-14 8-33 16-38 8-6 19-5 25 2l5 6 1-5c2-7 7-9 11-5 2 2 1 8-2 29l-3 30c2 5 7 3 10-3 4-7 5-3 1 5-4 10-21 10-24 1-1-4-1-4-7 1l-8 5-5 1c-1 1-5 0-9-2zm27-19c8-16 7-34-2-40-4-3-6-3-10 0-14 7-19 49-6 52 6 2 15-4 18-12zm35 18l-4-6 11-81c1-6 2-7 8-7l6 2a2941 2941 0 01-11 85c2 5 7 2 10-3s3-5 3-1c0 11-15 19-23 11zm36 0c-5-5-5-5-1-32l2-24c-2-4-7-3-11 3l-3 6 1-6c2-12 16-18 23-11 4 4 4 8 0 32l-2 23c2 5 11 3 18-5 7-7 8-10 10-22 5-30 4-29 11-29l6 2-4 29c-3 15-3 28-2 29 2 2 8 0 10-6 2-4 2-4 2 0 0 6-6 13-13 14-6 2-14-4-14-12 0-4 0-4-6 2-10 12-20 14-27 7zM0 94c0-1 2-3 4-3l4-2 6-38c6-44 6-45 2-45-2 0-3-1-3-2 1-2 7-3 22-3 18 0 22 1 27 4 24 18 18 67-11 85-6 4-11 5-29 6-17 0-22 0-22-2zm40-7c13-6 23-27 23-50 0-20-9-32-24-30h-6l-6 40-6 41c0 3 13 2 19-1zm116 3c-6-5-6-7-7-19s0-15 5-25c5-9 8-12 16-16 11-6 22-5 29 1 12 13-5 32-29 32-7 0-7 0-7 9 0 12 5 18 14 18 5 0 8-2 12-6 7-9 11-9 6 0-8 13-27 17-39 6zm23-35c11-5 15-17 7-22-7-4-18 6-20 19-2 8 2 9 13 3z" fill="#703040"/></symbol><symbol id="eBay-logo" viewBox="0 0 250 100"><path d="M158 53c-12 0-19 2-19 10 0 5 4 10 14 10 13 0 20-7 20-19v-1h-15zm28 15v11h-12v-8c-6 8-14 10-24 10-15 0-24-8-24-18 0-13 12-18 31-18l16-1v-1c0-9-6-13-16-13-7 0-13 3-14 9h-13c2-14 16-17 28-17 15 0 28 5 28 21v25z" fill="#f5af02"/><path d="M50 46c-1-11-9-16-18-16-10 0-18 5-19 16zm-37 9c0 11 8 18 19 18 7 0 14-3 16-10h13c-2 13-17 18-29 18C10 81 0 69 0 52c0-18 10-30 32-30 18 0 31 9 31 29v4z" fill="#e53238"/><path d="M95 72c12 0 19-8 19-21 0-12-7-21-19-21s-20 9-20 21c0 13 8 21 20 21zM63 0h12v31c7-7 15-9 23-9 14 0 30 9 30 30 0 17-13 29-30 29-9 0-17-3-23-10v8H62l1-13z" fill="#0064d2"/><path d="M249 24l-38 76h-14l11-21-29-55h14l22 43 21-43z" fill="#86b817"/></symbol><symbol id="eCampus-logo" viewBox="0 0 320 100"><path d="M178 0l-4 1-6 3c-2-2-6-4-10-4l-7 2-8-1h-11c-3 1-4 4-4 7v1l-1-1c-3-4-8-7-13-8h-6c-8 0-16 5-19 12l-5-7c-4-3-10-5-15-5-10 0-19 8-21 17l-1 14-7-10c-4-3-9-5-14-5-7 0-14 5-18 11-4 7-6 16-5 24v2c-2 1-3 4-3 6v11c1 3 6 5 8 3l2-1c3 5 9 9 15 9 5 1 10-1 14-4l6-5 2-3-2-7-3-9-1-1 6-4 1 15c1 4 3 9 6 12s6 5 10 6c6 1 12 0 17-2l7-8 1 1c1 4 5 8 9 9s8 0 12-2c2 2 5 1 7 1h11l2-1 5 1h14l2-1 6 1h13l1-1 7 1h12v16c1 3 5 5 8 3l16-10 1-7v-2c5 2 11 1 15-2l4-5 3 4c4 5 12 6 18 2 2 2 5 1 7 1h12c3-1 4-4 4-6 3 4 8 6 14 7s13 0 18-4c4-4 6-9 6-14V46c-1-4-3-8-7-11l-6-5 11-8c2-2 2-5 1-7-2-8-8-13-16-15h-6c-6 0-12 2-16 7V5c0-2-3-4-6-4l-15 1h-2l-7-1h-12c-2 1-3 2-3 4-3-3-7-5-11-5h-1l-7 2-7-1h-12c-2 1-4 3-4 5l-1-1c-2-3-7-5-11-5zM87 31v3c1 2 4 3 7 3h-1l-4 5H73l-1-3h1l5-2 9-6zm191 11l4 4h-4v-4z" fill="#2360a5"/><path d="M59 73l-5-8-2-16V30l1-14 6-8c3-2 6-3 11-3a16 16 0 0116 12l1 8-14 9V24l-1-6-2-1-2 1-1 6v33c0 5 2 7 4 7l2-2V47h14v12l-3 9c-1 3-3 5-6 6-2 2-5 2-8 2-5 0-8-1-11-3m50-68c-4 0-8 1-10 3-3 2-5 5-6 8l-1 12v4h14V22v-4l3-1c1 0 2 0 2 2l1 7-1 6s-1 2-8 5l-9 7c-2 2-2 5-2 10v6c0 7 1 11 3 13s5 3 8 3c4 0 7-2 8-7h1v6h15V41l-1-23c0-4-2-7-5-9-2-3-6-4-12-4zm3 37v15l-1 6-2 1-2-1-1-7 1-7 4-7zm57-29c2-5 5-8 9-8 3 0 5 1 7 3 2 1 3 3 3 6l1 12v49h-15V30 19c-1-1-1-2-3-2l-2 2-1 11v45h-14V31l-1-12-2-2-2 1-1 3v54h-15V6h15v7c3-5 6-8 10-8s8 3 10 8h1m52-8c-4 0-7 2-10 7h-1l1-6h-16v89l15-10V68l1 1c3 5 6 7 10 7 2 0 4 0 6-2l3-6 1-14V25l-1-11c0-3-1-5-3-6l-6-3zm-8 12l2 1 1 8v30l-1 7-2 1-2-1-1-8V26l1-7c0-2 1-2 2-2zm60-11v69h-16v-6c-2 5-6 7-10 7l-5-1-4-5-1-5V6h15v57l3 1 2-1V6h16m24 57l1-5-1-6-9-7c-5-4-8-7-9-10l-1-10 1-12 6-6 9-2 9 2 5 4 2 5 1 3-14 9v-4-6l-3-1c-1 0-3 1-3 5l1 4 2 4 7 5 9 8 2 12-2 13-5 6c-3 2-6 2-9 2l-11-2-5-7c-2-3-2-7-2-13v-3h14v12l3 1 2-1M27 21C16 21 8 33 8 49v7l-3 1v12l6-4c4 7 9 12 15 12l7-2 9-6-4-13-8 5-3 1-6-3 24-16c-1-13-9-22-18-22zm0 14c2 0 4 2 6 4v1l-15 9c0-8 4-14 9-14z" fill="#fff22d"/></symbol><symbol id="eMarketplace-logo" viewBox="0 0 550 100"><path d="M526 23h-5c-7 2-14 6-17 13-2 5-3 8-3 15s1 10 3 15c4 7 10 11 18 12h9l13-4-1-6h-6c-7 2-13 2-17 0-3-1-6-5-7-7l-2-8 17-1h17l1-1 1-5c0-8-2-13-6-17s-9-6-15-6zm0 8c4 0 8 2 10 6l1 7-13 1c-14 0-13 0-12-4 2-4 5-8 10-9l4-1zM428 23h-4c-9 2-16 10-18 22-1 7 0 15 2 21 4 7 9 11 16 12h3c1 1 5 0 7-1l7-4 1-1 1 2c2 3 3 3 8 3s5 0 5-4c0-2 0-3-3-4h-1V47l-1-22-4-1c-3 0-4 0-5 2v1l-2-1-12-3zm1 8c5 0 9 2 12 6l1 1v20l-1 3c-2 3-5 6-8 7-3 2-5 2-8 1-2 0-3-1-5-3-3-4-5-8-5-15 0-8 2-12 6-16 2-3 5-4 8-4zM275 23h-2l-9 2c-7 3-11 9-14 17v9c0 6 0 9 2 13 3 8 10 13 19 14 6 1 16-1 20-3l1-3c0-3 0-5-2-5l-4 1c-5 1-10 2-13 1-5 0-9-4-11-8-1-2-3-7-2-8l17-1h17l1-2c1-2 0-11-1-15-3-8-11-12-19-12zm0 8c3 0 5 1 7 3s3 3 3 5l1 4v1h-26s1-5 3-7a14 14 0 0112-6zM151 23l-7 1c-9 3-14 11-16 21-3 17 5 31 18 33l9-1c3 0 7-3 8-4h2l4 4h4c5 0 5 0 5-3v-4h-2l-2-1V47l-1-22-4-1c-3 0-5 1-5 2v1l-2-1c-4-2-7-3-11-3zm1 8c4 0 8 2 11 6l1 1v20l-1 2c-2 4-5 8-9 9s-9 0-12-3c-3-4-4-8-4-15 0-8 1-12 5-16 2-3 5-4 9-4zM360 23l-11 2-4 2v-1l-1-2h-7l-1 1v73l1 1 4 1 3-1 1-1V86l1-12 2 1c4 3 13 4 19 2 8-3 13-10 15-20l1-9c-1-6-1-9-3-13a20 20 0 00-20-12zm-1 8l4 1c4 1 7 4 9 10v16c-2 7-5 10-10 11h-7l-7-3c-3-3-3-2-3-16V38l2-2c3-3 8-5 12-5zM25 17c-8 0-14 5-18 11a42 42 0 00-4 25l-3 1v21l9-6c3 5 7 8 12 10 5 1 12-1 16-5l8-5-6-19 9-6c-1-6-3-12-6-17-4-6-10-10-17-10z" fill="#0055a3"/><path d="M25 21C14 21 6 32 6 48l1 6v1l-3 2v11l6-4c4 7 9 11 15 11l6-1 10-7-4-12-9 5-3 1c-2 0-4-1-5-3h-1l25-15c-2-13-9-22-19-22zm0 14c2 0 5 1 6 4l-14 9h-1c0-7 4-13 9-13z" fill="#fd0"/><path d="M390 77l-1-1V39l1-37c0-1 2-2 6-2l2 1 1 37c0 39 0 38-2 39h-7zM215 77l-1-2V2c1-1 2-2 5-2l4 1 1 21v20l8-9 8-9h9v3l-8 10-9 9 9 13 11 16c0 2-1 2-5 2h-4l-8-11c-10-15-10-14-10-13l-1 12v11h-1l-4 1h-4zM184 76h-1V51c0-30 0-27 5-27 3 0 4 0 5 2v1l2-2c3-2 5-2 8-2 5 0 6 0 6 3l-2 5h-3c-5 0-5 1-9 4l-2 2v18l-1 22h-4l-4-1zM52 76v-6a6338 6338 0 002-67l4-1 4 1 14 31 12 27 7-15 18-43 4-1 4 1v1a51771 51771 0 002 69c0 4 0 4-4 4l-5-1a1307 1307 0 01-3-50 1084 1084 0 00-19 51h-4c-3 0-4 0-5-2a1797 1797 0 01-20-49 1099 1099 0 00-2 50l-5 1-4-1zM480 78c-9-1-16-6-19-14-2-4-2-7-3-13l1-9a24 24 0 0125-19c5 0 7 0 12 2 3 1 4 2 4 4l-2 5-5-1c-4-2-5-2-9-2-5 0-7 1-10 4-4 3-6 8-6 15 0 12 6 20 15 20 3 1 7 0 11-2h5l1 6c-1 2-13 5-20 4zM317 78c-4 0-8-2-10-4l-2-4-1-20V32h-3c-4-1-4-1-4-4v-4h7v-7-7h9v7l1 7h13v7l-7 1h-6l-1 15c0 15 1 19 2 21s4 2 9 2h6v6c-2 1-9 3-13 2z" fill="#0055a3"/></symbol><symbol id="Etsy-logo" viewBox="0 0 550 100"><path d="M23 8v28h15c4-1 5-2 6-6l1-6h5l-1 14v13h-4l-1-5c-1-4-3-5-6-5H23v23c0 5 2 7 7 7h16c5 0 10-1 13-8l5-9h3l-2 23-21-1H16L0 77v-5l5-1c4-1 5-2 5-5l1-27-1-28c0-3-1-4-5-5L0 5V1h47l16-1-1 22h-4l-1-6c-2-6-4-10-8-10H25c-2 0-2 0-2 2zm62 3h4v16l16-1-1 7-15-1v29c0 8 3 11 7 11s7-3 9-5l2 3c-2 5-9 8-15 8-8 0-14-4-14-13V33h-9v-4c8-1 13-6 16-18zm33 49l3 7c1 3 4 7 10 7s9-4 9-8c0-13-26-9-26-27 0-10 8-15 19-15 4 0 11 1 15 3l-2 12-3 1-3-8c-1-2-4-3-8-3s-9 2-9 7c0 11 26 9 26 26 0 10-8 16-19 16-8 0-16-3-16-3V60zm30 37l2-15h4l2 8c0 2 2 3 5 3 5 0 11-3 17-13l-18-44c-2-4-2-5-5-5l-2-1v-4h26v3l-4 1c-2 1-3 2-3 4v1l12 31 12-29 1-3c0-2-2-3-4-4l-3-1v-3h21v3l-2 2c-4 2-4 2-6 5l-17 39c-10 23-20 25-27 25-5 0-8-1-11-3z" fill="#f45800"/></symbol><symbol id="IndieBound-logo" viewBox="0 -14 670 114"><path d="M648 32c0-10-5-16-16-16h-14v68h14c11 0 16-6 16-16zm-14 66h-32V2h32c20 0 29 13 29 28v40c0 15-9 28-29 28m-60 0l-27-46-10-17v63h-14V2h12l26 47 9 17V2h15v96zm-100 2c-18 0-30-10-30-28V2h15v70c0 10 5 15 15 15 11 0 16-5 16-15V2h15v70c0 18-12 28-31 28m-62-70c0-10-5-17-15-17-11 0-16 7-16 17v40c0 10 5 17 16 17 10 0 15-7 15-17zm-15 70c-22 0-31-13-31-31V31c0-18 9-31 31-31 21 0 31 13 31 31v38c-1 18-10 31-31 31m-60-32c0-9-4-13-12-13h-16v30h18c8 0 10-5 10-10zm-1-42c0-6-2-11-10-11h-17v29h15c8 0 12-5 12-13zm-9 72h-33V2h32c19 0 25 10 25 24v3c0 12-5 18-14 19 11 2 15 9 15 20v6c0 14-6 24-25 24m-105 0V2h52v14h-36v25h26v13h-26v30h36v14zM189 2h16v96h-16zm-31 30c0-10-5-16-16-16h-14v68h14c11 0 16-6 16-16zm-14 66h-31V2h31c20 0 29 13 29 28v40c0 15-9 28-29 28m-60 0L57 52 47 35v63H33V2h12l26 47 10 17V2h14v96zM0 2h15v96H0z" fill="#000"/></symbol><symbol id="Goodwill-logo" viewBox="0 -10 560 110"><path d="M14 97C5.5 92.7 2.1 84 .5 62.6-2.5 23.5 7 3 29 .5 49.3-1.8 61.4 5.7 65.2 23L67 31H55.1c-11.3 0-12-.4-13.3-7.2-1-4.8-2.8-7.2-5.8-7.2-8.6 0-10 4.8-10 33.6 0 22.6.7 28.5 3.7 31 5.7 4.8 11.6-.2 12.5-10.5.6-6.6-.2-8.7-3-8.7-2.7 0-3.7-2.4-3.7-8.4v-8.3h31v52.5h-8.3c-6 0-8.4-1-8.4-3.7 0-3.1-1-3-6.3 1.2-7.1 5.6-20.4 6.4-29.5 1.8zm77-.5C78.7 91.2 73.7 77.8 73.7 50c0-28.4 5-41.4 17.7-46.7 19.2-8 40.3-.9 46 15.7 3.6 10.7 3.6 51.2 0 62-5.8 16.5-27.5 23.8-46.6 15.5zm23.4-19.2c3-8 3-46.7-.1-54.8-3.6-9.4-12.2-7.3-15 3.6-2.5 9.4-1.3 49.7 1.5 54.3 3.2 5.2 11 3.4 13.6-3.1zm50.8 19.5c-13-6-16.3-15.5-16.3-46.8 0-22 .9-29 4.4-35.5C158.9 4.3 171.3-1 186.5.4c21.4 2 28.1 13.8 28.1 49.6 0 25.6-2.8 36-11.6 44-6.7 5.9-27.4 7.4-37.8 2.8zm23.2-19.5c3-8 3-46.7 0-54.8-3.9-10-12.5-7.3-15 4.8-2.3 10.3-1 49 1.6 53.4 3 5 11 3 13.4-3.4zM224.2 50V2.2H247c37.6 0 42.8 5.8 42.8 47.8s-5.2 47.7-42.8 47.7h-22.8zM261.9 78c4-3.9 4-52.4 0-56.3a13.6 13.6 0 00-8.4-2.9c-5.4 0-5.5.3-5.5 31 0 30.9 0 31.1 5.5 31.1 3 0 6.8-1.3 8.4-2.9zm47.3 13l-7.4-42.3c-3.3-19.7-6.6-38.3-7.3-41.2-1-5-.4-5.4 10.8-5.4 6.6 0 12 .8 12 1.9 0 4.6 7.4 61.3 8.1 62 1 .9 2.3-8 6.5-40.6l3-23.3H357.1l4.4 31c2.4 17.1 5 31 6 31 .8 0 2.3-8.8 3.1-19.6l3-31 1.5-11.4H387c10.9 0 11.6.4 10.5 5.4-.7 3-3.4 18.8-6 35.2-2.8 16.4-6 35.5-7.5 42.4l-2.5 12.5h-12.8c-15 0-14 2-18.1-35.3-1.7-14.8-3.7-26-4.6-25-.9 1-3 13.1-4.6 26.9-4.1 35.4-3 33.4-18 33.4-12 0-12.9-.4-14-6.5zm94-41.1V2.2h24v95.5h-24zm35.9 0V2.2H463v76.4h31v19.1h-54.9zm59.7 0V2.2h23.8l.6 37.6.7 37.6 15 .7 14.8.7v18.9h-54.9z" fill="#0a4982"/></symbol><symbol id="HalfPriceBooks-logo" viewBox="0 0 390 100"><path d="M44 2l-7 21c-1 3-1 6-4 6v4h10v-4c-1 0-3 0-3-2l1-2 1-3h7l1 3v2c0 2-2 2-3 2v4h13v-4h-1l-3-4-7-23zm1 7l3 9h-5z" id="path954" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path d="M0 48v4c3 0 3 1 3 4v15c0 3 0 4-3 4v4h11v-4c-2 0-2-1-2-4v-5h3c4 0 9-1 9-9 0-3-1-6-3-7-2-2-4-2-6-2zm11 5c2 0 4 1 4 4l-2 4-3 1H9v-7-2h2z" id="path946" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path d="M22 48v4c3 0 3 1 3 4v15c0 3 0 4-3 4v4h12v-4h-1c-2 0-2-1-2-4v-5h1l8 13h7v-4c-2 0-3-1-4-3l-4-7c3-1 6-4 6-9 0-3-2-5-4-7l-7-1zm11 4l4 2 1 3-2 4h-6v-6l1-2 2-1z" id="path942" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path d="M119 2v9l2 1c5 1 4 4 4 10v36c0 9 0 10-6 12v9h30c6 0 12 0 16-5 5-4 7-11 7-18 0-9-4-16-10-18v-1c4-2 7-9 7-15 0-7-2-13-6-17-4-3-11-3-15-3zm26 11c5 0 11 2 11 10 0 9-7 10-11 10h-6V20l1-6 5-1zm-6 30h6c6 0 12 1 12 12 0 10-5 13-11 13-2 0-5 0-6-2l-1-5z" id="path932" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path d="M201 0c-16 0-29 17-29 41 0 12 3 22 9 29 5 8 12 11 19 11 17 0 30-18 30-42S217 0 201 0zm1 11c10 0 13 16 13 28 0 7-1 14-3 19-2 7-6 11-11 11-11 0-14-16-14-28 0-13 4-30 15-30z" id="path926" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path d="M261 0c-17 0-29 17-29 41 0 12 2 22 8 29 6 8 12 11 20 11 16 0 29-18 29-42S276 0 261 0zm0 11c10 0 13 16 13 28 0 7-1 14-3 19-2 7-6 11-11 11-10 0-13-16-13-28 0-13 3-30 14-30z" id="path922" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path id="path10" d="M22 14v-4c0-3 0-4-3-4V2h12v4c-3 0-3 1-3 4v18l3 1v4H19v-4c3 0 3-1 3-5v-6h-8v10l2 1h1v4H5v-4l2-1 1-3V10L7 7 5 6V2h12v4l-3 1v7z" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path id="path14" d="M80 33H62v-4c2-1 2-1 2-5V10c0-3 0-4-2-4V2h11v4l-2 1-1 3v15c0 2 0 3 2 3 4 0 7-3 9-8l2 2z" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path id="path16" d="M104 13c-3-4-5-7-9-7-3 0-3 1-3 5v3h2l2-1 1-3h2v14h-2c-1-4-1-5-5-5v6l1 3 2 1h1v4H84v-4c2 0 3-1 3-5V10c0-3-1-4-3-4V2h19l3 9z" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path id="path22" d="M61 79H49v-4l3-1V56v-3l-3-1v-4h12v4l-3 1v21l3 1v4z" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path id="path24" d="M85 70c-2 6-6 10-11 10-7 0-12-7-12-16 0-10 4-16 11-16l6 1v-1h2l3 11-2 1-3-5c-1-2-3-3-5-3-4 0-6 7-6 12l2 7c1 3 3 4 5 4 3 0 6-3 7-7z" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path id="path26" d="M101 69h-3l-1-3c0-2-2-2-3-2v10l2 1c5 0 8-3 10-8l3 1-4 11H85v-4h1c2-1 2-2 2-4V56c0-2 0-3-2-4h-1v-4h19l4 10-3 1c-2-4-4-6-8-6h-3v7h1c1 0 2 1 2-1l1-3h3z" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path id="rect30" d="M0 37h110v5H0z" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path id="path38" d="M374 2h5l5 23-5 3-1-2-7-10c-2-3-6-5-9-5-4 0-9 2-9 9 0 5 6 6 9 7l3 1 5 2c4 2 9 3 12 7 4 3 6 10 6 16 0 18-11 28-22 28-5 0-11-2-14-6l-1 5h-5l-7-29 6-2c4 11 11 20 21 20 4 0 10-2 10-10 0-6-6-7-9-8l-9-3c-3-2-8-3-12-7-3-3-5-10-5-16 0-16 10-25 20-25 4 0 9 2 13 6z" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/><path id="path40" d="M367 85c-2-2-3-3-5-3-3 0-5 2-5 4v1l-2 1h-1c-3 0-5-2-7-4l-1-2-1-1-14-29-12-22 3-4 2-3c7-9 13-13 18-13h1V2h-28v8h1l4 1 1 2-2 5-15 17V18l1-6c1-2 3-2 6-2h1V2h-27v8c3 0 4 1 5 2l2 5v46l-2 6-5 1v8h27v-8h-1l-5-1-2-8V48l6-8 13 25 13 25c4 5 11 10 17 10h2c6-1 10-4 12-7l1-5-1-3" fill="#e31837" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width=".6"/></symbol><symbol id="Hudson-logo" viewBox="0 -5 470 105"><path id="path1118" d="M116 98c-8-4-9-8-10-30V50l-4-5-4-7 26-8h3v24c0 24 0 25 2 28 2 2 4 3 7 3 4 0 10-2 11-5l1-16V51l-5-6-5-6c0-2 26-9 29-9l1 28v28l5 6 5 6-15 1h-15v-5c0-6-1-7-4-4l-6 6c-7 4-15 5-22 2zm82 0c-9-3-14-11-17-25V58c4-19 14-28 35-28h10v-4c0-3-1-6-4-10-6-7-5-8 8-11l11-4 3-1c2 0 3 2 3 43v44l4 4c7 8 7 8-10 8l-15-1 1-3c0-5-2-5-7 0-6 5-14 6-22 3zm24-14l4-1V44l-4-4c-2-3-5-5-7-5-4-1-5 0-8 3-3 4-4 5-5 12-2 19 5 35 15 36l5-2zm40 15c-1-1-1-27 1-27l3 5c4 5 11 14 15 16s11 2 14 0c3-3 3-8 0-12l-12-6-18-10-3-9c-1-5-1-6 1-12 2-7 8-11 18-13 9-2 24-1 26 1s3 22 0 22l-6-7c-8-11-19-14-23-6-3 5 1 8 14 14 13 5 18 9 20 16 2 6 2 10-1 15-2 5-4 8-10 11-4 2-12 3-28 2h-11zm81 0c-14-3-21-12-24-26-3-17 5-34 19-40 9-4 23-4 31-1 17 8 23 33 13 51-3 5-10 12-15 14s-19 3-24 2zm18-8c9-12 4-46-8-54-4-3-8-2-11 3-3 6-2 28 1 38 5 14 13 20 18 13zM0 98l5-7 5-6V18l-5-6-5-6c1-2 41-2 41 0l-5 7-6 5 1 14v15h18l18-1V17l-4-5-5-6 21-1 20 1-4 6-5 5v69l5 6 4 6-20 1-21-1 5-6 4-6V71l-1-17-18-1H31v16l-1 16 6 6 5 7H0zm390-1l5-6 4-4V51l-4-6-4-6c0-2 16-7 25-9 3 0 3 0 3 6l1 5 4-3c6-6 12-8 20-8s13 2 16 9c2 3 2 7 3 26v22l4 5 5 6h-37l3-6 4-5V69c0-22-1-25-10-25l-7 2-5 3v38l4 5 3 6-19 1c-14 0-18 0-18-2z" fill="#004890" stroke-width="1.1" fill-opacity="1"/></symbol><symbol id="IOBA-logo" viewBox="0 0 360 100"><path d="M310 0l-13 35-23 55-3 6-6 2-6 1h37l-9-1c-10-2-9-1-8-2 0-5 3-13 7-23l2-5h42l2 3a99 99 0 018 25 3171 3171 0 00-18 3h47l-6-1-5-2-10-19-17-40-15-37h-6zm2 8l19 45 18 44h-2l-3-1a37551 37551 0 00-33-85l1-3zm-4 11l6 12 13 29 1 4-9 1a296 296 0 01-29-1l7-18a600 600 0 0111-27zM184 1l-13 1 9 1 8 1 2 17a1135 1135 0 01-2 75 215 215 0 01-17 3h61c9-1 14-4 19-9 8-8 9-21 2-30-4-6-11-10-18-11a46 46 0 00-9-2h1c4-1 7-1 10-3 6-3 10-8 12-14v-6-6c-2-6-5-10-11-13l-9-3-30-1h-15zm35 2h6c10 2 16 9 17 17 2 13-5 24-18 26h-1l1-1c5-1 9-5 11-9 4-7 4-15 0-22-3-6-9-10-18-10l-2-1h4zm-27 1h5v93h-5V4zm20 1h7c8 2 14 7 16 14v12l-3 6-5 5-8 4h-11l-4-1a172 172 0 011-37l1-2h1l5-1zm11 44h4c12 2 20 8 22 19 3 13-3 24-15 28a35 35 0 01-13 2l-2-1h3c14-1 22-9 23-22 0-7-2-13-7-18-3-4-8-6-13-7l-2-1zm-10 1h6c15 2 24 11 24 24 0 12-7 20-20 21l-4 1c-5 0-8-1-12-3l-2-1v-2a363 363 0 01-1-38v-1l1-1h8zM111 0h-7C94 2 87 4 80 8c-8 6-15 14-19 22-5 12-6 24-2 35 5 14 15 25 28 30a59 59 0 0025 5l14-1c16-4 29-16 36-31 4-12 4-24-1-36-7-18-22-29-43-32h-7zm-5 2h2l-1 1c-6 0-11 2-16 4-8 4-15 10-19 17-7 11-9 25-6 37a47 47 0 0041 36l1 1h-3l-16-4c-14-6-25-19-28-34l-2-10 2-11a50 50 0 0145-37zm9 0h1a43 43 0 0125 9c8 7 14 18 16 30v18c-2 9-5 16-9 22a43 43 0 01-32 17h-2l3-1a38 38 0 0030-21c5-11 7-25 4-39-2-11-7-20-15-26-5-5-12-7-21-8l-1-1h1zm-4 3c5 0 8 0 12 2 12 4 21 13 24 26 2 5 2 10 2 16 1 10-1 18-4 25a37 37 0 01-61 10c-6-6-9-14-11-25v-9-9c2-11 6-20 13-27l9-6a32 32 0 0116-3zM25 1L0 2l8 1 8 1 2 21a716 716 0 01-2 71 193 193 0 01-16 3h50l-7-1-8-1-1-1v-1a399 399 0 010-91 3181 3181 0 0116-2L25 1zm-5 3h5v93h-5V4z"/></symbol><symbol id="McGrawHill-logo" viewBox="0 0 730 100"><g id="g1102"><path id="path64" d="M348 27c-10 0-18 2-25 5l-1 1 4 11 1-1c8-3 14-4 21-4 8 0 18 3 18 17l-19-2c-19 0-30 8-30 24 0 14 13 22 26 22 12 0 19-4 23-9v7h13V55c0-9-3-16-8-21s-13-7-23-7zm0 37c8 0 14 2 18 3v5c0 10-9 17-21 17-7 0-15-4-15-12s7-13 18-13z" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/><path d="M91 99H78V27L46 73h-2L13 28v71H0V4h13l32 49L78 4h13z" id="path48" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/><path d="M140 100c-20 0-37-16-37-37 0-20 17-37 37-37 14 0 22 7 28 13l1 1-9 9-1-1c-5-5-11-10-20-10-12 0-22 11-22 25s10 25 23 25c7 0 14-3 19-10l1-1 9 8-1 1c-5 7-13 14-28 14z" id="path52" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/><path d="M224 100c-29 0-48-20-48-49 0-27 21-49 47-49 14 0 25 4 35 13h1l-8 11-1-1c-6-5-14-10-27-10-19 0-34 16-34 36 0 22 14 37 35 37 9 0 19-3 25-9V59h-28V46h41v40c-7 5-19 14-38 14z" id="path56" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/><path d="M289 99h-13V28h13v13c6-10 15-15 26-14h2v13h-2c-16 0-26 12-26 30v29z" id="path60" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/><path d="M467 99h-10l-18-50-17 50h-11l-25-71h14l17 51 17-51h11l17 51 17-51h14z" id="path68" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/><path d="M538 64h-39V51h39z" id="path72" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/><path d="M631 99h-14V57h-50v42h-13V4h13v41h50V4h14z" id="path76" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/><path d="M664 16h-14V2h14z" id="path1067" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/><path d="M664 99h-14V28h14z" id="path80" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/><path d="M695 99h-13V0h13z" id="path84" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/><path d="M727 99h-13V0h13z" id="path88" fill="#dd1d25" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.9"/></g></symbol><symbol id="Mercari-logo" viewBox="0 0 460 100"><g fill="#5e6df2"><path d="M131 99V87H99V75h30V63H99V51h32V38H86v61z"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M196 33c4 3 6 8 6 15 0 8-4 15-11 19l13 21h-15l-12-19h-10v19h-13V28h25c7 0 12 1 17 5zm-19 7h-10v17h10c8 0 12-3 12-9 0-5-4-8-12-8z"/><path d="M268 79c-4 6-9 8-16 8-5 0-9-1-13-5-3-3-5-8-5-14 0-5 2-10 5-13s8-5 12-5c6 0 12 3 16 8l9-9c-6-8-14-12-24-12-9 0-17 3-23 9s-9 13-9 23c0 9 3 17 9 22 6 6 14 9 23 9 10 0 19-4 25-11v-1l-9-9z"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M313 28h13l23 60h-14l-4-10h-23l-5 10h-14zm-1 38h15l-8-20zM409 43c4 4 6 9 6 15 0 8-4 16-11 19l13 22h-15l-12-19h-10v19h-13V38h25c7 0 12 2 17 5zm-19 8h-10v16h10c8 0 12-3 12-8 0-6-4-8-12-8z"/><path d="M437 33h13v55h-13zM436 15l6-15 15 6-7 15zM31 61l17-33h14v60H49V54h-1L35 77h-8L14 54v34H0V28h14l17 33z"/></g></symbol><symbol id="Pearson-logo" viewBox="0 -10 500 110"><path fill="#3d3935" d="M219 94l-2-1h-5l-2-8V49c0-14-9-21-26-21-15 0-27 7-27 16 0 5 3 8 7 8 3 1 6 0 8-2 3-4 3-9-2-14 3-3 8-4 13-4 9 0 13 5 13 17v9l-8 2c-7 2-17 4-24 8-6 3-9 8-9 15 0 8 5 17 19 17 8 0 15-4 22-12 1 8 4 11 12 11 4 0 7 0 10-2 1-1 2-2 1-3zm-23-11c-2 3-8 10-15 10-9 0-11-7-11-12 0-9 7-14 26-18zm181 17c-20 0-35-16-35-36s16-37 35-37c20 0 35 16 35 36 0 23-18 37-35 37zm-1-69c-8 0-18 4-18 33 0 21 6 32 20 32 13 0 18-10 18-32s-6-33-20-33zM67 29c0 16-4 26-25 26H30V4h12c22 0 25 13 25 25zM30 85V59h11c15 0 26-3 34-9 8-7 10-15 10-21C85 5 61 0 42 0H2L0 2l1 2c4 1 14-1 14 9v72c0 6-3 9-13 10l-2 2 2 2h42l2-2-2-2c-11-1-14-4-14-10V59zm87-58c-19 0-34 17-34 37 0 21 14 36 34 36 16 0 24-10 29-17l-1-2h-2c-6 7-11 12-20 12-12 0-24-8-24-30v-4h47c1-9-2-17-7-23s-13-9-22-9zM99 55c2-15 8-24 17-24 5 0 8 2 11 4 3 4 4 10 4 20zm213 0c-13-3-18-7-18-12 0-7 6-12 13-12 8 0 12 4 21 19h1l2-1V28v-1h-2l-1 1-3 3c-4-2-9-4-15-4-15 0-25 9-25 22 0 12 8 17 22 21 13 3 18 7 18 14 0 8-7 12-13 12-10 0-15-4-25-21v-1h-1l-2 2v24h2l1-1 5-4c5 3 13 5 18 5 8 0 14-3 18-7s6-10 6-16c0-11-6-17-22-22zm-78 35c0 4-1 5-7 6l-1 1 2 2h29l1-2-1-1c-7-1-9-2-9-6V48c5-8 9-12 14-13v3c0 5 4 9 9 9s8-4 8-9-3-10-11-10c-7 0-14 4-20 13V30l-2-2-18 1-2 1v1l1 1c6 1 7 4 7 7zm202-62l1 1 1 1v12s6-14 25-14c12 0 19 7 19 21v41c0 4 1 5 7 5l2 2-2 2h-26a2 2 0 010-4c4 0 5-1 5-5V53c0-13-3-17-12-17-7 0-12 5-15 9l-3 6v39c0 4 1 5 5 5a2 2 0 010 4h-26l-2-2 2-2c6 0 7-1 7-5V39c0-3-1-6-7-7l-2-1v-1l2-1z"/></symbol><symbol id="Powells-logo" viewBox="0 0 358 100"><g fill="#ee1b24"><path d="M0 2v96h15V64l8-1c7 0 9-1 13-3 6-4 7-7 8-25 0-18-1-22-5-27s-7-6-24-6H0zm15 15h5c8 0 9 1 9 15l-1 14c-1 1-2 2-7 2h-6V17zM72 0c-6 0-8 1-12 3-3 2-6 5-7 8l-3 4v70l3 4c2 5 7 9 13 10h12c6-1 11-5 14-10l3-4V15l-3-4c-1-3-4-6-7-8-4-2-6-3-13-3zm0 15c3 0 6 2 7 4l1 31c0 28 0 29-2 32-1 2-3 2-6 2-2 0-4 0-5-2-2-3-2-4-2-32l1-31c0-1 2-3 4-3l2-1zM295 26l2-3 3-4c0-2-1-2-4-2h-4V2h15v8c0 10-2 14-7 16-4 2-4 2-5 0zM266 50V2h15v81h23v15h-38zM222 50V2h15v40l1 41h22v15h-38zM178 50V2h38v15h-23v24h16v15h-16v27h23v15h-38ZM113 97 99 3l8-1 7 1 7 47 4-23 4-25h13l3 23 4 25 4-23 3-25h15l-6 47-7 48-7 1c-8 0-8 0-8-3a1760 1760 0 0 1-8-45 334 334 0 0 0-7 46c-1 2-2 2-8 2l-7-1zM329 99c-11-2-17-11-17-25v-5l7 1h8v5l2 8c2 2 8 2 11 0 2-2 3-3 2-8 0-6-2-9-14-23-14-14-17-25-14-36 2-7 7-13 14-15h14c9 3 14 10 15 22l1 8h-16v-6c0-7-2-10-7-10-7 0-9 6-6 14l10 13c15 16 19 22 19 33 0 13-6 22-18 24h-11z"/></g></symbol><symbol id="Prime-logo" viewBox="0 0 430 100"><g fill-rule="evenodd" fill="none"><path d="M27 19C17 19 4 23 2 37l2 2 11 1 2-2c1-5 4-7 9-7 2 0 5 1 6 3 2 3 2 6 2 8v2c-7 1-16 1-22 4-7 3-12 9-12 19 0 11 7 17 17 17 8 0 13-2 19-8l6 8 3-1a481 481 0 019-10c-2-3-4-5-4-11V44c0-7 0-14-5-19-5-4-12-6-18-6zm7 34v3c0 4 0 8-3 12-1 3-4 5-7 5-5 0-7-4-7-8 0-10 8-12 17-12z" fill="#000" stroke-width=".3"/><path d="M406 23c-9 0-15 3-20 8s-7 12-7 21 2 16 7 21c4 5 11 7 20 7 5 0 11-1 16-3l2-1v-7l-1-3h-1-1a73 73 0 01-13 2c-5 0-9-1-11-3-3-2-4-5-4-10l10 1c8 0 14-1 18-4 4-2 6-6 6-12 0-5-2-9-6-12s-9-5-15-5zm-1 11c5 0 7 2 7 6 0 3 0 4-2 5l-8 2-9-1c1-8 5-12 12-12zM185 23a24 24 0 00-17 7l-1-3c0-2-1-2-3-2h-9l-1 2v70l1 2 2 1h10l2-1 1-2V74c1 2 4 3 6 4l8 2c5 0 9-2 12-4s6-6 8-10 3-9 3-15c0-9-2-15-6-20s-9-8-16-8zm-5 12c4 0 7 1 9 4l2 12-2 13c-2 3-5 4-9 4s-7-1-10-3V38c3-2 6-3 10-3zM232 33c3-3 5-6 8-7l8-2h1l2 1 1 2v9l-1 2h-2-2a34 34 0 00-9 1l-5 1v36l-1 2h-14l-1-2V27l1-2h9c2 0 3 0 3 2l2 6zM267 16c-3 0-5 0-6-2-2-1-3-3-3-6l3-6 6-2 6 2 3 6c0 3-1 5-3 6-1 2-3 2-6 2zM259 27l1-2h14l1 2v49l-1 2h-14l-1-2zM302 30c3-3 7-4 10-5l9-2c6 0 11 2 13 7l10-5 10-2c5 0 9 1 12 4 2 3 4 7 4 12v37l-1 2h-14l-1-2V42c0-5-2-7-6-7l-12 3v40h-14l-1-2V42c0-5-2-7-6-7l-12 3v40h-15V27v-2h10c2 0 3 0 3 2l1 3z" fill="#2292c0" stroke-width="2.4"/><path d="M148 25h-13l-2 1-29 46-13-16-1-1H76l-2 1v2l30 36 1 1 2-1 42-65c2-2 0-4-1-4" fill="#f7981c" stroke-width="2.4"/></g></symbol><symbol id="Scrawl-logo" viewBox="0 0 340 100"><path d="M330 0l-4 3-1 2h-2l-3 2-8 6-4 5-11 17-2 5-2 3-1 5-1 4c-1 2-2 2-9 1l-10-2c-2-2-5-3-7-3s-4 2-5 6c0 3-2 7-5 10-4 3-6 3-6-2l-2-3-1-1c0-1-3-1-4 1-10 9-14 12-18 12l-3-1 2-4 3-4c1-4-2-8-5-8l-6 4-10 7c-2 1-6 3-7 5-5 3-6 2-3-2 4-4 4-6 4-9l-2-3-2-3c0-2-4-4-6-5-3 0-9 3-14 6-6 5-10 11-13 18-1 6 1 12 5 15l5 1c3 0 4-1 8-3 5-3 6-3 7-1h8l12-8 4-2 1 2 1 2c2 3 6 5 10 5 5-1 11-4 15-7 3-3 4-3 5-2 1 2 5 4 8 4 5 0 12-6 14-12 2-5 2-5 9-3l10 1c5 0 5 0 5 2l1 4c-1 2 1 8 3 12l5 7 4 5c1 4 7 7 10 6 4-2 5-7 3-11l-6-6c-6-5-8-8-9-12-2-5-2-8-1-10l2-1 15-8 1-1 4-4c4-4 10-15 9-16 0-1-4 5-3 6l-3 3-1-2 1-1c2 0 5-10 4-11s-2 1-3 3l-1 3-1 3v2l-4 4-5 3c-5 4-10 6-13 7-2 0-2 0-2-2a72 72 0 012-6 85 85 0 0110-20l8-10 3-3 3-2-1 1c-2 2-1 2 3 1 3-1 4 0 3 4l1 4 2-1h-1v-1h1l1-3c0-3 0-3 2-4l2-3-1-2-5-3-2-1zM186 59h1v2l-3 4c-2 5-5 8-10 11h-4l4-8c4-5 9-9 12-9z" id="path1143" fill="#000" stroke-width=".7"/><path d="M39 14h-3l-4 1h-2c-3 0-12 4-17 8s-6 7-5 12c1 7 4 11 18 20l6 6 3 3-2 1-1 2h-1a294 294 0 01-11 4l-10 9c-2 2-2 2-3 1H5l-1 1c-2 1-4 3-4 5l2 3 1 3 1 2h14a456 456 0 0117-4l11-9c2-3 3-4 3-8l-1-7c-1-4-1-5 1-6 4-1 1-2-3-1l-3-2-15-13-12-11 8-7c7-4 14-5 18-4 3 1 4 4 4 9s1 5 4 5c5-1 7-5 5-12 0-2-5-7-6-8l-5-1-5-2zm-2 53l2 1c1 2 1 3-1 7-2 3-7 7-15 9l-8 2h-4l2-2a85 85 0 0124-17z" id="path1135" fill="#000" stroke-width=".7"/><path id="path1151" d="M109 67v-1l1 1-1 1v-1z" fill="#000" stroke-width=".7"/><path id="path1149" d="M321 43l-1-1v1h1z" fill="#000" stroke-width=".7"/><path id="path1147" d="M318 45l-1-1v1l1 1v-1z" fill="#000" stroke-width=".7"/><path id="path1141" d="M69 89l-4-3c-2-2-4-7-4-10 1-4 3-9 7-14l3-5-4-1h-2l3-1 2-1c1 1 6-1 9-4 3-4 11-9 13-9l2-1c1-1 3 0 5 2s2 6-1 11c-2 4-4 6-6 5-2 0-2 0-1-1h-2c-3-1-4 0-6 1-7 6-13 17-13 20 1 4 8 3 21-3l7-2h1c-1-1 0-1 3-2l5-2 4-1 4-1 1-3 2-4c0-3 5-12 6-14l2-1 4 2 2 3-1 4c-3 5-3 5-1 3 5-5 10-9 14-10l4-3 2-1h2l3-1 5-2c3 0 4 0 6 2l2 2 2 4c2 2 2 3 0 2-4-1-11-2-14 0a58 58 0 00-23 21c-3 4-8 15-8 17 0 3-5 5-7 2-3-2-3-4-3-9a902 902 0 00-1-7c-1 0-4 1-5 3l-7 4-4 3h-1l-5 2-3 2-4 1c-5 2-13 2-16 0z" fill="#000" stroke-width=".7"/></symbol><symbol id="SecondSale-logo" viewBox="0 -10 600 110"><path d="M402 99c-6-1-11-3-16-6-5-1-1-5 0-8 2-3 3-9 7-4 5 2 10 5 15 5s10 0 13-3c4-2 5-8 5-12-2-5-6-9-10-11-8-5-16-8-22-13-7-6-10-15-9-23 0-4 1-8 3-11 1-3 4-6 7-8 4-2 7-4 11-4l13-1c6 1 12 3 16 6 4 2-1 6-2 9-2 2-3 6-5 3-5-3-10-5-15-5s-9 2-12 5c-2 3-2 7-2 10 3 7 10 11 16 15 7 4 14 7 20 13 3 4 6 9 6 14l-1 12c-3 8-10 14-19 16-6 2-13 2-19 1zm118-49V1h15v98h-15V50zm-46-14l-13 4-7 6c-4 5-6 13-7 20l1 11 4 9 7 8c2 2 6 3 9 4 5 2 11 2 16 1 3 0 6-2 9-4 2-2 5-4 6-7l1 11h13V38h-14v9c-2-2-4-5-7-6-3-2-7-4-10-4l-8-1zm6 12l9 3 6 6c1 3 3 5 3 8l-1 11c-1 4-4 7-7 9s-7 3-11 3c-3 0-7-1-9-3-3-2-5-4-6-7-2-4-2-10-1-15 0-3 2-5 3-8 2-3 5-5 8-6l6-1zm98-11h-12l-10 4c-3 1-6 4-8 7-3 2-4 6-5 9l-2 11c0 4 0 8 2 12l4 8 7 7c6 4 13 5 19 5 5 0 10 0 14-2l8-3c1-3-2-6-3-10l-10 3h-12c-3 0-7-1-9-3l-3-6c-1-2-3-6-1-6h43V58l-4-10c-1-3-4-5-7-7s-6-4-10-4h-1zm-7 11c3 1 6 0 8 2l6 4 1 7c1 3-2 2-4 2h-26c1-4 2-8 5-11s6-3 10-4z" fill="#103f48"/><path d="M149 99c-3 0-7-1-10-3l-9-7c-1-3-4-5-4-9-2-3-3-8-3-12l2-11c1-4 3-8 6-11l7-6c4-2 10-4 15-3 4-1 8 0 12 1 3 1 7 2 9 4 0 3-2 5-3 7-1 1-2 7-4 4-3-3-8-5-13-5l-7 2-6 6-2 7v9c0 2 0 5 2 7 1 4 5 7 10 8l8 1 8-2c2-2 3-1 4 1l4 7-7 4-9 2-10-1zm96-31V38h13v10c2 0 3-4 5-5 2-3 6-5 10-6h10c3 0 7 1 10 3 2 2 5 4 6 8l3 15v36h-14V63c-1-4-1-9-5-13-2-2-5-2-8-2s-5 2-8 3l-6 7c-2 3-3 6-2 9v32h-14V68zM20 99c-6 0-12-3-17-5-6-2-2-7 0-10 2-2 3-7 6-3 5 2 10 5 15 5s9 0 13-2c3-2 6-6 5-10 0-6-4-11-8-14L13 49c-4-3-8-7-10-12S1 26 1 21C2 15 6 9 11 6c4-3 9-5 15-6l15 1c4 2 9 4 12 7-2 3-4 9-7 11-4-3-9-6-15-5-4-1-8-1-11 2-4 3-5 8-4 13 1 4 4 7 8 9l22 13c3 3 7 6 9 10s3 8 2 12c1 5-1 11-5 16-2 2-4 6-8 7-5 3-11 4-17 4l-7-1zm69-63l-12 3-9 7c-3 3-5 7-6 11-2 4-2 8-2 12 0 5 1 11 4 16 2 4 5 6 8 9a34 34 0 0021 6l12-1 10-4-4-9c-1-3-5 1-7 1-5 2-10 2-15 1-3 0-5-1-8-3-2-1-4-4-5-7-1-2-2-6 2-5h40l1-10c0-5-2-10-3-14l-6-7c-4-3-8-5-12-5l-9-1zm0 12c3 1 7 0 10 2 3 1 5 5 6 9 0 1 1 5-1 4H75c0-3 2-7 4-10 2-2 5-4 8-4l2-1zm112-11l-10 3c-3 1-5 4-8 7-3 2-4 6-5 9-2 3-3 7-3 11l3 15c2 3 4 7 7 9 4 5 10 7 16 8h12c5 0 9-2 12-4l8-8a34 34 0 005-24c0-4-1-8-3-11l-5-6c-2-3-4-5-7-6l-12-3h-10zm2 11c3 0 6-1 9 1l7 4c4 4 5 10 5 16l-2 10-5 7c-3 2-7 2-11 2s-9-2-11-6c-2-2-4-5-4-8l-1-9c1-5 3-11 7-14l6-3zM359 2v47c-3-7-10-11-17-12-6 0-11-1-17 1l-11 8c-4 5-6 11-7 17 1 5 0 11 2 16 1 5 4 9 7 12l9 6c5 3 10 3 16 3 4 0 9-3 12-5l6-6c1 3-1 8 2 10h12V2h-14zm-18 46c5 1 9 3 12 6l5 11c1 7-1 15-7 19-3 3-7 4-11 4-5 0-10-2-14-6-3-4-4-9-4-14 0-4 1-9 4-13 2-3 6-6 10-6l5-1z" fill="#2592a9"/></symbol><symbol id="SuperBookDeals-logo" viewBox="0 -10 710 110"><path d="M90 76l-14 2v-7l-8 5-8 2c-5 0-10-2-14-6-3-3-5-8-5-14V23l14-2v24l1 13c0 3 1 4 3 5l5 2c3 0 6-1 8-3l4-8V23l14-2zm127-51l12-2v7l5-7a12 12 0 0112 0l-4 11-4-1c-2 0-4 2-5 4-2 3-2 8-2 16v25l-14 2zm-31-4c-5 0-10 1-15 4a29 29 0 00-10 40 28 28 0 0039 10c4-2 8-5 10-9l-7-13c-1 5-4 9-9 12-4 2-7 2-11 2l-9-6 39-22-2-2c-4-8-10-13-18-15l-7-1zm-1 12h2c3 0 6 1 8 4l-26 15 1-9c1-3 4-6 7-8l8-2zm-75-10v6l8-6 10-2c7 0 13 3 18 8 5 6 7 13 7 21s-2 15-7 21a25 25 0 01-28 6l-8-5v26l-14 2V25zm15 11c-5 0-8 1-11 4s-4 7-4 12 1 9 4 12 6 4 11 4c4 0 7-1 10-4s5-7 5-12-2-9-5-12c-2-3-6-4-10-4zm-87-4l-9 9q-5-5-9-5l-4 1-1 2 1 2 4 3 5 2q8 4 11 8t3 10q0 7-5 12-6 5-15 5-12 0-19-9l8-10 6 5 6 2q3 0 4-2 2-1 2-3 0-3-6-6l-5-2Q2 47 2 37q0-7 5-11 5-5 13-5 5 0 10 3 5 2 8 6z" fill="#332a86"/><path d="M702 30l-8 9q-6-5-10-5l-4 1-1 2 1 2 4 3 5 2q8 4 11 8t3 10q0 7-5 12-6 5-15 5-12 0-19-9l9-10 5 5 6 2q3 0 4-2 2-1 2-3 0-3-6-6l-5-2q-13-7-13-17 0-7 5-11 5-5 13-5 5 0 10 3 5 2 8 6zM648 4l13-3v77l-13 2zm-19 21l14-2v55l-14 2v-8l-8 5c-3 2-6 2-9 2-7 0-13-3-18-8-5-6-8-13-8-21s2-15 8-21a24 24 0 0127-6c3 1 6 3 8 6zm-14 9c-5 0-8 1-11 4s-4 7-4 12 1 9 4 12 6 4 11 4c4 0 8-1 11-4 2-3 4-7 4-12s-2-9-4-12c-3-3-7-4-11-4zm-56-13c-5 0-10 1-15 4a29 29 0 00-10 40 28 28 0 0039 10c5-3 8-5 10-9l-7-13c-2 5-4 9-9 12-4 2-7 2-11 2-3-1-7-3-9-6l38-22-1-2c-4-8-10-13-18-15l-7-1zm-1 12h2c3 0 6 1 8 4l-26 15 1-9c1-3 4-6 7-8l8-2zM512 4l14-3v77l-14 2v-8l-8 5c-3 2-6 2-9 2-7 0-13-3-18-8-5-6-8-13-8-21s2-15 8-21a24 24 0 0127-6c3 1 6 3 8 6zm-14 30c-5 0-8 1-11 4s-4 7-4 12 1 9 4 12 6 4 11 4c4 0 8-1 11-4 2-3 4-7 4-12s-2-9-4-12c-3-3-7-4-11-4z" fill="#ee3124"/><path d="M266 0l-14 2v47c0 8 3 15 9 20 5 6 12 9 20 9 5 0 10-2 15-4a28 28 0 0013-17c1 5 3 9 7 12 6 6 12 9 20 9 6 0 11-2 15-4 4-3 8-6 11-11l3-8c1 5 3 10 7 14a29 29 0 0035 5 29 29 0 0014-18v23l14-3V51l23 28 13-7-22-24 21-22-15-5-20 23V0l-14 2v40a29 29 0 00-14-18c-4-3-9-4-14-4-8 0-14 2-19 7s-8 10-9 15a29 29 0 00-14-18c-5-3-10-4-15-4a28 28 0 00-27 21 29 29 0 00-28-21c-6 0-10 1-15 4V0zm15 33c4 0 8 1 11 4s4 7 4 12c0 4-1 8-4 11s-7 5-11 5-8-2-11-5-4-6-4-11 1-9 4-12 7-4 11-4zm55 0c5 0 8 1 11 4s4 7 4 12c0 4-1 8-4 11s-6 5-11 5c-4 0-8-2-10-5-3-3-5-6-5-11s2-9 5-12 6-4 10-4zm57 0c4 0 8 1 11 4 2 3 4 7 4 12 0 4-2 8-4 11-3 3-7 5-11 5-5 0-8-2-11-5s-4-6-4-11 1-9 4-12 7-4 11-4z" fill="#a1a1a5"/></symbol><symbol id="TextbookRush-logo" viewBox="0 0 520 100"><path d="M500 1l-7 1-1 1v5l1 22h-3l-6 1h-5l-2-22V6l-1-2h-4l-8 1c-2 1-2 2-2 4l1 11-7-11c-2-1-4-3-7-3-5 0-11 0-16 3-4 3-7 7-7 12l-2-9-1-2-4-1-7 1c-2 1-2 4-2 5l1 25 1 19v5l-4 5h-5c-2-1-3-3-3-5-2-5-2-11-3-17l-2-30-1-4-2-1-5 1-5 1c-2 1-2 3-2 5v5c-1-3-4-7-7-8h-13l-16 2-3 1-1 2 3 57 2 8c0 2 2 2 4 2l8 1 1-2 1-2-1-22v-2l2 3 18 23 3 1 31-2c2 0 6-1 8-3 3-3 5-8 6-13l1-1 4 10c3 4 8 6 12 7h10c3 0 6-3 8-5l5-9 1 9c1 2 4 3 6 3l7-1 2-1v-6l-2-24h15l1 30 2 1 3 1 8-1 2-1v-4l-1-18-3-45-1-11c-1-3-4-3-6-3zm-56 20l4 3c1 2 1 4 3 5h7c2 0 4-1 5-3l1 18h-1c-2-4-6-6-10-8l-10-4c-2-1-4-2-4-4 0-3 1-6 4-7h1zm-86 10l8 1 2 5c0 3-2 6-4 7l-7 1-2-13 2-1h1zm70 10c1 3 5 6 8 9 5 2 10 4 15 8 2 2 3 7 0 10l-4 2c-2 0-4-2-5-4l-2-5-2-2h-10l-1-15v-4l1 1zm-46 6l2 19h-1l-9-10c3-3 6-6 7-10l1-1v2zM83 46l-2 3v5l-19 2c-2 1-4 1-5 4-1 2 0 5 2 6l9 1 12-1v8l-14 1h-6l-1 2-1 4c0 2 0 5 2 6 2 2 5 1 7 1l17-1c0 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 3 0 3-1l8-14 2-6-2-4a322 322 0 00-14-19z" fill="#81bb4a" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="1.3543739999999997" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M17 86l-1-18-1-4H8l-7 1-1-5v-6l97-10 6 7 4 7 4-8 4-8c2-1 81-9 84-8 2 0 4 2 5 3l3 3 4-5c5-4 11-7 18-7 5 0 13 4 15 8l3 3 3-5c4-6 11-10 19-10l10 2c4 2 9 8 11 13 1 2 1 1 1-7v-9l6-1h7l1 11 1 12c1 1 4-4 7-12 8-15 4-13 30-16 22-3 30-3 34 1l3 2v-3l-1-4 8-1h8l2 25c2 27 3 32 8 32 2 0 4-1 5-3 2-3 2-5 1-30l-1-26 8-1 7-1v9l4-5c7-8 21-9 29-2l3 3V5l7-1h8l2 6v13c1 8 2 9 10 7l4-1V15l-1-14 7-1h8l2 14a8184 8184 0 004 58v12h-16v-4l-1-16-1-12h-14l1 4 1 16 1 12-6 1c-9 1-10 1-11-4l-1-4-2 3c-3 5-8 7-15 7-9 0-14-3-18-10l-3-5-2 5c-5 9-6 10-28 11h-19l-10-13-10-13 1 13 1 14h-33l-4-10-6-14-2-4-3 6c-4 6-4 7-3 15l1 8h-15v-5l-1-11-1-5-1 5c-1 6-5 12-9 16-3 2-6 2-12 2-9 0-15-3-19-9l-2-3-3 4c-4 6-8 9-14 10-7 0-12-1-17-4l-5-3-3 3c-4 3-8 4-26 4l-11 1-1-6a445 445 0 01-2-35l-1-4-7 1h-8l1 7 2 22 1 15h-7c-8 0-8 1-9-18l-1-19-1-5h-6l-8 1-4 8-3 6 9 14 9 14h-8l-9-1-5-8-5-8-4 9-4 10H62l-15 1-1-11-1-19-1-7H30l1 13 1 18v6l-7 1h-7l-1-14zm74-27c-9-13-9-13-9-7l1 4-12 1c-10 1-13 2-13 3 0 5 2 6 13 5l11-1v12H71l-11 2v4l1 4h12l13-1v4c0 2 1 1 6-9l6-11zm265 14l1-15c1-1 5 4 12 13l10 15 19-1c16-1 18-1 21-3l7-16c1-4 1-3 3 4l5 9c2 3 8 5 14 5 7 0 8 0 11-4l6-9c2-8 3-8 3 1l1 9c1 1 3 2 6 1h5l-1-9-1-16-1-7h19l1 10 1 16v6h6l5-1v-5-16l-3-32c-1-28-1-26-7-25h-6l1 11 1 14c0 3 0 4-4 4l-9 1h-5l-1-8-1-14V5l-5 1-6 1a680 680 0 002 46l-3-5c-3-7-6-9-14-12-10-3-12-5-12-10 0-8 11-10 13-1 2 3 2 3 6 3l5-2c2-1-2-12-6-15-2-3-4-3-9-3-11 0-18 6-18 15 0 2-1 3-2 3-2 0-3-6-3-12 0-3-1-3-6-3l-5 1v11l2 27c1 14 1 15-2 18s-6 4-10 2c-4-1-6-7-7-31l-3-25-5 1c-4 0-5 1-5 4a488 488 0 005 53l-8-8-8-9 3-2c4-3 5-5 7-13 1-4 1-7-1-11-3-10-5-12-14-11l-24 2c-1 1 3 59 4 64 0 2 1 3 6 3h5zm86-3l-3-6c-1-4-1-4-7-3l-5 1-1-5V35c1-1 2 0 2 2 1 6 8 11 15 14 4 1 8 4 10 6 7 8-3 21-11 13zm9-1c2-3 2-9-1-11l-8-5c-4-1-8-4-11-6l-4-4 1 8 1 8 5-1c6-1 7-1 7 3 0 3 4 9 7 9l3-1zm-97-26l-1-9v-5h7c4 0 7 1 7 2 5 6 3 13-4 15s-8 2-9-3zm10 0c3-1 5-5 3-9-1-2-3-2-6-2-5 0-5 0-5 3 0 6 1 10 3 9l5-1zm-23 8l-2-29v-4l-2 4-8 14-5 10 9 19c7 14 9 18 9 15 1-1 0-14-1-29zM197 79c1-1 2-5 0-8-1-2-3-2-7-2h-6v13h6l7-3zm37-2l3-5c1-5 0-19-2-23-4-8-13-8-16 0-2 6-2 19 1 24 3 7 10 8 14 4zm42-2c3-3 4-9 3-19-1-13-7-19-13-16s-8 14-6 26c3 10 10 14 16 9zm106-18l-1-7-3 3-3 3 4 4 4 4-1-7zm-190-1c3-2 3-4 2-8-1-1-2-2-7-2-6 0-6 1-5 8 1 3 2 4 4 4l6-2zm271-25c-1-1-2-2-7-1-7 1-7 1-7-3-2-7-10-7-9 0 0 3 1 3 8 6l11 5 4 3v-4-6z" fill="#1a315d"/></symbol><symbol id="Textbooks-logo" viewBox="0 0 440 100"><g fill="#15b3e8"><path d="M7 1h13v19h8v12h-8v41H7V32H0V20h7zM83 51H41q0 5 4 9 4 3 11 3t12-5l12 5q-5 6-10 9-6 3-14 3-13 0-20-8-8-8-8-20t7-20q8-8 20-8t20 8q8 8 8 21zM70 40l-5-7q-4-3-9-3-6 0-10 3-3 2-5 7z"/><path d="M84 20h15l10 15 11-15h15l-18 25 40 55h-16l-32-44-12 17H82l20-28z"/><path d="M143 1h13v19h8v12h-8v41h-13V32h-7V20h7zM182 0v26l8-5q4-2 9-2 11 0 18 8t7 20q0 12-7 20-8 8-18 8-5 0-9-2l-8-5v5h-13V0zm14 31q-6 0-10 5-4 4-4 11t4 11q4 4 10 4t11-4q4-4 4-11t-4-11q-4-5-11-5zM254 19q7 0 14 4 6 3 10 10 4 6 4 14 0 7-4 14-4 6-10 10t-14 4q-12 0-20-9-8-8-8-19 0-13 10-21 7-7 18-7zm0 12q-6 0-10 5-4 4-4 11t4 11q4 4 10 4t10-4q4-4 4-11t-4-11q-4-5-10-5zM312 19q7 0 14 4 6 3 10 10 4 6 4 14 0 7-4 14-4 6-10 10-7 4-14 4-12 0-20-9-8-8-8-19 0-13 9-21 8-7 19-7zm0 12q-6 0-11 5-4 4-4 11t4 11q4 4 11 4 6 0 10-4t4-11q0-7-4-11-4-5-10-5zM343 0h13v42l20-22h17l-23 26 25 27h-16l-23-24v24h-13zM431 28l-8 8q-5-5-9-5l-3 1-2 2 1 2 4 3 5 2q8 4 10 8 3 4 3 9 0 7-5 12t-14 5q-11 0-18-9l8-9 5 4 6 2q3 0 4-2l2-2q0-4-6-6l-4-3q-13-6-13-16 0-6 5-11 4-4 12-4l10 2 7 7z"/></g></symbol><symbol id="TextbookX-logo" viewBox="0 -10 500 110"><path d="M217.7.4v99H231c7.3 0 15-.4 17.2-.7 7.4-1.4 12.2-5 15-11.3 1.7-3.7 2-5 2.2-13 .5-15.5-2-22.6-9.3-26.5l-1.8-1 3.3-2.9c5-4.5 6.2-8.2 6.2-18.9 0-7.2-.3-9-1.6-12.3A17.2 17.2 0 00252 2.5c-3.5-1.3-5.2-1.5-19-1.8zm15.4 14.3h5c9 .2 10.4 1.9 10.4 13.2 0 6.4-.2 7.4-1.5 9.4a8.6 8.6 0 01-3.8 3c-3 1-9.7 1-10.1 0-.2-.4-.3-6.4-.2-13.2zm-.3 40.2h5.3c10.4 0 12 2.1 12 16.1 0 10.5-.6 12.3-5 13.8-2.3.8-11.1 1.1-11.9.4-.2-.2-.4-7.2-.4-15.4zM352.6 0c-4 0-8.1.7-10.6 1.8a22.4 22.4 0 00-9.8 9.6c-2.4 5.6-2.6 9-2.6 38.8 0 23.6.2 30 1 33.4 1.8 7.8 6 12.7 12.9 15.1 2.3.9 5.2 1.3 9 1.3 12.3 0 19.1-4.4 22.7-14.6 1-3 1.2-6.3 1.2-35.7V17.3l-1.6-4c-1-2.7-2.6-5-5.2-7.5-3.2-3.1-4.4-3.9-8.1-4.9-2.5-.6-5.7-1-8.9-.9zm1 13.7c2.2 0 3.3.4 5 1.9l2 1.9v65l-2 1.9c-1.8 1.5-2.8 1.9-5.3 1.8-3.9 0-5.5-.8-7-3.4-1.3-2-1.3-3.7-1.3-32.5 0-28 0-30.6 1.2-32.8 1.4-2.8 3.4-3.8 7.3-3.8zM297.2.3c-6.6 0-8.3.2-10.8 1.4-4.6 2-8 5.6-10.2 10.2l-1.9 4-.2 32.4c-.1 28.6 0 32.9 1 36.5a19.6 19.6 0 0012.9 14 37.6 37.6 0 0020.1-.5c4.5-2 8-5.6 10.1-10.2l2-4.1V16l-2-4.1a20.4 20.4 0 00-10.1-10.2C305.6.5 303.8.3 297.2.3zm0 13.4c3.6 0 5.7 1.2 7 4 1.1 2 1.2 5 1.2 32.3 0 27.3-.1 30.3-1.1 32.4a8 8 0 01-2.8 3c-1 .5-3 .9-4.7.9-3.7 0-6.1-1.7-7-5.1a374 374 0 01-.7-31.9c0-26.7 0-29.6 1.1-31.7 1.4-2.7 3.5-4 7-4zM386.8 98.6c-.1-.5-.2-22.6-.1-49.3l.1-48.4 7.7-.2 7.7-.2.2 21.4.1 21.4 9.4-19.9c5.2-11 9.8-20.5 10.4-21.3.8-1.4 1.3-1.5 8.1-1.5 6.7 0 7.2 0 6.9 1.2l-10.6 21.6a489.4 489.4 0 00-10 21.1c0 .4 4.6 12.7 10.4 27.3L437.5 99c0 .3-3.4.5-7.7.5h-7.6l-1.3-3.5a2990.3 2990.3 0 01-13.8-35.7l-2.5 4-2.4 4.3v30.9h-7.5c-5.5 0-7.7-.3-7.9-.8zM179.2 57V14.4h-7.4l-8.2-.1c-.6 0-.8-1.7-.7-6.8l.2-6.7L187 .7l23.7-.1-.2 6.9-.2 6.9-7.8.1-7.9.2-.1 42.3-.2 42.4h-15z" fill="#333"/><path d="M110.8 77.6l8.4-24.6c.6-1.6 1-3.5 1-4.3 0-.8-3.5-11.8-7.8-24.5A1928 1928 0 01104.6.8c0-.1 3.3-.2 7.4-.2 5.2 0 7.7.2 10 29.2 11 33.4.2 1 .6 1.8.9 1.8.2 0 3-8 6.3-17.9l6-17.8 7-.2 7 .1-8 23.4a488 488 0 00-7.8 24.3c0 .6 3.7 12 8.2 25a623 623 0 018.2 25c0 .7-1.6.9-7.8.9-7.6 0-7.9 0-8.3-1.5a1089 1089 0 00-12-36.7 160 160 0 00-6.9 18.8l-6.3 19.4h-14.2z" fill="#333"/><path d="M55 50.1L55.2 1 76 .7 96.8.6l-.2 6.9-.2 7h-13l-13.2.2V42l10.7.2 10.6.2v13.7l-10.6.1-10.7.2v28.8l13.3.2 13.2.2v13.7H55zM16.3 56.9V14.4l-8 .1-8 .1L0 9.1c0-3 0-6.2.2-7L.6.6h47.1l-.2 6.9-.2 6.9h-7.5l-7.5.2-.3 42.2-.4 42.2-7.6.2-7.7.2z" fill="#333"/><path d="M449.3 77.6l8.4-24.6c.6-1.6 1-3.5 1-4.3 0-.8-3.5-11.8-7.8-24.5A1928 1928 0 01443.1.8c0-.1 3.3-.2 7.4-.2 5.2 0 7.7.2 10 29.2 11 33.4.2 1 .6 1.8.9 1.8.2 0 3-8 6.3-17.9l6-17.8 7-.2 7 .1-8 23.4a488 488 0 00-7.8 24.3c0 .6 3.7 12 8.2 25a623 623 0 018.2 25c0 .7-1.6.9-7.8.9-7.6 0-7.9 0-8.3-1.5a1089 1089 0 00-12-36.7 160 160 0 00-6.9 18.8l-6.3 19.4h-14.2z" fill="#f0404c"/></symbol><symbol id="ThriftBooks-logo" viewBox="0 0 630 100"><g fill="#555"><path d="M43 91v8a75 75 0 01-10 1q-20 0-20-22V36H0v-9h13V9l10-1v19h25v9H23v44c0 8 4 11 12 11a57 57 0 008 0z"/><path d="M111 98h-11V55a50 50 0 00-1-11 12 12 0 00-4-7 13 13 0 00-9-3 18 18 0 00-14 7q-6 7-6 19v38H55V2h11v38q8-15 22-15a24 24 0 0111 2 19 19 0 018 7 25 25 0 013 8 61 61 0 011 13z"/><path d="M135 98h-11V27h10v17c3-8 7-13 10-16a19 19 0 0111-3h4v11h-2a19 19 0 00-15 7c-4 4-7 10-7 17z"/><path d="M180 27v71h-11V27z"/><path d="M180 7v12h-11V7z"/><path d="M239 27v9h-24v62h-11V36h-15v-9h15q0-17 6-22a24 24 0 0116-5 59 59 0 0110 1v9a28 28 0 00-7-1c-5 0-8 1-11 3-2 2-3 6-3 12v3z"/><path d="M282 91v8a75 75 0 01-11 1q-20 0-20-22V36h-13v-9h13V9l11-1v19h24v9h-24v44q0 11 11 11a57 57 0 009 0z"/><path d="M292 2v96h7l5-12c5 9 12 14 22 14 9 0 17-4 22-12 5-7 7-16 7-27 0-12-2-21-8-27-5-7-11-10-19-10a22 22 0 00-11 2c-3 2-6 5-9 11V2zm32 36a12 12 0 0110 6c3 4 4 9 4 17 0 10-1 17-4 20a13 13 0 01-11 5 14 14 0 01-11-4c-2-3-4-8-4-14V57c0-6 2-11 5-14a14 14 0 0110-5 12 12 0 011 0z"/><path d="M395 25a30 30 0 00-1 1c-10 0-18 3-24 10s-9 16-9 26a43 43 0 008 26c6 8 14 12 24 12a32 32 0 0024-11c7-7 10-16 10-27s-3-20-9-26a30 30 0 00-23-11zm0 14a13 13 0 0111 6c3 4 4 10 4 17 0 16-5 24-16 24a13 13 0 01-12-6c-3-4-4-10-4-18 0-7 1-12 4-17 3-4 7-6 12-6a13 13 0 011 0z"/><path d="M467 25a30 30 0 00-1 1c-10 0-18 3-24 10s-9 16-9 26a43 43 0 008 26c6 8 14 12 24 12a32 32 0 0024-11c7-7 10-16 10-27s-3-20-9-26a30 30 0 00-23-11zm0 14a13 13 0 0111 6c3 4 4 10 4 17 0 16-5 24-16 24a13 13 0 01-12-6c-3-4-4-10-4-18 0-7 1-12 4-17 3-4 7-6 12-6a13 13 0 011 0z"/><path d="M571 98h-17l-18-36-16 17v19h-15V2h15v60l3-4 28-31h18l-22 24z"/><path d="M568 82l15-3c3 6 8 9 16 9 9 0 14-3 14-9a6 6 0 00-2-5 13 13 0 00-5-2l-13-3c-15-3-22-10-22-21a21 21 0 017-16q7-6 20-6 23 0 28 16l-14 3q-3-8-13-8-13 0-13 8c0 4 3 6 10 8l16 3q17 4 17 20c0 8-3 14-9 18a40 40 0 01-22 6 41 41 0 01-19-5 21 21 0 01-11-13z"/></g></symbol><symbol id="Valore-logo" viewBox="0 -24 970 124"><path d="M761 8a42 42 0 110 84 42 42 0 010-84m0-8a50 50 0 100 100 50 50 0 000-100zM650 8a42 42 0 110 84 42 42 0 010-84m0-8a50 50 0 100 100 50 50 0 000-100zM295 15a35 35 0 110 70 35 35 0 010-70m0-15a50 50 0 100 100 50 50 0 000-100zm616 80l9 9c4 2 8 3 13 3l8-1 7-4 5-6 1-8c0-3 0-6-2-8l-5-5-8-4a535 535 0 00-18-6l-8-5-6-8-2-11c0-4 1-8 3-11 1-3 4-6 7-8l9-5a39 39 0 0126 1c5 2 8 5 12 9l-8 6c-2-3-5-6-8-7-3-2-6-3-11-3l-8 1c-2 1-5 2-6 4a16 16 0 00-7 13c0 5 1 9 4 11 2 3 5 5 9 6l12 4 11 5c4 1 7 4 9 7 3 4 4 8 4 14l-2 12-7 8-9 5-11 2c-7 0-12-1-18-3-5-3-9-6-13-11zM827 3h9v41h1l45-41h13l-48 43 50 51h-12l-48-49h-1v49h-9V3zM526 3h27l11 1c4 0 7 1 10 3l7 8c2 3 3 7 3 13 0 5-2 9-5 12-3 4-7 6-12 7v1l8 2a21 21 0 0111 12l2 9c0 5-1 10-3 13-2 4-5 6-8 8s-7 4-11 4l-10 1h-30V3zm9 41h18l11-2 7-4 3-5 1-5-2-9-4-5-7-2-8-1h-19zm0 45h20l12-1 8-5 3-6 1-6-2-9-5-6c-2-1-5-3-8-3l-8-1h-21v37zM442 3h62v15h-46v23h44v16h-44v25h49v15h-65zm-85 0h33l13 1 12 4c3 2 6 5 8 9 2 3 3 8 3 13 0 7-2 12-6 17s-9 8-16 9l25 41h-21l-22-40h-12v40h-17V3zm30 40h7l7-2 5-4 2-7-2-7-4-4-7-1-6-1h-15v26zM181 3h17v79h40v15h-57zm-66 0h15l41 94h-20l-9-21h-41l-8 21H74zm22 58l-15-38-15 38zM0 3h19l26 71L72 3h18L52 97H37z" fill="#0065ab"/></symbol><symbol id="Walmart-logo" viewBox="0 -20 530 120"><path d="M0 0l20 83c3 14 9 19 26 15l11-44 7-30 5 30 7 31c2 10 8 17 25 13l26-98h-21l-9 43-6 33-6-33-9-43H54L44 42c-3 13-6 23-7 34h-1l-6-35-8-41H0zm200 0v98h20V0h-20zm281 0v73c0 10 2 17 6 21s9 6 16 6l15-2V82l-8 1c-7 0-9-4-9-13V42h17V23h-17V0h-20zM155 23c-12 0-22 3-27 6l4 14c5-3 12-6 20-6 12 0 14 7 14 12v1c-27 0-44 9-44 28 0 11 9 22 24 22 9 0 17-4 21-10h1s3 13 20 8l-1-17V54c0-16-8-31-32-31zm12 40v9l-1 4c-1 5-7 9-13 9s-10-3-10-9c0-11 11-13 24-13zm108-40c-13 0-18 6-22 12V24h-19v74h20V55l1-6c2-4 6-9 12-9 8 0 12 6 12 16v42h20V54l1-5c2-5 6-9 12-9 8 0 12 6 12 18v40h20V55c0-23-12-32-25-32-5 0-10 1-14 4-4 2-7 5-10 9-3-8-11-13-20-13zm110 0c-12 0-22 3-28 6l4 14c5-3 13-6 20-6 13 0 15 7 15 12v1c-27 0-44 9-44 28 0 11 9 22 24 22 9 0 17-4 21-10h1s3 13 19 8l-1-17V54c0-16-7-31-31-31zm11 40v13c-2 5-7 9-14 9-5 0-10-3-10-9 0-11 12-13 24-13zm72-40c-7 0-16 5-20 15V24h-18v74h20V61l1-6c1-8 7-13 16-13l6 1V23h-5z" fill="#007dc6"/></symbol><symbol id="Wordery-logo" viewBox="0 0 400 100"><path d="M272 21c-17 0-29 13-29 30 0 18 13 30 31 30 8 0 15-3 20-7l2-5c0-3-3-6-6-6l-4 1c-4 2-7 4-12 4-8 0-13-4-14-11h32c5 0 8-4 8-8 0-12-9-28-28-28zm0 13c7 0 11 5 12 12h-25c2-7 6-12 13-12zM233 0c-5 0-8 4-8 8v21c-4-4-10-8-19-8-13 0-26 10-26 30 0 19 13 30 26 30 9 0 15-4 19-9 0 5 3 9 8 9 4 0 8-4 8-9V8c0-4-4-8-8-8zm-22 35c7 0 14 6 14 16s-7 16-14 16c-8 0-15-6-15-16s7-16 15-16z" fill="#2f2f2f"/><path d="M114 21c-18 0-32 13-32 30 0 6 2 11 5 16 9 2 15 6 20 9l6 4 8-4c4-3 11-8 19-9 3-5 5-10 5-16 0-17-13-30-31-30zm0 14c9 0 15 7 15 16s-6 16-15 16-15-7-15-16 6-16 15-16z" fill="#46beb9"/><path d="M55 79c1-4 3-7 7-8l11-4 12-35 1-3c0-4-3-8-8-8-4 0-7 3-8 6l-9 30-9-30c-1-3-4-6-9-6h-1c-4 0-7 3-8 6l-9 30-9-30c-1-4-4-6-8-6-5 0-8 4-8 7l1 4 14 41c2 6 5 8 9 8h1c4 0 7-3 9-7l9-29 9 29 3 5zM348 96c-2-1-5-3-5-7s3-7 6-7l3 1h3c3 0 5 0 6-3l1-1-20-46-1-4c0-5 4-8 8-8s6 2 8 6l13 34 12-34c1-3 3-6 8-6 4 0 7 3 7 8v3l-20 49c-5 12-10 17-20 17l-9-2zM303 29c0-4 4-8 8-8 5 0 9 4 9 8v3c2-6 6-11 11-11s8 3 8 8-3 7-6 8c-9 2-13 8-13 20v15c0 5-4 9-9 9-4 0-8-4-8-9zM175 21c-4 0-8 5-11 11v-3c0-4-3-8-8-8s-8 4-8 8v38c5 0 10 1 16 4V57c0-12 5-18 13-20 4-1 7-3 7-8 0-4-3-8-9-8z" fill="#2f2f2f"/><path d="M113 100c-8 0-13-4-18-7-7-5-12-9-25-4a8 8 0 11-6-14c20-8 32 0 40 5 4 3 6 5 9 5s6-2 11-5c8-6 19-13 39-5 4 2 6 6 4 10s-6 6-10 4c-12-5-17-1-24 3-6 4-12 8-20 8z" fill="#46beb9"/></symbol><symbol id="WorldOfBooks-logo" viewBox="0 -20 1000 120"><path d="M786 18c-15 0-30 7-37 22-4 9-4 21 1 30s15 17 25 20c19 4 39-5 48-20 4-9 4-21 0-30-7-15-22-22-37-22zm-3 15l5 1c6 0 8 1 12 4 15 10 13 28-4 35-6 2-15 2-21 0l-8-7c-4-4-4-5-4-11 0-7 0-8 3-12 2-2 6-6 9-7l8-3zM702 28a40 40 0 00-36 20c-10 21-1 42 22 50 8 3 24 2 33-2 14-6 21-17 21-32s-8-26-22-33c-6-2-8-3-18-3zm1 15l5 1c15 3 23 19 16 30-3 4-9 8-15 10-11 3-23-2-29-11-8-13 6-30 23-30zM586 0c-11 0-12 0-14 3-6 5-3 11 5 12l6 1-1 33v33l-5 1c-8 1-10 6-6 12 3 3 3 3 15 3 10 0 12-1 12-2 0-2 0-2 2 0l7 2 16 2c9-1 12-1 16-3 8-4 14-11 18-17 3-8 3-22 0-30-4-7-11-15-19-19-5-2-7-3-17-3s-12 0-17 3l-6 4V0h-12zm34 43h4c7 1 14 7 17 12 5 11 2 22-8 27-5 3-16 3-22 1-7-2-12-8-13-15-2-13 9-25 22-25z" fill="#1e472e"/><path d="M464 33c-4 0-6 1-10 3-8 5-12 11-13 20 0 6 1 9 3 12 3 6 10 11 17 12 14 3 29-5 32-17 2-9-2-20-10-26-5-3-6-3-14-3l-5-1zm3 10l4 1c16 4 16 22 0 26-5 2-4 2-10 0-10-4-12-14-6-21 3-4 8-6 12-6z" fill="#bed51e"/><path d="M402 0c-13 0-17 1-18 6-1 4 2 8 7 9l5 1v9c0 8 0 9-2 8-11-5-13-6-22-5-7 0-11 1-15 3-8 4-16 12-19 20s-3 20-1 26c3 10 12 17 22 21 8 3 22 3 30 0 4-2 7-2 7-1l12 1c14 0 17-2 17-7s-3-8-8-8h-5V0h-10zm-29 43l5 1c12 2 19 11 18 23 0 6-1 7-5 11l-9 6c-12 3-25-1-29-9-4-9-3-18 5-25 4-5 9-7 15-7zM136 18c-8 0-10 0-17 3-10 5-14 9-18 17-12 22 0 45 25 52 6 1 19 0 27-3a35 35 0 0012-57c-8-9-16-12-29-12zm0 15c6 0 13 2 18 7 11 11 8 26-7 33-5 2-16 2-21 0-9-4-14-11-14-18 0-13 12-21 24-22z" fill="#1e472e"/><path d="M501 77c-2-3-1-4 1-6 1-1 3-2 7-2h5V45h-4c-7 0-12-6-8-9l6-2c5 0 5 0 6-5 1-10 7-14 20-14 14 0 20 3 16 9-1 2-2 2-12 2-11-1-11-1-13 2-4 5-2 6 8 6 11 0 13 1 13 6 0 4-4 5-15 5h-8v24h9c9 0 13 1 13 5 0 5-2 5-23 5-18 0-20 0-21-2z" fill="#bed51e"/><path d="M940 98l-9-1c-8 2-11-3-10-14 0-9 2-11 8-11 4 0 4 1 6 4 4 7 17 11 30 8 8-2 11-5 10-8-2-3-6-4-21-6-22-4-30-9-30-21 0-8 4-13 12-18 9-4 23-5 33-2 3 1 8 2 11 1 6 0 8 2 7 13 0 7-1 8-3 10-4 2-9 1-11-3-2-6-18-9-28-5-10 3-6 7 11 10 16 2 23 4 27 8 6 5 8 9 8 16 0 5-1 7-4 10l-10 7c-6 3-8 3-19 4zM20 93A2177 2177 0 017 45l-5-3c-2-2-2-4-2-6 1-5 4-6 18-6 12 0 14 0 15 2 5 5 1 13-5 13-3 0-3 0-3 2a396 396 0 016 20l5-12 4-11h14l4 10 4 12c1 2 2 0 4-8 3-13 3-13 0-13-6 0-10-9-6-13 2-2 5-2 16-2 14 0 16 1 17 6 1 2 1 4-2 6l-4 3c-1 0-4 8-8 26l-6 27-8-1h-7l-5-13-6-13-5 13-5 13h-8l-7 1zM181 96c-2-3-3-8-1-11 1-1 4-2 10-2l8-1V45h-6c-7-1-9-3-9-8 0-6 1-7 17-7h14v4c0 5 0 5 4 2 14-10 27-11 37-2 8 8-1 19-9 12-7-5-10-4-24 6l-8 7v24h14c16 0 18 1 18 8 0 6-2 7-34 7-27 0-29 0-31-2zM262 95l-2-5 2-5c2-2 4-2 14-2h12V16h-6c-9 0-14-2-16-5-1-4-1-5 2-8s3-3 20-3h16v83h12c11 0 13 0 15 2l2 5-2 5c-2 3-4 3-35 3-30 0-32 0-34-3zM832 95c-3-2-3-8 0-10l6-2h4V16l-4-1c-5-1-8-3-8-7 0-7 3-8 16-8h13v51l6-4c4-4 4-5 4-9 0-7 1-8 19-8 13 0 14 0 17 2 5 5 0 13-8 13-4 0-6 1-14 7l-9 9c21 19 25 22 30 22 8 0 12 6 7 12-2 3-2 3-17 3-13 0-15-1-17-3-3-2-3-5-1-9 1-2 0-3-7-9-4-4-9-7-9-6l-1 14v13h-13c-10 0-12-1-14-3z" fill="#1e472e"/></symbol> </svg> <main> <div data-col="5/12" data-txt="c"> <amp-img src="/cover/9789630927598.jpg" width="300" height="300" alt="Cover Image of ISBN 9789630927598"></amp-img> </div><div data-col="7/12"> <h1></h1> <p><b></b> 9789630927598<br />9630927594</p> </div> <div> <amp-list id="pricelist" src="/prices/9789630927598" layout="responsive" height="300" width="300"> <template type="amp-mustache"> <table id="pricetable"><thead><tr> <th id="vendorcolumn">BOOKSTORE</th><th id="conditioncolumn"></th><th id="pricecolumn"></th><th id="totalcolumn" 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