eBay Refurbished | Up to 50% off your favourite brands with Refurbished |

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class="how-list__step"> <div class="how-list__step-number"><span>1</span></div> <div class="how-list__step-content"> <h3>Refurbished by experts</h3> <p> Products are repaired or reconditioned to 100% functionality by vetted sellers or the manufacturer. </p> </div> </li> <li class="how-list__step"> <div class="how-list__step-number"><span>2</span></div> <div class="how-list__step-content"> <h3>Multi-point inspections</h3> <p> Every product goes through extensive testing to make sure it meets the highest standards per condition. </p> </div> </li> <li class="how-list__step"> <div class="how-list__step-number"><span>3</span></div> <div class="how-list__step-content"> <h3>Listed by condition</h3> <p> Products are assigned a condition (Certified, Excellent, Good, Very Good), so you know exactly what you鈥檙e getting. </p> </div> </li> <li class="how-list__step"> <div class="how-list__step-number"><span>4</span></div> <div class="how-list__step-content"> <h3>Free UK mainland delivery</h3> <p>All refurbished items come with free delivery across mainland UK.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <div class="ebaycolours ebaycolours--desktop-only"> <div class="ebaycolours--red"></div> <div class="ebaycolours--blue"></div> <div class="ebaycolours--yellow"></div> <div class="ebaycolours--green"></div> </div> <div class="youtube" id="youtube"></div> <section id="brands" class="categories" data-nav="nav_brands"> <div class="categories-header"> <h2>Shop the brands you love</h2> <p> <a href="" title="See all brands" target="_blank">See all</a> </p> </div> <ul class="categories-list"> <li class="categories-list__category"> <a href="" title="Apple" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Apple" width="160" height="160" loading="lazy" /> <h3>Apple</h3> </a> </li> <li class="categories-list__category"> <a href="" title="Dell" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Dell" width="160" height="160" loading="lazy" /> <h3>Dell</h3> </a> </li> <li class="categories-list__category"> <a href="" 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</button> </div> <div class="conditions-trigger__mobile"> <button class="conditions-trigger"> <span class="conditions-trigger__cta" title="Mobile Tech">Mobile Tech</span> <span class="conditions-trigger__circle"><span class="conditions-trigger__circle-inner"></span></span> </button> </div> <picture> <source media="(min-width: 420px)" srcset=", 2x " /> <source srcset=", 2x " /> <img src="" alt="A woman with a laptop looking at a smartphone" width="" height="" loading="lazy" /> </picture> </div> <div class="conditions-txt"> <h2>Compare conditions</h2> <p> All products are expertly refurbished, 100% functional and come with a one-year seller guarantee. </p> <article> <h3>Certified</h3> <p>Pristine, like-new product that was refurbished by the manufacturer or a manufacturer-approved vendor. </p> </article> <article> <h3>Excellent</h3> <p>No to minimal wear, refurbished by quality-vetted sellers.</p> </article> <article> <h3>Very Good</h3> <p>Slight wear, refurbished by quality-vetted sellers.</p> </article> <article> <h3>Good</h3> <p>Moderate wear, refurbished by quality-vetted sellers.</p> </article> </div> </section> <div class="ebaycolours ebaycolours--desktop-only"> <div class="ebaycolours--red"></div> <div class="ebaycolours--blue"></div> <div class="ebaycolours--yellow"></div> <div class="ebaycolours--green"></div> </div> <section id="shop" class="categories" data-nav="nav_shop"> <div class="categories-header"> <h2>Shop by category</h2> <p> <a href="" title="See all categories" target="_blank">See all</a> </p> </div> <ul class="categories-list"> <li class="categories-list__category"> <a href="" aria-app="ebay://link?" title="Mobile phones" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Mobile phones" width="160" height="160" loading="lazy" /> <h3>Mobile phones</h3> </a> </li> <li class="categories-list__category"> <a href="" aria-app="ebay://link?" title="Laptops" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Laptops" width="160" height="160" loading="lazy" /> <h3>Laptops</h3> </a> 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refurbished is better than new</h2> <div class="refurbished__content"> <div class="refurbished__content--flex"> <picture> <source media="(min-width: 960px)" srcset=", 2x " /> <source media="(max-width: 599px)" srcset=", 2x " /> <img src="" alt="Refurbished phone" width="215" height="290" loading="lazy" /> </picture> <div class="refurbished__content--txt"> <p> Thanks to our customers buying refurbished tech in 2022, tonnes of emissions and waste were avoided. </p> <p> We saved <strong>13,000 tonnes</strong> of greenhouse emissions, which is equivalent to <strong>200,000 new phones</strong>. </p> <p> Plus <strong>over 400,000 kg</strong> of waste was saved, the same weight of <strong>over 3.4 million phones</strong> of being made. </p> <p> <a href="" class="cta cta-evo" title="Shop now">Find out more</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="ebaycolours"> <div class="ebaycolours--red"></div> <div class="ebaycolours--blue"></div> <div class="ebaycolours--yellow"></div> <div class="ebaycolours--green"></div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="faqs-section" id="faqs"> <div class="inner-container"> <h2>FAQs</h2> <p class="sub-h2">In case you were wondering</p> <!-- expando --> <article class="faq1-container ski-expando ski-expando-js ski-expando--fullWidth"> <noscript> <style type="text/css"> .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__content { display: block !important; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label { cursor: auto; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label::before { content: none !important; } </style> </noscript> <h3 id="faq1" class="ski-expando-js__label"> What is the 12-month seller guarantee and how might I make a claim? </h3> <div id="faq1-content" class="ski-expando__content ski-expando-js__content"> <p> All Refurbished items come with a minimum 12-month guarantee. The guarantee covers any defects in functionality. </p> <p> Once your order has been confirmed, the seller will send you a separate email with details of the seller guarantee, what the guarantee covers and their contact information. Alternatively, this information will be included in the parcel when the item is sent to you. </p> <p>Please make sure you hold on to this information for the duration of the guarantee.</p> <p> To make a claim with the seller under the seller guarantee, please refer to the guarantee information that the seller sent when you purchased the item. They may have sent it via email or included it in the parcel. That includes all the details of the guarantee, including how to contact the seller and make a claim. </p> <p> Consumers have statutory rights in relation to goods. The seller guarantee and eBay Money Back Guarantee do not affect your statutory rights. </p> </div> </article> <article class="faq2-container ski-expando ski-expando-js ski-expando--fullWidth"> <noscript> <style type="text/css"> .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__content { display: block !important; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label { cursor: auto; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label::before { content: none !important; } </style> </noscript> <h3 id="faq2" class="ski-expando-js__label">What is eBay Money Back Guarantee Protection?</h3> <div id="faq2-content" class="ski-expando__content ski-expando-js__content"> <p> Your refurbished purchase is protected by our eBay Money Back Guarantee for 30 days from the delivery date in case your item doesn鈥檛 arrive or wasn鈥檛 what was described. </p> <p> You can report a missing item or request a return from your Purchase History. If the seller doesn鈥檛 resolve your issue, you can ask us to intervene and help, and we鈥檒l resolve the case. </p> <p>For full terms and conditions, read our eBay Money Back Guarantee policy.</p> </div> </article> <article class="faq3-container ski-expando ski-expando-js ski-expando--fullWidth"> <noscript> <style type="text/css"> .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__content { display: block !important; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label { cursor: auto; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label::before { content: none !important; } </style> </noscript> <h3 id="faq3" class="ski-expando-js__label">Who refurbishes the items?</h3> <div id="faq3-content" class="ski-expando__content ski-expando-js__content"> <p> Certified Refurbished items are refurbished by the manufacturer or manufacturer-approved vendor. Excellent, Very Good and Good condition items are refurbished by quality-vetted eBay sellers. </p> </div> </article> <article class="faq4-container ski-expando ski-expando-js ski-expando--fullWidth"> <noscript> <style type="text/css"> .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__content { display: block !important; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label { cursor: auto; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label::before { content: none !important; } </style> </noscript> <h3 id="faq4" class="ski-expando-js__label">Are Refurbished items sanitised?</h3> <div id="faq4-content" class="ski-expando__content ski-expando-js__content"> <p>Yes. The seller thoroughly cleans the item during the refurbishment process.</p> </div> </article> <article class="faq5-container ski-expando ski-expando-js ski-expando--fullWidth"> <noscript> <style type="text/css"> .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__content { display: block !important; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label { cursor: auto; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label::before { content: none !important; } </style> </noscript> <h3 id="faq5" class="ski-expando-js__label"> Is shopping Refurbished friendly to the environment? </h3> <div id="faq5-content" class="ski-expando__content ski-expando-js__content"> <p> Buying refurbished instead of new helps prolong the lifespan of a product, preventing it from going to landfill and reducing the environmental impact. </p> </div> </article> <article class="faq6-container ski-expando ski-expando-js ski-expando--fullWidth"> <noscript> <style type="text/css"> .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__content { display: block !important; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label { cursor: auto; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label::before { content: none !important; } </style> </noscript> <h3 id="faq6" class="ski-expando-js__label">How will the item be packaged?</h3> <div id="faq6-content" class="ski-expando__content ski-expando-js__content"> <p> Refurbished products may come in original, plain or seller-branded packaging depending on the item you are purchasing. Check the seller鈥檚 listing for full details on what to expect. </p> </div> </article> <article class="faq7-container ski-expando ski-expando-js ski-expando--fullWidth"> <noscript> <style type="text/css"> .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__content { display: block !important; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label { cursor: auto; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label::before { content: none !important; } </style> </noscript> <h3 id="faq7" class="ski-expando-js__label">Do Refurbished items come with accessories?</h3> <div id="faq7-content" class="ski-expando__content ski-expando-js__content"> <p> Yes. Refurbished items will come with original or new generic accessories, where applicable. Check the seller鈥檚 listing for full details of what to expect. </p> </div> </article> <article class="faq8-container ski-expando ski-expando-js ski-expando--fullWidth"> <noscript> <style type="text/css"> .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__content { display: block !important; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label { cursor: auto; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label::before { content: none !important; } </style> </noscript> <h3 id="faq8" class="ski-expando-js__label"> What if I&apos;m not happy with my Refurbished purchase? </h3> <div id="faq8-content" class="ski-expando__content ski-expando-js__content"> <p> Refurbished items are backed by the eBay Money Back Guarantee. <a href="" title="eBay Money Back Guarantee">Click to learn more</a>. </p> <p> Sellers also offer a minimum 12-month guarantee on Refurbished items. <a href="" title="Seller guarantees">Learn more</a> about seller guarantees. </p> </div> </article> <article class="faq9-container ski-expando ski-expando-js ski-expando--fullWidth"> <noscript> <style type="text/css"> .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__content { display: block !important; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label { cursor: auto; } .ski-expando-js>.ski-expando-js__label::before { content: none !important; } </style> </noscript> <h3 id="faq9" class="ski-expando-js__label"> What is the return policy for Refurbished items? </h3> <div id="faq9-content" class="ski-expando__content ski-expando-js__content"> <p> You have 30 days to return a refurbished item. <a href="" title="eBay's hassle-free returns">Learn more</a> about eBay&apos;s hassle-free returns. </p> <p> Refurbished items are backed by eBay&apos;s Money Back Guarantee. Click to <a href="" title="eBay's Money Back Guarantee">learn more</a>. </p> <p> Sellers also offer a minimum 12-month guarantee on Refurbished items. <a href="" title="Seller guarantees">Learn more</a> about seller guarantees. </p> </div> </article> </div> </section> <div class="modal"></div> </div> </main> <div id="ski-foot"> <div class="ski-foot-container"> <script src="" crossorigin async></script><script src="" crossorigin async></script><link rel="stylesheet" href=""><div class="ghw ghw--loaded" id=glbfooter><!--globalheaderweb#nwk1ya3zh9l0-1-0-1--><footer class=gh-footer><ul class=gf-small-links><li class=gf-small-links__link><a _exsp=m571.l2602 href= >About eBay</a></li><li class=gf-small-links__link><a _sp=m571.l2935 href=>Announcements</a></li><li class=gf-small-links__link><a _sp=m571.l1540 href=>Community</a></li><li class=gf-small-links__link><a _sp=m571.l2616 href=>Safety Centre</a></li><li class=gf-small-links__link><a _sp=m571.l1613 href=>Seller Centre</a></li><li class=gf-small-links__link><a _sp=m571.l3418 href=>VeRO: Protecting Intellectual Property</a></li><li class=gf-small-links__link><a _sp=m571.l2604 href=>Policies</a></li><li class=gf-small-links__link><a _sp=m571.l185738 href=>Product Safety Tips</a></li><li class=gf-small-links__link><a _sp=m571.l1545 href=>Help &amp; Contact</a></li><li class=gf-small-links__link><a _sp=m571.l2909 href=>Site Map</a></li></ul><div class=gf-legal>Copyright 漏 1995-2024 eBay Inc. 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'', '', '', ], small: [ '', '', '', ], mobile: [ '', '', '', '', '', '', ], }, }, { name: 'Good', description: 'Enjoy a product with moderate wear that was refurbished by a quality-vetted seller and includes a one-year seller guarantee.', features: [{ title: 'Appearance', description: 'Moderate wear such as small scratches or dents.', note: '', }, { title: 'Battery Life', description: 'Minimum 80%', note: '', }, { title: 'Screen', description: 'May have light to mild scratches, invisible when the screen is lit.', note: '', }, ], cta: { text: 'Shop Refurbished Computing', url: { web: '', app: 'ebay://link?', }, }, images: { large: [ '', '', '', ], medium: [ '', '', '', ], small: [ '', '', '', ], mobile: [ '', '', '', '', '', '', ], }, }, ], }, furniture: { headline: 'Furniture', conditions: [{ name: 'Certified', description: 'Enjoy a piece of furniture that has been professionally inspected, tested and cleaned by the manufacturer or manufacturer-approved vendor.', features: [{ title: 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