Barlinnie Special Unit: What it can teach us today | The Herald
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TODO 1 var bidders = ['a9', 'prebid', 'ias']; // create a requestManager to keep track of bidder state to determine when to send ad server // request and what apstagSlots to request from the ad server var requestManager = { adserverRequestSent: false, adSlots: [], }; //loop through bidder array and add the bidders to the request manager: bidders.forEach(function(bidder) { requestManager[bidder] = false; }) // a helper function that returns googletag objects corresponding to the slotIDs in the slot objects function _getGPTSlots(apstagSlots) { // get all of the slot IDs that were requested var slotIDs = { return slot.slotID; }); // return the slot objects corresponding to the slotIDs return googletag.pubads().getSlots().filter(function(slot) { // return true if the ID of the slot object is in the slotIDs array return slotIDs.indexOf(slot.getSlotElementId()) > -1; }); } function getPETRequest() { googletag.cmd.push(function() { // read the currently defined GPT ad slots for sending to the PET endpoint // defined all GPT ad slots before calling PET var gptSlots = googletag.pubads().getSlots(); var iasPETSlots = []; for (var i = 0; i < gptSlots.length; i++) { var sizes = gptSlots[i].getSizes().map(function(size) { if (size.getWidth && size.getHeight) return [size.getWidth(), size.getHeight()]; else return [1, 1]; }); iasPETSlots.push({ adSlotId: gptSlots[i].getSlotElementId(), //size: can either be a single size (for example, [728, 90]) // or an array of sizes (for example, [[728, 90], [970, 90]]) size: sizes, adUnitPath: gptSlots[i].getAdUnitPath() }); } // wait for IAS to return data var iasDataHandler = function(adSlotData) { headerBidderBack('ias'); }; // make the request to PET. if your page makes multiple ad requests to DFP // (for example, lazily loaded ads, infinite scrolling pages, etc.), make // a request to PET before every request to DFP __iasPET.queue.push({ adSlots: iasPETSlots, dataHandler: iasDataHandler }); }); } // return true if all bidders have returned function allBiddersBack() { var allBiddersBack = bidders // get the booleans from the object .map(function(bidder) { return requestManager[bidder]; }) // get rid of false values - indicates that the bidder has responded .filter(Boolean) // if length is equal to bidders, all bidders are back .length === bidders.length; return allBiddersBack; } // handler for header bidder responses function headerBidderBack(bidder) { // console.log("DFP: headerBidderBack called with", bidder); if (typeof bidder === 'object') { requestManager.adSlots = bidder; bidder = 'prebid'; } // return early if request to adserver is already sent if (requestManager.adserverRequestSent === true) { return; } // flip bidder back flag if (bidder === 'a9') { requestManager.a9 = true; } else if (bidder === 'prebid') { requestManager.prebid = true; } else if (bidder === 'ias') { requestManager.ias = true; } // if all bidders are back, send the request to the ad server if (allBiddersBack()) { sendAdserverRequest(); } } // actually get ads from DFP function sendAdserverRequest() { // console.log("DFP: All bidders back"); // return early if request already sent if (requestManager.adserverRequestSent === true) { return; } if (typeof window.prebidReady === 'undefined') { window.prebidReady =; } if (window.googleReady) { // flip the boolean that keeps track of whether the adserver request was sent requestManager.adserverRequestSent = true; // flip pbjs boolean to signal to pbjs the ad server has already been called pbjs.adserverCalled = true; //flip boolean for adserver request to avoid duplicate requests requestManager.sendAdserverRequest = true; // make ad request to DFP googletag.cmd.push(function() { window.executionSet =; apstag.setDisplayBids(); __iasPET.setTargetingForGPT(); // console.log("DFP: Refresh called, setting adslots to ", requestManager.adSlots); if (requestManager.adSlots.length > 0){ googletag.pubads().refresh(requestManager.adSlots); } else { googletag.pubads().refresh(); } setPerformanceCookie(); }); } else { window.setTimeout(function() { sendAdserverRequest(true); }, 200); } } function requestBids(apstagSlots, bidTimeout) { // fetch apstag bids, set bid targting, then call headerBidderBack // to get the ads for the first time apstag.fetchBids({ slots: apstagSlots, timeout: (bidTimeout - 200) }, function(bids) { headerBidderBack('a9'); }); var edktAudiences; // Here we fetch audiences which the user has been placed in. try { edktAudiences = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('edkt_matched_audience_ids') || '[]') .slice(0, 100) .map(String); } catch (e) { edktAudiences = []; } // request bids from prebid pbjs.que.push(function() { // console.log("DFP: PBJS request bids called"); pbjs.rp.requestBids({ callback: headerBidderBack, data: { airgrid: { perid: edktAudiences }, ozoneSettings, ozoneTargeting }, }); }); } //requestBids requestBids(apstagSlots, bidTimeout) // set timeout to send request to call sendAdserverRequest() after timeout // if all bidders haven't returned before then window.setTimeout(function() { sendAdserverRequest(); }, bidTimeout); }; function setPerformanceCookie() { var start = window.startExec; var prebidReady = window.prebidReady - start; var domComplete = window.domComplete - start; var googleComplete = window.googleComplete - start; var finished = window.executionSet - start; /* var cVal = Math.round(prebidReady) + ':' + Math.round(domComplete) + ':' + Math.round(googleComplete) + ':' + Math.round(finished); */ var cVal = Math.round(finished); var t = new Date(); t.setMilliseconds(t.getMilliseconds() + 600000); $.cookie('adtiming', cVal, {path: '/', domain: '', expires: t}); } </script> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/resources/images/5752178/"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="/resources/images/5752177/"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="/resources/images/5752179/"> <!-- Add iconify --> <script src=""></script> </head> <body class="sticky-footer " 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/resources/images/18584799.jpg?type=mds-article-642 642w, /resources/images/18584799.jpg?type=mds-article-620 620w" sizes="(min-width: 768px) calc(100vw - 30px), (min-width: 992px) 642px, (min-width: 1401px) 620px, 100vw" style="aspect-ratio: 2048 / 1728" /> <div class="mar-article-image__caption"> <span>Barlinnie special unit - colourful murals cover the walls outside the cells .Staff pic taken by ian hossack 28/9/1981 <i>(Image: Ian Hossack)</i></span> </div> </div> </div> <div></div> <!----> <div class="block-article-content__spacing"> <div class="article-body"> <div> <div id="po-inline-article-above"></div> <div id="po-inline-articlewall-fullarticle-closable"></div> <div id="po-inline-articlegate-fullarticle"><div id="subscription-above-article"></div><div id="subscription-replace-entire-article"><p class="article-first-paragraph"> A new book will present the most in-depth history of the Barlinnie Special Unit - and share some of the lessons which could be applied to today's prison system. </p> <p> <em>The Barlinnie Special Unit: Art, Punishment & Innovation</em>, edited by Dr Kirstin Anderson of Napier University, brings together accounts from prisoners, guards, psychologists, academics and more to tell the tale of the BSU, which controversially adopted a therapeutic approach to dealing with some of Scotland's most violent and dangerous men. </p> <div id="po-inline-articlewall-partialarticle-closable"></div> <div id="po-inline-articlegate-partialarticle"> <div id="po-overlay-articlegate-full-width-scroll-below"></div> <div id="subscription-content"> <p> The unit was established at a time when Scottish prisons were known for being, by far, the worst in the UK. </p> <p> With the abolition of the death penalty in 1969, convicts who knew they would likely never be released - but by the same token wouldn't be hanged - felt they had nothing to lose. </p> <p> Violence between inmates was common, as it was against guards - sometimes in the form of full-scale riots. </p> <p> The approach at the time was to despatch the most troublesome prisoners to remote incarceration in the north of the country. </p> <p> If it wasn't quite the Soviet Gulag system it wasn't far off, with inmates frequently subject to isolation and any resistance met with an iron fist - a special segregation unit at HMP Inverness dubbed simply 'The Cages' was described as "the Siberia for prisoners in the Scottish Prison System" by Jimmy Boyle, once Scotland's most violent prisoner who was released from the BSU and never re-offended. </p> <p> <img srcset=" 575w, 962w, 1400w, 1401w" sizes="(max-width: 575px) 575px, (max-width: 992px) 962px, (max-width: 1400px) 1400px, (min-width: 1401px) 1401px" alt="Murderer Jimmy Boyle at work in the special unit 1974" style="width: 100%;"><span class="inline-image-caption">Murderer Jimmy Boyle at work in the special unit 1974 <em>(Image: The Herald)</em></span> </p> <div id="piano-container-inside-article" style="display: none; margin-bottom: 20px; clear: both;"> <div id="po-inline-article-inside" style="display: none; margin-bottom: 20px; clear: both;"></div> </div> <p> Dr Anderson tells The Herald: "They were very violent, they were very austere, we were still slopping out. There was very little communication between prisoners and their families, later on a number of the riots were about that. </p> <p> "Putting them in a cage within a prison cell, often removing their clothing – it was drastically different to what prisons look like today. And it wasn’t that long ago.” </p> <p> By 1970 it had become clear that simply quashing dissent by force wasn't working - riots, attacks on staff and dirty protests were common. </p> <p> A working party under the chairmanship of Alex Stephen was set up by the then Scottish Prisons Department to consider the ‘Treatment of Certain Male Long-Term Prisoners and Potentially Violent Prisoners’. </p> <hr> <p> <strong>Read More:</strong> </p> <ul> <li> <p> <a href="">The Story of Barlinnie: Find all the articles in the series here</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="">The story of Barlinnie: From beacon of prison reform to notorious superjail</a> </p> </li> <li> <p> <a href="">The ten hangings of Barlinnie and the stories that lay behind them</a> </p> </li> </ul> <hr> <p> It included senior Prison Service officials, a consultant psychiatrist, two prison governors and representatives of the Scottish Prison Officers’ Association (SPOA). </p> <p> An idea was proposed by Ken Murray, a Scottish prison officer, and Ian Stephen, who worked for the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) as a forensic psychologist - removing some of the most violent offenders and using therapy, rather than repression, to deal with them. </p> <p> Three years later, the Barlinnie Special Unit opened in the former women's wing of the prison. </p> <p> Dr Anderson says: "It was immediately not popular. </p> <p> “There were lots of people in the Prison Service who did not agree with it, because it was seen as being soft on some of the most violent men in the service. </p> <p> “These were men who had attacked prison officers and other prisoners, which made it very difficult for the staff on the Unit in the early days because they were often seen by their fellow prison officers as ‘going to the other side’. </p> <p> “It lasted for nearly 22 years, I think it was a month shy before they shut it down.” </p> <p> The first inmates were suspicious, too. Some had come direct from The Cages in Inverness, and found the relaxed atmosphere disorienting. Many felt the focus on psychology was a thinly-veiled plot to get them sent to Carstairs. </p> <p> <img srcset=" 575w, 962w, 1400w, 1401w" sizes="(max-width: 575px) 575px, (max-width: 992px) 962px, (max-width: 1400px) 1400px, (min-width: 1401px) 1401px" alt="A cell in the Barlinnie Special Unit in 1981" style="width: 100%;"><span class="inline-image-caption">A cell in the Barlinnie Special Unit in 1981 <em>(Image: Newsquest)</em></span> </p> <p> "And understandably," Dr Anderson says. "Most of the men in the first round of the unit were coming from the cages, so of course you’re going to be suspicious about what's going on – ‘why are you all of a sudden being so kind to me? What are you going to do to me next?’. </p> <p> “We have a chapter by Johnny Steele and he writes about that, as someone who was in the prison system for many years coming to the unit was really a shock for him. </p> <p> "They were highly suspicious of the idea that a prison officer would call you by your first name, or ask how your mum was doing. </p> <p> “Not everyone stayed in the unit, they found it stressful or too challenging because, unlike in a jail, you couldn’t just keep your head down and keep to yourself. If you were too quiet the community would ask why you weren’t participating. </p> <p> “It wasn’t the holiday that some people like to propose it was.” </p> <p> Rather than solitary confinement and slopping out, the inmates could paint and sculpt, wear their own clothes, and have visits from loved ones outside of set hours. </p> <p> Initially, the response of the media, who were invited to an open day on 25 July, 1974, was positive. </p> <p> In the Glasgow Herald, Jim Hewitson wrote: "The visit to the 'murderers’ block' has turned out to be a rather surprising, almost baffling, encounter with a bunch of 'nice guys’." </p> <p> However, things soon turned and the SPS began to be accused of giving some of the most violent, dangerous criminals in <a href="/news/homenews/" class="section-link">Scotland</a> an easy ride. </p> <p> For those working on the unit though, this new approach brought surprising results. </p> <p> David J Cooke, the first psychologist to work at the Special Unit, used Robert D. Hare's method to determine whether the prisoners suffered from psyochopathy: 72% fitted his description of ‘psychopath’; and another 25% had significant elements of the disorder. This compared to 3-5% in the prison population as a whole. </p> <p> Prevailing wisdom held that such people could not be treated - Dr Cooke writes: "the BSU prisoners were not a good bet for treatment, they were not a good bet for change". </p> <p> Change they did, though. The psychologist reviewed prisoner records comparing the number of assaults inmates had committed during their sentence before and after entering the unit. </p> <p> <img srcset=" 575w, 962w, 1400w, 1401w" sizes="(max-width: 575px) 575px, (max-width: 992px) 962px, (max-width: 1400px) 1400px, (min-width: 1401px) 1401px" alt="The Barlinnie Special Unit - Art, Punishment & innovation front cover" style="width: 100%;"><span class="inline-image-caption">The Barlinnie Special Unit - Art, Punishment & innovation front cover <em>(Image: Waterside Press)</em></span> </p> <p> He found that the prisoner cohort had committed a combined 181 assaults before being transferred - certainly an undercount because of how much prison violence goes unreported - while a grand total of two happened in the BSU. </p> <p> Dr Anderson says: "I think this speaks to a larger challenge around understanding punishment - because in some ways the unit did exactly what it was supposed to do and that still wasn’t enough for some people. </p> <p> "At the time people looked to Scotland and were fascinated by this proposition, to have this therapeutic unit: <em>in</em> <em>Barlinnie</em>. </p> <p> “There’s this BBC video from the 70s which opens with the men in Barlinnie walking in a circle in the exercise yard and it’s such a perfect representation of the Victorian ideals of a prison and then they go into the Special Unit and you see guys in their 70s outfits talking with the prison officers. </p> <p> <iframe class="youtube" width="100%" height="315" style="" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true"></iframe> </p> <p> "It’s such a complete juxtaposition between what was happening in the rest of the service, and that made a lot of people angry.” </p> <p> The unit was quietly closed in 1994 and today no such institution exists in Scotland - HMP Grendon in Buckinghamshire is the UK's only therapeutic prison. </p> <p> Dr Anderson believes, though, that there is plenty the Barlinnie Special Unit can teach us today. </p> <p> She says: "We’re not proposing another Special Unit in the same blueprint, but hopefully this book can open up some dialogue about the possibility of Scotland thinking differently about punishment. </p> <p> “Right now you look at the development of HMP Barlinnie, which is going to be a huge prison, with the exception of the community custody units for women of which there are no more planned to be built, we’re on the road to just building bigger prisons and putting more people in them. </p> <p> "I think Scotland has the capacity to think more creatively, it doesn’t have to be a blueprint of the unit but we can take some of those lessons learned. </p> <p> "It probably hasn’t happened for a number of reasons. The SPS work in the present, and to a certain degree they have to. </p> <p> “But they’re not very good at highlighting the work they do which is good and meaningful, and that’s political because people jump on that. To do something good and meaningful in a prison you have to pay attention to the individual, their families and their communities and that, to some, can look like they’re not being punished – and sometimes the media will perpetuate that. </p> <p> “The Barlinnie Special Unit is a perfect example of that, the focus was on the men getting to decorate their cells, to wear their own clothes, the fact they could have visitors at any time. It wasn’t on the difficulty of these men having to come out of a prison system that was incredibly brutal. </p> <p> “Coming out of solitary confinement and physical punishment to the BSU, it wasn’t just like walking in and saying ‘oh great, this is so much better’. These men were traumatised. </p> <p> "I think it asks us, as Scottish society, what we mean and what we want from punishment. </p> <p> "If truly the outcome we want is for people to be able to come out of prison and be integrated back into communities and contribute, and to not commit a <a href="/news/crime_courts/" class="section-link">crime</a> again; the punishment that was happening in the 70s is not going to make that happen. </p> <p> “It’s more something like the Barlinnie Special Unit that would make that happen. Jimmy Boyle left the unit and he didn’t re-offend, he became quite successful as an artist in his own right after that – and a lot of people didn’t like that, they didn’t like that he did what the punishment was supposed to do. </p> <p> “So that asks bigger questions of us as a society. If we just want prisons to punish people and their communities they’re doing it really well. But if we really want something in which we recognise the harm that is done to people, and ask the people who have perpetrated that harm to respond to it, we need something different. </p> <p> “We know just locking people up doesn’t do that. </p> <p> "Most people just accept prisons as ‘oh yeah, of course we have prisons. Why would we not?’. </p> <p> “But there are different ways we can respond to people who have harmed us, and I hope this book contributes to that in some way.” </p> <p> <em>The Barlinnie Special Unit: Art, Punishment and Innovation is available from <a href="" rel="nofollow">Waterside Press</a>, Amazon, and all good bookshops. It is released on October 1, RRP £25.</em> </p> </div> </div></div><div id="subscription-below-article" style="clear:both"></div></div> <div id="po-inline-article-below" style="clear:both"></div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="block-article-content__bottom-tags mar-mb-4"> <!-- standard - ArticleTags.html --> <div class="article-tags"><a href="/topics/barlinnie-prison/">Barlinnie Prison</a></div> <!-- standard - ArticleTags.html --> <div class="article-tags"><a href="/topics/prison-system/">Prison system</a></div> <!-- standard - ArticleTags.html --> <div class="article-tags"><a href="/topics/scottish-prison-service/">Scottish Prison Service</a></div> <!-- standard - ArticleTags.html --> <div class="article-tags"><a href="/topics/the-story-of-barlinnie/">The story of Barlinnie</a></div> <!-- standard - ArticleTags.html --> <div class="article-tags"><a href="/topics/true-crime/">True Crime</a></div> <!-- standard - ArticleTags.html --> <div class="article-tags"><a href="/topics/crime/">Crime</a></div> <!-- standard - ArticleTags.html --> <div class="article-tags"><a href="/topics/heritage/">Heritage</a></div> <!-- standard - ArticleTags.html --> <div class="article-tags"><a href="/topics/history/">History</a></div> <!-- standard - ArticleTags.html --> <div class="article-tags"><a href="/local-news/glasgow-news/">Glasgow</a></div> </div> <!-- standard - ArticleComments.html --> <section class="article-comments"> <div class="article-comments__wrapper article-comments--inline "> <!-- standard - SocialBar.html --> <div class="social-bar social-bar--bottom "> <div class="social-bar__text">Share</div> <button aria-label="Share on Facebook" class="social-bar__button social-bar__link button-with-icon social-bar__button--with-icon bg-fb" data-uses-js="custom-sharing" data-share-url="" data-share-path=""> <span class="iconify" data-icon="logos:facebook"></span> </button> <button aria-label="Share on Twitter" class="social-bar__button social-bar__link button-with-icon social-bar__button--with-icon bg-twitter" data-uses-js="custom-sharing" data-share-url="" data-share-path="" data-share-headline="What the Barlinnie Special Unit can teach us about Scotland's approach to prisons"> <span class="iconify" data-icon="fa6-brands:x-twitter"></span> </button> <a class="social-bar__whatsapp-link" href="whatsapp://send?text=What%20the%20Barlinnie%20Special%20Unit%20can%20teach%20us%20about%20Scotland%27s%20approach%20to%20prisons%0A%0A"> <button aria-label="Share on WhatsApp" class="social-bar__button social-bar__link social-bar__button--with-icon bg-whatsapp"> <span class="iconify" data-icon="akar-icons:whatsapp-fill"></span> </button> </a> <button aria-label="Share on Bluesky" class="social-bar__button social-bar__link social-bar__button--with-icon bg-blue-sky" data-uses-js="custom-sharing" data-share-url="" data-share-path=""> <span class="iconify" data-icon="fa6-brands:bluesky"></span> </button> </div> <div class="article-comments__text--inline mar-mt-0" data-uses-js="comments-button" data-comments-count="2"> </div> </div> <div id="comments-feedback-anchor"></div> <div id="article-comments__interrupt-modal-content" hidden> <h3> Why are you making commenting on The Herald only available to subscribers? </h3> <p> It should have been a safe space for informed debate, somewhere for readers to discuss issues around the biggest stories of the day, but all too often the below the line comments on most websites have become bogged down by off-topic discussions and abuse. </p> <p> is tackling this problem by allowing only subscribers to comment. </p> <p> We are doing this to improve the experience for our loyal readers and we believe it will reduce the ability of trolls and troublemakers, who occasionally find their way onto our site, to abuse our journalists and readers. 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"b" : "a" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); }, dool: Math.random() >= 0.1, }; var yb_ab; if (Math.random() <= 0.9) { yb_ab = _YB.ab(); } else { yb_ab = "c"; } googletag.pubads().setTargeting("yb_ab", yb_ab); }); googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.pubads().set("adsense_background_color", "FFFFFF"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting('rfs', "0"); $.each(targeting, function (key, value) { // No real value so exclude if (value === 0 || value === '' || value === null) { return; } googletag.pubads().setTargeting(key, value); }); }); // Ads var adUnits = []; hideAdsByScreensize(); if (blackListAds.length > 0) { removeBlacklistAds(blackListAds); } $.each(unfilteredAdUnits, function (i, unit) { removeWhitelistAds(unit); }); // set up a holder for all the adverts so we can do things with them later var dfpHolder = {}; // the set up code googletag.cmd.push(function() { $.each(adUnits, function(i, data) { // check if the dom exists if ($('#'+data.domName).length === 0) { return; } var dfp = null; if (data.slotType === 'standard') { // get the correct sizes, using the alternate_sizes if they exist and we are on a mobile site var sizes = data.sizes; if (data.alternate_mobile_size && isMobile()) { sizes = data.alternate_mobile_size; } // push this ad slot through dfp = googletag.defineSlot(googleId, sizes, data.domName) .addService(googletag.pubads()) .setTargeting("position", data.positionName) .setCollapseEmptyDiv(data.collapseContainer); // check if we have an array of targets, and assign them as a companion if we do if (data.targets instanceof Array && data.targets.length > 0 ) { dfp.setTargeting('companion', data.targets); } } else if (data.slotType === 'outofpage') { dfp = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot(googleId, data.domName) .addService(googletag.pubads()) .setTargeting("position", data.positionName) .setCollapseEmptyDiv(data.collapseContainer); // check if we have an array of targets, and assign them as a companion if we do if (data.targets instanceof Array && data.targets.length > 0 ) { dfp.setTargeting('companion', data.targets); } } // store dfpHolder[data.domName] = dfp; }); if (adLight === true) { googletag.pubads().setCategoryExclusion('adlight'); // var adlightexplanation = '<div class="adlight-explanation">I\'m a subscriber <a href="#" class="adlight-explanation-link">Why am I seeing this advert?</a></div>'; // if ($('#DFP_premium_mpu').length > 0) { // $('#DFP_premium_mpu').before(adlightexplanation); // } // if ($('#DFP_standard_mpu_1').length > 0) { // $('#DFP_standard_mpu_1').before(adlightexplanation); // } // var imageIds = [11497497, 11497535, 11497536, 11497541, 11497542, 11497545, 11497546, 11497547]; // var imageId = imageIds[Math.floor(Math.random() * imageIds.length)]; // $('.adlight-explanation-link').click(function(e) { // e.preventDefault(); // $('#adlight-explanation-modal-image').attr('src', '/resources/images/' + imageId + '/').show(); // $('#adlight-explanation-modal').modal(); // }); } // send the request googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotVisibilityChanged', function(event) { if (event.slot.getResponseInformation().creativeTemplateId === 828288 || event.slot.getResponseInformation().creativeTemplateId === 12383216 ) { console.log('DFP: Magic template id detected, not refreshing'); return; } var slotName = ''; $.each(dfpHolder, function (a, e) { if (e == event.slot) { slotName = a; } }); if (typeof window.advertisingTimer !== 'undefined') { var perc = event.inViewPercentage; window.advertisingTimer.timer(slotName, perc); } }); }); // the display code $.each(adUnits, function(i, data) { // check if the dom exists if ($('#'+data.domName).length === 0) { return; } if (data.domName === 'DFP_interstitial_mpu') { if (!inter.checkVisit()) { return; } } // are we manually loading it? if ($('#'+data.domName).attr('data-manual-loading') === "yes") { return; } // for mobile, we check if the dom element has the data-delay-loading attribute set to "1" else if ($('#'+data.domName).attr('data-delay-loading') === "yes") { // load it $('#'+data.domName).appear(); $(document.body).on('appear', '#'+data.domName, function(e, allElement) { // don't call it many times if ($(this).attr('data-processed') === 'yes') { return; } $(this).attr('data-processed', 'yes'); // display the google ad googletag.display(data.domName); googletag.pubads().refresh([dfpHolder[data.domName]]); }); return; } googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(data.domName); }); }); window.googleComplete =; window.googleReady = true; // METHODS function addToTargeting(targeting, data) { if (!data) { return targeting; } $.each(data, function (key, value) { if (!value) { return; } targeting[key] = value; }); return targeting; } function addAdSlot(slotName, slot, initHidden) { console.log("Add ad slot called for %s %s", slotName, slot); // check if item already exists if (typeof window.dfpHolder[slotName] !== 'undefined') { return; } if (window.adLight === true) { return; } window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { var dfp = googletag.defineSlot(window.googleId, [[300,250]], slotName) .setTargeting('position', [slot]) .addService(googletag.pubads()); window.dfpHolder[slotName] = dfp; if (!initHidden) { googletag.pubads().refresh([dfp]); return; } }); } function hideAdsByScreensize() { if (window.screen.width < 728 && $('#BlockArticleContainer').length > 0) { if ('308' === '1147') { $('#DFP_out_of_page').remove(); } else { $('#DFP_premium_mpu').remove(); } $('#DFP_on_scroll').remove(); } else if (window.screen.width < 728 && ( $(".article-grid__uber[data-top-stories-articles='7'][data-news-list-articles='9']").length > 0 || $(".article-grid__uber[data-top-stories-articles='7'][data-news-list-articles='12']").length > 0 || $(".article-grid__uber[data-top-stories-articles='7'][data-news-list-articles='18']").length > 0 || $(".article-grid__uber[data-top-stories-articles='7'][data-news-list-articles='24']").length > 0 ) ) { const adElement = document.querySelector('#high_vis_container'); $('.omnicard[data-position="5"]').after(adElement); } if ('308' === '1147' && window.screen.width > 450) { $('#DFP_bottom_leaderboard').remove(); } if ('308' === '1147' && window.screen.width < 728) { $('#DFP_top_leaderboard').remove(); } if ('308' === '1147') { $('#DFP_teads').remove(); $('#DFP_out_of_page').remove(); } } function removeBlacklistAds(blackListAds) { $.each(blackListAds, function(i, name) { removeAdContainer(name); }); } function removeWhitelistAds(unit) { // VAST (video) ad units never get displayed in here. if (unit.isVast) { return; } // if we have an ad-light experience if (whiteList === true) { if (typeof whiteListAds[unit.positionName] === 'undefined') { removeAdContainer(unit.domName) return; } } adUnits.push(unit); } function removeAdContainer(name) { const element = document.getElementById(name); // doesn't exist? exit if(!element) { return; } const parent = element.parentElement; if (parent && parent.classList.contains('block-bottom-margin')) { // if immediate parent contains block-bottom-margin as a class, remove the parent as well parent.classList.remove('block-bottom-margin'); } if (parent && parent.classList.contains('mar-leaderboard--top')) { // in case of leaderboard, remove as has min-height parent.remove(); return; } element.remove(); } </script> <!-- Twitter widget script --> <script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="/resources/responsive-static/build/mds/js/global.js?cb=rnwWYqYi"></script> <script src="/resources/responsive-static/build/mds/js/article.js?cb=rnwWYqYi"></script> <script src="/__siren/"></script> <!-- standard - AudienceTracking.html --> <script type="text/javascript"> var s_account="newsquestgroupprod"; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/responsive-static/vendor/adobe/VisitorAPI.js?cb=rnwWYqYi"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/responsive-static/vendor/adobe/omniture.js?cb=rnwWYqYi"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function getOmniturePath() { var path = ''; if ($('#gallery-base-url').length === 1) { path = $('#gallery-base-url').val(); } else { path = window.location.pathname; } return path; } function getPositionFromCookie() { var ref = $.cookie('tracking_block_index'); $.removeCookie('tracking_block_index', { path: '/', domain:, }); return ref; } function getRefFromCookie() { var ref = $.cookie('tracking_block'); $.removeCookie('tracking_block', { path: '/', domain:, }); return ref; } function getOmnitureTrackingFromCookie(key, preExistingValue) { var ref = $.cookie('o-' + key); if(typeof(ref) === 'undefined') { ref = preExistingValue } else { ref = decodeURIComponent(ref); $.removeCookie('o-' + key, { path: '/', domain:, }); } return ref; } function getValidatedAPList() { var validList = [1100, 1101, 1002, 1006, 1010, 1014, 1018, 1022, 1200, 1202, 1205, 1300, 1602, 1605, 1608, 1612, 1616, 1500, 1503, 1507, 1509, 1512, 1402, 1406, 1409, 1412, 1416, 14331, 14333, 14335, 14336, 14339, 14342, 14344, 14345, 14346, 14350, 14351, 14353, 14359, 14366, 14370, 14371, 14377, 14388, 14394, 14396, 14399, 14407, 14221, 14423, 15679, 15681, 15682, 15683, 15684, 15686, 15687, 15688, 15975]; var data = getAudienceProjectTargetingData(); if (!data || !data.ap_x) { return ''; } validData = []; $.each(data.ap_x, function(i, td) { if ($.inArray(parseInt(td, 10), validList) !== -1) { validData.push(td); } }); return validData.join(','); } path = document.location.href.split("/"); var prop30 = qs.get('lp'); var prop43 = qs.get('ref'); var pType="BlockArticleModule" if (pType === 'BlockArticleModule' || pType === 'NationalNewsModule' || pType === 'BlockWhatsOnModule') { pType = 'ArticleModule'; } for(x=4; x<7; x++) { if (typeof path[x] == 'undefined') { path[x] = ''; } if(path[x] == "" || (pType == "ArticleModule" && path[x].match(/[0-9]+\./)) || (path[x].indexOf('?') > -1)) { path[x] = path[x-1]; } else { path[x] = path[x-1] + "/" + path[x]; } path[x] = path[x].replace(/\/undefined/g,""); } pathN= unescape(document.location.pathname.toString()); matches = pathN.match(/(\w+)\.(in|near|compare)\.([\,a-zA-Z0-9\ _-]+)[\/]?$/); detailMatches = pathN.match(/(\w+)\.detail\.(.*)$/); if (detailMatches !== null && detailMatches.length > 1) { matches = detailMatches; } if (matches !== null && matches.length > 1) { var subfolder = ''; path[3] = 'li'; path[4] = 'li/'+subfolder; path[5] = 'li/'+subfolder+'/'+matches[1]; path[6] = 'li/'+subfolder+'/'+matches[1]; } if (pathN === '/') { path[3] = 'homepage'; path[4] = 'homepage'; path[5] = 'homepage'; path[6] = 'homepage'; } /* You may give each page an identifying name, server, and channel on the next lines. */ s.pageName="(www) "+getOmniturePath(); s.pageName = s.pageName.toLowerCase(); s.server="dmh-martini-web28""" s.pageType="" s.prop1= qs.get('search'); s.prop2="" s.prop3=document.title s.prop4="24609301" s.prop5="BlockArticleModule" /* get from Martini */ s.prop6=path[3].toLowerCase() s.prop7=path[4].toLowerCase() s.prop8=path[5].toLowerCase() s.prop9=path[6].toLowerCase() s.prop10="" s.prop15="Gabriel McKay".toLowerCase() s.prop16=path[2].toLowerCase() s.prop17="Herald and Times" s.prop18="Martini" s.prop19="1" s.prop20 = s.getPreviousValue(s.pageName, 'gpv_pn'); s.prop53 = 'standard'; s.prop54 = ''; s.prop55 = ''; s.prop56 = "BAM Standard Article"; s.prop57 = ($('[data-name="Feature Article Block A"]').length > 0) ? 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"y" : "n"; s.eVar107 = '154'; s.eVar108 = '221021'; s.eVar104 = 'Crime'; s.prop56 = "BAM Standard Article"; /* Article-site-cloning data */ s.eVar90 = window.data_layer.article.parent_originating_site_id; s.eVar91 = window.data_layer.article.originating_article_id; s.eVar92 = window.data_layer.article.is_original_to_site; s.eVar95 =; s.eVar106 = 'No AI or automation'; /* Uber block article counts */ s.eVar93 = + ':' + + ':' +; /* Conversion Variables */ s.campaign="" s.state="""""" s.products="" s.purchaseID="" s.eVar14="" try { s.list3=getValidatedAPList(); } catch (e) { // do nothing } // Initial fotorama tracking. var moduleType = null; if (s.prop5 === 'ArticleModule' || s.prop5 == 'PropertyModuleReplacement' || s.prop5 === 'BlockArticleModule') { moduleType = 'article'; } else if (s.prop5 === 'PictureGalleryModule') { moduleType = 'gallery'; } if (moduleType === 'article' || moduleType === 'gallery') { var imagePath = ''; if ($('.fotorama').length > 0) { // Get the first Fotorama image. try { var el = $('.fotorama').data('fotorama').data[0].html; var url = $(el).find('div').css('background-image'); imagePath = url.replace('url(','').replace(')','').replace(/\"/gi, ""); } catch (e) { } } else { // If there's just one image (i.e. it's not a gallery), find its path. var imagePathSingle = $('#mainImage').attr('src'); if (typeof imagePathSingle !== 'undefined') { imagePath = imagePathSingle.split('.')[0] + '/'; } } var imageParts = imagePath.split('/'); if (imageParts.length > 1) { s.eVar37 = imageParts[imageParts.length - 2]; s.prop37 = imageParts[imageParts.length - 2]; = s.apl(, 'event7', ',', 2); } s.eVar36 = moduleType; s.prop36 = moduleType; } // Education pages. if (s.prop5 === 'ResponsiveEducationModule') { // School profile page. if ($('#eduOverview').length > 0) { s.eVar40 = $('#eduOverview').data('school-status'); s.prop40 = s.eVar40; s.prop41 = 'edu-' + $('#eduOverview').data('school-urn'); s.prop46 = $('#town').text(); } // Comparison page. if ($('#eduComparisonTable').length > 0) { s.list1 = ''; } // Results page. if ($('.school-results').length > 0) { s.list1 = ''; // Track the search criteria. s.prop44 = ''; s.prop45 = "".toLowerCase(); s.prop46 = "".toLowerCase(); s.prop49 = ''; s.prop50 = ''; s.prop51 = ''; s.eVar2 = s.prop50; var newSearch = false; if (newSearch) { = s.apl(, 'event17', ',', 1); } } } //New Property module if (s.prop5 === 'ResponsivePropertyModule') { /* Use prop42 for single and list pages, for list pages use hyphen separate lists of id's */ //Property's all over the place (homepage, searches etc - HOM-133 //Property Detail - HOM-131, HOM-134, HOM-130 //Contact us submissions - HOM-137 if($('#propertyModule.agent-details').length > 0) { //Add a click handler for } } // is their a video tag on the page? if ($('.exco-embed').length > 0) { console.log('VID: setting tracking for event50'); = s.apl(, 'event50', ',', 1); } var foundAutoPlayVid = false; $('.jw-outer').each(function (a, domEle) { if ($(this).data('multimedia-block') === 'no' && !foundAutoPlayVid) { console.log('VID: setting tracking for event51'); = s.apl(, 'event51', ',', 1); foundAutoPlayVid = true; } }); s.eVar66 = 'Ad-Full-Herald'; // var eVar65Copy = s.getValOnce(s.eVar65, "ev65", 0); // if (eVar65Copy !== '' && s.prop20.indexOf("/my/subscription/activate/") > -1) { // = s.apl(, "event4", ",", 1); // Set the subscription counter event. // = s.apl(, "purchase", ",", 1); // Set the purchase event. // s.products = "Subscription : Metered Access;" + eVar65Copy + ";1;"; // s.purchaseID = ""; // } if(qs.get('action') === 'success' && (s.prop5 === 'ArticleModule' || s.prop5 === 'BMDModule' || s.prop5 === 'BlockArticleModule')) {,'event9',',',2) } /* Hierarchy Variables */ s.hier1="newsquest," + "Herald and Times" + ",," + path[6].replace(/\//,","); if (typeof MartiniFotorama !== 'undefined') { MartiniFotorama.loadOmniture(s); } s.prop39 = "0"; // Tracking usage of Bytecast audio embeds in articles. s.eVar82 = 'no'; s.eVar83 = ''; console.log('ADB: starting'); /************* DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ! **************/ if (qs.get('callback') !== 'in' && navigator.userAgent.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('googlebot') === -1) { var s_code=s.t(); var backupAdobe = s; if(s_code)document.write(s_code) } //--></script> <!-- End SiteCatalyst code version: H.19.3. --> <script src="//"></script> <script async src=""></script> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> </html>