EUREKA E!3266 WEBAIR: South Korea

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Pointer and mark feature are disabled or the browser can't get the // row -> exits if ((thePointerColor == '' && theMarkColor == '') || typeof( == 'undefined') { return false; } // 2. Gets the current row and exits if the browser can't get it if (typeof(document.getElementsByTagName) != 'undefined') { theCells = theRow.getElementsByTagName('td'); } else if (typeof(theRow.cells) != 'undefined') { theCells = theRow.cells; } //else { // return false; //} // 3. Gets the current color... var rowCellsCnt = theCells.length; var domDetect = null; var currentColor = null; var newColor = null; // 3.1 ... with DOM compatible browsers except Opera that does not return // valid values with "getAttribute" if (typeof(window.opera) == 'undefined' && typeof(theCells[0].getAttribute) != 'undefined') { currentColor = theCells[0].getAttribute('bgcolor'); domDetect = true; } // 3.2 ... with other browsers else { currentColor = theCells[0].style.backgroundColor; domDetect = false; } // end 3 // 3.3 ... Opera changes colors set via HTML to rgb(r,g,b) format so fix it if (currentColor.indexOf("rgb") >= 0) { var rgbStr = currentColor.slice(currentColor.indexOf('(') + 1, currentColor.indexOf(')')); var rgbValues = rgbStr.split(","); currentColor = "#"; var hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var v = rgbValues[i].valueOf(); currentColor += hexChars.charAt(v/16) + hexChars.charAt(v%16); } } // 4. Defines the new color // 4.1 Current color is the default one if (currentColor == '' || currentColor.toLowerCase() == theDefaultColor.toLowerCase()) { if (theAction == 'over' && thePointerColor != '') { newColor = thePointerColor; } else if (theAction == 'click' && theMarkColor != '') { newColor = theMarkColor; marked_row[theRowNum] = true; // Garvin: deactivated onclick marking of the checkbox because it's also executed // when an action (like edit/delete) on a single item is performed. Then the checkbox // would get deactived, even though we need it activated. Maybe there is a way // to detect if the row was clicked, and not an item therein... // document.getElementById('id_rows_to_delete' + theRowNum).checked = true; } } // 4.1.2 Current color is the pointer one else if (currentColor.toLowerCase() == thePointerColor.toLowerCase() && (typeof(marked_row[theRowNum]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[theRowNum])) { if (theAction == 'out') { newColor = theDefaultColor; } else if (theAction == 'click' && theMarkColor != '') { newColor = theMarkColor; marked_row[theRowNum] = true; // document.getElementById('id_rows_to_delete' + theRowNum).checked = true; } } // 4.1.3 Current color is the marker one else if (currentColor.toLowerCase() == theMarkColor.toLowerCase()) { if (theAction == 'click') { newColor = (thePointerColor != '') ? thePointerColor : theDefaultColor; marked_row[theRowNum] = (typeof(marked_row[theRowNum]) == 'undefined' || !marked_row[theRowNum]) ? true : null; // document.getElementById('id_rows_to_delete' + theRowNum).checked = false; } } // end 4 // 5. Sets the new color... if (newColor) { var c = null; // 5.1 ... with DOM compatible browsers except Opera if (domDetect) { for (c = 0; c < rowCellsCnt; c++) { theCells[c].setAttribute('bgcolor', newColor, 0); } // end for } // 5.2 ... with other browsers else { for (c = 0; c < rowCellsCnt; c++) { theCells[c].style.backgroundColor = newColor; } } } // end 5 return true; } // end of the 'setPointer()' function //for determining whether to close a window or go back function handle_back(){ if (window.opener) window.close(); else history.back(); } function hide_loadingscreen() { if(ie4) window.document.all['loadingscreen'].style.visibility='hidden'; else if(nn4) { window.document.layers['loadingscreen'].visibility='hidden'; } else if(dom) { if(window.document.getElementById('loadingscreen')) window.document.getElementById('loadingscreen').style.visibility='hidden'; } } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> //by Farayi Nyamadzawo // 03 december 2003 function winpopcenter(w,h,u,n){ function winWid(){ return ( (ns4||ns6) ? window.innerWidth:document.body.clientWidth ); } function winHei(){ return (ns4||ns6) ? window.innerHeight:document.body.clientHeight; } function centerX(){ return (ns4||ns6) ? parseInt((screen.width/2)-(width/2)):parseInt((screen.availWidth/2)-(width/2)); } function centerY(){ return (ns4||ns6) ? parseInt((screen.height/2)-(height/2)):parseInt((screen.availHeight/2)-(height/2)); } var ns4 = (document.layers) ? 1 : 0; var ie4 = (document.all) ? 1 : 0; var ns6 = (document.getElementById && !document.all) ? 1 : 0; var width=winWid(); var height=winHei(); var difx=w-winWid(); var dify=h-winHei(); width+=(difx); height+=(dify);,"_blank","HEIGHT="+h+",WIDTH="+w+",dependent=no,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,menubar=no,left="+centerX()+",top="+centerY()); } function putAlp1(){ document.formheader.Alp.value = 1; document.formheader.submit(); } function confirm_p(message){ //used to as confirmation popup ok=confirm(message); if(ok==true){ return true; } else{ return false; } } //dummy function function dummy() { } //this is used in popups to pop up pages //e.g <a href="javascript:dummy();" onclick="javascript:winpop(850,600,'')" onMouseover="window.status='Run GIS MAP/SERVER'; return true">Run</a> function winpop(w,h,u){ //input width,height,url //output : popup window var winref =,"_blank","HEIGHT="+h+",WIDTH="+w+",toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,menubar=no,left=0,top=0"); winref.focus(); } imgl="/GIF/button_l.gif"; imgr="/GIF/button_r.gif"; imgbg='/GIF/button_c.gif'; width="10"; height="20"; function createbutton(name,action,width,height){ //function used to create a button //input: button text,action //output :button //example of use //<!--#include virtual="/SCRIPTS/button.js"--> //<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT>createbutton('back','javascript:window.close();',10,20);<//SCRIPT> button="<table height='20' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>" + "<tr>" + "<td>" + "<img src='"+imgl +"' width='"+width +"' height='"+height +"' border='0'><br>" + "<td style='background-image=url(" +imgbg +")' background='"+imgbg +"' >" + "<a href=\""+ action +"\" onMouseover=\"window.status='"+ name +"'; return true\" >"+ name+"</a><br>" + "<td>" + "<img src='"+imgr +"' width='"+ width +"' height='"+ height +"' border='0'><br>" + "</table>"; //write the button document.write(button); } </script></font> <h2><font class="main">Case Study: Greater Tehran Area, Iran</font></h2> <table cellpadding="4"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="600"> <h4>MM5 model setup:</h4>The 3D dynamic non-hydrostatic prognostic <a href="/MANUALS/AIRWARE/MM5.html">meteorological model MM5</a> uses three nested domains to simulate mesoscale atmospheric dynamics taking nitial and boundary conditions from the GFS Forecast model and generates local high-resolution data sets. <p>The largest domain has horizontal resolution of 27 km in both directions and extents 58x58 grid points. The two nested domains have 9 km resolution with 82x82 grid points and 3 km resolution with 109x109 grid points. The final domain is identical to the model (CAMx) master domain, with a 1 km resolution generated by <a href="/MANUALS/AIRWARE/MM5toCAMx.html">MM5toCAMx</a>:</p> <p>Central coordinates for mother (largest) outer model domain are: 51.24&deg;E, 35.67&deg;N The projection used in MM5 computations is Lambert-Conformal projection. The MM5 model output is converted to a UTM grid after the model run using MM5toCAMx postprocessing program.</p> <p>Vertical resolution of the model domain consists of 17 levels plus surface (1000 mb). The model has a high vertical resolution near the surface to cover layering used by CAMx. The vertical levels are distributed as follows (in mb): 1000, 997, 994, 988, 976, 940, 883, 850, 780, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100.</p> <p>The computational time step for the largest domain is 81 s. The timestepping increases by factor 3 for nested domains. Approximately 3 times horizontal grid resolution in km. Model output frequency is 1 h.</p> <p>Integration time of the model is 2+24 hours for three consecutive days.</p> <p>MM5 data (except precipitation and cloud water) are calculated from midnight to midnight next day in local time, 00:00 local time till 24:00 local time, all together included = 25 timesteps. Last timestep (24:00 local time) is overwritten with the next day forecast (00:00). Precipitation and cloud water data have 24 timesteps from 00:00 local time till 23:00 local time.</p> <p>There is also one version starting at 18:00 UTC and finishing at 24:00 UTC next day = 30 hours. The first 2 hours "startup" are discarded, that means it would import data from 20:00 UTC or midnight local time. The simulation finishes at 24:00 UTC or 3:00 local time next day. The last 3 hours are redundant, but they are necessary for historical scenarios because boundary conditions are only available at 24:00 UTC. FNL data don't have output at 21:00 and the model needs boundary conditions for the whole duration.<br> The last timestep imported is 21:00 UTC or midnight next day local time. Last 3 hours are not used.</p> <p>Starting at 18:00 UTC and finishing at 21:00 UTC next day = 27 hours. 25 hours from local midnight to midnight next day.</p> <p>The toal forecast peropd displayed is 3*24 (72 hours) without any overlapping.</p> <p>The model setup takes into account the local time shift from UTC of 4 h (not 3.5 hours). Start time of forecast simulation is at 18:00 UTC "today" and end time of forecast simulation is 24:00 UTC "tomorrow". Data are imported and displayed for 24 h corresponding to local time 00:00 to 24:00 h (with half an hour shift).</p> <p></p> <h4>MM5 INPUT DATA: files and directories</h4>The <a href="/WEBAIR/TEHRAN/ADMIN/mm5config.html">MM5 input files</a> for TEHRAN forecast come from the <b>NCEP GFS</b>model. The data are downloaded from one of the available Real Time NOMAD servers at NCEP or NCDC <tt>(</tt>: and located on both the <ul> <li>primary application and web server;</li> <li>the COMPUTE SERVER for the application.</li> </ul> </td> <td valign="top"> <img src="Elevation_27km_TEHRAN.gif" border="1" vspace="2" align="right"> <p><img src="Elevation_9km_TEHRAN.gif" border="1" vspace="2" align="right"></p> <p><img src="Elevation_3km_TEHRAN.gif" border="1" vspace="2" align="right"></p> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align='center' colspan="2"><img src="/GIF/780_divider.gif" width="780" border="0" alt=""><br> <font class="footer">&copy; Copyright 1995-2018 by: &nbsp; ESS &nbsp; Environmental Software and Services GmbH AUSTRIA</font> | <b><a style='font-size:8pt;color:gray;' href="javascript:window.print();">print page</a></b></td> </tr> </table> </center> </ul> </center> </body> </html>

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