Take It From The Top Series With… Claus Homann

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Oct 2020 </div> <h1 class="hyphenate text-46 font-bold text-blue-dark mb-48">Take It From The Top Series With&#x2026; Claus Homann</h1> <figure class="mb-48"> <picture> <source srcset="/media/z0lf1bho/uendeligbro_aften_large.jpg?width=608&amp;height=342&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133152591107770000 480w, /media/z0lf1bho/uendeligbro_aften_large.jpg?width=736&amp;height=414&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133152591107770000 640w, /media/z0lf1bho/uendeligbro_aften_large.jpg?width=992&amp;height=558&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133152591107770000 768w, /media/z0lf1bho/uendeligbro_aften_large.jpg?width=1146&amp;height=645&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133152591107770000 1024w" /> <img src="/media/z0lf1bho/uendeligbro_aften_large.jpg?width=448&amp;height=252&amp;quality=90&amp;rnd=133152591107770000" alt="Uendeligbro Aften Large" class="rounded aspect-16/9 object-cover" width="448" height="252" /> </picture> </figure> <p class="max-w-block-lg text-24 font-medium text-blue-dark">Listen to Claus Homann, Aarhus Vand, discuss how the utility has shifted to activity based working, an approach that provides different physical work spaces that align with types of work, and how he envisions workplaces will change post-pandemic.</p> <!-- Component area --> <div class="component-area"> <div class="rich-text rich-text--simple"> <p>In this episode of 'Words of Water'聽- a podcast featuring conversations with influential and interesting people from the water sector - Claus Homann, Chief Operating Officer for Aarhus Vand, talks about the central place of water in the city of Aarhus and how that has resulted in clean water, a higher quality of life, and economic benefits.</p> <p>He explains how聽Aarhus Vand as a聽water utility has shifted to activity based working, an approach that provides a variety of different physical work spaces that align with the type of work. Claus Homann also discusses how he envisions the workplace will change post-pandemic, including continuation of flexible work schedules and locations and use of technology to bring people together.</p> <p>Listen to the podcast聽<a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">here</a>聽(30 min.).</p> <p>Claus Homann is a past member of the Board of Trustees for the Water Environment Federation (WEF).</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="text-white bg-gradient-radial"> <!-- Top section --> <div class="wrapper-content pt-32 pb-48"> <div class="svg-wrapper svg-wrapper--use-current-color mt-[36px] mb-32 h-[50px] w-[166px]"> <svg preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMid"><use xlink:href="#logo" /></svg> </div> <div class="flex flex-col gap-32 md:flex-row md:gap-24"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-24 md:w-3/4 md:flex-row md:gap-16"> <div class="md:w-1/3"> <div class="font-medium mb-8">About Aarhus Vand</div> <div class="text-14 space-y-8"> <div class=""> <a href="/about-us/" class="hover:underline">About us</a> </div> <div class=""> <a href="/publications/" class="hover:underline">Publications</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md:w-1/3"> <div class="font-medium mb-8">Cases</div> <div class="text-14 space-y-8"> <div class=""> <a href="/cases/" class="hover:underline">Cases</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md:w-1/3"> <div class="font-medium mb-8">Other</div> <div class="text-14 space-y-8"> <div class=""> <a href="/visit-us/" class="hover:underline">Visit us</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="md:w-1/4"> <div class="space-y-24"> <div> <div class="font-medium mb-4">Opening Hours</div> <div class="text-14">Monday - friday 08:00-15:00</div> </div> <div> <div class="font-medium mb-4">Support</div> <div class="text-14"> Phone number &#x2B;45 89 47 10 00<br> <a href="" class="underline"></a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="font-medium mb-4">24/7 Support</div> <div class="text-14"> Phone number &#x2B;45 89 47 10 00<br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Bottom section --> <div class="bg-blue-dark py-24"> <div class="wrapper-content flex flex-col justify-between gap-16 text-14 md:items-center lg:flex-row"> <div class="flex flex-wrap gap-y-8 gap-x-32"> <div class=""> <a href="/about-us/privacy-policy/" class="underline transition hover:text-white/70"> Privacy Policy </a> </div> </div> <div class="font-medium">Hasselager All&#xE9; 29, 8260 Viby J, Denmark</div> <ul class="flex gap-16"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="linkedin" class="transition hover:text-white/70"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#linkedin" /> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="youtube" class="transition hover:text-white/70"> <svg class="h-24 w-24"> <use xlink:href="#youtube" /> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </footer> <avds-newsletter-signup list-id="76a584d7f3c4d052ef8e598fceb08284" terms-url="/about-us/privacy-policy/" label-title="International newsletter" label-description="Sign up for our newsletter and get the latest news within managing the entire water cycle 2-3 times per year." label-name="Name" label-email="E-mail" label-terms="I agree to be emailed" label-terms-link="Privacy Policy" label-submit="Sign up" label-close="Close" label-success-message="Thank you for signing up to our international newsletter! 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