Let’s talk about taz |

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is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class="headline typo-topline mgr-small"> 14.09.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-small "> taz stellt werktäglichen Druck im Herbst 2025 ein </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen der taz </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="column is-4 item dotted submodule zwecktext mobile-order-4"> <a href="/09092024/!vn6036014/" class="teaser-link"> </a> <a href="/09092024/!vn6036014/" class="headline teaser-link link icon-link-wrapper "> <div class=" is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class="headline typo-topline mgr-small"> 09.09.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-small "> taz Panter Stiftung veröffentlicht Magazin zur Konferenz für Konstruktiven Journalismus </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Aktuelle 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href="/28082024/!vn6033391/" class="headline teaser-link link icon-link-wrapper "> <div class=" is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class="headline typo-topline mgr-small"> 28.08.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-small "> taz Panter Forum in Cottbus am 7. September </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen der taz </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="column is-4 item dotted submodule zwecktext mobile-order-8"> <a href="/2182024/!vn6031742/" class="teaser-link"> </a> <a href="/2182024/!vn6031742/" class="headline teaser-link link icon-link-wrapper "> <div class=" is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class="headline typo-topline mgr-small"> 21.8.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-small "> taz geht gegen Medienausschluss vor </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Aktuelle Pressemitteilung der taz </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="column is-4 item dotted submodule zwecktext mobile-order-9"> <a href="/1482024/!vn6030228/" class="teaser-link"> </a> <a href="/1482024/!vn6030228/" class="headline teaser-link link icon-link-wrapper "> <div class=" is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class="headline typo-topline mgr-small"> 14.8.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-small "> taz Panter Forum Chemnitz am 24.8. </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Aktuelle Pressemitteilung der taz </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="column is-4 item dotted submodule zwecktext mobile-order-10"> <a href="/24072024/!vn6025880/" class="teaser-link"> </a> <a href="/24072024/!vn6025880/" class="headline teaser-link link icon-link-wrapper "> <div class=" is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class="headline typo-topline mgr-small"> 24.07.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-small "> Neue Leiterin des Ressort &#34;Wirtschaft und Umwelt&#34; der taz </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen der taz </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="column is-4 item dotted submodule zwecktext mobile-order-11"> <a href="/17072024/!vn6024432/" class="teaser-link"> </a> <a href="/17072024/!vn6024432/" class="headline teaser-link link icon-link-wrapper "> <div class=" is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class="headline typo-topline mgr-small"> 17.07.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-small "> taz-Kultur unter neuer Leitung </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen der taz </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="column is-4 item dotted submodule zwecktext mobile-order-12"> <a href="/03072024/!vn6021346/" class="teaser-link"> </a> <a href="/03072024/!vn6021346/" class="headline teaser-link link icon-link-wrapper "> <div class=" is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class="headline typo-topline mgr-small"> 03.07.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-small "> taz kooperiert mit den Überlandschreiberinnen </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen der taz </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="column is-4 item dotted submodule zwecktext mobile-order-13"> <a href="/02072024/!vn6021195/" class="teaser-link"> </a> <a href="/02072024/!vn6021195/" class="headline teaser-link link icon-link-wrapper "> <div class=" is-align-items-baseline is-flex"> <p class="headline typo-topline mgr-small"> 02.07.2024 </p> </div> <p class="headline link typo-head-small "> Neue Leitung für die Marketingstrategie der taz </p> <div class="typo-subline"> Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen der taz </div> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </a> </div> </section> </section> <section class="outerwrapper contains-module-linklist_collection has-no-background "> <section class="module columns is-multiline linklist_collection module-linklist_collection contains-produkt_teaser " x-data="{heightOfColumn: [] }"> <header class="column is-12-mobile mobile-order-1 is-12-tablet mgb-small"> <p class="headline typo-head-medium"> Keine taz-Pressemitteilung mehr verpassen </p> </header> <div class="column is-12-tablet pt-0 mobile-order-2"> <div class="columns is-multiline " style="height: 100%"> <div class="pic-column column is-6-tablet mobile-order-1"> <a href="/!v=b920b4a0-df12-4b92-84b2-35ea56469b61/#matomo:pk_campaign=Presse-Kampagne-Anmeldung-Presseverteiler&"> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; 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Otherwise: cash-dom.js // comments removed. caused whyever js code break. // default : form is loaded initally, no bounty select per campaign form var formId = 'taz_pressemitteilungen-per-email'; var formSel = '*[data-identifier="x58z2wz5k"]'; var formUrl = '/!form=taz_pressemitteilungen-per-email;x/'; if ( false == true ) { // console.log('search form'); // find cookie "tazsid" and extract value const regex = /tazsid=(.[^;]*)/ig; const match = regex.exec(document.cookie); const value = match !== null ? match[1] : '0'; ; formUrl = '/!arcsid=' + value + '/' }; // special case: archive (arsid=...) -- in this case complete src should be called. if (false) formUrl = formId; formUrl += '?node=1'; // campaign form is loaded AFTER bounty select from templates if (typeof storeCampaign !== 'undefined' && typeof storeCampaign.formId !== ''){ formUrl = '/!form=' + storeCampaign.formId + ';x/?node=1' + storeCampaign.formActionAllParams(); formSel = '#' + storeCampaign.formId; } // begin param string. is extended later let param = marOtaz_de.isMobile() ? '&mobile=1' : '&mobile=0'; if (formCodeAttr !== '') param += '&code='+ formCodeAttr; if( formCode !== '' ) param += '&code='+ encodeURIComponent( formCode ); // comes from head_matomo.html if ( globalTrackingParam !== '' ) param += globalTrackingParam; // einmal zahlen has stolen the hash. better would be something like session cookie to make it usable for more then one form // why special condition for tzi_tzieinmalbezahlenbetragauswahl? really needed? /* if( location.hash.indexOf('#!formfill:') ==0 && formId !== 'tzi_tzieinmalbezahlenbetragauswahl') { param += '&'+ location.hash.split(':')[1] ; if( history && history.replaceState instanceof Function ){ history.replaceState({}, document.title, location.href.split('#')[0] ); } else { // location.hash =''; } } */ /* if( location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:') ==0 && isCampaignForm ) { param += '&'+ location.hash.split(':')[1].replaceAll('pk_', 'mtm_') ; } */ // alert(" location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:')", location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:')); formUrl += param; /* following script should be replaced by: problem: how to handle url change on post=? await fetchMyDocument(); async function fetchMyDocument() { try { let response = await fetch(formUrl); let toInsert = document.querySelector(formSel); toInsert.innerHTML = await response.text(); } catch (err) { console.log('Fetch error:' + err); } return } */ // token from style/form-ajax.xsl (old "frontend") if (!window.filOtaz_de) window.filOtaz_de = {}; (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.Href) return; var defineProperty = undefined; if ((function(o) { try { Object.defineProperty(o, 'p', { value: true }); return o.p; } catch (e) { return false; } })({})) defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; else if (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ instanceof Function) { defineProperty = function(obj, prop, descriptor) { var prop = '' + prop; if (descriptor.get), prop, descriptor.get); if (descriptor.set), prop, descriptor.set); }; } var Href = filOtaz_de.Href = function(arg) { if (arg instanceof Href) return arg; if (typeof arg == 'undefined') arg = ''; var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = arg; if (!defineProperty) { a.getParams = proto.getParams, a.setAllParams = proto.setAllParams, a.setParams = proto.setParams; return a; } var me = this; ['href', 'protocol', 'username', 'password', 'host', 'hostname', 'port', 'pathname', 'search', 'hash'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, set: function(v) { return a[name] = v; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); ['origin'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); this.toString = function() { return a.toString(); }; }; var proto = Href.prototype = { getParams: function(k) { if (k === undefined || k === String || k === '') return; if (typeof k === 'string' || k instanceof String) return this.getParams(Object)[k]; if (k === Array || k instanceof Array) return^[?]/, '').split('&'); if (k === Object || k instanceof Object) { var o = {}; $.each(this.getParams(Array), function(i, p) { if (!p.length) return; p = p.split('='); o[p.shift()] = p.length ? p.join('=') : true; }); return o; } }, setAllParams: function(params) { if (typeof params !== 'object' || params instanceof String) = params; else if (params instanceof Array) = params.join('&'); else if (params instanceof Object) { var a = []; $.each(params, function(k, v) { if (v === false || v === undefined) return; if (v === true) a.push(k); else a.push(k + '=' + v); }); this.setAllParams(a); } return this; }, setParams: function(param) { if (typeof param !== 'object' || param instanceof String) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Array) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Object) return this.setAllParams($.extend(this.getParams(Object), param)); }, none: null }; })(); (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.ajaxify) return; filOtaz_de.ajaxify = function(element, opt) { var asyncLoadable = new AsyncLoadable(element, opt); if (asyncLoadable instanceof AsyncLoadable) return true; }; filOtaz_de.ajaxify.get = function(url, opt) { }; var env = { haveSSL: location.protocol == 'https:', haveCORS: 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest(), haveXDR: typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined" }; var allAsyncLoadables = []; var sentForm = false; var fallback = function(opt) { if (!(opt instanceof Object)) return null; var args = (opt.fallback instanceof Array) ? opt.fallback.slice() : []; args.push({}); args.reverse(); args.push(opt); return $.extend.apply($, args); } var AsyncLoadable = function(treatee, opt) { var opt = ensureObjType(opt, Object); if (!opt) return undefined; opt.on = ensureObjType(opt.on, Object); if (!opt.on) return undefined; if (treatee) opt.treatee = treatee; this.opt = opt; var treatee = fallback(opt).treatee; this.jQ = $(treatee); if (!this.jQ.length) return undefined; this.domEl = this.jQ[0]; this.isForm = this.domEl instanceof HTMLFormElement; var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable; if (typeof registerID == 'undefined') this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable = allAsyncLoadables.push(this) - 1; else if ((typeof registerID == 'number') && (allAsyncLoadables[registerID] instanceof AsyncLoadable)) return allAsyncLoadables[registerID]; else { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: ' + 'Something alien registered in our name.' ); return undefined; } this.url = opt.url = opt.url || this.jQ.attr('action') || fallback(opt).url || undefined; if (typeof this.url == 'undefined') { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: There is no action.'); return undefined; } this.url = new filOtaz_de.Href(this.url); this.needSSL = opt.needSSL; if (this.needSSL) { this.url.protocol = 'https'; } this.needCORS = this.needSSL && !env.haveSSL; if (this.needCORS && !env.haveCORS) { this.demandPageReload(); return; }; var me = this; this.jQ.on(this.isForm ? 'submit' : 'TAZloadAsync', function() { me.submitAsync(); return false; }); if (this.isForm) this.jQ.find(':submit[name]').click(function() { me.jQ.find('>input[name="' + + '"]').remove(); me.jQ.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + + '" value="' + this.value + '"></input>'); }); var on = this.on = { loadable: this }; $.each(handlers, function(k, v) { on[k] = v; }); var error = this.jQ.find('.error').detach(), i = 0; if (error.length) me.block(); else return; var showErrors = function() { var e = error.eq(i); i++; if (e.length) me.showMessage(e.text(), { onConfirm: showErrors }) else { error.remove(); me.unblock(); } }; showErrors(); }; var handlers = { 0: function(data, status, xhr, message) { var loadable = this.loadable; if (loadable.opt.on.error instanceof Function) if (message) { console.log('xhr error (' + xhr.status + '), message:'); console.log(message); } loadable.showMessage( xhr.status + ' ' + (xhr.statusText || message), { title: 'Übertragungsfehler', slide: true, onConfirm: function() { loadable.flying = false; if (loadable.isForm) sentForm = false; if (loadable.opt.on.errAck instanceof Function) loadable.opt.on.errAck(loadable.jQ); } } ); }, 201: function(data, status, xhr) { if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); }, 200: function(data, status, xhr) { var type = xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type') || ''; if (-1 < type.indexOf('html')) { data = $('<div></div>').append($(xhr.responseText)); } if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) { this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); } this.loadable.mount(data); } }; (function() { var proto = AsyncLoadable.prototype = new Object; proto.submitAsync = function() { if (this.flying) return false; this.flying = true; if (this.isForm) { if (sentForm) return false; sentForm = this; } var post = this.jQ.serialize(); this.jQ.attr({ debug: '001' }); this.block(); this.url.setParams({ xhr: true }); var on = this.on; // for local dev if (window.location.hostname == '' ) { // this.url.protocol = 'http'; this.url.hostname = ''; = ''; this.url.origin = '//'; } //console.log(this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET'); console.log(this.url.toString()); $.ajax({ type: this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET', url: '' + this.url, cache: false, data: post, dataType: 'html', // 'xml', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) { xhr.responseType = 'document'; }, success: function(data, status, xhr) { on[200]($(data), status, xhr); }, error: function(xhr, status, message) { var data = $(xhr.response); if (!data.length) { var text; try { text = xhr.responseText; if (text) text = text.replace(/http:/g, ""); data = $('<div></div>').html(text); } catch (e) { } } if (!data.length) { try { } catch (e) { } } on[xhr.status && on[xhr.status] ? xhr.status : 0 ](data, status, xhr, message); }, complete: function(xhr, status) { } }); }; proto.remove = function() { var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable; this.jQ.remove(); allAsyncLoadables[registerID] = null; }; proto.mount = function(data) { var opt = this.opt; var pkg = (data[0] instanceof HTMLDivElement) ? data : data.find('body'); if (!pkg.length) pkg = $(data[0].documentElement); if (!pkg.length) alert('this should not happen ', data[0]); var pick = pkg.find(opt.pick); var me = this; var replace = [{ treatee: me.jQ, pick: pick, ajaxify: true }]; if (opt.replace instanceof Array) replace = replace.concat(opt.replace); $.each(replace, function(i, r) { var i = i, old = $(r.treatee), nju = $(r.pick, pkg); //console.log('debug old nju', old, nju, pkg.prop('outerHTML') ); if (!old.length) return; var isPrimary = i == 0; if (!nju.length && !r.remove) { if (isPrimary) { me.unblock(); me.flying = false; if (me.isForm) sentForm = false; } return; } var anchor = $('<a></a>').hide().insertBefore(old); var id = old.attr('id'); if (id)(nju.length ? nju : anchor).not('script').attr({ id: id }); old.slideUp(function() { old.remove(); if (isPrimary) { me.remove(); if (me.isForm) sentForm = false; } }); var last = anchor; nju.each(function(i, e) { var jQ = $(e); var scripts = false; if ('script')) { $('body').append(jQ); return; } if (0 < jQ.find('script').length) { scripts = jQ.find('script'); jQ.find('script').remove(); } var next = { isForm: false }; if (typeof r.ajaxify == 'undefined' || r.ajaxify === true) { next = new AsyncLoadable(jQ, opt); jQ = next.jQ; } else if (!(r.ajaxify instanceof Array)) r.ajaxify = [r.ajaxify]; if (r.ajaxify instanceof Array) $.each(r.ajaxify, function(i, ax) { var o = $.extend({ fallback: [r, opt] }, ax); new AsyncLoadable(jQ.find(fallback(o).treatee), o); }); jQ.hide().removeClass('first last even odd').insertAfter(last); (function() { var prev = jQ.prevAll(':visible'); var next = jQ.nextAll(':visible'); var pos = ''; if (prev.length == 0) pos += ' first'; if (next.length == 0) pos += ' last'; jQ.addClass(pos); next.removeClass('even odd'); })(); if (false !== scripts) { $('body').append(scripts); } jQ.trigger('TAZdomChange'); last = jQ; anchor.remove(); jQ.slideDown(function() { jQ.trigger('TAZboxChange'); (me.opt.on.mounted instanceof Function) && me.opt.on.mounted(jQ); }); if (next.isForm) { var ctrls = next.jQ.find(':input:visible'); if (opt.tabindex > 0) ctrls.attr('tabindex', opt.tabindex); if (opt.focus > 0) ctrls.first().focus() } }); }); }; proto.demandPageReload = function() { this.showMessage('', { block: true, onConfirm: function() { location.protocol = 'https'; return false; }, html: '<p>Um Formular-Inhalte <a href="//' + 'Protocol_Secure">gesichert übertragen</a> zu können, muß bereits ' + 'diese Seite per HTTPS geladen werden, da Ihr Browser <a href="//' + '">neuere Technologie' + '</a> nicht unterstützt.</p>' + '<p>Vielleicht sollten Sie einen <a href="//' + 'Resource_Sharing#Browser-Unterst.C3.BCtzung">moderneren Browser' + '</a> verwenden.</p>', hint: 'mit https neu laden' }); }; proto.showMessage = function(message, opt) { var opt = ensureObjType(opt, Object); if (opt.block) this.block(); var form = this; var me = $('<form class="sect"></form>') .on('submit', function() { var blockOn = opt.onConfirm instanceof Function && opt.onConfirm() == false; me.slideUp(function() { form.jQ = form.jQ.not(me); me.remove(); }); if (!blockOn) form.unblock(opt.replacement); return false; }) .html((opt.title ? ('<div class="secthead"><h2><a><span>' + opt.title + '</span></a></h2></div>') : '') + '<div class="sectbody">' + (message ? ('<p>' + message + '</p>') : '') + (opt.html || '') + '<input type="submit" value="' + (opt.hint || 'ok') + '" class="submit"></input>' + '</div>' ) .hide().insertAfter(this.jQ); if (opt.slide) me.slideDown(function() { me.trigger('TAZboxChange'); }); else; form.jQ = form.jQ.add(me); }; proto.block = function() { var form = this.jQ; this.restore = form.clone(true); form.submit(function() { return false; }); form.find('.sectbody').css({ opacity: 0.3 }); form.find('input, textarea').attr({ disabled: true }); form.find('input:submit').fadeOut(); return this.restore; }; proto.unblock = function(replacement) { var replacement = replacement || this.restore; if (!replacement) return false; this.replaceForm(replacement); this.restore = null; }; proto.replaceForm = function(replace) { var form = this.jQ; var replace = $(replace); replace.hide().insertAfter(form.last()).slideDown(function() { replace.trigger('TAZboxChange'); }); form.slideUp(function() { form.remove(); }); this.jQ = replace; this.domEl = replace[0]; }; })(); var ensureObjType = function(obj, Type) { var obj = obj, Type = Type; (typeof Type == 'undefined') && (Type = Object); if (typeof obj == 'undefined') obj = new Type; else if (!(obj instanceof Type)) { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:ensureObjType cries: ' + obj + ' is not of demanded type ' + (new Type) + '.' ); return undefined; } return obj; }; })(); // debug // todo bring together with login case above filOtaz_de.ajaxify(formSel, { // param removed for testing // url: formUrl + param, // where to fetch from. overrides form's action url: formUrl, // where to fetch from. overrides form's action pick: 'fragment#form >*', // what to take from response | mar: this was hardcoded in old frontend. should be changed. needSSL: false, tabindex: 1, focus: 0, none: null }); $(formSel).trigger('TAZloadAsync'); // loadForm ADDED BY MAR } </script> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","@id":"!v=463db20f-04cb-433f-a239-fdaba147bc6c/","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Wie kann ich Pressemitteilungen der taz erhalten?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Nutzen Sie unser Formular, um sich in den Presseverteiler der taz eintragen zu lassen, und bleiben Sie stets aktuell informiert über alles, was wichtig ist im linken Medienhaus."}}]} </script> </div> </div> </section> </div> </aside> <div class="column is-4-tablet submodule dotted mobile-order-4"> <button data-target="modal-x5wyk23p3" role="button" class="teaser-link link js-modal-trigger icon-link-wrapper "> <p class="headline typo-topline-regular mgb-small">verlag</p> <p class="headline break-word link typo-head-small "> Wie kann ich mit der taz-Redaktion Kontakt aufnehmen? </p> <div class="mgt-auto"> <div class=" typo-link-grey-onpage icon-link-wrapper is-flex mgt-medium is-align-items-center"> <span class="typo-link icon-link-text"> mehr lesen </span> <span class="icon small read_more_grey_redhov"></span> </div> </div> </button> </div> <aside id="modal-x5wyk23p3" class="modal linklist_collection module-linklist_collection"> <div class="modal-background"></div> <div class="modal-card "> <header class="is-flex is-flex-direction-column modal-card-head"> <div class="is-flex full is-align-items-flex-start is-flex-direction-row "> <p class="full mgr-medium typo-head-medium">Wie kann ich mit der taz-Redaktion Kontakt aufnehmen?</p> <button type="button" role="button" class="mgl-auto delete-modal icon medium-large close_circle_redhov" aria-label="close"> </button> </div> <div class="dotted-inline mgt-medium"></div> </header> <section class="modal-card-body pt-0"> <div class="columns is-flex is-justify-content-center"> <div class=" column "> <div x-data="{backlink: $(`.navbar-first-level .navbar-link[title='service']`).attr('href') || '/!v=faqs'}" class="column is-8-tablet is-12-mobile mgh-auto-tablet mgb-large faq-rte "> <div class="mgt-medium typo-teaser-text"> <p class="first paragraph">Sie können natürlich ganz klassisch einen echten Leser:innenbrief an unsere Postadresse schicken. Oder Sie nutzen einfach unser <strong>Formular für Kontakt mit der taz-Redaktion</strong>. Wählen Sie Ihren Kontaktgrund aus und schreiben Sie los.</p> <p class="paragraph">Übrigens: die Leser:innenbrief-Seite der Werktags-taz erscheint in der Mittwochsausgabe, darüber hinaus veröffentlicht die Leser:innenbriefe-Redaktion zusätzlich jeden Werktag einen ausgewählten Brief in der jeweils aktuellen taz-Ausgabe. Die Leser:innenbriefe an die wochentaz erscheinen jeden Samstag in der wochentaz.</p> <p class="paragraph last">Für Hinweise an das <strong>Investigativteam</strong> der taz finden Sie alle Kontaktmöglichkeiten auf <a href="" target="_blank" class="link in-text-link"><strong></strong></a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="columns"> <div class="column is-12 pb-0 formFaq mobile-order-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, print" href="/lib/taz-verlag-node/js/bulma-steps/dist/css/bulma-steps.min.css"></link> <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/taz-verlag-node/js/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script> <section class="outerwrapper has-background-background-forms has-background "> <section x-data="{isMirror: false}" class="module columns form linklist_collection module-linklist_collection is-centered " :class="isMirror === false ? 'has-background-background-forms hasMultiply' : 'has-background-white'"> <div class="column is-8 mobile-order-2 form-container"> <a data-identifier="ky724n9o7" id="taz_Kontakt-Redaktion-Allgemein"></a> </div> </section> </section> <script> // default load form immediately if (false == false) loadForm(); // when storeCampaign is given, load form with params from storeCampaign, contains the id for the form function loadForm(storeCampaign){ // no ajaxify for search form. is handled by login form if ( 'taz_Kontakt-Redaktion-Allgemein' === 'arc-search') return; let formCode = ''; let formCodeAttr = ''; // when this scope is not enough, ask for form-wrapper: true in storeCampaign let isCampaignForm = Boolean( typeof storeCampaign !== 'undefined'); // MAR: wrapper function "loadForm" added by mar // IMPORTANT params at the end. // code taken from old frontend. comments removed. // purpose: AJAX-pingpong to not open new url for form // uses jquery! is only includes when form appears. Otherwise: cash-dom.js // comments removed. caused whyever js code break. // default : form is loaded initally, no bounty select per campaign form var formId = 'taz_Kontakt-Redaktion-Allgemein'; var formSel = '*[data-identifier="ky724n9o7"]'; var formUrl = '/!form=taz_Kontakt-Redaktion-Allgemein;x/'; if ( false == true ) { // console.log('search form'); // find cookie "tazsid" and extract value const regex = /tazsid=(.[^;]*)/ig; const match = regex.exec(document.cookie); const value = match !== null ? match[1] : '0'; ; formUrl = '/!arcsid=' + value + '/' }; // special case: archive (arsid=...) -- in this case complete src should be called. if (false) formUrl = formId; formUrl += '?node=1'; // campaign form is loaded AFTER bounty select from templates if (typeof storeCampaign !== 'undefined' && typeof storeCampaign.formId !== ''){ formUrl = '/!form=' + storeCampaign.formId + ';x/?node=1' + storeCampaign.formActionAllParams(); formSel = '#' + storeCampaign.formId; } // begin param string. is extended later let param = marOtaz_de.isMobile() ? '&mobile=1' : '&mobile=0'; if (formCodeAttr !== '') param += '&code='+ formCodeAttr; if( formCode !== '' ) param += '&code='+ encodeURIComponent( formCode ); // comes from head_matomo.html if ( globalTrackingParam !== '' ) param += globalTrackingParam; // einmal zahlen has stolen the hash. better would be something like session cookie to make it usable for more then one form // why special condition for tzi_tzieinmalbezahlenbetragauswahl? really needed? /* if( location.hash.indexOf('#!formfill:') ==0 && formId !== 'tzi_tzieinmalbezahlenbetragauswahl') { param += '&'+ location.hash.split(':')[1] ; if( history && history.replaceState instanceof Function ){ history.replaceState({}, document.title, location.href.split('#')[0] ); } else { // location.hash =''; } } */ /* if( location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:') ==0 && isCampaignForm ) { param += '&'+ location.hash.split(':')[1].replaceAll('pk_', 'mtm_') ; } */ // alert(" location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:')", location.hash.indexOf('#matomo:')); formUrl += param; /* following script should be replaced by: problem: how to handle url change on post=? await fetchMyDocument(); async function fetchMyDocument() { try { let response = await fetch(formUrl); let toInsert = document.querySelector(formSel); toInsert.innerHTML = await response.text(); } catch (err) { console.log('Fetch error:' + err); } return } */ // token from style/form-ajax.xsl (old "frontend") if (!window.filOtaz_de) window.filOtaz_de = {}; (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.Href) return; var defineProperty = undefined; if ((function(o) { try { Object.defineProperty(o, 'p', { value: true }); return o.p; } catch (e) { return false; } })({})) defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; else if (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ instanceof Function) { defineProperty = function(obj, prop, descriptor) { var prop = '' + prop; if (descriptor.get), prop, descriptor.get); if (descriptor.set), prop, descriptor.set); }; } var Href = filOtaz_de.Href = function(arg) { if (arg instanceof Href) return arg; if (typeof arg == 'undefined') arg = ''; var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = arg; if (!defineProperty) { a.getParams = proto.getParams, a.setAllParams = proto.setAllParams, a.setParams = proto.setParams; return a; } var me = this; ['href', 'protocol', 'username', 'password', 'host', 'hostname', 'port', 'pathname', 'search', 'hash'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, set: function(v) { return a[name] = v; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); ['origin'].forEach(function(name) { defineProperty(me, name, { get: function() { return a[name]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); }); this.toString = function() { return a.toString(); }; }; var proto = Href.prototype = { getParams: function(k) { if (k === undefined || k === String || k === '') return; if (typeof k === 'string' || k instanceof String) return this.getParams(Object)[k]; if (k === Array || k instanceof Array) return^[?]/, '').split('&'); if (k === Object || k instanceof Object) { var o = {}; $.each(this.getParams(Array), function(i, p) { if (!p.length) return; p = p.split('='); o[p.shift()] = p.length ? p.join('=') : true; }); return o; } }, setAllParams: function(params) { if (typeof params !== 'object' || params instanceof String) = params; else if (params instanceof Array) = params.join('&'); else if (params instanceof Object) { var a = []; $.each(params, function(k, v) { if (v === false || v === undefined) return; if (v === true) a.push(k); else a.push(k + '=' + v); }); this.setAllParams(a); } return this; }, setParams: function(param) { if (typeof param !== 'object' || param instanceof String) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Array) return this.setParams((new Href).setAllParams(param).getParams(Object)); if (param instanceof Object) return this.setAllParams($.extend(this.getParams(Object), param)); }, none: null }; })(); (function() { filOtaz_de || (filOtaz_de = {}); if (filOtaz_de.ajaxify) return; filOtaz_de.ajaxify = function(element, opt) { var asyncLoadable = new AsyncLoadable(element, opt); if (asyncLoadable instanceof AsyncLoadable) return true; }; filOtaz_de.ajaxify.get = function(url, opt) { }; var env = { haveSSL: location.protocol == 'https:', haveCORS: 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest(), haveXDR: typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined" }; var allAsyncLoadables = []; var sentForm = false; var fallback = function(opt) { if (!(opt instanceof Object)) return null; var args = (opt.fallback instanceof Array) ? opt.fallback.slice() : []; args.push({}); args.reverse(); args.push(opt); return $.extend.apply($, args); } var AsyncLoadable = function(treatee, opt) { var opt = ensureObjType(opt, Object); if (!opt) return undefined; opt.on = ensureObjType(opt.on, Object); if (!opt.on) return undefined; if (treatee) opt.treatee = treatee; this.opt = opt; var treatee = fallback(opt).treatee; this.jQ = $(treatee); if (!this.jQ.length) return undefined; this.domEl = this.jQ[0]; this.isForm = this.domEl instanceof HTMLFormElement; var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable; if (typeof registerID == 'undefined') this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable = allAsyncLoadables.push(this) - 1; else if ((typeof registerID == 'number') && (allAsyncLoadables[registerID] instanceof AsyncLoadable)) return allAsyncLoadables[registerID]; else { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: ' + 'Something alien registered in our name.' ); return undefined; } this.url = opt.url = opt.url || this.jQ.attr('action') || fallback(opt).url || undefined; if (typeof this.url == 'undefined') { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:AsyncLoadable cries: There is no action.'); return undefined; } this.url = new filOtaz_de.Href(this.url); this.needSSL = opt.needSSL; if (this.needSSL) { this.url.protocol = 'https'; } this.needCORS = this.needSSL && !env.haveSSL; if (this.needCORS && !env.haveCORS) { this.demandPageReload(); return; }; var me = this; this.jQ.on(this.isForm ? 'submit' : 'TAZloadAsync', function() { me.submitAsync(); return false; }); if (this.isForm) this.jQ.find(':submit[name]').click(function() { me.jQ.find('>input[name="' + + '"]').remove(); me.jQ.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + + '" value="' + this.value + '"></input>'); }); var on = this.on = { loadable: this }; $.each(handlers, function(k, v) { on[k] = v; }); var error = this.jQ.find('.error').detach(), i = 0; if (error.length) me.block(); else return; var showErrors = function() { var e = error.eq(i); i++; if (e.length) me.showMessage(e.text(), { onConfirm: showErrors }) else { error.remove(); me.unblock(); } }; showErrors(); }; var handlers = { 0: function(data, status, xhr, message) { var loadable = this.loadable; if (loadable.opt.on.error instanceof Function) if (message) { console.log('xhr error (' + xhr.status + '), message:'); console.log(message); } loadable.showMessage( xhr.status + ' ' + (xhr.statusText || message), { title: 'Übertragungsfehler', slide: true, onConfirm: function() { loadable.flying = false; if (loadable.isForm) sentForm = false; if (loadable.opt.on.errAck instanceof Function) loadable.opt.on.errAck(loadable.jQ); } } ); }, 201: function(data, status, xhr) { if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); }, 200: function(data, status, xhr) { var type = xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type') || ''; if (-1 < type.indexOf('html')) { data = $('<div></div>').append($(xhr.responseText)); } if (this.loadable.opt.on.receipt instanceof Function) { this.loadable.opt.on.receipt(data, status, xhr); } this.loadable.mount(data); } }; (function() { var proto = AsyncLoadable.prototype = new Object; proto.submitAsync = function() { if (this.flying) return false; this.flying = true; if (this.isForm) { if (sentForm) return false; sentForm = this; } var post = this.jQ.serialize(); this.jQ.attr({ debug: '001' }); this.block(); this.url.setParams({ xhr: true }); var on = this.on; // for local dev if (window.location.hostname == '' ) { // this.url.protocol = 'http'; this.url.hostname = ''; = ''; this.url.origin = '//'; } //console.log(this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET'); console.log(this.url.toString()); $.ajax({ type: this.isForm ? 'POST' : 'GET', url: '' + this.url, cache: false, data: post, dataType: 'html', // 'xml', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) { xhr.responseType = 'document'; }, success: function(data, status, xhr) { on[200]($(data), status, xhr); }, error: function(xhr, status, message) { var data = $(xhr.response); if (!data.length) { var text; try { text = xhr.responseText; if (text) text = text.replace(/http:/g, ""); data = $('<div></div>').html(text); } catch (e) { } } if (!data.length) { try { } catch (e) { } } on[xhr.status && on[xhr.status] ? xhr.status : 0 ](data, status, xhr, message); }, complete: function(xhr, status) { } }); }; proto.remove = function() { var registerID = this.domEl.filOtaz_de_asynchLoadable; this.jQ.remove(); allAsyncLoadables[registerID] = null; }; proto.mount = function(data) { var opt = this.opt; var pkg = (data[0] instanceof HTMLDivElement) ? data : data.find('body'); if (!pkg.length) pkg = $(data[0].documentElement); if (!pkg.length) alert('this should not happen ', data[0]); var pick = pkg.find(opt.pick); var me = this; var replace = [{ treatee: me.jQ, pick: pick, ajaxify: true }]; if (opt.replace instanceof Array) replace = replace.concat(opt.replace); $.each(replace, function(i, r) { var i = i, old = $(r.treatee), nju = $(r.pick, pkg); //console.log('debug old nju', old, nju, pkg.prop('outerHTML') ); if (!old.length) return; var isPrimary = i == 0; if (!nju.length && !r.remove) { if (isPrimary) { me.unblock(); me.flying = false; if (me.isForm) sentForm = false; } return; } var anchor = $('<a></a>').hide().insertBefore(old); var id = old.attr('id'); if (id)(nju.length ? nju : anchor).not('script').attr({ id: id }); old.slideUp(function() { old.remove(); if (isPrimary) { me.remove(); if (me.isForm) sentForm = false; } }); var last = anchor; nju.each(function(i, e) { var jQ = $(e); var scripts = false; if ('script')) { $('body').append(jQ); return; } if (0 < jQ.find('script').length) { scripts = jQ.find('script'); jQ.find('script').remove(); } var next = { isForm: false }; if (typeof r.ajaxify == 'undefined' || r.ajaxify === true) { next = new AsyncLoadable(jQ, opt); jQ = next.jQ; } else if (!(r.ajaxify instanceof Array)) r.ajaxify = [r.ajaxify]; if (r.ajaxify instanceof Array) $.each(r.ajaxify, function(i, ax) { var o = $.extend({ fallback: [r, opt] }, ax); new AsyncLoadable(jQ.find(fallback(o).treatee), o); }); jQ.hide().removeClass('first last even odd').insertAfter(last); (function() { var prev = jQ.prevAll(':visible'); var next = jQ.nextAll(':visible'); var pos = ''; if (prev.length == 0) pos += ' first'; if (next.length == 0) pos += ' last'; jQ.addClass(pos); next.removeClass('even odd'); })(); if (false !== scripts) { $('body').append(scripts); } jQ.trigger('TAZdomChange'); last = jQ; anchor.remove(); jQ.slideDown(function() { jQ.trigger('TAZboxChange'); (me.opt.on.mounted instanceof Function) && me.opt.on.mounted(jQ); }); if (next.isForm) { var ctrls = next.jQ.find(':input:visible'); if (opt.tabindex > 0) ctrls.attr('tabindex', opt.tabindex); if (opt.focus > 0) ctrls.first().focus() } }); }); }; proto.demandPageReload = function() { this.showMessage('', { block: true, onConfirm: function() { location.protocol = 'https'; return false; }, html: '<p>Um Formular-Inhalte <a href="//' + 'Protocol_Secure">gesichert übertragen</a> zu können, muß bereits ' + 'diese Seite per HTTPS geladen werden, da Ihr Browser <a href="//' + '">neuere Technologie' + '</a> nicht unterstützt.</p>' + '<p>Vielleicht sollten Sie einen <a href="//' + 'Resource_Sharing#Browser-Unterst.C3.BCtzung">moderneren Browser' + '</a> verwenden.</p>', hint: 'mit https neu laden' }); }; proto.showMessage = function(message, opt) { var opt = ensureObjType(opt, Object); if (opt.block) this.block(); var form = this; var me = $('<form class="sect"></form>') .on('submit', function() { var blockOn = opt.onConfirm instanceof Function && opt.onConfirm() == false; me.slideUp(function() { form.jQ = form.jQ.not(me); me.remove(); }); if (!blockOn) form.unblock(opt.replacement); return false; }) .html((opt.title ? ('<div class="secthead"><h2><a><span>' + opt.title + '</span></a></h2></div>') : '') + '<div class="sectbody">' + (message ? ('<p>' + message + '</p>') : '') + (opt.html || '') + '<input type="submit" value="' + (opt.hint || 'ok') + '" class="submit"></input>' + '</div>' ) .hide().insertAfter(this.jQ); if (opt.slide) me.slideDown(function() { me.trigger('TAZboxChange'); }); else; form.jQ = form.jQ.add(me); }; proto.block = function() { var form = this.jQ; this.restore = form.clone(true); form.submit(function() { return false; }); form.find('.sectbody').css({ opacity: 0.3 }); form.find('input, textarea').attr({ disabled: true }); form.find('input:submit').fadeOut(); return this.restore; }; proto.unblock = function(replacement) { var replacement = replacement || this.restore; if (!replacement) return false; this.replaceForm(replacement); this.restore = null; }; proto.replaceForm = function(replace) { var form = this.jQ; var replace = $(replace); replace.hide().insertAfter(form.last()).slideDown(function() { replace.trigger('TAZboxChange'); }); form.slideUp(function() { form.remove(); }); this.jQ = replace; this.domEl = replace[0]; }; })(); var ensureObjType = function(obj, Type) { var obj = obj, Type = Type; (typeof Type == 'undefined') && (Type = Object); if (typeof obj == 'undefined') obj = new Type; else if (!(obj instanceof Type)) { alert('filOtaz_de.ajaxify:ensureObjType cries: ' + obj + ' is not of demanded type ' + (new Type) + '.' ); return undefined; } return obj; }; })(); // debug // todo bring together with login case above filOtaz_de.ajaxify(formSel, { // param removed for testing // url: formUrl + param, // where to fetch from. overrides form's action url: formUrl, // where to fetch from. overrides form's action pick: 'fragment#form >*', // what to take from response | mar: this was hardcoded in old frontend. should be changed. needSSL: false, tabindex: 1, focus: 0, none: null }); $(formSel).trigger('TAZloadAsync'); // loadForm ADDED BY MAR } </script> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","@id":"!v=463db20f-04cb-433f-a239-fdaba147bc6c/","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Wie kann ich mit der taz-Redaktion Kontakt aufnehmen?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Sie können natürlich ganz klassisch einen echten Leser:innenbrief an unsere Postadresse schicken. 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Chefredakteurin </p> <p class="headline typo-head-small "> Katrin Gottschalk </p> </h2> <div class="typo-subline mgt-small mgt-xsmall-mobile"> Fotocredit: taz/Anja Weber <span class="typo-teaser-text"> </span> </div> <div class="typo-price-large mgt-medium"> </div> </a> <div class="mgt-auto"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" class="button primary-button typo-button-text"> Zum Download </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column is-6-tablet submodule dotted pt-0 mobile-order-3"> <div class="columns is-multiline " style="height: 100%"> <div class="pic-column column is-12-tablet mobile-order-1"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; " alt=""> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width:750px) and (max-width:1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width:550px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 480px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 395px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 310px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 300px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 140px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 14px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 480px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 395px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 310px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 300px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 140px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 14px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" loading="lazy"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt=""></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="text-column column is-12-tablet mgt-xsmall mgt-small-medium-mobile mobile-order-2" x-init="heightOfColumn.push($el.clientHeight)" @resize.window="heightOfColumn.push($el.clientHeight)" :style="if (2 === heightOfColumn.length && !isMobile) return 'height: ' + Math.max( ...heightOfColumn ) + 'px'"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""> <h2> <p class="headline typo-topline has-text-primary"> Die Chefinnenredaktion </p> <p class="headline typo-head-small "> Katrin Gottschalk, Barbara Junge, Ulrike Winkelmann </p> </h2> <div class="typo-subline mgt-small mgt-xsmall-mobile"> Fotocredit: taz/Anja Weber <span class="typo-teaser-text"> </span> </div> <div class="typo-price-large mgt-medium"> </div> </a> <div class="mgt-auto"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" class="button primary-button typo-button-text"> Zum Download </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section class="outerwrapper contains-module-linklist_collection has-no-background "> <section class="module columns is-multiline linklist_collection module-linklist_collection contains-produkt_teaser " x-data="{heightOfColumn: [] }"> <header class="column is-12-mobile mobile-order-1 is-12-tablet mgb-small"> <p class="headline typo-head-medium"> Presse-Fotos der taz </p> </header> <div class="column is-4-tablet submodule dotted pt-0 mobile-order-2"> <div class="columns is-multiline " style="height: 100%"> <div class="pic-column column is-12-tablet mobile-order-1"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; " alt="Blick in die Räume der taz-Redaktion, vier Personen gruppieren sich um eine Schreibtischinsel, an der Wand hängen verschiedene Titelseiten der taz"> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width:750px) and (max-width:1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width:550px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 310px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 300px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 140px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 14px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 310px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 300px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 140px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 14px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Blick in die Räume der taz-Redaktion, vier Personen gruppieren sich um eine Schreibtischinsel, an der Wand hängen verschiedene Titelseiten der taz" loading="lazy" title="Blick in die Räume der taz-Redaktion, vier Personen gruppieren sich um eine Schreibtischinsel, an der Wand hängen verschiedene Titelseiten der taz"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Blick in die Räume der taz-Redaktion, vier Personen gruppieren sich um eine Schreibtischinsel, an der Wand hängen verschiedene Titelseiten der taz"></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="text-column column is-12-tablet mgt-xsmall mgt-small-medium-mobile mobile-order-2" x-init="heightOfColumn.push($el.clientHeight)" @resize.window="heightOfColumn.push($el.clientHeight)" :style="if (3 === heightOfColumn.length && !isMobile) return 'height: ' + Math.max( ...heightOfColumn ) + 'px'"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""> <h2> <p class="headline typo-topline has-text-primary"> taz-Redaktion </p> <p class="headline typo-head-small "> Blick in die Räume im taz Neubau </p> </h2> <div class="typo-subline mgt-small mgt-xsmall-mobile"> Fotocredit: taz/Sebastian Wells </div> <div class="typo-price-large mgt-medium"> </div> </a> <div class="mgt-auto"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" class="button secondary-button typo-button-text"> Zum Download </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column is-4-tablet submodule dotted pt-0 mobile-order-3"> <div class="columns is-multiline " style="height: 100%"> <div class="pic-column column is-12-tablet mobile-order-1"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; " alt="Ein Panoramablick auf den taz Neubau, im Vordergrund stehen die vielen Kastanienbäume des Kreuzberger Besselparks im noch zarten Grün"> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width:750px) and (max-width:1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width:550px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 310px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 300px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 140px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 14px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 310px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 300px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 140px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 14px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Ein Panoramablick auf den taz Neubau, im Vordergrund stehen die vielen Kastanienbäume des Kreuzberger Besselparks im noch zarten Grün" loading="lazy" title="Ein Panoramablick auf den taz Neubau, im Vordergrund stehen die vielen Kastanienbäume des Kreuzberger Besselparks im noch zarten Grün"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Ein Panoramablick auf den taz Neubau, im Vordergrund stehen die vielen Kastanienbäume des Kreuzberger Besselparks im noch zarten Grün"></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="text-column column is-12-tablet mgt-xsmall mgt-small-medium-mobile mobile-order-2" x-init="heightOfColumn.push($el.clientHeight)" @resize.window="heightOfColumn.push($el.clientHeight)" :style="if (3 === heightOfColumn.length && !isMobile) return 'height: ' + Math.max( ...heightOfColumn ) + 'px'"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""> <h2> <p class="headline typo-topline has-text-primary"> taz-Verlagsgebäude </p> <p class="headline typo-head-small "> taz Neubau am Besselpark in Berlin-Kreuzberg </p> </h2> <div class="typo-subline mgt-small mgt-xsmall-mobile"> Fotocredit: taz/Rory Gardiner </div> <div class="typo-price-large mgt-medium"> </div> </a> <div class="mgt-auto"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" class="button secondary-button typo-button-text"> Zum Download </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column is-4-tablet submodule dotted pt-0 mobile-order-4"> <div class="columns is-multiline " style="height: 100%"> <div class="pic-column column is-12-tablet mobile-order-1"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; " alt="Auf den umlaufenden Balkonen des taz Neubaus stehen zahlreiche Menschen und winken"> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (min-width:750px) and (max-width:1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(max-device-aspect-ratio: 1/1) and (max-device-width:550px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 310px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 300px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 140px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 14px)" type="image/webp"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 310px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 300px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 140px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 14px)" type="image/jpeg"></source> <img src="" alt="Auf den umlaufenden Balkonen des taz Neubaus stehen zahlreiche Menschen und winken" loading="lazy" title="Auf den umlaufenden Balkonen des taz Neubaus stehen zahlreiche Menschen und winken"></img> <noscript> <img src="" class=" withnocaption" alt="Auf den umlaufenden Balkonen des taz Neubaus stehen zahlreiche Menschen und winken"></img> </noscript> </picture> </figure> </a> </div> <div class="text-column column is-12-tablet mgt-xsmall mgt-small-medium-mobile mobile-order-2" x-init="heightOfColumn.push($el.clientHeight)" @resize.window="heightOfColumn.push($el.clientHeight)" :style="if (3 === heightOfColumn.length && !isMobile) return 'height: ' + Math.max( ...heightOfColumn ) + 'px'"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""> <h2> <p class="headline typo-topline has-text-primary"> taz-Belegschaft </p> <p class="headline typo-head-small "> tazler:innen auf den Balkonen des taz Neubaus </p> </h2> <div class="typo-subline mgt-small mgt-xsmall-mobile"> Fotocredit: taz/Karsten Thielker </div> <div class="typo-price-large mgt-medium"> </div> </a> <div class="mgt-auto"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" class="button secondary-button typo-button-text"> Zum Download </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section class="outerwrapper contains-module-linklist_collection has-no-background "> <section class="module columns is-multiline linklist_collection module-linklist_collection contains-produkt_teaser " x-data="{heightOfColumn: [] }"> <header class="column is-12-mobile mobile-order-1 is-12-tablet mgb-small"> <p class="headline typo-head-medium"> Das Logo der taz </p> </header> <div class="column is-6-tablet submodule dotted pt-0 mobile-order-2"> <div class="columns is-multiline " style="height: 100%"> <div class="pic-column column is-12-tablet mobile-order-1"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""> <figure id="" class=" image no-static-aspect-ratio "> <picture style="display: block; 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