YouTube for Songwriters - Songwriters Home

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Producer Resources </h2> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s yta-font-body ytc-highlight-lockup__description"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> Browse resources tailor-made for songwriters, producers, and their teams. Find answers, create your visual discography, and promote your latest work on YouTube. </p> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-highlight-lockup__link-list"> <a class="lb-font-subhead-3 ytc-arrow-link" href="/web/20240224234142/" target="_self"> Songwriters &amp; Producers </a> </div> <div class="ytc-highlight-lockup__link-list"> <a class="lb-font-subhead-3 ytc-arrow-link" href="/web/20240224234142/" target="_self"> Publishers &amp; Societies </a> </div> <div class="ytc-highlight-lockup__link-list"> <a class="lb-font-subhead-3 ytc-arrow-link" href="/web/20240224234142/" target="_self"> Insider Tips </a> </div> <div class="ytc-highlight-lockup__link-list"> <a class="lb-font-subhead-3 ytc-arrow-link" href="/web/20240224234142/" target="_self"> Content Strategies </a> </div> <div class="ytc-highlight-lockup__link-list"> <a class="lb-font-subhead-3 ytc-arrow-link" href="/web/20240224234142/" target="_self"> Explore Shorts </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- TODO(@yjagtap) Find way to 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lb-font-weight-700 lb-margin-bottom-s"> News </div> <div class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-font-weight-500"> How a Top Producer Is Rethinking Collaboration In The Age of Quarantine </div> </div> <div class="lb-tile__body"> <p> Twice a week, Ricky Reed can be found on YouTube swigging wine and writing songs in real time. </p> <div class="lb-tile__footer"> <a class="lb-button yta-button--filled" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> Read more </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <button class="lb-carousel-button lb-carousel-button--previous" lb-auto-init="LBCarouselButton" lb-options="{'uid': 'news-items', 'previous': true, 'direction': -1}"> <img class="lb-carousel-button__icon" src="" alt="Previous"/> </button> <button class="lb-carousel-button lb-carousel-button--next" lb-auto-init="LBCarouselButton" lb-options="{'uid': 'news-items', 'next': true, 'direction': 1}"> <img class="lb-carousel-button__icon" src="" alt="Next"/> </button> </div> <div class="lb-carousel-progress" 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ytc-highlight-lockup__column ytc-highlight-lockup__column--right"> <div class="ytc-highlight-lockup__text ytc-highlight-lockup--width"> <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-font-weight-700 lb-margin-bottom-s"> Meet The #YouTubeBlack Voices Fund Songwriter/Producer Class Of 2022 </h2> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s yta-font-body ytc-highlight-lockup__description"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> From the page to the studio, these visionaries are expanding the horizons of song and sound. </p> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-highlight-lockup__link-list"> <a class="lb-font-subhead-3 ytc-arrow-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> Read the blog </a> </div> <div class="ytc-highlight-lockup__link-list"> <a class="lb-font-subhead-3 ytc-arrow-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> Listen to the playlist </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="yta-topsongs yta-topsongs--global"> <div class="lb-grid"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--sm-span-12 lb-grid__cell--md-span-12 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class="yta-topsongs__list-item lb-preloader"></li> <li class="yta-topsongs__list-item lb-preloader"></li> <li class="yta-topsongs__list-item lb-preloader"></li> <li class="yta-topsongs__list-item lb-preloader"></li> <li class="yta-topsongs__list-item lb-preloader"></li> <li class="yta-topsongs__list-item lb-preloader"></li> <li class="yta-topsongs__list-item lb-preloader"></li> </div> </div> <a class="lb-font-subhead-3 ytc-arrow-link yta-topsongs__link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> See all charts </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="yta-section"> <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-font-weight-700 lb-margin-bottom-m"> Frequently asked questions </h2> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__container"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel" lb-options="{ 'family': 'resources-faqs', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false }"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="resources-faqs-content-0" id="resources-faqs-header-0" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 'resources-faqs', 'index': 0}}"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> How do I get my music into the YouTube Music App? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="resources-faqs-content-0" role="region" aria-labelledby="resources-faqs-header-0"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> YouTube Music shows content that our system and our partners have identified as appropriate for a music experience — and we're adding content all the time. Usually, there's nothing you need to do to get your music content in the app. </p> <p> Learn more about how we figure out what goes in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">YouTube Music</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel" lb-options="{ 'family': 'resources-faqs', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false }"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="resources-faqs-content-1" id="resources-faqs-header-1" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 'resources-faqs', 'index': 1}}"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> What are Official Artist Channels, and how can I apply to get one? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="resources-faqs-content-1" role="region" aria-labelledby="resources-faqs-header-1"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> If you're an artist on YouTube, your Official Artist Channel (OAC) brings together all your content from your different YouTube channels into one place. The channel automatically programs your music catalog on two new shelves, including your music videos, songs, and albums. </p> <p><strong>To be eligible for an OAC,</strong></p> <ul> <li> Own and operate a YouTube channel that represents one artist or band </li> <li> Have at least 3 official releases on YouTube delivered and distributed by a music distributor or label </li> <li>Have no policy violations on your channel</li> </ul> <p> <strong>And one or more of the following:</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Work with a YouTube Partner Manager</li> <li>Be part of the YouTube Partner Program</li> <li> Your channel is part of a label network that works with a Partner Manager </li> <li> Your music is distributed by a music partner listed to <a href=",music-distributor,collection-society-admin,music-publishing-admin" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Music Services Partners</a> </li> </ul> <p> Contact your label, digital distributor, or YouTube partner manager to get an Official Artist Channel and learn more about OACs and eligibility in the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">YouTube Help Center</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel" lb-options="{ 'family': 'resources-faqs', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false }"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="resources-faqs-content-2" id="resources-faqs-header-2" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 'resources-faqs', 'index': 2}}"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> How can I manage my presence on YouTube with Official Artist Channels? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="resources-faqs-content-2" role="region" aria-labelledby="resources-faqs-header-2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> Official Artist Channels offer you new options for your channel layout and customization. In addition to standard channel sections, you can include the following sections on your Official Artist Channel: featured video, official music, albums, and customizable sections. You’ll want to choose a good channel name, engaging channel banner, and keep your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Profile for Artists</a> assets up to date. </p> <p> Learn more about <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">customizing and managing your Official Artist Channel</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel" lb-options="{ 'family': 'resources-faqs', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false }"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="resources-faqs-content-3" id="resources-faqs-header-3" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 'resources-faqs', 'index': 3}}"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> I forgot my password or lost access to my channel. How can I get back in? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="resources-faqs-content-3" role="region" aria-labelledby="resources-faqs-header-3"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> If you remember the email associated with your YouTube channel, you can try to recover your account. </p> <p> If you’ve lost access to the Google Account associated with your channel, follow these Steps. </p> <p> If your channel has been hacked, please go through <a href=";flowEntry=ServiceLogin" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">this flow</a> to the best of your ability, and contact </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel" lb-options="{ 'family': 'resources-faqs', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false }"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="resources-faqs-content-4" id="resources-faqs-header-4" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 'resources-faqs', 'index': 4}}"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> How can I protect my music from being stolen? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="resources-faqs-content-4" role="region" aria-labelledby="resources-faqs-header-4"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> If you notice someone else using your music in their videos, you can submit a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">copyright takedown request</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel" lb-options="{ 'family': 'resources-faqs', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false }"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="resources-faqs-content-5" id="resources-faqs-header-5" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 'resources-faqs', 'index': 5}}"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> What do I do if my music gets a Content ID claim or a Copyright takedown? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="resources-faqs-content-5" role="region" aria-labelledby="resources-faqs-header-5"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> If your music gets a Content ID claim, there are a couple of things you can do, depending on the situation. Learn more <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">here</a>. </p> <p> For copyright takedowns, if you believe this was requested in error, you can resolve the copyright strike in three ways: wait for it to expire, get a retraction, or submit a counter notification. More details <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">here</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel" lb-options="{ 'family': 'resources-faqs', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false }"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="resources-faqs-content-6" id="resources-faqs-header-6" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 'resources-faqs', 'index': 6}}"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> How do I grow my subscriber base? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="resources-faqs-content-6" role="region" aria-labelledby="resources-faqs-header-6"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> There are many ways to grow your subscriber base, such as making effective thumbnails and titles, writing smart descriptions, and using cards or end screens to encourage your viewers to take action. Visit our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Help Center</a> to learn more. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel" lb-options="{ 'family': 'resources-faqs', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false }"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="resources-faqs-content-7" id="resources-faqs-header-7" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 'resources-faqs', 'index': 7}}"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> How do I measure my success on YouTube? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="resources-faqs-content-7" role="region" aria-labelledby="resources-faqs-header-7"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> Use <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">YouTube Analytics</a> to understand your video reach, for example: what’s the size of your active audience, how thumbnail impressions turned into views and watch time, etc. If you're an artist on YouTube and you have an Official Artist Channel, you can use the YouTube Studio app to see analytics. Analytics will show your data across all of the channels where your music resides (for example, artist owned &amp; operated channel, topic channel, and VEVO). </p> <p> Learn more about <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">YouTube Analytics for Artists</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel" lb-options="{ 'family': 'resources-faqs', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false }"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="resources-faqs-content-8" id="resources-faqs-header-8" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 'resources-faqs', 'index': 8}}"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> What is the Community Tab? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="resources-faqs-content-8" role="region" aria-labelledby="resources-faqs-header-8"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> As an artist on YouTube, you're always looking to strengthen your relationship with your fans. Your Community tab gives you a fun way to share your creativity and complement your upload schedule, all while interacting with your audience on YouTube. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Learn more about Community posts</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel" lb-options="{ 'family': 'resources-faqs', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false }"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="resources-faqs-content-9" id="resources-faqs-header-9" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 'resources-faqs', 'index': 9}}"> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> How do I go Live on my phone? </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewbox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="resources-faqs-content-9" role="region" aria-labelledby="resources-faqs-header-9"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> Live streaming lets you interact with your audience in real time with a video feed, chat, and more. To create a mobile live stream, you’ll need to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">meet the requirements</a>. </p> <p> 1 On your phone or tablet, open the YouTube app.<br/> 2 At the bottom, click Create &gt; Go live.<br/> 3 Starting your first live stream may take up to 24 hours. Once turned on, you can live stream instantly. </p> <p> Learn more about <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">how to go live and additional requirements</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </main> <footer class="lb-footer" lb-auto-init="LBFooter" lb-options="{ 'bareUrl': '/songwriters/', 'locales': 'de_ALL,el_ALL,en-GB_ALL,es-419_ALL,es_ALL,fr_ALL,id_ALL,it_ALL,ja_ALL,ko_ALL,nl_ALL,pl_ALL,pt-BR_ALL,pt-PT_ALL,ro_ALL,ru_ALL,sv_ALL,th_ALL,tr_ALL,vi_ALL,zh-TW_ALL' }"></footer> <script nonce="v_nk_PLhmQKMyYJb8GW4YQ"> window.countryList = { country: [ { code: "ae", name: "United Arab Emirates" }, { code: "ar", name: "Argentina" }, { code: "at", name: "Austria" }, { code: "au", name: "Australia" }, { code: "be", name: "Belgium" }, { code: "bo", name: "Bolivia" }, { code: "br", name: "Brazil" }, { code: "ca", name: "Canada" }, { code: "ch", name: "Switzerland" }, { code: "cl", name: "Chile" }, { code: "co", name: "Colombia" }, { code: "cr", name: "Costa Rica" }, { code: "cz", name: "Czech Republic" }, { code: "de", name: "Germany" }, { code: "dk", name: "Denmark" }, { code: "do", name: "Dominican Republic" }, { code: "ec", name: "Ecuador" }, { code: "ee", name: "Estonia" }, { code: "eg", name: "Egypt" }, { code: "es", name: "Spain" }, { code: "fi", name: "Finland" }, { code: "fr", name: "France" }, { code: "uk", name: "United Kingdom" }, { code: "hn", name: "Honduras" }, { code: "hu", name: "Hungary" }, { code: "id", name: "Indonesia" }, { code: "ie", name: "Ireland" }, { code: "il", name: "Israel" }, { code: "in", name: "India" }, { code: "is", name: "Iceland" }, { code: "it", name: "Italy" }, { code: "jp", name: "Japan" }, { code: "ke", name: "Kenya" }, { code: "kr", name: "South Korea" }, { code: "lu", name: "Luxembourg" }, { code: "mx", name: "Mexico" }, { code: "ng", name: "Nigeria" }, { code: "ni", name: "Nicaragua" }, { code: "nl", name: "Netherlands" }, { code: "no", name: "Norway" }, { code: "nz", name: "New Zealand" }, { code: "pa", name: "Panama" }, { code: "pe", name: "Peru" }, { code: "pl", name: "Poland" }, { code: "pt", name: "Portugal" }, { code: "py", name: "Paraguay" }, { code: "ro", name: "Romania" }, { code: "rs", name: "Serbia" }, { code: "ru", name: "Russia" }, { code: "sa", name: "Saudi Arabia" }, { code: "se", name: "Sweden" }, { code: "sv", name: "El Salvador" }, { code: "tr", name: "Turkey" }, { code: "tz", name: "Tanzania" }, { code: "ua", name: "Ukraine" }, { code: "ug", name: "Uganda" }, { code: "us", name: "United States" }, { code: "uy", name: "Uruguay" }, { code: "za", name: "South Africa" }, { code: "zw", name: "Zimbabwe" }, ], }; </script> <script nonce="v_nk_PLhmQKMyYJb8GW4YQ"> window.commonStrings = { back: "Back", cancel: "Cancel", close: "Close", continue: "Continue", copied: "Copied", copy: "Copy", down: "Down", download: "Download", enter: "Enter", exit: "Exit", faqs: "FAQs", forward: "Forward", get_in_touch: "Get in touch", go: "Go", go_to: "Go to", jump_to_content: "Jump to content", learn_more: "Learn more", learnmore: "Learn more", left: "Left", legal_text: "I accept Google's [Terms and Conditions]({target=_blank} and acknowledge that my information will be used in accordance with Google's [Privacy Policy]({target=_blank}.", load_more: "Load more", next: "Next", no_search_results_message: "Sorry, your query for {query} returned no results.", ok: "Ok", ok_got_it: "Ok, got it", open: "Open", pause: "Pause", play: "Play", previous: "Previous", read_less: "Read less", read_more: "Read more", right: "Right", search: "Search", search_results_message: "Results for query {query}.", see_more: "See more", see_more_results: "See more results", share: "Share", sign_in: "Sign in", start: "Start", start_now: "Start now", stop: "Stop", submit: "Submit", talk_to_us: "Talk to us", toggle_all: "Toggle all", up: "Up", upload: "Upload", watch_later: "Watch later", watch_now: "Watch now", watch_the_video: "Watch the video", }; </script> <script nonce="v_nk_PLhmQKMyYJb8GW4YQ"> window.globalStrings = { countrySpecificTopSongs: { headline: "Top Songs", isCountrySpecificList: true, link: { isExternal: true, label: "See all charts", url: "", }, playlistId: "PL4fGSI1pDJn6O1LS0XSdF3RyO0Rq_LDeI", }, disclaimer: "The data used in these examples is hypothetical and does not represent real-life data.", faqsHeading: "Frequently asked questions", globalTopSongs: { headline: "Global Top Songs", isCountrySpecificList: false, link: { isExternal: true, label: "See all charts", url: "", }, playlistId: "PL4fGSI1pDJn6puJdseH2Rt9sMvt9E2M4i", }, goToPlaylist: "Go to Playlist", homePage: "Home page", newsPage: "News", resourcesPage: "Resources", songwritersFinalNote: { class: "yta-songwriters-final-note", content: "Please note: all content on your YouTube channel must adhere to [YouTube Community Guidelines]({target=_blank} and [Terms of Service]({target=_blank}. 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