Reports : About : Diversity : University of Rochester
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These include the:</p><ul><li><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Faculty Diversity Dashboard</a></li><li><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Staff Diversity Dashboard</a></li><li><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Student Diversity Dashboard</a></li><li><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">AS&E 2016 Status Report on Faculty Development and Diversity Efforts (PDF)</a></li><li><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Presidential Commission on Race and Diversity's Final Report (PDF)</a> (October 2016)</li><li><a href="../assets/pdf/petition-reloaded.pdf">Petition Reloaded</a></li><li><a href="../assets/pdf/response-to-student-demands-july-20.pdf">Response to Student Demands - July 2020</a></li><li><a href="">Bias-related reports</a></li></ul></article></div></div></div><footer class="main-footer"><div class="content-wrapper"><a href="">Report a Digital Accessibility Barrier</a></div></footer></main><footer class="layout-footer" id="site-footer"> <div class="theme footer-top"><section class="site-contact"><h2>Diversity</h2><dl><div><dt><svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 384 512" width="16"><path d="M172.268 501.67C26.97 291.031 0 269.413 0 192 0 85.961 85.961 0 192 0s192 85.961 192 192c0 77.413-26.97 99.031-172.268 309.67-9.535 13.774-29.93 13.773-39.464 0zM192 272c44.183 0 80-35.817 80-80s-35.817-80-80-80-80 35.817-80 80 35.817 80 80 80z"/></svg><span class="show-for-sr">Location</span></dt><dd>University of Rochester<br/>Deans' Office <br/>317 Lattimore Hall <br/>P.O. 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-.453-.954c-.794-.113-3.4-.168-9.246-.168h-7.317c-.227 0-.4.279-.4.841 0 8.808.113 9.312.227 1.067 1.986 1.4.624.168.965.337.965.561 0 .336-.737.336-1.021.336-.851 0-2.666-.168-4.027-.168-1.191 0-2.778.168-3.46.168-.455 0-1.134-.055-1.134-.392 0-.168.567-.393 1.02-.448 1.929-.394 1.986-.9 2.1-2.076s.169-3.928.169-10.434z" transform="translate(-192.593 -348.86)"/><path d="m390.671 367.532c0-.224.341-.394.682-.394 1.132 0 2.663.169 3.741.169 2.439 0 7.713-.113 9.529-.113 1.645 0 3.064-.057 3.461-.057.226 0 .4.394.453.673.055.449.227 2.412.339 0-.339-.279-.508-.673-.852-1.906-1.589-2.579-2.27-2.691-.736-.113-.907-.169-8.394-.169-.284 0-.454.112-.454.618 0 2.3-.057 8.694 0 9.928 0 .224.113.448.341.448h4.876a9.19 9.19 0 0 0 3.687-.448c.283-.168.624-.5 1.079-1.627.113-.337.283-.672.51-.672.168 0 . 0 .224-.227 1.906-.285 2.523a19.118 19.118 0 0 0 0 2.524c.057.393-.055.841-.225.841-.227 0-.341-.281-.626-.954s-.566-1.57-1.247-1.682c-.681-.168-1.986-.279-8.111-.279-.113 0-.341.168-.341.56-.057 1.346.114 8.188.171 9.031.113 1.57.17 2.3 1.135 2.412.567.055 2.212.169 4.594.169 4.139 0 4.539-.226 5.219-.73a10.89 10.89 0 0 0 1.927-2.636c.227-.449.455-.73.624-.73.228 0 .284.393 0 1.178-.169.449-.851 2.8-.965 3.365a.922.922 0 0 1 -.792.617c-4.821 0-9.36-.168-13.444-.168-1.475 0-3.4.168-3.912.168s-1.137 0-1.137-.336c0-.224.455-.394.908-.449 1.533-.279 2.213-.73 2.325-2.412.171-2.693.171-7.629.171-11.837v-7.46c0-2.243-.681-2.692-2.212-3.028-.51-.113-.737-.281-.737-.505z" transform="translate(-202.416 -348.86)"/><path d="m423.662 371.981a5.963 5.963 0 0 0 2.838 4.767c1.643 1.067 3.119 2.02 4.764 2.973 1.7 1.123 4.48 3.087 4.48 6.564 0 4.769-4.423 7.685-8.962 7.685a15.27 15.27 0 0 1 -6.012-1.233c-.567-.169-.681-.9-.85-1.57-.057-.73-.227-1.627-.341-3.03-.057-.506 0-.955.227-.955s.51.394.737 1.067a6.574 6.574 0 0 0 2.154 3.479 7.355 7.355 0 0 0 4.255 1.4c3.516 0 5.559-2.244 5.559-5.16 0-3.03-1.7-4.545-5.5-6.787-3.233-1.907-6.183-4.208-6.183-7.91a6.573 6.573 0 0 1 2.723-5.329 9.918 9.918 0 0 1 5.729-1.683 13.3 13.3 0 0 1 0 0 1 .568.561 18.692 18.692 0 0 0 .341 3.141c.112.618.055 1.009-.172 1.009s-.4-.281-.566-.841a5.567 5.567 0 0 0 -1.871-2.749 5.848 5.848 0 0 0 -3.687-1.233 4.616 4.616 0 0 0 -4.881 4.934z" transform="translate(-209.28 -348.654)"/><path d="m462.42 367.122a9.594 9.594 0 0 0 3.574-.393c.282-.167.567-.336.679-.224s. 15.577 0 0 0 -.284 4.095c0 .618-.113 1.066-.339 1.066-.171 0-.341-.393-.4-.673a11.04 11.04 0 0 0 -.851-2.524c-.339-.45-.455-.674-1.87-.674h-6.638c-.226 0-.34.505-.34.73l-.113 14.752c0 2.468 0 5.441.17 6.732.171 1.234.795 1.682 2.269 1.964.624.11.965.335.965.56s-.681.337-1.078.337c-1.36 0-2.325-.225-4.027-.225-2.325 0-3.345.225-4.027.225-.8 0-1.076-.169-1.076-.337 0-.226.4-.393.963-.505 2.1-.279 2.382-.785 2.439-2.918.171-4.206.284-20.137.284-20.585 0-.224-.057-.673-.284-.73h-3.573c-1.872 0-3.233.057-3.8.112-.853.112-1.533.673-1.986 2.918-.114.5-.284.785-.453.785-.227 0-.341-.336-.341-.841 0-.9.453-2.8.453-4.262a.9.9 0 0 1 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-.792.617c-4.821 0-9.36-.168-13.444-.168-1.473 0-3.4.168-3.911.168s-1.135 0-1.135-.336c0-.224.452-.394.906-.449 1.531-.279 2.213-.73 2.327-2.412.169-2.693.169-7.629.169-11.837v-7.46c0-2.243-.681-2.692-2.212-3.028-.511-.113-.738-.281-.738-.505z" transform="translate(-222.52 -348.86)"/><path d="m510.288 386.809a24.445 24.445 0 0 0 .226 4.264c.058.9.739 1.348 1.986 1.572.4.055.907.223.907.448s-.51.392-1.021.392c-.965 0-2.664-.168-4.253-.168s-2.439.168-3.289.168c-.681 0-.965-.168-.965-.336 0-.224.341-.393.965-.5 1.588-.282 2.043-.73 2.154-2.245.171-2.356.171-5.273.171-11.274 0-5.723 0-7.966-.057-9.087-.056-1.236-.453-1.851-2.213-2.132-.453-.056-.849-.28-.849-.449 0-.224.51-.337.849-.337.625 0 1.7.169 3.234.169 1.984 0 3.914-.226 5.9-.226a10.178 10.178 0 0 1 6.183 1.572 5.639 5.639 0 0 1 2.721 4.823c0 3.365-2.324 5.385-5.16 6.283-.341.112-.341.279-.113.73a73.21 73.21 0 0 0 4.991 7.291 28.366 28.366 0 0 0 3.177 3.534 5.389 5.389 0 0 0 3.516 1.57c.511 0 .4.338 0 .562a4.686 4.686 0 0 1 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0-.227.329-.278.658-.278.632 0 .557.051 1.189.051 1.012 0 1.9-.127 2.455-.127.379 0 .582.178.582.253 0 .253-.253.354-.582.43-.936.228-1.215.531-1.24 1.569-.025.708-.126 2.076-.177 3.593-.051 2.1-.481 4.049-1.822 5.112a4.621 4.621 0 0 1 -3.062.987 5 5 0 0 1 -3.239-1.038c-1.063-.885-1.619-2.151-1.619-5.238 0-.683-.026-3.568-.077-4.023-.025-.253-.1-.708-1.113-.936-.3-.076-.582-.278-.582-.4.005-.232.28-.309.685-.309z" transform="translate(-179.289 -343.563)"/><path d="m312.156 344.568c.581 0 2.277.152 2.859.152.2 0 .329.1.506.328.481.608 1.037 1.165 1.7 1.923.684.785 3.973 4.353 5.264 5.719a.112.112 0 0 0 .177-.1c.025-1.393.152-4.707.025-5.922-.076-.733-.354-1.138-1.569-1.416-.2-.076-.531-.177-.531-.4 0-.28.531-.28.607-.28.86 0 1.518.1 0 1.139-.1 1.772-.1.253 0 .531.1.531.28s-.126.253-.531.4c-.987.278-1.189.607-1.29 1.594-.1.962-.228 4.2-.228 5.668 0 1.418.076 3.088.076 3.265 0 .405-.1.683-.329.683a1.645 1.645 0 0 1 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0-2.657 0-4.428-.026-4.833-.076-1.088-.505-1.416-1.492-1.7-.456-.152-.531-.328-.531-.481 0-.1.075-.248.354-.222z" transform="translate(-189.148 -343.555)"/><path d="m345.7 344.535c.481 0 1.493.127 0 1.493-.076 2.075-.076.506 0 .658.152.658.3s-.177.279-.582.4c-.987.2-.936.633-.709 1.214.329.81.709 1.847 1.24 3.138a29.857 29.857 0 0 0 1.493 3.314c. 1.974-4.809 2.38-5.972.379-1.138.328-1.418-.684-1.671-.228-.076-.531-.253-.531-.4 0-.076.2-.278.607-.278.683 0 1.012.076 1.645.076.886 0 1.671-.127 2.075-.127.279 0 .557.077.557.253 0 .253-.3.354-.658.456-.809.2-1.29.607-1.923 1.8-.582 1.037-1.24 2.783-2.05 4.58-1.215 2.682-1.619 3.973-1.746 4.276-.1.3-.456.684-.659.684-.176 0-.329-.279-.379-.507a22.132 22.132 0 0 0 -.936-2.656c-.582-1.341-2.354-5.568-3.112-7.061a2.047 2.047 0 0 0 -1.544-1.138c-.227-.076-.556-.2-.556-.379.004-.252.383-.303.739-.303z" transform="translate(-191.797 -343.563)"/><path d="m370.6 349.831c1.088 0 1.214-.126 1.569-.987.126-.228.3-.506.481-.506.2 0 . 0 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d="m408.314 344.577c. 15.381 0 0 1 -.025 1.645c-.076.48-.279.556-.354.556-.227 0-.328-.3-.4-.607a2.663 2.663 0 0 0 -.86-1.416 2.474 2.474 0 0 0 -1.518-.506 2 2 0 0 0 -2.126 1.974 2.559 2.559 0 0 0 1.569 2.024c.81.456 1.493.784 2.227 1.215a3.367 3.367 0 0 1 1.92 2.96 3.19 3.19 0 0 1 -1.518 2.581 5.717 5.717 0 0 1 -2.808.785 5.54 5.54 0 0 1 -3.189-.785.742.742 0 0 1 -.279-.531c-.025-.3-.227-1.518-.227-1.9 0-.482.177-.684.354-.684.228 0 .3.278.406.557a8.629 8.629 0 0 0 .581 1.189 3.3 3.3 0 0 0 2.632 1.442 1.942 1.942 0 0 0 2.1-1.872c0-.987-.531-1.519-1.468-2.1-.759-.456-1.442-.809-2-1.164a3.838 3.838 0 0 1 -2.075-3.087c0-1.9 1.569-3.29 4.1-3.29a13.083 13.083 0 0 1 2.705.407z" transform="translate(-204.925 -343.478)"/><path d="m416.7 344.578c.2.025 1.973.076 2.707.076a22.417 22.417 0 0 0 2.455-.152c.177-.025.557.152.557.278 0 .178-.329.405-.633.456-1.214.354-1.315.557-1.366 1.468-.051.557-.051 1.847-.051 3.492 0 1.442 0 2.733.025 3.264.05 1.442.227 1.671 1.417 1.949.3.077.581.279.581.506 0 .178-.253.228-.505.228-.709 0-1.392-.077-2.48-.077-.734 0-2.075.126-2.556.126-.38 0-.608-.1-.608-.278 0-.227.38-.4.608-.481 1.214-.3 1.442-.582 1.492-1.543.026-.456.051-1.24.051-2.076 0-2.657 0-4.428-.025-4.833-.076-1.088-.507-1.416-1.494-1.7-.455-.152-.531-.328-.531-.481 0-.1.076-.248.356-.222z" transform="translate(-208.503 -343.555)"/><path d="m436.338 344.484c2.86 0 3.087-.177 3.72-.583.1-. 24.1 0 0 0 .076 2.455c0 .354-.228.556-.354.556-.177 0-.329-.177-.405-.456-.456-1.315-.86-1.391-1.391-1.416a27.036 27.036 0 0 0 -2.758.076c-.1 0-.177.227-.2.354-.05.38-.05 3.189-.05 5.77a11.6 11.6 0 0 0 .176 2.657c.153.583.38.684 1.418.962.456.1.632.253.632.431s-.354.328-.683.328c-1.063 0-1.316-.1-2.53-.1-.659 0-2.025.126-2.658.126-.355 0-.632-.152-.632-.353s.38-.329.709-.406c1.416-.355 1.442-.658 1.492-1.645.077-2.226.152-4.859.152-7.794 0-.05-.1-.278-.253-.3a16.845 16.845 0 0 0 -2.556-.152c-.481.051-.835.279-1.265.962-.3.456-.38.684-.583.684s-.3-.3-.3-.506c.025-.481.3-1.67.3-2.278a.492.492 0 0 1 .38-.456c.178 0 .355.2.456. 3.416.405z" transform="translate(-211.368 -343.385)"/><path d="m447.978 344.535c.506 0 1.746.127 0 1.241-.076 1.772-.076.3 0 .583.126.583.278 0 .2-.253.38-.557.456-.733.178-.683.531-.506.936.2.531 1.316 2.481 2.125 3.922a.191.191 0 0 0 .253 0c.128-.228 1.848-3.214 2.228-4.049.253-.506.177-.632-.557-.861-.456-.126-.531-.253-.531-.4s.228-.278.608-.278c.632 0 .683.076 1.416.076.4 0 1.847-.1 2-.1.227 0 .607.077.607.253 0 .279-.406.43-.607.456-1.19.2-1.393.532-2.177 1.518a30.758 30.758 0 0 0 -2.48 4.049 1.847 1.847 0 0 0 -.2.936c-.025.557-.025 2.024.025 2.607.077.606.38.835 1.215 0 .178-.2.329-.658.329-.961 0-.936-.077-1.9-.077-.708 0-2 .126-2.91.126-.43 0-.658-.075-.658-.328 0-.1.177-.278.506-.354 1.316-.279 1.594-.583 1.619-1.012.025-.481.077-2.025.077-2.429a2.013 2.013 0 0 0 -.178-1.038 31.343 31.343 0 0 0 -2.4-4.175c-.709-1.062-.936-1.366-1.974-1.645-.38-.1-.557-.253-.557-.43-.001-.102.229-.254.607-.254z" transform="translate(-215.798 -343.563)"/><path 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0 0 0 .163-.978 3.41 3.41 0 0 1 .583.038 3.614 3.614 0 0 1 .5.173l.269.1v.264c-.005.144-.016.285-.032.42-.036.245-.107.619.043.804zm-1.823-4.792s.73-.191 1.1-.338l.887-.112a.4.4 0 0 1 .264.165c.158.3-.212.92-.274 1.227 0 .022-.007.036-.011.057a4.343 4.343 0 0 1 -.518-.011h-.046-.1c-.126-.008-.126-.008-.457-.05l-.642-.08c-.037-.126-.073-.246-.1-.335-.076-.197-.187-.325-.107-.522zm-2.226 1.857a3.122 3.122 0 0 1 2.234-.612l.1.012c1.188.148.915.121 1.262.142a4.481 4.481 0 0 0 .69.01.964.964 0 0 0 .225-.047 1.96 1.96 0 0 1 1.126-.148c.494.106.421.148.537.211a3.438 3.438 0 0 0 .473.211c.1.031.694.274.779.326a.25.25 0 0 1 .1.2.882.882 0 0 1 -.1.537 6.521 6.521 0 0 1 -1.756.389 4.939 4.939 0 0 1 -1.315-.1c-.038-.011-.077-.024-.12-.039a7.976 7.976 0 0 0 -.906-.322 4.09 4.09 0 0 0 -.922-.033 2.454 2.454 0 0 0 -.742.166c-.494.211-.711.41-.813.845-.13.547.409.848.715.88h.043a1.974 1.974 0 0 0 .335-.021v.054c. 3.656 0 0 1 .165.923c-.062.006-.118.017-.185.021q-.261.018-.523.023a2.828 2.828 0 0 1 -1.893-.546 2.079 2.079 0 0 1 -.629-1 2.46 2.46 0 0 1 .953-2.714zm5.426.184a.293.293 0 0 0 .344-.115c. 0 0 0 -.34-.345.436.436 0 0 0 -.076-.025c-.171-.037-.328.026-.354.139s. 3.462a30.677 30.677 0 0 1 -2.767-6.026l-.413.037-.373.034a31.391 31.391 0 0 0 2.892 6.348 35.641 35.641 0 0 0 16.415 14.217l.116.052.348.166.484-.207h.006a35.732 35.732 0 0 0 16.419-14.224 31.463 31.463 0 0 0 2.891-6.348c-.258-.024-.515-.048-.786-.072a30.715 30.715 0 0 1 -2.766 6.026 34.96 34.96 0 0 1 -16.076 13.918s-.095.038-.157.067c-.043-.023-.17-.077-.17-.077h.008a34.869 34.869 0 0 1 -16.075-13.911zm41.5-13.764v-1.689a181.973 181.973 0 0 0 -25.266-1.429 182.029 182.029 0 0 0 -25.268 1.429v1.689a29.178 29.178 0 0 0 1.07 7.467 186.775 186.775 0 0 1 24.2-1.293 186.848 186.848 0 0 1 24.2 1.293 29.216 29.216 0 0 0 1.06-7.467zm-40.359 5.055c-.429.034-.946.106-1.539.215l-.012-.149c.821-.276.961-.289.928-.688a45.6 45.6 0 0 0 -.937-4.624q-.968 2.548-1.873 5.626l-.12.009c-1.005-2-1.941-3.749-2.788-5.277-.048 2.615-.024 4.15.012 4.609. 0-1.244.01a9.472 9.472 0 0 0 -1.22.19l-.012-.149c.575-.217.875-.351.916-.6a8.8 8.8 0 0 0 .117-1.155c.1-2.337.06-3.589.048-3.729-.036-.449-.119-.483-.874-.632l-.012-.15c.24 0 .452 0 .652-.011.339-.027.707-.078 1.134-.133.707 1.419 1.5 2.942 2.418 4.555.639-1.658 1.21-3.291 1.733-4.892.351-.007.652-.011.9-.033s.587-.067.946-.116l.011.149c-.732.26-.9.314-.868.684.034.419.208 1.2.45 2.333a22.131 22.131 0 0 0 .619 2.561c.09.234.375.291.929.426l.012.15q-.939-.012-1.299.016zm3.96-.193c-.64.033-1.289.085-1.936.157l-.008-.149a1.906 1.906 0 0 0 .929-.488 37.357 37.357 0 0 0 -.26-5.2 1.878 1.878 0 0 0 -.971-.383l-.011-.211a6.329 6.329 0 0 0 1.1.015c.36-.016.74-.046 1.139-.066.439-.022.88-.034 1.31-.055a11.9 11.9 0 0 0 1.446-.142l.086 1.517-.129.008a2.129 2.129 0 0 0 -.438-.951 4.514 4.514 0 0 0 -1.305-.034c-.4.019-.82.021-1.28.043-.016.482 0 1.283.063 2.463l.81-.041a6.127 6.127 0 0 0 1.436-.142 2.025 2.025 0 0 0 .387-.891l.139-.008a10.811 10.811 0 0 0 -.015 1.093c. 1.207l-.139.008a1.878 1.878 0 0 0 -.457-.92 6.2 6.2 0 0 0 -1.442 0l-.809.041c. 1.649.156 2.117q.707.025 1.2 0a5.222 5.222 0 0 0 1.432-.191 2.527 2.527 0 0 0 .386-1.1l.161-.008.03 1.612c-1.554.015-2.603.064-3.153.09zm9.257-.248c-1.512-.015-2.553-.011-3.123 0-.5.01-1.04.043-1.64.1v-.15a1.907 1.907 0 0 0 .94-.462 14.766 14.766 0 0 0 .031-2.595 15.264 15.264 0 0 0 -.15-2.609 1.9 1.9 0 0 0 -.961-.408v-.152a14.231 14.231 0 0 0 1.452.057c.39-.009.861-.05 1.439-.123v.149a1.936 1.936 0 0 0 -.94.453 15.118 15.118 0 0 0 -.03 2.614c.018.78.059 1.7.113 2.76h.881a4.671 4.671 0 0 0 1.428-.154 2.884 2.884 0 0 0 .485-1.093h.16zm3.936-6.227a1.951 1.951 0 0 0 -.952.428 15.143 15.143 0 0 0 -.1 2.612 14.747 14.747 0 0 0 .082 2.592 1.9 1.9 0 0 0 .949.443v.152a14.16 14.16 0 0 0 -1.44-.1 14.385 14.385 0 0 0 -1.452.085v-.149a1.917 1.917 0 0 0 .952-.436 14.889 14.889 0 0 0 .1-2.593 15.084 15.084 0 0 0 -.08-2.612 1.892 1.892 0 0 0 -.949-.434v-.149c.581.061 1.061.093 1.451.094a14.216 14.216 0 0 0 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1.137 2.066 1.591 3.232 2.231 3.29.425-.1.676-.188.8-.392.211-.342 1.279-2.261 3.12-5.8l.18.015c1.057 3.6 1.7 5.661 1.919 2.645-.067 2.09.727 3.288 2.078 3.33 1.331.042 2.121-.884 2.176-2.635.066-2.088-.737-3.295-2.087-3.338zm12.16 4.326 2.184.188c-.229-.845-.491-1.781-.806-2.782-.426.76-.883 1.624-1.377 2.596zm1.853 5a31.77 31.77 0 0 1 -2.965 6.542 36.156 36.156 0 0 1 -16.617 14.4l-.676.306c-.289-.13-.67-.3-.67-.3a36.143 36.143 0 0 1 -16.622-14.4 31.826 31.826 0 0 1 -2.968-6.542l-.4.041-.378.038a32.578 32.578 0 0 0 3.089 6.858 36.905 36.905 0 0 0 16.965 14.708s.582.264.988.45c.409-.188.988-.45.988-.45a36.924 36.924 0 0 0 16.963-14.713 32.59 32.59 0 0 0 3.087-6.859l-.6-.06zm11.4-8.471-2.607-.377-2.213-.31v-1.746l-1.348-.2-.46-.063v-16.65c.124-.275 2.418-5.386 2.418-5.386l-2.181-.366a175.443 175.443 0 0 0 -25.271-2.017 175.2 175.2 0 0 0 -25.279 2.019l-2.182.366 2.422 5.388v16.651l-.452.063-1.356.2v1.748l-4.821.676.7 1.848c.347.916 1.447 3.191 1.806 3.928a31.261 31.261 0 0 0 -.521 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